'ILONIIINCI I WE LL CLOTHING I •. 1 FITTING CLOTHING I • Whit Bull/scriber has Just received a very superior and well Selected Stock of SPRING Sc -SUMMER CLOTHING, eouslstlnu of Cussmere, nner and Italian sloth, Al. Marsalles, Litman u d Cotlonade, Coats, Pants II Shirts also Shit and Se vests. old In shhst ovary thing In the way of CIA I lENTS. Ws stock of GENTLEMEN. PulestsuLva- GOODg, has been selected with a great deal of care. and shlrti cravats, Ac., Re., are sold at unusual low prices. TRUNKS CARPET BAUS A: 'VALISES T 6• s.ligcrilior would call special attootton to Ws knis stuck of HATS AND CAPS ‘. 17 bleb he has received and le selling them et very • low figures. Of the above you eau convince yourself Iry • silting at the Cheup Clothing . Sturo near the Market geiuse '• A91161t WILL. . April Il i 18130. ' SILVER, PLATED WARE .13Y HARVEY FILLEY No. 1229 'Market Street.Pun.ammentA, Mnitufacturer of fine ••• NICKEL SILVER, and SILVY' PLATER of YORKS., 81 . 0 .NS, LADLES, rarrrEic KNIVES, cAsToits, TEA SETS. illtNS. KETTLES, TrArnig4, nuTnit .1)1811ES, ICE PITCHERS, OAK N BASKETS, COM 3IUN lON •NVARE, CUPS, MUMS, 0011I,ETS,; With a general asseetment l!Onlilligillt( none but the bat quality, made of the best materials -end heavily plated, constituting them Setvleeable and durable •rtiele For HOTELS', SfEAMIIOtTIi and PRIVATZ FAMALIES .84.-01 d. Wars re-plated in the best mannee' Feb. 22,...1460E1 W. C. RHEEM ATTORNEY AT EAW AND GENERAL AGENT. • ./Vinneopola, 'MILL givel sperial attention to eellevtiong through IV out the ; , tate, make investwilts, huy anti fttl) Real Estate and xer•uritles. •Nrgotlaie i11:411S, pay taxe-, locate land warnints. kc., &e. Refer to the nieinhers o tho Cumberland County Bar, and tu ironiluent citi -20,44 or Carlisle, l'a. jAugl'36-Iy, Ell= I= • ership l A n, entered the mx u,.n,g, i t i o A i c t co-r x r t • l'org, WO Would .respectfully lion dttentipn or Ilardware merchant.:,lllacksmiths.and all ' others who may want a superior article of Iron to give theme .I‘ll. All lauds of lumunered Iron constantly on hand or drawn to order on short notice. The hiallest price paid for wrought iron scraps, or to. en in exchange for lair Iron. V ' Carlisle, Oct. 12, 11,59. PHILADELPHIA WATCH AND sEvirramv STORE Q. 00. AI), FOR)! OCCUPANT. 170. 148 NOR 77/ SECOND STI? BET, CORNER OF QUAKILY STREET. The• under:3lolrd has leased the above premises elute he wilt heap a large zwger Intent 01 hull k 211%er Watches, of .I.turrietin. ow is;)lannlarluro of the mobt relebratati Inakerr, in addition to whh•li. will found always lilt (And nude to order):lit ex tunsive variety of Jett rlry. silver. and tqlver Haled, wary, together elth a p.. 11,211 ansoetingo tot' such geode ---- ns - ar• - muvl iv - rpg - irrarti - rst - eta ewrlyr-Store--- The 1N11.1 . 021M1 of 1). Cur,;!. nud till.. Or the Mllll),lriber tozether with ard Invited to $.4411, where they trill tart ce n gn.ul m tilde tor their 1111,11,. AP I am determined to do strictly n rash will lie sold very lovr. I , lti WITS AND QUICIi WALES," Is the motto of this estnldhldnent. It.lllolo.tlA l'ormerly tt. CON It AD, Ito. 14% North Second SI. corner of Qu.dry June it, .1. W. SCOTT, ENTLEM EN'S FU4NISHING sTom: AND ..3.1-.1.1RT MANUFACTORY, . No. 819, eletstnut Sired, Your door, I.eleir the "Continent tl lintel" told nearly' ollrb'lie the "llintrd llottbe - Philadelphia. large aqborttnent or lirobsing !tithes eonbtaillY no hand. l'arcienliir :mention given to ordeted bilirts-11 parreot lit, utbirdriteed. trade supplied with for shirl sand •11 liberal tempi. Diructionu tormensurenient bentnn applieintlint by dilly 0, P IIILA 1) E L II I AND HEADIN v Ii Pt A I L' It 0 A Y 0 SUMSIIM ARRANGEMENT, - On ninl niter MAY 28c1660. Two passetwer trains leave Harrisburg daily, (Sun dram exceptd . .) at 8.00 A. M . and 1.15 P. M.. ror deripitut, arriving there at 1.'25 110011 and 0.15 P. 31. Returning ; leave Philadelphia at 5.011 A.M.. and 3.80 P. II:, arriving at Ilarrinburg at 12.18 noon and 8.30 P. . FAIIES ?0.1 Cam 1.;3.25 ; No. 2 (in tame train.) $2 70. Fares to Ile:01111g. $l.OO and 01.70. At Reading. connect with traina for Pottsville, %tiers- Title, Tamaqua, Catawhtet, 4te. Your trains leave.lleadilig for Philadelphia daily. at 6 A. 31, 1045 A. M., 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. 01. Leav• Philadylphia for Heading at 8.00 A. M., 1.00 P. 10., 3.30 P. 01.. and 0.00 P. M. Fares from Reading to Philadelphia. $1.75 and 45. The morning train frint Ilan: isburg monody at Reading with up train for 15111:ebbarre, Pittston and '4 Saran ton. Nor through tickets and other Information apply to .1. CLYDE, General Agent. Aug. .1, 'IV pUIIIPY THE BLOOD MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILL'S, PI-IOEN IX 13117i7.1T15. Lich and envied celebrity Y. - 111.• pro.enii• vent Medicine% lone acquired her th s cir eflb suoy in all the dkeases which they profe , q, to , cur , Lss rendered the usual ;weal, of pulluu; not only untieres. .try but unwt.rthy of them. They IWO 4iIIOWLI by their fruits: their you'd works toothy for them, and they thrive not by the taith of thetrekluinus. In all cares of Al•thiun, Acute and Chronic Rheum, Ilsm, Affectienn Al the ihndder And Kidneys. Fevers And Liver Complaints, —)n the " , nuth ■ud Itie4 whore these disease,: prrvnil, they mill h e found Invaluable. ' , biller/4, limn re nod others, ahu •nro urin these medicines, will neverafterwurds he with •.t them. filMo. Cholla and Serous L00n..., Biles, Costin- Ross, Colds and Coughs. Cliolie. CONSUMPrION—Used with great eurcebs In this di 110aSe. Cor npt Humors, Droviles, Dyspepsia.—No parson • ith this distressin..; diso..so should dolay t uning theso medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency and F•- •er and Ague.—Eurthie scourge of the Western country those ineditines will loci found a sale, opeedy and verlain remedy.' Other used illllol 11,11yArtitil. w Alithirt to • return of the disease—a 1410 by theso iedielnes is pernuneut. Try them. be natisiled, unit be cured FOULNESS OF COMPLEXION. ((1 AL DEBILITY. Goat, Oiddinesg, Clasel, Ileadaoh, of every kind, Inward Foyer. , Inflammatory Itheumatibm, Impure Bloodi Jaundice, Loss or Appetite. ILLTEIL COMPLAINTS, . LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, 31 ERCURIAL DISEASES. ,Eger fitiln to eradicate entirely , all tho effects of Mer• tau Infinitely sooner than the must powerful prnparu• Ql.. of Sarsaparilla. Night Sweats, N er yowl pria`lity, Nerrous Cotuplal n of all kinds, Organic A (for/lons, Palpitation atilt, Heart ratators' Chol le. IMM Th• Olv,l nal proprletor of these medicines aus rued of Piles of 35 yearn Handing by the use of then.) Liver Med Moen Moue. Paine In the head, side, beck, limbs, joints