• New atwertisements. WEST MIA, NU RSERIES.— entyloguo of Fruit trues cultivated and for sale by the subscriber 1,1, the West 11111 Nursery, viz: Winter Apples. Frill Apples. Band., . , ' Fail Pippin,. • ~:. Pound Apple, Lan S. Iteuss, ' Cart Haase, kipies4pplo, .e. , . ~ Ilodp, • • Prionels hod, Bussett, . • lioodieZ Sweet, Pennock, = Lsratjellow, :Yandiver, • ~. Red elberlan Crab, - . Grindstone Apple, Yolk:* do do Bellflower, —Redid:sink, Paradise Apple, Burly Apples. - - • London Pippin, ' Princeit Ibirre • st; • Newton -do . ,Codllii, Sweet ,- do • Agu o.., Onto, Early Red.. The subscriber takes this method to inform the - PUB. lie that lie lies now on hand a choice selection of Apple Woes. The Nursery Is sine:hid 7 miles west of Carlisle 6 miles :met of Newville near West 11111. , Oct. 12.-Ot. JOHN ORIDER, P roprletor..' I:I.IINITLIRE , ,..Sy4.RE • ROOAIS,-,- -E HENRY_A.JIIIOADS, • WEST HIGEE STREET CARLISLE. The subscribe' , begs leave respectfully to Info , m the cillsons of Cariboo and vicinity, that ho has now 'on band and is manufacturing, every variety of Cabinet Ware. consisting in part of • 'BORAS, - BUREAUS, • DRESSING CASES, DIAIIIIM.E TOP T iIILES., BEDSTEADS. SECRETARIES, • • CHAIRS, lilt Moulding, Oval Franies te.,. he. Thla work to warranted of tho best materials nod workmanship, em. brining all the Iniest city styles, and will be furnished at the lowest retail prices. • 'N. B.—Coffins nimbi at short notice, and funerals at. tended to*promptly in town or country. Carlisle Oct. 12, 'to.-ly. 1 j otters of Administration with the. ill annexed on 010.k:state of George 31ussleunin Sr: dee d. Into of West Penni:lsm twp. have been Issued to the tuhscriber residing In the same township. All per eons haiing elnlms against the sold estate will present them for settlein6nt and those indelited , will make pay , meat to ' . SA3IIIIII. • •• - Admr. C. T. A. or George Mustdeumn doe'd Ortnbor 12, 1880.-6 t. JUST OPENED , rdr ELEtle.` (lie of the cheapest and be selected 01 Dry (nags. ever nponed In Carlisle, Va.. 10 HOY/ In the tam of A. W. limit!, consisting In part MIX ROUES FANCY AND PLAIN Flqur...llhos. Cashmeres, all ,f 0.4 Deialnes and every style of DrOss Goods seen in the eastern mar' lots. (9,0111 .311NT1,1S, COiOrl and strip.% of every style. My stack of Milo Elea Is 301(110Wittli,VII to lie the moo complete over opened to this place, I=l purrhise.l from the Ilitst li.jusos Now York. ‘.ll/1 1111 had of nu• at loss thin nsual priers. 1 hare In this lwaiwit. Linens. Larvs, Calnliries, Brilliants. NM usooks..larnnotis. M ull 3luedins, Bn, all of which I ask hut an examination. Tho hest article ,of ilhrri,n Squirrol, German Fitch, Lustre 110. Slur Martin and Slicer do. 1 hive at In ist two hundred Out N. out of wiileit all eon inflect. DOI ESTICS. Mu+line,'Am^rl'an, Eng Ldt and French Prints, ell at the be,t nt tnufitetnre and calor. Lnm•aa'er. Wittertwist a...! 11 viennitor iiin.;ll.lln4, F1:11111014. Illnnket4 nod everything uamtlly I ,tind In a well regill.tted Dry tiouile kitoru. 11 311110 AND GLOVER, Silk, Woolen, Cotlon all Linen Hose for Children. In. dies and Gentleinen,.Kid. Kid 11ni5h,...311k, Lisle thread and Uonuine - Buck U'ores forflents, • , • 3xns.s WEA It: Cloths, Cassimores. Vestlosis and Shawls. Thera la no plies this side of Philadelphia, where gentlemen can be fitted Out In butter styles or.quallty of cloth and at • as low ratmas - hirmy store,t 'all .embeee-th,rmw of fancy easslniere.:, aednowlCdged by the gentlemen or •t n p now ill 0 10 nd best ever brought from tho owitorn markots. - CAItI`ETS kOIL CLOTHS Superfine Iwo and throb Ply, Brussel. and Tnlret Car pets, of oil sixes and figures and extremely low prices, '; ' llU7iL ‘ o7 l oll .l i;lll r Xt r l ' all e . ' v n e ' r l y a l i Z i t r; n t , ' l o lo a n 'd „d th sT,l ' d " at the very low price of fifty cents per square yard. —UWIIM.ouI4AtotI.4IY-TOWILIIPA.AIKV.fiv.rY '- taco and comlort for customers, I Inv de all to call and examino'a stock of goods purchased for'OAMI and see why It is that A. W. Mesta, can cell his goods at such very low rates, It Is to the Internet of all who are In need of Dry Goodx to give our. stock an Inspection, my motto le to sell cheap and please my customers. A. W. BENTZ, S. Ilanoverat. Oct. 12.'60 • Nearly opposite the P. 0. Carlisle LO HMO SALE OP RE AVI,STATE Tho nubseriber will oder at Public Bale, on Batur day the 10th day of November nest, A LOT ON AROUND Situated in Centreville, Cumberland County, on tb . Walnut Bottom road, about eight miler, Went of Carlisle containing about a half acre of land. • The Improvements are a . TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE and Kitchen. Stable,• Carriage house Spring house, and other nocewiery out. mildlngs., all lo good repair. and a nevor falling rtoll of water at Ito door. . Sale to enamour° at ono o'clock P. 31 , whim terms will lio made known by - Oct. 12th '6O t. s. • V.ALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE The subscriber will offer at Private Salo, a valuable Eartn situated to South Middleton township, about 10 miles from Carlisle, near Wolf's Tavern and on the Itnl timer° 'turnpike, containing . 190 Acres more or less, About two thirds of the land is cleared, and In a high state of cultivation, having been limed twice, its crepe . compare favorably with most limestone land in the risk ley, Thu balance is covered with fine chestnut and pine timber. The improvements are a large .and roomy FRAME HOUSE. a now Bank i • Barn, and a never falling Spring at the g g g door, a bearing orchard of apple trees. ." . 7 This would be an excellent oppor tunlty for nu energetic man M. make - • • ' himself a /minable home. Persons w/shing to view iho property, GUI do so by calling en S. Rhoads. on the premises. For terms and other information apply to the sub. scriber, residing :I / 1 miles east of Carlisle, on the Cum berland ValleY - Ralirdad. Oct. 6, '60.-Ut. t t N are n t Fauve , T n by i .h v er ,.. next friefid Avs. Court of Comuton plow of Cumberland County, Subpoe na Sur diveree No. 12 April Term 16W. Alfas Subpoena to rust Term 1860. N Lice to the above named Samuel Fauver that,, filtne poona sur divorce to April Term 1800, and :flies sublet°• nu to Aue,ust Term 18 0 0. upon both of whi c h proof was mado that the said Samuel Vetiver could not be found In the county. NoNK. therefore this Ix to' require you the said Salnuel Fauvor, to appear on the first day of thu Novonthar form of thu sQd Court. to wit: Monday !h e 19th day of November .8. D. 18b0. to answer the pe tltiou of the said Margaret Seaver alleved. IWO MIT 11PCARTNEY, Sheriff. Ill=ll2 INDSETS IMPROVED 111 BLOOD SEARCHER,-04 I= For the gprody, radical 1.nd1i.1311:5 nrixl .OF , and alLalual Clara of ALL from IN PURITY li 111,00 D. ht thu mist Idiractilous Cures This medicine bas.wrou, In desperate cases of Scrotalnv' Cancerous formations, Cutaneous Diseases, Erysipelas. Boils,' Pimples on the Ewe, Sore. Eyes, Old..Sbufthorn Ulcor. , Scald Herd. , Totter affections, !them fatir Disordms 0 Dyspepsia, Costivenes+,'•_ • Jaundice, Bait Rheum, Mercurial Diseases, - General Debility, Liner Omni,taint,Loss of Appetite. • Low Spirits, . Foul Stomach-. Female Complaints. and alt DINMFOS having thole orb gin In an Impure state of the Blood. We refer to the case of David McCreary, of 'Napier township, Bedford Co., Pa. who, on the 31st day of A ug ust, IxsB made afiLlavit before Justice Corley that be was treated fur the cum of Cancer by three physlclann SC Radford county, and by Dr. Newton of the Eclectic Collage In Cincinnati fur a p And of nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, hle lip, nom, and e pardon of his loft cheek were entirely oaten away( lie had gluon up all hope, when ho heard of. the Blood Searcher," and was induced to try it. Four bottles cured him, and although sadly disfigured ; there Is no question but what thin invaluaffle medicine saved his life. The full particulars of this remarkable case may be seen In a circular, which can be bad of any of the Agents. " We also rofor to the cane of Nancy Bleakney, of Elder. ton, Armstrong flaunty, 1 . 4., cured of Scrofula after be . : to unable to get. out of her bed for three years. To the cam of a lody.in Ansonallle, Clearfield county who;Was also afflicted with Scrofula In Its worst form. 'go - the - case of (Jame Melee', Melding In Carrolltown, Cambria county, Prt::lWho was no badly afflicted with Cancer that It eat his entire none off, and his case wee mime 11 possible, then McCreary's. The particulars of them cams—every one of which was cured by the use of the Blued Searcher—may aiau bo found Ina circular.to be had of any of the Agents. R. M. LNG ON, Propristor. Laboralory for the manufacture and sale, near the Pa. Railroad Depot, Ilollidayaburg. Pa. Dr. duo. 11. ICuyaer, Witolumle Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. traa For silo In Carlisle by S. W. /liuifratick, a. F.l nett, and 8. Kieffor.; Dr. J. Herring Mecietnies burg; tiosweller . A Zook, fibepherdstown ; Joshua Onto llogitown; Jacob Slmmoun, Cross Roads ,• J.Coble, E. Wlio Shiremanstown;. A. 31. Leidich, Ilollln.r,prltno. Mary W. Kissel, Clihrohtown ; O. W. Robinson West l'apnauefflt A Co. Oakville; Shoemaker & Elliott, Newburg; Wm. B retton, Newvllle; J. Hood A Springfield; Russell & Co., Dickinson; A Washing, Jacknothille; Wm. Clark 't Leo Lees, Roads; Wm. 11. Eckles, Sporting 11111; D. Denllnmr White ;J. o..Altick, Bhlppensh urg all of Cumbhr land county, Pa. SHOAT HORNS. • • 1.0.