IM3 D.YSPEPSIA REIVIDYEI Du; DARIUS HAM'S Aromatic. Invigorating Spirit.. This Medicine has been used by the public for • years, with increasing factor. It Is recommended la eure.Dyspepsin Nervousness, Ileart•Burn Colic, Pains, W i ind n the Stomach, or Pains in the Dowels, headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Corn. plaints, f l ow. Spirits, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance. It Stimulates, Exhiliretm Invigorates, but will no Intoxicate or Stupefy.. . • As a Medicines It is quick and effectual, curing the most aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints and all other derangements of the Stomach and Bow. 015,,1n a speedy manner. , It will instantly revive the most drooping and mel ancholly spirits, and restore the weak, nervous and sickly to health, strength and vigor, Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors, have become deluded, and their nervous systems shat tered, constitutions broken down: and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the DELIIIII3ITHF.MEN,NIV al almost immediatcly feel the happy and healthy invigo rating eMcacy of Dr. llama Invigorating Spirit. = Doan-One wine glans full soften as necessary 0130 dose will remove all Bad Spirits. Ono dOFO will cure Heart burn. Three doses will cure Indigos , Ouo dose will give you a G Ap Ito. Ohs dose will stop the distressing pa nsof Dysiepsia. "Ono dose will remove the distressing and disogrecable effects of Wind or Flatulence, and ns soon 00 the stom ach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load and all painful feelings will be removed.. ;' One-dose will remove the' most distressing paps Colic, either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kid ney, Bladder or Urinary Organs: Persons who aro seriously Billeted with any Kidney Complaints are fissured speedy relief by o dose or two and a radical cure by the use of oneqg two bottles. ••• NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. • Persons who, from dissipating too much over night' rind feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, In violent headaches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, 'Ac., will find one dose will remove all had feelings. • Ladies of weak and Sickly constitutions. should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstruc tions and irregularities from the menstrual organs and restore the bloom of health and the careworn During prognnny it will bo found Zlbraluableniedi • sine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stoqulh, All the proprietor - asks ion trial, and to induce this an hoe put up the INVIOORATING Semis pint bottles at SO cis:, quarts Vl'. vla_ For sale lu Carlisle by 8. W.. Ilaversticic, and S.Elliott; In Mechanicsburg by L. -Kauffman, and lit • Nowville by 8.0. Wild, and by Druggists generally Feb.l, 1880.-Iy. r: OOP SKIRTS ! HOOP SKIRTS latest novelties, no at prices to Sufi romps i on. Li:IDIOM SAWYER & MILLER, PRESS GOODS.—A new supply o Dress Goods, such as Poplins, De Lain, s, Slik 10914, Lustros ke.l &c. :lust iecrived.,and will b sold uncommonly low, at the cheep Cush store CHAS. 0011.11 Y, Trustee. Nov. 2, 1860 PHILADELPHIA IittATOHIAND JEWELRY STORE .0. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT. No. 148 NORTH SEgOND STREET, CORNER OF QUARRY STREET. The undersigned has leased the above promises whore ho will keep a large assortment of Gold & Silver • Watches, of American. English and Swiss Man uhicturo , of the most celebrated makers, in addition to which, s will be found always on hand. (and motto to order) an `v extensive variety of Jewelry, sliver, and Sliver Plated were,, together with a general assortment of much goods AN am° usually kept Inn first: class Jewolry Store The patrons of O. Conrad, and those of the.aubscriber together with the public generally, are Invited to call, whore they will receive a good article for their money. As I am determined to do strictly a rash business goods will lie sold very low. "SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES," Is the motto of this establishment. LEWIS IR.RIIOOMA LL, Formerly 0. CONIIAD, No. 14 North Second St. cornor ofQllatry Phila. • • • Juno 6, 1260.-ly. PHIL — ADELPHIA AND READING *AIL ROAD ' SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, On and after MAY 28, 1860. Tyro paaaongor•truing leave Harrisburg daily, (Sun days excepted,) at 8.00 A. 01., m1(1.1.15 P. M., for Phila delphia, arriving_thero at 1.25 noon and 0.15 P. M: Returning, lOATO Philadelphia at 8.00 A.M., and 3.30 P. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.4 e noon and 6.80 P. Ounce To Plilladolphla, No. 1 Cars. $3.25; No. 2 (in ovum train.) $2lO. Faros to Reading. $l.OO and $1.30. At Reading. COTlneri with trains for Pottsville, Minors. yille,Tatnagun, Catawissa, Four trains leave Reading for Philadelphia daily, at 8 A. 5f , 10.45 A. M. 12.30 noon and 3.43 I'. 31. Leave Plilladelphla for Reading at 8.00 A. M., 1.00 I'. Id.; 8.30 P. 31., and 5.00 I'. 51. ' Fares from Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1 45. The morning train from Harrisburg connects nt bonding with up train for Wllkesharre, Pittston and Scranton. Per through tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE General Agent. Aug. 3, 'ff) HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH 'SIT TERS yam appeal with perfect confidence to physiciansand•citizqns generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than -volumes of bare assertion orUazoning puffery. The consumption of .Gostetter's Stomach Bit ters for thelast year amounted to over a half million bottles, - and from its manifest steady •1 increase in times past, it is evident that during, . 1 he coming year the consumption will reach ear one million bottles. This immense amount ould never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara; lion, and the sanction of the most prominent 'physicians in those sections of the country • where the article is best kiwi's), who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, butt are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacyin all casesof stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a tmporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid \--estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduliing as time itself. Hostel ter's . Stomach "Bitters have- proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their' victims .I) , y hundreds, To be - • able to state confidently .that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of pleasure. It removes all morbid matter ' from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensablP , for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, ' '' mildly but powerfully, Old soon restores them ' to a condition essential to iluvhealthy discharge of the functions of nature. 