Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 05, 1860, Image 3

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    . .
*arab 'A. Rider by her mother and next
• 0 lend ilunarillelser vs. John Diller. •
ourt orComumn Ilene of Cunthetinod county, Rub.
• poem, our prorre No. 27 April Term 1860. Allantienb
paella to A uatint Term 1860.
• Notice to the above nambd Jnhn 111.1er that a subpoo•
Jut our divorce to April Term 1860. and 'aline aulmoonw.
' to August T Kok 181 A. upon ln - 111 of whbli proof wns
• made that the mid John hider mold not to, rom,a le
tho.ountv. Now. therefore this la to require you the
n . maid John Rider to Appear on the first deyerthe Novetn.
her Term alto, mid Court. to wit: Monday the 12th
day of November A. D. 104 to answer the complatut
In the petition of the anid Sarah A. Hider alleged. •
. .
. .
Oct. 5, %I 1
Bp Ylrtuo of an order of the Conn of Common Pleas
of Cumberland Coucty. I will expose to Public •Sale
on tho promisee 011 Saturday the 27th day of October
1000 at II O'clock A. M.
A two story Frame Dwelling house In the borough of
New Cumberland, situate on 11r.dge street the proper
ty of Lewis WHIM. The lot coptoins 60 feet IH front.
and 150 leat,lll depth. • tlacreAS a good back building'
and all necemary out bullditetir; and a good cordon with
stable, Cooper Shop and well of water an the Promisee.
Alm, at the some Unto, I will POll twit vacant lots la
-the sling borough On the canto strostbounded by Iloury
Baughman. Hobart .5, Notts. andof Ihb amnesiac. Virus
mode known on the day of Hale by
/. 301 IN 0. KITTF.RMAN,
Committee of JANIS WHIM:
Al a n fent%mer Fatuvorn . 4 by
moei her
e next friend
Court of Co mm Please lteumberiand Minty, Subtmei
na Sur dive a No. 32*April Term 1861.1. Aline Subpoena
$o Aur,ust T m MO. •
Noticato , th • Memo named Samuel Tourer theta sub
poena sur dive nto April Term 1800, and aline subpoe
na to August Term Mal, upon both of which proof was
made that the said Samuel Pourer...amid not be found
to the county. Now, therefore 'tidal. to require you
the sold Samuel Pouter. to appear on. the first day of
Om November Tarot of the said Court. to Monday
the 12th day of November A. H. mu. to answer the pa
tition of the said Margaret I , ativtic alleged. ,
Secuied by bittern patent In On United States,
England, Franca, and Belgium.
No. yBl ilroadway, New York.
having secured their novel and Ingenious In `needto
on by
American and European patents, are - fully mrepare
execute nit orders for
- Miniature Likenesses, of Persons on China,
.presenting all the attractive and allvantageoun Ilea urea
of ordinary photographs. the brilliancy. ooh finish or a
watemmitir drawling, nod a It Ith.rto unatt mined quality
of durability by being retolered,as itinHrishable Ca
natural properties of the article. upon which they are
As the pAtented process of the Comirtliy enables the
reproduction 'of Photographs, not only . 011 plain surfaces,
but ur ,,, such as are 'round or of any degree of irregu.
la rit y —portraits cals• be reproducedfwit h faultless nrcu
racy, and delicacy of dtilineation. upon Porcelain wares
of any description and.dimenalon used_ as art aches crux•
ury or of household utility, such as -•,
Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups, Toilet
thereby security; faithful portrAte and furnishing is
unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles
in domestic use
In order to furnish facilltlea for the gratification of
the popular taste, and to meet the wants co those pa
trine of the Flue Arts aesiroiis of haying Portrits on
Porcelain, the Company hero Imported from' Europe a.
collection of superl.T porcelain goods. manufactured to
their own order, which they sell et cost prices.
As the Amorksil Company are ownera of the patent
right. and conseqoently thin only persons authorized to
use e erree, they have determined. In order to afford
pe,p th lo In every
every secti on of the Union an opportunity to
Portraits 'on China,
to make the following proposition In rerldents In the
Country, who era nimble to •irit peraonally the Atelier
flatteries In Now York Persona rending n Photograph
mbraype, or daguerreotype to the office of the Cotnpo•
ny In NOW York, accompanied by
Five Dollars,
„„yill receive In return by express, free of other charge.
a richly ornamented Breakfast Cup and power, with
the poi trait transferred thereon. By transmitting a
daguerreotype and
Ten Dollars.,
- they will secure-Ft-011ie- Mainter;ri handsome-French-
Vase or Toilet Article, with the portrait reproduced
the patented process. By sending a pair of daguerreo.
types and . .
they will-receive in return a pair of rich SevreaV,ases,
with the portraits executed equal to miniature partite
Inge, and. In like manner, portraits can he Vepreduced
on porcelain wares or of every quality of finish,
might,: In piles from Twenty to One Hundred Lepers
the pair.
N. II —Be particular in writing the address, town,
county and State distinctly.
All letters to he addressed to
"Manage, American Phottigraphfokoreelain Co.”
74 - Ilrottelway,
New York.
October 5, 1850 -3 Moe.
punw 64tLE,OP 121114 ESTATE
On Fitin?!C, the *Ado , of;:l1OVRMIlillt, 1560. '
Wilf be offered Saleion Friday. the 211 of
November 1060, on the preptliee, SM A LI. VA RM. con.
talmingAiAeren and itlitdrehee alteated in Mckinnon
tow.*lp , shout ono mli meth of Centro, Illy, end ad:
Joining lends, of Mary Cnclilln, harm ‘ Pechert and
The improvements ere a Two Story
Frame Bank Remand other necessa
ry out hulldhip. An orchard of .
choice fruit. a well of water and cis. • '
tern at the door. There ere about 12 Acmeif Timber
Land and thin balance le under good fence, and Inn high
state of cnitivetion. S
Persona Arlah:ng to view the-property, can roll on the
msuencebscriat ber
1, 2
o'clock who rek
on id eldee on 'theday p,remie whenr. . Sale
m m t willtern be
made known by - JOSEPII LEHMAN.
Oct. 5, 1564.-1. e.
- 1 4 1 01 t SALE
A tutu yearn seholarildp
Enquire nt this tare.
For the speedy and effectual cure of ell I linalllMß
Frame. ithelllll3 , spepsla and Liver Comnloiute
Files. Gravel,onl all Acute and Chronic Dipeas..s of
Adults and Children.—So..d 3cent Stamp to
It tier Ai.nt
0. S.
II llndrotim of testimoni de. flex 2070 1 . 114 a.
yrry,..kgeory S. IV. Cor. Third b. Arch Ste V
Warranted to sew any kind of pods frenn
the hood CAIIII.rie up to Aloe leather in the best man
ner, or nu. money refunded.
Call at Mrs. R. A. Reynolds llaguerrean norms or
tend for u circular to W. 11. MASON.
Sept f.
That valuable Perm situatediirrickin4o tewitsbip.
Cumberland Cnunty, In whet Is called the •• itichlands”
fsmillarly known as the ••illkra Property." Is -offered
fur sale on account - el the distance s Melt renders it In
convenient for the owner to superintend it. It is
bounded by lands of John Peppyr, Irctrk. horn, Wm.
Line and others. and contains
having thßßeretinlCK erecteßOUSd a
two story . '
•.•. I
now Rank Born' W igg,agon Shed and ether
out buildings. There la also four elit - erns fa a
and a well of excellent water, a thriving c --
young orchard, a good Tenant House to. Tine prop
erty Is within a convenient distance of the rail read,
and le altogether one of the most desirable Farms In
the County DAVID Lk:FP:VEIL Agt.
jfept 01. '6O. . of John Lefever.
We have this day recelv,d from Now York and
hliadelphia, our full Muck or Dry Goode: Embracing
every variety of dream goods fir Ladles' Mese., children
Alen a and hay's wear.
Mantles, Hoop Skirls,. Embroideries,
llosiory, . Undervests. • Merino Shirts,
Drawers, Kid ❑loves,. Gauntlets,
Noticinn of all kinds, Collars, Cravats. itlen'S Shayslsihe
• We make our selection of goods from the best lamer.
Ong and commission houses in New York and Igilladel
oh la, and the Pubilu will lied on our count erli .tliwla•
teat Paris and London styles and kinds of goods impor
ted. We knee removed to our NEW STORK ROOM
under Martin's Hotel where we will be pleased to meet
our old customers and aq many new ones as will favor
u■ with 11 call. Our facilities for getting goods are un
eurpttssed, and we feel confident we can' give all satin
faction. Constant additions will be mode. through the
Sept. 21,'60.
Buck Indio Lead and Washington Medal
Zino. , .
BUY THE ,33037.
BUCK 1 / E 3A:""
100 pound-I,ln cover as much our
den as 125 pounds of other Lead.
Painting done with pure Buck Lead
to twice ae durable as other Leads.
le whiter and more brilliant than any
.other known:White Lead.
le superior to finest Eugliah While
LreiVior softneas sad beauty.
Every body should buy Buck toad.'
• . Is' superior to any
)other Zinc in the world for extreme whiteness and brit
Ie unrivalled Mr hotly
or covering property; 54ounds will desist:ouch paint
fog as lb pounds of other Zinc.
.• Iles nn mind for dti•
rabtllty, it warms ;twice as longas other Zinc paint.
The abnve rainte Om sale by . ' HENRY SAXTON.
