W E Ll;n - V;A • ) FITTNIO CLUTiIING.I The subscriber ties lust received a very superior end well selected stock. of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING, Cons Minn nrCussmero t Si nurser and !WWI cloth, At• ipso" MarsaSlink Ltnnen MIA COLEOnad'' , Coats, n "‘" A Shirts also 611 k silt SAI ill ',IV. :tad In short cvory thins in thb way oft/ AltNI /Wet+. Ilia stock 61 QifILVT/4 RME2ITS i .1% URN IS LUNG GOODS, • bag bean selected w ith a Oreat deal of care, and shirts . grarsts, d•e., ,to., 'IN sold ' a 111 1 / 1 011:1/ low prlces. , TRUNKS CARV' DAIS f 4 VALISES. . Tao RabsCribUr,WOUlti call special attentioit to his - . - -.lprits stock o( , . . . -'l ' . HATS AND CARS vrlitah ho ha.fi recolvod :Ma Is iellh:ti'them of sort' low 41bovo you Call convlnoe yourself by itt Lhu Cheap Clothing Story near the Market 'Mousy April 11, 15611. QUAVER PLATED WARE .131.', lIARVEY,EIILEY N 0,1222 Market Street PIIILIDELPIIIA, • Atanullteturer of hue ' N ICI(IZL SII,V and PUNY - % PLATEII of PORK'S, SR) .SS, lAUI.I . litarElt It NI VES, CA ST(IRS. TEA SETS. URNS, 1.:1"11,ES, istrrTnit ' OAK 14 11.tSit ETS, 01)IMCN'101 , 7 WAKE, . CUPS, MUIIS, (WIII,ETS, Kith to. Knuelnl nsiculment comptimi 11(11)0 but tho, bent quality, h1:0b,./.l' the beet oviteyhtis and heavily pin . coustltuthlG them a Serti&able and durably attlele Vor norrL., STEAMPOVTA 011(1 PRIVATR FA3IILIr.3 15'sre• re-)dated hi the he f fittomer • Peth. ii, 151)1_l y. 'l\'. (2. ill-Eli", - Al , ATTORNEY AT LAW A,Nt a WiglIAL ,WENT. (. lifinneapoli3, Allinnesot a , • WILL Ova epeeial. altentiou to ttoll, , ktimuft:througli 9F Out the `•ttlt.l , .. 11191:4, 1111'0,4111PIRS, lolly :Old Nei! Rea) Eqtete toirldierttritivs. NeL.tbite , 1:,..13 ,, Y luau - , locate u tt warraul,... 4..e.,*.e. Refer to the members 0 'the CuMborland Count,y,ltar, and to all prominent el tl melte or Carliat, , , Pa. , { A ug4'5,5-/y. J. 000nynAn. • DAR IRON. Fr AVIW'r entered into co-partnership in on, mannfaet urine of lIA It 1,10):',i, nt l.nti , tt Yorge; . 011:11nin, l'a...we would reonent.tel Is Invite Iho att.entlon'or hardware inerchnnt4, Blacksmiths, end all nt4ern lOW may want 3 NI/1,11 . )0r artirlo n 1 fro), to give them .4 I.'oll. 40 kind, of JonnneriA .Iron conptanly on bond or drawn to Orli, nu Hilf.rt. notice,. Thn highest pine pahrfnr Irronght Iron seraps, or ta. en In exchange for bar iron. Ort. 1.:, "I Sp PHILADELPHIA WATCH AND - 3153171TELIVIT STOR.II 0. c6NikAp; vuotiiit OCCUPANT ire. Lid A - mew ,sEcOND s7l EE CORN" Z.l OF QUARRY STILE ET. The under:4l,lPd bag le:;Zel the above nremlQes where he will /ceeti a inrge.,,,, , ,rtowra of fluid .1' Silver \catches, (\merle Engll , ll and Manufacture of the gold celehraf Una:el", le addition to which, will h e f o und el ways ou lune! (and ninth, order) Ott extensive variety 01 welryendlvor.lintt Silver Plated ware, together with a general m‘sortment of ouch cu. ode Mere ustmllyk..ut In It firstyla, Jewelry Stta e Tha patrons of t/. Conrad; end those or the subserdow irnOther with the public generally, are Invited to ell where they will words, n good article for their money. An I am determined ludo striotly n va,goondu,,, goods wilt he gold very SM A 1,1, WITS AND QUICK' ,SALES," Is the netl aof this estaldtono,n t. LEIVIF. It. lIIWOMA Formerly O. GUNMAN, ' N 0.145 North Fevtind St. cornier titulaf ry Jane 0, PitinAy. X.; ..ecOCI)TIL 11 7 L", G N TIJ E .31 EN'S FURNISHING STORE AND SHIII,T MANUFACTORY, No. 811, Chexttrut .Street, Pone door, below tho Doter' ntul nearly oppo.4(e the —Girard Ilona" Philadelphia. A. large assortment or Messing Robes eolik.tantly On hand. Partirular attention given to ordered shirts—a p•rfeet fit guvavanteed• . WholeAale (emits supplied with line shirtsand eollarx se ilheral terms. .I:llroctionn for incasurvinent sent on nrpnintion by July P II I. L A E Jt P U 1 A AN icHADENt; It A L L It O A 13 SIMMER AMJANiMII , ,NT, On and niter MAY 28, 1f.'60. Two passenger trails leave lion bhurst daily. (Stin• days excepted.) at 8.00 A. M , :11.11.10 P. M.. for Phila delphia, arriving there at 1.20 team and P. M. lteiurning, leave Philadelphia at 0.00 A. !..L, oud 3;16 P. 11„ arriving at Ilarrihharg 'at 12.1. L OOO and P. Philadelphia, No. 1 Carti . 43.22; No. 2 (iu Winetrairn.l TO. Faroe to and $1.;; , .• At ItelttiluK, ronn. , rt ivith trail). for Volt:mile, Ikllslcr,. vale, 'him:Nita, Cataa . h.,:t, Your trail.. lea yr 'Reading for Plllladripliin daily, at A. 31 , 10.45 A. 31.. 12. M) u , Kn, and 2.12 P. 31. Len,• Philadelphia for Beading at PAP A, M.. 1.(0 P. r. M.. and b... P. M. raree from Heading to Philadelphia. 1111.7:, nod $1 .;;,. The .utralog train front Ilarrishur4 rouue,ts of TioaklinK,writh op tr:dd for 1111Itto4rorre, Ilttntott and Natant , Por throUgh th•krte and other Inform a tion apply to .1..1. ' lletteval -Agent. A el. 2, 61 T 11I' BLOOD pIJIt I Y = VEGETABLE LIFE• PILLS, PHOENIX lIVI"J'Ellti rite bEth and ,110,:4t i•ehloity Omen v!rrvellii imittileineo liovetsquireil 1,, 'heir lovarloble Oh attly In all the dine:is!, ohivii they iirolese to cure, reudrred the hello! practice of ;rot only onnevrs wiry, bat unworn* of !limo; Tisey ore their fruit, their g ood workg testily fur flietn, and they thrive hot by the faith of the credition, i all cases and Chronic 'Ultima firleetnals of the 11:adder mud Kidney's. itillluite Fever: , z,tith Liver Coinplitints.=ll, the : 0 0i1111 lid West when, them, prevail. flit) will 1,6 found invaluable. Planters, tint ra and I , thert, who, ones Ilya thirst medieliits, trill never lifter. arils he with' *at thew. DSlHunn Cholienutd Scrowc f.ooneness, Biles, Costive Reel, Cola+ and Coriaba. CON St; M VTION—Cred wilts great succesa in this di %WO. ' Coo. Opt Humors, Drepdes, Idyspeinda,--No person Ith 'this distressing 1i{50..A1l should delay uplatir these liedlchten Immediately. Nruptionn or the :!hltt, Err.lpolas, Flatulency , and Fi.- ,rsr and A.sue.—For t serntrue 1 . 