Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 25, 1861, Image 3

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    AZ . .COIRIIIS.-Clll.l sudden changes of our chmat"
aro sour cos of. Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic
A [factions. Expectance having proved that sinn3lo rem,-
dies often act srettlly sod certainty when Litton to the
early stages of t disease, recourse should at once be
had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches," or Lozenges, lot
'the Cold, Cough, or Imitation of the Throat >0 ever on•
slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may
' 1, ward,,Vor. Public Smetkors and Singers ,will find
thanyelteetaral fir clearing and strengthening the voice
liee'advartisouront. Nov. 30, 'OO.-One
it t ILnv Cored 2.'fitonsands of Persons sector all sorts
of annoyance from Catarrh. Most people know what its
inconvenience and results are, yet but few know how
it can bo coml. It Is simply it eltrillie irritation. and
Uncut enlargement of li h eles and onsequent thicken.
' trig of them
mucus en brlllll2o, lining the nasal cavitieS
frontal sinuses, and s, outline extending Into the
throat and lungs.. Front Mkt ult tightness and often
egitig,“llthe head,
.obstrUeted nose, or lUtraltre—firnr
of mums, loss of smolt, nasal video, and Piton impaired
- bearing and taste. -
The old school remedies have. - nevi.r heart able to do
any tiling for it. Hasa Injectiops and inhalation are
• " as p.t infol and e.xpensive Its they tiro generally worth.
• loss,' y e t 11,,,,,phroys' ttrat • Specific, in simple Su
gar Pill, Elton two or throe tumor per day, promptly
mires 'UWIIIIIOI . coons; rlires at once all colds In the
' head, sun radtV , ally cures. by persevering use, thn most
obstinate eases. ‘ las he proved try this experience of hum
d reds. • Prier, with-fall directions, Fifty Cents per box.
N. It —A full sot of Humphreys' Homeopathic Site, i•
lies, with 1i0 , ,k of Directions, and twenty different
• Remedios, In huge vials. morrneen ease, $5; ditto In
plait) case, $4; case of fifteen boxes, and Book, $2. Sin•
gin bon es, 23 cents and 50 COIIPI.
Tm iteniedies, by the single box or ease,
_are sent
by until or ex - press, tree of charge, to any addiess on -re
colpt of theprlce. Address
No. 562 Broadway, New York.
hold by C. lolroV,
tiser, baling boon res t ored to health in ti low
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered
fie vo rnl years with a severe lung affection, sod that
dread disease
_Ctinautription—is anxious to !bake known
to his Pillow sufferers the niernur of curie
To all who desire it, he will send aVoity of the , pre.
sedation used (free of rhurge.) n with the directions .for
prep.n•lng and using'the tattle, which they will find a
'• sure Cure nir COUl:ll,ltlption, Asthma, Bronchitis. S.,'
The only °Wed el the advertiser in sending the Pre
scription is to benrtit -
Iho Iltdleted. and Spread lulerua•
tiers which, Ito edllelOrea to be Invaluable,, and ha hopes
every hufferer will try his remedy. us it'will cost them
nothin4. 'and any proven binvring. Parties wishing
the prescription will Please address •
Klogi:County, Sou• York
Oct. G, ison.-iy
'IT 18 A CfYllluS OIISI i I hat there are
more, trite debility, • uniting Americans, than
can lie found - among yniv other eivilized nation. The
reason is obvious. We take too little exercise, and for.
get the wants'of the body In the nil
1.10111,4. 111 all Find' eases, ordinary rkiedleities ran do
little *did %I'll:ills required Isjin.l slid, a honk end
" . invigorator rig Ura 1. llostetim has riven to lire W O ll , l.
In his celebrated The weak and 1114'1,11,
denizen of the counting house, the exhausted toiler
upon the ithop•hiniril. and the prostrated Si Millet of the
midnight loop Lave found a . n•nintin fill regenerati I' in
• the “Ilitters: and prefer It In Mere pretentiolie leit
eflicaolims nuldieines. flint it should not be forgotten
that the agent which Ins So le Its hilluencr upon
is frame winch is merely debilitated, in equally,pinverful
lu assisting nature to expel the wont terrible forms of
disease. - %Vito would not give it a trial!
Sold by druzgists and dealcri, uvin
.011 - See advertisement hi saintlier culisnin. • •
Dies. WINStOW, an experienced n-i'i•se
and female physleho, has a soothing Syrup for clairen
teething. whiell greatly favllitatr.: the peers of teeth.
lug hr softening the gums. reducing all intlamation.
VIII allay all pain, and limire In r,golate• the
Depend uptni it, mothers, it urn give rest to putt:wives
and relieland health In your infants. Perfeclly safe
In an vanes. See the allvarthenient In another column.
,July 2), ISSO.—ly. .
REMEMBER, Stisiluous or Scrofulous atiec
-I.loais aro tho curse, the of mankind. They or
s. vile and filthy, as well en fatal. Tiwy,,atislt from Imp°
.rItN anti roulatellonlinn of the hloorl, - and are to by i,ee,
° nil armnd us, every, here. Thousands folly are - von
signed to the grave irlllll .elforts of thin din
'vase. Hut why truly any whim the riqueily.l.
only elle qual preparation now before the people, t
dries ill. work mildly anti Safely. It.does no„t_los/
issue sup•rfrinlly, while
"Foul corruption mininkall within,
But forge. the Entire System of all Impure Matt
invigorates the II•ely, and 1011VCS the .1111leted in I
Enjoyment of dotal ilea I th. To COTIV Ince the stc ept
of itt healthy tarots. try but one bottle, and be mill'
ced. :Ault by all the Bruggihts in this 'dace. and deal.
throughout the country. Nor. 2:1, 'OO.-1 in.
PCit s qs.
In this borrnrrh, on Sohn day Morning last, of Cnn
nunnptinn, Minx SA ItA II ItE141). Mott daughter or the
tate tie. Hugh Herd, ogiatabout 33 years.
In Philadelphia, on tho 14th inst., Mrs. MAIU A HET
C wife of It. It.'Lemar, in the 34th year of her age
Reported weekly for the Herold, by
Woodwor-d At. Sehuildt.
FLOUR (Su perfino).....
do. (Extra.) '
do. (Family
It)t . - LOUR
RED do •
01,I) C0RY.... ......
OATS. per :r2 Ib. ..
OATS, per 30 lb
Stem ,flimertisentents
2TiNe fionorable the Judge's of the Court of
Quarter Session., of Cumberland County.
The undersigned committee appointed by the Cou'it
to visit and examine into the condition - and. mode of
monamment of tho Pellet/011ie of this reality, respect•
fully report:
That lu tin; discharge of the duties, asslginol iis, we
have frequently visited Rohl institution during the
past year. At each visit we Made a thorough exami
nation et the different apartments, and are gratified to
he able to shoe. that under the systematic mode of
msuagemcut adopted by the. pi OSPIIL wood
Order, elealliinesil end comfort are,l,l,:ncylitili, in all of
them with the exception hereinafter ,10.ecii. The White
vrnehrd smile, the dean fierlibbed llooSn a thu neatly ar
ranged and tidy appearance of the-beds end bedding,
• the absence of vermin, the genet:olY cheerful and con.
tented coo miteintlC. Oi the inionte4, with their expriot
monn of grateful a..knowliittponunt ~f kindness received
satisfied 11s. tied poverty, filth and degredatlon are not
necessary i•olicinnitants of this institution, but that by
Judicious management, It may be rendered a cuinthrta
hie Innon-fsr LI, recipients of its charity. The Inmates,
tiro samiplliel with gout ;old whplesonie food and eon,
fortablo clothing, those who aria Oct' for it, are required
to labor and their physical amid mental In with is there
' by invigorat,d; the sick - have comfortable and connote
!lions Minns. :ire waled On by careful nurses and re
(ailed the attention of ajtlifiCiOLlK regii
ter proSents the following details—the number h, the
house on January lot. w. 1119, Of :IS Were
rolerol ; ndn,iltod since, 235; births' 5; making the
number provided for during the year 1179; of the. 19
have died, 0 of whom wore colorist, V have been bound
out, end 212 discharged, leaving in . the house 139. of
whom 18 are colored; the out door palipers are 45, Ma
king the Wil9lo !mintier chargeable on January I. 1881,
184. lim addition to the tiler,, the huge number of
2353 transient or, travelling paupers hare been recolved
and provided for for short periods. "
The Steward afforded every facility for a thorough In-,
speittinn, and we cheerfully commend tho energy, skill
and humanity of his management.
We regret, where noire isso much to commend, there
should ho anything to conilbinn, and yet we cannot but
lineal( very unfavorably of the arrangements and pro.
I vision Made for thu rare treatment of the insane
poor. The ward assigned for their use, is on the monied
door of a mall building west of the main edifice, and
• consists of several very sin ill cheerless morminents, with
grated wimluws, overheated L winter, badly ventilated
in summer, and comfori fuss at All times. In the im
pure atmosphere or woo coils,. as they are properly
called, must, of necessity, bo placed the raving insura
btu, and those whose minds are only partially unsot
tied, but need some restraint, separated from each Mtn
cr only by,a boardPortitlon or a narrow passage tray.
Confinement In such a place of the former Chita, is hard
Indeed—but Iu tho case of the latter, who may havu
occasional lucid intervals it is the perfection of cruelty
—with everything around them calculated to aggravate
and increase their mental derangement—the at tending
physician haring mio facilities for the employment of
suitable morn and medical remedial measures seldom
prescribes for them—left in solitude. or attended only
by pauper nurses, who have nu knowledge of their du
ties, what possible hope Call there be of even allevintion,
murk less !Acme I Immured in his cell, the lunatic will
nullities to cherish lila hallucinations until they become
firmly lined in lib; mind, and confirmed Insanity will
he the remit. 'Wear° glad to know that no ono of tills
class, In, at present, In this institution.
