LIST O 1 %L DEVIN March 1, Win. Naugle, Mond ' 2, Mine Hoffman, a ° 4, Jacob Ilerman,,Sl 0 5, Henry S. Back's 0 5, Peter Baker, " 7. John Ilcouninger. " 11, Ricled. Anderson, 13,-John Heckman, S " 14. Geo. &rock, Mon 23,1sauc German, S. DO Moot- FRANK. LEpLIE'S MONTHLY colt M/IP,OII. The contents of the present number aro more than usu ally varied. • " Verona Bront" is tron tinned). and grows morn laterdSting and exciting. Thorn urn several • rigl nal and admirable articles by now contributors, among which Bunting In the Province of Now, Brunswick," by 11. S. Stallknecbt and A. (1. Bradford, is charmlugly written, antl is full of Interest. It is a rich nutnlser. in . literary excellence, and it Is morovor profuse/3' Illus• trated with argrsvings done in tiro very best style of art. • Thu Fashion Department, embraded'ln this lino mag azine, is the fullest and most reliably coeglii•to expect• tion published in Attielll l . It is an authority 'upon tut matters of taste in dices, and contains flea engravings and frill descriptions of thu newest di sea, bon nets, cloaks, laces, fancy and ornaniontal work. It Is a matte' of tvender, even to the initiated, how so largo mid beautiful a magazine can be afforded for three dol lars. Only its ImMenso circulation can yield Frank Les; le profit. It should be upon every lady's work.table. Tar: KNICTinn DOCKER. —The Marcia nu er of this magazine has beenyeecivad. thre . e n el; that have already been Issued for 1861,afford abundant evidence that the present volume will be more name tire and valuable Chau In any previous year. Romance and rnality;poetry, and philosophy, pass Wore the eye of the realer, ache cone its well filled pores, ending with an invitation to a coultbrtable seat at the "Table, to enjoy the fresh, genial, racy' humor of the twoa pllNltnd editor. Wu believe we but ocher the sentiment of the public, when we say it is the best literary mega. Ono In America. and thorn who wish to be erpvinced of that feet leave only to procure n copy of theblarch num ber as a sample. For sale at Paper. • Nicw Nlume from OT,IV DITFON tCI Co., 277. NVashington fitreot, Ikmton. " Annt Lisle," with brilliant variations f r by Chsa Grebe. A favorite melody, varied In krobe'suvu. ally happy and pleasing style. 'lle "Dnani of the Wanderer," romance for I'lana;l;y Brinley iflelinrdfl. A delightful reereation—snrothly flossing nod poetical. lint Thou did . st not lease. (air loom Mersio,) and •' Coins A'ilimatn," iF.tabat )later,) i • " Sabbath st rn inn,•• a sacred int•lodlys Arranged for the Piano, by I:. I'.l:linbault. A, rangoil Ti a bent and attractive style for young performers. •• Fro,. Childho,a's dawn," Ballad, and "Greatest plague on Duni is Love," Duett tor ;.• , oprulh ntsd Tmair cores, from Gin Opera of ..1101,10 flood; eono.ised Cl. Ly A. :Ilaeferren. Tin., of till' 411:111,111.1 .Peal beau' ties from Macfarien's new Operll, slidlathed with ideasnr. by those who are n,rareif t1i0 . .4.v.s which has :ittended this dvservedly poitilar w,.1.1: In London, Italtfluvic by Aitliony A diartn:n4 little Ides, for yowl r '• I ealumti!)se the dream of thee," ilabid, by .1. W. Cherry. A pleasing, rentiu,l tat. ballads II finial style. 11000 MAN'S 1.101: IS SOMFITINIEN 11101.06or.1). —Below will I.e fillllll.l 21 l•011.111P1,1.0 I . IIIIIIIM of oar most respectable calm , . residing in l'attoa tai., regaripii4 the elliency of Dr: Keyser'' , Pectoral :y'lo. n ttie helot , • which we have I:triviality Known for a 10,! 11,09. and which attested by hundreds of our Isfuleintorltheto , fa every walk of life. Whatever 101110 my 1:11111, of whet ere usually brined patent mistletoes wi• has c op tire 4. 1111.11.11 M In Dr _Fie) ter • s Praia el. we n no, as, eared that the Dieter prepares every 01111 t of It with 11111 OWIIIIOIIIIS. Sll/11P 1.11110 :tgo, an old neighbor of tuluovini very 11l so Ith n hint rough, wldeh every one to be con. snmplln t,: Ills ielatives told nie that lielied !alien every remedy they braid 01 0 1111,111 I•olliSAttislx..ther canto to ear 111111 die, end ill well' entilltatiedu the lie lief that lie iambi not live.. I hail el net ethlril of a 110(110 of your Pectoral Sy rep. n 11 1 gest int, nut It entirely cured him, to the int onishillen t of 11. Wbnt mrtlino the cage more reinNvluilile Is the extenr tern of tiro elan, lie tieing nhont Clglily years old, have no t-doubt-the-Pectoral saved bia life... .ions 31TINIS, April 14th, IF t. 7. Pnttl twp. 4 y.. Sold by S. Nr.v.torc, enrivle, ji-rotr(lll .3 .