Pole agent for 'Cumberland county..
Kept. 2W 18W. -den., , , . ,
T_TA tf Alkl ES II A3IES !
.100,Pay limmet,iust reoered otsli lihtffk .
04MAION.PATTERN; • .• ;' . '
LONDON PATTERN,. ; • " ' '
with awl wltDOut p4tont fiustimlogs . chexper Slum ever.
at ttormtopotoro or:
Mit nil t . H SAXTON. '
Now opening at Ogilby'a cheap Cash Store; A
firg ' e mid complete assortment of • •
at uncommonly) ow prices.' A lull assortment of La
dies new style dress goods.
shawls, Mantles, Sloop Skirt.' •
Gs untie's, - Cloaks, Merimi.Shirts. '
Minding. -Ribbons, , Kidd Glove.,
Embroideries, Hosiery, Illant eta.
Flannels. • Cravats. Shirt Collars,
°sots Shawle, Cerpetinge, Oil Cloths,
Window Illinda, Blind Miures, Tahlo Corers,
Looking Glasses, Wool-Nubian, Maple Ruffles,
• Trunks, Carpet Bags, 4.luseys,
Orals Bags, &c &a
_The attention : of the Ladles le particularly Invited to
o stock of ELEGANT SILKS, Poplins, Figured Meri
nos, and other dim gown., . • ,
The gent lent .11 phase examine oar sleek ofCloths
Oassimeres and Yeatings, all new. A good, assortment
of Csisitnerea. Jeans Ac.; fur Soy'. wear,
Thin stock bas boon selected with great care. Nought
for CASH. and will he sold for cash as cheap if not a lit
tie cheaper than ran be had at any other store in Car
Goods will he received weekly. My old filen : chi
and customers end all in want of cheap and good goods;
will please give me a cgll before purchasing elsewhere
and luy out theleniOney to the best advantage.
Needled tile store.' lismhton's corner opposite the
Bail Road Depot. CHAS. (1W LILY.
Carlisle 5ept..29.-110. Trustee.
U •
HERMAN;intoiding to spend a
I_,/ tow Inooths In the East, during the coming win
ter, t lines this opportunity of Informing the pane, that
he ints'associnted with himself, Inc. A. W. Nichols. (re
cently of Buffalo, N. Y.) whom he rordiall recommends
to hi. patrons and friends in Carlisle and vicinity.
,Carilsie, Sept. , •
• !Situate la WeSt aired apposite the Seceder Church
the lot contains 40 'feet (rant and about 120 feet In
depth. with a six foot alley at 'the side, also a twelve
feet alley at the end of the lot
flhe improwetneuts are 11 two *story
With:llll.Th Wilding attached. Also
all other Tonvenletirout buildings. the 4,7 y.:
garden contehts fruit trees of varlous
kinds. 3he yard is all paved. and a 0.
Hydrant In prod order at, the kitchen d00r.,-. A bargain
may be expected as the ow "ere are desirous of leading
the State. For further particulars apply to the owners
Carlisle Sep. 2s. 'fo -0t An 114 M. E DINE LE
i t
. • Al PU111.11! SALE.
On Monday October 8, I elat at I o'clock I'. M. on the
prvltilscs The following Mill Ptoperty situatetn Cum
berland count•. on the Yellow Breeches creek. within
three miles of IlarrlCburg, and Mo mile f the l•unr
berland Ynlley !tail Road, containing 20 Acres. The
improremei to counlot of a "0 ItIST MILL" with all•
the machinery In mrtiple6lorder A Saw )1111. and et
Corn drier with all the machinery attached. alto .wa•
ter power Is sufficient to drlre - the mills fat all ecanann.
Also slaw DWELLING HOUSE. a Born and,a.god
Tenant House, and Apple Orchard on• the ywemises.—
Terms made known ou day.of sale by 1
.Attorney of Joseph Bucher.
Sept. 28, 'BO.-2t.—Weekly Telegraph Please copy. . .
000 , 0{iirkik
FANCY FUR Invonturer.
Old Nand No. 818 •
We bog leave to rail the attention of the Ladles. do
our large end varied stock of Ladies' and Children's
IVANCY FUlt.s.• Hering had great experience. and en
joying peCullar facilities In the selrction of furs. we
confidently odor our new stork to the Inspection of the
Ladles. feeling essured that they will deride
. 11 ith us,
hilts befog unrivalled for heautj. any variety, consior
;ling as it does, of every description of
American and EurcMean Ftire
manufactured In the Infest and most approved atylea
VI.OAKS, MUFFS. CUFFS.—entbracing
Sable. Mink. Stone Martin. 0 cruinn—Fitch. Siberian
liqUirrel. French Sable, French Squirrel, A merican Fitch
and Silver Myrtle.
te..lbaultful for the very 'liberal patronage hereto
fore extended to or, we hope to inerire root Ittuattre of
the name, by turninhing a ••good article at the lowest
Cat.h prices. • • - - VA It MR - A - it - TIIII3III'ON, -- • -
No. RIR Yarket Street, Philadelphia.
N. 11.—OLD VCRS altered to faeltionable r.tyles.
Pept. -e,60..4nt0a. .
I, STATE NOTlCE.—Letters of Ad.
ministration on thr esble op Edward Stiles Ege,
late or the 'horouult of Carlisle. deceased. have beet
Issued by the Register of Cumberland• County. to the
undersigned residing Its salt! borough. All parsons In
debted to said relate err tequested to make 1 'Mate
pat men t and those having claims, to resent them-fur
1711 Y STAN I) Y I, A Lb TH E DAY
our or Gentleman In the Unlted — Hptei. poi.
!lensing from in to $7 can enter Int. , an ratty and re.
apertahle Imr.nrsi. by which from $5 to $lO per day
eau be rrallked. For partleulare, addreas (with chimp)
Sept. 20, '6O:-Tm. No. 87,-South Math it
On Friday, the-sth day of October, 1860.
Will be offered at public sale on the premises, the fol
lowing Real Estate, tato the property of Johnston Mar
tin. deed., situate in Minim ° tap. Cumberland county,
on the Lisburn road, one toile fiont l burehtewn, and
four miles from Meehatticthurg, containing about 118
acres of the beet qualltdAf •
all cleared 101/11 lit a high state of cultivation, except
about twenty acres, which le covered with thriving
p ung timber.
The Improremenla are a Two Strry
I. with a well of excellent water at the
• ; • t, door. together x Ith the u•ttl out hull
• '. F dings: and ti ne w stosteand Frame Itanit
Barn. There is also an orchard of good ft nit trees. on
the property. '1 be above will be to es a Whole. or In
parts. us may bet.tsutt purchase.. Sale to commence
at P ts'elock. P. M., on sold day. when attendance will
ha git on and trams made known by
Sept. 7, 'OO.-t s Executor of .1011itsten Martin deed.
i • I A uditur. •d• the let Brigade. coulpriOng Cum
berland o , •unty. will meet nt C.nrliele. an Snturdny. the
211th day of September, at 2 terha.k. P.M for the purpose
of Fettling all tdaltirs against the Brigade. lire iloard
cot/Mete t.l Cl,O Wm: 31. Peen•he, Lieut. Col. Wm. M.
Sharer, and Maj. John 3111.`ertney.
Be order pf .1 A 311.1 S M. ALLEN.
T1108..1. KERB, ' Brig. (len. lid, Brig. 15 lily
• Aid de Camp. •
Carlisle, Supt 21, '6O et.. c.
AT,,,1 . U111,1C SAI.II.
On Saturday Oetobe - r . 51.11,1:160. et 10 o'clock, A. M .
at the Venn Meuse In Car hale. will be ufferettat-puldir
sale, that valuable town property. situated on - North
I taunt or street, ha the horde. It of Carlisle, formerly tie=
c opi e d hs Sian °Flame he a Sethi!, ry. at present ecru
pled by N• Wo , ds at n Dry (Mods Store, conlabiloe
taenty•one nod 'a half feet leant. 011 Hanover Street.
and one hundred and eighteen feet an depth. mere in
less. with the misfire° of the alleys in tanomen with
the adjoining .property. The improve- -
meats rnitalst of a two and n hall story
two etoty.ihreme Kitchen and Frame
Stable. The location la reirtral and lii
the buslnors pm !Jou of the town
Titloindinputublo. Pmts.! nlon glnn April 1, 1861
Terms ton6o known on day of sale by
Sap 14,'G)
Siruated on the Conodoguinet rrook about foarfotilei ,
west of Carlisle and kfil.4 n no - %MULES'S MILL."
The Mill Is built of stone three glories high
, . .
and coot:dna four run of stone, with metal
~,,, i 1 reaction wheels and Machinery iUgotel run
. . • ning order. The Impnivements tomierteu
• • therewith ate Iwo dwol ling Muses Saw Mill
and other necessary out buildings, and it
Corn Kiln fir filYing corn.
The Farm containif about 200 Acres of good Male Land
In a fair state of cultivation and under' . .
good fence '
aboubi6o Acres of which ~.,.E .Pr
are cleared Atid the residue covered with -'.... i,
good timber. The ItOprovemouts area .1. , ...
Frame Dwelling !louse, •._ ' ..,:l.
Bank liarn,Corn Crib, also a Tonint House, Spring
Illousti.lee Mouse and other 'convenient out ; buildings.
A thriving young orchard otapplea, also peaches prate
and other fruit. .