By these remarks wo do not Stairs to attach censure
to any one. We arm willing to believe that the Dire,
tors, Physician and Steward wroth' cheerfully afford
every facility, and use all the moans In•thoir power to
alleviate the suffering of the unfortunate insane cum
mitted to their charge, but that they are !tiniest power
less, in consequence of the present defective and inade
quate arrangements for that purpose. We daunt think
so far as regards the care and treatment of cases of ru
cent Insanity, that these arrangements can be a:algae.
torily modified. But cannot they ho altered and im•
proved and the building enlarged, if necessary, so as to
provide sufficient and comfortable quarters for the im
curably Insane who need restraint. will it be urged
na a Valhi objection to doing no that the expenses fir the'
institution will be thereby somewhat Increased? It
has been uosinoil necessary to erect a spacious and ex.
pedsive barn to protect the horses and cattle upon and
husband the produci' of the Poor House form; and
shall protection and compassion to withhold Oulu this
elnis of human beings, thrown upon thin charity, whose
mental existence is almost blotted out? We cmnot
believe It. Our knowledge of too character of the Di.
reeforsjustifies us In chin Ishing the hope Oita this
source of complaint against their institution will soon
ile reinoved. In conclusion, we %tepid runpsetfully sag-•
goat, fllkt. that when any Insane person shall be admit
hid to tiffs Institution, whose cure Is Scanned prectice•
bin by the attending physician, the Directerdinake he
mline!, tipplication by peti'ion In the proper Court, (If
such a course Is imeemary.and proper:) fur an order for
the retnoval of such insane person to tho Slats Lunette
luin, thorn to be kept, until a cure • In effected, or it
Is decided to be inipractleable.
Second. that the IffrecTors make such alteretions amid
modifications of their arrangements for.the rare of the
incurably liumanewho require restraint, as will .reader
!heir condition more comfortable and soften their hard
Idles Land' us p 051412111.,
. , Tieltors
.1. IL IIIYINE,„ •
••, -
vuTicE:—The weilibers of The Com
lwrlAnd County Agrlenltulal Society, moot
at the Oaurt. Ilouso In CarliMllo, on Tuesday Ma oth of
February, 1801 ut 11 o'clock, A.M. All Armors broro
questoAto attend. D. S. CROFT, Sec.
1..,15T4TE NOTlCE:—Letters 'Testa
, mentery upon tile Vote of Swans McCrea deed.
loth of Hampton towns's/ baying bean issued by the
Regiater of Cumberland . (MU ty, to the: filibserlbar se.
siding in - Manna, township. All pi re us Indebted .to .
sidd es , ate ore required to make paysmost, and Oman
haring claims to present them duly authenticated for
Battlement. DANIEL MARKLY,
Jon. LI, '6l.—lit.Administrator.
. ,
Dr. Duponeo•e Golden Pills for';Femala.
Infallible in correcting, regulating or' removing
• all obsfructions,froin whaleOce cause, and
• 'aluns'succesSiiilas a•,prevgnlivc. • •
The Cmobloation of ingredlenti In Dr. Duponco's
flolden Pills are perfectly harmless. They have been
useti - In the private pr:ictico of old Dr Demme.. 1..1. ttO
years, and thousands of ladies ran testify to thSir great
and never tailing talecrWJll olinOst every case, in rot ,
rooting irregularities, relieving painful and distressing
moisten:ale - n . 7 P a rticularly at the elphige of life. Prom
live to ten pills will cure-that coinnion. yet dreadful
complaint, the Whites. Nearly et cry female in the
latid sutlers from this com Plaint The alswe pill lots
pormanentty cured thousands, and will elm you if you
use then,. They cement harm you, r.ti the contrary
they rpinove all obstructions. and restoro nature to Its
primer channel, and invigorate the whole system; they
are perfectly safe and harinleia..
Price g 1 per hoz. Sold wliblosale and retail by
• I
S. ELLIOTT, Druggist, Carlislo, 'Pa.
who is the sde agent for that Waco Ladies, by remit ,
thlg him 51 to tho " earlide Post Of can have the
Pills sent to any. part of the country, free of postage,
by mall. told also IT Chas. A Bannvart. Itarrisburg,,
Miller, York, .1, A.. Wolf, Wrightsville and by ono
druggist in every village and town in the Union.
N. B. Look. out for erfuntertelts. Buy no Golden
Pills of any kind, unless nvery box is signed by S. 11
liewB. All others ore a base imposition and unsafer .
thereferd, as you value your lives and health, (to say
nDthhag nt,lielnofinoliugged out of your money) buy
duly those who s h Pte the si.znatnro of S. D. llowe,on
every box. which has recently beenUdiled on account of
a recent s'uaeo of the Pills. I). IioWE,
*Jan 20 111,Iy :;.,1 0 Ih oprietor, New York.
• At Lii store of ../”Itn Irvinv, on the N. E. earner of
the 11111,1i1,1111•11.1., 111:11 . r to tolrelinse Bouts allyt's
hats Caps. et logo, that Ilt•fy etdopetition.
havju.l leturned from rtiirEast with the largest
no , ' most eineplete assortment of Itoofs. Shoes, llatg
Caps that, he inns ever presented to this aohnottolty,
and whlelt h is deVermined to sell nt the,'l,,west possl•
Me peke,. llis nt a.% embraCes 'everything In hiQlne
of 111,41111!., SUell ns
lix lord 'firs, Col
and Patent (131t0r.,, Call Nullifiers, Calf and
Kip llNgaus,
Finn and Lashio! hllara,
C ilfaiiil lila limas. I , ani•y :flippers.
...q./1,1.1.0, Mid . •
.ISO/1'1111,1)111:N% , 11'E.M.N11/ kleFeriptimiF
ainbralinti liar 1,3,1 log ilithairs, Nnrnnro ttlld
Ilut Ltill hors. 3iorsll,o IlOoltN of all fancy
m o o, of %algalls hylas
fi I'l'.iU.\ vs, sil t ,. lyool 11m,
oil I quislillutiantl !tylos, also n Turku in,,orlinuot of
pw,a.,,,,,1:4110ei.v.1a , 1e to ortler at the shortest nottch
Itnpail Ilt of his :kbility to
plea, 11.111•14NSIIII .•.,L0.04., 0, ho
the Pllhtte in giro 11110 a van.
I[olllollllll , r tin placc, N. E. corner of the Ratline
they :10, 'ilia
g and hncinc 211'101,1111i 1111111,1141; stark ui
f:1111 . ) alld St:11110 Dry It,MIS on hand. I will hell toy en•
tire stool, at greatly reilussil prises for rash.
l'ilitired-lerilioss l'io.liineres and Itelnnes all
freiol and late styles. Nit.. is the Him , to root for
1111,011tS. n 1 1 pet 0:11 lit 000 s 11101107
Fhould Lev 11 1111110 that. I pity 0:1011 for all my goods
and tloliel.y save from six to twelve per vent., Now I
Outs, to._4l‘4l..this antvanta•zs to Illy stisionis, it is
[Persil... to the Interest of all [mall and examine lily
litriis mid varied stock of goods 1:1111 of set
tllizif a, milts Oallfllll4 in toy hooks and hope illy
frionds will romp forward and settle pith, by note or
Q L )1? R T. E
tinder an order or se', , from orpioloN' Court
of illituberiand County the undersigned trill expose to
l'ull11.!Sale ou I is premises on
17?11)..1 thetB:h Feb ru ar y-, -at 11 o' cl 0 el,- A
tlescilbed ilf nporty being tho real efitato
vildte dmn.MA. Mcluy .
" , • Tim Too Story Frame •Plantered
- A
~.,..,•,, :.--) House lately °remittl Its a Tavern
Ti p. o - Stand and Store Room by dia•edent,
i t, slid:ill:on Mote Street in the [borough
_adr i n.. l . of Meehaniesburg, , adjoining John
Hoover and lleorge AU'. hs, with alert °, lot of grimed
containing 118 feet front and 200 feet In depth mon: or
tors. •
Thls property liftvell situated for'n Tavern Stand and
lots every thellity for that Illibillerlfe, Large and come•
!dent Slabllint, and all merest...y.olU buildings and a
never falling well or good water. This Is one of the
most destralde Hotel properties In the county, having
t Intauurnn of travelling and local lall,Lanl, nd le Well
worthy the attention or purchasers. 'terms unite known
40 llV'of sale 11011 T. WILSON, '
;Inn. IS, '61.4. s% Adler. (trainees A. Mehl deed
F2,sh.te of Joseph Burd deceased..
(.714010. to °come Patterson and Titolnes S. Ito
Ller Exerutors of sold dee'd. •
The Auditor tqmoln ted by the Orpio Court of Cum
berland County to report the furls in the 111,0,V0 rase to
the Court will moot the party inthe4ted for the par.
pose of Ifis appointment at his llillee, in the Itnrouph of
Carlisle. nu Wednetiday the nth of Fehrtnny 1k 4 ;1, at
10 o'clock A M. • .10IIN 11A I'S,
.1an4.1, 1001.4. a. • Auditor.
The Two Story Mirk Iteshlenro situate on west,
Potnf, et .'(rent In the Borough ;pf Carlisle, now oven
pled by Are. lecher, will Le rented f,r pub year 11,111
the Ist of April next. Apply to
• .lau 11, ' A. 1..144E351.E1t, Heal Eel. Apt
Dm. uooDs.
11.111 G INS .13..1R A INS !
We have. since the NOW Year reduced the price ul
1111 r goods such as tilts, l'lguredlluf ,
lirps. Delalnes,Vashmetes and all other Linde of dress
Mourning. (loodsof all. kinds.
11awls every duseripllon.
Cloth little good Itaglaus.
At greatly reduced prices. Buyers who tutor not bur.
piled themselves with goods suitable for the season sill
llnd it to their advantage to call and Feu out aleck .
wu are (Mel mined YO'clost, out, our Winter Stork it
very low.prien.
I,lify. stork Is full and complete In all Muds of de•
ituble gond:, I,Fa ittCll, *AII'VEII A MILLER.
Carlisle, January 11, 1501,
East Main tqreut.
N. (yr le E.— All persons indebted to we
ere hereby notified that after lho Ist day Of Feb
- 11/00 . MI. all unsettled a eeanuts aunt ho placed In the
benne a. the p 'op, person to enforce collectIo».
Jan. 11, ISiil,-al
Sittlato o r West South Street in the borough of Car
cotodsting of a Him of Four •
BRICK HOUSES, .T 7 4 2'l,
Ith a Frame House adjoining. The lirt4
dd buildings:ire tun stories in height al; b • I
Ith ron . renient back buildings, at.
