Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 02, 1860, Image 3

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    , .
R ' 1)1,J.13LL . 0 SALE 0V,.0.41i EbT,AI.I 4 I.
By vie i toe ofan °Mgr of the Orphan!? Courtin,.
t.t'horiand County, I 001000 ill to public. o •od the
itreiniscs, on •-• •
.• . FRIDAY the 23d of Neeetiiber;;lB6o. l L 7 '
• v _
at 11 o'clock A. M., the heal estate of George Ruttorf,
doc'd. situate in Sliver Spring,township.6.iuttiorlnnil Co
tat. 4 tract of laud which lies on the rend leadltut
„ front 5141tatticalotrg'to llottestorin, tikout half way Ito.
- tweon the two ;Raccoon which the said _ i t.. -
• .. ,
Buttorf lived, containing,l7 acre: nod vill
13 porchos: hart:ma mar •
i ' 'FRAME fiqtrs 6, •!. 7, .• ~
- •
•t and Promo RAM therprierepted, with ' , 4..... ""•",
other out-houtes n cistern, atid!good watint nt tho door,
and all or which ' lts cloared andln to good state of culti
vatlon, and harltig uoo on• n orehard of applo and othOr
fruit trcas nn -it. , e , ..
-3d. A tract of Writ adelnlng the above and on the
name road, containing 48 acres and 83 porches,' with a
-7 • gdod House and Bard;, ' '
..- , ,V45'{ fit and other Inipreremoote,Wit4 an excel.
. ,t,: lent youno Orchard and never failing.
'l'll , ' • s water on It: Thd whole in cleared and
4-.4 ...' , J4 ' `l- -;.. under goddfonenexcept about five acres
- Forces madelcdoWn 011 day of sale 4
Adm'r. of Gee. Brittorftlee'd.
Nov 2,'00
By virtue of Pundry writs of Venditionl Rxponas
issued out of the court'of Common Mean ofeuraberiond
county, and to me o directed. I will expose to sale by
• , public voodoo or outcry, nt the Mutt House In the
Lorough.of Carlisle on FRIDAY the 91h day ofNovecn
bur A. 0.1830, at 10 oteltick A. 51 ° the followpig
scribed Real Estate, to wit: ' • -
ALSO, A lot of ground iltuato in New Kingston,
Cumberland County, containing 40 foot in .front and
182 foot in depth more or less. bounded on the east by
property of Francis tickets' holes, on the west by prop•
arty of bteoli Boar, on the north by tile Harrisburg and
Carlisle Turoptka, and on the south by an Alloy. having
, thereon erected is two story Brick Itouso. Seized and
taken in execution and to be sold as the' property of
Jacoblinuninger,' - ' •
ALSO, A lot of ground - situate In the borough of Car.
, Bale, containing 60 foot In front 'end 119 foot in depth
more or bounded on the soot hy ofJames Wag-
goner, on ens t h ew st by lot ofJamb-Landin, on the North
I by an Alley and on lice south by North Street, having,
thoreon erected &Awn story Frame House, franca shop
and frame stable: Salted and taken lu execution, and
• • to bo gold as the property of C. Laley.
• ALSO, A lot of gronnd situate In. the Borough of
• Nowrille, containing 40 feet in front and 180 foot In
depth more or less, bounded on the east by property
Yost Sictuvilor, on the welt by property of W. Kirk, on,
north by PArliolllhte stied, n
and on the south by an ,
• ~; Alloy, having thoreotc eroded two story' Bick r Boulez,
two story brick kitchen, wool, house. Seized and toklitt,
in execution and Co be sold as the property of attach.
ALSO, A tract of land Situated in South Mitld6tnri .
township, containing E aCres morn or loss, bounded on
the oast by landof William Sworeland, on the west and
_south Icy lands of It. tilvin & Co., and rot the 'cora( icy
the lialticnora Turnplko, having thereon erect., 0 ono
ntory Log Rouse. Soiled and talon In oxecution and to
• • Ice sold as the property of George Wolf Administrator
orThoman Wolf doc'd with notice to his widow and to'
tenants. possession.,
'ALSO, A loE'of ground situata In, the borough of
Norville containing 63 feet in front and 180 foot In
depth mare or lees,. bounded on the east by lot of Jiro.
Cox, On the west by an Alloy, en the north by en Alloy
androntho nouthlor Mai'atreet, havur thereon moo-
tad two, two story Frame)Rouses, a on ic e node Indfstory
kitchen log stable and other out bowies. Seized and
taken in oxocution and to he sold on the property of
' William mit zol.
ALSO, A lot of grouhd situate In tin borough of Car.
lisle, containing 20 feet in front and 170 feet in depth
more or less, hounded chi the cast by an Alley, on the
west by the Harrisburg and Corhielo Turnpike on the
• north Icy property of Mrs. Ann Amoy, end on the
• south icy property of John limner, having thereon erec•
tett a two story Brick' houso end frame stable. Soloed
and taken in execution and to be sold as the property
of David IL Turbett. • • ,
ALSO, A tract of land situate in ilopewoll -township
containing 132 acres more or km, bounded on the east
by laud of John Mower, on the westby land of Daniel
Swaeort, on thu north by lands of.the het. of Joseph
Malihmey, and on the south by land of John M. Miller
having thermao erected a two story Log House. Seized
and taken in oxecutien and to be sold as 'the' property
of Henry Stouffer.
ALSO, A tract of land nltunto in Jlloliu township,
con Glint cog 13% acres moro orless, bicunded on the vast
Icy lend of Mrs. Mat:dello° Lorick, on tho'srest by lood
of Wm. Ramp, on Slro north by lend of David Jacoby,
and on the south icy lands of Hock, lIRVIIht , thereon
erected a ono ntory Log Ilouno;.stable and • blacksmith
shop. Soloed end taken In execution and to be sold an.
the property of Michael Lore.•
ALSO, A tract, of Mountain Land, situate in' Mifflin
tewnshlp, containing 150 acres tern or, lens, boontiod
on tau east by land of David Whisler, on the west by
land of Jain Whinier, on ate north Icy lands of James
Marshall, and ou the south icy lauds of Wm. Henry,
Jacob Itermamand Samuel Allen. Seized and taken
in exocutbm and to Mt sold as Lila property of Michael
ALSO, By virtue of n writ of Pier' Facial, Issued out
of the Court of CaMIAMI Picas of Cumberland County,
and to too directed. I will expose to. sato by public
vendor or outcry, at the same time and-placo, the fol.
lowing described Real Estate, to wit: A tract of land
sittinte in South Middleton township, containing 52
octal, more or less, bounded on the cast by lands of .la.
cob Goodyear, on the west by lands. of Ell Johns, on
— the north by lands of Jacob Shoop, and on the south
by land of Samuel Goodyear. having thereon erected a
two story Frame ifouse, and frantO,ltank - Barn. Seized
and taken In execution and to be mold as the property
of Ell Morrett.
ALSO; By virtun of Sundry writs of Levari Pacins,
Issued out of the Court Of Common Pleas of Cumberland
county, and to me directed. I wilIT eXpoio to sale at
the same Line and place, by public voodoo or outcry;
the following described Real Y.state, to wit: All that
loCof ground with a two story Brick lions thereon,
eroded, situate In the borough of Churchtown,. Cum
-4 ',Orland county, bounded on the north by the Mechon
lesburg rood, dh the west by the Dillstown Bald, on the
south by David Martin. mild on the coat by William C.
Brandt. containing about au foot in ,front, and 150 feet
In depth. Seized and taken In execution. rind to be
sold as the property of John Ifrandt, Administrator of
•Genrge W. Shiglaer deed. with notice to Christian Tit.
not Guardian of MN minor children of George W. Sing
how, and Sarah Singiser widow of George W. Slngiser.
ALSO, A Dwelling llottsa of two stories, having a
front of 22 foot, and a continuoun depth of 32 feet on the
southern side, and on the northern eldo Lao a depth of
la feet to a porch, this porch is six fuel In ..depth nod
continuous hack or In length In aixteen feet, above this
porch Is a balcony covering it, the rear of the building
to sixteen feet in width; it Is a frame structure and Lae
a nhinglu roof, and erected on lot No. 7, of Atli's addi
tion to Newvilte, being In Newton township. hi said
county orCumberland, Vida AlG's addition to Nowville
having bean dratted If. F. Bridges Feb. 1050, said buil
ding fronts on Itoß Road street,) with the lot of ground
appurtenant to said building. Seized and taken in
execution and to bo sold an the property of Joseph
Worst s owner and 'contractor, and all to be sold by zoo,
M'CARTNftIY Sheriff,
Oct. 10, VI. Sheriff's Gillen, Carlisle.
CONDITIONIL—On all amounts over live hunched dol.
bus, fifty dullarvvare to lie paid when the property is
stricken off, and twenty five dollars on all amounts un•
der five hundred,dollars.
Olt RENT. • •
Situate on the south side of West Nigh Street In the
.Borough of Carlisle. The lot imitable 30 tort in
and 240 feet in depth. the improvements Area Two story
- and Two Story Brick Back Building,
•:„.• .• • a stable and other out buildings.,
.'41 1 ..M".; , ' The location is v_ .ory desirable one
•" as the premiere can be occupied fie is
private rosadollen as well on a good bURisfeRS stand.
• This property will ho disposed of at a.very reasonable
price for Cash or IlAehanged for land in the country.
If net disposed ofibefore the lst •of January next It
will be offered for Tont. --For terms h 0.., enquire of
Nov. 9, T9.-tiw. t‘S . • • A. L. SPONSLNIL
• Real Estate Agen,t. & Scrivener.
• .
`•-• • 'The undersigned assignees of llantilL Cormany offer
for sale that TWO and a lIA LP STORY"
i I URICK HOUSE'. and lot and a bait of• z ky
ground 111 the borough of Shlppoiwo IF ,: 2-,
burg, with a Coacbmakor Shop, Work. .
smith shop' and other Improver:Amts. .Y...
This property in situated in a control part of the town
offering overt' facility for public business.