The 31111 with any number of neresuf lend the pur•
chaser might desire will be disposed of separate from
the ham or tha farm sepainte foam the 31111 should the
purchaser wlshit.
For terms apd further particulars enquire of the
owner Philip Zeigler, residing on the premises or of
Sept.l4, 'OO.-2m. , Real Agt,& ficev!r.
1)H 0 TOGR A P .11 SI PHO T O
. ouni.llsll . , ,
Lome% Photographs of the Prince of Wales, the Eon.
peror. Empress and Pine • impel lei of, Prance now on
exhibition, and for eat.. et Mrs. iteyriold's Daguerrean
(tallowy. corner of honorer and !Anther Striae. Carlisle
September 14, '6O.
WHErrts the ilon. jA3igS 11. GRAHAM. Prost.
dent Judo of the eaverni Courts of Common Pleas of
the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata. end
,Justice of the several Coolie of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery in mild counties, and liOn. 8 csf:
ust. Woormunx and Hon. M. Commix, Judged of, the
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jell Delivery
for the trial of all capital and other otfondere, I. tho
said county of Cumberland, by their precepts to too db
rented, dated the 27th of Amok, 1860, have ordered
the Court ofOyer and 'Nimbler and Geneml.lllll Delivery
to he holden at CARLISLE, tin the second 310 N DAY of
November. MO. (being tholil(lPday,) at 10 o'clock in the
tbrenoom to continue two weeks.
NOTIIJII 1$ 101101111 f GIVEN to 2 the CoroUer,,Jua
Wee of the Pence and Conetableaof the wild coo my 01
Cumberland, that they are by the 'said precept Nino
Collided to be then and there In their proper persons,
with their rolls, record% InCuleitlous i examinatitme
and all other remembradtee, to do those things which
to their Oleos appertain to be done, and all those that
are hound by recog,nimores. to .prorstrente ,agelont the
priteinem that are or then eball' be lo the Jail -of salit
wuuty, aro. to,bel there to prow:onto them ae Anil 'be
mete •
-.. • • 6.100/111TNEt Shaine' ,
Brteatee'ri OIITICE. •.
Carlisle.; Sept 7: •
- OR8,41; poi).
l'lliPo.apP4 a! the llerald Orrice,
*pr , l4o Rept 29. '6O.
v0 , ,,_,1t5 v" it?4,4 # 4
• , m0 1 " ,r tk t l / 4 . ? s
4Nr, DysPE.:
To the citizens of New deraey & Pennsylvania, Apothe
caries, Bruggists, Ureters and Private
. •
• • Families.
. Wolf's Pure Cognate Brandy. •
. - • . •
Wolfs Pure Made in. Sherry and Port Wine.
.Wolf 'S Pure Jamaica nod St. Cools Rum.
Wolf's Pure Scotch and Irish Whiskey.
• •
I beg leave to call the attention of the citizen:: of the
United States to kite above Wince Liquors. Impot ,
teiby Ihlolpho Wolf.r. of New York. WitUAO name In fa
t millar In every part of thin country fur the purity of
n his velebroad SCIIIEMM Scrctirs. Mr. Welt in his let
ter ta me, speaking of 1110 purity or his Wines andtd•
• quo's, CIVE, .71 will stake my reputation an a man,
mr standliiiies a merchant of. thirty years' resideoce
ip the city of New York. that all the Brandy and Wines
Minch I bottle are pure en imported, and of the best
quality. all can be relied upon by every purchaser"
Every !rattle has the propriet.r'o name on the wax,
. • and a lac simile of his signature on thetertificate. The
' public aretespertfully Invited to gall and examine for .
themselves. For sale :11 . Retail by all Apothem:lee and
Ureters to Philadelphia.
lleorge 11. Ashton, No. 032 Market Bt.
Solo Agent for Philadelphia.
' Bead the following from the New YOrk Courier:
Erionnnus business fur one New York Merchant —We
are happy to intorm our fellow citliens. that there la
one piers In our city wireie the physlelaVlO , apothecary,
u rc
and eantry mehant,fitr. u go and puteloye pure Wines
and liquors. as pure as imported, arid 0111110 best quail.
to. We do not intend to give au elaborate description
of this merchant'seatenalve bushman. although It will
well repay airy stranger or citizen/ to visit Udell:hr.
Wolfe's extOnsive warehouse, Nov. 1,. 20 and 22. Beaver
strcet. end Nos. 17, 10 and 21, Mark:Afield street. Ills
/dock of Schnapps on hood reedy foe shipment could
tint hive been less than' thirty thousand cases; the
Brantly,some, ten thousand' cases,- Vintages of 'MOP
• Md. and ten thousand-cases of Maderia. Sherry .and
Port itine. Siete!: and.lrish Whiskey, dainalea and St.
Cods Rum. some very old ati4.equal in any In this
t. country. lie also ban three taro cellara filled with
Brandy, WlllO. af; In casks, under Custom House key,.
, coedit for leattling. Mr. Wolfe's voles of Schnapps last
. year amounted to one hundred and,eighty thousand
done,,. and we - hope In lointhon two yk , ars he ntay be'
equally su..c.stul with his Brandiee and Whies.
Ills buslnesry merits the patronage or every lover of
his speelei. ("Ovate families who wish purelVines and
. Liquors for medical uselhdrild lend their orderer direct
to Mr. M olio, until every Apothecary isl the land make
up their minds to discard the 1,01.1 mm stuff from their
:Melva and replace it with Wolfo'a pure Wires and
. Liquor,.
We understand Mr Wolfe. for the arc. minolatlon of
' email dealers InAhe country. puts up assorted fuses of
Wines and Liquors. Such it man, and such a merchant
should be sustained against his tens of thousands of
nen orente it, the United Stites. who seal nothing but
Imitations, ruinous alike to human health rind happi
,For solo by C. Inhoff Carlisle. Sept.
Situated on Welt Pomfret. streat In the Boma 0
C trlivt.i. The lot cunt:ll.3l feet In front and 2-19 feet
in depth..
The Improvements are a commodious two story
BRICK D1VE1.1.1:41 HOUSE, .
with a two story Brick liacle Buflilleg . „enntaltilug on
the lower ti,or two parlors Piing-mll and kitchen,
andnii the 5....00d 11. sir five einunlairs. There are also
other colveitlnnt out buildings. Cistern, fruit. shrub.
her; am! other neersAarry-linprovetnents. For terms and
further pirliculars ouquirdof
Aug. 31, 'OU;.-nt.! Real Est. Agt & &TIT.
NO. 144-South Fourth Street,
•'•—• '''' • '- 'I'IIILADELI'II
N. 11.--Communtrations promptly attended to
A_ I'ItINOITA ['IVES OF Ocorge Bottorff late of 'the
to 1p of :filver :+prlitor county of Cumberland deo'd.
take notice that by virtue of a- writ of Partition and
Salu %thou Issued out ni the Orphans' court of Co elbow
laird County, and to me directed.£ will hold an Inquest
to divide. port or villa the real estate of sold deceased,
on the orwulses, 011 WedoebdaY tie 17th day of (Octo
ber, A. D. VW, at 10 o'clock, A. 31.. when and where
you may attend if you think proper.
It !HT M'CAIITNIIY Sheriff. °
Sept. a,1060 •It. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle.
1 0 EThlt V. Gar.
rro, TEI E LIARS AND R,. -
1 PRESESTATIVE.3 OP Mary Croft late of Ake
Bor.logh of Carlialli co./nty of Cumberland .deed. take
notice that by el.tue of a writ of Partition and Yalu.,
thou issued out of the Orphans .Court of Cumberland
C..unty. and to m) direrted, a will bold an Inquest to
alrole, part or vaiu I the rail estate of old duc'd.‘m
the pretnito.a. on Saturday the 13th day of October A.
1). 1811, at In o',doe't, A, 31, when and where you may
attend If you think prayer.
3PC ARTENY Sheriff,
Sept. 21, 1860.—1 t •• • • Sheriff's Office, Carlisle.
CA.UTION.—The public are hereby
cautioned not to . trust or barb.. my wire. ELIZk•
II kall, no my a ',not. alto 11 t tin; left my Lod and
hoard withoutjuat muse or provocation. lam detot•
mlood to pay no debts. or her contracting, either for
It.vsulf or the two children she has taken away with
her. Allitt tl (move.
Sept. 21, 'll4 Newton township.
a `C:013e3121.2age., 77
W. 13zsrz has now opened a large
A.. complete mock of ntlide and Fancy Dry
(I'm la. meh;,•tt.l exprennly for the Fall trade of trial, con..
stating of
SIIk Robes, • .Figured and Plain Silks,
All Wm! DeLainea, Valencia..
and variety of now idyl° " Dress (imix."
:ail Blanket Shawls of ovary d.
Mack :Mkt. and a sphindld Ilno of 3lonrmlng• Mods.
Also it well stork of white goods. lluslory,
Gloves and Trimming.
Fancy c2lnrs and Black cloth Mantles of the latest
Pane Styles. English and American Printe t French
Stitch and Il uncAtlc I:lngthuns, a full and complete
:tuck °relents, Casdoneres and Vesting..
Brims's. three ply, Ingrain Ind Ileum made, which
n quality slid prices cannot tie surpassed
- • -
Oval Gilt, Oval Val u tiraul 3lahagany frames motors
of all eir.,s, •
enlarged lily PMIII and increa ,- ed my stock of
good', I m ofr , f rpale. go oda at such prices as
will tettbly not only a few but every one. Thankful
for past pat ronace ext,taled.towards me, I invite all to
call and examine my now stock,
Carlisle ^apt. 14, 'GU.
