Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 09, 1860, Image 1

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A. K. ItilEElt, Proprietor.'
Win. M. POII rEit, EditOr
Zusiness auras
t i J. W. POULAC,,A.ttrorney at Law
;‘ , l ut"
I. It. s n, In•Olass' toW,I In
Frit Presbyterian Church. MI bubluens , to
Cruved to film bo promptly uttondtd to.
•3I,Ly 9,
f •V JA.llo.—iitc. Jivo. K. SMITH, re
• spectrally iinnouneos • to his old trituds and
forai.'r p arm's, that he his roturned from Ills south
vroiterir tour. with his health anutly Imr.ored, and
his resumed his proetlee In Carlisle. •
010 • 0. , , oil Male :I trout. ono door west of the Railroad
bopnt, whom,. ho cv, lio found at 'all hours, • day and
night, IT [lon pot out professionally.,
Carlide, Oct. 2ii, IV,II-tf ..
. •. ...
J. 11141NDER, M. 1). . •
0111,e oa south 11.ttiuser Str9at, formorly 9cogled
by Dr. mith.,
I~S. B:,lc.lEFFlfill. 01Fide in North
a_ f ltinnver qtroot• two doors (cool Arnold & Si ill's
tore. .051 re hours, Nigro psrtletilarly from 7 toll o'eioek
A. M.. anti from 5 to 7 s . clodt; i'•
. •
GI';t)• Z. 13 itiTrZ,,.Dentist
ace 'Swill Pitt Street Carlish,
Aa.. 3, 18.;u.
tt ..., RIGHT, DENTIST, from the Bal.
thuore College Of .Dentel Surgery.
tra,..)filte .tt the reaillenee (.t Ills mother, East Loathe
street. three deers below Bedeord. .
March 19. 185e,--tf. '
ifiku to
er a,rstii,ennovloerv;
Pont fret at where We may he consulted nt'any hour of the
day or obiht. Or. A. has lout, thirty years experience
ti the prat orlon, the last ton of which have been deco
tot to the study end practice of Houtteopathle
don t . Nl:ty 20.
DR. J.' C. NEFF respeet
tita,22f,, roily Informs the Indlel6tnd gentlemen
of Carlisle. and • vielmity, that ho hen re.
Punted the praetlee of 11,Itistry, and Is prepared to pet ,
form All operations on the tuoth.and gums. brimming
to his prolesgton. Ile will Insert full sett of teeth oil
gold or silver, a lilt single gum teeth. or bloehs, an they
miy prefer. Terms moderato, to suit the times
—_ _
94,11011 Hutto - rm . street, ""' , Viivr,V; :
next Our to the, Post •.
Ofilee. .. Aug. 1,1.9.
. _—__
w.. N EIDICII, D. 1). S.-
. Leto ihononidrator of .)pot at Ivo Deo lint r.x...t0 the
ArtlEti. Baltimore t:oDego of
•c:Z. 41 Don tel Sarum
' • • WI. Office at hie roMon ,, e,
opr'etlte )I.v' a.Taal Stela straot, Carnal°, Venal
• Nov. 11, 18:17. .
IS. W. lINVEII,STICK, Druggist,
North Il4pover Street, Carlisle.
Physlchto'HPrCscrlptlons careful* compounded
full supply i,f fresh drugs and chemicals.
, .
1) ki :VI 0 V A .1.1 .
iI.AJ k. L. SPON;q.P.II,
Ila n I:colored his office .to his New MUM, oppor,ll.a
Mans' llotel. plaroll 2g.1k,C0.2tf,
T Aw (u-R-1).-C11,1.11,I,ES E. MA
1,1 (MAU Attornpy nt 0111,1 in In
]nds Inalltut,ju%t nnposire the Mnrket House.
earn.; )ittrat 14, 'OO-Iy.
y Oft; , on Motu Street, opp.n+lto M 1
erlon 1811,"
[Out. 2.6,
CP. FIUNiRICII, Attorney at Law.
•— , olllro on North ifitunver street, it tow doore
eoulh of illaete Itotel. All buslnesit ent,..ruslocl ot ht
will be' prompt ly attended to. (April lb in
- r AW - EMOV AL. —W.
ti 11. PENROSE hex rtmitel lAN roar
the ..court Ilunwc. where lie vlll promptly Attend to all
basin., entrusted to him.,
Aitgunt Its, 1857. •
hits resumed the priirtl of the Is
Mee lit
Centre Square. west side, lia r
the First Presbyterino
April 8.1857.
A N DREW J.. W I,CON, Attorney at
1,3,y. 001. o:19 Lexington St. Baltimore., Itusl
11.1 s promptly attotkiled to.
11. NI. .10huson, ;lambheein,
11. A. S,urgeon, ET Al..
Carll..le April
f,E4Y' FARE REDUCED. -- 64
GOB & 608 11111.rket St., above alxtb.,
W. POWER, Propi
TV,1015 :—sl23 per dny
lJ S. X. Cur, 11th t k Market' Ste.,
N. 11 ANT . O 11,
Opposite the Rail Road Office.
Vir J'all and Winter Hyles of Cloths,
Cassimeres and Trestings made to order.
Carlisle, May 2,18130:
11. N Irf SII A 51,
001 co with Wm. South Hanover Street,
opposite the Volunteer Office.
• Carlisle, Sep. 5, 1859.
4Cecovia.! 4Ccon,l! .
The Undersigned hers been appointed stile sgents rot;
the sale of the celebrated Trororton Coal This Cold
recommended by Mr. Landis and others wlin have tried
it, to be eilually as strong, and burn as much Hole per
ton its bykeom Valley or any other eml In use.
Porsorip In aunt of Limo Coal will fled It to their! n
terost to boy this Coal as It Mits fowl) twenty to t.S'es
ty fire cents per ton less than Lykons Valley. {Po
hero tho prepared Trerorton Coal Cm faintly use al frays
on hand: Also a large stock of tont of all kind,
r Our stook of LUMBER Is large sod composts and will
be Sold at the lowest priers.
Thankful for past favors wo respectfully net rt con.
'tlimance at the same. •
ARMSTRONG & 110littER,f ..
3u1y19,1860 •
'At thu store of.lohn on it, N: E corner of
th 6 pubile•square, Is the plOn to purchase Boots Shoes
Hats & Caps. at prices that defy competition. .
Ito haajust'rettnted from the East with thejargest,
and most complete assortment of Boots. :Anna,. Bets d
C a p s th a t hdlunt ever presented to this community.
and which. he is determined to sell at the lowest pr•ssl•
- hi a poem , . y,t.oc*, embraces epoxy thing In hilt Hoe
• of bn'slness;stich as ,
- I
• , AIENI34; BOYS' FIKE CALF 1100T$:
. .
Klplloeis, Calf and -Patent Leather Ox ford Tins, Cal
sold Patent ; Leather (tatters., Call lt ullltiere,Calf and
Rip brogius, Sllptidrs; to. " • ,
Finn French. .and.•Eugllsh Lasting. °alters', Marenco,
Calf antthiddloolii,Tion {Chi Slippers, Fancy Flippers.
klortcco, mid' Kid
• • DIIBsES AND el WE All oral! desertitions
'embraChnt.flno Ladtlng 'Waters, Montero and' hastlim
'Hutton litots:Alorricen Letrolllodis of all klnde; Taney
"hoot of varinus styles' sllppyrs„de: .