'd t Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will fund in it a stimulant peculiaily adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, • and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men, and women who-have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach do- rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned ' all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to tho gentler sex. There aro certain periods when their cares aro so harassing that many of them sink under the triatS• The relation of mother and - child is so .abs'orbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is' apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety' for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrivy-dnring the summer season, the wear of beilyOnd mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of - the'system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials yyd-'rosponsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally-prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors, that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as - certain, to, give a perineum:lt increase of bodily strength. • All theset:Persons, to whom we have portion- - ' larly referred above, to, wit: sufferers from feverand 'agile, caused by malaria; diarrhoea, • dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all -diseases orsderingements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. • CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the imitations or counter., feits, but ask tfor 11011TETSV8 CELEDRATIip EITC/IlAidu BliTElle,And BC.O that each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Hostetter's - Stomach Bitters" ' ,blown - on the sideof the bottle, and stamped on ''the metallic cap covering the cork, ,and Observe that otir ' autograph:signature Wort thy ' label .'"' -.,,, ',; ' ' '• . . . " __' •.,:04' • Prenared'and s old by Etgi3TEWYdR, & satairs, Rittsburgh. Pa., and . iota , by:. all druggists, groeeri, • and . 'dealers , generally thronghOut the itinitelk flteidifr".Boutlt Arne-. . giesonni,Gerinany. • ~,, .., ';. ' „". , - . . . . For naloby& Elliott B.W Traveistich,Carlisle; John C:Attlok:. John'Etembannb,• Shippoonbnrg; li Haul. vv., J. P. ip.nnind, Jloolin , !etbard • and Brudninte p rtlntly .on n .., ft rOl, O. . Vin, q, ..Iri ntistelantons. CARLISLE AND.PHILADELPHIA cilt2lll , ' 4 _ , ;(e; "7:07' D iIILY FIIIDIQI{T . LINE. FREED, WARD AVREED, &IS MARRY' EITItEi. j 2111LADEG1MA. ' i & D. Dar • WA . ST REET, OAllllBlr, PA. s Dlueleavo Om Deipo t 811 Ms le, 44 P. N. (Dilly, at 7 .'clock, A Al. 1 for this line should be marked 0. A Line, and sent In by 4 o'etock. • 44- Care of t Daily, at 4 o'cl . Leave Carnal Goo& Intend P. Daily Frelgh May.2s, 1869. R. WEAVER'S j' A M E CA AND BINET CHAIR • - Wil [ ll - A N UN A ()TOR Y, NORTH lIANOVE STREET, CARLISLE, PA. • Having been...engaged n the business for over twenty yeartolio• would return hanks to bin customers end friends; for the liberal e muragement extended to him iii.vears gone by, and wilier assures them that no pains will be spared, to g re full satisfaction to allwlia may favor him with a call. . • CUAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on handow made to order. Warrantod to be of the best quality, of the la test, style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. Ile also continueabusitfesa as an UNDERTAKER.— Reedy made Coffins, Metallic or otherwise, kept con. elontly on band and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on tho most reasonable terms. . . Cherry and Walnut Coffins, largo size, well finished and lined Inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Collins covered' oin 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES lt. WEAVER. Mny 26,1859-1 y N. ll.—Two properties situate InlThurchtown,Oumb. county, aru offunal fur i;alc, on easy terms. Apply as abovo. J. It. W. IRVING FEMALE " COLLEGE, This institution, designed for the liberal edneation of Young Ladles, hits boon in operation two years with the most gratifying result. It is now established on lira basis, and, Its pair/thug° already extends over several States.', • j[t.. to located on the Cumborltihil Valley way botween Harrisburg and Carlisle. In the most fer tile and beautitul portion of the valley, and is in dos° proximity to ono of the must moral, healthy, and en— terprising towns in'tho State. It is central, and easy of aecess., Students leaving Washington, Baltimore, or rhilitdolphia in the morning train fur Harrisburg, will arrive at Mechanicsburg In timo for dinner. • The edifice is large . jind commodious, surrounded by double verandas, and will accommodate about one bun. dred boarders: 'ln its construction, It combinca,aar the Modern improvements for the prothotion 'health, comfort and convenience. In these respects physicians pronounce It Unrivalled. The chambers are large and neatly furnished. Each has its register for beat and ventilation Only two students occupy the same room. The bath rooms ar'eat all times supplied with warm and cold water. The grounds are ample, and well arranged for rerr anon, and the various calisthenic exercises —so esssn MI to health, graceful movement and symmetry o form: --'. The Nullify of Instruction lo efficient and 'exper °need. In tho Colloginte Deportment thu course of study Is of a high grndu, comprehonding all the suldects belong.- lug ton Classical, Polito and Christian Munn tion. , ' In - the Preparatory Department pupils will ho earn• fully Instructed lu thole, branches limning the basis of a thorough Englisli education. Sessiona.First Session, from the Ist Wsdnesdny of Septembor to thu 30th of January. Second Session, frein the Ist of February to the lot of July. ...Vacation, during July and August. TEEMS PEE SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS, PAYABLE 'IN ADVANCE. • Boarding. Washing, Furnished Rooms. F and Light. . . . . . . Tuition—Colleglate Department. ' 4 : ' Preparatory !! First Class, No extra charge for Ancient Languages. Music—Piano *4 Guitar. . . . . 20 00 Vocal Music.. : . . . . . . . . 2 00 Modern Languages,• . . . . . . . . 10 00 . Painting, Drawing and other Ornamental Drenches t the usual rates. Text•heolts furnished nt city prices. For further particulars address, Rev. A. II MARLATT, A. M.. President. Aug. 3.1860 A. 'II. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS • • 7044'171 1 3) -f- .t' . 1859 - •, West High Street, Carlisle,' Pa— . (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 1857.) Tho subscriber has Just received the most splendid assortment of articles In his line, over brought to this place--which ho is determined to sell at prices that de fy competition. . Parlo r 1 Chamber, • D iii ng-room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and Office • Embracing every article used by'llouse and HAI keepers, oT. the most approved and fashionable - design -and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts. reception and Cuuip Chairs, Mattresses, Alit frames, pictures, Ac., ,Purchasers are requested to call And examine his stork, at his extensive waro•rooms, West Main street, North side. A. lirey. Particular sttenpon given as usual to funerals; orders from town and pountry, attended to promptly and on moderato terms,. A. B. E Carlisle, May 12, 1858.—1 y. JOSEPH 11. STEEL WATCH MAKER SOUTH lIANOVER STREET, ta, , A few - doore south of the Court Howe. X 7-. • Having Rupplied myself with a largo assortmont Watch Materials, Classes, &c.,1 um now prepared to ro pair all kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jowoiry, &c, on tho most reasonable terms. that may Ito intrusted to my cars. Hoping by strict attention to business to be fa vored with a liberal shorn of ptitilic patronage. A floe assortment of JEWELRY, such as Ladles' Breast ('lns and Enr Dropa. Gold and Cameo; Misses' Breast Pins and Ear Drops, Box and Glass Pins all sizes, Gold Chains, Hooks, Plated CIMIns, Gilt luekets, G muds Keys, &o. Also a large and tine assortment, of GUT) FINGER RINGS, Also, a fine lot of Sliver Hunting, Iletnched Lover, and !manes Watches, and a good assortment of Silver plated and Steal Spectacles. All of which will be sold low. A Share of public patronage Is respectfully ted. JOS. U. Carlisle Tau. 1860.-11. PURIFY THE BLOOD MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS, AND PI-ME:NIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these pro-mni sent Medicines have acquired for their Invariable MR eau in all the diseases which they profess to cure, hue rendered the usual practice of uniting not only unneces sary, but Unworthy of them. They are known by their fruits: their good merlin testify for them, and they thrive not by the bah of the credulous. • In all cases of Asthma, Acute und Chronic Rheuma tism. Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys. Billions Fevers and Liver Complaints,—in the youth and West where those diseases prevail, they will be found invaluable. • Planters, farm •re and others, who once use these medicines, will neverafterwards be with oat them. Pillions Cholic and Serous Looseness, Biles, Costive ness, Colds and Coughs, Cholla. ' CONSUMPTION—Used with great success In this dl. souse. Cot- upt Humors, Dropeles, Dyspepsia.—No person • ith this distressing• diso.ze shohld delay using these medicines immediately. Eruptions of the skin, Erysipelaw, Flatulency and Fe ver and Ague.—For this scourge of the Western country these medicines will,bo found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the dleeaso—s cure by these medicines is permanent. Try them, be satisfied, and be cured FOULNESS OF COMPLEXION, = (lout, Glddlneug, Gravel, Headaches of ovary kind, Inward' Never, Indammotork Rhournatleno, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Logs of Appetite. . . LIVER COMPLAINTS, LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, ,'MEItCUIIIM DISEASRS. Novas fano to omdicato entirely all the Wadi, of Nor awry infinitely soonor than the most powerful propose dole of Saroaparllls.- Night Sweots, Nervous Debility, Nervous Complaints atoll kind., °mania Affections, Palpitation of tho Heart Painters' Oholle. 12(53 The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Plies add years standing by the use of these Liver Medicines clone. :Patna lu the head, side, back, limbp, joints and or RHEUMATISM' Those still :tad with this terrible disease will be sure of relief by the Lilo' Medicines. Ruh of Blood to the Mad, Scurvy, Solt-Rheum, • Swellings. 'SCROFULA, or KING'S EVIL, In its worst fermatill• - • ••• - • care of every descrlptiqn: ' • Worms of all Mods are effectually expelled by these modlelnes.•. Parents will do well to administer • them whenever their existence is suspected. Belief will be attain. Tun LIFE PILLS • • . , AND NIIIENIX MITERS • ' • • PURIFY TIRE BLOOD, t Mat thus remove all •disease's Dom . thp system. • lihraparcalby "t; • ' • kit. WILLIAM It. MOFFAT, • , • '"• • • No. 335 BroadwaY,' 'Moffat Building) N. Y. July 0.-Iy. liny :min by n 111 ). rbgglntoi. I Nm In nobs. SEITSToItt AND N.g*titiODS ' . . • - -••• . • -. • • .. • . . . , , . . • After returning hie' Chnowledgements for the very liberal patronage whiclibas been extended to him, the undersigned would call attention .to the fact that he luisJust rwopened his extensive assortment of family , . . . . „ . • . • :,---: a l IC p••IER lES h• In •is netV'stor&roorp, onthe stein. wt.. cbrtieC of the • , me aquare„Where the public era invitod'to call and examine ea stock of goods which, iu elejmnee, variety and extent, wlll,dofy competition; comprising. in part 'loaf, lump, ' crtist and: brown - . Sugars,' ~,- ...,..,,„„' Java, :Rao and rated TEA. Every xit.' .- a•- , - ,- . '. rlety and qUallfy TEA. ‘Splces, (groufid . , 1, and uoground,) Ickels, Sauces, Table Oil. t 1 1 r Now Orleans,'. 8 , arhouse and Trinidad ' Molasses; Now Yor • hilaffelphla Syr ups. Cheese, Nee/Irani, ye egllll, spilt Peas, Ilominy, Mincemeat, corn Starch, 'Far no, Chocolate Extract o, Coffee, refined sugar at reduced hates, washing and Lek, log soda. Tobacco of the moat favo, Ito brands, and the finest quality of Began,. .Mso, a beautiful. assortment of Britannia Ware, plain and gald band China Ware, aiIIFX, Queens, Stone and ..Earthern Ware, In great va. rlety, and on elegant lot of Fancy Soaps, extracts and perfumery fir the toilet. ' , FRUITS: IncluffaCkfiPenches in cans, Ealslns, Cron• belfries, dry apples, citron,. amends, oranges, lemons, ,1e.,..te. . . • = 7, 41. I key, ey 7Q ß l:ltSiu:s,pale, and Lisbon stall, .... gr embracing common and old ltye Whis ( ( ( Wholesale I t , a 7t7t gr..c IF Sherry Port, Maderia, Ginger, Cataivba z.:4= ;,.,7 and Muscat Wines In casks and hot. ties, Scotch Whiskey, Holland Clln, and Seheidarn Schnapps. FISH AND SALT. A largo stock of LAM pa, Including Dyott'n celebrated lamps for burning Korosoneor coal oil, also Sperm, Plan; Lard and Coal 011, burning Nluld, bporm and Star, Candloa. CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. finishes, Hopes, hlopps, Soaps, pooronats, Waiters, Looking-glasses, fine lottor and note papdr,. Willow Wnro,paintedihuclicts Ace. Cotton and wsitlien hobo, and half Hose, and a Full stook of °lovas, Including the woll•known Hanover Buck Gloves. • . , . - 'ln short, his stock comprises everything that is called for in his lino of business, and no efforts will be spared to render sullen satlsfaction to his customers. 0. 12 , 1710E1.., Carlisle, Oct. 27, 158-131.. in; Marketing of all kirks taken in exchange fo goods. - • " .1114RIOOr 11141.41. 1 ' FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA STORM Just revolved and In store, a fresh and well se 'acted assortment of Rio, Java and Mara caibo Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed ' 'Pulverized Sugars, Refined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses (Means (baking) Moine sex. Spices of every variety— ' puroonly ; Starch, Farina and Chocolate, Id accaroni, Cheese and Crackers,. Tapioca and Sago, Indigo, &tondos and Soda, Croam Tartar and an sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Reed TEAS.—A fine assortment In Packages, 4 77 , , ,. and In Bulk—lift well no nil other articles I'' ' '. belonging to the lou.dnesa—nll at the lowest It Ilft . and late reduced prices. , 'J.' NY. EBY. VVs A ri T ,T a . l w E A S ittAT J c E o ll i r , l:, N l , 4 B l . Y aera. A bli n Stand, West Main St., dearly opposite the Cumberland Valley hank. . I have just received a now assortment of watches; eumlry. mmiallions e silver-ware, fec.. In additlou to my 'armor stock to which I invite the .attention of ' the public, The assortment 'embraces , tine gold Mid silver lever watches. Hunting and open coca do., gold An chors for Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Laplace and Quartier watches of every variety in style and price. Also fine gole Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladies and Oen time 011 of Weary quality, potter.. and price. Gold fob,. vest. Cush and neck chains. Gold bracelets, linger rings, cuff-pine, studs, sleev e -buttons, crosses, charms, &c. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and' plated bolter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard sprains of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver and common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we invite special attert• tion. - $6O 00 20 00 10 00 12 00 A flue lot of fiOLD INNS from the best Makers, spectacle cases, fancy loxes, Miser and pearl card cases, gold nod common bracelets, match cludna, Mantle Clocks nod a variety . of articles usu. dOwelry establlshMents, whirl, g.Alpy will - sell 'low for cash. All articles war. 1-eur I ranted to be what they ma represented. rust Particular attention paid 'lot 'usual t0.: 3 : 74 0:, WATCI,I REPAIRINO and all work war ranted. D. e. 51,1857.1 1 - 1 4 1 it KS II G R Elt I E.S !- AT S. C. 11UYETT'S Shad and 'Mackerel of dllTeront grades, At IIUYETT'S. Salmon, Scale Fish and White Flab, At IIUYETT'S. Codfish, Solt and Pickled Herring, • At TIUYETT'S Chooso and Crachora can be had Drlod Fruit, Prosorves and Jollies, At noyErre Sugar Cum" Beef and llama, At ItUYETT'S A fl cah supply of • At lIUYETT'S Oils, White Lead, !Fe., to., At TIUYETT'S. 1860 . HARDWA Nv it A l l i t : v ! li Ii A It D Jonh P. Lyme it Son have just crunpleted opening their Spring Stock of Hardware, Paints, Oily, varnishes. Glass Ac.. to which they Invite the early atttention of the public. Wo have greatly enlarged.our stork in all, its various branchus,and eau now Accommodate the pub. lie with RELIABLE GOODS. in largo or small quantities, at the lowest prices. But we do not *tali the public to understand that we have brought all the goods in Philadelphia and New York to our town, but we can assure thorn that ono look into our store will convince them that we have enough to supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goods in our line Will find it to their advantage to give us a call before making their purchases.—All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no micro• presentations made to effect sales • JOHN P. LYNN & SON, Nay '6O. North Ilanever St. Carlisle. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE . 47 TO TV YORK 3_d 4 Z/7,714.1 - _* O7 r4M.P. , . • , SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES NEW TORN AND HARRISBURG ItEADING, AND EASTON MORNING. EXPREa, West, leaves New York at 6 A. M., arriving nt Harrisburg at 12.45 noon, only 0% hours between the two 'Cities. , 51AI L LINE leaves New . York at 12.00 noon, and ar• rives at Harrisburg at 8.30 P. M. MORNING MAIL LINE East, loaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. IL, arriving nt New York at 4.30 P. M. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harris burg at 1,15 P.M. arriving nt Now York at 0 00 P M. Connections are made at Harrisburg at Ll.lO P. M. with the Passongel Trains In each direction on the Pennsyl vania, Cumberland Valley and Northebn Central ]tell• _read. All trains connect at Beetling with tralne for Potts. snit, and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mauch Chunk, MIAMI, .ke. No cli s uno of Passenger Cara or Haggett° between Now Yrok nod Harrisburg, by the 6.00 A. M. Lino from New York or the 1.15 P. M. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery, snitspeod, comfort and accom• modation, this route presents superior Inducements to tho travailing public. Fare between Now York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL LARS. For tickets and other Information apply to CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. SELLING OFF AT COST ! ! I • At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," 3 demi above the Mumborland Valley Bank, and two doors below the ethodist Church. en Weil Main street, tile largest kind best selected stock of WATCHES & JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than et any place in the State, The stock comprises it large assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting case watches, Levers, Lepines, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, Uold and Sliver chains, • GOLD PENS .94 PENCILS, :. Jewelry of Ali kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, - Plated and Silver W p re, Music Boson, Accordcons, Oil Paint. lugs, p great variety of fancy articles, and a lot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold 40 per rent lower than ever offered in town. The entire stock of Watchmaker tools, eases, large Mirrors, And Safe will be sold whole sale or retail OH the ensieskterms. . . . . . Having selected a first dims workman all kinds of rt. pairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. Plano music of all kinds for sale. A now first' class double Unreel gun warranted Pullin° twist will be Sold for half its value. PLEASE TAKEINOTICE.-6 The firm of Leitlich & Savryet?haa boon chanUod to taidich, Sawyer & Miller. Persona knowing thorn. selves Indebted to the old firm aro ragtirated to call a nd pay their accounts, as We are In went or money. ; • "LhIDICII dr. SAWYER' We are recolting dally, now pods of all .kindi bhp for the sewn, PICASQ call qt our now rooni'nno door below 511trtIn'a Haat. • • =I Oct. 28,'60 IlIjN Clothe, S iFt / t % l ,- . L R B P 4 B 1 0 _ i T CHAIN ! widths. IsManueiclurlng Co. galling: my . P c0 0 6. 0:6: 0 1 1 .. cheep. LEIDICII, SAWYER Er. MILLER. .: 600..21iA:CE OHAINS OF ALL klude wltl a largo heraAment,pr DINT CHAINS; " ; 'HALTER &TAINS, • matAst enSINS , FIFTH CHAINS, LOG CHAINS;' TONGUE °GAINS,' ; 00W'ClIAINS,' • . SPREAD Se., Just received et the Cheap Hardware Store or • Match 7, .00.• ' HENRY SATTOist. :1.,:,,. , • 1 i4i,tl4iiepo.• • P.,oArtlnor-At i .Co., now manufacture and .keep on starttly far ante, at their extensive Steam Werke on Ea, Main strect . v.Carlislo, a large assortment. of A tf EBB lt AL' IIIfPLENIE N.T S, of well knon. aliproved nal - I . llllmm tofarmers, among which they' would call especial attontion to WILLOUGH. BY'S OELEBBATED PATENT GUM' aPRING.GRAIN DRILL, which has taken over fifty First Class Premiums at State nod count . ,4 Fairs. To the Farmers of Cuinburland, York and Ferry counties vie ;need not speak in detail of the merits of, this drill, MI scores of them are now in use ou the boot. farms in these counties. Its repute- Clint la established ewe the most completo Drain Drill now manufactured lu the Rutted Statee. It sown Wheat, ItYe, Oats, Barley and—Orass,- evenly and regular, without bunching the aced. The gum Springs plus the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pins or the drill. For aeon and, regular sowing, the Willough: by"O um Spring Drill is it :equalled by any other. We also manufacture and sal the Ibilowlpg articles, which we can re:lvo:end to Far ors MI reliable Implements, of established" character: e MORRISON'S PATENT .RN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAW k FODDER CUTTER LARNE PATENT CIDER MILL; JOHNSON'S OAST IRON 1100 PS TROOOII, Also, Three and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Machines, Coat Iron Field Honors, Plough Caetings of various patterns, Corn Crushers, and other articles for Partners too numerous to miontlon. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ton Plate Wood Stoves, witlr an Immense variety of other castings fur housekeepers stqtnd others. Wo have also an attractive variety of petiolate for and MOMIO,It.Y kiiiidLOSURES to which wo wowld cot! dttootion. • Steam ICnglnes and 111111.denring. To this department of our business. we givo partial. lar attention. Our already extensive stock of patterns for Paper, Flour nod Saw 111111.0. ring, is constantly increasing. Mill Owners and Mill Wright. will be fur. nished with n printed catalifgun of our vorlops 11111 Potions, on application. Our Machine Shop comprises all the various tools for tusping, planing mid finishing Shafting and Castings, by good, and careful Machinists. !. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES - . of any desirable capacity, froni ten to twentydire horse poleer, built In the bent style and on accommodating lermh. Engines built at our establishment may be seen In successful operation at many of the largest Dlstllleriee and Tanneries In Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphln.Countlee, to the ownorkof which we confidently refer for information as to their efficien cy. Persons wanting Steam Englites are earnestly re• quested to call and examibe before contracting also. where. DOOR AND RASH FACTORY. Connected With our establishment is a Strum Sash and Door Manufactory whlchts now In complete order. for the,mantifaci tire of every description of • -• BUILDING MATERIALS. for the most costly as well as the plainest house. Win dow Sash furnished from 5 cents upward, according to nice of g lass; Window names from $1 31 upward; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from 51 75 upward;-Sour Panel Doors from 52 12 upward.• Mouldings, Castings Architraves, Wash Boards; Brackets, .Fancy Drapery, Scrolls, and oilier articles needed In house' building, furnished nt the lowest prices and of the best quality of lumber. iimWe are also prepared, as heretofore. to build and repair BURDEN CABS for transporters on the railroad, with promptness and on reasonable terms. Thu continued patronage of the-11411c la respectfully solicited. Orders by mall promptly attended to. May D. 'CO. F. GARDNER A Co. I%TEW COAL AND LUMBER YARD Tho aubacriberp lifts.° this day °literati Into part uarahlp to trade 0.,0Ai, AND LUMB'ER, Wo will bison constantly on hand and furnish to order all kinds and quality of seasoned LUMBER,' BOARDS - , SCANTLING, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Floor- Ing an d_Weldhorimardi ng,Posts and Rails, and every ar ticle that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: IVldtepine, Tlonlock, and Onk, of d'lforont qualities. Having Caro of our own we ens furnish bulls to order of any length and size at lbe shortest mitten and on the inset reasonable terms. (iii• worked boards will bo kept under cover ad that they can be furnished dry at ell times. We have MINGITItIy on hnndddl kinds of ninny Coal under rover. which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To wit : TJIOMAS CONLYN LY IC ENS )(ALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON, do. do. • do LOCUST MOUNTAIN, 1.011/IERY4 which we pl*lgeoursolvse to sell qt the lowest prices Bost qunlity of Linvhurner's and Llacknnitles Coal, =! always on band reblrli we will soli at tbu lowest figura' Yard roost side of Grammar Sebool,.Main street.. ARMSTRONG k 110E.F.ER. Titi) 20,19. A CH AMB ERS BURG FEMALE'SEDI INARY. The locution Is pleasant and healthy, and the ?Oran. Cages are equalled by few In the land. Thu institution Is largo and prosperous, with a corps of assistants cho• sou with rare, nod well qualified to instruct in the solid and ornamental branches, The balances In the board lug department are parental, moral mid refining. The :mitt session will commence on the I'2lll day of September. Pqtaloguecimay bo lord on application 11. Bov. W. W. Ells, Carlisle; Rev. John Ault, Loudon, Pa; Geo. 11 Barber, ERII, lloguestown,l'a; lion. (leo. Chambers, B. S. Sch neck, I). D., S. B. Fisher, D. D., Rev, P. R. Reese. Roy. Joseph Clark, Chambershirg, Pa: Pro. lessors at Princeton, N. J. both of the Whig° And Theo. logical Seminary. • Bev HENRY ItERVE,9, A. Si., Mrs. SARAN!REEVES; Principals. • Carlieln, Jan. 22, FORWARDING n AND COMMIS FLOUR AND FEED, COAL; PLASTER, AND SALT. The antewriber having taken the Ware House ar e and fixtures of Wm. 11. Murray's well known estabil meet, on West High street, opposite Dickinson Colle e, would inform the publle that he Ime• entered into a general Forwarding and Conunlssloo business: • The highest market price will be paid for Flour, Grain Ind produce of all kinds. They are elan prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. PIASTER AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at wholesale or retail. Coal of all kinds. embracing, LYKEN'S VALLEY. - LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBUItY WHITE ASH, LOCUST GAP, Limeburner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY TOR BALE. • KEPT . UNDER COVER • ALLENTOWN aid delivered dry to any pert of tbo town. • J. IL NONEMAKER Carllole,tisvot 17, 1859. • ;VEW COAL YARD AT THE WEST END Or DMILISEE.. The subscriber would respectfully rail the nttention of Lltueburner's, end the citizens of Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally, to his NEW COAL,YARD, attached to his Ware llousb, on. Wont High St., where ho will keep constantly on hand a large supply of the boat quality of COA!, to wit: Lykons Fiddlor, PICIC Oros and Trevor ton, Broken, Egg and Nut Coal—sCreened and dry coal, which ho pledges himself to soli at the lowest possible prices. Bost quality . of LIMEDURNEB'S AND BLACKSMITH'S COAL always on hind. pir-Aii ardent loft at the Ware Homo, or at his reel dypee in Ndrtb Hanover street, will ho promptly at. tond•d to. I J. W. lIENDERSON. • Carlisle. Aprlll4, QTIILL TRIUMPHANT. 340 copolete'sliceese of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove. warralas tha subscrlbar'ln railing the attention of all who way ivant a superlonstove to call anti ox. amino the only store that has Oran universal satisfac tion. • • • . • IattNIMED,OVER OTHERS IS Ist. A Erving; of from BO to 65 . per cent. 2nd. A hotter and gulgcor Oven' from the same fire, ad. 7Clarger Oven than any other stove (mile Remolded, sth. The preservation of the centre piece from sinking • saving Opalrs, sth. Thu best Baker, Roaster,And Cook zsn In use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning tiro tit. A perfect Gas Consumer for either weed or coal: The Prelude Flower Is warranti.d to give satiefaci lon In every ivirticular, and will ho shown with pleasure to all who urns call, whether desiring to purchase or not, Silk quantity of reference In town cr country. Allow other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very loy(to close stock. Spouting,,Rocifturr,.. Job work, Cepperstnithlng and Shouting. work:promptly attended to. In lows or coun try. All work, warranted at, the old stand,. Hanover street north,oaouther. , • . • , MARY M. MORRIS. N. 11. Ohl Copper, Brass and Pewter bought, and the highest pricbpaid in cash or goods.. Mar& 28,4860. 2 -tf. • . It. E. £3,IIAPLEY,, FURUNKS TRUNKS l! TRUNKS !! L Laialeg Etileti:ither ',French Style,. and bros truukx And Ppilnut, lloxon;Tritiloling Baps,(4 Leathcf LeAtber Brims Dam! 'thinks yet limem Now Tinvidlaix Bags, c.,'a largo Knot-Wont 'and Very . , 0!I pi.kcel,#t . LIVINGSTON'S,' , Ilnithllanover Stmt. . , ei:I,IIkII3ELTING 1 Juntrecalrad a lama asaortmant of all slzeq— Omn Baltlissr4 Um Thaw,' Om&lring, all, and ,fur sato chaaFrAt - tho Hardwaro /Stara of ' , Juno d 4, 1660. , .:.!: .! :; n. SAXTON. ! 1) - 111119. ,, - „ LOOKING JI-Glagbas; Fuminldng Made or ell kinds. 