• Cia r Vouya, Lou, iloatarilf.”, . m i kA i'—' ~,, Influenza, any , Irritation or ' it ' Soreffei* of the Throat, Re -4;:0.,'"'".'4,..., . Ileac the Hacking .Cough atNU"' 4 :: 'in Consumption, Bran 4, • , !-‘,.(,;., qhill4, Asthma, and - Oer .- '. s eltarrh: Clear and ' • • ' ywe • strenyilt to . , • . the voice of L'' . DI B. o PUIIIIIC:SPEILIE EMS and sisamaß Vl,ll . aro nwara o(ttio int plirtanou of chock ng or Comte.. Cold" lu Its first stage; tit which in the lemtunlim woul yiold to a mild remedy, If um:looted, Mal :LVaMad " orin's Ilwrchtxl Troches." eon Minim!. Mon tiluant. IM:radiants, allay Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation. • BROWN'B .4hat trouble in ruff Throat. (for trltlrli the 'Truchas" aro a ,poallia) having made ala °flan a 011110 whisperar .” N. P. WILLISA I roeennuend their use tO Public Spankers " TROCHES TROCHES EIMEM REV. E. 11. °UNPIN. i• litre proved extrotutily survicetibt for .11tirsenosq.'.' . .41VNIENRY WARD BEECHER. ' Almost Iniit.int relief in thb distress lug labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma REV. A. 0. IiiiOLESTOS. Emit:tins no Opium or 11111'011nd in jurlinie • DLL A. A;ICAYEd. • Chemist' Boston " A shupin and pleasant combination for C01igh..,..tc." DA. G. F. BRIELOW. Boston; EIMME TROCHES EMEM TILOCEIDS W'sW3 . TROCHES Benoliell In Dronebills." F. W. LAN!• MEM llostoo. " I Imre iiroied than excellent for Whooping Cough." ill: V. 11. W. WAIII I I 3 :I;: .4 N c.n. 5m04.1 d n•lmn compelled to speak, SulTerlog from Odd." IthV. S. J. P. ANDFnisnx. TROCHES FM= TROCHES 13IlOSVN S ,St. Lout.. "Effectual in retrying, lloarpencsnand frrit.ti m id' the bil . oolololl with Speaker., and Singers." Prof. 11• STACY .TOEINS(Iig. La 11 range, lin, T.etelier of 'Southern Female College. "(treat benefit when taken befi.re and lifter pre iebing, as they prevent liodi Re nest From their p net eirtet, I think will be el plrinituunt :id vantage to TROCHES QUM TROCHE'S =MEI TROCHES ME= = . . . . . • '.Prt..thlott or Athol,: C011t.,, Tuna. t7 l .- 900 l'i.:111 1411:zist, :it •L'A•r:N rv • Pi vi , . CENTS .1 1t0N...1.0. TROCHES EMS= '1 LC LI ONLY PREPARATION &tying proors so strong and direct as to EXPEL TILE DOUBTS OF ALL • Fer.Sdatesulon, .1 to FAlllon, ll:vs:clans of the 7t104 .unodls as well as DOW, give FoneLio.l. nod reveavouildti far all cam, eroption, non diio t-ea OW svi,ll) and brala : I,lll'all sllu ha\ I. I ic, na:to. in te,tifying tivit it still pre,er‘e the th•etmilrelpggrdy, and loon filling, lu any ago, as Well a , :restorn. fiend the !Olin:: hag:— s Ogi grove, 8. C Juno '2lth, 185 . 1. l'uor. 0,1. Wi, iv:. Du is sl,: Voni, gag if ag ye Is rapi!lly edul logy in thi,eoulinouity. I . I,ad :Ma your Bair /to:aura/Ivo par ler I Lena: Lmvl4lfinyour L , it, 1 oni tan Irtfortunete Os to 'be • thrown gain toy solUey aealost ,nek I.y the yaollnlale, Trott, whinh illy headcolvoil a most feyril,le loloW eato , itoa a goo.a.t , lead or iro ve g it i•el, wlo!•11 otonolool-aLel to the Until, nod extorted NUrri.• • of ," oject, et wide!, my thoaavytot togira suel,tee Or the 1.1,11 the time I lig , / e.lVe,ti its deappljon tomato., up to Ow time t, everyti.l,o r, add unl i nks or, Twit,: a pra/e , , , ional matt myself, nod, as 1 klumeig, utitlte-stalullog tile ilatlll . l. of the out won loud ly do P feated fu every folooliptio!, aa,aueed, :ma to, other ritetuosatoces induced 1110 to re. sort Co your well], whialt 1 hare avow hoaFon Lorlevo, peel/well a a ory pc on/ult.: two !molt 104 altos. the Ilrg opiate a 1.., 1 tool ,to boatiti. I ell It he ill of youn4 logo a; I ever nuc, tor ,v 1,11•11 1 nor toy ,11.010 a.an dear tar. I sh dl rl.oolllllllald s our ro•lnkly to all In 1 . 01 . , w 11, IV,. I snail 11 , 4 , niy Influence; which 1 ill 2===in=l lon v. 111014101 imrpor. YULII,, very respe,tltilly, P. ,„ M 4 , Otreqvgitlehleffersonl3l,l . ltilippl, ra., Dee.1 . 2.1 , 4.1ti Dear reel ti mp duty a, lien or Inv ple,tue, to mate t.) followlue; eireurestithee. • or, • . can WO) as you thinl: proper. A gentleman of this pin (.11al.yer.) Imo been lath! ever shirr his early out so much tor. Lit.lL Ito mots contmolitml It tg, was itolu'eli to u:•1 ittlftt,. or your ••11.0r itest.oati,o whb•h he liyed very mull: mollifier using Slt.lll. to or three het :les. his heir grew mlt quite - 111X111i1111:1 and lot uov . bag a liou.solio. head of holy. Tho gelid iILIII . t.IIIIII` is iil'attfOt :I. and :if. tot is very well huhu lu Our :t.ljohil nu. counties. 