Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 21, 1860, Image 3

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    r,ro THL 1114113 :AND LEGAL
SRESONTAT IV ES OF tienrge iluttorif Woof ilia
t,wollbip of Sliver Spring county of Cumberland dee'd.
dike outice,that by 'virtue of a writ •of Partitihn and
Valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Comber
Mad County, and to me directel. t will hold an laquest
to divldu, part or vaine the real estate of said deceased,
On tho promises, on IVrdnesday 171,1i'day of Octm
bar, A. D. intill, ht 10 o'clock, A. hi., when and where
—you may attend if you think proper,
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle.
Sept, 21, 1860.-4 t
PRESIINTATIVES OF Mary Croft late of the
Borough of CarlishkeUstity or.Cumberiand deed. take
notice that by vDtue' of a wilt of PArtition and Value'.
Con issued out of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland
County, and to me dlrectyd, i will hold an , Inquest to
divide,•part or value the real estate of mid dee'd. on
the premises, on 'Saturday the lath day of October A.'
D. 1800. at IU o'clock, A. M., wheu - and where yOu may .
"'attend If you think proper.
81iiirlfr's Office, Carlisle.'
But. 21, 1800.—Ie
CAUTION.—The public ,ure• hereby
cautioned not to trust or heirlior ply wire, ELIZA.•
nn my account. she having, left tau , had and
board withoutjust cauSe or provocation. lam deter
mined to pay nn debts or her contracting, either for
herself or the trio children she has taken away *ln
her. ABU k °ROM
. Sept. 21, '60..0t. •
• Nesiton township.
W.I3ENTz has now opened a large
w and complete stock of staple .and Fancy Dry'
Good., selected expressly for the Fall trade oflBllo, con
elating of.
Bilk Rohm ' Figured and tilairrSilks,
Merl noes '
• Cashmeres,
All WwelDeLainee, '
11114 A variety of now style " Dress Goods."-' •
Troche, Thibet, Stella, and illanketShawls of every de.
seriptiqn. .
• Sleek Silks, and a splendid line of Mourning Goods.
Also a won selected stock- of white goods. Ilusiory,
Months and Trimmings..
Fancy colorsliind fleck cloth Mantles of the intent
Perla Styles. English and American Prints, French
Scotch and Domestic flinghams, n full and complete
stock of Cloths, Casslineres nod 'feelings.
Brussein, three ply, Ingralu,snd llome made, which
In quality and prices cannot be Burp:mad
Oval Gilt, Oval Walnut and Mahogany frames nurrorn
of all alsea.•
Baal r.g enlarged my room and increased my atock of
goods, Iran now offer for sule, goods at such prices as
will satisfy not only a few. but every • ooe. Thankful
for past patronage extended towards too, I invltecill, to
call and PXlllllillO my 110 A Stock.
• Carlisle 'opt. Id, 'OP. ' • • ,A.W. BENTZ.
respectfully informs the public thathe has just ree
caved an extra large stock of'
which for vat lay. beauty and price cannot be equalled
in the County, all of which will be sold per yard or
made up 4,,measurtiti the most approved htylea.
Fine ithielt French CLOTH.of every grade,'
Ilrtiwn do. do.
•• Army and Navy 'do, •
and many other colors. CASSIDRIIES of the very la.
test atyle4, In immense variety. VESTINOS In large
quantities of the latent styles. Also, a very large lot
of Sattlnets, Jeans, Flannels, Shirting, Sc., which will
be sold at the lowest market price. ,
The public is respectfully invited to inspect ourlarge
stock of goods, assuring them that a call will not Incur
the least obligation to purchase. ,
Carlisle, Sept. 14, 410.
WE would respectfully inform our.
friends, patrons and the public generally, that
we have now in stole and offer Wholesale & Retail, at
the lowest Cash Prices, a large and very choice stock uf,
• Watches, Jewelry, Sliver and Plated Ware of every va.
bay and style.
Every description of Diamond Work and other Jewel
ry, made to order at short notice.
Vl_ All-goods warranted to be as reprerented.
Particular attention given to the repairing of Watch•
es and Jewelry of ovary description.
Sept. 11, .60.-3 m. STAUFFER & lIARLEY.
_ No. 622 idarkot St. (south aide,) Phila.
Un Saturday October sth, IStO, at 10 o'clork, A. M.,
at the Court House In Carlisle, will be offered at public
pale, that valuable town property, situated on North
Hanover lamer, in the borough of Carlisle, formerly oc
cupied by Win. thrborn as a Saddlery, nt present °can
pled by N. - W. Woods as a Dry Goods Storer containlog
twenty.nne and a half feet front, on Honorer Street.
and one hundred nod eighteen feet in depth, morn or
less. with the privilege of the alleys in common with
the odhrining property. The Improve.' *.
merits couplet of a two and a hall stet)
two story Frame Hitchrio and promo '
Stable. The location is rentrol and in -
the Luelnem portion of the town.
Title indisputable, Posmoodon girt n April 1, 1861
Tonne mann known on day of rale by
Sap. 14,'66. W. IL MILLER.
Wilt be sold at public sale on the premises on Friday
the Lth day or October, MO, that choice limestone
lArm's' Ham's itch-eat,. containing about PO acme. • It
is nitnated on rho Chamberthurg Turnpike, in South
kliddlutou township, adjoining the borough of Carlisle,
The land is the best quality and In a high state of
cultivation and all under good fence, and has been re•
ceutly heavily limed. The Improve. '
merits are a commodious trim story
with a well of never Exiling water at
thu door, and nil necessary out bull
dings. tlisooll3todel Darn." This is a largo Manua
Hank Barn, built of the best timber and will best realm.
mond itself by close examination. Therein a large Brick
Cistern In the enitmulunent In perfect order and con
tains sufficient water Pm all stock purposes. Also. fine
Corn Cribs, Wagon. Shade, Cellars, to., attached 'to the
Barn. This is one of the most desirable properties lu
Cumberland County. •
Also, adjoining. the above about one and a half acres
with a Two story BRICK HOUSE,
. aa Out buildings, a well of water, Sc.,
:,„ a which will be sold with the Wm or
without, to suit purchasers. These
-• .! properties ‘vi lbe for private sale till
day of sale.
POI /10t19 wishing to pur , hase will call or Address it
51. Henderson, Esq., Carlisle l'ar- Terme wade know
on dny of kale. JOHN 'SANDERSON,
Sept. 14, 10.-ta. JAMES d'ANDEIISON.
• .. ESTATE.
The undersigned, Executor of William Arrel, late of
Green township, Franklin County, deo'd. will offer , at
Public 6110, on the premises,
On Turaday.the 26th day of September 1860.
at Ild o'clock, A. 31., the followkog Real Property,' lat.
the rstate of cold the:Nl to wit:
A TitACT OF LAND, situated in West Penn township -
Cumberland county Pa.. on the Turnpike Road leading
form Shippensbutg to Carlisle, about halt way between
the two places, and bounded by lands of Capt. J. Dun
lap. Christian Tritt. William Ferree, D. Myers, Widow
McKee, Ellen Wilt, Samuel Tritt, and Joules Dunlap.
containing 251 Acres and 77 Perches. This Tract of
laud in divided Into three Purports, but will be cold
together. Wit Is desired. The Mud is 'of, a first rate
qurlity or LI 51 ESTO NE.
' 'Tract No. I, contains 145 ACRES, about 70 acme of
which are covered with flue Timber. the residue is un
der good cultivation. The improvements consist of a
and other necessary buildings. The Barn is probab'y
he largest In Cumberland county. -
'No. 2, contains 74 ACRES, of which 50 acres are coy
.ered with good timber, the balance Is under good cultb
Persons wishing to :dew the premlaes before the day
of Bale, ren,eall on Mr. Wm. Ratline, who realthe there';
on. Terms made known on day of sale by,
Sept. 14, JACOB GARVER, Ex'r.
Alfons years scholarship In Dickinson College
Enquire at this office. Sept 7,'60.-2w
Tn the Court of Common Pleas in and
for the County of Cumberland. :Assignee Estate of
Dr. William Mateer.
The Auditor appointed by, the Court to marshal) and
'distribute the .balance In the Mule of Hon. Micheal
Coekli Ft, Trustee In plareof David W. McCullough, doe'd
.assignee of Dr. William Mittper, to and among tho credi
tors of sald Mettler, will meet the parties interested fur
,the purpose of his appointment, on Wednesday, the
.10th day of September, A. D. 1860, at 10 o'clock A. M.
at,his office. in Rheem's Halt, Carlisle.
Sept. 7,-.2t DAM UHL V. RUDY, Auditor.
On Friday. the 6th day of October, 1800. _
be offered et public Bale on the premiers, the nil.
lowing Real liatilte, late the property of Johnston Mar
tin, doo'd,, altdate in Monroe twp..Cumborland county,
on the Lisburn road, one mile from Churchtown, and
four mike from Mechanicsburg, containing about 118
acres of the heat quality of
all cleared and in a high state of cultivation, except
about twenty acres, which Is covered with thriving
young timber.
