E l''''"; , i, , filioctlicititiltiiv. NEWS96I3. - ;FOtt,..TEIENVEOPLE to: mnidditk:sMittas Trcw . Btoie East Di taAkeat a000,53h44.-peinttg kii al storf New oods Tnr l / 1 01 1 :thitl to make your Sitplig'aud Summer pur " 7Oui giteelCirith'itrittaust , care from the loldfOR; ItoPortimilkouies' of. Nesf:.Volit Philadet' 014, iturayalled , :tfurestres of tlierpaleMOS - ellatioh ' ilatifotyucti yek;Vtivindeud & %%trona, fiVw.lork4. We cab otirlreat Ookeemente to thesbuybt, public, Our stork compiled - site latsit kludd Mid - stile!' of. - - - - - ' DRESS AND FANCY GOODS In the market, Ouph,as Figured ' Plain, Barred Sir!pad. Silks in all their varleties,Deuhla 3tipei tusked Foulard, India Silks, reel French phallic's, Crape Ortmaditte ' tpring Talonslas & 'Phut' & nine flaunted - dareoe lawn Bobsi,ltikage Abglale, Crapu Maritsa In all,cotors; Bllladalsd,dl,l4l`teheh Otgandy, • MOURNING ;DRESS GOODS, .„ . . of every description of Season's importations. Shawls! -Shawls I. Nall kindes.nd qualities, Lkiht cloth Mantles • Splendid-silk Misters, Franeh Lace Points k Burnous riPantilla Mantles, Sun Umbrella. k parasols, Alexam dery.-Kidilloyos„ Gauntlet Mitts, Spring . Gauntlets, foolery elan kinds and ahem. limbroiderfaierery dedeeptien::, Bonnets, Flats, Shakers, Monnat 1 khans and trimmings, Dinsa Trimmings. .„. . . -1 •, . • - HOOP SHIRTS! HOOP SORTSI I .. . . . WieoXcelohnetettgourd trail eltirttelliDlink eery cheap. • M.oll:4.lspy'ef wear enfeeble for the sealon. Hats, Netitt thip end all other Mods of Gentlemen'e furnishing goode. ' '' • . .. CARPETS: CARPETS!! Oil Cloths, 011 clothe, Shades do..'&c. As webave juet etiolate this branch of trade, customers will And our stook NNW and SENSE. Oonstantaddltlons of desirable goods 'will be secured dining the acasOn. Please call at April 18. 'M. • " . LEIDICII SAWYNES, New Store VRE§H SPRING, ARRIVAL 1860 -'li)arrs Aa the El men are verytightat present, it will be every persons Interest to look out for cheap BOOTS & SHOES, mud alive the dlroos, and the very place to. accomplish this object Is at the old corner known as a Shoe Store for many yearn, directly opposite Burk holders old stnit d now 'Olase'sgotel, So all and lee for. Yourselves and save motley as yonwlll find.% convicts assortment of all kinds of goods, In the . ' • • - • ' BOOT & SHOE LINE . • mud of the very best makes, and ever remember the lowestprice articles is not always the cheopebt so you will find among our stock the prices vary according to the guatity of the article. , The , Subscriber having. Just returned from Eastern Cities with a large and complete stock of Snots & Shoes be also keepsou hand a superior quality of Home Made work of Hoots & Shoes to suit the trade at the lowest sash prices. . • Melee Calf k Hip Pegged Boots, 'duts French Calf sewed Mote, . . Men's Kip Calf & Goat Brogan. high A low' cut, Man's and Boy's Call BuITA Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Mers's Calf Buff & Patent leathir Congresd gaiters, sew ed tend pegged, • •'• Ladles' Altana & ChUdren's Black and Colored lasting pitons, • Ladles' !Matteis &CiiildrenPaticy Rid,& flforroco Slippers Ladles' 4t Misses Goat & French Morroco Buskins, • Women & Ohlldrens pegged work of all kindest low prices. Just received en assortment of Children's cop ',Grad toad shoes. Repairing dons.on abort n( tire. The, Subscriber still continued on at the old stand ihanktul for past favors looping to receive a continuance of the same. Carlisle April 18,1800. ' JACOB SEGER. WELLlNATorabaglini,o! FINISHED CLOTHING! FITTING CLOT/I/NG! The subscriber hatquet received a very superior and well selected stock ofs • 'SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING, Consisting of Cassmere; Summer and Italian cloth, Al. paces, Marsallee, Linnen and Cottonade, C,oats, Pants 2Shirts oleo Silk and Satin 'este and In nhert every thing in the way of GARMENTS. Ilia stock of GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS, Lss beezikelicted with& pleat deal of care, and . ; shirts cravats, Ac., &a., are sold - at unusual low prices. TRUNKS CARPET BAGS & VALISES. I. The sabecriber would call special attention to hie law etock of HATS AND CAPS which lie bee riceivod and le them at 'eery low eguria. Otthe above-you can convince yourself by milling at the Cheap Mottling More veer the Market /Pule , • ASHER WIEL. April 11, 4860. SILVER 'PLATED WARE BY HARVEY FILLET No. 1222 Market Street PIIILADELPEIA, Manufacturer of fine NICKEL SILVER, and SILV7I, PLATER of YORKS. SPO .NS, LADLES, BUTTER KNIVES, - CASTORS, TEA SETS, URNS, KETTLES, °WAITERS, BUTTER DISHES, ICE PITCHERS, CAKE BASKETS, COMMUNION WAItE, CUPS, MUGS,I3.OBLETS, With a general assortment comprising none but ‘ the beat quality. 'made of the beet materials and heavily plated,',oonatituting them a Serviceable and durable article For Horn*, BxCAxooAraand PRIVATE YAMUUB AMP Old Ware re•plated in the bait manner ' lab. 22, 1860-1. Y. • W. C. RHEEM ♦STOUT AT LAW AND GINERAL ACIINT. : . ***lLfintreapolts, Afinnesord. Tram gave 'asocial attention to collections through ont ,thelitate, make investments, buy and sell Real lestate and securities. Negotiate loans, pay taxv, locate land warrants, &c., &c. Rotor to the members o the Cumberland County Bar, and to all prominent alit -111111 Of eirlildp,-N. fAug4'6B-Iy. ,' R. ANDER SON H A IRON. J. GOODYEAR. AVING entered into co . -partnership In the manufacturing of BAR IKON, at Letort orge, Carlisle, Pa., we would respectfully Invite the attentlon'of Hardware ,rnerchants, Blacksmiths, and all others who may want a superior article of Iron to give tbem cell. -- „. ' All klnda of hammered Iron constantly on hand or drawn to order on short notice. The highest price paid for wrought Iron scrape, or to ten !n excheoge for bar iron. Cullsle, Oct. 12, 1859 THE MUTUAL LIFE INSUR AMIE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Ands: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. • mum in man xonrasaxis ON Rut. ma's, • WORTH OVER $13,0000300. She premiums are bowie than In many other Comp& ntes„and the Dividends blue been anzArso. This la a strlatly Dfirtuat Company. There ere no . Stockholders, no that ALI, R TUPROFITS ssunici TO Tatinatatza. PampWets, and every Information, may be badome ne, on application to WM, 1). lIALBERT, Carlisle. PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES: .• liateu Robbins, John Welsh, Mordecai L. DllllllOl4 tleorge'lL Stuart, George M. Stroud, B.S. Whelan, John B. Myer!, • J. Wisher Looming Joseph Patterson, William O. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur G. Giffin, Thomas IL powers, George W. 'Poland, WilDarn Wader Thos. Wattson. P. BATCTIPORD STARE, Agent, ' S. W. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets, Iday.23, 'BO-6m. r • „ PIIILAIPA. 'PHILADELPHIA WALTON AND JEWELRY STORE • O..CCPIRAD,IFORMIat OCCUPANT. No. NOI2TIf SECOND , srnERT, CORNER OF QUARRY STREItiII The undersigned bag leased the above prmnisos where he'll! keep s large assortment of Oold lc tAlrer Watches, of American. English end Seise lianufaMure. 3 1. of the mo t 'celebrated makers, in addition to 1 Widlcii, wlll bib . alriays'on band (and made to ‘44 0 - ari , ostensive Yll ety of Jewelry, silver. and Silver Fogad wire,' toroth .with's general isiortmefitof imehgriods as are umally kept In a first rises Jewelry Store m.; The patrons of O. Conrad, and those albs sibecMber together with the public generally, aro.invited to tall, Where they will - receive a good artiele for their moho). As I am determined to do strictly aVidibuminase. goods will he sold initiow.....SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALO," is t4e motto of this eatablishment. • , - . ' i!. , .4.,.., ..LEWIS IL BROOMALL, , . ..,..',., -. • Formerly 0. CONRAD, . No.lBl Mirth Wend Bt. corner °Mum ry Phila.... June 601810,:1y..,.. ~- .4, , . 7KT::accrxier, /290#411 YE:\ FIJRNISEIING " OTOIOI AND SHIRT MANUFACTORY, .Iff. 814, Chestnut B4reee, War Acion below the , TOntineutal Hotel.' and nearly thei‘Clirard Henke" 'Philadelphia: • .. A linrassortment of Dremling.Robec constantly 'Oll aititular attention given to ordered ahirta—a perfect at guaranteed.