It not sold privately Worn the' 15th day of November
next, it will bu offered at Uubllc solo at 2 o'clock P. DI.
on Sold day. • • . JAMES MACKIN.
pct. 2, 1860
linder . the Order of Sale fron the Oiphans' Court
of (lumberland County, the underlhoed will expose to
Public sole on the premiers on • •
Saturday, tho 17th of November next, •
atil o'clock A: H. the following deem ibed property: •
situated on South Hanover street In the Borough of
• Carlisle. containing 120' feet in fitint and 200 feet in
depth, more or Ito, having a .
4 4,,,"! and Frame Stable thereon erected,
• Bounded by South Hanover Street,
lots ofJohn Ontehalland J. W. Shear
ci Es:Wand an Alley. Tho taring
will bo [IWO known at time ef pia
Oct. 20,'00. L e.
, Guardian of V.'& J. Jenkins..
Will be exposed to Public Salo, on the preMiSes,
. six miles north-east of Carlisle, on the road loading
from Middies/tato Bterret's Clop, on Eitturday, Boren),
bor 17th 1860 a tract of land' containing 84 acres antilft
perches strict measure, of which 60 acres aro cleared and
the balance timber. Boundedun the south by, Abraham
Cemberton, on the east by property, pf (ea., Kutaltall,'
on the north by Sam% Zeigler and north west:by Levi
Zeigler; havidg thereon erected s•
`Frame Darn, llog Penand Corn Crib.
The soil amid tract, Is of good .qualb
tiy..atid being within two miles of
'Limo Kilns, It could be Improved in,
• a short, be among the best producing farms in
thalleighborhood. , .
' Bate totoinnionee at 10 o'clock on Said day when toms,
will' t)e . made known by. (MORONI flUrptinit,
• • , KlEllh. • .
. ,
lei—Oct. r o"0 '6oe-ts. ' Attornoyp infect for the belts,
' "
AND N eAT 00011TRrIt1AlpITCiE, AT. rl 7 / 3 14.0
Wlll Lo cohi on -'
Friday . the 23d'day, of November pest,
on'the Premisci; eitueted'a churl ,dlatance'wese of Car,
lfelei abontbd yards from the Borough tlmite,fu Borth
Middleton township; coptalnine . shoutAo,sc,realti ;thigh
.statehr aultivation.' •.; .
ThAimprovicioatliiro anegit ono Ruda, elf story'
•' iiWELVINg
clstern, stable; hog.pen and othei con.
Venient out-bulidjugs, ,together with
finiLahrubbery,i&e.' • '
, Twenty ilvoadroatif theabove;witli tiiitlMProveinonts
will ke disposed dreeparate frenalhobt k er should% the
purchaser,dosire It . - „
* Ai.
•Fale hicoininencelli It aisles f. M.' en - raid :day,
when' , detratteudince rail be glib*. end' tetuni
known by '
Oct; 20, '6O.—L S. ' SAMUEL F. NEELY.
rj:1:1. IliY MA ID'S. FAVOI.I.ITE.
TUN WUNDER OF Tlih AO.ll I ' , •
Patented by 811.111151 AN & MILLS Uniontown, Md.,
July filet laGO., , . ,
Thu Proprietors in offering tide CHURN to the Anted.
'enn Public foci satisfied that it only . needs. n • trial to.
'satisfy the most incrednitnis that it Is the best Chord
ht use, and is destined to super:code nil others.
Among other ad:foam:es 11,0" would coil attention to
.the fact, that. coring to its spiral corrugation, cetarlfu
'gal dasher and the facility of ro tu, bur thumbnut to the
required temperature, it will produce butter In n shorter
time and in largoi quantities front n g von aueshut of
mum than any other Churn; .
It will be melabited in Carlisle at Glasa's lintel en
Monday 'and Tuesday next, the 6qe and nth Inst State
and County rights for Sales ' i .
Nov. 2 1800. c MERMAN 8: MILLS.
11.4 T_'? .5 0_ M E WO, M E . N!
.AUNT'S IILOO3I'OF ROSES." .A rich Lind .elogant
color, for the cheeks 6- lips. It will not wroth or rub off
and whelk ones applied; romaine durablo for yearo. Tho,
tint is so rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny
fails to detect Ito non.. Can bu removedly lemon Juice
and will not injure thaskin. Thin Ina now preparation
used by the celobmted Court Boautirm of London and
Paris. Mallod free, in bottles, With directions for use,
fur 51,00
dazzling whiteners to the coinplenion ' and In unlike"
anything oleo used fur thin purpose. Malted free for
fAI Cents.
HUNT'S' "13.11.1T1511 HALM," removes tan, freckle's,
ounbUrn and all eruptions of the skirt. Mailed free Cm
50 Coots.
HUNT'S "IMPRICIA.T. POMADE. for the hair, atm.-
gthens anti improves Its growth, k cops It Irma lolling oil
and is warranted to make do hair curl. Mailed fren for
51, 00
HUNT'S "PhARL 111,AUTIFIHR," forties teeth And
gum, cleanses and whitens the teeth, bamboos limps'.
purifies' the breath. offeclually,'Preservon the tenth and
preVento toothache. Mailed freo for $l,OO
esix tract of °mum, blossom anti cologne.' Malted free for
'511.00 This exquisito perfume was first used by the
Princesn Royal of Encland, on her -Morriago. Messrs.
Hunt & Co., To °oersted the Princess with An elegant
case of Perfumery, lin which MI of the above articles
lovers" included) in Imothome cut glass with gold stop.
lajaws. valued At SHAM particulars of a Lich el/peered In
se public prints.
.411 the Above arlieloo oent.froo, by express, for $5,00.
ran'oi Cher accompany tiro order, or be oat.' to. tiro
express agentun delivery of goods- AUNT & Co.
Perfumers to the Queen.
Itogent St., London; and 77 Satieoin St., Philadelphia,
a. Ear Salo by MI Minotlsts and Pin inmera.
Thu.Trado Qet. 20, 410. 7 1 y. '
00K SHARP.=Wm. Fridley would
LA Respectfully ennounne to the citizens of cerlisie
and the pnbllc generally that he has again coninteneed
the Illalluflieturing of tin & sheet Iron ware Of all kinds,
In S.C. Ilnyetts qbulidlnir on Louther street, directly
opposite 0. Shepley's Chair blantifitctory, where he:will
at all thorn he in readiness to do nil kinds of work in
his line of business with neatness and dispatch. All
work will be done by himself and a competent hand as
ho keeps no apprentices. , • •
Also, can at all tithes be had those celebrated SELF—
House spouting. and Jobbing of all kinds done at
abort !loth, nod made of the boot material.
• • •
Hoping bildriet attention to business, and n desire
please-all. to mei re a share of public patronage.
Carlisle Oet. 211,1860,1 y.
d. O. CALLTO•k CO., successors to Wm. a. Trout
would announce to their customers and the
generally that they have just received from Millais'
'pith, a large and elegant stock of goods, in their line of
business of every variety, style and quality.
hay have on hando splendid
as ortun&nt of
of all descriptions, from the common Woo
to the finest FOR AND MAC HATS; and at pricer
that must suit every one who has fin eye to gutting the
worth of his money. — The stock Includes,
.of every stylo and color and unsurpasied for LIGHT•
other establishment. In the country, '
of every description constantly int band. '
They respectfully invite all the old patron's and en
many now ones an Possible, to give them a call.
'Apr. 2,5„ . 1800—1Y ,
T OR 8 •
A four years scholarship in Dickinson College
Enqulrn at this rade. - Sept 7,'60.-_,u
The subscriber 1,111 offer nt Public Salo, on Eatur
day the 10th day of Novembur next, -
Situated in Centreville, Cimberiand Connty, nn ihu
Walnut Bottom road, about eight Miles West of Carlisle;
containing about a half novo of land,
The improvements aro a
andFitchen, StabloT earring/3.ll°ns° Spring-house. and
other necessary out.)uildlnga. all In good repair. and n
never falling well of' water at the door.
Nal° to cnnhwnro at one o'clock P, M., when te r ms
will ho Lunde known by
Oct. 12th '6O C. s. •
r 01"
(In° of the cheapest and best selected
1 1 / 4 _,1 stocks . of Pry floods, over opened In Carlisle,
Is now in the room of A. W. Bentz, consisting in part
Silica, Figured Merinos, cashmeres, all 'lewd Wattles
and every style of Dress 'Goods soon In the eastern mar.
colors and stripes of every style. My stock of Mantles
Is OCIMOSTIOII4Od to be the most complete ever opened
in this place.
WIIITE 000 . 0 e •
purchasell from the best houses In Philadelphia and
NOW York, cpai bo hod of me at lons than usual retail
prices. 1 have in this branch, Linens, Lutes, Edgings,
Cambrics, Itrlllinnty, Nainsooks..laeonetts. halves, Mull
Muslins, kc., all of Which I ask but an examination.
The best article of Siberian Squirrel, OerMan Fitch,
Lev do., Stone Martin and Silver do. 1 have at
163 two hundred setts, out of which all can select.'
nctuus les
Musllns; American, English and French Prints. all of
the best man ufactut o and colors, Linear:lee: We t °awl st
and Menchnstor (llngleuns, Flen nets, Elankets and
everything usually fund Ina null regulated Dry (lends
Silk, Wonion„Cntl OD and ht,,en Hose fir Children, La
dius and 0 antiunion, Kid, Kid Finish, Silk, Lisle thread
and lieuttino Buck (hunts forlionts,
ClAbs. Calm'mores, Testlngo and Shawls. There to no
ploro thin side of l'llllndelobln, where gentlemen can
be fitted out In bettor styles or unlity of cloth nod n't
aslocclrateo no In my Wore. Coll and nen the now etyles
of fancy Casslmeres, ockonwletted by tho gentlemen of
this place to ho the prettiest and best over brought
from tho eastern markets.
. . .
Superfine two rind three Ply, Brussels and Velvet Car ,
pets, of all sizes mid figures md_ extremely low prices,
ono, ono and a quarter, ono and a half, two and throe
yards wide, 011' Cloth of the very hest 11! Melo and sold
at the very low price of fifty rents par square yard.