—rtte sadden tthangeg of ourelltaale aro ',MIN'S Of I.llllllo,lnry, lronrhial, and A !mettle AireetholF. Experience having pro , e I tint nits r vett" , dit... anon art vp..edlly 911 , 1 certainly when talt t In the :tacit . ~t I:1,4 Of the ills.ts, reettutte should atmet. it 1131 Ti. .•druids Itro•taltlal jr 1ain...," or r eit W ofh ThrO L ta oz e . o 'l , e r let theh 'old, Icothi ‘r etutl in on a more e set taus n i t . k may ,dl;t. a. pr lip ‘,.,..d...1 oft puthil, Sit vtla.r..3 anti SI , , Al find -thorn tatraet nal fur clearing mud strength. I'M 11. vitro Sir advertisement. N0v.:30,h &tin C11N.1.5 AND FEVIIIt! CHILLS AND _Anne of the greatest remedies that has over her all before the puhile, for Fever and Ague, and rthlr have received the Itighcit encomiums 14 - 0111 the pressed the ' peoll e, I, 111(..1. ll' 1•TEIITIC etlypilt varli 111 Tiilt 4 . Who would endurththe torturer 1,1 , 1u' from tide ten dictum., when it eat ba an easily tied! Win, would endure sleapiess nights, burning levcssmill irrritille..niternately_lchtoraSelurdot IT ' , Mired I Dols inert, trifle? And yet how malty Ismilles tiger not a painful usietvoire under this deadly bliritiatvl do notion.; but gulp 1110,1 , 11 1111111111 P, 11110.1 It herons ad V 0.1111 1 ,111 as their daily leant. and )et they are limed. Nona hut the to clinic MO NOltk wmuid itt procure these ,t'ualtrit ilitterr.itnd rave tin /Wens...unity. Fuld by druggists andvieniers gt •ser3 oboes,. *Jr Fro Avollsoment In another column. Pcats. • To Ilsrrlsloirg, m 1 smid.y tho 21 h of Febro,ry, , lr °LIVER f”rinerly f ngod 41.purs E42t allarhtts. CARLISLE PRO LICIT IddlitlitifT.i Reported 'weekly for the Herold y Wood•vord & Schmidt. FLOUR (Superfine) $4 0 _AI, (I• Xlnt 1 4.2 J. (I,nutlly 1 4 ib WI 1.0111( '1.1'2 Winn: WINAT 1 2.0 !MD do 1 to It IC V . (11, NEW J,.# 4% OATS. 1,, :( . 2, 11,. ..... ........ ..,. ...... ...... :..% OATS, pot. (0 lb 'd CU-W.F.:lint:o 4 (0 ITMOTO %WED n iol SPRING 11A MA I( 60 WINTER BARLEY •..••'5 HZ lIILELPIIIA MARKET Flour and Meal—The market Is dull but holders of elour are firm, ar flit a moderate Inquiry both for °apart and haute line. standard suptellne being comparatively scares and held et :15 25. 'rho Only sales ore hour of „bent 11100 hbla r- ln lots: mostly weatcrn extra at $0 573.. 6.05 On yl bid the latter for better brands. The trade are buying In a small way at front these figures up n' $5 75 it in it bbl. far ex. and fatter brands, as In qual ity. five Flour Is searee. and 100 hulls told et $ll Corn ' , lent is slull..and Pon n'a. Is offered fit $2 81 3 / .: hbi„ without finding havers: .item—Thera is very little Wheat oll , ring. and prime int• ./.11 minted at nn. advrture en previous q noted /./.41 WIMP . 2•Hiii(liri9LlO Imo. having lawn disposed or 111 Ito fit 12:1;dil112e, for good and pinto Nolen. reds; 14;0{130, for derpor And Delaware do., and 1.06, , ,ir,0, f oe /I. In finality Itvo Is arriving and au ni d g Ira :mu m way at :Ole. for Vonn'a. Corn in doll and lower. with sales of 20110 hits new yellow at 555.58 r.. nourtly at tin latter rate afloat. Old Corn Is unsaleable at ~rovin„4 quotations tints rentoin unchangro. and ;mown:my. Vol+. cold at 530 for prime Penn's, and 32e. tot ferry, ad Del .wato. Dailey and Malt aro quiet and pr.. . a , nit the sans.. New ilbuertisements. TE NOTlCE.—Letters , testa , r, under the will 4Abraham Doner,,On sboro . township, 'd., hare heed honied •r or Cumberland county, in dun form of •bcerlher residing in tho same township.. debted to the estate. tire required to make mont. and those having Melons to present anent to - ' - DAVID DONilit, Executor. . , ..—Notiee is hereby 'giverii plleatlon. for License, under the several ..bly. ward be filed with the undersinnadi e the 11th day.of March neat, otherwise they de Ward. dOIIN FLOYD, Clerk. - :. I t 1861.2 t. ch. co. ST AT g tons - of :Ad:: minintrition on, the estate of John Plough. late of Di A ki,,,, A o. township, deed, bsv boon' issued by the Register of Combat lend county, to John ilertsier, re. eiAtoq - in - Squib. Middleton .twp., sod Joseph riuttgli,' rrpliling lu Dickinson Dep.' All .persont Indebted to, said estate, nre required to make Immediate payment, and those having eisintsrto , preshnt 7 Abent forilet tier; moot to , 30111( ITARTZERIt; Jo.impir Rumour,. Adminisireters of John Plough, deed. lartisle, just tiitteuted, is nut4hlty; ENTIRKIN rear, and never Wore offered Gi a•;nnte, who are wonted trieryythere. lull p!rileu. .Address Alar.l:6l,ly. SHAW a CLARK, llidanford. Maine. VOB, two-story Brick ~un*Ag. mwt9i Store RootO, lately . 