The itriproventeitin 'are et Two Story
44,V with a well or excellent water 'at the
' door. together with the tn+ual out hull
' dings; and a new.Stnne and Pramallank
Darn — There is also an orchard 'of good frail Wee: on'
the property. ' , The above will be sold as a whole,'Orin
parts, an may beet sunk Purchasers. - Pale Ao'oxpitaduce
at I. o'clock, I' M., on Wild day, when, attendance frill
bevettand terma madolinowinbY
Execubir of dohnsoirblartio deed,'
- - • • •
rip p111:10. S.A.L . S. : -- . , , , , '•• '• • • • -
•91: tri,do4.••aii.didS t AellilitltiOtil 010 * Court .of 'Cin•
WOO Ploorp`of Oulutuirlondrpiiiiity, I lilli expose to pub•
lie solo iti•thiCiutitliOnsiii lir,itio borough of Carlisle,
on kialFll:dOcitto 29L11,1,1y. of Eeptoinbor, at 11 o'clock,
' -4:•.*i t oe PliorNit,d 6 perl.bed • Pr?PqrtY: ~. • ' •
. "'' l4it "(..)
,•. ~,t i ,,,A, .-• F-GRQUND ,
scontaintelO'fghst In front and 210 foot haidi.'ith, 'more or
--- "histolttiatOdlit booth Ilatiovor atreet, Itrooldborinuih
botindinkby lota Of John 'Ciiinphollj• Joseph ' tilies, and'
•.' ' ' ' 1, '"4• 4 • , '.I.L . lloirof.• bOring ' , a • one and WIWI'
. . ...., ~„.„.. ~• Flory Fitii3ll4 I 101181: and out' bull
, • ~- ..' ~ - 'lnge thereon emoted, lato.thoTifpfo
d: 4 ;;1"7:7 oil y of Adorn Crouie, deo'd.., , v, •, , :f"
•-. 2-.r..P • . P - -Areferms will bo mode known on •day
- --• • • - -• • ,-;•• "'NO. B. PARKER, Truk?.
• • 4.v.,.t ,-,,:;•-•,. • •,•. ~ vif ; ; ; •
, .. .
of GM
s4t. 7,2b0.4.
..LA WliEßßAS,ldand by an act of the Oeneral-As.
somoly of tiro Coninionwenith of Pennsylvania, untitled
an "Act relatltilfe tO the' elections of this Cenimon
rowed tfflf2d daY ofauly, A. D, MU, it is made
the duty' of thoi tSlieriff of every ,county within -tide
Commonwealth, togive public:. "%title° of the tienewil
Elections, and iu such notice:Li.) iihumerate: ' •
1. Tholofficars to ha elected.,
2.llesignate the place at which the eloctiodis to behold
I, ItOIPT. IdeCAIiTNEY, nigh Sheriff of thu county' of
Cumberland, do hereby make known and givo this pub
lic notice to the electors okthe county of Cumberland,
that .on TUESDAY, the 11th 'day of October next, an
election Will ho hold at ' the several electiondistrlcts es
tablished by law in' said county, at .which time they
will vote lity ballot for the several officers hereinafter
named. vlsr•
ONE PERSON for.Olivernor of the Commonnyalth„ of
- TWO PERSONS to' represent the counties of Cumber
land aid Parry In the Como of Representatives of
Pau nsylVonia.
ONE PERSON for Prothonotsry of Oumbertu County.
'ONE PERSON fir Recorder and Clout-of the Courts of
Quirtor'sesslon, Oyer and Tarnduer and Cepheus"
Court of Cumberland County, ,
ONE PERSON for Reglsterof Cumberland County.
ONE PERSON for Commissioner of Cumberland County.
ONE PERSON for Director of, the Poor of Cumberland
County. •
ONE PLESON for Auditor of Cumberland County:
The said election will ha held throughout the county
as follows: •
Thu election In the election district composed of the
borough of Carlisle and Um townships of. North
ton, South alidilleton, Lower Dickinson and Lower •
Frankford,'will ho held at the Court Mouse In thq bor
ough of Carlisle.
The election in the election district composed of Low
er West Pannsborough township, will be held nt .the
North SchooliLouse in Plainfield. .
The election in dm olectioin district composed of Sil.
ver Spring township, will he hold at tin public house of
Jacob Otstott, lit Ilogestown in said township.
.The election in the election district composed of
Iltiminleu township, will tar held at the boom formerly
occupied by Ileury Iliekornell, in wild township.
Thoolection lu the election district composed of the
township of Upper Allan, will be. held nt the public
house °coupled by John Eloyd, in Shoifflordstown.
The election in Um eleldion district composed of the
township of Lower Allen, will be hold at the wagon
maker shop of Jonas Ihnichleireer, on Slate 11111.
The election in tiro election district composed of East
Ponusborcugli• township, will' be held at the house.
now occupied by 11. Clay, at the West end of the Harris.
burg Bridge.
ho election in tiro election 'district composed of New
Cumberland, will beheld at the house formerly kept
•by Wm. 11. Bold, in the borough of Now Cumberland.
Thu election in iliu'eloction district composed of the
Borough of Mocimniesburg,, will be hold at the public
house of James Meloy, ht said borough.
. The *dim is the el ction district composed of
rownsdip, will be heldae. the public house of
. Moses Ligget, iii•Churchtown„in sold township:
The eleutlon in the election district composed of Up.
per Dickinson township. will bo held at the house for
merl occupied by floury 11. Stone. br said township.
'fho election in flee election district composed of the
borough - of Islewvillo, and townships of Mifflin.' Upper
Franktirld, Upper West. Pounsboro, and north Newton
will he held at this Public School . Muse in the borough
of Newv ille.
.The election In he election district composed of
,Ilopowell township. will be held at the Now • Brick
Schiwl blouse, In Nowb..rg. in wild township.
The election In the election district composed- of the
.borough if ShlrMensburg, Shippensburit township and
that part of Southampton to nship .eat, Included in
the Leesburg election district, will be held at tLe '
Council !louse In the Ll:trough of Shipponsburg. •
‘'ilt; 'actin ix the election district compost:dor that
p:rt7lLiotitlionipttin township, not 01;14,114,0.1ln the
Shippunsburg district, will bo held at the house for
merly occupied by W11116111,:g:IX Well' In Leesburg.
'rho election In the election district composed of that
part of Newton township, not included In the Newville
district, will, be hold at Urn School (louse, In Jackson
ville. : '
The election In the election district composed of
Middlesex township will bo held at the Middleeex
School 'louse.
That every portent except Justices of the Peace who
shall hold any office or appointment of • profit Or trust
under the United States or of this State, or any city or
incorporated dlxtrict, whether a conunlsslotied officer or
otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who Is or shall
be, employed under the legislative, executive, or Judi
clary'dopartments of this State. or the United States,
or of any city nr of any incorporated' district': and also
that any Member of Congress or 'of thu State Legisla
ture, nod of the Select or Common CouncifOf - anychy,
or commissioner of any incorporated district, Is by law
Incelstide tlf holding or exercising at the NUM time the
office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or clerk of any
-elections of this COlllinnuwadth, and that no inspector.
judge, or other ollicer of such election shall be eligible
to be there voted for.
And the sold - act of Assembly, entitled an art rel.
'Ong to Ore elections of thisCmumenwealth, passed Jul:,
2, 111511, further provides as follows, to wit':
"That the Inspectors and.judgiin shall -meet at the
place appointed her holding the, elections of
-the district
to which they respectively belong • before nine o'clock
In the morning of the Second Tuesday In October, and
each of said inspectors shall appoint nue clerk, who
shall be a ottalltled voter of said district.
"-In case the portion who shall base received the sec
ond highest neimber of votes for Inspector' shall not at
t. nd on the day of, the election, then the person Who
hall have received;the second highest uunibbr of Totes
t the next preeedlng election, shall act no inspector In
its plane. - And In ease the person who shall hare re
cloud the highest number of V. ten for Inspector stotli
- sot attend, the person elected judge shall appoint. in
inspector . in his pineal - and in case the peewit elected
judge shell not attend, then, the Inspector who receiv
ed the highest numberss:vgies shall appoint a Judge In
his place, or Batty vacenciribiall continue In the beard
for the space of one hour after tile Ilene tined by law for
the opening of the election the qualified . eters of the
township. ward eWiTertfr which anti officer shall
have becti_eleeted, p emit at the piece of eleetior, shell
elect one of number to fill ouch vacancy.
' "It shall be the duty of the assent assetwore of each
district to attend at the place of holding every general,
special, or township election, durink the whole time
said election IF kept open, for the purpose of giving In
formation to the inspectors and judges when called on,
In relation to the right of any person amessed by them
to vote at such election, or such other scatters in rota
tion to the assessments of voice. as the Bald Inspectors
or either of them Anil from time to tittle require.
" No person shall be permitted to vote at any election
twAforesaid, other than a white freemen of the age of
twenty-em years or more, who snail latSe resided In the
State at least one year, and in the election district
where he oilers his vote at:Meet ton days Immediately
,Spreceding such election, and within two years paid a
tate ur couuty tax, which shell heel been assessed at
least tell days before the election. But a citizen of the
United States who line previously been a qualified voter
of this Stale. end removed therefrom and returned, and
who shall have resided In the' election district end mild
mare as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after resid
ing in this Stfite-slx menthe: Provided, That the
white freemen, citizette of the United Stoles, between
It entycne and tweed-too years, who hove resided its
an election district as aforesaid, shall be entitled to
veto although they ellen not Wive paid lane..