'llienkdta AI Ylpda argoods kept Ina Wholanalo and Retail More I LY.WIGII,EAWYRiI A 'MIA:R. AND FARM IMPLEMENT . DEPOT I IItON u TLELIZitNa'S, Itroion, Egg, Stove on Nu I=! E2l=l iAliscrll4ncouo, Ladies' One Price Fancy "Fur tore JOHN' FAR 1:!A, No. 718 Arch 81 between 76;1 Btl Streets PHILAAELPIIL 'gate et 81d alarltet St importer, Manufneiur, ofand Dealer in ell kin, of .FANCY FUItS Ilavlng removed I my New Store, 718 Arc St., nod being now ei tinily in the ?annuli, Lure and Cale of yollf rum, which,, In seen dance with tho " Price Principle," I inn price. conclstent with aft a visit from those In want of Fun; for elthtr Ladles' or Child, en' Wear. and an inspection of my selectien of those goods,eiitlefled as I am, of My ability. to please In every desired essential. Persons at a distance, who may find it Inconveni ent to call personally, need only name the article, they wish, together with the prioa, and Instructions forsend• ,ing, , and forward the order to my address—money ac companying—to Insure a satinfisetory complianee with their wishes. Aug. 24, '60.-b mos. 'VIRE INSURANCE.-THE ALLEN 1 AND EAST PENNSIIOI2O MUTUAL FIRE IN SUBANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, ineorpo rated by an act MA:monthly, 111 nuw fully' organized, and In operation under' the managoment el the following comnilzsioners, viz: ' . Daniel Bailey, William It. florgam, 'Michael Cocklin, .1. Eicheiborgor, Christian Staymen, John C. Don• lap, ,lacob 11. Comer, Lewis flyer, B. Eberly, Bopp:. min 11.. MOsser, J. Brandt, Josoph Wickersham, Alexander Cathrart. ' The rates of Insurance are as low and Tavt ruble as any Company of the kind In the Rata. Persona wishing to become members are invited to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. WM. R. LIMAS, President, CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President LEWIS MYER, Secretary MICHAEL MERLIN, Treasurer. . , . . Managers.—Wm. It. tiargaa, L. Myer, Christian Stay train, M. C0041111..1. C. Dunlap, R. Martin. D. Bath, J It.coover,, Moo. Cathcart, J. Widmann:o;J. Eicheibar ger, S. Eberly, , J, Brandt. • • ACIENTS.- OUMBEIMAND COUNTY.—John' She rrirk, Allen, Tilbury- T earing, Shiremanstown ; Samuel .Woodburn 'Dickinson ; Henry Bowman, Churchtown ; Mode Orli nth,- South Middleton; Samuel tiraham, -W. Penns born'; Samuel Coover,,Mechanicsimrg ; J. W. Cocklin, Simplierdstown; D. Conner, Shephordstown; J. 0. Pax ton, Silver Spring; Benj. l ifavetstick. Silver Spring; Charles 8011, Cat I Isla ; John 'flyer, Carlisle. YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter IVol. ford, Franklin; Jar. Griffith, Wtidrington ; J. F. Dear .dorli. Wrishrngton; 0. Rutter, Newburg; R. 0. Clark, Dillsburg. DAUPHIN CO.—Houser II Lachman, 'Harrisburg. Members of the company having policleaabout to ex pire. can have theta 'wed by making application to anytof the Agents. ' Aprii 20. 1859. H OWARD ASCOCIATION! PHILADELPHIA A Ileumlent Ina Mutton, established by special en dowmont for tho relief of the Rick and •dlstressed, atllleted.wlth Virulent and Epidemic diseases., and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVlCEariven gratis ' r. by the Acting Su geon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (nge, occupation, habits of life, be.,) and In rams of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VA LUA DLII.REPORI t S on Spormatorrlnon, and other Mennen of the Sexual Orgnnn, and on the NEW REM EDIES employed in the Dispensary. sent to thenlilicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be ncreptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLED 1101IIIITON, Acting Sur goon, Howard A FFOriatiOil, .No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philndelphin, Pa. Dy order of the Directors, - EZRA -D. lIIIAIELIVELL, President 050. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. • - • MOTHERS' : Thousands aro dally speaking In praise of DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. and why? nerauso It never falls td afford Instant:manna relief when given In thno. It arta an 11 by magic, and one trial alone w 111 ronvtnrt you that what we say Is true. ItOnntalne NO' PAREGORIC OR OPIATE • of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing s the sufferings of your child, instend of by deadening Its sensibilities. For thin reason It commends itself as - the only reliable proparution now known for Children Teething, - Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Grip ing in the Dowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Cold In the head, anti Croup, also, for softening the gums, reducing loilnleir tinn, regulating the, Bowels and relieving-pain, it has no equal—being an anti spas. medic it IN used with unfailing success In all cases of Convulsion or other Fits. As you the life and health of your children, and wish to save them front those sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the see of narcotics of which other remedies for Infantile Complainte aro composed, take none bat lilt. EATON'S INFANTILE CO111)IAL, this yea ran rely Wpm It Is perfectly harmless and cannot Injure the most delicate infant. Price, 25 cents Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by CHURCH k DUY'ONT. NO 400 Broadway New 'York. Healthy human Blood upon being 'A•NALYZED always presents un with the same essential elements and given .of course the True Standard. Analyze th Blood of o porton suffering from Consumption, Lives complaint, llyspemin, Scrofuin,. Ac. end' we find in every instoure certain deficiencies In the red globules of Maid. Supply those deficiencies and you are made . well. The BLOOD FOOD is founded upon this Theory —hence Its astonishing nieces. There see FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficietielcs of the Blood in afferent diseases. Nor Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, or any affer floe whatlfver of the THROATor LUNGS loducingCon sumption vise No.l, which always the No. for De. pression ofi Spirits. Loss of Appetite. and for all Chroro lc Complaints arising from Overuse, General Debility, and Nervous Prostration. No. 2, for Liver Complaints, No. I for Dyspepsia.. Being already prepared fcr sorption it IC tnkon by drops null carried immediately into the circulation, so that what you gain you retain. 'The No. 5 Is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, Weak nooses, &c. Soo 'special directions for this. For Salt Rheum. Eruptions, Scrofnions,_ Kidney, and Bladder Coutplaltits, take No. 5. In all enSeP the direct.nn must be strictly followed. Price of the Blood Food $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH to DUPONT. No. 409 Broadway, New York. .5 W. Dyolt & Sons. Philadelphia, and 0.11. Keyser Flttsburw Wholesale Agents. For Sale by S. Elliott, Carlisle. ^ • (ILOCKS.WATCHES JE XLRY V) AND SILVER WARE. at Manufachp a prim. Mr. D. A. Naugle, tgt., North Hanover ,dta_ift Flv Doors North of the Carllele Depot:it llauk,',autt door to Kllne's hotel, Dealer In FRENCII•Sf AMERICAN CLOCKS, ,_ i-,'''''i-:-zi. -, 4: .. . : 3 - 41 *,•- , ~ O6 ; e . .. .. Q_..l: [ I I A 73 E--,.... :. , , .. i 7l - iii , . • 4A.L.:2 c. 4.. .'4.;:..fl'VEN_ ~-. ? ., ...::11,... 4 ,. , ,..6.: gt, ---_-. .... .‘....-‘z , ';''''' • Al----- '- te ,V ~....,_ ,_.,-- Foreign and American Watches, Jewely,Sliver and Ple ted were, Fancy Goode Le, would most respectfully in form his old patrons and the 'public generally that he has Just returned from the Last with an entire new stock or FINE W ATCHES,JEWELRY, SILVER. & PLA TED WAKE, CLOCKS Lc. Haring secured agencies from some of the largest and beat Factories for the snie of these mitts, I ane preps• red to offer to the public tiny article In the line from 75 to 100 per cent less then they linveever been offered in this place or below the regular wholesale ,price„ as follows, Clocks from 75 cents to $lO, Wsttchos from $2,511 to $l5O. Jewelry in setts from 50 cents to s2s.Tea Setts from go to $30,-6 pieces host quality and latest stylea CLOCKS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. day alarms, Gold Hunt. Care Eng. Coral. " Striking," " ' American, Pearl, " Striking A Al. " " Swiee, Cameo, " Regulators, 44 " French. Gold Stone. 44 Gallery, Silver Hunt. Case Eng. Iclva. " Church, 44 44 American, Carbuncle, Mantles. " " Snriaa, Opal, " Parlor, 44 44 French, Mosaic, " Marine, Open Face American, Jet, 0 Hour, , "' Li - Tines, Garnet, 0 Striking, 44 • " Quartiers, Turquols, 30 Alarm & Strik. " " English, Paintings, 30 Time, " 1' French, Enamelled, 30 Levant, " ." Geneva. Paste, 90 Gothic, • v: " " German, Stone • TEA BETTS. Goblets, - Welters Tureens, Ladles, Cups. t , Buttelllsbes, • • Salt Stands, Fleh Mlle's, ' • Fie Knives. Crumb Knives, Cream Creattor'Cuico Knives, Forks, •„ Spoons, • ' Castors. ' • Carlisle; July 27, ltoo 1; t 00k SHARP.—W Fridley would Ileimattfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle an he public gronerallyll hat be has Again 'commenced . the man uterturing of tin - A sheet Ironware oral! kinds, In 8.,0. Iluyettlwbuilding on Lotither: street, directly opponito O. Shepley's Choir Slnnufeetory, where he will at all Mien be in readiness to do all Mndo 'of work 'ln hie lint of business • with neatness and dispatch: All: Lend work will be done by himself and a competent mid as he keeps no apprentices. •• • • •. • • can, at all times ballad These celebrated SELF- , TESTING ;• SELF-SEALING, 'PRESUME .Allt-TIGIEP FRUIT CANS & :MRS.', • • House ►pouting. and Jobbing of .edl.ilnde done it short notice and made of the best material. • . . . . Sireasb paid for old Pewter and 'Copppy, ' Iloptog by strict itten thin to business, and edesire to pleas all, to receive a gdyare of public patronage, Carlisle Oct. 20, COUNT . .ING7HOUStMMANACi the Year 113(31. 1 1801. I JAN. 1 FEB EMU W APRIL EMI JUNE ' . Lynch, • and CAS FITTER he M. E. Church, , Carlisle. ron Sinks, Istb Tubs, ~, - Intb Boilers, Vasil Basins, Ydraulic llama, he. William Practical PL GIME in the basement of Main Stre Lead And :Iron Plpne, Hydrants, • hot k Cold Shower Baths, II Water Closetfi, • V Force And Lift Pumps, 1 Wro't Iron WeVdTulfes, And every description of stenm, water, Ac. Superior gns, fixtures put up In chum at Short notice, in the most sin and work In our lino at I. {Re-Country work and Jul. Mar. 23. 1859-1 v cocks lind fittings for gas, •ookineiniges, heaters and stores and'dwellings, modern style. All =tort ow rates and warranted. 'king promptly attended to. WALTER C. WILIZIAN. FNE GROCERIES K. W• orner 1 7 titand Arch Streets, f. PIII- ADELPFIIA. Importora °fermis h IllackwelEs ENGLISH PICKLES awl SAUCES. Particular attention pald In ',electing fine TEAS & COFFEES For Families. Sugars al ways at Re fi ners' price& Choice WINES, LIQUORS and SWAM, of the boot brands, alwayx on band. May U, DiDi-dy. NAILS ! NAILS !! NAILS !! I A large stock of good, Clean, Nest, and Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nails aro worth Wets a keg more, than any other make of nails sold In our town. this Is the opinion of 'mobilities who have tried thorn, we also have a full assortmont of BUILDING MATERIALS, of tho latest and moot app?Ovoil kyle?. All goods war ronted no represented. JOIN I'. LYNE S SON, lay 2, 'CC North 'Hanover St..COVIIsIo. HAINES BROS.' 0171111 STRUNG GRAND-A.OTION PIANO FORTES, Celebrated fur superior quality of tone and elegance and beauty of finish, These Pianos have always taken the FIRST. PREMIUM when placed In rompetitlon with other makers. CIiALLENGE ALL CO3IPETITIoX. A splendid assortment of LOUIS XIV end plainer styles always on hand. Also Secend.hand Planos and PRINCE'S IM PROVED MELODEONS from 5.15 to $750. A 9" Every Instrumeilt - Warranted. GEO. L. WALKER'S ' Plano and Melodeon Depot. S. E. Cor. ith & Arch Ste. Phila. July 27, 1800.-6 mos. 100 TON 11tON AND ROLLED IltON of the very best ENGLISH BRANDS warran ted in every way Superior to American make. Just co calved with a largo assortment of , . Sheet Iron, Anvils., - - Hoop iron, Vices. lined iron, Files, 'torso Shoe Iron, Rasps, . Spring Steel, • Bolts, • Cast Steel, , “lilvets, -- -•-- - Blister E trod, Nuts, , Washers, fibres Shoes. Screw Plates,„ Nails. . . Blatt:stu. Bellows 6 „ ,, ke. Cheaper than the cheapest, at•the Hardware Store of March 7,'00. ' IIIiNRY SAXTON. N. B All Iron sold at city prices with freight added an' dwarranted. ', PAINT S AND OILS.- • 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallons of 011. Just received with a large assortment of 'Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint.. Turpentine, Florence White, Japall, White Zinc; Putty, Colored Zinc, ' Lithsrge, lied Lend, Whiting,. Boiled Oil; Glue, Lard Oil, Shellac, . ' Sperm 011, reint.Druslies, Fish 011, Ac., Colors of every description dry, and Oil in cans and tubes et the hardware Store of March 7, '6O. NOTICE' AND READ THIS.- • ~ F. C. KREMER., ' 17: At the new Store on East Mean St. 0 C - --r, near „oul I d ' Ull fr l y the tu' attention ii"od hardware persons Sto' T.: • want of a fine Watch to his splendid Q. .....''''' stock of American, Liverpool and Lon don tt AT RES. I have a fine stock of Gold 'Watches, nt all prices, froßutwonty dollora up to three hundred dollar's. I also have a large stock of Silver Hunting Cased and Open Cased Watches, from three dollars up to eighty. I alas hood a new stock of Fronch and A med. can JEWELRY, In setts, such es Cameo Gold Stone, Lava, Momic, Mourning. and Plalu seas, Ac. I also have a new stock of Medallions, from one dollar. up to fourteen; Ladles' and liontionom's Breast 141111 df all Patterns sad prices; Gold Chains; a large stock of Vest Fob and Curb Chains; a very large stock of linger rings of all kinds and patterns, such as Seal Rings, Wedding Rings, and Settings; a fine stock of Cuff Pins, , Gold Stutia..Sloove Buttons for Ladlesand Gentlemen, erases Dracelela, Gold Watch Hoye,' Seals, Gold end Silver 'Thimbles, Gold and Silver Spectacles, a large stock of Silver Tea and Table Spoons at all pricas, and a corn. plot++ stock of Double Plated Ten and Tobin Spoons, pia., tea Forks, Silver and Platbd Butter Knives and a fine steak of double plated Castors ' Sugar Spoons , Silver Fruit Knives, and a large stock ofCommon Spectacles to sul toil( ages, to which I invite particular attention k'ort.Monnaiea of all kinds, Sil. _ __ ter Kiva and Chains; a largo stock of Accordeons, Violins, and Music Bones, (large and small.) and a great variety of . 3)--- -r-,;8 4 t - ,A, , A•a!,11, rTafte 2 l.ll *7, M • &Alden usually kept in a Jew elry store. I ileY01;SO on hand a large and well selected stock of MOCKS, of all patterns and fashions, from ono dollar up to. fifty, which I will sell at a small I profit and warrant thorn forone year, to be good time•koopera. Every thing sold by me shall bo whet It is reproramted. • • , Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry, carefully repaired and warranted. Carlisle July 0, 1860.-Iy. .131 • 5 013' . 0 .. 