111101) pel,4OlS / . .111 the truth or this statement ; I :it e It to you ttt try r rititoithl Sir. Bradford. Yoh rim sell a great deal of yot MO. Itesioraelve u 0 thle mud the e o l u;ti e , you have Chu lnoper agutits. Yours, , lilt! II ;KUS St111(111N011. Ihp. Wont.: Deaf Sir:—Permit me to express the o ligntlenx I am tin+, tor the entiro I.estiatioo Of my 'hair to it. color; shout the time of nrrival 111 the lJ site.' States it 'was rapidly I.eaotillug.goty, but upon the applivaiiell oryuur••l L'v,turuiru•' It V 3600,41 It. CHl_6lllllllllO. I co•sider yonr Ib•,.tornt v,ry sr.stderful In V'uu WU, yuitu UnigULCIOII.I uu ‘v i igreeAble TII A 1.11111(1 ltektoratlvo Is put up 11l bottle, of Circe 617. 131 p!, 1:11,11111111,a111i SI/1311; t h e b/Ml//1.1 , 63A1.p1 met retails fOr uue dollar per igattel tilll mwhu.o hot at lea4l t.A. ate per rant mace la ploperlie.3 th.tqt retaillbr to o d o llar, per //OHIO; tilli I..ge nl qll3l t. 4.1 per rent mere In 111 . •1.0k1011,11111.1 tune drill:, , per bottle. tlt , Proprlittors, 411 11r.kolwny, N York, and 114 Market 1 , 11 yet, St tour, I,t. And soh! I.y all good tiroggi,ta and l'anvy (ion Dealers. Nov, :Ili, 'coi.-aal. CUMBRRIAND VALLEY R. R.- SCILViII A nRANcEmE.v.r. rtr . E;sl7l e - " CIIANOE OF 11.0111CSI On and aftvr ?lONDA I', DECEMBER :W.W.I), Possong , T'rdns will .11.1 ns (Sundays e.vepled:) FOR CHAN] BEMBUIt(i AND 11,11tRIFIlUlta. Ist Train. 2d 'train '7.00 A. M. 245 rinvo Ilage.rstown, .• Greene:is:le. ellamborsburg, 8.00 " 1.15 " 14 . shipiooo;hurg, 9.110 " 1.5; " Nea t/ rifle, 0.02 " 2.30 Carlisle. 10.111 y." :1.10 31, 3 1.tolesburg, 10.12 ' " a 42 ." Arrive at Irarri4oo,l, 11.15 " 4.10 ~ 001: ClIA31111:119BUI:(1 AND 11A(11:110EOWN. Ist Train. 2tl 'Frain. Leavo Ilarrishurg 8.05 A. 31 . 1:10 l'. 31. slechatilusburg 8..17 " 2.01 " Carlisle ' ' 9.27 " :100 isNewvlllo, 10.1)2 " ;1.21 Ski ppe nshurir, 10,22 " 4.115 " Chanll,2', (Arrive) 11.00 .145 " 11.51 12.1 Greencastle, 5 35 A rrive IlaAeratown. 0.15 " pa- ISo++cegms will observe, that there Is but On Train a lay, (a l'assreimer and Freight Train r0ni1,11,,,1 over tho Franl,lin Itoad, connecting with train to flat rishurg at 8.30.4. 31., nu, with Chu Train arriving fro ( IlarriAntrg at :00 P. 31. '('ii ltOollaiß Trains leare IL•rrrlshur2 for 14 nt,2..15, A. 31..12.50 and .1 05, P. M.. making dirret - neetion4 with trains for Cincinnati, Louht Illy, Clove land. Clikwzo Indiananollg,t , t. Louis, and'all it incipal points throughout the West. 0 •• For Philadelphia. via I'minsylvatila Central Railroad At 1.20 and 6.W, A. 31., and 12.55 and 8.511 m. V. R. 11., at 8.011 A. Al., and 2.35, P. :M. For Baltimore. at 3.27 & 7,20 A. 31,, 4, 2 05 I'. M. • For NIA orton and Williamsport at 1.27 glild X 3.16, P M. Troth, on Dauphin Road at 2.00, l' M. 'NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where 11, ! k e t.,* am sold, viz: Chambershurg, C Mechanicsburg and Ilnrrlebarg. a rednetion of TIN CENTS on each. Ticket will be made to all, PaNSI,III- gems that provide . tbumsolvos with Tickets before en tering the Cars. O. N. LULL Supor't Itollrond (Niko, Chumborsburg,} April,l6, 1860. • ASSIGNEI . NOT101!;.—N e is otic hereby Oven, that Joseph Lebman of Penn two. Cumberland County Pa. did on the 121hulay of Novell, ber 18W, execute to me a deed of assluttment of all his property real and personal, In trust for the benefit of hlweredllors: All persons Indebted to the (Faun. ore required to make Immediate payment, end those 'hav ing ebtims to present them fur settlement to ADAM COOWER. Asslgnto. = (411° . NlNGat i . - 9 .).--,., 4 - a - icf•600 1 :44 . 13 zN ..,tv.i.., , .: J,..(;i,.., ..,..,,,,, .......,...4, ,o, .:...„.., 0. r..:; c '' , L d j G-0 GIN AS A .REMEIDIAL AGENT. TIIIS DELICIOUS TONIC " kiI'ISIIILANT, I 4 SPECIALLY def4gned for the use 1: of thejiledical Prefussion - iind the Fitmll) , , b it iipereeilici the so cello I us," "Aromatic," .. Cordial ‘Ntedicatod,." etc,. Is now endorsed by all .f tile prominent'physleialis chemists mid connoisseurs • 111113.40!ild111 nil of I hose intrinsic medicinal qualm,. tonic and diuretic) which belong to r u n 614 and purei e• In. Put up in quart bottles and cold by ell di uggists racers; eta. A. M. BINISIIER &CD., (Established in 1778.) • Proprirtors. No. 19.Brnail street7N. Y.' For sato by W. W. & IL SinltlL—French, Diehards & o. and all of the prominent Fbolesale Druggists in 'llllacielphin. r N0v.16, B . .WELIII: AND SILVER WARE. ' . • E ,re s pectfully inform our fl lends. patrons and the public generally, that o have now In stole and offer Wholesale le Retell, at he InWeat Cash l'rleos, a /era end very choice stook of atehes, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Rare of every va• ety and style. Every description of Diamond Work and other Jewel , made to order atshort notice. - . • .. UV— AII gonds warranted to ut represented—Z.llr Particular attention given to th e repairing of Watch and Jewelry of every deserlption. • • - Sept.l4, STAUFFER k MARLEY. ''• • No. 622 Market St. (south MAIO Phila.