"No person shall be permitted to vote whose name es
not tmitained in the list of taxable inhabitants fur
nished by the Commisslotters, unless First, he produce
a receipt for timpayment within two years of a Stale
or county tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution,
and give satisfactory evidence, either on bin oath or af
firmation, or the onti.for affirmation of another,,thet he
has paid such n tax, ur on failure to produce a receipt
shall make oath to the psyment Ulundi'. Second, If lie
. claim a right to vote by being an elector between the
ago of twenty•une and twenty-Om years, lie shall de
pose on oath or affirumtion that he has resided In this
State at least ono year next before his application, and
mobs such proof of residence In the district as is requir
ed by this net. and that he does verily believe. from be
account given him, thaßbe is of the age Aforesaid, and
such other evidencb as is 'rdiolred by this net. where
upon the name of the person thus admitted to.vute
shall be inserted in the alphabetical list by the limper
torn, and a note made opposite thereto by writing ,tbe
word "tax,' if he shall be admitted to vote by reason
of having paid tax;' or the word nye," If he shall be
admitted to vote by reason of such age. shall ice celled
out to the clerks, who shall make the like notes on the
lista of laden kept by them.
" In all cases where the name of the person cla'snlng
to vote Is If and on the list furnished by the l'ommis.,
stoners and assessor. or his right to vote, whether found
thereon or not, la objected to Icy any qualified citizen,
Hallett Ice the duty of the Inspeetore to examine such
preen on oath so to his qualificetion., and If he eleime
to have resided aphis the State for one year or Mere
his oath shall be Huffielent proof thereof, but shall.
make proof by at least ono competent witness. • who
shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided In the
dietrlct for more than ten days next immediately pre.
ceding such election, and shall also himself swear that
his lama tide residence, lu pursunnee of his lawful call
ing, is ip said district, and that I o did not remove into
said dist, let for the purpose of voting therein.
" Every personnualified as aforesaid, and who shall
make duo nrocif, if required, of the residence and pay.
meat of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in
the township, ward or district in which he shall reside
" If any person shall prevent or attempt to prevent
any officer Many election under this act from holding
such election, or use or threaten any violence to any
melt officer, or shall interrupt or improperly Interfere
with him lit the execution of his duty, or shall block
up the window, or avenue to any window where the
same may be bolding, ur shall riotously disturb the
peace at such election, or Minn ' use any intimidating
threats, force or violence, with desigh to Influence un
duly or overawe any eleeter,Cr to preventliim from vo•
tang or to restrain the freedom of choice, such persons
on conviction shall be fined In any euna-not,mmedleg
live litindred dollars, and imprisoned for — An'yqffite not
loss than three noginore then twelvelituontlis. Mid If it
shall be shown to Court, whore the trial of mull offeum
shall be hod, that the persei so offending wail nut a
resident erne city, ward, district or township where
the offence wad committed, Moil not entitled to vote
therein, then on conviction he shall be sentenced to
pay a facet not less then one hundred nor mom than
one thousand dollars. and be Imprisoned not less than
six months nor more than two years. • '
"If any person or persons shall make any bet, Cr wa
ger upon the result of any election within te Com
ntonwealth, or shall offer to snake any such bet or wa
ger either by verbal proclamation thereof, or by any
wrllten or printed advertisement, challenge or Invite
Any person to make such bet or wager. upon conviction
}hereof he or they shrill forfeit and pay three times the
amount so bet or to be bet.
" Irony person not by law qualified, shall fraudu•
lently vote at any election of this Commoners:dill, or
being otherwise qualified shall vote out of his peeper
district, or If any, person knowing the want of such
qualifications, shall 'Odor procure such person to vote,
the person offending, shall, on conviction be lined in
any suns not eicpeding two hundred dollars, and be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months.
" If any person shall vote at more than one election
district. or otherwise.fraudulently vote more than once
on the someday, or shall fraudulently lid and dolly' r
to the Inspector two ticket,' together. with the Intent
Illegally to vote, or shall prscur. anothei to do so, he
or they offending,shall.on conviction be tined in any
sues nut less than fifty nor more than five hundred
'tellers. and be imprisoned tor . any Wm not less than
tkreenor morn than twelve months.
. .
. .
"If any pertain not qualified to vole in this ComTlow
wealth agreeably to law, ( except the eons of qualified
. chip ne,) obeli appear at any place' of election for the
purpose of influencing. the citizens qualified to vote,
he shall on conviction forfeit and pay any stun not ex•
coedit* one hundrd, dollars for every suclx,offence, and
,polo l prisouell for any tern, not exceeding thrcomont he'.
Agreeably to Mg provisions of the rixty•first suctier.
of the sold act, every ,General end Special Election shall
be oPened between the hours of eight. Itod.,taii in the
forenoon, and shell continue without Interruption or
adjournment until saran o'clock to the evening, whey,
the polls shall be closed..
And thejlidges of, the respnettve distriete. aforerald
are by do said not ratuired to nieetet, thO'Courtliouse
in the borough of Carlisle; on the 'third day after the
eloction,jbeing Friday, 'he 16th day of October,]]' then
and there to perform the things required of thorn be law.
The return -Jgdges" of the Itopresentektivo district,
*fir meet at Carlisle, at the' time fixed by ink.'
Given under'lny band, at Carliyie,' Able -14th diy 'et
Sopteroher, ltra). • •
ItOligßT -111e0MITNEY...fiberitr,'
10' coma alike* et Mrs. 11.-4: ateyyuolde tagueirgin
Aug. 10, '69 -41!.
40111a° WV/ire
-;°\tri. 4 c
4 / 7 1 / DYSPO I.C°
To the citizens of NewJersolA 'istirisylvaulti, Apothe
caries, Druggists, Orocel,e and Private . .
Wolf's Pure Cognate Drend,Vir'
Pure Madm In, Shqrrylind Port Wine. .
• Wolf's Pure JAMAICA and 8t Croix Duro.
.3Yoll'a Pure Scotch and trim Whiskey.
I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the
United States to the above Wines and Liquors, impor
ted by Udolpho Wolfe, of Now York, whose name Is fa-
Miller in every port of thin country for the purity of
his celebrated SCHIEDAM &imam Mr. Woll in his let•
ter to me, speaking of the purity of his Wines and Li
goers., says: 1 will stoke my reputation as a man,
my atom - Mild-. a merchant of thin) , years' residence
In the city of New York, that all the }trendy and Wines
which I bottle are pure on imported, and of the best
quality, an . our be rulledrupou by every purchaser."
Every bottle has the proprletts-'s name on the wax.
,and a foe simile of his signature on the certilleate. The
public are respectfully invited to call and examine for
themselves. Per sale at Retail bfill'Apothecaries and
()rovers in Phileflelphia.
Uoorge IL'Ashton, No. 832 Market St.
Sole Agent for Philadelphia.
' Read the following from the New York Courier:
Enormous business for one New York Monti:ft
are happy to Infiniti our fellow citizens that there le
one pine, in our , city whore the physician, apothecary,
and elm. try merchant, can gn and purchase pure Wines
nod liquors, as pure as imported, and of the hest quail.
ty. Wo do not Intendto glvown elaborate description
of this inereliant'e extensive (wetness. althoughlt will
well repay any stranger or citizen to visit Udolpho
Wolle's extensive warehouse, Noe. 18, 211 and 22, Heaver
street; anti Nes. 17, Ifl and 21, Alarkettiold street. • Ills
stUck of Schnapps 013 hand reedy for shipment could
not have been to then thirty thousand CIO.; the
&wee ten ihnusend canoe- , -Vintages 01 18313 to
1836. and ten thousand ,ones td kladeria, Sherry and,
l'Ort Wllll5. Senteheind Irish Whiskey, Jawlike end
Croix Rum. Rime very old arid equal to any In this
country. 11. lieu IMP three largo reline filled with
Brandy, uti'der Custom Muse key,
ready f r bottling. 'Mr. Wolfe's Wee of 'Petinepps' last
_veer amounted to one hundred and Middy thousand
dozen, and we hope In leen then two years he may be
equally suereestul with 1.1,1 Brandies and Wines.
Ilia business merits the pationnge of every lover of
' h ieh epodes. Private families who wish pure Wines and
Liguori; for medical gee should send their orders direct
t0..51r, hiftwu Ili II every Apothecary in the lard snake
up their minds to diseard the poisonous stuff from their
shelve and replace it with' Wolfe's pore Wines and'
Liquors.. •
' We understand Mr Wolfe, for the. accemmodation of
email dealers in the country, puts up assorted , wee of
Wipes and Motors,. Such a men, and Inch a merchant
should be sustained againsthle term of thousands of
opponents in the United States. who Kell nothing but
imitations, ruinous alike to human health and Myra
nese. Sept. It, 'OO.-13m.
authority of an eider of the Orphan's Court of
Cumberland County we will expose to public sale on
the premises in Newton township Cumberland County,.
about three mice west of Newell 'e on SATUIt DAY the
2t September, MO at II o'clock A. M. a Rest rate Farm
containing 136 acres which Iles on the State road from
Newville to !Malmo'', and on the Conedeguinet creek
about one hundr,l acres of which is limestone and the
residue slate land of the bent quality. The Improve
manta area large two story
Bank Barn. Wagon Shed and Corn 'rib ~4; 4 1.1:11
a never faihng spring of water at the ,!' •.. •
a......" -
door, with spring houses and other buildings. The
land in all cleared except about tenncres which is-good
oak and hickory timber. There la an orchard 01 seventy
trees on the Sarin of the ehoicent'frult, benldes plume,
cherries and poaches. The "Orson Spring" a never
failing stream runs through the premises. ..-
.There are three Merchant Mille within a mile end a'
half ante farm and It la within one mile of the Cum
berland Nancy Railroad. The farm ,In susceptible of
divklen Into two parts of 162 acres In one and 34 acres'
In the other, and will be Sold tngethir or In Mots as
will lent suit purchasers. qa..The terms. will be
made known - on the day of sale. ~„.•
. : .•-•:. • --ISRAEL WAGGONER.