Having enlarged mysoom and added every conveni.
Cameo and comfort for customers, I invite all to call anti
. . . .
examine a stock of goods purchased for CASH 'and sco
why It, lo that A. W. Bents esti sell Ids goods nt such
very low rater, It in to the interest of all who are In
need of Dry I.loods to give our stock an Inspectioni uny r
mutts is to sell cheap and please my customers.
A. W. BENTZ, S. Hanover st. •
Oct. 'l2 '6O N early opposite the I'. 0. Carlisle
. otters of Administration with the wit
annexed on the Estate of George Nussiemen Sr.
deed. Into of West Ponnshore twp. have heels Issued to
the s ubscriber residing In the same township. All per.
sous having claims Against the mild estate will. present
them for settlement and those Indebted will make pay.
Admr:C. T. A. of George • I'dussleman dee' ,
October 12, 1800.—Gt.
Rave now opened their Fall Assortment of Rich
Shawls, Cloaks, Dournous, French eml Irish Pop
lins, Mouslines, Chintces, Embroideries, llsmdkerchlefs
• •aLcivini AND HOSIERY,
Mourning OnAds oral' kinds, with o full stock of all the
Latest novelties imported this'season. • -
Possessing superior facilities fur buying, both in this
and In the European markets, T. W. E. & Co's stock
will be found to compare favorably with any other,
both In price and assortment.
No's 818 & 820 Chestnut Street,
• Oct. 10, 1880.-3nr. Philadelphia.
Two dorsi. below Continental Hotel. •
NOTICE.—Dootor J. Stevenson;
bee removed to the House recently occupied by
.Ilichnrd Parker Pug. throe doom west of Ulm' /total.
Oct.lo, 1860.
[-) esponsiblo and- honest agents wanted
_Lt d throughout the United Statue, to whom we will
pay a sulury of from $9
this to uo humbug . 1 19 01 t op c p u e rti l r u s o a n Dr a Z d ( 3 l x igo n ern B ti
lied Stamp for returnpestage,) or apply In'person to
Sept. 14,'00 .- am..HALL. b. CLAIM,. Ilarerlll Mass.
The subserther offers for
. solo' or rent. the new'
Three Story.l3riek
ria, North Ilsorycer Street. l'ossassion
~4 4 given on the let of April next. The
nif, :4. Y. - e !louse has nine rooms, Is furnished
, w ith water and gss,andsuliableeith
er for business or private residence.
Oct .200860.4 • JAMES R. WEAVER. '
~ A apbarlor 6116) of Cranbord kJ mit recelval and
I r stillby - :' • , ,' .I.IV. BUY'.
Ti7RE4:IIIACKERE . L.-- • • - •
L lot or Moclierell—novi oosorted packo•
gee of I.lolireo, Quartor,nul Elghth . Dayrole. , Also,.
for„ .
oilag thei . Btoritot theoubscrlbei... 1 -
• of .t.BVUoii.Blßßßol,Woodliuj , ii.dede t u l aW,
BOP Viol 4stted - to Lim exOcutors.,: All know''
10131bonigelyes`t. 0 Indtbtutt DiljnadlatiV
pny . mout; 000 tlltu bavinrclalice prits,mt
for ssalOise#ll,o„ Fliol/I.IRICK WATTS;
Oct. 20, '00.4t. .Executors.
5 .0
• 1 / 4 ) au`'J .
kri o' ll
To the Citizens of New Jesse)" , k Ponnsylvania, Apothe
caries,' Druggists, fi rocors and Private
• Fandhos.
Woll'Hlro COMM Brandy. .
_Wolf's Pure Minim la. Shorry and Port Wine.
r, , Wolf's Purl, Jamaica find St..piroix Mum.
• 1. , ;.,1V01f's Pure Scotch and Irish 'Whiskey.
t .
bog leave to call cue attention of Hui citizens of the
United .States to vlioatsivo Winea and Liquors,
tod by Udolpho svokr.,, of Now York, ITIVIHU name is th.
miller In ovary port of this country for the purity of
his celubrojoni SIM:YAPS, Mr. IVolt ln , hts let.
' terlo me, speaking of the uttrity of his Wines and Li
,- quurs,'says: l• I will.stekolAny veputotlon as a man,
, my st: ndinu an a merchant 14' thirty Years' residonce
in the city of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines
• which I bottle are pure as imported, and or. .the host
quality, an I can be rellod upon by ovary purchaser."
, livery bottlo has the propyletcr's name on the Wax.
and aLw sinilie of his signature on thocortificate. The,
public fire respectfully Invited to cell and tniamlne for
themselves. Fensale sit Itotall by all Apothecaries and
Bracers In Philadelphia.
George 11. Ashton, No. A 32 Market St. •
• Subs Agent for Philadelphia.
Ilead.the following from tits Now York . Courier.l.
Eltorturnis business for one New York LMorchant
are happy to IntortWour follow citizens that there Is
ono lilacs in our city whero the physician, apotherary,
and country merchant, can go and purchtto pure Wines
• and liquors. as pure as Imp' , rted, and of the best quoli•
ty. Wo do nutintend to give onsolaborato description
of this merchant's ostonsivo business, although it will
well reply any Stranaa, or adult to visit Utlolphr.
Wolfil'S oxtunslvu warehouso, Nos. 18, 20 and 22 , Beaver.
street, and Nos. 17, 10 atid 21, Morkothelti street. His
.stock of Schnapp,ron bond. ready for shipment could
.not hays .houn less than thirty thousand eases; the
Brandrsotno ten thousand coons—Vintages of 1830 to.
18513. Ifild terelhousand cases Of Matierle, Sherry and
P - ort 'inn, Snitch andOrlsh Whiskey, Jainalaa and St.
Croix Utica...some vary olli• and equal to any in this
courftoo. his 11159 boa thaw Lirgo rollers tilled with
Brands, Wine, kr., in casks, tinder Catstom (Louse Ray,
ready for bottling. Mr. Wolfo's sales of Schnapps fait
year amounted to one hundrod and eighty' thousand
dozen, and we hope in loss than two years ho may be
equally successful with his prandles apd Winos.
His business omits the patronage of ovary lover of
his species.• Private families IrllO . lViSll pttro Winos and
Liquors f, inedleol use should send their orders direct
to Mr. 11 sift, until every Apothemtry in the land mako .
up their minds to discard the pdsrmous stuff from their
and replace It with Wolfe's pare Wines and
' IY,, itntlerst.inil,Mr Wolfe, for the aresmmulation of
small de tiers in the iiountry. puts up assorted cares of
Winds and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant
should ho sustained against his tons .of thousands of
qpnotiouts hl the United States. wino sell nothing but
• imitations, ruinous aliko to human health and IlapPl•
. Sept. 11, 'OO.-Out.
For WM° by C. Inholf Carlisle.
Ladies' One Price Fancy Fur 'Store
No. 718 Arch St,
between 7th, & Bth
(I Co of at 4 Market
importer, Mail ti net wan
ofand Dealer Juan filodt
ll:tying - removed
my Now Store, 718 Arc,
St.. :1141 being now er
Weir In lho, MenuEh
ture . en'a Solo of Vane.,
Nero, which, in emu
alnico with. the " Or
P&L) Prim.iple," I 'has,
, prices comialet,t with a reasonithle profit, I would soil•
cit a visit from them in wan tof Furs for °Mu r
en' Wear. and nn Inspection of my selection
of Chose goods, gatislied, as I on,, of my ability to please
in every desired essential, • ,• .
&V- Persons wt n distance, who Tiny find it Inconveni
ent to call personally, need only name the article, they
wish, to4ether with the price,•mid instructions for send.
ing. and fiwward the orthir to my, address—money
erunpanyln4—to insure a tiatisfactory yompilance with
their wb.hes.
Aug. 21, moo.
Messrs. Joss ICti.cox....t. Co :--Your " Inpoeti no," or
"Version Fever Charm," hos done wonders. I was
wholly dospondont sod wroteliod When I nplllird it,
'rind In fire, hours thr, chills wero removed :not ,no rover
hoe monied. It Is the simplest. vitro Imaginable, and
wonder of !intim, or girt. I would not ho without this
"Inissititio" n egiglo homer, Ity "ma:ltaly iremrltig It I
scout toMit" Ague proof." Yours Very 'Vroly,
111. STOUT..
Gentlemen have been snatched front the grave
by the application of your wonderful "lnportine," or
"Persian Fever ilharm." For se•eral years I have suf
fered every season from fever and ague. List Spring
any life was threatened, but your renledyilas de4troyed
the disease, and I an rapidly gaining an appCilte and
strength. Respectfully Yours.
This truly wondorful preventive sod Cure for Foyer
and Ague and Bilious Peyote will ho soot by moll. post
rib!. on receipt of ono duller. Also tdr solo at all ry ,
spectablo Druggists end Country Stores. -
Principle Depot end Manufactory, na Main St., Rich
mond,Nra, Branch Office, Ibuilt of Conlinerce
New York. . Aelltromq ' • •
W E 01; 1". 11 i p i ru i e j o 4 f L Fr N itiC i t i r l e S es -E a l u t l i ti l v 'l i S te ., l and for
sato by the subscriber et the Hest hill Nursery, via:
Winter Apples, . Fall Apple.
Rambo, Fall Pippin, •
Pound Apple, Lan S. noose,
Cart Reuse, Spiro Apple, • ,
Hoop, Princes lied,
ltu ,, sot t, ,llondln, Swe. t, .
Pen molt, lyirint Yellow,
Vandiver, . Iced Siberian Crib, . .
Ii ri odotone Apple, Yellow do do
, Bollll,,ner, . Ited.dreak, ,
Paradise Apple, E.irly Apples.
London Pippin, , Princes Harvest,
Newton do . Codliti,
Sweat do Queen, Onto, Early lied.
The ont,ilber takes this method to Inform the Pub.
lir that he has now on hand a 111011 . 0 SOnVtloll of Apple
Trees. The Nursery, do sit tritiid 7 miles west of Carlisle
6 milos'erk of Newville near Weld. 11111,
Oct. 12. , .1t. JOAN IlltlDElt, Proprietor.
