Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 18, 1861, Image 3

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    Zhe erald.
E 0311) , ainb. gaunt glatters.
I,ls,6teoiviollieql' *ffistit. for 1869.
.. .
.. ~ T.F.EItUOMICT 914.
—.. . '
1861 * 7 o'ck. • 2 o'ck. 0 o'ck: Dolly
' Rain,
JAN. 41 51. I'. M. P. 114. 510317.
'lO 23 35 ' 23 311 00 -
'll 11 25 19 l3 33
*l2 28 30 10 . 2 3 33 11 2 0
'l3 ' .4 . 9 1 • 200 - 1
- *l4 9 20 23 17 33 1 -20
'l5 24 23 33 27 611
fl 6 34 44 38 38 66 1 60
ALNlANa.c.—.4"hose.of our readers who
wish to use a short Almanao for 1130.1, will
find one. on the, fourth page of 'the 11En/um
whfch they eau cut out for future reference.
NOTARY PUI3I.IO.—GOT. Tacker has
appointOd E. COIINMAN, Esq., Notary - Public
of OM Borough of Carlisle, in place of Robert
A. Noble, Esq., whose term expired on the
15th inst.
COLLECTiONt3.—As a large amount is
due on our books (or subscription, the receipt
of which would materially aid ue at this time,
we shall'take the opportunity, in a few days,
of calling on our patrons in the country, and
hope they will bo.prepnred to'rheet us in the
right spirit. The publication of a newspaper
is attended with a heavy expense, and it in,
only by prompt pnytnont on the part of sub
scribers, that it can be sustained.
.—Tranilated from . the 85th Germanletlition by
SARAH A. M1r1111; 1 ;eyntaining 26 . 2 beautiful eel.
- ored 1 i.. 1
intrat.ons —PUMAS; BLAIIEDIAN & MA•
scs';'Now York.
For the last quarter of a century, unusual'
attention has boon given to Natural History,
and a consequent increasing demand for books
' on that subject has 'arisen. TlM'prettent work
was originally written for the German public,,
and has now been put into an English dress
for the American public,' by a lady of Car
lisle. We have herein the short compass of
two volumes, a good text book, written in an
*may descriptive . style,_ and illustrated with
choice colored engravings'' The work 'gives
results,• not investigations, and hence it is,
that the work contains so much in so small a
compass. The range of subjects is from Man
down through Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Mol
luscs, Insects, Plants, to Mineralogy. In the
aection'oa Man, there is an excellent outline
of Physiology, which to ordinary renders and
—students, will serve for o text book itself on
that subje'et.
The original German work has passed
through nearly fortieditions.' The American
edition has been enriched by the translator,
by means of notes completing the work in re
ference to the animals, plants and minerals of
America. It is not a mere dry, technical sci
entific'eutline; but with a scientific precision
of otatetnent, there are interesting details as .
to the habits, mode of life, &0., of the creatures
described: Tho translation, while faithful to
the original, is however rather a version than
a translation, and Cho whole work -does no
small credit to the literary - abilites of the
translator.! , No' commend the book to the
young, to general Anders, to those who want
a convenient 11311illIfil. of instruction on the
topios embraced. • The typography and the
colored illustrations are in excellent style.
Goners' LADY'S Godey seems
• determined to reciprocate tile increnned sulhnerlpilon
lint ter 1861, by doing even more than ho. prgnilsed for
the new volume. The number for Febriinry is embel
linhud with a line nteol engraving, entitled " A High
Walk In 1.1fe," r double fashion pinto containing 'six
figures elegantly colored, and a wood cut showing the
rebellious disposition of "Young Aminicri," who, find
ing him none put out of joint by the advent ore little
et:Anger, In kicking olf his shoen for spite.
. The fashion and work:department contains n very
large niunber of designer, Including ninny now patterns
for garmenta. The literary contents embrace artic)en
from 'nom of the most porinlacMagasine writers, among
whomwe are happy to 'welcome the author of "Mire
!illumine" In chapter II of Mr. A Mrs. flasher.
New lqueio from Oliver Oilmen & Co., 27
Washington St. Boston.
March 4. Arno," by It, R. Trench. Rather pleasing
and commoVable as a recreation from severer studies.
." IntermidiFAll," new Dance, popular in Paris
and taught iti Statham Grad ler De4ardina. Explanation
of figures freely given.
"Gloria le. Exoelsia" and "0 Lord our Governor" from
“Sabbath Strains," a collection of (diorite sacred reel.
dlus and arranged for young performers' by E. F, llln
Lot mo kiss him for his Mather•" ebng and. choru s
by J. P. Ordway. A touchlngand beautiful place, fduu
dod u nan affectiog,locldaut which tho word!! will
"I think of Theo" by Leander Eberhart: A.Asentr
mental parlor ballad.
Tun.llonaa Joua:Nac.—The large and 111-
,cl-easing cirfuletion of this Jou;nal, attests ifs merits,
as a model family paper. As a mediutnof refined Mere
tura, Mahlon and taste, It in but, simple justice to the
accomplished editors to ray, that, the 110)10 dam:fan
tins no auperior, if It has au equal, in this country. In
the contents of the paper, original and selected, there
Is au ovideut appreciation of the popular taste, and •
. desire for the Intellectual improvement and refinement
of their numerous readers. I t
The Ile tv. series for 1801 opens with increased attrac
tlens, and we hope some of our lady reader, will secure
his ever welcome •liitoeto the Home circle.
SpeOat Notices
disenPo CONAUMPTIOK, hoe
not roll to 'reto o l:we
Jon. IS, 1861.
'RERS.—II that !wildfowl
tied you for Its victim do
, you a ill water regret It.
Swine. Ferry P.
Ant- COUoll3.—The sudden changes of our climate
are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic
Affections. .Experlence having provedthat simple reme
dies often act speedily and certainly when taken In the
'early stages of the illsonsei recourse should at once be
'had to "Brown's Bronchial Troches,' or Lozenges, let
the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat m ever so
slight, as by this precaution a more serious attack may
be warded off. Public Speaker. and Singers will find
then, effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice
See advertisement. N0y.30,
it! line Cured I—Thousandn or Pomona suffer all sort.
of annoyance from Catarrh. Mont people know what its
Inconvenience and results are, yet but few know how
it can be cured. It in simply a chronic irritation. sod
often enlargement of follicles and consequent thicken.
log of the mucus cumbrance, lining the meal cavities
frontal sinuses, and sometimes extending Into the
throat and langs. From this result tightness end often
yeridgoaf the head, obstructed nose, or.a profuse flow
of ctcys, lose of smell, nasal voice, and often impaired
heart g and taste.
T e old school remedies have never been able to do
any . Hang fur It. • Newt injections and inhalation Sr.
atei v
a.inful and expensive na they are generally worth •
teens. Tot Humphrey& Catarrh Specific, a simple Su
gar Pill, taken two or three; times per day, promptly
cures the milder rases; Mires at once all colds In the
bead, sad radically cures. by pereavoring , fonb the 'moat
obstinate annau,'aa to proved by, the experience of hurt.
dreda: Price, with full direcliouv, Fifty Caul. per box.
N. 11.... A full set of Illigipbreys' Homeopathic Sport
flee, with Book of Mellon& and twenty different
Remedies, In large vials. toorrocon case ,
10•, ditt o i n
plain case, $4; emu( fifteen boxes, and Loo k , $2. Sin.
gin hoxes,2l cents and 60, cents. . , • .
These Remedies, by the single box or case .are 'tent
by mail or express free of charge, to any address, nu to.
eelpt of the price. ' Address
.. . : •
- • ..
Dr: F. HUMPHREYS & Co. ~..
Nn. 562 Broadway, New York: .
Fold by C. Inhoff, Ceclislo.. , •., , ~ • , • ,
(liar, having been '
restored, to' hbalth In a few
weak. by a very simple remedy,. atter, hating stillbred
several years with a ...sere lung Affection, and thist
dread dleeeee Consumption—le annique to mitt known
to hie fellow 'offerers the stn.:ingot cure. ' . ' ,
To all who dealt.° It, he, send a copy or the pre:
scriptlon nerd Viva charge,)' with the direction. • fer
prcpsring azid using the eame,"which they . will .fled a
cure Cdre for Consumption, !Whin., Pronchitl., dot
Vrhe only oldest of the advcrtleur in sendig. the Pro.
cription le to benefit the afflicted, and ep fbad intorma•
Inn which he cenclovas to be Invaluable, and he hopes
i,very sufferer will try ble remedy, ais it will cost' them
nothing, and may, prove a blooming. Partin wishing
the prescription will please address .- •
• - .