Respectfully Ifo...this public that he has just re-
tetrad an extra large stotlCor
which for vat lety. beauty and price cannot be equelled
I n the County, all of which will be sold per yard or
made up to mouton, in the most approved styles.
• inn Black French curru of every grade,
‘. Brown do. do.
Army and Navy do.
■nd many other colors. CASSIIIIIRES of the very 10.
teat styles, In immense variety. VESTING:4 In large
qu mattes of the latest styles. Also, A very large lot
of &Bluets, Jeans. Flannels, Shirting..te., which will
bo sold at the lowest market price.
The public is 'respectfully invited to inspect our large
stock of goods. nattering them that a cull will not Incur
tho least obligation to parches.
Carlisle, .'opt. 14, '6O.
o ,
• - pii.vEle WARE. •'
WE m
would respectfully inform ilk
friends. patrons and the public generally, that
we hive now In stole and offer Wholesale & Retail. nt
the lowest Cash Prices, a large and Tory chOlce stock of
Watches. Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware of every va.
lety and style.
Every description of Diamond Work and other Jerre!.
ry, made to oilier at short notice.
OS- All go , ails warranted t. be an represented—air
Particular attention given to the repairing of Watch
es and Jewelry of every description.
Sept. 14, '60.-3m. STA UPPER & HARLEY:
No. 622 Market St. (south side,) Phila.
Will be cold nt public sale on the promisee on Friday
the Mit day of October, MO, that choice limestone
tarot" '•.llappv Retreat;' enutaltsing about OD acres. 7t
is sitneted ou the Charebersbuozillqopiko, in Youth
Middleton township, adjoining the haouth or Carlisle;
on the west.
The land le of the best quality and In a high state of
cultivation and all under goof num and has been re•
ceutly heavily Ilinedr Thu Improve
•" mods area commodious two story
'with a well of never fading water at .•
the door, and all necessary out hull. .'••
dings. Also; tt "Model Horn." This is a large Frame .
Omsk Darn, built of the best Umber and will best recom
mend itself by chow examination. Thera lea lerge•Brick
Cl•tern In tile embankment in perfect order and con
• tains euMaient water thrall stock purposes. Also. fine
Corn Crltet. Wagon :thuds. Callan, Ac., attached to the
Barn. ' This le nne of the met - desirable properties In
• Cumberland County. • ,
Alen; adjoining the.above about one ani a half acres
with a Two story BRICK HOUSE,
Out buildings. a wall of water, Sc.,
le which will be sold with • the; farm or snit purchaser... . These
-•••• • pmpertiee will be for private sale till
reteorie wishing to pun•hase will.eall or address; It,.
Id 'Henderson; Emig', Cornish, R. Terme Mid. known
osdayofeele.. - , JOHN SANDERSON, .•
• Sept. 14 '70.-ts. • ' JASIKS SANDERSON.
OR. SA 1.E.-50,000 building 'kick
,for Kale. at Wee price Ihno they can be Midst the
bilis: , Enquire at this office. . • Bipt; 11.'00.,
WHEREAS; In medley an at of the Genorol As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, untitled
an " Act relating to the elections of this Common
wealln" pruned the 2,1 day,ef July, A.D. 1839, it In mode
the ditty of tho Shorilt•Of oirory entirety, - within this
Cennuoiewealth ‘ to give publio notice of -the General
Eleetirenn, and In such notice to ammonite: ,
• 1. The pacers to be Fleeted, • .
2. Designate the place nt which theeleetion Is tette hold
tion"r. MeCAKTNEYaIigh nadir of theecounty of
Cumberland, do hereby wake Imam and give thin pule
lie notice to the electors of the county of Cumberiend,
that on TUESDAY, the 9th day of October .next, en
election will be held at the seveml election districts es
tablished by law 111 said county, at which time they
vote' by ballot for the several alters hereinafter
- named. viz: . .
'ONE PERSON for Governor e of the Contenot - livealth of
Pennsylvania. '
TWO PERSONS to represent the counties of Cumber
land and Perry In 'the House of 'lleriresentstives of
• Pennsylvania.
ONE PERSON for Prothnootsriof Can berlel County.
ONE PERSON for Recorder and (leek of , the ourtn of
Quarter 110E61011; Oyer aid Tarruhier 'and `'Orphans'
Court of Cumberland County. '
ONE PERSON-for of Cumberland County. " •
ONE PERSON for .amenknioner of Canborland County.
ONE PERSON for Directormf the Poor of Cutaberlond
County. . .
ONE PERSON for Auditor of Cumberland County.
Thu said election will 100 held throughout the county
an follows: ' -
The election In the election district composed of the
borough of Carlisle and the townships of North Middle
ton. South Middleton, Lower Dicktnaon and Lower
Frankford, will be held at the Court House in the bor
ough of Carlisle. -• • •
, • The election In the election district composed of Low
er West rennslarough township, will be hold at the
North School House in Plainfield.
The election in the election' district composed of 811.
veer Spring township, will be hold at the public house of
Jactib eJt-tett, in Ilegestown he said township.
'flee election is the election district cmnponed of
Ilamptiten township. will be held at the house formerly
occupied by Henry Ilielteneell, in add township.
The election let the election district composed of the
township of Upper Allen. will be held at the public
henna aciepled by John Floyd, In Sliepheidstewri.
Taoelection:ln the Ideate - le district composed of 'the
lowasidp of Lower Allen, will be held at the wagon,
meeker shop of Jonas I lunchbariner,en Stale MIL -
The election in the election dintrict composed of East
Pletienslarough township, will, be held at' the bonne
now occupied by B. Clay, at the West end-of the Harris
burg Bridge.
TIM election In the election district qoplonged of New
Cumberland, will beheld at:the house formerly' kept
by Wm. li. Bohl, in theborough of Neere.Cumberined.
Thu election in the election district composed of the
lierieugh of blechanimburgovill be held a the public
house ofJames Meloy lie laid borough.
The. election. In. die el etion district composed or,
Monroe tow °edit,, will be held at the paella Immo of
Moses Ligget, in Churchtown, in said township.
The election in the election district composed of Up
per Dickloseanivnship:will he_ held et the house' for
he e by Henri' IL Rorie. in Mid toivieship.'
The election in the elealon district composed of the
borough of Newville, nod townships of Mifflin. Upper
Fr:lnbreed, • Upper. Went Pennsieorn, and north Newton
will he held at the Public School House In the borough
at Newville. • - ,
The election In the election district composed of
Hopewell township will be held, at the New. Brick
School !louse, in Newly e rg. In sold township. . • .
The electron in the 'election district cannoned of the
borrough of Shippeemburg. Shipponsburg toweenielp end
that pot cif Southampton tor ntehip not. included in
the Leesburg election district, will' be hold at tL o
Council 'IOUS° 111 theberough of Shlppennhurg.
Thu election, in the election district composed of that
part of Southampton township, not embraced he the
-Shippensburg district, will lie held et the house for
merly occupied by William Maxwell' In hamburg.
The election in the election district momenta of that
pert of Newton toornalip, not Included In Me No vrville
district, will be held at the School House, in Jacknon•
The election In the election district composed' of
Middlesex toweinhip will ire held at' the Middlesex •
School House.
That every 'person except Justices of the Pence who
shall hold any silica or nppolntment of profit or trust
under the Udited States 'or of tills Rate. or any city or
Incorporated district, whether koommissioned officer or
etherwlse, n sularrdinnte officer or agent, wit., is or shall
be euiployed under tile legislative, executive. or jittli•
darY departments of this State, or the. United States,
or ofntly city or of any Incorporated district: And also
that any Member or Congress or of the State Legisla•
tore. and of the Meet or COIIIIIIOII Council of any city,
or colurnlssionor of any Incorporated district. Is by low
Incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the
°Mee nr 1111poilltIlirnt Of j Wig% htspoetur or clerk of any
elections of tWs Cuuunonwe.dtly Mid that lip Inspector.
judge. or other officer of such election shall be "eligible
to be there voted fur.
And the said act of Assembly; entitled an act rein.
tiny to the elections of this Commonwealth, passed
2, IMO, further provides Its follows, to wit;
~., That the. +lnspectors and.Judgex shell, meet ,nt the
place appointed for holding the elections of the district
to which they respectively belong. before nine o'clock
lif the 1110r111111; of the .second Tuesday In October, and
each of sdd Inspectors shall nppoint one clerk,. who
shall be a qualified voter of, said district.
In rase tho person who shall have resolved the sec
ond highest itunther client,u for inspector ahnli - not at-
. - nd on the day of the election. then the person who
hall have received the second highest number of votes
at the next preceding election, shall Oct :91 inspector lit
his place. ' And In case the person who shall have-re'
calved the highest number of v. ten for inspector shall
not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an
inspector in his pine,.;' and In case the person elected
Judge shall not attend, then the inspector who receiv
ed the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge in
his place, or if any vacancy shall continue In the board
for the space of one hour after the time xed by law for
the opening of the election, the qualified ,eters of the
township. ward or district for which - such officer shall
Lave been Weeded, present•at the ploceef election, shall
elect one of their number to fill Ruch vacancy.
