Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 12, 1860, Image 4
FitESll-,SPIILA/ ARRIVAL 1860 BOOTS & MMES. • AR tho times nroNery tightat present, It will bo every persons interest to look out for cheep BOOTS nt SIIOI 8, and save the dimes, and the very place to accomplish• this object is at the old corner known as a Shoe Store for many yenta directly Opposite Iturkholders old stand noir ttlass's lintel. S., ...ill and Roo for yourselves and save money as you, will Mira complete, imsortmout of all kinds of goods in tho 1300 T B.r.SEOE LINE, and of the very best 'makes, and ever remember the lowest price articles is not always the cheapest FO you will find amongour,stock - the prices vary according to the qua sityof.tho article. The Sublicriber having just returned from Eastern Cities with a !ermined cote plot° stock ofilonta.k. Sheen ho also keeps go hand a superior goalltinf ilome Slade work of Hoots & Shoes to suit the trade at the lowest r.ssh prices. • lou'S Calf Kip . P.gged Boots, . • idea's French Calf sowed Roots,- • ' Mons Rip Calf A Coat:Brogans high & low cut. Men's and Boy's Call Buff & Patent Leather Oxford Tiff, Men's Calf Buff & Patent leather Congress gaiters, SOW cloud pegged, utles' Misses & Childron's Black and Colored lasting , Glees,, Ladies' Misses & Children Fancy Kid,k'Nforroco Slippers Ladies' & Misses Goat A French Marron Buskins, • Women. & Childress pegged work of ell kinds at low' prices., 31113 t received an assortment of Ch ildron's cop pored toed oboes, Repairing done on short rn tire. The subscriber still en ,[luxes on 'at the old stand Winkled for past fivers hoping to receivelt COI' U 11111111.3 of Pho scone. ' • Ilarlisle April 18. 1860. JACOB SENER. - „ 1 MADE CI,OIIiIING I , FINISIIED ri.oTittNa t• W EL L .1- IFIVINO CLOTIIIMI I •• 1. 'lie subscriber litut Just received a very supell(iknil troll selected stock of • SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING, co•outinit of Cassmera, Summer and Italian cloth. Al p icca, Aura:Wes, Linnon and Cottonadc, Coate, Pont: , hirta'aleo Silk and Satin Taste and in .short door) thing in tho may of UAItMENTS. Ills stock of GENTLfMENS' FURNISIIING GOODS, 'ha: boon seleCted with a great deal of earl. and shirts cravats, &c., kc., ore sold :it unusual Iv prices. . -TRTJNKS CARPET HAUS k VALISES. ' 'Ant subscriber would call swill! attention to his /iris stock of ^ HATS AND CAPS • • which ho his rF celrod sod Is selling them at•vary low figures. Of the above yon can MIIICIII,O •yoursia calling at the Cheop , Clotbing Store near the Market' noose ASH En •• April 11, 1860. • S ILVER PLATED -WARE .13Y lIAILV liV FILLEY - Not 1222 Market Street PHILADELPHIA, ' Manufacturer of fink, NICKEL SILVER, end SIINY ^ .. PLATER of I , MKS, SPO 1•1:4 ',VOLES. BuTTER KNIVES, . CASTORS, TEA SSTS: URNS. /{ WAITERS, RUTTER 111811 ES. ICE PITCIIeIIS, CAKE BASICETS COMMUNION WARE, CUPS, IIII&S.-0011LETS, With n general upSortinont comprising none but the h. st luality. made o f the I,p3t materiels and heavily plat DI, constituting theta Serviceable and durable arti in Vor.IIOTEIA STEA3IfIOtTE PRIVATE inT OM Ware re-plated in the best manner Feb. 22, 1860-1 y. • W. C. RHEEM ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minneapolis, Minnesota, glve special attention to collections throw V 1 out the State, make iftestments. boy and e. Iteal Estate and annuities. -Negotiate loans. pay taxi locate land warrants, kn., ke. Cofer to the members Limo Cumberland County liar; and to all prominent et sens,of Carlisle, Pa. '. f A ug41,8-Iy. EZIECEIE , . . 'll/ AVlNG:entercd into co-partnerAh r In the ninnufacturhig of 13Alt IRON, at Lett Forge, Carlisle, La.,•ice would resoevtfolly Invite attention or Hardware mereloutt4.lismiths. and others who may want a superior article of Iron to pi then, ' All kinds of haminercd Iron constantly on hand drawn to °Het' oil short notice. ' The higliest,Trice paid Air.wrought ion pr_ t kon In exchange for bar Iron. = rIILIE MUTUAL LIFE INSUI. ANCE COMPANY ON NEW Yollg. Assets: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, lITTESTEVIN FIRST MOETOAOSS ON REAL ESTATE, WORTH OVER sp,ooomo. Th. premiums are LOWER than In many other Comps Wee, and the Dividends lulls been 011 EATER. Thin. is strictly. 3lurum,. Company.' There nro 11. Stockholders, so that Al,!, TILE RELONWTO TIER l'airiphlota, and every Information; may be had filler 78, on application to WM. D. ItALBERT , Carlisle PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: Thomas Rohl:lns, John . WelA, Morderal L. Dasmin, ' Georre 11. Stuatt, George M. Stroud, E. S. Whalen, John B. Myers, . . .1. Flidier Learning, Joseph Patterson, ...., AVllllain C. Ludwfg„ John M. Atwood, Arthur O. Coffin, Thoinntrll. Prtwors, Oaorga W. 'Poland, WllllAm McKee, . Thos. Wattson. ' F. RATCHFORD STARR, Agent, . S. W. Cornoe Fourth and Walnut Streets, - May 23, '6O-41nr. - PIIII,AD'A PHILADELPHIA WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE 0. CONRAD, FOR3IER OCCUPANT, No. 148 NORTH SECOND STREET, CORNER OF QUA RRI,STREET The undersigned has . lenecd the above premises where he will, keep ;{ large assortment or tiold & Silver Watches, ff American. English and : 4 ,0. Manufacture of tho most celebrated makers, in addition to, whirl,. will lin found always on band (and made La order) an extol:wive variety of Jewelry, sliver. and Silver Slated ware, together with a general assortment of curb goods as are usually kept In a first Oats Jewelry Store . The patrons of O. Conrad, and those of the subscriber together with the public generally, are Invited to where they will roerfen n goo , ruble for their money. AN lam determined to do strictly ash business goods will be cold very low. "SMALL I'llll AND QUICK DALES,' is the Motto of thin establlsinnen LEWIS ILAIROOM A Formerly O. CONRAD, N0.14 1 1 - North Second St. corner ofQuw ry aunt, 6, 1800.-Iy. ,s;c4:::•nciorr, G ENTLE 111 EN'S FURNISHING FrgicE AND SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 814, C'heainut - Street, Your doors below the "Continental lintel" and nearly oppi,slto the "flirard House" Philadelphia. A large assortment of Dressing Robes constanlly on head. Particular attention given to ordered shirts—a perfect fit guaranteed. _ Wholesale trade supplied with fine shirlsand collars on liberal toms. Directions for tnessurement sent on nppllratton by ,s July 0, 1860.-Iy. p.,IIILADELPHIA AND READINU RAIL R Q.A /71 SUMMER AR4ANCiEMENT, • On and after MAY 28, 1860. . Two passenger trains leave 'Harrisburg daily, (Sun daya excepted,) at 13.00 A. AI , and 1.16 P. Al.. for Phila. dolphin', arriving there ut 1.25 noon and 6.15 P. Si. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A. Al., and 3.30 P I M., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.40 noon and 8.30 P. Poaza: To No. 1 Care. $3.25; No. 2 (in' tame train,) $2.70. Fares to Reading. $1.60 and $1.30. ' At Reading. connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners. this, Tamaqua, Catawlssa, &e. Four trains leave Reading for Philadelphia daily, at 6 A. 51 , 10.46 A. Al., 12.30 noon and,11.43 ' Leave Philadelphia for Beading at 8.00 A. M., 1.00 P. M., 3.30 P. M., and 5.00 P. Al. Fares from Reading to Philadelphia. $1.75 and $1 45. Tho morning train froin' Harrisburg connects al' Reading with up train for Wilkosharre, Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other Information apply to J.. 1. CL - $l4, • General Agent. Aug. 3,'60 N • MISTAKE.—AII persons in. want of a bottle of Fine Old Imported and Pure Brandy, or 0 d llye Whiskey, or Ole, %les. &e„ ran got the pare article at the Grocery of th subscriber. Inf. BENTZ. Carlisle, Jan. 18, 1660. NEW' GOODS! 