Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 30, 1860, Image 2

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    'ON ljeraid.
Fridai, November 30, 1860.
•• vAgi.,.llon. B. F. JUNKIN kill ace
our thanks, for a copy of the Report
tl Select Committee, on the I• *.
Baihead. '
.- ,Mr. John • Salen,
who has maJo freqUent visils to Carlisle
as a piano tuner, will b . ° Carlisle, for
that purpose about the 15th of December.
Notwithstanding the storm of disunion which
is now swooping over ,some of the Southern
States,, the men, of the border States have
given prompt and unequivocal expression, by
public meetings and .speeches, to the deep
feeling of loyalty to the Union which animates
them. Gratifying evidences of this sentiment
aro earning so rapidly; that we are led to be
fore' that'seoession, outside of Ao ut h Carolina
/at least, will be atle: to maire , but little head
way, against the wise and patriotic counsels
of Union-loving men.
In Baltimore and throughout Maryland the
feeling for the . Union is almost unanimpus,
and.a great Unio'n demonstration in Baltimore
is proksed. In Virginia, Governor Letcher
a_p_cuglas man; strong for the Union, is at, the
head of affairs, and is engaged in counteract
ing mad freaks. In western Virginia
the fire-eaters havti no show at all, and to the
seaboard, region they are frist going under.--
Kentucky has led the way with union wettings
The Louiville. Jwcrnal urges their being
helkl all over the State, without distinction of
party. Missouri dreams not of disunion.—
Thelreeltinridge fiction there is.a. mere bah&
fUL'aind Lincoln polled nearly fifteen thouird + . 3 .
votes. In North Girolain the influential ifour
nals are•for the Union.
The Speech of 111. r. Stephens
The Non. A. 11. Stephens of Georgia, by
invitation of the Legislature of that State,
mad - 6 a speech before them on the 14th inst. on
the all-ahsothing question of Secession. It is
an able production in which ho counsels every
resort to adjust the difficulties 'between the
North and South, rather than the dangerous
and doubtful remedy of Secession. Wt) have
no doubt it-meets the approval' all except
those restless spirits who aro blinded by pas
sion ,and predjudice. We' aro glad to find
that Mr. Stephens has been nominated . by ac
clamation, as a delermte to the State Con,
the Western District of Pefinsyl , vania, says the
Pittsburgh Journal, are in the hands of 'Mar
shal Cathpbell, except for Huntingdon. From
that county they.,,aro now duo. There aro 44
connties,in the district,. Allegheny county has
170,952 inhabitants, ngainat 138,000 in 1850
—a very handsome increase, Wo do not print
the table of returns in full, simply because the
county above named is not in hand. We may
say, however, that the total will not be far
from 1,340,000. The population of the Eastern
District is already reckoned up; iE shows 1,-"'
658,153, an iimi•ease .on 1850 of 338,100.-
'These figures indicate a total for the State of
2,808,100. We shall fall a little short of three
millions, and will have about one-tenth of the
whole popiflation of the Union. Pennsylvania
Irojpl Lloo • avo v 1" rsogr000: Wo
think for the two last censuses this State has
held about the shine proportion of the whole
population of the country which we think she
will show now.
dobted -( says the. Raleigh Register) to Gra'
ham Dawes, Esq., Private Secretary to Gov.
Ellis, for the official vote of the state of
North Carolina in the late Presidential °lee
tion. The following is the vote
Brockinridge and Leila
Bell and Everett
Breckinritlge's majority . 5,5.10
The Electors :on ire Douglas and John.
son ticket received only 2;701 votes in the'
whole State. 4 0a account of infbrmality in
the returns ma.: by the sherilfs of Blades
and Madison, the vote of each 'of these coon•
ties was thrown out, and the sheriff of Alle•
ghany failed to psalm any return of the vote
of that county.
Georgia Electron Retiirns.
We have now received full returns from
all the counties. They sum up as follows :
313 202
Tattnall . . . .
Add 131 comities pre
•iously reported, 51,818 42,80. 11,609
52,131 43,050 11,613
Vote for Douglas . . . . . . 54,663
Vote for Breckinridgo and Bell . 52.131
Majority against BrockinritlgO . . 2,542
Voto of New York
We now have official returns of the vote
for President in every county of the §tiite of
New - York; u t he aggregates aro as follows
For Mr. Lincoln . . . . 30,13367? .
For the fusion ticket . . 313,640
Lincoln's majority . . . 47,727
The result, as declared by the canvass ers,
will perhaps vary slightly, but not materially,
from this.
froth the, Newburn Progress that on Friday
last a 6r. Robinson, residing in that place,
shot and killed a man named James Griiffin.
It seems that Griffik went to the bongo of
Robinson in a state of intoxication, and
calling for the doctor, stated that his dog
was sick, and he wanted the doctor to pre
scribe for him. The doctor was not at home
but the request of Griffin so highly incensed
his wife, that she showered a torrent of abuse
upon him, which was responded too by
Griffin in pretty severe language. Griffin
returned home, and, after becoming sober,
and reflecting upon his conduct, told some
of his friends what had occurred, and regret.
ting having used coarse -language to the
wife of the doctor, he requested some of them
to accompany him to the doctor's house,-so
that he might anologlse to Mrs. R. for his
rudeness. They refused to accompany him,
so he wont alone. On arrivinglat the house
and offering his apologies, the'doctor's wife
repelled him, w:th coarse and vituperous
epithets, in which she was joined by the
doctor. Such treatment having incensed
;Griffin, he alio used sharp language to- the '
twain, and, becoming very much exched,
brandished a dirk, whereupon the doctor's
wife seized a gun.and attempted to shoot
him, but not being able,to discharge the gun
haWded it over to her husband, who shot
Griffin dead on the spot. Dr. Robinson was
soon after arrested and lodged in Pa—Raf
e:o • • .
itESTS. •
The Dernociatic Journals aro now ren
lizing the truth.of the old .snying that it
is "much easier to raise the Devil than to
lay him agairt" t On them rests muckol
the responsibiliiy of the , present excited
state of feelingyin, the f.-outlr." During
the whole campaign,.they endeavored to
frighten the S timid into the support of
their candidates; by sounding alarms
whioh they knew Were false. They charg
ed' the Republicans with abolitionism; as.
favoring negro equality, and pledged to
make war 'on the South and her install':
tions; even the Wide Awake organization
was held up by theSe 'unscrupulous dem
agogues, as a bugbear, out of which they
expected to make political capital. • E , Aery
public act and speech of Mr: Lincoln,
proves him to be one of the . most conser
vative men living; yet, the falsehoods and
misrepresentations of democratic orators
and editors, have so poisoned the minds
of SoutherMpeople, that they regard him
as aaranting abolitionist, intent on the de
struction 'of their rights and property; and
the. W ide Awakes as a semi-Militari force,
whose object is a , raid on Southern soil.