9413440 d byanhn 11. Duncan; qi 11.434 lll4h *tree.. Tho • properly t o! dltdy oltoOcod;' ntar. the Itailrood Dopbt..,•Tho Dwelling House and otoro roepwill bo• rented aeriarately If do Aired iind itomodldatooo64o4,ll,Milbrobo• to March 1;18116-rdf. • JUIIN'ne• I'ARKETtV'' • . oII I STATE .—LettersNOTWE Of ad"- Amlnistration on UM estate' of Conrad Clever, late routhompton township. dee'd.. bare been Issued by the RegMee erCumburland County, to tho subscribers residing In the same twp. All 'poisons Indebted to the bstate are required to make tinmodtate payment, and those having claims to present thorn for settlement to 11. k li. 'CLEVER. ^ ' Administratoriof Cainrad Clover, doe'd. • Feb. 222,1831.-3 t. STATE MENT OF THE FINANCES or Tim • ' , COUNTY OF CUMBEIJLAND ' 1= liddleton. ,er Spring. ,tate, Monroe do. Ir., Dickinson Monroe ;%liddleton. liddleton. From the Ist ;lay of Jan Miry; to.the 31st day of December, 1860, ineldiiirm A. L. gponsler t Esq., Treasurer, Mil In accouol with acrid Couyily To amount reed. from former Treasurer $6,595 01 outstanding taxes :Whist settlement, LIN Ott Proceeds of salt, of unseated lands,. . . eal , 91 20 Interest revolved from kuntiry celleetorre, - ',4 —.lO 20 Itorrowed of 1101/d, . , 0 . , 200 09 . . Borrowed in hank on notes, 8,930 01 Received front Sample A Ewalt, subscription to bridge. 1,000 00 Received from .7. C. CouVrr, subscription to bridge 100 00 Damages recovered from N. C. It. It. Co., ' . 827 41 Fines and Verdict fees received from D. S. Cr It, 12 UU 'Vas levied for tho yehr 1860, ; ' 139,013 80 Abatement e , ,eived foe, StafeTrtntsurer • for prompt t,,,.....,,,t • 1,157. 89 . Costs received from 11. litne,e,b, 15 GT Borough of Carllslo, for stone brosee..entti: 1_ 27 00 Miscellaneous receipts,. ' u ',.8 Total amount of Ilecolpt3, 558,913 79 EXPENDITURES BY PAY3IENTS. ' Ao$0000n9.• toleusgtp and borough A ssi.s,ors, A BAT EM ENT, Pnid Bat Collectors. abatemOnt allowed tax payers, Void John Outsholl Ihr new,hrldgent S,7no• pl.'s. $2,448 00 John Flulev, holance for now bridge ntr . Corner's . . -259 50 0. tionlrantin, balance for new 1111.12 e of Boyer's An On Sundry ore MN rot rip:111111V old bridges, 2.311 03 Sundry porsons fo• rood donlotres, 271 50 Sundry porn Inn for road viewers, . . 250 20 Paid Tritvertm Jurom Oraml .lurorx, • Attorno 's free 11110220=1 =1 9anfl )lingaw, sass lees ns Commissioner, $B5l oil N. 11. 1:rt.1.., .1. 11. Wag.:ntiqr, 110,A, Mille:, •' 1 , 1 5 , 1 .1. Arity4rong, snlnry 5110 Ou 11. Ne1,11:1111, Egq.. 1,11.ry 114 AttOrlllly. 0) IV) .1111111'S I,llldUll t for book!, ntralonary, 50, Se. 10 1'.1.1 S. V I: iihr, f,r alldit6lg . 111,111131tE • $l5 01 .1,1111,1 1,1/ki..11. for l9 0!) 11. 1 , r,.11:11. r r preeF /111 , 1g0n1s. ult.o S.l'e 4 / 1 1. 60 , 10 isoloooowenltla ("sem, 475 40 Jacob 10'0; lor coverlog denk 111 Iteglhter's office, li 1,2 11=2 oldt A. Mat tin .Ind others, f.n. quarterly returns, Paid Funiln . pnr•uux frt 1.1,11. r Tow,hlp, lionel al and I'n...lllf:till it lileethmi, $1,04S 90 Pala D. Smith. Es q . stitidryst,irt,l I. .1, J :0.1. I,NTKIVI rcHicr,rlAcv Ilnid it. Itil'at t nrr fatsupport of pris ~,,, •rs ke.*1,42.0 n. salary to !Celt, of Cout. ty l'onitnntlitry. 1311 00 Nonellinker it Hotly 1111.1 others for cool. 320 91 C. Oc.ilit nll.l olliers for clothing and Itlnn• Itets for prisoners. 1112 77, John D. Intr.:as and ittlters for fornlture, 79 ;,,) Peter Splint iind of hors for stone to ho broken prisoncts, - 27 79 IVIn Gip], for store lianninns, 10 :to :der o.t. for water nod cos. 411 Pt , Dr. W. Ir. Pall', snltly nn pits clrintl. 23 09 }Vol. 91.1Ieett•to d,,tt EitsPrit l'enitontlnry, 074 Oft Pay.l IL.lenrob rihd others fees In arms mom,.lth ease, f 405 02 NMI). Strrre , t +IIII Hondo, $l,lOO 00 .101 i II 5011C1 , 111311 and otherx Intrn•st on, • Coonty hoods, A 1.7711 1.11.01 k, ... loontr.v 01: 1 nn Paid Jar, b Squire, Esq., for win i f said In etitieien, f,10.000 Q 0 D I and .1. Ii illrs. visitors,2o fa — , , J. 4141 Trimble, salary as director, :4.1 I.A Win, Ii racily, •• :al Oa, A. Resler, 0 :11 00 Pail t i Brother :mil others for repairs at jail, $1.19 10 C, halitl,ols and Other! , r , r repairs Si Court llomw. • I Elizabeth noyli. and oilier. for cleaning,, Wm. I'. Lymtt far how, ItrNatchor-Fatary-a,ku.oprri:--- SI6S 57 1:111.1f pnr,ro Zinn Ulr public printing, .SI . FR '2O =l=ll l'' , ll-1 , , Cornman for 1.11,1 e for a ury room $1 00 II • 0 Wat,r Co. tor g.: nod water for Court Douce, 71 I:. (Irv, Nell fcr Flaorellnr snow. 11 75 It. !mite. tleorge srohey 11111.1 J. W. Cocklle, %utlitorm,9 B c 0 . , nen.Olit^.l.l. . r rutining T0...114,11111e, 5 :15 .1. M u;llny ,i proprJation to (loud Will Ilve.o I •otinl ' 12 AO I. It. nnttott ; .to FP. In 1;1 A.:it...mat I . hoe, hirp, lit Si) I=l2 and - Ili on %V. D. A Stu, for gin! es Or enandelier, In 7.i I=l=l ErMa Wm. Mol.trelor putting foul In rellnr, 2. 