• CPA k CS:Winer& TO nen
ofnitquellilee and styles, alkq a largotOstert,meht of
" ' *STRAir, RATS,.
Aeots and Shoes mad° to orator at the.sherlent noticee.
Couthl ent pf Ids [By t
pleas. all 'classes 'of eustemet'si he respeitfidiyllßvlte o
thu public t 6 kivo , htra squill.' • ; ••• • I • ;
• Remember the'vlacu, N. IL corner of the ;Fuld!,
• ; aqua o: ' 4 , ; o
Slay 30, ;60, —• • • .7011 N IRVINE'..
-H77*.• " ; • -
/ E NT p,,-T ha subjribe r ie. proVA ret)
kJ tOwellto tuatchiutsqud o Hot, CEMENT, by Cie
„cilstuiNty„x4 c s;' • ' 4 .
IlitEsto;'APril 108 D. . • IV . BI.O(Mt •
• I' hiiiTglitSSLl: If hi pilifllsheff Would , ' on IA largo.
Moot crintaihing twenty eight columns, tad furnhhed
to sithscribors at $1.50 I paid strictly in advance:
1116 IC paid, within the year; or $2 In' nil 'eases when
arty wont IsTdelayed until after the expiratio o of the
intr. Nn suhseriptions.reeelved for it leas period than
rix months, and time discontinued Nail all ate:vague
ire paid, unless at the option of the publisher. •llapors
, eat to subscribers living nut of Cumberland comity •
must, be paid file in advance. or the payment_ assumed
by some responsiblo person living in'Cumberland coml.
• ty. These .torms will he rigidly adhered. to in all
Advertisementg will be charged $l.OO per square nil
twilit, linos for three Insertions. and 25 yen to for ~/teli
stth,equent insertion. All advertisements of less titan
twelve line 3 con'aidered as a mina! 0.
Advertisements inserted lelfore Marriages and deaths
rents per lino for first insertion. and 4 cents per line
for sulu:equent. Insertion, Communications On 1.111.•
sects of limited or Individual Interest will be charged
5 <MAN per One. 'file' iroprietor will not Ito reAnnti,i•
blo in dannwes f r errors in AdVertiSon,Dtg. .01.11111ry
notkes or Morel:Kea not exceeding Dye trill he
Inserted without charge. • •
The Carlisle Herald .7111 l PWINTIN,G,OFFICE Is the
I , rileSt not most complete establiqmilt In the County.
Four good Presses. and a giMeral 1 , 11 . of mat cried
suited for plain and Fan, work of every kind. imald.
us to do doh Printing at the shortest 'MAII . I , OIIII on the
roost ronßonnlilo forms. Persons in want of IMP',
Illsnlfs or anything In the Joltlng lins, will find It to •
rile Interest In nice us n rail
S.E L E 0 1 EP P 0 +, .111 Y
Well,lot him go, or
I do not mean to
I guraa holi find that I Can lion
Witlint!t. him, If I try..
Ile tliought to frighten me with frorrnx;
Po terribleand black;
,tay nosy n thousnrid y!.!re
flotoro I nnk him bock.
Ito said that I had noted wrong s
And foolishly beside;
I won't forgive Mtn niter that—
]. wouldn't 111 died.
If I wan Wl'ollq, wINt right had ho • r
Tu ho so cross with to t
I know not an morel qui to—.
I don't prPtend to ho
1 . 1.3 hvt anothor sweethour , t onto;
And now. whun we /!nt,,
Ito nhan}s raps file was m401'005,
And!thaLd.n did not OA.
s lt to en miAlt t t vt, a Faint.:
tno• o than I ran bear; '
1.w1.111 . :th Lt. ,art of wa
don't care whore.
Ito thinkg that also Is pretty, too—
A■ ho.sullf sts
,good ;
I wonder If sho'd got him hick
Aimin now Valle 0111111
I know she would: and there she is—
She lives sinrostits Fight.
And now Ito earn. One o'clock—
Itorlysps ha's titer° to slight.
I'd almost write tY) hint to come—
But thou' I've wild I won't ;
I do not'eara to much—but—alio
Shan't Ilavo"litin It I don't.
Iloodo✓, I linow that I war wrong,
And ho was In Oa HAM ;
I gneas hint, ; and then—
" I W NIL nen come Ta•RIaIIT.
In the first place it runs in the'blood If
there is any law I believe in, it is that of the
transmission of traits. qualities, capacities iota
passions. My falter is a farmer; my grand•
father tray, nod his father before hint. and his,
and his again, to the seventh ancestor, vele)
came over in one of Wioiam Poin's resets, t
and immediately set about reducing the super•
litmus s3lvaitisin of that apostle's Sylvania. If
uoulti blush away the clouds which hung
about Ibis portion of the getwalogical tree, 1
!throne d d ittla but that I could tind its trunk
.striking through cottages or country halls for
same cottony' , " further: nod that "Roger,"
(o/l. 11114,) the son of Thomas, the son of
whit wt re the judicial ermine 01100
Lis e-eut scheon; hail his favorite countsy house '
in the neighborhood,* London.
The child that has rumbled into a newly •
plowed turrow never' forgets the smell of the ,
fresh earl h. Ile ves.upon it as t licr botch
er's boy does upon the stream of blood. but ty
healthier comes into his checks, and
hi growing mosele is.eulalited in metre Moo
cent pastimes. Almost my first recollection
is that of tt swamp, into which I went bare
legged at ,moruing, and out. ilf'which I caw,
when driven by hunger. wilt long stoekiul a
of black mud, and a mask of the same.
the child was missed front the house, the first .
thing th a t suggested itself wits to climb. upon
a mound Which. overlooked the swamp.' emote
where among the tufts or the rushes said the
bladed leaves of the calanut,,, a little brown
ball was sure to lie seen moving, now dipping
out of eight, now rising Nom, like it bit of,
drift on the rippling green It was my head
The treasures I collected were blacic terra
phis, with orange spots; baby frogs, the size
of a chestnut; thrush's eggs, and stems of
purple - phlox.
1 cannot say that my boyish experience of
form-work was altogether attractive. 1 lint a
oonstittitional horror of dirty hands, and toy
first, employments—picking stones and weed
ing corn—were rather it torture to this super
fine taste. lilt almost every tiold hunt its
walnut tree, null many of the last year's nuts
retained their flavor in the springy , melons
were planted among the corn, and-the meadow
which lay betwetln',' never exhausted its•st ere
of wonders. there 'were eggs to hide
at Easter;-01terriea and strawberries in May;
fruits all summer; fishitig parties by tlll.Oll
light . ; lobelia and sumac to he gathered. dried,
and sold for pocket money; and. in s the tall
chest outs, pert:Muttons, wild grapes; chler,
and the grand "butchering," after frost came
=so thikt all the pleasures I knew were thme
incidental to a 'tarincr's lire: The. books 1
read came 'from the. village library, and the
task of helping' to "fodder" on the dark win
tor evenings. was lightened by jhe antiitipt
lion of sitting Oshbon's Rome, Or
Thaddeus not Warsaw, afterwards To le
.1 sometimes tttivied the storekeeper's
bay, whom ,I had 00011 seen shoveling
out . of a hogshead, ;and •who s : nowr and then
stealthily dipped bin putt into the raisin box; ,
but - is uot We uatUre• . of any ebitil• to be
•Pnrfeetty satisfied with his lot in life. . •' •
A life of thrtyears in n small country
town. effectually cured me of all such folly
When I returned to the homestead as,a, youth
I first felt the delight and the refreshment of
labor in' the open air r lotus theo able to
take rho platy-handle. and'[d,stll rehiember
the pride felt when the furrows were' pro•
:Jounced, even ond - Well turned. Although it
war debitte'd Iltat..l should lini make '
terming it business of my.lihutu, thritst - into
iny . pinas a slender wedge of hope,that (might
utie day own. a lot,`of,ground, for the• luxury
,er, having if,not, the profit. of cultiefftjnic it.