• Wholesale trifle supplied-With .flue skirl sand collars en tarroc:.: blireetleas fee meteurement lent on' epplicatlon by - - ' 'July 0, 1800.•1y. PHILADELPHIA ~- • _ AND READING - , RVIGAIER ARRANGEMENT, . Tr_ , . 1.... er ! L ra tril ;tale, Harrisburg daily, (Sun. nuf h olunr 11 . 6 • 0 9 A. !COLO 1:12' P:•lif...tbr IPIAW d 4,:dr ri Ohara it 1.26 hubrilied 635 O,'M ' " ititruluti buiveTbliadalptilA kit , '2.oo',A 'M ". ' ''. 2 • P7 V4 Otfiniiat'llinlrg at 12464kb0'1 . "rd .. ~,,,i . ..z;Philitdilptifi, Ho. 1 'Hurir:44,i6il4 o ; i.- o u : asur3ridia427o. larmAa gag. #1..60 aidli.do..' , • ' . • - .:AtHibig ;limped iritb traltalibiPoitirrille iii ' I'm, I;Arttriliap . do: • '.' :` -,,•• • - ' ~ ,,, , , !. , 71 ; ir)trr - Hi Vara Headloglur , PbtradalOblu'drilly"rii .AAI4I 0 „*"Dril" 4 o o noon and,8:44 . P.•21.. , n ~., ,•'' li r e ti r t0 4....,11. %%311r i"Ml4?'.t;ll'9/, A)i:rth.:. ~• biu,:uuur to'Philidelpiiii;4ll::76 arid liiii. ' TbilAitdi r riWltilitiraVoto Harrisburg conuebt's,at ltraddrurkiaPidadu .ttaA Wpaeabarre, PitlstoU and Par i gi ala l w AWE* '&4 ~ f ,' . • 1' • ..' 4 ), - . , . ~,41:4-4,„t•-.., OkonSOIBO . O.PAK:STg/50130,r45, (rv. ) AS.'Attrit it tOgrrpin 001 Pry. Co rugrohlino. 11 COLLEGE r - " iggiIIIANIOSHIMO,•P t iL, • ,• "• • , Thin Institution, designed Millie' liberal L edireatlon of Young Ladles, hos been in °panatela tito•years-with the moot gratifyeng results. It is now established on baste; and nil patronage already Citetabi over several States. • .gg , .• It is located on this °timberland *alley RelinfAd mold. • way. between: Harrisburg and earlier). in the moat for the 'and beautitutpo•rtfau the valley, and le in close :.proximity to• one of the moat moral•,'healthy, and en terprising towns in the State., .. • - 'lt le ,central, and easy of..gioccos:' Students leaving Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia In the Morning train for Harrisburg,: wilParrlie at blechanicsburg In time for dinner. The edifice le !Mlle and commadlous,iurniunded by double 4erandate, and accommodate about one bun. 'dyed boarders. /tilts coontruction, it combines all Cho modern' Improvements for the' promotion of health, comfort and convenience. In tgase respects physicians pronounce it unrivalled. .The (Members are large and neatly furnished. Each has Ito register .for beatatid ventilation Only two students occupy the satire room. The bath rooms are stall times supplied with warmaird cold water., , • ~ , Tho groin:ids afro • amPle, , and well arwrimed for recre -anon - so the voilbus .ealistherde exercises -o omen. tltial heehb, graceful movement sad symmetry of form. ' The Faculty of lzetructlau Is „efficient and exper enceet. , ' In'the Collegiate Department the course of study is 'of a high grade, comprehending all the subjects belong ing to a Classical, Polite and Christian Education. In the Preparatory Department pupils will be care. fully instructed In those branches' forming the basis of a thorough English education. SEemoire.—First Session, *Om • the let Wednesday o Sootetnber to the nth ofinnuary. &mod Session, from tho Ist of Februarj , to the let p - „ „ TERM PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS; PAYABLE; IN ADVANCE. Boarding. Wasbing,,Furnished,Boome. F • Tuition—Collegiate Department. . •-• . 20 00 Preparatory- " . . . 16 00 ". First Class, 12 00 Nn extra charge for Auclont Languages. Music—Piano and Gyitar. . • . -20 00 'Vocal hi .ele.. . . . . . 200 Modern Languages, . .... • . • 10 /30 Painting, Drawing and other Ornamental Branches at the usual lutes. Text4sooks furnished at city prices. . 'Fcir further particulars address, 'Rey. A. G MARLATT, A. IG., Aug. 1 186 V---- President. BOOTS & SIMS CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. It SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Ou end after MONDAY, APRIL 16th 1860, Passenger Traios will run as follows:, (Buudeys excepted ' POE CIIAMBERBIIIIIIO AND,1141111181313R0. ..Leave Hagerstown, " Greencastle. Chambereburg, " Shippensburg, " Newvllle, " Mechanicsburg, .10.42 • " 3.16 " dale° at Harrisburg. 11.12 • 3.46 " POE CHABIBERSBURG AND lIAGERSEOWN. let Train.- 2d Train. Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A. 51 2.15 P. M. " Mecharricabtirg 8.47. " 2;02 " Carlisle 0.27 " 3.30 4, Nowvide, 10.02 " 4.04 " Shipponsburg, 10.34 " 4.33 " Chambg', (Arrive) 11.00 5.10 Greencastle, 0.00 0 Arrivaat Hagerstown. • • 6.40 • " Or Passengers will observe, that there la but One Train a day, (a Passenger and Freight Train combima) over the Franklin Road, connecting with train to-liar , riaburg at,8.30 A. M.; anti with the Train arriving from Harrisburg at 5.00 P. DI. THREE Daily Trains leave Hurrisimirg for Pittsburg, at 2.45, A. 51., 12.50 and 4 05, P. M., making direct cen • unctions with trains for Cincinnati, Louisville, Cleve land. Chicago, Indianapolis, Et. Louis, and all principal points throughout the West. • . For Philadelphia,slal!enneylvisnia Central Railroad At 1.20 and 9.05 A. 51. and 12.65 and 3.50 P. Di. Sin -obanon V. IL R., al 8.00 A. M., and 2.35, P. M. For Baltimore, at 3.27 & 7.20 A. M:,2.0,5 I'. 51. Per h•everton and Williamsport at 1.27 and 8.15, P. ps. Trains on Dauphin Road at 2.00, P. M. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At ell Stations where Tickets, are sold, viz; Chatubersburg, Shlpponsburg, Ca... Hale, 'Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Paxson. gore that provide tbenteelves with Tickets before en. tering the Cars. • - 0. N. LULL Railroad Office, Chatribersburg, • April,lo, 1800. . • I A. •B. PIWING'S FIJRN TUBE WARE-ROOMS E F 3 West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at" the Cumberland County ...Agricultural Fair of 1867.) • The su4scrlbor has just received the moat splendid• assortment of articles In his lino, ever brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that de ty competition. Parlo, • . tritainbcr, Dtning.room, EFEIKNICT LT R. Kitchen and Office • Embracing every article used by Mouse and lintel elvers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, suit frames, pictures, to., Au Purchasers are requested to mil and examine his • stock, at his extensive ware•rooms, West Main street. ' " North side. A. 11. Evrixo. J. GOODYEAR k CO wir- Particular attention given as %anal to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. A. 11.4 Carlisle, May 12, 11158.—1 y, FALL ARRIVAL OF Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goode, Fruit, and , • Confectionary. B. W. ILIVEBSTII3K has Just received from the city and Is now opening asplendid display of FANCY GOODS, to which be desires to call the attentipn of his friends and, the public. ills assortment In tills line cannot be surpassed In novelty and elegance , and both in quality and price of the articles, cannot fall to please purchasers. ,It would be Impossible to enumerate his FANCY GOODS, whichtomprisoevery varl a tyof tuicyerticles of themes! exquisite finish such as. rapier Macho Goods. • ••• • • • Elegant alabaster and poreelaln inkaftands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shall card cases, LOW' Fancy Baskets, Fin'ey Work Boxes with sewing instruments, „ Ladies' Cabas, Writing Desks, and Portfolios. • Port fdtfunales, of every Variety, • Gold pens and poncho,' Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladies: Fancy stationery. Motto scale and wafers, Silk and bead purees, Riding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, .11tushes of every kind for the toilet, •X. Basin and it. k G. Wright's .Soaps and Periumes of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical Instruments, of all kinds and at all prices together with an Innumerable 'variety of articleselegan t lfi nvites speci nished andal suitable for holiday presents, to which he ition. Also, en extensive and elegant eolleetion of BOOKS, • comprising the various English and American Works, richly embellehed POETICAL 'WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound In velvet with metal clasps and corners, suitable for holiday gift.. Ills assortment at School Books and School Stationery is also complete, and comprises everything used in the Schools. Ile also desires. to call the particular atter'• Lion of Families to his elegant assortment of , • 14 . A PS,ke., from the extenalve establishment. of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia,' comprising. every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lampe, for burning either Lard, Sperm of Mailer also SIMMS celebrated Kerosene or Coel Oil Lamps, together With Flower Vases Fancy Screens, be. His assortment In this line is un equaled in the borough. Also, ' . „ • SEGUES AND TOBACCO, embracing all the Mvorite brando ' • and a fine' assort ment,of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERB AND PIPES. , .