Admr. of Samtl. Waggoner dec'd.
August 17, IMIO. t. e.
Pitaate on Main Sticet.ln the borough of Carlisle.
The lot mutates 3i feet In front and about 20u fuel In .
depth. The improvements are a atm
modieus •
and Back Building, with other onn
yeniout out hulidings.all in excellent - -
order. The owner being particularly desirous of selling
A great bargain may be obtained by applying to
" Real Estate Agent and Scrivener.
Carlisle, August IT, 1850.—Sw.
• Situated on Wont l'omlret arrest In tho Borough
Carnal,. The lot contains 30 feet In (rout end 240 fee
In depth.
.. -The improremente are rt crlainiodloup two dory_ _
with a two story Brick Back Building, containing on
the lower (bar two parlors dining-mom and kitchen,
and on the second floor five chambers. There are also
other coorenieut out buildings, Cistern,: fruit, shrub
bery and other necessary improvements. Tor terms and
further particularn enquire of A. L. &PUMA%
Aug. 31, '60..-tid Real Eat. Agt. & Berle.
Will ba offered ht public sale, on Saturday the 2'2,10f
September, at the Court ItOUSO a
Situated on South Street In the Borough of Carlisle, ad
joining property or wm. 11. Mathew; on the end, Abrm
Zitlimunitali, on the Went, 000. Curt, on the South and
South :treet, on the north routolnlng IN feet In front
by 240 feet in depth. Into the property of W'm. Noble
The lot will be divided Into two parts or sold together
as may best suit purchasers, and will make Iwo very
desirable building lots.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. H. when terms will
be made known by ' • ROBERT WILSON.
Aug. al, 'SO.-t. a. Guardian of Kate A. Noble.
The subscriber offers at Private Sale the farm on
which he now maiden, situated in Upper Allen town
' chip Cumberland County. on the road leading from
fAitee Mill to Lisburn. from which it le distant about
ono mile. The Yelllov Breeches Creek,bounds the truth
— Ale of the I raet. The Farm in in a high Mate of mill
'ration, and' donintng ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR
• ACRES, of gray. I lea. mixed with the RED land, and
all cleared, except about two acres. The Improvements
including a basectbsnt, nearly new, and finished in the
best manner. !
large and , commodious, Wagon-nhed, Carriage Muse
Corn-Cribs. and other necessary out-buildings. A their
log orchard of choice fruit, a well of water at the door
and running water In every field, . .
Purclasers desirous of viewing the term, or ascertain
ing the terms of sale. will call on tho isubscriber on the
premises, or by letter addreesed
Aug. 17. '60.--fit.* Lisburn, Cumb. Co. Pa.
The Fall term opens THURSDAY, September 13th.
Examination of Candidates Wednesday the 12th.
is tindot the care of A. F. Mullin, A. B. a gentleman
whoec Principal of the Cumberland Talley Institute,
the lent two years, has gained a high reputation as a
faithful and efficient Instructor.
Aug. 31, 'Bo.—lt 11. M. JonNsori
Responsible and• honest agents wanted
Throughout tho United States, to whom we will
pay a salary of from $2O to So:lpar month and expenses.
Thla Is no humbug. Vol partleularanddress (Inelpslog
Red Stamp for return postage,) or apply In person to
Sept. 14. '60.-3m. hIALL h CLANK, Havarti! Mass.
FOR SALE.-50,000 building brick
for sale; at lace price than they can be had at the
kiln. Enquire at this office.' Sept. 14, '6O.
jn i",orree% Photography of the Prince of Wales, the Elm
peror, Empress and Prlnel Impelled of Franco now on
exhlbltloo, and for solo at Mrs. IttiYnold's.Dakuerrean
Gallery, corner of Ilaunver.and Louther Streets Cantle
September 14030. '
. .
Wittiteasthe lion. JA}/ES 11. ONAIIAM. Proil.
dant Judge of the seventl.Courts of. Common Pleas of
the mantra's of Glimberlend,' Perry and Juniata, and
Justice of the several Courts of Oyer amt Toriulner and
General Jell Delivery In said counties, and lion. So*
vat` Woonuutot and lion. 51. Comma, .1114 es of the
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jell — lialliffryri
for tho trial of all capital nod other offenders, 14 the
said county of Cumberland, by their precepts taunt di.
reeled, dated tl.e 27th of August, 1860, have ordered
the Court ofoYer and Terminer sod lleneral.lell Dell v ety
to be holden at CAItLISLIN, on the second MONDAY of
Novemher.lB6o, (being thitl2th day,) at 10 o'clock In the
forenoon. to continue two weeks.'
. . . .
tiers of the Settee and Colon:ehTea of the said county of
Cumberland, that they are by the said precept coot
mended tobo then and there In' their proper persona,
with their, rolls, _records, -inquisitlons,, examinations
and all ether retneutbmuces, to do rhos" :things which
to their officer apportain tq be done, and all Cholla that
pro hound by recognisances.. to preseente against the
prisoners that are or, then obeli, It in the jail of Bald
county, are to, be- there to proooc iet e theta as shalt Ate
. • ROWS. MCCARTNEY, Sheriff., •
Stiestrr's Otiqco, , 1 • '
" Carlisle:Sept-7;11160. 1 , AY '•.; • • •
• .;35,axgarilatiles' g yeti' oi Made; •..COMMON PAW • ' Me
With and witheat patent f logs cheaper than Wier ,
at the llardwaniabia of '
March 7, 930. , SAXTON.
The Rteplre Hook & Ladder Cerapany No. 1, of Car-
Ilale,yoturn their thanke 'tsi tbs ladies, - and chimes
generally,for the catontll to them at their
'Fret Fair; July 4th 18594 . 0 h"wOul reep r ectfully Inform
them,that they. ititend hel g"orle,iaprparid the lOW',
In Ithoesn's flalledtirlpg-th Agricultural.. Pak, conep
silencing the Oth DAY. OF 0 0 11 ka,andendiugSatur
day evening tho latll7-..Au email Mastic; Oncy,or use :
fel that the judgment-of the MAIM, may suggest, will'
begratefully. received cud the support -et the Oldie,
ever remembered by the members Cribb ilmplre.
Contributions may be left wlib eitherof, the commit
tee on belialfof the Company, ~, .. '--- . .
6 in •
. • - Muir a tbell,'ebiarmaill" '
• :. 11. P. Wert;'
;, P. 11, gales; - :
' 1 - J. A, Kerr, . '
'J. D. Thompson, . • I
- D.C. Ppangler, • ':' .- •
J 7. 7:.Parla, Secretary.
Geo. Handel.
W. 0. Bowyer,
D. D. Dixon, •
.1.0, Dieir,
0. J. Ontinony,
J. T. Lobech,
J. U. &weer, tr
. .
' Packages of 0 tickets 50 cents; One° admission 10
cents to be had of any of the 'o6tumlttee, and at the
delir of the Hall. ' • •
' Carlisle Aug. 10, 1800.-t. F. ' "- • '
A- N IC N_P"T „•
The partnership heretofore existing under the
name and style of KKR, WU:NMI/JAN & Co., expired
by limitation on the /3th inst.
• Ail bsiances duridepositors will he transferred to and
all interest Certificates now out, will be paid at metro/-
Cy, or new ones issu , d by the new, firm of KKR, DUN.
LAP, a Co., whose Ranking Card will be seen below.
Carlisle, Aug.l4, 1830.
WILL . TAN Ken, ''?ll PRIE .
RtcuAnn WooDS, Jena B.Brxtlxgrr,
Jona C. DOrnar, 'Jolt/4 DurftotP, .
This Bank, is now prepared to o a general Bunking
and Exchange business, under . the name and style of,
Kllll, DUNLAP A Co., in the same place lately occu•
plod by Her, Brenneman & Co.
Money received on deposit and paid back on demand
wlthotit notice. Certificates of deposit bearing interest
at the rate of five per cent. will be.issued for as short
a period as, four mouths. Interest' en all certificates
will consent maturity, provided however, that if said
certificates are renewed at any titne thereafter (Oran.
ether given period, they shell bear the•aarne rate of In
terest of to the time of renewal.' Twenty days notice
must be given Man intention to withdraw s lotereAt dc,
- posits. '
They call the attention of Farmers, lliechanlcs and
nll uthers whn desire a safe depository for their money.
to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Dank
ale not only liable to the amount of their stock In the
.bank, - but are iNDIViNUALLY liable to the extent of their;
estates foF all the Deposits, and other obligations of,
Ker. Dunlap & Co. •, • •
Particular attention given to the collection of Vendue
Noles,'FOreign Itllls, Drafts, Checks, &c., lu any part of
the United States and Wades.
Remittances made to any part of the United States,
Engidird, and Ireland. .
They ,will at all times be pleased to give anyrinfonmm
lion desired In regard to money' matters In general.
The faithful and confidential elocution of all orders
entrusted to them ma, be relied upon
Open for business from 9 o'clock la the morning until
4 o'clock in the evening.
11. A. BTUR3HON, Cashier.
Oarlinle, Aug. 14, 1800
For Young Ladles.
Um Goo Lewis Staley, A. M. Prinelpel.—lntellectual
Philosophy aj(d Christian Ethics.' Jno. A. Peters, A. D.
Vice Prilicipal.-14stini Mathematics and Hellos t.ettres
(to ho filled during the year.) Natural Selene,' Prof.
Henry fichwing.—Organ, Plano aFd 'fun) Music. Prof.
Nichol. n,—pleno and Onitir.. Samuel Pick
ering, Esq.—Drawing and 011,,EaMting. Met,
tat.,—French Lengunge 'and Embroidery. Mien M.
razaboth Pottlbooe,—Asalstant teacher of bfathaton
Ice. ,Alias M. 'Virglikla.Whltiocke t —Kogileh Branches
The Principal Woo this method, In advance of the
annual Catalogue and Circular, of announcing that the
fifth year of Ms institution will , begin on the FIRtIT
WEMIEMAT OW SEPTEMBER NEST. tie desires to assure
the friends and potrons of the College that the Name
earnest devotion to the work of Female ltilumition which
hos marked its history thus ler, will continue to char
standee the operationsof the Pchool; and that no palms
or expense will be opared to make it all that could be
desired both ao a Literary Institution and as a Chris.
(tan home fire those dntrusted to its mire.
The location of the College. on the Northern Central
Rail Rood. els miles from ilenlinere. Las been selected
an one of the most desirable In the Stele. The grounds
Include twentpone acres of excellent 14nd, and are or
namented with a beautiful woodland of several acres,
in the Midst of which, on an elevated and highly de.
nimble site, Is located the College edifice, four stories
In heignt. The'bullding Is conetructed of brick, octa.
gonalln fiwm, 200 feet la circumference, encircled' by
wide and beautiful verandahs—has ample accommoda•
dons for one .hundred boarder., and presents a very
striking Ana imposing appeartuce. The loestlsn Is
blshly salubrious and picturesque. and command' a
delightful view of the surrounding country.
The internal arrangements arecomplete, and are all
that could bicrlestred. there are thirty-two rooms In
all, eight of whictrare very eptrions. In the tank loft
are two reservoir. with a eapaclti of 8,000 pitons; and
from these, the Kitchen, Laundt listh-rooms, and the
Chamber,. Dormitorl4s and Ate riandlngs, are abun
dantly suppled with pure water, All the apartments
are provided With registers tbr tertjUallori, and the mid
i:DlP/110D of warm air. In thb whet., season, from large
brick furnaces. The Ges arraents are aim com
plete. The building through° 'is tarnished fa a very
neat and attractivn,tyle, and the Principal In satisfied
that parents andidardians will be highly pleased with
the entire airadgement of the College.
Mount Washington Collegeatfords to its pupils, ample
means and appliances, for thorough physical and Intel.
-lacteal tralnixg, with all the advantages and aurrountb
lugs of a Christian family. '
Provision is made fur physical education, in the dully
practices of calisthenic exerclels, the value or which
has best* seen, in theimproveddimith and fhlle• inns.
valor development of the pupils of the College. The
verandahs and extensive grounds laid out In beautiful
walks, furnish both the invitation and opportunity for
healthful recreation I"t* the open air.
' As regards intellectual culture, It is believed that
the course of study and Methods of instruction adopted
at Mount Washington, are, to my the least, equal to
those of the beet schoolf•in the country. The studies
In which its pupils are engaged, with the .free oral
teachings that accompany, each recitation. and the fre
quent delivery of formai lectures on scientific or liter
ary subjects•with thrice readings from the Classic poets
and pro*Wlttra of the English language, combine
most favifthly. to produce the best • form of true wo-
manly cultivation.
In this connection, It deemed proper to mention,
as one of the great advhntages of the Institution, and
as mate' tally effecting Its character and contributing
greatly to the successful accinpilsbment of its *Netts,
thet It Is exclusively 10130 a Ng School, and that no '
pupils are admitted; but au as are, In full,. members
of the College Pamlly., . .
A course has been established for resident graduates,
who may desire to prosecute their studies beyond the
regular curriculum. Beside the study of the textbooks
mentioned, they will prosecute a systematic admire of
reading, and will have the advantage orapeclallectures.
The College Is furnished with coinplete appsratus for
illustration in the departments of Chemistry and Natu
ral Philosophy* and the public rest assured that
whatever may be necessaiy, from time to time, to keep
pace with the progress of the age; will be brought Into
the service of the College.
The religioueteachings of, the College contemplate a
thorough and harmonious acquaintance with the fun•
demented facts and truths of Christianity, as taught
clearly in the scriptures, and which rise*Garnett mere
sectarianism; to that hlghrr nutty alba' Divine Life,
In - Which •"them is neither Jqw nor Greek, for ail are
one in Christ Jesus.'!
. _ .
The entire character of the religious training of the
College Is eminently Christian without being sectarian
—and while no pains will be spared to Impart a prer•
final knowledge of the Christian Religion, pm-onto and
guardians may rent natured, that no attempt •will be
made to interfere with the particular denominational
relations of the pupils..
For the English Course. Including Latin and Greek,
Board. Furnished Room, Fuelittgist and Washing, for
Scholastic Year, $2OO 00
_ Instruction on the rillUO or Guitar, including the
oeo of the instrument, " $l6 00 per Quarter
Instructions nu theOrgen, 20 00 t'"
Vocal Musk, (separate lessons,) 15 00 w
ir (In classes,) •5 00 w • ~
, Modern Languages, each 800 w
• Oil Palntlug.(exclusiveofinatorlals)lo 80
Drawing and Painting/is Water
Colors. each 600 • w •
Ornamental Needlework, 600 w
Stationary for School Room use, 160 "
Diploma fce $5 00.
Ea- Where it would be preferred, a special' arrange.
meut Can be made in advance, that will secure, to the
pupil the privilege of the satire course including - all the
extra branches. , ,
. The blile for ,etich half session aneto 'be Paid in ad.
trance, and irdeposit mutt' be inadelo cover theexpenee
,of bookeind materials fur Painting, Drawing and Needle
Work, etc. where it is desired that theseehouldliefin
, Dished by the Institution.
New Pupils are charged only hem the date - of their
• entrance into the School, .biat.`. the engagement, is, lb
all cases, for a year, unless a olatinct arrangement is
made for a el:wrier time: • „
No abatement will b 0 made In the case of old pupils
who day Away after the opening of the' Session ' or of
Ruch as may be absent from tbegollegaduringtheyear
,unless such ahsente be caused Witirlotishiektm„
' Pupils who remain at'the' CollegiPtluitug /he VIICIV
tiOtt will be charged for Bonding and Wishing, $4 25
. Wor admLelon, additlonal particulars, de., address, -
" Itity.oEo. LEWIB STALEY, •
• Mount %Abington,
• Baltimore County,
. .
Pei. A. U. Kremer,
• W. M. Beetem Keg,
Cary W. Bbl
Abrni. Bonier
J. P. Milder
• 8. D. KlelTer.
Auguat?i, /888,2 m.
• filtualeuta short Wahines west of Carllslo,. about 60
'yenta faun the Dorough.litolts InNorth 6.llodleton
Containing about 4J aeresolt . ulearest aod 71n a high
State' r cultirntlon."
'.The lmproretnents area mist orie and a half story
. BRICK .PWELiallEt ROUSE '; "'
ester% atablp, bog neitand oi:4r 50riv,', 1 4, 39 k,,,, :i t , bid!.
'dings together, With riult, rkru', .
Tcrentl-are acres orlb4 abort with the Iniiirinreixienti
Will be dlspbsall Senantte 11:0014,he etheefehnuld the
purchaser desire It.. •
• Fur tame and pp:1,1” . 3r, pqn re o in , •
n 4 .041440 rt*'" , l4
Neely'residlnu,nair thainanllidsi.ef
:Aug. 314 spoNsf;Eit,.,
• •
1E1 . 4 . 1 - ECTION.O..r - V,R':'
Atn Electtrii re -of the
u tfatolNelley Rall.lloecleiupany,:-#llll be bold
at,tbe oft/co 16 Chambi,rsbUrg,letwoon the' tiotifs of 10
m;; T o P.M.) of;lllqiutey theist: l s? iktober. ,
" " 1 ° T_
DR ' , MOI 7 I I ,'S
cHR AN,_aLEATE.,rtiI/4
'Aciiperiont and Stoniach prepamtionnt IRON purl.
lied of Oxygen end Carbon' by combustion In Hydrogen
Sanctioned by the higheat Medical Authorities, both
In Europe and the United States, and prescribed' In
their practice. ' • :
The eiperience of. thousands' daily proves that no
Preparation Of Iron can bo compared with It. 'lmpuri•
tire of the blood, depression of, vital efiergy, pale 'SIM
otherwise sickly complexions Indleate its necessity In
'a I mem a evy conceivable base.
'lnnoxfods In all maladies in which Rhos been. , led,
it has proved absoltitely curative In Each of the follow,
lug complaintS, via:
in behillty, Nervous Atreetionsi - ginu.
'elation, Dyspepsia, Constipation,.niar.
rhma,Thysentery, Incipient Consump.
Tuberculosis, Salt 'Rheum,
Blismenstruation, Whites, Citiorodis,
Liver Complainti Chronic ,Headttehes,
illteumattsm, lntermittaht Fevers,
Pimples on the Face, dco. . •
Inoases of General Debility, whether the-result of'
neut. disease, or of. the continued diminution of ner
vous and muscular, energy from 'Ehronic complaints,
one trial 'of this restorative has proved anccestiful to in
extent which no descriptimi.nor written attestation
would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as
to have become forgotten in-their - own neighborhoods,
have suddenly reappeared in the busy world as if Just
returned from protracted travel In a distant land.-
_Pomo very signal instances of this kind are, attested of
'female Bulterers,-emaelated victims of apparent .mares
mus, sanguineous exhauation, critical changes, ant)
that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to
alr and exercise for which the phyalcien:hati no name.
Lt Nervosa Affections of all !dude, and for reasons
familiar with medical. men, the operation of this 'Vene
ration ()limn quiet necessarily be salutary, for utilike
the old oxides ii is vigorously tonic,—wltheut being
exciting end overheating; and gently, regular'y ape
rient; oven In the moat obit-Invite canes Of costiveness
without ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a
'.disagreeable sensation. '
It is this latter property among otherniviiich makes
it an remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for
Piles, upon width it also app,kers toexerta distinct and
specific action, by dispyrelng the local tendency which
forms them. ,
In Dyspepsia. Innumerable We era Itsisauess,s single
brat of these Chaiybeste Pills has often iiuMeed for the
'moot habitual Oases, ihrludiug the, sttentippt Costive.
, . -
In unchecked Diarrlnea, even when advanced to Dye
•entery, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently 'malig
nant, the effects have been equally decisive and Mama
In the loss of flesh and strength, debit!.
Cog cough, and remittent hectic, whieh generally in
dicate I nrlplent Consumption, this remedy has allayed
the alarm of friends and physicisds. in several very
gratifying and Interesting instances.
In ticrefulaun Tuberculosis. this medicated Iron hat
bad far more than the'good affect of the Most muttons.
ly balanced preparetionsof iodine, without any of their
well known liabilities. .
The attention of ferrates cannot bo too confidently
netted to this remedy and restorative, in the cases per
Mindy affeCting them.
In Rheumatism, both chronic and Inflammatory-1n
fhe latter however. more deeldedly—ilphns beer. Inver's.
biy well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing
the swellings and stiffness of the joints and muscles.
In Intertnittent Fevers it must necessnrily be a groat
remedy and energetic restorative, and its pmgress in
'the new settlements of the West, will probably be one
of high renown and usefulness.
No remedy hap ever been dist:Peered In the whole his
tory of mediclnes. which exerts tuch prompt, ha ppv,and
fully restorative effects. Good appetite. complete diges
tion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual
disposition for active and cheerful exercise, Immediate
ly follow Its use.
Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing 60 pills,
price 60 cents per box; for sale by druggists and deed.
era Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the
price. All letters, orders etc., should be addressed to
R. 11. LODICR & Co.. General Agents
May 23, '130.-Iy. 330 Brundway N. Y.
, DRY w A large pinek of SUMMER
GOODS GOODS of all derwription now
opening to which the attention of all persons in want
of cheap and handsome goods is respectfully invited.
Being purchased for cash will be sold as. cheap, If net,'
cheaper. for the cash. than can be had at any other
store In Carlisle. _
All persons In want of handsome and . cheap goods are
' reaped fully invit d to call and examine our Nqw Stock
before purchasing elsewhere.. .
C. 001 LOY, Trustee.
N. B. The Wanes of old stoilt on' baud closing ou
without regard to cost, at prices uoppcedeutly low.
June' 20. lafgh
. 7
• .On Snit] . rdiy September 22, 1860. '
Will be offered attPublic Pale, on the premises, the
following Real Estatei Into the propertyof Henry Enck,
dec'd.,lituate In Monroe townabip, Cumberland County
one mile east of Churchtown, and four miles west of
Dlecheniceburg, on the road from Gi•ler's mill to Lei.
dlgh's tavern, contnining .105 ACRES. and •fi Perches
'of Limestone Lau d,oo Acres of which are claimed
and the residue covered with thriving timber.
II deelrable the property will be divided, and
iota in tau tracts, fie Allows:
No. I.—Contaluing 80 Acme and 108 perches, 1711 . vr - pg
thereon erected a
with Kitchen attach,ni, both weatb.
er boarded, it flank Bern,7s by 50 feat,
Wagon 811.1, Carriage Houses, Coro Cribs and other
neseasayyout buildings,
containing 3 acres, two good cisterns, a well of never
falling water at the house, and one at the barn. _
No. 2.-Containing 24 acres end 90 perches, part
cleared. and the balance. In timber. adjoining the abase.
Both tracts are under good f nee, end Ina high stets of
cultbratlon, baring been well limed. .
At the same time and pla•e will be'olTered
covered with tliestout Timber, situededabout one Mile
from Brandt's mill. 4
Persons wishing to view the property can call et the
premises as above. Fain to commence at 12 o'clock, M.
when terms will be madelnown by
tit:oloM NNCK,
fing. IT, '60.-ts. Executois of livery Bock, deeM.
Will be sold at Public Sale, ou the premises, In Mon
roe. township, one mile north of Churebtown, on the
Lisburn riled,
On Tuesday, the gd,day of October next, '
at - 1 o'clock, P. rd., that_ ziellent LIME STCNE FARM,
belonging to the heirs of the late Daniel Baker. Thin
farm contains 100 ACRES, about 75 of which are cleared
and in a high state of cultivation,
the balance is valuable wocalland.
The Improvements are it large twce
story 4 Kar •
Stone Bank Bern, Corn-Cribs; and other nenweery out.
buildings. There is a well of good water, convenient
to the dwelling, and there are also on the premises an
apple orchard and other fruit trees. A portion of the
'arm has been recently limed, and In all respects the
property is desirable and valuable. Persons wishing
to view the Property before the day of sale, will please
call on Peter Baker, who resides on the game.
Exoters of Daniel Baker, doe'd.
Aug 17, '6o.—te
e subscriber offers at Private Bale, 53 ACRES ef
valuable Llinentone land situated An Monroe township,
'Cumberland County, one mile south of Churchtow it. on
the Yellow Breeches Creek, adjoining Michael U. Heitz.
hoovers Mill property.
The land la all cleared, in a high state of cultivation,
And all undergood fence. The Improvements ate a tree
' , story,
Log House Wentherbonyded,
; ai with log kitchen aliaclied, a good cis.
. tern and wash bettor adjoining, with
a pump at the door. of never falling water; ,
Also. A'large log born, wagon shed, coriscrib hop
pen and other necessary out buildings. There is an ex
cellent youpg orchard of choice frult,A Bee collection
of young locust: and running water lit three of the
'Beide Perrone wishing to view the property or know
the terms of pale, can call on the subscriber on the
prethiotrior address - :ADAM SEIRER,
"' • .; 'Allen Post ORE*, Pa:
Letters Testamentary on the Estate of
Johnston Martin late of Monroe Township, deed.
baymbeen granted by the Register of Cumberland Co.,
to the subscriber residing In the same township. AI)
iarsons indebted to the estate ire requested to make
mmediate payment, and there haring vial= will pro.
pent them properly authenticated for settlement to ~
Aug. 24,1860.-Gw. • .
11 4 1 . STATE NOTlClE.—Lotters. • Testa
.L., 'mentary on the estate of - Alm. B. A. •ftemerville
de late of the bomugh of Carlisle haring been, gran.
ted y the Register ',(Cumberland Co,rto me-the=kub
scriber living In Carlisle, notice Is hereby given to all
persona Indebted to mid estate to make payment and
those haying claims to prekent them duly authenticated
for settlement to MARY J. 80.MERVIL,Ell.
Carlisle Aug. 24i '6O -6p.,' o,• • • • " Etteentijx...
' or
N .
OTlO.Ni—Lettors. , Testathentary
the Estate of Elisabeth Snyder latent Hampden
township, deed., having been issued by the Register of
Cumberland County; to me thn Subscriber living in
Xtnner AlEnt 'township:Untie° le hereby given told)
per,sonaludebledtbsuake inuriediats payment and:those.
having claim/
,toinesent:thstu duly authenticated for
stittlement ~ .. RENEE ZHAEING.
eAug. ' ' " Executor.
Oatl4ls..' ~
lotters, tegitriovntory on , the Fatale, of
j Robest: Noble, late Or North ileellleiterV,tow"pOlg.
dee'd. have beerigrenteil by the Itegleterrifctueberien
County to the enheeriber, upgeigg In the boropgh
Carlisle. MI person" Ihdolited to sale Fetal...ere :hero..
by, requeste to make' immediate peyment. and those
having those
pergent,..thrtn for settlement to ;
-Jcifißilf W. PATTON • •
• .
• ‘• • •-• • Adosinletritor.
a BtuOiune Heighll4 .6, ibe
comity of Cumberliatdereseedi;.Telte•motieellpet , by
virtue ofp writ ofTirtp ,
loapqd, old
of the Orptuut.Coursol3oMlutleoli entiiititd Ipq,
dlrqctedi, w Inswit to dew !."1: . 4q1 sta)di
the reel lo rte te mid:Oeesse4, - ,0u,•. the '.lo,reeibiO,'on'
TURSDAY• tallow da.r 'or 8,00.131 N a ria law; et 10:
ciek„&iir t v,!autwitiere youteitera if yeti'
think propit, ', , 9AATNEY •
. "Sheriff's caritslo - - .81corur,
i Aug. 81,1860.-st. • , .
SlllP:—The'tiartileishiji heretofore eijeting no ,
or the firm of SUROM & MACK, has. this day heron
dlatolved by tnlitual eooseat7thereforewe wonldaellelt
all those indebtefllo , como and outtin 111c1r actonata,
end all thoderhaelog claim! will please present :them
fol. settletneht.
Jan. 3, 1860
'Tbe business will hereafter Le continued at the 'old
stand of Shrom & Black, under the arm of BLACK it.
DELANCY. Yrhero we TAB keep constantly on banditti
kinds of LUMBER AND COAL, of army description,
which we will soli at.tho lowest cash prices, and all'or•
dote for 1411 /anti will be promptly , attended to on the
shortest notice. We are thankful for the patronage of
a generourtpatillo at the old,, stand or tahrom & Bleak,
and would still solicit a continuance. All orders left
at the residency, ofeJacob &worn for coal and lumber,
will be prompWilttended tom heretofore.
Jan. 11, ' ,
MRS, . WINSLOW,. an experienced
Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the
attention of mothers her
whiCh greatly facilitates the process of teething, by
softening ob e gums,. reducing nil inflamation—will
lay all petinnudyiptimmodic action. and is sure to regu•
late the bowels. Depend upon ItMothern It-m(111'0re
rest io yourselves, and I
We have put up and sold this artiele for over ten
years, and can say, In-confidence and truth of it, what
we have never boon able to say of any other medicine
never has It• felled In a
.single linden. MRS. WINSLOW'S " to er
feet a , cure , . - . when time
ly need. Nev. ' er did we
know an In- 800TUING itanceyo f
disatisfactinn • by anyone
who used It,On the eon
trary all are 02F 1111 13;:les delighted
with Its ope-
a d speak in terms of highest commendation of Its ma•
gicel effects and medical virtues.. We speak In this
matter "Whet. we do know," after ten years experience
and elndge, our reputation for the fulfilment of what.
we here declare. In almost every Instance where the
Infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief
will befoul:id in fifteen or twenty minutes after the
syrup Is affroinistered:
" This valuable prepnration Is the prescription of one
of the meet 'experienced and skilful nureen In. New
England, and has been used witlinever failing success
------- HOUSANDS OF CASES. ' •
It not only. ellez l erfaTiVirim'pain. libt - InvIgo•
rates the atom ' h bowels, corrects acidity and gives
toile cud energy to the wholeveystem. It will alonet
instantly relieve • , ' .
a n il over-I come con
•ulnions,O. • If a which if not
speedily re. . • meillei, end
I n death. _. .
We bellove
.it, the beet CHILDREN and cutest
remedy In •I II w world,
. . .
In all cases TZIEETIZINGofEysentery
• •
and Dial, ' hcen In dill
iron wheth _____ _ .. .
er it ark__
rrom teething, or from any other cause. We would
. say to every mother who ben a child suffering from any
Jf the foregoing complaints—do not let your prejudice
nor the preludiceapf others stand between your suffer.
log child and the7rellef thnt will. be SURE—yes, AO
SCLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine,
if timely used. Full directions for using will adCom.
pant each bottle. None genuine unless the far-slmilo
of :URTIS & PERKINS, New York, Is on the outelda
Sold by S. W. Haversack North Hanover at. and 0.
%mote Melo et. Carlisle, and Efuggists throughout the
win Id. Price only 26 Cents per Bottle. Principal 0111-
co, No. 13 Cedar et. N. Y. July 20, 1800.-Iy.
.MECIZANICBBURa, June 19th 1860.
Notice Id hereby given that au application will be
made to the Legisleture of Pennsylvania at lie, omit
• meeting for the Incorporation of a batik of Issue. with.
'discount and deposit privileges,' to be located In the
Borough of Merhenicsburg, in the County of Cumber
land, Panne. and to be called the Mechanicsburg Bank,
with•a capital of one hundred thousand dollars with
the right to Increase the sum to two hundked thousand
-John Brandt,
• Levi Merkel,
Jacob Mumma,
Wm. 11. Gorges,
Jacob }lady,
Situate on North , lfanover Street, In the borough of
Carlisle, now in the occupancy of J. D. Halbert. The
Lot contains about 38 feet in front, and two hundred
sad forty feet in depth.
The Improvements are a large and commodious
with all the modern hnproniment‘together with other
convenient out buildings In pied repair. . '
Thin property dispoied of on. moat. favorabli
terms. fir which, and other particulars, enquire — ofJ.
Aug. 17,'80. Real Estate Agt. and Scrivener-
y an order of, the Orpban's ' Court of Cumberland.
County, I will expose to riblio gale on the first named
premiere on
Thursday the 2* 114 Se pI e tuber,
at 11 o'clock A. Id., the real estate of Elias Delhi deed.
No. 1. A farm In Newton township adjoining John
~ Stiarpe, David Dart, Ahl & Snyder, and others on the
Conmloguinnet creek, about two miles North :West of
Newrille. containing 118 acres more or Dos, about 100
acres of which are cleared and under good fence and
having fl Two Story
and ilank.ilecrn, Corn Crib and other
out buildings thereon erected with 4 Or
never failing wster.
N 0.2 A lot of ground lu Newton near the Railroad
Del Pot at Newville, eontaltilng 60 feet front by 120 feet
In depth, haring an unfinished
Frame Dtre!ting Howe
-thereon erected Ind bounded by floury tilltabldle, and
No. 3. Also an unimproved lot In the-same town, ci
the same shin, and bounded by the above.
The conditions will be made known on the day ()real.
by . A..I.IeKINN EY, Adm'r.
Aug. 21, or Elkus Deihl, deed.
The subscribpr Worn at private sale a valusble lot of
ground on North street In the, borough of Carlisle,
containing 120,Peet In front by 120 feet In depth, hav
ing thereon erected a double two story
with frame back buildings The lot can be divided In
to two lots of 60 feet each, and will be sold as may beet
suit purchasers. It is bounded by pmpertles of John
Moore. and James Weaver and others, and offers a line
location for the erection of a row of dwelling houses,
and therefore worthy the attention of purchlusers.
For terms or other Information apply to
Carlisle Aug. 1860,01.
A few doors south of the
eourt House. • .6-
Raving supplied myself with a large aseorimant of
Watch Materials, °lnane*, Re., I am' new prepared to re•
pair all kinds of Watches, Clack., Jewelry, .ke on the
moat reasonable terms. that may be Intrusted to my
care . Hoping by strict attention to business to be la.
.rored with a liberal share of public patronage.
A tine assortment of JEWELRY, such as Ladles'
Dread Ma and Ear Drops Geld and Cameo; Misses'
Bramet Pins and Ear Drupe. Box and Olsen Pins sll fleas,
Gehl Chains, Hooke, Plated Chain n,'o lit Lockets, Guards
Keys, Ac. Also a large and fine assertment of
Also, • fine lot of Silver Hunting, Detached Lever,
and Leplnes AVatabea, and a good astortmeut of Silver
plated and Steel Spectacles. All of whieh will be sold
low. A abate of public patronage is respectfully enlist.
tad. ' JOS. U. STEEL..
Carlisle Jan. 1860.—1 y.
G. A. Rz LAN]
N O. 110 North 141-harvea, Philadelphia,
B A i rmanVe ra ll e o n t t elta r rlin " (tTj , tot .
Pure Sperm, ' Lard Bleached whale,
Sea Elephant, Stiained Whale, Tan
nen', Currier'', Thant, Oleine, and
White. Yellow, Brown, Chemicnl,
Sauey, and other.
Aug. 'EQ.
n pursuance ofahe last will of Johnston Winiamsoli
dec'd,, re will sell on Tburaday the 25th of October, n
the Premises one half mile south of Centreaille, ,Cuxu
herland comity, the following deeerlhed Mullion Prop
erty, of said dec'd. containing . , - '
1 - 1 , 8 • - A R E 8 . ,
of first rate Pine land,Anteriporsed with limestone
quarries, excellent for lime or buliding•purposee.
The ireprovemeeteire a large • ','
,• BRICK DWELLING uovak; •
1441• 7 , •-• about 60 by 50 feet, two stories high,
• finished in modern style, with large
Bank Baru, Corn Cribet and Wegon ; thed, In good Ceder,
and othar'neeesiery out buildings, a well of good water,
cistern at the door.,About 95 acres of cold tract halter
and hi• high.state f cultivation, the balmiest° excel
lent timber. •The yellow, Breeches cieek runt along the
.northern side of spill farm. •
The locatlon;lMprecamentiatiddialiVVreoll , 'met*
tide one of the most deairable farms in Rickineontewit
' Ittibrmitiorriorresardth the' abite!proktY eau be
bid by calling qn env or the Subacilhers. Studding near ,
the property, or by letter addressed to eitherat,Dithltt
sell;P. th'numb.,Co.Pa. Tams :will be midi known on
dity,Of thigh and made imOkr to !wit sarobaoaro: • • •
, giioutors
:2 1 14
hiiretiotike - I;The.oopa_.:'existing
under the =ohs au arm Obunsh' Eberly la
tb t bLuirittell agreement dossolred. •
< The boo arid acenuntanre in the hands ofd. Eberly
. atilt H.l:Liiel•whe are duly authorised to yolleet and
receiptfor Abe same eat close up the .buslntes otthe
ffim , , JNO.
raw bwiimphad EBEREare t•
. tkp.iot moo.- . •B. F. ' '
The lumber bosh:rib will be continued at the Ulna
ihnt• bie.llteriy and B. Y. Lee.
Carlisle , i Fop
noußnt rd:BLAck
FAM - IMPLEMENTi : 1;;O : T . ;
P. ardour 1i Co. now ritannesoCure and keati'lsiti f
atent for sole, at IMO eat on Wre Steam Worka t lajrok,t
Main • et, Carlisle, a largo senortment of '
• . .
_. . .