The,aratnit,of,the . ,sweet,soll had tinctiwthfluy
I'l[o9dt:the black mud Ulan? swamp still attlek
to sty feet; . ;t; ." • .
:• 'lt .happened that;; odjoinjug my fathers's
prop©rty, • thtera r walt an' old fecof,, which, wits
font rilbipsing into a Stide'Of - Indere. ' Thirty
. or forty.years hind Missed since the plow had
nitglied'utry putlref Th 6 awrier, - who lived
npolf , anollibr - estate at a'little 'distitnoef.“lntil ;•
-always debit - bed to belt-I:perhaps' for the rea
'Sdh that:no porch asee'atteld •folind Oiler .k
'fifratib'ouraging-firioo: Left: Ihttb
'Nature played all dorts of acid atid t piettiresetue„
tho peq'ertir: TVe;. , lteaps' of ,
Sleuth • wore all that , tinfeked Ltheitila.'of" tho
c"libitsa' and "6aril defied Aliggetri'vum
. .
trees hovered around the outskirts of the van
ished garden,• the melancholly survivors of all
i 4 ith)Val arid fruitage; and a Mixture of tall
see-grass, sumacs, and blackberry bu9hets
covet .11 the field The hawtharne hedges
which used th e lane had disappeared. but
g \,\l
some clu ops of privet still held their ground,
and the wild grape and scarlet berried cello
true clambd tl all over the tall sassafras and
tulip trees. ,
Along the roe. whirl! bounded this farm on
the ,e.tst "stood a rove of magnificent oaks,
more than a hundrir 'eet indie:ghr. Standing
too to admit . ol ateral boughs near the
earth, theirdt ranks rose the a crowded co on.'
ado clear against. the s ,y, . and ,1 he'shusei,
burning through, took more mrgtiods; hues of.
orange andmogry crimson 'tiowing that if
the farm were sold, the glorion. trees . wohld
be the tirid to fll I, and i hat,:the,. inYet would
thereby forine losedialf its splemlot l'Uradu
ally mune to'Yontemplate them with le inte
rest which son uncertain 'impending t. N te in
spires.\\ At the Not of the oaks, on the Or
der of the field, tkerg:, was an old gnarled n t
titer pine, surrounded . by a'brood of ,y.ohni,,
otte,,. who, always springiog ttp,id,the same
direction., from the tail that the sends were'
scattered by the aor'we:li weals, seethed to be
running ott down 'the slope, as if full fledged
and eager to mate their way into Ali world.
The old pine hail an aWful interest l to pie as n
boy. More than Once hake 'flack snakmi had
been seen hairiging'from its toughs.'and farm
hands would tell mysterioul stories of On, old
mot her.serpent. as long as a femile.rail and its
swift as a horse. In fact, my brother and I,'
on our way todhe petteli trees. which mill pro
duced some bitter flavored ft'uit, had 'More than
once I.'ol snakes in our path.. On a.dertain
occasion, as my memory runs. I chasmi .1 he
snake, while he ran away. 1.113 story-is, that
Ile clia,ed and 1 ran—and the'question remains•
unsettled to this day.
. ,
In. another woadof chestnut, beyond the
field, the finest yellow violets were to be found;
the azaleas blossomed ill their season, and the
ivory Indian
„pipe sprang-up under the beach
trees. Sonnetsles we extended our ratabies
to the end or the farm, find looktfil down into
the secluded dells beyond the ridge 'which it
,c' , lured; such glimpses were like' the discov
e.y of titiktioovn lands flow far tiff the other
p mple I, , vedl flow strange it must be to
dwell continually down in that holluiv, .with
no other house in sight! But when I will a
house. I thought I shall build it op On the
ridge, with a high
,steeple, l'rein the top of
which I can sey lar:ttlid wide, The de.erted
farm was to toe like the Kiixria. of Ilartley
Colerole, but toy day dreams "-Were for less
ambitious than his. If I had litniwn Bien what
1 learned It tig afterwards, that a tradition of
- lithflied treasures still linger about the garden;
rstiould tor doeht, have dug up million. in
toy imagination, roofed my tiou'se with ~ ,' o ld.
and made the steeple;i hereof:live Itundrell•eel
high ' •
At lest. ounce the launch into the world —it
slide, g plunge, Ii ship.l , l(4, and . the ship rilTes
i the waves. Absence, occupation, travel sub-
I ttrituted realities for dreams, and the farm if
'not nrgoiten. became a very subordi . nate ... eh
ject in the ertialogue of things to be attained
I%'ltenevee I visit the homestead, however. I
saw Ilie sun set through its grating forest, toill
remembered the fate that s; ill hung suspended
liver the trees. Fifty.. se's of neglect had
given the place a bail nettle aiming the fernier+,
while Nature na if delighted to recover pl•
session, hod gone nil adoroing it iii her own
wild told matchless way I looked on the
spot with suit instructed eye. and sighed. no I
rammed apt my sesitty earnings at the reflec
tion that years tow.) elapse' before I could think or possessing ii. lily wish,
neverthele.o. w I+ 111.41,1 :VIII rentemiterol.
In July, 1-.51, I was on - 1110• Island of Loh
Cho° Itoluiating to the flog ship or the squad
rim Otte evening, alter ii long tramp over the
hills to tile smith or Napa kin,,s,. in ik success
ful ;:earelt for the reins of the ancient fort re.s
of Tinto Basso, 1 WAS ,11111111lrllell by the officers
or the deck to receive a package which loul
been sent on board trout title or the other ves
sels Leiters froth Ito ne, after an inter,tl of
six mouths %virtual) news ! 1 ' immediately
['Ake.' in:rotissiou to burn it hoop on the orfop
deck, Mill I vold until midnight, forgetting the
tramp of the sentry and the sound et the
sleepers in their hammocks :I I'oll 1111 !lie.—
Opoiting letter idler letter, and devouring
piece by piece, the !Mayne of 1111105 lIILLY eau
Illillell, I Ile must ,iariliog its well its the most
immolate einem lineation, was—the old tarot
wds mine! Its former owner had decd, the
property' wits sold, rillll 11? ill. liven putchasial
ill Illy name. 1, went tin deck. Thy 'mid
watch Itati„just. relieved the first ; the night
was pitch dark, only now and thou.: wave
burst illlo 8 flash of white lirt.;. reit uslh;blied
westward over till''' . stern sail; I saw the giant
oaks, rising black against. the Orilli3oll 1,1111-
,4 . 0. fill I lillew that they were waiting for toe
.—that I shall surely !lee I hem again.