' Ort. 5,11160.-Iy. . .Kings County, Now York. 1
IT A-00MSION• OBSERVATION , • that,Shere.Are
more sufferers from debility. anions Americatis k than
'can be fouhd ,: among any other civilised halloo. • The
reason is obvious. We take'loo little exercise, and fon
get the wants afthe body In tlM'abeorbing 'pursuits of
business. , In nil guilt cases, ordinary medicines ran do
little geed : What is required Want soar A' tonic sod
invigorator no Dr. J. Ilostuttet has given to ' She .typrid,
iii his celebrated °Drams." . Tho weak and nervous
denizen of the counting. house, the exhausted Miler
upon the shop.board. and the prostrated student hf the
midnight lamp have foutnirt woodelful regeueratr r in
the 'thittele," and prefoe it tonne pretentious but less
rillracious Medicines. litit it shoiald not be forgotten
that the agent which 11 . 0 Magical in its influence upon
frame Which is merely debilitated, in equally,powerful
in assisting nature to expel the most terrible forms of
disease. 'Who would not give it a trial I
Sold by druggists and dosiorshveOlhere. ."
ta-Sce advertisement in another column. •
MRS. WINsLow, en.experieneed n•trse
and female physician, Ilona soothing Syrup for children
teething. which groatlyillicilltates the proem; of teeth
ing by softening the gums, reducing all Inflamation,
will allay all pain, and insure to regulate thu bowels--
Depend upon it, mothers, It will give rest to voursolves
and relief and health to your Infants. perfectly safe
'ln all emelt: . Sim the advertisement In ithetber column.
July 10, 18130.-Iy. • C' .
REMEMBER; Skrumous or Scrofulous affec•
tione are the rutsm'the blieht, of mankind. They are
tile and filthy, no well as fatal. They :wise from impu.'
rity and contamination of the blood, and are to be Feen
ell around us, everywhere. Thousands Daily arq con
signed to the grave from the direftil effeets of this die•
emu lint why trifle any longer, witen ti remedy is
al Moil DM LINDSEY'S 111,0611 SF4lfellElt.—the
only effectual preparation now before the 'penpla, that
does Ito work mildly and safely. It ,doelf not close the
issue tuperfleinlfy, whit°
Foul eortuption mining all 4ritbin,,.
- Infects unseen." -
But Purge the En' Iro System of all Impur)n -Matter,
Invigorates the Body, and leaves the ANlatod In tho
Enjoyment of Good Health. To convinrc the skeptical
-on Its healthy idl'ects. try but ono bottle, and ho ecinvln
rod. Sold by all the Druggists In this place. and dueler
throughout the country. Nov. 23, '60.-hu.
E Var
Reported weekly for the Herald by.
• Woodward dt fiehinklt,
FLOUR (Superfine)
dn. (Extra.) ..
d 0.., (Family )..
RI r !I.olllt
RED do
OLD CORN .. . .
OATS. ppr IS lb.
OATS, prr BO 1b...
, Narriagts.
On the let Ind., by Rey. Jacob Fry, Mr. SAMUEL M.
LAY, to Mlle ,SUSANNA OUTSHALL, both of Cumb,Co.
On the lath Inst. by the same, Mr. 'IMICHA EL WEA
VER of Allen twp , to Mae SUSANNA DELTZHOOvEIt
of Mt. Rock, Cumberland Co. In.
On the 14th loot., by the Roy. O. D. Chennweth, Mr.
W I LLIA M•P Lirrs, do Miss MA RTHA J. LAUCKS both
of York Pa. York Itapure plenno copy.
On the lath tent by the 1tey...1 Ulrich Mr. 0 EOROE
W. DONNELLY of Cu mberland County, to Mien CATIIA
KINtI LOSII of Perry County.
On the 9th loot. by the .Itey. Wnt. Kopp, at the reel
deuce of the bride's parente, near Hoortown Pa , Mr.
_ o _
On Flurniny lent, SUSAN', vain of Ambroro Faust of
lx•ln•rnugh aged about 21) years.
. OR . W.illiet4p.y, CHARLES HAUTE. a native of Po'
land, but for ninny years a resident of this place, aged
al.ut fA yearn. •
31,ctu'apuertig . ements
ALE OP A ,7 / 1 1; ESTATE.-
u Orr on of pla!e from the Orphan's' Court
of Cumberland County-the Underalgnedwln expo. to
Publlu Sale on the premixes on
FRIDA F the Bi/a February, at 11 o'clock A. If
the following deserlbed property being the real estate
of Into James A. 111eloy deed.
The Taro Story Frame Plastered
noose lately occupied nn a Tavern
Stand nod Moro t:oont lay decedent,
situate on Main Street In the nominal
Qioidtl:ee.- of Mechanicsburg, adjoining John
Waiver and Utorgo Attleks, with a large tot' of grotuid
containing 118 foot front and 200 feel In depth more or
This property In well situated for a Tavern ftnnd and
has every facility for that busineer, Largo and entire.
alent Stabling, and all neceasaty out buildings and a
never tallfhg well of good water. Thin le ono of the
roost desirable Hotel properties in tha county, having
a large run of travelling and local custom, and Is well
worthy the attention of purchasera. 'remit mode known
on day of rale liQltT. WILSON,
Jan. 18,'61.-t. e. Adotr.ofJames A. Ideloy deed
1, -I state of Joseph lord deceased.
j i Citation to George Patton...l and ThPllllll,5 S. flu
ey Executor. of P aid deed.
Thu Auditor appointed by the Orphan.' Court of Cum
berland County to report Iho facts in the above rase to
the Court will meet the party loterested for the pur-
pose of his appointment at Ilia office, In the Borough of
Carlini. on 11 eduesdny the 611. of Pebruary IMO, at
10 o'clock A 3f. JOHN BAYS, .
Jan. 11, 1861 -t. n. . . Auditor.
Fon, RENT.-
The Two Story Brick Residence Illtunto on wort
Pomfret Street In the Itomugh of Carlisle, now ecru
nied.hy 3lrs. Parker, will ho ranted 11. r ono year trim
the let of April nest. Apply to
Jan. 11, A. 1.. SPOS;ST.ER, Real Ert. Age
We have. since the Now Year reduced the price of
our goods such as Silks.' Figured Merinoes, Poplins
dtepe, Delaines, Cashmeres and all other kinds of dress
Mourning floods of all kinds.
Shawls of overy description.
Cloth MantOs and Baal/trim.
At greatly reducild prices. Buyers who,hsve mit sup.
plied themselves with goods suitable for the 'meson will
find It to their advantage to cell and see our ttock as
we are determined to clone out our IVioter Stock at
very low prier.
40-(har stock Is full and complete' ih all kinds of de•
sirable goods. I.,EIDICII, SAWYER k M11,1,E11,
Carlisle, ,Innuary 11, ISM. East . Main Street. .
not A in l e l a p , c h f , s , o.rnt:r r
indebted y t
0 0 1. me
ruary 11.1111. all unsettled accounts will he placed to tha
baud. o. thr ',one,. person to enforce collection.
. . •
Jan. 11, 1861.-3 t
Situate on Went South Street imthe borough of Cui-
Itelo,counbalug of a lion of Four
with a Frnine House n,ljoining. The :
said buildings are tu o,sturlen In height„ i•
with conveniont back buildiuge at. - '-
The lots upon which tho buildings :aro aractsd are
240 font In dopth to au alloy. For torms As. Apply to
Real Egt: Aff.
JAn. 11,1801.-13
c. TIEN on woulde per r y lofom h
e I..neneo . i fCarllnle l aud Vielnity that takeri r roo l in i s
In Zutfii now building, mist corner of Market square,
whore he is at all times ready to take AMBIIOTYPES
In the !sleet and most approved style. Pictures taken
In rainy and cloudy weather as well as dear. and sat.
mfactlou given Or no charges made. Portraits and He.
uerrentypee copied. Miniature Pleturee taken fur
ockets to., lu Ambrotype.
Ambrotypes warranted to stand the test of time, helm
kr water.
Ladles and Gentlemen are cordially Invite d to ca
and examine igikelmene.
Prices Dom 25ete. to $lO. A. It. LIEN WOOD.
Jan. 27. 18513.-ly.' Artist.
rrho subscriber would inform the
sane of Carbide and surrounding country that he
bee taken the mill known,. Carlisle Mills and In pro
pared to furnished in lagli or small quantities,
Cashmere work done on short notice. I always pay
he highest (kali price thy grain.
Carlisle, Aug. 3d 1860.-6 into.
• omen 0. V. M. P. Co. 1
DM' 23, 1860.
Votiee is hereby given to the members
1 of this company, that an areeesment entire per
rent. hes thin day been levied, by the Directors en all
premium notes belonging to the said Co. And In
on the 14th day of DaTinher A. D. 1800, And on all
notes of original enpllvrtion taken after 'the IDA !lay of
November A. D. 1860, and on notea expl:tuic b e t ween
said dates and not renewed three per reel. Is warmed.
