+ • d • t.. • PA. Friday; Se timber 14; 1960. 11§..."".4 long au God '''hltotoo the vital gur ,ront to fpw throughtdyveins,J" wilt never, neber, !sever, by word or thought, by mind or will, aid in admitting one rood Of FREE' TERRITORY to the sunwurxmo•cuitisF:oi. HUMAN BOND 40E."—HEtfrlY FOR.. ,PRESIDENT, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, 111= FOR VICE PRESIDENT HANNIBAL ECIMIE ORS ELEC - . Hon. JAME: Hos. THOM PoLLooK, AS M‘ CM MR 14 Ulysses Marour 16 George Brissler 16. A. B Sharpe. 17 Daniel 0. Gehr. 16 Samuel Calvin. 19 Edgar Covan. 1 Edward C. Knight R Robert P. King. 8 Henry,lliimin. 4 Robert M. Foust.. 6 Nathan Hines. 8 John M. Broomall 7 James W. Fuller. 8 Levi #.-Ainith. 20 MU. mOkoiman. 21 J. M. Kirhpotriek 122 James Kerr 23' Rich'd I'. Roberto. 24 Hours Souther, 26 John Grier. -9 Frannie W. Chaist. IP David.Mnninta, Jr. 11 David Taggart. 12 Thomas R. Hull. 18 /Frannie Penniman. VERNOR, . CUhTIN, FOR GO ANDREW lEEE= IZEIMS2 COUNTY:TICKET. • Copgreu, B. F. JUNK.I.N, ABBembru, • WM: B. IRNyIN. Prothon otOrik- JONATHAN E. FERREE Clerk of the Courts, S. S. SOLLENBERGER. Register, ERNEST A. BRADY. OmmiBBioner, GEORGE MILLER Director of the Four, JOHN MILLER. Auditor, JOHN S. DJJN.LAP. LINCOLN CLUB A r!sular meeting of the LINCOLN OLyrn will be held at, tho Wigwam Row), on TO-MORROW EVENING it. 'a o'clock., • JOHN M. GREGG. Carlisle, Sept. 14,'1860. • • Prendent . Several articles prepared for this riper, .bsve been cirowded nut for want of room. PUBLIC DOOMIERI'e.—IVe return our ack nowledgements to / 13.en.. Simon Cameron for a copy of the'report o 4 theCommeroe and Navi gation of the United States, for the year end ing June 80 lfibil. Also to the lion. B. F. Junkin for a dopy of the report of the Covode Investigating Committee. Dlckluson'Llucoln Club. A meeting of the Club 'will be held at Redsticker's Hotel, Centreville, on Tuesday evening the 18th - inst. Messrs. Todd, Sharp end other. will be present and address the meeting. - ' By order of the Committee. Carlisle Linenba Club The Carlisle Lincoln Club met at the Wig wane on Saturday last, crowding the room in every psi t L. Todd and J. R.fimith addressed the meeting. At-the close of the ',satatting steps were taken to org. nize a Wide. Awake Club, and fifty signers obtained at moo.. nteellurat •The Lincoln Chtlig Monroe tovrnehip met ChnrchtoWn on Friday evening last. Capt. ltollawan pruided and speeches were made by Wm. B. Irwin, C. P. Hu Enrich, John Lee tend Jacob Mum. The meeting was large sad enthnsiastie showing that our friends in - JllLonroe are Well organized and eager for the fastest. KNAKTING AT MOUNT ROOK. Wiat.Pennsboro! Lincoln Club, met at SWIM Rook, on Saturday evening last, and bid *largo we enthusiastic meeting. Meseta lbws% Humrich and Zinn, of Carlisle, were present and addreseed,the meeting; which ad ios/00d with three hearty cheers for Lincoln, Curtin and the County Tioarit. Tax LINCOLN MAHN 'M EETING Arrangententi ha►e been , with the Cumberland' Valley Rail Road Co, to run an sera yistih;of care, both way . e,'afler the elode of *eating on Fridarthe 21 et, eo 4610m...wh0 attend, can return 'home the reitiid4;"' The train', will leire.Carliele at 10 ceeteek. in Ihe eventng.,,,,;' • , BliniATOS ,!13 t'ant#ber great opeaeb,pn tbp political•gee whiatimas.talegraphad;toi-and published in irismilrorki; pkgeltdphda,.-Britolli Chicago all 4l3 . l 4oitniPer,Pf I :YOneidaY 4 161 *a• is o # 4l 1 0#fii 0 , 1 ,4qlliorilf.4r•J , 1 1 19 6 1ri,wee , rat t ardent ; Republicans 'could L=3111111151111111111111111•1111•111111 fore% Ocs',RepOlican 141,33.tptiet. :14011:0#6#69: ME MEE THE:MASS ,311'.-ETING, LINCO4III i -t' 'tills have 'already.: beed sent over the' County, iio,tifyin he Peoplelhat a' coo f , l Tx MASE4':WiTI,)ICI will be held here (le" FRIDAY, St>ptember 21841.8p0, when Solite of the. most eloquent chanspi • • one of the PenpleVeaUse will address them on' the political Issues of the day, We have received assurance that HoN. AN DREW G. CURTIN, our candidate for Governor, CAnk'Settuaz, of Wisconsin, MORTON 111cMiattim, Esq., of Philad'a. Hon. D. F. JuNKIN, our Representative in Congress,and Hob. JOSEPH CASEY, of Harrisburg, will b.e present. • tions have also been sent to k10n.,8. ,TOY MORRIS, and MoMrollFa, Eaq ',of,Philmielphia, who will ,certainly be here, if other engagements should -not prevent them. Thie will be the first . Grand Ralf, of the campaign,and we invite our friends, from every 'borough and township of the Coun‘y, to unite with us on this Mmasien. The times demand that all who wouldlee good government, peace, protection and -pf.9speiity, inste of confusion, corrupt tiion and reckless mismanagement 'of our piiblip affairs, should rally at the call . of the Committee, and show by' their pres ence, that they are in favor of radical re form. Let, the„peoplo.therefore turn out in their strength, and wake this the great est delhonstMtion ever witnessed in Cum berland 'Coun'ty . . Coine,. from the mountain•alopes and valleys. Come, from your farms and•your work-shops. Come, those who are-in fa- vor of • Protection to American- Industry. Come, all who believe in free homei for actual settlers, and wish to protect the Territories from the blight of Slaverfet tension. Come, those who -are in favor of maintaining our • NATIONAL UNION, . • and the supremacy of, the laws, and cor recting the shanieless .proflicacy of the General Admigistration. Come/one and all, with strong hands and willing hearts, to strike a decisive blow, against the.tot tering fabric of Locofocoism, which has impeterished our manufacturers. by re fusing protection; beggared the National Treasury, by extravagance, defeated the will of the people, by