4 the W...Meru country Men inoilleines will IT spicily and e i•rt, g h, yawed,. Other nuntlelnea lease the ayatena oul.,jeet to a return of the illewase—a en, IT these inedleinex Ia permanent. "Pry them. he satisfied, end ha cured FOULNESS OF COMPLEXION. ENERAL eout,optli k ter,. lira vel, ileaditchret of every gala, Inward Fever, lullankuuttoly Itheuumtlem, berm o Blood, Jaundice, nr Appetite. LIP.IIII CU.lll'/JAISTe:, LIVISHIs; ESS, MERCURIAL DISEASES. Never falls to eradicate entitely nil the eiTerthor ller ytPy meta, than the most ponertul Yon of Sareaparlila. Btjtitt tiwws, NeFyqu, NPrynug Ninon t Grail kinds, Organic A ITertions, Palpitation of till, heart rainier' Chalk. Fie original proprietor of these medicines vairur.ell Piles of ;t5 years standing by the use of tlow, LiTIT MelitilUOS o'looo. • . lain■ in the head, side, hark, limbs, joints and or• = with this torriblu tilsolso will be soro of roller by tho l,ito 31tlielnos• , nosh or mood to tho Bead, Scurvy, Swellings. , ISCIWYULA, or ICING'S MIT., in Its worst forms hi. errs of forty tlestliptitt, ( Worms of all kinds ern olfectually ex polka by those • 414 nm Parrots will do writ to tolmiointer them wilsnsver their erlstenco is suspected. Relief will to st tale, TIIA Mint ' AND . runt E BLOOD, Arad thus remove all diseases from the systole., leo/Aired by DR. WILLIAM It. 'MOFFAT, No. MI Breedway, 'Moffat Building) N. Y, Por polo bred' Druggipts N-0 MISTAKE .-- , MI persons in want of a bottle of Pine Old imported and Pure Brandy, ar 0 il Roe Whlnkey, or Oln, Wince, ke., con get the pets artlato at the Ilrocory of too subeerlher. wit.BENTZ. illarnole, Jan. 14, Igryo VTIRNISIIING GOODS.- .. .' Thy largest and best variety or °mini ri'rOish fools, sod at thil lowest prices coo he loon& at LIVIN(IBTOS'S. North Hanover Street. va.,. SALE—A good second-hand Naas, apply nt the ttaraldllso x r/lata Sopt, WHY STAND YE ALL THE DAY mix? Any Laly or Gontiontan In the 'United States, pno. peSging front $0 to $7 Will enter Into on cosy and 11n epectoble burnous, by which from $5 to $lO per flay can be realized. For itrtittulars, address (willt stamp) . ,lIS. It. ACTON k CO.. No. 37; North Sixth et. Phila. 50pt.29,430.-3m ..1 -OW 15 THE TIME. TO BUY YOUR GOODS. vat in from Brining, Niiii,York n Jorge amiortmont of Winter Smitten of tlio Wait &Aim, In. pact. from $4 to $3O. . I,BIDICII, SAWYER lc MILLER. KELETON SKIRTS.-,Another largo supply of those superior and cheap stool spring sit its just 'received. Decidedly tho best and cheapest in Carlisle, at the cheap Cash store 4 Nns. 2, 10130. ' . WAS, 00I141Y, Trustee. AXTBSY HILL: IkIILLS., . .. TV, . . . . • Formerly BILLER. .4011E11E1BR The subserlber'wlehes to inlbrm the publie that he bee commenced the Milling Business at his Mill ono mile north of West 11111, West Ponnsborci twp. (lumber land - County, where he will always have on fiend flour and feed fbr esloot the lowest cash price, Ruch as Bran Sh , rt 4 and Yllddilugs,CUrn and:Oats and Aye chops. I.! 5ia1...,...1 a ~ rth...liluinalt cesli!price for groin. ..... ._ .ri MI V M tPCSI.I,..' . . IRXING FEMALE COLLEGE, 14;011ANICSOURG, PA. .Ix IntitUtak), demigood for the )Iberal edntatlon of Young Ladies, has been In operation to•o years with the most gratifying results. It Is now °Stabil:AlM on s tiro bssls, and Its ruilrooltoe already extends ever several etates. It Is-located on the Cumberland Tolley Railroad mitt. way between Ilarriehurg and Carlisle. in the most fer tile and beautitnl portion of tho valley, and Is la'dooo proximity to one of the most moral, healthy, and ene. torprlslng ton•ns In the State. 'lt is central, and easy of aeccos. Students leaving IVashitigton, Hal tinforoafr Philadelphia In the 'mining train tin; Harrisburg, will arrive at 3lerbanlesburi iu tine liar dinner. ^ . . . . The'etillice la largo and.enniniodious, surrounded by double verandas. and will tteenlininidn tp ,bout one II lin. dyed boarders. In Its construction, jt combines all tin/ Modern linproreineritfl for thn prCanotion of health, e , hulbil and von Veilioneo„ In these reSpeehi IdlyidenniS o,.'}i? pronoUneo it Unrlviilled.: , ,lL inlays arc large and neatly' furnished. Eneh hos its 1 glster for boat nod ventilation Only two sttnientso spy the mine room. 'rho trill mains are at all times al plied With warts and odd water.' -.....! The grounds are ample, and well arranged for recre ation, null the various calisthenic cxerehfri—so esssn. all to Med: bl graceful MOVOMent and symmetry Id Mom The Faculty of instruetlun Is (ffilelent and expel °need. • In Ilse Collegiate Dleirtolhoc the courso of study Is of n Illghgrade. all VC, Silli,lniCtg bnlone In Cl soot it, Polite nod Cliclstlall Edtwatlon. • ' In the Prepnralory Departnieffl Toiplh• will he. rare.• folly lohlrueled in those burochts forming thin, basis of n,lllerough "• 81..:;:ooNs.•=-.111rilt SOssITYII. front .tho lot Wednesday of Septonlher to the nOth nil si.eond Sessflithl'rent the Ist of February to the Ist of bole. • • Vacation, during:filly and kugout. 7• TI:R.3/S VCR SESSION' ell , PIO , : MONTHS, PAYA.RIA: IN Ai3V Net:. ' Iloarding, Washing, Furnished ltooms.b . and Light. . . . . . , Tuition—Collegiate Departunnt, ‘• • Preparatory 6, First Class, No extra elle . r)to far Auciont Languages. 311010-I'lam; and Quitar. . . . . Alothen Lnngu•tges, Drawing and other OrmuneOtal lir:turtles al the usual rates. furnished at rite prises. For further particulars :551,1ret.e. MAIII.ATT. A. Al.. PreAqtleti t. El= Au, It, I no. • • t." 33. v: Av L . N ci FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS :,_.,---_ .-••.-- -_,.. r-- .•-,' , .....c.- _;••••=,-' - I _. . ' ' , "'"i I - I • :-• • • . 4 r 1 859 ~._.,,..: „•;5:-.-i"1 , 1859 ::•!.,:..,:.:,•-. ~.,...,...,., ~._,, • .. -;.•••.- ------- • " Westlligh Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Prewiata awqrded at the CuniberiDul County Ayricaltaral Fair of 1857.) • •--, , •, , .1% , The subscriber has ,just receive. th e no w t o sp l en did a•aortaiaiii of article,. hi OA Iliii.. e% or brought to this (11111 . 