Let "these pretended alarmists, who
have thus inflamed the South, to sui
„it zan ends, no allay the storm .the
ious to seek it cause of quarrel witli the
North, and- liable to misapprehension,
have tal•en ris realities the thlse eninings
of our, opponents, who disregarded the
consequences, 'provided they could thus
gain votes.' Let these' now rally to the
rescue of the Union they have endanger
ed, and acknowledge the wrong.
The Republicans have nothing to take
hack in this .contest. They made no as
isaults:en the South. They Stood pledged
to refoint the abuses of the . Goveimuent •
to" protect the industry of the people, and
to pronfere the interest and happiness of
the whole country, North and South.—
They have elected a candidate!whii will
administer , the affairs of the Nation with
fidelity to the Constitution and the Laws
of the land: Let Trim be tried fairly by
his acts, and the people will find that a
,so-called "sectional canddate" will not be
a sectional President.
.Incksost's Procl a'sn mum).
The following, extract from Andrew .Jack.
son's - Proclamation, in 1832, to the nullifiers
and secessionists o 1 bouth Caroline, will be
read with interest stow. After enumerating
the blessings of union, the President Ws these
interrogatories :
And for what, mistaken. men ! for what do
you throW away those ibestimable blessingo'=.
for what would you - exchange your share in
the advantages and honor of the Union? For
the dream of useparateindependende—La dream.
interrupted by bloody conflicts • with your
neighbors; and a vile dependence on a-foreign
power. If your lenders could succeed in Cs
tabliening a separation, what would be your
situation? Aro you united at home—aro you
. free from Ihe apprehension of civil dieeord,
with all its fearful consequences ? Do' our
neighboring republics, every day suffering
souse new revolution or contending with some
new insurrection—do (hey excite your envy?
But the Victates of a high duty oblige me so
/osonly lk aIISIOUIICO that you ennnot mucceed.
The laws 4f the United States qua be execut
ed: I have no discretionary bower on the
subject—my duty is emphtitically pronounced
in the Constitution.
Those: who told you that you might kacca•
bly prevent their execution deceived you—thoy
could not have been deceived themselves.—
They know that a forcible opposition could
alone prevent the execution of the laws, and
they know that such- opposition must he :re•
polled. Their otject is disunion ; but be not
deceived by names: disunion, by armed force,
.is treason. Ate you really ready to incur the
guilt? If you are, on the head of the instiga-'.
tors of the act be the dreadful consequences
—on their hearts be . the dishonor, but on
yours may fall the pituisliment=on your un
happy state will inevitably fall all the evils of
the conflict you force upon the government of
your country. It cannot accede to the mad
project of disunion of which you would be the
first victims—its first magistrate cannot, if lie
would, avoid the performanCeaf Ids duty—the
consequence must be fearful for you, distres
sing to-your fellow-citizens here, and to the
friends 'of .good government throughout the
. Gov. Gist of Smith Carolina, sent in his
message to the Legislature, on the 27th. It
chiefly relates to the local affairs of the State.
Ile advises, in view of the proposed secession,
efforts for a direct trade to Europe. alders to
postal matters,.and suggests the temporary use
of Adams Express, for carrying mail matters.
Ho advises the prohibition of the introduction
of any slaves, from States not in the Confed
eracy, and the enactment of the most string•
'cut laws against Abolition incendiaries. Ile
gives up•hopo of concerted action on the part
of the South; but, declares that the only course
for SoUth.Caiolina is secession, and believes
that Georgia, Alabama, Missississippi, Florida,
Texas and Arkansas, will follow..
The message concludes with- the follotVing
language :2- 0 1 cannot permit myself to be
lieve that, in the madness of passion, an at
tempt will be made by the next Administla
lion to coerce South• Caroling, after her se
cession, by refusing to surrender the harbor
defences, or interfering imports and
expOrts. But, if iistaken, we must accept
the issue, and Meet as becomes men and
freemen, who infinitely prefer annihilalation
to disgrace." '
the election riot at Illiuoistown (Ill.) a man
named John Denoar- was stabbed in the
back With a sword-cane. -Th? weapon was
driven in about midway of the'spinal column
and then broken off within about two inches
of the body. It • was found impossible to
extract the weapon, and Delmar was con-
veyed from Plinoistown to the Health Office.
A physician was,and,endeavored to
pull out the weapon with a 'small pair of
forcepsforceps or pincers. Ho applied the pincers
some half a dozen times, and pulled with all.
the strength ho could command, but so
firmly was the steel tranfixed in the bone
that the pincers invariably slipped off, and
the claWs finally became injured in such a
manner that the pinceri'were renderedme
less. The doctor endeavored to loosen' the
•weapon in a variety of ways, but to ne pur
pose. It ifad been driven in with so 'much
force that it was even more strongly trans
fixed in the bone than a nail driven into a
stick of wood. Dr. Smith finally' procured
a pair. of shoemaker's nippers; and made .
another effort.- After ono or two trials he
succeeded in securing a' ood purchase upon
the weapon, and extracted it. It measured
In all five inches, three inches of which had
'entered the sPinak,Oolumn, and there re
mained firmly imbedded for twelve or four.
'teen hours. "
The Southern, people, ;lex
nary, the'cleclion of a Republican President
in the Constitutional mono certainly nftording
no excuse for it, it is reasonable to suppose
that a reiction will soon take place among
the Southern .people, themselves, which will
overthrow the dieunionists at home.
It is a groat mistake to class the supporters
of Mr. Brookenridge as disunionists.. Some
few of them may. be, but Mr. Breckenridge
himself, and his supporters as a class, ore, I
'doubt not, as sincerely attached to the Union
as many of those who for political purposes
during the recent 'excited ,contest sought to
fasten upon them the stigma' of disunion.