Five montlis , afterwards 1 t.escheil home,
tiller an absence or nearly two years and it'
lialf. It was Cliri,tlll3l Eve—a clear, starry
wittier night. 'lite bare 1i,11.111 was hard fro
zeti; the sal was down, It quart er-titooti . shone.
overhead, awl the keen north-rest wind blew
in my face. I tail known no %frillier for three
years. iibtl the bracing stimulus of the 011111
lolls almost as,uovel as it was refreshing
Presently I r'etaignized the boundaries of my
property—Am, I actually posses•ed a portion
of the earth o surface ! After ad, I thought,
possession—at. LIIIII,/ 00 Mr /Is Nature is con
cernecl—inettos simply protection. This moon
lit wilderness is tile morel.wautiful to toy eyes
than it was before; but I have the right se
cured by legal documents, to preserve its
beauty. I did not implore the woodman to
spare those Lees;, I'll spare them myself.—
This is the only difference in my relatien to
Illy property. rho long its any portion of the
landscape, when it pleoses true,is not disturb.
cd,,possess it, quite as - Much its this. .
• During these reflections, I hail reached the
foot, or the 'lige. A giant tolip-tree, the
honey of whole-blossoms I had-many a time
pillered in boyhood, crowned the slope droop
ing its lon , ifihigns us. i 1 weary of stretching
them in welcome. • Ifehind it stow! the oaks,
s de by side, far along the road. As 1 reached
the first trues the wind, which hod fallen
gradually swelled' buovningil.rongli ihe Wire
Initneliesuntil a devil organ bass filled the
wood. It was tt Manse, yet grateful chorus
of welcome-inarticulate, yet inteilligible.-
" Welcome, Welcome home r. went boOming
through the trees, "welcome, um' muster and
our preserver! See, with all , the voice,-wit
con catelt• from the
,winds, V/13 utter our, joy!
For now there: is an cod to fear andsuspeose;
'he who Ithows us and hives us' spreads over
'over us the shelter of-his
; cure, Long Brian
we flourislt On the hill ; lung shall otir.gratee
ful shadows cover his path. We shall Mill'
his coiniug(roin mar;
. uur.topmetit boughs
will spy` bun across the 6 . l.llpYs,kitildwhisper
'it toile fraternal wont's, - It© tire'otti i' we
neeer'cliangM; we sh II never' cease 'to re
-011ellIbi:r, nod welrume oar 'master I" - - ,
-So the ire's trere.iit;st, to roeuzatizas me --•
Li s tett to their deep, .reStiontat voices (wllleli
i 'would out Moe exchanged for the dry ritatle
of ti hoildred* linigue.linig . ftirest 'of" tropical
-posits,)' ViVitsretnistiitatis of at a nv,"•s'eMsittiim,'
whielimothing . ; but the. Rental . sight;ot toy
pruiterty.could , ,bave , .L, Suggested: 'fell like
,m tint} swinitterwlttpt 11mfirst r tottebesyvttatic
-- riff ‘e
li •ritillderless 'ship„ driflecrat
,the mill
of the'sitirin, -- wli'M her* KistLitlLVLlr Llllieti'ffrill
110111.:"Illtif It . wiiii,qictse'ea' ivlien;ltller'llOniiair,
from btiih to - ,liuslf , • frtint field- to . liclii, it , drops
. at, last„upon i the.aeres.ot:rual,etailte, it suety
,e 0 411 easier . .thliqg 19,ktivve . .,t40.,!.ruvlil„.,It.
Million iii b r
unt( stuck' or, railroad lioads could
lief iiitvO'ki v'en 1110 tiff: 'sake' poll.lve, tang!.
ble'seisSu of pritimirty. ',. • :.- -.'- 1 ~,- . ~. ;.
When liwalketl over: my ,lieldso.e4-4.actlf•
. .
CARLISLE, .P 4;,: Fl 3: 4
. .
laity -tnY Gelds I the next d iy; thi4 sensation
'ret itrued ,i n- id m oat -. rid teal ova execss. "You
%ill! (if coast cut Niwn that, tiOy . , old tree."
said so tne s ,'eui e? • It, iiii pies:led tae veryMneh
as if 1 had been told': Thdt chapter in your
book is inferior to the others—tear it out
or, "your little, t finger is .crookcd; have it
amputated l" r\\ by vita the,xedge grass and
sumacs—how. beautiful ther-Viere! . Conlil 1
ever-oink% up my MA to dmitroy- them ?
As fur the cedar', the hawthorn, the privet,
the-tangled masses:id eliMbilfg, smilax—no,
by;the berms of Behdrizzer, they shall stand I
't,l'his field will.not be Ivi9rth much for graiii."
‘Vell-- 7 -whitt if ii. isn't. " liverything is (vild
.and neg,' hieted-Lie wants' clearing Sadly."—
‘4 Everythitnr io grand, beautiful, churn lig ;
there'' r• 1 • itl''
is uot nog ike So ,ran the. course
of remark and counter remark I did nut
rotifer my espialiiinityr. to lid disturbed; was
Loot sole owner, tippellatur- and treiposer rif
all ! Nor did die trees appear to be sensible
of the letni( feitr. They !etched their units
!against 01)e another; i ILA sort of happy,' coot
, placent calm, as it whisperingo -" it's alitight,
, t us enjoy the suhshitie; hull take cans. f
us !" .
Yea. one cannot properly lie considered no
l it tneinher of the brotherhood of man, an ine
lialiitant•of the earth, until hit possess ii. por
tion of Wt . ottelane,,, AK the sailors s'av, lin
Idii ie,le
o th 't ac
tunl!y/ice. i The Agrarians,
>Cut»rkatists, 'ocilistic Lectllerd, and Elias
ofnil kitloo\r, r h eplenhled
front the ranks
of non-owners of ceal'estate. Banks break,
stoeltd and seriP's o \all kinda L go up ant,Plut,illi
•on tilt: financial sue-altw ; but it fee dint pie of
solil earth id there I' Attu sea it, you, feel
it, yea walk oVer it. Ni t. it yours, and
your children ' s 111,1(1 their ptchgetty's ( unless
mortgaged and sold throbgrlyf treeloditrepta
in flit millennium' .
And tlii'd - is how I mow to ha It farm. -.
. For thili• otid.v."
- • PAILVILIVUES. • .. .
1)ill you ohlierve Lie,nieiiant P..rit Mrs 's..
grand pet ty, a few evenings since.?' -Yes t •
ti,•ed, trite not n fine looking:officer ? When
: he extended hit hand to Julia, did you hear
.gnu 6'l3', my Hosie r Julia ! Wis'ill it terrible ?
Why so 'M t. exciatntedin bright !nuking mai
den ? Why toy child, he is the Thin of a man
in very humble civet' mst titicesi living in A
You 4on'ilsay so, replieidtlityinxions • girl—l
reify believe Julia I 11104 well of 111111 11
may lie HS sty dear but I caii , t think 11.11.31.i_
will ever Cllll4Olll 10 J Illitl'S marrying it gent te
rnan or such Intnilde . bright Here something
miracle I,the attention of the party,. 11:111 1110
conversation. turned upon another subject.