04 • GX •• GIN AS A ETIBEDDIAX: AGENT. Ilan, DELICIOUS TONIC ESPECIALLY designed for the use of the Medical Profession and the Family, having snpersedod• the.° called "Gine' "Aromatic." "Cordial "31edleated,""debuapps," etc:; In now .endorsed by all of the prominent phyelelatu4rhatulas and connoisseurs as possessing all of those intrinsic medicinal, guanacos (tonic and Musette) which belong to an old madras.° Gin:. Put wp In quart bottles and,all drfiggists grocers, eta. '. BININCI &CO., , • (Butaildlca o o, In 1778.) • 8010 Propliturs. . ••s• • s • , No. 10 Broad street. N. Y. For dale by W.W. Bmtth,—Yrench, ,Ilichards & Co, and all of the , - prominent Wholeinie DolgglAttt lP Phtladdlphic c „.._ • ' ' Nov. 18,1860:4y. ALFRED IL BRICK'S. • UNITED STATES; AND: .EURODIIAN• PATENT OFFIcIE,' *o. South troUrth Street. ..' PHILADELPHIA:, ,• . , mm . , laaleatlciaa by mall promptly latiadou to. 21, 'OO4-Ir. 1 1 1 1 1861. JULY 10 17 21 31 AUG. SEPT OCT NOV 1 CEI3 • 1860 SPRING4ASHIONS • ° Al' • STAND. .• stock allots nod Caps KELLERS' OL, A romplel now ready for Impectlon. SILK, FUR, CASSIMERE FELT S.: 11 In army style and quality. lion to our $3 SILK iinTs. any style manufactured to or RECOLI i EOT KELLEIt'S OLD E FOREST, ARMSTRONG & 00:,• DRY .GOODS- MERCFIANTS, Nos) 76, 77, 79, 'Bl, 83, 85 Duane Si., N. Y. Would notify.tito Trade that they are opening Weekly In new and beautiful patterria, the W.A.MSUTTA PRINTS. A*.lt 0 g K.EAG, A new Print, which excels every Print In the Country for perfection of execution and design in full 'Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any lu .market, end meeting with extensive sale. Orders Promptly attended to. L !eh.8.60-Iy. k § k TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL' Is the best. medicine In the world for the cure o Coughs and Cold., Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty In breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Dlptitcria, and for the relief of patients in thu advanced stages of ogothor with'ill.diseases of the Throat end Chest, 'and hieh pro•disposo to Consumption. • It Is peculiarly hdapted lothe radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a practical Physician and Druggist nd tine of great expeilence In the cure of the various I imam; to which the human frame is liable. It is °frond to thonftheted with tho greatest confl once. tm.Try it and be convinced that It Is invaluable In the care of lirenchlcal affections. Price 60 cent: per bottle. ESBNW DINT AROMATIC BALSAM, Avery valuable remedy for Maniacs, Dysente. y, Cholera' Morbus and all Bowel afflictions. Try , it—Price 25 rents per bottle The above medicines are prepared only by Dr: A. MEN WEIN & CO., Druggists and Chemists N. W. Cor of Ninth & Poplar Streets, Philadelphia, Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer of 31edleine throughout the State. June ;22, 1860.-Iy. • • POND'S EXRA COF HANAMELIS 101 l PAIN DESTROYER. Is one of the few domestic remedies which loran comer into general use and favor, without putting. It is the pornluct of a simple shrub, harmless In all cases, and as a domestic remedy unequalled. For Burns, Cate, Brui ses, Soreness, Lameness, Sprains, Rheumatism. Boils Ulcers, Old Sores and Wounds, it has not an equal.. It is also used with groat success. for Toothntho. liradache Neuralgia, Sore Thrat, Colic, Diarrhoea, Hoarseness, and othersimilar troublesome and painful affection., while It promptly arrests all Hemorrhages. Hundreds of physicians use it daily in their practice, and give it their unqualified recommendation. Sold by our agent. and dealers, and by Y. lIUMPIIREYS & CO., 562 !hostile/17, Sole Proprietors and - Manufacturers. August 3, '6o.—ly. • • POCKET 1300 K AND SATCHEL NO. 47 NORTH SIXTH STREET below Arch, Milo., formerly 110 North 4th St. Porto Monnales, Cigar Cams, rocket Books, Port Folios, Caws, Satchel:, Dressing Cases, Money Belts, Work Bose., • Bankers' Cases, Burma, Mules, .le. TIE NRY SAXTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Aug. 31, 1800.-Iy. - ' - D. D. JANNE; JR; J. M. /WRNS. S. A. COLE. BENJ. S. JANNEY, JR. it CO. 'WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 605 Market etreet, PHILADELPHIA. C 11.1 Al BERL AN D VALLEY BANK PROAIETORS. WILLIAM RIM, IeAAO DIUMFMAIf, ItlellAlD WOODS,• JOHN S.STESRETT, Joux 0. Dormer, .. , . Jour( penzAo, . • • H. A. STuuotox.— This Dank, .is now prepared to do a general Dunking and Exchange business,under lice saute and style of KER, DUNLAP a Co.; i the Santo place lately occu pied by Ker, Brenneman 71; Co. demand without received on deposit and pa id back on without notice. - Certificates of deposit hearing interest at the rate of five per cont. will be issued for ns short a period as four months. Interest on All certificates will cease at maturity, provided, however, that if said certificates are renewed at any time thereafter for an other given period, they shall bear the same rate of terest up to the time of renewal. Twenty days notice must be given of an intention to withdraw interest de posits. • They call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and all others who desire a safe depository for, their money, to the undeniable fact, that'll° propiletont of fills Bank ate not only liable to the amount of their stock in the bank, but are INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of their estate. for all the Deposits, and other, obligations o Eer, Dunlap & Cg. Particular attention given lathe collection of Vendue Notes, Foreign Rills, Drafts, Cheeks, &c., in any part of the United States and Canadas. . . . ... Remittances made to any part of the United States England, and Ireland. They will at all times be pleased to give any informs lion desired in regard to money 'noir ters In general The faithful and confidential execution of all order entrusted to tbem'may IA relied upon. Open for buslneis from 0 o'clock in the morning unt 4 o'clock in the evening. If. A. STURGEON, Cashier. Carlisle, A agniY: 1800. 1 - 1 14.1 N E Iti EN'S FURNISHINp , Vf STORK AND ' SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 814, Chestnut Street, hot doors below the .Continental hotel" and nearly opponite the "Oirard House" Philadelphia. - A large assortment of Pressing Robes constantly on hand. Particular attention given to ordered shirts—, • ,L.._ perfect fit guaranteed. - ' Wholesale trade supplied with fine shirtsand collars an liberal terms. - Directioos fur measuretnent am:iron applicailon by mall. • July 0, 1860.717, OItALE.- T A ,goo. second , hane ' num 'Appi l at th, llerald OlDeq , ' „ arb• 2 . . ALL "006t1S.- , " TESS: EVANS k ate now °pone& their Fall A,Fortmoill of Rick SEM; 13hawlei Cloake,'DoOrnoos,'Fro.och arictirlob fop- lino, ifousllues, Ehlotees;Thatirof dories, Itookkorchloki ' ,',ELOTEE,ANp.u,ofuLpay,., • . Mourning floods ofall kind.. with. full stook'of all the .iatent, novelties imported' this PeASOU. ' Poseesslngsuperlor &alines tbr buying, both in tide and In the European markets, T. W. Y.:'* On'a stook will be found to oomporeithvorably with any other, both In Prise and assortment. • •• , ,E0(1118 4.82 g Cheettitst. Street, Ad bst, . • Ptilkalelphia. Tab ihints UAW flopHiOntnt Ifm et. • 4 ' I Z I I a, 1 IG 13 27 U 0 17 24 31 10 17 21 31 r 10 11 24 31 119 17 24 31 VOO We cell partlenlaralten Silk end eon nets, rder. Cape or all !dude I STAND.- forth Hanover Street. =I MIMI ESENWEINPS ' CONSUMPTION CHARLES RUMPP, PoltrrE, MONNAIE, MANUFACTURER J. W. SCOTT, N N 1 El