'NEW GOODS 1 1 NEW GOODS!!! Leidich & Savior, (East Main st.) h tve.just returned froniNew York and Philadelphia, with a now and well selected stock of Dry Deeds specially for thu present 'season comprising the latest novelties of Dress Goods. Shawls, Mantillas, Silk Mantles, L co Mantles, Lace Points, Silk llurnores, Flounced Garages, Silk Drone dines Silk Dame Flounced Pongees, Flounced. Organ dies, Robe Garages and Lawns, Itaalans Cliques, Mourn ing goods new textures and styles. EMBROIDERIES OF ALL KINDS, beautiful Parasols, sun umbrellas in all colors & sizes. Ladles will find , on inspection, our goods suited to their wants unusually complete and at present• will please the most economical. Another large addition or • CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS, Looking Clergies, Blinds end furnishing goods. 'We ar dopt our mottoes but string by attfintion and industry to make it the interest of buyers to dual with us. We buy Most for cash, and our prices Aril] be at the lowest posAblo margin, Constant additions will be made during the season. LEIDICII dr. 84 YY.EIt. June 6 1960.-6 tn. . TRUNKS ! TRUNKS !! TRUNKS !!! Ladles Solo .Loather French Style, and 1/ress trunks and Bonnet Bosom, Traveling, flage, , Ae. Gents' solid Leather and solo Loather Brass Band Trunks Va lises, Npw. Traveling Bags, &0., a large , assoettnent and, Eery low prlcos at LIVINGSTON'S, ' ' North Hanover Street, ng•FU.ILNISIIING GOODS.- • • - . The largest and best varletierOent'g 7? Opod!1, arid at the loreityileas can be tarad tl e;t:' " . 1 , 700 1 h 4.1 ; Hanover lN GITIrEIe T.nb, j`jinting A bore BOOTS lc MOBS TIXVING FEMALE, • COLLEaE, dd MECHANICSBUItO,, , PA. Thislnstitution, deslgnott for tint liberal odueltion of Young Ladies, hoe been In operation two years with tho most gratifying results. It is now established on I a firm basis, and its pal rocage already oatombi over natural States. It is loco tod on tits 1 - ,,Motboriand Vallaythdlroad mid• way botwont liarrisburg and Carlisle. In tholnost for tile and botiutitul porilotf of the ',alloy, and is In close prokimlty to. one of tho most moral, healthy, and ou— .,torprising towels In the State. • It Is cotitraT, and easy of ~wogs.' Students leaving ' Washingtop, Ilaltimnro, or Philadelphia In Iho morning train for Harrisburg, will arrito at Mochanicsburg In time for Walton. The edition is largo and commodious, surrounded by ' double voranihts, and will accominodato about 0/10 h n. dred boarders. In its construction, it combines all the modern Improvements for Alto promotion of health, cornliwt anti con von len.. I n 1110 So 11 , 1 , 11 ,, e1/1 physicians . pronoun..., It unrivalled, Thu chambers aro largo and neatly furnishod, :•Eitelt has its register for heat and vents lotion Only two students occupy 030 13111110 room. Tito bath !omits moat all times auppl led with wdrmand . cold water, 'the gro ands ate amplo. nini well arningod for recre— ation, 1111 , 1 ale variono. O,IIIFM/11110 exercises -SO esssn , tial to heallh, -graceful movement .and symmetry form. Tito Eneulty of Instruction . is efilelant and oxporl aimed. L 1 the Collegiate Departtnent . the course of study is 'of a high grade, Contprollond lag all the subjects Wong. leg tan Classical, Polito and Christian Education. In the PreparalorY hapartrOontlmplis will bo.raro. fully Instr./doll In those branches forming Hilt basis of a .thorough English education. SESSIONO.—First Sessioh,from the Ist Wednesday of September to the 3011 t of.lanuary. Second Sossion, front tho Ist of February to tho Ist of 3 illy.. Vacation, during Julyand Atigust. • TEEMS PIMP SESSION OP: FIVE .MONTI PAYABIOE • IN ADVANL'E. Boarding. Washing, Furnished Rooms. P and Light.. . . . . ~ Tultiou—Colleglate Departuient. Preparatory • • " First Matt, No extra - chance for Ancient Languages. Ittusle—Piano and Guitar. . . . . . . .20 00 Modern Languages, . . , . . . . . . 10 0.0 Painting; Drawing; and other Oinamental Branches at the usual rates. Text•hooks tarnished at rity prices. . For further particulars , a address, • • • . e Hue. A. LI MARLATT, A. 21., 800. President. CiI' I MBERLAND VALLEY R. R SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 'CHANG 14 01" nouns{ On and after' MONDAY, A PRIT, 16th 1860, Passeng: Trains will run as follows: (Sundays excepted:) FOI4CIIASI6ERBBURO AND HARRISBURG. ^ let Train. ,M Train Leave Hagerstown, 0.45 A. M. ‘• 0 recticasti, 7.35 . • Chnntherehurg, 8.70 0 'l.od P. 31 " Fliippensliurg, 0.00 1.32 " 0.32 2.04 • Carlisle. 10.10 2.44 Mechanicsburg, 10.42 " 3.16' • " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.12 " 715 " FOR CHA3IIII.IIISBURO AND lINGERSEOWN. Ist Traitt. t 2tl Tram. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A. 51 - 2.15 P. Si. o..clianiemburg 8.47 Carlisle 0.27 ' " " New,. ills, . 10.02 4.04' Shipponslntrg. 10,34 0 4.33 " Chainlig'.( rrive). 11.00 . 5.10 " • tireencardlit, 000 Aril ea at Hagerstown. 0.40 " Pasmingin s will observe, that there le lint Om Train n day, (II Plig.l,ll;:er and Freiglo Train ceniblie d over tlie Hoed. connecting with train to liar rishurg at 870 A. 31., an: with the Train arriving frail liarrlthitrg at 5."10 P. M. Bally Trains kern Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 2.18. A. 01., 12.50 and. 4 55, P. 31., making direct col nretions with train, for Cincinnati, Louisville, aril , land. Chirae• Louis, and nil priucipa pints tbro lOW the West. For Phil. &Mira - . via l'ennevlrtinia Central hall roars A 1820 initi 0.0., N. 31., awl 12 55 and 3.50 P. Of, VII Lebanon V. It. It., nt 6.00 A. Si., end 2.7.5,'1': 51. I'm Baltimore, at 1.27 k 7,20 A. 31., &2 05 P. 51. • For roverton and Williainrport lit 1.27 and 8.15, 'Trains on Dauphin 1101,1 nt 2.00, 1' 51.. 12= =I : . ( - iriCE TO P,IS.tigNCI NHS : At all Stations wher Tickets are sold, viz: Chanthersburg, Shippenaburg ,leehanichlourg.aud Harrisburg, a rednetlen a TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be nutria to all Passe,. geea.that provide themselves with Tickets heron, en taring the Cars. 0. N. LULL Supoz;'t Railroad Men, Chamlieraburg,l . April, If. PICA, f A. B. EWING'S FIJAN TUItEr•WARE-ItOONS - 4 2 .- (1.11 , West High. Street, Carl Isle; ''Pa (Premium awarded at the Ct4mherk•nd Coui Agricultural Fair of 1857.)'-1 The subscriber has Just received the most,Splendid assortment of ertirles ill his line, Over brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that de compotilbm. Par 10, Chamber, Dialog—room, PUR.NITU.R. ICltelLen and Embracing every article used by Honor and Hole keepers, 1,1•• 'Mee approvuil and fashionable dust:4; nod finish. I neludiug also Cottage lure i tura In setts reception rind Vamp Chairs, ,Nlattrasses, Wit framer pictures, ,te., Purchasers aro . requested to call and WMIIIIIIO LI BtOrn, at his'estensive trare.rooms, {Vest Main Ma eel North sidU. A. It. LINING, 47r- Particular attention given vs usual to funerals orders from town and country, attended to prompt!. = Carlisle, 31ay F ALL ARRIVAL .01? Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Fruit, and Confectionary. ° B. W. 11AVIMSTICK has just received from the elf.) Mid is now opening a splendid display of FANCY GOODS. to which im_desiren to mil the attention of hiediknd, and the public. His assortment in this line cnnnnt: surpassed In novelty and elegance. anti Intl. in quality and price of the articles, cannot fail to plemu purchasers It would be ImpOssible to enumerate his which I.omprlge every variety of fnueiertielex of the meg exquisite knish mull us. Papier Medic Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and tiays Fandy Ivory, pearl and shell curd cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Bones, with glowing Instruments, Ladies' Gabes, IVrif tog Desks, and Port Port Mummies, of every variety, Gold pens and .penclls, Fancy paper weights, and n large variety of ladies' Fancy statim.cry. Motto seals and wafers, Mk ‘nd bead purses, Riding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bogs, Brushes of every kind for the toilet," X. Basin and It. & G. Wright's Soaps and Perfume,. of 'larking kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical Instruments, of all kinds and at all prim. together with an innumerable variety of artielemelagant ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to which ho Invites special attention. Also, anexteuslve and elegant collection of • 13111/Kti, comprising the various English and American Works, richly erhbalished POETICAL WORKe, phi.