-0111.10 - 13 A LE Ott IMPROVED 1311011 T HORNS.' (DIURILIIII CATTLE.) • JACOWE. Will' sell at polio ...40. at bia farm, mar Marietta, , Lancaster unth'on Thursctay the 11 of Outober, 186 u, a fine herd' of,I.IICItOVI4II3IIOIIT HORNS, 'anniistin g ,Of Cows ; Wirers. Yodng Bulls and Calves, bred sxprersly &lama . to derelopo 'cricublued properties of 71, , good milking and easy 'foading. . Catalogues will be furnished on application. Poly to commanemat43 : o'9loolf. • -Oct, p i • Is,II.)VELTY :IN • TUE AitT Id PHOTOGRAPHY. UPON PORaIAIN; Eacurml by lettere patent In MotuHeil Staten, England, France, and Ilelglum. TILE AMER I 0 AN PIMTI , IO It A Ili • POIIOr,f4Ii,I,CO. . . , . having secured I heir novel and. lnaeulous Invention by American and l.lurupean patents,nre — fully prepared to 'execute all ordure for ' ' .. . : • . . . 'Miniature Likenesses - of Persons on china, presenting all the attrilKlve and advantageous feiltdrett of ordinary photographs. the brilliancy: and finish wateencoior drawing, and a hithorte unattained quality of durability, by being rendered as imperishable en the natural properties of the articles upon which limy are tmusferred..' As the mitentad process of die Company enables the reprOduetion of Photographs, nothnly on plain surfaces, hut upon such as are round or ninny degree of irregm larity—portrallo can be reproduced with faultless seen. racy, and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares orally description nrid..llMension used as articles ofinr.. ury or of honsebold utility, such se Vine; Vases, lifeakfast . Caps, Toilet Articles; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing at unique end exquisite style of ornamentation of artlelTs in order to furnish fdellities far the' gratinentien of the popular taste, and to most the wants on those pa. tools of the Fine Arts desiroutiof buying Portraits on Porcelain, the thhnleilly. have imported from ',Enron. , a collection of superb r porcelain Womb , ntentifectutsd to their own order, which they sell nit cost tries. AS the Annerlcatn Company - are owners of the potent right, and consequently the only persons authorised to use the process, they have determined.,in order tea ford people in' every Section of the Ulll°llol app.. tunity to possess Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to re4lienls 'ln th s e Country, who ar.: unable to visit personally. die Atelier Galleries In Now York. Persons Nandi og,a Photograph ambraype, or daguerreotype to the office of theiCompa• ny In Now York; neeninpanied by • • "Five Dollars, will recelve In return by express, free of other charge, a richly ornamented Broakfas; Cup and Sower, • with the two trait transferred thereon. By transmitting-P, ChigUerroOtypu and . • • ' .• • Ton Dinars, thay will arcure in like niatiner. , a bandiinme French Vas.. or Toilet Article, with the portrait reproduced by Cho patented procelia, By sending a pair olibiguerreo• types end they will' revive In return a pair of rich 'SevreS 'thecu Vasr4,. with portraits executed eap a. arto nil:dater. pah lugs, and. In like manner. portraits ran 110 6111 . 0 , 1111Td on pot ceixin wares•or We oh everyquality finish. ramthm in price from Twruty to 0110 Hundred Dollars the pair. • N.ll —lle particular in writing the address, town, 'county mid Saar distioetly. All 'otters vibe tf. , ' • "31unagur, A Illerkall 811..lograpIlle l'ortelnin Cu", 781 BroliAway. 0ct01,6„ _To 1860 —3 mos. , Now York. AT AND CAP EMPORILTI3I..= .1. ti..CA 1.1,1 0 A 00.. successors to 'IN*In. 11. Trn n 1 would /111110Ullett to their custom t . . customers end the veld 'centrally that. they have Just re:elver, from l'hilmiel shin. a large and eledant st.,elt 111'7,601D, In their lint in huslinpeellf ovi:ry variety, style and 'quality. &'t al. hey have unhand a splendid ... 4 assortment Of AND__ . , HATS C A PS,._ ~- • . • of all descriptions, front the common Woo to the finest FUR AND SILK . HATS; and al - pritet that usuqt suit every into who has an eye to getting the limit!' of his money. The stock includes, - 11101,CSKIN, CASSIMERE, DEANER A. FELT HATS, of every style,and color and unsurpmped for LW 11T. NESS, DURABILITY AND FIN 1411: by those of any other establishMent In the country. • MEN'S. BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS- and CA I'S, orevery lescrlptlen constantly on Int ini They respectfully invite all the old Patrons and as many new ones no possible, tofiivo 1110111 N call, ' .7. O. CALLIO A CO. . Apr. 4 25. 1860—ly . . `arch A. Rider by her mother end next lend Susan licher vs..lohn Rider. • Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland comity, sub pouton holt , tlivoire Ni. s 7 April Term 1800. Alias sub. Immo to August Perot 1800. Notice to 111 e abovo notoned - Jobn 111 that It sulopoe. nasur divorce to %poll Term 1800.'and alias subpoena to A most Porto 1800.. upon local .of which proof was made that the sold John Rider could not lot 11,11110 in the county. Now: thereforallols Is to require you t ith said John Rider to appear mo.the trot day,ol the Novena. bur Term of the said Curt, to wit: ‘looday the 12th day of November A.-D. 1800, to anAwor the complulnt In tho potithon of tho said.Snrah A. hider tolleged. 11,011E1tT wcniax • Oct. 11, 'OO.-41. . Sheriff. p uma() SALE.- Ity virtue of en order of the Court of Common Piens of Cumberland County. I will expose to .Public- Side on the promises on Saturday the 27th. day of October 18110 nt 11 M. • ' • • . . . A two story Frame Dwelling house in the borough of New Cumberland, situate no ilr.dge street tho proper , ty of Lewis Willa. The lot contains 50 feet In front, and ISO feet In depth. More Inn good back building and all necessary out buildl no t and a good garden with stable, Cooper Shop and well of water an the premises. Also, at the ONE. tints, I will sell two vorent lots In the same borough on the same street bounded by I im ry ilaughnian. Hobert J. Ross. and of the same sloe. Terms made knowtf on the s day of solo by JOIIN O. KITTIMM AN, • Oct. 5;1805, emulate.. of Lewis - = AIILL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE B AND FARM Siturii&ion the COnodoguinet creek abOut four utiles west of Carlisle and known as .• ZEE) LEH'S 311 LL," + • The Mill is built of stone three stories high . Ifina, anYrontains four run of Moire,. with metal . .1 reaction wheels and Machinery in good run. „" a: I sing order. The limprovoinents connected • • therewith are two dwelling 'louses Saw Mill t iLl and other necessary out buildings, and a Corn Kiln for drying corn. - -The Farm 00I1Ial. shout 200 Acres of good Slate Land Ina fair state of cultivation, and under good fence, als ‘ 11 " 1 .- I uit ISO Acres of which ;O6 tire cleared .11 -, 01 the residue covered with iij .., good timber. 'f he iniprovenichts-are a ?i,.,',, Fillille Dwelling Ilbuse, .;:::' 4 ' Bank Barn, Corn Crib, oho a Tenant House, Spring . House. Ice 'louse and other con venimit out buildings. A thriving poling orchard ot miles, alga •peaclies peals and other fruit. . . The with any number of acres of land the Tun.. Chaser might desire will be disposed' of separate nom the tam or the htrm sepal ate trout the Nlll mould the purchaser wish it. For ternnt and further partieulars enquire of the owner Philip Zeigler, residing on the premises i.e of A. L. SP,iNSI 541, Sept. 14, '60,-2m. Beal Est. AgL. k ;4crv'r. DAVID 3111.LElt, Jr. pli 0 'l' OGIt A P II S ! .1' H. 0 T 0- ratArnsl Photographs of the Prince of Wales. the film•• pone., tamp, esv and Trine, Impel hit of Franco 1101 i, exhlldtloo,and for sole at Mn,. Reynold's Daguerrean gallery. COl'llOr Or and Loather r.treots Carlisle September 14. 'co. ta — dies' One Price Fancy Fur Store JOHN FA'iE R ,No. 718 Arch St , between ith, & Bth Streets PIITLA D Lath of SI .4 Market tr:t. lint, , 4,, Mallufnc'urc of and touter In all kind, of FANCY FLIIIS !laving removed I, my New• Store, 718 Aryl St.. and being now, 0. , tirely in the Man Will tore and Sale of Fond Furs, which,. in fleece danco with tho ‘• cut Pile° Principle," I lave mailiOd at the lowest possible pricer consisloot with a reasonable profit, I would soli • cit a visit trout thoso in want of Furs for eltinr Ladles' or Phild, on' Wear. and an .inspection of my Rotel:gnu of tliNtio goods, satisfied, air I an,, of my ability to please in every deslrod ragout's' • - Ara- 'Persons at a distance; who may flnd it ineon void ant to cod personally. need only name the they wish. topther with the pact). and Instructions for send lug. and forwnrd the order to my address—money no mnpanying—tv Instal, a satistheLory compllanru with. thole wishes. Aug. 24;'00.°$ nom VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT • PRIVATE SALE. That valuable Vorm situated in Dickinson township, Cumberland County, In what, Is called ihc•• Richlands" familiarly kuosin As the ••liikes Property." is offered for sale on account of thti distance width rondos It In convenient fur the-owner to superintend it It is bounded by hunts of John Pepper, Fred'lf. bleep, IVut. Line nud others, and' contains • 180 ACRES MORSE OR LESS, 'having thereon erected a new two story BRICK, HOUSE, now Finnic Barn Wngori Shod and other $5 .1 • out buildings. ' There is Moo four cisterns and a Weil of excellent, water, a thriving young orchard, a goOd . Tenant. 