0—Ullidi lii IS doturtlllll.l to sell Ili 'niece that do ly compotit inn. . Parlo, clin mht. Y., Dlnitai.t.room, 1.1 4. 1.111.N11 . 1.711.E. , lilt chum nut/ ()Ince tluitiritettig every article used, by ihiuse a n d lintel 144.110.{11, or the 111001 approved and fashionable lesion onit finish, Itieluititiir else Cottage rffi...itm . 4 , in se ll s , reception fluid Camp Chairs, 31aLtrasses, OM ironies; I,leture, ~,.., ,te. • _ . Purchaser!. lire requested in cull 111111 examine his gods', et his extensive witrii.rounis, West Plain street, North Fads. , Jt. It. EWING. - Kir Particular attention given as usual tufunerals; orders i'rein troVVII , :Ilia reentry, attended to promptly soil an moderate lernia. A, B. E` Carlisle, flay 12, lUso.—ly. - J. 11001 - O MAR & CO. r le subscriber wouttl.nforte the eiti . 7.(.1.1 of Corli4lo nod snmoonlito,t,ootlitry brit Lb 1,. token the nllll known Os' C . 0 .11 lelllllls and le pro pored to furuivhrd In Inge (Cr 5110 6 1.4.Q1 . 111t11105, V 1.4 0 If IL & It 1,1 11. • Customers work 110110 on short sober. I olways pay LIN sash prim for grail, CA rlisle, Aug. :h.11800.-0 ton, 11..5.E ". WA Te II 1{ EPA iItINCI . 1 -. F. C. KREMER, . • at the Nor .lel,ell y Storeton East Maltt street, near thy Eul,ll, .Itutte, to preptrt.kl t..... Vit , alVi pad ' 4 M.ltil . Oil Filiust W1. , •bi1.. . \ 1 '." ..'lll warmit them to et moo enure , ' 1,31.M..1.1.1‘1 ., Mem iltie Ninial.. - - 1 . ...*: Vir Cloelo. of all 1(111,1N. M11.1,..0 iI,N. ~,, .. , ip.,C. . Ai vlllOl - 0.., kr. plil ill rOlll- 4 ... , . „ 4 / 5 6;,, , pieta order, Anti wotrrahted. , : ft, • -j.r.' 41 r c L'k GUARANTEE 00 •I' fl 00,0 Buc - .11 ; 11itoLea . (1 l y tt§llington:Mcdal Zinc„ BUY THE BEST. I 3 E.t U. 100 iennta twill rover:us much bur flee SIX 12r, pound., °Tot her • Pnintitet Jour walk pure ,Burk Lend in hr litital/10 Xs other 1.1,10.1 N. I:UCK LEAD. In whiter and more brilliant than fitly other known White , IX,11) , upetlor to tiniest 1:11111,11 Whlte Lead :M. ' , Alinean and i•enuty. BUCK LEAP. • Every 14,13' should lazy Burl: Lend. • \11:0.41, Al NC. in hlllll,lor to any ~titer Zino In the world for extreme 0 hitene., and lint 1. unrivalled for body c o vering property: 50 poumlf, will dons znuell paint 31,.; AM 75 pounds °rot her Zinc. AVASIIINIjTON MEDAL; ZINC. • Wu. tao equal, fn' du twice. long to otber Zhnc point. Ti:.: iiINIV6 Nita, for rein by 111.:7•1171 . SAXTUN. .rde agent for eumborliitid moray Sept. 21 Imlu.-:lnt ‘g;7ooo4' FURS! FURS!! FURS 11 I LADIES' rarraz VOR IIIsreORIUDT. & TiimpsoN, Old Stand No. 81S MARKET STREET. above Eighth, south side, PHILADELPHIA. bezletivo roll tilt+ attt!iltiozor the 1.3411eF, to ZIEVE=3==9 NCI! Lad great eNperh•nee. en )lng ilvrultar rArslitteg Felevtiou or Yule, IVO .11111i11141 v oiler our new elnwl to the inAperthlu 'of the reeltu4 as+ktvett that they will deride with ug, Its being mirk ailed for boauty and Vvriety; Ins as It dew:, of every description or. Amerienn and European Furs, manufactured to ZLo latest aml most approved ,styles. CATES, T.% WIAS, INES. CLOAKS, 31(IFEA, Cif F ES.--embraci Stone Alartin German Fitch. Siberian Squirrel. French Soule, Prerall Squirrel, American Fitch and Shyer Niartin. on_lb3nitful lbr the very liberal patr9nagolloroto• (Ore eAtended in us, we hope to merit it continual]co of the mole, by fttrulshinir n •• fond ortiele at the ,h,woot Cosh priest. FAR 81 RA .5, .111011P:.ON, ." No. h! Shn•ltet Strool • i•lbilodelphio. N. IL-Om) PUIIS ultered to fio,hionablo Pept T)RIME ell AN BE RRIES.— A superior article of Crauberriesjust received an 4 for sale by J. W. EBY. Oct. 211, '6O. - . t ir OS E P lI'U. S TEEL WATCH MAKER SOLITE' HANOVER. STREET, (O . A few doors south of the A t .21 Court Rouse. liavititt supplied myself with a largo newrintent of Watch Materials, Glasses, &e., f am now prepared to re. pair ail kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jeweir.Y. ifcc • eu the most reasonable terms. that 'laity lie intruidtd 18 my earn. Hoping by strict attention to business lobe !li vered with a liberal hltaiii of piddle patronage. A fine t ssifrtnient of JEWELRY, such as Ladies' Breast PllOl and gar Drops (lota and Cameo; Misses' Breast Pins and Ear Drops. Box and Glass Pins all ideas, Gobi Clialos, Books. Plated Chains, Gilt Lockets, G uard,, Heys, kc. Also a torte and tine nosortment of Alen, n fine lot of Silver Hunting, Detached lower, I and Loinines Wiitonoo, and a good oo,,,,,ntinia of Sliver tilitted sad Stool Speeh,cleo All of wblob will be cold 10w. A shore olpublle patronago lareppectfully ted. JOS. D. STEEL. ' Corllolo , °TICE.— . . lifscuiuntissonn, June 19th 1800. aloe is hereby "given that on oppllcation will be outdo to the Isodidaturs of Pennsylvania of its next: meeting for, thy ingorporation of a bank of ' Won with; discount and deposit privileges, to be located In the Borough of Stoehonlioibu rib In the County of Cumber. bed, l'onna. and to ho cattail the Ilinclionloshunt Bank, with okapltal of ono huudrod thousand dollars with the rigtirto Incrensatlionuin to kiio hundtod thousand dollotibq'i "" . ' "... ,• ~ . . John Brandt, Levi Fee Jncol; Mumma, Wro.jt. Malan, Jacob Eborly, RAINAIAG:S..—Just received and . 71.•.• foritilit val.,. cheap ,pp• Nab• • •• • , Irv. 2. 10. CH A. OC4 ' iLIfY. Trusts. (tiiilctutiontti. -.New et 0046. Pea CAULKS= MILLS =ID CArlislo 1860.,1y = GOLD FINGER RINGS, John Nleltiy, Jelin LeviT Eberly; , iinimii3l Eberly, Solomon P. Gorgae. .12 1 XT 10X EW. STORE AND NEW (GODS . • ' . 'ArtiWretUrt low his anknowiedgeinents Tor the very ii,berd) patron go which has been extended to him, the. underahoim nouh) call attention to the fact that he hue just re netted big extensive assortment of fatuity , . - • E i .. . 