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I _ , ' . , . •,, , - ',. .. :- .'" ~, ~..';'' if: ... , ,;',',. - ..r. - .-- .. • . ~..., ..,„ ~ _r! -. - ., -, . , 110L , , ?•, - ,- ~ ' ' ' ''' *- ,', - ?,.. , i , l l "' ei t ".. - ,- ;% ,0,1 !'''' . ''''S` "''''• i'' . ''' ' l ' ' 1" ' '' ''' Y ''' i '." ' ' e' '" • , . „,,,.-.'..,-, „ . ..'• , . . *.,-.., "1. "- • ' ~.,., ~ - • ~..;,. 'VA I,m. ~-...;, ..., "-,, , .. ac : , Il',l xvit 1 l x i m ~ -- ..,,..,..: ~,,,, ....11.A. : . 0.•,, ,- - • 0. 1 0 trillirbwirt4ll l / 4 miiii•lii , .ikthil i' ---- ' • . . .._... •' . ' !---. ---!--' •a. "VEY- -.4 ,, 0R,..:.„.1114,-- zmt , , , ,N..- 3")4{. A. -8 ,A. , - . • .RIIEEMI, Proprietor. . . . .4. 5 r. mt. pajarEtt, Eiiitor• 1. • ., .. . ' , -.' •, .% i ! P., - ; ,- i , .!.'• , .. ' , ','' '.''',' '• „ ... : ,;., . . :,,: ~..,.;. ~.....?:;:- '..,-..;- ~ :.-: '• ''', * '• ' . '' " .1' .-'''. ' - ... " % ..- .' ' . -, ' r' • ''' • • ''' • •‘' ' I•• •'• • ' t not t ' • ~ :,: .+„ • •:,,,j,__4_'•-..f__,L.;,..,,,: + 4___:,,._____ . ~ .._______.--1 • , - ----:----..--------________:, - -:-. . ., - ---=',--_-_-______-..., 7. - ---=•---=--- +_------_—_ _ .- _ E tl I VOL.. LX. justness (Lards. J. VI: .FOULK, Attorney at Law Oniceliith J. R. Smith, End., In elms' Row, In rosr m FrSt Prasbyterissi Church. All business en trusted to him will be promptly attended Co. May 9; • • re 4 spec:Cluny -announces to •hie old Minds •and foratur p drone, that he has • returned from his ninth. western tour. with hie health greatly !annoyed, and '. • has resumed his practice in Carlisle. ,• OP • 1010 oniJittin Streot. one door wester thellediroad 'Thipnt, whore he can be found at oil hours, day and night. when not out professionally. •,Carlisle, Oct. 20, 1869-tf • J . J. 1314.1NR1M,, 4,1) (itoNREIPAnusT,) PHYSICIAN,BU it° EO N ,& AC P,O UCTI ER ' OtiMe o, South thincivifi BEreet t formerly, ormiplud by Dr. Smith. -- T Pit. S. B. 'KIEFFBR Offree in North. Ilajnover ettrait two 9439r5 from Arnold 'A Sown or 6. 019 re hnursonme nartle 91Arly from 7 to 9 o'clorl, A. M.. and from 6to 7 ~,e 9mk, P. 51. • . ritt. erz(). Z. 13R1t1T2, , DOtist. Of• lice North Pitt Street Porno!. Aug. 3, IBBo o 6t. . . • agOltdE B.sBEA -411'•WA' a w MOUT, DENTIST, from the Y Hal• lit.2 o6 ire at the re " s r ille C ncl i f 6 4 l3' l l llN o lli f f i , j t e n he t r n , l ga S n i t t. e , u r tile , ' street, three doors below Bedford'. , ' Ifareh 10, n ooTOR.A.RNIS'PRONG has reniov ed his office to the South went corner of 11rtviver k Pomfret et whore he may be consulted at any hourot the day or night. Dr. A. has had thirty years experience. n the pro.fe islon, the lent ten of which have aeon darn• ted to the study add practice of Iloinccopatilic teed' nine. Nlmy 20, 'h7ilni. DR: 3. ` C. NI OF respoet• _ fully n firmi the ladles and gentletneit 411 • • orearlislo. a n d vicinity. that he hats re mimed the putctlee of Dentintry. and is prepared to pet• form all operatiotin on the tooth and gums, belonging to his profession. lio trill Insert full sate of-teeth on gold or sliver, n It h single gum teeth. or blocks. as they may pram.. feline moderate. to stilt the times D 2: • E.C.LOO3IIS , jgg, South Ifituover next duet to the 'Post Office: Aux I. '69 a go. W.. NEIDICIL D. D. s. Irate nuninnwtrntor of '‘pere , feral lutry to the " " lore' I'ollogo ,utt k i".metz- Dental Surgery Office at 14-rtn , ldonee, - oprualto Hari in LLau. ,fast Slain stroat, Carllßla, Penn a j . oNov. 11,1657. • MI t. W. HAVERSTICIC., Druggist, 7—North Ihnovor Stresp,,Cinrilrio. Phynlelnu'n prescriptions cnrofully compoundod A run supply of fresh drugo and chemicals. E 14 O'V A L, SPONSLEIt, 1,1 removed his office to his Nevi 'louse. opismitc Glass' Hotel. [March 28,1C110-tf, .I: 2 AW.-GARD.-CIIA.RUES E. MA GLAIIOIILIN, Attorney at Law , Office in In hu 'p building, just opposltethe Market House. Carlisle, - Mbreh 14, 41U-Iy. 11-- T ORN HAYS, ATTORNY.AT Law._ ,TO E Office on Main Stroot, opposite "Marion nail," Cornejo, Pa. • [Oct. 20, '29-iy. ci P. ECEEURIOH, Attorney • -OINco on North Hanover kraal, a fen doors mouth of alms' lintel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. 4 [April 16. tl'' AW NOTICE. -REMOVAL. W. all. PSISIItOSIt has removed him oils° in Jam 0 Atiourt House, where ho will promptly attutuktO all business entrusted to h1m.... August 19, 1857. . - ' LAW OFFICE:EMUEL TODD has resumed the practice of the Law. Office In Centre Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian Church. April 8,1857. . ANDREW J. WILCOX, Attorney at 14w. Office N 0.19 I,oxlngtou StillsMinor°. ilusl nese promptly attended to. ItIIFERENOP. 11. At. Johnson, JaAh'lttMem,' IL A. Sturgeon, ET 'AL. Cmll,llo April 25, '60.-3rii. ger- FARE REDUCED. - ea STATES UNION HOTEL, 606 & 608 Market St., above sixth, fLADELPAIA . • JAMES W. POWER, Proprietor TERMS:-1111 26 par day. ju2o'sB. UNITED 5'17417.8 HOTEL.--; .• • S. E. Cor. 1143 farket PIiItADELPIILA W. KAT`WIA, WM. MoVPIY, vnie?.i.fras• N. HANTCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. WEST HAIN STREET, Opposite the. Rail Road Office. DAY' All and. Winter : , tyles of cloths, ,Caseimeres and Peelings made to order. • carn.lo, M..y 2, 1860 . • 11. NEWS II it 111 , A T (). N 14.1. Y. AT LAW ~ OEleo with w oz;osie qg : r, ,.. l i t i .Lo r ia t t l t a Lla . nov 7 Street, Carlisle, Sep. S. 1858. Cortl! 4Ccs•art,l! To FARMERS AND .LtIMEBUR NEILS AND ilTilblitfil. tho underkigned have imon appointed solo agents for the sale et the celebrated Troverton Coal This Co al is recemmeeded by Mr. Landis and others who bevetilini It, to be equally as strong, and burn es numb limo par ten as Lykens Valley or any other els] in use. Persons is want of Lime Coal will fled It to Meld a. tereat4b buy this Coal as it coats from twenty to twen ty flee cents per ton leis than Lykens Valley. We have the prepared Trovorton Coal for family usb always On bend. Alen a large stook sties] of all kinds. One stock of LUMDMiIIs large and compote and will lie sold at the lowest prices. . Thankful for past fivers we respectfully ask a con tingence td the name. July 13,1860 ARMSTRONG & ROFWER, F'NE ' WATCH - - REPAIRING.- . )1,,,, C. BREWER... AttheNew Jewelry Stereo], East--, Oft • • Main streat,,, near the , Public . , ir • , fiquare, Is prepared to clean and • 0 !small.. the. Finest Watches, and . . , ; ..,.. warrant • them to .4lva 'entire , •. withflotlon • Also floe Mantle . , ~'9 'l . Clocks of all kinds, Musical Box. „, : ~ _ as, Accordions, • do. put In crap. j. ;; ,' plate order, and warranted. bk., „__ !, - ...c , _ Carlisle July 0 , 1800r1y THE' CELEBRATED :HORSE "CHARLES HARRIS," The Agricultural 15 I ety, raperty of the Cumberland Co tip .oc will for Bar . , - t 1113 d .'vice cultic', - Nair blroundeof tho BooletY, t a loaii on and atter the Ist of Boptember next, ' • 'trill( for the fall. '' ,dal: Far terms an d other particulate, enquire of the'gronal on Arm:lpda. - elands Aug. 31,1800.-2 m.. 