1 Slack dr. 1 1 / 4 .tirty to veld for Court !louse, ...WOO C. Inhoff P. 411 olsund; o 2: 04 J AT...trout exponres on county Inoinoo. 10 uo S. W. llnver*.l. \ for I,lll,.rgundrl,3, 4 Sundry verso" ,r fox li.llll/1, 00 40 If $502 40 Win& alnoun 1 tionnulssioner's chrelfs, $l2 419 f 3 Tross uro('a creme! . ion at, 1 1 : ; pox. cent. 1.33 29 COnlinipstalt F. nib. collenorQ, ... • 1,9'111 41 Exoncratlmls '• f'•• sun LI) Outstood log 1.00 i3ist Derrinber, 1860, 0,1112 To Balance dos (.. ~,, y Treasurer, 11,924 5b _ . _ _.__.... ^fotol expendlt rt, 'fond t'ecelplff, ,S, ladali of Co ule yr , lit , loy f t 181 lame,' Saffineyfifirifinal 1,. 'Am aet , Sponse.), (7, h lihC T. .1. liarlif , 1. Frakr, , pull' John 17eaforfl. Ne . vl o I 1 , 17. e John Whelee. Wef.p e , , 100 Thomas It tiflolpla. hut) N.. tI) I ',, N. W. Wootlffi . 01111 0 , s 1 ~0 }Hobart Echo's; Inclosf 11341 John Brueo. liat.t'ltifsl rough, Prisi thwoh N Whey, Front ° ,1 141,. Minuet 51orrott. lidiu et, 14160 Peter NI. Row. Lower Ile , 1491 Wm. I', Lion, 5111111 n, 1 5100 tiro, t' . Pressel, tlone, `; f MI t loaffpf • Ifwlifflif deg, 'IWi - teem, Cope. Totten, dewlon: , 1 811 p .1 51 u owthurn.jr.. Nvvl 0, '', Iwo) Vicsost, Elamite:rear, tfe emug, a ~._ . 1 .41,11.1,0_11. hosier, South 51 le 44, t:sti .1, T. lii puny. Shlpoen ~0 . ' 4„ 1 , 5o0• {Lewis Hints, Upper g . , 318 . likitthimuel Blaine, fleet Pa, 1.,,,‘„,,,h, 'BB 0, .-- , ' '. —.-. i 1.. • $6,102 70 'Those mar tad thus (s) have ii Fad In full. Those . nisabeiftbui (}I have Since paid i , entsorptean Couarr. no. \ , ' Y,,ii.. the Commissioners ot C dam - omit y, do certify, and submit the throw Inge correc statement pf the receipts and expenditures i! , he rs , ny 5 y,,,,,. sald.Trom Um ist isy of .laiiiiniv fp the . 3 t do . of December. Inclusive, as also a Haim, or „, z tft „a' l ,,,, coutily taxes 10 the lamoughe antilsufflook therein stet N. together .willt a ststementa solo oditurea . under each heed of eppropriatlon, 0. 1 by th e Com. 'lnleshibers, In romplbsoce with the t ,i,,iii„,„,,, c „„„ isslnett lo the 221 and 2341 sectlnni i or Act of toper. bly ot this Cominonwesslth passed the is day et April i A. D. 83.1 ......-,....„ Wltness our tinudinand vielig office at smtfarllsle,, the 2.lth day of Ja jy, A. 14 -, 1801. II': ~.. "If _ ..N. It. EClets, ' 1. • -J. It. WAG 461E11, . 1 . ''' 0170. MILL E T, , ' Attests-J. Asairrnoasi, Cledit;.- . 'A • ._i;.., , . Is p , , , (or?perl . W , 909417, en. !, At this ___...., .... '',t'Ve Undersigned Auditors or Cumberland cAnty, 'mot eccerding to law, and 11..114 been M. in, pri od. rd. to,eititinitte the accounts hi A voucher. of 'Alft• I.i. Spitigerthiiii., Tiimsuror or . di c;mitity. fmra th At dayUt Jiinuary to the alst tin Ittf Thicrinher,' 1800. i olii.lve, do c rill) , thnt wit flit ilir sum of nix tlinuotti • nine buinlrett. and twentytel t dollars and •Oft).ii coats due by Bald Trilazurer t.ii • i thy minty - alerrteil an 'will eilipitnr by:the forevel itexhlblt of Pahl accohn In' unites. inhiverf ter ha Oniniunto yet our heads at Carlisle. the' Wits dayurtitutinry, A. I). 1861. t..i ~. • ••• • •' • .01iiilli311.80011EX, • . . ' , 30IEN W. COOKltliil t - I . . ' • \ . •, .' JOHN: B.*DONLAP: Fab...fli ISiiil. • '., FEMME! $2,134 64 $.46:11, .2. $2,(14:" 401 ' 042 $1,62a C 2 ll,' 03 10 $3: 72 o'49l . lilLi . ti FEES, MBE o.noblin; log lasts on $4 .01 e. 1131=I sS,hi $ LZ wllO 00 EMI 75 • - ----Fft-otl • CIES MIZZI MEI I= $59,813 78 0718,013 TS urea outetmodsu on the - (munry, 1801. r thou, lisle, ks I irnll . 