The lots upon width the buildings tare orerted aro
10 feet ih depth to an alley. For terms &e. A nib. to '
A. L. SPONSlidilt,
ItendEnt. Agt.
Jai, 11, 1861.-6 t
A..R. HEN ICOOI/ would respectfully inform the
eitimMs of Carlisle at.d vicinity tliat he has taken room.
In Zug's now MPhil:t . , east corner of Market liquors,
where ' ll!, is at all times ready to take A MBIPITYPES
In the latest and most approved style. Pictures taken
In rainy nod cloudy weather 613 well , na clear. and sat.
israction given or no charges made. Portraits and Das
nerieotypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken fur
octets to.. in Ambrotype.
Ambrotypes warranted to stand tho test of time, hots
Ladimi and Gentlemen aro cordially invite d to en
and examine specimens.
Priers frolll '2sele. to $lO,
Jan. 27. 1551i.-I.v.'
The Store boom on East Mnin Street recently
°erupted by heldleh &I Sawyer, is offered for rent from
the lot of April next.
For torns enquire of 11. A. Sturgeon
Dee. 21, 1560.4. f. ELIZA lIITNEIt.
Mee C. V. M. P, Co. 1_
Dee. 23, ISt.lO.
Notice is hereby Oven to the members
of [hie Company. that on ass...orient of non per
rent. has this day by., levied by the DI, vetors, cn all
premium notes belonging to the sold Co. And to Torre
o 1 he 14th day of Decanibur A. D. IVO. And on all
nor 4 of original application taken after the first day of
November A. D. 1800,,, , and OIL flutes expiring bet w . een
said dates and not rolnenvvd three per I . en CIA assessed.
'JOHN T. 111111 EN
Jun. 4, 1861.-tt
The sibscrlbor has just received a very superior and
wall selected stock of
Consistiolt of Crissiedre,l Summer and Italian cloth, AI.
peso, Marsallas, Llnnen and Cottonado, Coats, Punts
do Shirts also Silk and Satin vests and in Short, every
thing In the wax prumtmEsTs. Ills stock of •
has been selected with a preSt deal of care. and shirts
cravats, for, Aar, are sold at unusual low prices.
Thu subseiiter would call special' attention to his
tarp neck of
. , .
which he hag recelyod end In moiling them at very low
tiger& Or the above you can CO I IIIIOO yourself by
calling at the Cheap Clothing Store • near the. Marliet
House , ..• , - • Atilt/.ti MEL. -
' ,
Aprilrp, 1860. . .
:101IN nTVIN
A W. 11`.E.N4Z,
South Hanover H reet.
Nearly' oppoblle the Post Ohio
U VS AND .011)(E "
harihla Cement withti n very largo assortment
M hain and Iron Pumps, or 011 kinds cheapot than
'ever, at the Hardware Store of
March 7, 'O9.
Cure Congl4 Cold; Hoarseness
Ingrzenza, ang Irritation or
,V,7(c 4 p Soreness of the Throat, Re. .
litre the flocking Congh
PRONOR I . tA in Consumption, Bran- •
-400‘ 1 % • chitis, Astlpna, and
' • ' Catarrh. Clear and
• give strength to , •
the voice of
Your ;ironware of the Import:MT of chocking a Cough
or '• Common Cold" In Its first stage; thatichlch In the
beginning would yield too mild remedy, ff. neglected,
sorer attogyilhe Lungs. '' Blown'a IlLoachlal Trochos,"
eOlitaii)lll4 - demulcent ingredients, allay. Pulmonary
arid Bronchial I rit ation.
BROW \'9:
.the"TtochtN" aro a speoilh.)hving mud,
mu•ofien a flora whisperer,"
reCouttnui r use to Public
131 011 VS
'• Hero proved extremely serviceable
Pm Harseness,"
"Almost Instant relh.f In the distress
log labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma
REV. A. Q. lltillIA:STON.
Contains no Opium Or stunt hi ng lot
judo.," 0 .Dll A. A. II AYES.
Cbmakt Mann.
" A simple and pleasant combination
-for Coughs, &c."
• Bo:10MM In Brochitis."
I have, proved them excellent for
Whooping Cough."
" Beneficial when compelled to speak,
suffering from Cold."
'till'. S. .L. L'. ANDIILSON.
St. Lnuis.
"Effectual In removing Trearsumeis end
lrrlt.tioi of the Threat, tin common with
Speaker:l cccl Singers."
Prof. )11• ill/rINSON
Temilier nf.)111.4... Southern
Female `C.illege:
"(treat lienefil when before :mil
alter pi they priivent iloarTir
ntis.4 Yee.] their pm", Mimi!, I (hint:
thq Will be 'Ol perm to cut. iniraninge to
si °w vs
progidoot At.h.n,,. Tenn.
Pc,lel by all TwENI:I7-
1 , 1.1 . 1: CENES liaaX.-6,3
:1'())1E, ANI) NEkV (1()ODS:
CAI'.; ANti DIES, 1 , 1;11S.•
her linvitivi r1,4'lltlY 11;11311 , i it-Noir Store
of ".1.1) 11.111oirt. in North Hanover St.
•Iviiii I'llllll Sea s Vinili noel Philadelphia,
'elected an, ;tweet OrgOL/lih in his Hanoi
The subs,ri
ut the old .tal
oppo,ite the (
Ilavit4; rsosi
fins awl will s
busist , s, nurli
from the rommou \Wool fn fLr fine For. Silk and Cmtsl
men; Milo,. and At priers to nuit the films. The rtorlt
variety of styles am! colors or Hats and Caps.
Fahey Beaver mitl Felt. Hats
for chthlren, either 100 s or Oils unit iy hehnmrd.
tUR cArs, unit GLorts. •,y
for flenlleueen. Also, a variety of piney furs for.either
lollies' or rlithireß4 weer. lie I,un ILfy, Sable,. 311111,
Stherieu Squirrel, tiernem bath, Slone Martini, Silver
'do. reel< di, dr. • . .
Also, l'nriint Begs, A hrgo :‘ , .net Tool( of
Trunhs. liana Itol,es and Prime ilea
Featliera. • Gies lie pa 1.0111 , 4 v t i r o .11 y ir,e iced
lin would invite all Ids Iriende,and the in 'gene.
ral to give LGu IL 1,111. ACliii IMAS, .Igt.
Car,111:10, Dee. 7,'1111.-f f.
6C2) MK.
Farmer, ii;eoanie - and Business
.Inn, Wants.
The Township and Loch htlll7,
OP Tun
i,i.iAm T. 11 AIN Es, E. l .
And Published IT
- EDWARD F. .1.1)1ES,
' west Chester Pa
Thie woo, vont:tins over .vin I,ives of closely prlnteEl
'Enatter,'n tot will be sold by_soliser.lptlon.
IL moo the duties of .lindleos of the Peace, with
forms fir the tr.kosnetlon of their Inicinesc.
It tenches the (luting of Constable.: with nil the . no.
reentry forms, appertaining to the onlye.
It contains the duties of the Supervisors of °tory
County and Eunuch ip In the State.
It contains the mode of procedure for thu laying out
and opining of puhile and private mils, of vacating
nod utt.,riog 'roads, the building. of Bridges. AP.,
It e attains the Common >rhnul Latv, with explanm
tions, decisions and us, tugilhnr with forms for
11111,114. 1101111 s, Contra..ts, Certificates, Au., &e. 'thin do
partment of the work was compiled at Harrisburg by
Mr. S:1111tII.1 Bates. Deputy Izußurlntendotit, and Is
nlono worth thin prICO of the AgAttoto to any one Inter
ostrd ju common Seitpuls• •
It contains the dotted orrownsithi .tuditors.
. .
eontains the laws)eilative le Dogs ?jai Sheep.
It contains the duties of Assessors.
It contains the laws In relation to Stray MCileli and
It contains the laws relative to Ponces and Fence
It eqatiling ILo In relative to Gala, Ilunting.Trout
and Ihrr.
It vontains . the F.1.441(111 laws with all the Ileversary
It ion/toll/4 the Natoralizallon lailvs, with Ali th 6 rl
cot,lary I , oroli for Applivotion.
It conttains a forte nuolhor of 1.//gal Foroni, which ar
WIWI ill thc,v,•ry hip ttans./.•tion of noel/ a
A,•luun Artleles of Airerntrnt
and 0 nient.q./. .1..o:Ign11100
tplp, pl Po/oho/no. PrfnniCs
Bills of Sole, Che ho, Cos.nntot. , , Merits. 1 / 1 1/./..1
lions. (hie and ('roll 1:nollot.1 aittlyl'en
sot, hrt ter, 01 * M or i ga ,, s
(beet Ito '('ho IN 1 , 1,111111 in
hlirop.llllll at 41 .25
payable 1M ilollvery ortho work. The nork has p.n0,0/
tho revision of litany //f the host In worm id lht Stn/
rll/1 Innererelv...l „their ointintlllir.l appophitlon. /
ollahnt hood book of 1 . 1 1 11, 1 11. 1 0111111.1 all stil../krts, onto
wh1..11 It /root,. ,hOlO ho .111 . ;. , 1 In Snoll n loan
orr 30 to Ill l l l ,lollt 11 ploto, eottrl•.: and ,p11.•IC state
snout the /loth, /Wall Townsh:p an unly.l.
unclen,tood by ally One. l'ut.l herlotol moot)
will In. thin. o ll4lily ennenwrd for tho work, and thu nu(
port of roopretfolly
A. M PIPER. In Oenetal Agent for (I/lll.orliltot Co.
. 1.. S.—Quadntusassers aro want.,l in .‘l,l ortattl tints
County for the above work. to ,e,ltont a liberal rompen•
mation will be elven. Applioations w Welt must he
male at an early date. addressed to Mr. Piper as above
will receive prompt attention. Doe l'.l.lStin.
lii 00IN: TO YOUR IS'I s i:',ILESTS.—
. 1.,,ii., please take ...tier, hunt One of our firm
tie. divit Sawyer ,t Miller.' 113,511'4 return, from New
York. and Philadelphia pith a lull stork. pr WINTStit
110.11)•, eemprbtin4 the oHneNt styli'., it Silks. V:aourg,
Poplins, Fivired Bari toes. Eneltslt steps. iplein, and
barred) French Itelainos and Nlerittnes,
Atirriemi De'nines S Ca.;simeres,
and twiny other styles of goods, whielt we Ono sell at
Cuticle 'niece having purchasea since the late giving
away of the market.
nC nll kinds, Marinoun, Iloollot4hoO, ( . a.o.hoores.l)olanes
Ladies Coals, Itrwhilis Cloaks nud MallileS. Shawls of
every de,ription,. lens than manufacturers prices.