- A . 0 A Li 111631 THE 46 Financittl Committee of the 0 ouno WILL 11.08 E COMPANY'' finding them seivett in need of fund- the the 'liquidation of an out standing debt, contracted in the ptirchwo of new hose, a od seta letting to appeal directly In the eftlzons thnimplr the to o eo "mon medium of the subscription list. have, AlSrr 11111 t 11111 01.1111111.11111,1,11, COII6IIIIOI to hold a l/ It AN Ii F.% I It In hilt...it: \ I'S 11.1 LI. ennuneiteing 011 tile 14th and closing on tin dist ofbecenther. Wheret all thelnvera of i1111..1.11111, plea:turn are earnestly invited to c• 11. and spend a few hours, pleasantly to themselves, and Itroll• (ably to us, by ezehanglog a few dimes for sonic 0l Ihe many usefttlas well as fancy articles which will he there In rlchilbundtihce. r• . This FAlit tvill be ronducted'on a plan entire/5' dif ferent front any Iteretoltire given in Carlisle, so that nit.. not even the most fastidious iu morals need with hold their patronage; lint. en the contrary, each and all may come assured oft wat nand cordial welmtne to Winit will partalm Mitre of the rhrneaelor of a chaste, so. elal gathering of friends than that of a protolvenous fair. It will, no doubt, he urged as an objection by voice whoa road this notice, that the fairs of our different Fire companies aro too frentien I, and their demands fur mon ey too olten made. To all such we would, say,.“ Is lint 11101311111.01. worthy of Ills 111111, 11 T. whoin are you in , fielded for the safety of your "rorterty t if not cft the disinterested , tiretlloll. I\'llo are they that are eXpected • to regrind 0 t your cry of assistance when the roll Homes eatlteritnuitont your dwelling? aro they not tilt, firemen of yard. town ? WIT is it that is aisvnys 6etttly to lettytusittess in tint day, and his teal In the mlanlgtool. to stand In stitilv and .4(.0 in nraer that ether 111011 1 S property may bit saved rront destruction f Isla no? the Rill) Sill WITT) firemen whose only inter est In t/tit matter Is n worthy spirit of rivalry In.. the rare to sire the property or ihosu .who deoonet.apm of will they loan •• Iteg. ging.” Itnt 0 u0i,,.:1, tit' I.IIIS W 1,1111.11,1111111.111 that Oter,. are enottgli trot• litlentli of the firemen lit Carlisle to suttalo us in this contemplated I utermite. 15'n de not ask nor your cash m ithaut giving you a H11(11,11,14 oallll . ll hint on Lila other hand we lire to gl,O a lair and jtist equivalent for Ivory dollar that 010 y he left with as.—'fibs is 11111 S1:11 , 011 0./ when all aro, more or less, dotpectd ter scatter nitro:l,la pm time of their ourpitts ettalige In Alto purchase of...gifts for the `tiered ones at h01m.," ;610 it is 111 tt•ls eta," we would lath! 1,01 grew liar Inducements. reeling confident of holing slime to give them not only in just equivalent Inc their money, hut also in file ltar., and minikpal phyoura. In make to secure a largerattlentitenty 1111111 usual. the Committee have concluded to tiff, the ntilotv log battler. n o t n ;—, rs rs..n pur..limslav a tlchet °rattails shun. at tint low mi.... of toil cent , . will be entitled to in plMnert in a gilt. of 5t20,00, to he drawn nu the I tst night 14 the loin. ''lf the fortunate posses•or n ab ° p c i,t• 'stood,' h e a gtoitlittnan, he will be entitled Ti a snit, t.ft•it thus or Iris t rn ..10,114., or the above rattle. If, tot the other hand. the drawn ',lnsulter is totettred le: a I nly. she Is ill; he enti t led ,bin Sills DreSs ar march 1,11-0 of it, awl] falool of !Hie valtle. Ev..ry ituit:l , ot] Is entitle) In one ohm mt. it has burn a ....111111011 ISSIIII 'orbs of invitation to the Miller of our town to contrib. ate articles for the Fair. bud. in tts 11111..11 11 , 111,11 ith.mt bottle/2r Inv .ram ono, thereby givlngollence 'where if wag not intended, the Contlitittett hat,. therefore, • Inallplial pot to I.a.ua sepAtat. illVi1:111011S. Lot lo ex 'end threign the toodium of lid , notice a general and •ordial hen Hatton to all our female frientist , ventrilmte tuck articles as thov may think best suited ntr the Fair will Ito, t'onmany. .\li s intended tt„. e11i11.1.11.1111.111 11111). 1.1. 11.1.0 , 11,1 al LIM Ft not of 31r. it ; tilby of :000:ot ter, oil the •day proceeding 111. opening ot the Fair. Ao how in oonelasian poriall 11l to oar, the y:111114 11111 the old, Lilo ;;lave 11 . 1111 the go . the isantitaller their Xiet 111.