'ADDIBON'PRANKLIN. CAIIZASUZI:; The " Id 4 1?forni the oil'- seiis an'd W a ° ur il rowitling country' that he bur t aken theinlll known AM liarlhile SHIM . and Ili pro. patrol to furnished In. late or small rinantltles, jenitnnii n caah'pr o fo an .a a l a: t tkie rg- • • 11;;Ie ' eijnir-.14r8139.-.41. P,.T.4 0 0 11 111OFFAT , R VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. PHOE/4 IX , itI.I',WERS. .The'bigh l oud envied celebrity these pre:eml. neat Medicines have arydired for their invarlabie effi• eery In all the dlaeasen whirh they, profess to cure, hoe rendered the unuel practice I , f puMug not only unneces., sary, - but ultworthy of them. Alley are known by their fruits': their gond. works testily for them, and they thrive not by the Itnlth;of,the credulous, • in all cases Of AsthrnA; /tante end Chronic Rheuma tism. AlTectinne of the it,adder and Kidneys, • Billione Fevers and Liver Complalnts.—ln the Fouth and... Vest where those diseases prevail. they ;u 111 be found Invaluable. • PlanterS, farm to anti (Whirs, who onto use these Witediclucs, will noverafterwardshe'vith out them., • • • • Billions Cholla and Serous Looseness,' - Riles, Costive- Colds as d Coughs, rholie. CoNSUAIP LION— eetel with greit success in this db.; Cur upt If minors, Dropsies, Dyspepsiti.—No person, I,llh this distressing Aimee should delay. using those medicines iminedytely Eruptions of the bkin, Krysitieles,Flatuleney Ind Fe• I ver nod A attn.—For this scourge of thi, Western country, these medicines wt.l be found n safb, speedy and certain remedy. Other medichiesletiya the systotn subject to • rut urn of 11,0 - cure by these medleinea le permanent, Try them. hi-satisfied. and be cured .7 FOULNESS OF CO3l FLEXION . , , . ti .mtxttit DEMLITY. Gout, Diddlness, Gravel, ilLadsclies of every. hind, inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Nipple Blod, .htundice. limn or Appetite. • • . ' LIVER Cu MPLA INTS, • LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, MERCURIAL DISEASES Never falls to eradicate.ontiVely all t(e Werth of lifer- • cury intinitely sooner than the roost powerful prepare (lon of'Sarsaptirillit. Nicht Swa,it 14, Nervous DehlllLy. Nervous Dotridaints of all kinds. Organic Affections. Palpitation of the/lead I Painters' Chalk. Enzs2 j Tho .7riu;lnal proprietor of tbeso ntedielnes was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by. the use of these .Liver sledf.does vi ne Pains In thu head, side, back, limbs, Joints and or. gam It ii 6i7l (A'lrlHll. Thrice nilli tod with I filo terrible tilseace will be sure of relief by the I,lle 'look of Blood to the !lend, Scurvy, .Salt.itheutn. Swetlitigc. SCROFULA, or KING'S FAIL, In Its wornt forms UI . • cern of every deverlption. • . • • \Yonne of all kinds are eiTeetunlly expelled by theme medielhcx. Parents will do well ti administer them Whenever their mciatence Is auspoeted. Relief iv 111 be certain. TILE LIFE PILLB AND pliceNrx DITTF'S9 •' PURIFY TICK. BLOOD, And thug remove all dbeases from the system. Preparedby DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, , No., 18, Bruniway, (Nloiret Building) N. Y. For note by nil Druggists 'NOTICE ' AND READ THIS.— . F. 0. Kitvmuo, —, At the new Store on East Main Ft. II near Henry Paston'a liatdwaro,Store, * )?..", would call the attentior of person` In , ......, want of a One Welch to bin nplendid I c.j,.. ;- - stock of American, Liver'', of mild Lou dim it aIi.:IIES. I have a One stock nt (told Watchen. nt all 'pricem, from twolly dollars up to theca hundred dollars I also have a large stork of Silver - Il uniting Coned and Open Ctimi Watches, from three dollars. up ,tosolghty. I also have a new Stock of Frolich and A marl can .111WELItY. in setts, such as Canino, (laid Soule. Lava, Monate, Mourning and Plaits 'setts,' Ac. I Man have a new-stock of Medallion.• from one dollar up to .fourtnen;-Ladlentand , ontlemon!s--Ilreast-Pins.mf_aw patterns and prices: (old Chains; a large stock of N'est Fob and Curb Chains ret very large stock of 'finger rings of all kinds and patterns, curl, as Seal Pings. Wedding Itingx, and Settings; a One stock of Cuff Pune, (fold Studs, Skov° ituttonn far Ladiasand Genileturn.Cronen ! Bracelets, Child Watch Kays, Seals. (leAd and Silver I Thimbles, (old and Silver Spectation,'s large stock of Silvar.Tea and Table Spoons at all prices, and a tun, plats stock of Paul :t rial ed Tea and Table Spooks. pia. ted Forkeaillvar nu 'laird thltter Hulce+ and a One stnetrnf dbliblni p1....41 Vonvenr. , —Nyarnwntr - mrrOrir Fruit Knives, and a large stock ofCommon Spectacles, to suit all ages, to which I invite particular.attentlun; Port .Wonnales of all kinds, fill. . . ' ' ..... nor Keys and Chains; n large .. . • ..----- ' '`.. stork of Accordronn, Violins, , ',,,„ 1 , 1., • . and Munk Domes, (largo and , .' N . • small land a great Variety of ---IV • V articlen usually kept In a yo,, ~ 6 f 43) .1 . _ wiry store. I haven - on on hand i ~7 ','M a large and well selected stock of CLOCKS, of all patterna and ! , _I-1, - Itinil fashions. front ono dollar up to- . i car..*Ciat.3.: - .,,, fifty. which I will sell al a small ' prod! and warrens thent formic • ,1 . 41 ' 4 444 i11bi1. 4,4 t. year. to he good thoe-keepern. livery thing sold by ma shall be what It is represented. Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry' carefully repaired and warranted. Cantata July 0, lblid.-ly. LIBERTY.STOrE WORKS AND . HOLLOW—WA `:.EI ,PHILADELPHIA. ABBOTT NOBIsE, MANUFACTURERS of the moat approved •etylea of STIWES of every desTriptlon. ' • . eatorde and Pale Rome— . Ara 7-2.18 WATER St. New York. Aree• - -.11 . 0 11 1 1 OWN ER. Philadelphia. Aug. 3 men. N v ES? ILL ILLS Formerly DILLEH•dt OBEIDER The subscribe/ wishes to Infonn the public that lie has commeneed the Million Business nt Isle Mill one mile north of West 11111, West Peousbore lwp Cumber land Caiity. where he will always lines on hand flour and fear for sale at the lowest rash prime, Such us Bran Shorts and Mlddlialge..Corn and Oars, nod lqeellops. I will always pay the highest cash prlee for grain. July 20, HMO —Om. JOHN rIIAF(N Ell. • QECOND SPRING, ARRIVAL.- L...3LAItd F.: SUPPLIES Colt TILE HEAD AND FEET. 'At the Store ofJobn irvineloh the N. E corner of the public square. Is the place tb purchase Boots oboes Bata & Cups. at prices that.defy competition. fie has ju-t returned from t h is Enit with the largest and most complete assortment of 801161. Clinic. that,. & Caps that ho has ever presented to this community, and which h.. determined to Sell at the lowest posst• We prices. stock embraces everything In his line 9f business. such as Il.lk.'N'e& . BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS. Krp Boots, Calf irsul-nitent Leather Ux lord Ties, Calf MI a Patent Leather . Gaiters, Cali Nullifiers, Callum! Kip 'trepan!, Slippers, &e. .TAADIEIS' IX/E4ltt• lit French and English Willy Gallons, Morocco. Calf and Kid pane, lino Kld Slipper., Fancy 611pperet, Morocco, and Kid Inaiiklnit. Be. . MitisiES AND CHI I.IIIIEN'M W FA II ofall dcFcriptions embracing 800 Lusting (Jailors, Mon,ceo and Lauding Button Boots, Morocco 'Lace Bowe of all hinds. fancy shoes of various sly lea• idipperp,4c HAT, dr. CAI'S, Silk. Cassimere. Yur and Wool flats of al: gYkHllus and ptyli,, also a largo lokorlancut of • STRAW .11A7'S, 'Boots and Shoes nindu to order at the shorAest notfee. Repairing promptly done. Confident of his ability to please all classes of customers, hu respectfully Invites the public to give trim a cull. *a. Remember the place, N. E. corner of the Public Square. May 30, '6O. • 101114 IRVINE. CLOCKS WATCHES. JEWELRY AND BiLYEIt WARE, at . 