The subigcriber will oiler at Privato Salo, a valuable
Farm ritnated in South Middleton townxhip, about 10
tidies from Carlisle, near I,Volra Tavern and on t h e Dab
'item° Turupiko, containing
• 140 Acres more or less,
About two thirds of the land is cleared, and In a high
Mato of cultivation, having been Dined twire, its crops
comport, favorably with most limestone land In the val.
Joy. The balance is covered with lino chestnut and
vino timber.
Tim Improvements, 'tun a large and
roomy FRAME BOUSE. a new 13:111k
Barn, and a nover (Ming Springat the V la •
door, it bearing orchard of applo trees, ti
This would be au excellent Opp, ;
NUR:) , for an enorgolic nom to main,
himself a valuabld• home.
Persons -wishing to slew the property, can do co by
calling on S. Rhoads, on the premises.
For terms nna other Information apply to the sub•
scriber,'rerlding miles cart Of Carlisle, on tho Cum
berland Valley Railroad., '60.-tit. •
' kl •
l f
- 1
, •
Dor the al:wady, radical, and effectual cum of ALL
. This medicine has wrou
deaperate cases of
- SAMOA, Cancerous formations,
Cot:mous Distersea, Erysipelas, Boils,
Phut,los on the taco, . Solo Eyes,
Old, Stuliburn Ulcers, Scald Bond,
, retter affections, Ithoutaatia Disorders,
Dyspepsia, - Costivonesa,
Jaundice, Salt Rheum.
Mercurial Diseases, funeral Debility,.
Liver Complaint, Loss of Appotito.
, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach. '
Female Complaints, and all Diseases hawing theirrol
gin In Mt impure slate of the Blood.
Wo refer to the case of David McCreary, of Napier
township, Bedford Co., Pa. who,
on the 31st day 01,4u/c
-yst, IsGStmade affidavit before Justice Undo) , that Ito
vies treated fortho cure of Cancer by three physicians
Watford county, and by lir. Newton of the Eclectic_
College. n. Cincinnati, for a p 'rind of nearly eight
inentim,Motwillistatollng which, his lip, nose, nod a
portion of his loft chuck worm entirely eaten away! lie
had given up all hope, when he hoard of the t Blood
Searcher," and was indurod to try It. Four bottles
cured him, and Mt hough sadly dinfl4rrod, thore is no
tilleStioll but what this invaluablo medicine saved his
life. The fail particulars of this ramorkablocase may
• be seen In a circular, whit•ll ran be had! of any of the
iVo aloe rotor to the case of Nancy ftioaknoy, of Elder.
ton, Armstrong county, Pit, cured of Scrofula after be.
log usable to get out of her bud for theeo years. ' ,
To the cuss of a Indy in Ansonville . Clearttold county
who 1•3811113 , 3 afflicted with Scrofula In its worst form.
To the case of tleetge.Melsel, residing'in Carrolltown;
Cambria county, Ps.. who was so badly afflicted with
()lancer that It eat his endin nose off, and his me was
'Worse if peanible, than McCrOary's. . '
The particulars of these cases--every •one - • of which"
was cured by. the use of the Blood •Iloarchor—may ales
be found in a circular to bo had of any of the Agonte.
Rad, LEMON, Proprlotor.
Laboratory for the manufacturo'and. sale, -near the
Pa. Railroad Depot, linDidayaburg, Pa.
. -
DA/ao. IL, Kayser, Whollisalo.itgant,Pittaburrib, Pa.
wia,. For sal u ln,Carlisie by B. W. Ltayarsiick, d. El
Dolt, And Si D. Kiel:tar; Dr. J. 'tarring Megiumica,
burg Clusiyollor &. Zook, Stionliardstouni Jusbtia Culp
llogatow n • Jarob dimuions, Croat' Roads:J. J. Coble,
E. 'Viso t3throttmnstmwn; A. M. Leldlch. Ibtling Stirlugn
Mary Vr.' Riesal, Cburebtoivn; U. W. Robinson Waal.
Fasuaught & Elionamkor, &
Elliott; Nairburgl Wm.. lirattim, llowaillo; /food &
SpriAgiluld "tuna" .& Co., ‘Dlakiwairi
& jarlisorivillo- Win. Clark &
Ronda; Wm. IL Miklos, Sporting D. Doullicrar
WhDa I.L.Altick,Shipponelittre; all Si Odintur
land county, Pa.
Mobilo, Alabama, July 231,
tho moot intraculoun auras
111114.11AS,iii rindi. , y nttmet• of ilnitletiorni As
ly of tho Coulnionwoalth of l'unneylvaillo, entitled
an "Art relating to the' elerOvene of, this •Coplinon
wietitn,” passed the do
day ofJulYck..D. 183 u, it is made
the ditty a the Sheriff of everyaeotinty within title
Oonvuonwealth,•to glie public notice' of the General
Elections, nod in ouch notico to onumereto:' : ..,....
- 1. Tho bilk:ors to ho °looted. ' .' ' , ..• /7; , •
... . .
2.Dusigistuthe place at whirls Cho elor4on Is to be hold
1, .!A WM 11Y, iligh Sheriff of Use county of
Cninberiond, do hereby make known and give tide pub
nutlet; to the electors of the•county of Cumberland,
that pis TUESDAY, the kth slay of November next, an
election will be held at the'several election districts es
tablisitud by law in said cimuty, at whirls time they
will vote by ballot for Twenty-envois persons for Electors
of the President and Vidu President of the United
States. ' • •
The election In the election silsts:lct composed of the
borough of Carlisle and the 'townships of North Middle
ton, South Middleton, Lower Dickinson and Losior
Nninkford, will ho held atthe_geurt Mouse 11l the boa , .
ough of chn•lisle. • , I •
The eligalon in the election ditifriet composed of tow
er West Pennsbonsugh township, will be held at the
North School House in Plainfield. _
. . _
Tifo election In the Weeded district composed of SII•
r'Sr-Spring township, will be hol, It public house, of
Jacob Otstott, in Illigestown it alit township.
The elOction to 'the &le , district, complied of
Hampden towriship.-witillo held at tho'houso ihrtnerly
occupied by Henry.llickernell, in NMI township. -
The election in the election district composed of limo
township of Upper Allen, will be •held at the public
houso occupied by John .}:loyd,in Sitepherdstown. •
Tho election in the election district e0111110PI:d of Limo
township of 'Ancor Allen, will be held at '.the wagon..
maker shop of Jones Ilnuchltarger, on Slain 11111, '
Tho eloction in the olectlon district oomposod of East
Penusborough township, will be held at the house
now occupied by ,11. Clay, at the West end of the Harris.
burg Bridge.
The olootlon in the election district composed of Now
Cumberland, so 11l be held at On house formerly kopt
by Win. 1.1. Mehl, In the borough of Now Cumberland:
The election in the election district composed of the
Borough of Mechanicsburg, will be *ld at the public'
honk° of Janes Muloy, in ratd-boroligh. ' • •
The oluction in the obtotioll district cmnposod of
Monroe townstlip,mill ho held nt the public house of
Mottes.Ligget, in Chitrclhown, in said township. • '
The elmtitur In the !auction district composed of Up.
per Bleltinson township. will be lieldat the house for.
manly occupied by Henry 11. Stontinti sold township.
The ulectinn In the election district composed of the
borough of Nowville, and townshipaof Mifflin. Upper
Frtnittbrd, Upper West Ittionabon,, aminorth Newton
will be hold at the Public School. Holm In the borough
or Now villa.
Thu senctlon In the election' district compound of
Hopewell township, wilt ho held at the Now, Brick
Selo.' House, In Nosidi mg, In wild township,
Tito eloetlori In the election district column:led of the
horrough of Shlpportshurg, Shlpp••usburg township and
that part of ,Southinniston ton not included in
the Leesburg election district, will Inn held at tLo
Council !louse in thin borough of,Shlpponsburg. •• •
The election In the election district composed of that
piFt of Southampton township,• not embraced in the
Shippenshurg district, will "'he held at hos houso foe occupied 1,1 Wiliam Mauncil!lo Leesburg. '
"Thin utoction in Mtn election diStrict composed of that
part isf.Nowton township, notiiteluded In Noseville
district, will tin hold of dm 'School House, in Jackson-
The election In the election district composed of
Middlesex toirnshlp wlhl ho hell 4 41m Middiest'sx
School house.
. .. ..
That every person ovoid juntlees or the Pence whoa'
shall hold any Mlle° or appointment of .prollt or trust
under the United Clinton or of this State. or any city or
Incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or
otherwise, in 111111111.11111100 flllloor or tumult, whorls or shall
Ile employed under the legislative, executive. or judi
ciary departments of this State. or .the United States,
or Many city nr of any Incorporated ollstrietl and also
that any Memi or of Congress or of the State • Legisla-
Lure, and of the Select or Common Cl/11111 of noiy city,
, or commissioner of nay inrorporated list] let. Is by law
Emerald° of holding Or exereisiog at file 1,0110 (111]1' 010
0111 CO. Or 111100111101011 i Ofillll,lo. 111,110•1111. or clock of any
olertions of this C0M1110110,11111..111.1 that 110 11191Ortlil,
Judge, or other oilln•onr of 14111.11 election shall banligliolo
to ho them voted Mr.,
And the said net of otasombly, entitled ant net refit
ting to the eleetions of this Common - wealth, passed Jul;
2, 1050, further provides ins follow, il. wit:
'That tho Inspectors anti judges shall moot nt tho '
Once appointed for holding the elections of the ollstriet
to which they respectively, belong, before nine o'clock
In the morning of the Second Tuesday in Ortoln:, 111/.1
1,11.11 of n•il.l Inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who
shah be on planned voter of said district. .