election frauds, and now threaten ".rule or ruin," under the cry • of. DISUNION. Come, WI sic and Banners, for_ FREE •HOMES, FRE SPEECH and FREE MEN, and join m the universal shout for LINCOLN, H AM IAN, CURTIN aqd the COUNTY TICKET. - The Democrats of CarliSe had a severe at. tack of rhiii disense,on Saturday last. For some days previous we had noticed premoni tory symptoms of a virulent type, and, about ono o!clo'ck on Saturday is reached a crisis. The polo was brought to the square, preced: - ed by martial music, and followed by a crowd of boys, and arrangements were made with ropes and shears to elevate it in position. After considerable drumming and shouting the'Pole went up, and, if the party had man. ftged the ropes as they are managing their political affairi this campaign, it Would have remained so; but, unfortunately they all pulled one way, and the consequence was a compound fracture; the top-splice .came down with a rush, carrying away the flag staff of the Lincoln pole,and breaking the telegraph wire in its descent. If the operator at Philadelphia could have read the dispatch sent by,..the pole, it would have told him that the hopes of Douglas and Foster, like the streamer that,bore their names, were, lying ingloriously in the gutter. The pole 'itself after the fall, afforded the best illustration we. have seen of the condition of the Democratic party—badly broken in the _middle, while the surrounding worshippers made unavail able efforts to heal the breach. About dusk the prime movers in the affair, sorrowfully wended their way homeward, ' musing, no doubt,on the uncereinty of pole-raising in gen eral, and the "dutch plank" in particular. On Monday they went_ts) work with renew ed energy, and after sawing out a section of the bone, they Splintered. up the,hroken frag• Incas and under the superintendence of a good Lincoln man, the pole was put up in . fine style. At night a pole•ratification meet— ing was hold in front of the Court House; but it was foundthat the Douglas and Brack', inridge•elements would not mis t and cons«• quently there was more-noise than harmony, and more confusion than fusion. Two or three students of Dickinson College; venti lated their politiCal sentiments and:fleshed their maiden. swords in - behalf of the " Little Giant ;" the third oratorhoweveic took occa sion to "pitch in" to Ureckanridge, when !some of the i3reckenridge men seemed. in clined to . "pit4 in" to him; fearing an out. break he'subsided and left the 'Stand, 'when loud calls were made for NewshMn, who, in the course of his speech, made some remarks not very complimentary to the Editor of the Volunteer, denouncing him as a disorganizer for refuSing to support Megaw, the .democrat. is candidate for Commissioner; this brought out Mr. Bretton, who retorted on Newabam, by stigmatizing him as a. paid hireling of the County Commissioners, who had made his first essay in politics •as a "Baltimore Blood•tub." The rival speakers were greet. od alternately with hisses, groans and cheers; the excited state of feeling between the two' wings of the harmonious ,democracy was quite refreshing, and must have convinced the bystanders, that the milleniurn was ai far off as ever. '• , . If another "Union and Harmony" meet. ing should be held-by.thtt Democrats previous to the election, we hope they will publhill a prograpime, as it will ensure a large atten., daece a:1 10M? who delight to see'' brethren dwell together in unity." • - THE'RTAR IN THE HART GREAT TRIVIIPII IN MALN,e. 77 —The election • for: into, officers, a,nd meinber of CongresSi : took place in Maine on thf:Z 10th lust and the •.result is a-glcirious victory.: • Wasbburne, the .; Republicancandidate for Governor has ,been 13 anted by about 15,000. ',The Repuhlicans have also elected evertmensber of congress, • and the: majority:of the Legislature, which' will secure 13:14eniton ..‘ =MEI The POLE-Evil I . , , TUE IT-Kw:T. 7 rOur ka U reis now complete by the nomina tion of Hon:43. F. Junkin ; for Cougress t and Writ LoUther, of.-Perry County, for the Legis lature, and we cattail) , " our friends through.; "out the Congressional and Legislative iii4ricte 16 . ilve the whole ticket an active 'energetic support. 111n:,Junkin, has proyccr Mine - elf the tried friena and advocate of the 'l-IglaisuiPla lionr. Hie course in Congress has been mark , ed by zeal and industry' in discharge Of his public duties, staid fidelity to the party, and careful attention to the wants of his conetitu ens% His frank and generous character has Alitiwn around him , hosts of friendu even among those opposed to him in politics, and no mem -ber of the House, with the_experience of a 1 single session, commands more respect and influence,• than the lion. B. F. Junkie. His prospects for re-election ore most fluttering.. He will go out of Perry with a majority of 800,' • and if Cumberland and Yolk do as well as they did in 1858, we will send him back to Washington endorsed by &handsome a orit , Win. Louther, the colleague of Wm. i. - 1:- win, on the ticket. is regarded in Perry County as a gentleman of most unexceptionable char acter—of great inlet igen" and moral worth; he is entitled to the support of the party in this county, and vle appeal to our • friends to' run him side by side with Irwin, so that both may be triumphantly' returned to the Legisla ture, as the rcpresentatives of this' district. Remember that ono vote Br. the Legislature, army elect or defeat a Republican U. S. Sena tor, and we want no entangling alliances with democratic candidates, to defeat that object. Stick to the ticket, whelher 4 'you stand or fall under the banner of the People . . 