11ousu &o; This uroie arty is within a convenienedistonAe of. the ran road. and is altogether one of thu most deltc Farms in the County • DAVI!? LEVE 'ER, Agt. Sept /1. '6O. • of Jon Lefever. lUBLIC sALEOPSEAL ESTATE On FRIDAY, tho 2d doy of NOVEMBER, 1860. Wlll be offered et Public Salo, ou Friday, the 2d of November, MO, on the premises, a SMALL VA II M. con. taloind 42 Acres and DM porches situated In Dickinson, township, about one mile south of Centreville, and ed. joining lauds of fleecy Cockliu, hone ~rechert and others. The Improvements tre a Two Story LOG HOUSI4I Frame Bank Baru, and other nocessa ry out. building.. An orchard ofYar choice fruit, a well of water and de 7- - tarn at Ow door. Titeki are about 12 Arree of Timber Land and the balance is under good (once, and In ithigli state of cultivation. • • ... Persons irlsh:ng to vlow the property, can call on the subscriber, who resided on the premises. Mile to coin nionco at 12 o'clock on_ said .day,-. when-terms will be made known by , JOSUPII LEHMAN: Olt. S. 1860.-t. ' NOTlOR—Lettfi! Testa mutely upon the will of David ,Bleolf dec'd late orlihippensinirg borough Inv° boon itlfall...d to tho subs sclibor residing in Hampton twp. All poi sons having claims , or knowing themselves lc b., indebted wilt please call mid settle the same with O0.1•.'ep•8t: JOHN'S likatnAini, VOR SAIAI,- • • . A roar yearn rshotatehla in Dickinson Collage.- pa - quire at this aka. Bept.7, 'OO.-2m No. 781 DiOath:ley, New Wilt, FIyTHEN .DOLLA RS Me 4 13 _, _ l4 ll drik r e& '5 44 :5 - 102 0f , „IrON IC, D !UR ETIC, '4 4 v r ,„ Mrs ifI L Y, iIiViC,ORASICL CORDIAL To the citizens if Now Jersey & Pennsylvania, Apothe, cartes, Druggists, Grocers and Private •, • • Families. • Wolf's Pure Cognac Brandy. Wolf's Pure Made. la, Sherry and Port Wino. . Wolf's Pure Jamaica and St. Croix, ilum. won Pure Scotch and Irish Whiskey. • • ALL. IN BOTTLES. ... Limit leave_to_eall_thuatteutleiteLthe.citlzmiStslihe United States to the above Wines and Liquors, impor , test by Udolpho Wello, of Now York. whose name le fa-, h• miller in every part of thhi country 'fur the purity of, ' • his celebrated Scott:mitt SCIINAVS, Mr. Welt in his let• tor to me, speaking of the purity of his Wines and,Ll• quern; says: ,• I will stake my reputation as a man, • my atantling as a merelterst of thirty years' residence in the city of-New York, that all the:randy and Wines, which 1 bottle are'Puro as imported, and of the best quality, . can be relied upon by eery purchaser! , Every bottle has the propriety r'a tonne on the wax, and a fan Bindle of his signature on the certificate: , The public aro rrspertfally invited to call and examine for themselves. For vale at Retail by all Apothecaries and (tracers iu Philadelphia, Oeurge 11. Ashton, No. a32 , slarket St. • Solo Agent for Philudelphia. Beall the following from thu NerrYork Courier: Enormous business for ono New York Merchant—Wu are happy In lobos 111 our fellow citizens that them is one pines In our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can gn and purchase pure Wines and liquors, as pure as imparted, and 14 the best quails ty. 11.0 do not bacilli to hive an elaborate description . of. this merchant's extensile business. although It will well repay spy stranger or, citizen to visit Udolphc Wolfs'; °shunt VO warehouse. Nos. Ili, 20 and 22. Beaver street. and Nos. 17, 10 and 21, Marketfield street. Ilk - stock of Schnapps on hood ready for, shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand' canoe; the Brandy some ten thousand rases—Vintages of 1830 to 1850. and ten' thousand cases of:Matter's., Sherry. and - Pert Wine. Scotch and Irish , Whiskey, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum. some slay old arid to' any In ;this country.. Ire also has three lar.os cellars s filled with ' Brandy, IYIuo. &r., in rooks, under Costom Copse key, ready fl•r battling. Mr. Wolfis'a salsa of Srb mtops twit ' year amounted L, nor hundred and elobly thousand • dozed, and wit hope to.less Eosin two years ho slay be equally ssweissedul with Ids Brandies and Wines. ' Ills business merits the patronage of ,every'luver of his species. 1 , 1 - IVllt.olllUlilleglVllo wish pure Wines and Liquors formedleal unit shoufd send their orders direct to Mr. +, until every ‘pothersary its the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff (rem their 1/11111VS and repl toe it with Wolfe's pore Wines and Lig -.... We understand Mr Wbife. for the nee-minolittlon of small de tiers in the rountry, puts up assorted canes of Wines ass.l Liquors. Stich a luau, awl such a Morel:mit should bis sustained sonsinst his tens of thousands of opponents Its the 'hilted it rtes iehn soil nothing hot IsnltsttiQns, ruinous alike to human health and intispi.• mem Supt. lit, 'OO.-ont.. For sale by C. Inheff Carlisle. - V•II,UA,I3LE PIIIvaTTJ RESI • DENtIE AT PRIVATE SALE. :ma Weit l'onitrot wont In the llorottzh o. The lot contoitni 31 foot In front and 240 font In depth. Thu Improvelpents are n commodious two story - BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with n too F.Ory Drink Ilaclt 11n11.1Ing, cnntilnlng the lowor tl .ne t ‘vo parlois . ilinion-numn and kitchen, and on tin, n. five chainhern. Pore aro alma roovoni.,nt nut building's, (!intotn, fruit. shrub• _l, , ,ry mid ddicr,ooc,,ntry linproventents. For terms and farther pv9lrulnrn enquire of ' A. L. 01' INSGER, Aug 31, ° Itonl Est. Apt A &He. • ALFRED W UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN. PATENT OFFICE, NO. 144 .Snint Fourth Street, I , IIII,ADELPIII A. . N. 11.—Conan unleationa by mall promptly attended to c ,Sept 27, '121.-Iy. ' fro TIIE LIEIIIS AND LEGAL RE _i_ pit EsENTA IVES OF Iluttorli late of the taeranblp of Sliver Spring county of Cumberland dued. take notice that by virtue of n writ of Partition and Val nation home,Pont of the Orpheus' Court ofCumber In id .iolinty, 00,l to me directed. I will hrild an inqucid to divide. part or value - the real estate of sold deceased, on the premises, On Wednesday the 11144 day of Ono. her. A. D. lddd, at 10 o'clock, A. M., n i lien..and where you may attend If you think prnply. ' It Mfr. 314.11( HT N Y Sept. 21, IMO Sheriff's Unice, Carlisle. '['o TUB ITEMS AND LEGAL R - Pllg3tl , l rATIVE4 _Of/ Ilary Croft Into - of the Wm) bth of Carlisle county of Cumberland deed. take notice. th.q by 'Phu, of n writ of Partition and Yalu*. tine issued out of the Orphanal.Coart of-Cumberland C witty. mad to me directed, A will bold an Inquest to airodu, part or value the red oat ate of Raid deed. on the premises, on Saturday the 13th day of October A. I). ld i I at la) o !leek, A. CI, who.) nod whore you may Attend If you think proper. 11011 r. WO fiItTENY Sheriff, • Sept, 21, 1860.—it Shoriff'e Office, Carlisle. A.U'PEON.—The public are hereby C cautlonedmot to trust or harbor anyarlfe. ELIZA /10; 111, .10 MI, ...wit. slim hailn; left my hod and b lard withuatjust cause or provocation. I ant dots,- mined to pty um debts of.-hor contacting, either for hersolf Sr the two children she -has tattoo away with . . . . hor. • •Alllt A 11A 11 WOVE, Siopt. 21, 413 . -41. 'Newton towoohl . • (WO DS I N E GOODS !! 1.1 Now openingat Ogllbv's cheap Canh St e, a large cud complete :on.,rttneni of „PALL DRY GOODS, nt uncommonly I tw prices. .A lull assortment or La dies new style dress goods. Shawls, 3laotlei, Hoop Skirts, ❑amttluw, Cloa , ts, Merlon Shirts. Muslin's. . itil.f. ms, Kidd Gloves, , HttOrol.larks, It ,simy, 1111.0 etc, Fiannel, " Or.tv tts. -. Shirt Collars, 0, tits Shovels. Cirpetinzs. - Oil Cloths, Window Blind.. Blind FI% t tires, Table Covers, hookinzlilasses, Wool Nubian. Magic It Mlles, . Trunks,' Carnet 11a4s, Linse)s, ' (train Baas, &t., &e Thu attnollon of the' hodhw is p irtlrularly Inviled to our 5t0.31: of IMP:0 ANT oil 1,11:..1, l'opllns, Figured Merl other dress goons. TiO) gout loin a will,Meaho examine our stork ofCloths Chnsimnroi and Vestings all now. A good assortment of C oolineres. Jeans do , for Iloy's Wear. This stock has been :whaled with grad, rare. thought for CASH. !tad will 1.0 5..141 for ,:4,11 autumn If not n Ilt Me cheaper tlail can ho bad at any other More in Car lisle.. Now Goods will Lo rerelvud weekly My old friends and cmdoiners and MI In wont of Cilllneoll/ good goads, wia ploaso give mo a cdl lafforo pur6foling elsowburo and lay not thoir.umney to tlio best advantngo. Itorrdlret the atom IL 111111p1Ch comer oppnalto the Rail !toad Donut. ' • 16. 00 I LILY. 011 . 1610 SOW.. Trustee. TAR. ,111411tIAN, intending to spend a Li , low months In the East., during the reining win. ter,.t this oppartit nit)' 01 Informing the public, that he has ass ei,tod with himself. Dr. A. W. I,lchi.ls, (re cently of Buffalo, N. Wuhan he cordially roc s annuende nt 111. patrons and friends In t)arlialo and vicinity., . VALUABLE To VVN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE KALE. Situate In Went street opposite the Seceder Church the lot c attains an feet front and ablaut 120 fait In depth, wig' a eta foot alley at Hu - tido, also a twelve foot alle,tiletsthe end 4 . the The improvements are a two' story • • • W EATII ER BOARD HOUSE, os,stit with a back handbill; 'attached.. Also -- gst,•• all other convenient out buildings, the ‘2117 't . garden contains fruit trees of various kinds. The yard Is all paved, and a hydrant in good order et the kitchen door.—A bargain may bo exported all the ow curs are desirous of leaving the Rate. For further particulars apply to the owners Owlish, Sep. 28. 'OO.