• . • !!: such, as finingeii, 'Lemons,. Pigs,, Raisins. Nectarines, 'Prunes, de: PANCY,CONFECTIONARYNGiTS—PIi SERVED FRUITS; ' 3fINPED-MEAT,. PICKLES, In every variety and at all prices, all of whieh Are Mire and fresh such es ean' be confidently recommended' to his friends. His stock embiacen everything !benne of Panay Goods, 'with malty other! articles useful to hue Ampere which tbe . pubile ati,especially Apvited - to call and 'exaMitte.- .• ;- '• . ltemembel theol4l.itanO, y iiiipoatte the Bank on North Thinover'striet, Deo. 7. 1860. E X 0•H N E • 11- - 0 E L No. 1 1 .Dock 81;ve4 (LatirCOL 11;plat3.) ' . Thla IWO, kept on the s3lrePeen..Plati, le earteenl• entferrrerellept, Citizens. and generally, belrig44 tbelinetedlate rielihteirbbod of the Exebange, A 4 1 0 44 04 the..Deat -Office, and ,wltltlo a few minutes walk,ot,tha Delftware Wliarrea;the,landlegefortiteam )xeite.frearallyarle. „ -• • • , Unite can , be had at hours.. Item 4 o'c l ock itte m orning to 12.o'clerlinknlatit t ,fer,12,14, .rarAs and . up wardet ,Liagingf•lteotee ran be procured"at all Miles ER. 87% reale per night . The Chembete are clean, well' ventlfrittakandnltnerrly. ,Curelebed.' Tlee Eating De. pertinent will be previded with the beat 'Abe market aen Predarel .the .ThinitlPlSS93lntef...klrelehedl with po4 Llqwono and chide°. The picipileter - ,,DOPea shit atrlet persietal'atteallbn, lilth'`eineininititterd otOlgititimeanti;•ke wllll.* able tonlelise,;•. - .!e t • • • '(Late or Doi ihnorai/Ifeti mid , :bladlsoWilottei; •• • 1341y27;'ixt l eoz.. VII.OPRISTOIL yft. wu cyllOderit, perfect and lb good' order, Jortll be TTI/0 , ! , ,,e. A wr. 21. IROO,-.2m, EtligationaL Vamtion, during July and August e ....N.C. CHANGE OF AOURS! 708 Train. CO A. U 7.36 8 80 0.00 " 013 26.10 B. W. ItA.VBRI3TIOR 5 . ,Jiheralpiltrebags.srillabliafteen'Otei - 4 : undoislgned'aruidd.ealVtdMintliio , ll6lb, Aat:thlit MOMS ifOisitapd fliktertUi Viif Wadi • , .. ~• • ' ' r ", z r ' I ' .. • R ES trhis abrr itdro.recfrii,'.oU:tim.peilili.sest:eorneirUf..th • pUbilo square, where tbe•publle arp Invited to call an examine a , stock of .gocids which, In' , deportee, „varlet. . and natant, wilidery conipatitlon';-,crimprising,in, par loaf, lump, crushed lindJurown Rio and' roasted:Odra°. Every, wt. 'r rlidy and qmilitrof TEA.. *SpiCes, (groin - 4 110,' • and unground,) Pickels, Sauces, Sable , II New Orleans, • Sugarbouse . and. Trinidad .Molatises; New York and:Philadelphia Syr ups.. Cheese, Macaroni, Yermecill .split Maim, llominye Blincoment, corn Starch, .Yarinsrellecolate Natrait o . Coffee,. refined sugar atreducod totes , wank ing and bat Ing soda. • Tobacco of the most favorite brands, and th:l finest qualify of Sews. Also, a beautiful ossortmend of Brltanola Warp, plain and. g.,id band .China Ware,l meet, Queens. Stone and 'Northern Ware, in arced la , riety, and an 'elegant' Int' of : Nancy Soaps, !ratracit perfumer* for the toilet. i ' . ."" VitUITS: Includlim Peaches In cans; „Ilaislnn; hordes, dry apples,. Mtroit,' *donde, oranges,' let:dons, .. . _ ... ( 7 4). LIQUORS: Wholesale enii. retell , r ',7 embracing vmtnou nod old Rye Whir I 7.. =7 ~ • key, 13randineydark nod pale, Liebe:. ~ ~.. . , ...,:\ it Sherry Port, Idadoria, Ginger, Catawb ._7... ._. \ v and Muscat Wines in snake and boi ties, :scotch Whiskey, Holialad alo, and Scheidam Schnappe. FISH AND SALT. • • A lerge stock of LAMPS, Including Dyott's celebrated lamps for turning' Kerosene or coal oil, also Sperm,. Pine, Lard and Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Sperm .and Star Candles. ' .• • CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS.. Brushes, • Ropes, 'Kopp% &nips,Doortilatii, Walters Looklng.glossee, 'fine •letter and . note paper, Willow Ware, painted Wickets., &e •Collon and woollen Hose, and half.llnce, and a far stock of Gloves, Including the well known Hitters Buck illoves. In short, his stock coniprises everything thatis calla; hoc in his line of business, and no efforts will bo spare to render untied satisfaction to his customers. 0. 1101017. _ Carlisle, Oct. 27; 1858-Iy. •.R3'• Marketing' of all Wails takeit In exabange f. goods, . it .111e1RIOM 11.11.1611: 7) 44e rf - FAy . GItOCERN_ AND TEA 1 STORE. • not received and in store, a fresh and well se lected assortment of Me ' Sava and Manw -- • caibo Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed • Pulverised .Sugars, Refined And ' .other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Moltunkes, ()fleapit • (baking) tif oias !o s r . Spleen of °Very variety— - • . . pure holy ; Starch, Farina' nd • , Chocolate, Maccarool, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sage, Indigo, Baleratos and Soda, Cream 'Tartar and as. - , sorted Tickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. ...„,..._• • TEAS.—A tine assortment. u . I.tackagois ....0 . ter. and in bulk—aa well ae all other article 1 ~' l i c belonging to the bualness—all at tholowes 1 "at , 11.. Mad - date reduced prices. • • 1..11 . J. W. EBY. , 2d Trala 1.00 P.M 1.32 " 2.04 2.44 2.44 " ATC HES, JEWELRY, AND BIINER-WARLAT CONLYN'S old established: Stand, West Main Bt., nearly opposite the Cumberland . Valley Mink. - 1 have just received a new assortment of watches,', ewolry. medallions. silverware, &c.. 'addition to my' ormor stock to• which I Invite the attention of thet public, Tho assortment embraces fine gold and slived lover watches, Hunting and open case do., gold Any chore for badlee and ,Gentlemen and Silver Loplues, and Quartler watches of every variety in style and, price. • Also fine gold Medallions. Breast-plea for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. hold fob, vest. curb and neck chain.. hold bracelets, finger tinge, cultpins,atuds, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, &c.,,&c. hold and silver thimbles, *silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, !diver 4Ei tt patEtt e and common spectaclee, to suit all ages to which we invite special atten. • tion. A fine lot of 001.11--PENEI from the beet makers, 4pectacle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card calms, gold and common bracelets ; watch chains, Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles. UM• ally kept in Jewelry establishments, which I will sell low for cash. All articles war- .17." ,Inhted to be what they are represented. Particular - attention paid as usual to WATCH REPAIRING and all work war- -, ranted. . Dee. 23, 1857 J - LIRES El GROCERIES! . _ AT B.O.IIUYETT'S . , Shad and Mackerel of different grades, At HUYETT'S, Salmon, Scale Fish and White Fish, At I.II:IYETT'B. .Codfish, Salt anti Pickled Iterrlng, At nurEri,s, 1859 Cheese and Crackers can ba had Drhod Pratt, Premerveg intd Jelliatk. At IIUYETTI3 Sugar Cured ll:dud Hamm, At UUYETT'S A fie 4 stapplyof LIQUORS, Ap lIIIYE'ET'B 01le, White Lead, ac., &e, Q'o HARDWARE! 1 Joni' P. Lyne & Son have just completed opening their Spring Stock of Hardware, Paints, Oils. varnishea, Olms &c.. to which they invite the early 'attention of the public. We have greatly enlarged our stock in all its various branches,aud can now accommodate the pub. lie with '4 RELIABLE GOODS. In large or small quentitien, at the lowest-prices. .Ilut we do not wish the public to understawl that we have brought all the k oods In Philadelphia and New York to our town, but we can assure them that one look Into our store will convince (hem thnt we have enough to supply the demand In this market. Persons wanting goods an our line will (Ind it to their advantage to give ua a call before making their purchases.