• ' • ORDEN
, Jan:4, 1861.--it. ' Becretaiy.
__,, L , . . , ~
I . C.ELETOIsr•SKIitTS.-:-Anotiltir largo
►' supply of tli . oso superior and hop steel sprin g . ,
sk its just resolved. Deeldodly'she beet' ariirelisalieW
In Carlisle, at, the °heap Cash store , .
, Noy. 2, 1860. . CHAP. 0011411" A Truitee.
P. C. ERMIER. • ,
t the New Jewelry Store on Eact*, rl , ,
Hain' street, near the Public, , ' Ni• ..
Square, in prepared to demand t „..,,,
repair the Pineal Watt:hex, and . , ' '-.1111
warrant them' to dye entire...'4.•,,r
~t6rnction. Alpo fine Mantle •,- ~ V,lol
Cliocke of all )(hide: Minden) liox• . 4 ' - a '-' - '64. •
as, Atherdloni. Ac. put in ennie.;:e e. a !,_464
plate order, and warranted. ' ill . , cfc,o,P.,
. -
Farlifle .A. ljily, A 160,-11
TORE ROOM KOH REN'Ej--.;- . ' . •‘.
The Store lbsom•ou Sikt,:• - Alein Street. recently
oe opted by Leldlelti Sepyer, ji olfet:id,fer y reutfrons
the let °PAO!! next:
Yoe term/ minim of ILA. Sturgeon,
f. .
60 barrZda Cement 11th a,very largo aeeortment
o halo and Iron Pitmen ' :of alt,klnda cheaper than
ever, at tho Hardware Store of
March 7;'00. ' - , HENRY SAXTON.
• . .
• Cure , Cough, , EvaraenesS,
, Influenza, any "Irritation or
5... 0 W 1 V,:r. • Soreness' of the Throat; Re.:
4019'' • lieve the Racking Cough
. BRoNCHI -g rin Consumption, -.Bron
"chills, Asthma, and
" 'Wer • " Catarrh... Clear and
give strength to
• . the voice of
PIDDLIC 1461.4 Asmits and SINGERS.
Few aee aware of the Importance of checking a Cough
Or Common Cold" Id fcli first stage; that which In the
, beiltinlig - wield yiehLt4 a Mild remedy, If neglecied,
Soon attacks the Lungs. " Mown's lhorchiai Troches,"
containing 'demulcent ingredients, allay Sulinonary
and Bronchiall . rrltation,
St. Louis.
" Effectual in removing Hormone. and
Irrit Mon of the Throat, no common with
Speakers end Singers..
Lx Orange, On.
. Teacher of, Mpalc. Southern
Female College.
"Groat benefit when taken beferound
atter preaching. an they prevent Hoarse
-1105/1 Erpm • their past effect., I think
they will bp of permanent advantage to
$4 75
.5 00
5 00
...4 2
.1 215
1 12
. .4 76
Nov. 30. 1860.-6 in
The nnbscrlber having recently opened it New Store
at the old stand of.l. I) Halbert In North Hanover St:
opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank.
Huth* received from New York and Philadelphia, a
fine and well selected assortment °lgoe& In his Hoe of
butane., such es
' w-::' - --7 , ."‘.l - 7;.; -:'
ZZ -
1 1 11
~ ..aj. , ....,..«.
from the common %%WA to the tine Fur, Silk and Caul. ,
mere It its. and at prices to suit the thnee. Time stock
includes a variety of styles and colors of ❑nts and Caps.
foi children, either boys or glristioatly Widened.
farOentletnen. Also, a variety of fancy fdraN:Jeltlitty,
or childrens wear. Iludaon Bay, Sable, Mink,
Siberian Squirrelitlerman hitch, Stonto3lartin, Silver
do. Hock do. le.
Alan, Carpet Bags, Valises. A largo assortment of
Ifand Trunks, Buffalo ;tubes and Prime irdi
Feathers. Thankful fur the patronage "already receWed
he would Invite all his friends and the Public In gene.
rid to givo him a call. JACOB BOAS, Agt.
Carlisle, Dee. 7, TO.-t f. •
Farmer, illeclianie and Business'
Man Wants. •
The Turen3hip and Local ...Laws,
This work contains over 400 pages of closely printed
matter, end will hu sold by subscription.
It teaches the duties of Justices of the Peace, with
forms for tile transaction of their business. -
It teaches the duties of Constables with all the no.
cessary fortes, eppertettatig to the (Nee.
.It contains the duties of the Supervisors of every
County and township in the State.
It midrib's the mode of prom - More for , the laying out
and opening of public ttnd private roods, of vacating
and altering rondo, the building of Bridges,
It contnitin the Con tttttt n Scion' ',Air, with typhoon.
thins, decisions and dirootti lie. together with fortes for
DO.18;1101i cIS, eon treete, Certificates, kr.. dce. This do
pnrtnient of the work was compiled nt Harrisburg by
Sir Samuel P. Mites. Deputy Superintendent, and In
Wilke Wirth the price of the volume to any ono Inter
ested in Common Schrstis.
• . •
co4telne the duties orlnslaip Auditor
• It contains the laws rulailv to Dogs and Sheep.
It'contains the duties of A snore.
It contains the laws In relation to Stray Sluice and
Swine. • ..'•
jt contains tho Woo , retstiro to Fences and Fonco
• •
It contains the laws relattee inflame illttlng,Trout
and Deer.
It contains tho Median laws with all the necessary
' It contains the Noturolization Laws, with all the no.
Navvy Kornis for Application.
It c.l II WIN n large number or Legal Forme, which ore
used hr the every day transartlon-qhusiness, ouch en
Acknowledgements, Affidavits, Articlil. (if Agreements
and Contracts. Partnernitip, Apprentices, Assignment.,
Attestations, Rills of Exchange and Promhoory Notes,
Bill. of. Sale, Bonds. Checks, Covenorits, Deed.. I)epeal•
Due 11111 s and Produce Notes. Landlord andrfea•
Lessen, Letters or Attoro.y, Marriage. Mortgages,
Receipts and Releases. The work In bound In Law
•hoop, and will 'se add to subset fibers nt $1 25 par ropy,
payable on delivery of the work. The work lute parried
the revision °latterly of the best Lawyere In the State
nod has received their unqualified appwbotion, no a
relinbio bond book of reference upon nil subject. upon
which it treats.' The whop, Is arranged In surd, a man.
nor as to present a plain, conch° rind explicit etete•
meet of the duties of nil Township Misers, an may he
nudity understood by ally one. Cumberland couns7
will be thoroughly convoived for the work. and the sup
port of the citizens In respectfully solicited.
A. PIPER. le armored Agent for Cumberland Co
P. B.—Bond can vaasers aro wanted In all parts of this
County for the above work, to whom a liberal compel•
',Won will glvon. Applications which must ha
math, at an early date, addressed to Mr. l'lpor a. above
will roorlvo prompt - attention. Poe 21.1800.
. • 'Ladles please take notice, that ono of our firm
(LI e. dicb Sawyer .1. Miller.) ban just returnee' from New
Vork nod Philadelphia with a full stork or WINTER
OJOIkS, comprising the newest stylee, of Silks. Vetourn,
Poplins, Figured Morinnes, English Reps. (plain and
barred) FranchDolaineland nes, .
American DoMines kiCassimeree,
and many other styles of goods, which wo can sell at
CHISIR Plum haring purchased since the into giving
away of the market.
of all kinds, iilehnoen, nom lutsines, sslineres:Delanes
Ladles Coats, Raglan,' Cloaks and Mantles. Shawls of
every description, lens than manufacturers prices.
Furs ! Furs I ! Furs 1! I
81.00 C wortitnt Finest Furs of allkludelityles And sizes,
Mugs, Culls .
• , Mons and t linro winter weir, woolen Shirt.; Drawers
111O1Ce. St wki gigs, Tiri. and &aria.
Ladles' Cloths and trlinininga.
CAR PliTB I CIA 11P6T.911 4 0111, CLOTiI.9 I
Furnishing Goods, suitable for the season. Blankets,
Yarn., Ars
We respectfully invite all to an Inspection of our im
mense stock, feeling assured we ran offer superior
ducements over all competitors. At the Now Store one
door below Martin's Hotel. ,
HOUSE FOR RENT.—A large two
story Stone House and lot of ground, situate in
Weal. Louther Street, opposite the
ei, ""` College. There to a large variety of
choice fruit on the lot. Possession
•.- -,...:
~ ,irr . gives on the 1t of April next. Apply. ,
lt - t^ toII. COLLISIIAW o
Dec, 21, , 00. -Im. "' .. .101 IN II UTTON.