• Furs ! Eurs!! Ffirs
WOW wortlinf Hurst Furs quil kinds stylesand SiZel,
COM Ate., fie.
Niel". MO !boy's winter weir, woolen :Atlas, Drawers
Wove, Slovkings, Ties. and dearly.
Ladies' Cloaking Cloths and trimmings. •
Furnlsblag tientls, suitable for the season. Blankets,
Ynrii Ac.
We respertfully Invite all to ail inspection of our ha.
niri se 4LOViC, feeling assured we ran tiller superior lit.
dim:Tu M H ts over all competitors. At the Now Store one
door I olow artin's otel.
Her. 17, '5O. Llstnlcal SIWY lilt & MILLER.
lIOUSE FOR RENI.—A large : two
story ;item, ifouse end Int of ground, situate In
West 'mailer Street, opposite the
A ._ 441":". rit , 0,11.4.3. . There to a large variety of
r . ), 1 choice' fruit on the lot. Possession
.1 ri , ~r glveu on the 1.4 of April mixt: Apply
' .to . 11. COLEISIIAW, o
?Pee, 21, '..0.-lm, jOliN lIUTTON.
Vormorly 1 . 111.1.131 t lilt HIDER
The aubserlber ,visltes to Inform the public that h
has commenced the Milling Business at hla 31111 on
mile north of, West 11111, Went Pennsbore twp. Cuml*r
Lund County, where he will always have on hand II Jr
and feed for sale at the lowenkrash pub c,. as 111 . 11 u
Shorts awl ngs,C,orn and Onto, and II chops.
I will always pay the highest cash price In grain.
July 20, 1860,-0m: JOHN
,‘ At Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store.
- Just returned from Philadelphia wills a lot of the
cheapest Dry Roods ever brought to Caillsle. Figured
31erinoes„. Cashmeres. Detainee, Calicoes, Flannels,
Blankets, Shawls, Cloths, Cassinheres, A,. bought 11w
sash at the prksont reduced city prices, and will humid
at uncommonly low prices for the Cash. Now Is the
time Ibr great bargains. Recollect the store, Hamilton's
corner opposite the Railroad Depot.
Rec.l4, CD AS. 0011.11 Y, Truetce.
Theta Instruments In all resperts, are second to none
manufactured In this country. CRlxens of Carlisle in
want or a,truporlor and reliable instrument can be se.
crunnietlittcd at VERY MODY.RATE I.IIICFS, by addressing the
uudersigned,44larrlsburg. describing tone, touch anti
style. Referer, Mr. Alexander Cathcart, Carlisle.
Oeo. 0. Wlostlino., Agent fer •
Jan. 4, 1861.-Smos. DUNHAM'S
er Farkey. Printing neatly executed
Diead, ea-Cakes, all kinds of • astry;
Proprietor of Sliaurut Chemical Worisc
WNCENTRATEDLVIAVIIIN is the result of carefu
chemical research: All Its ingredients are Prepared in
theidgliest state of Purity, and compounded with a
view to produce broad of n far better quality, and in
much loss time, than J,y any other -proeegs; and the
man erect u rem submit it, With entire rentidence, to the
judginent of discriminating housekeepers, bakers,.&e.
Bread of all kinds made by using Comer:lmam, LEA
vex, is lighter, More cligest lido and nutritious; has an
agreeable natural touts: is less liable to sour ; 'will re
tain its moisture longer than by any ether process, and
the mimic preparation for the oven need not exceed ten
minutes, ,
.1 t is valuable because It Is not perishable, and' may
be rendered available In placosand at timelf-when yells
Is not within reach, as at; sea. In all climates endn.
der all. circumstances, It may be adopt° Llt Ohl' kiting
nil 4tlllieulty of proeuring yeast or any, other ferment,
wlyiell in frequently of an Inferior quality, rendering
the bread more or, wholesome.
It Is also valuable as regards economy, on it has been
ascertained that a saving is effected In the flour of not
less nem 16 per cent. In the minim, process much of
the saceharl no of the flour is lost by being converted
Into carbonic: arid gas, or spirit, and the waste4s. Incur
red solely for the purpose et generating gas to raise the
dough. fry using Concentrated Leaven this wind,' Is
avoided, and the gas obtained In a manner equaAry effi
cacious. Fermentation, en has been stated, destroys a
part or the flour or meal, had, in consequence, a barrel
of flour weighing 196 lbs., Which, by the common metlp
od, ordinarily makes about 2.0 lbs of bread, giving by
this process 21/0 lbs., 'thus effecting the very important
saving of Vol per cent hi the quantity of flour. fly
fertility to the directions on each package, any person
capable of ordinary attention may conduct the maces:,
mud the result will WV:1)1;11,1y ho highly satisfactory.
nit. O. P. BICi BLOW.
Aosnyor to thu Stott, of 31nosachusetto
'5 Tiblvdanalymil the Cohc.itttrated Leaven, main
fact ured by '3lessts.iidw. Chamberlain k Co., with ref.'
erolier to Its purity and ellielencyo_flactlon in producing
the effect of yeaiit to list coding and thereby
rendering it tit for making bread. This article Iv ~all.
fully cointioundmi. front perfectly tn-1) 'material. It
ralteittlio thubtli withont consuming the fie: m or any
other principlo Int Ike flour, lwrivetly; tbo rune
weight ofllnur will Produce noire sivort;patitablebreait
that, ran be itht....ined throuish the nlti„ef yra.d, while
for rakes and paitry it iloinvaitthitlootitit ',ire., all risk
1101 nuicb Lino. mph° pantry ro
• The us loollornb: IllatlO by nor cdttlrill the stain.
nbuit= inaile"by lino lit )Itotitrers. and priv. , tnit con,
pound worthy plzion , npprnval mud estob , lol use. .
ITI lioylston sCro , ',ll.,Nom, 1;1W
14: CTIONS 1 . 4
11111.11:FA , C till ill 11111,1elpornisfu
to thcvoLdity nri fir 111/110./ 1110111
0.01 or flour: mix by .pas , lue two o• time.
[lmes thrungli a sieve: ruh in a pi,o• halt tin
size of 11101 111 Pl. 00' 10040 nith 101,1 111ift i.
Nvat,r, iJullk I. prefora,l,l.•,) I..uely :ALT./mini) to permit
r.niku.r. out: M Lodi mmilim; Niconld 10! 110 11.100. COL
Oltu de.leml form, :old plam imantuliAtely in 11104 00011
111111 11111011111101,1 s. •
140,0 1110,11.-411e11001111 00010011.-111; 1.1 . 1101,011 011.1
110110 Sirllol t"0411,•1.1. 010011: 011111. Om butter. lu d
make the p,t rl lit enouxli to kimad loin in loaf, and
101110 inuomlidtdy In a slow liven..
(ill,ll‘ll t0:0.00.014111 eon. to !mu
linavt 'or wloit. mod. sitto:l to:n.ther: :pH on, Lill „l
molar.., and.t‘yo 0.112,“ 11111110 the r.,te thin with milk
and Lain. in. a SlOlO 00101. •
ll.Niplr.l.rlll el I.e.:tvell to one
pint of 41•.nr. and opo Old. ul'rnrn meal. all Well •411,1
wzoller: add lAvo eg,e+ hurl altual , ./1 , ,r111 of n101 3 ... 0 ,1
MAO till, jJahl.o thin With milk. and lulu. ml ow Is.
111,01 ill: a e MI:8.-1'1011r allii 11111 k Ftlllb'lrlll, tdotalio
nine quart of in.ttpr: add 111111 Pgir. thin Ow,. tea+puuns•
ful nil boavou ; bent t t in troth, and co di
or llour aiut tiro
I.V.IVOa: rub In a ilk, ti'l ball' us
binge a , ant e,14, !nix with cold milli or wat,i, nod boll
too ininnboo
ell It, SEP, ET etlir —Sift leeether Ia . () tarp rope
tl,lqplll/11q1111 of L•:tt 'Oil iii halt a
6 ailleeitll , l a rup:md a half ot mrry; talc with
rind Inn or water I t a ••till hatter , :Eta :Tiro to stilt the
hi,te, and lethe henentintely. ,
l'ifftANN,ltifeasail elll,ll Iv lilt« sugar
Ife.tten %Cliff tho ~r ~1 nio
pg., beaten lan troth; then la..ft all together: ill , ' flirt . .
eni, at silted flor. 0110 , •110 of , rat , ,. and 1,r , , Lat.
xp afilsral 111 1.1q1,.11: 11.1,14 Wlll 0,0 tea•poonsltil 01'
411 . 11,11,11. 1.11%0 11 :1 1011 , 1,0 , 1 , 11.
1•11111.1 , .--:'if1 to,ro!itor on!. 4111 mt. W . W.11,' and three
teals'fia , rill of !waren: 1 nll 111 ttlle L1•11- , 11ii1111 Olt 1,11 101
1141 a , 1111 1111i1 :1 11:111 of 11, 11% spi.... to suit
the taste; nix ntln affair:lt (4,11 tit. alai hatteltolelf.
lltrertos (`lse:.—One.folart at flour arid three lea
rivonistal of heaven t‘ift'elf toot lure: tam a our or hut.
te„.„,„ pound tw a voi,,,qpQ, 1111 1,11i:11:11111(1
11110 5100111 LO 01 1.111 11:1111011 ,11.11 &VIII Milk 1.11 11
stiff hotter. and bake lii a slow oven.
OW, Cu.,:—male plot vochof floor and lodholoonl,
and thrvo I ow.pooosfol of Leaven, ocll niftod iolether;
add 0n0.,..111 nl oollassos nod too ego; mit lllt tvith
turd Lake In it
Cet (AKE.-HVOCU)I4 of flour and Ihr . en teacponnsful
of 1,n:iv.... niftrd tmnthor; add 011111'11p id butter. to,
of an..ydr. and two e 4,, all dell I. at tow.t liar; then add
n oup of rurrents; and side, do suit the taste. Bake .
about ball an hour,
To tour' (7 —Threolioarters nfa IS/11111 or flournnd
lour teasp.h . msful of Leaven kilted together; min pound
of sugar SIM sin ounces of butter heat. to a cream; the
white:, of eight eggs won heateti k am' 'no Jnive of one
10111011; MIX in affil, udik.