51anutikurers prices. W.l). A. Nnugle, Aut., North Mu - lover Street Five Mors North of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, and urot door to Kihnk's itotel, Dealer ' . FRENCH & AMERICAN. CLOCKS, Foreign and American Watches, Jewely,Sllcer and Wit ted ware, Fancy Woodw&c. would, most respectfully In form his bid patrons and the public generally that he has Just returned front the East with an entire new stock of FINE WATCILES,JEWELItY,SILVER & OLA. TEld WARE, CLOCKS Ac. Having secured agencies from moment' the largest anti Crests Factories for the sale of these goods.l am papa rod to offer to the public any article In the lion fr.. 133 76 to 100 per clout lens than they here ever hots offered In thhiplace or below the regular wholesale price. ns follows, Clocks from 75 cents to.slo. it etch , P fit to $2,531 to $l5O. Jewelry in soil. from 50 wets Ott S2 . 4TM FetlN from 24 to $314-6:plecet boot quality stud latest stylus • CLOCKS' IVATCLIES. JEWELRY. day alarms, Gold Hunt. Cam Eng. Coral, " Striking, ' "•American,' Pearl, ' " Striking & Al. " " Swiss, Cameo, " Regulators, " " French." Gold Steno, " Gallery, Silver Himt. Case Eng. Uwe, - " Church, " " American, Carbuncle, " Mantles. , " " ' " Parlor, "," Neenah, Mosaic, " Marine, • Open Faro American, "Jet, • 0 Hour, " • " Leplues,- . Garnet, 0 Striking, "..." .Quarticrer,.:.Turquois, ' 30 , Alnem SOUL • '''• ~ Paintings, 30 Vein, , " Brenda, , Enamelled; 30 Lomeli,: • • " • r !Genova. - Paste, , 30 Gobble,. , " peruuku; Stony, • • ..TEA B. T g!".' - ClobMtil;' Welters • - 'rurrone: ~ L adleab. • ' Cupo.• •' .•-• • , Duttor Dlsbes, •,• balt - Stands, — : - 2181i'17m - j in, pbcKniyes. ' Crumb Fl Wren ; Ire errigm Ait. Cube livlvee, . • Forks, - , Eimous, - , etaikroa. Carlisle, July 27;1800 ' • . " --),ITAIPS AND:. , gmEmT,.., , -, -- - ,:: 1 1-60 barrehine'rneot with a 40.7 , -lailia !aaaartment 'crehalwalal iron aothpa, eir UJI . aloda .cheaper than eier, at the Flay ware htgre of, ' •.. '"; • '., •• .—., , ... m ar 4 , 70 , 40,;., 17.4. , :.1 ~..: ." I . ll SNalefAXTEklif., • 1 . . .. - . ESE • E S . OF;P U BLIC.ATI•O N. ; , pliidillita*VoiLly on 4 large at M iet . enntjtrning twenty 'AL columns, and furnished to subilmlbers.nt'.sl.6o 1' paid , itrletly advanent : , $1.75 If Paid withln.the-year; or $2 in all easel when payment Is delayed until after the expiration. of the yrar. No . subscriptlons renelyedjor nines perbid than sliCmonthsi and 'none discontln66d until all arrearsges aro paid, unless at tho.option of the publisher: • Pipers sent to subscribers' Hying ,out of ,Ciamberland. *minty must be paid, for in advance. or the payment assumed • by some respthisible personifying in Cumberland Conn- Theis, terms will be adhered to in all AbirEttiristniENti', 'Advortlsom'ents will he-,oharged.sl.oo,per square el I,vrel,ve lines fir three Insertions, and 26 rents for 'each aubanqUe'nt ihsertion. 'All advertisements of loss than !'twelve linen 'thnsldered ea'a squire. —'" • ' • Advertisements Inserted before hianinges and doatha :5 yen taper line for, first idoortion, and 4 cents per line for subsequent insertions. Communlcettons on sub! - Nato of - limited or Individual Interest will bo elhtiryed I a emibi peril no:• The proprietor , *ill net be respimsb : Mein damages 'for ermrs In advertisements. Obitilary, notices or, IfeTylaono. net eirouding live lidos, will ,lnsentl *Obi - 4# charge • • . 1011. PRINTING Tho'Ciarllalo Herald Jr/B PItirPPINTI r CITTICH Is the lar'uost and moat Complete liatahllshinent In the Cann ty: Woe unnd Praftsaa. and a general variety of matirlel !4uitad for,pinlit and Fancy work niovary kind, enabler aa to do doh Printing nt the ahortost notice and on' the ;foot ransonlblo terms. Persons In want or BMA, alnnlcm or anything In thc'.lobblug wilt and It to rills Interest. to rive ns a call. SELEC IF D POET ItY• 11.ftrIng . D , rwn the Kingdom So Talanie Ix .zolng ti :let tn mind, To brio.; trn, n bride a yound Wife, Ile hoe esid It lifinellf, and he never 11,ondve 1 or j no in his life. " •nlrl4l It mtve me No tllo . llllt Of rogrot or emrpri.ei. For the b ly A• 11,91•4 104 Intdo f it n woman— To live In thu Ilaht of her Dyne. wlinn Cinrn was unUI to lho finuthron— Chou ill cm, irt, 'my dtutitter. wnndnnr— And rainnvol to t ho - rur It ipptharuhick, It Clot but n nigh end n tour. 'But Thorny', my ottl nod my eldest, - flOomod 'Lover to core or Itto proud. Ilk° the o Lk, to surrohOor At lost to curt cyan mud s • Since Jelin .1111—iiii youg am CIAO ttinue— Our Th elyeziye the name—• With the .tree ztli of hit (zither, 11. , (Ntsyiel up4ho haute nod the Attie, ',never oiled tli9iilht he eohld. !harry . , 8n knl4htly. et Ikeh, and as klud— Ah too; tiara trill e;t1119: they are nnndud For thy nlel eyes, I n.lethl, must be blind. 'III tong rll.l I'm getting $6 aged. I pool m4rti'repl4a. morn fresh air; San d he'll bring mn to lighten Sly burthtm of labor aad cire: ----Alt-tt&-H-mty-tltlnk-to-t-he-brings 'too mlitro , t, It mutt b y In.toltl, • ThoAmptre in.t4o p ism to nooth6r, Aon,l I to my groro, or my boa". • But hold! It Is well. omy Vathai'l • Bela ato subdue my proud told; t hire ruined Ilk., a gamut; but 'tin over; I ylohf her my etrytro for ever; 'And. Thomas, lure !al tilat's . tlalno, Thr.rii ohll her honors, Ali I re ntirnye hrl 011 of mine. dome hither, my little into, Tammy; Canto hither, my rosebud any Jane! You ere Tirsailln taut t's dtrll lige end treasures— . for pearls hung , ab gut her again. Not Paps, Uncle Will, norlunt Clara— S 4 grand and no moat ,then she comes— • . , • Ever gave me one-half or Um pleasure Of Mose little nprouffings of Tom's.. They have kisses and cheer In the morning; • They Intro kisses andeltecr all tidy lonK; And their spurts, and their gtielit so alarming, Which always aro cured with a song. They know whore to find Iconsoler; As HUI° birds tly to their uost. They olinsb ars. aIIIA'S knee for n rover, And always find polio on hor bre ,at. . . tNiavEsi.