% and Hymn Rooks, elegantly bound in,velyet with metal clasps and corners, suitable for holiday gifts, His assortment of School Books and Muni Stationery Is also complete, and comprises everything used in the Schools. lie also desires to call the particular attuu• lion of Families to his elegant assortment of from the extensive establishments of CoriAltpe, Arches and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber an &study Lamps, fur burning • elthet Lard, Sperm et Mortal oil; else PYIYITS celebrated IE4I'OSOIIU or Coal 011 Lamps, together with Plower Vases Veiny Screens, So. Ills assortment In this line is uu equaled In the borough. Also,. SEC AILS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the E.vorito brands, and a fine assort moat of MEERSCIIAU3I SMOKERS AND 'PIPES. • FRUITS, 'such as Cringes, Lemons, Flgs, Raisins, Nectarines. Prunes, &c.. FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PRE SERVED FRUITS, ?lIN"ED-NEAT,' PICICLES, In every variety and at all prices, all of which aro pure nhd fresh such as can bo conadontly rocommendoeto his friends. ilia stook ombraCes everything In the lino of Fancy Goods, with many other articles useful to bus ekeepera 'which the public aro especially invited to call and examine. 7 Itainatithor tho Old Stood. noarly oppoolto the Bank on North Hanover stroat. , Doc. 7. 1859 M=U=M No. 77 Dock Street Philadelphia (Leto COL. R. 11. JONES.) . This Unto!, kept on tho European Plan, Is convent. out fu Travellers, Citizens, and the Subtle generally, being In the Immediate neighborhood of the Exchange, adjoining the Post Office, and within a few minutes walk of the Delaware %Wharves, thulandingsfor Steam boats from all parts. Ideals ran be Witt at ell hours. front 5 o'clock — WM°. morning to 12 o'clock at night, for 12% cents cud up.• wards. Lodging Booms can ho procured at all dotes ffir 57% cents per night. The Chambers are clean, well vontilatedwnd nit newly furnished. The Eating De. partment will be provided with the boot the ° market can produce; the Drinking Counter furnished with good Liquors and choice Cigars. 'rho proprietor hoper that by strict perwmal attention;-with - competent and obliging servants, he will be able to please. • • ~ • • - J. OTTIINKIII IC, . (Late of Daltimnre, AM., and Madison nous() Phila.) July 276 '60.-3m. PRONtIETOit .. , . fIESIENT.—The subsdribor is priipare'd k j to sell to merchants and - oiho_ra;:g.EMENT, by the . . ~. 'quantity at Innoufaciaiera prick. earl Y... Arrll 11. ISM, (EOLic;iiii6ltaL e !9. EMI ro , '859 FANCY GOODS. LAMPS, &c., S. W. lIAVERSTICK =I -,New tnlOuUis . , aTTE_NTIOM: -C r i x IVEW STORE AND NEW 4:100IN Iv • , After Cotirolue his admen iedgenien 'foe .thei,..iier3 liberal iiistroungo which has beerveitended to tin undersigned would call att . enilon .to. thelast:tbut hi has Just roiopenod hie eatensivo assoilmontorfainlly in hip curt:tore:oom. on the sOuth.aesjt corne,r , of tilt • public: iquaels,whero' LIM public are tatted to. call anu examin' •a stock of goads which, in' ilegnfico, 'variety and ex ttit. will defy competition; comprising lu part leaf, lu p, crushed and brown mignfs, i e3 Java,. 11 and meted Coffee . livery vu. , M(ground rlety and quality (WP. Spices, at : and unground,) Pickets, Sauces, Table 011. " IL Now Orleans, Sugoirhouse and Trinidad I / Molasses; New York and Philaddiphin Syr' i ups. Choose, )lacaroni, Teemecilil, split Potts,ffliiminy, Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate,' Extract 0. Coffee, refined sugar at reduced rata:, washing 'and bolo log soda. Tobacco or the most favorite brands, and pie, finest quality of Segnrs. /Vika, n beautiful assortment of Britannia Wore, plain rind g.,ld band Chinn Ware Ohms, Queens, Stone find Enrthern Warn, in great vs_ Hely, and an elegant let for k'ancy Poops, extracts And perfumery for the toilet. FlWlTS:,including Peaches in cane, Itabilne, Oran hernial, dry apples, citron,. 7in4onds, oranges, lemons LIQUORS: 'Wholesale 'and retail embracing tenlinon and old Rye Whig key, lirandian. dark and pale,' Mabel, Slierry Port. 31adorla, 01 (Tor, CatMv) Al'sli - 4-At'Ngri and Muscat Mines In casks end bol Iles, Ocotcn II hlskey, llolbmd Oln,..aud Scheblaw Schnapps. F ; ISI! AND SALT. . •,.„ 'A large stock or LAMPS, including Dyntrs celebrated Imps for bunting lietosen-e. or coal On, also Sperm. Piny,' Lard midi:keit Oil, laming Fluid, Sperm and Star Candles. ,CIp,'DAW IVAREAND BROOM. • ' ' Ilrusbee, 'topes, Mobs, Soaps, Door.mats, WOlters Lonklng.glasses, fine letter and note prtpaty4.Wlllbe Ware, painted buckets, &e. ' $OO 00 V.OO 10 on 12 00 Colton nod woollen Hose, - and half Hon; and n MI; stock of Gloves, Including the well known Hamm, Buck Utn ea. In short. Ids stock compripes everything that Is stilled fur in hip line of business, nlid no efforts Kllf.ho sparod ,to render entire satisfnetion to hisauntomers. V. INI10FF: . . ' Carlisle, Oct. 27, 1858-Iy.' • -.4 ,- A'•• Marketing of all Moan taken fn oxrliango fn goods. , .. " . 1110itiOeli 4 ilebild., " F AMILY GROCERY AND TEA STORE. . Just reeeived and In store, a fresh arid well se. meted assortment ontlo, lava and Mara. calbo Coffee; Roasted Coffee, Crushed Pulverized Sugars. Refined add — - , ‘ other brown Sugars, superior' Syrup Molasses, Orleans • (baking) al of as POs. . '',..t Spices of every variety— . ' pure dilly ;IS Larch, Farina and . Chocolate, Macraroul, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sago, Indigo, • &demon, and Soda, CITIIIII MOM' and an. sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. ~... . TEAS.—A One assortment in Packages .70 ") and Ir bulk—lna well as all, other 'article, ~a . m 1, ,` belonging to the'loidness,all at Ilie I owes! .jf ,l' t and late reduced prices. . . rd FS JFIVFI RY AND W J SILVER- WA }MAT COMA N'S old established Stand, West Main St., ntarly Opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. I have just rreelved a new assortment.' of watches, eivelry. medallions. silver ware, .te.. In ftddltfou to toy ornier stock to which I Invite the attention of the nubile, The assortment embraces line gold and sliver lever watches. Hunting and open rasa do., gold An ehori fir Ladles and thintletnen and uilver and Qinirtler watches of every variety in style and prim Also line gold 31edallions. Ili - east-phis for Ladles • and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. 'Gold fob, vest. curl, and neck chains. field bracelets, - anger rings, culT•plus, cl uds, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, &C, lie. Gold and silver thimbles. silver and plated Mattel-knives, lbrks. table, ten; salt and minder] spoons of every variety. 'A large assortment of gold, Oliver -r-t,c r and common spectacles, to !felt All ,lon to which we turtle special at ten Lion. A Ilno lot,pf 001,1)-PENS from .tho best makers, . pert:reit! CMOs, fancy bOXOP, sliver and pearl card rases. gold sand common , bracelets, watch chains, Mall' 111 elneks and a iarlety of articles MM• ally kept In .lowelry eAtabliphments, wbfrlf I will sell low for' cools. All ,articles war. tinted to ho what they nra represented. Partioulni „attention paid -nn umun) to .yrCII.ItIi.PAI - 111:40 and all work war. MEM Derr2.9; 1R67-.1 .--- . 1 1 RE S 11. G 1,6 OE . R I E , S ! a AT S. Ci, YETT'S . Bhad arid 'Mackerel ortiriferent grad., '. • At IIUYEIT'S Salmon, Seale Fish and Flab, . At 11.UYSTT'S Codflah, Galt and Pickloll - erring, Choose and Crackers can be had Driod Fruit, Frani-nig and Jolliet', Sugar Cured Beef and name, A flesh supply of LIQUORS,' • At TIUYEV'S Oils, Whits Lead, As., 'At lIIIYETT'S. I 860 HA l l.DwA„ .. ] ! ] R i vn It _A 11, D Annh I'. Lynn k :inn have Just completed opening' their Spring Stork .4 Hard ware, Paints. Oils. varnishes. tila•ri die. too hlch they Iu Ito the early nitteution of the public. We have greatly enlarged MU' stork In all Ito various branehes,and ran now llCCUlllmodute thu pub lie with III,'LIABLE GOODS.. • • large or small uttnntities, nt the In*est .pricer.' Hut e do toitaylith Mitt public to understkind Met WO 1111Vu alight all the [ooeloin Ihrlailelhhl2l and New York to tr town, hut wo enn assure theta that , one look Into ir store will eon vines them that we. have onouol te. ipply the demand In thin market. Person., wtinting ails in our lino still find It to their advantnge to give await tailor° atalthit: their porch:vols.