1 , 1511 Idlelon, 1 I • is ~..,,...E„,i, i!,,.N.1"., uo t.. il II: .1.),,, 1 . T w 'fl Commlssloners of Cumberla d arty make and submit the following statement of the amount of bor mired money. Including 'Mores , together with the assets in the Treasury ou the let day of January, 1801. Dlt . -----, ,-. To amount of bonds outstand4c Including ... Interest, as per last annual staiifyient •on 14 January. IMO, ' I f $31,156 60 To amount of money borrowed for the year ' ' 1860, 250 00 Deduct nrnnunt unit' during tho yenr 1860 -./711 1,12 Lig Wholo amount of dobt lot January 1360, • $30,300 00 R. . C . By, amount of I,lanco In Trvasury, $3.6:18 55 By amount of OUtstAraling taxes, , 0,103 70 By amount in hands ofJustlcu Smith, • 6000 . s,a, 25 • . . , Excess of Indebtedness o'vpr assets. $17,200 41 N. 11. 11011111 A • .1. II; WAIMONER, • GEO. MILLER. lho tnnlersignsdr A udi tors of Cumberland comity having exam Ined the several slalom ;uplink, said co tn. ty. do certify that. the is a true statement of the Longq •d d••bt, and assets orsald.county, on thu Ist day of ittnuary, A. U. 1851. GEORGE SeOllllY, .10fIN W. COCIsI,IN, • ' ' JOHN S. DUNLAP. Feb. 8, isn:. D ICKINSON (.1()LI ];GL GRAM 31Alt Tor] opens Thur• day, 17th January. 'rho Inelpal A. F. Mu MAN, A. n, hos proved hhaßslra superior. and me can sao ly connouatl tin, - school as ono ot tho l rst clio.slcal schools In the country Feb. I, 1901.-Y mans. 11. M. JOIINgON.. slog 31 FINE IVATC It El I'ALIt • P. c. ICHEM Eli. • t the New Jesret.y Store on East et% - Nein street, nee. the Public Snnore, hr prepored t, d e ., and repair the Finest tt a ~:)? IR) ;rust them to alto i waist:lotion Also line Montt, f 4,!•:D( Clorkwof Mods, \111,X:.lioN• es, Ace trollens. ,c,e. pot In pleto order, and warranted. 9 9 FOR SALE.— A good second-hand apply at ILE, Herald Of 11,e, MEE MID SZK 14: L 14:1'()N K fItTS. , --Another large MVO V sdparior itn•l Cheap 'steel spring skirts itt4 re,l•l, 1. !tido 113 h.. host mid choapee h in Carlisle, at he eoa Cash afore - • Nov. 2, I Siti. 0:411,11Y, Tru,tve. (.0 4. 111 CIA Rl'ETlNG4.—.lust ri!cei vett at elloait Olga ~Id,re. loalre new stoelt 01 I ',rain, 11,z :111 1 1.0t.110.t 0:Im0 1 10.15.. illra•tfrom tho 11”100',•110.era, anti aelllog at 111110000.1eutly low To ices for I'o/41. ('lll5. Ulil 1.13 V, 'trustee. 000 Tlt E ll,kl NS • OF ALL kinth, with a large :0,40.1,0011 of I!U It ell IINS. . 11 A1:11:11 rll.l aait.tsT tar tics, CHAINS, I,llli 011115,. Cot t CHAINS =Oll MENEM f>I 1 () FA )1 E RS. 80,1100 • barrcls ilotbirottn, to nbt by Ow 1; 7 ;ill ilannfactinknt for Etbl 1t 1 4.4 to Mill! plVrlrlMrl r. 994.1 Iv the tom grr.r rrEtturtritlo tkirlirt. worlli Brill III:11111W an Ire llfeOrn. will Invrelko• lbw erop and viii prop two w..”1,F. null unlike gown, mill r Injure he 101 l n o r I.tnd. k I .:nphi e k Ith sat Isfortory ry Hone. noel rum pert 1,11131 n, trill lv ',ut pratk 04111 Y 0 .” . 1M1 , .11 ,, g I: tIII‘I.INIIFAI'ITIII Nil 191, Feb. 8,-10t 1:111 '4llllll Irirers, :Ai '7 111 , IFI A IS: - ...ic)r,tyriox ()Ps - I, 1 sitii..--Thi• o rtner•lllp hrrotoforo exh.Llng 1111. der tho firm of Slf 111. , thh.,,,lar boon cllho.olrod by loot 1111 rooNont. all thorn In.b.htod to rotor no.I 'heir ar•et.Onti, and all thorn 1141 log,chtlint plvarr prcrt.l4 them for Settletnelit. ESE .T 11. 3 14G0 The Intstnntn nill hortnifter he en:Ahmed nt the old ntntol t , ltt otn x 111:11.1: owlet the titan of 111,ACI 1)111.1NOT, N h'ere tr. , rill Ittnp vonstantl) on hand nll Molls of 1,1' , 11111 1 t t\ Win i s t 1„ 01 evely den, Iptlont nlil ~t tiee lowest ensh p. ken. nod all or. dery 1,1.111 stotT,rtli hn promptly rittentlerl to on the xlvo test oot lee :11, tlinnhittl for the ptitsonnve of L,4.11,1 -0 0 , 1.0 1 .11 , RI 111 , 0 01 stnorl nl r.littom . rt 11Inelt, out .0011 viii nnll lta rout townie°. .tll orders left nt the re•mlettre of .130011-Shrom lnr clad null luttitter t will. he promptly tttlonded tons heretofore. 111,ACIC & ULU, ANcY. .I:in. 11. IS O. . . -E ) It 1 Y N LIJ.NII I, I'.II. —For , tlo. I Flonring Ilan , ‘lt and 1.14.1:. A ni;ly to 11. GLASS, • 1..• b tn. - • , flll All ).‘ It.— Any amount 'of Char -1.:In Int I,n I by applylw: to C.hrinlian Islb, near Boning Sp..logq. or Carlisle l'ob. • 13AU01.1'9' RAW 13()N I ; ` srm-vilospitATl: OF LIMN 11A ICJ 0 11 A 7 SONS, No. 211 South Wisn..veit, • Lir t, 1E r 1.1. Cash Price, $l5 per '11(11) 11, ,in strung Snekp. r ARM EaS, REMEMBER! (loin It NW it ant! run' harm alumni. of fertilizing lict In nolittior priiiiirm lan. I. It is saierinr to Peruvian tIU nto, pradueing, In smile eon t. mre. 2. It 1 . 