"In ease the person a ho shall have recel:ved the tiara
and 1110111,1 11111111/0r of rates rot• inspeelor shall Mot of
it 11.1 011 illo clay of the election, then the person who
shill have revolved the second highest number of voles
nt flit neat preceding election, to oall act as Importer in
hk plume. And In case the pees m who shall have ro•
calved the highest number of i. es fn/l. inspector shall
not attend, the peroane alerted junigo shall ooppoloot On
Inspector In his place;
and in ease the person elected
ionise shall nnt attend, then the inspector to Inn revelv
ent the highest minolnernit votes shall appolootajoldgo inn
hie plait, or tinny I own nry shah Volll.llloC In the lonia 1 1 .
• for the space or slim llllllratt., the Goliath:oat by law f .
the opening of the elertioto, the qmolifloal rotors, of the
township. ward or olktriont for which such oollicer shot'
have burin elected, present at the place of election, slush
eluct'one of their number to fill such vaeancy. •
" It shall lie the dirty of the several assessors of each
district tno,ot tend at the phone of kidding every general,
speelnl. Or towito e d/ip elonetinon, dining tine 11.1)010 time.
sold 0111111011 In If pt open. for flon iourpoisoof giving In
formation tot o Inspactors and judges adroit called on,
lot rolottlon o the right daily person assessed by them
fo rota oo melt election, or curl, other mutters in rola
Lien to tiou assessments of voters. 010 slllll 110010et,tre
or either of Moen shall from thole to Geol . require. '
" NO person shall be populittond tovonte at any election
a 11111111.1.50111. other th,lll /I white frl.lllllllll of the ago of
twenty-ono years or more, who snail lawn resided Int the
State nt least ono year, and In ,the election district
whore he oilers his vote at ]oast ten' days immediately
preceding such election, mod within two years phi a
State or county tax, 01111.111 shall hay° axon, assessed at
least ten days honor° the election. list aeltlzen of We
United States who has provhously been a qualified rooter
of link State, and removed therefrom and retuned. and
who shall Intro resided in thu election district and paid
taxes . aforesnold. shall be entitled to veto after resid
ing in this State six months: Provided, That . the
white freennem_cititens of the United States. between
tn entynono and t went)-tnt no years, who liars resided in
an electiondistrlct as aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote although they shall not have paid bract.
"No pornon shah be pormitted to vote w hoso mono Is
unt contained in the list of [naiad° inhabitants fur
nista:din. the Commisdoners unless First, he procure
-a receipt for the payment-within two years of on State
or county tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution,
and give satisfactory Lo'lllollll,, of thaw on his loath or af
lirmootton, or the loath or affirmation of another, that he
Inns paid such it tax. or 011 1111111rO Ili postwar in receipt ' I
shell mako still ill the payment thereof. Feennol, it lie ,
chant a right to vote by inning an elector Leto yen the
ago or twentyouto :nod twenty•two years, he shall olon• I
pose on oath or affirmation 014 110 11,111 1,11101 In this
State at le.t Ono year roost Incline Ilia applinan ion, and I
make such nomad' nor residence, In tie district as is rtltillir- :
ed by this act. anti that he does verily believe, front the
account given him, that hr Is of. the ago aforesaid. mod
Farb other ovideoco as Is required by this art. 0 here- 1
upon the 1111111.! of 1110 01,011 01100011111itiell to 1140 I
/nllllllllO 10111111.111 Ili 11111 01011003111 A not by the low,- I I
vies, anti a nolo nainte opposite thereby by writing the
word o tax," if he shall be adtwitted to vote by ronanonn I I
of Itorloof Paid taxi or tho used " ago," if 100 shall be .1
ntloult tent to vote by reason of such age, shall he veiled 1
out to the clerks, who shall radon the time notes ono the
lists Of voters kept) by them.
" In all rases where Ile nonno Of
,00111011,011 I.lllllllflig
to vote is found. on We list furnished by tine Commie.
sloonnnrs.lllll assessor, or his right 10 V 10.1., '0 11011101.111111111
theriPon or net, Is objected tio by any omen - het citizen.
nishall he the duty of the inspectors to examine such
plosion on oath on to his qualifications, and If loci claims
to have resided within the Stato for 0110 year or nano
his oath shall be sullicient proof thereof, but shall
make proof by at least one' competent witness, who
shall he a qualified elector, that Inn has resided In tho
district for more than ten days next inuonsliately pre:
ceding such election, and Monti also himself swear than
his boom lithe rosidoneo, in pursuaneo of his lawful call
ing. Is In saint district, mad that le did not rounove into
told distilet for Ow purpose of voting therein..,
"Every person qualified ns afloresaid, and Who shall
make duo proof, If required, of the residemno and pay
wont of taxes as aforesaid, shall ho admitted to vote in
the township, ward or district In width Inc shall reside
" If any poroonnt shall provont or attmomt to prevent
any officer of noofeloction under this net from holding
such °lcahn,. or Aire or throotten any violoneo to any
such officor, or filial' -interrupt or Improperly interline
with hint in the execution of his duty, or shall block
up the window, or 111.011llc to any window where the
some may ho holding, ur shall riotously disturb. the
promo at such election, or shall two tiny intimidating
threats, force or violenco, with design to inlinenro un
duly or . overawo any elector, or to prevent him froon . v.
Ong or to restrain the freedom of choice, such . persons
on conviction sion'll be fined in any sum not exceeding
floe hundred dollars, ninth imprisoned for any time net
less than three nor more than twelve months, and lilt
shall ho shown to Court, Whore the trial of such offence
ninth be had, that the penom so offending was not a
roshionit of time city, ward, dlstriet or township where
the Offence was comonittent, and toot entitled to ,veto
a theroin,,thon 011 eOiIVICiIOII ho Pllllll 'l/0 50116110.0.1 to
p'et) , a line of not loss than °lle hundred nor men, than
ono - thousand dollars, antis, imprisonud not less than
si months nor more than ton years.
~" If any person nr persons shell pink° any bet or Van
go,i• upon the result of only eluction within the Com
DI ir ne
ellltil. or shall offor—ta-analie any mulch boot or WI
F n r o either by verbal proelounation thereof. or by any
e te
, nor printed advertishont, eh:th -o
ong° r Invite
y person to make such hot tor Roger, upon eouviction
thereof ho or they shall forfeit and tinny three times tho
amount so bet or to be hot.
• " lf any person not by law qualified, shall fraudu
lently. vote at any election of this Commouwenith,,pr '
being otherwise qualified shall vote out of his miler
district;, or If any person knowing the want of such
qbellfientione, shall aid or procure such person to vote,
-a t t o y p . o u rso m u no ttfo o n x ti ce ln ea g iu s g lin t l ,, i, o on hil co u n d lt ro i a cti d ol o i n l a m m il a n n e at d ,
b il e .
imprisoned for an, 'term not exceeding three nionths.
'lf any person shall vote nt more, than one election
distriot, or otherwise fkaudnlently vote more than open
on tho anon° day, or shah fraudulently fold and dolivcr
to fho inspector two tickets together, with the haunt
illognily to Tote, or shall procun another to 'do so, he .
or they offondineshall on conviction be fined .in ray '
60111 not less than fifty nor more than Ave hundred
dollars, and be immisoned for any torso not loop than
three nor mot% than twelve months. • s
-"If aqy.person not qualified to vole In this Coni•nou•
wealth agreeably to law, (except tho sons of qualified
citizens,) shall appear at nay place of, election for the
purpose of influencing the coltixons. qualified 'to-vote,
' he' shall on conviction forfeit and pay any 10111111 d "X
-. reeding ono.hurtdred dollars for every such (donee, and
ha Imprlsonoil for auy terra not coronation tin Ono onontint,
Agri calmly to the proTholonanf the sixty-first seetion
of the said net, every General and Special Election shall
bo Opened botwern the hours of eight 11011 tom- In thin
foronnon, and Sinai colilinne without interruldiOn or
adjournment until moven o'clock in t h e cutting, - whom
the polls ninth he closed.
And tholudgcs of the respective dlstriots aroma:old
aro by the :adduct requirod to moot, nt the flatlet llonsen
In tho,borough of Carlisle, inutile third duty utter Aim'
eleetion,Thelng 'Friday,' the Ifith day of Ortobor.] thorn
and those to perform tile things required ofthom by law;
„Tito return Judgeft. of the- lb:presentative .district,
will meet at Carlisle, nt the time fixed by law, • ,
Giten under, at Carlisle, this . ,, (fr
S'eptinnheroBllo.• " ‘ - -' ' '-- - - ,•-
,o, -, -," 'n'. .' •,,••. ` o ROBERT fiIcOARTNtY, :Sheriff. '
. .
W EST' HILL' MILLS: 7 7 • -,. - ..,,,....
i i
, 'I Formerly. DILbElt .t O' hi:p. . '.
' Theaubsorlber wishen to inform' the''` lle that he
has commenced tholdllllng lluldnees :eV le 111111 one
Mlle north of Went 11111, West Punimbare : at'.,
Find County; where he wlltalwnywhavo on band flour
and feed these& nt the to west rash mire, Such in Fran
Shorts and 1111ddlIngs,(1411 dud Oats; and nye cjicipa,r,
I wllEalwaya pay the L 41113,0 (lush prim for grttlii;'
' Tay 20, 1100. 7 13 . 1 n. , •
~ , • JOHN StIA.FFN,UIt. I
1 1.... , v n e g aT i7;: t a l t e; 1 1: 0 1f i t i 5 e t e l . uin they , 4:tilt
' 41 . 51e. 76 114 S4 2 %
' 7 •!'' •)44
: tH i t t k
" •
.J 4
~, . .
- ..Areriperlent and Stomach preparation of IRON purl•
ilea of Oxygen and Carbon by oil:oblation Ibltydroguni
Sanctioned by the highest Niedical 'Authorities, both'
In Europe and the United kitates, and prescribed In
their practice. .. • .
The experience of thousands daily.- proves that no
preparation of Iron cat, bo compared with It. Impurl•
tine of. the blood, depression of vital energy, pale mid
otherwise sickly complexions indieate•its necessity in
almosluvory'concolvable case. - ----.. .•
lotto:Onus in.all maladies In•which it has boon Wed,
It hai proved,absolutely curative la each of the follow.