Goias.—Pi so cups of 'flour, .thren lesspnmis•
ful of Leaven, three raps of sugar, one of but ter, one of
milk. and two eggs; fruit and *leo to the tante: unto
about half an" Irtmr.
Packed id Can's of 1; , 4, aril Six Dot; Ca 118
For gale by U revere and Drogglste,generally.
WILLIAM GULAG ER A; Whelesole Agents
No.fel North Front ntreot. Philadelphia.
Nov. 16, .
Having proofs so strong' and direct as Co
For tittittestiten, 01110111, clans of the
selaiols as well :I'B now, give it their unqualified
sanction. ttnil iiietianitend It fir all eases of eruptions,
and diseases tho"gialp and 1011 ill: bill. all who, have
tlmiti it, unite, In taistitting that It will preserve the
1141111.11 tieing gray, and trent falling to any tagii, as
well ao restore. the following:— is
Oalt (trove, CI June
noir, 0, 3. %Ye m: Dear Sir:— Your Mile Dist native
is rapidly g tilling p ,polarity lu this mantel lily. I hale
led Itr, to Ity predjuditstaxide and give ) our (lair
1tt.q..0-010,. 0 perteet
During the year IN, I, I inns so unfortunate as to 1,0
throo a trout toy sulkey against a 10..1: by tio•
from in Illy h. , ad receit int tent tills 1.104 v ;
causing It great deal of Irritation, whieh votantottionted
to the brain anti nxlortial stliflro it lilt , 11,1,1, lion, the
elivel4 of which my hair wa_ fitt.tily dostto . ),.d. over the
entire surfeit, 01 the brad. Front tint Linn, l first din•
coveted its Mopping, however, op to the thoo.of its to•
tap di•appear.ol 4., I employed everything I could think
of. Profe , lotial unto In) self, and, tot thought,
nutlet ..tandlo.t the natured tine Jfxetse, h.t wits lima.
[y dpivated in 4 , 1 . 01 . ) . preseliptiOn 11,11,1110,51.
TM, auJ lio 401100 01,1,1111S10tIt'eS iudurc,l lin , to re_
sort to your worthy Ilait Itenbantttt, t Well I have
eVory i'0,1,4011 to twileve, produend a very happy result:
tee month:. alter the first applie tlinn, I had as I.l.auti..
Dal It 110 . 1 , 1 of young hale atrl ever el,,',Lnr 1,111011 I ter.
Ltitily 0110 volt 1113'' 111.1 St biltelN46llll.. at,111,41,
dear sir, I shall revoltunetni 3 our .nonlv to all inqui
rers; shall use my Influence, wltiyh l nat.
ter inyrelf t.t nay..l4 not a little. •
You eau publish this if you think proper.
Yours, very fespertfully,
mum! f, 11. It.'
Mee of nio Jolrorsonlan, Va., 1h,11.2.155S
Hear Sir foe! it IA) duty At: well 41c lily please.°
to state to you tit, folk:el:1g eiremestanee, o hkh vet
eau 1,0 as you think proper. A eentleinaditll Lisp 1
(a lawyer.) has boon hald ever sieve his early )sulk;
En Med. En, that be 0105 00111110)011 Iu Wes/ . o wig. II
VMS tortured to use A Evil OA Or yfAlO •• Ilair Bet-Writhe,"
which he liked very merit ;.and after using collie two
or three betties his hair grow out quite innuriantty;
and he use has a handseled head of hair. The* gentle.
111.1114, 11:1,1111 is Bradford. and us he it very tvell known
In our adjtlning counties. many nervous ran testify to
the truth orthis ntulement ; I give it to you et the re
quest of Mr. Bradford. You can sell a groat deal 01 your
Hair Restorative In this and the adjoining manakin 1
you have the proper ageintn. Yrmrs,&c.,
Int. Wain: Dear tee to exprehs the ob.
ligation, I non under for 1110.1:n11re restoration of ony
hair to its ori4inal color: about the thee of joy arrival
In the United States it ions rapidly becoming gray, but
upon the application of your••lhdr Restorative" it soon
recovered its original hoe. I coluaer your !restorative
ea a very wonderful Invention, (fulte efficacious at. well
an agreeable N. 1•ild.bilE1111.
The Restorative iv put op to bottios of three sizes.
viz: large, medium and small; the :small hohis34a plot
and retails fur one dollar per bottle; the medium holds
at least twenty per cent toornin proportlow than the
1,1111111, retails two dollars per bottle; the large holds
a quart, 40 per cent more In proportion, and retails for
three dollars per bottle.
0.4. WOOD 3 CO, Proprietors, 4i4 Broadway, New
York; nod 114 Market Stroet, St LoulaOln.
And sold by all good Druggists +lntr.Fancy (Mods
Dealers. Nov. 10, 'du.-3m. ,
The Cream of Tartar "Substitute? is recoaunon•
dud as a superibr article In combination with Saluratus
or Soda fn• II:Oiling purposes. It produces broad cal..,
Sc., which when cold are sweet, - moist and grater'',
while thew. of Cream of Tartar are often dry ,and taste•
lass. It will cost less than Cream of Tartar and Is used
in the same way for cooking, Sc.,
TIIIS sunsmuTl4
Ingetizor with Saleratus t Soda, Pure "Crain) or Tartar,
Bermuda Arrnw Root, Mustard Semi, ground and um
ground, • spices or all kinds unadulterated, and also
limeade. In every variety constantly on hand, and at
the lowest prices for sale by
'Dec. 14, 1550
TOR RENT.—Eleven houses, at rents
varying from 45 dation, to DM dollars, aro otfored
for rent, from tho first of April noot, apply to
Carlisle Dee. 14, Mg. . JACOB 11.11E1i5i.
1 -I , 44 STATR, NOTl(JE.—Letters test 4
W -
montnry on the estate of m. MAVilson late of
t le borough of Carlisle, dee'd. haying been granted by .
tho Register of Cumberland Co. to the oubscribor lMhg
in Philadelphia, notice is hereby given to all persons
Indebted to said estate to make payment, and those
having claims to present them duly authenticated for
settlement to • JAMES O. WILSON,
Or his Attorney,. WM. M. PitN COSH,
Dee: 7, 1860.-M. • ,
0 Largosthre itoom at the Wont end of Main. Stied:
It In (Mail ,up with punters, and ,sholving, and bag
large auLEeonionlont Doomslougiven liemedi•
ately, Baqulre'or , .•. ADAM BENSEAIAN,
„Carlisle' Dee. 21, f. '
\o. 33 INDIA Street, lio.3ten
1113N1"."; "DIM:M.IIi I'ONI.\ DE" for the hair, siren
gthensiand Improves. lisgsowth. keels , It fern fillbsS tilt
and Ix warranted tons/Ike tin hair curl. lulled tree ter
• "
-" " PEAltri IIEAUTIFIMI,” tor the teeth and
guins.elesusesand whitens the teeth, the gums
purifies this breath ethsistiedly~ m'''iner the Im,th 111111
prevents toothache. Ninth . ..lllw lor flints
1 . 1:1:1 , 113IC," a double
ex trasslisor ening° blossom and col": se. 11:d led free tar
rldU This extolls-Ito perfume 11., flirt used Ins this
Prioress loyal et England. on bee 31,u riage. lisssts.
blunt ,h Co., pre.willsl the tel slth nit elegant
case sq . Perrusussey. (In which all or the alloy. , at Holes •
wereineliled) iu 11:11111F111111.1.11t With gold stop•
pers. valued at luaus, particulars or w filch Huse:nod In
the public prints.
All the above in toles sent free, by exprss. for ,:55.00.
Cash eau either arrisupstus this order, sidles is lid to : the
express agent ou itching of good,. 111"S'Is Cu.
Perfumers to the Oussen.'
Regent St.,ll.roolini, ;tint 77 :',111`11111:A., Philadelphia,
Pa. For tide by alt Isrugglist, and l'es tunics,
One of the largest end !nest rompl , •teHerb,: in
the Unit ti States, where the bent Het tires,
known to the l'heteKtphle net, at pelves toe •
higher, than are paid tie nOherahlo •
ear I ea to r
The Proprietor 11 prieill'ai
.••enally, every slOing—'mul alines ne l'ietnre he,leAo
the Oalh•ry ,ulna It given ilerfeet SatiNf,o(j... eotypes`and A inla ot• pee, of ah•ent 01 , 1001.
x4friends, pheteerailhell to any osinired nine, or
en Centeno, life shr...l, seal palmed iu Oil by Ilia hest A r
At this 111rtur•s ran be talmn :n any weathei
—as perfect In rloudr Weather as when' the sun shimq,
Perm.ns viNiting.the city He respectfully Invited t
.alithie our spechnons, which fur pet •e and quality Jo
1j• competition,
113,..Inkruclions given in theist of Photography.
r 17 11 1.1:111' Or MIT,
7'21, Arch Street, Pkiladelphia.
From lion. LEW la li. CAMPIIELL, M. I'., 011!0.
My family and friends all concur In the opinion that
the (Nowell) rieturedn more' lifelike than any thing
they ever saw. 31y. likeness has been repeatedly takeil
by different Artists In .various ways, but I jive never
yet had oneuthich presents so true to natore, all the
features and ex pees:duns of cuuntenance as this.
From lion E. Joy ylnnna, late Minister to Italy.
Thu exquisite flni.h. beauty and softne4s of your per•
trait, conjoined with their durability oriole, uul faith.
(111110 SH (18 cann'ot fail to commend them to
the attention and patronage ofall who appreciate true
art. '
From Co,. dont:. Pun:.
naVing Occasion, hie a portrait, I procured one from
Mr. Robert Nowell; unlit, city of Philadelphia, a min•
Mum In Oil Colors, under the new promo.. di,s.suered
by him, and take great pleasoro hi ospressing the
satisfaction given me. not only by-the iMintracY Of the
Rheum...but Its artistic finish In all resoeas, and re
commend him In the pattomme of those disposed to en
courage the beautiful art. Dec. 7, 1800.;atnes.
sloooorth of 13rocho French
Bud I , 6litiklido lower
th j ol user kuowu. LEIRRRI, SAWYER S . : MILLER.
