Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 09, 1860, Image 4
13 IT 4„ ry ,rupor '' ,, e jle.," 9 ° L t .l 4 l.ii '; ' l4: . 1 : 1I 14 i° r and • • . SPltli4G , * SLIMMER CLOTIIING, , ,:„ . Crinslstlatiarceinithotif,lnnmor auk Italian , cloth, Ali Wek Mirg4llo/0.111t101Y:110 ' Cottonsdn. Cnats, Pants , Retlh..voite: end In short ovory • thing hi tho,vray . i1,C14111F.4.NT:1...: Ws stock of 'OtiV24OII.EIY:S'',FTRNISIff:NViIrOODS, • has beetii sleeted with o Oronikcii Ofnainn• and shirts, - , - orititts, An, fie., innholleitAintuluol low prices. • The sabscrll;or would call special attention to hls. ,ttrgo stock of , HATS AND .CA PS IrhiCh he hits received and Is POilll!g them nt very loo; ligurikli. • Of tho obey . ° yini ran... Convince 'yournelf by calling at theginnip Clothing Store nenr the •Market Hours ASHER WIEL. April 11, Ouviiat PLATED . WARE .13, 17 • HARVEY YILLEY ' P10.1:22 Market Street PHILADELPHIA, ,Altinufkieturer Arlo 'NICKEL SILVER, and STINT": PLATER Of ,' ' FORKS,. BPO 'NS, LAMBS, literl'Elt KNIVES, CASTORS, TEA SETS. URNS, KETTLES `,WAITERS, lIIITtEIt, nrstu:s, ICE CANE lIASISETS. COM3IUNION WARE, CUPS, 111U0S, 0011 LETS. ke., • • With a general assortment comprising none but the beet quality. made of the beat materials and heavily plated, constituting Mont a Serviceable and durable Far 110 TELS, STRAMUOATS And PRIVATE FAMILIES 01-01 d Ware re-platod In tbe . best manner Feb. 22, 1860-rl y. . W. C. RHEEIM ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT. Minneapolis, Minnesota. • • 11.,71LT. give Rpeelal._attentlon to italleetions through 17 out the Fitato, make Investments, buy and tell Real Eptato and securitlep. 'geol.].Re loans, pay taxer locate land warrants, Ac., Ac. Refer to the 'members o the Cumberland County liar, and to nil prominent tit!. .eons of Carliole,"Po. fAug4'sB-Iy. 3. GOODYEAR BAR OfON HAVING entered into co-partnership the manufacturing of BAR' IRON, at Le tort Forge, CarHSI% , Pa, wo would respectfully invite nib siltention'of Hardware merchants, Bliteksmiths.and all &hors who may want a sUperlor article of Iron to give them n rail. „ . , All klndx of hommered boo sonstantly .on Land &Air o to order oft short notice. . . ' The highest price paid for wrought iron ,scrape, or t Pen In exchange for bar Iron Parlfsje, Oct. 12, 1859 riIHE MUTUAL LIFE INSUR _I ,rf ANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORKI • • Axsetit: - M ILL - 10:8 OF - DOLLARS, 11.11741110.1111A5T NORIOMIES Ofi REAL EI9tARS, WORTH OVER $13,000,000. 2'ht premfunin are towre then In nanny othor Comp& nice, and the Dividends hero boon OREVER. . , SPhle lea Aridly MtratAt Oompeny. There are no Stockholder/4. so Peet ALI4-TIIE PROFITS , , BELONG TO TllO INSURED. ratoriblets. end ovary information, may he had oast I. on application to WM. D. HALBERT, Carlisle. ' PITILADEI•PILIA It ENIMtENCES : • Thomas Bobbins, • ' John Wl , lsh. ' • Mordecai L. Rawson, . (home 11. Stuark '.. George M. Stroud, B. S. Whelan, John 11. Myen,, J. Fisher. Learning, Joseph Patterson, • William C. Lwlwlg, John M. Atwood. ' Arthur O. Coflln,4. 7' hnmni IL Vowel* _ Rump W. Fillmnil, William McKee, - Thos. Wattson, F. RATCIIFORD STARR, Agent. . -S. W: Cornei Fourth and Walnut Streyt s, May 1.8.'00-om. ' • ' PIIILAVA. PHILADELPIIIA WATCH' .4.14F1 arquelmnv STORE 0. CONRAD; FORBIRR OCCUPANT J. 148 NORTH SECONQ 4 STRE7'T, `CORNER OF QUARRY STREET: • • The undersigned has leased the above prenilmes• where he will keep a large assortment of field k Silver Watcbes,'bf American. English and Swiss Menu lecture of the moat celebrated inshore, in addition to which, will be found always on hand (and made to order) an extensive variety of Jewelry. silver. and Hives , Plated ware-, together with a general assortment of such geode as aro usually kept in a first data Jewelry Store The patrons of 0. Conrad, and those of the subscriber tazother with tho public generally, Are invited to ,all. There they will receive a good article fur their, money. As 1 am detoriabled to do strictly a cash business goods will be sold very low. "SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK 111.16B8,," is the Motto of this establishment. LEWIS R. 11110031 A Formerly 0. CONRAD, No. 14R Nortb,Second St. corner °Nun: ry Phil .3tme 6, _ • • 767 4 it.:1SCCLIMEirr, G IIINTLEM EN'S FURNISHING STOItR AND SHIRT MANUFACTORT, No. 814, Clieetnut Street, draw &vent below the ."Oontlnent!ll . lb . ttel" . e . n:l nearly opptalte the "elirard Homo" Philadelphia. • large assortment of Dressing Robes conntantly on band; .Partleuler attention given to ordered shirts—a' ',erred fit guaranteed. Whnlento trade supplied with fine shirl and collars da liberal terms. Inrertiuns for.mensuromont sent nn appllcatinn by July 6, 1860.-Iy. pIIIL'ADELP - lIIA AND HEADING n,A I L It•OAD 11113131N1( ARHANOEMENT, On and after MAY.2.B,_ 180. Two paesonger /rains loavo. llarrlshum daily, (Sun• lope eseepted,) at 8.00 A. 31 , and 1.15 V; 11.. ror arriving there at 1:25 noon and 6.15 P. 31. Returning, leavo Philadelphia at 8.00 A. 31., and 030 P. H., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.40 noon and 8.30 l' Monne: To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cara. $3.26; No. 2 (11 Wine train,) $2.70. • Fares to !loading. $1.50 and $1.30. • A g Rending. connect with traltinfor'Pottiwille, Mitiers• villa, Tamaqua, Catawissa, Font trains leave Heading for Philadelphia doily, at • A. 31 , 10.45 A. 31.02.30 noon and 3.43 P. 31. ' Leave Philadelphia for Heading at 8.00 A. 31., 1.00 P. 21., 3.70 I`. IL, and 5.00 Tares fronriloading to Philadelphia, sl,7s,and $145. The m orning train from Harrisburg connects at !leading with up train for Willingham, Plttskin and 13kranton. Par through tickets and otherlhiorrnation apply to ' J.. 1. CLYDE, General Agent. Aug 3,'CID. PURIFY .TIIE BLOOD MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS, MEE PHOENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which th'ese preumi• neat Medicineahave acquired for their invariable ctn. easy in all the Mamma which. they profess to cure, has Condoned the usual practtre Of puffing not only unneces sary, butun worthy of them. They are known by their fruits: their good works testify for them, and they thrive not by the faith of' The credulous.' • v In all came of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rheum- Um. Affection's of the Bladder and Kidneys. • Billions Fevers an'd Liver Complaints,—in theFouth and Wept where thoscr - diseases prevail, the, will be found Invaluable. Planters, farm re and others, who p once inuothese mediclues, s will never afterwards bo with out them. Billions Cholla andSmuus Looseness, Biles, Costive. nese Colds and Coughs, Cholic. CONSUMPTION—Used with great sucAle in this di. steaso.- , ' Corrupt Humors, Drape's% Dyspepsia.—Nn, person uith this dietressing disease should delay lining these medicines immediately. " • IlioaPtions of the Akin, Erysipelas, Flatulency and Fe. soy and Ague.—For this scourge of the IV estern country them medicines will be 'build a ssfo, speedy and certain remedy, Other medicines lcavo the system subject to return of the disease—a cure by these medicines la I permanent. Try them. be antiefied, and be cured FOULNESS OF.QOAIPLEXION, OENER AL DEBILITY. • Boni, Giddiness!, Gravel, •Ileadaches of every kind, .Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impure . Blood, Jaundice, Lam of Appetite. , , • LIIBiI, COMPLAINTS, , LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, ' - ' • Al EIRCURIAIi DISEASES Nelfet MI. to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mer. ttdry, infinitely 6001210 r than the most pea erful prepare. Hon of Sarsaparilla. Night Sweets, Nervous Debility. Nervous Complaints gall kinds, Organic Affections, Palpitation of the Heart italtiters' Cboile. '' ODEC! , , •. , • The Mains! proprietor of these medlelnen was cure d of Plies of 35 years standlug by the use of these... Liver lifedielnes alone. pane in the heady elde, jet ute and on, RUM:NV ATISM Thaw atilt:told with thle terrible disease will be cure IP relief by the bile bledlclnce • • • • Iltish Of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, falt•ltheutn. dottOruzak;'oi lo Its worst 'forms . . • •tera oroyery description. irering of all kinds aro elfeetually expelled by Ulm dialbilellapb -Parente will do well tr. administer. .t.lrem mattepreribelr.ealaieueo ie ouapneted. lluliot • AND PUOINIX BITTERS .. • • PURIFY THE BLOOD, AieVl Ilautiemove all Mamas from .14to syetegi. PR. NviLisek • • No: 836 Brasdway. (Moffatlldlog) N. Y, July all Druggist; c,I•.MISTAKt..