-et A. 11. k M. E. DISKI.E. ~~ FTIRS 1 FURS i! 'BURS 111 • . LADIES' FANCY FUR Eravoramsx. FAILEIRA & TIIOMI'SON, Old Stand No. 818 MARKET STREET. above Eighth, actual side, - PHILADELPHIA. • We hog leave to call the attention ofAho Ladies, ict our large and varied stock of Ladies' and Children's FANCY FURS. Having had great experience, and en•l joying pecullorfacilititut Is the selection of Furs, we: confidently otter our new stock to the inspection of the' Ladles. fouling askured that they will decide with us, ht Its being unrivalled for beauty and variety, consie• ti ng as It door, of every description of American and European Furs, . • rnanutactured In the latest and. Iciest approved etyma. CA PCS ' , 'PALMAS, VICTOUINES. ' CLOAKS, MUFFS, CUFFS.—embracing . Sable, Mink, Stone Martin, Gorman Fitch, Siberian Squirrel, French Soule, French Squirrel, American Fitch • and Silver Martin, • 11(5,...Thankful for the very liberal patronage hereto. • fore extended to us, too hope to merit a continuance of the towns by furnishing a "good article at the lowest Coils prices. , FAIIEIILA & TKOMPSON, No. 818 Market Street, Philadelphia. N. 11.--OLD FURS altered to fashionable styled. Sept ..2S, , STATE NOTlCE.—Letters of minktnaion oti the ostato of Edward Stiles /fife, !aloof the borough or Carlisle. deceased, have boon Issued by the Meister of Cumberland County to the undersigned residing in Hold borough. All persons in. sdebted to sold estate aro rognestoditi make_ Immediate.• payment nod those having claims, to reateut thorn for settlement. • . F.EOII. &pt. 28. ' • • Admlrlstrator. . Ii Y SIAND Y 1: ALL TDB DAY IDLE?, • AUv Laly. or Gentlemau In the Wilted blabs, pie towing frout $ll to can ontot Into An easy and ra• spoetablo bus:moss, by which from $3 to.:stu per' day can bo realised. 'For particulars, addreo (with stanliP) , W. B. ACTON'it Co., •. Sept. 23,-'130.-3m. No. 37, North Sixth et. Cheap Job Printirig lono bore. I_ 4 I JEUTION 4 1 WHEREAS, In Und by an act of the General As. monthly of the Commune:kith of Pennsylvania, entitled an. "Act relating, to the elections. of this Ceinmon wealth," passed the :A day OfJuly,:A. D. 1539,1! is made the duty of the Sheriff of °red county—within this Commonwealth, to give public notice - UP, the Oeneml Elections, and in ouch notice to onutztorate: I. The oflicorsio be elected. • 2. Designate the place at which the olertlon is tube held I, BOWL Old:AI:TN EY; High Sheriff of the county of Cumberland; do hereby make known and give this pub lic notice to the electors of the county of Cumberland, that en TUESDAY, t h e Oth•dtiy of November next, an election will be held at. the several election districts ow tablished by law in said. county. at which time they will vote by ballot for Twenks-oeven persons tier Electors of the President and Vice Preeldent 61', the United States. • The election in the election district composed of the ' borough of Carlisle and the township's of North Middle , ton,' South Middleton, Lower Dickinson and Lower Frankfort!, will beheld at the Court, HOMO in the bor ough of Carlisle.' The electiOn in the election district compoied of Low er Weld Pennshorough township, will be hold at the North School.llonee in• Plainfield. ' • • The election in the election district composed of Sil ver Spring township, will be held at tin public house of • Jacob Otstott, In llogostown in said township. . • The election In the election district composed of Hampden township, will be held at the house formerly occupied by Henry Ilickertielii in said township. • -- The - election In thinlocllon difdriet — compooed or the townoldp of Upper Allen, will be bold at the public house occupied by loltn Eloyd, in Shepherdstown. Thweitiction in the election district composed of the township of Lower Allen, will be held at the wagon umber shop of dorms Hunchbarger, on 'Elsie 11111. The election in the election district eentposed` of Host Pounolowough township, will be held at tho house now occupied by IL Clay, at the West end of the Harris. burg Bridge. • Iho election in the election district composed of NOW Cumberland, will be hold at the house formerly kept. by Wm. 11. BohLin the borough of Novi Cumberland. ' The election in the olection district composed of.'the Borough of Mechanicsburg, will be. bold'at the public how° ofJames Meloy, in gold borough. • Tim. election In the el'etion district composed- of Monroe totonedip, will he ballet the: nubile house of Moses Ligget, in Churchtown, In sald township. The olootlon in the election district composed of Up per Dickinson township, will be held at the house for merly occupied by Henry 11. Stone. in said township. The election in the election district composed of the borough of NowviLle, and townships of Mifflin. Upper Frankford, Upper West Pennoboro, and north Newton will be heLd at the Public School Rouse In the borough of New;1111e. • • . election in the election district' composed of Hopetv'ell township, will. be hold at the Now Brick School Hobs°, In Nowh ,rg, In said township. Tito election in the election district composed of the iworoitgli of ehippenoburg, Shlpponsbuor townoldp'and that port of Southampton toe nshlp net included in the Leesburg, election district, will' be hold at CA Council llouse.in the'borough of Shipponsburg. The election election district composed Of that part of Sinithampton township, not embraced in the 'Shippctishurg district, will be held at tire house for merly occupied by Maxwelitin Leesburg. Tito nlection in the election district rompooed of that .port of Newton township, not included in the Newylliti district, All be held at the School Houso,,in Jackson. villa. The election In the election district composed of MI tdiesex township will he held at the Middlesex School House. , •NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That ovary person except justices of the Peace who shall hold any office or appointment. of profit or trust under the United States or of this State. or any city or incorporated district, whether acommissionnd officer or otherwise, a subordinate offices ,r agent, who Is or shall bo employed under tho legislative, executive. or judi, dory dotal-Mounts of this Stato, or the United Staten; or of any city or of any incorporated district; and also that any Mender of Congress or of tho State legiolft• tore, nod of the Select or Common Council of any city, or commissioner of any incorporated district, le by law incapable of holding or exercising at-the mole Onto Lilo of or appoihtment•ofjudgo, inspector or clerk ninny elections of title Cmumonwenit h, and that no inspector. judge or other officer of ouch election shall be oligiblo to be there voted for. • _ , And t h e said net of Assombly, entitled an act rein ting to the elo..tio»o of thin Commonwealth, missed Jilt:, 2, 1.8511, ferthor providence follows, to wit: '• 'that the inspectors and judges shall meet at the place ;wolf; ted for holding the elections of the district to which they respectively belong, betoro nine o'clock in the morning of the Second Townley its October, and each unald Inspectors shell appoint one clerk, who shall ho a qualified voter of said district. " Incase the person who Modt have received the sec ond highest number of vase for inspector Hindi not at t. nd on the icy of the election, than the person. who shall have received the emend highest number of votes at the next preceding election, shall net as inspector In Ids place. And in rase the parson who shell havo eel calved tho, highest number of v. tell for inspector shall not attend„ffitu person elected judge KIWI appoint an hispector in his place; and hi case the person elected Judge shall not attend, then the inspector who remit.. ea the bighted numberof votes shall appoint a judge in his plate, or if ally vacancy shall continue In the board for Om space of one hour after the tithe II sod - by law for the opening of the election, the qualified ,nterff of tho township. word or district for which Such officer shall limo boon eluded, prqsent at the place of election, shall elect ado of their trunfber to fill such vacancy. - • - " It shall•he the duty niche several mammon; of each district to ettond fit the place of holding every general, specini, or township election, during the whole time said election le kept mum, for the purpose of giving in formation to the immeshes and judges shun ratted on, In rotation to the right of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, or such other matters in rela• Ron to tho assonsments °Movers as the mid Inspectors • or either of them shall from time to time require. " No person shell bupermitted to vote at any election as aforesaid, other than a whitetreetuan of the ago Of twenty.one years 0C21168C, who snail have resided in the • State at least ono year, and In'the election dletf•ict whore he odors his vote at least t days Itamodiately, preceding finch election; end whale two yearn 'paid a State or county tax, which shall have been nmetard et least ten days:before the election. But a citizen of the United rhatos who has previousix Leona qualified voter of thin State. and removed thorofrotn and returned, and who shall have resided in the election district and laid taxes ns at wenaid, shall be entitled to vote after resid ing in title State Nix months: Prevlded, That the white freemen, citisons of the United States, between tt onty•one And twont3-tx o years, who have resided in an election district as 