—All orders personally and punctually attended fo r and no mbire. presentations made to effect sales JOHN P. LYNII & SON, May 2, 'OO. North Hanover St. Carlisle' el UM BELTING or Just received a large assortment of all elms Goat Beldne, Gumziloae, Gum Paeking, ao...aud for male cheep at the Hardware Storo of June 22, 1800. 11. BAXTOI4. T Car. HE GREAT BELL MASS MEET ING le being held on North Hanover Street, whore the farmers are invited tti cal/and examine the large variety of FARM BELLS, Just i' , ecelved arid Which wo are selling very cheap.— Good Bella can be bought from $2,60 to $6.50 each. We have the Great Western Dell, the farmer's favorite.— Call and nee them, all you farmers who are to want et a good and cheap bell. June 22,1860. FARM BELLS 1 FARM BELLS 11 Just received' the largest, cheapest and beat as sertment of FARM BELLS In the county, Orcencaatle Metal, and Bell Metal NVAIIItENTED NOT TO CRACK, at the Hardware Store of ' March 7,'00. RENDS SAXTON. NEW AIRLINE ROUTE NO' NEW YORK ! I L - - _ SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUIKEST IN TIDE , BETWEEN TILE TWO CITIES . r "Nwur 'torts •r . AND • • 3 X-3Ein isslawral 0x" .$ VIA REAPING, A LLENTGIIVN . , AND EAST,ON MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New' York at 6 A': M., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.46 upon, only ojf hours between the two 'cities. - MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00' noon, and rives at Harrisburg at 8.30 P. M. MORNING MAIL LINE Eska. leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A:61., arriving at New York at 4.30 P. IL, APTERNO,GI EXPRESS LINE, Easti leaven Harris burg at 1.16 P. M. arriving at, New York' at 9 00 P Mr. Connections are made.at liarriaburg at 1.00 V. r 4. with' the Paseengei Trains in each direction on - the Pennell; vanla. Camberlaetl {;allay and Northern Central , All trains conneet at Reading with train's for Potts ville dpd Philadelphia,. and at Allentown for Mauch ; Chuck, Balton. de: , .• ,No change 01 Passenger Cars or Baggage betWeenliew; : Yrok and IlarrlstPurg by, the 8.00-kill. Line from. New York or the 1,16 -2 1. from 'Harrisburg, •••••-. For beauty of scenery. and speed, comfort end accent modatton. this route pre sents superior in ducement s -the travelling nubile. • •., • • • Fare between New York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL. LARS. For tickets and other information' apply to • • . •. J. J. CLYDE, GeneralrAgent, Harrisburg., QTRAW HATS! STRAW HATS ! ' Just ieSsl,vott,at Kolfei's Stiud North. patio sr Stoat, a larga'and complete stock of , - MEND' & 1101 W -STRAW HATS, oral) the 411ifetrifit iltyles, eri *MIS stadia a Small ittiSirso on'Fity prices: - '• • , Also; ?sips 'Slid' Hats 'MeisS''e.ps t ya: !SILK, " ,OASSIMBIta,I !, t • 0 ,VEl o T,''' WOOLII , 1110 ' i4vOraLmilitetylie pew ieiay 116 ipeppstica.:',44l4!l:, bei..lftiwsrpnt berg4 os .* l at CsrAsie .11,ey 1,0, ' . . . The /11Pcieridgned la thiceola agent for.the*, celebrated,: rEA13011d:200,1 1 , 1ii134,1147 , p,1' 14110 oninildltlf.o`iii44l(4 l. 4" tni,u'a pimpeobii4 • uthin An,y P Uted, ,by,cell4l:4oo,thennbeerlber,atil& reeldenee Zeal ; Eared: , ; „ ' aAoan japca., wnr be fundeAbe to pentane In Adja• bent clintitles atthe eborteet ' ; ' 4 , Wind. Jun* 29. - 11011,..6 row ."'" ' ' . .; THOMAS CONLYN' A 111TIT'fT'8. =! JOHN P. LYNN $ EON, North ITeuover St., ro.r tale. Elderly poisons may use the Bitters daily as . per directions on the bottle, and they...will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort . declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. Wo have the evi dence of thousands of- aged Men and women who have experienced the benefit of asing this' preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice'of physicians, they have abandoned. all deleterious drugs and 'fairly tested the merit's of this' article. , A few words to the gentler sox. There., are certain periods when , • their - cares are so'harassing that many of them sink under the trial. Th,o relation of mother and child is ,so absorbingly tender, that the Mother; especially' if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her •exfrome,arixtety for her infant. „Should the perimfig niriternity ' arrive during lib, summer season, , the wear of ..body and mind hingenerally aggravated. Here, -then,' is a nedessity for a'stirauinnt to recupe , rate the energiea of the system, and enable the ,mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities'. ' Nursing mothers gene rally prefer. the 41tters to - ail othe'r invigorti; ttirs that , receive the endorsement, of physi cians, because it is agreeable to , the taste as well as. cart OOP give a permanent increase, of. bodily strength. .„, . All those persons, to whom we have pardon lailyieferred u - y,ove, ,te ,Wit :' sufferers trim, fever and'agne,,eausid by malaria, diarrhout,! dysenterx,,,nadigestion, loss of appetite, and' all diseases orderangementi3 of -tho stomach,: ! superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary. occupation, and nursing mothers; will'consult their ow.n physical welfare by giving to lios totter's Celebrateil Stomach. Bitters ..z , trial. CAUTION.—Wo caution 'the public against using any. of the,many imitations or counter- t .feits, but laskl fop rlfoltrX'run'tt 'CatannATDD STOBIACHIBITTEui, rind Seo that each.bottledtas, the werds c'Dr.,J.llistotterla Sten:Malt Balers" blown , on• .the 4 skfe‘ of the bottle ; and stamped. 'eiti" the - 'nielhillehili . COViiini4 the , COW; ,twid ' observethat eurlagegraph,signatitie,itinn, the; label., ..;. l' , . ~.; 1 r far ProPard d'anid by 110STIfiTTEE & • Srd.tfilt,'''Plttati r4ll,'"i'm;.' and' held - Pr 'O ll ,:titugittat,n.:isro,o ,iii'..a3l4 i .441iirii': Harming*, Agoug.tiPA7 Ow.' ,t4aisl t litges.l3otoli - Alaw r4la. o ,dqftrataiy.!;'. - ..0., t . • ~ .-,.:1 l i 6 i 6 iiiVilj4 l o;l l '.4tsi4ieir,,N.ril leho r O. At41,94,:' take. , Bterighi , htopeasbnia;,.r.. i ffauf. Fg; ~ .. A.: B A :4ton.* i plepbaniasburg; sad Druitesti neraiti,,,tareastaat tne imtnty. . , . Nov. tVg,...., • , .... .. ). ~LL:verooliA ikhoAltigipiTiatlvei' in-' .duiito. ir k *V i u tkicinci„ r ill: • s,ealdtbwee eppeslte Reimorid's total, end . ' settle. witbout delay. 'The aeeouttts vex be settled. July ' J. DAIAI,BERT. I 1V HIV 90 A L 1 AN)? LIII%IBE R Y,lkRl3. 04 euv A irp;44b,eitfifh l siloy di:aired into part -11?rah,10 tOtrade in • • CI 0 -, 4Cir N 411 141'B , lir luito constantly on band bind Dirnish to order all kinds and qtuditte of'snalloned" DcbillDS 4 _ , ROAPPAUNDi • • • - picrog Mir vt Paling, Plaattning Leib, Shingling Lath, worked Floor ing aud Weatherboarding, Poets and Rails, and every ar Delo that o l?elongs co LUIIIBRIt YARD, All er kinds of Bhiugles, to wit: • Wldtepine, Hemlock, and , ak, of different gtudilles• having Carn—of our own eau furnlah"nilla to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable berms. Dur,rrorked boards will-be kept under cover 00 that they can •be furnished dry at all time°. • ,We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which , we.will Oellver clean to any part of the borough. To wit DICKENS VALLEY, Droken,.Egg, Stgye and lint LUKE FIDDLER, TREVOUTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN,' LODDERYt which Nre, pledge otircielYee to veil at the loweet prices Best quality of ". • • • Limeburner's and Blaokandth's Coal' always on hand which ne•rrill sell a the lowest Ilium • Yard wed side of Grammar School, Main Area. ARMSTRONG & HOFFER, ''July 20,1850. do. do CR AM I.3BRE,JBLIAG FEMALE SEM-, • The location Is plassantiad healthy, and the advert• times are equalled by, fuw In tho land.' The Institution la large and prosperous, with a corps of easiatants sun with care, and well qualified to inatiqui In the solid and ornamental branches, The Influences In the board lug department aro parental,' moral and refining. The next session' will '.commence the 12th day of Septcnber: Vatalosces Tony be had on'appllcatlon to the grinclpal, REFERENCES 'Bev. W. W. Elle, Carllnle; Bee. John Ault, Loudon, 'Pa; Geo. 11. Bucher, Esq., lloguestorrn, Pe; Bon. Cleo. Chambers; 8.13. 