Ing complaints; vie: . , ,
In Debility, Nervous Affect loitn,
elation, Dynpepnia, Collllllllpat 1 00, ay
riirca, Dysentery, Incipient Colicump.
lion, 'Folic ranionia, 'Salt ' ithe tun,
With to, C111101.0b4,
Liver Caniplitint, Chronic Headache.,
Itheitsnatiain, liztermittant Fevers,
Piniples.on the Face,
Inures of nenernl Debility, whether the meaner
acute disease, or of the continual diminution of ner
vous and muscat:lr energy from elnonle con, plalnle,
one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an
extent which .no description nor written attestation
would render credible. htvallda no long iletl,lllllAll ns
to hove become forgotten in their own neighborhoods,
have suddenly,ro appeared In the busy World as if Just
returned froth pretracta travel in a distant land.
Some very signal Instances of this kind are attested of
female Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparinit mares.
mus, satiguineous exhatistiml,,critical changes. dint
.that complication of nervwus and dystimpticlyersion to
air and exercise for which Aire ithyslcla'n Min no mune.
Lh Nervous Affections or nil kinds, and for reasons
familiar with medical men, the operation of this prepitv
ratiott of iron must necessarily be salutary. for unlike_
the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without. being
exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly ape
even in the most obvtlinite rases of eootivoncsx
without ever beingn gastric purgative, or inflicting a
dbmgreenble sensation.
It is this latter property.among otifers, which makes
It so remarkably effectual nndperunu,ent A remedy for
upon which It also appears to exert a distinct 111.1
Fiwrille action, by lisp Thing the local tendency 'which
fonni: theca.
In Dyspepsia, innumerable nn are Its eatt„ites, a single
Lox of these Chalybeate Pills has of ten sufllcedd,r the
most habitual cases, including,tho attuudent Costive-
In unchecked Diarrhma. even when advanced to Dys:
en tory, eon firmed, enunciating, 2.21 l nimarently malig
nant, the effects have been equally Efectstve and aston
In LIP! I opal pains, loon of flesh pull strength, debit'.
flog cough, and remittent hectic, which yennerally in
dicate I neiplent Consumption, this remedy In • ayial
the alarm of friends and phyt.Mons, 1 eves N •
gratifylnemni interesting Instances.
Inn Scrofulous Tuberculosis. this n,e ictted Iron
had far men, than the goof fleet oft a most cant lons•
ly lanlanced preparations of lodine, without any eftlielr
well known Ilatnilities.
The attention of females cannot ire tonconfidently
Invited to thin remedy and restorative, lit the easel/pe
culiarly affecting them,
In Rheumatism, both chronic. and inflammatory—ln
the latter hod, ever. more decidedly—it has hies Inverts.
lily well reported, both tis ullevlalingpaln and reducing
the swellings dud stiffness of the joints and 411tmeles.
In Intermittent Fevers it MUM, necessarily hen great
remedy and energetic re4orative,nud itw progreso In
the new settleinents of the West, will probably lie one
of high renown and 11,10111111,5.
No remedy has ever been discovered In the wholo'his
lory.of medienes. which exerts suchprompt, happv,and
fully restorative 'effects. (toed appetite, comp) et, dips.
thin. rapid acquhlition of,trength, with an unusual
disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediate
ly fillers Ito use.
Put up In neat fiat metal hones containing. AO pills,
price AN cents per hen; for side by-druggists and deal.
ere.. Will be sent free to any address on roeblpt of.tho
price. All letters, orders, etc. should be addretsed trb
R. 11. LUCK ii I. Col. lieni4Al Agelilfi
May 23, 'llO.-Iy. liroadway'N, Y.
...Any t.nly "or Gentleman le the trnlled bldg? pna•
goosing (non $4 to $7 call enter Into an easy and: M.
910,1th1110 busoluss. by Which from $5 to $lO per day
tan La realized. Fur particulars, address (with stomp)
Supt. 25, Nn. 37, jco, th llsth
Fnr the speedy 'and olievtunt carob( nil I nlllllOlllll UMW
rely], it he11111:111S111. 81,1141 a nnd I.fror Complaints
Pill, Gravid. and nll Acta.. amt. Chronic 111Fengoi of
Adults ntld ii cent Stimp tp her Agent
,litindrods of tedittionl ds. ltno ^_nT • o Phila. P. U.
n_Agency A. W.,Cur. Thdi d Arch - 1it.14"
Sept, 21, '441..-IVt.
Ne.pearuny info, ins the pnldle thatlhe has Just en.
calved an extra law stock of •
which for vat lety. beauty and price cannot be equalled
n the County, all of which will be sold, per yard or
made up t.i1111,0,11 , 0 llllthr 11104 nlqunvrtlstyles.
Fine flinch French emrp, of eery' grade, '
Brawn In. do.
Army and Navy do,
cud ninny other eiders. CAFFIMIi II ItS of the very lra
test style, ' In Immense variety. • VEcTI Mid In large
quantities of the latest styles. Also. a very loran loot
of Fattlnets. Jeans, Flannels, Flirting, de , which will
ho sold at the lowest market price.
nil, public is respectfully Invited to Inspect our oven
stock 61 gOtlll<ll.llrillg them that a call will not humr
the least obligation to purchase.
cept. 14, %O.
ro barrels Cement with n vary Ltrge - assortment
of Chain and Iron Pumps. n 1 all kinds cheaper than
ever, at the Ilardway :±toro of
Alanda 7, HENRI" SAXTON.
Hcivx..ow-vrAnm rourmanr,
A131301' T & NOBLE,
MA NUFACTIII ERS of t h e most approved stylus el
sTovEs of every desorlidbm. .
tieroplo and i',lll. 110,11 ] ,8
It'n-'2.4S WATCH St. N.q. Vern.
BRowN it. Philadelphla.
AND El! WADE, at:Manufacture. nricom.
W.l). A. Naugle, Ap.t., North Hanover Street 1 , 1;o
Doors North of the Carlhlu Deposit hank, and nrxt
door to Rllne's Hotel, Dealer In
1L -v4i• •
...-e-l• F .4''
t-•;:.f. L.;•,: '\•:"., ~,', . , : , ' .-Kl3 3
N.-... 4- -.J:1 17 , 7 1,,f,•••
eti ": •-•'',-• .'..—Al,-1 - F.• .
„ rt.. .„, • tt • tf.loo, : - . 4
eZ-E,:A. 10,reviti4J,'_+.•
,-. *a . A44 , -,. - 6 , -_l-..1t-.--; - . - -
Foreign and American Watcher, Jowely, Silver and Pla
tat ware. Fancy Dodds 4:e. would most reinimitfully in'
form his old•patrons and the public generally that ha
has just returned trout the Fast collie no Olathe tow
Raving sucure'd agencies from some of the largest and
bust Fe^tories for the sale of 'these goods, I ant prepa
red to offer to the ',oldie any article in the One from
75 to 100 per cunt loon than they have ever Nam offered
lo this place or below the regular wholesale price. no
follows, Clockryfrem 73 cents to 510, Matches hem v,pu
to $l5O. Jewelry to setts from he cents to 52.0, Tea Setts
trout 00 to 530,-13 pieces best quality and latent styles
8 day alarms, Gold Hunt. Ora ling. Coral,.
8 " Striking," Ainaricau, 'Pearl,
8 " Striking Al. " •
" • Salaa; • ' Cameo, '-'
8 " Regulators, " French: - Gold Stone,
" Gallery, Sliver Hunt. Case Eng. Lava,
8 Chilro,,";:e-Americau, Carbuncle;
8 " Mantles. Swlse, Opal, '
8 " Fanich, Mosalc,
8 "-Marine, — Open Face American, Jet,
30 Hour, • Laplace, Garnet,,
30 Striking, " Quartiers, Turquois, . 8
30 Alarm b. SOM. " English, Paintings,'
30 Time, 4 4 , 4 , . French, Enamelled,
30 Levels, " GelleVa. Paste,
30 Gothic, " German, Stone,
Goblets, Waiters ' Tureens, .-?'
Ladles, Cups, Butter Dishes,
lialt. Mandl!, Lich Knives, Pio Knives,
Crumb Knives, Ica Cream do. Cake Knives,
Fprks,• Spoons, Cantors,
Carlisle, July 27, 1860 -Iy.
Situated on the C,ontelogilluot Crook about four mike
west of Carlisle and known es ZEIGLER'S 01114,"
. The 31111 is built of stone three mocks high
null contains four run of stone, with metal
47 , tluaua •! th awe Iwo Qn • elliut,~ Ii user Saw 3LII
and other necessary out Luildings, end a
Con Kiln for thy Ina corn.
TllO Enrol contalltsaboal ;100 Acres of good: 4 10u Lend
In at l'air,stato of Col tivation mad under
J viel fence, about" 120 Acres of which ,
.are cleared and the residue covered whit It a i t., -
good timber. The I taproventents are e
Frame DwolliogAiottse
tank liern,.Corn. Crib, also It Talton.• Henna, g
liouse,lco Goose and other convunlept
A thrlvlnti young orchard preppies, also peacees peat.:
and other fruit, , ~•
The .31111 with any number of. acres of land tiro utir,
chaser might &sin, will be disposed of .separato Rout
the tech or the fain supainte,frou;the 31111 should the
perelleSer• .,
. For further nartieUlartt 'enquire, of Abe
owner Philip Zeigler, residing pu the Kathleen or of
' L,
,Real Agt. & Sere rt
I ST TP Ndireg.LL-LeWis Tegta=
'l,ttiontik3i upUtt tile 'will of Darla Stroll
.duil'd hito
of Shlpponslutrg borough.barblniurlirsuOil to tho
teilbur retiang In AlutoptUo twp, All pospne haying
claims or 41towloir thumeelvou fn blr loclubtud.
plod. roll ;kettle thu room with . -
Out. 34 ~ -
. .
13111E—Tho partnaralalt, Itprototbro exist' tig u n
dor thu firm or MUM &IMAM.; has 'this day barn
dlesolvild by ututuul . fonsont, thuruforowo would solicit
• all thus.. Indubtud •to lama awl mottle their accounts,
and all thatto harltig eluting will.please prusent_thetu
(or sottiumunt. •
JACOB 8111t0M, " •
It0111:ItT M. MACK.'