and or- BM= Thou ntill:ted with this terrlblo dlsonse will be sure etrellef by the Llfo Medicinen Ranh of Blued to the Ilecul, Scurvy, Salt.lthoum, Swellings. lICILOVULA, or KING'S EVIL, In Itn worst forum cern ol'overy description, Worms of all kinds are irfectnally expelled by these usedialnes. Patents will do well to administer them trbonitvar their existence 18 suspected. Beller will be eittshe. - TIIIUtIFII PILLS , ' AND PIRENI X BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, Ital thus remove all dleeases from the system. lsopared by DR. WILLIAM It. MOFFAT, No. D 5 Broadway. 'Moint Building) N. Y. July 6.—ly. 1411. sal• by ■ll Drug& tm. No MISTAKE.—AII persons in want of a bottle of floe Old IniMted and l'hre Brandy, sr Old Kris Whiskey', or Gin, Wines. &e., eau get the rem article at the Grocer) of the aubseriber. WM. BENTZ. Jan. 18, 1860. FURNIFURNISHING GOODS.- no largest and best variety of Gent'n Furhlsh SHING and at the lowest prices can be round nt LIVINGSTON'S. North Hattneer Street. FOR SALE.— A good second-band Nese, apply at the Herold Mee, arnabi. Sept. 28, le. • WHY STAND YE ALL THE DAY IDLCI -Asy 1.33 y or Gentleman In the United' Statea t pos. easing from $ 0 to $1 can enter Int. an easy and re spectable bum:less, by which from $5 to $lO per day an be realised. Yes particulars, address (with stamp) ill'. It. ACTON t CO., ?opt. 28, , No. 37, North Slith-st, NOW IS THE TIME . TO BUY YOUR GOODS. Juet In from Drodno,New Yorh n large armament of Winter Mantles of the letevt rieeigne, in price from $4 t• $3O. LETI4O(t, SAWYER k MILLER. • K.ELETON SlClRTS.—Another largo supply of those euporlor and cheap steel spring A rtejttet received. Decidedly the best end cheapen In Carlisle, at the cheep Cash store ' " Ihm. klaad. '. CHAS. OGILDY, Treat.. VEST. I HILL MILLS.- •-.' • • . • rr' 'Formerly piLLEII. & GREIDEII he subacriber wishes TO inform the public that be has aommencedlbe Milling !Malang cit his Mill one mile mirth orWest Hill, West Penushore twp. Cumber land County,Wherre he will alwaya have on hand flour and lead lb: mile at the lowest cash price,. Such as bran Shorts and Middliuga,Corn and-Oats, and Rye chops... .I wllLalwaya pay the higimst club prleo for grain. ' Jo., )0.:11“.11m. , . JOIEN SICIAIMI ER. • • FP, IALE COLLEGE;. lANIOSUUItG, PA. • Thin Institution designed 10r the liberal educarto • or Young Ladles, has been In operation pro years tit 'Lim most gratifying results. IL is now established a • n lima basis, and its pairorago already extends rive several States. it in located on tho Gumberbind Valley Railroad mid• way between Harrisburg and Carlisle. in the most fer tile and beauti t u I portion Of the valley, and In Iff (-loss proximity to one of the most moral, healthy, nod en— terprising towns in tins State. It is ventral, Rua easy of access. Students leaving Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia in the muffling train for Harrisburg, will - arrive at ylochanicsburg 111 thin, for dinner... The edifice is large and commodious, surrounded by double kandas, and will accoin module about ono hun dred hum - tiers. In its construction, it combines all the modern. improvements 'Or the promotion of health, con Sol 4111 d convenience. In these resvets physicians Konen ova it unrivalled. The ehatolitrft tire large anti neatly furnishod. tieh has its register for heat and ventilation Oldy two students occupy - the same room. The bath rooms are at all times supplied with warm and - cold Water. The grounds,are nritple, and well arranged for refire talon, and ,t he various calisthenic exercises—Co esssn tlal to hcalih, graceful Inurement and symmetry o form. The Faculty of instructioh is. efficient and expert% In Ihe Collegiate Department , the eentse of ...turfy is oil% high god, in enprehoodlng all thu su ce "trietig• log to a Classical, Polito and Chti , ,than Education. • 'in the Prep.tratory Department, pupils will lie i.are. fully instructed to those branches forming the, basis of a thorough English education. SlN:do:vs.—First from the lot Wednesday of Srptpniber to the :Mil of Jan uary. Session, frein the Ist of February to the Ist of July. yacatlon, during July and August. TEAMS PER tiESSiON OP CI VR MONTHS, PAYAIIL IN ADVANCE. Boarding. Washing, Furnished Resets. and Light. . . . . : . • • • Tuition—Collegiate Department. . . ." preparatory • " • • . . 111.01 " Firr.t Clag, 12 01 Ni extra charge far Awinnt Languages. Musty—Planu andllultar. •'. . • • • 20 01 Modern Languages, . . • • • • • 10 111 Panaing, Dr.twing and other Ornamental Brancho: t usual rates.' furnished at city ffrives. For farther part ion hi rg athlress, ^Rev. A. O MAI:L.II'T, A. M., ' ug..l, IStIY. President.' =1 'WitRE-ROOMS • • • 1859 • • . er• J.j.looplCAlt S CO IVest High .Street, (Premium awardrel ul llie Cumbrri:ml,Conuly • ..tyricod Fdir of . 1857.)/ —. Tltit 1;o11,1 iLer Ira. "just" ri , Nfl, ell 1116)thosl - .1b11,11.11,1 ng , orllll.lt of art ivies in Ili, overz ic,• o ,o,i, to Udn place- , w.hirli lie Is deterininod to sell at prices that du eintipetilion. Parlo, • 1 . Chamber, I / Kllc hen and/ f l (Mice J ./ Emlir.rbig evory used loy.lionse rind Hotel Iteeperg, of the z ndied. approved and IhshinnnLle deidgn mind ale° Ciittinze furniture in sidis. rrptiinl ay4 camp CLnir,, Mattrahseg, Jilt frames, Ate.. Av. l'iireYre-tirr iliquiiiited In rill 1111,1 Lis stilid;!ai ills ez Galsicu ware-ronnii. West street, . .. . . . . . Nydth m.., A. 11. ENVING, , / 1.11,- I'artirul3r sttention glro•n s, umml to funeral,: rude, from to,,n and country, alto:W.l to plomppy ninl on n00,1,..,te i 1. 1 .1115. A. It £ earlisk, :11gi3 . 1 . 2, 1,5,',.,--ly. iballL2 Lll MILLS. rine subscriber would :nforin the ci end sntronndin , eenntry Ihnt haw taken tin. mill kllO,l Carll-le and In p pared to furnklied In !age or rnrdl 110011111 lI'S, ettstoluars work done oil shark,woll,a, I always the iilghesl tat,lllirlee for wain. '7 Carlisle, A ug. :;11 IF.Cm:-6 Imo F INE IVATCII REPAIRING. lommi:11. at the New *Jewelry Stoic on East Main street. near tho IhOdie tlgmuer•lu prepared to dean and rrpah• the Finest Watehep, and warrant them to dye endra hatintitetion A lon tiUe Mantle Clookr, or all lilt Musical Wm cw, Ace:v.llons, put In com plete order, and warranted. ~'lno,o Buck White 1 /0015/115d swill COVI‘r 55 much GU face as 1 . 25 pounds'of taller Wifite Palntiug douo witl4 puro Buck. Len is twiru no durable 141`.1,. BUCK. LEAD. Is whiter:lnd more brilliant than an other known IVhite 1. supurior to Imeht. I% hit Lend fur softness nod bunuty. Lc Snii,iur to :113 'tiler Zinc in the world f, extreme N hilener. nod bri . IN unrivalled for bndy r rnvertig property: idl pounds a ill do us Much paint ing no 73 pounds of other %Inv. • MS ail equal for du It Wears twice. long as oilier Zinc jmint. TSocibove Paint.: for sale is HENRY SAXTON. olebment for Cumberland I , Onnly - Sept. 21 1860.-,Mo k 4 '74 'P N FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! LADIES' I'ANCV Fun EMPONXIMST. FAREDIA le THOMPSON, . . Old Stand No. SIC MARKET STREET above Eighth, south side, PHILADELPII L\. We beg leave to call the attention of the Llellee, to our large and varied' stock of Ladles and Children's FANCY FUIIS. Having. had great experience. and en• joying peculiar facilities In - the selection of Fore. we confidently offer our new fitlVk to the of the I,ltlieti, feeling neared that they will deride with us, In its tieing, unrivalled for beauty and variety, consis thighs It does, °revery description of American`aud European Furs, manufacted In thelatest and most approved stilts. CAPES,'I LMAS, VICTOHI NES. CLOAKS; MUFFS, cuFrs.—enlinaeing Sable. Mink, Stone Martha,. fierman Fitch ' Siberian Squirrel, French Salle, French Squirrel, American Fitch and Silver Martin. riOrii::Thankful for the very liberal patronage hereto fore extended to mg, we hope to merit a continuance of the saw, by furnishing a "wool article at the breast y.. 4 prices. FA HEIRA k THOMPSON, No. SI S Market St reel, Philadelphia. 13.—0L1) 513 HS altered to fashionable styles. Sept 2S, 'ooo.2niofi. Din M E CR AN BE RRI ES.— L A huperior article of Cratiburrles jdyprreelvod and for Kale by .1, W. 1111 Y. • ; Jr - E U.-S TEEL WATCH MAKER f:* ) SOUTH UANOVER STRE, ET a A few doors south of the Court House. •• , • •'lroning supplied mysolf with a large nssoriment of Watch Materlal4, Glasses, &v., I um now prepared to re. pair all kluds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, ,te ou the most reasonable terms that • Rally be Intrusted le my care Hoping by strict attention to business to be In. cored with a liberal sherd of public patronage. ' A Ilse assortment of JEWELRY, such as Ladles' Breast Plus and Ear Drops Gold and Cameo; 1111‘ses' Breast Plus and Ear Drops. Box nod (liana Pius all stoic, Debi Chains, Hooks, Plated Chains, G itl Lockets, Clouds Keys, Ac. Also a lame and line assortment of Also, nilne Int of Silver Hunting, Detached Lever, and Lepinas Watches, and a good assortment of Silver plated and Stool Spectacles. All of which will ha sold low. A shitro of patine patronage Is respectfully solicl. ted. JOS. U. STEEL.. • Carlisle .lan.lBoB.—ly. • NoTicE.— Mt:manicSnout, June 10th 1660. atice Is hereby gismo that an application will be node to the Leglslaturgof Sernotylvatilk at tie next meeting for the Incorporation of,, bank of issue. with discount and deposit privileges, to be located In the Borough of Merhaniesburg, In the County of Cumber-. land, Penna. and to be callod tho Nieebanlctibtirg Batik, with a capital of one hundred thoutiand 'dollars with the right to increase the sum to two hundred thousand dollars. John Brandt, • • John Levf Merkel, - John Stllor, :Jacob Mumma, ' Levi 1' Eberly. • Wm..E. Gorges, , ' Samuel Eberly, • Jacob Eberly, • Solomon Uort,ms. in the town, will bo sold 30 petteen over than at Any place in the Status The stork coo l rises a isrge assert men t of Gold and Silver Minting e II watches • Lovers, Loplites, American watches, sod all other kinds and Al' styles,litold and Silver chains, . . a GOLD PENS & PENCILS, Jewelry of all Id nde, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Shyer W . re, Music HMS, Accordeons, till Paint. Inge, a great variety of fancy articles, and a lot of the finest Phonon, which will be sold,Jo per oust lower than over offered In town. Thu entire stock of Watchmaker tools, cases, large Mirrors, and Safe will bp sold whole sale or retail on the easiest:terms. . ' • Having selected a flrht clime workman All hinds of tn. _____ pairing will hu done we usual, at endured prices, ' RAIN' BAGS.—Just ieceived and fur sale very cheap for Cash . • fpr half itir'salus. : Y.', 2, 'MC , , • ell A'S. OGILIII7. Trastes•. (4 riSTIO Music of ull kinds for sale. A new filet class . . donblb bared gun.warrantml Jeanine twist will be bold cat ontif 1. B. .EII',L7N I= =I! • it .17 1111 • , end ivlo .luly ilu. -Iy. MIME on Medal e . Ziqe. . BUY THE BEST DUCK I,sAb. MIMEO, MENEM BUCK LEAD. E er y Ludy should buy llucic Mad WASIIINCTON 311:1)A1, ZINC. WA:ill/St:TON MEDAL ZINC WASHINGTON 31EDAt. 7. C. GOLD FINGER 'RINGS, New 4116639. • JITTLVVIIOX NEW, STORE AND NEW GOODS , . . After returning his arknomeagements for the very liberal patronage acWh has been extended to him, the undersigned. would call attention to the tint. that he hue just reopened hale extensive assortment of banally '~~Eii~s in his . ntiw btore.ruoin: on the south4,est corner of the public square, whet.° the public urn invited Lu rail and examine a stock of goods which, In elegance, variety and extant, will defy competition; comprising' In port loaf, lump, crushed nod brown suga.s, , Java, ]tin -and roasted Coffee Evory*.vn dety and quality of TEA. Spices, (ground ilgi," l ! t and ungrountl,) Plekels, Saucer, Table UR, 1, Now Orleans, Sugarhouse and Trinidad g Molasses; New York a od* Syr- Cheese, :/!th•aroni, Hominy, Mincemeat, corn.F,tarch, 'Farina, Chocolate, lixtrart• 0. Coffee, refined sugaratt reduced rates, washing and hug soda. Tobacco, of the most favorite-brands, and the lines! quality of Augers. Also, a beautiful assortment . of Britannia Ware, plain and g.,ld band Chinni Watt., Mass, queens. Stone and Flat them Ware, in great va• and an elegant lot of Fancy Pones, extracts and perfumery Tor the toilet.. FRUITS.: Including Peaches In caps, Raisins, Cran• honk:, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, Sc., &c. LIQUOI* : 'Wholesale and retail, embracing common and old Ityn )Phis key, Drandles, dark and pal, I,iFbon Sherry Purl, S[mluriu Oingor, Oitawhn and 31iy,yat %Mies la • ettAlu ond hut• 110 Y. rcocuu 1l lileltey, Holland fin, and Sulteldani Schnityps. • FISU AND SALT. A I•rge stock of LA M I ncluding,Dyntt's Mohr/dud lamps Gm I,OIIIIIW icemseue or coal oil, alim'Sperul t rim), lAIII and Coal Oil, liarnlng Fluid, Fperin and Stare:n.ll.. . . Cli'D.lß-IVAItE AND BR()O.MS. lops, .Morp,, Soaps. boor.oult.F, Lora, Loolthux.glam.es, floe letter and ii Lp papor, Milton ll'ury,l.lnted bucket,. ‘4... • Cotton and woollen Hose. and half Hose; and 11 full stork of (Ilovek,. Including the well known homers, Burk .;loves. Oil short. his stock comprises everything Unit istalled for In his line of lonsine,.. and nn offorts will be spaced to render untie ~itiklaetiou to his customs 's: U. 1N1101,.1.% CarllsleeClet. 27, 11;:0S-1.y. Any- )larherlng of all 4hids taken In exchange In itlekr ~, 7 2.47, 1 - AMiLY G 110 CE ItY AND TEA MI Just Cert.lced 111111111 F. 11.11.. 11 freFti 111111 11 . 1.11 Sal lorted lu,sorinytit els Itic, IT:1,11 and Mara call) Coffee. llon,itot Coffee. t'itudled Pulreilxrd sugars, 11 elined amt e her brown engars, copellor Syrup 3iolino.cS. Orleans • • •(balting) NI enlaces. Hpices el' every variety— . , —irate only: Stch, ratins and . Starch,, ' nlOl,lllllO. Itn•carenl. Cheese and Crackers, Taidoca and Sou, Indigo, •• SaleraltlM and coda. Cll,llll l'arlar and us. ; Forted l'iel;les. Alustard and L'orlander Seed. I'EAS.—A One as.nrtment in Park:ere', . t h f and in. hulk—:s I,ell as all ether articles 1 al of i. l 1 4•1 I 1 5...., i teeetittott: to ttli! ..11.,11,11—,1111 at. the lowtet.l ~..., lir and late reduced prices. . , • 117 A'l7o I I ES, J EIVI , :I,I{Y, AN]) y :41 L 1 EIZ-WA NEAT ,X IYN'S old vstfilltished 'Llnll.ls . vst 3l In St., nutrly Cumberbod I hat ejost received 11 114, of watches: eivelly, silver ware, tel..litlett tit Illy matter stol: to oldish I lot ite the LLLt ouliou Of Ihr 0:111,1,1i•CN 11.11, g,dll4lod silver lever tuitcht, 2111,1 ITCH rasa Jo, gold 11. tie, for Ladies anti Ilentlettem and viii I.r Leploen end [lll.llller watches to' el ery [ tytlety in sty le soil price. goill Medallions. Ilreast•pi its for Ladle's atol rientlenten i,fect•ry quoll[y.tiattern 4111.1 Klee. Hold est. Quit Allit neck Otion. Gehl :mu °lets. finger , . lo t rn t slieve.hut tom, erot.nes, charn.S. ke, [told 1111111411er thinthlcs, Ayer tool plstt!.l hotterlorite, table. tea. call am( toustartlspoons el et ery variety. A large assortment of gohl, altrl eOl4nso.ll nprAarles, to Sllit to IVIIIOII UV 11100 910413111 t t 011 , lien. A line lot 1111101,11 I'ENS front the best It/alter,. Irteetaele ca,ett: fatiey I nal,. ',liver and pearl caril eaten, relit and clamant) braettlets, watch chains, 411141 n Varlety of itrtieles uto. ally topt in Jew. Ity establishment Att - M.ll I will tell low for cash. All articles war , ' tante.' to Ito that they nr, represented. ‘.. ". 1 . 5 • hots ular nttent a,u pala t“ usual In? Itltl'AlltiNG 11114 all troll: tvar.• stun tad. = RE S 0- 11 C E .11 E S !L -AT S. C. 111. VC1"1"S Shad nail 31RO:oral of I lifh•raill aJes, Al 11111'1:TVS. Salmon, Scab Flab and ‘Vblld• Fish, Codfp.ll, Salt and 11d,led Herring, Cheese end Crackers can bp bad. Ddcd Fruit, Pre..rerves cud Jellies, Sugar Cured Bear unit Unto, A fa enla supply of I.IQ CO RS, 01ls, Whitt) Lead, Sr., kc At ngti'hrr f. C) 11 II All 1)1VA 11 E II A 111) - (7 .)l1 NVA/t1::! 4 Lyn° d F.,. Lave jo , t ek,kupluti•il opeuipg Stork Pailitt, to u6lrh tto4 iurilr tll woly ut t toutho of 0 puollr. IVe :wady .111.1rg041 our sloe's 10 alit ynti ushr.invlu.n.and von al,11)11110dailt tin lath. 1111.11 RAY, LI 1: 11: 6 O O °D S.. z- litritn or sinall quantltivii, at the lowest priveg. Ilut do not wish the tall.llr to itioleri,tand thatnrelllloll /11,11V01i Phillinlelphia nod New York to r town. hilt 0o ran ay-ure them that 0110 11014 into r NlOll. will vioiritive (twin 11-it we have 1111 l nth to Iply the dein:toil in this tomiket. I'l. male wiintio2 our line will 111.1 It to their 1,11,1nt.e.:1. to Ore ,(till bonne inakin, their iiurelnikes.—.%ll order, .sonally and punctually iitteinito) to, and tio tolnre• oeilltat ions matte to >,dllo ir .101 IN I'. t,YNII k SON. toy 2, 'nth - Ni.rth Ilanover NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK! • dr wewm•.*Xrsw 4`