8,h1leCII; EF. D., S. 11, Fisher, D. D., Ilev, P. B. Itrese. Rev. Juseph Chtelc'.Charnberstarg, Pa Pro; Amore et Prlnanot6 N...l,Abotti of tho College and Then logical Seminary. Be,. HENRY REEVES, A. M., Mrs. SARAH U. REEVES; Pnuclpele. CnrllEle, ,Jag, 22, 1860,-Iy. J. R. NO,N.EI9LA.E.Eivs FORiVODING AND . COMMIS •• • BON 1100 k, FLOUR' AND FEED, • COAL, PLAdTER AND SALT. The subscriber haying taken the •Ware novae care And natures of Wm..ll4lumty'a well known eetabllsh• moot, on Westslllgh areal, opposite Dickimmtl College, would inform the public that he hay ontcred into A general Forwarding and Commixelon businesA. -The highest market price will be paid for Flour, Grain and produce of all kinds. 'They aro also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Daltimore,.at the lowest rates, with 'Witty and despatch. PLASTER AND SALT kept consitlntly on band, and FLOUR AND VIED at wholesale or retail. • • Coal of all kinds, embraelutt, LPKEN'S VALLEY, , • LUKE FIDDLER, §UNBURY WUITE ASH,' LOCUST OAP, Limeburner's and Blacksmith's • CONSTANTLY 7011 assn. REPT UNDER COVER and delivered dry O. any part of tho town. ' J. 1L NONEMAKER Carlisle, Augnet 17, 1859. riEW C,CIAL YARD AT:11111PM 7.11 D o 1 CARLIBLZ. The subgerlber would respectfully calf the attention of Llineborner's, , and the tltlzene of Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally, to ble NEW Or attached to bls Ware Ileum on West Illgh Bt., wbero be will ,keepsonstantly on hand a largo supply of the best quality of BOA le to.wit : Lykens Valley, Lake Fiddler, Pine Grove and Trevor ton, Broken, Egg and Nut Coal—ocroonod and dry coal, which he pledgee himself to Fell at the lowest possible prices. Beet quality of LIBIEBURNEWI3 AND BLACKSMITII'S COAL always on hand. - - Air All orders left at the Ware douse, or at his reel donee In Northlianover street, will be promptly 'at tended to. Chtilsle, April ]4,'sB—tr. QL ASS I `GLASS!! PAINTS! PA INtfl I I •A *moment of Glass of all sloes and quality, with a large dock or froth PAINTS, all colora. 011 a. Varnishes, An t Cement In largo or email quantltlea, at low figures at • a JOIIN P. LYNE & SON, North Hanover Street. Oct. 27,'68 HO&VETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprieteistand manufacturers of THOS, TETTEIt'S CRIPIIIIATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal .with 'perfect confidence to physicians and oiyzens generally of the United States, becatistithe article has attained repu teflon heretofore'unknown.. a. few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Ilostatter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a balfr million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold, but for the rare medicinal' properties-contained-in-the-prepara tion, and the s notion of the most prominent physicians in tho sections of the country where the articlrta est known, who not only recommend 114 Bitters. to their patients, but. are ready at all times to give testimonials to its et:fleecy in all cases of stomachic derangereents and the diseases resulting thereirom. • This is nota temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum• poting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined I'd be as enduring as time itself. liostetter's Stomach Bitters Lava proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague end various other . bilious .complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able- to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the. Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source *of un alloyed pleasure. • It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purities the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates-upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. (1 00D1 GOD D! ! 01) . . yet recelved - nt the-chenp,Orems ths.under oilseed, lota of good th:ngs; apart of the Jul - • . Ihitbeetically scaled PEACIIES, (fresh) . • .. ."TOMATUI,B,. CORN, ff. 'II O WAS, • t` • ." • . .. • LUBSTSItS. • PINE APPLE, " . 4- TURTLE'SOBP; " SARDINES, • t. [PickleA 'Clerking, Chow ChOw, Plccalllil , Lobel...Ws; Cauliflower, Capers. - • . Vliyep,Tomatoo Kateop, Woltitit dd.,.Mushietim dn. .Peliper.Sautte,llbminyOritts,?Cianberries, - tho finest of Dried Beef, H n uar.ctired flame, Shoulder. Bologna Sausage, soup to- Maccaroni, Sugars, Coffees, Toes, Molasses, ands' it of-all kinds. ' NSWAh'S, PINS SESARS, among which ero tirentx.flyo thousand Oermen Sixes. prime 'Tobacco, and the very best and Owes; LIQUORS In the ctninty, Confectionary and Fruit, .tc. ' All of which are offered to the citizens of Carlisle and county of Cumberland, at the lowest prfroo for Own, =rill 41 . . COME ONE, COME ALL, two doors East of Rhoads' Wirobouse. • . • Carlisle, Nov. 0, 1860 ;MAE .111SURA:NCE.-TxiE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE 7N .SURANCE COMPANY. of Cumberland - county, incorpo. rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organisedond In operation under the management ol the follow - Mg commissioners, viz: Daniel Bailey, William It. Gorges, Michael Cockiln, Elchelberger,J. Christian Stayman, John C. Dun. Inp, Jacob R. octor, Lewis Ilyer, S. Eberly, 'Benja min'Wiser, J. Brandt, Joseph IVickersham, Alexander Cathcart. The rates of insurance are as low and favtrable as atiy Company ,of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are invited to make application to the agents ofihe company, who are willing to wait ur) them at any time. - • . .Wll. R. 130110 AS, President. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President LEWIS LIVER, Secretary. MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. ' . . ManagerA—Wm. it. Gorgon, L. Byer. Chtistiern Stay. men, DI. Conklin, J. C. -Donlap, It. Martin, D. Bell,o. ll.Coover, Alex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Mahelimn ger.l3. 'Eberly, J. Mundt. AGENTS. • CUMBERLAND COUNTY.— John She nick,`Atien , Henry Bearing, Shiremanstown; &Muni Wribdlinrn Dickinson; henry Dworman, Churahtawn Mode Or ii Rh, South Middleton• Samuel Graham, W. Penns bore'; Samuel Coover, Mechnnienbnrg J. W. Conklin, Shepherdstown; D. Coover, Shepherrintown ; J. 0. Sax. ton, Silver Keing; Benj.' Ilacerstick, Slicer Spring; Charles Bell, arlinle ; John Tiyer, Anrllele.' • 'YORK COUNT W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter \Vol. ford, Franklin; Jan:Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Dear dna. Wanhington; D. Rutter, Newburg; It. C. Clgrk; DlDnfrarg. DAUPHIN CO.—Hower & Lachman, Harrisburg. . Membern of the company having policies about to a:. pire, caMhave themra"wad by making application to anytof the Agents. - ' • April 20.1889. • HOWAItD ASYOCIATIONJ • PAILADELPIIIA A Benevolent Institution, established by special en dowment for Cher - relief of the alek and •distressed, r • afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic 'diseases. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of. • ' the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Sur geon, to all who apply by letter, with a description or their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, dic.,) and in cases of extreme poverty. Medicines furnished 'free of charge. • VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrheta, and i,(her. Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REM EDIES employed in the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or tines •Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, lilt. J. SKILLEN lIOUORTON;Acting Sur goon, Howard Association, NO. 2 South. Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. IIEARTWELL, Presiden OEO. FAIRCIIILD, Secretary. - . 11THEi7 YARD, ThousainliaYro daily speaking In praise of • DR. EATON'S ' MEMM and why? .because It never falls to afford Instantaneous relief when given in time. It ads as It by dingle, and one trial alone will convince you that what we any it fit, contains 'NO' PAREGORIC, OR , OPIATE at any kind, and therefore - relieves by removing the sufferings of your child, instead of by deadening its sensibilities. For thin meson it commends Itself the only reliable preparation now known for Children Teething. Diarrhoea Dysentery. CiriPr Ing in the _Dowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Cold In Lice - Lead; and Croup, also. for softening the game. reducing (Whim tlott; regulating the Bowels and relieving pain, It ban no equal—being anent, Nina motile it In nerd with unfailing nurcess in all cases of Convulsion or other Pits. An you Vailue the life and health of your children, and whit to save them from thole, sad and blighting 'consequences which are certain to result from' the non of narcotics of whicti• other remodian for InfantilteComplaints are componed, take none bet DR. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, thin you can rely upon. It in perfectly harmless and cannot fujute s the meet delicate infant. Price, 28 rent, Full directions accompow each bottle. ' 'Prepared only by CHURCH & DUPONT. N 0.400 Broadway Note York. BLOOD FOoD ' ll p.lthylatmanlllmdlapon being always presents us with the-Same essential elements and gives of. course the True Standard. Analyze th° Blond one pom.on sullerink from Consumption, .I,lre Complaint, Dyspepsia, Setocu.a, dc. sod we find in every Instance certain deficiencies In the rod globules of Blood, Supply these deficiencies and you are mode well. The BLOOD FOOD is founded upon. title Theory —hence its aetochthing suers,. Then are' FIVE PREPARATIONS. adapted to the deficiencies of the Blood In different diseases. Nor Coughs Colds, Bronchitis, or any affec tion whatever of the THROAT or LOMB inducing Con gumption, use No 1, which Is Always the No. for De pSession of Spirits, Loss of Appetite. and for all Chem'. le Complaints arising from Overuse, General Debility, and Nervous Prostration. No. 2, for Liver Complaints, No. I for Dyepopsia. Being already prepared fkr ab sorption It le taken by drops and carried Immediately Into the cireulation, so that what you gain you retain. The No. ft is for Female Irregularities, Hysteria, Weak names, dm See special directions for thin. For• Salt Rheum, Eruptions, Schtfulous Kidney, and Bladder t-If, Complain take Isio 6. In 41 cos the direction must bo strictly followiff. Price ort Ja Blood Food $1 per bottle. Sold by-011, If 4 DUPONT, No'i4 o2 Broadway, New York. J' W. Dyott & Bons, PhlladelphlN, and 0.11. Keyser Pittsburg Wholesale Agents. For Bale by B. Elliott, Carlisle. • THE ONLY PREPARATION 'WORMY OF Universal Confidence & Patronage. FOR STATESMEN, .MIDOES, CLERGYMEN, Ladles and Gentlemen, in all parts of the world testify to the efficacy of Prof. 0. J. 11 mars Hair Restorative, Led gentlemen of the Press are 111121111111101111 In Its pral.e. A few testimonials only oar, be here given : see circular fur more, and It will be impossible for you to doubt. 49 Wall Street, New York, Dec 20:11.1850. • Ostintatru:—Your note of the 15th inst., has been received, saying that you had heard that I had been benefited by the Mal of Wood's fluirDestorative.acd re questing my certificate of the fact ff 1 bed no objection to give it. - 1 award It to you cheerfully, because I think it due. - My age In about oo years; the color of my hair auburn, end inclined to curl. -Emus. five or six years since It be gnu to turn grey, and the scalp on the crop n of„my head to loose Itesetistbillty Mid dandruirto s forninpou It Each of these disagreabilities Increased with time, and about four mouths since a fourth was. added to them, by hair falling 01 - F-the top of my head and threatening to make go) bald.. In this unpleasant predicament, I was induced to try Wood's hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the falliugoff of my hair, for Deafly had no emaciation that gray huh. , could ever be restored to its original color stxcept frau dyes; 1 was however greatly surprised to find after the use of two bottles only. that not only was the tilling off arrested. but the color was restored to the gray hairs and sensibility to the scalp, and dandruff ceased to 11 eat on my bead, very much to the gratification of my wife, at wham solicitation I Was induced to try it. • For this, among the many obligations I owe to her 'sex, I strongly recommend to all husbands who value the admiration of their wives to profit by ply example, and use it if growing gray or getting bald. • - Very respectfully, BEN. A. LAVENDER. To O.J. Wood & Co., 4-14 Broadway, New York. • family are absent from the city, and I apt no longer at No 11 Coriii Place. . •• • Siamaston, Ale., July 20th, ISM To Prof. O.J. Wood:—Dear Sir: Your llair Restore. Live" has done my hair so much good bincol cowmen. cad the use of lt,,hat I wish to make known to the 'public Oita Woolson the hair, which are groat. ,o men .0e Women may be, nearly deprived of hair, and by n re sort to your "Mir Restorativi " the • hair will return more beautiful the , ever; at feast thin to my expert Dellove st all! Youre truly. WM. li. KENDDY. , • •P;S.—You , can publish' the above if you like. By publishing in our Southern papers you will Fot wore patronage south. I see several : nf• yone - certilicates in the Mobile Mercury, a stronglionthern p.yper.. - • eR 1.1 Kenedy -.,.• • • ; WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIY.I4 e' • Pinfessor 0. J. 'Wood Dear 'fflr:—Having bad the 'misfortune to lose the bust portion of my lair, from the 'effsets'of the yellmi fewer. in New °rhum in 1851 I ;Wits hiduced to make a trial of your preparation. and ffliindltto answer as the very thing needed. My hair' Is now thick`and grow, and no words' can e'sprees my oldigations to you In giving to the afflicted inch a Obit. gine • FINLEY JOHNSON. . The Rentorattpe is put up lu bottleaPf three shies vim large, luedluni, andthe email holdi 34 a plot" and retails ter etie doller.por hottie; TheroodFum, bolds •at leaettiventY - per cerit todraln!peeportiOn Aluiti the alnall4Awkalla for tan dimorikpr 'r bottle; largiiholds a quart, forty ptir emit oiorp,i,u:pripozAtop, ',sod 4:stalis for three,dollare... , 0. 3. WOOD 4.oo4'PrOplialers 444 ylioadiray, , New York, and 214 Market Strcet:,SeLtrule. Aro. ' 'sold bialfgoottAtugglsts azillfeuicy Q9odi Atli 4. . . EEIEME3 INFANTILE CORDIAL. ANALYZED gliitebuirons. , C RLISLE AND. PIIILADEL P 1 e .fat2C- DAILY!IPIIIII01 , T, LINE VItEED, WA:ItIl 211 ',immix iy.n.Er..x, runnoiLvills • • . ' J. 4..1)41.1.0 ADS: . - . • . . 1 • . RAIN iiili*Mo. l l 6l .4l gar Can of this Line leave 11 . n Depot 811 Market at., Dolly, at 4 o'vl,ock, P. M. .. • Leave Carliala, Doily, at 7 &check. A. M. • Gouda int,onded for this Line should 14.1:narked 0.4. P. Daily Freight LluVand eeut,iu by 4 ol'cli,ck. Slay 25, 1859. • • . -.-.- - ', . NEW 'r 4. R OTT T • The subscriber•hisatartiel a tri•weekly line of taps between Carlisle and Landisburg, leavlng•Cart lisle every libmday, Wednesday and Friday, immedb MeV on the arrival of thwafternoon train of cars from the cast. Returning, leaves landisburg at 8.00 4. M., every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, and arrives 'at Carlisle at 1.00 , P. M.; via.' Perry County Warm Springs, Sherinansdelo Sterrett's Gat, and Carlisle Sul ph urSprings. On and afar June the 15th, the line will be run daily for the accommodation of passengers going. to the Springe. Forel() the several &Into ati allows: Carlisle to Sulphur Springa; • t •••• g e o r r r m e t a t n . s e a t: . Perry County Warm tipritig " Landisburg, . . •' 'RETURNING, • Lsodisburg to Warm Springs, . " Shermansdale, " Sierran!, flap,. Sulphur Springs, • " • Carlisle,. . . . ..The above line will regularly sorry the MAIL gaud PriOni the several points above indicated.' I have also a •well , stocked LIMEY STABLE. Yroni which I am at all times ready to furnish horses /mare, noted to those who 0 , 111.04v0r me with their patronage, on the most reasonable termsand in the very best Kyle. may' 91858. CIEOBOR JIENDEL. . IV.4.XCELSIOR•PICTUriES A. it. itlitiNVool) would reopertfully Inform tht clt suns of Carlini° and vicinity that holundaltium•oott,t, In Zug's .now building, enduorner nfAilarket Sof re where he In at all timed ready to take'ASIAROT,Y ' ' In the latent and moot approved etyle. iflctures taken, in dug antlgtoudV weather co well as clear. and sat infaction given or no charges made. 'Updrafts and Da. guerrootypen codlod. kllniaturq Pictures f.aken for Lockets Sm., In Ambrotype. A mbristypea warranted to stand the test of time, beta Or water. 'Adios and Rentlemma arc cordially Incite d to et, 11114 . oxr.mine ftpcclmons. Prices loom scta. to $lO. A. R. lIENWOOD, Jan. 27, 1858 ' .-13r.' , • ' , Artict. L- 1 V Olt Y STA, L. 4 chased from .1. It. Nor. TABLISIIMENE, I will be a date the pul AO EN„I1U1 !Isle twiny 11 , boldness and a desire to plea receive a liberal share of put N. B. Omn'busses on Int be In need of them. • Nov. 26. 1857.1 AMES it. WEAVER'S CABINET AND CHAIR • 11IAN,CFACTORY, • NORTII 114Novzit STRZET, - ,CAIILISLE, PA Having been engaged in the bunt:less for over twenty years he would return thanks to his customer, end friends, fur the Mend encourvemeht extended to him In yearn intwo by, am! farther assures Itheru •that no pains will be spared. to Oro full antinfactltnYlo all who may furor him with a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made t 6 order. 'Warranted Mixt of the best quality, of the la, test atyle, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. - _ I' • • Ile also continues be - sines - a as an UNDERTAKER.— • Ready made Collins, sletaillc or otherwise; koltt con. stonily on hamd and funeials promptly attended to personally in town or country, OD the most reasonable termsl. Cherry and Walnut Colrina, Jewell - site, 'w ell finished and lined inside, from 9 to 12 dollars.• Walnut Coffins covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES U. WEAVER. May 25. 1859.4-Iy. N, 11.—Two proportire situate In Churebtown,f)umb. county, are offered for sale on pony terms. Apply ea obeyer. J. It. W. William Practical PLUMB in tha'basement of Main Sire. P. • Lyncli, 1 and. GAS FITTER the M; E. Church,, et, Carlisle.' Iron Sinks, • Bath Tube, Bath Hollers, Womb !Winn, llydpullo llama, &al' Lead and Iron Pipes, hydrants, llot A Cold Shower Baths, Witter Closets, Force and LIR Pumps, - 15'rn't Iron Wed Tubes ' , And every description or cocks and fittings for gas, steam, water. &e. Superior cooking mem, bentersand gas fixtures put up In churches. stores and dwellings, at short notice, In the moat modern style. All materi als and work In our line at low rates and warranted. ahr Country work atid4obbing promptly attended to. Mew. 23. 1839,-1Y WALTER C. WHITMAN. Dealer In . FINE GROCERIES N. W artier -17V1i find Arch Streets, .PHILADELPHIA. • Imp4tors of Cross & Illackweirs di:IO.MM PICKLES and SAUCES. Particular attention paid In selecting fine TEIA.S & COFFEES Por Fainilles,Sugars always at Refiners' prices. Choice WIN ElirlAQUOltti aud SEUARSof_the_beat_braude._ always on band: Slay it, '60.-ly; • • NAILS !" NAILS 1! NAILS I! I A large stock of good, Clean, Neat, and Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nails are worth Wets a keg more, than any other make of mails Bold In our town. thin le the opinion of mechanics who have tiled thin% wo also heron full assortment of BUILDING MATERIALS, of the latest and most approved ety Ins. All gooda-war. ranted as represented. JOHN II..LYNE & SON. May 2, TIU. North Hanover St. Carlisle. 6" 'RACE CHAINS OF . ALL kinds with a large assortment of uurr CHAINS, lIALTEICCIIAINS, BIIKAST GRAINS, - FIFTH CHAINS, LOU CHAINS, TONGUE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, SPREAD Ac., An, Just received at the Cheap Hardware Store of . March 7,'66. MERRY SA. ON, G RANVILLE, STOKES' U I irT (ILOTIIINCI EMPORIUM, ONE. PRICE AND NO ABATEMENT, No. 607 Chestnut Street Granville Stokes would return thanks to the public for their appreciation alas efforts to please,-and their liberal patronage. In or der to keep up this kindly feeling, he lice yiel. del to the solicitations of many of his !rich& and in augurated a new system, of Gifts with each Garment Sold. To his choice selection of tine Fabrics, and made up Clothing he invites tho scrutiny of the public, as well es to hie new toed° of doing business. Koch al , ticle la warranted to be In Fabric, Style and Make, . equal to nay gotten up la the City. and ONE PRICE, (lower than the lowest ' ) marked on the ticket. , Each article sold, or measured for, Is accompanied by a Gilt, varying in value from $1 to $lOO. N. lE—None but the most skilful Designers. Cutters end Workmen employed; and mtisfaction in Fit, Foal. 100, Fabric, Price and Gift, guaranteed afht/LtANVILLE STOKES' one price gill clothing emporium, No! 607 Chestnut Street. May 20,'50.-6m. -• HAINES BROS). OVIIRSTRUNG GRAND .A.OTION • PIANO FORTE'S, • Celebrated for superior quality of tone anti elegance and beauty of 'finish. Thene Pionoe hare always taken the FIRST I'itESIIUM when pineed In competition with other MOWS. CHALLENGE ALL COM:71710N: A splendid assortment of LOUIS XIV and plainer style, always on hand. Also Second hand Pianos and PRINCE'S 151-' PitOVED MELODEONS from $45 to $:150. Any- Every Instrument Warranted. 0140. L. WALKER'S Plano and Melodeon Depot. S. E. Cur. 7th & Arch Ste. Phila. July 27, 11360.-13 Eloo TONS IRON • AND . ROLLED IRON of the verybest ENGLISH BRANDS warn - ed in every way Superior to Amer Man make. Just re. calved with a largo assortment of . - Sheet Iron, Anvils, . Hoop Iron, . • Vices, - -,• ' • '' Band Iron, ' • Filmy ~1 r . ' ' Horse Shoe Iron, ' Rattpel, - - • • • - Spring Steel, - ' Bong, - , Cast Steel., ,--' '. ' Rivets, ' ' • ' r' Blister f teal, Ig - Nuts, ' ' ' Withers, r ~ ..,' ' Hose Shoes, . ' • • &Novitiate*. ' .' ~ ~ Nails. Blacksmith Bellowejtc., de. Cheaper then the cheapeet, at the Ibuttltirore Store of Harsh 7,' 60 . , r • ,' HENRY SAXTON. N. 13 AU Iron'sold at City prises with freight added an dwerranted. '. ' . . ' • • DAINTS..M.TD OILS.= - L ., • . . 10 Tone' White ',lad. lOW Stallone of oil. Just received with a large assortment of Varnishes. ' ' '''', rire'er °6l.P aP , Turpentine,' . , . 'Floretste . te, " g r ay, . . Colored S'ne, " Labarge,' ,", '' ' 'Red Lead, , ' ' 'Whiting , ~ L: ' , Tiolled OIL . ' ~. ~-. '''," 011ie, '. . '', Lard Oil, r Shellac, ' ' "• : Sperm OIL' ' ' Paint Brushes,'' '' .pia, my &c., ' : "6;j4jrnietieiy deicrintleb, 44; aod Ott in cans and tut , oo 4‘4.thn.fleudwarp Store of,_. , , . . . .r , • 24. rp h wed., ~ 4 1ff AMES !, 1 1 ,1 - AIgV,S 11 , lIAMF,S . I :1 Ax, COMMON PATTERN, , ' , „ LONDON !RATTERN:er ' • , %flih Arid wlt6it pet{pia cßesitei at thikttartisr4riqa of " , Wirth 7; - ' • • HENRY XTON:"' *ebictites. D'ES DISEA:SE OIIIGINATE 01 , BOOD?, 'At& la a que lM stion PURITY of "vital i m porta n ce. cud cue which_ .. hna never been itatisiectoilly.dispeacd of by the profes sore who tenth the hailing art. Some maintain—and especially the old school Physicians—that life lives in the blood, and therefore ull diseases oriainnte In It-- but modern edema: acre, that Ailments bare their origiuntlee to bothrtlm aelbla.opd tinkle of the body. That the latter propoederete, hemever, is a fixed fact, Out, medical skill pas clearly demonstrated that al least two-Wale of the Ills that human flesh to heir to, s ` „havelheir source in an - • . , IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD I As, for Instance, In the long analogue , ouch as Scrofu la, Totter, "Barber's Itch,' , Pimplen, Blotches. Erysipe. ins, Ulcers, Salt Itlieutn, diochargeo truly the Ear, Feat ' Sores, qr Irruptive diseases of any hand These are all cerielned by evelLittiown medical Da; to arise Crumbed blood—while the highest medical - authorities. declare that Most teem originate In the tame manner, and :more particularly Typhoid and scarlet—the- former be lag an Internet, and the latter au external Irruptive disease; and in all persona attacked by them maladies, tho blood Is found to be either coagulated or,pf a dark unhealthy To ward off n large mejorlti of amens, as weft se to cure a number which holm already seized upon the aye tem, It la necessary to ' • PURIFY TUE. BLOOD • Improied Blood Searcher dose not claim to • be a G. UNIVERSAL PANACEA_ . for every.diaensa Known, but' the 'pmprietors claim foi ICI he power not only of droluing nut mi impurities of -the blood, but by the bk !MI combination of well known vegetable remedies. It will cure all diseases arising from &deranged elate of the liver, drive out. dyspepsia, and givo ren owed tone and vigor to the atom& That the Skiacuon Is all that is claimed f0g41., the proprie Core can produce IN Eli • 7t fe only a few years since wart discovered, and yet It has grown Into such a brininess that a large laboratory bee been built expreeniv for its manufacture--p large number of men employed in putting it up ,'and RUB the • SUPPLY DOES Ma EQUAL l'ilE DEMAND, We nob any candid man, could this be so, it the died Dine did not ponces au, the virtues claimed for It t• The Prom !Mum din. hundreds of certificates from men of probityand , standlng In the community, show log what the niediclnels doing daily for the suffering ASK ANY PEBBON who has ever used the Blood Searcher whethei rein was experienced. Let the afflicted give It a trial—n Angie bottle convince the most skeptical of its eflkary. Akok,. For onle in Carlini(' by H. W. Baveratick, 13. m tl ott, and B. J. atelier • Kauffman & Son, .141 ' , eh ica burg; Comelier & Zook, Shepherdstown ; Joshua Culp ifogetown; Jacob Simmons„ em' Ronde; Rath .