• thane 1811.1111 e, rt.: that will deleialio sou Il oeiler of the l'oniiiht tel.. ' 11. .1. Slur:zoo., Kt.. D. littlitt.rt, ' .11ottos 1111I1io, • • NV to. 11. llt.ott, Fatottol 'Wetzel, Jr.' 111., on 1.. tv011.,...1, tkeoritt, 111.11, .1. 1 .111,,(1.. , ,10tte1ti0att, Ittotkor.l.Noote, ./..•.1.1111 Iti,ter, Itoloot ,Ron, 1110 /toot. 11,0. F. Foot, 11.11,0 /toil, ' Fitooo W. Fat ly, ' Itoto•ty F. Nta.l , .. 11 to. 7,llnotortotto, thy. , 11. Nol:le, Clot, C. itottattrtl, Feta. 78:: t. .1()S. W. tit:ll,llV, L'ltoittott d . - 10 IT ItT 1' It OUIJA :11' ATI ON t,lrlulo the ES 11. 11111 it.% )1. Pius clsitt. .1 u.lzo 01 1 110 H.veral Courts of Ctuurnon Nene. 4 117441,mnd, of Cumberland, Perry and 'Junin!, an .1 tl.l its; severttl (1. or and Troniner an I/tuna-al Jail Del 10erJ maid 0411114tit,z. :41111 111414. f 3 NV111:4414 'V and 114144. 31..Cul .1 t01.n..t Jf th "Court or et; told T4.1 . 141i11444 . 41114111444144ral 111 ltsliver ' ror trhi of all I.4ipit.ll 0101 4 4t1,4444 44 4, 4 4 44 dev5, i t , tt. sal.l onto ty of Ctutrberlantl. by their pretssitts hp Ulu 1,111. .101 of Nonni 441 1,4'441, liner 444411.1 U101:441,1440 1yi41.444441T444114114,44441144,1141.41141:4111)e1h, to be 11441414411 at I'. \ 1;1.1f 1;1... On Ili , 5.....attl 1/,1 .an tilt. I Millar.) at. 10 o'clorl; In 1 10ren444411. to v4411;1111144 tv, 44 II 40.144, NOTICE 11l I 1 El Ell V 11 V I.N to Out coroner, thus; of On. Peace anti Constables !saltily Cuntberlatttl, that the: lott by llto oda 1001.1.111 .011.11 . .110k Iry thee/ untl 111ert. 111 ltslr pop., pro., 101111 thvir all , , 1,1401, 4 141441115it1141144. eS.Onnt,tt flint all Illtsr retnetubr MO'S, to .10 . lno, .111 to their ollko, appertain to be 11001., and all Lhosu LI 1tre. by re.:,,nizatieta... 1.. pr. 1.1.00. , avalnst t Isl.:010as LI kat ure 01 then shrill 1.0 In . the J., 1 I of to count), 010 10 be there L 4 pr....0nt0 thinll as nball just. ROBV. McCAJtTNEY, Simiff. Surnir r es t Carlisle. Nov, 21:. 1,;(10, 12 ()It ENT.—The Store-rood] and Ingnlling on V. 11,1, 11111C: 4 treet, noar the Publb• I , linare, nosy n.nniled by I 1•• O•) 1314.n.bant :radon) is 01b.r.n1 bar ren:, trunk .1p,•Il 141. 151:1. A pply to 16x 1111tii.,141111. 011 . 11 , 1, Fn. Yin. r BLI - HOLE, Attortley.at Law. :Moth II /mover litreol. Ith A. IL home ldw.l. Nov. In, I , Mo, t NS' COURT SA I, E.— Ity m or the orpll././ , ' Coot Cut:A/orlon/I County. I will expos. lo poldir PAO', nn tins On S.ITIJI:I/AY the 15th (lay of December. the 111 taloa. .It.ctil.tol llottot :Old Lot of ttrountl la the property of Itclkaa, 1.1, ass, i1 , i....1 to a It,' a lot got and stilt it. MI the coin, 01 Itrllio. tootSecol Streetv. in the 61,0112.11 , If NeW l 111111,1 . 01111,1 in''in County. 1. tatolo.l by saint t a o :Area:. and I.v lot No. It itt Ilia 111:1T1 01 stilt 60rm.:11, and by a 101. et allcy, ha bug thereon orrettel a t.. o tool a 11.11(1.1.try. Weatherboard...l Illit t. l l. It Shop. 1. 1 1 i11 .. ,.....^) s h 1.., and other linprovetnekts. Tel ma of 1 1 .11..—T1`1111 , 1' i•I'llt, 1,1 i,/ fr: ‘ ,,•' ' ;',..,.1 , 11,1,ha.e mon., to lie pa; alien t 1 -1 1 1 . i..1..r..i.:4.Fr ' Prop. ty Is stricken clown, mot t I 1it1V1.,1 , 11 kill' lot 1111 y lei .1 r, 'I twat, al., a deed a I let lot 1., and ice......i0n given. .1. Lk eol.lV 1.1.10 Nov. la. 1 1 11.0.-t. s. lluatillan. J lS'l',lll , , NoTioE.—l,ettors Testa owlltaly upon the opt tte of Jos, t. Nlvloyitov'd of Nlo,Ustolc.bor, having i o n in4ll,li by the Itvgj.tel of l'uoiterland rounty, Li tho sol,eribou vo,bno g it •hoolo•bor, notivo i, Inoeby given, to oil p, ~on. i ll debto.l to o u t ,toto t,. Ithhi. 11.151111 , 111, 311.1 l loos b oo vlabo, 1111001 duly MI thou I feat,' for OIL thootoit Nov, lib A•buiriihrot... von( .E.-I,oter, A(lininisl rat io L ~ k nith dr, d. iato or borougliorl'al 111, harp boon to tim .6,11111 salirtfo,onulk. All pto,ols ini11.141,1 to tl estati• pu mew,. And I hose lw lug eLdma will present them to EI:111'.'1A A ftlf(jil, Alloll. of Smoot., Smith clot• I= AT THE SIGN OF TIIIE BIG BCPE' , IIMET! INTEL ) D MRS. S. A. uuTmu N.' Xs nor opening at the sign of the Big Honn6t , th Latest Winter 1'1.111011,0i . . BONN 31 1 IiLIN A ItY and FANCY Ladles collie whom, you ran 600 the Latest Winte Fashions. Coniii Alnico you ran see the hugest assort merit or Bonnets AO Trimmings. Crone where you Val get tile hest Bargains and the most fir your looney .Dome whore yen min ant eho r r Cloaks, Nubia , . (Z"PhY , Cloves rand Caps) Childrons and Ylissei Delvers and Plush Dais.. Mourning lionnets..itr,ipec u t lays 5'0114,11:dr Bridils, (Bridal Wriettlis,) Notts, limes Caps, Hos], Skirts and Fancy Bungs of all 44." leitlieg ploogg out Forgot tho p1..n0 for Bar Ins nuilloodutllul styles at tho sign'.ntho Inn Bonnet. RS. 6.A.. II :1111/N, North Ilanovor st. Cxrlislo. , I= RAT AND CAP,IIT.)11'010.1T1)1.- J, U. CAT f,l & CO., •suceessers to Wm. IL Trout would /immune° to their customers - and the 1.11.11. pmerally that they have Just received from Philadel phis. a large and elegant st.,ca of reeds, in their line el businoso of every variety, kyle :ind q uppity. nay have on intuda splendid . . assortment of HAS AND CAPS 9.4". 3 "' _ . _ of all descriptions, from tho common ❑'an o tho flosot FUR AND SI WS lIATS; and nt priest hat must milt every one n•ho has no eye to getting the orth of his money. The stock Includes, MOLL'S - KIN, OASSIMERE, ISHAVER & PELTIJATS, orovery style 11111 i color • mot uneuriets , ed for LIII NESS, DUIIAIIII.II M . 1' AND FINI: by those of soy other establishment In the country. SIEN'h, BOYS' end CIIIIAMEN'6 HATS nod CAPS, of every leserhaloneonstantl) oil hand. They respectfully Invite all the old patrons and as many now Sawn no possible, to give them a call. J. O. CALLIO & CO. • Apr. 25. 1560-ly FURNITURE IVARE ROOMS.-- HENRY A. RHOADS ( 1463‘ te7417-; C 10' 'WA, , WEST MG II • STREET CARLISLE. Thu auto:cellar boas leave respectfully to info. m the citizens and vicinity, that h. h.. 110 , 0 hand not to inanuflud tiring, ovary variety of Cabinet Ware. consietl ng In {mit of NOVAS, BUREAUS, DIL VIASI NO CASES, 111 Alt DILE TOP 'V ABLES. BEDSTEADS.. BEER ETA RIES, •p Oilt Moulding, Oval I•nuncer This work le warranted of the bast materials and workmanship, eno britelne; al btlut !west city style., and will be furnished at the lowest retail prices. N. lb—Conine made at short Inaba, and funerals at. endnd to proniptlyjn town or country. ' Carlisle Oct, '60.-Iy. corRAIN 13A(18.-- , Just received and ' for ~ .tle very elausp for ennlL , ' v,2, 1,60. , °HA& WILEY, Trustee. The undersigned having il4ed I'rofessor HUM PHREYS' SPECIFIC immaan..vrnic REMEDIES In Put' fuutilice pith the 1110 St satisfactory results, and Non, fon'eottlidenee in their genuinenss, purity, y-. valency, cheerfully recommend them tu, all per sans alp, wish to have safe, reliable, and ellenclous route:diva at hand for private nr domestic use The tier. Wit,. hemmer, editor of "the Northern • IndependVnt," Auburn, N. Y.; the Rev. R. 11. Cres, sey, H.R., Reeler of Pt. VeleeNCld'lreh, Auburn, N. Y.; • the Rev. 11. I. Ives, Chaplain or the Auburn State Prison ; the Rev: Spencer M. Mee, Redder, Nor-Bed ford, Mass.; the Rev. Allen Steele, New-York Cert. fere.. ; the Itvv. Samuel Nichols, EIVI-liellefiell fereni,e, N. V. the lice. P. S. Prat, DANset, ; the . , 'ltev. John E. Itoble, 1110141 o; A. 0, Ilnrl, CAT, Ctlee • N. I'.; the lion. Neel Dow, Cortland, 1I(•.; the lion s.;llt* ler 011ie% ' Soinb.lhool, Ind.; the Georg Humphrey% N. V. [lvory I). Cook, /It •Clit),r or Ike " Ohlo Stale Jottroel," Coloollote, Ohlo ; the lion It. 11. Gralooo, Moller, 111. ; Iho untas J - - CII:1,, M0nti... , 110, Fla.; Ilip ; 1.1.11t. - .1osopl. Ileltedict Utiva,.N. Y.; I%'lll. Bristol; 1•. v;, Grim, N: Y.; A.. 14. 1. Pond, r.4(.1.,1.:1icH, N. Y.; Jan., l'lonkeit, 1 , ..iti., Nash - .ville, Tom. - .:. • . . . . ll.—For Colic, Crying, Teething, and IVaketnl ncm of No. .I.—For Diarrlnna, Cholera loranbunt, and Sum mer Cumpiniuty, , No. a.—For Collo, Griping:l, byaonlery, orlomly Flux. No. 6.—Por!ern, Cholera iiTuringt, Vomiting. N,. 7.—For Cont.:llJ, ittlittennit, mill Sore Throat. , • . N. >.—For l'aecombo, nod Neal,lgln. No. 9.—For llea IsoLr, Vrrtigo, Ilrpl•do.1 1 , 11 "e. or llod I. No. 10.-1/ 1,M1:1,1A 1111 , 1 DerilDged Sto C.l,llpation, owl Liver Complaint. No. 11.—Fon Ar.,illllNliiil.ll/1111,1, Scanty, NM -I'4l, Or Pl . l .11/11P. No. 12—Vor Lourorho., Profuse MOISeI, and i 11,11114 1).111 F(.111.0.A.5. • , • No. 10.—For 6 . 111111, /I:nlrSe 0 1 11‘0.11:1 , 1 tlreathlog. N.. 1 1.— , t1.1 'Were llorcl'hoeltt lho No. 15.—Ithent.t!, r r:1111. I:memo" .or t , orjoe.:: to the Chest, Itnott., I.ohet, or 1,14,10.. A.—For Fever and Ague, II Fever, UtiulL Ague, Old Mi , ounonzetl r Pfien, or Illeetilnk,lnternnt or Ex ternal., ll'egk, or 1:1111nled IVes and Eyelids; FaWm..., IVohk, or Blurred Flr.;111, Catarrh, Or It3riding nr recent, either nith ol.trlt.li.n or prof., rikelutrq, W. (I.—For WIloor11117; Cough, !Owing Its clolerloo and shorte•rdulg its .1710 e. t n all ai•ati•iii•44.4,4,, '4.4 41 I'4l i re, Itilltiihnint.74.4nr., //1:41 - 144,41 UI rl.trn, t 444 p, 1414:444i.4441 1,44 4 ht.! :ril eruptive :114.44,1, 4:4:-414 1441 1'i4:4414, (44.41 111144:144:4 4 tht 4141,1 441414,,441 /_i: 111(1 the prop, 4.4444:44/1 , 4 kircitiiptly In 1,1,11110. ull.l hi :411 .4414411 1,15114 11, top, .ties 111 like• a charm. The 41:III, di.ecse i. Wien arr!ate.l. at onee, allack in atoderaltsr, the th,ent, el:ortcued, nod rein derecl 1,8 (21.;11111111r1 f, s, ii . 