—Compares the dirtiness of the' water in whicli y:11 have washed when it is cell without 5• , 31). lint with soap, cold with soap. Poo will did the tirst has hardly re• moved nue dirt at till, the second a little more, 'and the third a great deal more. But hold your amid over a cup of hdt water for a min ute or two. nail twin, by merely rushing with the lioger, you you w II bring -off .flakes ofidirt or dirty skin. After it vapour bath you may peel your whole self clean in this way. What I mean is. that by simply spew,- ing or washing With .water you do not really clew, po i ty cicin. Take a rough towel, dip One comer in very hot water -- if a little spirit be added to it, it. will be more of then rub as it' yeti were rubbing .4-he—towel. into your. chin with ram fingers: !The black flukes which will come . olf will convince you that y.iti were not clean hehtre, however much soup and water you may. have used. These flakes'are what riloire removing. And you into really keep yotirself eleaucr with a tutu .brer lull of hot water,nod a rough 'towel and rubbing, tban with a whole apparamat bath and soap and sponge, Without rubbing.. It in goitemonseiNe . io say that anybody ; need be dirty— Palliods, have been Item as clean by these means on a lung voyage, whett a basinful of water could nut he afforded, when' they could not be moved out of their berths, asdf till the apourtenances of homo had been at hand; Washing, however, with a large quantity of water hes quito . .other ef• feels than those of mere cleanliness. .The skin absorbs the water, and becomes softer and more persjdrablei— To wash- with coop aridi volt water s, therefore, desirable front other points of view than that, of cleanliness. —Rightinyafe's Koles on Rio-sing.' • LIFE ith'D DEATII,-I.die and ,death,': what awful words, yet how. lighTlY they'dtop from the lips, • We utter thetn: r as if we had not constantly 'before us the . solemn warning, " that in the midst of life we - are in.death.' 7. - We wander along the highways of our mor. tal existence - , either beedless.or unconscious that we'are pursued by a shadow , whielt• will go wherever we go.. Wraprup it; ourselves, we adorn the' present, regardless of the:fact that,. however glittering it May' appear tp our sensei, - - it wreathed . in mists, that spread disease, and pain, -and•death on' eve. ry side of us. ". ' • ' If hot nd down the current of time to the We bellow toe mark the powers on - lie attic" , , . . _ ' lrae.Tu.--41,iith' and death are alike'. blind and insensible. The first.. two years'..leave al nioet ' Then 'eget°, only it-few Oudter!'fortt k o i -We are fire,,Or six; years in the- 4 tXtirld before 'we . brain enough :. ;IttilLniriqi enough to reeelvetlurable' impressions., 74ii . d looking the other, Way, •by far-. ha.: greatest number 'of people die ,without , apparent pain.; without mental. tensibility.—apparently, as little, Conscious-toe-falling life 'fan flowers -aro of the loss% of their Vetalii,- ripeness; filnoks'llnint 'One by one.:' • 0;• . s- 139iiti:risutiouitiudiyhititil has Teittaiitied'thit; . th6:l3o . o!'lina'en• thoustad fir htliea Kieg ,6tets4',;;(ls3f, oy:sterti,.l4.p4ir 'Ybrk "oily; • •.f.'_• • • . '•—• .' 7t • . twitirrrtr , Eva,alm•ratfut ryirtrAN4b.d tOttitGE: . • ) - /, al ; lc• a li el ;Piaf Dlciptiaerr,- 7 J;tiay'. ' 6l ?P,Sht3 dates her -hint tiotneWJtereLint thel , r . ,Pia'rtrof the tii i,. eighteentli t eentury.4hasjU . ilted.,,many M. the, lirightest lights that ovet lino, in' the social, political or ;religious fir argent, of our, country, : -The,-two :highest.' likes. t irt the, world—thc:Presidertcytand Oh eflusticeship nr6sfilled•by. her!: sons ;, ,, s1 r. is .likowitte • nobly'repredentedlit the pulp 'and licit:Tie. 'alive' halls; Ond,ber,i4r ityat 11' in -the, •as• Cendant.. • -, v , 1- . .: t*' , "*" . !'' i :':).,'' In, the, fa11,pf,1854, whentit 'itieti)stfiblar , Ship'systent tveariittet',dPrirtiii - '.:,' 'the - rush to'l 0 ; „ 'the institution wad, i ,. looter ili ,a'oh - iiiii , ' pre-, yious occasiolt.''Thellearridfreire all sections, i cititd a fitte'r sei,orfellOwS,,l viSidtireio assert,', never .liefore'ror sinCo ct>tgillgatid iri'•; her lelassic halls, ,Thettbriis.hadlo their homes principally to' stUdi c and t,4l' ; 'lived :Ott -to I their. intentionh. 'thy 'tl(iffie,We# ; hiOaticar .remtirked in, their.presenc'es:Wlittn,they:Were about', bidding. ti,Anarlidiett; iO.- : their Alma Mater, thot,the.class of ...,1)8,-Oaetchibited by,l the roll books,..was•not, dilly clef largest , but ; the best class that over graduaied from Dick, ipson. .-:t:The don't:C*o4:e pf e 4 kleAlife!was ocea; sionttily relittvitil -by Soto , pellikti,..One of which I,utn about t,, relate butt-ats.,it eceur rod, trusting, not to, intunory or itn . tgittAtion,. but to my journal °film fails. ;f - .• :' During the session of 18:iti. rOur class %vas •drilltid in " Malimett IntellectUal , Philosophy" —a work after the Gentian . 3;.y.,' fulls no oh. tune, and in malty Of itlsitititursejitstaltnut *3 clear As Mud. To this we'roiittrally, ; tobk an inveterate hatred; loil' 03 shogOar.sUpreine contempt thereof, deterrntited tCltry . it with classical honors the'ciirliest oppoitunity:suc ce . etling our last, recita,iont : Aqd secret prop. 'orations wore made accordingly. It was the night of December 15th.. .The spacious lecture room in Somit. college was forcibly entered, and' brilliantly; illuminated for.tho occasion. - At midnight..: the junior class an chief, and the Senior Class as asiia. -tent mourners, entered ilm rOotn aryl.. took seats in front of .the stand.' On a bier in front of atom lay." Mahan . (the identiCal'copy beloit,!ing to 'ProlJ—..— c owl stolen front his study .by my chum on the Sunday previous); his form wet shrouded in blaelciand encased ins twat Coffin luarine the inscription: . . .M At - lAN. • ' Oulu, Dsc. 13, i1i.55. ' ...: ." . -A funeral stillness pervaded the room.— W. J. S— ,(now a Reverend in the Phil t" dolpl4Pol2llemnes) aseended the platform, and delivered a to %,, ,, MUClpleat eulogy uPuo the lite and merits ut the distittgoished do l t& He dwelt with- touching rt ttkosmoun our af• fectiotipfor the . departed ; he reviewed 'the ircTikatt" ~tab tri -- h73iFits deriver] from our staso•t rights, nn-f I.inegOSwitli °Dior denominations elation with him, 'and 4ni, Buwn itin.dsr a If our people violate coy law, let thorn ho ttnitoest•of halfsurprossed:sob.runkgroans. fairly tried. aondemnol,.anil ) punished. Give IL D. -Cr (lath Prtifeisot in the Ntarylajul them in impartial jury, an uubrihod judge, • Agricultural'colloge) followed with an uteel• aud competent counsel. lent poem, iirWhielt•he suitunoenft tfitt.ittrtu I 4: it cannot have escaped your • attention , ous teachings oh the debtvrie MMOdittrolv air; Unt Metho Item a after .41°1e f t;e.r..A-...aionefeLitthe.Bloltein take n looK at the corise. ' ho scone you may noitfooi)itrleu tn.o t ile which fullowe i d baggarsdeicription. Thohoys nticoemalt! As A DECOIDED AND UNCOMPROIttStNO huggOd each °that', and howled mourniul ,•ANT! SILAVattY 011.11110 g. Tito prettent,auti Iht- Cll9ellll. Handkerchiefs 'were fkeoly ouch, I very Cons of our Discipline and literature is and the mock sorrow was ridiculous in the no new Utterance. 