The' above convereation took place on the
expel' deck of noble steamer. as the was
gliding smoothly I.iver'tlie witters'ef the beau
!drill clitesapeake.•
- I wile Standing with my hack to the psrly ;
hut, a. 1 happened to be actinainted with 1116
father of the gallant yoting- r lAll eel . . I beeamv,.
.deeply interested in what wait pa,ing. - - -- 1 soon
learned that - the Hit' .1111iS alas 'the daughter
of it wealthy widow, living. Mehl the splendors
of city life. As to the young Lieutenant, he
first saw the light under till litimble root'. Ilis
father is still poor, but 'ocher and induet riot's,
Through the exertions of inqu,ential friends,
he titt,cceetied in gaining adtitittlince Io West
Point, where he graditated with marked dis
tinction, since 11111.11 Lb fitiii•V 1 .s.iigned pO
Shinn,. of importance by theliblverumMit, end
his father oily well feel his •heart pubotting
Willi pride, ns he thinks of his noble 'toy.
confess Iliat.l left the fires of iadigoatintrlglo'W- -
lug within my heart, when the Indy itt -ques
tion alluded in sneering term!, to his humid,.
origin. ''there are those who recognize Met it,
whether it Ite`fontol in priv . erty'sl;loomy vale .
Or on ['le shining heights of wealth ; 11111. the
totdy IS W/10111 I have referred "certaittly, is not
otte .if the number For dhp yet4epant's s:tke
I Ilviiilteil' my start she was not the mot her of
Julia. And, fortunately for twiny gallant
spirits, the •fair .11thas of our land di-coNer
inon , excerlence in the pure heart, cultivated
intellect, and manly charnoterof a poor)-oting
matt, tliatt.ilo he consequential airs era brain
tares youllf, who claims for Itisfather,:i power
ful milionakv. ' .
are my own notion of men and thing•+ ;
' and there is I..caree nothiog,whichd hold in
111 , 1 re perlect detesiatinn thnn the ~ y eophautio
spirit often di-played to s ward4 Ilion who hire
111/Illlllg to recommend them to favorable no
rice, lint a well filled purse. Yet, go n here
we tnay, we see it; more especially among
those' who eau only retain a certain po,it ion
in society, by ,•aerifieing all thb noble quali
ties which adorn human nature.
tkir Julia! I tufty never gaze upon thy
beautiful countenance: yet, I shall realize
sensation of pleasure. if, antne evening, when
the Clara Chine brightly - , and the dew falls
gently, the sacrbd . gatardiaus of the hytuenial
tiltarrshall gaze with inlet est upon the seine.
um thou (lost wreath the brow or the gallant
Lieutenant with flowers plucked front thy vie•
gin heart. • '" ROVER.
Waterloo. the Day atker the Battle
On n surface of two square miles. it was as•
certained that fifty thousand men and horses
were lying I The luxurious crop. of ripe grain
which had covered the field of battle., was re
duced ttitter, and beaten into the„ :Vali , and
the stirlitee trodden dovin by the Miii&Try, and
furroweddeepty by the Ca 11 11011 wheels; strewed
with many-a relict of,the fight.. Helmets %lid
cuirasses, shalt •t 1 ti rearms and brokens...o.os
nil the varlet) military ornaments lancer
caps and 'nig dbouttets; unitormsof every
color. plume and pennon ;.iiitigitnil instruments
the apparatus of artillery, drums. bugles, but,
good God! why dwell tin the harrowing . plc•
turn °lit foughten field?—each and every rui
nous display bore Mute testimony to the mise
ry of such a battle. . *,- , fr 'lt it
Could the-melancholy appearance of this scene.
of , 113i1111 be heightened it Witold. be by wit •
nestling the researches 0.04.. living. amid its
desolation, for the objects of their love. Meth
era wives anti children, for -ditys uero (teen
pied iu that mournful duty ; and &illusion of
the corpses —friend and lob intermingled. a$
theYivere, often reuytered theatteutm - at roc
ogn 174 indivitisalStlitieultotit:in some cases
impossible. * *. ,In inany places the'
dead lay tour deep.upon each ot ber, marking
the spot sonic British sqluire line occupied,
tixposed fur Miura' to the - naurderous tire. of a•
-French battery.. Outside -lancer and cult [o
sier were scattered i Ittokly _upon - the. earth..
Madly attempting to forcethe,serriedbayonets
oldie British.. they'had fallen in the bootless
essaYlijt the musquetry. - .of - the inner tiles.
Farther on, yett-t race the spot whero the cav
alry of-France andiNgland had encountered;
ahasseur and hussar were intermingled ;- and
the heavy • Norman haiiies of. the Imperial
Guard were int erspet ted with the gro, charg
ers which hadwat‘tival Albion's chivalry.- Here
the-Highlander and the Itrailcur lay,'•elde by
I eget her ; end•l lie heaVyf dragoon, - with'
green Erin's badge upon his helmet, was grap .
piing:in death with' the Polish lancer: ;.;* *
Oa t hisunamit oft he ridge, where the ground
was.covered'ivith the dead,-.and . trodden ft t- •
look deep in Mud. and gore by the , frequent
rush:arrival 'cavalry, the ihiok strewn corpSes
of the Imperial Guard painted -'eutH-thb , 'spot
where 'Napoleon had been defeated. There,
hi column. that favored, corps.', on mlipir his
' last- chelleoameitedoluitb.been annihilated, and
the advance and repulse of the Guard wOO
traceable by. 1 . -- made' of fallenVrenelt men. 7"u_
,-tliii hollow.bolott - i'llie last struggle of Franq
had been vainly Made t' for there rho 01(1.Guerc1
attempted to the : et ,th o,lllrit Wit' nail iillord , t Ito p
to-their did:organized companiousi to . rally... '
At a town itieeting iij Iteland it was re•
ceutty voted "that all persons in the town
owning doge ," •
'EMBER- 9, 1860.
[From Ihe IPneaily .*gazino.]
Ile, had blnek eyes, with king ',lashei red'
cheeks, and hair almost. black and almost,,
curly. Ile wore a critnstne plaid jacket, with
full qinsers, buttoned on. fled it habit of
whistling, and liked to qnestions. Was, '
Aecompattied b'Yta small' black (trig; It is a: .
iong•while neiV, , sittMe be disappeared.' I have
it. very pleasant house and lunch company.—
My gut•ts say, " Air! it is pleasant here !
Everything has suuli . '
orderly.. - put , atvar
look—nothing about 'under foot, no dirt . •
But lily eyes aro' oohing , for the sighft of,
whittlings and cut paper •tipen the done: .
nimble down card Louses; 'of wooden sheep •
an I. cattle ; of pop gnus, bows and airrowS,
whips,, tops, go darts. blocks and trumpery..
I want to see limns a-rigging. and kites it- •
nniking..., I want to see crunaqes.on the car
pel, and paste spilt on tlie kitchen table. I.
want to see the chairs and" tables 'turned the ';
wrong way about:' I want to see candy tuak•
slid corn.popping; and to find ,
and fish hooka itmong yet thebe
things used to fret me once., .•
They say ; —"llow quiet you are here; ! •
one here may settle his brains and be at
peace." But my ears are netting forthe pat
io lag of little , feet; for a hearty shodt, a 7 ,
NlOl . l . whkd y-e, a ga tra 'for the crack of
little whips. for the noise of drums. tires, and
tin•trumpets ; yet these things made' mr nut , . -
.v.,as once. .