1.1,11 are of smelt frequent no• curreave, and %%It •It so nlten lay the digenaol 111100, Ina kehith., ;nal enesaapthat, may all be al once etise.l,l4 the l'eaer and f'ough fills. Itt all chnn,ic disetinet , , mud, tot Wenk ElonntelL Cotsetipntion, Liver ConTinit,Ls, Pon,, male _Debility % and I r,Toloriti,,, 11, olnehoL Pore or Wink 1:30., entnolt, Snit Monti, nod other oil %.1 . 111,11,,,,, the C11t , '4134 Fpel . ifil, r, Iwrc liropur nte. 'Mention h ill nitorol ot cure nt ninold rn r, i Itnt.tore. Often thecore of kinple chronic .1111h.ttity, noel, nn Ohspeyht, Pill, or l'atnerh, Iletotnehe 1,1. Vonnle Ilelthttot.,lnoa more than pnl.l.(ct, the en, led . thous at er. Coa or 20 viols c0mpi4414 4 , in morocco, ttr44l 11 4 444 k, $5 Cass 21 4 vials, sod 11444414.1415i0 es, of 1:4 ottivltall 41 111111 ...... lir el ho toltolivrist, 111/I1 iti'l.k, ... - Slog,, - U.111J10,1 , 1 “fill ...... 2:4 Lts. 1 .14 1104 4 !titon 41 hoses, 4111:1`111 , 111,. ..... CA,e - Itli 2 uz. v Tills. for plaDtvrn nn I phy slo4444sl ' 1415 roll A STIINII nit rllllll , le.—Oprit,Ftil, 1)101 1111, l.xhorrd In c110.;11,, l^llol Mid Ex tee , totntlttri. I', Ire, cent/. per box. Emit hen In-rne u,.ro A,ll 1 11 :1ENISI , .--1 1 1,1in 'gem frt.! the Etter, the ro , till of O..•111lui Fever, er Itteretirhd+. Jrn !hp llrml, Iltittlntls of Item the, anti. Itintting In the llnitt, Net littructie. NI,. :0 rents per hos. InitScitttrul,..—.l.:pittrretlllantht, Enlnrtte4 1131.1 is di:rated Ohl Ulcer,, Frrelfuloon C 1111.1,, Price, 5n per 1.0.. I'llit lit 41.1111. Dl.llll.ll,.—l'llpdcni or .Vert ous Wttolott... I itheelbe ..r Itletlittation, tot I . .‘lottottibc Itlheltur;ute. Prlee, bit ,11111 pep box. bolt Duce, --Flub! .14...I:mutations, Tlllllll Suet!. Inge, e lilt S , 'anli eeeretict.. Prltte,Bo tutu, per hos., Putt eielatete. Vettlgc, Nat,' sea, A'outllitic. Sickness-from t 1.111. g or motion. 'Prier, fit per ht.a. Eon tinnier s. I+Br Hensel, Itenul Cub Pubtfol brlontion, Ditteabus of the ueyn. Pri. ft) 'cuts per box. i"1,11N u. btle,..utto..—trivoloutury Plsehnrges nod Coosettnent Po estratlon and Mobility, Pail be. calls EviPthibits. The must A 110,44,11 • °lent evenly Il 01l u, tool may he .46,1 upon tut n cure. Prier., ulth hall Mr, etiobt,)).l fine boo. l'entruot mho ulch to place theinselvet, tinder the profeselonal core, or to reektl nylee of Prof. hill, . eau 410 so t et ills olflett nre2 Wombs ay, daily from S .5.51, to S P.M., or by letter. MEM HEM Look nym the list ; make tip a flee of what himl you choose, and Inclose the amount In a current into or stamp" by stall to ouraaddreps, nt bflt! Broadway, New..Yori;, and the medicine alit be duly returned by moll or rx preps ' free elf charge. - AGENTS WANTED.,—We denies an'aullye, efficient Agent for the sale of nor Remedies ht eiery town or community In the Ilnite.LEtates, Address Dr. HU*. MMUS Co., No. :16 . 2 IlmuuwAr Nsw-Tong.. • ranIOT Mom., at. ornadte Court II .1%11 W11011•FS and retail aglnd. Tar ('ar!l.,:t• and rlclnlt) and InalggII• and Vii generally. VA 1,13 A 1 - 21,1.3 TOWN REST I)ENC AT PRI iii:: Filth RENT. SIEII3tVun (.0 :11 . gl',1 , 111 . ,I, Mai. and Loather att.l Fr..ling )her ttatot...ll/I.•lo.tsonCtillege The Inc rntlitss ab, ntt kS loetln trout Mid INA) mein In 1.1 , 11t11 Thit illiprOVI • 111.11S tuna large tr A with cri , till . IV,II II tin :m.l Itriek ronolat •- • - • 1 , 11 1 BIM, in the nor, tolelleo. with ! 6 I'l l \ (.1 , 1,1. NV.1 , 11 HM I...111(1 at latr 3101' dh.g , A 0111.1 e mei ,orris,;, ' ' • - hole, at the 1"..0t of Ihn 1.. t.. There yor.l boot 01' 1111 , heave neatly laid oat and well it:Ltd...ll.y v 1.111114 :111i1 thrift) treen. Altogeth er th.. iorotierty is A Ino,t et,irtlll.l ont, fir Private Ittal- Itt. tins oi,11111.: LO rollalga. the preinisrs, with a view to loaelet.oc or toi.t, will coil up°. - . 1,. SPONSI,I.III, 1:0 d Agrr.t R Sorivener.. VOR SALE (ill RENT.— / v. ~.uttsellbur olTetm :.ale or rent, the now Three Story Bride I lonse t • ' 11INT1-, on Noith Ilsoonerrltreol. 1'116,115 . 410n rilAli, AlL:iron ou the Ist of April 111,T4011.• ila.A. kJ' i i 1.1.1. looi Dille rolos, In furnished ---=--- with water and Cali, and KlllllO.lO eith• iir for li 11 si liens or it private resideneo Oa 26, Imi 1.-I r. . .1.% NI lIS It. IVEAVEIt. N TER FASHIONS, n r j*: 8T i; it Et nErt The tubseelhrr to inform the 'public that ho 1,1:11,111:11VIIVett the \ltlling Ilth.inett .at ono ndla otirtkof Welt 11111, Riot Pentishore twp. euteher hied County. where h,• will 010030 have 01110101 i Iluur and feed fir N. 11" at the lowest rash pike, Such as Bran sh or t, tilt end Osts, and Rye chops. I will alh,ipt the lil..theet vas)] prime tor grain. ,duty SHAFFNER. • 1,1 1 ()It SALE.--50,000 building brick for solo, ht loss print i hap thoy can lie h a d at till, Engaire at this Milne. Sopt. 14, 'Co. • CA It I'ETINGS.—Just received at 11,11by's Cant Moro. nn ontlro new stork of liigritlo, Itnif nod Lutlrel earpetliiirs. from till, NlitrinEt.ii °rem nod yelling at unprecrilently low prick, fir Cohn. MIAS. 01111.11 Y. Trinity°. • TAIIESSGOODS.—A new supply of Drol‘s iloodq, such as Poplins. Do Lalocs, Mel low's, Lustros ,to., .1:e 31,4 POCOVVIi and will lot sold uncommouly low, at tin start" Cll,lB. OUILIW, Nov. 2,1860. Trustee. ns( received another new . and cheap CI lot of Itivimilsens, Duntmr Dixon Linens, Mus line, Culirm•s Sc. At the cheap Curb Store Nov. 2, 1360. CHAR. Trustee. NOTICE.—Let tors Testamentary upon tb o will Of the lion. S:unuel Woodburn deceased, Ave 1100116.0 a in the executors. All persona kokls• lir the:wa t,. dy., . be indebted nlll Inane Immune 0 MOIL. Milk those having claims will lmesunt . them ;ettletnent to Fit EI/EIIIOK WAVES, SK !LES WOODIfUItN, Executors. Ort. NEW FURS! NEW FURS !! . An elegant afeel tr nant Of Furs. at the looat Now York prleee. 1.1.3 JACII. SAWYER k M MAIL (1 , 1 ,-, Worth of Broche French 1,1?,‘1‘,Y1141.. :N T ME OW IS :Pin. 'PI .TO BUY yo,mt Just 111 front Brolitt:. Nets York a largo assortment of 'Motor Alaui lox of the c designs, in 1-i• e 11 011/ $ I tOSZAL 1,111111011, :CA WYE!: & LlAllt. S.- IIAIUNE CO PS. —Wo flied U• f or tho U, S. Marine Corps,' ablo•bodlod, sober, unmarried mug,between the ages of 21 and 25 years, to whom will be von good pay, board and clothing, and modical attunda nee. Sndierwservinn In tbisCorps, perform duty at Nay:) , Yards:lnd on board U. S. Ships of War on foreign Sta. Pay from 811 to $2O per month. Apply at tho 311 South Front htro, t, Thtludolphla to lest Llout. W. STOKES BOYD, ' Recruiting Officar, No v. 10, NO.-1m I3LIN D 111 ATN It I ALi, LOOKING (Mason, Vurnlablna . lionaa,oCall ktndn, Illankota All aln&.or goods Itopt In a IVlallaiaroand No tall store Nor. 0, '6O. • LNIDICII, I. 4 AW YEN N MILLERa. TTOOP SKIRTS II OOP, SKIRTS - ! .1 ; Intuat novelties. and at prim, to " dory edininitt sAWNEß & Mu - 7 •• , Oarrrit ff si '!"`..- • - , Ol).ECiFie , p• • Pe °,7 41€ ' 44- - - :77 2 : 7-: - r EipPlain e HEAP. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. ===117E1111!1111:1 No. 1.,-For rover, rooge , !on, 81111 No. 2.—For Worm Fever, Worm Colie, Wetting th Ile I, BEE I= I= CONCENTR. ®•G AVEN FOIL INIAI4..NO A L Bread, Tea-Cakes, •all kinds of Pastry irmitreAcpunno By • • EDW. CHAMBERIAIN & CO.. Proprietor of Shawntut Chemical ll'orka, No. 33 I N b!A Sjruot, Boston: CONCENTRATfiII) is the remit of . cerefu Ch01(1.C211 research, All irslogredlents are prepared In 'the highest state of purity, and a:impounded with slew to rmiluce . bread of a far :better quality, and In tnuch less time, thaw by any other process ;,and the ..manufacturers submit It. with entire confidence, to the judgment oldlscrinlinatlng housfikeepors, bakers, Le. • 'tread of all kinds made by using CONCIiNTRATED LEA VEN, IS lighter, tuore digestible and nutritious; 1100 011 agreeable natural taste: Is less liable to sour; will re- tale Its moisture longer than by any other process, an the srhaiu preparattun for the oven need not exeital ty minutes. it is valuable because it is not pardonable, and may ho rendered available in places and at times when yeast Is not within roach, as at sea. dr, all climates and un der ail circumstances, it may be adopted, thus obvidtirm all difficulty of procuring yeast or nay other torment, which is Irequently or nu inferior, quality, reddering thin bread more or loos nu wholesome. It in also valuable as regards economy, as It has been siscertained,,thilt, 0:,:19110: is effected in the flour of not lees than 10 per cent. " In the minium, process 1114C11 of tllO savelvtritio the flour is lost by being converted Into carbonic acid gas, or spirit. and thin waste Is incti, red solely for the purpose 01 generating gas to mien the dough. Ily using Concentrated Leaven. this waste In avoided, and tine gas obtained In almanner equirlly elli carious. Fermentation, as has boon stated, destroys a po,q, of th,rll.o‘r or meal, aed, lii consequence, in barrel of flour weighing Eta lire., which, Icy the common nieth• nil. ordinarily inakcs about 250 lbs of bread, giving by this process 200 lbs., thus effonthic the very Important cooling of ill per cent Or the gnautity of flour. fly con• fertility to the directions on each Package, any person nimble of Ordiolo . V /1110111,140 any conduct the process, and the result will Invariably he highly stisisthetory. CERTIFICATE Nlltl)I1 tt. lIAYEO. Assayer to the State of 31;iPsaclitisetts. ' 4 "I have nnnlyzed the Cone.lntratell Leaven, mann fact ured try •Messrs. Edw, Charm o(11.1:1113 A: Co., with ref eroure to lE.•purity and etneleneyntaction In produrlog the effect of yeast In (113itenclin1 dough, mud thereby rendering It lit for making bread. Thin ortiele Is chit• fully. compounded, *front perlectly pure material. it raises the (lough without consuming the m.; ti• or tiny other prinriple In the flour, perfectly; and the same si,•ioht of flour will pi-odor° more sw , !•t,pnbilnble bread than. ran be obtained 'through the Lid or ytost; while for ethos nod pavtrv , it iv Invaluable, as It 6.1005 nil Hob and 11111011 time of I he pastry rook. ••'i'he est...rimer is mole by mu confirm the state• 1n...0k mod.• by the Inanqtarturerig, and prove th IS emu. pound worthy of publ it approval and rstc wird unto. Itropertfully, ..` • A A. HAY ES, M. b.. State Assayer. 16 13nIston street, 11.4:t0n, 17 , eptentber Ab. 16GU.' -• _O DIItIiCTIONS BD FANPAST AND TEt or three tealiprionsful I.enven, to.the quality liner,) to 11110 ;Inert of flour; mix thoroughly by plinking two 0^ thatiii . ttitiongli 01'00: rub In a piece of hotter-hall the size otan make the p,te with cord hulk nr looter, (milk to prtiPiralded barely /4'llow - ugh to permit rolling out. filuelt kneading ',lmola be avoided: Cut into ilosirod fortn, and place ininicill.ttely In n hot oven 111 i bake quickly. BelGSIt --Th., 01010 proportions of I,IIVOSI nod lour together aq itbrive;•oinri, the butter. aid mute tin. port JIIt enough to knead Into a 'loaf, and ike latniediltely inn slow oven. lLei,l AM BII:a11.— . 1111,10 tfillSoooll4lo or to line 11.111, of whoat meal. silted lugs ther 000 RIB Or 041010 S MO 1110k0 the Ju ste thin lieu Ll, milk lid likke In a liiW a, cu. BROW 0 t.i.tsplorodul of 'waren to non 'lit of Ilo,nC and on, pint Id o.rit meal, all wall niflo.l odd two and about a gill of itiolaii;es; alco the pa.te thin with inn. and halm W:mini:lT CA,F.i.— , FlOll,llld 1111a.Flalleillit to undo, it quart of tor add one az.o thexo lire.. teaspoon., of Leaven ; heat to a lentil, and cook q Wok.' ' tazetherone quart id' flour and tiro teaginionsfill 6f 1....ir0n: rob In It pier. , of butter half largo n s nii egg i loin With cold milk or water, and boil 4 toll 1113111EIL St: CAICY.—.9III touelb or Iwo I,lrAlt col lour nod - two tensp,on , ,fol of ',oven: pot In Ivdf por l utter and n 1•1111 . 171.1 n half FIIIVIt Wit 111111, or water to 3 [m1.1,00,1,0.. to suit 1.11 to, Unlit 111131(3131illy. • ? ~ I '1Nti . ...... Z:•1`1.7i1; , . l'Alir. —jllo ellia, of white sugar oodA'whli the Vl.llil j- , f - ra ev: L is—the, ~ hitt, of six •:s 4 cat. n, ton f:oth: Owl: heat all together: Add threo nips of silted floor, moo. clip of venter., :aid thoo. t.. 0. ( ...1 •pooomfal 01 hll aalo: It.t, or qii, tw., t.,,, 1 ~ „,,,f„i of , o.:.ellett or Icinan. and halo: : touhowell. .ICSno.:..:.—:‘ilt togetlo..- c Alp t. a r l . 01 - " (*ea o•agil; 0:1,1:11 Of 1.1,1,1.11: ..,;1; la ‘OlO tit.4.5a11.1 halt.. ld a cop illOl a 11311,4v1,1tm .., m i l,,.- ;.1 :.i.... to null ht , Lists; 1111 X still P 11011.; 4; ii,: •'•: ; • 6, :..mil 1..,: ‘ pilde. EI.1: 0 11AN Cahl:.—ollan,. 0 . ., . 1.,:1 0 ,1' - 30.1 iil,ol :Ica. potin.l3ll of la, veo silts' mil... : ~ : .:•nil I, .por If hut ol er, t o poon ore:wren!" 110 .. 0p1....1 •01: • , tr,and 0 0 . to m a..p .001 l of clown •• . Tai l :I;',' , ' . I. to a tiff Letter. sad Lai , Inn .•• , I'lllls Gin r.—Ono idol I 0;1 (Er,. li..,1••• ,:•fttl-.4 • I ~::4 :Id one fill of toola..a.es a: . • , .1111, notl.bakw lii :I slow I. ..: I'll' etlii..4: fly,: cup.: of : f loolvon. sified togethor fsogar. and t wo 04,N, all cop of 1.111:11011 a, alai Fri , Loot hall all 11001' DVS ° oft, leaspoml,ful • 8111.1b1X toutires tt s of plght f.4li well • t." thIN. NllOl Milk. CAKE.—EIVO r rigor. • Lea Von, I.lirvo rupg ' Kllll 1.W.1...g.tA; , 11 . -pier 11•2, About Ilalron Lour; Paeked in L'alcs of 1;,";, a);,1 Si , J) Cdll.l For sale r. (I rower add 1 ro ugl it. WILLIAM UULAII Int , ntA Nortl . •tiont., '.llO . 11111.1. Nov. II ANDS 0 ;. E,N EiEIIII = e.11(11. to the cheeks or lip. i I •:J . ..t and %tile° mice applied. r TAM, still nalura Mils to it use. = =Ol ISM EMEE Mt= neouiri"romiu POWItEII." Imparts tlantlag lillitotestAtt tilff 33111111111,11J11, :and is uull 11113111111 g OSOI/3131 thlg. pattpane. 31:4111,1 fro: 1 Su H I.Nrs " fiv,td. eun Lure nud all eruptions