. .. , . .Cure Coy ij h, Cold, Hoarscnesi Influenza, any Irritdiion or 411A14 1 ‘ 11 Soreness of the Throat, Ite.'' ~n 1 .41A1 . lieve the Backing Cough Nu" c .jr• In, Consumption, Bros-- ~ 4 , oo‘\‘'Y ' chills, Asthma, and • , Catarrh. Clear and ' . . • _,. give strength to ' ' ' . the voice of . PUBLIC SPEAKERS and SINGERS. D 1 0 8 0 - Few are aware of the importance of checking n Cough r e '°3 r onC r d t ioeet 't whichthat the tglnng would to niid=y, ne g lected,i soon attacks the Lungs. • "Brown's Bionchill Troches," containing demulcent ingredients, allay. Pulmonary ;.,...,.10311 Bronchial Irritation. RBOWIPB "That trouble in my Throat, (for which the "Troches" are n specific) having made me often a more whlspercy.!.. • TROCHES ' N. P. WILLIS. "1 rennin:Mud. their use to Public Speakers." 1 . ,1 WREV. E. 11. CHAPIN.' "have proved ex. truniely serviceable for Hoarseness." • R ,St REV. lIONItY WARD DEEMER. " Almost Instant rellef;ip. as distress. lug labor Of breathing pee . r Asthma. REV. A. 0. 'OD LESTON. "Contains no Opium or anything' in jurious." , Dlt A. A. NAVES. " Chemist Boston. "A simple npd pleasant conibination for Coughs, Ac." - • BROWN'S TROCHES I=l=l TROCHES EMMEI TROCHES EETIM TROCHES " Beneficial In Bronchitis." DR. J. F. W. LANE. Beaton BROWN 8 "I have proved them excellent for Whooping Cough." REV. 11. W. WARREN, , Roston. " Beneficial when compelled to speak, nulTering from Cold." TROCHES 1313113 TROCHES BROWN'S , " Effectual In removing Hoarseness and I rrit, thin of the Throat, no common with tipeakora and Slngern." TROCHES BROM. N'S TROCHES IMEEBEI "Great benefit when taken before and after prenebing;"ina they prevent Hoene noes Front their peat effect, 1 think they will ho of permanent advantage to BROWN'S I mu. TROCHES President of Athens College, Tenn ;lola by oil DrugebilS et TWENTY FIVE CENTS A 111.1X.—(0, TROCHES Nov. 80.18 ATR§. WINSLOW, an experienced Nurse nuePernale Physician, presents to the ettention.cif mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR : CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process 'of teething, by softening the grans, reducing all hill:twat ion—wilt al ,lay all pain and spasmodic action, and iN, sure to regu "'lnto the.bowels. Depend upon it mothers, it will giro rest toiourselves, and . RELIEF AND ERA LTII TO YOUR INFANTS: Web yo put up and sold this article for Over ten years,.o can my, In confidence and truth of it, what 170 haVo never been able to say of any other medicine . never boo It einglolustan- mi l s . wiNs L ow,s ce to el , '-?feet a care when time ly used. Nev. SOOTHING er did we know an ite. stance o f disatisfectionby anyone , who used It. tagi...w.r."...i " 1 v,.... On the elOl trary all are 0 . "... 0. 7 "I" 4 '.....it...... delighted with Its ape- i ratl o n s, , nod speak in terms of highest commendation of Its ma gical effects and medical virtues. We speak In this matter "what we do know," after ten years experience and pledge our reputation for the fulfilment of what we hero declare. In almost every instance where the Infant is suffering front pain Illld ‘eximustion4 relief will ho found In fifteen' or twenty 'minutes after the syrup Is administered. This valuable preparation Is the prescription of one of the most experioneed and skilful nurses In New Ihtgland, and has been used with never !Idling success 'ln THOUSANDS OF CASES It not only relieves the child from pain. but Invigo. rates the stromaeh and howeln, eon veto aridity and gives tone and energy to the whole system! It will &moot Instantly relieve GRIPING IN TIIII BOWELS AND WIND n n J over— , speedily ro- 13:9 REEEMEMBEI"O bolillo s t It 0 world; TEETHING. 'f ~ , „?, . .,,7,, , ., , , , v. or It arises from teething, or from any other row.. We Would soy to every mother who hos in child suffering Irmo any of the foregoing complaints—do not let your prejudice nor the prejudices of others stand between your. Huller. log child and thin relief that will lie SllllFi—yes, KII. SOLUTELY.SURE—te fhllow the uso of this medicine, If timely used. Full directions for luting will accent. panic each Matte. None genuine unless thin fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. . . .. - - remedy In in nll cax c a and Idarr dren Wil th Sold by S. W. ilavorstich North ll:mover st: and S. Elliott Main st. Carnal°, and Druggists throughout the world. Price only 25 Coots pUr patio. Principal 0111- re, No. 13 Cedar st. N. Y. July 20, 1800.-ly. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacsturers of HOS cELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS iinn appeal with perfect confidence to physician, and citizens generally of the United States, because the article hamattained ampu tation heretofore 'unknown, A few facts upon this point Will speak store powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery, The - conSumption of Ilostettees Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coating year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immenoeamount. could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepare. tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who pot only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but arc ready at all times to give testimonials to its. efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained •• by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum• poling the qualities of the Bitters, but a solit estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be es enduring as time itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever end ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To ho able to state confidently that tisk "Bitters" are a certain:taro for the llyspepA, and' like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the' stomach, purifies the• blockl, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that, tone and energy indispensabio for, the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of Elm functions of nature. . . Elderly persons May use the Bitters 'daily as per directions on the bottle, and they:will find N.,. in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort '• declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent east tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have tap evi, deuce of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this • preparation while, suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the • • merits of this article. A few words to: tlll3 gentler sex.. There are certain periods 'when their earns are soharassing that many of them sink under the trial., The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother; especially if she lie y f oung, is apt to forget her own health in her' eztreme anxiety .t for her infant. Should t 4 persdd of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Hem - • then, is a necessity for.jt stimulant to recupe - rate (he energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the • endorsetnent of physi ' clans, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have parlicn ' larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by macria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss q appetite, and all diseases or derangementis o? - the stomach, ''superannuated invalids, persoas - oraddentary. occupation, and nursing mothers,.will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos - tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. • CAUTION.—Wo caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for HOSTETTER'S . CELEBRATED . STOMACH BITTERS, and see that each bottle has the words " Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, .and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork,' and observe that our autograph signature is on the Akir Prepaced and sold by HOBTETTEE. & SMITH, Plitiburgh, Pa., and sold by all, druggists,:grooeis, and dealers. generally throughout the United ptatex. South-Arne tics; and Germany. • • For sale by 8. Villott 8. W linvorstielc, Carlisle; John C. Atilok. John Btembsugh, Shipponsburn; i, Neuf pow. J. .11 if seeing. hieehanlel tirg bru:elate OURAFIT THE, BLOOD _E DR. G. F. BIGELOW. Doxto REV. S. J. P. ANDERSON. St. Lou Prof. 11• STACY JOHNSON - - I.a Orange, Teacher of Mugle, Souther Female College. These ttillirted with this terriblo disease will be our of.relierby the Lila Medicines Rush of Blood to the flood, _Scurvy, anit•Rhoum Swellings. SCROFULA, or KING'S EVIL, In Its worst forms Ul cars of ovary description. MMM • • 1860 ..HARDwA w EI v ,, II A R D donh P. Lynn et Son have jui.t completed opening their Spring Stock of Hardware, Paints, Oils, varnishes, O lose Re.. to which they invite the early al ttention of the public . . We hove greatly enlarged our clerk in nit its various bra ticheamnd can now accommodate the pub. Be with In largo or small quantities, at the lowest prices.- But we do not wish the nubile to unslerstand that we have brought all the goods in Philadelphia and New York to our t own, but Iva cnu assure them that one both into our store will convince them that .me have enough to supply the demand Ist this market. Persona wanting goods in our lion will find it to their advantage to give us a call Indian making their purchases.—All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no' micro• presentations matte to effect sales JOIIN P: LYNII b SON, North Nanoyer St. Carlisle. JAMES lU. WEAVER'S /faring brain engaged In the business for tiler twenty years Ito would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal eneouragement extended to him In rears cone IT, and fuCther assures thorn that no pains will lin spared, to give full satbfuellon to all who may favor him with a roll. cbmit's AND FURNITURE, Of every 'description constantly on hand,' or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la. lest style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. Ile like continues business as an UNDERTAKER._ Ready made Collins, Metallic or 'otherwise. Inept rein. scantly on hand and funeralti prdniptlY attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. s,lll, 11 If m t innulled, end Cherry and Walnut Collins, largo FIZO, aoll flubbed and lined Inside, brow H to 12 dollar's. . _ Ploy 25, 1850-Iy. _ • N. 11.—Two properties situate in Churelitown,Cumb, coptity, aro offoreal fur Solo on easy, terms. Apply ns obese. 'J. R. „W• TIRING This institutionolesigned for the liberal education of Young Ladles, has boon in operation two years with the most gratifying results: It Is now established on Ilrm basis,l ad its pairtmage already extends over several States It to located n the Cumberland Valley Railroad told. way between darrisburg and Carlisle. In the nlost for. tile and beautl ul portion of the valley, and is in close proximity to o to of the most moral, healthy, and en— ' terprising tom tt In the State. . It Is ,central and easy of access. Students leaving Washington, I titi more, or Ph Nadel phis In the morning train for Harr! burg, W4II arrive at Mechanicsburg In time for dlnne . --The edifice- largo- and-commodlottersurmn nded -bY double verandas, and will accommodate about one hut,. tired boarders. In Its construction, It combines all the nimforn itintibvetnents for the promotion of health, condbrt and convenience. In these respects' physicians pronounce It unrivalled. The chambers are large and neatly furnished'. Eaelt has. its register fur heat and ventilation Only two students occupy the mune room. The bath moths tweet all times supplied with warn and cold water. , The grounds are ample, and well arranged for rem.° allot], and the various calisthenic exercises—so ocean tlal to health, graceful movement and symmetry o form. .The Faculty of Instruction Is ofllelenl. and cxper nerd. In Iho Collogiato Department the courso of study to of a high grade, comprehending all the subjects belong ing to u Classical, Polito and Christian Education. In the Preparatory Departnient 'pupils will ho care fully Instructed In those braudhes forming the basis of a thorough English education. Sesstoxs.—First Session. frog,. the lot 'Wednesday of September to the 30th of Anuary. • Second Session, from the Ist of February to tho Ist of July. Vacation, during July and August TEEMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Boarding, Washing, Eurnhhed Dooms. F end Light. . . . . . . . . . . u . $OO 00' Tuition—Colleglatn Department. . . . 20 00 Preparatory " . . . . 10 00 E rot Clam, 12 00 No extra charge for Ancient nguages: Musle—Plano and Guitar. . . . . . . 20 00 Vocal Musty.. . . ". . . . . 2 00 Modern Languages, . . . . . . . 10 00 tr Painting, Drawing and other Ornamental Branches t at the usual rates. Textbooks furnlsluid at city prices. . , For further particulars address, Roy. A. G MARLATT, A. M., President. Aug. 3.1860 A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS =" l .-41-kg: 91 1 t West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 167.) The subscriber has just resolved the most splendid assortment of articles in his lino, over brought tn, this place—which ho is determined to sell at pricoe•that do fy competition. Parlor 1 Chamber, 1 - Dining-room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and Omen Embracing every article used by Mouse and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashiotutble design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts. reception and .Camp Chairs, Mattresses, lilt frames, pictures, d.c., Purchasers are requested to call and examine Ills stock, at his extensive wamrooms, West Main street, North side. A. B. EWING. Kir Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town 'and country, attended to promptly and on moderate beim. A. 11..11 Carlisle, May It, 1858.-Iy. josEPII.U. STEEL WATCH MAKER Boum. AROVER STREET, A few doors south of the . , Court house.• • ' 'r - - 5 :- • 'raving supplied myself with a large assortinent of Watch Materials, Glasses, &0., I am now prepared to re. pair all kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Ste , on the most reasonable terms. that may be intrusted to my cars. lisping by strict attention to business to he fa• yored with a liberal share of public patronage; A line assortment of JEWELRY, such , as Ladies' Dreamt Pins and Ear Drops 'Gold and Cameo; Misses' Breast Pins and Ear Drops, Box and Ohms Pine all sizes, Gold Chains, Hooka, Plated Chains, Gilt Lockets, Guards Eeys, &c, Also a largo and Mot assortment of Also, a fine lot of Sliver Iluntidati Dotached Lev li, and Loathes Watches, and a good asairtment of Sllcer plated and Stool Spectacloa. All of whlclt will be a tld low, A sham of public patronage Is roanoctfully JOS. U. sun. lJrrllslo Jon. 1860,4?: 1110 E FAT ' . VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS, ;AND • .; • PHOENIX BITTERS. The high and envied eeleinity which those ilre-emi nellt Medidnes have acqulfed for - their Invariable em racy in 41.11 the diseases which they profess to cure, ban rendered the usual practice °frthing not only unneces sary, but unworthy Of them. They ate known by their fruits: thsir good works tastily for them . , and they thrive not by tbo faith of the credulous. to all cases of Asthma, Acute and Chronic libenur tistn. Affections of theilladder and Kidneys. Billions Fevers and Liver Complaints,—ln the South and Wat whore those diseases prevail, they will be found invaluable. Planters, form Ts and others, who once nos these medicines, will uoveraftarwardsbu with out them. Billions Molls and Serena Looseness, Biles, Costive= nem, Colds and Coughs, Cholic. • CONSUMPTION—Used with great success in this di sease. Cor upt Humors, Dropsied, Dyspepsin—No person Hlll, this distressing disotse should delay. using these medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas,Flatulency and Fe ver and Ague.—For this scourge of the Western country these medicines will be found.a sore, speedy and certain romedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disettm—a cure by them medicines Is permanent. Try them, im satisfied, one be - cured FOULNESS OF COMPLEXION, . ,• GENERAL DEBILITY. Gont,,Olddiness, Gravel, Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever,. Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice. 'Ass or Appetite. LIVER, COMPLAINTS; • LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, 111 ERCURIAI, DISEASES. - - Never fallh . to eradicate entirely 01l the effectsbf Ifler• cury infinitely sooneillutu tho Inset powerful prepara• flow of Sersaparille.. • Night Sweets, Neivous Debility. Nervous Complaints of oil kinds. Organic Affections, Palpitation of the Heart reluters' Cholic. IBM • The oaginal proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 3.5 years standing by the use bf these Liver Medicines alone. , Pains In the head, side, back, limbs, joints and or guns. = Worms of all hinds ern effectually expelled by these medicines. Parents will do well to administer then whenever their existence Is suspected. Belief will hi certain. THE LIFE PILLS • AND PINENIX BITTERS PURIFY trIlE BLOOD, And thus remove all diseaseafrom the system. Irrepared by Lit. WILLIAM 11. MOFFAT, No. 1115 Broadway. 'Moffat Building) N. Y July (1.-Iy. For nolo by all Drugglsta alisttlantaits. 17ELLAIILE GOODS. 111n3 2,'00 410313 . 7 0 7 ' C A CAL. ET MIME u hf A NUFACTOR Y, Nonvi STRVET„ CMILISLE, P.t, Walnut Collins covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WEAVER FEMALE COLLEGE, MECIIIANICSBURG, PA GOLI FINGER RINGS, -Oooi OITZEWT.ffoor: VEW STORE AND NEW GOODS /1 After robin:linable acknorledgements; for, tl e very liberal patronage which hoe limin extended to hl , the undersigned would call attention to the •feet. t tbe has just co-opened his extensive assortment of fay In his now stormroom, on the south-rest corner of the public•square, where the public are invited to call and examine a stock of goods which; in elegance, variety and Octant. will defy competition; comprising in part loaf, lump, crushed, and brown sugars,. Java, Itio and roasted Coffee. Every va• -7,, - rioty and quality of TIIA i Spices, (ground and unground,)Pickels, Sauces, Table 011. Now Orleans, Sugarhouse and Trinidad memo Molasses: Now York and Philadelphia Syr ups. Cheese, ati.nroni,'Vermecilli, split Peas, IlomlnY t fillillaneat, corn Starch,. Farina, Chocolate, Extort oi . MIT; refined sugar at reduced rates, winding; nod bait' ing soda. Tobacco of the Most favbrite brands, and the finest quality of &gars. Also, a be: utlful assortment of Britannia Ware, plain and g.,ld band China Ware. Mass, Queens, Stone and Earthen, Ware, in great vii rioty, and an elegant lot of Fancy Soaps, extracts one perfumery for the toilet, FltUali: Including Poaches In cans, Raisins, Cran berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons &C., Ste: 'W . tt. ,-1, - - '.VzVW./ and muscat Wines In casks and bat. •:- • ties, • Scotch .111310,v, IloHand can, and Scheid= Schnapps. A largo stock of LAMPS, Including Dyott's celebrated lamps for burning Kmosene or coal oil, Also Sperm, Pine, Lard and Coal 011, Burning Fluid, 'Sierra 'Mid Star Candles. CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. • Brushes: Hopes, Moppe, Soaps, Door•nintl, Walters, Looking•glasses, tine letter and note paper, Willow Ware, painted buckets, &c. Cotton and woollen Hose, and half Hose, and a full stock of (Doves, including the well known Hanover Buck Cloves. In short, his stoat: comprises overythink that is called for in his line of business, and no Worts will be sowed o render main, satisfaction to his customers. C. INIIOFF. Carlisle, Oct. 1.'7, 1858-Iy. ' ,CID-Marketing of all kinds takon.ln exchange fo goods. , "' allaß I Oolr 174111,14 " • FAMILY GRO cERY AND TEA -. ST Oltil. . Just reeelved,atid in store, a fresh and Neon -so lectod assortment of ilia; Java and Mare - gang, Coffee, Wasted Coffee. Crushed Pulverized. Sugars, Relined "and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, 1 Orleahs (baking) M o triliSes. Spices 'of every variety -1 pure only; Starch ; Farina and. Chocolate. Mneraroni, Cheese and 'Crackers, Tapioca and. Sago Indigo, Saleratns and Soda, Creaks Tartar and as. sorted Pickles, Mustard "irnd Coriander' Seed. TEAS.- -A fine assortment hi Packages .fiel and In bulk—lie well as all other article, 1 1 1 ,1 X belonging to the bwitiess—all nt the lower; Ir 4 , .' and late reduced prices. • AAT AI'CIIES, JEWELRY, AND SIINER-WARI,AI! CON LYN'S old established Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite tho Cumberland Valley Bank. 1 harp just received a now assortment of watches, . . . . owelry. medallions, silver ware, &e.. In addition to my ormer stork to winch I invite the attention of the public, The assortment, embraces‘fine gold and sliver Inver watches, Hunting. and open case do., gold An chors for Ladles and Gentlemen and tuber Implies itid ,- Quartier watches of story. variety in style and price. . .. . . . Alan fine gold 1%1(1211110ns. IlreaA,plos for Ladles and fleutleineri of every quality, patlifro nod price. (laid fob, vest: curl, nod neck dial.. (bad bracelets. finger rings, cult-pins, slut's, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, (hold and sliver thinihies ' silver and plated Lotter knives, forks, (obis, tea, snit And mustard spoons of ovory variety. A large Assortment of gold, sliver ~..r o nd common spectacles, to suit nil Ages to which ivo invite special atten. then. A One lot of 0011) PENS from the best makers, •pertaeOk cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracelets, watch chains, Manila Clocks and a - variety of articles usu• ally kept In Jewelry establishments, 'Odell I will sell 1ou• for cash. All articles war- ,k :anted to be what therara represented. Particular attention paid as usual, to WATCH REPAIIIINII and all work war- , ranted'- =I 1e 1 ""r GOODS AGAIN. At Ogilby's Cliesp Cash Store. Just returned from Philadelphia with a lot of the cheapest Dry Goods mrer brought to Carlisle. Figured Meioses, CaAmeres, Dul.aillefl, Calicoes, Flannels, Blankets, Shawls, Cloths, Casslmeres, &c., bought for cash at the present reduced city prices, and will he sold at uncommonly low prices for the Cash. Now Is the time for great bargains. Recollect the stare, Hamilton's corner opposite the Railroad Depot. Rec. 14, '6O. Cil AS, OOILDY, Trustee; PRESII MACKEREL.- I: A lot of Mackerel—now catch—ln assorted peck ges of Halves, Quartos, and Eighth Bernie. Also, for sale at the Store of the subxeriber Oct. 30,'00. QTILL 'l' lt ity4l P 11,A Ist!P Th. commute Out Tobe nf the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the subSerther In rolling the attention of all who may want a superior stove tb call and ex. amine the only stove tint has given universal satlsfac. WHAT IS CLAIMED oVER.OTHEHS IS A may IngAlrgn“lo_o._lo_ pp!rsont.. In fuel....__ I. A hotter and tutl,ker Oven'traiitithe Rama fire, 3[l. A larger Oven than any other stove of the same rim, 4th. The preservation of the centre plots from sinking saving repairs, NI. The best linker, Roaster, OM Cook now In use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the Hues, 7th. A perfect:oas Consumer for either weed or coal. The Prairie Flower Is warranted to give satisfaction In every partieular.nnd will lie shown with pleasure to all who may mil, whether desiring to purchase-or not, any quantity of reference In town cr country. A tow othor good Cook Stoves on hand, which will he sold very low' to close stork. Spouting; ' Hooting, Job work, Coppor.smlthing and Sheeting work promptly attended to. in town or coun try. All work warrantod at tho. old stand, llauovor stroot north of Loutber. MARY M. MORRIS. N. B. OM Copper, Urals and Pewter beught,,iind the highest price pnid In cash or gouda. , March '2B, 1860.—tf. G REAT BARGAtNS!! 301egetaat FOlt . LADIES AND CHILDREN, OF EVERY la:scam - Imi, UNDER TEE CONTINENTAL HOTEL. Thelnrgest and Best Stock in tho City. Our facilities enable us sell lower than any other establishment. " Politeness and Fair Dealing," Our motto. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, 828, and 828 Chestnut treat, Rhilada, rri.r. WO CONNECTION WITII ANY OTIIER 110U0E.,0), Dec.l4, 'O9-2 ms.- Y • PHILADELPHIA WATOTIAND . JEVT.ELEY STORE 0. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT., . 110. lA$ NORTH SECOND STREET, CORNER OF quAnny STREET. The undersigned has leased the above premises re ho x•Ill.koop n large estiurtmout of Gold 14'8I1ve Watches, , f American. English and Swiss Manufacture of the most celebrated makers, In addition to which, will be found always on baud (and made. to order) an extenblve variety of Jewelry, silver. and Silver Plated ware, togkther with a general assortment of suclugoods as are usually kept in a first Oars Jewelry Store 4859 'Tho patrons of O. Conrail, and thoso of tho subscriber together with the public generally, two invitod to call, whore (boy will.receire a gond arttclo for their money. As I out determined to do strictly n cash business goods will ho sold very low. "SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES,. is the motto of this establishment. LEWIS It. BROOMALL, Formerly 0. CONE AD, N 0.148 North Second St. corner of QUntry Phila. Juno 6, . SELLING OFF AT COST!!! • At the sign of the "Cold Eagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley Sank, and two dnnra below the Methodist Church, on West Male street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES & JEWELRY ihe town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any in the State. The stock comprises a large assort of Hold and Silver hunting case watches, Lovers, are, Ameriran teaches, and all other kinds and Gold cud Silver chutes, GOLD PENS dr. PENCILS, Jewelriof all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Sliver, Plated and Silver W are, Music Boxes, Accordcons, 011 Paint. lugs, a great varlet of fancy articles, and a lot of the finest Pianos, whir drill be aolil4o per cent lower thou ever offered in town. Ilk entire stock of Watchmaker tools, cases, large Mirrors, and Safe will be sold whole sale or ratan on the easiest terms. , Having selected a first Class workman all kinds of re• linking will be done as usual, nt reduced prices. Piano musk of all kinds for sale, A new first class double barrel gun warranted jenuina twist will be sold . fbr half Its value. Lopint styles 1000 POUNDS CARPET-dlIAIN! 011 Cloths, 44 0.4 8-4 104 widths of the colebroted aloud Manufacturing Co. Selling very cheap. LEIDICII, SAWYER & MILLER. ri UM BELTING 1 . ur Just received a large assortment of all sizes Ouurlioltitia, Odin Hose, , Own- Parking, Ac., and ter sale cheap at the Hardware Store of June 22, IMO. U. SAXTON.. ippLIND MATERIAL,.LOOKING II Glasses, Furnishing ()nods ani kinds. Blankets All kinds of goods,kept in a Wholtualonnd Rotnil store Nov 0,'60, LEIDICII, SAWYER & MAGER. , HOOP SKIRTS I HOOP SKIRTS 11 attest novelties, and At prlcen .dolv .rodipe Mon. ." • LEIDICII,'SAWYXR ISIMAIER LIQUORS: Wholesale and retail embracing common and :Id Rye 'Whis key, Bra ndles,'dark and vale, Lisbon Sherry Port, ilinderia, Ginger, Catawba FISH AND SALT SUES THOMAS CONLYN SALMON, /1/11112 = Miscellaneous. Carlisle 'Fo'undry FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I L.. • F. Gardner & Co. noor manufactaro nml keep con stoutly for Sala at their extensive Sloan, Works on Ens Blain street, large assortment of, AIcRICULTIJR.t.L , Of will known, approved ' usoildnese to farmers.' tunmTg which they would call caperlul ottentlon to WILLOLICIII. BY'S CELEBRATED PATENt GUM SPRiNG . ORAIN DRILL, which he taken over fifty First Class.Premlums at State and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumberland, I (irk nod Perry counties we need not speak In detail ill' the merits of this drill, no scores of them ere nnw in use on the best Struts In those counties.. Its repute. tlon Is established se the most complete Orain Drill now manufactured In the United States. It sows Wheat, nye, Oats, Barley and Crass, evenly. and regular, without bunching the need. Tho gum Springs pass tho drill over stumps antt stones, without breaktrtg Moser the drill. For oven and regular sowing, theiTtliongit. by Gum Spring Drill Is unequelled by any other. We also manufacture and-Roll the following Articles, which we can recommend to Farmers as reliable implements, of established ammeter MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAW A; FODDER CUTTER DR IDEN DOLPH'S PATENT CORN SHELLER, DARN'S PATIENT CIDER MILL, •JOIDISON'S CAST IRON 1100'S moug IL Also, Three and Four llorso Powers and Threshing Machines, Cast Iron Mold Hollers, .Pluugh Castings of various patterns, Corn Crindlers, and other articles for Formers too numinous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ten Plato lyobd Stoves, with an immense vaftety of other emings for housekeeper, nod others. We have also nu attractive variety of patterns for . IRON itikixarrds, and CENIETIMY. BNCLOSUIIES to Which' Iva mould call attention.. Storms Engines and 111111 Gearing To this department of our business we give part ion. tar attention. Our already extensive stork of patterns for Paper, Flour nod Saw 111111 Gearing, is . .,constantly increasing. 3111 . 1 Owners and NII , I Wrights Wllll - ho fur nislied with a printed, oxtraloguo of our various Mill Patterns, On application. Our Machine Shop comprises all tho various tools for turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Castings, lay good and carol ul Machinists. STA'TIZJNARI STEAM ENGINES' of any desirnl4 'capacity, from ten to twenty.fire boron power, built betlio best style nod on accommodating terms. Engines built at oar establishment may he seen in successful operation nt many of the largest DlstAries and Tanneries in Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry,and Dauphin Counties; to the owners of which' wu confidently. refer for Information as twtheirelliciow. cy. Persons multi n g Steam Engines are earnestly quested to cull anti examine before contrasting el where. • DOOR'AND SASH FACTORY. Connected with our estoblislnnentis n Steum'Eusll and Door :dun ufitetory which Is now In completo order for the manufeel uru of every deserlidion of El 1= for the most costly en well as the plainest house. Witt dow Sash furnished from 5 cents upward, according to RICO of 0,111.; Window Frames from $1 81 upward; Shutters and Rolling lillnds from 21 75 upward; Four Panel Doors from $2 12 upward. Alonldings, Castings Architraves, Wash Jloards, Brackets', Fancy Thopery, Sevilla, and other articles needed 131 house building, furnished at the lowest prices and of the beta quality of lumber. ty,9.11 in ore also !prepared, as heretofore. to build and repair BURDEN CA Rd for Ira on the milroad, with promptnessand on reasonoble terms,. The continued patronage of titti public Is respectfully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Shiny 9. +l'o, F. UAIIUNEII & Co. NE"' COAL AND LUMBER YARD The subsvribers have this day entered into part net - Main to trnde In AND LUM_DER, We will hare ennFlan ly on hand and furnish tti ord II kinds and quality of seasoned LUNIBIT, BOALPS, SCANTLING, FR A 3tE ST. • 'oling, Plastering Lath, Shin Oink Lath, Ivorlc ed 1 c o' pg and Weatherboarding, Posts nod Rails, and every a Icle that belong++ to a-LUMBER YARD. All kinds of :Mingles, to wit: Whitopine, Hemlock, and Oak, of ditlerent qualities. Haring Cars of our min We can furnigh bills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable Terms. Our %veiled boards will be kept under cover on that they eon be furnished dry at all - Alines. — We harp constantly on band all kinds of Family Coal under rover, which we will dAalver clean to any part of the borough. To wit : LYItENS VALLEY, Broken, Egg, St(A) and Nu LUKE vinnkat, " " • TREVONTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, do. 'do. do REMI32 thick we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest prices • Best quality of • Linzeburner'B. and BlackBmith's Coal, always on hand which wo will soll at the lowest figure Yard west side of Crammer School, Main street. • ARMSTRONG & HOPPER July 20, ISO J. R. NOONEPIAJW.E . FORWARDING AND COMMIS 11 SION DOUSE, , . FLOUR AN-10 FRED, COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. •The subscriber havlogi.kcpthe Ware lieure_cars and - fixtures or Win. - lE Murray's well known establit.h. men t, on West High street, opposite Dickinson College, would Inform the public that he has entered Into a general Forwarding and Conunisslon business. - The highest market price will he paid for Flour,.(lrain and produce of all kinds. They are also prepared to aright produce And stock , to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at 'the lowest rates,' with safety and desplitch. PLASTER AND 'FA LT kopt constantly on hand, And FLOUR AND FEED at w hobnails or rotall. • Coal of all kind, °lancing, LY,ICEN'S VALLEY, ' LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBURY WHITE ASH, LOCUST OAP, Limeburner's and Blacksmilles CONbTNNTLY WOll S•I.L. KEPT UNDER and delivered dry to any p&irtirthe town. ' 3, •,11. NONKMAK.ER Carlhilo, August 17, 1850 D UNHAM'S CHLERRATED OVER • nit um.). N ANO FORTES GRAND 411'11 SQUARE. These Instruments in all respects, are second to none manufactured In this country. Citizens of Carlisle In want of a superior and reliable Instrument ran be ac• am odated at souls MODERATE PRIM, by addressing the idersidned at Harrisburg. describing tone, touch and le. Reference, Mr. Alexander Cathcart, Carlisle. Cleo. U. Wlestling, Agent for OURItAM S Pianos Jan..l, I_Bl.ll,4imom PRESS TIOODS, , ,,ft:A. new - supply n'; Dress (lends, such as 4 "4llns, Do Taints, Silk P RESS Litstres ~ i e., &e. Just received and will b Id unconunotily a low, at the cheap Cpsif store ' 011 AS. 011140 Y, Trustee. Nov. 2, 1960 REM William Practical PLUMBER ,and GAS FITTER, in the basement of the Jr. E. Church, • Main Street, .Carlisle. Lead and Iron Plpos, ' Iron Sinks, ' Hydrants, (lath Tubs, lint & Cold Shower Baths, Math Boilers, Water Ctosels, " • Wash Rasing, Parra and Lift Pampa, . Hydraulic Rams, &o. Wm% Iron Ward Tubes, . And ovary description of cocks, and fi ttings for gas, steam, water. &c. Superior cooklngTanges, hentors and gas fixtures put up in 'churches. stores and &copings, at short notice, Inaba most madam style, All materi ala and work in our lino at low rates and warranted. SW- Country work and Jobbing promptly attended to. Mar. 23. WALTER C. WHITMAN. Dealer In FNE GROCERIES ' N. W• orator 17th and Aroh Stro ete, PHILADELPHIA. . . Importers of Cross & ENOLiszr PICKLES and SAUCES. Particular attention pad In selecting firm TEAS & COFFEES For Families, Sugars always at Refiners' prices. Choice WINES, LIQUORS and SEOARSof the beat brands,. always on band. Slay tO.-ly. • • .. 100 TONS IRON AND -ROLLED L IRON of the very beet rnlown BRANDS warran ted In every way Superior to American make. Just re.. calved with a large assortment of ` Sheet Iron, Anvils,. hoop Iron, Vitas, ' Band Iron, Piles, horse Shim Iron, . . Ream Spring Steel, Bolts, Cast Steel, ' Rivet , ' Blister I tool, ' Nuts, Washers, .. , IlorseDhoes i • Screw Plates,„ ~ Nails. Blacksmith Bellows &c.,ke. Cheaper than the cheapest, at the hardware Store of March 7, '6O. ' ' lIIINRY SAXTON. N. B All Iron sold at olty.prices with frolghi added an dwarranted. .. . DAiNTS 'AND. OILS.— ji_ •ao Tons Whito, L ead.: 1000 Gallons of oil. Just rocelyed'irleh alarge eiloctunint of ' Varnishes,' Fire ProoePaltit. ' Turpentine, ' Elerencii White, ' . Japan, White Bind, ' ' Putty, : Colored 7. na,. . Lltherge, • lied Lead. ' Whiting, ' . Boiled Oil, • Glue, Lard Oil, . Shellac, . " Sperm OIL ' ' . :Paint Brushes; Fish 011, - lic., ' . Colors oratory description dry,'and Oil in cane and tubes at the Bordner() Store of , I . Starch 7,,'60.- 1111?11111" sexlroN, MM=I ..INSURANCI4.I.- THE . ALLEN AND. BAST PENNSIIONO MUTUAL FINE IN WRANCE COMPANY of Cunibarland coubty, lucorpn• rated by au ant of Assembly, Is now fully organised, and In operation under the management of the flillowing commissioners, viz: . . • Daniel Bailey, William It, Gorgon, Mlehaul 'Conklin, .1. Eichelborger, Christian Staymen, John C. Dun• lap, Jacob 11. Coover, Lends flyer, S. Eberly, Boob. mitt _II. Messer, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. The raton of Innurancenre an low and execrable en any Company attie kind in thopate. Persons wishing to become members Ivo invited to make application to they, agonte of the company, who are willing to welt upon them any time. WM% 11, 001IGAS, President: ', CQRIBTiAN STAYIIIAN. Pico I'rooldont LEWIS lIYER, Secretary. COOKLIN, Tr surer. j t Illatingers.—Wm. It. , as, l e . Dyer. Chrlstlar Stny man, 31. Coeklin..l. C. Dunn . It. Merlin, IL holly, J I latoov er ' Alex. Ca th co rt, J..Wleltershnut, J. Elohulhor. ger, S. Eberly, J...l3rantlt. AGENTS. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. —John AC Trick, Mien, lien ry Bearing, Shiremathitown ; Samuel' Woodburn Dickinson; II en ry Bowman, Church towzlg Mode till 11th, South Middloion•' Samuel Grainua s , .W. POlll//1 ilf boro'• Samuel Coover, echaniesbnrg; 4. W. Conklin, Shepilerdstorrn; D. Coover ; Shephardatown; J. 0. Sax. ton, Sliver Spring; BonJ. Have:stick, Myer Spring I, Charles Bell, Cm lisle: John Ilyer, YORK COUNTY.—W: S. Sicking, Dover; Peter 'Vol. ford, Franklin; JAIL Griffith,. Warrington; J. F. Dear dorff. Washington; D. Butter, Newburg; 41. C. Clark, Dlllsburg. • , DAUPHIN CO.—Houscr & Lachman, Harrisburg. lklemhers of tha company having policies about to ex• piro, can lIILTO them a bwod ,by making application to any:of the Agcms. " r. 4 • April 20, 1850: • •• HOWARD ASCOCIATIONI A Benevolent Institution, established by special on dow•mont for t h e relief of the sick and :distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidenile . disenses mid especially for (ho Coke of Diseases of ' tho Elexunl Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE, given gratis, by Ma Acting gun Iron. to.all who tfriply ',plotter, olth .a deserlotfun of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in eases of extreme poverty,`Mediciues furnished free of charge. . _ VA IX A DIX REPORTS en Spermntorrhmn, and other Diseases orilio Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REM EDIES employed in the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted In sealed leapt envelopes, fi ee of charge. 'Two or three Shipp: For postage will 6a aceentable. Address, Dit..l. RE TUFF: 11011011 TON, Acting Sur. goon, Howard Association, No. 2 Smith Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pn. lly order of the Directors, E'/.RA D. HEARTIVELL, President OFIO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Det.21,1859.-IY F i - ., -. .0:p.',wi:g.F,.7.. - : . - (63 eallby human Mood upon being -.ANALYZED always presenle us with the same essential Orme ntn and gives of course the Trun Standard. Analyze th Blood ore per,on suffering from Consumption, Lieu Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sclolu;a, Ac, red ue find in every instance certain deficiencies In the red globules .of Blood. 'Supply these deficiencies and you are made well. The BLOOD FOOD Is 'minded upon this Theory —hence Its astonishing emcees. There aro • FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to tho deficiencies of the Blood In different diseases. For Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, or any affec. Don whatever of the THROAT or LUNGS Inducing Con. sumption ' use No.,], which Is always the No. for Do, pressimi of Spirits. Loss of Appetite. and for all Chron• Ic Complaints arising from Overuse, General Debility, hod Nervous prostration. No. 2, for I.ivor Complaints, N 0.3, for Dyspepsia. Doing already prepar e d to ab• sorption It is taken by drops and carried Immediately Into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. 6 in for Female irregularities, Hysteria, Weak nessen, kr.- Soo special directions for this. For Salt Itheum, Eruptions, Scrofulous, Kidney, and Bladder Complaints, take N 0.5. In all cases the direct.nn must • . • bo strictly followed. Price of the_ Blood ygod_sa. per bottlo. Earby CHURCH ADUPONT, No. 400 Broadway, New York. .1 W. 'Volt A Bons, Philadelphia,.and 4.11. Keyser Pittsburg Wholesale Agents. For,lsale by S. Elliott, Carlisle. CLOCKS WA TC II ES JEWELRY AND SILVER WA RE. at Munufacturom price& W. D. A. Naugle, Agt.. North Hanover. Street Five Doors North of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, 'and next dour to Kline's notel,•Denler in FRENCH S: AMERICAN CLOCKS, ctP7 • Inipco • " • Foreign end Atn`erlean Watches, Jowly, Silver and Pla ted care, Pitney Goods &v. would moot respectfully in form his old patrons and the public generally that he has Just returned from the East with an entire Inure sl ork of VISE W ATeims, JEWELRY, SILVER d PLA• TED WARE, CLOCKS Ac. liming scented agencies from some of the largest and best Fa-tortes for the sale of there goods, 1 am preps. rod to infer to the public any article In the line from 76 to 100 per cunt less than they have ever been offered In this place or below the regular wholesale price, as -follows, Clocks from 75 cents to $lO, Watches from $2,50. to 8150. ;Jewelry In setts from Ltl refits to s2s,Tea Setts front 20 to #30,-0 pieces hest qualify and latest styles' MORS, -- WATCHES. JEWELRY. - , 8 day alarms, Gold Hunt. Case Eng. Coral, 8 " Striking., " " American, Pond, 8 " Striking & Al. e' " Swiss, Cameo, . 8 " Regulators, " " French. . Gold Stone, 8 " Gallery,' Silver II unt. Case Eng. Lam • 8 " Church, " " American, Carbuncle, 8-" Mantles. " " Swiss, . Opal, 8 " Parlor, -, " " French, Mosaic, 8 '‘ Marino, Open Face American, -Jet, 30 Hour, " " Lepines, Garnet, 80 Striking, • • " " •Quortlers, Turquels, 30 Alarm A; Strik. ." • " . English, Paintings, 80 Time, " " French, Enamelled, 30 Levers, • ' " " Geneva. Paste, 30 Gothic, " " German, Stone,, TEA SETTS. Goblets, Walters Tureens, L Ladles, Cups. Butter Dishes, Salt Shunts. Fick Knives, Die Knives, Crumb Knives, lee Cronin do. Cake Knives, Forks, . Spoons, Castors. Carlisle, July 27,1860 —ly. A CARD TO THE LADIES Dr. Duponoo•s Golden PiDs . foi Females. . Infallible in correcting, regulating or removing all obstructions, front whatever canoe, and always successful as a preventive. • The Combination of ingredfents in Dr. Duponco's ' Golden Pills are perfectly hermitnn. They have been' used in the private practice of old Dr. Duponco, f0r.20 years, and thousanda of ladies can testify to their great and never.fidling success in almost every cam, in Nut rotting Irregularities, relieving painful and distressing menstruation. particularly at the change of life. From five to ten pills will cure that common, 'yet dreadful complaint, the Whites. Nearly every female in the land suffers from this complaint. The above pill has permanently cured thounends,and will cure you if you use them. They cannot harm you, en the contrary they remove all obstructions, and restore nature to its proper channel, and invigorate the whole system; they are perfectly safe and harmless. • . Price $t per box.. Sold wbolesaleand retail by S. ELLIOTT, Druggist, Carlisle, Pa. rho is the stile agent for that place Ladies, by remit. tins hint $1 to the "Olivine Post .0111 co" can have thu Pills sent to ally port of the country, free of postage, by mail. Sold also by Ohne. A. Bannvart, Harrisburg, E. T, Miller, York, J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville and by one druggist in every village and town.it•the Union. N. 11. Look out for counterfeit& Dui no ()olden Pills of any kind, unless every box In Signed by S. D. Howe. All others are a' base imposition and unnafb, therefora, &outfit value your liven and health, (in any nothing of being humbugged out of your teensy) buy only those who ehow the signature of S. D, Howe on every box, which hue recently been added on amount of a recent counteribit of the Pills. S..D. HOWE, Jan 20 01 ly Solo Proprietor, Now York. aaItLISILIE The subecriboi would flforiu fho ions of Carlisle and surrounding country that ho has taken the mill known an Carlisle Mills and is pro pored to furnished in 'logo or small ghantilles, FLOUR & FEED. • Custnmori work donwon short ho highest cask price for grOn. Car Mile, Aug. nd 1860.-0 inn. Blistdinntou. NAILS! 'NAILS I! NAILS !! . A large stook of good, Clean, Neat, and Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nnlls are worth &nets a ItOg more, than any other make of calls sold in our town. thin Is the opinion of mechanics who have tried them, wo nlsoohnVo a full assortment of B . UILDING 51ATERIA LS,. of the latest and most approved styles. All goods war rented no represented, JOAN P. Lyn; & May 2,'00. North Conover 'At:Carlisle. .IN - OT.T.OE AND ° READ, THIS F. C. KREMER, ..A.„. At the now Store on East Igain . St. • , . ~..,,,. A near Henry Sitxton's Hardware Store, 'c c would call the attention of persons In . ;kr want of trfitto Watch to bin splendid , ~ stock of American, Liverpool. and Lon don tt ATCHES. I balm a fine stock of Gold Watches, nt all prime, from twenty dollarwup to three hundred dollars. I also kayo a large stock of Silver Hunting - Cooed 'and Open Caaod Watches, from num, dollar, up tunighty. 1 also have a now stock ofFrench and Ameri can JEWELRY. In setts, such as Cameo, Gold Stone,. -Lava, Mosaic, Mourning and Plain sells , &e. I also ,have a new stockwf Medallions, frotn.ohe dollar up to °fourteen; Ladles' and tiontiomen'e Breast Pins of all patterns and prices: Gold Chains; a largo stock of Vest Epb and Curb Chains;_ a very large stock of finger rings of all kinds and patterns, such' s Seal Binge, Wedding Rings, and Settings; n fins 'stock of Cull' Pins, Gold Studs. Shrove Buttons for Ladles and Gentlemen, Crones Bracelets, Gold Watch Kays, Seals, Gold and Silver , Thimbles, Gold and Sliver Spectacles, a-large stock of Sliver Tea and Table Spoons at all ,prices, and a cont• plete.elock of Double Plated Tea atoll Table Spoons, pla ted Forks, Silver and Plated Butter Knives and a fine steak of double plated Casters ' Sugar Spoons, Sliver Fruit Knives, and a largo stock of Common Spectacles, 1 to suit all ages, to which I Invite particular attention; ' Port Monnales of all kinds, 311- - ~, ver Keys and Chains; a largo , •,. . stork of Accordeons, Violins, if/ 0 kI ' i 2 '.., i and Music Butane, (largo and 1 small.) and a great variety of -19 3 articles usually kept In a Jew- 8 , 4, - elry.store. I haven:so on hand t.. :_/. 5 a largo and-well Folocted stock • , r,... - - --t• of CLOCKS, of all patterns and I , __ - . fashions. from one dollar up to- I t_., - ..7'2-.:T-3 fifty, which I wllfeell at ;small„,„,„ profit and warrant them for ono ' '' a II I !lint I Ille year, to 110 good tline.keepers. Every thing sold by me shall be what it Is represented, Clocks, !Batches, and Jewelry, carefully repaired and warranted. Carllido July 6, 1860.-Iy. CilfiNGETc(l o- e) -.4 Are Gitig GIN AS A REMEDIAL 'AGENT• THIS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, SPECIALLY designed for . the use lotthe Medical Profession and the Fthnlly; haring soperseded the on called " Glos." " Around le," "Cordial 'Nletlicated," "Schnapps," etc.. Is now endorsed by all of the prominent physicians chemists and connoisseurs as possessingy, all ot those Intrinsic medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) whirl, belong teat n old and lucre GI n. Pot up In litiart bottlesand sold by all di uggisle grocers, etc. A. M. lIININIIEU & CO., • (Established In 1778.) Sole Ptoprietors. No. In thread street. N. Y. For sale by W. W. it 11. Sm I tll,—Frotielt, Diehards & Co. and all of the prdmlnent Wholesale Win:gists In Philadelphia.' Nov. 16, 1800..—1 y. ALFRED.D. UNITED STATES AND • EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, NO. lA* Soutlt Fourth Street, • inimuumplu A. N. D.—Communications by mall promptly attended to Sept. 27, '6o.—ly. rrRUNKS ! TRUNKS!! TRUNKS La. Sole •Lenther French Style, and lire trunks and Bonnet Boxes, Traveling Bogs, A e. Gen selld Leather and sole Leather Hulse Band Trunks V linen, Now Traveling Begs,Ae., a large 14 1 9011,1111011 41 very law pikes at ICI VIZ , i(ISTON'6, • North Hanover Street. 1860. SPRINGFASHIONS! O KELLERS' OLD STAND. A complete stock ornate and Caps DOW ready for Inspection. • FUR, - E • CASSIMERE, FELT fi WOOL. In every style nod quality. We call particular:llan Hun to our $3 SILK II ATS. Silk and soft Hats, o any style manufactured to order. Caps of all kinds IIk:COLLECT ILELLEICS OLD STAND. North Hanover Street. Carlisle Merck 14, 18C0. ,~ .~ . DR:' ESENWEINIg TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL Ix the best medicine In tiro world for tho curo o Coughs and Colds, Coup, Bronchitis, &Onto, Difficulty In breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Dlptherla, 'and for tiro relief of potion Is in the advanced stages of CONSUMPTION together with nil diseases of .tho Throat and Meet, and IA Melt pro.dispoffeio Consumption. . . It Is peculiarly adapted lathe radical cunteir A , ;thnlit. — ll6lng"prePaied by a practical Physician and Druggist and one of great esperlonce In the cure of the various diseases to tildch the human fame's liable. . • • It Is offered to the afflicted with the greatest tong once. o,9_Try It end Lo convinced that It is Invaluable In he cure of I.lronchical affections. Price 60 cent: per utile. , ESEN WHIN'S AROMATIC BALSAM, nvery valuable remedy for Blurlima, Byrente . y, Clinton, 3hirbus and all Bowel afflictions. Try It—Prim 22 rents per battle grx. The Above medicines are i,reparmi only by Or. A. ESEN WEIN A CO., Drui.tglidsilud Chemists N. W. Cor of Ninth A Poplar Streets, Philadelphia. Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer of Medicine throughout tho State. • • , Juno 22, 1860.-ly. • POND'S EXTRA CT OF HA HAMEL'S OR PAIN DEST,,,ROYER. is one of the few domestic remeille's which have come Info general Use and favor, withoift purling. It is the product of a simple shrub, berinielis in'ell rases, and as a domestic remedy unequalled. FGr Burns, Cuts,Atrui, ens, Soreness, LlttllellePtl, Sprains, Rheumatism. INN UlOhrs, Old Sores and Wounds, it has not an equal. It Is also used with great success. for Toothache. Headache - .Neuralgia. Sore Threat, Colic, Marsha", lbeirminess, and other similar houblesome and painful affections, while it promptly arichts all Benno rhages. Hundreds of physicians use, it daily in their practice, and glee it their unqualified recommendation. Sold by our agents and dealers, and by F. IItrMPIEREYS et.CO., 562 illoadway, Solo Proprietors and 31anulacttirers. August 3,'60.-Iy. CHARLES RUMPP, PORTE MONNAIE, POCKET BOOK AND SATCHEL MANUFACTURER NO. 47 NORTH SIXTH • STREET below Arch, Phila., formerly 118 North 4th St. Porto Bonusles, Cigar Cases, Pocket Books, Port Folios, Cass, Salamis, Dressing Cases, Money Belts, • Work Boxes, Bankers' Cases, Purses, Mules, Se. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Aug. 31, 1560.-Iy. 011111BERLAND VALLEY BANK ritorlurrolis. ISAAC BREW:SIAN, JOIIN &STERRETT, „ d JmNlArtiux, U. A. STURGEON. WILLIAM ICen, ItIOHARD WOODS, JOHN C. DUNLAP. This Bank, in now prepared to don general Banking and Exchange business under the name and style of KER, DUNLAP A Cq., lu the same place lately occu• pled by Ker, iluunefilaa. A: Co. ' Money nicely — de on deposit and paid back on demand without notice. Certificates of deposit benrieg interest at the rate of Ave par cent. will be Issued for as short a period as four months. Interest en all certificates will cease at maturity, provided, how.iVer, that timid certificates are renewed at any time thereafter for an other given period, they shall bear the same rate of in. terest up to the time of renewal. ,Twenty days notice must be given of an intention to withdraw interest de• posits. ' They call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and all others who desire a safe depository for their money, to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Bank ate not only liable to the amount of their stock in the bank, but are INDIUDVALLY liable to the extent of their estates for ail the Deposits, and other olicigations Ker, Dunlap . k Co. Particular attention given to the collection of Vendue Notes, Foreign Rills, Drafts, Checks, rte., in any part of the United States and Canada& Remittanres made to any park 'oethe United States England, and Irelaud. They 1011 at all times be pleased to giro any informs lion desired In regard to money ,mat torn In general The faithful and confidential execution of all order entrusted to them may be rolled upon. Open for business from 0 o'clock in the morning nut 4 o'clock In the evening. . . H. A. STUIIaBON., Cashier Carlisle, Aug-14,1800. h VUMPS AND CEMENT.--'' 60 hatr . as Cement with a very large assortment of DUMPS and Iron Pumps, of all kinds cheaper than ever, at tho hardware Store of • March 7.'60. tooli SIIARP.—Wm. Fridley would Respectfully einnounce to the citizens of Carlisle an the public gonerallyil bat he has again commenced the manufavturind Of tin & sheet Iron wareefall kinds, in 8.0. Iluyotts building nn Loather street, directly opposite 0. Shepley's Chalr.Manufactory, where be will at nil times bo in readiness to do all kinds of work In Moline of business. with neatness' rind dlipatch. All work, will be done by himself and a competent hand as he keeps no apprentices. Also, can at all times be had those celebrated SELF— TESTING, r SELPREALINO, PREMIUM Allt-TIOILT FRUIT CANS & JARS. .• A House spouting, and Jobbing of all kinds done ' at A rt notico and made of thu bout material. a`Cash paid for old Powtor and Copper. hoping by stt let attention to business, and a desire to plea% all, to twelve's share of pubic pritroilsgo. • • Carlisle Oct. 26,1660.-Iy, MI CUMBERLANDVALLEY R. CHANGE OF HOURS: On and After MONDAY, DECEMBER 3d,18110, Passenger Trains will run as fellows: (Sundays excepted* FOR CIIAMBEItSBURO AND IIARRISBURO. lid Train, 2d Train 7MO A. 31. 2.95 P. M. 7.37 " 3.357 Leavo ifageratown, " Greoneastla. " . ~ " Chambersburg, 8.80 " 7.25 " Shipponsiturg, 9.00 " 1.57 . r ' .. " Newville, 9.32 " 2.30 ". " t Carlisle. ' 10.10 ~.. • 3.10 v‘ " Mechanicsbu, 10.42 0 Arrive at Harrisburg,rg 11 . 15 " d. 42 FOIL CIIAMBERSBURG AND lIAGERSEOW " N, ~ let Train.' 2d Train. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A. M 1.40 P. /IL " Carlisle,Mechanicsburg • 8.47 '' 2.20 r' 0.27 ' 8.00 " ". New.vie, 10.02 "3.34 6 . Shippensburg, . 10.d3' ~ 4.05 " tt Chambg',(Arrlte) 11.09 • 4.45 " • Greencastle, 11.55 , 535 Arrive at Ilageiontown. 12.35 ' 5 THREE Daily Trains leave Harrisburg for P o . l' i it ttsburg, at 3.18; and 7.00, 4, 111,, and 4 20, P. 51, For Philadelphia, - viriVen nay Ivanla Central Railroad At 210 A. M., 12.55, 115, and 0.25 P. M. Via Lebanon V. R. It., at 8.00 A. M., and 1.45, P. M. ,For.llaltimore,. at 3.00 & 7,40 A. M., & 1.00 P.M. For Ireverton and Williamsport at 1.40 'and 8.15, P. M. Trains on Dauphin Road at 2.00, P. AL NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations whore Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, Greencastle, Chem. bersburg, ShipPditsburg, Newville, Ca.clis/e, Mechanics burg and Harrisburmade a reduction of TEN th CENTS o each Ticket will be to all Passengers at provide n themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars,_ 0. N. LULL Super't _Railroad Office, Chambersburg,} Dec. 7,1860. . - , . •• ;mit , 114-:61P.1 • -- - • tgt o i , a W.. f' SHORTESTIN DISTANCE' AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN. THE TWO CITIES VIA READING, AND 1. 4 1 AS TON MORNING EXPR EFS, West. leaves New York at 6 A. N., arriving a F.lla rrinburg at 12.45 noon, only 0!)..1' hours between Ike two cities. MAIL 7 1,INE•leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and.rw. rives at liarriShurg nt 8,20 P. 31. MORNING MAIL. LINE East, loaves Harrisburg at 11.00 A. 31., arriving at New York at 4.30 P. M. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, Rant, lrry); Harris htirg at 1.15 P. 31. nrritillg at New York at 900.1' 31. Connections are anode at Harrisburg atl.oo P. 31. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on'tbe Pennsyl vania, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Ran wad. All trains connect at Itendlog with .trains for Potts• villa and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for 31auch Chunk, Easton, &o. No change of , Paisonger Cars or Baggage between Now Yrok and ilerrintouri:, by the 6.00 A. M. Lino from New York or the 1.15 P. 31. from Harrinburg. For beauty of sconory, and speed, comfort and accom modntion. thin route presents superior Inducements to the travelling public. Fare between New York and llarrisburg FIVE DOL. LABS. For tickets and other Informntion apply to ' J. J. CLYDE, General 'Agent, lbwrinburg. CARLISLE AND.PHILADELPIIIA =w t. tp ',DAILY FREIGHT LINE. Cra;l of this Lino leave the Depot 811 3fArket el., Daily, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Leave Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'clock, A M. (I.ds intended for this Line should be 1r arked C. & L'. Daily Freight Line, and scut in by 4 o'clock. May 25, 1859. p 11.1 L.A D.E LP II I A AND READING RAIL ROAMS • Sll3lslElt . On and after MAY 28, 1860. Two passenger trains kayo Harrisburg daily, (Sun days excepted,) at 8.00 A. 11., and 1.15 I'. 111., for Phila delphia, arriving thorn at 1.25 noon nnd•o.l6 P. 11. Returning, lea.° Philadelphia at 8.00 A. DL , and 0.30 •P. 31., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.15 noon and 8.30 P. M. FAllos : To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars. $3.25; N0..2 (in ammo train,) $2.70. .bares to Reading. $1.60 and $1.32. At Reading. connect with trains fur Pottsville, Miners. villa, Tamaqua, Catawba'', Or. Four trains leave Reading for Philadelphia daily, at 0 A. 31 , 10.45 A. 31., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. Si. Leave Philadelphia for Beading at 0.00 A. 31., 1.00 P. 01., 3.30 r. M., and 5.00 I'. Ili. Fares from Reading to Philadelphia, *1.75 nod $1 45. The morning train from Harrisburg connects at Reading with up train for lYilkesbarre, Pittston and Scranton. ___Yntthroughi.lckati and other Informntlon apply to. - J. J. CLYDE, General Agent. Aug 3,'M G E NT LEME N'S FURNISHING STORE AND SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 814, Chestnut Street, Four doors below thes . Contlnental lintel" and nearly opposite the •llirard 'louse" Philadelphia. ' A large assortment of Dressing Itotans cons,tantly on hand. Particular attention given to ordered shirts—a perfect fit guaranteed. Whniesale trade supplied with Dile shirtsand collars on liberal terms. - . Dlrectlona for measurement sent on application .17 mall. .thly 6, 1860.-Iy. B. RiJANNET, JR BENJ. S. JANNEY, JR. & CO. WHOLE:SALE GROCERS, AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 605 Market Street, Pill LA DELPIIIA. DLEASE TAKE NOTIL I E.- L rho firm of Willett & Sawyer has been changed to Leldich, Sawyer & Miller. Persons knowing them. selves Indebted to the old firm ate requi ged to call and pay their accountsias we are in want of money. LELDICII & SAWYER We are receiving dally.'new goods of all kinds •sui hie for the season. Please call at our new room one door below Martin's 11(101. .oct. fiti; 'OO. LEIDICII; SAWYER. & MILLER. GREAT REDUCTION . • GREAT REDUCTION GREAT REDUCTION • • ON MENS A BOY'S CLOTHING ON 31EN8 & II01"8 CLOTHING ON MENS & BOY'S C1,0•IIIING And MI kinds of Furnishing Goods, And all kinds of Furnishing Gonda, , • And all kinds of Furnishing Goods, • At the great Clothing Emporium In North Hanover ktrrot, At the great Clothing Emporium In North linnovor Strout, AC' the great Clothing Emporium In North Hanover Street. . On account of having a heavy stock of Clothing and piCco goods On hand no havu this day' greatly endured our prices In Clothing. And all in want of great Bar gains should call immediately at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S Clothing Emporium North Hanover Sliest, Dec. 14, 'OO.-Imo REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF 1)1w aooDs. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! We have, since the New Year reduced the price of our geode such as Silks, Figured Illerlooes, Poplins Repo, Doiulnee, Cashmeres and all Whet Muds of dress goods. • Mourning Goods oral kinds. Shawls of every description. Cloth Mantles and Raglans. FURS! FURS!! FURS 111 At greatly (educed prices. Buyers who have not sup plied &hi-maven with gootts suitable - fib:the scahon will lied it to their advantage to call and ceo out stock as wo are determined to close out our Winter Stock at very low prices. WOur stock Is full and complete in all kinds of de• slmble goods. I,EIDICII, SAWYER& MILLER, - Carlisle, January 11, 1861. East Main -Street. GRAIN BAGS.—Just received and fur Ws very cheap for Cash Pose,2, MO. CHAS ISIILBY, Trustee VAN INGEN St SNYDER, Des!guers and Engravers on Wood lIRNRY BAXTON N. E. COIL FIITH & CHESTNUT STN., Philadelphia. UXECUTE all kinds of Wood .Engra, .1.24 ving with beanie., correctness and dispatch. Oil ideal designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons ivishlng cuts, by pending a Photograph or Da. guerreutYpe. can have 'lows of Colleges, Churches, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, &e., engraved as well as on personal application. Fancy Envelopes Labels, 11111 Headings, Show Bills, Visiting, Busineil and othei Cards, engraved In the bbibest style ofat t, and at lho.lowest prices. • For'specimens of line engraving see the Illusfrated works of 411. Lippincott & Co., E. 11. Butler & Co. Nov. 60, IMIU -Iy. . tar Fancy Printing neatly executed 31ctif Maas I LV , INTER ARRANGEMENT. y I IF^dBAIAd PBd~ ~~~~_ NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO nvir YORK! NM IV 'Won't AND II ARR S ITRG A LLEiITO'IVN Fltt',ED, WARD & FREED, 911 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA 3...4 U. RHOADS, MAIN STREET, mum.); PA J. W. SCOTT, EEME! 13=! 0