4 4 21 0 eFt1 S , In Ms no stored•oom, on the south -Ye - at confer of the pahlto st I:woollier° the public ore Invited to rail and mullein it stock of good.. Which, in elegance, variety . and extent( trill da' camper' Boni - Cosuprising In , part loaf, .Itottp.,,tyrushoti and brown ',noire, ... lava, Ito af,AL rounded Coffee, Every vu. ..... " 7 riot) , and quality of.TC:A. 'Spices, (ground . " . 'll f if „,, i and lit:ground) Pickets, Sduces,. Table Oil. II 4..., Now Orleans, Summitries° and Trinidad' 9 'lf )101:1Sites; Now York and Philadelphia Syr- . ;I:iv. Clown.,, )lticitronl, Vermyrilli, split'Peas, Malloy, 3llncenteat, own tit:weft, Farina, Chocolate, Extract o. Collee, relined sugar at reduced retie., washing a ndltalh• lag soda, Tobacco of the Most favorite hninds, and the finest quality of Sugars. A.tro, a beautiful assortment of Britannia f% - arc, pinto end g.,111 band China Ware. Glass, Queens. Stone and liarthern Ware, In great tn. piety, ,Inii on elegant, let of Fancy soaps, extracts and perrtnnory for the toilet.. .1 FRUITS: Includitiß Poaches in cans; linisins; Crnn• berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges,. lemons, Atc., ,to, , . .. L ( ( .7 LTQUOIt§: Wholesale nod retail , ( 4 embracing common awl old 'lye Wills ' l 1 , 4 / .....—,:r_ ..,. key, anindles, dark and pale, Lisbon 1 , , 4, Z,, V Sherry port.linderla•, Mager, Catnivisi , i„ . i.; - 7L . y ... and M meat, Wines In caslui nod Lot• Ina., oruten ii oialcey, Holland Gin, al& SeheidutO Sehuapps. „ FISH AND SALT. A Inrge stork of LA311.:4, Including byott's relobrnted hall,s for burning lipotajoe or eon] oil, nlso 5p.1 . 111. Pino, Lind and Coal 011, Muffing Fluid, :Turin And Star pandit's., • .01:4);11t-WARE AND BROOMS. Itopea,• Mopr, Sow, •Door•tuate, lolclue.elossee, fine letter and note paper, Willow liN'are, painted huekot &r. Colton and woollen fl nd half (lone, nod . a full 'dock of °loves, inelndlog th e well known 11an.," Hark ,:loves. $ on ht u 0 lu (» 12 ou 20 o'o short,..htm stink ,ottiprtses ere6.ttliog. that tile/111(qt !h r . i ts hi, line o r 110 a Marto will Lu spared to rockier satire satisfaction to Ills CllSlOnlerg. f1et. , 27,18.11F1y, 4'ir-• • Marketina. of all Linda taken in exchange to goods. , " arcialoOr 1-I AIIII.LY GROCERY AND TEA STORM Just received nud itt'store, a fresh and well se. levted amiortment or UM, Jana and Mara mita, Coffee, Romded Calico, crushod Pulverized i4tuzars.. Refined nud • other lrruuu ngars, superior Syrup Molassea, Orleans (holds[;) Molasaus. " Spiel of every variety—.. parr only •' Starch, Farina and . Clu a idate. Ittrearoni, (Meet,' and rrllO(l,,S, Tapioca and Sat m, iudtun, Saler:dun and 6aln, Cream Tartar and ni• sorted Pickles, Mustard mat Curlauder Sood. it sad r I.3—nli line ‘‘ ," 4l n, I t l i" 71; t ZiJj7 . l adulate;; to the bud n ' e ' SaLall at a tin: r ' ,owpst 4 A, and trite redured rices. J. W. .1111 Y. NVAwI, IS, J E WELIi I', ..A NT > sI IA Ell-WAIMAT CON INN'S old established St:iltd. West Muhl St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. . I lia ve j list i °pelted a new tissortnient of watcher e wet y, meda il ion a, IlliVer Ware, (re,. in add Woo to op: (tailor sleek to width I invite the attention of tli " nubile, The assortmout embraces line gold and slici. lever watcher. I! tinting and ppell eon,' do., gold Ai chore for Ladles and Gee tlehlell Milt 811Ver I,ephe nod Quartier watches of evev,,,y,ukty in atyly ;w price. J t Also fine gold Medallions. l Y Itsillitut fur Ladies n u , ilmitlemen of every it millty.t ttern and price. Col Col, teat. curb mot neck eltal . Ilidd bracelet, tinge Hags, cod-nint,,rt uds, sleeve( intton S. MOWN:, eliarint to.. &e. (told and silver t b itiles, silver and plate butler knives. forks. table, t a, salt and mustard Weill of every ' variety. A large st.ortinent of gold, sit re LL= " common spec heirs, to suit ril • 7..`.....,J. opt. to v. illeli WO II 00 Pperlitl :atm. lino: A fllle Int of (TOLD PENS from the beat laal,a, •pcnetarlocateP, fancy boxes. 'ilia, and Wad card case, 1,111111141 brina.illS, wah•h 'limit (Teaks and it vtiflety of articles usu• „„ • (opt In Jewelry eahtllia h u u •nts, whl,ll I will roll low for cash. All articles war- • 'anted to he what they are represeuted. I ..‘rtintlar atteutlon Amid as usual to ;91- 4 3 , :k l%A'I•Cll It LTA 1111 Sp and all work war. ranted. TIZOMA s .CONLYN. 114 w. T 557.1 @ + l li,.ES H Gll 0 O,E It I ES! 7 -- 1 : 1 . C. 11131.1 , 3".1"8 ;:had nud Mad r ierej ~f dlfferont guuIra,IIUYETT'S. Salmon, Feat° 1141 and„)V 1 . 1 t; ,}1 . 7i lde ,it nuyrn , B. Co.itiA,S,,lt and Viekledityrring, Cheesn and Crackas elm b0111 , 4.t A I iIIVETT'S Ell= Cured . 11rof and tinny, ft•PII supply of1:1Q1.10111 4 , At HUYETT'S " Ofh+, Mat. 1,0;u1, ke.; ' ''" At ItUYETT'S: 18(,i0 11 A R V. Lytle 4, SOU have just Oinkplett..l oponinp, thoirSprillyt 1.460 ck Ilardwarv, Kagan, (15,, varls4l'• 11171,S 41:1 . .. ttl Mlll/ . 11 1.10 . 3 . math th” early :duet + liuu u' Iho public. have l'lllmrgerl o u r sto'k 1111111 its various bra 11e11,,a1t5 can naw 4,011111101140 tIllInlb• lie with' RELIABLE ('Cr )Dv in 1111'01 0 r 511101 quantities, at the lottent prives. Ilut 0 do het ir1..11 the pul•lie to unoteratantl that We have 14rona,ht all the ',Oldn in gild New Irk 141 our tau. n, 11111.. We eall aSsI/1 . 0 th.•ni that 0110 1001: Into Will 0111 Vlork , them that hh, have euou•;h to ,tlppty the 111.111,11111 in 1111.1 Prrinin. glinting coed , in our lint* at 11l fled it to their wivitutzvre to giro kV. a rdl lortoro girder, prmunill attended tu t find 110 11161 . 0. yr,fnittltiOUß Ulnae (0 effort ruir , I.I'NE A SIN. Ntny ilitnovor NEW AIR LINE.ROUTE TO NEW YORK! ~*tionwiro • .