" It shall be the duty of the several assessors of each
disirialn attend at the place of holding every genefal,
special s or township election, during the whole Ulna
Nild 40(11011 is kept upon, fur the purpose of giving in
formation to the inspectors and judges when rolled on,
in relation to the right of any 'person assessed by them
to vote at such election, or ouch other matters n rela•
tier to the metessinentn of cot em as the said Inspectore
or either of them shall frout tints to time require.
" No person shall be permitted to rote at any election
as efirrenald, other than a white freeman of the ago of
twenty-,nit yours or more, who entail haveresided in the
State at least one year. and In the election district
where ho offer. his veto at leant ton days immediately
preceding moth election, and with,in two years paid a
State or county tax, which•nitall have been Assumed at
least ten days belbre the 'election. lint a citizen of the
United States who has previously holm a qualified voter
of this State. and removed therefrom and returned, and
who shall have resided in the election district and paid
lases as of shall be entitled to vote after resid•
Mg to hills State six months: Provided, That the
white freemen, citizens of the United States, between
tv onty•oito and twenty-tine Years. who have nodded In
an election district as aforesaid, shall be entitled to
vote although Oily shall not have paid taxes.
"No pursuit shall bepermitted to vote whose name is
not contained in the lint of taxable inhabitants fur
nished by the Connuissionern, unless First; he produce
A receipt for the payment within two yearn of a State
or county tax assessed agreeably to the Comtitutlfm,
and give satisfactory evidence, either on his ~nth or af
firmation, or the oath or affirmation of another, that he
„has paid such a tax, or on odium toproduce a receipt
shall make oath to thel payment thereof. Second, Who
claim n right to vote by being an elector between the
ago of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall de
rime on oath or affirmation that he 1138 resided lu this
State at least one year next before his applhation, and
nuke such prof of residence in the district as is require
ed by thin act, arid that he does verily Wier°, from the
account glyen him, that lie is of the age aforesaid, and
ouch other evidence as Ircrequteed by this art, where•
upon the 11,11110 of the tharstth thus admitted to vote I
sheltie, Inserted In the alphAbotical plat by the twee- I
hire, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the
word "tax." Wire shall Ise Admitted to vote by reason
oh incise paid,tax ; the word "age,' if he shell be
Admitted to votwhy reason of such Age. nhall be called
nut to the clerks, hit shall make the like notes on the
Hots of voters Iteptl by them.
:;,In all cases where the twee of the person chiming
to yore is fi turd on the list furnished by the COMMIS.
stoners gmfassessor, or his right to vote, whether found
thereon or-nut, in objected to by any qualified citizen,
rlsball bb the duty-q[ the inspectors to examine ouch
pesos on oath as to his qualifications, and if be violent
to have resided within the State for one year or more
his °nth shall, be aufficiont proof the f, but shall
make proof by at leant one cotopetent 'witness, who
'Anil he a qualified elector, that he her/ resided in the
district for moni than ten days next immediately pro
coding such election, and sluulatino hithielf swear that
hie Mon fide - residence, In pursuance of his lawful call
bog. In in mid district, and that I e did not remove into
said dlstsiet for the purpose of voting therein. ' •
"Every 'lemon qualified as Aforesaid, and who shall
- make slue proof, if required, of thu residence and pay
Mont of totes no aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote In
'the township, ward or district In which ho shall reside
" if any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent
any officer Many election under this act from holding
such election, or use or threaten any violence to any
sncli officer, or shall Interrupt or Improperly interfere
with him In the exta•utlon of lin duty, or shall block
up the window, or avenue to may -window where the
same may be holding, ur Omit riotously , disturb the
peace at Poch election, or shall use any intimidating
thtuats, force or violence, with design to Influence un
duly or overawe ally elector; or to prevent him from
ting or to restrain the freedom of choice, such persons
du conviction shall he fined ha any nun not exceeding
five hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any tiumo'not
lons than three nor more than twelve months, and'if it
shall be shown to Court, where the trial of such offence
shall blfhad, that the persor so offending was not a
resident of the city, ward, district or township when,
the offence was committed,. and not untitled to vote
therein, then on conviction he shall be sentenced to
pay a fineof not less than one hundred nor more than
'onethousand dollars, and be Imprisoned not lees than
six months nor more than two years,—
" If any porson or persons ehall make any bet or wa
ger upon the result of any .election within the Com
ntonwmith. or atoll offer to Wake any nark bet or wA
ger, either by vorboi proclamation thereof, or by. any
written or printed-advertisement, challenge or invite
any perso'ht,to mho such bet or wager, upon conviction
thereof hid or they shall forfeit and pay three times the
amount sqr tptat but.
"If any Mon not by law qualified , shall fmudn•
lordly veto - at any election of thin Commonwealth, or
being othorwiso qualified shall vote out of his proper
district, or irony person knowing ;tho want of such
qualification., shall aid or procure such person to vote,
the porson offending, shallam conviction be hued In
any,outo not exceeding two hundred dollars. and be
imprisoned throng term not exceeding Ito ee months.
0 If any portion shall vote at more thou one election
district. or otheamise finntlnlently vote more than once
on the same day. or ohall fraudulently fold and deliver
to the inspector two tickets together, with ; the Intent
Illegally to vote, or shall proeur. another tdtto . no, be
or they offundlog, shall on conviction bo.fined in any
sum not less than fifty nor more titan fire hundred
dollars. and be imprisoned for any term not lam than
three nor more than twelve' months.
l!frany person not quolillod to vole in this Common.
wealth ntrcoably to law, (except the eons of qustlined
citizens,) shall appear at aqy place of eloction for the
o o f u l co n li n u , o i n c gen:
forfeitt 131 , 1 I n as n wi a
y q 11
any 41 . t n o .
cowling ono hundred dollars for every such olTenee, t et
by imprisoned forging term not exceeding three months'.
t Agree:ol*X° the provision* of the nixty.first section
'of the mid net, every Gomm' and Speeini.Eleel ion shell
be opened between theßours of eight and top In the'
forenoon, andshalitontioun without interruption or
adjournment until coven o'clock In the'evening, when
the polls shall be closed. . •
the judges of_ the romeelive • districts afbresedd
ere by the said act rquired to most et the Court House
in the borough of Carpels, on the third day after the
election, [being ErideY, iher2sth day ,of Octottar,l then
and there to perform the things required of them bY law.:
The return Judges of the .110pmeentotive , district *
'lollbl/1004 at' Carlisle, et the-tines tilted by law... •
' • Given under my hand, at Cstrible, title 14th day or
14,Vote the entire ticket on next Tuesday
An operlOnt andEltomach proparatihn of IRON purl.
*tied of Oxygen andSitrbon by combustion in Hydreqen
Sairelloncit by thnighest Medical Authorities, both
Indiurope and the: United States, and prescribed In
their practice. •
The experience of thousanda dilly proves
preparation of Iron can bo compered with it. Impurb
ties of the blood. depression of vital ener4y, polo and
otherwise sickly complexions it:die:it:l Its necessity in
alnveit'every conceivable ease.
IfitIOtIOUS In MI maladies in which Mins been filed,
It has proved 'absolutely curative in each of the follow.
loft compinitit?, viz:
ln Delbility,Nervoun Affections, Brut,
elation, Dyspepola, Votactipatlon, Mar
telhea, ,llysentery, Incipient C 01111111111).•
lion, l'ultorculthic, '• Salt. Rheum,
Alientenstruai ion, Whites, Chlorocin, -
Elver Complaint, Chri,uJ.3.•HeUAnchea,
Ithetimatient,' I itittrinittalft loevero
Pimples on the Face, &Gt.
Inn canon of , lenernl Debility, whether the result of
neuto disease, or of tho continued diminution of one
roux and muscular energy front chronic complaints,
one trial of thin restorative has' proved successful to an
extent which no description nor written , attestation
would rondcr credible. Invalids no long bed.ridden nn
to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods,
have suddenly re appeared In the busy world as if just
returned •from protracted travel ,in a distant land.
Some very signal lontsuces of this kind are attested of
tomato Sufferer.. emaciated-victims of apparent Outran.
mus, wettignineous exhaustion, critical changes, and
tlant•compllcation of nervolis and' dyspeptic. aversion" to ,
air and exercise for which the physician has no 1111/10.
Ls Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for reasons
familiar with medical non, the operation of this prepa
ration of iron must necessarily ho military. for unlike
the old oxideit II In vigorously tonic, without being
exciting nod pverlieatt ; and gently, reg Ilkley, ape.
root, even in the most ob.,tnutte cases of I'OIitiVOTICMS
without over being n gastric purgative, or Inflicting a
disagreeable sensation.
It Is this:latter property unbent others, .whichtunkes
it fig ro,ll:lrVilblY .401111:11 and permanent n remedy for.
Piles. upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and
specific, action, by dlsp +ming the local tendency which
foram. them,
In innumerable an lire ita catimus,n Maple
box of these (ffialybeate Pitlo 12iin often sufficed fur the
most habitual cases, Including the nilendent Costive
In unchecked Diarrhnen, oven when advanced tortys•
antery, ellllllllllol. emaciating, and apparently malig
nant, thaliffeets have been equally decisive a ndmstonii
In the local vilns, loss of flash and strength. 1101411-
tin cough. and remittent - beetle, which generally In
dicate Incipient Consumption. tills remedy latryerl
Mmt' in
the arotends and physfclans. In sorer+ very
gratifn, Ing and Interesting Instances.
