D y S PSIA REM I} YE li= Aroußtfic. lavigorating Spirit. This 'Medlar& has been used' by the public for years, with inereashat favor.. It is Fromm oudeal to cure llyspopola, Nervousness. 107 rt !turn, Colic, Pains, Wiwi in .the Stomach. or l'irkas in the Bowels, Ili :Waal, larow,hlesa, ii Laney Com. plulath 123 , w Spiiit 4, De; 1rTi11irf 4 1•4 4 1114 4 148, • It / 44 t <4;4444•74 , 444•1 4 4 Stimuintes, luvigcmies, but will 110 • Int oXii . hti , or Stupefy. h Ana 3feillefivi, it is ulek and elfeetual, Ruling the' 101 11gLSI . :1Viltnli,:itieS of Pyrpopida.!ilidnev Complaints and all other derangements el' Ilie Stiniflfill and llow• Mos rt a spicily matinee. It will instantly revive the Mont iii - Orlign.ennst not miring'y spirit v, and re,line the nen 11, nrrrons turd. sickly to licallffii-trongth and thinr. Persons vdm. tram the Injudicious tffin of Witioss, have litieonie dejeetcd. i n,l their rongtitiltinni. firoken 111111 i.litSinet to ihid hen lig, V. the Uct.uut,l TH1.,101. 0 it 'OlOO,l. 10+14,0 and 11,11111 y itivigo iating efficacy to In, 11,int's I liviirgting I= =I all thle 11,11 7 t5. Time 111 din+ Otto olte vent n (heed 4, fitie - tt1•10,,y,111p,.,,p the lit I,li 111,0 r 1 , y:111,744ft. 0,0 lkist: effects of Willa 01 soy n ne Ow 'quill itch receive, tiro I n S,lrit, the diptro,ping load and all point - ill e lemoved.:. . ohne th, tell reitlONl• Pi, 13104. pfti,4 u. Coat, nil hot lu till, stomach or land:. A fin dose! , ill r,limse 311,01.struetionv tho KW. illa,l , lor or Urinary tirotu. I'n none tt him are :1111,t,1 with tiny Kidney Complaints :lit, ap , lll o/I prowl) . !chief by a Iwo or No and a radical vitro by the Use of out , or two bolting. EZHEMP=IIIII Pnrr,ong who, from dif.ripating ?quell nrer eight and feel tine 0011 ei , lo.tS Of 10,d....n0ns liquors, inn viol. it lunitintelnes, Orkn f ,s Flom:tell. 11'e:dine:5. eifb! iness, be., Iv ill find one runner nil Indies of weal, and niEkly constitution,. sin. old take the Inv ip,ratinff Spirit ttnron tin., a Shp ; it will inelfo them hirong. healthy and Imppy, reo.ose'nfll ohstrue. line sffnol irreg . ularities from the monstrinal organs and restore the blew of health :111.1 hvallt) to till! Careworn face. Ihn•lntt Inro.nnton'y it rill! be fan:lA:int int:1111111,1r nxinll :hie to rthinnv nlnn-nh .: 1.....0.1.• ...enn..nalonn. at the shop:null. All the proint,in., is it 141. and to roil urn! thhn ,en lur, put nip chn• In pint. bottles It to ctn.. quote 11 1 ) For F.tle inn C'nnlln.l.. i.e It. it. A. Elliott.; Inn Mnl,oll,lmm: 1,. K . :lntim:M. net 111 Nowt Ille Iny 0. 11. WILL until by Ihniv;:isk • Feb. 1, 1.60.—Fy. i 1 0 ()1 1 Sl, I ot f lil'S ' i It I) 1 : 1(P ,) SI<:11' , t ‘, l'S LEsnicii. , :.s IVYI I: ik .111,1.1.11. - 1 - 111.14;SS (1)O1) --A new . n Y Lahr., rilk ./14 , t b cull IiGII.IIV. ESE • . _ I'IIII,ADELPIIIA V/dItC.7.-1"111‘113 S TOrLZ U. I. it (WI 11...iNT, N( )R7'll St:1'0:17) s7'l.' 1.3:7' (t1. , ,1R 111 , . :111,0 ,„..trkk•rc 114. reit! 10.1. a Jar,. :g• ..... 0.1,k sli,"' f A :/I:ll;tl',lnure of ad•lit m will be fotiml ..11 k .11.1 (:111 I ti..!. In 41,1/0,,,, to 311.1 1 . 1.11 e I FA. 4, t",ther r. ill, n urni•cal Jltolc:it ,110111., , 0ds as :tie lirpt Hi :1(1, TI., ; .nl.l to;o111, with rim . invll-.1 to II:,, 1r i',l I ...it., r thinie money. 411 I will 1 , 6 vvr: , •• Cl'lttiwiT, A Ni,qlicli 311,1:,," in thv inn:! , , I L hi. , ,t;tl.libtahoit. 1,11'.":1- It. IliZt.lol !fn. 144 11,11 • •• 01,1 el. ~ Ilet• °Pia 1 , , Phil... pHIL P 11 1 A RAIL It O A - %. , SI:11111'1: 110:A.11; fAi I,NT, On Mid :‘M I `.611 TVIO 11,1111, ti:111 , 1111I," .1. 