'nforenald, shall be entitled to vote although thou obeli not have paid taxes. - • "No person shall im permitted to vote whose namo is not contained in the list of taxable - inhabitants fur. niched by the Commissioners. unless Find, he produce a receipt fur the payment within two years of &Rata or county tax mooned agreeably to the Constitution, and give satlsfactory,evidenco, either oultle oath or at limitation, or the oath or affirmation of another, that he has paldnuch a tax, or oh lalluru to produce a receipt obeli mako oath to tho payment thereof. Second, if he claim n right to tote by being an elector between tie age of twontyinto and twenty-two yearn, he shall tic pose on 'oath or affirmation that ho line molded In Ode State at least Moe year next hero., Ills application, and nu ko such proof of rmidence in the distrirtas Is requir ed by this net, and that he does verily 110110 TO. I'l'olll 1110 account given him, that he is of the age aforesaid. and such other ovidenco as le required by• this act, Where upon' the ;mine of tho person thus admitted to vote shall be losertod hi the alphabetical list by the inspec tors, and a unto made opposite thereto -by writing the word •• tax," If he shall 1/0 admin. - 1 to vote by reason of ha vini paid tax; or this word '•• age,",-,if lie Hindi la, admitted to vote by mason of such ageishall be milled out to tlio clerks, who shall make the like notes on tho lists of votere kept by them. " In all cases whom the name of the person defining to vote Is found nn (ho list furnished by the Commis. sinners and assessor, or his right to vote, whether found thereon or not, is ohjectod to by any qualified cities;, rioted' be the duty of the inspectors •to oxtunine such Piano on oath on Whin qualificatione, and if he (.1111111S to have residod within tutu State for one year or more hie onth shall ho sufficient momf them!: but Anil make ;woof by at least ono competent witness, who shall he a qualified elector, that 110 111111 resided In tho district for more than ten days next immodiately pro codling loch election, and And also himself wear that 1118 holm lido midenco, in pursuance of hie lawful call log. Is in sold district, find that i elllll not remade into said district fur the purpose of voting therein. "Every person qualified no aforesaid. and who shall make duo proof, if required, of the reeklonce and pay. moot of taxes no afiwomild, shall bo admitted to vote in thi township, soma or district in which ho shall mold° -Ira 4 person shall provost or nttompt to prevent any officer of any election under this act froth 'holding such - election, or 11140 or threaten any violouco to any sorb Milder, or sball interrupt or hopmmerly interfere with hint hi the execution of hie duty, or shall block up the window, or nvonuu to nny windoW where the mute may bo holding, or shall vintously disturb the pear° at ROIL election, or shall use any intimidating Miriade, fore° Or violence with design to influence un duly or overawe ally ele ctor, or to prevent him from vo• ting or to restrain the freedom.of choice, such persons on conviction shall he flood in any sum not exceeding lieu hundred dollars, find imprisoned for any limo not less thanthree nor moro than twelve monthn, and If it shall ho shown to Court, whom tho trial °lntel. offence shall bo find, that the parser so offending was not 11 resident of tho city, want district or township where this offence won ;committed, and ant 'entitled to vote therein, than on conviction ho shall be . sentenced to pay a flue of not lose titan one hundrodnor more than one thousand dollars. and be imprisoned not loss than six months nor more than two years. "If any perm& or persons shall make any but or wa ger upon the result of any , s3 ion within the Com nionwenith, or shall offer to m ty such. bet' or sea 3,4, ger, either by verbal proclamat ot thoreof..or by any written or printed ndvertim ut, challonge or Invlto any person to make such bet or wager, upon conviction thereof he or thoy shall forfeit and pay three tiwint the amount so bet or to be bet; " 'Hotly person not by law qualified,. shall fraudu lently vote at any election of this \ Concroonwealth, or being otherwise quelltied shall vote' out of loin proper district, or if any parson knowing the want of such qualifications, shall aid or procure ouch parson to vote, the person offending, shall, on convlctlim be fined In any.ouni not exceeding two hundred dollars, and bo imprisoned fur any toms not exceeding three months. "X any person shall vote at more than one election district, or otherwise fraudulently vote more than once on the same any, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to the inspector two tickets together, with the intent 'illegally to vote, pr shall procur. intoner to do ao, he or thuy offondinstfishall on conviction be fined In any sum not lees than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars. and be Imprisoned fir any term not less than three nor more than months. "Hasty parson not qualified to vote in this Common. wealth agrooalAy to law, (except the eons of 'qualified citimmi,) shall appear at any place' of election flat tho hnlrposo of influencing .the citisons qualified to vote, e shall on conviction forfeit and pay anylum,not ox. heeding ouu hundred dollars for every such offenee,and be imprieonod for any term' not exceeding throe months', Agreeably to the previsions of the el sty.firet section 011ie slid act, every General and Special Election Anil Ice opened between the hours of eight and ton in the forenoon, and shall continuo without Interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock In the evening, when the polls shall be closed. • And tho Judges of the rospootive diatricte aforesaid are by the mid act reuulred to meet at the Court Mouse In the borough of Carlisle, on the third .day after the election, Pain Friday; the 18th day of October,]• then' and there to porforlu the things required of them by law. Tho'return Juolgon of the Representative district,' will Mint nut Carlisle, at the time fixed by law, Given under ray hand; at Carlisle, this 14th day of September, 1868. .. ROBERT AIcOARTNET, Sheriff. fiRDER • _ •• First . 'NeginioUt Cunaterhund indoor, . . • • - • The C 01141311103 composing the Find Regiment, Find Brigade, .1611,' Division orrenne. Uniformed Militia; assemble at Norvilio' on Friday tho detit of Octo, bar at 10 o'clock A. 51: for inspection.. Lieut. Col. Shriver will take command. • By order of ••' . • , '• - Wel. M. PENROSE, Col , Com Nee. D. HALBERT, Adjutant, Caritale, pet. 12, 'OO n at. , • - . stir Fancy Printing neatly executed. CHAVV IS )(RESI. An aperient and Stomach preparation of IltON purl tied of Oxygen and Carbmfby combustion In hydrogen Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. • The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can be compared with it. Liquid tiesiof the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate Its necessity In ainvist livery conceivable... n noxious In all maladies In which It hes been , t• It his provettAhsoldtely curative in each of the follow. lug complaints, In Debility, Nervous Affections, Elm,- clation, -- Dyxpepsia, - Constipoi tom-Diar— rhoea, Dysentery, Incipient Conlin nip. Lion, Salt Rheum, illismenstrnation, , W kites,' l'hiorosis, Liver Complaint, Chronic Headaches, • int ermitt not revere, Pimples on'the Pace, •&c. lie CIAO aof rionend Debility, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of ner vous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial antis restorative has proved successful to an extent which no deteription nor well tun attestation would render , credible. Invalids no long betbridden us to have bascule forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have suddenly ro appeared In the busy world as If Just returned from• protracted travel In it distant land. Some very shoal Instalices of this kind-ore attested of female Sufferers, emaciated victims-of apparent-mares , mus, sangulnecius exhaustion. critical elianges, and that complication' of nervous and dyspeptic aversion' o Wand exercise for which the physician has no pante. Id Nervous Affections wall .kinds. and for reasons familiar with medical men, the operation of this prepa. ration of iron must necessarily be sulatary. for unlike the old oxides. II is vigorously Well:, 'without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regitiney ape. Hoot, even in thii most olittlnato reside of costiveness. without ever being a gastric purgative, or Intlicting,a disagreeable sensation. • ; It Is this latter property among others, which makes It so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles. upon which It also appears ,to exert a distinct nod specificuctlon, by'disp irsibir the local tundenCy *Writ' forms them. In Dyspepsia. Innmnarable as are Its muss, n single box of these Cha , yheate Pills lies ol ten nunlee.l the the most habitual rases, Including the attendent Castled 1108. • In unchecked Diarrheen. even when advanced to Dye; eatery, confirmed, emulating. and apparently Inqlig mint, tho °Recto have been equally decisive and :ohm , In the local pains. loss of flesh nod strength, debili flog cough. and remittent hectic, which generally in dicate Incipient Consumption, this remedy boo Jtllayed the alarm of It and phy ticians, in several very gratifying and interesting lost:mete, in Scrofulous Tuberculosis. this medicated Iron has had fat more than the good elText of the octet eau , lout, ly balanced preparations of lodine, without any of their well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot 'he too confidently Invited to this ralliedy and restorative, in the eases pe-, cullarly affecting them., In Rheumatism, Loth chronic, and Infininntatory—in the latter however. more di.l.lll.lll . —it tints beet. Invade, bly well reported. both as alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and stiffness idt he Joints and marks Iritlntertnittent Furors It must nece..sarily be a great remedy and energetic restorativn. and Its progress In the now settlements of the West, will probably ho one qt high renown and usefulness.... No remedy-has ever been dismtrereti In the whole his tdry of thedletnes. whirls exerts such prompt. Imppv.ttntl fully restorative effects. flood appetite. romplete dig. Mon, rapid aelpilsitlon of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheer! ul exercise, immediate ly follow Its use. -*- But up in neat flit metal 1111 XVI, containing, 60 pills, price AO cents per box: for solo by druggists nod deal• era 'Will he sent free to any Address on revelp! Of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should Lo athbS•nned to It. 11. LOCit E S Co.. Ileneral Agents 'May 9.3. 'OO.-Iy. TM Broadway N. T Tlt I MPII A N 'l' . The comuleto autTOess of the Pralrle Flower Cook StovO, wet/104100 sultseriber in rolling the attention of all who unity want n superior stove to roll and eo• amino thu only stovu that hoe given universal sathfae. tlon. , . WHAT 'STUDIED OVER OTHERS 18 Ist. A saving of from 30 to 60. per cent. In fuel... , 2nd. A hater anti qui:bur Oven from the same fire, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of the 01111111 sire, 4th. Tho preservation of the contra piece front sinking 'saving repairs, 6th. Thu beet linker, Roaster, and Cook now inure, 6th.• A superior arrangement for cleaning the thies, .7111. A perfect fins Consumer for either lam d or coal. Tito Prairie Flower is warm tad to give I.:distort ion In every particular. and-will he shoWn with pleasure to all who may- call, whether desiring to purchase or not, anv quantity of rell,rence in town pr country. A fow other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. • Spouting, Roofing, Job work, Ciipperamithing and Shooting work promptly attended to. in town or rout.- try. All work warrantod at the old stand, Hanover street north of Lowther. MARY 71. MOPS'S. N. 11. Old Copper, Brass and Pewter bought, and the highest price paid In cash or goods. ' March 28, 1800.—tf. • SELLING ,OFF AT COST !.! ! At thu slgn ° of the "Gold Engle," 3 dome above tho Cumberland Valley tinnk n and two doors below the Church. on Went Melo street, thu largest and bust eelectea stock of . WATCHES fi JEWELRY In the town, will he sold Mt per cent lower than at any place In the State The stock comprises n large assort ment of Hold and Silver hunting case watches. Lovers, famines, d merles watches, mud all other kinds and styles, tlohl and Silver chains, GOLD PENS & PENCILS, Jewelry of all kinds. Spectacles Gold and Nllrcr, Plated and Sliver W. re, Mums lliooosl Acrordeons,-.oll__nlint lugs, a great variety of Lucy, articles, and a lot of •the finest Pianos, which will he w)lir i m per cent looser than over offered In town. The entiro'stock of Watchmaker tools, °AMON largo Mirrors, a,jd Safe will be sold whole , sale or retail on the eel:lent terms. • Having selected a that class 'Workman all Muds of re pairing will he done as usual, at reduced prices. Plano 1111IFIC of all kinds for sale. A flow rust class doublo barrel gun warranted Punk., twist will be sold for hall its valuo. AT-N.ll. The large three stm•y Brick 1111 splendid stuio rontn and . parite. 42 foot drop will ho not at a 'vary low pile., and on easy tortes. nn 1 If not VIA , with be rented liinn April Ist ISOI. Cale at thuJeweir Stare In said Juno 15, 1860. • SMALL FARM AND NEAT COUN TRY RESIDENCE AT PRIVATE SALE. Situated a short distance west of Carlisle. about 60 yards from the Ilenumh limits In North Middleton twit. Containing about 41 acres, all cleared and in a high state of cultivation. The improvements are a neat one and a half story Clv DWELLING HOUSE, • cistern, stabl e . Lo g pen and other convenient out buil. dings, together with troll shrubbery Twenty-tiveacres et timubove with the improvements will be disposed of separate from-the other should the purchaser desire It. For terms and further particulars enquire of snail F. Neely residing near the premises, nr of Aug. 31, '60.-Bt. A, L. SFONSLER. anal Est. Agt.and Scrly'r. • 11,A WIC N-O'TiCE. - Thu partnership heretothre existing under the mune 001 style of liEli, BYENNEMAN2t Co., .es,pired by limitation on the 13th Inst. All tetlanees due depositors will ho transferred to anti all Intorest Cortilleates now out, will by psid at mat ty, or new ones Issued by the new firm or I: Eli, Inlt. LAP, & Co., whose Booking Cord will bu seen below. . KER, BRENNEMAN & CO. .- - - Carlisle, Aug 14, 1860. ......--- _ . CUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK PROPitLETOItS. • WILLIAM ILEA, DMA° lIRNNEMAN, • RICHARD WooDs, Joiirt B'. STERRETT, JOHN C. DUNLAP, JOHN DUNLAP, 11. A. ATUROKON. . . This Bank, Is now prepared to do a general Banking and Exchange business, under the name and et) to of KKR, DUNI,AP A Co., in the saute place lately rum pled by Ker., Brenneman ,t Co. Money received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice. Certificates of deposit bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. will be issued for wr short a period as four months. Intereat on all certificates will cease at maturity, provided. however, that if said' certificates are renewed at any time theshafienfor an other given period, they shall bear the some rate of In terest up to the time of renewal. Twenty .days notice must be given of au Intention to withdraw intereet;de, posits. They call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and all others who desire a safe depository for their money, to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Bank ale not only untie to the amount of their stock in the bank, but are INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of their estates fat all the Deposits, and other obligations of Ker, Dunlop & Co.. • , • Particular attention elven to the collection of 'Fondue Notes, Foreign hips, Drafts, Checks. &c., in any par' of the United States and Canades. Remittanree made to opy part of the United. States, England, and Ireland. - They billet all times be i Vsed to give any Informa• Lion. desirqd in regard to °Hoy me' turn in general. The faithful 'end contldentl I execution of all orders entrusted to them may be rolled upon . Open fbr lividness from D o'clock in the morning milli 4 o'clock in the evening. IL A. Sri:M.IEON, Cashier. Carlisle, Aug. 1.1. MO. T LIVINGSTON; M ERC RANT 1. TAILOR' AND r,L9TIIfEIt, lloopectrully Won ins tho publlo that he hos Just ro calved an extra large stork of FALL AND .WINTER GOODS. ' whieh'fer yen lay. beauty and price cannot be equalled n the Count y , all or will he sold per yard or. made up to measure in the most approved styles. Fine Mark French CLiITII of every grade,. • Brown do. ' do:- " .! •. . . " Army and Navy d, "and many othercolors. OAB:43IMM of the very In., test styles, In 11111110G80 variety. ,VI STINI3IS In Inrge quantities of the latest aryla...Alse, a very large let of Sattinet, Jamie, Fllttlllolß, Shirting, &e.; which will be sold at the lowest market price. , The public is rosheetfully invited to Inspect our large . dock of goode. enuring them that a mill will not Meer the least obligation to purchase. , -Carlisle, Sopt. 14,'60. teJ j Warranted to sew any' kind of pada from the fines cambric up to shoe leathor In thu best man. ; nor; or the money refunded. Call at Mrs.' A. Reynaldo Daguerrenn Rotate or send fora circular to,. iy. 11. MASON. Sept 28, 1880.-t. . • - Dizi6uLUTION . 01? PARTNER pertnershik heretolbro existing no. der the limn of ':1111t0:11 fe-111. has this day born dissolved liy psutual ennhent, therefore ye would solicit all those indolilxd to conic and mottle, their accounts, and all those having cialopi will please present them for sOtilianent. Jon. 3, 1860 The business will hereafter ho continued at the old stand of Shrom k Week under the firm of BLACK IIEbANCV. 101111 . 0 - NVO will keep constantly on hand ell kinds of 1.113111611 AND COAL, of Duet• deer lotion; which we will sell nt the lowest cash juices, and nil sir• dory for bill stuff will be promptly attended to 'on tho shortest notice We are thankful for the patronage of a generous public at the old stand of Shrum lc Black, and would still solicit a continuance. All °MITA left nt the residence of Jacob Shrom fur cent and lumber, will be promptly uttondedlo an heretofore. BLACK. It DELANO'S% Jan. 11,.11360, . • • . . . •• or, experienced AIRN B u;so noti l M N om S n i re ° .Ir ' 11ysIchte *presonts to the attoutlon of mothoril liar - , - --.--I,FOR-C.IIII.DII.IOI,,TEEmNG which greatly faellltateg thu proeeua of teethlue, , by softettlag the gums, reducing all inflautatlon—will al lay all pain and again Jodie motion. and Is guilt to regn late the lan'vels. Dupend upuu it &niters It will give rest to yeureolves, anti :t - ICI:LINF AND - HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold 'this artirle Gn years, and can say, In confidence and truth no have never been Mil, to say of any othe, never had It. bin g l " in "'"l MRS. WINSIL•OW , S feet a cure lylused. Nev. know an In disatiefaction Who used 4.1 ES-s o rri t iap . teary •all are with WI 01 ,rat I tett s, a d speak In terms of highest rotninendatlon of itannt glee! effects and medical virtues. WO speak In' this matter-what we do know." after ten yetfrx experience and pledge our reputation for the fulfilment, of what wu horn declare. 10 almost every Instance where the lnfurt in suffering from pain and exhaustion, relluf will ho found In fifteen or twenty minutes after •Ore syrup Is administered. • VIII 4 valuable preparation In the unmet:44llm of one °CO.+ 111..8! OKperkll.(i and skilful 111.11711.5 . to ew England, anti has helm used with never failing gIICCOOO In THOUSANDS OF' OASES. dt nnt . only reltiwen the chiltlTron path. but' In) , lgo; rites theAtourteh end bonito. rime...Pl aridity mind gives tivie mid energy to the whole system. it will :tit:lust, lestne di. relieve DRIVING IN VIE BOWELS AND WIND EMILIE., . It nol over-I . .....me . If ruk loh n, : , n .,, m a . . 4,lltleh If not spoudily co-' ' , '''. medico!. end . I n death. • We Belie vu It the best CILILDItEN , nod • surest remedy In ' Lh e world, In all C.V.PfI . ern To .T wr el. • f Eysuntery and Dior,• lia, 11,111 droll whetli_,.. f or It arises Don, frothing. or from nay Wow catty, We Wolif ' soy to owery mother who hex /4 child suffering fron,any ' if the 'foregoing complaints -d1 nut let your prejudice nor the prejudices of others stand I.l4weon yOur guffary log rhibrand the roll& that will be SIIRE-yes, An IiiILUTELY SURE-to follow the nso of Lids medicine, If timely wood. Pull directions for using Will areolli• 'pall V imell hottlo. Now, genuine unless the :he-simile of wins & PERKINS, Now York, Is on the outside ,wropper. . - Stlid In. S, W. Rarorstick North Hanover Id. and S. Elliott, Main st. Carlisle, aml Drugglhts On ou.thout the woo Id. Price only '25 Gonts por Bottle. Principal Ohi o°, No. 13 Ceder st. N, Y. _ .luly 'Jo, Ibbtl.-4. NOTICE.- MCCHANIC3DeIifip Juno lath ISO. Notice inhoroby glfon thot an application will be to the.Logislature of Penitsylvmnia nt lips pent meeting for the incorporation, of n bank of Issue; with discount noid deposit privilo , co, to ho located in the Ilorough of Mechniiirsinira. in thu County of Cumber laud. Poona, nod to ho called the Mechanihsburp, t h ink, with is capital of ono lun thousand dbllark with thu right to inerense the stun to two hundred thousand dollars. • John Brandt, Levi Merkel,• - John Sadler, bomb Mumma. -Levi P EhOrly. Win. It, BON.; Samuel Ellerfy, Jacob Eberly, VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. . . - The subscriber offers at private sale n'valu this Int o ground on North .street In -the borough of Carlisle en:staining 120 feet in front by 120 feet in depths, hay log thereon erected a double two story STONE.IIOUSE, with frame back buildings Thu rot ran Le.divldod to two lots of NI loot earh,'anff.Will be 1 , 01 , 1 as may 1.0. suit purchasers. It Is boulvdpf by. p! . .poriles of Joh Moore. and James Roan! and offera n a lin hwailon for the erection Ginrow of dwelling house null I hornforo worthy the attention or purchase., For terms or other Information apply to - MAIWAIII3TA C,STURM; Carlisle Aug.5t1,1,860.-6t.. T 0 E P .1i .U. .S y . .F. E L J WATCH MAKER SOUTH HANOVER STRUT,* '4ll / 4 ) A few doors, south of the ' 4 . Court louse. . . '. s. •,',5,----L- supplied myself' with a large assortment n Watch tlatarials. (Passes, .trc., I am now prepared to re pdr all kln•is of Watches. Clocks, lowelry. Sc , on tit most reasonable terms. that may be intrusted to m) care Ironing by strict attention to business to be la VOrOtt With a liberal slam of public patronage. . A tine nisortment of JEWELRY. such as. Ladles Breast Pins and Ear props Gold and Cn men: Nlkses' Breast Platt Ear Drops. Box and Mass Pins all sires, Gel I Chains, lloAka, Plated Chains, WU Lockets, Guards Heys, A. Also a large and lino OPROltineut of Also, a fine lot of Silver Hunting, Detnelle,l Lever, and Lupines Wateltes. and a good ah,,,,r6nent of ;liver plated and Steel Speolarlem. All of whiqlorill be hold Jim. A share of public patronage is re9ierlfoLlv STEEL. Carlisle Jan. 1,010.-ry. I= G. A. & E. A. LANDELL, Na. Flo North Wharves, l'hiladelvllia, Al \SLIP ieTCRE ANP II , ‘TL' FOR B {LE CAN D L ES, A I SII: ' 1% " ‘ ' ; ' ;I ,I ;, 1 : " 1;: ," t t o 16,1(Inrr"';‘ 11l licYl‘,l.l'.:: 1 Pura sll,,rin, Lard Illeaulted Whalp, Sea I:kph:wt., Stminod. Whale, pm,- (3/1 " —, none, CurrierB', °loin; and 14. d. *hit°, Yellow, Brown, Chinni. SOAP '' , 01Iro. Fancy, nod other. Aug.' 17, '.93.-3 mos. • VALUAI3LE REAL • ESTATE AT pulltlC-SACK. r to pursuance et tholast will of:Johnston Williannion deed. we will soil On 1 / 1 11rFilaY the 25th of October, an tho preinb.eA. one half mile south of Centreville, ellin berland county, the following described Malibu Prop. arty, of said deed. containing of fist rats Pins land, Interspersed srlth lituentnu guanine, excullant Eir'llnio or building purpose. - Tho Improvements are a large . th DWELLING HOUSE, rs,, airT about 60'lly 39 loot. two stories - high, • •t& finished . in modern style, with . large Dank (tarn, c;orn Cribs and Wagon-shed, in•girod older, and other necessary out buildings, ;L well of good water, cistern at the door. 'about 05 acres of raid tract is clear and in a high state of raltielation, the balance in excel lent timber. The Yellow Breeches creek runs along the northern stile (Weald farm. The location, Improvements and quality ofsoii, make this one of the moot desirable farms lli Dickinson town ship Information In regard to the above property can be had by railing on any of the subscribers, residing near the property, or by latter addressed to either at Dickin. son p. O. Climb. Co. Pa. Terms will be made known no day of sale, and made easy tersult purchasers. .101 IN T. alit:EN, ADAM COOPER. • Executors ot'Johnston Willieunsou; deed. Aug. 31, 1860.-t. e. READ ! READ! I READ ! ! Cairo, Illinois, July 29th, litiF). Messrs. JOHN . WILCOX It Co :—Your Inportluo," or "Persian Fever Chanii," has done Wonders. I was wholly despondent and wretched when I applied if, and in five hours the chills were removed and no fever has ensued It Is the simplest cure Imaginable, and a wonder of nature or art. I would not be without: title “Inpectine" a single hour. By c, nstantly,wearing. it I seem to be "agile proof." Youra Very 'frilly, - Mobilo, Alabama, July 2.3d,1800. Gentlemen :—I have been snatched from the gravo — by. the application of your wonderful "Inpertine," or Pitralan Fever Charm." For several yearn I bays suf. herd overy season from 'fever and ague. Last Spring my life was threatened, but your and. ItaAdestroyed the disease, and Y am rapidly gaining on appetite and strength. Respectfully Yours. • D. N. BARRON. Thin truly.wonderful preventive and Cure for Fever and Ague mid 11111eue ' , evera will be sent by uinli..pot paid on receipt of ono dollar. Alpo for sale. at all re epeetnble Druggieteand Country Store.. . Principle Depot and 3111 n u fitetory. 188 Hain St.. Mai. mond, Vs, I.ll4rtich Office, Bank nt Commerce Buildlugi Now York. , Addressr JOIIND:ILCOX & CO. J. JS w .1!1•L A.N D SILVER WARR, WE would. respectfully inform r Ou friends, patrems and the tiubllegenerall3i, that ,we havAnow In stole and offer ITholesale R Retail, at the lowest Cash Prle6, u large and very choice sleek or Watches, Jewelry, Sliver And Plated iVaro of every ye luty and style. • •• Every description of Diamond Work and other Jewel:. ry, Made tti orderet short notice. , --- US. All goods warranted' to bo as ropresented...t4 Particular attention given to the repairing of Watch• as and. Jewelry of every description. ' Bea. 14; . (10- 4 Sus. STAUFFER. & EARLEY, No, Uit .Varkot Bt: (south side,) Phila. IIANIE 1 11 - AlviES 11 lIAMES !! I 350 PaJr Renee, Just received of all Mud& •-.: ' COMMON PATTERN, . • • - • • • LONDON PATTERN, , • •- • , Elazknwrirrolvx PdTTE,RN,., • ; • 'with and without patent fastenings die:lpar thaii - over, at the Hardware bleed of Mareh 7, 'GO; " • .11EN1VEIANTON. JACOB Slll2Oll. 3101 MILT M. BLACK SOOTHING, SYRUP, Over ton of It, what ~yudiclne Calla la a en to ef alien time er aid wo tan 0 o f by iLn v one 1011 tho con SOOTHING ISM GOLD FINGER RINGS, 118) ACRES, kMMEM $4009000 U . UALIANTMIL— IiueIs. White I.Cad.and' Waehing(on Medal Zino. ~ .. •, . .. BIIr THE BEST. •-• BOOK LEAD. 100 pound swill cover as much sur Leo no )Z5 pounds of other White Lead. BUCK ' Painting done with puss Duck Lead is titles as durable es other Lends. . • • • DUCE LEAD. • is whitenanil more brilliant than any other known Wbitb Lead. DUCK LEAD, • Is superior Lodi - nest English While Lead for sofluess aid beauty. • IIUCIC LEAD. - Ivery body should buy Duck Lead. WASIIINUTON MEDAL ZINC. ' . oilier Zinc the .World for extreme lo wgrels7alll to '.rnlyl Haney. . • , WASHINOTOIi IdEDAL ZINC • Is unrivalled for body . , or covering property; 50 pounds will do as thud' paint 13 pounds of other Zinc. • • WASHINGTON MEDAL ZINO lIUP no equal for du rabilllV . lt wears twice as long as other Zinc paint. Thu iamb Paints for pale by -HENRY SAXTON. .Fole agent for Puniberland county. , Sept. 2I t 1860.-3 m. • XTEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS !! wo h... Mix day re4eivcd from New York and Philadelphia; mar foil clock of Dry Gonda. Embracing every variety o !dress goeds fur Ladles' Aliases, children Alen's and Boy's wear. Cr • qILAWLS, (MOANS, Mantles, • Hoop Skirls, • Embroideries, . Ho.lory, , Unclureuets, Merino Shirts,. Drawers, Notloos.of all kli) i dli7 d Co a l l l ' a ' rr, ' Cravat..a, ; (1 1 . e ".u n:eaS ie h t a s sr i. Is Sr We wake bur s'eleetlon of goods from the best Intim, ling and-cOunnlssmp houses In NOW York and Phlladel 'olds, and the Puldf."! will Ilnd On our counters the la• test Paris and Lo don styles and kinds of goods Impor ted. We haie removed' to our NEW STORE 11001 under Martin's It AO when, we will be Ifleased to meet our 01.1 enstomere maps many ne‘V•filleSai,j.f.t, or us with a call. Our tollllllol for getting goods are en surretssel, add we feel enntldent we can glee all satls• Ile ticn. o,6tant additions will be made through Iha BM on. Lk:101(111 SAWYER /11'11111,1,Elt Held. 21, 'GO. JiIADAME .x.raraLznacts "rown'Ens, For the speedy and offerfid cure of all .lullummations Fevers. Rheumatism, I)) spepsla and Liver Complaints (travel, and all Acuto and Chronic Diseas,s of Adults and Childreti.—Nand it cent Edam', to her Agent. u. B JONES Ilundreds of COO,lOlOOl Os. Tlos 2070 Phila. P. O. o:9..Agency S. IV. Cor. Thlk4 Atelt Sts :-S•pt; 28, '60.-10t. 'lO UltT PROCLAMATION,- _kj• WIIKREAS the lion. JAMES IT, ORA TIAM, Pres'. dent Judge of Got several Courts of '(3 Gramm Pleas of the counties ofi Cumberland, Perry aid Juniata, and .1114tice of the Actium' Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv,ory ill said caul ties, lion. Sam WoOI,IIIJRN and 11011. M.Geostis, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer And General Jail Delivery for the trial of nil capital and. other offenders, in the said county of Cumberland. by their precepts to me di. reefed, doted the Ilith of August, MOO, hove ordered the Court °foyer and Teimilner and 0 moral Jail Delivery to be holden at CARLISLE, on the second MONDAY of Nov ember. 1/10, (being thel2th day,) at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. to continue two weeks. . • Nl:frier IS 111:ltlillY OISEN to the Coroner, Jun. ticeo of the Peace and C p ustables of the said county of Cinnherland, that they ote by the aid precept coin. mended to be then and.there In their*proper persons, with their rolls. fecords,_inqulsitions, examinations and all other reinembrabees, to do those things which lo their officer appertain to be done, and alt,those that are hound by recognisancelb to prosecute against the prisoners that aro or then shall be In the jail of said county, are to ho there to prosecute them as shall be just, .ROUT. McOARTNEY, Shatirt , Slit:lllFea OF.FreP:, Carllslo:Sopt.7, 1860. I. , • esponsibie and honest 1. - Ntkts wanted thaughout - tho United Stat., to . whom 'we' will pay n salary or from $2O to $l2) per month and oxnenses. This is no humbug. Vol partleulars address Onelosing Red Stamp for return poslage,) or apply in' person to , Sept. 1.1, '60.-3tn. ..ItALL /IL CLARK, hater))) Mass. i aNnillirei t s: . lIECiPATaIe - ' .----I Ci G l i - :rika. OPECIF G Ms _,- log 7. ~,..;:..:: - 1,-,f-_.. - . „ . ; 1 _ -,._.er.' • 1 • ~ . ht: re op re.1,,,:::.--_-f I. - 4. 1 , ;:.- ,4 - --_-_:--_,' .1 HEAR WH - AT - THE PEOPLE SAY. The nooderslorneol lonvinu Welt Idrofew.na. IMMIIIt/PATIIIII HI:SIFM ES onr !amines alai the Nest sialsfactory reiultn, and ravioli . : full cnulideuec In their genuineness, Nally; Unit eheenfoillyx ‘ dit , zormenot then, to nll pet - n... 11411110 VIN lave Itohe an yell:Odle, and ellienclutta re,111 , 11,1 ul hand fur private on doom:l:tie use. The urn. wm. /1 , .111 , 1" cilium of" The Non then) lonleperooletit," Auburn, K. V.; the Hen. 11, VIVA. Hector of St Peter's l'lnot oh, .lubttra, V.; the 11. I. I you, Clo:oplan of Coe Auburn State the Itev. Spencer M. Rice, Itectoir, Kerr-lied ford, ; the Inn. Allen Steele, New-York Con ference; tin SaltillerNll.ll.llS, KINt-OCIIUSIT Con ferende, N. V.; the nee. P.O. Pratt, Dorset, VI. ; tin John F. It..ldid., Buda.); .h. C. Hart, I.inq , N. 1.,•, the Ito, Seal Date, l'orthonl, Me.; the Hon. Schuyler Coll., South-Bend, Ind.; the Ilan. George Ildrinoloreym, N. Y.; Henry I) Cook, Milne of the "Old.. State Jonronl," Coloel:on, Ololu ; the Hon; 11. 11. (Hallam, Maine, ; the Ilron. Thom,. J. Chow, ninth:ell°, Fla.; the Ibis, .141,.411, Fair,, N. V. ; Itrlrtol, Knit, N. V. .1. S. Citron, N. V.; Jottnen I'lintketl,l:4ol.; Nash vide, Tenn. = No. I.—For Forrr, Cnoa•ylon, :toil Intlnnoultlon. N. Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Welihm. the Ile I. 00110, Crying, 'Teething, find Witl,e;ol 111, tit lama, Cltlern-12,rantunt, owl Smu • t; upplalts. •ter` N.,. ii.—For Colic, Cirlpings, Dysentery, or Illon•ly Flux. Cholera, Cholera Votnli.lng.. N0..7.—F0r Coughi, Coils, - lulluenrot, nod - tlore Throat. . • . . No. S.—For Toolloaclic, Fare-ache:mot Netsr3lizin. No. 9.—For tips, lirnt and Foillless two, of I I enii. . - ' N. 10,-1/1,e11,1A Cownipatlon, anti Llver Complaint. No. I 1 —l'llli Erg 11.1: iallinal.thiltlytl, Scanty, P3ln. tol, or Si ipprvaied No. l'—For Penrose 'lennem, and 11c.trtm.: I bovo of Ftllllloo9. No. IB.—For Croup, Molest. CanO, No. It —Strr Ititrom Erynlpelgs, F. 1111" Pimples Oil the Face. N , U,-llnholAYle 111.1.5—Far Pahl; Thtnehetr, or Sorerws, In the Chest,llYeh, 1,01110, or Limbs, A.—For Fever and Ague, Chill Firer, Dumb 4 . gue, 01,1 , NINnEimwell PllOl, Blind or 13Ieelln7 1 1 .-Lthor s " :I.—Fur Sore, Wes Ittanineti Eyes and Eyelids; Fatatm, %Veal, oi Marred sl4ht, (I,—For Catarrh, or long .I , klvlinZ or roaent, either with olmtrortion or pr. :lost , reel \V. C.—Fur IVlittopiox Cough, alsatlita its vlolenete nod shortening Its course. In all vi:itto .iistsist s, stm4 sa' l l l- trq'vss, re, Dlorrhost, It.t•ts !try, ()Imp, Ithriithati•io, anti ft eh eruptive die rases Its Scarha F 1 Syr, i111111 . 1i• Pipelak, the Mts . /totem of giving the [doper s promptly is obvious, sod in all .1.11 rases the sr, cities act like is chtfrui. The • tithe disease is etl arrested at once, alai hi tllkvascs. the vlitivitce of lie attack Is moderated, the disease shortened, anti rem. tiered Its.s dangeriks, • Coughs and l'olds, ohlch ale of such frequent Cc• eurrenve, and chick SO 011 , 11 ley the foundation ni . diseased Mims, bronchitis, and consitroptlon,lnny all be tit once cured by the Fever anti Couch f ills. In nil chronic 410e11111 . e, attain ns Dp•pepsin Wenk Stospnelt, 'Aver -Complaints, Pihr, Fe- 111111 e. D llll / 111 ! 1 F,7and Ifregularitit , s, niti Headaches, Sore or Weak Eyre, l'aturili;ltalt Ithouni, nod other eruptions, the east. has gill dill!' whose proper np lilAVldlhal'esil.lll"„aotliti%ll,lVLlllri:ll:l'Cltilirt.ll"dy,"6"ljl7ls.:; D.) el. Mks or Cahn th, Headache or Female ealanss, has um e than paid for the Caw tl.ll gorcru site. MEM Case of 20 vials complete, in morocco, and !look, 11.5 Case of 20 vials, and Ilook, plain ('lire of 15 nitutbered boxes, and Book, ...... 2 Case or 6 boxes, numbered, owl Book 1 Single numbered boxes, aid, directions, ..... _25 cts: Single lettered boxes, with directlout GO 551.. Large coot: with 2 on. viala for plantars nod phy sicians, • $l6 ALSO :iPECIFIM Fort ASTHMA OR FIITIBSte. Oppressed, Difficult, .. , %I,llbored lireathing, attended shit Cough and Expec !torittlon, Price, Mt cents per box, Fos FAR DISCIIAROM AND. DRARRIF.Rs.- 7 01schiurFea front the Eire, the result of Scarlet Fever, Measles, or Itlercurlais. For Noises In the Head, Hardness of FPi Hearing, turd Ringing in the Eons; and Ear-ache. Price, 60 cents per box. Fun FCROFCLA.—Enlarged Ginrulit, Enlarged and bio" ' durnted Tonsils, Swellings and Old Sneers, Scrofulous Cueltexy of Children.. Price, DO cents per, box. Finn ONXIMAL DlMWlT.—Physical 'M. :Nerious • ' Weakness. Either the result of Sickness, Excessive Medication, or• Exhausting Hischarges. Price,. DO cents per box. Fox Dattrar,—Fluld Accumulations, Tumid Swell. logs, with Runty Secretions. Price; 60 cents per box. Fun Skx•Stextims.—Deathly Sickness, Vertigo, . • aro, Vomiting. Sickness from riding or motion, Prier, DO cents per box.. Fun FRINAHT Inessass,,For Gravel, Renal Cal. cull, Difficult, Painful Urinstion, Diseases le, the KM um r. Price, DO cents per box. Fon FRNINAI. FRISSIoNS.-I.Volimlury Disehrirgall, nod CORP.OICIit. Prostration and Debility, nulls of Evil Habits. The most successful notri;ol- • .clont remedy known, and may be relied upon us • :cure. Price, with full directions, $1 per box. Persons wire w lain to place themselves unift;r the. professional cure, or to seek ntiviceof Prof. Mit 11.11URYS, Can do an, at his office, 602 Broadway, dolly from S A.M. to 81'.M., or by letter. ' t, • : • ~` ' , 01.111 BEDIEDII:9 BY MAIL. , ! • . Look over the 114; make up a cake of whet ' • -- "you choose, and Inclose the anunintrln a current note"; ! ''• or stamps- by wall to our address, at .02 Broadway,' • Iliew‘l'ork, and the roodtelne will be duly returned by.- ' ' mail or express, free of ',Berge. VlANTED...=lVe.destre.un active, efficient Agent for MO sale of our flonedlea In eyes fawn community In Ike Unlted'.Btatea. AddreesDf."llotF".i p. mare A, No. ads BROADWAT ,C. Inoliff Danover stz'opposlte Conrt llaueo isbelesale • ,andVetult agent for Carlisle ond vicinity and Druggists udnateres generally, , ...„ FOR E. SAL-50,000 /building brick for nt less prleu than they can bo titular, tho 101. &Vitro at this office. Sept.ll, 'PO. , internal or EN-
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