In ffcrinfulous Tuberculosis.tthin medlentell Irnn Inns
had fan mare than the l iana effect of the most cnutlmtn
ly hulmnecd preparations of lodine,,-n it bout any,ofthelr
well known liabilities.
'rho attention.or footsies cannot ho lon confidently
invited to thin remedy and restorative, in the cases pe
culiarly affecting them
' In Ithohottatism, both chronic and honammatory—in
the latter browny,. morwiceldeolly—lt inn hvin, lova:1a.
bly soli reported. hoth:p alleviating pain and reducing
the swellings and.stiffnesa of the joints turd muscles.
In I totertnitteot Fevers it must ne,..rily ben great
rettiody and energetic restorative: nod Its progress in
tint now settlements of the IVest, will probably he 0110
01 high renown and unefulnrsot.
No remedy loan ever been discovered In the whole his
tory of medictnes.' which exerts such prompt. ha ppv.a nd
Tully restorative effects. Good npostite:conoplete Mgt's.
Mon, inpid acquisition of strength. with an unusual
disposition for active and cheerl ul exercise, inunedinte
ly follow Its use.
Put uP in neat flat metal boson containing 50
price roi Cents per hos; for sale by druggists nod deal.
1.. Will be FOUL free to any address on receipt of the
price. All letters, firderg etc., should be addressed to
It. B. LOCKE Co.. tleo.eral Agents
335 Boer:way N. Y
May 23. 'Ol.-1y
ki The complete slow. of the Prairie Flower Cook
Stove. warrants the suliseriber to railing the attention
or nil wino may want a superior stove Co rail 11114 i eic•
amino dm only stay., that him given universal satl,fac•
Lion., -
WIT AT - 15 CrITqF.Ti 017.11 . 6T11ET18 18
Int. A ?laving of from 30 to CO per red.ln foe]
2nd. A hotter and giddier Oven front the same lire,
ht--A Inrger Oven than any ether store of lite same size,
4th. 'the preservatlutt.:of the centre ',lei° from sinking
saving repairs,
sth. Thu bust halter, Holmdel., nod Cook 'now in ytne,
ilth. A superior arrangetnent for elrantug the hues,
7th. A perfect Ilas.Crn.umer for either wo. II or cad.
'the Prairie Flower in wart/1144.d to give antlsfncllon
In every ptrtlettlerAltil will be hltown wlth.pleastire to
all Who flier call. whether desiring to porehanti or not,
any - quantity of referent.° In town Cr.. country.
A taw other good Cook Sthree on had, which will be
sold very low to close stark.
Spdutlug, hooting, Job work, Coppersollthlng and
Sheeting work promptly attended to. In town or Conn.
try. All work warranted at the old stand, Hanover
street north of Louther.
. . .
• MARY N. MOlOllB.
N. 11. 01(1 Coppo'r, Drafts and..l'euter bought, nod the
hlghont prico inthl In elsh or gouda.
31erch 2S, 114G0.—tf.
At the •sign of the: "Gold Eagle," 3 doors above the
Cumberland Valley bank, end k'lvo doors below -the
Methodist church. od Writ Illanf street, the largest
and beet selected al oelt .
in'the town, will ho cold !SO per rent'lowrr thnn nt nny
plane in elm Stato Tho stock.comprines rue nino.rt
mont ,ditold nod Sit vei hooting ease-nratehes, Levers,
Lmphu•s, American wntebes, and all other kinds and
stylen, (hod nod Silver-chnlos,
Jewelry of An' kind.. Sport selen gold and Sliver, Plated
nod Silver W q re, 31tode Boxes, Acrordeons, Oil Paint•
tutu. n greahl'drlrt7 • of limey 0,11001..011d n lot of the
fluent Pianos. nil fal will 1,1! Sall 40 per Cart loner than
- ever offered in town. 'I he entire stork of Watchmaker
hurls, ruses. large Nirrers. nod Safe will be sold n hole
sale or retell 011 the easiest terms.
' Ilnriutr solortod a first class wnrktnair all kinds of re
pairing will lie done as usual, nt reduced
Piano in URIC of all kinds Orr sale. A new lir St elltw
dOlll/10 liar-el gnu warranted jenuine twirl will hu nold
for half ittralue.
It. 8.01111'1,1,X.
4ir. N. D. The large three story ROA Ilons...•wilh a
splendid store room and parlor 42 feet deep will In; sold
Mt a very low pries and on Vass I,IOS. MI I if not sold
will In: rented iron: April let Dinh Oily at the Jewelry
Moro In said building.
Into 15, 18CO:
Situated n short distance west of Carlisle. abant h 0
yards ir o n the Ileruutth limits In North .Sllatlietooo.p.
Containing about 4I acres, all cleared and in a
state of cultivation.
rho tu.prurumunts nro a neat on, nod n half story
cistern. ..110.1e, hog pen WO other convenient out hull.
dingo, together with fruit shrubbery
Twenty-live acres of Lhs alrovli with the Improvements
Will he dispelled of neporate twin the other should the
purehawr desire It.
For terms and further particulars enquire of :lone] F:
Noulysresiding near the premises, or of
Aug. 31, '60.-tit. A. 1.. SPONiiI,EIt.
- Real Est. Agt.and Serio'r. ,•
, ) The partnership heretofore existing under the
'name and style of KED, INF:NNE:MAN & Co., expired
by iimltntlon on the lath lost.
Ad ',stances duo depositors will he transferred to and
nil Interest Certificates now out, will be paid at tont
ty, or new ones Issued by the - new firm of K
LAP, .t Cu., whose Banking Card is 111 be seen•below.
- -
Carllslo, Aug 14, 1811U 1 •
This Dank, is now prepared to do a general flanking
and Ukchange businesw under the tattoo and stn lo of
KIDt, DUNLAP in the same place lately t ecu.
pled by Ker, Brenneman & Co.
Money received on deposit and, paid back on demand
without notice. Cortific.ates of deposit imarb*.^lnterest
at the rate of five per cent. will he issued for as short,
a period As four months. Interest on all certificates.
will cease at maturity, provided, however, that if said
certificates are renewed at any time thereafter for an.
other given period, they shall bear the. same rate of In
terest up to the time of renewal. ,Tweety, days splice
. must be given of an intention to wlthdrair interese - deo
They call the attention of Farmore, Mechanics and
all ethers who desire a safe depository for their money,
to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Bank
ale pot only liable to the amount of their stork in the
bank, but are INDIV.MALLY liable to the extent of their
estates to, all the Deposits, and other obligations of
Dunlap & Co.
Particular attention vivito to the collection of Voodoo
Notes, rokeign hips. Drafts, Checks. &c., in any part of
the United States and Canadaa.
Itetnlttances made to any part of the United Rates,
Enciand, and Ireland.
They will at all timea be pleased to give any inform- I
-lion desired in regard. to motley masters in uotte,ml.
gho faithful and confidential execution Of all. orders
entreated to them mal he relied upon
Open for business from 0 o'clock In the morning until
4 o'clock in the evening,
U. A. STUB ,lE,ON, Cashier.
Carlisle, Aug. 14.1880
.OF I'E HEM Pl. E 7 110 - UR
Thn Empire Hook 'At Ladder Company No. 1, of Car ,
lisle, return their thonka to the Ladles, and citizens
genorelly for the Iite•ol aid extended to them at their
Brat Fair, July 4 th 1859, and would respectfully inform
them that they intend holding "noel:Imam:I the last"
In Itheem's Hall, during the Agricultural, Fair, rent'
'snenclng the Dth DAY OF ocrou Etc. and ending Satur
day'oCvnlng the lath. Any small article, filmy or use
ful that thoJudement of the ladles. may suggest, will
be gratefully resolved and the -support of the public,
over remembered by the members of the Empire.
Coutributione tuny be lett wills either of the commit
toe ou behalf of the Coinisdny,
jno..Campbell, chalixpon.
11, Moak,
P. Wort,
P. O. Kuhns,
J, A. Kerr, ,
J. B. Thompson,
It. K. Spangler,
J. W.P4rIA. Sberetary
Oeo. Handel.
W. 0. flawYerp
D. B, Dixon, -.
'J. 0,11110 r,
O. J. (..Surnioni,
J. T. Lobneb t
J. I.l.litionfer,
Packages of 0 tickete . oo reidn, aingle atholanlon 10
cents to I o had of any of ilto Oonunlttee, nod at the
door or the
Carllale Aug. 10,1800.4. B. -
BillP.—Tha partosiphip heetnfore<existlng ue
firm Of SillittM is BLACK, has this day bee
dissolved by mutual consent, thoroforo fin would solid
all those, Indebted to coma .and rattle elide , account.
and all thosa blving claims wllLpleaso present tiled
for sottlioneut. ' ....
.Jan. 3, 1860.
I'int bualeoto will hereafter ba continued at the ob
stand of Strom & Mach under the firm of BLACK ,
1131,A 8,1(W. whore vro will keep constantly on hood nil
kinds of LU3lll6lt AND "COAL, of avety desellption,
which we will soli at the whys, milletl or•
dere ter bill stuff will be promptly ntlonded to on. the
shortest notice We arailtunkful for the patronage Of
c generous public at the. old stand of Strom & JIMA,
and would still solicit a continuance. All ordera left
at'the residence of Jacob Strom for coal and lumber,
will be promptly attended tons heretofore.
. .