1.. P )1.. fol P1111:.- 1.1e1).14 . 1.1, arrivlll,.. ttt t tt tl/1 . 11,1 tt.t , P. 11. VW/I.llllphi at N.C , r.\. 3nd 3,8,-) P. 31., Arrivitt 4 1, PARRY To Philadolplki., No.l eve. 114[131.1 ~ t 2. 70. ?AI r. Cu 113,11 m: $1 At coo n 0,.! o v111,,Tal;o0,01. Fool. train!, lea, 1'1 , 11,1 , 11.1! , ;lan) r ut 0 A. M , i i.a . A. M.. P. 11. I,oaro for Vv.:lug at h.1./.1 Id,. 3.19 P. M.. ato1;..00 $l. Farm (foul ItoaLling to $0,.73 Thr fultriiil/V: trills Lou, IlArtishor4 , ollnv , ts at 110AdInt; With tip tram lac Scranton. Nor tlirout,ll th•kots Other 1111,111VILM hpply to .1..14 l'll 1/1:, lie twrul Aug. a. el HOSTETTER'S STOPARGH WITTEES. Tie and narotra , tin vrs of lit tS 9,',:risi; It's IT I T1:1 s•Tt!1.11 . 1 TEW ., appeal t 5 Hi pvrisect p , ,,ssi e ka nod oiti, oenerally , tr ht, United States, , doestno , tla , art has attained it ropu tati,,n buretof , re unt...tiown. :1 1 , ,w facts upon this point Will speak 'more powerfully than volumes of bate assertion .4. 1,1.1. , ..ming puffery. 'rite Consumption of lloste , tcr's Stomach (lit tera fur the Is"t year amounted to over a half niiliiun and front its tartnit'e , t steady increase in time , paqpit is evident that tittr:itg the condng year the comatinption trill reach near otostoillion This immense am o unt could never have been sold fait for the rare inediefnal properties contained in the prepara• tion, and the sanction of the most prominent phyieittim in those ' , venous the country where the article is best lotolyn, who not only recommend the Bitter.; to their patients, Lot are ready at all tithes to give Icstinnntials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the ,ii..erries resulting therefrom, 'this is nein temporary popttlat ity, , ul"tained by extraordinary efforts in the way of truta• pating the qualities of the llit tors, but a solid estimation of an invaluable nu:tn.:int., which is dontined to be as enduring Its time itself'. Ilostetter's Stomach liitters have proved a (;ittlnend to regions tvlieru fever and ague and various oilier bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To lie able to state c , otili,lently, that the "1 - Sitters" ttre a cot ain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is 1,, :Ile proprietors a source °c ow" alloyed plea ,ire. It VellloVeS,llll morbid /natter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, givir.g it that tone and_ mtergy intlit.peto , abto for the restoration of health. 1t operates 1111011 the stomach, liter, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them , to a comlit iuu isssenthil to the healthy dischargo of the functions of nitture. Elderly persons may use the. Bitters daily. an per directions on the bottle . , and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining yettis. its It. 'pleasant to the:palate, invignrat ing to the bowels, excellent as tonic, and rejltvenatin!.i . generally. We have tie evi dence of th..u.nuols 'of aged men and women who have exrrienced the benefit of usim, , this preparation while suff , ring from stomach de rangements a n d-general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned, all' deleterious drugs and fairlY tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certtlin periods when their cares are Ito harateing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if the be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during n• the amateur season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Ilex, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all oilier invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily st redgt h. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, lose of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the,stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Iles letter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a-trial. CAUTION.—We caution, the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for HOSTETTER'S BETA:HEATED STOMACH' BITTERS, and sec that each bottle has the words ".Dr. J. liestetter's Stomach Bitters" blown .on the side of the bottle, and, stomped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature it on the Prepared and sold byIIOSTETTER pt Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all `druggists, - &deers,. and' dealers goneralty throughout the United Stateis„ Botith Ame rica, and Germany. • . •. . , - • - J For sale by 8.• Elliott 'B.W [lnver/Alta', Carlisle; John :lg. Attleki John Bernbaush, 811Ippenabura; I, Kama. m i,, .1. R. rbseelets, Me ,, banleeburs : and Druaelka g.t..f•5,:17-, '' A ••••1 ) t• • N• ,1': ' • .' 7 , .' 4. 9 ..'.:l CARLISLE AiND•PHILADELPIIIA - • . 0 4 1 % • • 7. 4 14 n 3r. Gi • I . CAI'S of this Line leave tho Depot 811 31.irket st., I)aily, at 4 n'eloel, I'. Leave Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'eloolc,./. M. intehtled ibr thl Moe should ho warked I'. Daily Freight Linll, shit scut In by 4 o'clock. • •]lay'Ys, 1559, J AMJE S. J. . E V. E S . ABINPT tia,y I , STITJLTIM - nP ell MA N UP A C; TO It Y, NORM Iie.VOVRR STREET, CARLNIA PA. Having two emmged in the busimcs for over twenty year,: he would rot ern Mani, to hie custemero nnrl friends, fm• the larend enrpmagement extended Whim in years arcane ty, awl further Assure; them that no pains will he spoor.% N . give full sathdhetiou to all who may favor hint, with a call. • Ash 11 • :11NITI:Wit, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to-h, of the host quality, of thin la level etyle, well pnished, and Nein at the lov, est possible pi ion- mi. cash. lln also oontielln4 MOM,: as an- V.NDMITAK rondo. conj., Metallie or' otherv.lse. 1400 con slantly On hand end' l . oner:as promptly attended 1,1 pertionally In town co couhtry, on (10 most reasonaLle ter,. lEEE Cherry eful Wedunt rofihm. large slzg, ell finished end lined ittide. frail 8 to 12 dollars. Vailnut, Conine covet ed !Iwo 15 to CO dopers. JAWS If. .%1: EAVEIL :Iluy :15,1459-4y B.—Two proportle.; situate in Clittratown.Cumb. rnunty, aro oflured fur r:tlo pn easy Crane. Apply us ftborp. 'TR I.NG 101 . 311:0IIA:41.Ci.z111:11.(I, PA. 'I Ilk Toot itll timl, designed for tie. education or betel lu operetieu t,rn.).4.,‘”, ulth the inept grittifylim rmAilts. I t•IN now On n role lei 10, null its pal ravages niroady exteuds over peveini I , tates. It is located oh the Cuilibeilm.d wev between Harrisburg awl C.tribbe. In the rivet ter. 1.1:e .41 hr'nutitul portion et the valley, nod is In clone proximity 1,, one of the im.st metal, imalt,hy, arid en— teini. in the ,`trite. It Is cont,al, t,n,t Stanlnntsl ICLIVIng IS . ..Mew...is, halt imero.orPhiladelphin In the morning . (rain for lloreishure, IN ill arrive at 3leelmeicelivg to lime for dimly:. 