WEST HILL 1!11LL5...._ •
, Formerly DI4I.RIt k OM'
The subscriber winhes to Inform the public that h
hen commenced the Milling iluninenn at 'his Mill on
mite north of Went 11111, Went Penunbore tup.Cunillpy
land County. whore he will niway s have on hand fitqr
and feed for sole nt the lowest cash price, Such nettling
Shorts And Middlinga.Co:rnund Quin. and Itys rbps.
I will alwnys pay the 111gbout cash price Int ,
July Re, 1860.-6ui. •
At OglMy's, Cheep Cesh Store.
Just returned from Philadelphia with a lot of the
cheeped Dry Goode ewer brought to Carlisle. Figured
blerlnom, Cashmeres. Debilities, Calicoes, Flannels,
Blankets, Shawls, Cloths, Camluieres, de.. bought for
each eit the present reduced city price., and wilt - be sold
at uncommonly low prices for tho Cash. Now Is the
time for great bug:Gus. Recollect the store, Hamilton's
corner opposite the ltailromt Depot.
Roc. 14,'66. . Cll AS. 0011.13 Y, Trustee,
These Instruments In all respebti, are second to none
'manufactured lu. Ebbs country. Citizens' of Carlisle In
want of a superier.and reliable Itiottement can be no.
commodated at emir MODERATE,PRICES, by addressing the
undersigned at'llarrlsburg. &scabies tone, touch and
style. Reference, Mr. Alexander Cathcnrtl•Carhele. '
Ueo. U. Wiestßem Agot for
.kJan. 4, 18111.-3thon
ser Fancy hinting neatly executed.
'•Thet trouble In my Thmat, (for whirh
tho nTrochas" ore a spoeilln) having made
mo often a mere whisperer.",
I recommend their use to Public
Have waved • extremely eurvlcemble
(or llonrsonesx."
"Almost instant relief In the distress
log labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma.
" Contains no Opium or anything In
jurlous." lilt A. A. HAYES.
• Chethist Boston.
" A simple and pleasant combination
for Coughs, 4c."
lionoficlal In BronehlNA".
DR. J. F. W'. LANE.
• Boston.,
'rl hove proved . thorn . excellent for
Whooping Cough."
" Beneficial' when compelled to ape.
Buttering from Cold."
IttlV, S. J. P. A ND} RSON.
-- -Presidant,or Athoun Collegn, Tanit
PUld Drugglata at TWENTY
FIVE CENTS A nox.--co. •
Fancy 'leaver and Felt Hats
And Published 111 , 5
EDIVARD F. .I.liMilic
Bread, ea•Cate3, all kinds of I' Retry,
Proprietor, of Shawmiit Chemical {Yorke,
No. 83 INDIA Stied, Poston
CONCENTRATEDIEAVIIN IS the ros`ult 'of carofu
chemical research. All Iteingredients are prepared in
the highest state of purity,'and' camnobnded with a produce, broad eta far, bettor qukilty, end •In
muchiesitime, than by any 'other process; and the
manufischirers submit It, with entire confidence. to the
Judgtnent ofdincriminating hotteekeopers, bakers, &0..
Uread.of all kinds made by using Conklin/ono LEA
VE:Iite lighter, more digestible and tintritious f'.htut an
agreeable natural taste: lesellable to' sour; will ra
tale Its moisture longer than by any other process, and
the whole preparation for the oven need not exceed ton
minutes. , • • . •• '
. ,
Jt Is valuable becalm it in not periabable, and may
be rendered 81111d1110 in placenand at times when yens
in not within reach, as at sea. In nil climates and on.
der all rircunmtances. It may be adopted, thus obviating
all dant:ult . )! of precuyihg yeast or any 'other forenent,
which in frequently of an inferior quality, rendering
the bread more or lees Unwholesome. . •
It is also YMI rogards economy, se it has been
ascertained that a saving is effected In tbe flour of not
less than 16 per cent. lie the commoa process much of
the saccharine' of the flour by being converted
into carbonic acid gee, or spirit, and the - Paste is Incur
red eolaly•for the purpose ofinneratlng gas to raise the
dough. By using Concentrated Leaven `l,Bis waste Is
avoided, and the gnu ohtsinethin a manner equaily effi
cacious. ' Formontallon, as hes boon staked, doatroys a
parkof the flour or meal, !tad, in canseqUence,A barrel
of flour weighing 100161., which, by the eamhibn meth.
ad,nrdlnarily makes about 2110 lbs of bread, giving by
this proms 290 link, thus effeCting tho very important
saving of 16 per cent in the quantity of flour- By con.
fortuity to the directions on each package, - any person
capable of ordinary attention may conduct the-process,
and the result will invariably be highly Satisfactory.
Assayer to the State' f Massaohttsetts.
' , I have analyzed the Concentrated Linfen, menu
factured by Messrs.lldw. Chamberlain & Co., with ref-•
°ranee to its purity and efficiency °faction in producing
the effect of yeast In distending dough, and thefeby
rendering It fit for making broad. 'rids article is skit•
fully compounded. from perfectly pure material. It
raises the doughvvithout consuming the eug Ix or any
other principle in the flour, perfectly; and the game
weight:of flOrwill prodUce more sweet, palatable bread
than can be obtained through the aid of yeast; while
for rakes and poetry it is invaluable, he It eaves all risk
and much time of the pastry cook.
"The fixporimonts made by me confirm the state•
month made by tho manufacturers, and prove thin corn.
pound worthy of public approval and extended use.
A A. LIAYES, M. D., Stale Mongol',
16 Digiston street, Boston, Septemb o r 26,'1866.
BR aSKPABT ANDTCA ]tons.—Two or three teaspnonsful
s of Leaven. (according to the quality orthe flour,) to ono
quart of flour; mis thoroughly by passing two oe three
times through a clove; rub Ina ploco of butter half the
size of no egg, and make the paste with cold milk or
water, (milk is preferable ' ) barely stiffonOugh to permit
rolling out. Much kneading should bo av ildqd. Cut
Into desired form, and place immediately In a hotuven
and bake quickly.
Lot, llama,—The same proportion. of Leaven and
flour sifted togethor as above; omit the butter aid
make the past stiff enough to knead lute a loaf: and
bake immediately In a slow oven.
, ttnnu.tx listen..—Three tempoonsful of Lea bin to ono
quart of wheat. moil. silted together; add one gill of
molasses mid two eggs; make the paste thlu with milk
and bake bi a slow oven.
IlnowN Bar tn.—Three teaapooneful of Leaven to due
pint of flour. andtwto pint'of corn meal, all well sifted
together; Adel two eggs And about a gill of ntolasree;
make the paste thin with milk, and bake slowly.
UC KW HEAT CAKED.—FIour and milk sufficient tomak
one quart of better; add one egg then I hree teaspoons
ful of Leavon; beat to a froth, and cook quick.
DIMPLIN(I3.—SIft togother ono quart of flour and it oo
easinnongful of 1,01,011: rub In a pleco,of butter half 4
ergo a. 4 an egg, mix. with cold milk or water, and bo
on minutes.
°HAMPER Scum CARE —Sift together two la - rge cups
of flourand two teaspoonsful of Leaven; put In half n
cup of ' , utter and ft cup and a half of sugar; mix with
cold milk or water to a stilt batter, add spice to suit the
tante, and bake Immediately.
CINCINNATI EPONIIKCAE.I.—TWQ cups of white sugar
beaten with the yolks of nix eggs—the whites of sit'
aim; beaten los froth; then beat all together; add three
cups of sifted flour, one cup of water, and three tea
apoonsful of Leaven; flavor with two tosspoonsful of
ennence of lemon. nud bake .n a quick oven.
.11;atatcs.—Sift'toge , .her one quart of flout and three
tenspoimsful of Leaven; rub in one tea-cupful of hotter
odd a cup and a halt of white sugar, and spice to suit
the taste; min Mid enough to roll tut, and bake quick.
ELIMTION Coat—Orle gnnrt of and three lea.
npoonsful of Leaven sifted together; add a cup of but.
ter, one 1,0111111 of currents, two cups of whitesugar,and
oqe teaspoonful of cinnamon; mix with cold with to a
stiff batter, and bake In a slow oven. '
Can't . CAISe.-01111 pia eliCh of flour and Indian meal,
and three teaspoonsful of Leaven. well sifted together;
add one gill of molasses and two eggs; mix thin with
milk, and bake in u slow oven. • '
CUP Cite.—Else cups of flour and throe teastu,onsful
of Leaven, sifted together; add one cup of butter, two
of sugar, and two eggs, all well beat loges her; then add
a cup of currents, and spice to suit the taste. Bake
about half au hour.
t.Anti e' CAISZ —Thre,•quaitet; °fa pounder flourand
tour teaspooneful of lumen What together; ono pound
of sugar and sin minces of hotter beaten to • cream; the
whites of eight egge'weil beaten, and the Ode° of one
lama; mix with tunic. . .