—All orders irsonolly and punctually attended to, and no micro esetitations math+ to effect sates JOHN P. IXNE SfIV, May '2, Will. North Hanover St. Carlisle 12138 .• . • UM 13E3:TANG ! )1 - Just roci.lrod a largo easortmont of all Fixes UM 111.1tInu, Guru Host', Cum Parking, Ac., and to In cheap at the liardwaro Store of Juno 22, MU. H. SAXTON. r 1 1 HE GREAT BELL 31 ASS MEET NO l t o held Alt North Ilainver Ntr,•et, Car lisle, where the farmers are Invited to call and examlin life large variety of FARM BELLS, -.. just received and which we ate selling very cheap.— tleed Hells can be bought frln $2.1'.0 to sa,fll earl, W. have the Great Western Bell. the farmer's "faverile 7 Call and see theta. all you tanners who art In want o a good and - cheap bell, =II FARM BELLS! FARM BELLS!! Just received lin+ largest, cheapest and best a•. snrtment of FARM BELLS In the county. Oreeneastle Metal, and Bell Mobil WA BRENTED NOT 'lt) CRACK, at the Hardware !Acorn Of March 7, '6O. lIENItIi SAXTON. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW 1011 K! • . Gat M. 't5K , • 4' SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND Q.CRKE3T IN'TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES ' NEW YOWL AND VIA . READING, ALLENTOWN AND EASI`ON, • MOItNINO EXPRESS, West. lenees Now York at 6 A. M., arriving at Ilarolsburg at 12.40 noon, only (l Lours betworn tiny two cities. MAIL LINE kn.. Now York at 12.00 noon, and ar. rives Hl:Harrisburg at 8.30 P. M. 510IININ(i MAIL LINE East,. Interco Itarrisburg at 8.00 A. M., arriving at Now Yorll at 4 30 AETERNOoN EXPRESS LINE, Ea.), leaven Ramis burg at 1.15 P M. arriving at New York at 0 00 P 51 Connectlone aro made at Harrisburg at 1.00P.M. with tin Passomem Trains In each direction on thd-Pnannyl. mania. Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Rail, read. • . All lralna tonnert az Reading with trefoil for Potts Ho and l'hiladrlphia, and at Allentown fur . 31ausli sunk. Eaetoneto. . • No change 01 Passenger Cora or llnftgage between New l'rolf and Iltirrishurg, by the 00'A.3f. Line from Now York or the lit I'. ti. from Ileff Isborg. - For beauty of scenery. au d speed, comfort and accom potation. this route presqqasuporlor, Inducements to thitravelling public. Fare between Now York and tfarriskurgnlVE Da. LARS. For tickets and other Information apply to ~ , J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Ilarrtsburg. ATTENI.ON FARMERS AND' T • • Bui UMW. The undersigned Is the sole agcnt.for , tWa celebrated BACH BOTTOM lIOOFINO - BLATII. and will keep a supply constantly on hand. This elate can be furnished cheaper than shingles, and is more durable that any other material. It can be procured by calling on the subscriber at his residence on East street. JACOB S 1110031: . te._. N. 11. Shia will be furnished to persona ln adjs• cent counties at the shortest notice. Carlisle June 20. 1000.•13 nips." • QUt Ait CURED -.11A1118 , :-.= Dried Beef, Bologna, Fish, Cheese. Coffees. Sugars, Molasses, Teas, Mammon!, Dried - Fruit,-_.Tomatoes, Panama lu cans, Pine Apple. Corn dried and fresh, Aar. dines, Anchovies, Olives..Mtp•hroont. Walnut and To matto }Catsup. John Bull,London Club. Worcestershire, India Soy, Heresy's and Beading Sauce, Pickela of' alr kinds plain and fancy, Mustards plain Imila:a best guallty_Tobacco & Segura, B. Orlaslrigra - Vpure OLD RYE WILLKEY, • Brandies; Wines, and Gins, &c.. with a great variety in goods not enumerated to ho sold at the higest, CASH, Country .,. produce taken in osiAninge:' 111. v .14. 'AI -era WM. PBKI'Z SEEM : P . . i * l . ~-;,:c: TIIWIASTONLYN = I= 1311TESZ! The proprietor's and manufacturers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED. STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with, perfect confidence to Physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has-attained a repu tat ion heretofore unknown. A few facts upon , this point will gpedk more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of .11ostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, aniljrom its manifest steady increase'in times-past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but .for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara• . tion, and the sanction of the' most prominent „physicians in those sections of' the country where the article. is best known, who not only recommend the'alitters to their patients, but. ,pre ready ai all tithes to give testimonials to its • efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements anti the diseases 'resulting therefrom. • This is net temporary popular*, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of (rum paling the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. liostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious %complaints have counted thelr victims by hundreds: To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for tlio Dyspepsia and like diseases, in to the 'proprietors a sonrc&,of un alloymtpleasure. It removes all morbidArater front the tuoinnelf, purifies Ile blood;' and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that, tone and energy indispensable the restoretien of health." IL operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but- powerfully, and soon restores them ton condition ossential to the healthy discharge of the functions,of 'nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, 'and they will find in it a stiniulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining-years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonio, and rejuvenating generally. 'We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit OT using this preparation while suffering from sfoinach de- Tangements end general debility; acting under the adyice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the Merits of this article. A feW words to the gentler sex.' 'There. ere certain periods when their eires'are so harassing that ninny of them :sink under the Ilial. The relation of mother and child is so' absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if slio'be young, is apt to forget her own health' in her extreme anxiety for her.infent.' Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind i 9 generally aggravated. Here, them is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of Ilof'systetn, and enable the, Mother to bear up tinder her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the•Bittlirs. I 6 all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, iieeause it is,agreenble to the taste as well, as certain 'to -give, a permiiient increase of bodily strength. All those persons : to velum we have particu larly referred above, 'to 'wit: sufferers from fever and agne,maitsed by Malaria, diarrheett; dytientery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and, all diseases or derangements of the stomach, miperannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupatiOn,itimbinirsing mothers, will consult their-own physical welfare by giving to Iles letter's' Celebrated Stomach Billets .s trial. ' CAPTION.--•-We Caution- the. Public, against using any of into many imitations or-counter feits, but ask •fdr, 11OBTETTEit'S CMEDRATED STOMACIiI BlTTeus, n rid Son that each battle has the words "Dr.'J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the nide alba-M ee, and stamped on the 'reetallia,CaP . - covering' ,alto cork, and observethat' e t u , r l. :autograph signatuie is on the El= .TOON P. LYNN k SON, Nartb lboinvrr St., Car 11.1 e. Prepered'and Sold by HOSTETTER & ,BbLITH, .Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, groesia, 'and, dealers. generally throughout th9,l:fultoci states, Ooitth Amo- Iles; and ClermanY. , . . , Nor solo by ti.'Blllgq't; 8. IV. ilaveratiek, Carlisle; Joi! C..A Welt, Jobe' Atpmsauyih, Shippodsbuilt; L. Kau( own,' J. D. i lee Molt, 'Mechanicsburg.; and 'Druggists ;wally throughout the 'county. . ilos. 0, 'OO. • , boTonn NallM and Spikes; Jittrielleivod of the ery ladd make and all Weirrantrd. 