Who subscriber offors for sole or rout, tho now
Three Story Brick House
—`l, on North I Itinover Street. l'osse4lon
. given on the Ist of April next. Tho
Meuse Los nine rooms, Is fornlsited
with water and gos, and suitable elllw
or for business or a private rettidettee.
.Oct 10, 1800.—t G JAMES It. WEAVER.
'.jkTOTlCE,—Egtato . of Thomas 'Uric deed.
IN Mellon! Parker Executor. Rule to .phoiv ,causa
why Petitioner should not ire discharged.
Tn tho heirs of Thomas Clio late of North 311ddletTo
township deed. Yod sea Ingeby notified c, be and ap
pear at tt he next Orphans Court to be halt at Carlielo
the 21st day of January latil, and show cause why Om
said Richard Parker should not bo discharged from his
said trust us surviving executor of the " last will and
testament of the said Thomas Ude, deed.
Bherlff 011Ro. Carliulu, i R. ScOARTNEY,
Dom f She, Ift.
N •
OTIC E.—The members of the Cum.,
berland County Agricultural Society, will moot
at the Court llohfili in Carlisle on Tuesdny the Silt of
January 1801 at 10 o'clock A. DI. All ;farmers are ru.
quested to attend, D. 8. CRUST, '
Jan. 4, 1801._ i'' Secretary.
1.11 An elegant assortment of Nurc, at the lowest
Now York prices. LEIDIOR, SAWYTIIi & MILLER..
fr . 00.). C9xy, onquirogt 'o!ilio
UOll, SALE .-= A cortlficato ofTon. }a Nmlioleashlr
1.!'..113 Mkfiasco Collage,. For selo'.6o reasenable
FOR oABll.....e.dgreurr LaelkShoomaker, . •
Dea:L.'60,34.• •• 1. Cluthiborabut*Pa.
tOgita-Val p.
87 Z t s,
-cq ,r 915
4 Af Igo
.. ,
To the citizens of Nov Jersey A; I'oilosylvenl4,Apetle
curies, Druggixts, lirerers nod l'aritio
. Families.
. .
Pure 007,11(1, Irralllly.
IVOlf x Pu're Ninth, Sin•rry and Pori Wine.
' wows Pure Janntles 0101 it. Croix limn.' • •
11"oll's Pure Seotrl, and Irish IVltiakey. •
ALI, IN 1101"11,ES•
I bar Icavo to call the attenti•sn of thecitizens of the
United Slates to the above ‘Vtlies and Lifllll.l.N, limper
'tot by lltlolPlan At' Now York, whose nante,l••• fa
miliar In every 11111.1. fir this muptryror the purity
his celebrated i 4 1:111 431`..5C11N.U.5, {roll in his let
ter to me, shocking 11l the purity or his Clines and•Li
111101'8, sap: .• I mill stake my, reputation lir II 1111111.
my standing . as a merchant of thirty years' rehidenco
In the city of Now York, that all the Brandy and IVinos
which I bottle are pure as Imported, and of the best
quality, an I eau larrelied upon by every' purehaser"
Every bottle has the preprint, is 11111110 Olt 0111 max.
and a ftesholle or his signature on the certificate. The
nubile are rrepectfully invited to Call ,11111 0X:111111M 1 . 01 .
themselves. For sole at llotail by. rill A potheearies and
Grocers In Philadelphia. •
lleorge li, Ashton: No, 8:12 Market St. •
Sole Agent for Philadelphia.
Bead the following from the Now York• Courier i
Enormous busilleSS fclr she Now York Merchant —We
ate,lptimy to Info. 111 our fellow , citizens that litre Is
.one piny? in 011 r city where the physician. allot heraiy,
and Vountsy 111,rchant, can go and pulefrkke 111104) 111111'8
and liquors, as pure as Imported, 11 11110 f the 1)1.81 • 111;11i•
t.S. %VC do lint intend to give an elaborate act:v.lsllmo
of 11.10 merchant's ostensive loNiness. altl o it will
will repay any granger or citizen to visit 17.1.41 a.
sl'olfe's nstousivAvarrhnuse, Nrc. Is, 90 and 22. Beal er
•street, and Nos. 17, 10 and 21, Marhet hold stteed.
stock' of Schnapps on hand ready for shipolvot eottid
not hay., been less. thgn thh^ty th•fusand races: the
Brandy col.lo e:1,.1.{.—V.1 kg!, 01 1. , g1t3 Ur
IS7II. and ten, thousand cases 71,1101 in: Sherry and
Pori. Stint', I'Votel. and Irish Whiskey, Jamaiea and St..
Croix 110111, 0(111111 v..ry old and equal to fitly in" this
country. I 1...11.:J bale titre,. large veil:try 111Ied with
itranst,y. IVllte, ill casks, tinder enctont 1,,Y
tread'y ivrr
tling. ' M. IVoltk's sal., of Sohn:tops hod ' ,
year amounted to one hundred and eighty thonsand
21111.1 we hope ic,s 10111 two 50:1011 Ln way be
equally suvrroslul with ilk Brandies mud 11 lute, •
Ills 1.11.4 114,8 merits the patronage or ~ 61 y ?or.. of
hit species. Private 111141ies 1t ho wish pure 011,1
Liquors kw medical test should scitoktheir orders di. vet.
It Mr. Si Ono, 1111(14 eviry Apothecary in till' hoot mak.,
up their minds to direard the p0i5h,,,,,,,,tui1r,„,„
find replace it 1(1111 'Wolfe's 11000 \\lobs and
1,19 tors.
‘Ve'loolerntazol )tr \Vial', for tho areointoodat ion of
smallaletlers hi the roma putt . ,aoto. of
ll'loes and I.lrittom Soeloa maw. uud sorb a 11114AI:till
should be Host:tined 111:11itiNt Ills tells or
, ? 0 , .nt,; Lb, u,t .. , t,t4
nito.o. who ~1 1
f ~.. h ot
hffitationh, itiluous mi!“, Ln hunun II anti lei opi
-1050..1 • I . iept.
For sale Fy c. Inhoff
HENRY A. Rill/if-WS
Th t , rot.titter Ley' 1.• tvo r, preo fully I' itt t rftqn lite
Illernx of rnrilitte totlf vitinity. that )01, HOW 00
:1111i 011 lr otantifirttekitvr, every tat let). of Caleinet
'are.e.nsisting is p.trt. of
, p.11t111,1: TOP T t1:1,1:S
Cll A I It P,
Bill 31°1114111w. 01'31 Yranirs tr., Ar, '11 ,,, it,brit 1 , ,
v,strantrot "r tin. host 111,1,i:11s and tti , rtonallship. etil•
I . ll.'illV nil tilt. ia , •••t, dly stylo.., and 1,111 1.,. Ittrillsll,l
t Ihr lottt , t, told! mkt , . ,
. .
0 ,
N. 6.—Collin , load , al O.IIIIH 'P. :11Id unerah,iit
mdml to promptly in tom a Or I , lllltly.
Carlisle 0.. t. 12, '1,11.-1 3 .,.
. .
\Nr., 1 11 11 1:‘ of 1,( 11 1 :!: t iY
‘s I t li 1 .1 ; . 1" ;1 .
1/nrimErr. Noi. IS. I•ru.
UNI"S "111,6101 OF llllsEs.ii A ~10, „„,1
I:r.r . Ibr tLi•rLca 6 v 1 . 1 llp.. It will wit V.;3 rub 141
and ,111'11 011, 4ipplled. reinalits-dural.le The
thiit Is so deli and natural, that the forest smoothly
hills to detect Its L., Cllll bit I elooved by lemon juke
and will not Injure the Milli. This lea uric prep vnliun
used by thevelebraleil Court Ito:tildes nf Lo n don and
Pork. ' 3lalled tree, lo bottles, tt lth dl reel lons for use,
for sl,oo
dlizzlllig the eounpleslion, and in dnlll:e
anything elm, used li. Ills live for
(0 Cent,
11115"1"fl "1111111 II 11.ti,)f." removes tau. freckles,
kunlotro nuti nil eruptions of the skim %fled free .Or
50 Cents.
Th r ,y...10
vkA,v3aza, , s
Jen OTO R.l PR, G.ILLEitI;
si t'.— ho pa tnorehi r horkorw•n•
der tho lirra of SIIRONI4 PLACK. has thin day been
dissolved by mutual consent, therefore We would solicit
all those Indebted to ennui and nettle their aceountn.
RIO all thou having violins still ( please present thesis
for 'settlement.
Jan. 3,1800,
The hurlllo4S will hereafter bo r.ontln fled at the old
stand or, glapm 8 131::cle under the 'firm of BLACIC
D lAA NOV.. w here we will hoop constantly on hand all
hriota of ..FAI I LC AND COAL, , of exely description,
We' will sell at the lowest, enSlt priors, nod all or-
How . will Lo promptly at , oded to 00 tilo
OrteSt 110(11:0,Wo 11r1, thankful for Elio patronage of
h generous puldle nt the old stand of Shront 4 Made,
and would still solicit it continuance. 'All orders loft
at the residence of Jacob Sprout fur coal and lumber, ,
will he promptly attended to as heretofore.
RS.. WI N,5.LQ11 7 7; . nn - experienced
Nurso and Female. l'hyslohtn, protonts to tho
hatHalm) of mottiers litr
~I,h greatly thellitates the pro•ess of toothltt, by
softening the guuts,•radueluq nll lallunalion—will' al
lay all pale :nal spnanotlit• tmtioit. :Led Is sure 61 regy
late the bowels. Depimd upon It mothers, It
rent to yoursel Yea, arid
We Wive put up and sold thin artielf, fn
yea., ;Ina um say, In conlhlentnt and truth
170 10170 10 0 ,0 110011 0111; to say of any othe
Dins. Ur.msLolv , s
feet a cure
ly used, Nev.