W[II3TER CUM—Vivo cups of flour, three , teaspoons•
tut of Leaven, three cone of sugar, one of hotter, ono of
milk, and two eggs; Balt and poke to tho teat°. Bake
shout half no hour.
'Packed in Ca3E3 of 1,4, and Six Dor. - Cilh.l
For sale by armors and 11rOggists generally. •
WILLIAM UUl,AltllL .t 111 W., Wholesale Agents
N 0.59 North Front street, Philadelphia.
No•. 16, 1860.-310.
flaying proofs so strong 'and direct as to
For Statesmen, Judges, Editork,'Physiclans,of the
oldest ashoOls as well as now, give It thelY unqualitied
sanction, and recommend It for all eases of eruption.,
and disert.eo of the sra,lp and brain: but all who hale
1111Pli It, unite, In testlfying that it will prooorvo the
hair from being gray, and front fallineto anycage, as
well as restore. Rend the following:--
. Oak Grove, S. C June 24th, ISM
PROP, 0, J. IVoun: Doar Sir Your hair Ituntorutive
In rapidly waning popularity lu this community. 1 !MVO
bud occurlou to lay predjudice smith" and giro your Hair
Restorative n perfect test :.
During the year 1851, I wan so unfortunate AA to law
thrown from any sulkey against a rock by the roadside,
front which my head received a moot, terrible blow;
causing a groat deal of Irritation, which cotutounicated
to the bralu and external aurface of the head, trout, the
effects of which my balr we.. finally destroyed over the
entire surface of the head.
,From the thou 1 first di e .
covered Its dropping, however, up to the time of Its to
tal disappottrance,l employed everything I could think
of, being a pmfenalonal luau myself, and, mil thought,
Muderstending the neture of the disease, but was tival•
ly defeated lu every prescription advanced.
Thee and no other circumstances induced the to re
sort to your worthy Heir Restorative, which have
every reason to Leila.. produced e very happy result;
two months alter the first Application, I hod as Minot!.
fill a head of young hair at I ever sow, for which, I cur.
thinly..., pole my most aseurod,
dear sir, 1 shell recommend your remedy to all Wool.
rertr, 1110'rFtiiiir, 1 shall use my inlluepce, which 1 tat
ter myielf t., say. is not a little.
You can publish tills if you think proper.'
Yours, very respectfully, ,
,IR. J. WRIGIfy, Itl P.
Office of theJeffornonlnn, Philippi, Va., 11ec.12,1858
Dear Sir 4—,1. feel It my duty so r well As my,ollnsure,
to state toyou the following circumstance. whlrla you
• n use •e you think proper. A gentlenianof this place
(a . yer,) has been bald ever since his early youth;
so much so, that he was compelled to wear L a wig; Ile
was Induced to use a bottle of your ItaxtbrAtive,"
which he liked vory much; and After using , some two'
or throe bottles his hair grow nut quite luxuriantly,
and ho now has a handsome head of heir; The 'gentle ,
Lll3ll'll name le Bradford. and as ho Is very well known
In our adjoining counties, many..persone can testify to
the truth of this statement; I glee It to you at thin ro
,quest of Mr, Bradford. You can soli a great deal of your
tfal,F Restorative In this and the adjoining counties If
yeil have the propor agents. Yours, &o
DR. Wenn: Door Sir:—Permit mu to express die ob.
liptlotia I am under for the entire restoration of my
hair to its original color; about the time of my arrival
In the United States it Ives rapidly becoming gray, but
upon the application of your 'glair Restorative' it soon
recovered its original hue. I consider your Restorative
as a very tronderful invention, quite etTicacioun an well
as ogreeable • B. TIIALBILIKI.
The Restoratlve Is pui• up In bottles of three slaw.
'ale ;large, medium And marten; the small holds%a pint
and retails for one dollar perbottie; the medium holds
at least twenty par cent more In proportion titan the
mall, retells for two dollars per bottle; the large holds
a quart, 40 par cent more In proportion, and retails for
three dollars per bottle. -
Q. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New
York, and 114 alarketStreot, Pt Louis.
•And sold by all . good Druggists and Vevey (lambs'
Dealers. . Noy. 30, 'OO.-3nt.
The Cream of l'artar ..Substitute" is recommit'.
dod as n superior article in combination with Saleratus
nr Soda for Baking purposes: It produces bread cakes
dm, which when cold are sweet, moist and gratefil,
while those of Crean of Tartar are often dry and taste-
It will cost less than Cream of Tirtarand Is used
In the mrothway for cooking, &a.
toge t her with Saleratus' Soda, Pere Cream of ,Tartar,
Bermuda Arrow Root, Mustard Seed,. ground and ull.
ground, spices of all kinds unktiulterated, and also
Brocorlea In every variety constantly on hand, and at
the lowest prices for sale by
Dec. 14, 1400.
--- -22
RENT.—R oven houses, at rents
varying from 48 dollars to 160 dollars, are 'offered
for rent, from the first of April next, apply to
Carlisle Dee, 14, 1800. JACOB Itilltithi.
mKS:rATE NOTlCE.—Letters testa
-, tnentary on the estate of Wm. BLlWiiiion late of
rough of Carlisle, deed, haying been granted by
the Register of Outilbc[land CO, to the subscriber living
In Philadelphia, noticd In hereby given to: all. persona
Indebted to sold estate to matte payment, and _those
baring claims to present theWtiuly authenticated for
settlement to, JAMES G. WILSON,
Or hie Attorney, WM. M. PRNROSR,
Dec. 7, 1810.41 t. • - Carlisle Pa.
r I
. :
ii,oolll. FOR. RENT.--The
large Store itocim at the Went end of Main Street.
It e fitted up with; counters. and nhelviing and ;has a
large and convenient cellar. -Possennion given Inunedh
Melt.; Enquire - of ; '
Carl4le, Dec. 21,100.4. f. . ,
163- .ITIC
*0 5 1.0 1" : 1 :
4 1 if treo
• .
To the - Ottizons of Now Jersox 3 Penosylvanin, Apotho-
Dru'gglets, (tutors and Privato
• am as. -
Weirs Pure Cogha, Brandy;
Weirs Pure Made In. Sherry and Pnrt Wino.
Wolf's Pura Jamaica and St, Ornix Bum.
Wo:Ps Pure Scotch and Irish Whiskey.
11;v leave to call the aitention•of the cltisens of the
United States to the above Wines and Liquors, .impor
ted by Udoipho Wolfe. of New York, whose name is fa
miliar In every part of this country for the puritrof
his celebrated Scnienam Fafloam. Mr. Wolf In hie let.
ter to me, ei,eaking of tho purity his Wines end Li•
quors, says: " I will stake my reputation an a man,
my steadily as a merchant of thirty years' residence
In the city of Neii York, that nil the Wendy and , Winea
which 1 bottle AM pure en Imported, and of the best
twenty, ant can ha relied upon by every purchaser!'
Every bottle linathe propriett en name on the Was.
and a fee Simile of his signature oaths certificate. The
public are respectfully invited to call and examine fur
themselves. For sale at Retail by all Apothecaries and
Grocers la Flaladelph la,
George 11. Ashton, No. 832 Market St.
. .
Sole Agent for Philadelphia.,
Rend the following from the Now York Courier
Enormous business for one Now York Merchant —We
aro happy to inform our fellow citizens .that there IN
ono place In our city where the physician, apothecary,
and country marchont, can gonna purchase pure Wines
and liquorscas pare as Imparted, and of the best quali
ty. We do not intend to give an elaborate description
of this merchant's extensive business. although it will
well ropey any stranger or citizen to visit Udolphr.
Wolfe's extensive warehouse,Nos. 18, 20 end 21 Beaver
street. and Nos. 17, 1.0 and 2, Marketheld street
ntocloof Schnapps on !mid ready for shipment could
not have been less than thirty thousand ease.l; the
Brandy some ten thousand caeca—Vintages of ISM to
1000. and ten thousand cases of Maderla, Sheers , anti
l'ort Wino, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, .11atunielt and St.
Croix Hum, some very old and ague]. to any in this
country. Ile alto has three large collars filled with
Brandy,lYlng, &r., in casks, under Custom House key,
ready for bottling. •Mr. Wolfe'snales of Schnapps last
year amounted tq one hundred end -eighty!, thousand!
dozen, and we hope in less than two years Ito may be
equally successtul with his Brendies and Wines.
Ills business merits the patronage of every lover of
his species. Private families who wish pure Winewend
Liquors for medical ueu should send their orders direct
to Mr. A% olfe, until every Apothecary in the lend make
up their minds to discard the poisonous stun - from their
Ault's, and replace It with Wolfe's pore Wines and
understand Mr Wolfe, for the acennuoodatlonuf
j , maltdealers ‘ in the country, puts up assorted. cases'of
Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant
should be sustained against his tons of thousands of
opponents In the United Stoles. who sell nothing but
imitations, ruinous alike to human health and happl-
DOSS. Sept.l.4.