06untry morehnntr F th lixlla:at suanulltoturoks, Iceo, ♦ the • ITENNT AZ; oit Eininber, 8. doal. 1 1 4 Q . EiV COAL ANP,I.AJ,iIIBER YARI3. Tbienberilliers llerntlildday entered into pmt • nerehlp, tai trade In . • ' . 0,_,A,•11.• 'A , - 'I , L D • 'LUMBER, .. We will hove ennsthntly on ',andel:id furnish to order 'all Undo and 'quality of seasoned LinaßEti," - • BOARDS, • • " . SCANTLING, . . " • FRAME STt'FF, ' Plasteririg Lath,'Shingllng Lath, worked Floor .' Ing and Weath g orboerding, Posts and Rails, and every ar tide that belch A CO a LUMBER YARD. , Al'kind's of Shingles, to wit: Whitepine, llenflOdt, and Oukl ,of different qualities. having Cars of our own,we can furnish bulls to order of any longtit.and else at.the shortest notice and on the most reastmlible .Our worked, boards will lie kept under cover so ' that they can be furnished dry at all times. ' • We hove constantly.on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. To nit • ' . • s . GYKSINS .VALLEY,', • Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut LUKE. FIDDLER, RETORTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN," LOBBERY: • > - ' • which ri wt u i .t p o l i e t d;g ot eourseives to sell at the loWest•prlces Bost ' • ..Ltmcbtfrner's and Blacksznith'a Coal, do. do alw . ays ort hand whirl' wo will aoll at Oa lowest flgurir ' Yard west ildaol Orammar Selma), :llala street, . ' "", • ' ARMSTRONG, di HOFFER. • July 29,1859: , • - _ . .. 11 AMBERSBURG FEMALE SEM INARY. • The locstion•ls pleasant and healthy, avid the 'Wynn Lave are equalled by law In the land. `"The Institution Is large and prosporous, with a enrrnnf ass scants rho. sun with remand well qualified to Instruct In life solld• and ornamental branches, no Influences in time boaell Ing department aro parental, moral and refining. ' 'filio neat osasind wil cnninionce on 'the 12th day of September:' Catalogueo.may be bud on application to I ho , Principal, " ' " I= Roo. IV. W. Ells, Carlisle; Rev, John Ault, Loudon, Pa; Cleo. 11. Pucher, Esti., Itoguesto en,Pa; lion': Oro. Chambers, 13:8. Schneek,'D. 8..11; Fisher, P. P., Poe, ;IL gsso:11ov. Joseph Clark. Chamberablrg, Pa • from tbllsors nt Prin.:Mon, N. J., both of the College audlTheo Ingleal Seminary. , Iter; T113 . 1/11Y REEVES. A. M., • • Mrs. SARAII 11. REEVES.; • Principals. Carllsin;Jnn. 22 , 18C 1y; J.. R. NOtVEDIAK.I3II,B ' FORWARDING 'AND, COMMIS s!oN ,FLOUR AND FEED, • COAL, PLA:ina i ND' BALT. • • The subserlher having taken the Ware Ilpuse eels . and fixtutes or Wm. 11. Murray's well known establish , wont, en West High street. opposite Dickinson College, would informthe public that he has entered-into a general Forwarding and Commission business. The highest market price will be paid for Hour, Orain and produce °lnn kinds. . They are also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and lialtlinore, at the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. PLASTER AND (ALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at wholesale or retail. Coal of all Mild, Putbrachig, LYISENOi VALLEY, LUKETIDDLER, SUNBURY 'WHITE ABM ' LOCUST OAP, Limeburner's and, Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY FOR HALO. KEPT UNDER COVER • • Nod delivered dry to any part of the town. J. It. NONEMAKER Carliete, August 17, 1859: NEW COAL Y QRD AT THE WEFT END OP CARLISLE. The subscriber could rein;etfolly c , all the attentio or LhoeburneVa, nod the eltiaena of Carlhle, and lb surrounding country kunerally, to Ida • '• NEW O'A YARD, attnelleol to his Ware House, on Went lilph St., slier tin will keep constantly, on hand a large supply of nu hest quality - 0101AL, - to wit, , • Lykens Valley. Luke Fiddler, Pine Grove end Trevor ton, Broken, Egg nod Nut Coal—sereenel and dry cool which he pl6dtre. illniself to sell at the lowest poselbl prices( Best quality dr. LIMEBUBNEIt'S AND BLACKSMITH'S - COM. always on hand. • orders lAD at MO Ware Homo, or at Ida raid thairo In North Hanover Edna, will be promptly at. landed to. • J.-W. HENDEItt.ON. April 14, 's9—tl. L A S - S I -13 A-S S! ! - PAINTS ! X_A INTS I L &full assoament of Olasa oTallnires and quality, with a large 'stock of fresh PAINTS, all colors. 011 s, Varnishes. &c., Cement In large or small quantities, at low Ilguros at JOHN F. LYNN & SON, North Hanover Street Oct. 27, '.58 HOST.ETTEIVS STOMACH BITTERS. ltits'altautotta. • ±OOD I• • GOO I 0 o'o i) !!! Jnxt received ai the cheap Grtcrif of the undo signed, lets of gout thanes . apart of witich Ore the 10l lowing .21orineHcally soaped PEACHES,. " . " • CORN, . 4, " PPAS, . ASPARAGUS, , OYSTIAISt . " IMBSTSRS, 4 .4. PINE APPLE, " " TURTLE SOUP, " • 44 ••••• 44 - SARDINIZSi. 4 4 '.[Pickled (Jerkins,. ChmChov,r, Piccalilli, Lobster/4, CIIIIICIIOWer, Capers. t • • • Olivei , ,gionuttoo Ratsup, Walnut do:, Mushroom do. Saime, Hominy, Wilts, Cron hordes, the •tin est. of Dried Reef,' tiumtc•eilred Hams, Shoulder. Bologna Sausage, Soup 44; •o,filaccaront, Sugars, Colfueo, Team, lilblasses, and (-'•- -ir of all Plods. Q,LIEINSW Ahei,..l , lloLE SELIARS, aiming ovhicli are twenty-five thouSitml llerman Slois. prime) Tobacco. and. the very host and, purest LIQUORS In the county, Colifeetinnary and Fruit, Ac. .. • • • All of which ate offered tii I,he citizens or Carlisle and county of Ouniberto ad. at the 4..44, prices for CASH. .00Mp ONli, CCM&ALL, two doors East of Rhoads' Warehouse. . „ ' do. , Wlll. BENTZ. • • Carlisle, Nov. 9,1859, . INSURAAN'eII THE ALLE.N • 11. AND EAST I'ENNSBOHO MUTIJAI, FIRE •I N SURANCE COMPANY of Cumberland .county. incorpo rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organic: il, mid lu operation under the nounigenient 01 the followiti commissioners, via: " ' 'Daniel. Dailey, William H. Gorgon, Nlichad Coeklin, .1. El9elberger, Chrittlan Stayinan, John C. lion In .1 cob 11. Comer, Lewis Ilyer, S. Eberly, .1100; 1111,1 U. !dosser, J. DAindt, Joseph Wickersham. Alexantlei Cathcart. 1 / 4 1, The rates of I nsuranceare as low and far,crable as inn) Company of the kind in the State. Persdus wishing t become mintier.. aro invitea make application to the agents of the company, who aro willing. to Wait upon them at tiny time. • W3l, ILOODGAS. President - STAYMA,3OYIre President. ISEWIS HYDE: Sucrotary • MICHAEL COCICLIN. Treasurer. • . • • Managers.— Win. It. Gorgon, L. flyer. Christian Stay , man, M. Cocklin. J. C. Dunlap, It. Mai tin, D. Daily, .1 11.Coovor, Alex.. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Elchulber ger, S. Eberly, .1. Brandt. . 7 AGENTS. CUMIkkIII,I,AND COUNTY.— .Tohn SM. trick A 11.,,. floury Zitring,'Sillromansthwn.; .SnniiiißrAVtMllllll.ll' Dickinson; Henry liownlan,'„Church town; 1 31odo Oiif 11th, South N 11,1,110.1 ;. Samuel Graham, W. Penns horo'• Samuel Conver,'Nicchanicsbnrg s ; ,I.' W. Corkliti. Shenerdstnivn; D. Quaver. Slumbordstown ; J 0. Sax •ton, Sliver Spring; Benj. Havel kirk. , Silver Spring: Charles 8011. Callisle 113.1.;r, Carl Inlo., YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking. Dover; Pefer \Vol ford, Franklin; Jas. 0 - riffith, Warrington; J.• dorff. Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; R. C. Clark, Dillsbhor. . . CO.—ltouser & ',nehmen. Harrisburg. Mumborinnt-tbe company having pollelesabbut to ex Oro. can hank themes 'rre3 by making application ti any of the Agents. . April 20.480 . . II 1 ONVAR . 11 ASCOOLVTION T. A D li.l. I' 11.1 1 A Benevolent •Instltution,:eatabllghed by gperial et. - dowment for the relief of the sick and distressed. afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and egpecielly for the Cure of Digo:tare of ' the :inane) Urgane . . . , MITICAL ADVICE, glinm gratis, n by the Acting Sur erne. to all who apply by letter. e ith n de scription of their condition, (age: occupation, habits of life,'"Ar..) and In cases of extreme poverty. Medicines furnished free of dot rge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhren. and Mho Diseases of the Sexual Organs. and on the NEW It EM EDI Et+ employed In the Dispensary. soo t to the afflicted In sealed lettei euvelopmcfree of elierge. Two or three Stamps ter postage will be acceptable. . Address. Dit..l. SRI LLEN 1101101ITON. Acting Sot goon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street •Philadelphiii, Pit. By order of tile [dreams. EZRA 1). 11EAKTIVELL, Presithr. EfI. , FA,IIteIITI,D, Secretary. Det,21,1.859.-ly 71 - T HER?' Thousands aro dao3 , ,sinmk log In praise of ~ DR.- EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL: Mut whyl- because It never fails Leann] instantaneous relief when given In time. It acts an It by made, and ono trial atone 011 convince you that what tag nay. is true. It contains - NO - PAREGORIC-OR-OPIATE of any kind, and therefore reliever by removing the sulferings of your child, instead .of by deadening In. sensibilities. For this reason it commends itsetrnw the only reliable preparation now known for Children Teething, Ilinerhoen, Dycenlery, Grip ing in the Bowels, Acidity of the etomach, Wind, Cold In the head, and Croup, elm for softening the game. reducing inflame don; regulating tine Bowel's and collaring pain. It has no equal,being an anti spas motile It is used with unfailing Micetn, in , n,l,l4.caaps 01 Con vulodon, or other Fite. ,As yo the the Ilfe and health of your children. mod wish lo save them from thoSe sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics of whir other remedies for infantile Complaints err comprised.. take none hot DR. EATON'S IN FA Nil LE CI llt in Al,. thin you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless 'and °unmet Injure tho most delicate infant. Price, 25 cents Full directions accompany earl, bottle Prorared null by CHURCH A DUPONT. - No dill Broad any New York. OD FO Moab). human Blood upon being A NALYZ ED always presents:us with the seem essenthd element..' and gives of cours.• the True :Aandard. Analyze the ui n per on suflering ; !root Con‘uniptlon, 1.100 Complaint, Dyspepsia. tlrtofu.n, Ac. tied we find in ery insUince certain delldeneles In the red globules of Illood hupply these deficiencies and you are made well. 7Tio 111.1)1/D Final Is mended upon this Theory —house Ito astonishing sucees. 'there are FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to thA doliclencies of the Blood in 'different digt,... fur Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, or any atter him whatever of the yllithAVt.r LUNGS inducing Con. colophon, Oroi No 1. which is always the No. for De prosslon of Spirits. Less of Appetite. and for all Citron ic Complaints arising &ton Over mi,e, Manual Debility, and Nor, ous'Vros indium No. a. for Liver Complaints. No. a, for Dyspepsia. Being already prepared tt.r rib sorption It taken by drops and carried holnedlately into the circulahoo, so that what you gain you retain 'rite No. 5 is for Femalo Irregularities. Hysteria, IVeas nosses, hr. Se° 9)001111 directions Mr this. For Salt Rheum, Eruptions, Scrofulous. Kidney., and Bladder Complaln'ts. taint NO 5. In all cases the direction must be strictly „followed. Price I the Blood Food t.l per .bottle, 'llUltc I 1 Az DUPONT, ' • N Bltrllroadway, New York. • .1 W. Dyott fi Sons, I'l iladt , lphin, and (1.11. liryver PlUsburz Wholesale Age h. For Sale by S. Elliott, arlisle. ON a - I' l l i 1 11. 1 " A RATI OM" WORTHY OF Universal Confidence & Pationage FOIL -RTATESMEN, JUDO ES, cmilloyvEN, Ladles and OmitJewett, in all parts of tho worlditstify to the efficacy of Prof. 0...1.R00d's Hair Restorative. t.nd gentle:non of the Press are unanimous In its praive. .t few testimonials only cut Ito hem gist n: sea circular fur more, and it will be Impossible for you to doubt 40 Wall Street. Non York. Dec Seth, 1850. aIiNTLEBIES:—Yuur nolo of the 15th inst., has been . received, saying that f flu had heard that I had Lena bonethed by tbi.usa of Wood's hair Itestorstive. and re questing my certilleato of tho fact if 1 had no objection to give it. I award It to you cheerfully, "because I think le duo. • • •. My age Is about 50 years; the'rolor of my hair auburn. and Welland to curl. :tome get or six years alone it hr. gnu to turn gray. anti thu scalp no the, emus of u.) brad to tone assents tsd dandruff to Corm upon It Hach of (hero ditagreabilitieen.aard with time, and about four mouths shirr a fourt 'was added to • them. by hair talitognif the top of rail and threatening to make me bald. . In this nu pleasant predicament, I 'was indukei to try Wood's link Restored,. mainly to arrest the falling off of my halt. tort refill,' had no es peel a lion that gray hair could ever La restored to Its DHOW color 'crept ter to dyes.. I was hri .vows grim t ly surprised to fold after I ho use of two bottles only that not poly was the Jailing off arrested, but the color wan restored to the gray bairn and sensibility tothu scalp, And Min drullociised to f rut on my head, very' much to the gratillmtloo of my wife,, at whose solicitation I was induced to tritf. For this, among the many obligations I owe to her sox, I strongly recommend to all husbands who value. the admiration of their calves to profit, by my , example; and use it If growing gray or getting in . You respectfully, lIEN. A. LAVENDER. To O. J. Wood a Co.. 444 Broadway. Nov York. My fondly aro absent from the city, and 1 on. no longer at No 11 Carrot Place. Slamastou, Ala, July 2001;1860 . . To Prof. 0. J..Witnil:-Dear Sir : Your " Boir Savior& Ilya" has done my tudvvii nipldi good since I coalmen red the use alit, that I %OA, - to' mate known to the public of Its effects on the hair. %Odell aro great. A man or woman may Lo nearly deprived of hair, and by are sort to your "Hair itestoratiyi " the hair trill r.iturn more beautiful,tha:i.ever; at iv,," this Is my oxperl Bellevtl it all! Yours truly. WM. 11, KENSDY. . . . P. B.—You can pubilch"tha Mateo If you lllto.' By pubilohing In our Southern papule you will gel mom p.tfroonge eolith. 1 non F event! of your, certificates in the Mobile Mercury, a Woo,: Soutßetti pew. , 'l ,, W, 11. Konedy. , . . . WOOD'S DAM RESTORATIVB Professm' 0. J. Wood: Dear Sir:—llachr lint tho misfortune to lose the best portion of my hilr, from the off•ets of tho yellow favor, Ito New Orblahs In 1851 I woe induced to make a trial of your preparation, and fhund It to answer os the very thing needed. ply Lair is now thick and giooay. and no words can express my obligations to you in giving to tho aflllctedeurit n trea. gun FINLEY iftllNBol‘L . , Thellestrwatlvo , •B put up In Is of three ekes rim. largo, Medium. and small; the email holds !It;:' a pint; and retails for one dollar perbottle: The medium bolds at least twenty percent more in proporthin'than the small, rotalls for two dollars per bottle: thtrlallo holds irquatt. forty per tent more In proportion,; end retails Po three dollars. ••.- • . • 'O.J. WOOD .2).E . .0., Proprlelors, 444 Broadway, . Now •Yorli. sod 114 d rket Street St. Louis. Mo.' And sold troll good Druggists and Fancy Goods Du . Aug. 24, 1960..-11 Rlisteanton:. CARLISLE. AND.Y.IIILADELPHIA • .7,r,grei Ott AtPf- ta t . MEI DA.11:11" Flt30:16111T LINE.. 4 E fll ED, WARD & 811'11'AItkLT fITIIKLT , 211114.14:LPIIIA.. k • ,MAIN &TREES CAPIIB4, PA. 43- Dant of this Line leave ths Depot 811 Market at. Daily, at 4 P. 111. - LeavaCerileio,Daily, at 7 o'clock..A • -Geotio intended fur this Mae should WI tr.iirked C. & P. Doily Prelght•Line; . and sent In-by 4 o'clock. May 25, 1859. - STAGE ROUT E.- , 1. the ;uliscriber has started a tri•welikly lino of •, Stages between Carlisle and LandlshurgAravlng Car• lisle every M. nday, Wednesday mid Friday, Immedi• ately on the arrival of tho aftFrnoon train or cars host the east: Returning, leaves,handisburg at 800 A. M., every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, and arrives at Carnal. tit 1,00 via. Perry County Worm Syringe, iileritransd ' ele Sterrett'a Cap and Carlisle Sul pliur Springs. Ott and June the 10th, the lino will Ito run daily. for the accommodatiou of passengers going to the Springs. . Fare to the several points as oliows: Carlisle to Sulphur Springs, . • •• Stcerett's Unp, . . • Shermausdado,. .. • • Porry County .Warm Siftings, • " Landishurg„ laandlsburg to WaruiSprlngn, . • Shormamidrtlo, Sterrelol Gap; • • " Sulphur . Sprlugs. " The above line will regnlarly carry the 'HAIL to and ,fron, the several pointsllllol . o have alsoot. well stocked Li VLIT 5TA111,1 , .