Should the conservative and Union' men in
any particular locality be unable to cope with
their adversaries, and South Carolina or any
other State under the. lead of - nullifiers and
disunionists, who have for„ years been seeking.
a - pretext for breaking up the government,
plunge into rebellion, md without cause as..
soil by farce °farms the constituted authori
On lh,e2dth init.., o:nl4:publicans of Spring
field, thpiresidence of , Mr. Lincoln, held aju
hilee hilionor of tho recent victory: The city
was illuminated, and a torch light prooession
was formed and marched to Mr. Ligooln'e
house; whore they cheered until ho appeared,
and spokg aslollows
"Friends and Fellow-Citizens—Please ex
cuse me on this occasion front making a speech.
I thank you; in common with all those who
have thought fit by their Votes to endorse the
Republican. cause, f [Applause.] I rejoice
with you in the succeSi which has so fax at
tended that cause. [Applause.] Yet in' all
our rejoicings let, us neither express nor cher
ish any hard feelings toward any citizen who
by his vote has differed with us. [Loud cheer
ing.] , Let us at all times remember that all
American citizensare brothers, of a common
country, and should dwell together in the
bonds of fraternal feeling. Ilnimense ap
phuse.] Let me again beg you to accept tn . y
thanks, and to excuse me from further speak.
ing al, this time." '
The Wigwam was crowded, and' after the
procession had' concluded its march, -Senator
Trunibull ts pindo a speech, Which, in view of
his high position, and the relations e'xi'sting
between him 'and the President elect, may be
taken as a reflex of Mr. Lincoln's own Sen
It is meet that Republicans Should make
merry and be glad, for the spirit of liberty,
which with our rulers was dead, is alive
again and the Constitution ordained to secure
its blessings, which was lost sight of,ls found.
Mg.-ITrumbull then branched offr'-into a vein
of Stale glorification, the 'Republicans of Illi
nois having not only elevated one of their cit,
izens,lo the J Presidency, but. have,eleeted nn
entire Stant government, and secured thereby
a United States Sen'ator—the re:election 'of
Mr. Trumbull. Upon 'national topics Senator
Trumbull discountenanced the blend' triumph
ing over political opponents, aecepting . nil, by
' whatever name called, brethien of-a com
mon country:*---Ile said Mr. Lincoln, although
the candidate of the Republican. 'party, as
Chief Magistrate, will neither belong to that
or any other party when inaugurated. Ile
will be the President of the , - country, and of
the' whole country; and I doubt not
as ready to defend and protect the ,
which he has not received a solitary vote
ngainst any encroachment upon its oiiltstitd•
tional rights, as the one in which he "lips re•
ceived the largest majority. While they by
whose votes he has been designated ns Chiet
'Magistrate of, the people will expect him to
maintain and curry forward the principles on
which he was elected, they know that in do
ing so no encronchthents will be made on the
reserved rights of anY'of the States.—llence
when their politico opponent have charged
them with - abolitionism; or 'attributed to them
a desire to interfere with slavery in the States
or sonic fanatic has in. Istert they ought to do
so, the reply hos invariably been Amt. the
people, who -made the government did not
think proper to confer on it such authority:
and it has, there ire, no more right to meddle
with ,slavery iii a State than it has to interfere
with serfdom in / .
Ski' are the people of the non-slaveholding
States in any way responsible for slavery In
the States which tolerate it, because as to that
queition they are as foreign from each other
so independent governments. I have labored
in and for the Republican organization with
entire confidence, that whenever it should be
in power each and all of the States% would be
left in as comPlete control of their own rinks
'respectively, and at as perfect liberty to choose
and employ their own means of protecting
property rind preserving - pence and- order
within their respective limits, as they have
ever been under any administration. Those
who have voted-for Mr. Lincoln have.expecterf
and still expect .this. They would not hove
voted for him had - they "specter! otherwise.
I regard itas extremely fortunate for the pence.
of the whole country that this point, upon
which the Republicans litivebeen so long and
so persistently misrepresented, is now to be
brought to a practical test and-placed beyond
the possibility of doubt. It should be it mat
ter of, rejoicing to all trite Republicans that
they will now have an opportunity of demon
otroting to their pVitical adVorsaries , and to
the world that they are not for interfering with
the domestic institutions a . j aII y of (lie States, nor
the advocates of negro equality, or of 'amalga
mation, with which political demagogues have
so often charged them. When this is shown,
a reaction will assuredly take place in favor
of Repurdicanism. The Southern mind, even
will be satisfied; the rights of Northern men
willbe respected, • nod the fraternal feeling
existing in older times,
,when men from all
parts of the countrpovent forth Logether to
brittle for a 00100011 cause against a common,
enemy, will be restored. Disunionists, per sr,
Of whom unfortunately there has,-been a few
in the country for some years, understimd
this, and are 110 W in hot .haste to get out of
the Union, meisely because they perceive
they cannot much longer maintain an appre
liension among the Southern people that their
homes, and firesides, and lives, are to be en
dangered by . the action of the verp
meut. With such ~ now or never' is the =emu);
hence they seek to inflame the public mind by
misrepresenting the objects and purposes of
the Republican. party, with the hope, of pre
cipitating some of the Southern States into
positions from which they ennnot without-dis
honor afterwards recede, well knowing if (hey
. . .. . . .
tlelny till after the new administration is in
augurated and tested, it,wifl fOrnish no Celtic
for their complaints.
Secessmnis en impracticability, or rather an
impossibility. The Coneitution provides no tray
by which a Slate may withdraw from . the Eaton
—no frontal. the dissolution of the Government.
IL creates the general good, interferes but lit-
tle with the individual rights of the citizens,
except foi protection. . It is chiefly. felt in its
benefits and its blessings—not-its exertions.
