Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 01, 1861, Image 1

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is VA`PIER, W,02 THE MicaalLar ClasIGE oA• ,i , ,
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Wm. mi. pT ty Proprietor. ,
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' • -CARLISrE,• f
'PA FIZIDAi MARCH 1, 1861. . .
NO. 14.
• The eARLDILI. _ z AID Is published weekly on a large
shold, °natal/11M, runty eight columns, and furnished
to subsertuars a• $1.50 • • paid strictly In advance;
$1.75 If 4,i4 Volt n the year; or $2 in all , cases when
•PnYmen , •Is doi•i•nl until after the expiratlo n qt the
year. N tubscr)tions received for a less period than
el x mOutce. and one discontinued until all arrearages
• are paid, unless a the option if the publisher. Papers
sent to subscriber living out of Cumberland county
must be paid Air r advance, o. the, payment assumed
by same respousit, person livb g InCumberland soul,
ty. These terms 111. be rige.y. adhered to In all
Advertisements wl! be charged $lOO per square of
twelve linos for throe nsertlons, and 0.5 cents for eaeh
stl'holllent in. , rtimn. All adverthements of less than
twelve lines a square.
Advertisements insm e d before Martsges and deaths
8 contS per line fuvfirst osertion, andl, cents per line
for subsequent Insertiont. CommutWatlons on sub
iects of limited or ludivival interest'vyl be charged
s'conts per line. The Prop. tor will td be respomd.
blo in damages frir errors In It V ertilithiatt . Obituary
notices or Marriages not eactding tiv. 113.e5, will be
Inserted without charge.
ion P124.1.1V11NG
Tho Carlisle Itemld .1011"PRIN'ItiCi °FICK' In . th
largest and most complete est shil,ment r the roUnty
Four good. Presses. 'and n' general aria• of material
suited fo. plain and Fancy work of eve,: Ind. enable
no to do .1 lb Printing at the shortest nob and on the
most reasonable terms, Persons In 51t...0f
Illankstiling In the Jobbing find it to
0110 IntTa to viva oe a rail.
Seneraf anti Coca(' anfo.nation
PC04111016 t—JAMES ',.;NCIANA
Vice Presittont—JoiA.C. linEcKe.mnipos,
Seorotary of State—J. S. BLACK.
Secretary of Ihterlor—
Secretary of Tre.b.ury—JoilN A. Dm.
SerretAry of Wnr--.losEeit 1101. r.
Seeretkry of Nary,-16AA0 Touenr.
l'oat Mastor fienertl-,
Attorney Ooneral—E. B. STANTON.
CltieSrfustice of the Milted Staten—B. It. ‘gr.r.
Governor—ANNUM 0, CCRTIN.
Seeretary of Statte—Eu SLIFER.
Surveyor Oeuernl—Wm. U. HEIM.
Auditor (hoer:a—Mon. E. Codinve
Judges of Um Supreme Court—H.,Lems, J. 31krou
_-_President Judge .. .,flon. ./times 11. Graham.
Associate Judges-Iton. Michael Coekiln, 3Luel
District Attorney—J. W. D. ClHelen,
Prothonotary—Benjamin Duke.
!Weenier kc.—John Floyd.
Register—lL A. Brady.
• High SherllT—ltobt. McCartney; Deputy, S. Ketra
County 'treasurer—Alfred I...t 4 pousler. .
Coroner—John A. Dunlap.
County Commissioners—Nathaniel 11. Eekels, .110,
11. Waggoner, Geo 31.111er. Cltrk to Commlssiot,
James Armstrong.
Directors of the Poor—.lan. Abraharn3.
ler, John Miller. Superintendent of Pour 110 d'
I t ' Ile my Snyder.
Chief Burgess— 111n1r.
Assistant, Burgess—J. 11. Alexander. Aga. Eamon: On Saturday it, was currently
Town Counell—John Outihall, J. Worthingtn, 3
renorted and oenerallv believed that the Police
Thompson, Wm. Bentz, Thomas Conlyn. John l:amp •
boll, A. Monesmith,,ll. S. Ritter, .1. Goodyear. 7,onvention bad broken up in a quarrel. Our.
Clerk to COUlleil.—./as. li. ilinsonheimer. learte died within us as we thought that rho
High Constables—lieu. Bendy, Wm. Parks. Warda mo
Constables—Jacob Bretz, Andrew Martln.r st, loot hop) perished. Happily it.
Justleea of the Peace—A. L. SporiJer, Davi4 01111(11.195.1` 11 to be a mere. roan-. 7 an ,
Michael Holcomb, Abu,. Behuff. ,roithe freely. , again. /AIL night a. prori.
member said-that Nags hove token pi
pacificao.m. May it be im
• .1 'it Ct. Lli:len
• a giandsen of "Motile.-
lainberland," his father was one Of 01, , fix,
Minis—brothers—Who did sucti good service
lithe Revolution, and'after the , war moved
fits our county to Ktltucky * . He is a noble
sicimen of an American, possessing that
miesty of mien so becvnuning - to nature's no
lilt. His hair. is pretq well silvered, but he
calico himself erect, an'llthd" fire of the old
scaler still burns in his eye. He speaks with .
nation of Cumberland and would .visit , it
wer it not winter. Ile . Arved with distine
tiorin the Mexican war, lnd there held the,
ranlof general. •
It I • 67•14 :•orl -1' Or.,
tre Square. Itev. w'
every Sunday Morning at 1i o'clock, A.... 31., and 7 o'clock
I'. 31
Second Presbyterian Church, corner of South Hanover
and Somfret streets. Rev., 51r Eolls, Pastor, Services
commenceo at it o'clock, A. M.,' and 7 o'clock I'. 31.
St. John's Church, (Scot. Episcopal) moiling( angle of
Centre Squat.. Rev. Jacob 11. Moron, Rector. - ,Services
at 11 o'clock A. Si., and 3 o'clock, P. 31.
• English Lutheran, Church, lledfortr.between Main
poi! '.outlier streets. Rev. Jacob Fry. Pastor. Services
at 1 o'clock A. 31., and 6!„:4 o'clock I'. Si.
. German Re:brined Church, Loather, between Hen-
rver and Pitt streets. Bev. A. 11. Kreuter, Pastor.—
r crvices at 11 o'clock A. M, anti 6 o'clock P. M
• ,; Methodist E. Church, (first charge) roruorot Main and
Itt Streets. Rev. Geo. D. Clammy it h, Pastor. Ser ricers at
1 o'clock A..M. and 7 o'clock P. 31 ".
_ _Mothodlat_E-Church-(second..charge.)_ll.ov-Alear...D.
Gibson Pastor. Services in Emory M. P.. Church ut 11
o'clock - A. M. and ;J,f, 1' M.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Pomfret near East st.