% , :rua whieh I am nt1;11 times ready to furnish horses and , riatres In those who will favor me with their patrrnatee, on the !nest reasonable termsand lu the 'Veer best s.yte. may V 11358. I.:0 ILO DE L . ,'• '•' • • , • E L'S .I 0 3. 1'; I TUIt E • j A. it. II HNW(i111) *null! rdspertfully Inform tht orearlisle and vicinity that lie has taken room. ht Zug's new building', cast ttcrner of Market Ignites _when, he Is at all times ritinly to . take' ..IIIIIIOT.YPES In the latest mutt most opium, d ttylu. Pictures taken In rainy and cloudy weather &a unit as clear. iffil• sat: isfaction given Or tin charges Por,tratits and DA., guerrestypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken foi Lockets ,kc.. in Itialtmtype. - . Itnbrotyks warranted to tam) the test of time, hole or water.. Ladies and flentionsen are cordially in and Otßlllille Prices from Incts.'to . slo. A. It. ENIVOOD. Jan:27.18:18.-1r: Artist. r - 1 V E lt Y STABLE.--Having pur chased front J.`ll. Noitentaker • his LIVERY EP. TABLISIIM'ENE, I Will he"always 'ready to accommo• date the politic with HORSES, CAR 1 4431 - It lAO ES, BUGGIES. and p very other dr isle in my line. Ely strict attention to business :Ind a de tire to please, the subscriber hopes to receive's liberal share of publin GEORGE lIENDEL. N. B. .oronlbuFMl on band to supply those who may he In nerd of them. IL =I AILS,,R . EA V, h. R ',S Ot CABINET . 0 II A IN M A NU. I CTOR Y, MIRTH. IANoVER STREET. CARLISLE, PA. Having been engaged in the business for or er twenty years he would return thanks to hie nusteiners and Molds, for the liberal encouragement extended to •b{nr In yearn none ty, And further assures them that no pains will lie spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with A call. . CHAIRS AN!) FURNITURE,. of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the hest quality. of the to le,d style, well finished, and solo at the lowest possible prices for cash. atm. continuos bust 11MM-fill-an UNDERTA KER.— Ready made Collins. Metallic or otherwise. kepi con. Mandy on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Colllnn, lame s ire, well finished and lined Inside, fen, 8 to 12 dollars. • Walnut Coffins covered froiii;ls to an dollars. JAMBS It: WHATER. • " .• • • May 25. 1859-Iy. proptirtles sl theta In Churehtmrn. Condi. county, ore offered for solo on easy terms. Apply ns more. J. W. Willianitt. Lynch, P;•actical — PLUMßEll and GAS.FITTER; in the bast:l7lml of the , Murat, Main Street, Carlisle. • . Loud and Iron Pipes, Iron Sinks, Ilydrants, • ' Ilath Tubs, Hot k. Cold Shower Baths, Bath Hollers, • Water Closets. Wush 11 Sins. , • Porno and, Lift Pumps, hydraulic Items, As, Wro't Iron ‘Vel'd Tubes, And every description of cocks and fittings for gas steam,' Superior cooking ranges: hesterssnd gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and dwellings, at short notice, in the most modern style. All mated As and work in our line at low rates nod warranted. • • • • 4i - e" o.'l try work and Jobbing promptly attended Mar, 2:1. 18Ml—li WALTER WHITMAN Dealer In FINE . GROCERIES .• N .W• Orner 17th and Aroh Streets, - PHILADELPHIA.. Importers'or Cross PICKLES ant SAUCES. Particular attention paid In selecting tine; TEAS & COFFEES .34 For Families.Sugarm ways at Refiners' prima. Choi VINES, LIQUORS and ?WARS, of the best brand 'lwoyi: on band. May 9. 'llo,ly. , • , MAILS! NAILS!! NAILS !!! A large Stock of good. Clean, Seat. and Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Ittir - naile are wort)) Wets a keg more. thou any other mak., of nails sold 'ln our town. this is tho opinion of nieo who have tried th.llll, we also have a full noon, tmrnt of• _ . It U I I, DI N 0 MAT E It I A LS, Of the latest end most approved styles. All goals war ranted av represented. JOHN P. LTNE A. SON. May 2. !lid. . ~ North Hanover St. Carlisle. . 606 'TRACE CHAINS OF AL kinds with n largo assortment of BUTT CHAINS. HALTER CHAINS, BREAST ell AINS, Yirrll EitAiss LOL; CHAINS, ' TONi/E.ECII.II;,S. Co‘. CHAINS. SPIT EA D.te., Sc., Just remised nt the Cheap Hardware Store or March 7 . , ~—, HENRI' SAXTON. ri RA N VILLE STOKES' GIFT kJ . CLOTHING EMPORIUM, - • ONE PRICE A NDNO ABATEMENT, No. GOT Chestnut Street. • Granville Stokes would return thanks to the public fnr their apprecianotn4t his efforts to please, and their liberal man - uto. In Older to keep up this kindly feeling . ..he has yiel ded to the mlicitations Plummy of his friends and in augurated n new system, of' Gilts withloach Garment Sold. To Ills choice selection of 11 na Fabrics, and Made. up Clothing. ho invites the scrutiny' - of-the public - , an well as to his new mode of doing business. Kerb 'ar ticle is warranted to be In Fabric, Style and Make, equal to any gotten up In the City. and ONE PRICE, power than the lowest,) marked on the ticket. Each article mild, or measured for, in accompanied by a Gilt. varying hI value from $1 to $lOO. N. It but the most skilful Designers. Cutters and Workmen employed; and satisfitel inn in Fit, rash. Fabtle, Price and GUI, guaranteed at GRANVILLE STOKES' IMO price gift clothing emporium, den. 007 flbmtnut Stmt. May 20, 'OO.-6ru. - - ' HAINES BROSiIP. ' - ' OVERSTIiIING GItAND ACTION PIANO FORTES Celebrated fur, superior quality of tens and elsaneo and beauty of finish., These Pianos have always taken the FIRST PREMIUM when ploced In rumpetition with other makers. CIIALLENGE ALL COMPETITION. A splendid assortment of LOUIS XIV and plainer styles id ways on ' hand. Also Second hand Pianos and PRINCE'S IM PROVED MELODEON'S from $45 to $250. Aar Every Instrument Warranted. ' 0 ItO . L. WALKER'S. .i , • Piano and Melodeon Donut. S. E. Car. 7th kArch Sta. Phllii. 1.,.."'ip1y 27. 15110..--0 no.. ' " i 1 00 TONS IRON AND ROLLED IRON of the very best ENGLISH BRANDS warran ted in every way Superior to American make. Just re echoed with a large assortment of ;• Sheet Iron, ' Anvils, • . " ' Koos Iron. : ' Vitra. . • Band Iron.' ' riles, ~• • Iloreo Shoe Iron, ' limps, • Spring Steel, . - Bolts, . Cast Steel, - 'Rivets, ) . Blister f tool, Nuts. Washers''' . Ho-se Shoes, Screw .phites.• .. Na g. Blacksmithhollowsse„ dc. Cheaper than the cheapest, stifle Hardware Store of March 7, %O. 1 lIENRY SAXTON, • N.' U All Iron sold at city prices .iitio freight. added 1. • an d warren ted. PA - INTS AND OILS.- .. - . 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 Gallons of 011. duel received with a large assortment of -. . Varnishes, Fire Proof Point. • , Turpentine, Florence White,' -" r Japan. • Whits Zino. . . Putty,. , Colored Z no, • • . . Lit-large, . Ned Lead, .. Whiting, toiled Oil, ' Ohio, M . S Lard Oil ...te,,.. Shellac. erm .' . . Paint Bilishen, p Fish Oil, *o., Colors of every dosed - Mina dry, soli 011 In Cana and tubes at the hardware Store of . • • - ' • . Marrh 7 . 'OO. • . IIIi•NRY-FIAXTON.• • IDLEASE TAKE NOTICE.;.;--. C &oldish & Bourrer will open on the 12th Sept. nt •their NEW Si, ME 110131 undur Martin's lintel. the- 1 wanut and most elegant asuortmout of tie* Goods Oyer I 6, offered to Cordslo. We respectfully nsk the fuddle to' c 11l and examine for themselves: ' Thankful fol., poet fa yore we hope by attention to inertta coritlnuao're of lb, uunr.. LT:I)ICW & SAWYPIt Ell EC= $0 25 MERE tim.Try It and be convinced that it is Invaluable in the cure of Brourhical affections. Price 60 cent: per •bottle. ESENWEIN'S AIIOMATIC.IIA LSA NI, every valual4 . remedy for Dlarrltcca, Dysente y, Cholera Morbus and all Dowel afflictions. Try It—Price 25 rents per bottle. The above medicines are prepared only by Dr. A. ESEN WEIN & CO., Druggists and Chemists N. W. Cer. of Ninth & Poplar Streets, Phlbetelphia. Sold by every" respectable Druggist and Dealer of Medicine tbroutf,hout the State. June 22, 1600:-Iy. POND'S EXTRA CT OF HA NAME LIS, Ts one el the fbw domestic remedies which have more • Into general use and favor, without puffing. It in lho product of n simple shrub. harmless u all cases, and as a domestic remedy unequalled r Burns. Cuts, Bri.l. sea. Soreness. Lumen , no. Rheumatism. Both, Ulcers. Old Sores and ttou tide, it brie not an equal. It Is also used with treat aucces, Sir Toothache. limidache Neuralgia. Sore Thr at. Cone, Di.trchren. Hoarseness, and other similar troublesome and painful affections, while It promptly arrests all litountrbages. Hundreds of physicians We It daily In their practice, and glee It their unqualified recommendation. Sold by our agents yi and dealers, and by ' F. HUMPHREYS & 00. 