---All perso - ns in limit T.t .ors 'bottle of Intieblil itnixl4 ed and Pura brandy, or ,O Rye Whiskey, : or Ole. 4 Wines': &e.. 'dm gel the. 1101 kthile it ttloprocery orthe eubseriber Wu. . . • ceuitele,Jan.lB, leaf). '... ' '' ' ' .'" $ ; ' ' , ~UBNJ The hi Add bea6 wailetrotOeint's Furnish +3.r • , 1 snorer Street. t)lt'AilALß , A ,, Aogrood ViidooddLhand Nano apt iitAbiltisiad Vgisa. , ItVING:,...F . .FN ALE ‘', OOLDI • v.••:,-,, , ,- , ‘ ,”„,,- - „„;.,..,:;•,;;: -. ..-.::, - :.:, - /, - .„ . .. rr.."•22,. , ..: - .•• , ' , ap,41,,,,- ; ;•,:,,,,,,, ; .:17.,, -- k-:....,, -- Aftv , if- ' ' ...., ,mEctusio.4oUßCl,'L'Al ' - .',) --- 1'.1 4 ' '. .. ,, r,‘' ' :' , T., .WV ijf,',. ~;1, r 4 -'' ; ...r This Ituitltiitien, flerd6eff 'fee the liberaf 'edniedllid... , :' , ". ' 'Nit 'B4, '' ,2:0414,,P"'„,,,.. ')', l ; ' .: , ,4, ... ,11, i ~,, . .41 . 111, %r ODS, or Younic.lgtitins, halt beeti:ldoperathiii,two years *O6; ,', 1,,, N,' , ';;',': , ::4 - ,7',.:t*.1.;') q: ; ;.' , 1 . : - 4.‘r4'...; , ,P4;! ' ''; ; 11 ' ' ,„„i': the moat gratifying results: lt, la, now lAtttpii.ii,4o' ';, 9 iiiiii4itiiiii,vtip- 5 44 ia: r i,j,iii;:fdil v o „frit . ,1' ~ E n e l i tm ni tt s ti t z 4 i t s, ,,, ml itrpotronage already extends sttytk fibial." o4 - 60+igi ._,.. A_ fon p4 9 .lfetafitextded Whim', the '.,tipidOrkhofflultrisill,liiktplitooo,l4o6lo• that .hp' '• '..'. It is located On the Cdmi..arland Tnileiffeltrieid mlit tray between Harrisburg and Carlisle. In the most fen; ~t,i„ 9.4 ,14 •PA?-kr41P4.9.1' , 4 " i•i1u.4 1, . ~..1 , t,f9P0.0.!,°M!,9,..\ V• , t tile and beautiful portion of the volley, aud la in clime. ',:,;:':-: j:!.,:. - ;:.' ,;',:,: ;: e-''' - ' - ': i i '''''' , ZT,A(' -.;;,),.."., .. proximity' to, ono of the. most Labrill, healthy, and em++,, , ~94'iy, „ : „ 9, " •,,, ,p 1 vtl ' , PC + , f ~..,.';'. ' ' terptisfug tetras in the "State. '" . • ~. - , , '+`+'.9l.'S '+9 it 'A.,'" 4 N- s ,+-- ...r''.l" , J.-•- . "'''''•• ' I ' It la control, and 'easy of +Wenn. Students leaving, I: 3 ilothe Ataid•roottl,'•oti tnttietOnitibee,Ooiner oft o v -r- Washington, ffelthnore, or Philadelphia in the Inf.kningr, ': u l!elltiliiiSiWitelObtittublituret)ttyltatb, to, C.II and I. - train for lieri•itillorg, will arrive et Alechenicsburglin Atitifidne n ,, titneleof- gentle whieli,' in' elegance; variety. tam fear dinner. • • , . . , + • . end extent. will defy competition; comprising In part ' " Tho'o,llll,444largn and commodions, surrounded big imif, Ittmlb+.ortnilted'aud , brown' sugars, ' ~., ~„..• &O le veraluitsgefid'ulli accommodatuabout minium+, Jaen, Ills and: roosted Coffee • Every vu. .4"....... '• drill boarders. In Its' construction, It eombinexell-the rlety and quality of TEA." Spices, (ground 11 i , T ' modern improvements for the promotion of health , -and unground,) lickele.flnticos;,Table OM r I ..t . . . comfort and convenience. in these respects physicians Now Orleans, Sugarhoure , and Trinidad ~ , • 'pronounce it nun vaned. ' The °heathers ant large and , Molasses; Ne w York and Philadelphia Syr. • • • ' neatly furnished. Eaolt has Its register for heat and ulw. - Oboes°, Alaearoni,,yermeeilli. Split, 1 . 4114. Midi:U.; •oiti tllntiOn Only two studs me occupy the ammo room. Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farlutt.:C;hocolate, Extrilvt tt," The bath A roonur ore at ill Woos supplied Wlth warm and: Coffee, refined sugar at reduced rategewnshing and balb , cold water. , . ' c , , tag soda. Tobacco of the moat favorite bra oda, and the • The grounds are ample. and well arranged for recre; finest qualify of-Segars. • Also,. beautiful - aSsprtutent allot+, and the various .callethonio ozonises -so men. ,of,Critanufti Ware,•plain and g'.,ld band Chloe Ware; tialito7lioaliti, grateful movarnent and symmetry 01 - Olin, queens, Stone and Earthern Ware, • lirgreat - va-- ' Ii . The Faculty of instruction is efitclent and expert, enced. • - In the Collegiate Dspartmont the °Durso' of stulfYfs, . of a high. aradu, comprehending ail thn subjects belong., lug to a Ciaskical. I'M Ito and Christian Education. in the Preparatory Department pupils will ho card. fully instructed In those branches forming the basis of. a thorinigh English education. • • from .the fat Wednoiday Soptembor to the ;10th Of January; SecOnd &salon, from the lot Fobruary to the ISt of Vacation,.duringJuly and August. TERMS PElt SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ' Boarding. %Cashing, FurnEhed Roams. F nod Light. . . . . . . . Tultion—Colleklate Department. Preparatory ,' " First Class, • No extra chnige for Am',lent Languages. Music—Plano and Guitar. . . Weal .t sic. . . . . . • • . . • Modern f.anklumes, . . . . . . . 10 01, Draw,lng and other . Ornamental Branches at the usual int.. • Text.books furnished 'deity prlcess For further particulars address, ' Bev. A. (1 SIARLATT, A. - 11, , Presldenl. = Aug. 3. 1860 CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. R.-- ,. .§I6I.II"ER AERAGE.IIEIO. ' ' ' .......2i..._7_ , tr..: • 241-4 ' CHANGE OF HOURS! .. • J. 000bYEAR & CO. On and after 'MONDAY, APIIII 11a111860, Paksenge Trains will run as follows: (Sundays oxeapted :) FOIL CIIANIDLS.DURG AND Ist Train. ' 2d. Train Leave Trageritown, 0.45 A. M. .. i . Ureancastle. . 7 - .35 . " Chainbersburg, 8.30 i' 1.00 I'. fl ii Shippensburg, 0.00 " 1.32 •'' " NewvLilo, 9.32 . • 2.04 -- . Carlisle. ' • 10.10 ,' " ' 2.44 Mechanicsburg, 10.42 " 3.10 Arrive at Itarrlaburg, . 11.12 " 345 " FOIL CllAlAllill/MUM:I AND lIAGERSHOW 51. ' Ist Train LVatil Harrisburg 8.05 A. 51 Moeleinienburg 8.47 Carlisle, ' 9.27 10.02 Shippousburg, 1110.34 " " (lbullibie.(Arrive) 11.00 Grenitenstle. Arrive nt llngerStoon„ • SO - Viinlfllollll will observe. that there In but On. Train n dav, l'.."nger end Freight Train.combite over the Franklin Road. connecting with train to liar risburg at 880 A. 51., ant: with the Train arriving frau Harrisburg at 5.00 P. 51. TilltlN Daily Trains leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg nt 2.43, A. 31..12,50 and 405. P. 31., making direct eon nertions with trains for Clurinnnti, Louisville, Clear land. Chicngro, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and nil principal points throwThout the 13'rkt. ' For Philadelphia, via Pennsviinnin Cofitral .flailroad At 1.20 arid 0.05 A. Si., and 12 55 anal 3.53 P. 51. Vin heltnnon V. It: It., nt 8.00 A, 31./ and 2:35; P.. 51. For Baltimore. of 3.21 & 7.20 A. M.. 03.1'. 31. For revert,,,. and Williamsport at 1.27 and, P. 01. Trains on Dauphin Rand at 2310, P 31.. C\ NOTICE, TO SS ENO lERS : At all Stntionn wher Tickets are sohi, six: Chanthersburg, Shippenvistrir en-lisle. Merlin-Oft , .urn ,And Harrisburg. a redurtion.el TEN CENTS OreCII, 1 Ticket will.lie ins& to all Sassen• gern that provide. themseyes with Tickets benire en tering the Cars. I ' • O. N. LULL Sup. Railroad (Wee. iThombersburg,}. - , April, TO, A.. 13. PNCSING'S I[llol TUNE WAR,E7ROOMS - •-41-1; dot _ 1669 Its 4 • _ - -1 West High Streeti Carlisle, Pa (,Premium awarded at de Cumberi:mci County The subscriber hits just received the most splendid assortinont of articles-In Into lino, ever brought to this plifre—which I o Is determined t.t! sell at prices that du" ty competition. Par 10, ' C Is a in be r, Dant ssEp-i•oom, PURNIT I(ltplxen and Mika • Embracing . every artlyle used byltuuso..aa Hotel keepers, of the most approved mIE/fashionable. design sad finish. - intludlng slop - t ottage furniturd in setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Alattrasses, triunes, pictures, he., he. Purchasers aro requested to call and examine Ids stock, nt hla extensive were rooms, West Main street. North side. - A. B. EWING. Particular attention given as usual to funerals: orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. A. B. E Carlisle, May 12, 1858.—1 y. FALL AIthIVAL OF Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Fruit, and Confectionary. 8. W. lIAVERSTICK has just received from the rity and Is now opening a splendid display Of FANCY GOODS. tp which be kbliires to Call the attention of Ithi frlonds and the public. Ills assortment in this Wm cannot be surpassed In novelty and elegance, and both In qualtty, and price of the articlyp, cannot fall tOpleasopurchasora. It would be eithinerato his • which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the mos exqublitg finish such Os. a' Papier Macho (bode, ': Elliegwnt alabaster and poreelainlnk.stfinds and trays, Fancy !very, pearl and shell card eases, Ladles' Fancy Baskets, Fancy , Work Boxes, with sowing Instruments, Ladies' Calms, WrhAng Desks. and l'ort folios. Port Mommies, of ovary variety, (Mid puns and pencils, Fancy paper weights; and a large minty of ladies' Fancy etatiet cry. • • , blotto seals and wafers, Silk end bend purses; Riding whips, elegantly finished. Flue cutlery, • , Perfume baskets and bags, Ilinshes of every kind for the X. Harlin and it.r& 0. Wright'n Soaps and Porfumes of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls,. Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all prices together with an innumerable variety of articles elegnn t ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to. which he invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant, collection - of ; • comprising thb NM4ons 'English and American Works, richly embellshod PORTIOAL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Rooks, eleMintly bound Ift velvet With metal chaps and corners, suitable for SOliday'glite. Ins assortment of School Books and Schlmf Stationery is also complete, and comprises everything used In the Schools. lie also desires to call the, particular atlas. Hon of Families to his elegant assortment of , • , LA M P.EI Au, • • "frourthe extensive estoblishtuents of Cornellus,•Archer and others of Philadelphia,. commixing every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm of K,hortal ell; she , DY011"8 celebrated Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together with Plower Vance Fancy Screens, ke. 'llls assortment In this tine Is un °gaoled in the borough. Also. SKGAILS AND TOBACCO , embracing all the cyrorite brands, and a fine nemott moot of MEERSOUAUM SMOKERURND P/PES. FRUITS, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs , !Misfile. Necf arines, Prunes, Re.. FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PILE. SERVED FRUITS, MIN 'ED-MEAT,- PICKLES,' Sc.. In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure end Dash such as can lip confidently rcennurppfial to his friends. Ills stock embraces everything int the line of. Vane" (bolds, with many ether articles useful to bus °keepers which the public are especially invited • to call and examine. I. • . „ Iternomber the Old Stand, nearly opposite, the Rank on North.llautrier greet. • - Dec. 7. ISO. . . a' F.LZSLE , :1111IILLSL Tho sulfgaribenwould hiforin , the citi 'sone of Carlisle and inrrounding 'country lhnt ho hal taken the mill known nn Cerilele Milk and le pre pared to furolished In Inge or entail quantities, .FLOVIi, t ea r ,F,F, E. D. Onetnnteii°rerk.dono en shor,notien.* ' I airway; pay the highest elude price for ' , ,• .": ", • •..: A. WAGGONtit. Carllnlo r Aug. ad I.BIIOL-ti rtio. • . • • • VINE. MATCH , ~R IiIPAI .3.11 '.• Y.d. , ARItAI4IR.' • at Um Now4prelt9 Etore ota.tintwi„. . - Mato'. street, near the. .eubllc jam. • • EquaroOs propsred to olean and ...... - ropalr..tho, Flould Woteboi, and to giro outfro .. • r .; EstlArgotioll Also lino Montle. ; , _ jD Cloolut grail Xtudo, - Blualegil nox. , . Aekordlont., Ao. put in co ' - • alder, And marranted, • J Rh, • • d*rl4}l.4iitli.4loo4:;iy.• ~„ ~;:,. • . rtu °limb% _ ERE Agriculture'? Fair of 185 L) A` . .,INCY (loops: B. W. UAW:MICK peffuthery for the MI et., ~ ~ . ; , . , ' NRUlTlli.lncludlng Peaches; ln cans, liaising, Grei. , ~.. . .. Immo+, dry, apples, citron, almonds; mangos, lemons, LIQUORS:* Wholesale and' retail, ( ( I 1.74; f 4 ryb,r7lemitCdcholsm. common n k a a n n d d o,l p d ale t N l st i , s n i =-- . '''.. 11l •Sherry Port. Mdderla, qi. ger, mitosi, ' —7— •.\ I' liml Muse - at - Wilma in casks and bol• ties, mutcu 01 hlskey, flatland Gin, and Bcheldans Schnapps.' ' A largo - SIVA nt.LAM PA, lnaudlng Dyntt's colehrstot lamps for burning NOIOSINIP pr coal nil, also Sporn' Pine, Lam and Coal OH; Burning fluid, liporm an star CanAlos CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. truehes, Ropes, 41.T0m" Amps, Dnonmats, .Vi'nHers Poe letter and note paper, IVlliow Vitro, pain toil .bueliete, &o. $6O 00 20 00 10 00 12 00 Cotton and W 00114313 Ilnse, and half llngo, and a n Gloves, Including thd well. known Hanoi , Buck Gloves. . • In short. hio stock comprises everything. that !smiled for in his line of Liminess, and no eines will ho spared to render entire satisfaction to his customers. C. INIIOFF: encircle. Ocl. 27, 1868-Iy, Marketlni; of all kinds taken In exchange fr gnoda. .0" • • . 011411LIOAr - F AMILY GROCEI Y AND TEA ,ST01111; Just received and In store, a fresh and well' se-- laded assortinent of Elm Java and flora. • ciao. Coffee, Boasted Coffee, Crushed • Yulvefleed Sugars. Refined •and other brown Sugars, superior , • Syrup Molasses, (Means (baking) Molasses. Spices of ,twory variety— pure only; Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Maccaroni, Cheese .and Crackers,- Tapioca and Satot. Indigo, -,Saleratos and Soda, Creani Tartar and an. sorted Pickles, Mustard and Corlider. Seed. TEAS,-4 fine assortment In Packages -.C.2-7 and Ir as all other arti I ,and into '" gtoli" reduced• I p ,l r l i tr£l-611 at the lot 2d Irwin 2.16 P M 2.52 3.30 4.04 4.33 6.10 000 6.40 " \V sAnT.vcalllTlL;Tjeßol‘,,,l, 3 , l 4".Yhicata . AbliNFll l 2l Stood. Wept Muth St., nulrly opposite the Cumberland Volley hank. I have just yecelved a now assortment of watches, . . • . °we'll , . medallions silver ware, ° &c.: in addition to my ormor stock to which 1 Invite the .pttontlon of the public, Thoassortaent embraces fine'gold and silver lever watches. Hunting open rasa do.; gold An chors for Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Lepine's and Quartior watches of eveiy. 'variety in style and price. ^ • Also fine goldjlednillons4lienst.pins for Ladles nod Gentlemen of every quality. pattern and prier. Gold Gob, vest. curleand neck chains. Gold bracelets. finger rings, culT.pins, Muds, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms. k0.,44.c. Gold and sliver tbinibles, silver nod plated butter knives; ierks. table . , ten: salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver and cornmon spectacle!, to. suit all ages to which we Invite special utter. • A One lot of COLD PENS from the best makers pertaids rases, fancy boxes. silver and pea rtcald eases. gold and'enininon bracelets, match chains, Hn ni le Clarke and a variety of article', Iron-- • ally kept In Jewelry estelilishtnents, I will sell low for cash. All articles war !anted to be what they, are represented. Particular attention paid as usual in WATCH REPAIRING and all work war ranted. = 1 4 1 1tESII GROCEItIESI AT`t. , . C. IIUYETT'S tilted and Mackerel of different grades, Salmon, Scalo Fiala nod 'White Flab, At 'WYE:TT% • Codfish, Salt and Pickled finning, • At lItIYETT'S. 1859 Chccao and Crackers can ho had Dried Fruit, Preserves and Jellies, Sugar Cured Seer and llama, A flesh supply of LIQUORS, 01le, 'White Lead, &c., 1860 HARDWA I‘ I . IIa I H A D - I'. Lynn & Son have just C'ompleted opening their Sothis Stork • f Ilardware.-Paints, Oils tarnishes, Mums &r. to it bleb they Invite the early atttentimt of the piddle. lye have greatly enlarged our stork in all Its various branchem,and cau now accommodate the pule lie with RELIABLE GOODS. • in large or WISH t Illes:at the lowest prirue. But we do not gird the public to understand that we have brought aitthe 1. pods in Philadelphia and New York to our town, but we con assure them that one look Into our store will convince them that we have enough to supply the denta4d In this market. Persons wanting goods in our lino will find it to their advanhge In give us a call before making their purchases—All orders personally and punetuallyittnuded to, and no mist . ° presentations made to effect sales JOHN P. LYNN & SON. North Hanover St.-Carlisle Mey ",'OO 1131 BENIING !• . • 1 Jut recAlred a Inme apanrtment Of MI Oxen num llelthur, O not lbw. num Parking, &c., nub ft sale cheap at the Hardware :itore of June 22, 1860. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO .NEW IORK! . 4 .1 ' Of 1, 1.-"i. , - . 7:1 1 ,TA: 1 :e,fi , :•• e I SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AN) r. ci IN 'IIM • BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES. NEW .YORE AND ME4striells73laur^ VIA READING, ' ALLENTOWN 4 14/13 . EAST° N 11011111NG ,11X.1111.`68, West: loaves Now 1:ork a411,A. 31. 4 orrlv!ng at Ilfirr'Aw l ; at 12.45 noon, only boom between the two cities. - - . MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and at , - rives aL Ilarrlshurg at 8.50 P..M. MORNING MAIL LINE East. loaves Harrisburg aL' 8.00 A.M.. arriving at New York at 4 LIU P. 51: AFTER N0',14 EXPRESS LINE, East; leaves Harris; burg at 136 P M. arriving at New York at 000 1' 31. Convections are made at Harrisburg at I.ool'. 61,with the Passenger Trains in each dlrertion on the Pennsyl vania. Cumberland , Valley and Northern Central Ball. read. All trains connect at Reading with tralnii for Peltn villa and Philadelphia, and at Allentown fur Mauch Chunk, Easton. Ac. • No clump., of Pomander Cars or Baggage between,No Yroleaed ilarrishtinc, by tho 6.00 A. 01. Lim; from Ne 'York or the 1.15 P. 01. from ilartioluro. Fur ben otv 4( scenery. and Immo, comfort nod accrue modatiou. thin route prom:Ala superior inducements t the treCulling nubile. Faro between Now York and liorrieburd FIVE DOL. LARS, For tickets and other information apply to CI,V DE, Goner:11;110,ot, "Ilarrieburg. _ _ . A ,TTENTION- ' FARMERS AND • BUILDERS.' . Thethderelg.ned le the solo ngent for thn celebrated MIAMI BOTTOM ROOFING 13LATIL and will keep a nupply•constantly on hand. Thin slide ran he furnished cheaper than nhinglen, , and niche' durable than any other material,' It can he procured, by calling on the subscriber at his' residence on .1-lantl street. - • JACOlkBilltoM.' tik- N. 11..81at e will ba furninbedlo• persons tu adja cent counties at Oa shortens notice..' • • , • , . Carlini° .lone 1000.•0 anon „ 'L-7 ellecsO;CoffSes. Sugars, NOliltiSeA. WAS, Idecraronl, Dried. Fruit, TOIIOIItDON, it, cans, 11.1ne'A pith,: Corn ',Wel l and NA: Far 'dines. Anchovies, olives fdli'ltroom.' 'strit and maw lintsup. Job wllull,Thinlon Club. Vorcesteistdre, India Sdy, Harvey's and Heading Semi, Pick ot. at, kinds,pl,llll and fanny. Nueter,l9 plain Aint mixed, best qualityyobaCco&"Selatrei.l4. arlaslngers pure, , 1114.7 . 01115KE.1 * „. . • Brandies,' Wines, end °lnn, ke.. griat vtii . lefi 0 * . goodn'iroVenunteratedlobe iteld.eit the' lowest, p‘pli PRICES. Country produce token In exclumge:', loy,10;l60,-ore. VV:II..IOMTZ, • ."•., JI , W,W T.: A • • BIIA W. 1 3, would - ,rUtipotful)f; 7', w friends, petripia notttheimblientterell.V. that we hayane , jit'stwo and idfortAVhelenale at the lowest Cash - Prices, it large apirvery choke ,ftQak of Wetches..,Jevyoiri.,§).lyer and I;lated it pre ef'ev ery tety acid style. Every description of Diamond Work and other Jewel. made to ordernkehmt,notleo.,: qty All kitnan, 'narrating! khe no,ieviefenced:4o6 li ParticularattentlinisilYinlici the ripqr,lNForlVltteli.' es and Jewelry of everirdelacrfption. • &Pt, /3, frrA uveßn .s* n'AR mot," NA. 02211arketlit,liamth sida.l k • 'ttlo.l , i FISH AND SALT MEM It At lIUYETTS I= =I At IIUYI:TT'S At illl ETT'A At TIUNT.Tr'S IZEIMEI fever Mid a ue,Lpnused.lly, malaria, dysentery; •andlgeaticin„ ;appetitmand all 'disetulei derangcments.of the . stomach," ,ii ip'eranottated,irtypilitts, persona affattlealtary aeettrattioni.andintraing their own. physical welfare by.,,gltditgrift4ios ' 'tatter's Clelebrati•dtatinchillterif.t HMI.„ ,SASTIQN,,—)IItit caution' the public against using any of- the-ninny imitations or counter-. feits; but :04., for ,Ilost strati',o C'sLeanilEn t3I' O3I ACIGIITTIittSi illtd.tieo that each bottle. UM' the words "Dr. lioatetter's Stomach rt tors° , bloWn ;sh ,thii'aide - taf.rbe,h:tittte,'Midatainpod gir,'tho ruCtSlll4:Cap:Ottioiling, cork, and observe that: our autograph, signaturodromtho, littntiirnue4 PreparOd mad sold Pittsburgh, ,pa., ,aud sold - druggists, • grocers,- and: dealers froneriilly throughcalt tthiatittriitlid - Statas. 4,Kill4ital.lNWlttietstick,Carlblo; John Attlek, Starobauntn, Shlppaosburg;, JOS.' !Inn nl4g, filanhaulckburf ; and, 4rUitainta' VOrdily tb . rou,:lqclt thannnty.:. ' : ''rloy; .ap. .-- IVA/104N1) . :8i1K - gg " ,;4; " :c. , t ~ 6 0Tonar, N 411a- . and , Splkaii, Jost 'Warred 'ottlie cry Iwpt make and all Warranted; CotkoliTenerehanta •• , 'xnanufattuirs place, at. tfiO .orthcOre,litote of . ,ern Zl/0.5 if 1 3 , Rennie gAxTeq., • Itbcr 4.i.oaf lin I, ly, 1 44arotilp to wo , win itit,ltio4o ' 11.1011,A1t, • Atzkisi,DIA).I%.I . I3)IVTA4LD.• 111tv6gike d • qy 0ui:431114 Nap `B 13 It furnlnNtg crdei' 0 6 9 1 1' , 1 1, • a - 'ItiANTLINGI . , ' • i.,. .. , . MAME STUFF, nittittii;Bbinglitng Lath, worked Floor, boarding, l'ohtsaud Hand ; and ovary ttr, nto a LUMBEtt 'YARD. , . ' ' J*'', tingles, to _wit: Whltopino, Hemlock, -- ' lion. Having Core or our order of any length awl '. Oil, Ulu most rpaponpble All bo koptundor rov,or, io 1 ry nt All tittios._ ' att bindoor Family Cont' Hour cleatfto any pail. of ra7lhg, Plea Ng. and Won Ma that bF janitti own alio' fur the L ITYLV LUK THEI LOCI LOII.I 61c1 tiyokstnith's • Cool, 111 Allll At thu !newt figure air School,. Main etreet. AILMSTRONU & 11,11FFElt, All mi., Yai July 28,'18'4 OH A !ORS. BURG FEMALE - SEM: .1N A .1.. . Tho Ineatlo4 pleasant and healthy, find the :Wean tages are aqui! by few In the land. The Institutionls large and p erota,' with a coif's of ens Manta eh.. son with eare,al well quallOod to Instruct in the solid and ornfundntbraiwbea, The influences In the board hag &pelmet - fee parental. moral and relining. Thu, ,next peon will 'commence on the 12th day of Septaluber, •Cflogues may be bed on application to lie • I REFERENCES. W. h, Carlisle ; Rev. ' , Joh n Ault: Loudon, Pa; Deo. II; Ilthr; Esq., I loguesto en, Pa; Hon. (ho, Chambers. D. Sehneelc, D. 0., S. It. Fisher. U. 0., Res, P.' It. noose. Ititlotieph Clark. Chnnibershlrg, Pa. Pro fessors at Pillion, N. J., both of the College and Theo laglml Settilutt Pew' lIENIMItERVES, A,51 Mn,. SA!LAtI. 11. REEVES; " CarllrM,lent f 18,60.-1 y: J+ NONEDIAKEILIS FORW4DING AND COMMIS • gio:s HousE, LoIR FEED, 04; I'I.A,TER AND SALT: . The s t tb e s m er o il haying taken the Wore House rare D Mu r ' well known - t. 111 b and lix r 1. .. ray 'al, It P , - 'tient. on West 01l street. (Tynan Dickinson College, would Inform i♦ public that he has entered into a t i ,, general Force g and Cenuoisslon business. - • The highest i lire price will bo paid fur Fleur, Grain and produce of kinds. , They aro slam to 1%11.114111a safety and dew. PLASTER. A I IrLOWT AND N,l Coat ortill LYKEN'i LI oepared to freight produce, and stock d Baltimore, nt the lowest rates; with SALT kept ronntanily ear bnitd, and ,D nt ahnlenale or retail. , • 1. emhrnelng, VALLEY, 13 FIDDLER. SUNBURY WHITE ABll, • LOCUST GAIL • is and Blacksmith's Llmebo INST.!NTI.T Fort SAM. • • 'T , UNDER coyER. • to any part of the town. 3.11. l'iCNE3ll$ Carpal°, Augl li, 1859. ". • and delivered dl ~rEwj AT The subscribe or,Limobu roar'. surrounding cot IS; E attached to Lis OAL YARD IrEur END OF CARLISLE. Auld resperifully tell/ the Attention e nd the citizens of ettrlhlef end the ry generAlly, to his Y I AII D, re Bonne. on 'West Mall St., where nal.). on bond a large supply of the to Al . I : . hr gill keel( rot beFL timilitv of 1 I,yhenm Volk. ton, Woken, whirh ho pledg,l priemt. ' Rest q nke Malik - T. Pine Grove and Tretrer . utl Not Conl—rereened and dry coal. Ihnself to sell nt the lowest possible ty