4 Jan. 11. 1800
.VIINB . LOWT, an experienced
A iy," Nurse and Female Physician, imosents to the
attuntion of imams her •
tOrt , CII[I,DIUT TEtTEliNbr;
which greatly foellitotes the proles of teetbine, by
softening the gums, reducing nil Al
loy nil polo nod op omoolle action. and Is sure to Team-
Inte the bowels. • Depend upon It mothers It will give
rest to yourselves, mud
We'havi, put up and said this article for over ten
years, and can say, In confidence and truth or it, what
no have never been Ibis to say of any other medicine
never Ives it - failed in a
.ingle linden. nm s. Avms bow' s . co, to ef.
feet a cure • when time
y used: Nev. er Jild re
knew an In- • BOOTIIINa sainte o f
disatisfaction by anyone
'Who used it. 4104,-....-... , On the con
trary all aro " 110 " ar: J , ..., , a-46.1 G-0.• delighted
with Ito ope- ' . V t rot Io n fl,
a d speak In terms or highest commendation of its ma'
gleal elfedta and medical virtues. We speak in this
matter ':what we do kiiroir.'' after ten years experience
glad pled :;e ear reputation nir - the-fillfilinent of what
we bore declare. In almost every rilstance where the
Infant is .stifferin.4 • from pain and exhato.tion, relief
will he found In fifteen or twenty minutes after the
syrup in administered. . .1.
•Thbi valuable prorniration Is the prescription of ono
of the Most experienced and skilful nurses In New
lingland,-and has born aged with nevenfailing lilleCel.
in '
'!"- it not'ont
rates Clio sty
tOOO and en
11 iV over-I
yule lolls,
epcoJlly rt. ,
n death.
11' the best
ronnorly In
In all eases
and Marro
drum n'hoth
from teothing, or front oily oat, cau4o. lYe 'would
sly to every mother wlib has n riuld sulfellog Iron, any
LW foregoing row ploints—do not let your prejudko
nor t la prejudices of 4411.. r, Nt.:111,1 notwoon your author•
log child and the roliet that Will ho sl:llN—yes. All
SUI.LITELY S11111:—to follow the ao of tills' modirluo,
If timely UA.I, Full directions for using will across,
pant , etch kettle. N 91113 genuino 1.11111,NS the Iltr-shollo
of utrris & I'ERICINS, Now York, Is on tbe. outsido
ly'relleves the ellll.l Irian palm hut invigo•
ountch and bowels, earl eels acidity and gives
ergy to the whole systev. —lt will almost
- ems con
which Hunt
meditid, end
We believe
and 'iurest
t h o world.
of Dysentery
bees 11,1111
l er It arises
Sold by 54, W. Ilniorstlek North Hanover at. and 4 4 1.
.Elllott Main st.Carllsl44,,and Priugists throu4l ttint
tvotld. 41 4 rIesnnly 25 Cents par Cottle. Principal 1)111
en, : , 544. 13 Cedar st. N. Y. July 20, 18110.—ly.
3lreir tNicAnuno, :Nile 10th 1000.
Notice lw hereby given that nit application will he
niQla to the lan.4lwlatura Pennsylvania at tin neat
00 Incorporation ofa bank of Iss'ne. with
discount lad deposit prlvileies, to Le located In the
llorouzh of 3lachanicalomt. In the Connty. of Cumber
land. P.onot and to lel callwi the Web:l.lllomeg Bonk,
101011 a capital of 0110 hundred floats:Hid dollar+ with
the right to increase Mu coin to two hundred thousand
John Drat,tit,
.1.7;V1 3lnrkcl.
J:trob 31}unnla.
Jnco!) Eberly,
The subserthei Worm at tag sato situ it vans thin Int of
ground on North street in the borough .of Carlisle,
containinx NO feet In front by 1211 feet in depth, hes ,
Ing thereon erected n double two story
with frame luck buildinge, Thu lot ran be divided It
to two loin of tio loot each, and .111 be sold as inay be
suit purchasers. It la bounded by tworiertles ofJoh
and 'lnlays Wonv^r told others, and orro r s n fie
.le..atlon for the erection of a row of dwelling, house.
and litorefore worthy the attention of pitrchabere.
For tonna ur other Information apply to
Carlisle Aug. 23:1860.—fd.'
A few doors aoui% of (lie -
Cotect House.
Having supplied myself with a largo nssor l ment of
Watch qat.,icials. Masses, be., I win now prepared tome.
Nlr all kinds of Watches. (locks, Jewelry, Ac , on the
onset reasonable terms. that may be Intrusted to my
care IfOng by strict attention to bushiest, to be ta
-vorod with a liberal MUM, of nubile patramage.
A floe assortment of JEW El, tY, such nn Ladles'
Breast Pins and Ear Drops, Ilold and Cameo; Misses'
Dristst Pins ntl4l Ear Drops. llog and Maas Plns all sizes,
• OW 1 Chains, cloaks; l'lntedClutins, Gill Lockets, 0 uerds
Keys, An. Also a large 0101 tine assortment of
"'Also. a floe lot of, Silver Hunting, Detached Lover,'
and i•Pi111111A IV:IC(11PP, un , l n good assortment of Silver
, plated and Steel Spectacles. All of which will be sold
low. A share of public patronage Is respectfully
telt. u. stun.
Carlisle Jan. 1 8110.-1 v•
• G. A. & E. A. LANDELL,
~N o . 110 N, harves,
A.lneruettalt mseeti.Patunte., Hotel, Par and Tsp.,
• Pure Sperm, Lard illearhed II hale,
o'i, , 1 Sea Elephant, Strained Whale, MU-
Herti, Currif Palo], Olulno, and
SOAPS, Whit°. Yollo‘r,- Cl entl4
011 re, Fuocy, mutt other n,
Aug. 17, '6l.l.—fd mos.
PUIII,IO 8.11. N.
In pursuance of the last will (clohnstnn Willlant on
deed. we lviii sell on Thursday the :nth of ioctober, on
thn prouMes, One Imir mite south of Centreville. Cum
berland comity. the following described Mow Inn Prop.
arty, of paid dea'd. containing
113 i ACRES,
of first rate Pino land, Interspersed with limestone
quarries, excellent fir Buie or building purposeo
The Itnproyeincuts are a largo
„—.l.= about 60 by reed. two stories high,
l. finished in modern style, with large
Batik Barn, bora Cribs and Wagon-shed, In good order,
and other necessary out buildings, a wall agouti water,
cistern at thedoor. About 95 aril's of sold traet Isobar
and In a high state of cultivation, the halauro
lest thinker. The Colhiw Breeches creek relic along the
northern Milo or said farm.
The location, improvements and quality °Noll, make
this one of.thp most destrablo farms In Dickinson town
Inform:Moo In regard to the above property can lie
trod by calling nanny of the subscribers. residing near
the prep rty, orgy hei tin' mltlressoll to either at Dicklo.
sun P. it Comb. Co. Pa. Terin4 will be made known on
day of sale, nod made easy to suit nortthasers.
Executors of Johnston M llinmsun, dee'd.
Aug. 31, 1860.- t. s.
" • en1;o, 1111nrilm . , July 20tly,
Messrs..Tolg Wilcox & Co :—Your "I II pert I tie," or
"Persian Fryer Charm," inns done wonders. I was
wholly despondent sod wretched when I spill led It,
and In five hours the chills Were removed fond HO fever
hen ensued. It Is the simplest cure Imaginable. Alwi a
wonder of nature or art. 1 would not to, With Out this
“Inpectine" in single hour. By co. 'latently wearing It I
seem to ha "ague proof." Yours Very Truly,
11 M. )TOUT,
Mob 10, Alabrtma,•.luly-23d, 1860.
Gentlemen :—I have been snatched from the grave
by the application of your wonderfed " Inpeetine," or
"Persian Fever Charm." For several years I have nut
fered every cease,, from fever and ague. Last Spring
my life woe threatened, but your remedy has debtroyed
the disease, and .I. am rapidly gaining an appetite and
strength. Itespectfully Yours,
.1.), N. BARRON.
This truly wonderful preventive and Cure fur. Fever
and Ague and 11111oue Fevers will ho cent by mall, poet
paid en receipt of one dollar. Alec for sale at all re
tipeetable Drugglittalmil Country eiteres. '
Principle Depot a nil Menu iketory. ISt Main St.. Rich—
mood, In. Branch °Mee, Bank of Commerce Building,
New• Fork. Aildreat . • • •
C .•IxtvisLia MILLS.
r subscriber would inforiu the ciii
%ens of Carlisle and surroUnding country that he
has taken the mill known no Carlisle Mills' uhil
pared to furnished In Ingo or sniatl quoutitles)
1014.01/111. dr. FE
Customers work done on short notice," I always pay
the highest cosh price for grain.
Carlisle, Aug. 3d 1860.-0 inn
Responsible. and holiest agents wanted
throughout the tinned 'Staten to whom we will
Pf 3 h Y l sat o f
T. srottopliguaranrrAgVNATiri
/hot Stamp for rotuln poomme,) or apply In person to'
Sept. '8,0.-3m. 'HALL it CLARK, Romani Mam.
hOTonn NAM amt Spiker, PAt received of the
vary beet make and all Wallin Md. Country.trierclumla
supplied with pall!, 'at manufacturers, ices,. at the
Ilerd4ore Store of , , ,
March 7. '00: ' JUNE! OXTO.N.