60.: !headway, ' Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. lugust 3, '6o.—ly. CHAR,LES BUMPY, PORTE', M'ONNAIE, POCKET BOOK AND :•SATCHEI 4 - • • - 1 MANUFACTURER. TO: 47 NORTH , SIXTH STREET below Arch, formerly 118 North Ath St. Porte 31Mmales, Clime Cases, Pocket Books, Port .Follos, COM, &Admix, • Dressing Cases, - kloory Belts, %York Bokes„ Briekers. Cases, Purest', Et ples, fte. • • WIIIThICSALE /ND RETAIL.. Alm. 31, 1860.-Iy.: • r . • .• • B. A. COILS. PROVINg -••• CONINIISB !ON • MERCIIANT.I, - zi(o,• os Market Streati. , ,AIII;.tikM4PHIA. Olt LE:— A good . .icOokuthand' Plano, apply at tho Herald Office, Snot. D"'EPSIA REMEDY • ' Dn. DARfIJS lIA.3I'S ArOmatic Invigorating Sprit. This .11mileire hen been used by lb. public for yearn, will. increasing favor.' It is Tecommethled to • more Dyspepsia, NerrOUßlli.S. Ilearellurn, Colic, Pains, Wind the Sternlieb, or Pains in the Dowel, Headache. Drurrainess. Kitlif6"Cfan• plaints, Lew Spirits. Delirium Trrmena, • Intetopmero.,. ItSliniultites,lixhilirmea. 1m leorates. but will hot lutoxt .;to or Stupefy. Aa a Illedicine;lN quick and effectu`al, curing he most aggravated caves of Dyspepsia. kidney Complaints,. and all other derangements of the Stomach and Sol, els, In a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most •dronplng and mid. • aneholle spirits, and restore the weak,, nervous .and sickly to health. strength and visor. . • , gersens who. from the Injudicious; use df, Mutters, hat's heroin° dejected, and their nervous synents shat• tenet constitution's brohert dawn. Bwl seltjort to tr o d horrible curse Iti humanity. the D 1111,11,31 LBW., wll almost ism edlntel9 feel the happy and healthy invigo rating efficacy 01 Dr litun's Invigeratint,a , Spirlt. , , • WHAT IT WILL DO. Doss.—On6 wino glass full es often an necessary. One dose will reu,oveall Dad P.,plrits. One doll, will core Heart burn. 'l' it tee dies will cure I udigehtion. One tinke will give you tills, d Appetite. Our dose will ,:top the distressing pains of Dyspepplii. One des° will remove the distressing imp disagreeable olTeels or 1% Inn! or Flatulence. and as sten as the stem :tell receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load and all painful feelings will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing pains of Colle, either In tho-etentch or laesrls, • . A few doses will remove nil obstructions In the Kid 'nay, Bladder or Urinary OtgAns. Persons who are serleuttly eflleted with ankltldney, Coinn'alntware assured speedy relief by a (lase Or two nild q radical cure by, thin use of nue or two bottles. NIOIITLY DISSIPATION . - Parsons who,lmm difetlpating - the much 'over night, and feel the roll Wet:Wei tatlealloUlt liquhrs, In violent headaches, sickness at stomach. weakness. giddiness, &c., will find one Ili's° Will rellieVeall bad feelings. I miles of weak and sickly constitutions. sin uld take the luvigointing Writ. three tittles a day ca s t will make them strong. healthy and happy, reineee•all obstrup• lions nod Irregularities from the menstrual organs and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn lace. , Hurled pregnacy It will be found nn invaltiable meal 1110 to relletrattheterettahle pellhatione at the atnnetth• MI the prOprietor asks is n trial. Ithd to induce this le hag tett. up the laytaoanrrsa SPIRIT in pint bottles It lilt cis.. qua rtsfrl s trlX, For sale in darllcle by :4. W.'llaseesitlek; lu rd o „ hanicsburg by h Kauffman, and by AHVglsts gene,. dly. • Feb.,l, 1860 A . SPRING FASHIO •' • T • KELLERS' OLD STAND; • A complete stock of Bats and Caps now ready for Inspection. , . SILK. , . FUR, . • • CARS'IMP:RE. • FULT & WOOL. In every *style and quality. We codrpartienlarattern. lion tunny d 3 S11,101ATS: Silk and soft Hata, o any style manufactur7o to order. Capa of all kinds RECOLLECT IC ELLER'S CLD STAND. • North Hanover Street. Carlisle March 14, 1860. 1000'W IXES OF GLASs._ Mall Alzrr , Double and sivgln OM Pialn, Oran. mental Colt I,tl Ac. Jnnt received nL the Cheap Hard VlllrE Start .1* March 7 900 GRIND STONES.- ' (if ull ~.tzes,' warranted of the best quality. dust etelved at Me hardware Etore March 7, 'M. D 0. w D E R . 25 Kegs Dupont. Hoek mud Milo powder, with et large assortinont ui Safety Flue, - 81 4olinleLes, Crow Ears,- Harmers. Just received at the cheap flardware Store of March, 7,'00. IIENItY SATON. RAT AND CAP EXPORILT3I:- J. O. CA1.1.10 & CO.. eaccennorn to Wni. Ir. Trout would Mlllollllcu to their enstoiners and the publi. onerally that they have Just. teethed. from Phi Wei phis. n large mid elegant atNek of goods, in their Hue el business of every variety, style and quality. - They have on hairdo splendid assortment of HATS GAPS •••• - - •• • • • • - •• of all descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest YHA AND SILK HATS; and et prirm. that must suit (leery ono who has an eye to gelling the Worth of Lis money. The stork Includes, . mousin cnssimEnE, HEAVER . & FELT HATS, .of ovary style and color and unsuriets'fed Tr LIOIIT -Ness, DURABILITY, AND FINISH by thoso of any other establbdunent In the country. . MEN'S. BOYS' and CII 1 1.118 EN'S HATS and CAPS, of ovary lescrlntion constantly on banal. They respectfully Invite all tho old patrons and as ninny now ones no possiblo, to give them a call. • J. O. CALLIO & CO. Apr. 25, 1850-ly D E FOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO., DRY GOO,DS.M.ptCHANTS, . 80 •82 Chambers ,Cf., , • Would notify the Trade that they are opening Weekly In new and beauttiftflta t e , 11AJISUTT4 PRINTS. 111=113 AIIOSKEAG, A new Print, whiTh extols every Print in the Country for, perfection of execution and design in full Madder Colors, Our Prints are cheaper than any in market, end tneetine. Wlilloxlonsine sato. Orders promptly attended to, A GRICULTIII O L DI PLEMENT AND MACIIIN2 Sllol'. N. W. corner or llonovey and North St. directly oppoelte Itnyinonds 11. tel. Tl; suburriher would inform farmers and the public generally that he is now manufact utlng mud keeps con stantly on band AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Such u.ilorso Powers, Threohing machines, with Sera attached 'CLOVER HULLERS, STRAW CUTTERS. CORN SIIELLERS, Separators from 6 to 8 horse power, built to or der. N. It Irons and material always r n Nandi for repair ing Reapers, Mowers, Threshing Machines and Agricul tural Implements of al , kinds, which will ho attended to pnunptly. On reasonable terms number of secend-hand throe-horse machines for sale at very low rates. ' A. J. RUTZ, Foreman. Carllr.le July 6,1860.-8 m 4,4 , 4 , 4 . • J. AMA }IMF, Proprietor DR. ESENWEINN TAR AND WOOD NAPTIRA PECTORAL Is Iho best xruAlelne In the world for the cure of Coughs end Colds, Croup, Bronehillsdlsthlua, lu lamdhlog,. Palpitation of the Heart, Dlptheria, aud for the rellofof patients in the advaueed stages of lIM=ZI together with nli diseases of the Throat and Chest, and Welt predispose to Consumption.. - It is peculiarly adopted intheradical cure of Asthma. tieing prepared by a practical Physician and Druggist and - one of great esperionce In the cure of the various diseases to which the human frame is liable. It is offered to . the allbcted'wlth the greatest mina dunce. OR, PAIN DESTROYER. X•FURNPI I= BENJ. S. JANNEY, JR. &.GO, WHOLESALE , GROOPES, AN)) lIENAY SAXTON lIENSY SAXTON [Feb B'C4-1y