*MTP2rigigHs.. I.OIOII'I'EST 1N DI sTAN EA AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWUN TIII•: TWO CITIES NEW 'WORIL AND , "-X eimrxelisi:,,Laoro, VIA READING, ALLENTOWN AND EAS'ION . Mor.NING Wio.t, leaves Now York at la A. arrlylognt Ifarcfsbur at U 2.44 noon, only hours la:morn this Lao, M A 11, LINE New VOrli qt 12.. tin noon, and or: ritia. tit Ilarrinimm I. M. • 3UOIINI NO MA 11, I.lSl'. Mast. Ida vex Ilarrinltfirg at S.OO A. M.. arriving . at New York at 480 'M.' A 11111tN0,..N JANIS, 11a,t, leaven Mirth,- burg . nt 1.15 I'. M. art lying tit New SnrO :it II 00 l' Connections are made at II zirriFint qt at 1.00 V.ll. with tho 'frahis itt each direct lon , on the l'ennsyl ‘'aula Gumbo land Valley and Northern Central liail• All trains eonnert at flooding with trains for Potts rill,. and Philadelphia, and at Allontowu !tlauoh 01111111 i. Easton, ,tr. No change of l'asseneer Cars or Dago:Igo; between Now Wok abd Ilarrlsbure., by the floe) A. M. Line from Now York or ON 1.15 4 P. Irmo flarliobtiro. / , 'or beauty of scenery, and Hound, comfort and neetan laudation, tide rout• preii.,lll.s I:11110110r inducements to ,the travelling Faro between New York and Ilarrisburg Fl Vl.l tIOL. LARS. For tlekets nod other Information apply to General Agent, Harrisburg. ITENTION FARMERS AND I - i BUILDERS. Thu undal signed hi the solo agent for the ctilebrated PEACII lIOTTpyI ItOOFINU SLATE. and will kerifa supply constantly on baud. This Auto ran bu furnished choaper than shingles, and Is more durablo than pny oilier null alai. 11 eau be proolired , by 1 . 3111ug on thu subscriber st Lis residence oil East street. JACull Sli ROM. 111).... N. B. Maio will betuFnlsited to pursuits in stljno cont coutitiss at tile shorten'. notice. Carlisle ituati 29. 1000.-13 MOS. QIJGAR CURED lIAIIIB - .- Dried fleet Hotel:us, Fish. Chees, Coffees, Sugars, Molushes,. Teas, Haeraronl, Dried Fruit, Tomatoes, Peaches in rano, Tine Apinc. Corn dried and fresh, Stir. dimes, Anchovies, Olives. Mff-lireorn. lllduut nod '1'0• Motto Hutson. Jobh Sai 1, London Club, Worcestershire, ludin Soy, Harvey's and Pending SAW P, Pletieja cri nit hinds plain and fancy, Mustards 'plain and mited, Lest quality Tobacco & Sugars, S. Orissingers pure 04D.RYE 11711SKI11; Brandlea, Wines, and fling.tee - cith a great N.:l'ooy o awis net enumerate iii la, add at the lowest CA SI, IiItICES. Country traduce taken In exchange. May Id, '00..-En, WM. BENTZ _ QCLUNG Ob'F AT COST 1 !!'. :•• I • .io At the sign of the "Gold Vtagle," 3 doors Idiot.° the Cumberland Valley hank,' wjAre . dorm -bylawllw Muthd t tiist Church. on Wet stit streeti the tarsal and and hest selected stock or . WATOI E5..3; BWELRY in tho'tcnyni, wilt ha sold 30 per coat lesser tbarrat any place In the State. The stock centprisea alArga daaost.• bunt ortiold and Sliver hunting case watches. Levers, Levities American watches, and all other Muds - and FS tylus, eked and Sliver chains, , . . GOLD PENS S PIWOZLS, ,lowelry of 411 xi,,d4.-5 t .a.10.(101,1 and Silver, Platod and Sliver W. re,„iiluale Ilexes, Accordoons, Oil Paha- Ingo, a groat variety of fancy articles, and allot of the finest Niles, which 1411 be sold 40 per cent lower than ever effaced In town. The entire Mock of Wittelimaker tools;meoo, large 31irrbrs, and Safe will be sold whole sato nr retail on tile eardest terms, ' - . Haring eelrlctod a' first cinsw rtprkinau all Milan or re• pttirtrig will be done us . usunl, ut retiwced.prierA plAio mole of itll kinds for We. A now nest class double bar•rilfuu wqratsteilionuino twist will Ito old for ball (to VAII.IO, • • '• . • 11105 M _ 77: .§F if f i Zt ,r f: ' * -- - ZY.:*O , AI.-if - - 7-- ' - -- • 1y5,'711k,,110% " AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT V. (lankier & CO. now manufheturo nod [mop eon aptly for sato, atllloir oaten:lvo Sfitalit {Corks on Foot Main street., Carina°, it large assortment of AttItiCULTURAL 111 PLEMBNTS> at well known, approved toefulneag to tiu•mena, nnving w•hteb they would colt espeehl attention to 11'11,1,01011 111." ti CELEI3IIATED PATENT. UM SI'RIXG OR AIN :DRILL, cuticle Ims tAett oret.lll' v Filet Chico Prt•nliumF at Stet° and Comas Fab 'i'n the farmers 01 Cuntbreland, York and Perry etlll"al.e. too need not speak iii detail orlbe merits orifit9v ill n, acmes of them 111 . 0 now 11,.0 be...t. 1 tilll 4 is U 1 .1, 11 1 , 11141,, itn reputat, tiou t., established ss tito 11104 tote Otte Uraln firill new menticaetured In the United States, It son Wheat, Rya, tette, ilerley "end tit,t • anti regular, without bunebiees 1 to set.d. Tke vent Spri lige pass the drill oiler xtuntiet anti Linea hrnakiug pine or the drill. Foroene and Ender /toying. the 15 illonale by (;‘,,,, Bpektg tit,lll 1.. 0111,Ln:110A by /my °OA.. We it's° tnattuntetuto and sell Lite following ertielee, albeit toe eau recommend in Moir e,s no reliable impletnenis, at cat abilshed•clun at M011111SON • S PATI:NT COBS PATI•IN'V sTRAW fi F:01/1)1:l( CUrPEIt, istauemnibpirs PATI;XI•CORA SHEl.l,li)t, PATENT CIDER 311 LT,, JOtINSON'S CAST IRON TllOl , Oll. Also. l'hreu and Rom' Horse l'owers :lint Threshing nirhlnes, C.,ot Iron Field Rollers, Dutlngs of 'onions pttern, Corn Crushers, nod miler art clog for 100 11110101,1111 t to mention. A hp. Rgg Cool Stoves Ana Ten MAO Wend t 4 t.0V04, With on tonnetteu vArletv anther rantings for housekeepers and others. We inure Illsn nn attraetive-corlay of patents for • .T.•CN 111LILINGS, • and CHM ETIRLYgENCI,OSUR ES to which ,wel would roll attention. Steam Engines and 111Ipt Ganz'lng p i . ~ .. .. , To tit ... eirtrt,Mout. of our 1na,.im5,,,.,i,„,101e1i,, by nth Ilion. Our already ostensive rto:I: •I p•ittorns far Pap r. Flow and :are 31 11 1 Gearing.l. constantly lnercasin„ . . 31 111 t tuners and MPI 111kfit , . will be lor , nishmt :rlth it printed ettaliszue ~f our radon.: 11 I 1 1. Patterns, on aimiteatlon: Our 31,111 n. Slam comprises ;3 1 1 the various tools 10' tn .. ..1111m . , tolanin:r and finishing Shafting and t'asling, by good and ra retail Machinists. S'IC,ITIOIS'ARIC STEAM I..INGINES' . of any desirable capacity, from ten tot wootYA or borne now,. built In i.llO befit style and to , accommodating terms. Rogines built nt our establish...lo may be 01'011111 siterei4sful operation nt molly .or the lurput. Distlllerli , and Tan aeries In Uarlisic. and ('llmbtriamt Perry HMI IMlliiblel eillllllieo. to the 111 nen: of which sve confidently reler for Information as t,, thcircirki,nr cy. Persoms Wanting Steam Etigine , . , aro ear 10 , 1 ly re que4tlol_to elsil and exantiou before contracting clse iihyro. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, on",, cod ultli-our vstaldishfnent is a Steam Sash nod Dots, Nl.mufactury which Iv 11 , 11 V 111 oaoillcto order tor• 010 manufacture of every daFeripti,,n or for tin most rootty on wolf as theplaloont lemon. Win due Kish furntohrd from 5 evoin tut nont, ImolaUm.; 0 nizo of glass Frames fl,lll. I :VI 111.1,11,1 Sliuttero ulna -lulling oil; from 75opv.arli Pane( Doorr froins.3 Li upward. Aloultitilm , , 'A robitraveo. Wanii K i m.y Ulnycry Serollsomyl other al - delta: noodial io boo. Lnilding lot til‘hrii at thus intent prleeit and of the beat 111101111 of lumber. 11.w.. 1 / 4 1.11 a mul," pngllu 41, an heretofore to huiltlilllil repair ItilltnilS G.tlti f r ram:porton, so the railroad, with promplovii.llld on rimYollohle terms The patronage of the pliblie is respoetfulle Foliertell, Orders by mall promptly attended to. GARDNER Co, - NEWCOAL A ND LIDIBER YARD. Tho wuboeri Lure 'lnc° Oa day entered into part übiltilp to Italie In. 0 A -D N D EEIt , Wo NMI linvo enc,Ftnutly nn hand and furnl:4ll to ord all Mulls nmi LV3IIIEIt, FRAME F.TIIF Paling, VlnvtortugLath, Shintrillig Lath. a orhed Flet lug and IVeatherboardlog, Pont and hails. and every I bete that belong.+ to a LUMBER ' All kit. Iv. of Igllngles, to and o.lk, of WlTerent :11zificig o,Cis 'II Min 0.11 We eau furnlmh bills to order of :toy lenvtla nod aloe at the 4bortemt pollee and ou the most reasonal ierms. Our "worked b0ar,1,4 trill be li,•pt under rover that they InII NI furnished dry nt all time. We lotve Potudantly on hand all kind.. of Fondly Co undercover, whirli we will del ller clean, to ~,,miart the bOrOtigii. TO wit IC I:SS - VA LIEKE TIDDLER, TR.l.;VoirroN. LoCUST MOUNTAIN, At HUYETT'S MEM Ivhiell we pledge ourselves to sell nt the lowest prices Beet quality of beinebarncr's and Plackmith'B Coal: always on lalntl which we will sell at the lowest figure cost side el Grammar Fchnnl, Mai:ll424:n, , At ItUN'k:TT'S El= 71th 20, 1S ,9 ri LIAM BERSBUMI FEMALE SE) V/ IN A2l Y. ° The ho,tion 0,1,11411111 i the idea : Lau., are equatioki liy fow in the: 'rho' 'T1,411.1111 , , I , largo owl Iw-j ..I.le. with n row. of t.swstanh,, , li £.ll with cure, and well till'ititb`4l lu {111.41 . 11•1 ill the nil nud oroamoutol hranche, 'fhoinflucliees hotter hoar, lug 311' 1/3111:11. 11101:11 and rrti nine. Tho o.o‘t 1:00Ah , 11 wlll 1 , 0000 , 10.0 o❑ till 12th day Srplondn•r. Catalogues may he hid uu 01160.1ti911 the Prlorlpal. . . . ' Rev. W. W. tills. enrllmle: Rev. Oahu A Wt. !Auden Pa; (lon. 11. (Weller, Cnq.. Ilognesto P.I; l'lmalher,. p., S. 11, I). I)., I:, I'. Josopti (Nark. P 4: 1 . 04...00 at. l'iltvetea, S. J., both ott h.. Collegv and Thi. eemlaary. 1' , ., 11ENE V It EE t'ES'. A. U., 11 rn. S.kltAi I 11. ILE,EVE;:: Prindpalx. CarllNlft, Jan, Ifaal.— I y. J. R. NON KM A K.P.H.'S FORWARDING AND.: COMMIS 4 6tos nousr, FLOUR AND FEED, COAL, PLASTCP. AND :=ALT. Mc .le:critter having taken the Ware Horton eats And fixtures of Wm. 11, Nilleel/y . ll so it 1,1111,•111,tlitlit'11- 111011 t. 011 11 . .4. 11101 street. oppni.lto tolelanson ( s ollege, would Inform the pohl(e that lip line enteiol lot° n general Forwarding and Cohnohg,,n I he Illgitc.t market pried will be mild for Floor, (train air) prnituce rfos a ll limit.. 'limo are Ono prepared to freight find two and stork to Philadelphia mot Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with toll et)' nod fief feel teh. • I'l4 kSTEIt AN Ii SALT kept constantly on hand, mud FOWL( AND at w helesale or, ci tall. • CO2I , eitll/ lode embracing, LYIiliN'S VA 1414;1'. . LUKE FinimEn. •- . SltialUltY ASIL LOCUST (I AP, Limoburiler's and 131acksmit6's Cir.ISTANTI.VFOR SAI.V. • , RE PT UNDER COVER •nd de7l vored dry to any port of 11n town. J. 13. NON EMARER Csrlh.lo, A eignAt IT, I$l D l. NT"EW COAL YARD 1,11 • At TOE WEST END OF VAHLISLE. • ' The subscriber would retitoot to Ily rnll t Ito at too t of Lintolturoor's, n rid the eitizeits or e; rlisle, and tit surrtramittig country ttottutolly, to his NE' CO AI, YARD attnetu4 to his Wore Ifougo„on West High Ft., , o•bii"r, ha will keep constantly onliand a hirgo opiply of Lb best quality of CilAI,, to *lt •' lakeus l'alloy, Luko FldJlor, Pine tiroYo snit Troyer Ilrokou, Egg and Nut Cool—v.l,l , lml nod dry coal. whiclolui pledges himself Lo sell at the lowest possible prices.h on k quality of =l=l sion:.:r. an hand. , AliY - All orders left at the Ware house, or at his rest donee In North Hanover street, a 111 be promptly at. tended to; J. W. LIEN linteo.N. i~ QT 11.1. Til3 24. PIIA. N 'I! . 'rho coniiileto aneeess of tho Prairie Flower Cnoli worraiiil the auliserltwr In railing the attention of all who may want a auporior stave Gr rall 111111 ox amino the only stove that has givon universal oatlnfac ,tlon. ' WU AT IS ObADIED OVEII OTILEIIS IS 14, A saving of from 30 to 60 per cent. In fuel. sod. A hotter and giddier Oven from the same fire, ad. A larger Oven then no Vother stove nfike same Man, 4th. The tireservatlon of the contra plecu front ninising , ' saving repairs, kb. Thu best Baker, Roaster, and Cook now In use, Ott, A superior arrangement fur cleaning the Dues, ith. A perfect Gan Consumer for either wood or coal. 'rho Prairie Flower Is warranted to give satisfaction tvory Imrtleutor. and will be shown with pleasure to 'all who may roll, whether desiring to ptirelinne or not, Illy quantity of reference in town Ile country. A nne other Kona Cook Stores on Lou, which wllthe 'old very low to.,close stock . . .. .. spoution. Roofing, .101., KOrk, CM,r:stattlking owl :thortlng work promptly attontAndlo. In town or coon. try. All work warrantral at tho old stood, lianover Atroat north of Loutbor. , . . . . '.1V1A111! M. IdibitltlE.t. N. U. , 0111 Copper, These and Pewter bought, and the Wined Men paid In .cush or goods. , . • Itlarett 28,,1460,,,tfy rrnuNics TRUNKS !ITIN KS !! I_ Ladles Sole Loather French pey and Deese trunks and Bonnet Ilexes, Traveling Pegs, de. Gents' solid Loathes and solo ILeather Brass;land 'fru nits linen, NOW T03001(15,14.55411, Sc., Neweaszortnionf , and vary lair prizes at • • /.111,1NOSTOWS,‘ Nara. Idenover Street. U BRLT Nia' k - ir • Just ruesived a largo 'essorlinenfor all sizes Alum belting; Chun WWI ( h im raviting, dm., and for tole cheap at the Llardware Store or - • . • Juue 22, ISGO.! . • 11. SAXTON. i/LIND . AtiatlAL, •. LOOKING Olasees,ti' irntsblag (Utah of Itindo. tiiookotx All Made of goods kept 4n a Whatem to and Retail store " Nor. O. 'it.. 14:1DICII, %LW VElt i :illl,Ltat, R: Amyx .1211i5Ectlancom e __Polm4rYl BUII1)1M1 MATEICIALS .110A1t1)5., SCANTLIMI, Broken, Eg:g, Stolo told N BMlll=O =ME ll= illincclictiicatio. Lathes' One Price Fancy Fury Store JOHN' InhE RA, No. 718.qirch St, between 7th, & 8111, Strecis (1,,,u, ;AI Jmnn ket. Cl.). I otPorter. 3.lniiuNe orer (dotal Dealer in ;di kinds of FANC'S( FITIIS Having removed to illy Ncw•;,'.l.ore, 7I S Arch St... and tieing T i t , rn tively its thin lanktfne turn and Pule of Fanc„ VMS, ,11ielk, Ili E10t,11.- 11;men with the ".Olin Pelee Principle," I Inn c nutrltectat the lowest poiLdhle prices consislen t a ith a reasonable pi oft, I would soli. cit a visit treat those In want of Fars for alibi r Ladles' or eltihitim' Wenr. and an Inspection of my selection of tiwna , eonds;satlst ed, as I am, of toy abllity to pleas& in anery destined essential. AZ.- Persons at n distance, who not . .i lind it emit to calf persodmily, need only loon , the article, they wish, to.tether wii h tin price. nod 11.4 rnetionp„f, send, owl forward the order to illy address—money 110.- enillpaliVilig , L-to Insure a satisfactory contplianen u)th their u t.hra. Aug. 24, 'OO.-f) Iron. A 4,111.1. ; .1,11..LFN •v: AND 1 , 1At , 1! PENN:qtOItO MUTUAL. IN SUItANCE orCutotly.rlmill eout.ty. Ilicerve rut rd by'ull act of Avseethly. teny fullyiY.l CIO I'll lu operatilin under the elnuttgettleut et the iblloWittg. runnnisnSLners, viz: Itailey, tVilllunt It, tt,rjr,ns, Allehaul CtAtlti, J. Eirhelber• , ..r. ehristiun lilt C. Ittati. hip. Jamb 11, 0,1,(!r. Lewis liyer, Iletsja mho 11. )hisser. ./. Brandt .It.k.eph IVlciterAtiou. Alwcatitlet Cat bruit. rates it 111qUrnfICe uro ns tow and fact robin no nu b Company of tint Mtn( in the State. PUMA , . is Wring ti beciano Menthe. are incited to In:o,u unpile/Weil to tii agents 'woe rollipany, Win, are •Willing to wait Upo, then, at any IVNI. It. GOlMAS:Prestdent. CHRISTIAN . STAYMAN. Viru PreFideot LEWIS Secretary. Wilms% cocwoN. Tremirer. llorgax. 1,. Ilyet . ..C1,1141:111 man. 31. L'iwl;lln..l. C. Ihm lie. U. lSiil c,.1 11.C.ovev. Catlie.l, R'L•Lcrehme, .1. 1:14 Itel Les grr. Elwrly, AnuNTe. (1311111.',DLAND COUNTV..--- John She rrleli. 1/eory S.cin int!. ^Samuel 11 - endlmi Illvklitt•tm; t'lltitellto)%11; 31,11 t 1;t11 11(11. South 3fiddloloo ; Samuel Oraltltto, Pent, hero'; Samuel ('"over. 31, , e)tnnield.om; .1. sholdieldJdo,th, 11. Cooror, Sln.plit.rdgtowit; .1, 0, Ana tan, Silver Spritvz; I.lstlek, Silver Spring: Illlitktl, 4 i eII. t':oli4l,c: Jolt]] Ilper, C'avll:4lo, l'Olf If 4 - 11('NT1',—IV, i. l'lviamr. looter: Peter IVOI ford, Frat Mill : Irorliligt1,11: J. F. Dent, Nrnshiltgtno: D. ( b etter, Newburg; It. C. CLirk, 111110.ortr. 11A1It'lltN CO.—llonger & Tdlonnn. linrrisiarg. 311 ember, of the. onipany having pollciesatentt to en .pire. can 11.0 then ... , wed nytonking application to any:qf the Agent:4. . . • April t!fl. IhAn. IT 0 NV A R D A A I S j i..; , (..) 1,' ., !. A T I 0 N ! A itenevolent Instltntinn, evtabliehed, by tpeclal en downient for the reth,l"r the ski: and distressed, - afflicted Frit h Viinient and Epidemie .th.en,,,. _ - and esperlany for the l'nre ..f 111-co-co of the F• . 0 na 1 Orvtils. 7kl MCA 1, A nViC !AVM! aralis.l , y tila AellOa P•or, Coup. to all Itho apolk 11y lotto, nflh n tleacrilltinn Lhcir candilioa, laao. otaalpallon. bal.ltg of Me, nod In rasal+ of extreme poiaaly. )ledirirws tree fit VA 1.1/A 111.1•: It CI , OIII'S on Snermato,.o,,, null "o, Di h . 3 "., nr (I v . 8,;, 0n i ,41 the NEIV NEM ; P:1)1ES iqnployed in 1110 lil , pentory , soEt totholitillritsl in re:doll !vino povolopev, lo• 0 of dome, Ten or three St:itero. for p.,otnue 1,1111 , e 1.f.01.1A1.1e. AIIIIII,N. $1:11.1.1'N 1101'011'1'0N. Arline Sur goon. 11.mnol Arroclotion, N, LFool]; Ninth Street 1'111131100)So. In. Ito order of ll'' l'lrootol h, ' 11. ILEA WiIVELI, Presitkn• (71'.0. FA 11;11111.1S. ,t 4 mrtnry. 1),.21,1h59.—13 ;:. 5; 'fj, ..ii, j 7. . ~--,, M „ , ,No„),: ;1. , .Iz. , y-, ...1 4..... ~..4......< Tliouganklitltre daily gperthing In jwd,i•o( DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL: ‘vityl I.eranist• it or tall, to aro; di,”,t,numenu• ‘4ll.th livn 111 Valli , . it :lot,. At. it hr tuaalr, and 011 r trial alone nill rollolJev ycm that Nhat nu Fay it 11 ur, it r.oltalt. NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE "(any I,lml. afftl eitt.ves Its - ft . ttlt , vittg th, ;411.11,1141s t•f your rltilri. 111,11,1.1 of Ity tlett , koing it, or tink 1,1111111 , 11 , 11 , It•oll11 , 4 trimly rellll , ll , pri•IM:11 b m 11 ,, W wren 1 1, 1 Clrt litre.. I)lnrrilora; Dy nen trey, Grip ing In I lie 1:0%1,14 - . A,ldify or the Stitrnitrit, Wiwi. Pohl In I lie (Toil - ILI+, tot. •oftenittit lb° gums. toll ot ittil.tivt ,11 ion, 11., i•1..,1t0 firm et, turd roll, lint pain, i tint Mal Spa, 111,0tIk It it 11 , , , t, HI, all uiOns at el)11VIIIP011.1 in 01 her loits. .1 , you V:1101 , the life Alai 11,1411 01 n,tii• ••;1 , 1,/1 ell. ,1111/ u 9 IP., save them 10..111 Ono., n it and Itli• I.tin , ,rttr.enu nun, ,n1,1,•)n nnn. Inorlaill inn 11 . -1114 n•onlel thin io.o or /1,11., , ,11, of NIIIC' .other toe lit:410110 Clattitlttitttq 4 . 0111111 , Fe11. I EATON'S IN I , ANTII,P.,CMIDIAI.. this y in CM, I 0 ,1 1,. upon. It i. porbl dthy ) .hrml" ,, ‘ timid I,lllllot 11 , 1111,. 1111 , 1110 , ,t. Full direCtiol,llerinlipal, 0,0. Lot tin. l'rt•fitrotl only ' No .lilt' lit' , Nor Yuri,. 11 111 "" -- ,A 6 Lpp % top- Ilva!thy LLnuan 19ood upon hrlnt; A NAL tdu ays iwssi•nin lIN 11101 011. N.lllll l eNNIIIOIII 01`11 . 1111ti 11 10 gins . 1 1 1 . 11111 . N ., oft tainfionl. Anal:, zi. LL tif a 1.1 rial 110111 Corisinrrainii, I))•iwinift, r 4 tonna, At. and sir find in "i i c nninourr vornlin s in ilw rod gloloulus or .um ~1 supply th,.• deti, iii. AID I null is ;0n0d...i upon ttis Theoiy —lent, Its astin,lslititg sneers. 'lit le nen FIVE PREPAIIATIONS a:NON' to the deflclonvit, of (Ito -Itlola Iq tillTriont di,ra3or. F or coo v i i s Itionehitk. Or any atri, ninitover of tho 'fill:( t.4'l' or LUNG:, li:during Colo sun:Whin, u , i , ,No I. 11 filthf,lll33, the No. for Ito prernion of Spirits. 1,v,, (.1 Appetitr owl for all 1'111 . 011• to strkina nolo it( tionoinl In (Silly, and Nor, ion 1 . 1 . 1151111111111. N11...2.. Im 1.111. 1 11:11111 1 11A1 1 1, N".. 4 . I. ln 11 Skialis 1 : 1 • nointt giro of prtiparial f, r alp 4orpt ion II I. 13400 by dwps o:'i oat liotnoiliatoly . Into the circulation. nu (Int! n hat 3 ou gait: you renal,,. The No. for F. tulle iiiogulaillivr, steria, 11 oak arses, Soo Ktecial directionn for thir. .111. halt 1110.11111. 1:1:111111011:1 ; 1'1,1 . 11/10111111. lil a / 1 1%1. and itholiter COllll/1111111;1111,1, Nn d 111;111 111111,11111.11rert nn of ha iv; Irby of t le: 111..1 Prod tier lo.ttlo. Soli( 1.0 CliU/41211 k 1/1; HINT. N`o 401 1 itrirolway. Neu Vork, .1 ll', (trot( S Sans, and (3.11. 151.3 ter t , lour, tl'holeralo For "Salo 1:3 . S. Mott, I'atll,3e, fII,OCIiS .11OVE1.1?1' .tm)sit.v I:1[ NVA Itl:. nt Manoloototors prkes. W. !WA. Nnovh.. At.. North ILI nor, Stroot Five Dow, North of the r:ntiale lo.po•it Jlnuk, trod mat 111101 to Flhn r Ilutcl, I)64tler iu ANIERICI-N CLOCKS, fr- . . • •-1. ,„-•- 70, $., • I . • Foreign and Atnerirdnt IVateltes, Jewely,Slic er end Pln tea warn. l'am'Y ti, i t Or. would most respectfully in form hie old patrons and the public generally Oat ho !isi ust returned, from the East roilh un mitre new olork 44 FINE W ATCII iltW ELI'S, SI LY ER & PLA. TED WARE, CLOCKS to. (laving secured agenelex front some of the largest and best Vie•totieb for the sale of I twee goods, I nut preps• rod to otter to the public :nly artlele ill the line fr 75 to 100 per runt less than thd , have over be. offered In this place or huhw tine regular wholesale prier, no folkway; Clocks (ion* 75 rents to $lO, Watches hem to Inzin, Jewelry in oats front 1:41 cents to $2,1, 'tea Setts from to pleees bost'd nality and - late:A styles WATCHES. JEWELRY: CI OCRs . ft day olorrno,' Gold Hunt. emu Eng. Coral, 8 •• striking," 0 . Atoorican, Prod. B''" Striking S Al. " " Swiss, Clow, 8 4 ' Regulators, ‘• ~ Frown. Cold Stone 8 0 0 (binary,. , Silver hunt. Cose Eng. I:44'en. • 6 " Church, .. ~ " Amerhnu, Carbuncle, 8 "...Abilities. " " Salon. Opal, . 8 " Parlor., " " Stench, Munoint 8 " Marine, Open Faro American, lot, '3O 1t,,,,. , 44 4. 1,044 4 45, o:wort. 8 0 st r iki r , g , . " ~ • lbuirtierti, T‘itimSlP, i„ , 30 Maim RSI dk. ". " 14:447,11,414, Paintingo, 30 'Timm, ' " " Vreurb, Enoinoliml, nO• Levers," " • llelieva. hot°, 343 Gothic. " ." Darman, Stone, ' TP: A 811 ii,"E S. . (1,41 . 40 tn, . Wolters ' " Torreon, . Lodlem, Cops, Butter Plobre, . Salt Staudn, Fink Knives, 1 ,140 Kolven. Crumb liniven, Ito Cream db. Cake K 'liven, Forks, ' Sharon, Cildtars,_ giribi 9 , July 27,18,111 -Iy. • T - 00K511ARP.—Wrn, Fridley would . 2,„1 Itespeetfully'announce to the cal:funs of Carlisle and the piddle geuentlly that he has aptift commenced the num u Ilicturing of the A shoat Iron ware ufnit kinds, in. S.C. Iluyetni buildhur oft Lotither street, dlreetly oppoMto Slmpley's rhtflr Manufactory. ashen, he as ill, at all times be itrreadl nesk to do all kinds of work In• his line of Inuillutsss with ueatnets and dnpatch. All work will Ire done by himself and in competent hand as hp keeps unapprentlece. • • Also, eau at all limes ha had those eelehrated SKLN— TESTI fiff, SELF-SEALING, A.1114.11.1.11T. FRUIT CANS A JAILS., • .11.ouT spouting, and Johldtktt of alt kinds done 'at shott nth 11111 i ° made or thin mit material. , , - or) :akla paid' for old. Ptiwtet and. Copp6r, • lay Mt lot nttouth,ri ti.bupi near+, and a desire to plebs all, to receive a shdre of public patronage. Carllalo trot liSCClai c iitz. AythisDE AND PDIDADEI4'IIIA sft j Dlll/4 It PI I , ii , liT L Dif IG PRE'.IID. *Alll)*.4 81(111::1), 811 MARKPT NTIIRET, ?111 AM:1.111A • J. A) 1). 1(ll0A1)8, MAIN IPTItt:ET, CARLINI., PA. .eig-Con; of this Lino lento, thn.Dopot 811 fitArket. et., D:glq,. nt 4 oelorli, P. tI ' Lunvc 0:1)11610, Daily, M. 7 u' clock, A M. (1,00 lotooded Pn• thin Moo should ho trarkod C. & P. Daily Freight. Lion, uod Hunt in by 4 o'clock: May 25, 1804. 17_, 4 1 %X. Slolt 1' I CT.II 111. - 6 A. St. HEN WOOD wonld rerpectfully inform list citizens of Carlisle and vielulty that 'whim talten room: In Zug's 1111 W building, east corner of Market 'Square, where he to at all times ready to inks AMIMIOTYPRS In the latest and mast mirror, .1 style. itittutes.thken In rainy and cloudy weather r.o well us clear. and eat. 14filetintl given or noTharges made.. Portraits and Da guerreotypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken for Lockets .t,.. I •A in brotype. Ambrotypes ivarranted to stand the teat of tlinc,beht Ira. water. Ladles and Gentlemen are annuity Invite d to en and examine specimens. Prices Irma Vices. to 510. Jan. 27. E S EAVE err= 0 A 31 . LN , • `Ss 3! .3 Nl , .1 C '1: 0 72 NonTlf IIANOVER NrllY.tT. CARLI.I.B, PA. 11:1 clog 0/IAMAOIi At 010 Im.slness front or twenty years be would return tilltoloi to Ills ctl4oolerm nod I friends, Or the liberal encottramnent rot ended to bin, In omr.s