11:1011g111$4111 AT lIARR ISITIAG. Some 'Of :4fi ni quifitter 4 Sovereil,of this countit - ent4; rr urg on Fri a) , ' to bear DouglaS , AoltitrYhimself of.a Otire i plisp Oclr. At'eare Inciiraitillbat , hie ,receitien . ' , lii 'Jed i s? I(laiile;i f `kiittliiiitiatint;;',ot,,ilallert g to the *44,'iti'aiiti.;oi: iiiii ; ;;!ll9. piqtc. , l ad it not I tiaeA P -.o.&;'in;liiiiitiai : ciiiiiiiiity-oreliiiniber.- 4**o4giit;ii'ioti4i&in'ilielfokeenennlp rtlidt, that was - accidentally pressed into-the .-; service its' an escort; the procession, would have' been of a verytmournful charaCter. • The meeting assetnbled in front of Buehler's ,Hoiel, And Mr. ; Douglas was. introduced by Clov.. Packer:. - .; . . , "Mr. Douglas coinmonced bin efiefkh with a flaming (enlogy of Pennsylvania, a :Mete that had always been' Appal teethe Union -always patriotic-always true-an empire within hen:elf-she, as a State, hnd a great4l - In the Cohn: and in Ll:ego:whine:it. Iler Inter ests required-the fostering hand of the government. but 'she had nut recelved th_pt, support from-the mational'. 'gonorinuentlihicli ifini7Was entitled to. She had the whole Union.,foriaruarket. -Ller,tuinerala were, inex haustible, 'and' worth more than mines of gold: Ile pit Che - roll • into the conduct of Congreen end the • pimp' & T er en or 'We pest few years; the lade• rat vernment had felled-to perform the functions for oh it wax created. . ' The spite:not government wan - COUducted at h ruin ous expense df $20.000,000 over and above the revenue. This system must be ehanged,Or a disaster must occur. , Thu government must either reduce iti expenditures or increase its reienne. • The only remedy Is a 'proper l ' ,tariff. When a tariff was proponed in Congsens it ails always overslaughed by the interminable negro gime, gen. Thu cry wee " the negro." " the negro," and the Wirt bill wan lOC r So It has been at °peep .aission of Congress. When ion ask your represeniativen why nil tariff bill has been paned,' they will tell yam it was lost for want of time. ' Why lot for want of time? Because t w h r e oc ripro question must be discussed. All this was 6. The Judge then went into en argument defeneive of the protective polky, especially an regards Pennspire -niale Interests. .11ut the question will tmver be Fettled . till he interminable negro question is throWn out and repudleted." . . . . Many persons, in reading this report, would think that.itlr. Douglas really Meant *lint he _said, • and Occupied a prominent position - on the Tariff platform.. Now, let no examine. the record of Douglas, on that subject- Wo havens desire to do him injustice, but we are prepared to prove, by his own votes - and Speeches &Congress, that.lie is a faze' Tan- DER, instead of a Taritimen, and that, his pro tendedi advocacy of protection now, is only calculated for thit meridian of Pennsylvania, . and will never be lA::ard of from him, outside; of the State line.: lie is a demagogue from jestinCt,and'has no Viler quality to recom mend hint than a bull drig preservance Ili at, taming Isis object. ;,. , . But to the proof :;f4' ' , •.. .. • , . "In the United Stat'ephlonee of Representative'', De cember lath, ISO, Sic. lihett. of South Carolina. moved A syspensioh of the rola, that he might get in his roe; login:, which Is an follows: " Itootren, That the Committee of ways and Means do inquire, as. soon es practicable, into the espe dicncy of repotting a bill REPEALING Ton SADIST art of 1642, and In lieu thereof imposing a maximum rate of duty of 20 par cant. AD VALOREM -0o Imports. diecriutina• Ling below this maximum In the duties Imposed, on the ' principle of producing revenue only.'." Mr. libett called for the peas and nay. on his motion to suspend the rules, and they werwordered; and be Perry County Polities.. ' in, taken, resultid•-yeas 77, nays 108-STEPIIEN A. • DOUGLAS voting in the Affirmative., with the free tea-,' The Peoples Convention of Perry County, derichf the south.-See COngrensional Olobe.firet Sas met on the :Id Inst. and lace d th e IS:Bowing s p0g0•44; and see Jour I n l inqtre n f t l Y ou e s ib o t i l lte C p ° r n efe r n't's'ilvem.firet session Twain' ticket in the field. . ty•eighth Congrene, page 07, - "January ?hi, 11144, Mr.)ll. J. Black, of genrgia. nob ..4.v.Yejlibill—Wtn. Loather, of Newport. , milted the following resolution, and called for the pre. . • PrOlhonOtOry—lsiifte G. Turbett, of Lan. l ' i l' ,u tiv7 , o 4 o e v fle x i o cm , ga i t t ike-committoe of Wals and Means distnirg._ ... ' • • , he instructed to report a big, apt soon an pr a ctic a ble, . ~ • troising the present tariff. and Imposing duties on im Register—Samuel Bomb, of.Liverpook I,q . t i 10 4 0 u the i,l g 1{1 ) 2 i: t o a f u rtLV r , ... n . e t ß h o: L p L" . go of the reao- Conintisiidneraonry Faulk, of - Rye lotion, it resulted-yeas 83, nays 84.-.STEPIIEN A. DOUG hAS voting in the affirmative. with the free tra- Township. . , : - • - I dere of the Snuth.-Congressional,Glob,-, first session, Director Of the .PoOr—Wm. Kell, of Saville, o Tw e nty itocr4 g u l i t S l :t e 'v eZ m irr:istFel e ti 9 Mo=c, l Il t t h c"ot t i l s n r u Z Auditor—Geo. A.Sherman,ol Madison.-• Pee. /63. .- • • — -.. ' ' • Jenusry 4th. 1844, Mr. Sanders . of North Carolina; Hon. B. P. Juiikin- was unanimously roe- moved the previous question on the Fool talon of Mr. • 'I McDowell. of Ohio The 'resolution was In the follow' • omit:tended for Cougresl. . .., • • .. lug words: ' The . following, _ among other resolutions beloits'tnraul;vtleDdißenpo"ite;birsoitmt'oedniffslioartiinadoilrfee:oi"i; was unanimously adopeted:— - , i tariff as to provide a revenue - sufficient for the wants of the government, economically administered, and -Resolved, That we concur in the norai n0...t.. I A SUCH. DISCRIXIDATION Al Loon Tu Tlrld OPJEGT, AND NO antra " • - tion of W. B. Irwin of Cumberland as one Tbe - tyeas and naps being ordered nit the question to of the candidates for assembly from this fmt z, l i alf , r i a , s 6 iN i tlo Ti r i, c o s tfi t n i t;: i i n - t p it ' o e:A•l rL ag t %2 l = tl l , 4y,.. ' Representative District and that we ask the • free t raders tre , ll . erfl , or the South—Congressional globe. first Twenty-eighth•Congrens, page 102; Journal of People of Cumlieriand - to give their - full vote ; the nous. of Iteventatives, first tesslou Twenty to our candidate William Liiiither. „-- 1. eighth emigres !: p e 100. . This bill. instead of levying duties on for- . eign artialeYniickeertie'intoliampetltion with American p4ucts, levied the highest duties on articles which we cannot produce, such as tea and coffee, because they -raise the most A Correction WO notice fl -statement in the Volunteer, that tho'name of Fred'E Mentzer of Frank foml,twp. wat4laci;d on the Standing Commit tee without his consent. That; Mils a Demo- ,crat and intends to vote for: Foster. Now we,. undertake to say; that Mr. Mentzer has either hoaxed the Volunteer, or else he changes his politica every time he comes 'to townk,for it Es less than three.weeks since Mentzer' itiigetr . Lincoln meeting to he held atßloservilirf, tixeir the time for the meeting, and agreed 'to fur• nisi; a itonveyande for the speakers. But, if it were even trite, we cannot ode why the Vol unteer should consider it of a4cient impor tance to notice, as it is only a few pre since he said that Mentzer; who was then a condi; date on the American' ticket, was so ignorant ho couldn't write his own name. • Congressional Conference. The Conferees of theaepublican Party of the 16th Congressional istrict, compered of the Counties of Cumberland, York and Perry met a! Bridgeport on Monday Sept 10th. I, The Conference was organized by appoint ing Wm. B. Mullin, Esq., of Cumberland, President and A J. Fulton, of York, Secretary. The following Cpnforees presented their cre dentials and took their seats. . Cumberland Wm. B. Mullin, Dr. E. B Brandt, E W. Curriden. York—A: J. Fulton. John F. Eppley. Perry—Loomis Potter, D.' Ferree John P Clark. On motion of E. W. Curriden, E . on. B. F. Junkin received tbd nomination by ;teams _ . . tion. On motion ordered; that one conferee from each county be appointed to inform Mr. Jun kin•of his nomination. The chair appointed the following .committee, E. W. Curriden, J. F. Eppley and L. Potter. The Democratic Record on the Tariff guemiti. Official Records do not lie. Hero it stands o,n the Tariff Question in Congress. At the^ late session, the vote in the. House of Repre sentatives on the Morrill Protective _Bill, vas ac fOlows: ^ Yeas, - • 105 5:40 . 64 Classed as follows: • .. I YOU MORRILL'S TAMS DILL Republicans South Americans Auti.Lecompton Democrats Total AGAINST MORRILL'a )311.4, Democrats Republicans i3eutb American , Anti-Lecompton Democrats Taal, - - e ..... 61 In the Senate the vote on the same bill stood as follovis: VOTE IR FAVOR OF A PROTRCTIVR TARIFF "1 AOAINBT A PBOT/SOTIVE TABIH Demos .... Republicans, Preserve this record for use. Wo ohallebge its denial by any supporter of the Demoorapy. MltzmiNa tN Put Len zuute.L.The People's Party of Philadelphia, held the largest dem - onstratiun last Saturday evening, that hail yet marked the political campaign in that! city. The meeting was held at PeuttSquarel and was addressed 'by able speakers until, 10'o'clock, at which time a torchlight pro- cession was fornied numbering many thou sand persons, and marched through several streets of the city, greeted all alongthe route by the approving smiles of the ladies.' The People of 'Philadelphia, are fully aroused and were , never better organized than they are at present. c, DABAD@'UL STEAMBOAT DISASTER, o;ver Three Hundred Lives' - CL110.9 O. SEPT. 8. The Steamer Lady"Elkin'W/I . Srun'into this morning by a Schooner off Waukegan and sattivwithin twenty minutes afterthe Collinionn 'took place. 'She had , :upwards of 'MO 'pas sengers aboard, ilfeluding 'severarmilitary and fire companies: Only'6s' persona have been saved, as far as known. Col. Lumsdon of ',NOW Orleans Picayuus and. family : l4a supposed to be'emoug the seL,Janies L, • McDowell; Ropliblieani ; bad bean elected Muvor ofLeaveaw?ro;lf.q,a 7 use; by a inajnity of . 210... • , • ME@ On the Bth Of March. 1894, Mr. McKay, of North Carolina, reported a bill to amend and modify the tariff act of 1892. This bill reduced the duty on bar.iron FIVE DOLLARS a ton, end OD rail road iTOD FIFTREN DOLLARS a ton, and on . pig•iron TWO DOlslaßSti Cour :11ere:tiiis protection to Pennsylvania interests with a vengeance!' • - A vote being finally lakerion the PAP/AOC of thin bill resulted—youlnA, nays 103-BTlll , llEti A. DOUtliAti •oting in t he 0FFII1)1 kTI the free traders of the South —Congressional (1 lobe, first session Twentyulydh Cornriiss. page 1165; Journal ..1 the House of Repro• eentatlves first session Twentyulnth Congress. page 1173. Thus was repealed the protective tariff of 1842, in which the interests of rennnylvanbi were no deeply in volved thnt even .Inmeg Buchanan won compelled to vote for It. and in its place the Fore TRATE tariff of 1846 wan Pubntltuted. by the aid and vote of STKPIIHN A. BOW Live. In the United Staten Senate, February 2801, 1853, Senator Masoth of Virgin la, offered the follow int amend: j e an} ton report from the Committee on Fluency, in relation to rail road Iron: .. Sta.—. AND HE IT EWA= ENACTED, That alt EXIST , . ISO DUTIES ON IRON IMPORTED FOR RAILS, SO DL LAID UPON A IL RUADO IN TOD UNITED 1/TATIA, 00 TIIO TERRITORIES TUERLOP, SHALL Dr, AND THERAME ARE HEREBY, REPEALED." St r. DOUSILAIL.!. I would suggest, that. instead of re pealing•the duty IN 0070, we simply DUSPEND It for a limited time—up two or three years. A commercial revulsion may come, which would render It necessary fbr us to have these duties for the purpose of revenue. I have prepared an amendment for that purpose, and I Who it as an amendment to the amendment; tut zr rr Is NOT ADOPTED, 1 shall go with the Senator thorn Virginia for the TOTAL itgpE4L OF TIM DUTY."—Congress tonal Globe, second session Thirty.aecoud Congress, page 006. Mr. DOUOLAS SICUSEQUENTLT WITUDDILWeIIIS AMENDMENT, and a direct vo e being taken on the amendmentoffered by Senator MASON for the' REPEAL OF TITEDUTY ON RAIL. soon leon. resulted=yeee, 10, ways ad—Senator STE. 'PIIEN A, DOUG Lig voting In favor of Senator Mason's amendment, with:the tree traders of the South.—Cote , gresslonal Globe. second session Thirtylsecond Congress. page 1)37; U. 8. Senate Journal, second session 01114y second Congress. pegs 250. ' • March Ist, 1855, the civil and diplomatic bill being under consideration. In which was a provision to bur potato a new tariff system..slr DOUGLAS said: "I AN FOR A RSIMICTIGN OP THE TARIFF TO A STRICT REV. Mans MAIMED. lam a FREE TRADE MAN TO-THE FULLEST EXTENT that we eon 'tarty it. and at the same lime_collect revenue enough to defray the ripen nes of the Government. In other worts, lam for no other kind ol a tariff than a revenue taill7"—Congres. atonal Globe, second session Thirty-third Congress page 1060. :.... 3 . ..... .1 June 15, 1860. The Morrill Tnriff Bill be ing up for consideration in the Senate, on tho motion of Mr. Hunter, to postpone the fur ther coneideMttion of the bill until the second MOnday of December tint, Mr. Douglas dodged the question! ...Novt-25 We might go on piling evidence on evidence to show.that Mr. Douglas was examly wlntt ho,professed to be: . "A fres, trade' man to the fullest extent that we can, carry fti" When he proclaimed in the United States Senate, that he knew of •'No ITEM UPON wutott WE CAN TARS OPP . T S EMCEES WITH GREATER TACILIVES ANDI RE TO Tlll6 GREAT MATERIAL INTERESTS. P THE COUNTRY THAN UPON TIME ITEMpIf IRON?" Tariff men of:Cumberland County, are you prepared to vote foi'e man who in the face of these repeated oats ngainst protection, comes into ,your State, with a crav'ett spirit to beg your votes by whining over the ruin which he crafted? True,,Pennsylvania "has a great interest in the Union:" True. she " requires the fostering care of the Government." True, her "minerals are Ineshaustable.". -But who, we ask,• by his Influence, and big Votes, has' always, stood.eide by side with the free traders , of,the South-to etrike down the-“great-inter cite of. PennsYlvinla,” tolleny her the "foe leilog'nare of . the Government.," to lockup hfr cool end Aran,,and:deffireiTher—tnenufao turing interests? Srsuea A. Bouotas, whose towering , Muth len", to' reach the .Presidentialohair, , would .cause ,LIM forittear- T eiery- Oe4e be' iler jet,iftheiCeiery .whoolpie alter advoatted,„, „ . Vots•t4 wliotallonniylni • gotun donitzl) Riattas. oico ilegi3fe efeoivl DM= 1800. A U 0 ShIRT. 7 0'ck..12211112 Dully ilimm A. M P. M. • Mean to 01 7 /0 8 72 0 58 10 48 11 58 tl2 52 EMARKS 73'; 72 79 76" R 3 64 ,57 05 , 62 68 60 51 52 '..Losi.:;---Last week . 'iin. Istotth 11 a nor or Elt; Stunporitli plaited biome], Bring it to the Harold office. PREAOriiNG.—Knritm. SHARTZ,.. fetnale [ Missionary .. will preach in the hlti'rket House, on next Sunday afternooli,nt . B o'clock: Subject.—" The Mond coming of Christ." FALL CLOTHING:-Our friend Living ston on North Hanover street,lias his usual supply' of faldand Winterelothing,Tru4s Scc, as well as a large asvortment of inateJial, which die is malting up to order. Those who desire articles in his line will find leaVistoca•to seleerfrinn ACII:tIOULTURiL Ftlit.—Docrott Plfgh. the eriticiple the ',of Farmers. High School 'ofPennsylvania, will deliver the Oil • dress this year oh Friday, the 12th of Octo ber, tp the Agricultural Society of Cutither• land County. who was quoted as the au thor of one of the operatic -ieyes, sang by Miss Riehingirst liitc late concert, is not Asher Niel, who keeps the clothing store, in Zug's corner. Please make a note alit. 'FIRE.—On Monday night last., a large barn at Boiling Spring, belonging to Beetem, Ahl & Co., was destroyed by fire; together with a large (pawky of grain. The fire is supposed to hare been the work-of an lump diary. ACCIDENT.—We regret to learn thut ort'Saturday, when the Douglas pole broke,, and the crowd milled out of the way of -the falling spar, our friend, Mr. George Hendel, .of this place, tripped and fell heavily to the ground, breaking his arm just- above the wrist. ICE CREAM . Mr John M. Good, of this county, has bought the right of thin coup, ,;ty, for 'a newly invented Ice Cream freezer, to 'which he wishes to call the attention of the public, as the greatest improvement of the age—in thnt line of business The ma- chine can be seen at the hotel of henry Glass. • FINE PEACHES:— We cannot 'boast much as to the quantity of our peach crop this year; but we may taker some credit for its qudlity. J. Glatfelter of North' ton, exhibited "alpeach at the office which , measured 9} inches, and Mr. Lut&ir Line presented us with three yeltow peaches. n day or two . ago, which averaged inches in circumference. THE MAEKET:—Our markets are now abundantly supplied with the necessaries of life, and on the regular market, days, present a very animated and. crowded . ' qppearance Our butchers are supplying .beef, mut• ton and pork of gold quality, at '7 to:10 ets. per lb: butter js'abundant at from 12:to 15 ets, eggs, 15 Ms. Irish pcitatoes 18 to 25 per peck, sweet do. 30, apples 20 1,530 per peck, peaches 40 to 75, tomatoes qo . ,. , :bhick. enit , 2s to 37 per pair, melons, 15 425, and canteloperi 4 to 6, cabbage - 5 to 10 eta a head. ' We, are informed by experienced farmers, that the fall pasture is more luxu• riant this season, than it has been for many years, and therefore we may expect to find butter at reasonable' prices for seVeral wßelts to come. • 4 . 16 WIDE-AwAxEs.—A Wide-AeraltClub has been organized in town, w• ich already, consists of more than a hundred members. At a meeting on Tuesday evening, they were Organized by the election of R. H. Williams, President, Joseph Hither Jr., Secretary, and H. A. Sturgeon, Treasurer., • • The following . drill officers were elected. . Captain, LPIII uel 'Todd. • Lieut., Wm, Wetzel. 2nd " Wm. 1). Halbert. 3d " It McCartney 'Jr. 'REAL ESTATE SALES.—In addition to the many sales of Real Estate, noticed in a former number of the IikiRALD, we call atten• lion to others newly advertised:-- Philip Zeigler, through A. L Spongier. Esq. offers at p . rivate sale, his valuable farm'and mill property, on the Conodoguinett creek, about four miles from Carlisle. John and James' )N611(6011, will offer nt public sale, on the 12th day of Octobr, that valuable farm Iraqi as "Happy Retreat," with other properikadjoluing. Win 11. Miller, will offer at publig.,sale, en the sth day of October, the property formerly occupied by Win. Osborne. • Jacob Garver, will cell on the 25th day of September, two tracts of improved land in West Pennoboro' twp. A COOL DISTiIISSAL.-1 he Harrisburg Telegraph says:— „ • A young mechanic of this city was be trothed to a t ood.loolilag young lady resid• ing in a neighbdring village. The wedding dot was fixed, the guesta invited, and prepa rat'ons made for the feast. But two days before that appointed for the ceremony to take place, the expected groom received a note from his intended bride; saying that the marriage must be deferred for a few days, 'for reasons which she would goon explain.— On the day subsequent to.the one originally fixed for Abe tying of the knot, the promised explanation came, and thes,it ran : "Bice. M.,,(late Bliss S.) presents her corn. plimenta to Mr. 8., and begs leave.to inform him that she was married this morning in Carlisle. All presents will be duly returned.'l "And this womanly document- was signed, "Yours, faithfully," &e. Ir is delightful in warm weather 63 - eiti. of anything so refresh ingly 'cool: The her;oine of this little episode must have been, indeed, a nice young.lady I "'Yours, faithfully," is decidedly good'! "1 Marriago. On the Bth Inst, et Gill's lintel, by the Roy. A. IL Krerneri - Idn - O.EODO DERTISM: of Dickinson two. to Mies MATILDA.A. DUAL of West Dikelend twp. Ches. tar county. Westubester papers please copy. On the , Bth loot., In the city of Ilerrieburp by the Der. 0. IL Addams °Macneill Rer, LLINDACK. clf Myerstewn Lebetima Cu Pe. to Miss M. It. LCIIIMIT, of nem el odor: , Berk s Co. l's. • • ;On the Rh lost .et Arightubaugh's Mobil Cerlisle, by, ttereatne Mr. ELT ••SPAriti GER to MLitt , S. P-LAMt.,-tothot,trodocttla-Adsto • ' • • Cho , tOth ult.. . C. P. Wino, OEOIIO/1 SWARTZ to .ItSTlllgt vhmatuva, both' ot Cumbutlisid . • :on thi6th Luie,., lid JOSEPII L, KNEVILE of Plnlnflalo.to PIATILPA '.l-:.:OKEZN, of Orutrovill, Cirabiilaulicountr. • 860. 17 for ' Aar' Who'n the proprifttorn, Fleming Bran., of. Pitts burgh, Pa., of this-Invaluable remedy purehased At of - the Inventor, there Wen no medicine which deserved the Munn, for the cute ofnervoun and billions complaint& thptwithstandinwthe great pievatence of these dinottnes thwUnitoil Staten. In tbellouth ionl West particu. lady, where the patient is frequently:unable to obtain the services of aregular phyalelam some renteqf Wile re , wand, at eityitsareqiid effectual. and the operation of ,whlch.could in lo.valiti to the Pailati tution. This modielliele supplied by Dr Liver Pills, prepared ;PY,Fienilint time. of Pittsburgh, as has boon proved in, eye/ Instanen in which it ban had a . trial. Always clai, not a solitary Instance hen ever occurred in Which its effects have been • injurious. • The indention (Iran oduentod and distinguished phyla. clan, It Ints'nothing in common with tho quack nostrums , imposedcr upon the pu hi c by shallo -prate/men to the medical art. • Experience ban now proved beyond a doubt. that-Doctor :11'Lfine's Pills in the' best remedy ever proposed for the Liver Complaint. 71.`3$ 74 33 76 00 59 66 6R 33 62 00 ,41 66 VA...Purchasers will bo ciliate' to ask for Dr. DDLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER FILM, manufactured by FLEM ING 11111)8., Pittsburgh, Pa There are otbool'llle per b. Et n- a t % L e u L l i g r d; l o i r i now llsal b so '' . f° h r l ' s t e l eUr u a b t Vet• . ad ge, n new he had at all rospeclablo drug stores. no get leo without tho signature of . - ,YhEMINO. DEM DT,SPEPSIA DTarerel*ll DIIREP.4,IO I! Whet p, It . . how ettlxixtt Dyspepsia Is our National Dlseasevelik stomach,feeble dlgoitlon, distress after eatintr,, costive habit, billions conditkin. flow many suffer with hand Its attendant symptoms of low spirits, bad taste, coated tongue, • obstuplfled head, aitd attacks of headache! Vet how few know how 1,11 cure I Generally,' because the bowels Are constipated, resort is had to cathartic or laxatives. lint such it condition was never cured by cathartics, vihoso only office Is to weaken the dicestlon, and Impair th,lntegrlty of the entire:as.dadlative sys• tent. lllit lIIJMPIIItBYH' lIONIEOPATRIO' DYSPEPSIA P 11,1,5-1 simple inediciited sugar pill—have cured hun dreds of the worst nuolAnost obstinate cases. • Thin in done siniply by Improving the tone, and restoring the Integrity of the digestive organs, from which result. good appetite. regular habits, a clear head, and buoyant spirits. Such a medic no Ins gem, and only require to be known folio appreciated. N. lI=A full set of liumphreya' llomeopathic.Sporl tics, with Book of Directions. and twenty different Remedies, in large vials. morrorco case, $5; ditto In plain ease, St; ease orfiftecu boxes, and Book, $2. Sin. gin boxes, 26 rents arid 50 roots. These Remedies, by the single box or case. are neat by mall or expresa, free of charge, to any address, on re. colpt of the price. Address ' Dr. F. IIUMPIIREYS & Co. N'.. 662 Broadway, New York: Sold by C. Inhoff, Carlisle. ..CA:RLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Iteport s ed Weekly for, the. tteyeld by Wiiodwerd dc Schmidt FLOUR (Su perfine). .... , .... do. (Extra) ' do. (Family.) • • ILI LOUR 'WHITE 'WHEAT. • . RED do 1 ' RYF: ' ,. CORN. OATS. per 82 lb. (new) ... .... ........ , C 60' ERSEEI. TIMOTHi'SE ED- ..... ... ...... ....... ..... SPRING BARLEY WINTER DA ll bEY. ,C;Prieritlag," A W. BEwrz has now opened a large •-• • and rompleto stock of staple and Fancy Dry Oilods, selected expressly for tho Fall trade of 1660, con- Posting of ' 811 k Robes, Figured and Plain Bilks, Merinces, Cashmeres, All Wool DeLaines; Valenclos. and a variety of new style " Dress Goods." SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! SHAWLS!!! Bilirhe,Thlbet, Stella, and Blanket Shawls of step de• scrlptiou, Black Silk,, and a splendid line of Mourning (Roods. Also a well selected stock of whltri goods. linslery, Mores and Trimming.. Fancy coinrs and Binck cloth Mantles of the intent Perin Styles. English and American Prints, French Scotch and Domestic ilinghatnn, a full—and .complet., stock of Cloths, enlisting:vs mtd Venting,. • ' Brussel% three ply, Ingrain and Bonin Iliad°, which lu (minty add prices cannot be surpassed - Sinutonsl mliutotts Oral fi lit, Oral Itialnut and Mahogany frames mirrors of all ems. -•-• flaying enlarged my room and iflcrea.ed my stgck•of goods, I can now offer far sale, gads at such price!: so will watery not only a few but every one. 'Thankful fhr pact patronage eitended towards me, I Invite all to call and examine my claw-Stock. ' • , Carlisle ept.l4, 'llO. - I.W. BENTZ. LIV INGSTON, MERCHANT TAILOR ANIt Respectfully informs the publiFtThirlifilirailifit calved an extra large stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. • which for satiety. beauty and price cannot be equalled In the County, all of which will be sold per yard or made up Co measure in tho most approved styles. Flue Black French CLOTU of every grade, Brofnu Ado. do. f• Army and Navy dn. and many other colors. 'CASSIiIit RES of the, very IA test style', In Imuiebse variety. VESTINUS In large quantities of the latest styles. Also, a very large lot of Sattinets, Jeans, Flannels, Shirting, dm, which will ho sold at the lowest market price. The public Is respectfully invited to inspect our large stock of goods. assuring them that a call will not Incur the least obligation to purchase. Carlisle, rept. 14,'110. ' • tiT.U, • r J ATCIIES .E,I V WLLIKY AND sIINEII. WARE. • WE would respectfully inforin our friends, patrons and ,the public generally, that we have now in mune and offer Wholesale A Retell. at the lowest Cash Prices, a large and very choice stock of Watches, Jewelry, Shyer and fisted. Aare of every va lady `and style. • livery description of Diamond Work and other Jewel ry. made to order at short notice. All goods warraved to be as representod...effr Partleular attention given to the repairing of {Vetch el and Jewelry of every description. Scat. 14, ' 60 .- B M. STAtif PER 'MARLEY. No. tki2 Market St. (south side,) Phila. A VAL UA B ETO WN PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE. Orr Saturday October sth, 1560, at 10 o'clock, A. M , at the Court House In Cordele, will be offered at public sale; that valuable town property. , situated no North liminser street, In the borou,.h of Carlisle, formerly oc cupied lay Wm. Osborie as a Saddlery, at present Ores pied by N. W. Wimds ens Dry Coeds Store; containlog twenty.one and a half feet trout, on Hanover Street, arid one hundred and eighteen' feet in depth, more or leas. with the privilege of the alleys In common with the al,' Wining property. The Improves' musts consist of e two and a ball story BRICK OUSE, a 'r 1 U. two story Frame kitchen and Frame " Stable, The Imastloir Is central and in .' the (udoes, portion of the town. - Title indisputable. Possession given April 1, 1061. Terms made known on day of sale by ' Sep 14,'60. . W. 11. 11ILLI:11. A FIRST CLASS LI 31 .ESTONE FIRM AT PUBLIC; SALE. , Will be sold et public sale on the premises on Friday the 11:th day or October,. 1800, that choice limrstone win "Happy 111,411.4," containing about 90 kilts. It is satiated on the ChambersbUrg 'Turnpike, In South Middleton township, adjoining the borouoh of Carlisle, on the west.. The laud is of the best quality and in a high state of cultivation and all under good fence, and has been re Gently heavily limed. The 'improve meets are n commodious two story BRICK HOUSE, with a well of um Cr Cttling water at the door,and all necessary out bull dings. isn, a "Model Barn" This is a large creme Hank Barn, built or the best timber and will besirecom mood itself by Ci. , 1 , 0 exanduation. Therein a large Mick Cistern In the embankment io perfect order and con tains auffieleut wider rar all dock purpose.. Also. tine Corn Cribs, Wagon, Llheds, Cellars, au, attached to the Barn. This is one of the most desirable properties in Cumberland County. _ .. .. . Also, adjololug the above about one ;TO • half acre. jetwith a Two story BRICK HOUSE, Out huildlugs. a well of water, kc., , which will be sold with the tam or 1 1 without, to cult Iturchasenn Three proportion wi 1 be for private sale . till day or rale.. Persons wishing to pun•h`ase will call or address It. AI. Henderson, Esq., Carlisle Pa. Terms made known on day of sale. - JOHN RAN DERSON,. ,liept. 14, '70.-ts. ` JAIIES SANDERSON. VAEOUTOR'S• SALE OF REAL 1.3 EBTAIT. Thd underelgned, Executor of WlClain MITE; late of Oren townehip, Franklin County, deed. will offer at Publlo Bale, on the premises, Ou tueeday the 25th cloy of September IMO. AVID o'clock. A. M., the following Real Property, late the «elate of mid deu'd to wit; • . A TRACT OF LAND, situated in West Penn township Cumberland, county Pa., on the Turnpike Read leading form Shipponebusg lo Carlisle, about hallway between the two places, and bounded by, lands of Copt. J. Dun lop, Chrietion TOIL William Ferree, D. 113 ere, Widow • kicKee,Ellen Wilt, Samuel Trlit, and James Dunlep. conteitag 05l Acres and 97 Terrhee. Thin Tract of .t ? bold In diet d Into three Purports, but will be cold ,together If it is desired. The land Is of a Drat • rate qurlity of*Ll3 CRONE. • ' . . Tract No. I contains 145 ACRES, about 00 Elea of which are eo ered with fine Timber, the residue le on. der good ru t b atten. The improvements conelet of • Weatberbo. ed LOD ROUSE, STONE BANK DAitNi and otitir neconeary buildings. Thy Barn is probahly . the largest In Cumberland county. No. 0. contains 74 ACRES, of which 20 acres are &el ored with good timber, the baltince le under gopicititi• .ration. • - , . • Penton' wietiing to"lew the prophet before the day of gel" ran ell' on Mr. Wm. Reline, wTp,l•eeld..e there• on. Terme tied' known on dell of Palo f,y dept. 14 , '60.-31. JACOWEEkIiVEIi, Esti% . 4 1 0 R S ALFI,- ; four cure natal L=Zl Q n TEitESCIQPIC VIEWS. of this Gre4 esntarn, Tommy of JSisrti rflotA ,TiriptS,' a* $ . BO as Airs. R. A. Royu9ldi Ilagues7 l ll4•JP•ro).o, • C4tUil 1 0; • A ,P 1 .,..r. • • '•• 4 • . • • A. SPeCintJ«atie~: • Dm NE,20.1.1VER.P1L14.13 Eihe arlttts. new ilbnertisement6 MANTLES! MANTLES!! ARPETIN,OB! In DicklnNon. MI ,ir bECTION 1 ) 11.0 . 0 LA 31 AM ON.— AA , WIIAItEAB, lir and by an nit Of the General A.. soatolY of tho Column wenith of,Pennsy Ivania, entitled , au"' Act rotating to the electiono of this l'entanon• wet:din," totsod - the 2d day' of J uiy, A.D. I SW, it is MIMS the duty of the • Sheila of evory County within this Couliuonwealth, to air'e public notice of the elendral Electiono, and in .116.110C1C0 to enumorote: , . , ..,, 1. The oflicOrs to he ected. ' i .... , - .24, - 0 7' , • •2. imaignote the place which the, elertld oto 14i held -1, I, OWT. DIMIA WeN 4 igh Rheritf the county-ri Cumberland, do hereby niece o d situ this pub. , lie notice to the electors of the county of Cumberlond, . that :on TUESDAY, the lith day-of. October next, on election will-be held at the several-election districts 'es tablished by law in ,sold county, at which time they will vote by ballot fur, the poveral officers horelnafter , named, via: • ONE PER§ON, foe Governor of the Commonwealth of Penusylvonio. TWO PERSONS - to. represent the counties of Cumber- ' land and Perry fir the Muse of Representativee of Pennsylvania. . ONE I'ERBON for Protlionotlfry of Cu:Oberland County. , ONE PERSON for itecafiler and Clack of the Courts of • ' Quarter-session i Oyer. and Tumbler, end Oephane . Court of Cumberland County. ON PERSON for itegioter of CumbeilandhCounty. ON ' PERSON'forCommlssloher of Cumberland 'County. 0.. E PERSON for Director of the Poor of Cumberland' rtty. . . 0 li Pe.RSON for Auditor of Cumberland County..' ' , be sold election will be hold throughout the county as follows: ~_ • . The election In the election district composed.of the borough of Carlirilo end the townships of North Aliddlo. lon, South Middlutoo, I 4 ower Dickinson end .Lower Fratikford, bo hold at tho Court !louse in the 'bor. ough of Cerlisio. Thu election in the election district cOmposod of Low er West Pennsborough township, will be held at. the • North S chool Mount. )11 P/sinfield. The election hi-the election district composed of sils nor Spring township; will be held MAI. Public house of Jacob Utgott, Iu ilogestown in said township. The election in tint election district composed of Hampden township, will be held at the house formerly °mottled hy•lleney Mehemet', in said township. The election to the election district composed of the • township of Upper Alien, will be held nt the public house occupied by John iltlyd, to Shepherdstown. • 'The election in the election district comp. - toed of the township of Lower Allen, will be held at the wagon . maker shop of Jones 11 uttehbarger. on Slate 11111. • The election lathe election district composed of But Ponnsborough toWnship.. will Ito held et the house now occupied by 11. Clay, at the Wont end of the Barris. urg 'Bridge. 'I he election in the election district composed of New mberlandovilibe herd at the house formerly kept 1 • 11n. If. Bind, In the borough of New Cumberland. he election In the electlnn district composed of the Borough of Itleetiniesburg, will be hu1d , 31,, the public • house of James Meloy. In said. borough. Tim 'election In the el -aim district compost' of Monroe townsdlp, will be held at the public ho Ise of - Mones Ligget, said township, The election in the election distrlyteamtposed of, Up• -- per Dickinson township. will he held at the house for merly occupied by r ,/ry,lMnite. In said township., Tito election in t ophrction district cumposed of the botough,of Newvil