. Jan. 3 1830.
' Thu Limbless will hereafter be continued at the old
stand of thrum & Black under. Also firm of BLACK
DELANCY, whore wo, will keep constantly on hand all
kinds of 1,1131111f1t AND.COAL, Of oscyy desoa
which we will soil at the lowest cash p( en, and all or
ders for hill stuff will ho promptly attended, to on the
shortust no - 11 . We are tlhinkful for tin§ pitmans. of
a annum public at the old stand of Shrum Sr' Black,
. ,
--and would still solicit a continual. All orders bit
ilt% the rosidenro of Jamb Shrom for coal and ;lumbar;
will ho promptly attended tolls herutofun.
Jan. 11, 1000.
AfRS. WIN . SLOW, .an , experien . eed
_IL -.Nurse and nimbi Physician, pr runts to the
attention of inothersliar •
Icla'groatly Illuilitaieu Om primes,: of tot:Willa, by
no tuning tim gnats, rod uullig all lull: mud lout—will al
lay all pain and opianunlie action, and is ecru to regu•
lato Ihu Ixnvoln. Dupond upon It mothers, it will Oyu
root to yoursulyos, and
We have put up nail said thni artlrlo fo
years, and can say, Inn ennildonso arid truth
no havin never boon nbla lo.say.infany onto,
moray las
hin g l " in ' t ' l l MRS. AVINSIL.OXV , S
hat a guru -
ly tiediNev-
Rum,. an In
iv l!u usi•d n i r td 421.4.
trary 1!....3V" %.011..1L—P ,
delight ad
j rat in II s
of speak In terms of higliest.eoniniendatlen of its ma.
gleal effects and medical virtues. Wa speak in flits
matter ',that wo do know," after ten years 'experience
and pledge bur reputation for. the fulfilment of what
wu hero declare. Itililniust every instance where the
infant is aufforlutt from pain and exhaustion, relief
will he taunt in fifteen or twenty minutes after the
syrup Is administered.
' Valuable preparation the prescript Isn of one
of the most experienced and skilful nurses in New
Englund, and has been used•wlth never tilling huccew
• -
Tt.not, only relleYegtho 6114 from pain. but, invimi
rates the stool:tell "and bowels, curt oats addltyanil gives
tone and energy to the whole nystum. It will almost
instantly; relieve
001. Co
vulo IC, n ii , .
FOR whlell II 'tot
Tuedled. cud
spoudlly re- .
"I ti death. ' " Wu 11011,0
It, the ben CHILDREN and meek.
remedy In ' ' ' I .t h o world,
6t all
TIM/THING. ;',.').?7,e,",,ez
drolland Diary
whet); . • ur it itrlsex
frouiteethinv, or 'from any other cawn. We would
say to every moth, 14110 has 0 child sulfuring from any
oldie rOr .. 7, .. 2 o,lllolollk—do nut lot your prejudice
nor Ito pre,llllik. 01 otters stand !ultimo) your ilulion•
lof rhild nitd the ratiol that will ho 5111110—yore, kit.
SOLVIT.I.Y SURE—to figlO'rthe lOW of LIIIS
• if thmdy USO , I. Fuji directions for using will 000010.
pan , / rash teat!e. None geoutne unless the fae.shnile
of URTIS .t.PEICISINS, New York, Is on the 'outside
S‘.llll , V S. W. Ilaverstiok North Ilanover st. end S.
Elliott 111111 i sf. Carlisle, all4l Dm:gists throughout the
world. Pike only 9 t Cents per Bottle. Principal 0111-
CO, No. 13 Cedar st. N. Y. July 20, 1800.-Iy.
MECILVOCSIIIIIM, .11111010th 180J1
rondo to tho I,l,4lslaturo of l'onnsylvdnia at Its next
tneetind fir tin invorplrat lon of a hank of issue. with
dlsrount and deposit prlvile?es. to he lovatod• In tha
libromdi ut 310ehatileshor4. I d.the County of Cumber
land, Pouna, and to in 011i/01E1/10 !/lovilnnivNburg Hank,
with a caPillti ann., hundred thousand dollars with
the right qincroasd the sum to two hundredthOusand
John Nish , y,
John Sadler.
John llrnndt, .
Lori Merkel.
.Throli Mumma,
Wm. Its liorgoP,
A fov doors Bnuth of the •A ‘ ime.•
Court house. • r
Haying supplloil titysalf with it largo adsoftruent of
:;Ill'atelt Materials, Glasses, &0., r nw now prepared to re
pdr all Icind4 of Watollos, (lbwka,lluwelry, its , on Atli
1110 M, reasonable tertus• that may lot Intrusted to lay
e.tro. - I [Ad Itg by strict attention to business to Llt
cored with n liberal strum or public IrltrltliagO.
A Ilan la...anima or JEWIMItY. sifyll as Ladles:
Pins and Ear Drops (told and Cameo; >1 loses'
Breast Pints and Ear Drops. Box and (Hass Nils all slues,
(LA 1 Challis, Maks, Plats,' Chpine, UIIt I,oeksts,(ltards
Heys, ,te. Also a large and arta assortment of • ,
r - •
7 Mon, n One lot of Silver Hooting, Detached Lover;
nod I,..pluwi W.ltelips. and a good :‘,..0r1u100t...4 Silver
',Laud and s.teol Speolaelt.m. 'All of ,v bleb will be Fold
low. .t titlark, of public patrouago 1 rmartfully solid.
tot. JOS. U. STEEL.
Carl tale Jan.
fAM ES! IA MES ! ! Il AM 1.,S !! !
j„, 330 Pair 11:1111l,, just received of all kinds.
•C031)10X PA'fTERN.
with and without patent fastenings cheaper Ulan ever,
at the Ilardware Store of
lareli 7, 'OO. ' HENRY SAXTON.
4 , 1 t ,4,„ of the "Gold Engle•'!l doors ahoy. the
Cirolowhool Volley honk, nod two doors below the
3letloslist Chureh. on (Sett Maio btreet, the largos(
and best selected ~tock of
In tlid tau,. will hu sold 30 ifer'etm t lower tlum at any
Ida, In 111.. data e h n•l< volnia Isva :tlarga assurt ,
moot eh lill aunt Silo or hauling case watches, Lovers,
Lsphtes, ineriva a watches, atuLall other Mulls anti
Geld end Silver Chid.,
Jewelry of all kinds. Sp.:Ale:es Hold and Silver, Plated
and Sneer N ae, MUSIC MAS, Areardrons, Oil paint.
it elmt variety of Whey artgdes. :ffni a lot of the
finest Pianos. w h ich will be sold lo per cent lower than
ever offered in town. The entire stuck of Watelunalfer
tools, cases, largo Mirrot s, and Sale still bu sold "whole
sale br retail ou the nosiest terms.
Having solerte'd a first class' orkman all kinds of to.
pairing will be done 55 USUAL at reduced prices.
Plano music or all kinds fur voile. A now first class
double barrel gun warranted jeuuinu twist will bu gold
for half its
1 OR RENT.The large
1' (bras story Brick I loose with ,
large parlor dd feet deep, situated on
Wrist Maio iittVet, will 115 rented ;
from the list April Bal. .Call at' the
Jewelry Store in said building. lune IS, IMO.
(„,,Z TILL Tltl U 31 l'- 1-1 AN T .
1..7 The coutnlke success of the Prairie Flower Cook
, Stovi;:warradte the subscriber In calling the attention
.f. f all.who may want a superior stove to ca).l and or.
't attic that - only stove that has given universal satisfac
t ii.
Ist. ,li. Raving of from 30 to CO per cent. In fuel.
Ind, A hotter and quicker Oven front the same tire,
3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of thu same size,
4th. The preservation of tile contra piece from sinking
saying repairs,
sth. The best Baker, Roaster, and Coolt now In use,
Oth. A superior arrangement for cleaning the tines,
7 th,4 perfect Oat Consumer for either word or coal.
The Prairie Flower is warranted to 'give satisfaction
in every particular, and will be shown with pleasure to
all Om may call, whether dealt lug to purchase or sot,
any quantity of reference in town cr country.
A few, other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will bo
solii t yptiy low to Iristi stock.
SpOuting, Rooting, .lob work, Coppor.smithlng and
Shooting work promptly attended to, in town or coun
try. .Alf work warranted at the old stand, Stopover
street north of Imuther. , . .
, 111 AlliX V . MORRIS.
N. 11. Old Copper, Brass nod - Pawl* bought, and the
highest price paid In cash or goods.
March 25, 1600.—if. , • i
.Now openilig nt Ogilby's cheap Cash Store, a
Jorge and complete assortment of
at uncommonly low prices. A lull assortment of Li
dice new style dress goods.
Shawls, ' Mantles, Hoop Mids.
Gauntlets, '• Cloaks, - Morino alas, .
'Muslins, Itibboue, , Kidd Gloves,
yinibroidorles, Hosiery, , Blankets, •
Flannels. •Onit'ats, _ Shirt Collars,
Omits Shawls, Carpetings, Oil Cloths,
Window Blinds, Blind Fixtures, Table Covers,,
I,o:Judi:Gasses, Wool Nublas, illogic Bullies,
Trunks, Carpet Bags, . • Linsey s,
Omit, Hags, Se., Am
The attention of the Ladies to particularly invited to
our stock gf It LEVANT Poplins, Figured Meri
nos, and other dress goods.
'rho [mullein in will Paso examine our stock of Cloths.
Cassimorim and Vestings all now,. A good assortment
of etssimeres..leaus de., for lloy:s scour.
Thle stock has been selected with great care. .llouglit
for CA:lf:and will be hold for rash as chimp If not a lit.
tic cheaper than eau be hail at any other etufh, in • PP ,
lisle: ,
• :taw' floods will ho received weekly. My 'old. friends
and customers and all in want of cheap and good goods;
will please give me a call before. Purchasing adsewhere
mod Inv nut their motley to the beet rideaßtaß"."
Recollect tile store. Ilmullion's corner opposite the
Rail Road Depot. ' CHAR, 0011.111%
Carlisle Sept. p.-!tio. • ;- • Trustee.
ALFRED D.' RDICK'S.'" - . •
I ' . .
• -.. .., ~ , • . .
ND. - 14A, South roxirt Iv Str tretr','
'',: .; :'i,
; 1 , 701
' :'—:Commt.ini catious 14 IriAitiq):)4tiyationded to,
Iftm4: 27; '69.=.1y4 : ! 4. , , •.; C.,
. .
V.llO Pl' 0,G1141 ) . 11,5. t
, , :',,, •; • ' • ..' l , -, ,, - ,.'.• , HOAPH£II . I" ' • • '-V - '
1., rroe,R4cdoplitibit of the PrlutolllValea;',llo Um;
peror.'Huipreia and Prim], Inqualal of Franco now on
evidigtiou, and for nix at Mrs, , ltovuold's Daguorroan
Oallory, corner of Hauovor and LOuthor dtrootaCarllalo
' dertombor 14,'W. .
Carlisle Foundry,
V. Gardner & CO. now nmuuraeturo and keep eon
stnntly for sale, at thole esronslvo Steam Works on East
Main strest, Carlisle, a large assortment of
of welt known, approved ushrolness to farmers. among .
whisk (bey wont eon ospeelslattentlon to WILLOUO/i
BY'S 1.,•;19tATF,1) PATENT
' othliSl'illNCit ;GRAIN DRILL,
which has talon over fifty - First Class Premiums atStato
nd County Parrs. To the Farmers or Cumberland,
orb and Perry counties 500 need not speak in detail
of the merits of this drill, IS scores of them are TOM in .
use on.the best farms in these counties, Its reputa•
Lion is established NI the most complete Crain Drill
now Manufactured in the United. States. ltsows Wheat;
Dye, Oats, 13arley and (nods, (wooly and regular,
without bunching the seed. 'rho gum Springs pods the
over stumps unit stones, without breaking pins or
the drill. For even rind regular sowing, Ibe Willougli.
be Cum Spring Drill Is unequalled by any other. Wu,
nlwt manufaeture and sell the following saki., whirls
we min recommend to Farmers as reliable
or oitablishoeolifir.ter : "
r over ten
of it, hat
r incillt Ina
railed In a
CO t o 11-
when tilno
or did a•o
FHinee n f
by any ono
On the con
• ; Also, Throe nod Your Mose Power's and Threshing
Machines. Cast Irrat Yield Eviler?, Plough Cdstlngs of
varlbus patterns, Ctirn Crashers, and other articles for
Farmers too numinous to mention. Also, Egg Coal
Stoves inn! Ton Plate Wood Stoves, with an rennentat
varlet of other rnctinga for housekeepers and others.
Wu have also an attractive vat iety of patterns for
and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to which we ivouldi.
rail attention. ,
`-..Steam Engines and 51111GoarIng..
To this department of our'business We giro part icu •
r MAIM ilflll. Our already extensive stork of patterns
for'Paper, I , l2nte and Saw 51111 flouring, In constantly
Increasing. Mill Owners and Mill Wright. will be fur
nished with aiwinted catalogue of our various Mill
Patterns, on application. Onr Machine Shop comprises
all tho various tools for turning, planing and finishing
Shafting and Castings. by good and careful Machinists..
of any desirable capacity; from ton to twee ty•fivo horse
power, built in the best style and oo accommodating
.terms.' Engines built at our establishmeni may ha
oven in 'successful operation at inahy of the largest
Distiller' and Tanneries sin Carlisle, and Cumberland
Perry dint Dauphin Counties, to the owners of whiiit
we confidently refer for in forimitlon as to their efficien
cy. 'Persons wanting Steam Engines are earnestly re
quested to call and examine before contracting else
cn......,t0d with ur establishment is a Steam Sash and
Door Mapuftctor which to nub In Complete order ler
the manufactule o .very description of
for the most costly as well WI the plainekt house. 'Win
dow Sash furnished from 5 cents upward, according to
size of glass; Window Frames from St 31 upward;
Shutters and Roiling Blinds from 51 75 upward; Four
Panel Doors from 52 12 upward. Mouldings, Castings
Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Policy Napery,
Scrolls, Mill other articles needed' in house building;
furnished at the lowest prices and of the best qualP'y .
.of 111111110 r. IIry,LIVO are also prepared, no heretofore,
toimild and repair BORDEN CARS for transporters on
tire railroad, with promptness:old unreasena btu terms.
The continued patronage of the public. Is respectfully
Orders by mall promptly atteiniud to.
May S. I...GARDNER A Cc. •
Secured by lottors patent in tho United EtaUs, '
England, Franco, and'llolglum.!
Levi 1? Eberly,
Bolonv.m P. Gor.4lls.
'N0.781 Broadway, Now
having secured their novel and Ingenious Invention by
Arne Heal) and European patents, are fully prepitred tq
execute all ordert. for
Miniature Likenesses of Persons, on China, -
preventing . all the attractive and advantageous features
of ordinary photographs, the brilliancy, end finish of a
water-color drawing; and a hitherto unattahnel quality
of durability, by lading rendered as imperishable as the
natural properties of the articles upon which they giro
tn . :mere rretinn.
As the patented process of thin Company 011111,illi thin
Innilla MIAMI of 'gallop:raping nit 014 on plain surfaces,
but upon moth as nro round or of any degree or iiidgu
ri ty—portraits Con Inn reprOlilleett . n . llll finllLlCSSltevlt•
racy, aunt delicacy of delineation, up on Porcelain neuron
of any description and dimension used usartlides of :ux.-
ury or of household utility, ouch no
Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups,
thereby 'securing faitlaiil portraits and farthing . Is
1 , 0111 and exquisitesty le of ornamentation 'articles
in dopiest', w e .
In order to furnish redlines for the gratification of
to popular taste, and to meet the wants. of pa•
tenisor tile Vine A rts 'desirous of having Pog.rnits on
Porcelain, the Company have imported !Tom Europe a
roiled ion of hovel+ r porcelain goods, mentif.tetuted to
their own order, which they sell at cost prices.
As tile American Company are owners of the patent
right, 311111 . 011WVIIIIItly th., silty peraonsilllthorizeil tn.
use the process, they have delermined. In order to a tro,d
pre pio in every section of the Union an oppoi Lenity to
to rolln the following 'imposition to the
Country, who ara unable to eisit personally the Atelier
tlailerios In Nuw Person, sending a Phot•Trilial
nniin,typo, Sr daguerreotype to the Oilleo of the Compa•
ny in Now York, accompanied
, •
Five Dollars, ' •
will Tredve In return by onprecs, free or other charge,
is richly ornallinittint lirealtinfit Cup and Saucer, with
the pm trait tranFferted thereon. fly traubmitting a
daguerreotype and • •-
. .
Ten Dollars, ' •
they \CM Feenro In like manner, a handsome French
Vase or Toilet Article, With the portrait reproduced by
the patented procesg. By heeding a pair of daguei roe
type.; and
they will receive In return n pair - ditch Sefres Vases,
NV 101 the portraits executed equal to. miniatUre paint
ings. n.. 1,410110 unmoor, portraits can he reproduced
nu pou•elain naves or Vases of every. quality of finish.
ronglog lu piles from Twenty to One Hundred Dollars
the pain.
11. it —Be particular In writing the address,
county and Sdato
All letters to be addressed to •
'Manager, Atm:limn Photographic Porcelain Co."
7el Broadway.'
Now l'oa
OctolTr 5, 1550.-3 'moo
The animal inform the
citizens of Cal___._.....y, tams .._ sus now nn
hand and Is manufacturing, every variety of Cabinet
{Ware, consisting' in partmf . .
0110, 4 11,11 . g, Ovni Frames .&c., Ac. This work is
warrnntod of the best materials and workmanship, oin,
bracing all the latest city stylus, and will bo furnished
at the lowest retail prices.
N. ll.—Cotlins outdo at short notice, and funerals rite
ended to promptly in town or country... • '
Carlisle Oct. 12, TO.—ly.
ESTRAY—Camo to tal . residence of
the subscriber, In South AUL!lieton township, on
the SW day of Septendier,
The minor Is hereby nolined to come forward, prove
property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise ho
will be disposed of occol ding to law.
CIIIIIXIO, Glut. 12, 'llO.-0 t. JAMES ➢. WEAKLY.
- G. A. Sr. E. A. LANDELL. -
N o. 110 North Wharves, Philadelphia,
1 Sperulacotl;Patent Srm,Hydraulle
OANDL ES , f Adamantine, Hpo
otel; Car n Tallow,
• Imre Sperm, Lard Bleached ' Whale,
• OILS, Staleg r a r li u t. rs lltral ,t ned Whale, Tan
ners,i. I , Olelno, and
SOAPS,} „ White, Yellow, Brown, Chemical
f Olive, Fancy, and other.
Aug. 17, •
e C1? _1_00 -000 UGH.AtAINTEE.
ti 5
Buck White-Load end Waskipglon Medal-
• • DUCK LEAD,: •
. •
•. • ' ,100 pound swill cover as much sitr
faeo • as.l2s pounds of other White Lead. •
Painting done with purd - Buck Load
is twice as dumble on other Leads...,
. • DUCE. LEAD, • • ' •
Tivwhiter and moon brilliant than any
other known White Lead.- •
. , , , •
• • Is superldr to finest English 'White
• Load for softness and beauty._ ' ' •
• • . BECK:LEAD; . '
,• • ' ' • Every aSy should buy Duck Lead. • '
, laisupecior to any •
other line in . thegorld for astrome whiteness aucibitl,
• - • • •#Nii . poict nifiAunric
, unrlvallod far
or covering nrahartil rl;ifilds will dons much paint •••
log as .75 ponuds if other Line. • ••
• ,4 .t ,',,:', 1 44410
rability;it wears twice aadong as O it ther Zino PalialL.
. , The above Paints for sale by ' lIENEY 6.14T0L,' ,
solo agent for Cumberlasld county. •
Sept. 24•1860.4 m. •
Portraits on China,