Itor. Jstoes KolleY, Pastor.. Services story other
Sabbath at'lOVe;ock. Vespers at 3.
German Lutheran Church corns!. of Pomfret nud
Medford streets. Env. (1. A. Strout. Pastor. Services at
11 o'clock, A. M., and 6 . 1 , 5 o'clock. P. M.
fill -When changes In the above nre necesaary the
proper persons are requested to notify us. • 0
Rev. 11. M. Johnson,D. D. President and Professor o
Moral ' , Science.
James W Marshall. A. M., Protestor of Latin Lan.
guages and literature.
Rev. Wm. L. Buswell, A. 31., Professar of Greek Lam
gunge and Literature.
William C. Wilson, A. 31., Professor of Natural Science
and Curator of the Museum.
Samuel D. I:Malan, A. 31., Professor of 3lntheruaties.
' . A. F. 31uIlln, A. 11., Principal of the Grammar
htstkuk .
J o h n , ri: •Storm, Assistant in the Grammar School
Andrew . Blair, President. 11. S on, I'. Quigley, E
r .,;„Corntuaa. C. I'. Ilumerieb,J. Hamilton, liecretary,Janou
Eby, Treesuror, Jelin Spline, Mu:meager. Meet on
the 1 st.Mondny of' each Aluutlt at S o'clock A. 31. at Ed.
ncatluu Ilull.
r , ll,n R. M. Henderson,
' ; Asst. Canltier, J. P. Hasler ;
• - Clerk, C. B Vlabler; Monsetiger,
Ale riiiii?d; Directors, B. 'NI, llnndorsen, John
vomi., : , d lliirry, J. D. (lorgni, Skiloa Woodburn,
AAA. Henry Logan, Hugh Stuart, and
' Andorran,.
• o' cir Watts: Secretary aid Treasurer, Edward
Snpe rlntondent, 0. N. Lull. Passenger trains
day.' Eastward leaving Carlisle ut 1 . 0.10 o'clock
•and :11.1 o'clock P. M. Two trains every ihty
ard, leaving Carlini° at 0.27 o'clock A, 31., and
l; Troasuror, A. 1.. Sponeler; Superintendent,
i.. Wino; Diroctors, F. Watts, \\m. M. Beaten,.
li. ddlo, Henry Saxton, R. C. Woodward, John 11.
F. Gardner, and John Campbell. •
t•,'ILA1110 VALLEY BANK.—PrithioDY, John S. Star.
;tiler, IL A. Sturgeon; Teller, Jon. C. Hoffer.—
. Jobs S. Starrett, Win. tier, Melcladr Bret,
Ihaul Woods. John C. Dunlop, Rat. C. Sterrett,
•11. A,Stirgeo°,....4.Clotain John Dunlap.
- iCumberset.' SW Lodge No. 197, A. Y. M. meets nt
Marlon 1111. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Of every
Month. , • •
' John Ledge No 260 A. Y. M. Meets 3(1 Thurs.
'lay of ~rtinf.l" at Marlon 71e11. ' ,
, 0'97 0. Of,'o. Ideas Monday
„ ft ./9M u •.• • •
• r
'lre Company wee organized In 1:89.
Common; Vice President. Samuel
Y, J. p. Hampton; Treasurer, P. Mon.
tin the first Saturday In Marcia, Juno,
'comber. .
Elm Company was Instituted Febru-
Went, Thou. Thom non ; Socrotary
ensurer, N. D. Quigley The company
I Saturday of January, April, July,
ia Company RlNi nstituted In March,
• A. Sturgeon; Vice Preildont,C. 1.,
4 , , William D. Halbert ; . Tremiurer,
•-te,.-1•1. 1 11 0 company moots the Second
iof Janus , • ,‘ April, July, and October. • '
Otoplre Hook ? d Ladder Company. was Institut
ed In r lBo. Proaldi Win. 31. Porter; Vice President,
• John 0. AMOR; Tr •uror, John Campbell; Secretary,
. John W. Park. • Th • company meets on the first Frt.
,day inVienuary, Ap ,duly and October. . . '
, 0--•
M. C. A
1 ,- ! ; '11.00m-111Attfoti IIAL •
monthly m tlng—Third Tuesday Evening.
•Lp meeting—Su ley Afternoon et do'clock.
.Itoom and !dbrary,-Admission freo, Open
(Sondem excepted) from 0 to 10 o'clock.
00,"tigt,!5 expectant} , totems,
1. ..-. • 4 .1 , RATES (F POSTAGE. '
\ .
; • ' t6 ' X' Ppsta ' 084.11 Intiereo)nne•balf obnee welibt or no
.'',:er, 8 cell 4 8 1, paid, eg;'pt' to' Citllfyrula or Oregon,
''arblob fi,lo coot, propel 4, '
.14,r iT Cpeolge on the "Itorahlr,wlthle the county, free.
'''liblastlnkStato 13 eantaper year. Toany part. of the
::g fl tpi ted Mates 20 coots. tt,statc6 on 111 tir
or two
'q ."der 34iiinc" t i lll ' 7°lgi'tii cent
P l r : 'Pe a - irth th %al.
'' , ,i.ltapahll.• AAver ediettew, to c
, tife w ,e c
'A.,,,fitterittlintt• •:'' 1 :• • '. . '.. '•'' . - . !
'j .. ....7 1 ;....7 . 1 ' : • - ~,, : •
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o.ldon't you remember "Wirt 31sson gear NED,
In old Donor, of futile and renown!! ;,:i
Where you spout liappy days, whoa 'yon went out to
With your horses of light-bay, and brown;
Fort Moron Is still the BRIM, Dear NJ:
And the spring is still under the hill,
Where once with delight, you would saunter at night,
From its fountain you'd there drink'your till.
0 don't you remember the "shanty," Dear Neu,
That stood on the top of t Ito hill,
Where the boys would visit, and get "rot" by the quart,.;
Which so often put them In tho ":11111,"
The old Shanty remnbis the seta, Dear NED,
Ard credit Is still all the go,
The Hand of •t Bird bmid," Is en the yam° rack,
Where it stood more than ten yeah ago.
0 don't you .remember" ,lint WARD," Dear NOD;
And his rills t• 0 long, 'Ned Hl tine,
:When withitra. the least fear, he'd hunt the wild deer,
And divide them between me and you; • •,
Jilt Winn is alVel, and well, Dear NED,
lint his whiskers hare grown quite grey,
And the little brown mule, that he wade it n rule,
To hunt on, has gone far away.
don't you remember the ••pralries," Dear NED,'
And the wild door bounding across,
When your hearty desire, woo n cheerful camp fire,
And to lie night with your horse;
The Prairies ace not the same, Dear NED,
For the garut,lnall driven away,,
With the plow and the;spado, farms aro now made,
...And the trails are all turned to highway.