'HI enil:ce is large , Owl enolowdlous . . summoned by verunklas. eon will vesmourslatealeult mle louo died Issmlers. In Its cousin... Lien, it ~ 1 11bilIV,In Diener. imornymnents lln the ru s umnlho halt h, rmanner and Con% en1 , •11 . ..C. ei.sos,•ts physleio . ,s ploooume It um ',Mimi. 9ho ohoonews loe ; ; / , min l'Aoni has Its register for :LlnA VellIMII:011 /lily too stnoleotscwoo thu smile mom. rhe 1, , ,th monis are ot all limes - supplied with warm mol coin omor. _1.0111d% are amply. and will fnr and tho liA to 1n.91111. grartlitl ntovodnel,t and I...,unneti) . 51 ndtn. 'I I, ' , acuity of hstroctieu 1.0 "fficient extort I" Ili" 6"ilo.4 . inte'li!leirl leant the of. stud; Is rf c..itprollowllng ill IL , npibj"ctk bcien t .;.. 14 , it (Thenl,ll. l'olAtcand thirini.i.l" 1 . :411'4 . 3th, • In the l'relettlibwr I"tat Eur' :aro- Tully inntracte.l ill ill", I.lllllCill, le, wing the basin , 4 thoroltelt Ett.tlinh edocatl"ll. rb . .nnioN SI.,1"11. from the lot Wed.ne,lay of Septet:tiler to t pith ,if rba . ""il Scanlon, Irvin the let 1/IFe bruary to the Int rI July. .Vnrntlnp, 111104:J111y 10.1 A klglia. TEI:MS PC): SI:r 4 SION Ur FlvE.‘losTlis. PAYABLE IN .11)V.1NCE. Bt.linr. NV:1,11111y. I'airnlNll,l 10,1, . . , 1 - • , ) . • It; 0.1 " Hist I `.. 1. ,0) N , lrxtra Anelont . . . . . 0,1 ‘l,.ict 11 1.311.411 y,, • . . , . . . . 1.. o.; P3l.'"”v, .thug uriuttnimaul .I', the 'feat fmnikli , ,l For forth,: paitioulat, • Rev, A. It MA 11.1,111', A. 111„ A cy, :;.I,ro, No f.' FURNITURE W,IR-E-1100H1S- • • I . l t, 559 • •11;1850 %Vest:High Street, Carlisle, Pa. . (Prelaiwa awarded al Me Co,ady Ayrici(nirti/ tf 1E37.) . • .it ' l>sttht...Hin, it: jut ..,i'olvt,l the m u st st.bnitlitl It , t , ettic,nt t,fertile in his lino. ever brought to thin n1at.1;.. , will. t he In .lett rutin : oil to roll at int., that du fy LuttipotlCon. . •11".. el no, 1 ,tt:lt tint her, I Dining-room, I leUßNll'Llitrtt • It:11 c hen and • (Office;. . I:htbr.telntt everiNkrtleic use.l by HoltNo and Hotel .4' the hh,t nipprovell ann.l lasi/humble ili•sign hull finish. - 111vhhlihg .tkr. Cottaro forhilitro 1u rrtln. re , epthin no.] Cum', )I.ttth,..s, mitt flitutcs, hletuh.s, •, Poroth,ers r.ihr,thel to rail and °N.:0111110 him IrtOrk. nt him 1'31,11:lye mart.-rooms, West Main nt riot, North ',Me. A:l3. 1 , .W I Nil. &Air Particular Ittention glven nx usua to funerals; orlrr.t fro,n town and country, attended to promptly Intil== J US E P .11 U. STEEL WATCH' MAKER tk ) I:* SOUTH lIANQVER STREET; ---'• • A few ,/ours sodth of Me 41( ~ ()out llotiss'.' . '''''' -''.--LC.:, Having pupplled with n large assorluienit: cf 154,11 Ilatorlah, Glasses, is. I ant nosy proparint pair all AV:Atolls, ,to velrY. nn . . on the mai most ri , alTtllnifilltv, that int.,ted to toy oar° Doping by shirt atti'lltiVil tii , boil ors;: to 1.11 la• yorcd with a liloanl Atari, of p i lir it rooloAl , .t hoe ni.Fortaleot of .IEII ELRY, st et rdidhad Ilroahl Pins and Ear Drops Gorr and (':men: 111.. act Ping and Ear Drops. Hot-mad Ulu,. Pins all sloes, iiold Chains., Ilimhs, Plated Cludas, VIII Ilwkols, Guards Goys, ,tc. Also a large and this a•sortalent of Also. a lino lot of Sther Hunting, Del:wiled Lever, and ',opines Wat,•bes, and a g a ud a,sortnient. of Sliver plated and. Steel Speotnclov. All (.fv, hint, will he old low. A shore of publle patronage in resietaltillY tut. " JUS. Carlisle Jo,r. iSt.O.