04e f altars spoke warmer extreme. I words that, we, awl the w trat est came from At length order was restored; and the pall belrers,.six in number, took up the bier and bore it from the room, followed . by- about fifty mourners, all earyingdighted torches. --. AS the solemn cortege entered the street and ' proceeded along through the campus to the grave, the bell slowly tilled.' No leVity Was manifested, but the greatest respect shown to the departed. At the grave the sexton, J. M. C. 1.1—;-, of Georgits,'lv sole:Ming on his spade, and with the aid of his.assistmit, low ored the colliii to its narrow receptacle. An ode; written for the occasion by S. C. C=., of Maine, (now a Methodist minister its ens bro) was , sung to the- tune of 4 Missies- in the cold ground," after which El. C. K.L.--,,,' of 4Vitshingtom'beidg parson for the occasion; . proceeded to. masa appropriate - sermon, occupying a bout twenty minutes. At its close the dirt was shovelled ie after the twat forms, and D: lif. o—, of Md. (sit present a Student of Divinity at Concord,) delivered a prayer its Latin., i Theo was sung another ode, end thp curtegeW.l4 dismissed: Everything was conducted with such regu. larity and demeaisor that the midnight slutn• tiers of the Faculty .were undisturbed. - • The next day a majority of the students returned home-to puss the Winter vacation.. About a week subsegitent to the proccil jugs jest recorded, occurred the sequel, whirls, in its developments, were oven' richer qiitil original. ' - ' , One sabbath morning, it Dutliman—Fred by name-=Will passing through the campus, and iii the !mitt sechided :,part, observed a new made grave. Morality, its ;students had never entered his mind, :and Ikremp doubt, was the tangible proof of einsmortheit: dire, rascality.. Visions of strangTedinfauts flitted , before his ". minds eye,", and like it good cid zen, ho went straightway and communicated his. suspicions to the coroner,bit latel d yulect‘, ed. The usual quiet of the town was io.irb I ed,by rain ors of foul play, ineatitleitle, horrible details, &e., and if - .Carliste 110 0,1 -boasted a' . reporter for: , the daily proSs, p, doubt -ho would haveblaiened forth the pauses of ,the ,guilty parties Mid lint] them .suiteneed to-.be liung,?bythe time coroner hod summoned ajury around the auspicieuttleekitig,:grave, which ha did .shortly before the morning ser. vice. The students, remaining at ',college, "snick a mice," and quietly' fl eeted .ncar the spot, looking es ,grat;,is in "itatfoesifl• . as guilty prisoners. - -, . , .. ! , :` :- . ' Upon a suggestion from on of.,thO,,jorY, l 1 the Professors were requested o, be _present as Wit'sesses. 'To Fred 'Wats Matiated the, datrOf 'digging up thee batik:" arefaily. and' by slOw - degrees the 'Bi)fiiip::iiil4o.o.6l - the coffin. : Several of thO.3 . iirjr,.,..w Ose'OlfaCtery organs . we re",mi.ti tely Se it si t i ve,;/ iseoiered. the disagreeable oder; Usitadly,acierdent uPtiti :de- composition of ,the hunsan,fraple, sinil,pineedj handkerchiefs to : their, - nosesSecording/y l . '4e - evidences.of gliansefudi immorality wore strlutgthening; and when Fredspade - struck the ,collits; the.proof- , was-beyo (17.-dispuse,- -- With great • ohm , -din lifletil , t ' , usysteritis case d andlaid 'it &wit beide' ili own'at rock jury.',De ris.liaret•to'filt).VEl li . liil, , disil-the. ergo . crowd WhielritadT'etdlee idr Virtiie '''.ois the verrtip : toe - of''Ope'citititis ' ,Tlia";e'dffin. WO' OpeMetl4iiil fl,fSdeitifl;:tir iSii , -.-41,iiati • eitirtgOd.:'U l ).V(4 l ''''.„'' ~---, :, ' ''' '''''. l, " `; ,'T4liihßlWthat , YthFliv "I ( Xhift ( i') , ! 3. 1 unamtnottityPsdiet.,.4o ,!,irstatrittidtbij, 'quiet Pattlnttlt.flettt,,chArtd:ita stico.:piay,cqep; . now ,betdiefird. whereVer;the subject4s brtesehed, " . ...49u1dAtny , of mpretidetcr cler:liniktiQuk' ' lisle,-,L Warn yam -unless ychs:fullyrundeistatid the manly art' f-self defende,: ; notaed4inquire, !of Fied." lsove 'far ha , etfin. smell halt iinfasiti eide,",,-Anidif,yow bob 7 aii i t • ie:OfebtiftWblii: oge,:dil. ant' tuilc'cii , ..dditifft#'4=- , -M iitlate'il/e, 4 itirt lei la Oi'cif iiii'Ertit'iintl 1 ht4afie """'"''. i - • , ,,!0'1( .”:::,. if?7,,}. , ,..z ! '.):-../.,011g.1' :.WS• sin-edoitomiSst coati islio always tivisetiltis , menleitiltons: 1, ( 7 a e d:t4idu tot I'donbli '411E11111044,16 !b ian b' philtikinpkti*b , alionialikeiiii:dastSwAillt 4'4,4 "1 EE .19,,186`0 1 r :1 001011 , lroio the Northwestern.Chiistleiti Advoca k. , XP, T l 4 lO PRlF.s l PErlriv */.lll,ViVi` rage:4 bj:Mi• Mita 'Shoo. , There are times when the humblest ellizeri.M4 and niliotild"approach the Chief a Magistrate wiiiiibii.cause:—Stich-is th 6 pros. 01314 anal:address you,mot seeking any of- ; hoe ; nsly.inteffering with ordinary Antestions Which .itre, thilist upon your attention. 1 wr,ite AS. membei; :a' minister., - itti officer of the Melba:dist. Episcopal ,Ohltroh.: • .: • ' You, sir, area !tpUbliofunotionary;,oha'ig ed ,with the highest 'rotiplinsibilities- and : the: weitilitiwit duties,: Tire matters' design to My :before your . •Ezaelloncy affect the life, thetlib- - ,' crty, the proyerty ' crone people. .They affect.. 'holy rights in the new mates and territories; they ainet illcdestihies of this .o:ountry ; for they. Must lend t,o the' praatical solution of this question.—Are the. rights of ,the citizens, under .lire Constituthin to be protected, or are . they held . at Me pleasure of the snob The history of-the " people: 'called. Motho ditts" is not unfaMillar yi yon,,for it le part, of the history of the country We have been. among -the pioneers of cistilation and Cheiltti-• unity,. - Our clergy have been among tine first in'the wilderness. They. liwie not waited un til roads were 'outdo. bridges built, houses erected, :add disabilities removed. 'They have gone with' the woodsmAthey !lute-camped ivi hi he hunter, searched nut the cabin of t'un squatter, folio ved the hardy miners of the Pacific into-their gulches, and 'keno after the lumberquem into the ihn•xlnausttible pineries.' Sir, we hive won the right of existence, . and ' 001110 to you to day detnatiaing protection in •n -ths exercise of our ve9toti4iglite. I 'regret; sir, that I must write this''Oommu• nication now, while the political oxcitnment unavoidably connected 'with .ii - presidential election iampon us but there is no alterna tive.-=rrrn question of life and death., I will mato— 1. The yround we occupy 1. The, Nletliodist Episcopal Church is no political organization. Its functions are epic itnal'and ecclesiastical. Men of 'all political. shade's are in - its ministry in its officiary, and its membership. Its' paperis dead no. in • fittence to either political party, as such. nor display the named of. any can•lidates at the head of their columns. -ritur, for, our. people have never been consoliduted into one' politi cal organization. for no denominational inter eel has ilonianded it. . 