Carlisle Poti4dry;
.1. •
" slit - %••
- FAR' t:11 JLEMENT nEVOT ! •
F. Oardner & Co. now mAnufacturs and keep run.
atantly fur mole. at their extensl de %team Worts on East
Malik street, Carlisle, a large assortment of
Atrlt 1 0 UL'll.l , lt AL . U 41 1 ,1.13 leN 'PS ;
'Or well known, approved usafulnexs to farmers; among
which thhy would call especial attentick to WILLOCO It
CI talltATI 0 .1) PATENT
. . .
:which bast:Ann over fifty First Class premium S at State,
~,,d C o u n ty.
.pairs. To .the Fontana or Cumberland.
Sorb and Perry counties we, Meld riot speak In detail
of the merits of this drill, as scores iif them are now in
use on the best farms In these counties. Its reputa•
Mon is established us the most complete (irate !hill
now manufactured in the United States. It sows Wheat,
Rye, Oats. 'Barley and Crass, evenly and regular,
without bunching the seed. The gum Splines pass the
drill over stumps and at nuns, without bre:Wog pl. or'
the drill. Fur even and regular sowing. Lila, Wlllotrit-
by mum Spcl6,l Drill Is entail/010 by any other We
also manufacture and sell the following articles. a hbdt
see can reentetnend to Farman, as reliable implements,
of estabilithed character: .
-. •
' Aire, ee and Four Horse ['Owen and 'Threshinir, •
Machines, 'ant Iron Field Rollers, Plough Castings of.-
va Hoes pat elns. Corn Crushers. and 'other - articles for
Farniern ten numerous to mention. Also, Egg Cant
Stares and Ten Plato Mood Steven, with art immense
variety of other rant lugs for housekeepers and others.
We have also au Attractive variety of patterns for .
owl CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to which wo,woulti
,cull tittefition.
hil'enin Engines and Mill Gearing.
To thln.department of our business we,givo partied.
Lie attention.p Our already extensivo stock of pattern/4
for l'apor, Flour and Saw Mill (bearing. In constantly
increasina. Mill °you!, and Mill Wright.: Will he fur.
nishod w,lth a printed a rtaloguo of our various Mill
Putt ernn; on application. Our Machine Shop comprises
all the various tools fin. torninz, planing ani finishing
Shafting and Castings.; by good and cateful
prany desirable capacity, from ton to twenty-Dve hum
power, built lit the heat style and on accommodating
4,rmi. Engines built nt our establlshnfont may lie
seen in lier(4.llsrtli operation at ninny of the largest
Distilleries and 'l'nnnms•a in Carlisle,•and Cumberland
Terry and Dauphin Counties, to the owners of which
we coniblently refer for Information no to their ellicien
cy...Persons wanting Steam Dimities are earnestly re•
quested to and examine before contracting else•
where •
Connected will, our entalilislnnent Is n Stenol Pesti nod
Door slenufattory which is now In complete ort.'er for
the mauufuelure of every deecrlption of
for the must costly no well as the plainest house. Win
dow Sash furnished from 5 caps tuntard, according to .
size of glass; Window Frames . from 51.31 upward;
Shutters and Rolling Blinds from' $1 75 upward; Four
P ter i elVit l r ) :v n e r :, r {Va " s l I . ; 2 l:o 2 „r ‘ L ' i l s ) ,7r j a . cke " t ' s, "l l 9 a h nTy ' 1471 t p i t. r . ' r g ;,
Scrolls; and-other articles .needed in house building, the lowest prices and of the best quality
of lumber. CV.9..W0 are also prepared, as heretofore.
to balld and repair BURDEN CARS for transporters on
the railroad, with promptness and on reasonable twrllle.
Thil Main unit patronage of the public is respectfully
solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended to.
May U. Tn. _ F. GARDNER & Co.
r.RUN KS ! TRUNKS !! .TRUN KS !!!.
ll Ladles Solo Leather French Style, and Dress
trunks an,d Bonnet Box,. Traveling Bags, 4r. G. els'
volld Leather and solo Leather Brass Band Trunks -Va
lises, New Traveling Bags; kc., a large assortreeni and
very low prices at LI VI NOSTON'S.
• North Ilanover.Str:et.
John Nlsley,
Levi I EI/erly.
Samuel Eberly,
Sohewn. P..llorgas
The largo t and best variety of (tent's Furnish
lug Goods, and at (ho lowest prices can I e found et
North Hanover iitrcet
Ladies' One Price_raney Fur Store
No. 718 Arch 4L,
between 7th, 64th,
((Ate of til i 51oritot 2t.'
lulphrlor, :11Lnufne , ore,
ofttod Dealer 'null kinds
Having removed t
my Now Store, 718 Arch
St.. and being now or
Way in Om Manufin
lure and Snits of
Furs, which, in ncrnr
dance with the i , On
Price Principle," I have marked nt the lowest pas; ibis
prices consistent with a reasonable profit, 1 nould soli•
sit n visit from those In want of Furs for either I lOW
or Chihli en' Wear. and an Inspection of my • selection
of those goods, satisfied, no I ant, of my ability to pinion
in every desired essential
.illy Persons at a distance, who may find It Inconvetii
en t to rail personally, need only name the art irly. they
wish. to.tether with the price. and instructions for send.
tug, cud forward the order to my address—money or.
company ing—to Inture n satisfactory compliance n ith
Untie wiches.
Aug. 24, moo.
Leldich k Sewer. (East Main at.) hive just returned
'from New York and Philadelphia. with a now and well
selected stork of Dry Goole specially for the present
'season comprising the latest novelties of Dress Go ob.
Shams, :Mantillas, Silk Mantles, L .re Mantles, lewo
Points, Silk Burnorea, Flounced Mirages, Silk (ken,
dines Silk Parcae Flounced Pongees, Flounced (Scion.
dies. hobo Bareges and Lawns. ItaidansChallies, Mourn.
lug goods now textures and Myles.'
beautiful Parasols. sun umbrellas In all colors k plies.
i.:llll4vs will find on inspeetioh, our goods mulled to
.their Wants unusually complete and at present will
please the most economical. Another blue addition of
Looking Masses, Blinds and furnishing ,goods. We a
dopt our mottoes but strive by attentionland industry
to make it the interest of buyers to deal with UR.
buyniost for eash, Indoor ink. ,vlll he ht the
lowest nos, ible margin, Constant additions will Is
made during the season. Ll, lUICII t SAWYER.
June 6, TS6O.-llui.
Bowyer 0111 npcu On the 12th Fept. at
their NEW ti'CUltk ROOM under Martin's Hotel. the
large,t mud omit elegant aererttnent of Now (Molls ever
(detect to C:irllsle. We respectfully ask thn publle to
call and examine for thrum...lves.. Thankful for past
fur Torn we hope by attention to merit a conthatumeo c f
the r our. humen sz SAWYER.
P S. JANNEY, JR. J. M. BURNS. coru:.
is one of the few domestic comedies Alai barn come
Into general use and haver, without paging. it Is Iho
product of a I.lm pie shrub harmless lu nifeases, and no
• a domestic reined. unequalled. For Burns,Uuts,llrui.
sea Soreness, Lameness, Sprains. Rheumatism. Boils,
Ulcers. 01.1 Sorrel-nod 1l ounds, it has not an equal, It
le also used with grettit success. for Toothache. lleadricitu
Neuralgia, Sera Thy at. Colic, Diarrhaar, lloarttemsr,
mutt other similar troublesome and painful affections,
while it promptly arrests all ilemotrlinges. liundredh
physiclahe use it doily in their practice, and give It
their unqualitied recommendation. Sold by our agents
anti dealers, troll by
• F. II UMPIIREYS t CO , 552 thoadway,
Solo Proprietors and Manufacturers.
August 3,
PO RT 11.1 MON NAIX.,,
belotv Arcl, HAW, formerly 118 North 414 sc.
Porto MOIIOIIIIT, Cigar eon., Pocket' Book.,
Port Folios. • —Cans, • . Satchels,
Dressing Can., Money Belle, Work Boxes,
Bankers Case.; , 'Purses; • • Stoles, gte.
kAkilt§;'§§ti' 4b;''
lo the boot medicine In the world for the cure, of
Coughs nod Colds,Croup, Bronchitis, &thin Ifflaulty
In broathlog, Palpitation of the Heart, Di ra, and
for the relief of pationta in the advanced nes y
together with all
b diowns of thPhroat a d
leb prndispose s to e'
Corniump on Cheek., , •
It IN peculiarly adapted lathe - radical uro of Asthma. -
Being prepared by a practical Physl an and Druggist - -
nd b o groat eaperionce r the Cure of Alto various
dl:mac o e o s
to which - the heman le frame t e
ht offered to the afflicted with • the greatest con A . -3.1
deuce •
Ogl,TrY It and benonvinced that It le invaluablein
the cure otlirouchical affections. Price' 60 cent: per I .
RSENDIIITSPS AMIATIC BALSA3I, livery vatilitdr - - - "A
remedy Pi Dlarriona, Dystintaf y, An •
all-Dowel a ictWnn. - !Pry It—Price 26 crate per bottle.
em. The above medicines aro prepared only bytti.A. - - - ..t.
ESICNIVEIN & CO.. Druggiote find Chemist& N. VI. Car--;
of Ninth X.Poptar c latreeta.•rhllacelphia.i Bold. y, every ,
respec table Diunletand Dealer a Medic-Die thronthollt
the Btpt e.,
June 22,
No. 605 Market Street,
i ,-"„",i