.• • •
They say,—" .If r. 1. you 11/IVO leisure= nothing
ti disturb ypu ; what hcapi of sewing you
have time fox.'= But long to besasked fr a
hit of string or nn .old nifty...paper . ; for a cent
LI bay a slate pencilfir peanuts. • I w at. id
be coaxtAl.for a piece of new cloth tor or
main•sails, and then to Item the Sadie; I %eillit
to make little flags' and bap to hold Mitt•bles.
taint to OtelAlowed by little feet all over,t he
house ; 2 teased ,r a bit. of dough for a lilt le
cake, or to hake a pie in a satan•r. Yet these
things used to fidget me (mac ."
They -say •—•' Alt! you are not tied at home.
Him delightful to be alwdys at. liberty to go.
to converts. fecturt4, add parties; no confine
ment fury op." •
'But I Want confinement; I want to listen
I. the schottFbell morning's; to give the last
ha. wash and brush. and then to watch,
from the 'window. nimble feet bounding to
school. I want frequout rents to meliti;.• and
to replete. , lost buttons. I Want to Obliterate
mull stain. fruit stains, molasses .stains, and
paints of al colors. I want to be sitting by
a little crib of .venings. when weary lit de.feet
tire at rest, am pr,attling voices-are meshed,
that in, k ,he.r: etta . ‘Nming their lullabies and tell
over their ol't-repr. ti.l stories don't
know their hnppiueio hen—those mothers. I
d..ln 1, Well the-e thin et I called confinement
A manly figure stands la ore me now. Ile
is taller than I, has thick Ida .1; whidiers, and
wears a frock coat, bosomed sl . tand cravat.
Ile 'hu t s_ just Como frolll CiAlego. Ile firings
Lulu and Greek in his enmenenone and busts
of the old pltilosophern for the site g room.
Ile coNtWinother, but tam rather in willing
to own biro.
Ile stoutly declares that he is my boy, nil
nays he will prove it. Ile nrings use 11,S11)1
pair of white trousers, with gay stripes at the
sides, and asksyne if I didn't make them for
him when he joined the Amy's Militia. Ile
Oil .0 he iii the very buy, - too, that 'node the_
uniffro hear the' barn, so that we came very
near baring a fire'in• earnest. Ile brings his
little boat to show the red 'stripe on the sail
(it' was the end of'the piece,) and, the name
on the stern-4. Lucy Low"—a little girl of
our neighborhood, who. because of her long
curls anti pretty round foie, was the chosen
I:t . vorite of lily little buy Iler curls were long
since cut ell', and she lion grown lobe a tall,
Imenkome girl. How-the red collies to his
fare MINI lie shows me the naive on the boat.
Old 1. see it all tin plain as if it were written
jet a hook. My little 110 y islust,Wesd niy big
one will 000111 m. Olt! if he were a little tired
boy in a long, white night gown. lying•in his
tThb, with me sitting by, holding his hand in
mine, pushing his curls Leach...from his fore
head. watching his eyelids droop, and listen.
ing to his deep breathing. '
If I had only my little boy again, hew pa
tient I would be!' [low much d would bear,
and how little I would fret and :mold! I can
never have him back agaiu ; but
_there are
'still 111311 y 111 , 1ilier. who 101 . 4ell't yet lost their
little boys. I wonder if they know they are
living their very best days: that now is die
time to really enjoy their 'children! 1 I Idok
it 1 lied been More to nik little boy I might
how be more tot tuy 'grown up une.
T,he Queen end thetrrinee
• When very young she was ricketty and weak
in the ankles, but was recovered by-healthy
training, ' She was brought 'Vat the sea side,
at Itatusgate, her an klewptibped on, and 6ea
bat dog resorted to, , Slit was very beuovelent,
.when bile rode abroad, which was on horse
back, and very often, her purse returned
empty. She had and still hasat good spite
tile. Iler mother carefully inculcated iu her
Inve for the Protestant religion. She learn
ed Gerinan French, and 'ltalian perfectly,
knew' a littlo Spanish, and wits 011 accomplish
ed -musician and voettl6l. •At to -age or 18,
on June 20. 1837, she became Queen, in con
sequence of the death of her uncle, Willis in, 0 -
IV. „Lbrd Melbourne and the Duke ot'
lug' on proved excellent advisers' to thvoung
Queen.' They tl
dined with, her every
being old gentlemen . , would sometimes drop
asleep over their wine, when she would' tickle
their noses. Very soon Lord Melbourne thought
she would be married, arid, on his stating it
in diplomatic language. she did not . under.
stun t him, and replied : •• Let mo. havoAnt
Duke of Wellington !" Explanatiens being
offered, she objected to her cousins of Cum
berland and Cattibridge, and suggested "Por`
Albert." It prpol.4 a happy - choice, as the
young prince made art excellent' husband. it
was scot that 'the Qtieen liked Lard .Elphin•
stone. but Ire was sent to 'Madras, to gat,him.
out of the wily. The yeutig.couple started in
life with 11 mutual income of It wits
but tee notch, they brought up thei'r family on
it. unbent callotg fur a separate allowance:.
?or troy of them.
The queen rises at half past six in summer,
nod seven' in. winter, and, always walks a
hroatl, :returning to morning prayers and/'
breaktant at which she eat- heartily, and sub
sequently speothrhat s can hour in the nursery.
She:next:receives the master of the house-.
holdand decides what invitations should be '
accorded tor the' day, and then visits her avia
ry, menagerie. aquartem• or stables. She ,
is passionately fond of heroes, and is a good
rider At eleven she receive's the socretary,pf...
war, the home mina foreign secretaries; . rat
twelve, generadvisitoin ; lunches at one . ;
drinks Alsop's pale alp, At three she rides - ,
in her carriage or on horsebttek„either ig '
, or on, some - errand of:charity, ,Reitirning,
her rindesty . dinendniittate, which is ratger a
dreary affair; to conversation being taloned:
[html that over, etiqUel to in dismissed ; in the
drawing-roots the queen play: cumin (he piano,
nod indulges in .Gorman games - 'At' trieVen
she retires. - The queemnppettre fond et AM.. /
ericatr ladle's. The Prinee . of, Wales is neither
dull Mar Stupid, but it yotith of the Mildest
dispositioMend splendittlyarduentire Like his •
mother,' die lippeirred rieketti and 'delicate:in
youth...lle carries his bend' a*.• little. On - otre
side now. 110 Sll6llkSlFienalli.Germazi,••ltai :
limit amid SpnoistimititAueoey , besides being
a,gotrd ( i lrech, and Latin sOolar, s , is,svell
koquiiitilea end the fine ariej . :a geed
Soldier 'thetiii r ricillY, niid tr, Voisentiin.
lie dances etteite . etisly; like no.nt'of
fish, youthn ttf , i he chooses the
:partner be' likee Sett: t,
Yitbits '. gl,totrlincnt.