2 We have-ever .been a loyal penplo. We have h awed to the an , ajosty of.law, both feder al and state. We have counseled no resistance to tutinst, lows Therii is nothing in .our doctrines or dianaipline calculated to stiff• up strife or sedition 3. Tho+o things being 80, we claim therighl to go, under the constitution of, our country, into any part of env &rutin. We claim the riglit of tree aneeek an I Tree' printing. We claim —mark Mr. l'reiblent, I do not say wo ask we 801 led :no, sir. we denitni,egnal slave territory. Yoh' will but struck, sir with the rent trlcable agreement or i heir worts with ' those of Waffiingroe. Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, and, if I mistake not; your own earlier.spolten or written sentiments. It was. .i known everyetliere that John Wetly abhorred I / slavery ;' that ho denounoad the .slave trade I as the ••suin of all villainies " and slavery as it .• coruplionted crime ;" .and yet Southern conferences were organized, under. his' direct , supervision In 1780 a conference held, not in ile-tion or even New York, but in 13 dtiinere, on slave soil said': "Slivery is contrary' to too law of matt and nature, and. hurtful to society —contrary to the dicintesof conscience and pure religion " You will be told that our ; church has become. abolitinnized. Open our I Discipline and read it. Itsays nothing stron- I ger than was said by that'Shuthern cunt...1.61V co in 1780.. In 1780 [lath:lore tigitiu spoke saying, ~ We view it (slavery) no a chntrary to the'golden law of God . the mini unable rights of mankind. a 8 well us every principle of the Revolution," fa. ' These are mere specimen quotations, but they expreits the early sentiment of Metho dism. Slavery was wrong:end by religious agencies was to be extirpated Bolding these views, they si read , everywhere 'through the . South. . They ,eneotiraged 'no -insurrections, • they stirred up no violence, they made no in terference with State-laws We stand upon the entitle platform, arid.liold similar ylitivs. It so happens. sir, that lain able to "give yo • t he views of our'elturoh in• Maryland at a. ~,, now hot . litter period In .1818 a minister preitultedwsermon in Washington county, in' which were SOlllO 11111.111i0118 to the relations of slavery, and was indicted for attempting to promote insurrection and sedition ainong the , sluives..-Ily a change of venue the trial • was . I hold in Frederick in March, 1819 The' sen ior counsel for the accused was Roger 8.. 'faulty. now Chief Justice of the. Supremo Court of _the United 8111.109.- One of the atter mays read Nam the Discipline of the church._ the low bearing, on slavery, which maybe thus condensed : [l.] A strong declaration of, the great, evil' of slavery;, [2l. A requisition upon such as unite , with the church to' emancipate their slaves ;, Lai Forbidding any slaveb older to be a travelling preacher; [.l ] Forbidding the sale of slaves, or their purchase except 'for purpose •or emancipation ; [5 ] Admen-- ishingelisves to obedience and industry : .. Thesemele.reallin a Maryland, Court to a .. .I,larylandjury j in the presence, Of a Maryland judge, and the psition . boldly argued, that 1 there was nothing in them ~contrary- t o the. peace and safety' of the Btate.. Tile accused sties acquitted. Mr.. Taney 'said that the Me . thodists,Bving under, those .itdes; that • they - equaled any o th er people,in " their moral do:- . pOClnient, and in their habits 'of obedience to the laws"" lie also said. '' " ' ' ~., No man can ,be pronecuteff for preaching the - aritcleti.of his religious creed, unless, in deed, his.thictrinet immoral and calculated• to•distiirli the' peace and order Of society -; and subjects of national4oliey , may at all times be' rreali rind , fully. disoullsod' in the pulpit-4n' else 'wheref, without litnitation-Or restraint ~: - . ', .. Ills well knovvn, that the grad:gal and peace-,- ful-ribolitio'n of olefery in i — thmie `States s one : orate objects" which the Methodist" society ''have steadily' in'' vieti •.• .. Theirs' is u no.' :Mg itoteforbidi tia,to sieak_of slaverY,es we tl ' ' f it., Aily Man nhawa.right to•publish, .: `:h Wenner thatsubject wheneverliepleases matioual, coticorls, and May : ': ;be, roily -.diseiteeed. -,,, , Mr 1 Gruber- '(the de- , 1 aubjectsor 4l :re,,„„..,,,,,,, „,,,, }he ;Mooing° or .our; great etqtql,ttationaltptlepancetice., it nd• insisted 0p,,,j. the; principles contained in that .venerated .in- . ,..; 4 . kuluellq -,.fie did rebuko,iliase tnant.er: wh0,, ,, ; yt,ihhexerout e ,et powers,, arn.dear t o 0 'outle,. ; or ItouuiiV, l,ta p9tvirni,ll*of I4o:olll 'itiyi'oiitt bring iliOnielyie:4lp'ul. f . ToaK,vvith'etlcherrence of .tholie,riplll9e, 'Who ,'i 'I lii,'by 4racliii . l it ' hUman: ileoh,!aud 'enrich .'. 'i tetetieli4 Ily tebring - the'itutitaMd.'realits 3 he — , . wife, the Infant from theta:dater theMiether;,;:' Shall rctiect.ent' iii 3 Oetrwipolliyi4i ho bad .t; ~.; right tt , say this, and that iliere'ismolaveqi ;;'' penult Lim p. , . . Wemre Preptirt d-to'thain. --;';;-. , iiiititliesaine , ptitidiploOltod,to Otialhoodosorj'• ' the satiMlangyage here hi the,teMplelotjuatice A•hard ttioetittittindiod . tiouipilo Os to eitcluf;. , ..l , _ TICD' 6TATES e ks , . • ti i evils: i -,.. yerygiA'a•tinte." . It- was int -.'p,osed;t:it t t . ... by.,„another, nation while we w tz here In a state of colonial viseala '. Dean ; not be easily orludilettly redo led. et while i ittiOntinues, it is , a 'blot on our halt Al char !eater, and eve real lover of freedom elifi-• tdoutly Wipes I. 't will be r effecitiolly igiougl it rnust'be gr ' wiped away, atiU oar-. ii i i i r riestly looks.f, tee• y whit thie ne' misery 'ado . : ttained. And, . until it'shall p tsh .. ' til the time Atliall 'dome w 4 we Can point' ' out a blush to the lahgeage eld.in'the Deo tion 'of In• dependence; ev, friend of - airily will, Seek tg lighten , e galling' chain of slavery; andllretter to tho •Utiri•At 4111 power, the t. wreathed op l pition 'of the slave." - .1 ., i Perhaps . President; 'the nbegel-pars: graph's la 'more " d A decidete toriAhan the diStingiiiehe author-of the' Dred Scott deci- Alen Ivoiild now iimPloy, but they i Pt. uthful, • and our people will endorse ti • • "b.' Tliere, are many, perso ..... g ine the Slave sates who ;prefer 'o ino and ministry, to those of the rithe• i t al ,Ch.Prch South 7 They,di'io they have a constitiitiei • ferenota. ' (2:) Baaii • • iili be i cifirinii accords with k ..: drip .