If every federal officer in South Carolina were
to resign, their offices remain vacant, and its
Legislatuim declare the State out of the Union,
it would all amount to little except to incon
venienoe the citizens of the State. So lone as
the State did not interfere with the collection
of the revenue on the seaboard, the people in
other portions of the Union would not be in
the least ineommodated. - What is the South
Carolina army to do when raised? Whom is
it to fight?—Manifestly, if it minitnences a
war on the United States ()cheers mimed in
collecting the revenues, itliccomes the aggres:
sor.—This would be revolution, and making
war without a cause, for South Carolina makes
no complaint against the present revenue laws.,
Is she prepared for .this—to become the ag
gressor? The only use I can. eee for their
Minutelklen is that they will enable the peo
'pie more readily to suppress any uprisings in
their midst ivliich their .misrepresentations of
purposes •rnay''have encouraged. She com
plains that the:Fugitivo'Slave Law is not ex
ecuted in some of the States: This, if true,
the whole county knows to be a sham. So
far as South Carolink ik concerned, she is so
situated quit no slave can escape from her
limits into free St ates.—llowever much cause
the border slave States may have to complain
of the escape of their negro - es into the free
States, it is clear South Carolina can have no
such complaint. In her resolves she pro.
fosses to ho preparing to defend herself against
•encroachments on her rights. 'Let her adhere
to this polioy and not attempt to dictate to
other States what they shall do, and no colli
sion will occur, for no encroachments Will be
made.—The disunion feeling in the South'is
doubtless greatly exaggerated.. A sort of ter
rorism seems to prevail in sonic places, which
for the time appears to have crushed out any
manifestation of the Union sentiment; but as
the causes for this excitement are all ituagi-
lice of the Union, hero will bq but and seati-
Meta among lho •groat mass of iho people' of
all partieg. abdin,all parts of the country,
and that will bor that "the Union, it'inust and
shall be pro Served ; ." and woo to the', traitors
who aro notrslialed against it.'
The movements, of the Seccssionists in the
South;plthoUgh not seepassionnte aiid-exeiting
ns•at fi`rst, are evidently all tendirig to disu
nion. The repoSe is but that of determiMltion.
Of the members of the:South Carolina L'egi4-
lature, it is said, that every member is a se
cessionist,' and we• Aoubtnot, that the State
Convention, *hick is to,,meet on the 17th,
will be equally unanimous. in that State it
appearti that the many are governed by the
few„and in the present State of feelings, the
man bold' enough to avow his oppUsiiion to
sectission;• would do so at the risk of his' life.
TIM following . extraets, may serve to show the
primt aspect of.alfairs.
Augusto, kov.'2s.—The'speech of Mr. Mein
minger, delivered recently at di reenville,,Soutlu
Carolina,' athised,the secession of the State,_
but said at the same tithe that it was impossi,
ble 'without a war with the general govern•
mint. Ile urged thorough preparations, and
said Unit South Carolina could only be attacked
by crater. Ifntrusted that the citizens in the
nrountains would be
_ready to march for the
protection of Charleston.
Nov. 25.-1'1164 - Louse, on Saturday, resolved
do elect electors next Thursday. A motion
was Made to elect a U. S..Sentiter en oho same
day, but it was lost.
Many members urged the election of U. S.
Senator, and a flare up is probable among the
friends of thy aspirants.
23.✓Cho bill removing the restrictions on the
banks, in case of snapenion of "speciO pay
ments, passed the State Senuto by a vote of
92 to 15.
Augusta, Nov. 25.---Last night. an enthusinstia
meeting was held here, at which Mr. Teuttibs,
Judge Starms and Dr. Miller gpoke. Seces
sion resolutions were also adopted.
Co/um/to; Nov. 25.—Mr. Yancey and oth
mrs udgressed,a secession meeting here last,
Neu' Orleon.t, Noy. 24.—An immense meeting
of citizens, irrespective of party; was held
last evening at Odd,Fellows' Hall.
An association, nailed the Southern Rights
Assocbition of Louisiana, was formed to pro
mote a concert of action among the Southern
States, and organize Minute Men volunteer
companies throughout the State.
.4ol2, JAYS NilC 21 —The members of Con
gress front this . Slate have held a meeting,
and unanimously declared for a southern' Con•
The disunion measures Meet with active
sympathy throughout the State.
NOt% 21 —The money pressure continues un
abated to-day. The
,South Car(hina
discharged one hundred hands.
The Hanks eve suOaining each other, and
will not suspend the tel an
nounces that the New York banks. have Sue-
It is rumored, on good authority, that, .the
Nititary Committee will report to. the Legis
lature a bill appropriating tburhundred thous
and dollars for the purchase of ordnance; also
a bill empowering the Governor to call out the
Slate troops immediately in case coercion is
/a XVI% ;;f.—The-demonstration made here
to day was the greatest ever seen in western
Georgia. till the merchants clod their stores
and joined in the prtcession. klags.and ban
ners were RuMelided on the streets, and 'Milts
ry andSotehern Guard paraded in procession,
and cannot were tired ho a salute to the South
ern confethvacy. Meesrs. Yancey and Rice
spoke in a crowd of five thou
sand people. John, •eochrane, of Alabama.
speaks Ito-night, with Senator Iverson .and
Mr. Crawford. 'Nine-tenths of the people , --
men, women anti children—Mtar the disunion
cockade..ression feeling seems to pro
vade All clatCre.4,
A At'/CY 11TTE
A committee of young men in Boston' of
which James Rolpath, the notorious English
Abolitionist, is the Secretary, recently sent n
letter , to'Gov. Picker, inviting,. hint to partici
pate inn proposal meeting at Tremont Tem
ple, in Boston, is the anniversary ofzihe ex
ecution of John Brown. Gov. Pecker returns
the. invitation, qith.the following reply, writ
ten on the blank leaf of Retipath's letter:—
Pa., Noiember 21, 180.
Sin: In my opinion, the young hien w•boso
names are attached to the foregoing
would better serrel.(lod and their country by
attending to their own business. Brown
was rightfully lunged, and his 0(0 should be
a warning to others having similar proclivities.
Governor of Pennsylvania..
Vale Agrlettleultural Lectures
• The public will be gratified to learn that
the novel experiment of the Yale Agricultu•
ral Lectures of list Winter was so sUccessful
as to induce its repetition this -Winter on a
more complete wale. The course will coei
titmice Feb. and continue through the
ilipth. These lecteres, which are of great
able to the whole country, and. worthy the
attention of evesi cultivator, are given under
the auspices of the Yale Scientific School,
or Sciergific-Departmetit of Yale College, as
a supplenTe7rit to its newly instituted course
of practical collegiate education, and for the
benefit of the public at large. A. new and
important feltturt of this course will be its
complete illustrttion by 'specimens, draw
ings, models anattnitnalsrhife-sized paint.
ings of groups from celebrated herds will be
included in theseillustraiions. The lectures
on training and 'meaning hordes are to bp
accompanied by practical illustratking. •• • Tbe
lecturers of last yeae- will take part in the
course, and other eminent• names,' with -a
variety of now s4jects;'will be added to the
The expenses of the course era provided
'for in part by subscription. The lectures
are under the direction of Prof. John A.
Porter, who may be, liddressed for further
information at Nrw Haven, C1:11111:—.Ameri•
can Agriculturist;
A Now Fashion for Ladles.
We observed, on a visit to alitily frieud,
a bonnet and dresi of Georgia linSey and cot
ton, designed for the daughter of ono Of our
lending secessionists. The dress is made in
fashionable stylo,; a la Gabrielle, and the
bonnet is composed of white and black Georgia
eutton, coveted wish a net work of cotton, the
ded with Palmetto trees and
streamers ornamen'
broidered in gold thread,
lore •forrned of white and
le entire work is detnestle,
ial, and exhibi6 consider
e idea illustrates the pad
, and their earnest. sympa
igouthern movement, while
'Convincing proof of how .
be •of our Northern ag-:
• eve the - w ill' to undertake
the Lone Star, tin
while - the feathers'
black worsted. T.
as well as the nuitO
able ingenuity.
otiani of the ladioo, l
thy with the great
lid execution afford
indotendent wo Ca
-greasers, when we
and the energylo trhieve.—Say. Star
CENSUS OW ‘,./k1114 . i4 issoTA. , — The following is
the eutnndng•up (tithe marshal of the census
of Minnesota; Total population,l7l3,6Bs :
number of Inrms,lo,oos ; number of tnenu
facturing establistinents,, 658; number 'of
deaths, 1,205. Ths iota!, area 'of Minnesota
is estimated at 81,250 square 'so ..that
the pfiptilatinn of Minnesota on theist, ofJuns,
1800, "leas•a t:ver -two persfnis to 'the
Squarer milo. • •
Fresh Troubles in Kansas.
News frinn Kansaii lait : Week, state that
therelod been afresh outbrenkeon the Border,
and that 'Montgomery, with several hundred
men, wall armed and equipped, has organized
for a raid into.Nlissottt:i; A latter ...from Fort
Leavenworth dated the 24th lust. contains the
The latest:information received here from
Fort Scott shims that up to Tuesday night no
demonstration had been made there. is
thought here that the object of Captain Mont
gomery is only to drive off some obnoxious
settlers ; and that he had no intention of me•
testing the Government officers at Fort Scott
.or of invading Missouri. His
has probably beeii largely..reinforced by men
rece,ntly driven frorn , Jlie New York Indian
huffs, and rendered desperate by want...
Gen. Harney and 'Gov Medary,will' arrive
h re to-morrow.
' The force at Fort Leavenworlis ready to
m rch at a moment's warning. `.;
just in frOm Osceola,. stales
rr:r7;Jl 'eons of that section are in a great
I .L . - of excitevjent, apprehending that Capt.
Montgomery, with his band of Jay Ilawkers,
would push on to that place for the purpose,
of taking possession of the Bank t"tere, and its
contents. which could be'casity effected in the
present unarmed condition of the people.
The, news of MontgOmery's movements was
that a portion of his band was atMs Mills, '
only twenly•fivc Thiles from Osceola, rind it
was feared he was about to march on the
latter place. •
A small independent company of Minute
men left 'hero net evening, well armed, for
the scene of' notion.
ST. toms, Sot•. "3.—The different military
companies of this city met of. their' armories
last night, when Gen., Frost gave .theni Gen.
Stewart's final orders, which 'were to proceed
at oneo,to the frontier; .
• Severna. speeches ',rem mode by the officers.
QuUnnumber of recruits enrolled tliem
selves'for the campaign:
•Theßrigtle, about fOO strong, will leave
at Len o'clock td morrow morning extra
train to Syracuse, and -thence proceed,a . cross
the country to the scene of lie disturbances.
'ST. Louts, Saturday. Nov. 25.—Brigadier
General Frost's command has been unaltered
into service of the State by •order of 'the Gov-
They .left on the Pacific railroad .on
an extra train, 700 men fully
. arniell, infantry,
dry and artillery, with tabors for a menth's'
. i rtign., A crowd was present at the depot
evinci•much enthusiasm.
Then all party of Independent Minute Men,
which left here It few days since, have return
ed. They went as far as Boll's mills, and
report that the nearer they advanced towards
Fort Scott the less they heard of
I lea.
. .
, Nov Fork, on. 20 —A special dispatch to
the Times, from Fort Leavenworth, denies all
the stories about the outrages said in have
been perpetrated by Montgomery's men.—
The dispatch also says that tirey have not been
given any of 'the recent contributions of money
and arms from the East...-
Mr; Heat. of South Carolina, is represented
to have.spoken of the Union, inn lute speech
.ii . CO an--" accursed Union," and
reeilmniended that, if South Carolina had to
stand alone, she should Him the pillars of
'the national Temple and involve all the States
inn common ruin.
- 11'eare free to confess that the public ad•
dresses, legislative speeches and Executive
messages of South Carolina, in the present
excited state of public sentiment, have lieen
free trots violence and extravagance. Mr.
Keitt hes the honor of leading off in that vol.
Clinic and explosive style which is all " sound
and fury, signifying nothing." Such speeches
no that of Keitt will injure the cause of South
Carolina more limn all the pins at Fort Mout
fir. overrates tl7ti capcities of South Car
olimin flint she has only to twino
her arms around the pillars of such a !Uric
as the United States Government to bring it
Clown in one common ruin. ,But, prefosperous
as this insane idea is, the statement Which it
etabodies is undoubtedly entertained by the
Rein school of politicians, and is the sante'
" Ride or'lluin " policy which broke up the,
Charleston Convention, destroyed the Demo
cratic party, and now would pull down the grand
temple built by I.Vashington .leffercon, Moult
eon, and a host, of sages awl warmrs such as
the world never saw before, in order that sonic
pigmy politicians, for whom tho country hes
become too great, may perch themselves upon
the fallen. fragments, and look complacently
around upon the general ruin.—Lta/i. American.
viint twit
t Counth 7 1fiaThrz
~., • .
geleaologicql ile;ciWel. fol. 18(30.
.. - -TIllAn10311:TElt.
. ISOO. 7 &eh. 2 Wel:. S o'ek. Pally
,„. •
1 .Hun.