1.1.1 r'l one Lon 3. the virtu., I Pure Mule, ul.lle you loon TM HMO In W:litill . :per tt--It :1,14 it, 11111,1 1. It furnish.; pre. 10.1 roquirvil for the grow 111: erwp. !I It lwrtn.twently impr,T , W. It 111'111w. , I,ge 4,111,01 pf:sp. It .111 t, tilor IlLtllokS wrlyn, H. It II", Oot OXIIOIO , t the .411 1 1 7 W . The 1:”..t ri• wi why yttw I. It, IM flint tilt, 1 1 1 Om mike n inst. :ut lo triall of 2tll lhr.O lissortionx. It will 'O,l lout little togito it 3 Ohl. I=l "GROUND RAW BONES." (gum, Ittlo.d pure.) rash Price, s3s,per 2000 Pouuds;. Th., nb troMallares ire warrant mainly Imo from n•httUarnt Liu, I.tinr mnnuC,rt tired mole, the peri.otml Superintendence of 0110 Orp./r 11. k 1 1 ; N t r i, - No. 20, South Wharves, Philada. The highest ti AS It I.lllohti phi for BON 1.5.-11 A EMI WILLI An y I'. LARKIN. HENRYII. SWARTZ L A.RIcEN& SWARTZ, 1010 7'o 17 .1101 (I tall; S. Cover Eighth and Arch Sircels, (EsThAstn; lIN F.lllll'lll STREET.), 1 3 1-111,A1)1?.1.1 ) 1.k 11. r - : / - After many etparinnee in ell tllO V:Iri11111r1III• chum of the Art tinn rentelently litrit the attenthe at their friend; att.! tin, pithlit• ta their 1.0. , tOOFIVItI,I , IIIIIISIIIII.It, WIIIVII the opparihnit7 for prattle; the, Inst pleteras. oqunl 111 10.14, t, soy first-elans Its/Eery In the United State, Preparatiouti nee complete fir ,xeoutil4r an the Im proved atylas known t I the Art. 'fluty Iletell:plitont err tegument ter copying Il uttierreatyll,, ,te., teak- 1-1; them Lite N1Y..1, if aualred—the only one of the kind le-Lltls country. A Cinched to tubs establishment are I tire color I ea Artists. tin nn low at f 2.00,.. Ito with W;mn:, • ;4,60 111111111:1F! cents. or 15 par %bum, tiro Nis° Pnotosrapion fill 101 1 1114 16. nod 1 vary pu at mini Klee. Dip abb. , A mbrot y pes at 50 emits nod upsurds. A 1111:COMOIMIV , 4.nrt went of Wit Fr imes embrnc• Inn a ' , elect and choice t .u'L•ty of the Intsst style, Priem from 62 Cola,. sod upwards. Enpoelal attention beitowad op in Life siseil-Photo grApits in 1)11 trAnsfirrod fruit smell pletutus and from lifo. Price. from 150 toll 00. /IV - 1n st ruetii Ins given in th • Art. Feb. 22, ly.. REGISTER'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given. 'th all persons Int °rented, that the following accounts bare teem tiled In this Mike, by the IleCoUlltants therein named, for examination. and will be presented to the Orphan's court of Cumberland County, for confirmation and 11110wanee, on Tuesday, the 111th day of March, A. It., 1861, viz: No. 1. The first and final awe ontt of John Oiler Ad ntinistrator of the estate of William Ilefiletinger, late of Dickinson township, deceased. 2. 'no first and final account of henry 0 Iloosor, ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Francis Leugueeker, Into of East PClll.BllllrO . , tined. • • a. The second mad tined account of John B. Conner, oxitentor of the lust will and testament of Jacob lido of Upper Allen twp deed. sat 4. The guardianship account - of Jonathan Snyder, guardian of Susan Ibtrieer, linmerly Sumn Seitz. a minor child of Jacob Snits, late of West Pannaboro' top., dee'd. • • . 6. The flint and final acrnunt of Andrew Garrett, ad, aninintrntorpf the estate of Catherine Garrott. lute of Shopherdstean, deed.' ' 6. Thn fleet end final account of Cyrus firm, adm'r. of the estate of John Wolf. lot of VIMIn twp ;deed. • 7. The account ofJohn Mountie. executor of the lest' will end toottannuit of John Wynkonp, late of Wank refinnberie twp., dee'd. 6. The ne.unt of David Finkoubledor. idnfr. of the estate of Oeorgo Winkel:l6lloer, late of Frankford tap., deed. . ii. The rieronntof Somuel ilf ogaw, aim'r. of the estate of Jones Landis, late of Mifflin twine' deo'd 10 The account di Alexander 'Coriimin, adm'i• of the es tate ,if • Abraham Niekay s , late of - North Middleton twp , deed.. . .. . , 11. The guardianship account ofJooenb 'Culver, y guar-, lea of imeob L ine riegion, a minor child ofJOhn Saxton, to of North Middleton tarp.; &ed. , - 2,,Tne guardianship amount of John Loins guar- Mph of llobetea L. Law, minor child of David CLasr, • ' -• Ii; A. BRADY, Register: LGIATES.'B OPPICI. Carlisle, 1 - ' ik , '-February 16, 1 Me . .., t.. ,_ ~. ~-~ ,~~i ._.,,- ZSIN ' axe! mg !leo . ~ozeoui ENE For Statesmen, Judges, Eritors, Physicians of the oldest aehools as ,well Rfi now, give it their unqualified Ba n ction, and re commend it Or all cases of eruptions, and diseases of ilite.sealp and lerain t but all who have used lt;tinTite, lbe testifying' that it will preserve the hair frotahoing gray, and trove falling to. any age, 'as welt acts:store. Road the fullrving:— Oak Grove, F.O June 2lth, 180. PROF, 0, J. Whop: Date Sir;,- Your hair Restorative is rapidly gaining popularity le this community. I hove had occasion to lay podjudiconstdo and give your ilaq 11.40r:dive a perfect test,— : . During the year 1851, was so unfortunate's's; to be, thrown from my sultry agalrolt a rock by the rendsilia, from which my bend received n most terrible blow; causing a great deal Al' Irritation, which communicated to the brain and came:mai Barbee of the Stead, train the effects of which my hair war, ffnally destroyed over the entire surface of the bond.' From the Unto I first die• covered its dropping, however. the Woe of its to tal elicapnearan et,. 