• • early tostlniiny, and' t o''rile • deur purest staieeinan. (2:)' t . a is 'the church 'of their iihilrikil ani, i th. (4.) ' 4 title it 4 not h 'Zg I iTIONA.L.. o lurch, einblazene , uch &UM° very title pages of its official publicittioni. ' " . • ' Those are good roe icing', sin-I we have felt it our'dtily to supply-thettii , With . the ministry ; and inetitutione of their proforonee.. , W 011,1170 invaded no civil rights, hive iniiitiiil nu revolt,' stirred no sedition Wo 'elaln fur them 'the right to firofer'uts—we cliiinillo right to sup- . ply . VIOL ~ . ~ . . , .. IL Wltat treatment hare yap receireen Oir, the civilized world It ts been shsokeil by the story of the itsominitions • perpetrated by the Demos upon the nautical' Cluistians iut Syria, and by the cruel edicts whrolt•have dis graced the govoruin,Mt of Itints, with its tiler , Mal head. It am .not .sure but a chapter of history almost. as shocking andtorbarous must he written by the histortak ‘ of Methodism. Our'Poople aro under(' reigryof terror in soma portions of the Soothe tot and• Southwest. Prom different. quarters in Virginia Maryland. 41141 Dalaware., they have received threats of violence to be indicted unlesi thorn shall boSz. withdrawal from our church•- the" nalilaMt Ler of our members is opened--pootmAeLers claim the nuthority:to break the seals,' and' logrotle themselves lato pro slave?y spies! NI • Buchanan, hove you' or your cabinet de -114 ended or 814etioned gal 'velem of jovernmeqespiongle. ft your P.slmtster 3u• rral'eimpfy or principally Me chief of a vOl (le. (cake force? , We of the Nord', support the postal service. and jwo wish to know something of lis•elowoeter • ' ' The most high banded outrages have been perpetrated in the Southwest. .Their violende has boon repeatedly employed. an 1 our peade basely unordered In ,tlissouri, bands of tW lbws have interfered with our services, have oommitted outrages upon ourtninistert !Welt hurried them tolthogrive. Whiiii - the red hand of iturder drmched Vritli blood the gnty looks of ti..veneratim !won.- loved by all who know him. whose crime was .a worm attachment to the NLithoilist EpiSonpal Church The ltiAM•it tipledno • ermities Ipflottd upon rntrtmtustry nutrmrtrnmercittp - trour'clitdron IC tnsas need not be relateil-'—they !lain passed, into history In Texas; Bishop James vine holding a ses sion of conference. No man's•right had been invaded: no insurrection had been prom:Neil: no slave had been [netted to revolt. In that conference there Were, no doubt.. some who voted for JilfllC4,l3uolviumg as President of the United States. Yet, sir, those mon, with their wives and children and friends. Were sue. rounded'on G id's holy day, while in the house of worship, by an armed mob, which iluniatided an instant and unconditional abandonment of their position. Mr. President, that outrage was perpetrated since you have been our oltief executive! What. harm had they done! lad they lost the character ofAmerican citizens, or is the nation which can resent-the outrages of Groytown- or Paraguay, powerless before those of pro slavery mobs? • Later still has•come the word that in North ern Texas, a panic similar to that of Harper's Ferry,. has been created. • MoltoCinoy has tiiittaidied over- law. Men suspected have been seized and executed.. - Among the victims of this r slauglt ter we read the name of A. Howley. I knew hat man. He was a cautious, deliberate man, barn, I believe, iu Tennessee. lie was no abolitionists, though an anti-slavery man of the Washington and Jefferson school. Modest and peaceful,- ho never asserted all the right mentiort"&tby the author of the Bred Scott de cision quoted• above, nor was he accustomed to speak such- words as Mr Taney announced himself prepared to utter in the old court house in Frederick.. He was twice. oftoien a delegate to our highest ecclesiastical council, and was' esteemed- for .his unobtrusive but genuine piety. A large family, •one of whioh is a blind daughter.• was dependent upon him: '• Yet without a fair trial, without a sworn jury, without council; without forms of law, .this brave man, this good, gray haired man, is murdered by 'a mob! - Tell not -this country that American citizenship is •tx prbuder boast than [Wallin! We of the Methodist•Eplscopal Church, whci refuse a sectional affix, are al most compelled , to say it.is a cheat, a sham something we pay dearly for, but which Wings us no protection - ,!ltivo - we the million of Methodists in this- countryoto rightb witlog Southern slave breeders aMislave-driverS are bound to respect.? • - • III: 'What tt4 demand of our country. 1. We 'insist tiptin protection in the exercise of our - constitutieual rights-,liberty of con science, sTieecilt and press: • ' . , 1. We man, upon, it, that bur reeorded sen timents on the :.subjeoi of , slavery shalt not work'a practical forfeiture or our citizenship. Why this singling out of the M. E, Church? Others beim borne a strong testimony against the evil—VA; this war upon us? • '' 3 We demand the'protection of the courts. If any bf our people offend the majesty of the law there aro courts of justice, and cabers of I the law; - let be.afull, impartial and fair I trial, and we will belOontent. We bow to the laws. If unjust:and' oppressive, we will nt. tempt in'all lawful 'wnyg to secure their repeal. ICbegotucta sir, a question just now Of deep interest —Ditei iberahip in the Methodist Episcopal Church ,e.rpoa • death , at the , hands of 'an unticeneed 'mob? Are -to 60'1:hinted Illte'lild'beasts? Is our blood to beehed'like wattir.,to - appease the insatiabli Melooh of slavery ? I Must add, sir, that at, this. time the, ques• lion; Can our brethren he pr'otecleqf is as inn ing a grave importance. Wo are in the tidst 11 ) Of the m ezeiteenu, preceding theAtroii eidial eleotion.... intensitied.hy ; the clffiracter; of. the questions et issue. lleretoftnle , ,we have been divided lb 'our 'votes. , Our oleVgy'biivit boon' of different parties, and-so have been our la ity;,...The 'Ahura poriMli6ols'vEth4:birNuto! Am told b4hutidrects of thousendi'hiveboatt pitelit ;who.'; the questionit':oVplatterniti'and aantliilotemhoye,heen .nigueil. i.....-Tliue 'l3ltould 4 tip,,,,, ,cioll...forkolik the', Alte:Atty .Ithall;tio'me .vtlion .. o ,ur:leSd bag ,iyeiiitotier , 'denaniinationa aliail.stand:as,ia4garo ia'kliejoompiikatio . o of '.fitillio9 l • , PiirAle B -- .‘ .r,., ;;- -;•,:1':-,.:.'";. • . 34t,:eiv„, , 4opireesion ,ne kelk imievn anf iitd;!! Tle auraer 04 :Wyly, has qtailloCae; 'APPokcat ' :,oin'Yeiiio ti.n) . orPugh"du* , milliOn offinenAinahip,"..caa an ntheinionvicin '6=l'oo4'oa will: Yfi'o,4l;34m.ro4llaf,mlh. • 'icifiiiie!aoe.a..yrioqw.: . :ovioarikp,s: rile/ise d 0 - t - t;'0'6 3 1181 wide - ! . Jr',lptiqh,'#•,iitatil'' 61%414 1 4 tuti4e . ' pus' iiieicalrotAlle. ; We lovii ; au', Mil ~ . brethrtnik, „ anl. onanot ineent. slaughtered bY gattgl Odessa , " determining solemnly en, °OF 14 the. holy ogsmunion,.•the hpf:', tected. ..A . Mk More BU.OII Denly, and out. people as whol an administration strong & enough , hatrights dearest. of all CMOS, ,_at man be:he Whom he may, they , wil nailed. suffrage,' . , ' :., . :; , ~., Sir; I have written plainly and,ho nosvolose.this.letter,.'fraying- that_ log of yourtilays znay, be calm. and .. hen, you, go hence tnayit be in , ~ :rttia opds of a blissfui' immortality' . . _ • J Yours Respeetfully,' I T. AL,'" EDDYt'''t, cHIOAGO, Sept. 7,. 1660. : • • ~,` .. AN INTERESTING DISCOVERY.