A.happ, , womrta is not thevery sparkle
old sunshine of life? A woman .who is
happy beca• ;••she' ean't.idtelp itwhose
smiles.evthathe coldest sparkling of Mislbr••
I tine cannot dampen:, Miilatuake a terrible
mistakc'•when 'they marry for beauty. or for
talent, or for style ; the sweetest . wives - are
- those who possess the magic secret orbeing
contented tinder every - Circumstance. Rich'
or pool., high or low, it makes no difference i.
the bright little fountaite of joy bubbles tip
just as musically in their 'hearts. Do• they
live in it log cabin? the, firelight that leaps
rin its loiinble hearth becomes brighter than
the in an Aladin palace r
Do they cat brown brwil;and drink cold wa.
ter fromP the Well? it affords them more solid
satisfaction than the millionaire's pitle,de
y lams. and iced champagne: Nothing ever
goes wrung with them—no trouble iR too so-
riatts for them to "make: the best of it." Was
-ewer'lloi stream of ealainity , so dark that the
onnlight of a happy face, falling across its
turbid tide, would not wake at. answering
gleam ! Why these joyous lemiiered people
don't know half the good they do. No mat
' ter how cross and savage you feel, Mr.( irunib•
ler—na matter, if .Ybitr brain Is backed -full
of Medilations or 'afflicting dispensations;
and your stomach with medicines, Pills and
tonic,s, jest set one of these cheery little•wo•
ten talking: to you, and we are not afraid to
wag,pr%anythimi she can cure you. • The long
drawn lines about the mouth :will relax—
the cloud settled glonm will vanish, nobody
knows when pap!, be laughing I Why?
That is another thing ;
,we can no more tell
why than we can tell why you smile involtin•
tartly to listen to, the first blue bird of the
season, among •the maple blossoms, or to
meet a knot of yellow-eyed dandelinus in blue
, crack of city paving stime. We only know
that it is tat:
Oh, the ,happy wotnand how often their:
slender shoulders bear the weight.of burdens
that wend smite man to the ground! how
often the little handg' guide the ponderous
machinery.ol life with :in almost invisible
todch hew we look forward, through a
weary day, to their fit-esnle smiles ! how often
their cheerfgj •
o l CU
we only behold thandet..chargal clels!—
I No one - knows , ==* one ever will know, until
I the day ofjudnatent, bow much we owe to
these hopeloi uncongdaining women I
Occnration of AVomen,l.Prance
The great / socialproblin which at present .
is engaling, the benevolent of oar own coon
try-how shall we find employment for those
of ' our female. population , whose coed itiiAr
places them above menial service ? has long '
and successfully been Solved in - France, It
Os consideri , d there that wheti. a lady goes to
; purchnisea.dross or a pair of gloves, a trinket
1 tor herself or a toy for her chiliiren„ t she will
I Prefer to be served hylene . of her own sex.
: than by a • broad shouldered specimen of
the other. So long 'ali' . :tbe r - soil demands
eultivation,, die country Soldiers. and.mechan •
ics, merchants and artisans, such as only the.,
brain and strength of manhomr can supply,
'ti is; thought tin 'ungatfaut find utnteetnly: in ,
vasit of the rightil ,if the weak; that any 1
emplo) 'nem lbr .wf Hi they are peculiarly
qualified should be taken front them. Wit.
in-ta, that mils hot,l her virtue. comfort, - and
delight in labor,ls perinift 3.1, itt consequenee,
to Cxercisq it. She ottoo acts aii ticker di.4•
peuser at railm's•\ stations, as book-kceper at
hotels tont shops, -unit its attendant la the
heaped .tables of tv) 'treading room.. The
watchmaker cotteig/A \ to her deli Cate touch,
the liner parts. of liii\tneblianism," and the
jewitter the setting of IN costly gems ; the
wombengraver expects hel\must delicate and'
'Aastehd cubs from her.; and the
invitee- her Ot place her eavikin dies 'Louvre
, or Luxembourg, to reprod'uire, ak she well can
the masterpieces of ancient or Modern art.-'
or is the mallet el' the seulpto,r \ considered
'to disgrace the hands of a princese—one of '
the noblest statues of modern titnes\repre '
sooting -Joao ot Arc, claspingthe tense dated
sword, Wing a production of a daughter Of
`the hoe tilittzeu .liiug...l l he individual abil:.!
I-social advantales which the honor' that isj
thus paid to labor brings, are incalculable.— '
Pride is never permitllid to interferb witlfuse
fulness ; and !natty youSg (entitles who would
have been debarred, as tvith'tis. by its perni- ,
chins itilluentaß from the 'honorable emeloy•
mum of her powers, and been tempted to
seek a refuge from poverty in a life of shame,.
is enabled, by the wiser and more merciful ar
rangements which obtain in France, to
cure a virtuous and comfortable indepen
dence. . ..
This recognition of female usefulness;' and
respect according to its exereise,is attended
hy other important result 3 to the Welfare and
arrangements of society. No well conducted
young woman is condemned to tho cheerless:
':ness of old maidish Ida. A young female,
trained , o.the idea thits she has a position
of hetivity to fill, and work' to do, is regarded
by the other sex, who hav e married in pros
pect, nut in the light ol'owexpoisive enema
bra 11 Ce, .14111. :IS, a help or gain i and it will
depend on herself alone it, ado comparatively
early age, she'does not obtain the opportunity
of Lcing a happy wife., °
. .
Paocarss or FAiilllON.—Most of our
lady readers, we suppose, have, smiled over
the pictures of the first French Empire ; of
the high bred dames of Napoleon's Court in
guietaleeves, monstrous bead pieces, waists
under their nroeptts, shot t , clinging skirts,
and 'elaborately wrought stockings. Few of
then), rrhaps, are aware that they are seem
ingly destined to wear this very costume be
fore they aro many years older. Fashion
moves in a circle; the past always returns
after annintoval of gri.arter or less duration.
TlOndications of a return of fashions of
180 And 1810 at the present time aro too
decided to admit of any doubt, and we aro
informed that the shrewdest tailors and mil
liners are already on the chase ,of old engra
vings of that tleriod.:
Id as. •
ALBS. • ARTINGTON Ux Costuwi'lcs.—'That's
a new article for beautifying the complexion,'
said Mr. Bibb, holdin g up: small bottle for
Partington to looiNat. She looked up
from teeinga woolen sock for Bic, and she
took the bottle in her baud. "Is iriudeed?'
said she, 'well, they may get upso many
rostrums for beatitifying the comp exion•lnit
depend upon- it, the less people has, to
,with tottles - for it. the better. • My neighbor,
;Mrs. :Mote-her, has been nosing a bottle a good
,inany yemrs,Nbr 'Ater • complexion,: anti her
:ruse looks lilse a rupture. of -Mount- •Vocifor
,ois, with the burning lather running all over,
the etintakionslerritory.'• . Mr. BiliOnforined
.her, within smile, that this wee: cosmetic
forlhc•ontside, and not to be taken internally,
;ivhatreupthi:slio subsided into, the toe of ike's
stocking, but-murmured something about the
danget GCBs 'leaking- in' nevertheless. -
• Say "nothing,• nothing .wfaah a timelier
Viadd not approve; and •you-are' on. tlavcer•
Aain. roadltCt , PPiPees• : .
•. - A gaittictriati havitik a minileckl sister, being
naked - what branch 'the excelled in . , - declared
that the piano was her forte.: • , •
• . .
f SI 50 per annum In advanc4
$2 00 If not paid In advance
TILE C4 . ATII li'ltEß
"A onilpper up of unconsidered tritles."
body has heaiil Ihe lima
No pent-up Utica contracts our powers,
But tho whole boundless continent is ours."
llSut Veri reNV . pF1 , 1)10 know the author on in
what, poem they occur: .The Portsmouth (N.