1 employed everything I could think of, beluga mfirssio.l myself, and, act thought, understanding the nature of the disease; but was titled ly debrated he every prescription advanced. • TIM/ 011(1110 0010 r circumstances induced nuc to re- sort to your worthy flair Restorative, which I have every reason to believe. produsel a very happy result: two months alter the tired application, I had as beautb ruin head of young hair as 11 ever cart, for which Ir ver. tainly cre_ you my most sincere thanks. Rest occurred, dear sir, 1 slmil recommend your remedy to all inqui rers; moreover, I shall use my influence, which I Mat ter invelf to say, ho not n little. You can publish this if you think proper. • YOUrR, very respectfully, • 31..1. WRIGHT, 3t D. Deer Fly feel It my duty its well as my pleasure, to state to You the following cirettinstance. which you can use as you think proper. A gentleman of this place (a lawyer,) has bean bald ever since his early youth; en much so, that he inns erdni;elfed to wear it wig.. lie was Induced In use a holthi"ol your “Ilair Restorative," which he liked very touch; and after using some two or three hottles his hair growl out quite luxuriantly, 'and he now has a handsome of hair. •Tho gentle man's name is Bradfot d, and if,s he is very well knits'. In our ioljoitiliot counties, may) , persons Clint testify to LIM truth °Mils statetnent ; give it to you at thevre quest of 11 r, Bradford. lion sem sell n.great deal of Your Bair Restorative Ix Lids and I to adjoittin•T counties If you have the proper agent, 'Tours. TII,ISIPSON DR. WWII): Bear Sie:—Porm It me to express the ob• lig:atom, I it,,, miler tit; the moire restoration of my hair to Its orlzinal cob, t nn.,t t Ctrs time my nrrh .„, In the United States It was rrlppldly becoming grey, bar upon the application of your" Lair itet. ,, v..tive" It soon recovered Its original hue. I hoosider 3.0111. Iteolorative ato n very wonderful invoutiou;, quite ottioitoiono as well no stgremble S. nrlilo July ,1860.-Ij The Restorative bi put lip In bottles of three 1.47.0 N. V ie. : large, ineilitito and small; the small holil.3.lit pint ,ut•l retails for one dollar per bottle; the holds t i:•asrtwonte per cent 'tome In proportion then the retails for two dollars per little; till. large holds a quart, 4ii per rent more id proportlop, t u rd retails for threw dollars piir 0..1. WOOD Proprietors, 411 liroaJway, Ned York, end 114 Market, Street, St lied•. A nil soli) by all gun! Druggists Anil Peery fiends De:ilers. Nov. 80, 'll - CARD TO TILE LAWES. Dr. Dnponco•s Golden Pills for Females Infallible in correcting, re,/Dialing or renwpani all almtraCtions,frrtni teleatertrr rause, and always saccowfal a.? n inTrenlive The eintoblnation of Ineredlents In Dr. (Mitten l'ills art. perfectly haraill ss. They have Ittain thihmilvate tar old lir linisima, ter :it years. mot thousands of ladies Call I.l.rilf) to their treat nJ never iallia tie g naess almost crytiv time. In ear rtietina pinfol nod ill:gr.sin, monstribititol. particularly at Lilo change of lIIn. Frain lire to ten pill. Will that common. yet dreadful complaint, Nutriy an ery female i t ; .the lout solbirs from this onplaldt The aisle pill lino Liertnantast y cured thimmilanoitni will elne you if you to, then!. They einnitt harin von. bit the eantrary they remove all , lintruelions. riot rent we nature ta Its limner tillitarl. awl inn iintratii the whole system; they tit' perb'ril; sale and harmless linen ..511 'add .11101'Y:111' nod and ii S ELLIOTT, Druggist, Carlislo, Pa, who In 11e“ 3,1.1/11, trash 11111V0 remite to the' "t' tr Pest Biller" catt have the Pill , sent to min luta of the country Iree' - ot In limit Soil also hr Ches. A II Inn," t. Ilnrriabau _, II 'l', t 1 anti liy one de. iiaint emir, and Mon In the . N. 11. I,..''L tint 1.1 entilstvi roll. Buy nit1;01(11'11 NHS 1.11111 . . Mlle. , every hot ~ 1...11i.11 by S. 17. 11.1,1:. All anther./11. II Kt., dill., your Hien nutl health. it. ,tv mt 1 ring hum , imamd mit imir tiny only the it who vii Iw the oil:nature oi 11. !U..: o n ,voly li,\, ‘‘ nteently been added our,olllllor retiebt tnaratitrleit of the S. D. el ly $ rioprietor, Took. Totii;CH CHAINS SPRE \p,te.„S,, M= .1 IS ROBERT 11, It L.ICIi VMATI(IN.— ‘j Will ItP.Of - tlie 1100..1 Al. CS ,11. 1t.111.01. Presj• dent 11a, nl the sevei•iil Courts Or . COII7IIOII Theis the of 1•110,01.1311 , 1, l'erry Red IluJ:tth :led Justice of the •ieellral Courts sit Oyer Terllllll, Demirel Jai) Delivery in unties. and lion. 5,31- Ut.l. Wilosl: 3,1 HMI, II:Teel:I a j.. 110 pro of tl._. Court of Oyer and Terminer nett it , nei.yi :oil/ Delivery for the trim i sei • mirnotrfa, in the p.n..' Orl%1111111 , 1:11111, to .tioir precepts to ble reetel. dtin,ll 1, Ii lu of :tint rill er Ihnib have omen,' theCouri "Diver Teiinlner Delivery hiiiite 1. 1 -Attlgett.K,eriviilnksislit i fsvuel .- ki vi April. 1161. (being Du) Silt dlr.) at 10 o ' clock in tho forenoon. to continue Cite week S, NiTicl: Is VEN to the Coroner...los. tires of the and Constables of the county 01 Cuinberlaiel, that they Itrr II) the said prileept COMP Mandril to Inr thin and there In their proper persons, with thelF„,rolls, - records, inquisitions, ennininntlinis and all sit 114 r 1,110011 , f31,re, to do those Olin, nLirh la their Mlle, :ippvrt:lin to be dime, nin.l all these that ere bound lip riiiii,tnisanees. to proses uto inzainst the prisoners the) are or thin shall be in the jell or :aid enmity. are to he there to prosecute thew es shall be lust. McCARTNEY, Sheriff. Serums's Omen, . I Carlisle. Feb. 5. 1.0. 1 • ~lfi(j-t; STO E FOR S 'rho qt..% .and 11xturre of the Drii: and Vtneu Store reveritly kep. Kehler, deco tel In c.lforell Sro rasp terms, to it tfleul purelhltor• tow horn 11111110(1;0w pocgesqlh-enn-hterdrem---The.-s‘ore-hrtring hoe° opened Lut s Alert time, the . ptoeh-e, oompdratlvedy how, and ultb pop, r inlotWons to 011 up the a , ..nrhoeut, would bo a profit:lH, ho,dto , F , For tern, :hid other iutormattuu spplv Feb , s A NTT:. rsT.vrE NUT[('. — Letters Aloontlry on the est ttf of 11111htm Slither, dee'll late. et Penn too whip, having Isqtwl by the Register of tlinoherland founts, to the suleetther , blinp, in Peon lop.. untie,: hi hereby given to 31Pper row, indebted to .1.1 tomtit° tntpsakntt tyment, :trot th4se tinting el oboe to-pret•ent-tlient-duly Jonthentiente,l lu JOILN-T, C+ItEEN. 10111.-6 t. • Pft 7 ,4l tor. •. . . . & Sawyer: tiro w ant till to t•nit aml pay tint old itiaionitts to WWI,. In great nelat of manor. Wo k unit tog then,erh ea 1i1.11.14V.1 .111 I.foul stion:4ll to Ore this with, n ftvorable Stilling nil our stork of Irlitter gouda at is. Feb, 15, 1,1.:111Itill, SAW V Eli 111.1.1,11 t. I N COURT ()I , ' COMMON PLEAS 111 , 1`17 , 1111 , .111 AND C'W NTT. The Petition witoliert lll.ere, .11 he 16y/1 and others. letriez teem iterseetell to the Coot t. pr.rt.tez the Court t.. Ater toeT,tehttel the_ articles and tevelitlues of Ihr ( . 1,,rt0, or the. riettatht ..r the IlethuJist I;plseopel Church el the Ile ttttt .th A . Cerllsle..t.e. NOW tow it. 1!•1th Jenaar3, ISO. It Is ordered that the within wriOne•betlied•le theninc, of the l'e , theen• tary. met that node° therei.f. anti of this appllealletti lairatekleel Io the Cani.P4.}: Item It.e, fir three week, p• or to the Ilth of nuivh. !Slit tp the Court. 'foci. It 6SJ %MIN Ifl Carlisle, Ft:101f, 1861.-3 t. In Ihenntarp, - . - IMPROVE, YOUR EYE-SIGHT pl . Irvin• CELEBRATED PERISCO).'IC SPECTACLES. —• 9. . " KI,V,IIIIEIIII Eft, Optician. Agent or the Optical Establishment nr 1..1. FRANKLIN, I IL: South Fourth Ftrect, Philadelphia. takes tills inothod /,f of roan., thu citizens I.l' I arlisle and vicinity, that h,i 'lmo ar rived in this town and I/s g toppin at the Mansion Monte, where hr is unman, to suit tlr cry person whose vision 111 !ranting, with the' oxaet, kind of glasses he slay require. nod warrants hit articte4 to bp of the very best quality of Itotk Crystal. termed Brazilian Quartz." improving . , strengthening:lnl restoring weak Eyoqilght. A IF°, 311crosroveN. Mnthenfai 'cal 1 nstr u. twit. Nlngli I Mastics, Stere,,scopes. and Stereo, icopi. Pictures. Call at once, as ills stay liras Is ling. ted Ina few days only. Sir Sit Ittrisuthitoka con ton consulted in Ills office. front 8 to 10.. t. M., and (rout a to 8 P. Si. Feb.B, ISOI,-:It. li