of '8 AND BLACICSMITIVB COAL LIMEBUIIN always on hand. Are—All order &tor° In North tentiod to. CROWN April ft at the \Vnre Mauve, nrikt.hin TPF never Went, kill be promptly nt J. IV. HENDERSON. EMI a . GLASS . I ! PAINTS! A full assrument of Glass of ell'ilars a large stork of fresh PAINTS, nll tibrx, Sce Cement In large or small gores at - . LAS,! jr P.171,77'8! and quality, wl colors. Oils, Vs quantities, at.lo JQIIN P. LYNN h SON . North flanoyor Stn. Oct. 27, '5B STOM CH BITTERS. The propriqrs and manufacturers of HOS _ TETTER'S CI.EBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appal With perfect confidence to physicians ami.itizens generally of the United • States, becousyto article has attained a rope. lotion herctolp unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of brionssertion or blozoning puffery. The coneumpan of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the lot year amounted to over a half million bottlesand teem its manifest steady increase in'tim!.; post, it is evident that during the cooling yer the . consumption reach near one milliwbottles. This immense anumnt could never live been sold _but for the-rarti medicinal proirties contained in the preparte . lion, and the anction of the most, prominent physicians billion -sections of, the country where the art qe is best known, who not only recommend th Bitters to their patients, but are reu'ily at al times .to give testimonials to its eflicacyin nil,4ses of stomata derangements and the discuss resulting thereinto. This is notaemporary popularity, obtained by extraordinry efforts in the way of tram poling the quif.tios of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of a invaluable medicine, which is destined to he's enduring as time itself. • • Hostetter's itomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to cgions whore fever and ague and various tiler bilious complaints ,have • counted their i ietims by hundreds. . To be able to' state onfidently that the "Bitters" arc a certain cure for the llyttpepsia and like diseases; is to Ito proprietors a source of un alloyed remWiett all morbid matter from the stonioh, purifies the bleed, and imparts renewd vitality to the nervous system, givingOt and energy indispensable. for tlfir restmadoli of health. It operates upon the stomach; livr, and other digestive organs, mildly but poverfully, and soon restores them to a condition ebentlal to the healthy discharge of the - fondled of nature. . • • • . . Elderly persns may use Mel:litters doily as per directions in the bottle, and they...wilt find in it'astimulan peculiarly adapted to comfort declining yearoa3 it is pleasaneto the palate, invigorating to; he bowels; excellent its a tonic, and rejuvenallig generally. We have tile ovi , deuce of thoutunds of aged men and women vrlio have expeienced the benefit of using this - preparation will() buffering from stomach !IC: , rangements awl general debility; acting under the advice of plysicions, they have abandoned all deleterious' drugs and' fairly tested, the merits of thislortiele; ' A 'few Words to the gentler sex. Hero are certain periods when their. cares aro oo harassing that many of them sink under thetrial.. Tito relathin of mother and Oita. is so absorbingly tender, flint the mother, i'speciolly if kite ho young, is opt to, forget her own lean , in her extreme anxiety. for her infant; fliouht the period of maternity arrive during filo Summer season, the Wear of bodrood mind i generally riggraTated, nem, then, ia*tteopsl ity for a stimulant to recur)°, rata the energie rno of the systond enable the mother to bear tip under her exhausting trials • and ' 1 :09P01181bil ties. • :Nursing Mothers gene- rallniTefer the i litters to all other invigora., ,tors that reecho the endorsement of 'physi- chins, because it is ogreeablo•to the tae as Alrelkas: cert Ohli I o give a' pernianerit' inciease of hodily •strekth. ;• :• • ' "." .' ' -, '0 All those pet Tons. to 'whom wrabliie portion= lolly referred.obove, to .wit; sufferers froui I - • 5 52,4 -- : • (' '.!..1).0:1?"1.. , . D H ehesip 13;11,4) el the andel signed, lemur guad'idi:aq,,a ; n parF. Or Which ueu the cul 10wIng f Kieichcally sealed PIiAtILES. r . . (fresh.) ~ • Trima.rur:p,-; • • .451.A.0 AO US, "•,• • • `‘'. , . . - .e •1. ." • • TuitTLE pulp, - •• " •-• " " (Pickled • Clerlihni,.. ckqw Chuw, , piccalilli, !Agora, Cauliflower; Capers; , ' Olives 'roman., !Critelli, Walnut do., Mushroom dn. riirbse; hominy, Oritts,• Cradberriirs. the durst t, Lrlyd Beet, liurfar.Sorri.d Shoulder.' Ilologm, Sangagit, Soup K.ha, Maernioni, Sugars,' Urrflees, Teas, Adages, and Lot all klnda. . ' QUINbCi 6E, YI,NE SEtrAltS, furlong wlleir,:kr. twenty live thousand thrrinan 81ses„'fprhne l'obaeirtr; and the very best hut/ purest LIQUW‘S in the cetinty. Confectionary and fruit. rte. ;Icen;Egg;Stove and Nut 0.. d 0... do , ' All or Wllleb otTered to the n eltimoi of Carllele nod county of Claotherlnod. at Um lowest privet; for rant. Coll l; OSI7, et. 011,: ALL, two doors Lunt or. 'them's' IVitrebouse. ' :ell at tho Idwont 'priree Carlisle, Nov: 9, 1869 11l IRE INSURANCE. - TIIE A LLEV. t4AND .EAST PENNIObOtO MUTUAL rs 'SURANCP COMPANY 01 Cu lolawland rounty. I ocorpt , in tad by an not of AFsombly. 14 now folly organl7.. dianol In upenalon under LllO nuouniewrot nl tlaojulluglo . emumbwiontirs, • .flaulol Halley, .15'11112:m It. (Dorgan, 311chaol Cockll:2 I. Elcbciborgar, Chrbtlntl Stayman, John C. Duo Inp, Jacob It. Coovur,, Lewis llyer, 8, bborly, llcaja taln, 31opaer, .1. Brandt, Joseph . Vilakerabam. A loxender Cathcart. The ratea of Insurance are nn low and fart roble no an Company or the kind in the Stat.°. Verson,: n laki..F ti become mainbura are Invited to inittn-amthultion to the .agouta of,tho comp:ink, who arp wllltug to wait noon them at any time. WM. R. 001111.i . S Proldent. 611111STIAN STAYMAN. Vire PrOldent I,ENVIS Secreters MICHAEL COCHLTNt Treasurer. Malingers.— IVnt. It. florgat, 1.. flyer. Chrkllnn FL,I3. man, 111Senekllil, .1. - (l.^Dtmlap. It. 31:i. Op. I). It llv , .1 ll.Coover, Alex. ettllirart r , 111cl:cr....Ilan), J. ger. S' Eberly, .1. liromlt. tum BERLAND COUNTY.— John film ,Irk. Allen. Honey Zant Lag, Shlremitoornwn; I. 4 ninuel Woodbut ar UlclAusnn ;; floury Bowman. Chi . ..hum ; Jtodr Hell nth, eouth Middleton; t 4 atnuel Graham. W. Prot, horn': - Samuel Cooner..lochanicsimrg ; .1. W, Cork 110 ShnpfterdFlanm: D. Hoover, : , hephordstown I .1 O. ?an ton, Silver Spring -, lienf. - linvelt.t.lck. Sliver I , prlng Charles Bell. ('ml loin: John liver, CarMit.. YOlt K COUNTY.—.W.I3, Piching. Dover; Peter Wol ford. Franklin: Joe. I:tickle. Warrington :.1. F. Dom) Waellingtom U. ltuttur, Newburg;; It. C. Clark. 1/1111.1.urg. • • ' DAUPIIi‘ CO.—Hower k Lochtnan.'llarrieVurg. Members of the company hovinlrproliclerahout tory pie.. eon hane.thrn:. wed by making application to ony:of tho Agents. April 20..18511 T OWA R I) A S () CI A N 1 IT. ADE I, P 11 i n A Benevolent Institution, established hy • speelal or &manila for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially for the Cure IS Discages of MEDICAL Anvirm Oven grads. L,v thn Art Jim Sur neon. to nil who apply letter. wltli n cleserlptlnn their enllllllll.ll, 0r , e111,1111011,1t1t9 of line, +t, Med In reeves of extreme !love, ty. Nledlclues furolsbett free of elenr;,e. . V A I,IJA Isr,E 11E1.0111 ,1 on , S pormatorrholt, n nit (41.4 Dibrases of be S,•x tint Orgnun. nod .4/11 the NEW 111,)1- -EDIES employed 16 the I)l4e•nsnry seht to the offlletee hi Jicaled letter envelopes. tree of ehorge. Too or three Stamps forimstmre will be nervidable: Addrene..lPll., I LIEN 11011110roN. Acting Sun goon, floosard A ssochttion. No. 2 St o up Ninth Street Philadelphia, Pa. Ily order of the'l,l7evtore, IiZ.IIA 1). 111.:AUTW ELL, Prosidi OBO.,FATiteIIItI). everetftry. Det.21,1859.-Iy W.: . ' : Tlifl,,, fga, i';''. ',..)..4, S .......,;4.. Thousands are daily !Tanking In pralne of DR. E 4.101 4'S INFANTILE CORDIAL. and why? beams. It never Mk to ntford instantrtneens relief when glean In time. It arts as It by nnyvic. and owl trio! alone will convince you that what we My true. It contains NO PAREGORIC OR? OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the stilferings of your child, Instead of by deadening Its F(4.11,1111 leA. For this reason, It cenomends Itself tit th e only rellyble propwl Easton fer.olllldren .TeetlOWg. Illnrrlwen , Dysentery, Ing.lrie;The /towels, Acidity of the ,manor(, 'A lad, Colld In the head. and Croup. also. for soft...lin: the gents reducing inflame Out. regulating the 110WiliF and relieving !alit. It has—bel Mr an anti spots molls It In used tiitlj,nnfuf liar snrerss in all 5115110 Of Convnbilon or other PIO. As you value and health of y our eloildren. and wich to Slire them from those sail and totighting hit b • Awt certain to result front the use of nereolles col whir other reumdlrn for Infant Ile ltomploohols Aro real posed tales nonelont Ult, EATON'S IN PANTILE CORDIAL. this you rail rely upon. it iv perfectly bernoleoos mod cannot Injure the 11113 A dnlli•nte Infant. Price, .2.) rout. Full directions aePOUlplll °Orli Ishii,' Preta red only by CII VRCII NI/I/PONT. No -1 , 1, Mooed tiny Now York. r ,- ~-L0.D.1;',:4.,1-0 . , :,,: F ?), . ‘.N.!, ', lealthy lanniin Blood upon being always presents us with the amine essential element• and gives of Coors , . the Trite ,tandard. Analyze th Blood of a per 011 suffering arum Consumption. Give Complaint, Dyspepsia, ,Selefli.a. Ac. and me, final In eiery instaure certain deli•denries in the red globule or Blood Supply these delicillicies and 3 . 011 an• well. The 11 1: toll Ethin is ion inied upon Udt Theor —hence its astonishing sacces. 'Shore ore FIVE PItEPAR:IIIONS adapted to the deflelenc'es of the Minna In ditTeren diseases.;jor Coughs ('olds, Bronchitis. or an) idler lion w loiterer of that I'll 110 AT er LUNGS inducing( on suniption, use No 1, which is the No. for he presslon of Spirits. Loss of Appetite. and all throa la Complaluta arising from list, use, ilenertil 1 WWI liy and Nein ous Prostration. NO: 2. for I leer Pon,phaints N 0 . 3. for DYidioPsia. Bohn: already prepared fi.r sorption it 1• taken by drops anti carried' ininiedlatel3 into the circulation. RI that what you gain you re , al p The No. A is for Pencil. Irregularities. 11• ,4a1.1a. hi rat Sus',Slisitial directions tor tills. 1 , , ,al Rheum. Eruptions, I±,chfilluits. Kidney. end lilodJw Complaints. take Nu A. Tin all eases the direetien must lid strictly ibllowed. Price of the Blood Fend $1 I a • bottle. Sold by k lii,PoNT, No ha; Broadway, New York. .1 W. Ilyett .1, Fiona. Philadelphia, and 0.11. Keyser l'lttabur.rWlioleaale Agenta. For Sale by S. Elliott, Carlisle.. ' 'THE ONLY rji EPA 11,,AT10,V WORTHY OF • r Itifiversal POnfideftre & Patronage FOIL STATESMILN, JUDGES, CI.EROY3IEN, Ladles and Gott °row% In all parte of the world testify to the efficacy oftlrof. 0..1. 11 ood's flair nd gentlemen of the i'ress Ore Uminlinouli lu Its Mtn,. A row toot Is only can to. here sir. n see rireulat fur more, and it trill be impossible for )ou to doubt '4O Wall Strek. Now I'm k. hoe foi h. 1660. OENTLEMEN:—YOr nolo of the thilt inst., has been received, saying that you had heard that. I hod b e e, 110111.fited by tau• abs of Ay,inerN II sir Itretory Live. or d rr queetlnlgUY certificate of th o fart If I bad no objection to give it, 1 hoard it to you chelirfully,_ because I think it duo My age lo about Of years: the ro:or.of my hair auburn And Inclined to end. Seto tiro or six years since It be gnu to turn gray, turd rho katip, ou ICo 'run a of wy head to Irmo its sensibllit) and dandrull lu loam ui;ou II Bach of thorn dl•agreablilttes increased with time, and 'about for mouths since a fourth woe addt d to them by hair falling oaf the top of my head and threatening to make too bald. In this unpleasant predicament, I was Induced tp Wood's Ileir ❑estotatly . mainly to arrest the tidlirl'gutl army hair. Am I really 1110110 expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to Its origami color .'xcept to to dyes. I was however greatly surprised to find niter Ihe use of two bottles only that not only was the off arrested but the color was restored to the gray hairs end sensibility to the scalp. end dandruff ceased tot. rm an uty,heed, very much to the gratification briny wife, at whose suficitntintt. A Was iudticed to try It. . • For•thlr, manna the many ohlleatlone I owe to her :roc,.letrnuirly rocommend to all huthen de . who value tho admiration of their wives to prnfithy my example and um It If growing gray or getting held. ' , • Very respectfully, - . BEN. A. LAVENDER. •TP 0..7, Wood di Co., 444 Broadway. New Fork. . Alrfandly aro absent from the elly, and 1 ntu no longe At No 11 CArrol Mare. . Slams:don, Ala., July 20th: 1860. TO Prof. On J. 'Wood :—l*ar Sir Your Ir Itesnom title" has dons my hair pa miteh good sine° 1 condom. 'cent the' Use Olt, that trioh to auio' known 'to the public of Ito effects on thin hair. Which aro great. A MOD Or wonniu may he noarly,deorl vent of,lnalr,• nod by n re sort tu'ytiurlinnir Debtor:nth, ";the huh. - Oda rotuin more beautiful that ever; at least tido Islnny., elver' cyan en - 16,14111 trulv• !!9 11evt 1131. 1,1. Kb.‘i I,D). 8:-YouCan publish aboeelf you -like. Ily publishing In our Southern yapsonoyou will end hoop parentage kenuth. I see sevigui of your rel.:ll'449es Inn .11dt,litoblie Mercury a strong Southern paper. W linnui:fly. WOOD'S 11Allt ItESTORATIVr. . - P:irifenroe J: Weed': pear the mlinfortAtne to lose the best portion - of ruktudr - rfrani the eirecini - of thin yellow-fever. In New Orleanni In 31851 I , scan Induced to 'kite nib - trial:of. your preparinifon. „and foUnd It to answer snoth, eel). thionyneedent.,.:fly :hair Is time- thick:and glassy an4.tio'isprtle.rAp rot any obligations to you lu giving tin the afflicted such n tr ea. '• Ours • 1. '; i ; ~,.; F1N1.1.111 1101INSIIN. • M. ileAtoratkyp is ; puit npin, hettlee orthieeelseevls: arge„ medlurii, end malt ;41to.:,egielt; helde,34 Wet, eau Walls (tar 0110 dollar per bottipi,lbettnedlutcn,Dolda .nt.lnelt,twent,v, per, ceritonnoron tri,propcaolon.theal the e"mnlhretailn i thr,tor(i 4olhare.per.b.o,ttley,thri hteste,h9 l - LIP "a gSa7ttt,,forty, per,cetit.,opprPoprAnttd.ite..4- the three dollare: - •-• 0...10,7000 . 346„1'eet1r1e ore; 444 - Broadway, hew, and 114Mkrbet Street At n • AO guild . Iv, ell go.tet Druggiets atid Fancy OcedsDed. "1 Qt • , ;n • ah' • - war. 111::ii‘TZ, ===l ANALYZE D „. 4 .• r• ;. : kDPI7III A AP fixtll43t-e IP It p o'll T LINE.: .11 , 1t111.:D t IVAILD 811 )1.1.1)/()T PMIZET, PHILADELPILIA J. & D. ItIIOADS, • MAIN tiMIEZT,CAMIAM.E; PA. . . . . • . ; .- Ara-Ca , rs'Of thin Lino loitiohlho DopbCBl,l Market at“ Dolly, at 4 o'i.lock. P. M... •; I _ I.o.vo'Carllslo, Daily, at 'I" o'clok. A M. . (Lords Intended far this Lino abould•ba 'Larkin" C. & I'. Dolly Freight 1.40% and se:A.ln by 4 o'clock. • May 2/1, Dian. , " ,X ELBI () It E 6 J. A. It. HEN iVOOD•wouldiaspertftilly intern] tto e duns of Carlisle and viatu IV that helms taken rootx... , In hug's new building, east corner Of Market Square, whew• ho io at all Chaos ready ; to take AMBILOTY VHS In the latest and most approvt tl style. Pictures taken . fit rainy uud cloudy, woothor es well as char. dud' isfaction given or nn chances mile. Portraits antl.oa. - golerreotypcs copied. Miniature Pictures taken - for backeti .to., In A nthrotype. - • Atnbroty pus warranted tustand the test of Limo, bent or water. • . Ladies and nontlenten are cordially Invite d to 'ea and OKAIIIIMI specimens. • Mots tronr2,:ads. to $lO. A. It. lIKNWOOD. Jan. 27. 1 8 58.-12.. • Artist. A'lll. R 8 R NA!'E. A v )y..1.13 , • . •ie...,,, , ,.. CA ' • lot • t . 1 %. : - • 'C ' ll N A r ili.. MANUFACTORY,' ril Nora 114 nofra, STREET. Cif - - LISLE, PA . flaring boon ongili the-litt,fiinss for over twenty nears he .would hanks 'to Ills cm:teasers and frimni4; fur thelitalral ouramonent extelottal to him ire years vone 11, and further fissures them that no :pains will he snared, to give full satlstaction to ail wiry, may favor him with a call -CIIAIItS AN) FiniNITIMB, of every_ description e conxtnn tly on hoed, or rondo ti order. Warr:nit...lln be of the 'best the In lest otylo, well It i hed , and mule itellie lowest. posslbli 'wives ior rash., • . . Ile :don contlnneS liuslneoo as on TINDILTITAK !tend,/ mod° Cidllno. 