For sale by C. Ijibeff Carlisle
_ .
The subscriber liege leave respectfully to infirm the
citizens of Cern.° and rid ray, that by line now 043
hand :mills manufacturing, every variety of Cabinet
Ware, consisting In part of
• Cli A I it S, '
Gilt Moulding, Oval Frames Ac., Ac. This work is
warranted of the best materials and workmanship, cm.
bracing all the I:Oust:city Styles, and will be furnished
at the lowest retail prices.
N. B.—Coifing mode at short notice, nod funerals at•
ended to promptly In town Oecountry. '
Cnrllxle Oct. 12., 'r
WM. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law.
• Mee, South Hanover Street with A. B
Sharps EN. Nor. 10, 1/360.
HUNT'S "BLOOM OF ROSES." A rich and elegant
color for the cheeks Nr.r lips: It will not wash or rub off
and wben onto applied, rdmains durable for years. Tho
tint is so rich and natural, that the closest le,rillny
falls to detect its use. Carr be relativist by lemon Julco
end will not Injure tho skin. This is a new preparation
used by the celebrated Court Beauties of London and
Paris. Mailed free, in bottles, with' directions for use,
for SLIM
libisaling'whiteness to the complus lon ' and is unlike
anything else used for this purpose. Mailed free for
bU Cents.
AUNT'S "BRITISIf.DALM," removes tnii, freckles,
stinburn end MI eruptions of the skin. Mailed free , or
f,O Cents. .
HUNT'S "IMPERIAL POMADE' . forthe hair. stren
gthens and improves Its growth; keeps It from falling off
and Is rearrested to make,the 11,dreurl. Mailed free for
HUNT'S "PEARL REAUTIII.II4It," for the teeth and
gums, else nses end whitens the teeth, hardens' the gums
purifies the breath effectually, preserves the teeth and
prevents toothache. Mailed free for 51,00
extract of orange 1110,4 , 0111 and cologne. Mal ed free for
$l.Ol This exquisite perfume was first used by the
Princess Royal of England, on her Marriage. Motors.
.Hunt .t Co., presenthd- the -Princess-with-an-elegant
case of Perfumery, tin which all of the above articles
were included) in handsome rut glass with gold stoW'
nem valued at $l5OO, particulnrs•of which appeared in
the public prints. •
All the Once articles sent free, by express. for ssno.
Cash can either Accompany the'order, or be wall to
express agent on delivery of goods.' lIUNT A. eq. •
Perfbmers to the Queen : '
Regent St., London, and 77 Sammie Ft., Philadelphia,
Pa. Yor Sale by 1111 Druggists and Pm tumors.
M. The Trade supplied. Oct. Oil,
One of the largest and most complete Galleries In .
the Unit. d Staten ' where the bent Pletures,
known to the Photographic art, at prices 110
higher thou are paid for miserable
caricatures.-.::.. • •
The Proprietor'n prod lent Photographer, attends per
nonallyr, every sitting—and allows no. Picture to leave
the Winery unless it given perfect satisfaction.
Danuerrootypes and Ambrotypen, of absent of demi.
sod friend/I. photogrophod to any required sine, or taken
on ConvannFlife size, and painted in Oil by the best Ar.
At this Gallery pirturen ran ho taken :n any weather
—an perfect in Itnnly weather an when the nun shires.
Persona • Kg the rity are respectfully
examine our n cantons, which for pri, and quality do
fy competition.
Inntructionn given in the art of Photography.
Gni.env OF ART,
• 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
From hon. Loots D. (1111POELL, M.
My family end friends All concur in tho opinion that
the (Newell) Picture la. more IMAM°. titan any thing
they ever saw. My Menetn has been repeatedly taken
by different Artiste in various ways, but I him, 'toter
yet bad one Which presents so true to nature, all the
features and expresslonn of countenance as thin.
From lion. N. Jot Montan. late Minister to Italy.
The exquisite finish. beauty and softness of your per.
trait, conjoined with their durability of color and faith
fulness as likenesses, cannot fail t t commend them to
the attention and patmtinge °fall who appreciate truer
Having ocennion for n portrait, I procured one fr'oni
Mr. Robert Newell, of the city of Plailndelpida, 8 tain•
Lauri, in Oil Colors, ender the new process diseovered
by him, and take greet pleneure in asprensing the
satisfaction given Ine, not tire accurdev of lire
likeness, but he artinlie finish in all reseeetn, and re
commend binato the patronage of those dispoeed to an
courage the beautiful art. Dec. 7, 1800.•3moe.
S 1000 Worth of, Brocho French
. awl Penodalb Shawls lower in price
th a n over known. LEIDICII, SAWYER .4
The subscriber offers for salo or rent, the' now
Three Story Brick House
jaz -- -'l., on North lianoverStreet. Possession
g iv e n on tile let of April next. Ths
ill' lionso has nine moms, is furnished
with.water nod g as.and suitable eith
er for business ore private r e sidence
Oct 20, 1860.4 f. JAMES R. WEAVER.
NOTlCE.—Estato of ThQmas Uriodoc'd.
nkhard Parker Executor. Rule:to show: cane[
Vhy Petitioner should not be discharged. •
To the hairs ofahonnts Erie Into of North MlEldieten
township dec'd. You are hereby notlfld to to and ap
pear at the next Orphans' Court to be held at Carlisle
the 21st day of January 1861, and show rause why the.
said Richard Parker should not be discharged from his
said Lewdest surviving executor of the last will and
testament of the said,Thomes Uric, deed.
Sheriffs Offlre, R. SIcCAItTNEY,
Dec. 28, 1860.—it. f She( iff.
MOTICE.—Thp members of the Cum
berland County Agricultural Society, will meet
at the Court Mouse In Carlisle' on Tuesday the Bth of
Jimmy 1801 at 10 o'clock A. M. All (armors are re•
quested to attend. D. S. CRONT,
Jan. 4, 1801. Secretary.
NEW 'FURS - 1 NIeAV 'tits 1•1 • .
Au elegant assortment of Furs, at' the loweit
f twi r Foch prices. LEIMIEILEAWYEIt MILLER,
SALE—A fr!all ` , 41 , 1 , 1k Cos, !uNulzao:titlii:::irlf
TIOR SALE,—A . cortlilento of Ten . years Scholarship
.I.' In Dickinson College. For skin on reasonable term."
FOR OASII. Address, Lokiln Shoemalter,„ ~
Dec. 7. '130.4t. • , .. , 0 1 / a mbarsbum Pa.
SHIP.-tho partuorshii ha t cototoro existifill
dor tho or 81111031 & lib CK, has this day boon
dissolvod 3,y mutual consent, thorefore we would solicit
all those Indebted to cone and, settle their accounts,.
and allf,hosa hayinVelalma will. please present them
' JACOB BllllOM.'
Jan. 8, 1860
• • .
•41 , :••• 'Tito business will hereafter ho continued at the old
Cetand of Shrom k Black under the firm of BLACK &
'DELA NCY, where we will keup constantly on hand all
kinds of LUMBER. AND COAL, ovthy description.
which we will null at the lowest cash prices, and all err.
dens Gtr bill stuff will ho promptly ationittal tri - 611- the
shortest Mice. We nro.thankfpl for the 'patronage of
generous public Mille old stand of Street •A Black,
and Would still solicit ti continuance.. All orders left
at the resldenre of Jacbb, Shrom for coal and lumber,
will be promptly attended toes heretofore.
Jan. 11. 1800. " "
APIS. 'WINSLOW,..nri experienced
Nurse and Femalo Physician, presents to the
attention of molhern her
which greatly facilitates the procesa of teething, by
softening the gums, reducing nil intimation—will al
lay all pain and spasmodic action. and is sure to regu•
Into ihe bowels. Dupond upon it mothers. It will give
rest to yourselves, and
We have put up and sold Ma article for over ten
years, and can say, in confide.° and truth of It, what
no hove never been able to say of any other medicine
nevrit• Bas itfailed in a
. .
hingle install- MRS. wiNsLow , s " " et '
feet a curewhen time
ly used. Nev.. er diti we'
ITPI°, an In- SOOTHING stance VI
. .
disatisfaction • by anyone
who timed it.
~ , 3 7-3rua: : :). On the eon
trary all are d elighted
with Its ope- 'ratio no,
to.d speak in terms of highest commendation orlts ma.
glen' Weep and medical .vidues. ' We speak In this
matter '•what we do know," after ten years expenence
and pledge our reputation for the fulfilment of what
we flora declare. In almost every Installce whore. the
infant is sulfuring from pain and exiMustion, relief
will he found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the
syrup is administered.