O don't you renietnbr a BILL SLOE," Pau• Ned,y
And lilt jiol;g of the!' Low 'Backed Car,"
When he'd pit - up"at night, and ititolat his long pips,
And drinlv , itier lion an '•old'pldkln jar ;"
1111.1, SLADE has now gone to rest, Dear NED,
And when tin " taps " sounded shrill on hls ear,
lie, laid down bin pipe, and bidjidi good night, '
For his virtues expelled every fear. Alt
And when wit ".Tattoo "It shall sound, ➢fey NED,
That will suniMon us both fir away,
May. we do asßitt Sip?, for no mulnlur ho Made,
'Or yet longer wished here to stay;
And whetvavajATll bear •• Reveille," Desr NED, •
Aud the "long roll" shell bid us as..emble,
May our "Roster' not fail, In every - 6101,
To show wu have no ram. to tremble.
8. P.
•CnrreTuion,o of thn I.IXBALU..
TIIE following leiter.was intended for our
ant issue, but lens not received in time.
Febrilary 19, 1661.
A ow days ago we walkekthrough the sheds
at theyashington Monut4t containing the
stones' contnjbuted by Stl societies, and
foreigt nations. We were uck withihein.
consist ncy of the sentimen breathed in the
t\ .
from inscrit lion on a white marbl lock Loui•
clans. In large raised let rs tir...ind the
Pelicnn and nest of the State itl, is : ]scribed
" The State of Louisiana Nlibi- ' to the
Coneditution and the Unio n ' It i• resting
upnn.a brown stone bearing Oarge eters,
"From BrnildoCk's Field." 'Obeli, it on
Ilse right is a highly polished lack 'ock--
From the battle ground of Lon slam: 1776;
Kings county N. Y. 1863-11 dig. ently
and how appropriately speaks t Teo essee
block. On its beautiful nail mar o in
golden letters, on its bright sun , c e s a
voice from the grave of Jackson s
After the recent majority of fitl i tho -, . -ad
in favor of Om Union and no Cony 'floc lie
can but admire it! `',...,--,
TILE sommrtts ..
The detachment which left Carlidi'ca 1 '...
day, arrived here on Satumb I.
iy at ' ve, : 1
are quarterethli Burch's stable, mite re n )
the troops brought here some tim ce _
Lt. J.T. Holliday. Lt.—W.-T. Magri rci
minds them, and had them out dri, By,: '
terday on the grounds near We Mont:'nt.
There are from eight hundred to a t gym 7
regulars in this city at presen't, prit all :
Artillerymen. 'Lt. Piper, the son of ou n o ,
townsman, is attached to Lt. Griffin's tory
stationed near the center ilf the city.
The Washingtonians exhibit great cu pity
about military ire. When a cull is sot , ed,
it isiinsweiml Witte, neighbors for sq 'es,
who rush pellmell to see the result: The td.
iers of the bffitery neerCity Hall, werocon s.'
ed with laughter a "few evenings since, as , y
led their horses from the stable and fou - iv
large crowd gathered by 'the'' I.
looking anxiously toward them. The sold
think the citizens verdant, the citizens tit
the soldiers curiosities, and the servant-ma
think them perfection, which is quite natu ,
of course.
Among Gm six hundred applicants, J. Dull
can Graham, son of the commander of Carlisl
Barracks, was one of the ton successful one.
Another young mat, whom our inhabiWint
knevi as a-little boy, was also appointed
Thomas Lee 'Brent, eon of tho late gallon ,
Captain Brent.
The relatives of Mr. Davis residing here,
tidbit that his speech, threatening the North
with Southern powder and Southern "-steel,
must have been manufactured by the report
ers. It speaks not hie true feelings. Ile and
Mr. Stephens are looked upon with the hope
of their being the instruments of leading the
seceded states back into the Union.
Mr. Lincoln is expected'on Saturday. Some
say be will bo the guest of Montgomery plait.,
others, he is to may at Willard's; again
it is said ho will go to Mr. Soward's .inunedi
ately. ~At all events the publio don't know,
with fsny certainty, where he will stay. On
the 22d there will be , a grand parade; but it
is thought that the Regulars here will not turn •
out, ‘s all unnecessary display of them is to
he avoided. The "Star Spangled Banner,"
waves ?rom almost all the large btiildings in
the city, and. acmes Pennsylvania Avenue.
In a day or two,' ono will float' from the War
• 'Fearing, my geed -natured Mr. Editor, that
b have • already 'wearied your , patience, bbl
you adieu. • Yonrs, , •
' ::CARL.
From the San Antonio Herald
EDWARD. FUREY, U. S. Amur, .
Carlisle llarracks, Pas
[From tho Lo don Journal.]
Everard hiid languished for many weeks in
his mysterious prison without a prospect of
release, but how long he had been there he
knew not, for he had taken no nocount of time;
nor could he draw from Wolfe, his keeper,,
a single word to enlighten him as to what
montkit was, or even what day - of the week.
He'Perceived by the change of temperature,
that the winter had passed away, and by the
increasing' warmth of the sun's rays, as they
penetrated through the skylight for &brief
'space each day, that the summer was advan
cing. Beyond this, hp had nothing to guide
him, and but for the hope of being soon Jibe
rated, he would have sunk into utter despon
Otte thought tormented him incessantly. The
Mary—what would she think of his lollg si
lence ? Would she believe he had dekeeed
her, and if she doubted hint, would she still,
remain true? •
The - Vigilance of his two masked jailors was
unabated, and if he asked any question. as to
the termination of his captivity, the only an
swer lie could obtain was—
" You are jitst one day nearer to it thanyou
'were yesterday," •
Wolfe, who was a tall powerful fellow, was
rather jocose in speech, and after a while
Bverard began to look upon his visits as a
relief front the monotony of silence and soli
tude. Nor was the inan unmindful of his com
forts. • lie brought his meals regularly, and
supplied hint with a sufficient change of ap•
•parel, as also with means of making his toi
lethVhich he diirnot neglect,(thinking that if
he should he suddenly set at l liberty, it would
be as well not to re-enter the world looking
like a 'wild man of the woods.
But no stich chance presented itself, and the
summer was wearing away, for the dart.; be
gan to look gloomy, riCtd the nights grew long
and all. Again the tire blazed on the hearth,
the sun ceased to send his light into that drea
ry chamber, and Ever:it'd felt that the winter
was near. •
His fortitude was fast deserting hint ; he
began to give himselfup to despair. The roily
source of enjoyvient left open to him was the
Old chest with its store of-time-worn volumes,
far more precious in his eyes than 'gold and
jewels would. have been. The chest itself, too,
had become an ohjecrof interest, for it was
carved with grotesque figures, which he some
times fancifully endued with life, and held
with them imaginary conversations.
One night, 'far in the winter, and, as it
seemed to him, about midnight, he rot iced to
his pallet bed, leaving the - fi re still brightly
. . . .
burning on the hearth. his eyes rested, as
theroften had done, on the old oaken chest
in. the opposite ekoer, on which the red glare
of the etnbers , threlv,a brilliant light, so that
the figures on the Front were seen With re•
arkable distinctness. Auioug these was one
to which he had taken particular. fancy. It
wits a dwarf 111011Ster, with a misshapen body,
a huge head, and ugly, uncouth fatitures, but
pleasant looking wit hail, exhibiting more of
',in its hi rouge, unearthly
countenat,tr. It. td so often gazed on thin
fantastic object, lb.. it had mounted the cha
raetetqlf it familial acquaintance, almost a
t,i•ut , .,
by fancying that it 'smiled benignantly
and seemed disposed to Ito on quite intimate
terms. On the night in question this impres-
sion was Stronger than usual, and he kept his
eye fixed on the image as if fascinated by some
irresistible spell, anti as the light of the fire
glowed on the dwarf's face, he could have al
most sworn that the lips moved, and the eyes
rolled in the head. •
Ile looked more intently, and presently the
arms stirred, then tfifi feet, then the whole
figure becoming animated, stepped forth into
the room, where it appeared about three times
the size of Ihocarved image, which was 'only
A-foot:in-height. '
".Who and what are you?" demanded Eve
rani,' who felt neither surprise nor fear at this
extra Binary phenomenon.
Vani the guardian of this chest," replied
the dwarf. " For three hundred years I have
kept watch of it, and have rescued from its•
prisonment and death many a wretched victim
of oppression by, disclosing its secrets. Do
you,think, oh foolish young man, that it con
tains nothing better titan the
books you have.been poring over for the last
twelve months ?"
I have often looked into Everard;
I have taken out all Igo books many times,
but call find nothing else."
"Seek further," answered the dwarf; "the
search will reward your pains."
"Then," returned Everard, , "sinse you
scent so well disposed towards me, can you
not tell me what this treasure is, and how am
1 to find it ?"
"No, no. lie who would benefit by the
d scovery must have wit enough to make it
And so saying, the strange apparition dwin
dled down to its original43;'ensions, and went
back to its place, where,waned the immo
bility of a wooden figtr,„.:'
Everard lay in a state of dreamy bewilder
ment. the vision, as it were, Mill floating be
fore him, till daylight began to appear through
the window abovr, and then he aroused him
'self, and looked out on the apartnient, avun
dering the adventure of the night was
a reality or only a &emu, Reason told him
it was nothindbut a creation of the brain du•
ring bleep, yet it dwelt powerfully on his
4s soon as Wolfe hod left him, after his
customary visit (hat morning, he tusk out all
the books from the chest, to see if lie could
find any opting or crevice where there might
be some secret opening. But he had twilight
enough for a very close inspection, as Wolfe
'tad taken away tho:2amp With him ;,so, after
'eeling every part with his hands, and finding
..othiug, he set about examining the outside,
and made an effort to move the chest front its
place, but it was fitted into the corner as firm
as a rock, and then it struck him that it was
no moveable piece of furniture, but part of the
room itself, and on rapping with his knuckles
on the two sides against the walls, be found
thtit one sounded more hollow titan the other,
and concluded there was an opening behind it
That side of the chest thou .might possibly
be moved if ho could possiblyifind out t he way,
and after trying in vain to slide it right and
left, he thought of pressing it downwards,
when oh joy unspeakable! it yielded at last,
and disclosed an aperature that looked likest
secret passage, but of this he could not EMI
Burn till he had a light to explore it.
° Eluted with this discovery, which corres
ponds so miraculously with his night vision,
he drew up the artfully contrived door again,
replaced the books, and closed the lid of the
hest, just as the man canto with his dinner.
Ho was too much excited to eat, so ho core
damned of nut feeling well; and this nine did
Immo service, inasmuch as it prooldqd
about half a pint of brandy, which, In
Aso of a nocturnal enterprise, be knew would
a very good assistant..
Never had any day appeared as lenges this;
it it came to an end at last. The lamp was
;Wed, his supper was brought in, and ho was
;ginning the work before him. • lie•felf as if
s liberty was.ayeady regained ; pad having
ken the books out of the cheat and opened
e eliding door, ho deposited the meat mid
, ad left for supper, together'with the 91;41
tie of brandy, in his, pockets. put on:'_his
•Illag cloak, and cap,. which forittiately,
;t1 beenTeetoreck, to him, and pPidlag .th.o
p in' a' lantern so 144 tthe .
w mit the' light, he peeseCihrouilk,Ahe
sing - and diew up the door;4l4diUg,thatlM
11 opeitli on dia.:Ade:o** ei*.kii'oetuFt.
and thus the chest would: in thi room, pre
sent its ordinary appearance.
The narrow passage he had ektered seemed
to run between two stone vallso.nd at the end
Of about a hundred yards was iarminated by
a flight of rough stone steps, lehling to a- spa
cion., vault. Here, on the opmhite" side, was
a low archway, that proved to q the entrance
to a long subterranean pass*, extremely
damp, but from which the free rfr was not al
together excluded, for Evora-NI (suld now and'
then feel it blowing fresh and cild in his face.
After walking on, as ho supptSed, about a
quarter 4,4„'lnile, he came at length into a
cave that adorned to be hewn art of a rock;
and the only means of egress frau tins was a
hole, so small that it barely ad.litted of his
crawling through,upon his handy and knees,
To accomplish this, he
,)yns obl:ged to divest.
himself' of his cloak andl'.coat, Illicit he put
through firSt, with his lantern. and then lie
followed with some difficulty, aril found him•
self once more standing in the open air, free
to go where lie pleased.
Ilisjoy knew no bounds, and uttered e
fervent thanksgiving to the Gret; Power that
had sent hint seeh a wonderful teliverance.
The moon was shining brighly, and the
frost was crisp on the ground.
lie looked around, but could sub no signs of
the building lie had left ; arid, horn the op
pet - trance of the scene; as far as In could judge
by the moonlight, he thought it mist be a for
rest; but he cared not. for any ..Atte e where
lie was at liberty woUld have setned a Iowa ;
dipe to him.
The cold was intense, but lie ft stifled him
self against it by taking some of,his brandy,
and then' he set forwhrd brisitly,along a nar
row path That, in,about an hour, brought him
to the verge of the ,wood.