3letilllri or otherwise. liepL.enn olently on band and fninoals prennplly oftended, t. per;onally lu 1,M,, or enuntry, on Um most reason:o,ll tern's. ('berry and Wnlnuf Ceflins "loirffe else. well finished nO.l lined Inside, fr... S to 1,2 IVltlnnt Collins covered front IS t. 30 riollnrs., JA:11E8 It. WI AVER 3lay 11.—Tirn pro'portlna sltnnto In eh urebtown. (lona, county, an , offered fo r aaln un env ,tornm Apply ar. ahnve. • William P.' Lynch, Practical 'PL UMBER and (LAS FITTER, in the'hamement a the M.. E Church; Main Street, 'Carlisle. 'mud and Tulin Iron Sinks, Ilydrano, • tint & COlll 9110Wer 111l1hP, filth Wolter Clnsidn. Wash Muting. - For, and Pun‘pn, hydraulic Rams; *c. IVrt;'t Iron Word Tubes, • And ovary description o f cnrlin and llttin;is for gas. idennt. water. ke. Suparinr coking rang... fillers and gas li 'Mires put up In churches-stores and daollings, at short notice. In the most nn.dern style. All mated :llP (Old work in our 110 H at /Ind warranted. 4rir f ' !nuti try .work and Jobbing promptly al tended to. linr. 181,11—b• WALTER C. WIIII,TMAN FINE GROCERIES N . W• orner 17th and Aroh Streets, •• PHILADELPHIA. • Importers of Croiis k illackwelPs +LIPII PICICIES an) SAUCES. Particular attention paid in selecting line TEAS — & — COTTEES For Famillos.Sugars al ways atJtilitners' prices. Choice WINE;i, and SEtiAltS, of the best krauds, always on band. 'VALLS! NAILS!! NAILS !!! 1.1 A large itioeic of good, Clean, Neat; and Tough Milk at the lowest Priem Our nails are worth :iets a More. MAO any other Malol nt nalls sold In nor .townoiltil in the opinion of meal:des aho have tried them, we also have a full ascot t mount of • BUILDING MATERIALS, of the latest and most approved styles. All geede war trn led ett represented, • .lOHN INNE A: ...ON. May 2. %W. -- North Hanover St. Carlisle. GR NVIL-"q.) r STOKES' GIFT CLOIIING EMPORIUM, .ONE PRICE. AND No ABA MI ENT, No. GOT Chestnut Street Orenvilln Stokes would return thanks to the pull fir their epprerlellon of his effortn to please, and lb hhnrXl inti.oonce. In ord•, to keep up thin kindly feeling, 110 has ded to the solleltatloon (whinny of his friends' and In atrturated a now spat., of tints with each (lament Sold. .To his choice selection of tine Fa) rtes, and made. up Clothing Ito Invllos'tho acruttuy of the public, an well an to his new mode of doing businetis. ' Each ar ticle Is warranted to In, In Fabric, Ptylo and Make. equal to any gotten up In the City. and 0N,15: llower than the lowest,) marked on the ticket. Each article sold. or measured for, Is accompanied by a tint. varying In value from $1 to $lOO. N,.11 tho'utiod skilful Designers. Cutlets employed: and sathraelinn in Fit, rovill Inn. Fabric, Price and Illft. gunrameed i,tII':ANVILLE s'poK KS' one price gilt clothing emporium, No. vol Chestnut Street. lief .20 Nin.-6M. HAINES EROS) OVZ STIVUNG 'GU ACTION PIANO FORTES, Cololontott for superior finality of taint and elrranca pod to.aut) Illan.o. have :IltVtlyll taken the 1. , I I 1 3l' PR0.)III.111 when pl tred In CIIIIIPOtitiOII with othor - oatkers. UIIALLKAGE ALL OOMPLIIThLy. A twivAtild olatent I,qii is xi v all, p.a.nor etylett MM.) S 011 hurl. Also Surtind-hand Pianos anti HUNCH'S IM PROVED i•AA)D trout $45 to ivory Instrutaitnt -Warranted. . • it ED L. WA LH , rre r NADA qrni Nato lo n e Depot. S. E. Cor. 7th et, Arch Ste. vials. • July 27, 1 Sen.-9 loos 06 TONS IRON N 1101,1,10 IRON of Hui very heat I.:Mild:MI BRANDS warren' tad In even way Superior to American make. Just re raped with a large aseiort went of Sheet Iron, ' Anvils. Hoop Iron, VII is, Band Iron, • Files. horse Shoe TrOLI, Rasps, Steel, CastsSleol, ' Rivets, Blister r feel, Nuts. Washers. 11.1-se Shorn &row Plates. Natio. Blacksmith Bellows Cheaper thanthe cheapest, at the Hardware Sioro Of March 7, '6O. SAXTON. N. II All Iron sold at city prices with freight added an dwarranted. • AINTS AND OILS.— P • io TOllll White load. 1000 Calkins of 3u , received with it'largo assortment of Varnishes. Fire, Proof Paint , Turpon Ono, 'Eliireneo White, Yr - i n, . White Zinc, illutty, • - Colored Z ne, • LI theme, ' Lied, Whiting, .]tolled Glue, , Lard Oil. Sperm Oil, Paint Brushes, Fish oil, Colors of evory description dry, and Oil In cans a tubes at the Hardware Storrs of •• March 7;430, rxrcy I.OE . AND RI;;AD !MIS. . F. C. .~~~ At the new Stern on East Maln St. 'near Henry tiaxton'a Liu! wart, Store, eould civil the attention of persons In cant of a Dna Watch to his splendid ituck of American, Liverin al and Lou dos 0 A ttalES. thieve a fine stock of Gold Watches, at prima. from twenty dollars tip to three hundred dollars I also have a large stollikeor Sliver Hunting Cased Ind Open Cased Ifatehen, from three defers tip to eighty. I also hero a now stock of French and Mood. ran JEWELRY. In setts, Furh as Came.. UoldStone, Lava, Mosaic, Mourning and Plain setts, tic. , I also have a new stork of Stodantona, from ono Millar up to' fourteen; Ladles' and , mittlemen's..iliost Plus of ail patterns and Prices: (10Itteltaltis;' a large stock of Vag Fob end eurb (Mains ; a very large stock of (I tiger rinto oral' kinds and patterns. "such nn Seal Singe, Wedding_ Dings, and Settings; it One stock of Cuff, Pins,' Gold, Studs. Stones Buttons fur Ladici; and Gentiamen,Cmsea, Bracelets:Gold Watch Boys, Seals;:aold and Sliver Thimbles, Geld and Sliver Spectacles, a lams steak of Silver Tea and Pablo Spoons at all prices. and n mom plot,* stock of Double Plated Tea and Table Spoons. pie ted Voiks. Silver and Plated Butter. Knieon and ail el stock of doutiln plated Cantors,' Sugar Pi:sinus, Flivrer. Fruit Knives, and a largo stock oft;omn(pu Sport:ales, to cult all ages. to which I invite parileular attention: Port Mounitleg nor Keys and, OttelnaQt large ntor Accord-ono, Via Una, and Musicßox., (horn, and email.) and n greint, varlatY' arttelea'uxually,kopt In, a. Jo ; elryntoro.. 1 lOvntano an hand n laro and well 'idilected clock of (MOCKS. of all patterna and foqhlona. fbim one dollar up to fifty. yldelt , l.i.llllPoll a I a mall profit and warrant thorn throne ' year, to,ho goad tlore•kospose. ivory thing sirlg by mu shall ho what It In roproruntod. . , , • MAN. Watchos, aud,lowolry. carefully top:tired and warranted, •„ CarHely July 6 'that/ -ly • „ r KS ! TR IUNKS !! - !!! Lidlrs Leather French S ty Dross libnuot Boxes. Traveling Bags, rn.. Urn Ls' full! 1,0011E4 and solo Loather grass Hand Trunks Ts. Tr4vollng 11ag5,,,V., a largo sssol twon I ,and yerklow intros at , LIVING:UO r B. r , ganoser,Street. I: l lSTRANl,7 7 qa : ipe, to ; the, re idef ce of - Viddlntoti tbwustilp; on ellth day cif Seht9infteF.:''' ' - s, o , br ll• 8. TX .E R The niiner 18'11040k inoithiql ,ioniti royw. Drove .Ornytorty.'imy',chei*ti,4ol,tiike hirridird rOdly, othorwjeo . ie xlll clispon'ed At'nehingng,ff.l4. , • • foroltbiN fettlk2fVf.:4l h- B.' WEMINAL • I ' e ~ -y .., i;u' . '• DARIUS 141:31's •. • rdrazalle Illivelgoratlng • othip / 1 1.1 , 11 are ban Non: need by fin; public for "'yearn, sritit'A ncreasing favor. • I VI. fermium ended cure bytrepnia, Nem - mm.44k heart Porn Collo itt I or Paine n the •".Dowels: Ileadarhe. Drowsi»esn. Kidney Corn. • plaints, Low Spirits. Delirium • Tremens, • •• •• • Intemperance. It Stimulates, Exhiltralf 14, Intigorafec but trill r •• ildralrate or Stupefy: • • Ati a is quiek and eectual, curing most ngsfravnterl canoe of Dytpepsiti. ff Fitilmy Complain tl . and all otter derangements of the Stomach and Ito els, in a apiotdy ma niter. It. Will instantly revive the mast drooping and an spirits, mud restore the weak, 'nervous ar nickly to bean h. nereuglh and vigor.- - • l'enlollB Mho. from dile injudiriona I, n e :have become dejected, and their lierrotot 031 of lti~fmr 400, tered.,constitutions broken down. end subject to tin hortillittilirso to buimillilty, the DEcialum TH1:3164, it: almost immediately feel the happy Lied brilltlly Inrig rating eflicaCypf Dr. Hotu' InvigoratingiSpirit „, Dose--One wltte,glsns full often as necessary..., Ono done will outmost, all lind Spirits. One doSo Will cure licart.burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give yiiu n Oot d A ppldite. One dose will stop the distressing painsorDyspepsi One dose w I sr• nocu.thu distressing and (11A,IMOCIlh effects or %Yinor it y m and no 1,114, tin blot ash rerelves the InVlgolitting the distressi load and all,ps rui roott trenamed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains Collr. either In tho stomach or bowels, A few doses will remove till obstructtons In the Xi noY. Bladder or Urinal} , Organs. Persons who are seriously °Meted with any Klan Coolie/tints are assured speedy relief by a dose or t, nod a radical cure by t Ito use of ono'or two bottles. , Persona who, front illpplpalinig too much over nigh mid feel the evil Wendy olpoloonown ligto rr, in rini e j, beadarbrr, sick nretan at kdonnarin. -weak enenoc'irititlines. At., will find one lb., - will rein:m . oot! hod feellrm. ~. • adlenn id weak - end sickly constituiions. she old Ink - the Invigorating s.pirit three times a day; it will nook Vim stridur. healthy and happy. lethal, all. oto,tron Almon and Irrentoloilties from tine menstrual organs in endon: the bloom of health and beauty to the curve or .-. . 1 intent - - Durine prognnej- ltrnMt found au invaluable:nett 1,,,, to ronore'disagri•Onildo A DAAIiAI4, at the fIiOMAA All tin- proprietor ash, ion' rind. and 'to induce till , „Int loth pot up the iNVI,I'MATIAIi .ants-in plot lanttle A no ctn., eiutrts 49 • .„. ' ' . daL, for side in Cirlit.le by S., W. Ilniverstich, an I - LAM: ill M , bAHIANI , III, kl. i , .../intolfanon. and -I Nett vl le Id Ei it. 11'IIII. a hd,hy DrultjAht. gen:lolly. • ityln.l, ISla.-ly-t. 1860. SPRING- 'I.;' ‘ A T S ILI N S • • IiELLERS'.OLD • A complete stockpf Bats nod Cnp now ready for Inspection. ~ SILK. FUR, • • OgiSSINIFRE. ••• FELT & WOOL. • In every nt,*l( . :toiquant v „ W,, call partleldnraltee lob tooth VI SILK HATS. Silk nod soft HAN, r toy style manufactured to order Caps or all Mode it ECOLLITT EXIAM'S OLD I 4 TANb. —North Hanover Street. CaOki,. Jhn•h 14. ISI.O • iOO , XF,S OF OIkASS.- -of all aizer, Double dial ringle ti Irk. Plain, Ora nantal CCdr June received at the Cheap Ilan 'arc Story March 7.'00, 900 Gil'IND STONES.- warrante , d of the best quality.. Jun arrived, of the Hardware Store March 7. 'l.o. 'lLFlStty SAXTON'. 0 \V D E • 25 Hew: Dupont. Hoek and Itille.powder, .with large aysortinent ut Safety Fuse, Stone . Drilla. Stone Sledgva. Crow ilara, Steno Hamner& Sust received at tho chitap Hardware Store of March, 7.'60. JIHNItY BAXTON. DEFOREST, ARITRONG•& CO. • DRY GOODS MRCHANTS, • 80 4. 8 2pamberi Would notify tlnricatle that they am opening. Weekly lu new and beautiful patterns, the . it ..tigtiTTA PRINTS. ~ ,4LOO Tilt r . A 15 E A G,. A now Print, Which exods every Print in the Counts.] for perPrtion or execution and design In full 3110111'1 Coburn: Our Prints are ehenpvr than any In market, end snorting x ith extrnrivo sale. Orders promptly attended to. 4 4 41 DR. ESENWEIN'S TAR A NI) IiVOOD NAPTHA PROTORA to the best toodkino In"flie world for i lhe cure 'et Coughs atqloup.Awthetn. lu bronthlog.Talpltatluh of the Heart. Dlptherla, nod for thn relief ofputlents iti the ndlvenced fano. of ONSUMPTION. • together with all diseases of the Throat and Chest, and Welt pre.dispnso to Consumption. - It Is peculiarly adapted loth° radical unroof Asthma. Being propared'by II practical Physician ztud Drum...lst and one or groat - e.tporionce In the cure of the various to which the bunion /none is liable. IL Is offered to the afflicted with the greatest donee. ntL.Try it and ho eon vlnetel that It Is Invaluable In the cure of Brouvidcal alreetlous. hie(' 50 route per - r hottl, kSENWET CO, AROMATIC BALSAM, avers enlnshle renfedy f..r Diem lea, Dyboote y, Cholera :%lorhos nod all Bowel ofilletlons. Try It—/'flee 25 cents per Isdtle. 1110 ahoy° medicines areprepated only by hr. A. ESEN EIS .t Cn ., I. l p,,glstS and.Chendsts N W, Om. of Ninth A. Poplar Streets. 801 LI Ily e% cry respectabla Druggist mid DeFffeioi :Medicine throughout the State. Juno 22, ISGO.-ly. PUA D'S XTRA CT OF HAMAMLIS, OR PAIN DESTROYER. Is jive • f the few domestie remediva which bans crane Into general IP.r and tarot., wilhout• pidAng It is ttd product of a Ample Atrial, hrwinles.i In all rases, and on donteatle reined ,unequalled For !turn, Cots. 131111- son Lametwat., Spain, Itheumn'lsm. , Dolls Ulenrs.lll,l - 8 wes and minds. it has not an eqal. 'lt is also tined witb great SIICCO,N for 'toothache II endoche xeuralgin,' Sort. Thr• at. 011ie. Diarrhoea. lloarsetwss, Hurd oilier trouldmdims lint! painful ittfctillima, a Idle it promptly arrests all Hem, rhag e , pundreda stelae): use it daily In their practice. and giTil it their unqualified recommendation. :Add by our agents arid deniers, and hy F. IfUNIPIIIiEYS In CO. 502 IllnagwAY, Solo Proprietors and 3lnnvilactu rem August 2, • C•IIARLES RITMPP, PORI* , - POCKET BOOK A.Np SATCHEL • MO. 47 NORTH STREET belptCArrh, Phila.. formerly SIXTH.h 4th St. Porta Manalos, ClearCaecs, Pocket Vaults, Port Yolk, . Cr has, Satchels,' Dr....slag Cases, Money.BuDe t D ark Dozes, Beakers' Cases, Parape t . Bl Wel t &o. IWIDD.,F.SALD AND RETAIL. Aug. 31, 18130.—Iy.• B . e.J ANN • J. N. BURNS. 11. n. COYLE. BENJ. S. JANNEY, JR. dz, CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS,. AKU RODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 00 . 5 Dlnrket Strut, • 111 , NRY BAXTO2I pANK • NOT .1. (.1'..E.. . i ) The partnership heretofore existing under the name ant et) to of li Eit, Ii'iENNESIAN A Co., expired by limitnrion of the 18th Inst. •--,,,,•' All leilances dru , depositors will be transferred to end all Intermit Certitienlet, now out, will be paid at warm!. • • ty, Or now 011015 issusd to' the new firm of R Eit, DUN LAP, It Co., whose Banking CeltlfVl)l be seen below. RER, BRENNEMAN & CO. Carlisle; 4 irg.l4; 1810. CiIMI3ERLAND. VALLEY BANK . ~ .PRN OLIETORS. WILLIAM Kee, - • . - . teen liettagsisit, ILICILLED WOODS. JOHN 8, STERRETT, JOHN 0. DUNLAP.' JOHN DUNLAP, ' '.. 11. A. Sttmosex.' ~ . . This Bank, Is now prepared to de a geerel' Beaten end Eiehange Widnes's, under the none and style of li Kit, DLINEAP A, Co., ta the mum plaealatelytyco ••, ,pied by Rio, Brenneman . .k Co. '.. Money received mi deposit and, Yaldhick ott deinand without notice. - Certificates of deposit bearing Interest at' the rate of IlVe per cent. will • belsrued for as ehert • a period as four menthe. Interest en all certlirratee .will lease et' maturity,, pro ided, hoverer, that ONO certificates are renewed at enrtpre - thereafter for an• other given period; they shell War the' Fame rate Of in terest up to the tine of renewal. Twenty dafs notice must be given nf an intention to withdrew intereet de-- p..slto. , ~ They emit the attention of Fermere, Mnehenies and all ilium, who desire a safe depoltpry,fortbele moue)", IS to the - undenlible thet, that th.proprietoraciftbialliink ' all& not riiily'iltdde 011ie amount of their stork in the - Leong, buten, INDITIDUALLT It A NO to the extent of thelr estates tel all the - Depirsite, - and other obligations of Ker. Durant:l,A Co. -- . Partieularattention Pl•fifito the collection of Vendue Notes, Snrelgit Itllis, Drafte, Cheaka do:, to any patter' the United Retie nod Piniailas. ,-" -, • • : 4 Beinittanree made to any part of the United Eaten, England, and Irelemd. : .... • ... •• r • . •!. They will at all times lie - pleesed to Elite any Informa tion desired in'rvoard to money.. matters in eerier:it. The . fidt bro • end eenildentlel execntion of all hrdere thern,Me) be relied upon, .. ~., r . . ; ' ~ opens), beisinedurfroni Q igelogli In themorning•unlil, ' fricnekditAbe eivnning, : „ . .. .. - : . '..:,3F ',5.•:' , !.., ... • • •IL A..I3TUBOEON, enabler, t .... , .• --, . .. ~, ~„.. ~, Ilia to k s\ f , 3 15. (1- tu t lx,r, gam:weed , to aawstpe kind 4r f nt,d 4 • tf r o l , OpkliPt.tafaubrle.up to aline leal;ber itr:tllo brat' man ner. or do meney • refunded. , . i : • • Gdi ritAira.,•R, el, Reynolds Dagnerronn 3 " linemil or iligl s t:l4 o 4 , ltrto Loom 11"3tiII,L DO. NIGHTLY DresiPATtev 1113:111 , 1" SAXTON !yob 6'60-1y MA YACTUR ER El