... .. . ..
This volushlii preparation is the prescription of, ono
of the most experienced and 'skilful nurses In Now
England, anal bas been used with never fining success
IE not only relieves the child front pain. hot invigo.
rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity and gives
tone and energy to the whole system,. It wilt almost
Instantly .relleve
, and over-! - . -- " - como con
viols 1 o n s ,-FOIL , which Knot
speodlly ro- meolled, end
Ito death. Wu believe
•It the 'Arse . CHILDREN and surest
~remedy In - -
in all cases min a TrziNG _ infl;peutery
and Di , ''' ' loom in shil.
dean whoth •
from teething. or front 'any other column. We would
say to °very mother who has a child suffering from any
~f the foregoing complaintsdo not let your prejudice
nor the prejudices or othuri stand between youossulier.
, log child and the relief that will . be SIMI:7p* All.
SOLUTELY SURE—to follow the usu of this mellirine,
if timely used. Full directions for using will accom•
pane each .Imttio. Nono genuine unless the far.-sindlo
of , :URTIS & PERKINS, Now York, is on the outside
'.wrapper. s ,
Sold by S. W. Ilavorsticit North Ilanwicr ,st. and
Elliott Main at. CarJjslo, and Druggistg throughout thi
wothl. Price only 25 Canto par Bottle. Principal 0111
co, No. 13 Cedar st. .. July 20, 1860.—1 y.
FOR ltr l NT.—The large
three story Brick 'louse with d
. large pailue 42 feet deep, situated nn
-- West ,Nleln litteet, •wlll be rented ff
from the lat April Mil. Call at the,
Jewelry Store ku Bald building. Juno 15, 181 U..
M i 'l l it il o ' b r e C st U M T na l t ‘E C,/ l t.t s er,, A. and N S S t u T I f U e r B F that i Il a
r S e
made is to he had at the lowest prices at hyue's where
you can find a full stock of Butcher's tools of-every de.
',Hatton at prices loner thou ever was lfeard of. Don't
buy a Cuttoror Stuffer until you take a kink at our
stook. JWIN P: LYNE It SON.
Nor. 2,'60. North Hanover Street Carlinle.
to Inform machloests, millers and the public gen,
rally, that era bare on band n full stuck of Imbricating
Oils for all kinds of mnrhiner3', this 01l surpasses all
others, hovingbeen subjected to n thorough test by the
side of the beat hard nail other Olio. It is pronounced
superior Lubricator/It less coat nod wearing longer.
and entirely live tom gun), and will fdand much cold,
weather nod has lees tendency to heat. -'fry it and yo
will u.o nothing elee for Lubricating.
"Carllslo Nov. 2, 'IA. .101 IN P. T.YNI: Sz SON.
North Lidnover Street:Carlislo.
For do npoody, radical, and offortunt curd of ALI
DISEASP.S Arising. from IMPURITY -
This modicAne has wrought the most miraculous cures
In desperate' races of
Scrofula, Cancerous (limn tions,
Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas, Roils,
Pimples on the face, h,Sore Eyes.
old, Stubborn Ulcers, Dead,.
Totter affections, fltheuctatic Disorders,
Dyspepsia, ,
"Jaundice, • Salt Rheum,
Diseases, General Debility,
r Comfilaint, • Loss of Appetite.
Foul Stomach
role Complaints, and all Diseases havlng,theirreq
trOan Impure state of the Blood.
Wo refer to the case of David McCreary, of Napier
township, Radford Co., Pa. who, on the 31st day of A ug..
ust, 1 , 35 made affidavit before Justice Oorley that he
wan treated for the curl of Cancer by 'three physicians
of Bedford county, and by DitLicewt6u of the Eclectic
College in Cincinnati, for .a.P..riod of nearly- eight
months, notwithstanding which, his lip, nose, and a
portion of IA left cheek were entirely eaten away! Ile
had given upinll holm, when he heard of. the , Blood
Searcher," and was Induced to try it. Four bottles
'cured him, and although sadly distigUred, there lit no
question but what this invaluable medicitle saved his
life. The full particulars of this remarkable case nifty
be seen inn circular, which can be hail of any of the
Agents. ,
We 31,10 refer to the case of Nancy Illeekney, of Elder
fon, .Arinstning soda ty, Pa., (hired of Scrofula after be.
Ing unable to got dut of her bed for there years.
To of a lady in Ansonville. Clearoehl county
who NN its else afflicted with Scrofula hilts worst term.
To the,r,ase of tleorge'aleisel, residing In Carroll tow 111
Cambria cotinty, Pa.. who wits ao badly afflicted with
Cancer,thitt it eat his entire nose of, and his case wa
• worse It.possible, then McCreary's. •
The particulars of these cases—,every one of Wilt
'was cured by the use of the illooll 'Searcher—may also
be found In a circular to be had of any of the Agents.
R. M. LE3ION. Proprietor.
Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near the
Pa. Railroad Depot. llollldaysburg, Pa.
Dr. Gee. 11. Keyser, Wholesale Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa.
vt, - D._ For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Ihrverstick, S. El
nett, and S. B. Kieffer; Dr. J. Herring Mechanics
burg; Gosweller Si look, Shopherdstown ; Joshua Colo:
Ilogstown; Jacob Simmons. Cross Roads; J. J. Coble,
E. Wise Shiremanstown; A. M. Willett, Roiling springs
Mary .W. Kinash, Churchtown ; 0 W. Robinson West
• 11111; Fasneught & CO., Oakville; Shoemaker &
Elliott. Newburg; Wm. liratton,, Newvillo; J. Mod &
Co., Springfield; Russell Si Co., Dickinson; 11.g'land
& Washing, Jacksonville; Wan. Clark & Lees,
Itolids; Win. 11. Eckies SpOrting 11111; 11. Denlineer
Dail; J. C. ARIA, Shippensburg I' nil of Cturibei
laud county. Pa.
J. O. CALM() & CO., succeskors to Win. li. Trout
would announce to their customers—and the publis
geuerally that they have just received from Philsilid
phis, 0 large and elegant stock of goods, In their line at
business of every variety, style and quality. . n
They have on hands splendid '.
assortment of
;1t,..'54 HATS AND CAPS ) „:;,;:
of all descriptions, from tho'coinumu Woo
to the finest FUR AND tiILE HATS: and at prices
that must suit every ono who has an eye to getting the
worth of his mousy. ThO stock includes,
of overy stylo and color and unsurpamed for LIMIT.
Ober establishment itt the - country.
of every description constantly on hand.
They respectfully Invite all the old patrons and as
many no w..yrum no possible, to give thorn a roll.
J. U. CALLA) &,
Apr. 25, 1165-.—ly
Deslgners and Engravers on Wood
f I XECUTE all kinds of Wood Engra
fi vlng with beauty, correetriess and dispatch. Or 1.
atrial designs furnishwt
,for Flue hook Illustrations.
,Persons wishing cuts, by ,ending a Photograph or Dm
guerreotype. can hove 11011111 of Colleges, Churches, Store
Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents, &e., engraved as wall
as on personal application.
Fancy Envelopes Labels. 11111 Readings, Show Bills.
Visiting, Busluerr and other Cards, engraved in the
highest style, of art, and at the lowest prices.
For specimens of floe' snip:tying coo the illustrated
works of J. 11. Lippincott & Co., E. 11. Butler & Co.'
Nov. 60, —ly.
'Pp" SALE.-50,000 building brick
for sale. at loss prim than they can bit tied nt the
kiln. Enquire nt thin office. Sept. 14,'60.
-N'OVEMBER 2NO, 1860. . .
Air ThO rendets Of thn ullsasto" ink reminded
hat 1 have just brought &Oro the city a largo supply of
Dried Apples and Pearhes, Fresh Tomatoes In sans. fresh
Mushrooms. the eery host Pickles, different kinds of
mixed Mustarde and Sanwa, Lemons and .Oranges,'
,Fruurs, Flan, Balslini, Sugars, Wrenn, Teas.' Molasses,
Fish, Mt, Fate &gam and Tobaceni:very line Brandies,
Old Ilya Whiskoh - Wlnes ko ; besides a general assort•
wont of grails In our, line of trade, offered at , the Tory
lowest, prices, FOR OAZIL • 'y3.l. BENTZ. ,
Nov. 2d, 2860. ' •
• .
CARPETINGS.Just .. received at
01.illbPii o limip'Citsn atom, an e tiro ; new stook
o ri,,,i ra i n , it ng and WEN, : Garpetlii ii, dirert from n o
filanntinturora, and sollin g ni. iin t iroco. entfylinv prices
for Guth, . . . • GRAS. Y, Trustee . '
. ,
, .
. "
flue of the cheapest and best selected
IL"! Arian oi-Dry,Goodn, arm opened to 6wllele,
In now In the room of A. W: aonto, condatlno In pert
Silks, Figured Merinos, Cashmeres, nil wool Delshms
and every style or Dress Goods seen in the eastern mar
kets. •
colon; and ntrlpen of every style. My stock of Mantles
In acknowledged to ke tmr most complote over opened
In this place. ' _
.. •
purchased from the best hounos In Philadelphia and
Now York. can be had of me at less than usual Wail,
prices. I have In this branch, linens, Laces, Edglngn,
Onnihrica, Brilliants, Nal:tat:mks. Jaconotis, La nor, Mull
Mmllns, Se., all of which I ask but an emunination.
The bent article ofSiberian Squirrel, German Filch,
Lustre do, Stone Martin and Said. do. 1 hays at
least two hundred Sut•a. out of which nil can select.
Muslim!, Arnerlcan, , EnitllA and French Prjnte, all of
the best manufacture and rotors. ILautinerer. Watertwiet
and Nlanchester .Gingham,, Ilium!ls, Blankets. and
ovary' llng-usiteilly Lund In a wall regulated Dry Goode
Silk. Woolen, Cotton and Linen Hose for Children, la
dlex and Gentlemen. Kid, Kid Minh, Silk, Melo thread
and Genuine Buck Gloves for (lents,
Clothe, Cass!mores, Vesting's aml,Shawle. There is no
place Hikd& of Philadelphia, where gentlemen eon
be fitted out in better ntyies or quality of cloth and as
no low rates 11“ in my store., Call and nee the now style's
of fancy Casolineres, acknowledged by the gentlemen of
.thin plata, to be the prettiest and beet over brought
!from the eastern markets.
Superfine two and three I'ly, Drussule and Velvet Car-
pets, of ell Floqe and figuron and extremely low prices,
one. one and n quarter, one nod n half; two end three
yards wide, Oil Cloth of the very beet a: tide and !old
at the very now price of fifty cents per square yard.-
. Having, enlarged my room and rtddellg
M ry
once and corn ort for customers, I elt, 11 to call KO
examine stuck of goods purchased fur II and see
idly it Is that A. W. Dente can sell bin goods at ouch
very low rates. It is to the interest VII who are in
need of Dry (beide to give our stock in nspectlon, thy
MOttO to to null cheap and please my c tomers.
A. W. Ill:Nil, S. Hanover et.,
0et.12 '6O Nearly oppealte tap P. 0. Carlisle Pa
On and after MONDAY, DECEMBER 3d4860, PASSellger
Trains will run as (allows: (Sundays excepted;)
let Train. 24 Train
7.00 A. M. 2.45 P.N.
7.37 " 3.35 "
Leavo llngeistow
" , Greiicastlo.
'" Chamlmrsburg, 8.30, " 1.25 "
• Shippunsburg, ' 4 9.00 " - 1.57 "
" Newville, 0.32 0 2.30 "
• Carlisle. 10.10 " " 3.10 "
" Meehatiicsburg, 10 42 " 3.42 "
Arrive at llarriaburg, 11.16 " 4.10 ".
Ist Train. 24 Tratzt.
Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A. M 1:40 P. M.
Mechanicsburg 8.47 • 2.20 0
• Carlisle • 9:27 " 1000 "
Newvlllo, 10.02 " 3.34
Shippoosburg, 10.33 " 4.05 "
Chambg', (A rrive) 11,00 . 4.45
0 reencastie, .11.55 535 ."
Arrive nt Hagerstown. 12.35 0.10
THREE Daily Trains leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg,
at 3.18. and 7.00, A. M.. and 4 20, P.M.,
For Philadelphia, vin Pennsylvania Central Railroad
At 2.40 A. 51., 12.55, 1.15, and 5.25 P. - M. Via Lebanon
V. It. R., al 0.00 A. M., and 1.45, I'. M. For Baltimore,
at 3.00 5 7,40 A. N., /4 1 00 P. 51.
Per 1 reverton andlVilliamapert at 1.40 end 8.15, P.
M. Trains on-Dauphin Road at 2.00, I'. M.
NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where
Tickets are sold, viz: Jingoist:own, Oreancastie,
bersburg,' Shippensburg, Nowvillo, CsAlsie, Mechanics
burg acid Harrisburg, a redtiction of TEN CENTS on
each Ticket will be made to all Passengera-thst provide
themselves with Tickets Lawn entering the Cars.
- O. N. LULL Superl.
Railroad Office, Chamliersburg,}
Dee. 7, 1800. •
- rust received another new and cheap
p Int of Itlelmrdsrins, Dunbdr k Dixon Linens, Mus
fins, Calicoes he., he. At the cheap Cash Store
N,Sr. 2, ISO. CII Ag. OGILVY, Trustee.
I'll Ull S,
North Itouover St., Carhile
• Iles jutt opened en assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan.
y Goods, Gilt Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and confec-
Innin"Y, width bee never been eurpessed In this bor.
ugh. for novelty and elegance. The articles hays bears
eleetyd with great ca.r, and are calculated, In quality
nd pike, to command the attention of purchasers.
whichcomprise every variety of fancyarticlea of the most
exquisite finish Knell as.
Papier Machu Goods,
Elegant ltiabastei and porcelain ink-stands and trays,
Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cases,
Ladles' Fancy Baskets,
Fancy Work Bonus, with sowing Instruments,
Ladles' Cakes, Writing Desks, and Port frdos.
Port Monnales, of every variety,
Gold pens and Noodle,,, Fancy paper weights, and a
large variety ofladills' Fancy statim.ery.
Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses,
Biding whips, elegantly finished. line cutlery,
Perfume bilikets end bags,
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
X. Basin and It. k G. Wright's Soapa 'and Perini:nes
of various kinds,
Fancy Pins fur head dresses and shawls.
together with an innumerable variety ofarticies elegant
ly finished and suitable for holiday presents,, to which
he - Invites special attention.
Also, an extensive and elegant collectitut of
coMpilsing various Zuglish and American Works,
richly embollished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and
Hymn Books, elegantly bound in ,velvet with metal
clasps nod corners, suitable for holiday gifts.
Ills assortment of School Book,' and School Stationery le
also complete, and comprises everything used In the
Schools. Ile also desires to call the particular atten
tion or Families to his elegant assortment of
, • LAMPS, Ac.,
from theuxtonsive establithmepts of Cornelius, Archer
and others ol Philadelphia, comprising every style of
Parlor, Chamber and study Lampe, for burning either
Lard, Sperm oi Etherlal on also DAVIT'S celebrated
Kerosene or Coal 011 Lamps, together with Flower Niue,.
Fancy Screens, de. Ills assortment fu this line is un.
equaled in the borough.' Also,
embracing . all tho B.vorfto brands, and a line assort
such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs; Ralslgs, Nectarines,
In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure
and fresh such as can be confidently recommended to
his friends. ills stock embraces everything in the line
of Fancy Goods, with nimy other articles useful to
housekeepers which the public are especially invited
In call and examine.
Remember tho Ohl Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on
North Hanover street. . . . . . .
And all kinds of Furnishing floods,
And all kinds of Furnishing floods,
And all kinds of Furnishing floods..
At the great Clothing Emporium
In Ijorth Hanover Street,
- At the great Clothing Emporium
In North Hanover Street,
At the great Clothing Emporium
In North Hanover Street.
On nccount of having a heavy stock of Clothlog asd
'Arco goods on band to hare this day greatly reduced
our prlcce in Clothing. And all In want of great Bar
gains should call inanedltlely at
Clothing Emir dun
North Minoru Etreat,
De 0.13, 'OO.-Imo
301 e Etiat W 1 11.1. 2.
OF r.V[ItY °cosmetic's,
. The Largest and Beet Stook in the City.
Our faSilltios enable ue to - mil lower, than any otiltile
establishment. "Politeness and Fate
Dealing," our motto '
826 and 898 Chestnut treat, Philada.
.44-NO CO! :MI . ION with ANT 0111 ZR 110U8X:Va
Dec lA, '6O —2 ma
ATl T E l A , l . T oin A . R? ..stairor
NOTICE:--te First Ile ginufut,
Arra Brigade 16th Dtrialon, Penne. Uniformed , fifllltla
pill araoluble In carllglo on Tuesday too let day ofJelee
nary N. D. 1861. A geneial sittendarma in required.
. • By orator of . • • '
I Wm. D. Thilbert .• • WM.II. DENBOBEI
• Adjutant, Col. ems.
gest aesortmer t this,ehte l'hilactelphle,eudll4lng
mturacturere price& Cur stork le eutirel) Ante
and fr e from moth. It d$ 1111LIA1t
The 'raven) stand nt Dol;lu Spelnve le for rani
Dem On tat of Aptil nont •
Dec. 14, '64 -Iwo.
pEralk F. Box