IV ill)t •
vary all aro
Ivithlts ape—
ratilo-n F r
It riteek In terms of hitrin-t, vont...tidal ion of ltd Ina
elii_ret and totellival virtue, Wt upenlc hi (him
tunny, :•c: hat We to know:' after ten yearn °aperient.°
and itted re oar reputation for the Ittllittnent of tvltat
ite Ingle iteel,tro, In alnetst every ito.lattee where tilt
Sllll . ol'l It, 1.1.0111 e‘hatottlott, relief
trill in found in fifteen or twenty nattutex after the,
fiyrup ix tolininistered.
pr,paration is Ow
or thu,nost skilful ~,Ls in Nl J:nglunQ t anal In s ,
1 / 1 ,1 , 11 . 1180t1 with not • ur I:111111g fllleci.g,
it. lint only rellevon ' tlio Fib, but InviEvi
rat tin stiia,ll and bowels:v.ll;i ects avidlty afidgive.
tow and MO iibuin sy,Lem, • it will alt.,
histalitly rrlivice
(I ItIt'l;:li IN I'll t: itowEr.s AND WIND cimt,ic,
. n .1 over_! -- ---
e . ine ...,n•
Illki On, ,'
• FOIL Ad. 1,11 ii'll.A.
1,,,,,1i1y ..,, ni,il,l, and .
I o death. ' 31'0 believe
it l ie Iwo) CiIILDREN and ,•....A
ITIIII`ay In ' tli e ViOlb/.
In all eives TEE - mi t re. „fliyeentery
Anil Ditirr• has in rhil
dril❑ wheth • l ee . 1t arise,
front teething. or rcvn, lily 001, ctn.'. It'il would
bay to every mother who 11.6 , 011111 suite, lug trio. oily
of the foreel o , 4 eintiplitint,—d" not let your pi e,jiolleii
t o w the iireool....s 01 others ston.l between yolir tailor
ing child owl the toilet (lint is 111 lie stij:i.:_y, s , Alt.
1. 1 111,13 . 11i1i1* 8 1 / 1 1E—to follow the tiye of thi,, n.,,,tidno,
II timely used. Full ilireetionn the linillg: ails 111 . C . 0111.
jr n• ...1.11 brut!, Nth: geoulue unless.tlio the-,lmilo
01 Ultl'lS & )'/ll.l'il NS, Now Yorhils on the outsble
Sol.ll, S. IV. Hoverstlek North 1100nver of.
Elliott 51:110 st .Carlislo, and Driv,,glsl, 111..0,11.111 LI.
110114. 1.1 . 11.0 only 2.", Centl for liotLlr, l'elneipol 011'
e, No. 13 Cedar lA. N. Y. t .1 fly 20, 1801.-Iy.
three story Brie': Ihnise wlth'
lor e tt• pn rlor .12 feet deep sit tinted
t'st I'Ateet. 111 be rented
from the Ist ut the
:F.tore In Feld bulldhig . June IJ, PIC°.
Iv L. The hod( 31eat flatters and Stull - ors that are
be had at the lowe , t wine. at Lynn'', 0 here
3'oa ;-111 ling a fall But tools I every de.
s ipti,al at privy, lan, than ever .lva.3, heard if, Don't
buy a I'utterur NLUBrr until pat tahe a lan/, at onr
.11111N 4 PANNI: "ION.
. . . . . .
N;tv. 2, To. North Ilan", et , tilt l Cal Iltle.
to sof Wig Chia puldir pcup•
rally, that er have on hand a toll ntOttls lif
(WA bar All hind- or 1113 glittery, thhn oil t•ortittt,, nl
h a ythi : teen ~,,ittn.,•ted to a thorothth tr.t Ly t h e
Fblr nil Ihtt holt I. unit :Old tall, (gir o It itt
11 striwrior huhri...ttor at In ,t vont :ltd ottrittz
irrupt eu lively Iri i. front guilt. atilt will qattil touch volnte
tvoathtt• alp! has Ito, ttottl,th'y to httat. 'fry It riot yol
1:111 o+o iloilkilv4 else for Ltaltrh•titln,t.
trlkle NOV. 2, 'ho. tON.
North 11.thover.t. 4 treet Catlin!,
V+. _
For Ulu spent., rod lea
' OF 'PI
This trio•11,1no ha. , ivrou
in ilesperato C. 1,11 or '
Son,rola. 0 .• - elaneerntiii frmations,
Cutaneous DI 40.1,,, El . ) . •111..1114, 111111 S,
PillaplUM oil 1110 1111 . 0, Sort, l''.e- . ,
Illil, Stublbo n Cleein ^llteitltt ties.!.
'letter alfeetions, Itheoliiittle Dlmordeni,
1,/simpsia, (Ip.tivene,,,
. Jauntlle •, Sale II Ileum!' '
illereiirial 111,eake,i, iiimeial Debility,
I,i,er Complaint, 1.0.,, of A iiimtite.
Low IipIND., , Foal ti•tionbeli
Fenutto Complaint,. qiiil all Disomois having llleirriel
gin in :in Impure stale,pt tint ll'omb.
%Ye rotor to tho ea., ;of hind llrCreary, of Napier
it ..third Co., ha. who, on thulst day or
nqt. IN:bS invlo atii , lavitpwlinv Jostleu tlorley that to,
oa itod fir the e tthree phl sioidna
f it 'aunts, and he hr. NOW Gm I:CleAlt`
Culh~ lid t'ineiunuti, for 1 11 rind .ir no: rly eight
In 01(11., WI( Wlth,Lll/11111 , 4 ioti, h, Ilk lip, 111.M.,.:11111:1
111111011 of lIIN hit cheek Sour., entirely r:Itol away!: Ho
had given up all hope, when Ito heard of the
llearolier." owl WOO 111.111(.1j1 to'try it. four bottles
role I Idol, and :hough sadly dklidorial there is no
uo , dion hot what this 111,1111:1111l. IsaYr.llils
Th.• tail put kola,: of tlli.. rem:oh:Ode cane hots
lototoi iu, aadhatier, ollkh ,111 be lotd ol' :my of the
Oct. 20, t;.)._iy
t...n... tei, of Neury 1111,1iney, of 1441er
Inn, Arm:4llll4 I..mety, 1111,101 :-vrlliin tiler be
nn e hl r ,ei out et In, 1.-1 for thre,. yeere.
To the "rot Poly it. Att....,1e, Clearfield eenety
Wile was el./ etiliett , l w it h ,trofula In its kro r ,t
. the reek. of ktwkrz,.. Veiria, reNiklitt, In Derroiltelro,
ektuthrie rout). lii. who wee tedly ; AIDA / A „jut
Ceneer 111 it oat his vial, nese id. aliS loin noise was
leooNoi II poonnll.le, than MeCie.trCS.
'Oho parth ol kr, of then e:t , e•--e,ery one or ult . .
‘Voil curer! by the line .4 . the Mewl 8c trelkor—play to
by:taut/I In a eirculer to On h ail of any of the A.;kokl.s.
M.•hEIDIN, Proprietor.
Laboratory for the keen utit,lttre and site, Dear thin
Itallreeil Dept, Ilollikleyk,bwrg,
Dr. Deo. 11. leyeer, IVltrobtketle .Ikrent, Pit khurelt.
For sale lli S'erlisle by K, W. Hey erstlek, 8.1:1
llott ; and S. 11. likklier'; tie. ,l. 'llitrrinkr It•ktlletties
lkork4 ; lios,coilor .t Zook, Shopliertl 7 triwn ; Coln
Dog/down; Jactob Simmons. erkles Ito till• I 1 Coble,
E. IVi,k Shlretueoefowit: A. 1101111, r
Mory IV. KlSiell..Clourelitown; (1 IV. llkkl.innon.lVent
'ADD C & Cu., : , loonoohor
Nonelotir4; Rlu. Ilrathm, SeNeyllle; J. Hood SI
Itensoyll k Coo„ Dieldnel.ll
11:14111/14 ; to lates,
Itnekle; IVet._ 11.- Eekles Sporking 11111; It. Dettllneer
IVItIt - .1.111k11; .1. D. Altirk,Slilpfrevilyarn, of Camber
land comity,
.1. G. CALLIO 4, CO., successors to Wm.ll. Trout
would announce to their .customers and the
generally that they bare Just received flew l'hiladel
phia, it large and elegant stock of goods, lu their lino of
business of every Of style and quality.
They have DU hdrld It splendid
'l'4= assortment of ~
of all dose:lotions, from the common Woo
to tho finest FUR AND SILK HATS; and at pokes
that must snit :dory one who lOUe an eye to gutting tho
worth aids money. Thu htoch ineluder,
of every style I . olor and unsurpas , ml for 1.111 HT.
other establlOnnent In the country.
of every leseription constantly on hand. •
They re,pectfally Invite till the old patrons and as
many now ones as possible, to gl_tothem2t . call.
-- Apr. 25, 1501 1)'
pes:gners and Engravers on Wood
' . ..
' A +.X EL U: I,
all kinds of Wood, Er .
ILTs‘" !b 7:`‘ ,r- a: — L iildd'ft l l. "
;,„:,,.„,,V, ~. ,I,it:.„T.
PorSons wishing cuts, by eroding a Photograph or Da.
guorreut you,. ran hare v lows OlCollegrni, Churches, Stare
Fronts. Machines, Stovas, Patents, Sr., engraved as well
as on personal application.
Fancy Kovelopos Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills,
Visiting, hostiles and other Cards, engraved hi tho
highest style of art, and at the invest prices.
For Ppechnens of line engraving seo the Illustrated
works of J. 11. Lippincott &Co., E. H. Butler & Co.
Nov. 00, 1800 —ly.
FOR SALE.-50,000 building brick
for sale, of less price limo they con he bed at the
In.quiro at this office. Sept. 14, 'W.
4Z-fl) roadthi of tho 0 1100010 . aro romtruhat
that I havo Just brought from thiVelty a largo supply of
Dried Apples add Poaches, Fresh Tomatoes In cans, fresh
Mushrooms, the very- best Pickles, different kinds of
mixed Mustards, and Sauces, Lemons and Oranges,
Printen,,Flgs. Italalns, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses,
Fish, Salt, Fins Ss pars and Tobacco; very !Toe Brandies,
Old Eye Whiskey, Winces &e'• ' besides a gonoral assort.
meat of goods In our line of trade, otfdrod at the very
lowest prices, FOR 0,151 t., . W3l. BENTZ.