II) Journal says' they liiere written by one
Jonathan Mitchell Sewell, a Portsmouth poet,
las an epilogue to Addison's play of. Cato,' on
1 the occasion of its•performance by on mat tor
conipanyin thatplace in 1778. The whole
' production woo One 'of decided power. The
:spirit of the Revolution entered into'evcry ex-
L.pression.' We give n few lines:
And what now gleams with downing rays at llama
Once blassil in . fulborbed inajesty at 'Rome, .• •
Did Itonte's bravo Senate' nobly strive t'oppose
h mighty torrent el - domestic foes;
And boldly atm the vlrtuune few, and dare • '
'rho Ilts.perate perils of unequal war
Our :quinte. too. the sante hold deed has done, •
And for a Cato armed 'Washington!
Rise, bowl, my eountrYumn, for light prepare,
Gird on your swords,willi fearless rush to war:
For your grievt:drountry nobly dare to die,
And cou.ty all your vehmlor liberty.
No pen t.up Utlul contracts our pow'rs,
Mit the whole boundless Continent is ours:
• •*-
Utica,"ti ir town older than anyin the vicinity
of ancient Carthage, was the place where Cato
'died. This fact, 'with the above extracts,
will sufficiently explOn one of the most ex-
Insive quotations iir-eur language—a quota:
tio which has been Treptently made by the
usual. distinguished orators, Webster among
r,... ... 4 . 4
An ere intensoly'lmautiful—n . ova . .
Calm rtfi the, sum me rof 3 Wl' e 4rl
Dreaming Of Lupo. Tim . lel. !loth nal woods,
With their innuaiernble , hhades and colorings,
A shout Instrument whereon the wind .
'lath long, forgot to play.
A young rukly of extraordihory intellec!nal
capacities, recently addressed the following to
her cousin :
peer 117‘122 en. — , The wetJter.wJ,wttßwe is nue
Icold and i spes'e wlnn• you nir it air kolde.r.
We is all well, and mother's got the his ler
ricks, brother Topn has got the Iloppin Kolf,
and sistiiiStizell' 'lola got a baby,' and I
those few lines will findyoithosot n , kundishun.
Rite soon. Your opheeslinnete Mizzen,"
• (i I rn , me WisUNS," Paid I tb - Snl,
She turned from Ino disgur.ted
But still I begged and teemed Ler so,
At beet my lips sly:, Lusted.
I could not •tand this sort of 011114,
I really felt quite Amy:
So when I sow shred not consent, c?
I gavicliCr sotalt for smack."
How TO Kiss.—First, grasp with ' haste,
around the waist, and hug her tight to thiiit;
and then she'll say—•`do go away—do, wtntt
you let no ber"fhen. oh, what bliis I but
never miss so good a chance as that • then
make a dash, as quick: as flash, and—llarri
et, Mild my hat I •
0011 , TIMIS COSI , O
1.69: I sea Iha bl INF ul ogee,
When dose mammon Liar are done, •
%retelling like a golden evening,
Forward to the setting sun.
• -.Atr.xvinitt
A WELLACNOW r N lawyer, a few days ago,
served a numinous upon-a debtor, at the in
stigation of his eliuitr. The debtor tools the
sum 1110113 and indorsed the billowing lines,
returning it to.tbe legal gentleman :
Azainst your claim upon this suit,
I've na tli&nru to uiakn; sire:
To save your client's precious Limn,
Imuunliatejudgoinuot take, sirs.
havo no cash, and cannot pay,
llooed, I ant Ara ; •
Until !nyiprospertsl.mghton up,
I am not worth a damn. sirs."
A writer asks if any one can informjt . petn
man the best way 'to start, a little nuiltery ?
Certainly. Gel married.
ATItOCIOI79.-" Betsy, my .denr,'. , said Mrl
Stubbs, giving his wife a pair of damaged un ,
nientionablw. “have the goodness to - , mend
these trowscrs ; it will he as good as going, to,
the play to-night." Mrs.' Stubbs tong' her
jivedle, but eon fe- , seil She c%tabliet. see thil point .
..1.1010 so ?" ,aid she. .
will\ s sde tliewon.lerftil ravels in the piaci): pline,",
Mrs.`kitublis finished the job, and handing
back t 0 trowsers, told Stubbs, .that d darned
Passion et ), T runs, grows purer, .
.Looses e rr tinge of clay—
.4B front otort;e11 red and tut bid,.
`Flows tin; wItN; transparent day;
So In mingled llves of lovers, .
Tito array. of human Ills . .
Breaks tludr await) course to music,
As ,ho stones break suunnor rills.'
Itmum. .or 111)90:U116r of IL
gig was the occasion of Washington's being
horn in the United States, and the subsegnent
establishment. ()Cour. nat kind independence ;
an error of the miser in sinking 11.'well led to
the discovery of llereulaneuin with all
nonthificent trea,ures of ancient. art ; •and
blunder in nautical adventures, resulted in
the discovery tti' the Wand of Alroleritt, with
all these deliciou% wines.
Tae L ler RUN or 811,1:,.
Bonner, whilst. poor Iltiellanan lies, •
..11Pop's tiny dyiti4 hard,
irouhl make him, ere be 'situ Ai his oyes,
,r4u advertising xard. "
"W,rltu for my 'IMLIgur I'" hark I Imsludoks,
••• 'Amu !1011, old und.slek I"
Am! 101' poor 'Buck, With Pale sdue4s/
Arocyte tho jaCeIMS6 kirk!"
. . . .
t , Where ore you going ?" said ,n
g entleman to an elderly one in a white cravat,
whom -he overtook a few miles from. Little
Buck.. .
.. I. am going to henven„ my sou ; I 'have
been on the way for more than eighteen years."
.t Well, good b) e, old fellow, if-you hive
been travellingloward heaven eighteen years,
and got no nearer than Arkansas, I.'ll, ;alto
auottioi• route." . '
" Put your foot In hot water,
' As high' as your thighs; • • .
Wrap your head round with flannol • . ,
As low as your sync, • ,
Ilavo a boil of but gruel ' -
• 'And brsudy or gin;"
ud repast tfti,d2inas often asiirty ; bs conyoulent.'
Ilaving•received and exaviined a liirgaquan•
lily of Government repertS. we hate..heiuntie
convinced that the label '•'pub.. ehould
br alterod.loAry dom. •,.•
Willie'a mother ,told him to duck hilt
head.ulider' the Water, the other .ilay,'.'Wheu
she was bathing him .!011,,I'mafraid quid
W by.?" asked his fend plirett
I'll itle."— "llotet: be afraid, ytiu 'won't,• get,
dretveed,lf yotlaro.uridorlhe!water fer a m0,..i
I oiigh!,Ain.fropi truc . er.en the fo:aint",
, .r.o
"Why don't, you limit. yourself VI:
physigion. to Wintempenittrm 1-.4jet ,dpwn
a etitkeilMt Via will go ta.tar,amtrm
dcr Itisajd toper' ; . set, it se;
off ilmt-iilyipys get drunk.:lmfore I wr.r/immt.,
NO. 2.