-ly, a' p,URIFI' THY, 131.60 i). VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS, PI tOEN IX BITTERS The 111,1 t and envied relobrity iiltieh these pre-etab nitrat MediehteH hare noluitr.l their invariable in nil One hiseunvs n hloh they profebn to sure, lion rendered the usual praeti,k, ofpullin4tiot,only unneves wiry, but unworthy of them. They or, hum, by their fruits: that, gaol ,onto te,tity lie them, :Ma they thri‘e not by the Hid: of th...eretlolou•. In ill eahvs of Asthma, .!ionte .iiiChronicitheina• tistn..llTeetions of the Illathkr awl Kidneys. iiilllnun Feveri.:lll.l Liver Complalnts.—ln tho South 1,11.1 West, whom therm prevail. the 3 elil La. unit Invaluable. Planterh, tArin rs anti nohrrs, who tore use (hese inedielno,i, will ueveratiorwards he With Out times. Billions Phone and Serous La cocoa, Riles, Costive He's, Colds at d Coughs: (Indic. VONEU.ti PTION —Used with great success in this dl 6enSe. ('or opt Humors, I - Impales. Dysprpsla.—No person Fitt, this distressing• dine, se should.-dolnfMalnat hese nmdjclnea hwuodintely Eruptions 01 the : , .1j in, EryMpoins. Flat uiency and Fe tal, and A eue.—For this scourge.of the Western country these medicines will, be round a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease—a euro by these medicines in permanent. Try them. be satisfied, and bo cured FOULNESS OF COMPLEXION, ti EN Elt AL DEBILITY. Gout, Giddiness, Gravel, Ihnolablics of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Illummatlatn, Impure Blond Jaundice, Loss o , Appetite. ' LICk:It COMPLAINTS, . S LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, MERCURIAL PISHASES - - Never fine to eradleate entirely all lit° effect[. of Mer cury 111111,1[01y wooer than tho most you taut prepay* Mogi of liareaparilla: Night Sonata, Nervomi'Witty, Nerving emnpinints of nit kinds, Organic Affeetione, Palpitation of tho Heart Painters' _ . The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles 0185 years standing by the use of these Liver Medicines alone. 'Palos to the head, side; bask, limbs, jblnts and or gym, Those aftli Aed with this terrible disease wilLbe auto 41.01101'11y the LIN Medicines Rush of flood to the "toad, Scurvy, Solt•Rheum Swellings. . SCROFULA, or KING'S EVIL, In Its worst form UI. cern of ovary description. Worms of all kind!. aro effect ualy expelled by Mono triedlcluen. Parents will do wall to oditilillstar them whenever thole existence In sunpoctel Roller will bo certain. ' TUB MYR PILLS ' AND PIICENIX . BITTERS PURIFY TUB BLOOD, Add these remove All diseases from the system. 'Prepared by ) DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, No. MI Broadway, 'Moffat Building) N. Y, 3nly 1 , ? • Prn-gbor, all istritint atm FREED, WARD k , FREED, all RATIN Cr STRI:LT, I 01,11 , EL (131 A J. A D. 11.110ADS,' • '• RAIN B:fliErr, CARLISLE, PA. ,1. 13. FAVINGCS GOLD FINGER RINGS, =COMM EOM MEE= ` N Oboous. .IITTEA'TIOAr: N EW STORE AND NEW GOODS • ' Altar returnlnc his a knortedgemeute for the .ver: liberal patronage which ma been extended tObint, undersigned would call attention to the fltt that b Imo just re-opened hie extensive assortment of family A • it 6l4. In his new store-room. on south -et:A corder of the public square, where the p, M . O. are invited itvicallonni examine a stock of nods 'Joh, In elegance, varlet.) and extent. will defy competitrun; comprising in purl leer, lump, crabbed dnd brown angora; data, Me and roasted Coffee Every an. "',7, duty and quality of TEA. Spices, (ground dud unground,) Pielzebt. Sauces, Table. Oil. NeW Orleans, Stigarhouse and, Trinidad , 1 ,21, Iklehu,ses; New York and Philadelphia Spy- - • up , .. Claws°, Macaroni, VerunTilli. split lens, Hominy, Mincemeat, eon: :itareh, Farina, ChocoLan. Extract o, Co!Tea, rolined sugar at reduced rates, washing andbak. ill Fuda.hareo•of the most litvorito brands, and. the finest quaißy of Sugars. At's°. a beautiful assortment or Britannia Ware, plain avid g.,ld band China Ware. gileous, Steno and Carthern Ware,'ln great va• riate„nt an elegant Int of Fancy Soaps, extracts •and perfumery tam thd CNint.' • FRUITS: Including Peaehes in cans, itaisina,Cran. herring, dry apples, citron:, almonds, oranges, leMons, Irk, iii 0111 1 1; I rt=ln :l i I I I :g h ol ni : e t ril l _ t :)1:1 " N l y o r i e li t h ' ls i ' ' 7 ,..,_ --- lip 4 3 ,4 P ,:; : o ' rt " •:6 ' ;i ' e r ri. a ii ` i. 1 !:• ‘ 0 .3 C, i',,`,yr -zw . ,- , - . •- . • • ~ • . 1 II ....,.., 4.,,,0, , and Muscat %Sies in casks and bol• . Inn., neutvh i$ lilskey, Holland Gin, and Scholdain Schnapps.' . FISH' AND • SALT. A largo stack of LA II I'S, I °rind hur Pyott'.; colobrated -lamps .n.r bu , alin; . Ky., osento or coal oil, also Sperm, Pin., Lard and Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Sperm and Star Candles. . . CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. Ikmher, Ropes, Mopp , ., S,kes, hone-mate, Waitom L001c1ni...g1a,...,q1, liuc tenet .and note paper, Wlllou Ware, pitlnted Itaird=o, ' Cotton and woollen llur4;:tild half Ifose, and a full Ftnelt of Gloves, including thu snelrknown Ilanovq, !tuck lovea. . . . • Ti, paiort. hlo •Irmipri '4 • ( 11 thing font o iE 1 4t ' roe liir Ittie of ; trl irlThet, will 110 swumd to render eutirg Fatist'ailloti to hie CIO' 11 - p111t111:. ' C; INIIOFF. Catthle, Oct. 117, 1 . 958:1x.. • 4,15; ; :1I 1 Urk (+Wig of an kintin Luken In exl•lutnge fo . .gt•011S. - • " bli I Mir dfJ LL" FAMELY G WRY AND TEA IMES 3ust rerelved and in store; a fresh and Well so., ~ lottlwaraasortment ni lII°, .Leta nod Mina. I' eablo conlat, llmated tlttlfee. et uLhed rolittni:ed snort. Refined and . trth.r hroton t , ngars, tow'rler I , yrnii Mtdo,ea, 000311.4 thakinv) it olaasa ti. Splr, of nary yotiety— . purr ttn!y: .... , :ardt. I t.tio, and . . Chtaatlate, Mmataroni, elateati nod Crork,,, Topittco nod:Saitk, Indigo, Valet:An, nod Stitl.t. Urcani 'tartar and en. ,h. or,l N,tl,l,ta. 31104I1oLiq - Coriander Seed. '11.1.18.—A lion rt..4llrttottot in' l'att6zl, , ,, -4- F . and it Loll--as w.3a, all other arttelea ir:! .... Ite: d •ti l t , tr t ; t: e it ,, l - 11 , e l l;u i n . t . erall at the lowest 1 .J. W. En'. tt?4 , _ 3 1/ \ \ :7 1.1 1!: 1 1- 1 4" 1 1 .1 ' 1e , tj 1) 1 Stad. W,•zt 'lain Pt., nearly tino.ile the Cumberland Vali( y Bonk. I have jte,t reel ved n for. ;assortment of .watdies, e welry, mMlnlin.u , silver ,are, tay armor sleek to whlrlt 1 levlto the utl,intfou of the pnblia Theliss.,rtelret 1 1 1111.1111331 flee gold and silver leiet . e a tole ' , 1111111111 g 31111 011311 1 .1 11, Ili.. volt! All elit.es for !dunes en.l Orullereen + .4 1 Iv r Lupine., and Q.uartier ,ratelles Of every variety In style mid Alta lino [told 711,dalliont . . BreaFt-plus for Ladles and tiontlonon of every titutlit). inatern and price. Cold no.. cr. t. 'ir), al.! my!, Gow !..t•airt.". nll.lOl ring, 0,41%, 5h,V , 1 , 11tt.,111, rrnssr.o, r!u,rnr!;. held thimldn, :Ind 'dated Latter Put nes, lwri,s, [nit!... Vs. salt and mustard pronns of every variety. A !orgy sNqnri moot Of pOd. oiiver conmilon oprrtarlrt. to suit, iii to is Weil We In. Ito Sprain at ton lion. A fin.. Int of (1(ii..1) PENS from the i.et: makers, •pmdacl.. attAes, Iltney la, es, sill er and pearl card eases, g 01,old and taaatt ltrarelots, waltdt elminn. Mantle ..I