Nov. gd, MU. • , , •
cARPETINGS.-;;--Just received at
Ogiiby's chopatom nu Cash ato nu ontiro' uow stack
or ogroin, Ung nut Luting Carpotiugs, direct from the
Idemutscluress, and soiling st =voodoo tiy Imrpticas
for Cash." . . C1L1.9. OGILBY, Trustoo. '
11.011.81172 51. 131,AbIC
I, and 44,6131 eon, of ALI
log mu IV p (MIT y: •
I E 111.001). '
;ht the wait miraculous cmres
• . —_. .. ._ - : - .__l o
' .
Ono of tbe.alwaiicat and boot .aelecte4
stocks of Dry (Molls. ever opened In Csefisle, 14.;
Is nosy In-the rooneof A. IV.l3entz, consisting In 'Jeri!'
• 'BILK 110111•:S•FANCY AND . PLAIN.
Sillto,'Plewro,l Merinos, Cashmeres, all wool Delnlnes
end:every style ofTrysilltehls 800 ti to the easlorn
colors nud steins,: of every rtyla. My stock of Mantles
it acknowledged,to be the most compluto over opened
In this place.
purchased front the best houses In l'hllade l iphla and
New York. can be had of zne'at less than usual retail
prices. I have In this branch's Linens. Laces, Edgings,
Ca '
nkhrles ts, Nalusooks..Taconetts. 1.:11 , mA., Mull
Muslins,&e., all of which I ask but an oxamlnatlors.
The beet artiele of Siberian Squirrel, Oerniau Fitch,
Stow, Martin and Silver do. I lirivo at
Joist too hundred HAI e: out i f whieliall Call select.
American, and French Prints; all of
the' 1304 ovolono•tore and valor+, isineasier, IVatertivist
and M.inollast, .
Flannels. Illankets and
everything usually fiiind Ina well regulated Dry Clouds
Store. •
Silk, li'unlun. Cation and Linen Hose for Children, La-
Melva nd Gentlemen, Kid, Kid Fi nisi, Silk, Lisle thread
and Genuine Buck Gloves fur Gents,
' Cloths. Cassimeres. testings and Shawls. There is no
place tills side of Philadelphia, where gentlemen can
he fitted out in butter styles or wiality of cloth trld nt
nn InN 1,11,08 lin In lily store. Call and nor the new style/77
of fussy caysimere,, aesnow lodged by the gentlementt
this place to he the vrettlest rind best over brought
Bum the m aern in:whets,
Superfine tt o and three Ply, Brussels and 'Velvet Car-
Awl,. of all stool., and figuresmpl extremely low prices,
stir, 55110 SIOI n quarter, one and a half, two and throe
yard.: wide, Oil Cloth of very best a, Gel° and sold
at the very low Pries of fifty rents per square yard. '
liar ber: oulart;ed lily M.. 11111111 added every enliven!. '
env., and ram net tbr ettslonters. 1 Invits all to call end
.Ml , lllllO of goods 1,11.11.1,1 for CASH and tine
why it is Cm', IV, Boot', 1,1 sell his goods at stud,
velar low rates. It is to the lutetest elan who In
ne , td Gry threls, to ;Alio our :dealt an inspection, my -
motto is to yeti ellt,lll 111,1 t please CUFtolller,
ornr tru
of it, m•hat
• wedirtim
uled in a
I k to If
oh, 11 titno
Cr did tre
:Am c of
Iy: Ull4
A. W. ill:Nri,.....l.llanover at.
12 'CA' I; , .arly 0:31/Wit 1,110 P. 0. Carlisle
Fi '' C ' _ll . l7_,t-1 ... 7,
Ou and aft , :r )10Ni/A V, DE',2IIIIIIEII 3.1,15 M, l'ai.Feugnr
1 1111 :1 4 S follow::: (Sundays I;xi opted
FOR C11.1111111:11;111511t1 AN) 11A11111,t‘13U110.
Ist Train. 2tl Train
;Jo A. M. 2:15 I'. M.
7.37 " 3.35 "
f.cave Ifa,rgt kivn,
•• ChlutviJlarg,
Khippon::Lu: Kr
" 10.10 ' 3.10
.31,111nirsburg, 1045 " 3.42
Arrive At Ilarrislotru, 11.1 " 4.10 ",
lot Train
Leave Iforrbliorg 8.05 A. M.
3lechanicsburg 1,47
Shlppentdour, ' 10413 u
" ChanOrg', rrive) 11.00
Greencastle, 11.55
At rive at Ilagerstow 12.2:1 6.15 "
THREE Daily Trains (cove Harrisburg for Pittsburg,
at (.18, and 7.00,•A.,31.. and .I'2o, P. 31.,
For Ithilallelphia, Oa Pennsylvania Control Railroad
At 2.411 A. 31,, 12.55, 1.15, 000 5.25 11. Si. N'itt Lebanon
V. R. 11., at 8.110 A. 31.. 000 1.15, 1'. , 31. For Baltimore,
at :1.00 A. 7.40 A. 31.. .4 1 00 I'. 31.
For 1 re verten nod Willionteport at 1.40 'and 5 1 .15, P.
31. Trains on Dauphin Road 2.011. I'. 31.
NOTICE To PASSENGERS: - At all Slatlons uhero
Tickets are Flllll, sic: Hagerstown, Greenenstle, Chan,.
ber4lmrg, .Shippensburg.
burg AIM Harrleburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on
each 'Picket will Ile Imola to all Pa,sengers that provide
themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars.
O. N. LULL Super't
Railroad Ofilee, Chamber:burg, 1:
Dec, 7,181 u,
- lust received ani)ther new and cheap
o'r lot or Itlrltm dour, 1/tmlutr k Dixon Linens, :Ifu7
At Ow Own', Cavli Storo
Nov. 2, IS'J. (211.15. WI 11.1tY. Trugto9.
- 3E3CC;OI_OEI3.A. - 3r.
North Hanover St., Carliclo
Ifinijritt opened on assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan.
y Mods, OM Ilool.s, I',•rfumery, Fruits, and email°.
ohleli has !more Lem: turposeed• In this bor
nigh. for novelty and elegance. The ortinles have been
•clerteit with great ea.e, mid ore ealeulateil, In quality
nd pile°, to command, the attention of purchasers.
comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most
exquisite linislitsueli as..
Papier Machu
Elegant ;tlahaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays,
Fancy Ivory, peArl and shell card eases,
Ladies' Fary Baskets,
Fancy Work Biases, with sewing Instruments,
Ca Las, Writing Ih,ks, and .
- Port Monnale, of every variety,
Gold phis :red pencils, Fancy paper weights, mid a
large vtriety of ladies' Fancy stationery.
Mott osseals and wafers, nod bead purses,. • •
Biding whip., elegantly finished, line cutlery,
Perfume baskets and,lehrs, .
Ilfusbes °revery . kind for the toilet,
X. Ibuzio and lt. S 6. Wright's Soaps and I'ool=o3
Of various kinds,
Fancy Pins for head dreSses anti shawls.
Musical instruments,
together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant
ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, • to which
he invites special attention.
Also, tie extensive and elegant collection of
'uprising, various English and.Anierlean Works,
oily einholikhed WOIiES, Bibles and
nun Itonhs.' elegantly irminti in velvet with meta
asps and e4,111.1,:.-iiiiitahle for holiday Otte.
a.roi :meld al Selibl Ricky and Nchuoi MAIM - Wry IS
,:pi.4e, and coin bus everything used in the
Held, de,,lres rail the particular •attort
un of Families to his elega t aseorttnent of
. I, A :11 P
from t h e extonAre establlOimentr. of Cornelius, Mellor
and others 01 Philadelphia, comprising every , stylo of
Parlor, Clllllllllor and gtudy Lamps, for burning eithor
Spormat Etborial oil; also DY01"1"S colobrntod
rosone or Cool 011 lamps, tqn,t her with Flower Vases.
Fancy Screens, 111, assortment lu thlsllllo Is nu.
onualed in the borough. Also,
(.111hr:wing all ton f..vorito brands, and a lino assort
such as Oranges, - Lemons, Figs, halt:lns, Neetarineel,
In every variety and all prime, all of which are pure
and frokh such us can be confidently recommended to 1,
Ills friends. Ilisstock embraces everything in Melina
of Fancy Goode, with m tny other [alleles 'useful to
mums 'keepers which the public are especially invited
to call nod examine.
Remember the Old Stand ; nearly opposlte the Bank on
North Ilenover street. '
7. 1859
And 1011:Inds of Furnislclts floods,
And all kinds of Furnishing hoods,
AntLall kinds of Burnishing thindl,, •
At the great Clothing Emporium
In No, Lk Hanover l..iirest, •
At the gretit Clothing Emporium
In North Ilanover Street,
At the great Clothing limporium
Iu North ll:muter Strout.
On account of htlVillg a heavy stock of Clothing and
'deco goods on hand no inns tills ilay greatly reduced
our prices to Clothing. And all iniwant of groat Bar
gains should call innocdLitely at
Clothing noprinut
Nortlillanovar Asset,
XlO 4g .. .f1u/it 3F11111•15
OF EVER • ursceirrios,
The Largest and Best Stock in tho City.•
Our racnitteeenehlous to snit Toner thtin any other
estsbliSlnnent. ' , Politeness nod Nair
. • Dealing," our motto. •
. 8& SONS,
.826 and 828 Chestnut treat, Philads.
Ara -No eOtiNECTION 'WITH ANY OTHER 1101/88.nn
Doe 14, 'GO —2 ms.
'rho Oillsers and Stall of the First Regiment,
Ara. AMA Div Ishii; Penna. Uniformed Milltia
crlll assemble in Carlisle on Tuesday. tuo let day ofe.rall.
unry A. D. 1861. A gnuoral Attandauce la required.
• ' By order of
Win. B. Hulbert
• Adjutant,
xj, gust hasortmant tidy side Philadelphia, and ealdhig
at Iddndfarturers. prleex. Cur Wok. is entirely maw
and ft., a from moth:. LIM)! 011; SAWYER. At /1111,LBR
',Vbel'avcirniesn'il B Mllng , Sirloirll4lbirorit
from tlio Ist. of April neat • • , •
Dec. 14, 439.-Img. , PETER' F. EOB,
1.. 7 "
9I I "
9...2 "
2d T at o
1.40 P. 11
' Col. Coin