NOV. A. N. P. N. P. N. :;loan.l
22 21 , 34 33 32. 611 1 —.
123 .15 39 115 3; 00 30 60
24 23 :91 111 21 00 I I '—
25 11 24 15 17 !..,; 1
71; 11 311 32
3 3
- 1 -27, 35 43 :17 34 33 I 40
2S 35 , 26 33
11051 A Ill:S.—S.soow noll Polo.
election for Directors Of the. Carlisle De-
posit Bank, for the ensuing year, was held
at the Thinking House, on Monday the
• 9th inst. The following gentletheif were
elected Robert M. Henderson, John D.
Gorgas, Robt. C. Woodward, Col. Henry
,Logan, Colonel James:Woodburn, Hugh
Stuart, James Anderson, Wm. B. Mullin
and Abralmm Bosley. _
I. M. Henderson, Esq., was re-elected
President of the Board; Wm. M. Beetem,
Cashier; J. P. Ressler Assistant Cashier;
James Roney First Teller; Charles A.
Phaler Seceud Teller; John Underwood,
mentioned, two weeks ago, that 'the Chief
burgess bad refuseil to sign the ithirket
, Ordinance, passed recently by the Coun
cil, changing the hour of opening the
Market to 0 o'clock, ring that, at their
instance, a rule had s issued from the Court
of.9utirtcr Sessions, on the Burgess, to
show cause why he refused. The Court
fixed Monday last for a hearing, but on
the Saturday previous, the Burgess \\com
plied with 'the law by signing the Ordi
nance. On Saturday evening, the'Coun
oil hold a special meeting, and changed
the Market hours, from 9 A. M. to 12 M.,
but as no borough: ordinance can go into
effect until after ten days , publication ,
there will be no' change until the Bth of
December. Whether the law will ope
rate favorably or unfavorably on our Mar- ;
kets, we Cannot' say; nor do we know
Whether or not the Council were petition
ed on the subject. But these has been,
for years, cothplainings among many of 1:
our citizens, at the unseasonable hours at
which they we're required to attend Mar- ,
ket, and it was probably to meet these •
complaints, that the Council acted. If it .
should be foUnd,that it obstructs. our
market, or is more inconvenient than the
old system itP is very easy for the Council
• ._1; 1
to rascinCit.-
SUDD 61 DEATH.—DIr. 'Samuel Zeig,
of Fairview, in- the .lower ,end of this
eounty,•WaS• fOund dead in his bed on
Thursday morning-t i e—last week. It is
supposed that he died of apoplexy.
. ,
TUC WEATIIEII,: , -WO have had quite
a variety-of weather within 'the last ten
day's: Snow, rain and sunshine alternate
ly. Saturday aad Sunday were 'bitter
cold days, and Would have done tno dis
credit"to January. Monday and yue§dtfy
. were wet, raw and disagreeable; and - titan,
a sudden change pelt place—Wednesday
dawning upon us.. bright and benutirul,
resembling a day in spring.; However,
"stern Winter" is close at hand,, and all
should be preparedlo ineet its rigor.
Sui•r FOR SLANDER: Among the eases
tried in 'Chun, last week, was one for
.slander; I.irought, by a Mrs. CioirnErc.,-
against a man named GARVER. The
case, exeitcd a good deal of interest, and
the Co'nrt House was crowded during the
trial. It was in prodf that Garver had, at.
different times, made slanderous charges
against the 'cliaraCter of Mrs. Campbell
for chastity, foi 'which she efaimed dam=
gas. Al 4 the charges were not sustained
by-evidence to the jury, Mrs. Campbell
obt•tined a verdict against the defendant
for seventeen hundred dollark• The suit
was ably contested on both Sides, 'by
Messrs. Henderson and Penrose for the
plaintiff, and Messrs. Watts and Pa'rker
fol. the defendant. Defendant's counsel
made a motioh for .•t new 'trial. .
'Pie Harrisburg "Telegraph" of Tuesday
last, says: "It is our melancholy duty to
announce the; death of another old and re
tipeeted citizen Of Harrisburg, Mr: James
Gallaher, who departed this life- yester
day, after a lingering illness, in the-70th
year of his age. The deceased, has isSid
ed *here far many years,..vas a worthy
zen,'a-consistent and zealous Christian,
and highly esteemed by all who knew dim.
Flu was a soldier in the war of 181 Z; and
;Trod his couatry faithfully. Peace t.o
his !"
The deceased was well know to many
of the citizens of Carlisle,: as -lie resided
here for a number of years. •
Tuf; REFoimiTtoti.This year, fin
ishes the third century, since the Refor
matir Scotland; the first General
Assembly having been - called together in
December, 1500. Dr..WING, of tll6 Ist
Presbyterian church, Made it the Shbject
of his discourse, on Sabbath evening last.,
W. llaver
stick has just returned from Philadelphia,
with a very large and elegant assortment
of Fancy Goods, Fruits, Confectionaries,
Perfumery; Gift Books, and the thousand
and one other articles, which go to make
-up the lehoicest and most varied collection
in towihe Those who wish to lay in . their
suppWs for the Holidays, may call at
once, as the goods aro now opening.
The English lbuthernu Church
git is known to most of our readers that the
English Lutheran Congregation -of this place'
have been engaged in enlarging their Church
building during the past summer. This
work has tak s on considerably longer, time.
than was first expected : but it , is no,V corn.
pleted. Tlhe,entire• building has been refit
ted, and is now not only one of the largest,
but likewise one of the mostbelutiful
citurc;ies in the State. .The fresco work,
which is exceedingly rich and tasteful.; was
executed by Mr. G Enact:, of thillimore. The
building 'has been repainted, within and
without; and• furnished with new carpets,
blinds, &c.
Sunday, the 9th of December, lins been
fixed ith the day for re.opening and re•dedi•
eating'onhe building; at which time several
eminent clergyinen from titiroad will be
present • fund preach. There will be three
services during the day. We exprect in our
next issue, to give the' tames of the speakers,
and all the particulars concerning the occa•
to announce that the' Continental. Vocalists,
will give ono of their popular Concerts, at
Itheem's Hall, on Monday evening next, De•
cember ad. They arc now on their return
Mute, from a very successful lour west, and
their programme for the evening, with the
exception oft wo pieties, is entirely new. This
troupe is so well known here, that word•of
commendation from no is necessary; the mere
Announcement of the Concert, will be sufficient
the Hall.