& Wise, Shiremanstown LA. M. Leidich, Bolling :pings Mary W. Risme], Churchtown ; Edward Jamul, Wept 11111; J.C. Flosnauelkt & Bro., °Millie; Shoemaker A Elliott, Newburg; m. Bretton, Newvillev J. Hood & Co.. Springfield ; Russall & Dire."Dickinron; IPc'land & Waal:Anger Jacksonville; Wm. Clark & Lo., Lee Bondi; .IVm. IL Eckles, Sporting IIIII; D. Denlinger Whit, Hail; J. C. AMA, Shipponsburg; of Cumber land county, Pa; LINDSEY & LEMON, Proprietors, Ceti:Mg. Hollidaysburg, Pa aving par- LI V,EILY EP. r to accommo• WISES, CAIR• every other an ottetitton to rriber hopes to , ~ DS P ,P S A REMEDY • • fr i ii Da, DARIUS RAM'S ' Armin Invigokating Spirit. This Medlar° hoe been used by the .public for rums, with increasing favor. It is recommended to cure Pyspepsith Nervousness. pear! Burn, Colic, Bnink, Wind in the Stomach, or Pains iu the Dowbls. Ileadache. Drowsiness; Kidney Com. plaints, Low Spirits, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance. It Stimulates, Exhitirates, Invigorates, but will not Intoxicattior Stupefy. As a Medlar, it in.quick and effectual, curing the most aggravated cases of Dispeptiln. kidney Complaints, and all other clerangements of a* Stomach end Low. els, a speedy manlier. It will Instantly revive the Mfg drooping and met. ancholly spirits, nod, restore the. Weak, nervous and sickly to healflmstrongth lind;vlo4. , Persons who. from the injildirldna use of liquors, have become dujected, emltliklibervous systems shat tered. constitutions broken, dlrdn, sod subject to that horrible curie to humanity. the Umatilla Tit runts, wit almost immediately feel the lumpy Mid healthy luvigo -rating efficacy of Dr, ilam's Invigorating Spirit. WIIXT IT WILL DO. . , tboeu w'bomay . • G. 11. flOsp—One wine glean full as often as necessary. One done will removeall Had Spirits. One dose will cure Heart burn. , Three doses will cute Indigestion: One dose will give you n Oot.d Appetite, One dose will stop the distresning painsof Dyspepsia. One gee will remove the 1116treatiluvind disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence, and ns soon as the etom ash receives the Invliiorating Spirit, the distregalug load nod nil painful feelings will he removed. - • ' One dose will remove the moot di/dressing pains of Colic, either In the stmench or bowels. A few doers will remove all obstructions In the ,Kld. ney, Bladder or Urinary Organs. ." Parsonp.who are seriously afflicted with any Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by a dose or two and a radical curt, by.the use (lone or two bottles, -NIGHTLY pISSIPATION. • Personlvarhoi froth dissipating too much over night; and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, In Onkel headaches, sfekneas at stomach,.weakness, giddiness, will find one dose will remove all bad feelings. (Adler of week nnd constitutions. sheuld take the Invigorating iSplrlt three times a day; It will make EbenVatmog, healthy and happy, remove all obetrue- Hone add Irregularities from the menstrual organs and restbre the bloom of health And beauty to the careworn (see. • During pretrnscy it Will be found an inraluablemedi :Ine to remora disagreeable sensations at the stomach, All the proprietor asks Is a trial, and, to induce this m ham put up the Isvlcrmartao Seim 'ln plot bottles it 50 eta., quarts *A- For sale In Carlisle by 8. W. Haserstick; In Me. hardesburg by L Kauffman. and by Druggists garter. dly. • •• Feb.'l, 1800.-Iy. 1860. SPRING F • - E.Li'LLERS' OLD STAND.. . , A complete stink of Hat's and Caps now ready for inspection.. SILK, • , t , , . . • FUR, • - - CASBIMERE.- . • • , FELT & WOOL. In !ivory style andtallty. We callitartictil lir atten— tion to our $3 811 HATS. Silk and soft IlAts, o any style ntannfsituretito order. Caps of all kinds RECOLLECT KELLER'S OLD STAND. • North Hanover Street. Carlisle Ear th 14, 1860. 4 • 1000 134 iXES OF GLASS.- Ot All slaws, Donbl• nod Angle thick. Plain t Orna mental Colt red &c. Just received At the Cheap hard ware Start of March 7.' 000 GRIND STONES.— ‘„, Of id! sizes, warranted of the beet quality. Just eeelved at the Hardware Store of March 7, '6O. lIENRY SAXTON. 13 0 W D-E R. - • - I 25 Kegs Dupont. Rock and Rifle powder, with a largo assortment of Safety Fuse, Stone Drills, ,Picks, ~,.Mows Sledges, ' Crow Ears, Stone Hammers Just received at the cheepilardware gtora of *arch, 7,'60. IllttiltY SAXTON. HAT AND CAP-EMPORILTM7 • J. U. CALM it Co., successors to Wm. 11. Tiiill would announce to their customers and the. Puhlis generally that they bore ,lust received from Phliadel Bhis, sclera° and elegantstock of geode, in their line of usiness of every variety, style and quality. They have on hand's splendid assortment . ' of • . . • HATS AND 'CAPS / of all descriptions, from the common Wool to the Sliest FUlt AND SILK HATS; and at prlcei that must suit every ono Who has en eye to gritting the worth of money. Tho stock Includaa, MOLESKIN, CASSIMEHE, BEATEN & FELT RATS, of every style and color and.nnourpasted for. LIGHT. NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of any other establishment in thu country. MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAPS,' of every lesprlption constantly on hand. They respectfully Invite all the old Petrone and es many new ones ea possible,-to give them 01.11. J. U. CALM° & CO. Apr. 25,..1860-rly pENN LWE INSU RANCE COM VANY. DIVIDEND'NOTICE The Board or TrtAr v a have declared tin IRxvitt, EMIT IVID DEND of FIFTH r cent, and a regular Dividend of TWHNTY4 . IV if percent.' And also a Coen or INTER. rot Dirldend of 81X per cant upon the Scrip Dividends • of 1850 to Fehrtiary 1850 incluslte. 1 am now ready to deliver Certificates and pay tercet to those entitled thereto. 'A. L. BPONSLBR May 2, 1860. ' ' Agent. - I - DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO., DRY GOODS MEROHANTS, - .. 80 ,fr 82 Chamber., *mild notify the Trade that they are opening Weekly in new and beautiful patterns, the • IVA.IIISUTTA PRINTS. ALSO A4AIO.S.K.VAG A new Print, which excols every Print I n the Country foe perfection of execution cod deeign in, full ?decider Coitira. Our Prints are cheaper thou any. in,Wicarket, end meeting with exteostve sale, •' ~,"Ordere promptly, attended to, . .c,,IUGAR . Otat:ED HAMS— I:0 Dried Deaf, llolOgna, Fish, Cheoaa:Voireea,llngarer ° blolassan, Teee, itlaccatunl, Dried Fruit,' Tornatoeii; . 1434cb0il in cane, Phis Apple, Corn dried and Rosh, Sar dines, Ancborles,'ollves.'Mu.broom. Walnut' and Tcr• motto Kinsiip.•Jolin Bull,London Club,Woiteaterabire,, India Boy, Ilarvoy's andßoadigis paute,,Plakels'ol a.)l Itioda plain and fancy,.Tiinsfarlia plain and mixed, beet • gnality X 0 1 , 4e O ..i.t.Segcri,i 2l : o .riacingera . . Bran,iie;; 'pna 0 1 , a g oods not you orated to he 'omit , the. doweef. Cod tryptodnce iIVM ' • . ..*P.Y . / 0 .1P 0 07 6 " ••• • .;11ENTZ. ADA 7/01); SPIkE,s;44 IA 60 Time Nails and figlkel; jr.et ieifel4l of the - ver7 beat malte and an Warrantea.'. country. mptubeo ts ,e7pliad with' naila at manufacturer! ,pilaea; .at blotch , 'no. . • 'Vote ihO ivltolo County Tioket. a •- : THE •',nog lIENRY SAXTON treb B'6o-1y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers