sfiscclla~itaus. tIARYWNEWSI,OR THE 110 A sAwyEtts Ne w: - std.° Best Mein nentheir heautifni gitmic of New goods. nelris the time to make your Spring and Summer pup. 4411111 g orrrlYstimic..tilih unwind Cate rm.' fileltaillitg importing houre , of Sew , VoKk Dl.4lohd usaileCoraith.es , et the..eate . Mlve Ruction: .sal wet VetiNVyek, Tow naiad& NAItATIm, Nev York. We cauPPW great inducements to the buying public. Out Mock comprlies the Intent kiudo,aud styles or, ' DRESS AND FANV . YGOODS In the market. ouch an Figured,Dlain, - Barred Striped.. Enka In all their varieties, Double Juno Silks, Illumi nated Foulard, India Silks. real French ebonies, Crape V):lrenadine, Spring Valenoloa,&.'Poplins. Pour k nine flounced Hauge & Lawn Ito. Ne. Darege Angials.erope Mateo in all cetera, Mllatialan cloth, French Organdy, Lawns. , • MOURNING DRESS GOODS, ' . of every description of Ilesson'ti impeirtations: Shawls I Shawls !'of all kinds and qualities, Light cloth Mantle,t ' Splendid silk dusters, French Late Pilots h Humours Shentilla Mantles. Sun Umbrella!! & parasols. Aloaan. dens Kid Gloves; Gauntlet Mutts,' Spring gauntlets, lloiderje Orin kinds and sizes; Embroideries of every description ' Bonnets. Pints, Shakers, it_Tinet Ribbons and trimmings, Dress Trimmings. . • _ • " ' HOOP SKIRTS! HOOP SKIRTS!! • . Wilcox celebrated gourd' trail skirt, milling very cheap. Men & Boy's weir suitablelor the “entgou. Hate, Neck. ties and all' other .kiinia of ließtlemen's turtalshing goods. CARPETS I CARPETS :1 (El Cloths, 011 cleths, Shade.; Ac.,&e. As we have Just gone Into thin Mandl of trade, customers will find our stock NEW and I. REBII. ' Constant additions of desiraLle gown will be secured durind the season. Please call at April LEIDICII & SAWYERS New Store • r- RESir SPRING ARRIVAL 1860. . BOOTS* SHOES. BOOTS & As the Hors are very tight at present, it will be every persons interest to look out for cheap BOOTS & SHOES, and save the dimes, and the very place to accotoplish this object is at the old, corner known as a Shoe Store for Many.years directly opposite Ilurkholdersold stand now tilass'e lintel. So roll and' ee for yourselves end save Money Ile you will find a complete assortment of a.. 11 kinds of goodivin the . I BOOT & SHOE LINE, • . •. and alba very best makes. and over remember the lowest price articles in not always the cheapest so you will find among our stock the prices vary according to the quafittof the article. The Subscriber having just returned from Eastern Cities with a large and complete stock of Ihmts & Shoes he also keeps on band a superior quality enema Made work of Boots & Shoes to suit the trade at the lowest cash prices.. Men's Calif & Kip P. gged Boots. Men's 'Ereracb.Calf sewed Boots,' Men's Kip Calf & (opt Brogans high A low out, Af en's and Boy's Call Buff & Patent feather Oxford Tien, 3len's Calf puff & Patent leather Congress gaiters, sew ed and pegged, Ladles' Misses & Children's Black and colored lasting gaiters, Ladles' filinses.t Children Paneyltid,& Morroco Slippers ' Ladles' & Minces 01 , 4 C & French Morroco Buskins, Women & Chlidrens pegged work of all kinds at low prices Just - received an assortment of Children's cop pored toed shoes. Repairing done on shore ni tire. The subscriber still continues on nt the old stand thankful for past favors hoping to receive aco Hunan of the same. Carlisle April 18, 1860, WELLMAUR CLVIIING I - PINISIIO in:VI! IFITTING CLO M TII a INGI„ • The subscriber bee just received a very superior and well selected stock Cl- SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING, Coneistinn - of Cassmere, Sninmer and Italian cloth. Al pacca,iilarsalles; Llnhen and Crittonado, Cont;, Pants Shirts also rink and Satin vests and In shorti,eriiry thin: I ,the way of IMII3IfiSTri. Ilia stock of GENTDEMENS' I'URNIShING GOODS' • has been selected witlia sreatileal of Carty and shirts cravats, Ac., Ac., are sold at unusual !Ty prices. , • . , TIMNILSCAREET BAGS A VALISES. The eubserlper.tedull call special attention to Ida Jame stock of HATS AND CAPS ',bah be bits rrcelvod end Is selling a.m . /0 very tor Ilgurk. Of the Above you Can convince yourself by calling at the Cheap Clothing Store near the. ;Market House ASIIEIt WIEL. April 11, 1860.. • , • SILVER - PLATED WARE BY HARVEY HUEY No. 1222 Market Street PHILADELPHIA, • lilanufneturoryf fine • NICKEL: SILVER; anti SILVY'• PLATY:II of YOItKB, SKI N. 141111.1:F.4:..bpyrEit_KNITES, CASTOIHI, TEA SETS. URNS. KETTLES, WAITERS,'.RUTTER- DISHES, ICE. PITCHERS, CAKiII ' ASRETS: - C41!11UN151 , 7 CUPS,' MUGS, 0,1440,14f8, With a general assortment comprising none but the .best quality. made of the beet materials and heavily latod, constituting them a Serviceable and durable article . POT flout, STEAM - OATS and PRIVATE FAMILIES AFil•Old Ware te-pleted in the beet manner Feb. 22 2 y. , C. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT • . Niriricaprolis, Minnesota. TITILL give special attention_ to collections through TV opt the State. make investments. buy and sell Real Estate end aecuritlett. Negotiate loans, pay tote-, locate land warrants. dre g Ac. Refer to the members o the Cumberland County Bar, and to all prominent cl sects of Carlisle, Pa. Aug4U-ly. 3. GOODYEAR. R. ANDERSON •BAR IRON. - ' • 11 - AVlNG,entored into co-partnerBliip In the manufacturing of BAR- IRON, at Letort iorga, Car Hale, . Pa-, we would .re.spretfully - finite ihO attention of Hardware merchants, Blacksmlthe, and all other, who may want a superior article of Iron to give them a call. All kinds of hammered Iron oonstantly on hand or drawn to order on short notice. The - highest price paid for wrotight Iron scraps, , or to Yen In exchange for bar Iron. Car Hide, Oct. 12, 1529. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORE. Ametn: SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, INTIIITYD IN FIREIT MORTGAO/.8 ON ram. ESTATE, WORT!' oyEle $13,00,0,000. "-Thu premiums are LOWER than in man► other Comps• riles, and the Dividends have been GREATER. This Is a strictly Mt:rum. Company. There are no Stockholders:lFG that ALL THE PROFITS ; DE ONO TO THE INSURED. Pamphlets. and every Information, may be bed GPM , ts, on atyllention to Till.`D. HALBERT, Carlisle. PHILADEI.PIIIA REVERENCES: Thomas Robbins, John Welsh, Mordecai L. Dawson, tieoree 11. Stuart, Oeorge M. Stroud, E. S. Whalen, John li. !dyers, J. Fisher Learning. Joseph Patterson, . William C. Ludwig, John M Atwood, ' Arthur O. Dan Thomas H. Powers, - George W. 'Poland, William McKee, Thou. Watteau. F. RATVIEFOItD STARR, Agent, 8. W. Comes Fourth and Walnut Streets, - ' May 23, '6O-6m.PIK I LALPA . . PHILAD,ELP,HIA MULTI:IEIIIND JEWELRY STORES • 0. CONItAD,'FOII.:II,EIt OCCUPANT, No 198 NORTH SECOND STREET, CORNER OF QUARRY STREET. The underalkiie bee leased the above premises Where he will keep a large nowirtnient or Gold A Silver 'Watches, - rf American. Knglish and Swiss Manufart tiro natio most celebrated makers. In addition to which, will be found always on hand (and made to order) en extensive variety of Jewelry. Oliver. And Sitter Plated ware, together with a general maortment of such geode as are 'usually kept In a first rhos Jewelry Store .. , The pOrons of O. Contud, end those of the aubmnbor togetber with the public generally,' are invited to rail, where they will receive a gond article for their money. As I am determined to do strictly a enGr busineva.goods will he sold very 10w.[.."1.451A IfitoriTS ANO (WICK SALES," is the motto of this estabilahnirot. ' •" -.MAVIS I t:111t0031 ALL, • • ' •Formerly 0. CON BAP, No. 148 North Second St. corner ofgusf ry Phila. June 8, 180(1 . , 7 1y., , ' , sisCcoww, G lit EN'S rUItNISHING 81"Ottfl AND . StirEtTIVTAN'UFAC'rOItY, 81c • t74eelnut Street, • Your doors below the .'Continental lintel", and nearly opptsltellie linnet," l'hlladelphln. A large aesortment of Dreseing Robes constantly' do band. Particiiler attention given to ord ero perfect tit gtilfreinteed. . Wholesale' tindo'supplted with due I andcOliere on liberal teems. • - Dlrectitins 1O measurement seitt-on applfeetierf rail. • .• • • July PH L. ADE I,VII I' A AND READING RAIL ROAD - ARRANGT3IENT. On and MIN' MAY 28,.'1860: Two piiienger trains leave Itsnrinhunt daily (Fun. dart imisPlad,) fit 8.00 A. M , and 1.15 P. M.. rotl Phila. delphta, arriving there at 1.25 own and 6.1510, 61. Itaturnina ; leave Philadelphia at 8.00 'A.M.. and 3.30 P. 38., arriving at flarrialiurg at,l ;noon end 8.30 P. nits ::To Philadelphia; 12.25 Igo. 2 In' suns tralo,) $2 70: • , " 4 , Pares Randing.ll.6o and $1 ,c^ • . At Reading. connect with trains fur Pottsville, 31Inene Tinnages, Catowlesa, &r: •-- • • • Pour Mina leave Heading for Philadelphia daily, at 41 A. ;2005' A.'111.; 12.30 neon end :'448 biavalldladelPhia.fcir Heading at 8.00`,A. 51 ,150 P. 3,lxpriv4ancr6.oo P. NI, .. • ' Nalanininiltedding to Phil/0610de, 01.75 end $1 45. Tha tneedinirtrain Prom tiarrieborg Connects at irltb pt. 1511kpaharre. - Pittaton and . ileranta_ - .t , For MOO& tickatned otheilnfonnation apply to " ' ',l. J. WADI." ,Aw:l . 40;' . •• General:Agent.' . • • • 0 n T,EK44.001".10.:V1EW,4:0f the Great' eliiiiiirti;.TiniamrofJei r iiiii, 'Flora 'Temple,' /to to a t ryx. Rr.4. Rol/holds Dolguforri4,ol,/iomall, eIa3II3ERLAND VALLEY IL it k.) • , .S .U,11.11E11 4i?Rri GEZENT. CHANGE OF HOURS? .. . 'On and after MONDAY, A PRI L 16th 1860, Passemt • Truism will runes follows: (Sundays excepted!) FOR CIUMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG. I'.X ' let Trnin. .2d Triln Lope Hagerstown, 6.45 A; 51 ,a ‘• (.Ireelicnstle. 7,35 . • Chatubersburg, • 6.30" 1.00 P. 31 Shlppensburg, 0.00 0 1.32 .." Newville, 9.32 ' l ' 2.66 0 • 0 ' Carlisle. 10.10 " • 244 " • Meehanlcaburg, 10 42 . 0 • . 3.16 Arrive nt Ilarrisbura, 11.12 " 345 " FOR 011A311.1111ISBURGI AND 111GERSEOWN .. Ist Train.• q 2LI Train. 1.011•0 Hurrisburg, • 8.05 A. 31 2.15 P. M. Nleehanicaburg 8.47 0 . 2.52 " Carlisle 0.27 . 3.30 ° '" Nowvide, 10.02 " .4.04 Sitippenshurg, 10.31 ". 4.33 " Clittinb,e.( trrive) 11.00 , 5.10 G roe ucar.tte. 600 " ' Arrive at Hagerstown. • ' 6.40 . IN, I , w:sena. s will observe. that there Is lot One Train it day, (a .l'af.l.llln, and Freigh! Train condole. if) over tilt. Franklin Road. connecting with train to liar Halm rg at 830 A. 31.. Ant. with the Train. err' t log from Harrlalinrg at 6.00 p. 11. . . , TllimE Daily Trains leltv'e Ihirrishurg for Pittsburg, at 2.0. A. M.. 12.50 end .4 05. P. 11.. staking direct coo sections with trains for Chicle miti, Louis, Mr, Clore land Cilicatm, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and all principal points throw:lion' the West. For Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Central Railroad At 1.20 nod 6.05 A. NI , and I 265 nod 3.50 P. -NI. lln Lebanon V. It. 11., n 1 6.00 A. 31.. nutl 2.35, P. 31. - For Ilnltlinore. nt 3.27 X: 7.20 A. 31..,k. 2 Of, P. 31. For reveal"! and II illiamsport nt 1.27 and 8.15, P. 51.: 'trains on Dauphin Road nt 2.00, P M. . JACOB MN E.'R NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Statione whorl Tickets are sold, viz: Chambersburg, Shippensburg Ca-lisle. Mechanicsburg acid Ilerrleburg. a reduction o TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be mode to all PAPFon gore that provide themselves with Ticket, helm ob tering the Cars. 6. N. LULL super% • Railroad OMNI, Chambereburg,) April, 111.1460. A. 8.. I.IW ING'S URNITURE WARE-ROOMS ! roc' 1859 , etEr:v" , .Ic f 17.. Premium awarded at the Cumberi:!nd County Agricultural . Pair of 181i7.) The subscriber has Just rercivtd the most splendid assortment of articles In his line, ever brought to tills place-4111,h hell determined to sell at prices that de try competition: Chnntber, Dietlng-room, FOIL VET u,n. Kitchen and Office . , Embracing every article used by House atidllot keepers, of . the moot approved and fashionable doeig and tinish. Aerial - ling also Cottage furniture In sett reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Wit frame pictures.'he., he. . . Purchasers are requested to call and examine hi stork, at his extensive warc-ronms, West Main stree North side. A. E. EWINtI. Cir. Particular attention given as usual to funerals orders from town and country,- attended to prompt' and on moderate terms. A. B. Li Carlisle, May 12, 1858.--ly, 'J. GOODYEAR & CO FALL ARRIVAL OF Fresh Drugs ' Fancy Goods, Fruit, and Confectionary.. S. W. lIAVERSTICIC has Just received from the Olt) and is now opening a splendid display,of FANCY 000In 4 . to which be desires to call tho attention of his friMith and the public. Ills assortment In this line cannot he surpassed in novelty and elegance. and Loth In quality and prier of the 'articles, cannot fall to plea's° purchasers It would be impossible to enumerato his which comprise every variety of hincyarticies of the mo exquisite finish such as. I•apier Macho Goods. Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink•dtanda and tray Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cases, • !Mies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes. with sewing Instruments, Ladles' Calms, Wig log beaks. and Port folios. Port Mummies. otevery variety, Bold pans and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and large vi Heti , of ladles' Fancy xtatln I Pry. Motto moils and wafers, Nllt ind bead purses, Biding Whips. elegantly .finished. Fiat cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags. Brushes °revery kind fig. the toilet, X. Bashi and it. &A {{'right's Soaps sad Perfume of various kinds. Fancy Pine for head dresses and shawls. Musical Instruments, - of- nil klnde and et all prices together with an innumerable variety of artlel ea elegan ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to which he Invitee special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of comprising the various' English and American - Works, richly umbellshed POETICAL %Voltlie, Bibles and ily Rouen., eloontly bound In velvet with metal denim ani - reorners, suitable for holiday gift, lily essortment of School Books cud School Stationery If Lino complete and comprises everything uagd In , the ichoole. 110 film denims to call the partlediar Alton. don of Familloa to hie elegant assortment of LAMPS • . , • , from the extensive establlslunents of Cornelius, Archer end others of Philadelphia, compel/dog every style or Parlor, Chrunher arid study Lamps, flit burning either Lard. Sperm or Faber!al oil: also DYOITS relehreted Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together with Plower Waxes' Pansy Screens. Sr. Ills assortment lu,this line is ults equaled in the borough. Also, • SEOAUS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the Dvorltn brands. and a fine assort wont of •lIEERSCHAUAI S3L/KERS AND PIPES. , . .. • FRUITS, sucft fan Oranges. Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines. Prunes: dra,, FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PK l• • SititVllD` FRUITS, IIIN ED—d EAT, PICKLES, &L... in every variety and at all prices, all of which are park and fnwh ouch too can be r centldently recommended to his friends. Ilia stock embraces everything' hi thh line of Fancy Goods. with many othe, articles • useful to due Ointment which tho public aro especially invited io call and examine. ' Ittnnombir the Ohl Stand. noarly oppoolto thu Bank on North Hanover street. . . Dar 7. IRR9 E ',K 9 H .4 1%1G8 •11.0 TE L,, .No. 77 Dock strcce Phi adcipkia (Late COL. R. R. JUNES.), 'PhD lintel. kept on the European Plan. is convent. Mit for Travail . ..re, l'itimme. and the. Public generally, being lu the immediate urighborhood of the Exchange, adjoining tha•Post Office, and within 44 few minutes walk of the Delaware Wharems; the landings fur Steam boats from all peree,. ' Meals eau he had at All hours. from 5 o'clock in the morning to 12 o'clock at night, Pm 123:; cents and up• wards. bodging Moons Con ImproCurrd at all thilen . ' any ctintnpet'eight;: The IThauthara are clean, well Vozalllulea and alt newly, furnieliCd. 'rue Eating Da- Pulimmt .I'lll bo Provid.'d with the heat tbe market can produce; the .Drinking Catthier fimaletied with good, Liquors and choice Cigars. The; proprietor hopes that by strict per/tonal attention, with competent and ohllgiugmerrants, he will he able to please, - J. 01.7.KtiKIIIK, , ~... (Late of.taltlForie t Md., and Madison Ilnuoe Ithillo anly , 27, ',00.-ani. - • I.ItOOLINTO4 • • O PR'SALIAI Boiler with twoeylinderviperlisot ond'in 'good order. will bit sold very low. • - CLlUltell & Lumber ‘leruhente -New floroborini4Pw, W1.42i.194 - 11,2,.. (FBucauounL tIWING, 1101,41.14.. COLLEGE, itIECIFAIVICSBURG, PA. • • ; This Institution, designifd for the liberal education. of Young battles, tas been in operation two years with the meet gratlfylt g revolts... itis now established on: a firm heals: and Its pairlbOtimi already .extentle over several States. • It is located on the Cumberland Valley Railroad inld . way between .liarrisburg and Carlisle. In the moot ter tile end beaatitul portion of the valley, and is in close proximity tO 0110 of the most unite!, healthy, and en terprising towns in the State. ' It is central, and easy of a'ceea. Students .leaving Washington. Baltimore, or Philadelphia In thelnorning train Mr Ilarrisburg, will arrive at Mochafficsburif lu tline Mr dinner. The edifice Is largo and conimodious, surrounded by double verandas. and will ace* infallitelllOut 0110 dn• dred boarders. In its construction, it combines all the' modern iniprovements fol. the promotion of health; comfort and convenience'. In these respects physielatia pronouoce it unrivallod.-' The chambers are large and neatly furnished.', , Eeelt has Ito register fur heat and ventilation Only two studen ta Occupy the name room. Tile bath rooms are at all times supplied will{ Waitnand cold wafer. • .The grOunds are ample, and well arranged for recre ation. and the.varinus: calisthenic. exorcism so essen• teal to health, graceful movement and symmetry of form. The Faculty* Pistruction he el lciont andoexperi mood.. In file Collegiate Denartment the course of study to of a high 'gride. comprehend' og all the subjects belong. log ton cl..tent. Poll teand .Christion'Educa Education. • In - the Preparatory Departutiott ympils,wi I be care. fully instructed in those bmnchoh forming pt) basis of a thorough English education. SESNIONB.—rFIiId Sessinh. from the let Wednesday ol September to the aolh of January. • Second Sessiou, frOm the Ist of February to the lot of July. Vacatioii, during Jtily amt. AUgust. • TEICSIB PER SESSTOE OF Hl' E MONTHS, PAYABLE IN. ADVANdE. Boarding. Washing, Furnished Rooms, F and Light. . . . • Tuition—Collo): is Debartnient. . . . • Preps story . . • . •" First'elass, Ni extra charge li Ancient Languages. 111usle—Plaut, and Guitar. . . . . 20 00 . Vocal 11 sic.. . . . . . . . .• • • -.2 00 Mode' n Languages, • . . • • . • . 10 00 Painting, Drawing and.other Ormu g ental Branches at-the usual ntiss. Text-hooks furnished at city prices. • For further particulars address, '". Rev. A. U MARLATT, A. M., • Aug. 3. 1860. Presidimt• .. i .. MIFerS 4., 6." r i t.r•vrt. , :te. ...-"g&.° gia ..:1 . 1-11. P.. r••'. • 'AI' Vest lllgh Street, Car Hale, Pa FANCY GOODS, =MI S. IV. HAVE.O3TICH aCkiia4.linii4Vrob:ptii,, ; for tlie,:lory Ilsfrpl pettiorizgof4hlcjibAibeati opendp4 L haidust - To-bpiine4l . ostiknaptii, itsts.yp#Ouol 0111 .. y t In Ma new atoie•rontn. MI ilia enuth•cr,it' earner ar-tho public square, where the puloile are invited to cull and examine irstock of gouda which, in elegance, ninety and'extent, will defy competition; comprising in part' loaf, lump, crOshed and • brown sugars,. lit '.lava, Itio. and roasted Coffee ffvery vit.. , . ] riety and quality of TEA. Spicoa, (ground -"„.""'" t and unground,) Bickel& Sauces, Table Oil, Now Orleans,. tittgartiouse and Trinidad ~ 7 iilolassetir Nairlc; and Philadelphia bye- , . • . obi , Ci'enie, Pi] Omit, verineciiii. split Peas, Malloy,' Mincemeat, eon] Starch, Farina, Chocolate, Extract cr. Coffee, refined sugar at reduced rates, washing and kilt log soda. Tobacco of the most favorite bra Lids, and the finest quality of Sugars, Aisu, a. beau Mini assortment at Britannia Ware, plain and ,'it...1(1 band China Ware, (Mass, Quentin. Stan. and Earthen] 'Ware; 'in greet ye -rimy, and an elegant let of Fancy o qratpa, extracts and pertruaury for tbe toilet. ' _. '-'. '• - __: . _, ' _. . 1 PRUITF: Including Poaches in capeh, Crni. berrlen. dry apples, giti•on, almonds, lenionn, &e. • ' ' ... , 47 oliz,omm , lis,...,o.iatoolrgo-7,.t...g. ir,...._,... . 4ey, Ilrandlus..dark itad ;ale, Lisbon ( ( \ :_....,., , , 11, .Sherry Port: Matlack (ii gur,eatnwhn ( ~......___ ~. . and Muscat Wines In casks nod trot In, uvuas), unlash Holland lain, and Scheldam 'clinapps. . _ _ .. • . FISH ,AND SALT... A I.rce stock of LAMPS, including nyott's celebrated lamps for burning ttemsone Or teal 011. Also Sperm, Pine, Lard and Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Sperm and Star Candles CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. Brushes. Ropes, Monne, ttomni, poonmatx, Waiters. hookliagglosses. flan luttor and note paper, Willow Ware. painted imetet. " Cotton and woollen hose, and half Ilose, and a full stock of Cloves, including the, well known Ilanover Buck tones. $OO 00 20 00 11: 00 12 00 In short. his stock comprises everything that In called fui lit Ills line of business, mid no °Flirts will he spared to render stairs satisfaction to Ills edeftiiiaera • Carlisle, Oct. 27, 7558-Iy. 1 0. INIIOFF. .? Marketing of all kindithaken In exchange fo goods. 6 6 aIL/ 1 / 1 /00r,iiiiiiEL " FAMILY GR RY AND TEA 'Just received and In stol .n fresh and well so." n lected assorttnent of Al, Java and Marty call.. Coffee. Enlisted Coffee. Crushed • Pulverized Sugars. Refined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Qvleans (bakingy Moles sex. Spleen of every, variety— pure only ; Starch, Sanibel dad Chocolate. Illaccarnnii Cheese and Crackers. Tapioca and Sago. Indigo, Saleratos and Soda. Crean Tartar and as. sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TEAS.—A fine assortment in Packages, and If bulk-as well as all other articles I US' I's belonging to the bu..iness—all at thulowest • i k and late reduced prices. J. W. LOT. 117 A Ti.ll i ES, JEWELRY, AN]) SILVER• BEAT CONLYN'S old established Stand. West Main fit., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Rank. I pure just received a new assortment of watches uwelry. medallions sliver ware. die., in addition to my firmer stock to which I invite the attention of the public. The assortment embraces tirettgold and silver lever watches. Ilholing and open rood n.' gold An chors for Ladies and Gentlemen and .liver Lepineit and Quartier wettlicsoi every variety in style and price. Also One hold Medallions. Breast pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality. pattern and Price. told fob, vest. curl, and neck chains. Gold bracelets. linger rings, ruff-pi tis, studs, sleeve.buttons, crosyes, charms, kr.. kr. Gold and silver thimbles, sliver slid pleated butter knives. forks. table. tin: coil mid mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortintfiit llf gull, Over common spectacles. to suit al ages to, which we luvtle special alien A fine lot of (lOW PINS from the Lest makers pentacle roses,fano, boats silver and pearl card cases, gold fold commo n lancelets ( watch chains ~. Mania lc Clocks andvariety of articles upu•l ally kept In Jewelry c itablishnnuts orb) • I : 0 Ay, I will WI low for rook. All article, war 11111: (voted to be whet they and rem 4( uti d t ,• , I artlettlar attention paid as usual to ..4 1,- .4 0, it k l(11 REPAIRINti cud all work war inted =1 1, 1 RE S El G 11'0 CEIt I E.S AT S. C. IIUYETVS Shad and Nackeral of difiereal grudrn. Sermon, Seale Fish and White Fish, '1, 1859 Cod'bib, Salt-and Pickled Herring, Cheese and Crackers can be had Dried Fruit; Preserves and Jellies, Sugar Curod Beer and Homo, A flesh supply of LIQUOIIB, 011 a, Whit. Lend, &c., &c., . 1 860 41 A 131) A w lt 4 l l :3 r ! , II A 13. D h P. Lyric 4, Son hate Just completed opening their Spring Stork -Illetaiwarr. - Pallit, - Vtlrhislirs, We, A r. to a filch they Invite the early atttentlon or the public We hare greatly enlarged our Mork In all Ito various branches,and can now accenatuudato the pub. Ile vilth 1? Li: IA BL 'O - 0()D S . • large or small quantities, at the loweet prices. But do note bolt the public to understand that we have , ahtht all the t male in Philadelphia and New. York In r ton, n. but we can assure them that one look into nur .010 Win C9IIVIIICO I heal that no _hay.] thOthal to supply the .lenuind lu tide market., ,Peraona wanting goods in tour line trill find It to their advantage to give nail before Intlahlg th, it poreltecem ardent cannily and punctually attended to, and no talero. sentni ions made to effect St les . JOID: P. LYXI SON'. Noel Hanover lit 'Carlisle Mny 2,'61 • I lIM BMITi NG ! Juq ree.lved a largr eatiortinent of all alzea (Nut IleMule., Gunk Hose, Mini Parking, SC., and ft male sheep at the Hardware More of ,lone tp. 1860, THE GREAT BELL 31ASS 111EET INtl In being held on Norih.llatinver Street. Ca lime. where gni tanners are Invited to call and exanalu (ho large variety of FARM 'BELLS,' just received and which we ale selling very cheap. flood Bells can be bought fr..] $2.5(1 to f.n.rin re.h. W have.the final Western Bell the rernier's fvvorile• Call and see them all .5 ou Wilms who are in want o a goad and cheap =1 1. 1 ,A1141 BELLS! FAUN BELLS!! JuKt received the largont, chenfo;nt and ben! IF nortment of FARM nili,Ls In the county. Groeuensa Mot3l..and Dell Nic , nl WAItitENTED-NOT TO CHACE at the Hardware, hove of Mare), 7. 'Co, NFW AIR LIti.L.ROITE TO AIM ti)iir • hist • -dnu t !F.: 11 • • SI - lORITEST ISt/DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN TilE TWO CITIES • .. NEW 'WORN AND Harrisburg ± • VIA READING. A LLENTOWN AND EASTON moitNINO EXPE EFS, 11 est. leaven Now York at 6 A. 51.. arriving at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon, only C 3 bourn bawl.n the two cities. • .51A11. LINE leaves New Volt. at 12.00 noon, and ar. riven at Harrisburg at 8.30 P. 51. 3111115.1N0 MAIL LINE East. leaven Harrisburg at 8.00 A. M.. tirl'iulitg at New York at 4 30 P. M. AFTERS° N EXPItEBO UNE, Ea.t. loaves Harris burg at 1.15 P M. arriving at New York at 9 00 P 51. Connect tour arelnado at Harrisburg at 1.00 P. 51. with the thowengel 'nation to each direction on the Ponusyl- canto Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Ealb read. All trains connect ac Reading with traint. for Patts villo and Philadelphia, and ut, kilentown for slauch Chunk, Eakton..ku, 'No einouroi'l Paseengerae or Iniggagribetwuen New ro Yk and liarrlaloirg, by 6.00 A M. Line from New ork or the 1.15 P. M. 'non lino tlebbrir. For boa ate of reentry, and speoo, romfort and &Torn monition. thin mute preseuls superior inducements to the travelinii: nubile. Fur between Sow York and Harrisburg FIVE DOL LARS. For Witch. and other information apply to - CLYDE. ticoaral Agent, Harrisburg. ( ki IiTRA W HATS! STRAW HATS! Just received at Heller's Old Stand North MM. ear street, o largo and complete stuck of MINS' & BOYS' STRAW BATS, of all tbo dilTarant styles and glialltics, all Of which will be said st n anal) advance on city prices...: Also. ehildrens Fancy Cans and tints Mani' k Boys "- • OASSIMiIIt H. PELT, • • ; • ;WOOL. ;111AT§, ; 1 • Several new styles now ;Tends fortlippection. 'Tlemem hoc ifyou want bsrunitts teill at Carlisle Maylii. 'llO.-etn, i - VTTENTION B I X V 1 1 83) E ItS 'AND The uncle, ;Ivied Ic the sole-agent . fee the celebrated PEACH BOTTOif ItOOPIECI SLATE. and will beep n luipply *latently orrband, nit!elnfe ran be fuvntsbedebsepticlhen abingles,• and Is more , durable than any other materiel,. It can be procured by entllnk 9n tbeaultscribac et binresidence en 'East etreet. .•• ' • •, ,• JACI4I 8111t031. N. Sla'e will be fornildiod to , peihonsin &Oh. cent counties at toe sbartelf:notice. ; rotrlbtl..llmi# 2j e, EC Aow ogutg, SEMEIMM At'llUrrTT'S AC IIUYETT'S A VIIUYETT'S A IIUYETT'S At IIUYETT'S At IIUYETT'S At it LIYETT'S I= MEM= ,301 IN P. I,YNE k SON, North Moores St., en• isle HENRY SAXTON KNLLEIVA . . N 111 ; - p eril ti 1: tiow i the e . l dobtect to.thit Kittmerihtti. ou t h e ..' It tt roildtmco oppotlto ItnyultllArtt llotol i'nod nettle ithout tiAtty, Acqcouitts II ULM. bo tiet tied: %'... l u4rth%) . hu: .", t. . . • J. D. T:n rim. • • 'g';iiiii,li,e'r ,.. 4 '..4j.tit:l - ' 1 :.. '4.lllsEctlivlc6ll9. NEW•cO.ALAND.LUAIBERIYARD, -..The reubraribers have this day On gored 104 part . uerahlp to,trada in'.' •••' • 'l4 ' •' , ~.; 0. A i i',. Al* - 0 U, Mit 11 It r . . We mill haie ennatant yon hand and (runtish to,ordar - ell' Mild, and ilualitp, ol.aeavortOd • • ,• . ' BOARDS. ,••• • - • • . • • • ' . . FRAME UFF,' Plaatering Lath, Shingling lath. workedS Floor. lug and Weatherboarding, Poole and Hello, and every Sr .tide that.belongs tO a LUMBER YARD. • Alf kinds of Shingles, la wit; Whitepine, 'Hemlock, and Oak, of different qualifies. Baring Care or our own we can furnioh • bills to order of any length and size atibe shortest notice and en the most reasonable berm Our Is/feted boards will be kept under cover on that they can be furnished dry al all grace. - We have constantly oirliand all kinds of Family Coil under cover. which we will deliver clean to any port pt the borough. , To wit: LYK ENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLAR, Tit EVORTON, • LOCUST MOUNTAIN, IBBERY. whicli'we pledge ourselves to sell at thfilowest prices Beet quality of Limekaiter's. and 7ackamith's Coal, always on hand.whieh wai l, ' I sell at the Monet figure Yard west side of r rh I, Main street. •• A3l tpNO'& BUFFER. July 20. 1859 ~HAMBERSBURG , FEMALE SEIM INARY. , , . The location Is pleihmtit and henitlr, and the Atka n Loges nrohqualled by few In the land. The 111141tUtfOn is largo and prosperous, with a corps of ass stints elm son with care. and well qualified to Instruct In din solid slid ornamental branches, The Influences in the board log department. are parental. moral and relining.' • The next session will commence ow the 12111 refining., of September. Catalogue's may be had on application to ho • Sandpit!. • . . =9 Rev. W. W. Mlle, Carl o; Rev. John 'Ault. London, I'd: (leo. R. Bucher, Reif; lloguento.rn ' Pk; Hon. (kn. Chambers. B. S. k , rhneek, D. 11, 8. It. Fleller, U. 1/., Rev. P. 11. It. .eke. Itev..loxeph Clark. Cliambornblrg, I'4 Pro. finelore'nk PrlnJeton, N. J., both of the College and Theo hgleul Secoluury. Rex t HENRY REEVES. A. M., Airs. SARAH H. REEVES; Principals. CarliFl,, Jan. 22 , 1860.-1 y J. It. NONDIAKEIVS I.4 I ORIVAADING. AND CONAIIS • SION HOUSE, FLOUR A$D 'FEED, COAL, PLA 4 TER. AND SALT. The subscriber' having takeii the Ware 11011110 cars •nd fixtures of Win. B. Murray's well known establhh intit. PH ' Wert Itigh street. opposite Dickinson Collego, wduld 'arum the public that. he has mitered into a general Forwarding and Commission business. The highest market price will be paid rerFlour,9rnin and produce orall kinds. .. . . . • , They nee also pn•pared th freight, prod aro and stock to Philadelphia and lint ttraoro, at tho lowest rates, with safety and despatch. • PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on hood, and FLOUR AND FEED at shdlenale or retail. COA oral! kinds. embracing, LYREN'S VALLEY,' . ' • LURE; FIDDLER. - SUNBURY WRITE ASH, , LOPUST ll AP, -, _ Lime:lurner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY von 8•1,E. RP:PT UNDER COVER and delivered dry to any-part of the town. J. R. NONEMAKF.R, Carllmle t Augugt, 17, 1869. -EW COA L- A It . -1) •.AT TIIII WEPT I.ND oY CATILIBLY. The subwriher would reiTenfully roll the attention or I.lzueburner's, anal the citizens of Cantle, and the nurroundlogrountry generally, to hlx NEW: OA VAIII), • attached to his Warn Ilouso, on West High St., teller Iru will keep constantly on hand a large supply of lb best quality orthlit to wit: - • Lykens Valley. Luke Fiddler. Pine Grove and Treee ton, Broken, Eg,r'anil Nut Coal—Ad...coed and dry coal which he Mediu, Itlniself to sell nt the lowest posblid prices. tied quality of LIMEBUItisLit'S AND BLACKSMITH'S COAL ' always on hand. C All order,. left at the Ware !louse. nr at Me yes 41 , :nee In North llannvor street, will lie promptly a tended to. .1. W. II ENDERSON. Carnal°, April 14, LA.S SA GLASS!.! PAINTS jr PAINTS!!' A full asuoment of Ulu of all size nod quality, with a lorge etoek of fresh PA NTS,_ a eolore. dills. Tarnishee,Ae r , Cerneut In laty or tona: quautitlex o at 10 . 17.158nret .101 IN P. LYNN SON, North Hanover Street MEM ... • • 'HiaSTETTER'S • . STOMACI BITTERS. ' 24 i'' 4. The proprietors :Ilia manufacturers of HOS TETTEWS O C 'LEIMATED STOAIACJI BIT TER:4 can np . with perfect confidence to, li physicians antaizetis generally of the United States, because the article has attained a ropu tatiow lieretoMre unkne.n. A few facts upon' this point' will sp,etik , ore powerfully than volumes of bare asonsio '''ar blazoning puffery: The consumption lit It o 11,4 t er'e .14tonitieli Bit-. tern foe the' last ye v an °mite& to over a half , million. bottles, ani from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the cooling year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal propbrfies contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent, physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases rearming therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained' by extraordintiry efforts in the way of trum poting the' qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, whichis _ destined to be os enduring tut time itself. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters-Lava proved a Godsend to . regions where, fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un all9yed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies lho blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispematao fur the restoration of health.. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powhrfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters 4101344 i pertlirections on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort deolining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tome, :and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi• dente of thousands of aged men and - women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering frens stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious ; drugs and fairly tested the , merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are cutain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. 'lite relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she tur young, is apt to forget het own lurallit in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period, of maternity arrive during the summer season, the 'wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, 01011 it a necessity fora stimulant to recupe rate (lie energies of the system, and enable the ' mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters ,to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi• • clans, bedause it is agreeable to the' taste as Well as certain-A o give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have partien larly referred above; to, wit; sufferers front fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrimea, dysentery,- indikestion„,.loss of appetite, and , all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids,. persona of Sedentary , occupation, and nursing 'withers, 'will consolt, their own physical welfare by giving to Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a. trial. ' CAUTION,-11'e caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask! ffir-flowntreit'S •CXLSISItATXII' . . STOMACH EITTFIIe. and Noe that each bottle has words "Pr.l. , llostettees Stomach _lnters", blown on. the side-of , the bottle, and,stnniped on .the metallic cap'eoveiring' the cork, and observe that epr'autograph signature is on the • cioi.3 , xostitvrjoit SMITE, pittabtirgh, Pa., and sold -by all druggists, grocers, and dealers .generally throughci4; the, trattefl stow), soupz qloa, and GerOsaiti..' • . . cur s•.+.o uy it; emu. t, B.W. Ilaverstlck. Carllale; John Attirk, Joan Sterhbaiigh; ithlppousburg;' L. 'Kalif : , v.tn, J. 8- liounkuir. P.leeliardesburg; and Druggist^ t!nrrally t.hroi4hoo, The Eannty. Nor. 9,.'68. 40'7'Nolice.49, 100111 .14001)11 0001)1.1! , . x_ft 'Just' received at the cheap (in.cer) . thii.puilet signed, lola of good th:ni r ,s. a pi.tt el which ale the lid lowing • • 111 aotically sealed PEACHES, (fresh.) . • . TILIIATtiES CORN, . ASPABAGU,S, • GYSII . .IIs, \ " " LUBiatgte• " • • i'lN Ii ApPLE; TURTLE . ." SARDINIS, trickled Gerklns, Chow Chow, Piccalilli, Lobster. Cauliflower, Capers. Olives, Tomato., !catsup, Walnut do. Jlislarntnn do. Pepper Sauce, Hominy, Wilts Croe - 17Frri. theOlnest. of Dried Heel; pucorvcnrcd limns, Shoulder. Bologna Sausage, Sou oe- •s, Marraroni, Sugars, Coffees, Tens. Idolessee, and 'rot all kinds, QUE• NOW I 8, FfNE•SEGAIIS• among whit( twenty five th inland German Sixes. prime Tr and the very best and purest LIQUOICS In the ct Confectionary and Fruit. Sc. 'All of which are offered to the cltltene of CeriLde nod county of Cumberland. atalie lowest prices for VAbii. ' COME ONE, COME ALL," two &air. East of lihoads* .Warehouso. • - WM. BENTZ! ... " - Carlisle, Nov. 9, 1859. Eroken, Egg, Stove and Nut do. . do. do . • 1; 1 1.1tE INSURANCE, -THE ALLEN AND DAFT PENNSBOiII) FIDE. 11 , SURANDI: COMPANY of Cumberland county. meanx rated by nu act of Aexembly. Ix new fully eri:onlz. clop In operation under : the managetnent.ot the luliowtii cotemixxloners, viz: Dank& Bunny, William It. Ciargm . l.lllchael Cocklin J. Eleholbantor, Christian Staj•man, John C. Diin hip, Jacob 11. Coover, bawls Byer, S. Eberly, Benin min 11. sloayr , J. 'Brandt, Joseph Wlrlicraltaus Alexandra Cathcart. Tho rates of Inaurance are ha tow and fart raid° as aro Company of the kind In the State. Persons wishing I. beentrir members ore kind, to make application to tin agents of the company. who are willing to . .vait ups. them at any time. • , GOIIGAS. President. CURISTIAN STAYSIAN, Vie., President ' • • LEWIS IIY};It. Secretary MICHAEL COOKLIN. Treasurer • Managera.— Wm. It. Oargas. Christian Slay 1111111, M. Cedilla. J. 0: Dunlap. It. Mae-tin. U. Bally, .1 If.Cnover, Alex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Elehelbei ger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. 'CUMBIHILAND COUNTY.— John She rrlrk. Henry Zeniln., Shirenutokuiwn; Seinuul Woodl.urn module,. • floury Churehtown : Mode Gill lab, Bondi )11,1db:don; Samiffil 0 rebrtni. W. Peni. horo'; Samuel Conver. Mechanleebnrg : .1. W. Coddle Shoplierdstowir; D. Clover. Sbepherilstown; .1 0. i+tio" ton. Sliver Spring: Benj. liereistlek. Sliver Spring Charles Bell. Cm hi de:.John ifen. 'YORK COUNT'.'.—W. S. Picking. Myer; Peter WOl ford, Franklin; Jar. Griffith. Warrington': •J. F. Pea, denT. Washington; O. nutter, Newburg; It. C. Clark. Dilisburg. DAUPIHN CO.—ilouser k Lockman, Harrisburg. Members of the company having policies about te'ex piro. eon have theme, • wed by making application in anylof the Agents. April 20. 1050 TIOWA'RD ASeOCIATION! :.11LADF.LP II I A • A Benevolent institutleni established by special en 'defetnent for the relief nf the sink and distressed, , afflicted with Virulent and Enidetele 'diseases. anibuspeelally for the Cure iif 1 / I xenses of the Sexual °minx. MEDICAL. ADVICE plan gratis..by the Acting Bury aeon, to all who apply by letter. a ith a description of Abair condlilina, (age. occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and In meg of extreme poverty. Medicines furnished Den 7,f charge. VALUABLE REPORTS`on.Spernlntorrlra. nad Mlle? Dlkentien of the Sexual 01'011R. 411111 on the NEW It employed to the Dlipentetry. neat to the talried In pealed lette. 1.111,111.N.X. free of charge. Two or three Stdonnt for poqttnte will be nereotelde. Addn•xx. CIL .I. SIiII.I.FN It Ilitl/ITON, Arthur Siu geon. Howard twelatlon. No. '2 South Ninth Street PlAindelphle. to, By order of the PINTO.. • EZRA D. HES RT %V ELL, Prosid,.c O EO, FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Det.21,1859.-is • •-OTHER . • • • • Thousands are doily speaking In pralneof ' DR. EATON'S • -INFANTILE-COEDIAL and why? herniae it never folio Confront Instantaneon relief when given lu time. It arts an It by mate, am one trial alone will convince you that what we my 11 true, It contains NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE .. of any Hind, and thereforii relies's% by removing tit; sufferings; rlyour child. inst. I Of by deadening Its sensibilliles, For thin reason it romuiends it s eif a., ti n only reliable preornMii now known for Children Teething, (Shirr hoes. Dysentery,- Grip. lop ilk tine Bowels. Acidity ot the etromorit, Mud. Cold hi the head. and Croup. also. for Puftimlng the grime reducing ittflainstion. regulating the ilowels and relieving pain. It loin nn apnnl being an anti apps wane it la used with nofoilin r careens In all ranee 01 Convialeinn or of her rile. Aq you veins the lib• and health of your children. and wish to save them from those sad and blighting conseqm ores whl 5n aro certain to mutt from the Imo of narcoile, of wide other remedies for Infantile Complainte are composed. take none but Dlt. EATON'S INFANTILE Coll DIAL, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harinle.s and cannot luture , the moot delicate Infant. l'rlce, 25 cents Bull directions acconireinv oleb bottle Pn.oared only by CIII , IICII & DUPONT., No 4 In Urnadway Nese York. • BLOOD . ealthy human Blood upon being !ways presents us with the FRDIV ORU/Ititil element , i tid gives or cours.i.the True etandard. Analyze the iio ,d era per on ntlirering rrllin COrMintptioll, LiVO : 0 111rInint, 11,vxpepsLt, St7llln a, sad v, 13 find in lllund insinure pertain defideneles in the t are Fiupply tine deficiencies and 300 n,sd i • veil. The lii HID 1,1,10 is rounded upon thin Theory hence itkastur.inhilig sueces. '1 hurt, are I'IVE PREPARATIONS aloptsd to the denclenc'en of the Blood lo different diseases.. Fur Coughs Cold., Bronchitis. or any alter lion whatever of the TilliOAT or LUNGS hlm:Nat:ou sumption, the No 1, which is itinays the No. for De premien of Spirits. Loss hf Appetite. and for nil Chron ic Complaints arising from o,er use, General and Nem ous Prostration. No. 2. for Liver Complaints. No. 3, for Dyspepsia. Being already eparod lie ab sorption It I. taken by drops nod carried Immediately into the circulation. so that ulna you gain you retain. The No. 1. Is for Female irregularities:ll-aerie, Weak nooses, ke. See special directions Mr this. For Salt Rheum. Eruptiono, ST.rofulous, kidney. and Bladder Complaints. take No A. In all ease - eV., direction must bo strictly followed. Price of the kilned Food $1 per bottle. Sold by . CIIUIuCII k DUPONT,' No 409 Broadway, New... York. Dyoit. & Sons,APhiladelphia, and l G.ll. Keyser Pittsburr Wholesale :grids. For Sale by . artiste. -- r " • , ONLY r_liliPkRATION WOR , TRY bF Universal Confidence dt Patronage. YOH. STATEONI EN, JUDO ES, CLERGYMEN, . • ,ranttnii and Gentlemen. In all ports of the world today to the efficacy of Prof O. ti "air ,iieetoro ove ud gentlemen of the Press tire unsitlntous in lts.prsi.e. A f ew to,iimo u tm e only tint to. he, o civ. n : see eirchler fur wore, and it will be impossible for you to doubt. • 4i/ Wall Street. New Yiirk. Dee itoda.lBs9 GENTLENCN:—Your note of the 16th inst., hoe, been received ; saying that you hod heard that I halt. liege benefited by the non of Wood's livir ileittoretlee.ar d re. guesting my certificate of the fact 111 hod no obJectlcin • tic give It. 1 award It to you cheerfully. because think It due. My age In about 50 years; the color of my hair oublirn. and inclined to curl. Some live or nix puff,. shore It be gun to turn gray, and the scalp on 1110 l•ros. It of my head to Mese its sensibility and land ruff t,, torn' Upon it tiach of these t&agrealtdi Ides I net . ..mll with time and about four Mouths since fourth was added' to titent by hair felling off the top of my hood and threatening to make me bald. In this unpleasant prodicament, I wan Induced to tit Wood's I ixir Restorative, mainly to arrto.t the falling off of my hair, for I re/41i had on expectation that it ray hair could ever be restored to its original color xrept In in dyes. I was lettatsver greatly surprised to find after tbn use of two bottles only that not only 1,7116 the failing off arrested. but the color wax restored to the gray hairs andkensibillty to the scalp, and dandruff reeved rm on any head, Tory much to the gratification of my at whose solicitation Iwas induced to try It. ' For thin, among the snarly obligations I owe to her cOk, I strongly recommend to all husbands who value the Admiration of their 'wives to profit by my example, nod use it If growing grey or getting bald. • . Vet) , resportiully,---BEN A. LAVENDER. Tor/, J. Wood A Co.. 414 Broadway. New •York.. My family are absent front the city, nod I MU DO longer at No 11 Carrot Flay.. Sintroaton Ala., duly 20th, 1860. To Prof. 0..7. Woods—Deargis : Your •• lialritessora• tive"Abialdnue my hair so much good slurp I con men rod theidise of it, that I wish to maim !spools to the poling Oflte.'effeets on the hair. which are spent. A man or wnirui tday be nearly deprived of hair, mid by a re. sort to 'your "Ilalr Restore t 1r.." the, lolly will r.•turn more beautiful the • ever; at least lisle is my expert mice. Believe st all - Yowls truly. 11111. 11. lf, KNEDY. P. H.—You con publish the above if you like. , pnellablng in oar Southeru papers you will gel More patronage south. '1 PO eevernl of your certificates in the Mobile Mercury datrong Southern' aper. , • 11 • ll:lionedy. yciqws llApt 4ESTORATIVE Professor 0. J. Wood': Dear Sir:-.-11avIng bed the Misfortune to lose the best portion of nn hair, from the elhots of tho yellow foyer. in Now Orleans ,14.51 was induced to make a trial of your preparation. and ibund it to answer as the yam Ailing molded. Illy hair Is now thick and glossy. and no words eon express MY obligations to you iu glyfug to tint afflicted such a tree sure- FINLEY 101INS- , N. The Restorative is mit up In bottles of three sizes rim medium, and small ; the small holds . % a - pint,. ;• hills for one dolitteper bottle: The medium holds .$1 ir twenty per mutt more in proportion' than the ratable for too tiollare le...battle; the lamellOidtt quail. forty per, cent more llf proportion, and retells no three dnllarth. ' , .0. -J. WOOD k 004 'Finprietors,, 444 .DroselwaYt• New York, and 114 Maritelo4.net Alt. Louis. . And sold 11411 IffltnEDrhffltilits and Fancy Idoods Pea • 1,•,"'" =3 MEM ANAL Y-ZoE-D MEI ~~ '~ 4,llisctLlnculls. u. l ltl.laLt..tNU Ph ILA IiEL Pli IA COP • DAIL ir FILE I 11'1' LIN E: . . • • rap:oU.•ll'AltD & FARED, 811 sinus, ! erneeT,.inutl,ELrwA. J. D. RHOADS, • ' • LAIN BTREET, CAIILLL.V., PA. : IQ , Cars of this Miele:me the De'pot 811 lilsrket st s Daly, at 4 o'rlork, . Lear° Carlisle, Daily. at 7 o'clock. A 81. ' Clouds intended for this Line should' be marked C. & P. Daily Preight Line, and seat in by 4 o'eMek. . •".., Nay 1888.. . NW S'I'AGEROUTE.- The subscriber ton startetrit" tri weekly Ilea of Stages between Carlisle and blindieburg. leafing Car. lislo ovary Monday, AVetinettilay and Friday, immodi• artily ou the arrival of the hfiprnoon train of cars from the east, Returning, leaviiidiandiaburg at 800 A. 01,, every Tuestliiy, iVediteaday! add Saturday. and arrives at Carlisle at 1.00• 51, vi r e. Perry County Warn, ,Suriags, Shurntansdnie, St ernit Vet/up and Carlisle Sul' ' plow aprltrge. On and, afer June the leth,the line will be run daily for the accimuniodittlon of passengere going to the Springs. " Yarn to the several points as .ollowe: icli nq• 'obnceo uunty Csrililu to Rrirphur Sprnge, . Sterrett'.. (h p. . . . . " Sin•rinsmoislo, . •. . . • " 'Perry County Vor Springs, Laudisburg„ . .. .• . BP:TURNING. • Landisburg to Worm Springs, . : 4 1,ernianintplo, " Sterrett's Gap. •i' • , • Sulphnr Springs, Carlime,' . The above line will le:rattly carry the'lllAlL to and front the several points 'theca indicated. , I have nun a well stocked Y STA !rte which I am at all times reedy to furnish horses anti , vut" rin•:ce to those whu will thvoente with their patrohase. On the most'reasonable teruntand Su the I..rdy twat fiLylo putyl9lBsB: • Gfidlttre - EMS DEL X C ELS'IOR 'PICTURES A. It. IfIENWOOD.wouId respoetfully Inform tt, elLit,ollB of Carlisle and vicinity that he hue taken room. to Zug 's now building, east corner of Market tiquare. whet , ho Is at all times ready to take AMBROTYPES In the West and most °nany d style. Pictures taken In rainy and cloudy weAther 'La well as, clear. and 'sat. isinetlon given or no thereto lade. Portraits and ha gucrrentypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken for !nickels he.. iu Anibrolype., A eibroty pea warranted to stand the test of time, liee . of water. . . Ladles and Gentlemen are cordially Invite d "to es andoseteltie speelinens. Prices 'from 2..e1.5.40 $ll.l. Jan. 470151.-I.v.' 4 V • I r S 1 ABLE.-11tonng, chased &opt .1. R. Nonetnaker Ids LIVERY EN TA lILIVIMESE. I wlll be ,alwaye ready to limonite° ; date the public kith HORSES. CA It t7l tt It I Ail Es. 101001 Es. and every , other„nr. ;He in my line, strict attention lto business and:3),(loore to please. the sut•serlber hopes 1.1 receive a 10,03 share of public patronage. • • ' 0 lIENDEL. N. 13. Ointi.o , ‘ usses on hen d'io supply those who may be In need of them. 0. 11. Nov. Vv. JA 3111 S It. EIA V E 11: S CABINET . ' ,q 9 11 1.1 ~./'' "" —, AM/ .1: CHAIR . MANUFACTORY, ntl NORTII flaxaveß SMELT. CARLNLi, PA. Having been'engneed in' the business for over twenty yenrn-Ite atoild return thanks to his customers nOO friends. tho liberal encouragement exteMied'to hint In years,gono Iy. and further assures them that no pains will 100 spored, to give full antistnetion to all who may favor him in lihe roll CHAIRS AND FURNITURE,. . „ • - of every- deserlpthn constagtly 'on hand, or made to order. Irarranted to be of the hest quality, of the In test Otylo,. welt Ilulghed, and solo at the lowest posiale prices no. cash. Ito also continuos . buslnehn en en UNDFRTAKM.— Rendy made Collins. Metallic or othervelme. kept can. statitly on hand an i d funerals promptly attended to pursonally.lit town or country, on the most reasonable terms, Cherry and Walnut Cofflim.larze size. %ill finished and lined Inside, fr.'n fit, 12 dollars. • iValnutWe covered floto 14 to :10 &Hain, ' JAMES It, WEAVER. May ' 11.—Two properties-situate In,,Cliurehtown.Curah. cotltity. are offered for MI6 on easy torms. Apply an above: . J. R. W. ltilltam P. Lynch, l'ractieal PLUMBER _pfd . U.l S FITTER, to thetaerment of the N. 11 _Citurcfi, ihrin Street. Carlisle. Lend end IMP PIPM . L on Sink 171111°4e, both Tube, Mg& Ce.l4lBhoxer Ifalh., Beth ,ter Iln.los s • Force end Lift l'unive, 11)(tr A elie nem, Le. Wr't Iron H'ol'd Tube., Apa berry description of eoeks..and fittings for gee, steam. water /he, t+uperior cooking ranges, hoetersand gas fixtures put up in churches. stores and dwellings, at short make, la the most modern style. All materi— als a n d work in our lino at low rates and warranted Ih CMllltry work and Jobbing promptly attended to. tsar. 2:t. WALTE It C. I . l' II I'r 3IA N. - exler in FINE GRQSERIES orner'llth and Arch Streets, Pll ILA DEL Pti lA. . In.porters of Cross & EN 'LIS!! PICKLES an 1 SAUCES. Particular attention paid In aviectliikilne TEAS & corplakis Parr Familia...Sugars always nt Runners' prices. Choica WINES, LIQU iltS and St.tiAltzi, or tale bust branile, always on hound. %Inn 11. ' ‘T ALS !' ILS ! ! AI. LS ! / 1 A Imge stock or good, Clean. Alai Tough nails. at the lowe.t Prises. Our nails are worth Ulan keg mire. thaw nay other make of MON MOW to our town. this is the opinion of mechanic's who have It led them, we RI. 1110 . 0 a full 10,•0111110litof • BUILDING lIATI:RIALS, or the latest soil moot appnwefintrieg. All goods war routed se represented. July I'. LYNt h r‘olS. May. 2, North Hanover lit. Carlisle. aoci TRACE CHAINS . OF ' ALL lor ,_kinds with a largo asdiirtutunt. of lid iT ttitA INS. HALTER CII Al Nti, lIRENNI CHAINS, ' • Fill II CHAINS, LUii CHAINS, , TONiillii C11AL93. 1 1 - CU" CIIA INS, SPICKADS.e., &c., . 'Just received at the Cheap hardware Store of Nardi r, , ititi. lIENIIV 4 ONTON. • ' . el KAN VILLE STOKES' G 11 T or CLUTIIINU IttII'ORIUSI, ONE PRICE AN() NO AB A TENENT, No. 607 ebostnut street. °rani-1110 Stokes would return thinka to the public fdrelieleappreelailon of Lix efforts to plena°, and their liberal patronage. In order to keep up this kindly fueling, helm, yid tied to 00 11 , 111eitat10118 of many of his Monde and in. nugurated n out, system. of Mite with oath Garment Hold. To his 1 . holre selection of 1111.3 Fa• ties. and made. up Clothirlg he Curlier the acrutniy of the public. as well no to his new mode of doing 1111,11110.. Etch ar ticle Is warranted to he In fabric, Style and Make, equal to any gatten up in the City and ONE MAW,: (lower then thelowent,) marked on thee ticket. Each article sold. or measured for, le accompanied by a 011 t, varying in value from $1 to pion. N. 11.--None but the moat 'skilful Dealgnere. Cutter. and Workmen employed; and satisfeetion in Fit; Fash lon, Fabric, Price anti Olft , uuarauleedst (IV ANVILLtr STONES' one price gift clothing emporium. No. OK Chestnut Street. .. May 26.10,-6m. HAINESAIROS) OVERSTRUNG GRAND ACTION PIANO, FORTES, Celebrated for superior quality of tone and eleganee nod beauty of finish. These here alweys taken the FlitBT. PItF.RI UM when pl wed In competition with. other makers. Cu A LLIENiI E ALL COMPLTITIoN. A splendid nesntinenr of LOWS XI V and plainer stylus alwaya on hand. Also tiesond hand Planes and PRINCE'S IM PROVED ti FLODEI INS Icon $l5 to Isso. Are- nrery Instrument Warranted. ONO L. WALKER'S Piano and Ileindeon Depot. • S. H. Cor:7th & Arch Ste. Phila. • July 87.18110.-1 mum. 100 TONS IRON AND ROLLEb IRON of the very hest KNOLISII BRANDS warran ted in evert way SUperlat to American make, Just re• relied with a large assortment of Sheet Iron, . ' Anvils, „ ' Hoop 1m0.,,, , Vb.... Band Iron, Fdes, Horse Shoe Trott,. , Rasp*, . ' Spring Steel, ' Bolts, -,,-._ . Cast Steel, - .. ~,.., • Blest.. • Blister t teal, Note. Washers. ihrsa Shoes. Screw Plates. '.. ~ Tall.. , . ' Illachimith Bellows &e..:Ac• ' Cheaper than the cheapest, at the Herd were Store of March 7.'00. , . , IDINRY SAXTON. .. N. II All Irousnid at city prices with freight added an !I warranted. • . DAINTS AND 011:8.--- - . ... ' 1 In TONI White bead.' Mtn Oallons °foil. Just received with a large aseortment of ' ' . . Varnishes,' . iire thantt Paint. -Turpentine, . , , Elstrence White, . ' • . ..,";,:; Jaw, „ _White Zinc.. _ ....:,...V . :-,.; Putt - 1; ---- . -- -- Colored Z no - , -- ',17 , t - 74'. , , . . lattorge. _ .lied Lead, ' I ...... _ t, - ' - ', , ..- : "Width/lb —hand Oh. ' - ' ' Glue. ...- ---- 7 , I,artr7lll. ._ .. Shellac,. • Sperm 011, Paint Brushes, Flsh.oll, /in, c o t, deters description :try, and '011.14 oath, ,nil tute a s r g t r ht , o 6( ! , lard ware Store of ; , lt A ;ILES' !. lIA "i%f ES• •',! 3SO l tair -' l l tit ' me/dust recelyud al all kind's:. .-' oommos pAvniex,, • 0 • LONDON. t'ATTI.:IIN, , - „ EL l 7,AtarrnTowNtArrptx, with 'end wYthbkt pittittt i'agtaoliiikffi(itaii4 than 41 , 4 ' at the Ilardwaro Stun) ' cltavolt 4341.• DAX'WOC. . • • • - UNIVERSAL PANACEA • for every lioonsn FillOWll. but the proprietors claim 'for It tno power HOC May of drabs'', gout no Impurities Cl the blood, but by the skillful eonsbittatints of well known vegolvide remedies , . It will cure till disvaves striving from a deranged state of the firer, drive nut ityPpllGNift, and give renewed tone nod rigs to the stomach That tilt% iltooo Si:Anew:a Is all that is claimed for It, the propria torn con produce ..$0 25 - . • , . , . it Is only a few yensshire it wan discnvered, and yet It hue grown into such a business 'list a laige laboratory has been built expressly for its manufacture—a large number °rum) emplurd In putting it up. and still the SUPPLY HOES ht•T EQUAL 'rim 1411 ANDI We ask HUI/ sandhi man, could this be mil the lied ', lel no did not . vwens stt the virtues els hued PISA 1 , ' ;rho' Prom .rtors .lia re hundreds of certificates from Ann of probity and standing iii:tbe corntounity, Show lag what the medicine is doing dolly for the suffering ' ASK AN li Searcher - who has 'over used the Blend Searcher whether rell was experioneed. • • . . Let the athi-ted Oro It a trial—a single bottle tell convince the most skeptical alto efficacy.. - • • 14411. For solo In Carlisle by rk, S. El !Mt, and „11. .1. Rieder; Haufromn Alsch alike burg; 008 ' weller A. Zook, Shepherdstown ;Joshua Cr)P !Motown; .laeub Simmons Cross Roods; Kurtz A 11100. Shiremanstown; A. 31 ..Leldielt. lioiltnv prings Mary W. 'USW,. Cburebtown ; Lineal James, Wes: Iliii;I. Festintmht & nemeker & Elliott; Newburg; WM. Bretton, New•IIM .1: Bond A Co. Springfield; Russell & Noe. ; It. • land & onde; Weehing Wmer Jacksonville; Win. & Lee R. 11. Eckles, t‘portlint 11111; 11, Peolloper Whita Hell; J. C. &Dick. tiblppeusburg; all Cumber. Ilnd county, Pa. . . A. E. lIENWOOD. . ° Anita D y . S PE PS A .11:E AI EnyA .Aromatic Invigorating Spirit. Thin Ate Mare b. been used Lp ibe public for x ,nlll, increasing favor. It lo•reconin ended to e cure Dyy.prpodn. Nervousness. fern, Palnil, Mind in the — :%innlnch. or l'oln• in .`" tue momach. or l'U .... 1 ( 7 the Bowels. Ileadothe. Drowt.inehm. Rids oom pialuts, low Spirits. Delirium Tremens, Into operenee: It :Itimulates. EAU'''. den, Invigorates, but will not Intoxien to or Stupefy. An a Medicine. it is et ieh and elfeetuel. curing the meet aggravated canes 01 tveptquia..idney Complaints, and all other derengesucetts of the Stomach and Do*. els, Di a speedy manlier , it will leniently revive the most drooping us annually spirits, and venom thew eak, nervous and sickly to health strength end steer. v Persons who. from the injadirlosta, use of liquors, have become dtjected: and their nervous systems she t tered. coustitutinets broken down. and subject to that horrible curet to humanity. the 0/3.111W11 TRE/ILMI, wit' almost inuntillately feel the happy and healthy invigo rating efficacy ot Dr. lIATIVO Ittlignreting Doan—One wine glass full no often as necessary. • One dnse will remove ell lied One dose will emu Heart burn, Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a Used Appetite. One doss will st.op.the distressing pa ins of Dyspepsia. One deco will removetthe distressing and disagreeable effects of ‘itor Flatulence. and .L 1 an the stoM itch receiVell the In•hromting SpitiFf.olnite distressing lend and all painful feelings will Wremoved. One dose w ill remove the snout distressing pains of Conic. tither in the stomach or bowels, A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kid. fey. Illadtier or Kiln/try °mane. persons who nee seriously afllcted with any Kidney Connt'aints are assured speedy relief by a dose Or two and a retire' cure by the use of one or two bottle,. , Persons who, from dissipating too much oar night, and feel the evil effects of poistuntua liquomin violent headaches, sickness at stomach. *oakum. giddiness, ac., .101 find one dose will remove all had feelings. t miles of weak and sickly constitutions, sin uld take the Invigorating spirit three times a day; it will make them strong, healthy and bony, relative all obstruct- Wino fi n d Irregularities front the menstrual organs-trd rentoro the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn. lace , . Durine pregnacy It will he found an invaluablentedi .Im, t o remove disagreeable sem:along at the stotion.b. MI the proprietor asks is a trial. end to induce thils tr tine put up the in pint bottles it 50 ctn., qu tits .1 For ealo In Car]lalo by S. W. Illorerntkb: In !ile hrinlc{,burg by L linuJimau, aud by brugglnts geurz klly. 1860. spitiNG F A A T s () NS , SELLERS' OLD ST-CI - D. A complete stock otliats and Caps now ready for Inspectlott: Si I.K. FUR; • UASRI MERE. • FELT & , WOOL. • In ewer) , style nudquallty. We roll pArtlrslatratteu- Don to coy 1.3 SILK itATs. silk nod bolt Data. of any style noninlttetured to order Caps of all Linda. IteOI.I.EUT KELLER'S ti.LD STAND. Sorth Hanover &mit. rarllmle \lnrrh 14. ISCO. 1 000 XES OF GLASS.- tit All Mart, Double end single flick. Orna• mental Cob 4c. ~Just recclred at the Omni) Hard. ware Stori X,- 41arch 7;410." 000•. GRIND STONES.;-- ' • h,Clf all shoe. warranted of the best quality. Juet et, Iced ul the Hardware More of 3lareh Z. 'Con. . BF.NItY SA aroti. I)OWDER.- • 25 Kegs Dupont. Itock and RIB, powder, with a large assortment of - aatety Puce, Slone Drills, Picks. Stone Sledges, • Crow Bars, Stone 'lawmen Jut 4 received at the cheap hardware Store of lurch, i, 'SQ. HENRY SAXTON. IP' AND CAP EMPORIUM.:- .1. 41. CALLIO & CO., successors to Win. U. Trout would announce to their customers and the iall. amorally that they have Juht received from l'hiladol bhie. a lar,te and elegant stock of goods, in tbelr line of usiness of every variety, style and quality, '. They have on hands orlendid " assortment of • • HATS AND . CAPS;' ' : _• .. • .... _ of all dostcriptlonn, from the common WOOI the finest FUR AND BILK HATS; and at prices that most null every one who has an eye togettlng wurth of his money. Tho stock Includsa t MOLESKIN, OASSISIERE, BEAVER & PELT HATS, of every, ntyle and rotor and unsurpae,ed fee • mum. NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH; by those of any other entabllnknout in the country. • • MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAPS, of every Jescriptlon chuntantly on hand. They respectfully Invite all the old patron,, and as' ninny new ones as possible, to give them a call. • • J. 0. CALLIO A CO. Apr 25. • jEN,INI MUTUAL LIFE 1N51.1.4- MANCE COMPANY. The Mari' of Trtixtres hay; declared an EXTRA FM? DIVIDEND of Fl FTIEEN per rent; end a regular Dividend' of TWENTY-FIVE tvir cent.' And also a DOW or INTER. EAT Dividend of SIX per cent tient) the Scrip Dlvideada of IMO to February Itlen jficlupthe. . I am now ready to deliver CUrtifirates . and pay In. tercet to those entitled thereto. A. L. SVONSLEit Nay 2.'1860. Agent. , . _..--- D E FOREST, ARMSITONG CO., . DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, . 80 i t 82 Chambers ,qi., Would notify the Trade that they are opening Weekly in new and beautiful patterns, the • . ~ AMOSKE A Q.' &Jame Pr'wt. which earels every Pr/olin the Ceigntri.: - tef gi,rfeerlotg of extquilorealod dealgn In gull :111idder; Colors.' Her Prints are cheaper than erly.l!.V . ,rnarket,.: sod inertlior with esleaslve sale. Orders promptly atlonded le. (1, A It•C U Itt; I) II A . MS.— • 10 ., 1Driid Heat. Roluuna, Flab. entreea, Sudan., IdoltuteeNnesa,' Maceeranl,' brird Fruit. Tonadf.ea, PearbOi irreanr.;'Plne Apple. Corn and fresh. Pee: dinefirAnrhuelos. (111rea. Mt) bloom. %Veleta and To. .Pnatrulfrit aup. John . kull,laindon Clup.;ll orrontareldri.:i' losdiaikiy. Harvey's and,..Faatdnu Saure t fict,ela ,:I,addeldidu and nun; diterds plain and ndard, brat!. gUality Tubarro Sainiriu tl:OrlaOngere pure . . 6.14) Iltandlvn, Wines, mind (line. Ac.. wieh amat warlety p t Rendslll , l ell umerstA to be sold at" 'lie . low e .s eAsu E • PIIIC.EB. Country, proguce t.?knu. l 9., 4, :rbitrile.. • • „ ,B , NTZ . • clay 111,'6p.—fiat, • a Nal' skx.ToN. TAILS - AND :$l-,'TICES:•' 001'ous.Nalle and. Eplitaa. bud 'rertiTed alba) tnaka and all Warranted. Countrt.rarleatfli, supplied with nails at suanufarturate)Pkitase'AtiO,rr Ilardwore eltore of i, 1 9* * NnT4Tr0k:,.....4 • Cheap Job Printiog donO.heiet U Jfichictues. I )OES DISEASE ORIGINATE Id IMPU on RITY OF TUE BLOOD? is &questi of vital Intportanc& and ono which lina novae boon saileactot By disposed of by the prolog Borg who teach Ulm 111(MIIng art. Scone maintain—and eapeeially the old school Physicians—that lite 'ken in tha blood. and tliareloro nil iiseusett originate In it-- hut modern Nehmen avers' that ailments have their origination itt both the colitis and fluids of the body. / ,1. too the latter preptnteratu. however. in a flied • fact medical chili ham elearly demonstrated that gi rant two-thirds of the illn that Lothian . Rea, Is Lair to, have their arum, lu an . IMPURE 'STATE OF Tilt BLOOD! • As, for Instance. In tito long catalogue, curb as Saran la, Totter,' Barber's Itch t ".l'lloplets, Illotshes. Lrysipa Inn. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, discharges front the Ear, Fever SOre.4 or lrrltptlve dheasees of any k hese are as certalned by well knownmedical lawn to arise frina lad blood.=+wislle the bigheSt medical authorities decline .that roost feaurebrtlnate In the sanity manner, mud nsore partieularly Typhoid and scarlet—the former be log an 'lnternal, and the latter an external Irrupt!, t disenee:. and In all persons attacked In three maiadlea, 'the blesaAbs found to he'elthes coagulated, or of 'a ' dark unhealthy color. To ward off n largo molar* of dieenses. OP, Well an to rare a number width -have olreadx heised upon the aye tom, It Is necessary to ' PRIt)FY ' rIIE .DIA)OD Lindsey'n Improved Blood Searcher doennet,' dant to hen THE PROOP. LINDSEY 14 LEMON, Propitetom Ps. MEM Drt.DARIUS 1511A,T IT.WILL DO. ranuTLY PATION HENRY SAXTON. DIVIDEND. NOTICE WAMSurr.4 . CIECIEEI tt..b.B 60-13 e 1 t