'CHANGE OF HOURS.—Look out for the
new schedule for the care. The afternoon
trains will pass hero.
of Lowndes county, Alabama, we learri from
the Chronicle, met at Ilayneavillo on the 19th,
anti passed the following resolution i
I?csolved, That,wo will not in future col
lect; ar receive for collection, any claim in f -
vor of any merchant or other meditor living
or doing business in any non slaveholding
State, against any citizen of this State . ; and
that we' will use our influence to prevent such
collections,,by others -as far ae we properly
Lieutenant Jeffers, of tho U. S. Navy; and
party has arrived at Aspinwall at,latest dates,
having just cotnpleted the hydrographic survey
of the Gulf of Duloe. Lieutenant Morton, U.
S. Army, Concerning whose safety some ap
prehension was felt, had found his way to.
Gulf Dulce, an,tE had left there to
, join the
Brooklyn at•Doca del Toro. Ile had met with
some hardships, and was ten dayS in getting
from David to Gulf Dulce.
A young lady,.writiug as enthusiastically ns
young ladies generally do, portrays Garibaldi
as a "dear old weather-beaten angel.''
Special = notices.
RENIENI lIER, Strutnous or Scrofulous affec.
Dons ore the curse, the Nic ht, of mankind. They aro
vile and filthy, as well as fatal. They arlsofrom impu
rity and contamination of the bird, and are to be seen
all around us, overyWhere. Thodsands Deily are con
signed to tho grave from the direful effects of this die
ease. But why trill° Any longer, when the remedy Is
at haulDß. LINDSEY'S .11L01. 1 D SEARCHER—the
.only effectual preparation now before the people,. that
floes its work mildly and safely. It does not close the
Issue superficially, while
Foul corruption mining all within,
Infects, um.eun."
But Purges the Entire System of all •Intionre Matter.
Invigeratts the Body' and leaves the Afflicted In the
Enoyment of Coed dealth. To con•inco the okoptlcal
'ot its healthy effects, try but one bottl and be convict
eed. 1.401,1 by all the Druggists in this pure, and dealer
throughout the country. - Nov. 23, 'OO.Vlm..
• Mae. WiNsLow-, an experiancod.mtrso
'and foud° physician, hose soothing Syrup for children
teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teeth•
lug by uoftoulug the gums, ,redneing all' Inanimation,
will allay nil pnin, and insuie tdregulete the bowels—
Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves
And relief aud health to yodr Infants. Perfectly safe
lu ail caws. Bre the advertisement in auethihreoluturb
o.yrAit fill I CATARRH!! CATARRH I 11-What is
It? flow Cured t—Thousands of Persona suffer all sorts
of annoyance from Catarrh. Most people know what Its
Inconvenience and results are, yet but few know how
It ran be cured: It Is shutity a chronic 'irritation. and
often enlargement[of follicles find consequent thicken
ing of the mucus membrane', lining , the natal cavities
frontal sinuses, nod somel hoes extending into the
threat and limp: Front this reettliftlghtnesa and often
vertigo of the head, obstructed .nose, or a profuse flow
of mucus, Inca of (mien, nasal voles, and often Impaired
hearing and taste.
Thu-old school comedies knee !toyer beeW able to do
any thing for It. Nax II !Westinms end inhalation are
as pa Mini and expensive fix they are gemnally worth.
les.:, Yet Humphrey Catarrh 'Specific, a simple Su
gar Pill, taken two or three. times per day, (promptly
cures the milder cases; semen et once all colds in the
head, and radically cores. by persevering use, the }nest
obstinate cases, no Is proved by tim un , crieure of hun
dreds. Price, with full direcliops, Fifty' Cents per box.
.N. lI.—A full sot of hi uombreys' Homeopathic Speci
fics, with Book of Directions. and twenty different
Remedies, in large vials. ;nommen case, $0; ditto in ,
plain ease, $4; otho of fifteen lroxeo, and.Dook,:s2. Sln•
gle boxets,2s cent, nod 60 cents.
These Remedies, by the single box or case, are sent
by mail or express, free of charge, to any address, on re.
callt of the price: • Address
No. 602 Broadway., New York
Sold by C. Inhoff, Carlisle.•
moro sufferers from debility. among Americana, than
ran be found among nny other civilized. nation, ho
renmon is obvious. We take too little exercise, andlor
get the wants of the hody In the absorbing pursuits of
business. In all such cares, ordinary medicines can do
little good. What Is requited icing such- a tonic anti
invigorator as Dr. J..llnstettth has gleep to the won Id,
iii Lis celebrated billTTElizi." The weak and nervous
denizen of the counting house, the exhausted toiler
upon the shophoard, and the - prostrated student of the
midnight letup lion, found n wonde. Cul regenerntrr in
the ••111tters," and prefer it to more pretentious but less
erne:whm medicines. hint It should not be forgotten.
that tho agent which is so magical in Its influence upon
a frame which is merely debilitated, Is equallylposeerful
In assisting nature to expel the most terrible fortos'or
disease. Who would not glee It a trinll •
Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere.
• 44r..500 advertisement ill another column.'
qio CONSUMPTIVES.—The adver
j: tiser. having boon restored to health In a few
w. , oks by a very,idniplo stnedy,•alter having suffered
several years with a 'sevido lung affection, and that
dread disease COOS.UtOptIOII—IN AIIXIOUS to make known
to his fellow may've/I the means of rum
To all who desir6 It, be .will send a copy of the pre•
scrlption used Oren of charge.) with the dlreeilons for
preparing . and using 011SSIIII, Which they 'Will pad a
° sure ('urn him coosompuon, Asthma, Broorhitie, dre."
The only ',bind of the advertiser In SUldllng thh 'Pre
scription it to benefit the,,fflicted:and spread Worm•
ties, which ho esneisres to Lo Invarnable, and Inc hoops
every sufferer thiil try ids remedy, as it will cost thew
dolling. and ninny lonia a blessing. Vilifies wishing
ilia prescription will please address, .