. AUItIOULTURAL 11 1 1PLElf4ETE r :..i
.of well known, approved, usefulness to farmer& ambng
which they wouldcall especial attention - to voLLouau
which haebiken over fifty FladVess Premiums at State
and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumberleto4
Fork and Perry counties we need not ,upeak 'in dela
of the merits of this drill, as scores of them are new I
use on theboot Waal In these countien. Its reptile.
tlon Is established se the most complete Grain Brill
now manufactured in thelinited Staten. It sows Wheat,
Bye ' , Oats. Barley dud Gress, evenly and regular,
without bunching the seed. The gum Bpda:repass the
drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pinata'
the drill. For even and regular sowing, the Willoughi
by Gum Spring Drill is unequalled by Atli other. W.
also manufacture and sell the following articles, r tibia;
we can recommend to Farmers as reliable .Imple ments,
of established character: .
Also, Three antrPoui Merge Towers and' Tbreshing,
Machines, Cant Iron Field Rollers, Plough Castimis of
varioan patterns, Cotn Crushers, and other articles for
Farmers .toa numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal
Steven and Ten Plate Woodßtoves, with an immune
variety of other enntings for housekee'Nrs and- others.
We havealso an attractive vet iety of patterns foe
and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to Which we would.
cell attention. . .
Steam gaglMed and 111111 Gearing.
To thin dePoittil ent Of our Niftiness we give partlcu•
ler /Mention. prir already extensive stock of patterns
for Paper, Plod' and SAW' Mill Gearing; le constantly
Increasing. Mill Owners and Mill Wrlghti will be hit.
Mahe with a printed cstologue of our vorions , Milt
Patio us, On application. Our Machine Shop comprises
all t o VATiOUN tools for turning, planing and Onieldir
• • leg and Outings. by good and careful Machinists:
, . .
4 p
of any deiraidirce acity, from ten to twen ty•lite bores
power, h It in th at style and 'on iccommodating
tams. Engine s bn) e
It at our establishment may be.
seen in successful o oration at many of the largest
Dlstillbrie,s and Tanneries to Carlisle, an 4 Cumberland
Perry and Dauphin Counties,' to the owners of *bleb:
wy confidently refer for information as to their emelero
cy. Persons wanting Steam Knglnes Are earnestly ri
quested to cell and examine before contracting six+ l ,
Where, .... 7.... . . ..
Corrnectod with our establlshment is a Steam Seth and
Door Manufactory which is now In complete order for
the manufacture of every description of'
Sir the most costly as Well as the plainest house. • Win.
dow Sash furnished from 6 cents upward, according is
size of glass; Window Frames from $1 81 upward;
Shutters and Rolling Blinds from-51 75 upward; Four
Panel Deere from $2 12 upward. Mouldings, Castings
Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery,
Scrolls, and other articles needed in house. building,
furnished at the lowest prices and of the beat quality
of lumber. lION.We ark also prepared, a► hierstefors.,
to build and repair BURDEN OARS for transporters on
the railroad, with promptness and on reasonable tortes.
The continued patronage of the public is respectfully'.
solicited.; Orders by mail promptly attended to.
May'.9. P. GARDNER. k Co.' •
14• •
1 011 104;NT,- •
• .
The Store Room sod Dweithig House at the cor.
oer of Maio and Pitt etreeti now in the ocenpaney f
Mr. Charles Ogithy, from April ist,ll3ol. The sit nation
is one of the beet for a Dry Oood& Store. being noitit
opposite the Rail road station, and has all the fixtures
necessary for ouch. The dwelling has live large rooms,
- and is pleasantly situated-for a residence
Carlisle Sept:7, '60.-4t.. J. HAMILTON.
John Nixley,
John Sadler,
Levi P 'Eberly.
Samuel Eberly,'
Solomon P. Gorges
Leidich A Sawyer will open on the 12th - gap!. at
Miele NEW STORE ROOM under blartin'e Motel. the
largest and most elegant assortment of New Goods sees
offered in Carlisle. We respectfully ask, the -.public to
cell and examine for themselves. Thankful fOr peel
[atom we hope by attention to merit a iontipuaare- of
Situated on the ConOdoguipet creek about four MIN'
west of Carlisle and known au o ZEIGLER'S /ULU" •
• ' The ?antis built of stone three stories high
and contains four run of stone, with Mild
a reaction wheels and Machinery in good ran
. nin g order. The Improvements connected.
I • therewith are two dwelling Mouses taw Hill
and other necessary out buUdings,..arid a
Corn Kiln for drying corn..
The Farm contains about 200 Acres of gdod Slate Land
In a fair state of cultivation and under ' "
good fence '
about _l6O Acres of which • • •
are cleared and the residue covered with • '
good timber. The Improvements area
Frame Dwelliog House,, •1.1.1 ,
Dank Barn, Corn Crib, SW a Tenant Mouse, Spring.
"Ileum:l.les House and other convenient out buildings. ,
A thriving young orchard of apples, also poactieg puts.
and other fruit, .
The alai 'with any number of 'lmes of land - the fur.
chaser might denim will be disposed of separate rem •
theherm or the farm separate from the Mill should the
purcbaeer wlebit. , • .
For terms and further particulars enquire - of the
owner Philip Zeigler, residing on the premises or of
Reef Eet. Agt. A Scrv'r.
Bept.l4, '60.-3u
NIA-. .
Ninety rifth'Sesalon, (1860.010
• ,
William Gibson, M. D.,
.Emeritus Professor of Surgery.
Henry lib Wood El. D., Emeritus Prof. of Practice of
Samuel Jackson, M.D., Prof. of listituld;i4 Medl
flush L. Hodge. M. D., - , Prof--- of Obstetrics and the
Diseases of Women and Chi ldren. •' •
Joseph Cereon, M.D., Prof. of alaterhi lileciled and
„.. Pharmacy,.
Robert E. Rogers, M. D., Prof. of Chemistry.
Joskpli, Leidy, 111, D., Prof. of Anatomy.
Henry H. Smith, M. D., Prof. of Surgery. ' '
William Pepper, M. D., Prof of Theory and Practice
Medicine. ...., .
Wllilani Hunt, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy.-
The Lectures of the Session will begin on the second
Monday of October and a the lit of March. ,
Therewlll be one I uctor to the course. -'' ..
Clinical Instruction I. given t ughout the 1341411011,
In the Medical Hall, by the P more; and at the Peon
sylVanla and other Ifoepita .
The Dissecting Rooms, under the superintendance of
the Pmfessor of Anatomy sod the Demonstrator, are,
open from the middle of September. • • r '
. ,
The 1100 M for Operative Surgery and the• Application
of Bandages, de.,is open early In September and tbrandh '
out the Session, under,the supervision of the Wormier •
of Surgery.
, Surgical- Demonstrator, C. S. Bishop, M.D.' 7
Fees fdr the Lectures (each Professor 105,) - "110.6 ,
Matriculation Fee (paid once only,), " -'a - ' '
Graduation Fee, 30
R. E. ROO,ERS, M. D.,
Dean of the Medical Itacpltil.-• - "
SAMUEL PRICE, Janitor, • University. Building._ -
P. S. Board may be hid at from $2 60 to $0 per Wont.
Aug. 31,•1860.-Gt: ' ,
a. I. JANNEY, JR. J. X.TATRNIi. pc:f LC' •
- • AND .
. No. 603 Market St '
Ladies' One Price Fano)! Par ElOre'r
No. 718 Arch
between 7th, & ,
(Late able Market I
Imperter, Idatratelt
Oland Dealer kl
" Oaring- remoset
my New Store:llB4
St.,and being now
• tinily, in the Mans
turf and Sale of Fe
Furs, which, in at
dance, with the " On,
.Prlce Principle," I have ma,.
'prites consistent with a reason.__
eit a visit from those lo want of Furs f op eithra ,
or.Ohildien . Wear. inspection. of my selseibM I
of thoie goods, satisfied, as I am, of my aidli y ,teplellined
In every desired eftential.
Alkar•Persons at a distance, who may find Itiniesseent ,
rine to call personally, need only name the asiled•sliter
wish, tojether with the prise, and instructicuteltgaysit.
log. and forward the .eddress—money
companying,tulneure eatisfsetory,sempliluktomith,
their wlahea..
/Lug 24 'OO.-6"inosj tc.
' 5;
READ -1 'READI titEAD:I I 1..,
01111/0, 11)1116111, July stogr;iseo.
Mare. inns' tfiecor Et CO t—l Your '"lnpeollner or .
rerstad..rerer ,Chernii" /nor done Worded. , 1 Red
Wholly ddspondent 'And wretchdwhen/ applitikee,4
and In eve bourn th e allle were ' renewed and -Pp Intro
has ensiled: , *lie sloploot. curl IroagliinNe.:4l/*
wonder of' ptetre or ere. rwonld nop be W111404/K 1 1.4
“Inpectllie" a Anglo Lour. By et.netantli ereeflnait/IL
509141 t 9 149 "Ohio PreortV
s ,- Btoblie;Alabeene4lo.7
Gentlemen bare been militated fiord; the ; Ire
by the sipplipetion your Punderful,"lptiOdetegitm"
"Persian Peter Gbamt.'!• : For sever& ion X POI a
fared sorry amen' from feierl'and ague: Ameit", , Bintot
my life wee threatened; but your remeeti..lll44letreyed,
the.dieeer*auiP444.refidlY 'Matt
strength. .
Tide ilaTliondelftlAPlMAGTo.4o.lll.
and Agee Ylitledi,rrem be Sa&
paid 4io pioept, et dollar. Also tbr eale!lttelikierkk
oprolible Druggists and Oeuntrveterer,'
prnletple Depot end idantireetery.fldekddedit i nAr;:
mood Va Gntnuti OM* * ,,, / , Of COne ;
New' 10 . rk., • • '• Address • 4