Ile was now upon it wide heath, which lie without. meeting wit li a'single hu
man being, and the first inhabited place lie
Cattle to was a small hamlet ; lint as 110 one
MIS stirring there, he still went on, though lie
wits by this time very emelt fatigued. ,
At length he descried it solitary farm-house,
with some oat buildings, where 11,1 thought he
mb ' di find shelter for ri. few hours; nor Wits
110 disappointed, fm- a barn door stood invit•
ingly open,
.11211.1 inside lie Could it truss of
:onisv, that served him for a bed, and lie slept
there emit the dawn. -
ile W:l4 awakinie.l by the barking of the
dogs, and not wishing to be ohs-rued, again
set forth, rested and refreshed, for he hail
eaten some of the food he hail brought with
hitn,',lnd now II; it lie could see rlie coluvry
he felt satrdied that lie was hot out. or Eng
land—an opinion that was soon tontirmed by
his arrival at a large village, wit-re he learn.
ed that he was ohmic five trifles from the city
of Vbelt 'To York, then, he deteuttined to go,
and he reached the market place just as the
cluck was striking ten.
. ,
His first rare was to secure a place by the
earliesteratell forl.onden; which lie was told
would start from the inn at twelve .o'clock,
and then he ordered some breilifast and
newspaper, intending by means e' his later',
to find etitirit hold asking the - qtrstion, what
was the mewl:moil day, fir he w,s still 'goo-,
rant on these necessary points. , • .
' " I'm afraid um,ltave no pope later than
;%iondity, sir," said the waiter.
"Very melt, tring toe that. 'l,et me Bee,
thi4 is Thur'silay." , ,
"'No, sir, - Wednesday " .
•..' Al', yes, 11',...1ne5t1,,, ; `,- , 0 Na-' - . ' .'?....iird i -'lot
me have Monday's`paper." , , .
The paper was brought, and. MS 'discovered
tharTllonday was the 111E11 ofJa4ttary,'conse ,
quently this was the 21st; ilterefre,'be might
yet be with Mary on the, anniv rsary of his
departure, which was the 27th.''. ':
lint he-fon. :some intelfigenc, in this pa
per of even
_Afire importance than the date.
It was the death of the'2icar of 'Springfield,
and the announcement otitis own suceessidu
to the benefice. This was unexpected news
indeed. Ile was now compared fly a rich
man, , and there was nothing to . prefent
his immediate union with her he ,lied so' long
and - fondly - loverl. -- Joyfully - and - Irtth - a - gritte=
ful heart he commenced his journey, end be
ing'lnOply supplied with Money from his own
prudent foresight in having secreted his bank
notes, awl on reaching London he only Staid
to take the necessary steps with regard to the
living; and then pro..7cileil with ill, speed to
Woodstock, for it was ni....r there that tliteAr-,
chers resided. .
It was the 27th of January, liter), hate in .
the evening. Mary WWI sitting opposite the
fire with some work in her hand, but gazing
pensively on the showers of bright spark's as
cending the, wide chimney, and thinking of
Idol who, on that same evening, thh previous
year, lied sat by her side pal riling with hope
ful spirits 'their happy future. when Marriage
blies should 'crown their Youthial love and
. ~ I not sorry to see yoo'So thoughtful,-Ma
Ty," snit her mother. closing this book she
had been reading; "it looks as if you were
unhappy, my child." ,
"1 will try and feel differently after to•
morrow, mother; but I-cannot help thinking
how this day was last yehr spent. 0111 raw,
happy I was then."
At this moment . there VMS a geode zap at
the door. •Mary started up—her heart beat
wildly. It was so like his knock, Then a
voice was heard.
' "It is .it is lie!" she exclaimed,- and
the no nstant she was clasped hi his,artns.
A •emembrance of his seeminginconsist
an y and his reported .111111.1111gC . MIS 10S0111
the eestacy of this unlooked•for electing.
" Mary !"
" Everard!" •
The name of each was all Qat either of
them for a while could utter.
But Illrs. Archer did not lose bight of the
condemning circumstances that thould have
reorained the young girl's joy; and she said,.
with an air a . sevelily not natural to her—
. " Mary, you forget what is duo to yourself
and what is (NO to your future husband. Mr.
Newton. you must be aware that this visit is
totally unexpected. Your marriage broke all
the ties between us, and theligh I presume
from your corning here . that your wile is no
more, it. does not alter our preseht relations;
My daughter is no longer free."
"My marriage! nay wife !" exclaimed the
astonished yeting man. '" What: can you
It is not filo, thou ?" said Miry. "You
are not married ?"
"Oh, n 0,.. no ! Who has poisoned your
mind with such a falsehood?. - Sitice the day
I left you till three days ago, I have bean kept.
a close prisoner—l do not know' y whom or
for what—bits I have escaped, an have come
.1 1
hare to claim, my promised bride, or I am now
Vicar of Springfield." , 1
"Thank God !" Mary ejaculated fervently;
"it is not too late." .
gverything was now ,Acid, and a'new light
broke in upon Everard's mind. I
" I see now," e'said.. "Mr. Lonsdale
is a Tinian." It is he Who has contrived the
whole Of This plOt to take you from me." ,
-And when the find emotions'of surprise
were in sonic degree abated, anif.they wore
,able to talk composedly of the avian] that had
taken place, all were agreed that the bland old
gentleman, who appeared so iyild).ml amiable,
was it detestable hypocrite at heail, and oaPa•
ble of any wickedness. •
He had gonetto London .to MG+O arrange
ments in.contemphltion of his Tinge with
•ary, but he never returned, for he heard of
NVerard's escape; and,. moreover, that pollee'
offleeretwere sent into Yorhehirs to search out
‘ a
,the platittaf•ldeMonfiname.4.spl t he the pert.
pl,if they wbuld find there'i:it#,enii, el& Thus,
.he knew,Ahat all must lit ,list* Kid, eo he
RliteitthM 'estate lit the het; , i-s 0 Mt . fient,.and
went' (Mak< t o Italy, ~... V, ~;,i , . .
.•.It was not long before , tlOtt :wallop ,wtirt ,
;tient to Mr. Newton that tlkhid . 1. : .,, , ,/ip, poled.
himself Wolfe was safely dodged in jail. and
was willing to confess to his hue prisoner who
it was that Lad employed Lim, and with what
'Everard Went down immediately,
,and the
man .with many expressions of contrition, told
him a long story, the substance of which was
this : -.11.e and his wife had-_been left, bps.
nobleman who had gone abroad, in charge of
an old mansion-house in the north of York-
Aire. Mr. Lonsddle came there, and tempted
him with a sum of money to assist in waylay
ing Mr. Newton when ho loft Woodstock, and
conveying him to that obscure Place,Avitere he
wati to be detained a prisoner till orders wero
sent to release him.
Wolfe's accomplice was an Italian belonging
to Mr Lonsdale's household, and was the
principal actor in the drams. It was he who
administered the opiate that produced thedn.
sensibility which enabled them to execute.their
scheme, and the same means were to bo re
sorted to at the, time of his liberty, where ho
was to be conveyed, while in a state of uncon
sciousness, to a distant part of the Chuntry,
so that he would never know where he had
been imprisoned, consequently no discovery
could take place.
Everard granted the man his forgiveness,
and as no one appeared against him,' he was
set free. ,
The loners were soda united ; and Mts. Arch
er went to reside with them at the young vi
car's new abode. They often talked of his
miraculous - escape, and though Mary and her
mother were both of the opinion that what lie
had seen that night was only a dream, he could
never quite oVercome a certain' degree of nu
pPrsi il ions feel ingkespect ing the dwarf of the
Old Oak Chest.
UNl . ON%— ; rhe last Knielcer
, bucker Magazine his the following, whiblt is
not bad, either as a story or a speecli: l —
During the exciting campaign tis—.
in Illinois, a prominent politician made a
disunion speech at dainty. After he was
through, and before the crowd haiddispersed,
a man who was styled "the A foresaid
was called fur. lie teas lilted upon .the plat:
form, so "elevated" tliat lie couldn't stand
without holding on to something. He said:
"Gentlemen and ladies, you're talkin' of
ilksolvin' the Union; you cant do it!
that flag a wavin' upthar, called the star
sPangled banner; how ye a•goin to divide
that, ha? Are ye a goin' to give the stars to
the Norf and'the stripes to the Soul?. Ni
sir rev 'the thing can't he did. I Gheering,
"Anil (liar's that good old toot: that the
band's n playin' oat thar, • called Yankee
Doodle; how yo again' to di s idp that, di?
Are ye a goin'sto give the Yankee to the
Nort, and "the Doodle to the Soul? I say
boldly, the thing can't he did! I..'heert.l
"And thar's that stream ids water a runnin'
down their called the •Ttither o'• Waters (how
are ye a goin' to divide th if, eh ? Are ye
a-goin' dam it up with Mason & Dixim's line?
I can you cant do that thing. Wal, you can't.
"And that's all the handsome
round here ; hew are ye agoin It) divide them?
Are ye a goin to give the old ones t'u the Norf,-
and the young owe; to the Sour? Wal, you --I
don't. If you go to thunder you can't do it!
Our reporter could hear no more fur the
r ar of laughter which ensued, as the "due•
tor''\ caved in and fell from the platform.
A ni•Emrs WARD ote WASIIINGToN.—A rte
rims Ward, in his great "erashmt" on Wash
ingten, says: " G. Washington wai a clear
headed, w'arm hearted brave and stilly gein
man. lie never sLerr ovntd The prevail;
ing weakness of most public men is to Sim.
Oven! [Put than words in large letters.—
A. W.} They git filled up and slop. They
rush things. They travel k iee much- onthe
idgh - presherpritteipleey git 7 knto the
first popular hobby Less wit trots'nlong, not
ear;n a sent whether th e .it est its even goin,
elar sited and sound, or spavined, blind and
' bawky. Of course they git throwed eventooly
it not sooner. When they see the multitood.
gein it blind they go pet mel with it instid : :
of exerlin,themselves to set it right. They
cau'ft see that the crowd white!, is ilea , bearin
them triumphantly en its shoulders will Boon
disk leer its error and cast them into the
Loss pond of ebhvytm without the slightest
hesltashun. Washington never Slept Over:
That wasn't George's stile! Ile hived his
cduntry deerly.—lfe"wasn't after the spider
he WIN a human argil iu a three , kornered
hat and like britches, and we sham, see his
like tight away. My friends, we• can't all be
Washingtons, but we can all be 'patriots in a
Christian manner. When we see a brother
going down hill to ruin let us not give him a
pint, but let 'us seize rite ht}1 4 124 his coat
tails and drag him back to inorality."
Kentucky, Ivlto sympathized with, the nullifi
ers in 1882, called upon Gen Jackson to learn
if possible, what the General intended to do
toward crushing Calhoun's cunspiaack against
the Union. The Governor (Vetted / the subject
mildly, and Jack.ort_only answered by telling
Letcher to reade : instrument of writing
on the table befortA•Letn.. botcher read
and found it to be a wiirrant for the execution
ofJohn C. Calhoun. "But my dear General,
you don't intend to carry out what this paper
calls fat'?" "Gov. Letcher, is my same signed
to that paper ?" Yes, General, it is,"
.Very well, Governor; it is very seldom that
I sign papers merely for effect. Governor,
look on tote left corner of the paper; is the
seal of the United Stales to it'?" "It is. Gen.
mth" Gov. Locher visited Mr. Calhoun af
ter he left Gen. Jackson, and awakening hint
him out of his sleep, related to him his inter
view with Jackson. Gov. Letcher alleged that
Mr. Calhoun assumed the appearance of a'
ghost. when Ito heard what Gen. Jackson in
tended to 'do, and nullification lost all its
venom from that hour. Gen. Jackson said on
his death bed that fie had only one thing to
regret, and that was that ho had not hung
John C. Calhoun.
anan-llaAntm Au:rim—Quite an amusing
circumstance transpired at Tehaton the other
day. 'A law suit was being tried before one .
of the justices of the peace of:. that township,
in which suit there was involved a sum con
siderably less than a thousand dollars, and on
which was engaged, of course, attorneye for
both plaititiff'and de:indent. The testimony
was duly put in, and the aforesaid attorneys
severallypoured forth t,heirlogio and eloquence
for the enlightenment of the Court. The
closing attorney made a two hours' speech,
which the Court listened to with due attention
and respect; but on the attorney's commenc
ing to wade into the third hour, with no signs
of stopping, the court began to be restless in
his seat, and gave "yawning" signs of impa
tience. The counsel observingAis, remarked
to the court that "ho lied bUt a few more
words to say, and would not tiro the patience
of the court but a few moments longer." 00h,
go on, go on," remarked the court, "it won't
make a' Y difference: I rendered asverdict in
this ease two hours ego!" The attorney in
continently dropped into the nearest chair,
"resting,". boat himself and:mee t without fur
ther remark.
. ,
, ELOPED' Ott the 20th of December,. 1860,
from her too indulgent Uncle Sam, South
. Uarolina t .with a big bunk nilliger with whom
Ise holds dearer than any otleer UnioM .If
t . : 5". \ . will returneoon to her distressed relations,
\ will '.l3e forg 4tt 94:6 , nd , fgrgiqi‘ , ' — : -::: • -'
Little paint - ace with tho dream-shadows over it
Hushed in the moonlight, and peaceful, end calm,
Soft stars drop dew veils upon it; and roves it;
Zephyr lips hissed it with blooms of balm. • '
Unshod in a slumber so white and so breathless'
she.amt waken to know of my isive?
Know of my worship on holy so deathless,
Pure as the startdossoMs dropt from abovo l".
Wan is the moonlight, and Minter and whiter
Quiver the dream shadows over her theek;
All her free hair. with the dew trembles lighter,
" Will she awake to my lova If I speak?"
Now her sweet dream, like a breath over roses,
Melts on her lips in a;
From Its brief FOMMTF, het' warm heart, reposes: .
Inst in a vision of lova all the mobile.
"Awake little maiden to lore that is deeper—
Love that for you is se perfectly ',rife
nest your brtght head on my heart little sleeper—
Bury my love in the depths of your eyes.o
Most women allow that in The course df their
lives they have gone through at least once the
ordeal of a " proposal,." but then they feel
hound-in honor not to disclose circumstances
and particulars. Men naturally enotn:.;ll utterly
refuse to detail their experiences / on this sub•
. iect. Their Edith or Ueorgiana, sits at the
head of their table, and the mystical words
used to induce her to accept.that happy_posi
t ion, whether inspired by the feelings of thd
looniest, or guided by life light of numerous
previous failures. we are never allowed to
know. I, therefore, as an elderly, matron,
hopelor some gratitude from i the rising getter.
(ion; if. I offer a few suggestion and write
lorn stick informAtion on this mysterious
sold ct as I have stored tip in the course of a
tool; ife. •
I In the first place, then: Avoid too much
~ haste on mat rimonitil matters. A'clever writer
lin the S tturday Review . reemzunends no moon
to starry till Ito has seen his beloved .with a
'cold in`the head. If his affections, will stand
tliii,„test, nothing, he thinks, can chill it; but
this writer, I gather from internal evidence
. in his own article ; is young and a bachelor and
has evidently never made a sea voyage. How—
ever, his theory is good, so far as It goes, and
might, if generally acted upon, prevent some
- I of the ronfreiempsartsing from hasty offers
:i of marriage. One such occurs to me at this
moment. A proposal was written and sent by
-the post in toe days when letters travelled
I quietly at the rate of ten miles an hour on the
[nail coach. The anxious lover for the first
tveelc breathlessly expected the reply, but it
did not come: The, next week he pined, and
was sleepless, still no answer. Toe third weidc
lie became indignant. " A civil acknowledge
ment was his duo. She was heartles and a
flirt." The next week t o despised her, and
congratulated-, himself Ail ilk .escape; and,
when at the end of it, he received' his own
letter from the Dead Letter
,011 ice, because'he
had, in his agitation,Torgotted to direct it, he
had so cumpletelpoutlived his love that he
never proposed to that lady at all.
lu the., , ,seeend plmee Always - deal with
principles: - If a girl is too young to,ltnow her.
own mind, you.had better womb till sheds older;
and if she is too undecided to judge of her owh
feelings,wlty not choose some ones little wiser?
I know a tine disposition which was soured,
l and the course of two lives materially darken
ed, V a churlish old father, who never told
his daughter oellie declaration of attachment
he had received for her, ,because he considered
the income offered to be insufficient. She
thought her feelings had been trifled with,
and the man a heartle'ss flirt. Many years
afterward she foetid out, by accident, Itow
smelt she had misjudged.him, but it. was too.
It e.
Let. me recommend young girls to shun the
taan who is. even when making love; wrapped
up in himself and his own pursuits, instead of
being able to throw his mind into their occu
pations, or to sympathize with_ their:feelings.
Sloth a man is either narrow•toinded or nar
row-hearted. 1 once saw a middle-aged inva•
lid making love to a young girl. After noth
ing greal ctforts to secure an opportunity of
'netting her,, he drew his chair close to her's.,
looked into her face, sighed heavily, drew his
chair closer, and, while she looked, at him in
astonishment; mll, in the distance. strained
my, ears to hear what tender remark — followed
till this prep trillion, I heard him whisper• with
great emphasis, Who is your doctor?" I,
need hardly say that the proposal failed which
followed this ;well-judgell commenepoent. sA
sore pardonable case of a man's absorption in
his own pursuits was that of a shy lover, whose
one idea was horses. Ile never found courqge
to promise till he had persuaded the lady logo
into the stable and look at his favorite horses.
There lie spoke, and there she answered,yes.
was natural and pardonable; ashy
man nrify need this vantage : ground, and. feel
~.jAVLis_own Inferiority in the draWing•roono,
may yet be aware of his,superior kno*ledge
and superior power in the stable, where his
horse ie his throne, and lie himself a king.
Third/y.—Never express strong determina
tions on the subject of marriage 'unless you
mean to, break them. I have seldom heard an
old bachelor declare that he had quite decided
not to starry, without feeling sure Ihnt ,the
subject was engrossing, a great deal of his
thoughts, and soon afterward seeing his mar
riage announced in'the papers. If a man as-
sures you he could never marry a widow, or
a fast young lady, or a girl Who is fat, he is
sure - to do it; and when the young girls .who
honorme with their confidence assure me they
never could marry a mini who is short, or who
ritle . tteross cOutitii , :"or who wears it be.nrd,
or who'has only five hundred pounds styling
year, or n country squire who rides without
strops, or forgets to wear &Oyes, I consider
I hat their doom is sealed, and that their hue.
bands will be the opposite of their yo thful
ideal in these exact particulars. -But.ipsunk
tall generally ,du cote, ou'l on penche and the
/Miaow/ of this generation is certainly not to
idolize too much. \Yarning, therefore, on this
friend is, perhaps, unnecessary. Rather, I re-
mind t hem that imagination • is, as Schlegel
tells us, a garden of ; .Eden within us, which
man ought to dress and ke
not ruthlessly fell. .
I plead, therefore,' (ha a IjtUo romance,be
still left around tbp p esal, oven in this
monoy•mnking anr m tey seeking age.• Let
tho'wm•ds be spoken IT time aunt place which
. .
imagination may OAT to dwell upon, and be
ware of the example of Sir 11. Purcell, a well
known physMian. lie 'is .said to have rolled
the note in Which he asked for the Duchess of
Rutland's Mind, around a phial of medicine.
She accepted the bitter draught, but refused
I have also Ileart n benutlfu
the man
and aecontpliebed lady, who it:td
enthusiast in farming, with the sier. of bene-
liting her tenants and, depend, Its, was." pro
posed to " in a new gig sty. by ,on eminent
agriculturalist, while they were d.scussing the
various arrangements and iptprvventeuts which
might be made in the buiblint,
grossing pursuit in coniunth had nesieted the
denouement; but such simi;:i.kit-t):4of, taste luny
..„ ,
she task a step, which, as I am presenting the
different aspectsand circumstances of propo-
I sals, I feel bound, however unwillingly, to
relate:— " Why shOuld we •not marry, Sir
!John f" she said. "Ah I" said Sir John, " I
have often thought of IL" And married they . '
were I
There are fatalities which seem to attetd
upon some lovers—strange events, unexpected
meetings, which sometimes promote, sometimes
prevent proposals. A marriage took place not
many years ago,'in the great world, where the
two lovers (long attached, but separated by the
desire of t licir Oarents) met untler•an archway
while each were taking reffige in London from:
a sudden shovier of rain. Neither of them had
the least idea of the neighborhood of the other,
when the 'sudden meeting occurred which de
cided the futtiA course of their lives. In an
other case the arrangement Was broken off on
• account of limited 11:00.11S, and the gentleman
went abroad. Returning after some years'
absents, he arrived late on the railway plat
!form, and rushed into the - first carriage he
reached, just as the train was in motion. In
it he found (with her Mother) the young lady
he had so long vainly endeavored to forget,
end the meeting ended in one of the happiest
%f marriages. -
In matrimony, as in other affairs, it is all
important to put the critical question in the
warbest adapted to the, character and disposi
tion of the person concerned. 'A gentleman
who had several sisters—agreeable, sensible,
and, some of them, fine-looking women, was
one day asked how it happened that they all
reached middle ago unmarried. " I will ex
plain," he replied. Proo osa 18 atten
tions, attentions without . ' proposa le ; and this
is the clue to my sisters single life." To take
an opposite example. A friend of mine with
warm heart, and quick impulses, is much in
the habit of decidedly negativjpg, any propo
sition when first made to her, Vcrely on ac
count of its novelty. One day, while referring
to her marriage, I inquired how it happened,
with her dislike to new suggeslions, that she
did not say no, when her husband proposed to
her. Alt!" she said, ,‘ I did ;.but ho knew
my habit, and put the question in such a way
that sayyg no meant yes."
bil! : Always secure your retreat in love
a.,ift war. This is a precaution never to be
neglected. Mr. A—, brother to the late
Lord 7,—, whose proud and haughty temper
was proverbial, proposed to a Lady in Portman,
Square Gardens. After being refused, the
rejected-lover turned away from her in great
indignation, but, finding the gate of the garden
locked, was obliged to turd to the lady to pe
tition for the key. Another ease, still more
trying, was that of a gentlemaltravellingln
North Aaica, who, after b ing hospita
bly received in the house of an officer high
in COMM:OId there, proposed to the host's
daughter the evening before his intended de
parture, and was refused. 'A deep fall of snow
came on in the night.; the roads became im
past-able; and timpoor man. Louis unspeakble
mortification, ntadetained Tor 'week in the
house with.the lady who had rejected him.
Such are some of the incidents relating 16
u•oposals which occur to we at this inotnent:,-;
Stranger and more varied cases will iirobably
rise to the memory of most -of my renders,
Horn - mm.l2d, in some instances, by sad and
solleningTecollections; embittered, in others
by long and unavailing regrets. .•
Putisr. then, dint prosper, toy youdg reader..
Bear with you on your pathway the elderly
'Chaperon's best wishes for' your happy en
trance into this land of promise. Mu:ember
tlit Italian Proverb:
"Mezzo armalo
Che dibuon' donna e °mato,"
and believe that a marriage based on mutual
esteem, built up by lasting affection, and
crowned by !leaven's blessing, is • the fair
remnant left us on earth of thinnstitutious of
Paradise. •
Clout Stsniiin.—A cot regpondent of the
Milwankie Sentinel has an able and amusing
article - upon - choir - singing; - in - which -- he - cen--
sures the too common fault of indistinct or
confused enunciation of singing in choirs. lie
says some choirs will give something like the
Sat W.,•V reA•NhUll orn e.Joyfylesound,
lviAT pless.UßE twour eestr n n•St
As•orran batucof ofro- )von,
Corjulforo r fees.o.r.s;"
Which, the hearer would bo much surprised
to leoru, when rendered in plaist-Euglish, rends
os fotlows:
"Salvation! 0 the jnyful souna,
What pleasure to our ears;
A sovereign balm rev every wound!-"
eordial for our fours."
The Writer contends, with much justice, that
dbit illeillCSS of enunciation is as easily attain
able by a single voice, and we entirely agree
with him. We notice that the writer has not
touched on another part of their _discipline,
the 'Selection of appropriate tunes., We have
heard some really good quartette - choirs so
totally regardless of the character of the tune
selected for the wortjas to actually excite the
risibility of the congregation, instead of in
spiring devotional feelings. Imagine, for in
stance, the lust line of one of Dr. Watts's ),eau
tiful lyrics,. which - reads:
being sung to a particular metro tune, thus
Just Atco a poor pol-L
Just like a poor ptll-4,.
Itut on one occasion, when - ill° same tune
was applied to the hymn endingr—
he effect was a6ivally'anti•Qhristian
Himorical A midday sun was shining; the
snow Wits smelting fast, and the water stood
iu puddles. A dashing woman passed, on
tip toe from the depot, to reach some other •
place, with dress uplifted rather high, and
quite a queenly grace. ,She wore 'a splendid
balmoral, and thought Idle showed it well, \
hut what she ylid exhibit—is rather hard to
tell. The poplin and the bahnorel together
stuck so tight, that when the first was lifted
high, the last was` out of sight. A pair of
large extremities, six hoops of glittering
steel, a dirty flannel hidsm•hum., admole in one .
stocking heel, made exhibition of themselves.
and all the passers giggle, as onward still she
kept her way, with. such a graceful wriggle,
until a bright• eyed urchin passed - , and seeing.
"breakers ahead," drew down his face upon:
one side,— hall whistled and half said, "My
eyes, ain't this a jolly place, there's tier - oral
things about ; oh, what a pair of hitching.
posts, if I hey went% quite so stout." The:?.,' , .
"curtain-dropped" like lightning's tlashcthn'
poplin swept the walk, the entire estabr •
meat disappeared as fast as it, c0u1g. , '".". • • '
around the corntir, Vfir - NOld sifOlugs 11 !* •:,
so bad to see, if only neatly myofied,
kles of the bulky kind, 'te.a.tnw were
tended, ` not
wilidu bounds,
""""7 -- " ---
• Oile of til,„dtadons of a certain chuich''
aslaid the ishep if , he usually • hissed the
brill• t , tveddings :, '' •
:.. ( i , 111 Wives the,i4ly: .: . . •..
.I.` , "'" how ddyoutuaunge when the' happy ;
) .°"7. l Vid iwgroes ? wits - the licit question..
~ " "i all 4tieli ,caseti,.th6 . .daty . ,ot , liisitq ls,;..
' 9 PI
tied td the deadOpSr P3Plieti:Oe:'• l " *l.'
, 1
here an en
a : . wader.. of
. 01Ariator .p,ntl,
ilAt v i!i iiimiety,
e;liitorn much
. 611 V A1y:01(bir? ,
lil)el, Write
`Just like a poor polluted worm,"
"Jusua and our Laval "
• 6