Kings County, Now York
Oet. 6, 18110:,3y
•fyir' COLIG II n' sudden changes or our climate
are anus m,of Pulmonary, lirmlchial, and, Asthmatic
Affections. Esperienee having proved that blinpleretne
dies often'act opardily and certainly when taken in the
early stages of the disen , e• momma,, FllOlll , l at once ho
had to ••Ilrown'o fironeldel Troches," or Lozenges. let
the Cold. C anal', or Irritation of the Throat in over so
Plight, as by this iircrant ion a more serious a: teak may
he warded off.' Publi/ Speakers and Singers will find
them effort.] Sa. clearing and strengthening the voice
,See adrerttoemcut• Nov. ZW,
On Mo. Stb Ink., by tho Rev. John Agnew. Mr'
ABRAM. WILLIAMS of Cumberland Co. to Mien MARY
A. snood daughter of Vol. Henry Ingo" of YOrte,Co. Ph
nn the 221 loot by Hey. .1, Evang, Mr. SAMUEL
lIERTZLER, 01 :Monroe Tap. to 3110 s SUSAN SEITZ, of
West Pounsbore tap.
Onthe ea the day by tho rotoe,Mr. FRANCIS MENT
ZER. to Miss MART DRAWBA UOll, both - of lerank
ferd.t ttp.
On the foinot,fly by the some, Mr: JACOB
to Miss 'SARAH 1100VElt, both of Soo vllle.
Eke 'artarliets.
Reported weekly for the . Herald by
IVoodward dt Schmidt
FLOUR (Superfine).
dn. (Extra.) ..
dn. • ( randly.)..
RED do
OAT:!.. per 32 II)
Or 3) 1b...
SPRING 11.11(1;EV.
Rem ilimerfisentehts
Li l-
The " UNION RILE COMPANY," of Carlisle, Intend
holding Moir annual
in" Itheinti's Doll," commencing MONDAY evening,
December 24th IS6O, anti eloAng Tuesday evening, Jou°,
cry Ist, 1061.
' Your kind co-operation Is earnestly solicited in the
enterprise• Contributions may ho left with coy of tho
Conuoittee..or ttt Itheeto's 11:41I, on . • .
All favors gratorulfy revolved. ' Respectfully,
.1011 W lit3o.a„, CYIII•8 D. A (NULL,,
U. B. Keest.r, ' A. K. ❑ur., NI,
W. 11. SMITH, ll. S. 314,TrAit,
T. 1). IlAmorox, C. I' lioer.r.r
.1. T. 11 tom, O. Det.kNev, .
A.. 1. KtUr,T, . Joo. M.torin Chairman
Nov. 2:1, 1860.-Gt.
• OF.
and FANCY In), Hl', comproing an assortment. of Silk
Velvet, and Farley Bonnets, Cops, Flnworv, Collars,
I I 0.1 lreesus,kr. An Oil t ire! VMI e style of hood Dres
ses. Minos' Sock Ties ' Corsets. Hoop Skirt. Curls,
Broils. and a variety ofFaney artVles. Also the now
end all the lICW stylus.out. 'A beautiful tmortment of
Ores% Silitu VOry iOVe. Olil Iplnnets neatly altered t.)
thu fashionable shape. Clilldi.en'a Plats, n '
nc v stria.
qppoNltn the C. V•, linnlE
Nov. 23, 't;(l.-41 t..
. -
IVlll.giveuneortheir vocal and Instrumental Comvrts at
- 43,131...eezba1s 1-3CE1,11
Monday Evening Dec. 3d,
ntrotluang 0 variety of NEW MUSIC. F.. r portico.'
ors please notice tile Plogranune.
Doors upon at o'clock, Concert to commence at
f,i o'clock
C. 11. CORN WELL, Agent
A n - aw Twn.lforso SPRING IVAGON, for sale Tory
11.11, For particulars enquiro of
:llount Golly Springs.
Nov. SO. 'UO.-G lF
Designers and - Engravers 'ou Wood
CUTP, all kinds of Wood Engr . a
.}' y•A xith be/lot,, corieetticus and dispatch. pd
glue! designs thrtilslivd for Fine Book Illustintions.
Persons wishing cuts, by rending a Photograph or Da
guerreotype. can have views of Colleges, Churches, Store
Fronts, Maohines, Stoves, Patents, &c., engraved as
as on personal application.
Fancy Envelopes Libels, Bill Headings, Show Bulls,
Visiting, Bushies and other Cards, engraved In the
highest style of art, and at the lowest prices.
Dor specimens of lineengraving see the Illustrated
works of J. Lippincott &Co. E. y. Butler & Co.
NOV. 60, 1860.—1 y.
An ostensive Job Printing Mice '
with MI tho
qtfressary PremOes and typo for &log ail kinds of Job
Printing from tho kinallent Label, to tho largest Poster.
The oillcola oho well supplied with Nowspaper typo
of all kinds. Price low. Addross llos 151 Lancaster
Post 0111 co. Nov. 30.-It.
)LE'r.EINIS of Adminii3tration on the
Estate of Elias Shonk late or nsou Township
deroa'sed, have been Issued by th tor of Cumber.
land County, to the subscriber yes ding in, the mum
township. All persons having claims will present thorn
for settlement, and those Indebted will make payment
Carlisim N0v.1.11, 'dd.
A , .
I. The Board of Auditors of the Flat Brigedo 15th
vision, Nellbumot In Carhslo of tho Wilco of Col Wm.
M. Penroso, on 'rhombi) , the nth of December et 1 o'.. ,
clock P. M. for the Durposu of sot tli tut all claims spinet
the 116..pt1e. JAMES M. ALLEN, ,
Nov. :10, 'CAL , ' Brig. lion. Com. lot Brhc...
Inre partnership heretofore existing be-.
tweett Henry lllckernell and Anthony Fuhrman
he tanning hualneas under the firm of Ilia:ernell A
Fut man was dlstolced by mutual consent ou kleptom•
ber , 1660. The Itooke and Accounts are felt In the
band if Henry Hlckeruull by whom all aettlements are
to be ili dr. , HENRY lIICKENNELL,
100 ).)Olti.cTiNothl).S4.4oAo4ltPEl6.4lC
Nldlbs ('t
tat cul raw, Nowt Manufncturing Co. Selling very
cheap. ' , LNIDIC)Ii; 6AWYER d MILLEE.
kinds with a huge/assortment or -
nurT OItAINS, ' , ' , lIALTEIt CHAINS,. '
COW CHAINS, ' SPREAD de., Ac., .
Just revolved at the Chenp Hardware Stets' of _
' March 7, 'Mk . - , HENRY /SAXTON.
$4 12
"6 00
,6 00
1 05