—TiIe 1:11tr59)1 relies of anehint:nations,are yielding themsel ves Otie by one to tho zeal and industry of mod ern disestwries, and a correspondent. 'of the Transcript' nnounoes regent discovery .of the illausoletim;" ono of the seven wonders of• the aatailini world: — • • • • ' s%eryibodi.has read the story of Artemisia, that most inConsolabto of widows, whO when her husband, (her ow r brother; bpthe,,Way,y M ausolmis, king of If lemma:s9os, died, drank his &shed,. in her grief, .and ereeted to 'his mem-. ory a-lamina-0ot; which for its grandeur and magnificence Was eallcd,one of the seven won dersid the world. Utiitled by :Plidy and. other writers;_ Mr. Newton pitohed : upon.w : miserable . hamlet in Asia 'Minor the site : of this ancient. wonder. Having obtained the consent of the Turkush Government, the next thing was 'to phirohatie„ the gigots of the jealous occupants of tbisoll, - a matter of no small difficulty. Oae•old Wonsan loaded-14r musket, nod declared by the Holy Sepulchre that she ,would : .nelliier sell nor'' budge:: : However, : op being 'offered ; epough motley .to pay,, her : pilgrimage ; to., Mecca, she, like Col. Crookees.ooon, came dowo.", moving the huts, Mr. Hewton — commeneed.his eietiatimis,• 'and soon ha& the 4atiefactiou oThandling :portions of the famed Mausoleum, exquisite frescoes in alto-rellef,, , fragments.of : colossi! lions, and of:beautiful statiowsome of which he was enabled to re-constroot:: : : Ile ascertained that the great tomb, was a quad.' ilngular building, of about 412 feet •'circuit, 10'0 feet in height, •surniminted by a pyramid, on the top of which stootl•a beantlful 'four horse charlet, in which was the statue of Mtu- Bolus. ; This agrees with. th nelout accounts Of this magnificent tomb. , pllrwa'Sereoteckmore - th•in two.thoilsand years ago, about - the year before CoVist, and Mr. Newt:Milli df:cipitt ioh that it wits oast dowo•by an earthquake. Tha the fragments of this proud monument of butninatTection should now be :lu,g,upheilesth the site, of a• miserable Turkish is a strikide'oommentary on thechangettandriplii• Ludes of the world's' history: :• • • The following story is told at Springfield with great• gusto': • In one of the- bentral countless pro slavery ,spouter was. declaim• 'iii;; with great vehetnace about nigger . equatill" and other kindred topics; .which the ivo•'oalled diem writts delight, to roll under their tongues, when ho attempted an illustration . "Sup )ose'the ltepOlicans shthild win— what would be the residtl Let me de44 a picture.. You air, ( pointing tol► well dressed good lou!sin4.lnan in the crowd ) the next a to c ti u r i , h f l u., .n.l p4t.r . 1.96", - • 'heart, would march up to the pulls and, de• posit your vote tor, say Stephun A.. Dim4las. the people's choice. Following you, Would come 3 big, greasy, sweating, rank kinky haired,. thick lipped, crooked•shi tilted -negro filled with the passsens and i,gnoraaco common to his rnce, treading oa your heels, and jostling you in the "orewd. holding a ballot in his hand, he Would deposit it in the box fur, .A.hrahatu Lincoln, Wits neutralizing . your vote, and doing so' much to'reduce'you to the nigger level., What should'you say • to that sir?" "I should say," responded the 'man in. terro gated, '‘. that the nigger had by a . d—d sight.the-most-sense. - - • I PRESERVING GAMS. —AS sportemonwill soon be taking the field in pursuit of gams„-the following.teeeipe may be found of ueei is said that game may be kept perfectly trash and sweet...for several days, by a Sprinkling of ground coffee.. Clean y.our„gamo,. Alt wipe blool, cover the absorbent. parts with paper, wrap up the heads,. and' then sprinkle the ground coffee over or among the feathers or fur, as the ease may be ; pack up carefully, and the- game will be preserved sweet and fresh in the moot unfavorable weather. 'Game sent- open and loos, cannot, of course, be treated in this manner; but all game packed in .boxes or hampers may bo deodorized as described. A teaspoonful of coffee is 'enough fora brace) of birds, and this proportion for more or larger game." . . NOT SET DOWN IN run PLAY.—During , the performance of the OctoroOn in the theatre, yesterday -afternoon, In the scene witere.4Oo is about to' take the poison, Nathan "Witislorr, Esq., of this city, astonished .both andienoe and actors, by rushing upon the stage. and sefiing ,tte-(111iss shoutingciutln, a highly excited manner: "Hold, Zoe—don't take it! I command the underground ra``'t road.. Ply! fly 'with me and you are'safe. Come to Canada, to the posseisiona of Queen Victoria, and you will be free! free! trawl" Manager MeFailand"soon set thing to rights, and the excited gentleman left the:stage;t .foriland ,eirgus. RZOIPE iOll hIPLIOVING CIDEL Lk ale new cider from sour , apples, (sound ancl,seleotid fruit is to be' preferred;) fertheht gee week to three weeks, es the weather is *arm or cool. When it has' attained' to' livelY fet. mentation add to each gallon one-qUarter.ef an ounce of sulphate of lime. Stir , der'and aider until intimately mixed; and re turn the emulsion to.theFferteenting Agitate brisk); and,thoroughly for a fbavltto monis; and then let the eider settle.w The fer met:dation will commence at ones. When, af ter a few , days,, the' eider has betioreet clear, draw off and bottle carefully,- or, remove . the 'sediment and 'return to the origleal,:fessal. If loonly . corked, or kept. in a barrel on draught, it will retail ite taste as a still eider. If preserved in bottles,:'earefully corked, which - is better,. it will beoome a sParkling eider;-and May be kept indefinitely long.-Ohid.Farnfir. • . • The tnanufa6tureof the copper is quit an itenrof industry. •There is a iheil. j ueactory iR gaine„which turiis;out '164000 pair per day, worth, s4op, „upin o , ; 6po,Jh e ,-.of 'copper, worth $156. The Work employe •, ; fir- • teen men . constaill,'Whoselatibr,eoste gbd it $5OO per month.. - :,,fite• value or the tip(Man ,ufactured. anatially,:,ainouata loi$120,000;4=-' llM , operation ofburl i tthimth etp,wfts ftinnet , . ly chine .by hand;,reqUiringe. vast : Nnoun ti ol NOW' the 'work is done by a 'Jidda*, which accomplishes the work of 50 men. • - 1 ' Mr. Jones Navo,yeu. got,. e trattehl'2 7 — a tes t eic , a m at c h tint , ol4 ..1111q• she is' !nixing ''dengl:;" his , Wife , r iind. tbeh fioin thn:, fi'cint - :dein! the last .wit in* of Jdoe's , ho Wie'''!!kiteiberft: down the road, hotly, punsued itaitheadett broom kettr,4oeaskt . who am alia:Nalkiiik wave usually ifo ieTrcleep. leas rater. you .bayei,ia"yoarkeplei , .,thvaoolll. ,Pc it, k. 198 41 844 1 z atalsalakag,),z • ' ' ...RErii • Wtift4iiii.lfteif.'! 1' ere elte?4, white teeth' itnalblii6 . oe's; Of if lfively . qiel ere ea geed. a:flag :Ito .young battikof life, ftek4.-fighbfor 4 - • • . - , . MEM N an • Sus i• QbouP • ca, off* uphold t.. t,bitt• . i .014, th •) heir ~ t ; • rig frta .eves . less,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers