Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 31, 1860, Image 4
El idtit9teitaticutto. i ILt()OD Ni)WB FOR. THE! l'EalthE Oolo'LEiDicitSAlVYlifiEl Now Store least ketilStinut endue° thatr'heautlful stock of New Ootids "' now. lit:the ttmerto maknyour Spring a n d Stu:Maier per elieted our` stock wllh 11pitsual care from Crihe Reding Importing hernias of Nov York & I.:phis, and Inialled• ourselves of the extensive auction P4lB:orYittilVyck t Townsend it iVerrens, New York..We 'tan 'otter greet Inducements do the buying public. Our Stuck comprises the latest kluds and styles of AND FANCY GOODS in the Market. such nit Muted, Plain, Barred Striped.' ; Silks In all thefr varlet les,,Double Jupe Sulks, Illuml 'nated.Foufard, India Silks, real French Challles, Crape Grenadine, Spring lialunclas k Popllus.. - Four et. nine ;flounced Ilatuire k Duro Robes, IlaregeCrape Narita° In all colors, - 11fIlanulse cloth, French Orga n dy, Lawns. -- - MOURNING 'DRESS:GOODS, ' Of every description of Benson's liportations. Shawls! Shawls! Wall kinds and qualitie ;Light cloth klantles N i tst Splendid Idik esters, French Late. Points et !harbours Shantilla Mat les, Sun' Umbrellas it parasols . Alexan. darts -Kid. GillY ,Alnuntlut . Mitts, Spring Cleuntlets, Hosiery of all k tots and sizes. limbroideries of every description: DonAete r Flats, Shakers, Bonnet Ribbons and trimmings, Dress Trimmings. • . . - .- . 110O[' 'SKIRTS I HOOP SKIDTS I I , . Wilcox celebrated gourd trail skirt, selling very cheap. Men A Boy's wear suitable for the semaltl. Hats, Nock. ties and all other kinds of Gentlemen's furnishing goods. ' ICA lIPETS 1 CARPILTS I I ' ^ dii Clutha, 011 clrthi, Minden An. Ac. An we have Just gone into this branch of trade r customers will find our stock NEW and FRKSIL 'Constant additions of desirable goods will be secured during the season. Please cell at April 18. TO. J,BIDICII & SAWYERS, Now Store . • . RES El . SPRING ARRIVAL 1860. GOTS& SIK•ES. ' BOOM& SHOES. As the times are very tight at present, it will,bo every persons interest to look out for cheap BOOTS.IOIIOES, and save the dimes, and the very pins -to, accomplish • this object is at the old corner knOwn as a Shoe Stbro ' for many yoaro directly opposite Ilurkholdeis old' stand now Glass's HAM.' So call and coo for yourselves and Pave rummy as youmlll find a complete assortmeut'of all kinds of gorldirin the . , BOOT & SHOE' LINE, and of the very ben makes, and ever remember the lowest pried articles Is not always o tho cheapest so you will Bud smotig our stock the prices vary according to the quality of the article. The - Subscriber having.just :•returned from }lntern Cities with a'largn and complete stock of Boots & Shoes he also - keeps on bend a superior quality of Home Made " work of Boots &Shoes to bolt the trade at the lowest cash prices. • Med's Coif & Kip P, gged Boots, Men's French Calf sowed Boots, • Men's Kip Calf & Goat Brogans high & low cut, • Men's and Boy's Coll Buil & i'atont Loathur Oxford Tlen, ' •Mon's Calf Duff & Patent leather Congress gaiters, sow ed and pegged,' Lsdles',llll„sses & Chlldron's Black anti Colored lasting gaiters,-'• Ladles' (linos &Children Fancy Kid,& :Horror° Slippers Ladies' & Misses Goat & *French Morrow Buskins, • Women Fe Childrenerpogged work of all kinds at low prices. Just received an assortment of Childrou's cop pored teed shoos. Repairing done on short m tire The subscriber still continues on -at the old stand thaulouHbtpast favors hoping to receive a continuance of rho samdr- Carlislultpril 18, 18130, Irr MADE CLOEIIING I W .ELL} FINISHED CLOTHING I . • FITTING CLOTHING I The subaerlbor has just rocolaed a Tory supeilor and wolf soloctod block of . • • • SPRING & SUMMERCLOTEIING, Cons'stint! ° Messmer°, Summer and Italian cloth, Al. pacca, Marialles, Litman and Cottonado, Coats, Pants t Shirts also Silk and Satin vests and in short ovary thing in . the eray of OAIIMENTS.' Ills stock of GENTLEMEN'S' FURNISIIING GOODS, has been setOcted with a groat deal of care, and shirts cravats, &c, &c., aro sold at nnusnal low prices.. CARPET DAUS & VALISES, Tho subscriber would call special attention to hls large stock of • . ' HATS AND .CAPS which ho has Iv calved and is selling thorn at very lbw flguren. Of the above you can couvincu yourself by calling at the Cheap Clothing Store, near the , Market "louse • ". ASLLEIt WIEL. April 11, 1860 • SILVER. , PLATED WARE, ,BY HARVEY FILLEY No. i 222 Market Street Puttenttrnis, Manufacturer of tine NICKEL SILVER, and SILVP2 PLATER of • FORKS, .BPO •NE3, LADLES, BuTTER KNIVES, . CASTORS, TEA SETS, URNS, KErPLES, WAITERS, , RUTTER DISI4S,-)CII PITCHERS, pAKE BASKETS„ COMMUNION MARE, CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, Ac.,. ' • With a general assortment comprising none but the best quality, made Of the beet materiels and heavily plated, constlttitlng them a Serylceable and durable article Nor HOTELS. STEAMOATE and PftliATE PAMILILS Wee'reldeted In the bent manner Yoh. 72, 1860-1 y. • W. C. RHEEM ATTORNEY AT LAW AND OENERAL AGENT Minneapolis, Minnesota. WILL give special attention to collections through. TY out the State, make inveettneuts, buy and 014 Boal Estate and securitlea., pay tame:, locate land warrants, Bc., 'term , to. the members o the Cumberland County Bar, and to all prominent citi• sous of Carlisle, ra. J.bOODYEAR BAIL IKON. • lIAVING entered into co-partnership M the' Manufacturing of BAR IRON, at Lotort Forgo, Carlisle, Pa., we would respectfully invite the Attention ofllardwaro merchants, Blacksmiths, and all others who may want a sitperinc,artiele.of Iron to give them . •All kinds of hammered •Irou constantly on band or drawn to order on short notice. The highest price paid for wrought iron scraps, or to ken in exchange for bar iron. . . Carlisle, Oct. 12, 1859. , THE 'MUTUAL' LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY ON NEW YORK. t Assetp: SIX AITELIOXS OF DOLLARS, INTESTEDIN FIRST bISRIOACIES ON REAL ESTATE, WORTH OVER $13,000,000, The premiums are bones then In many other Compa, nies, and 'the Dividends have been 13111LATZR. This to a strictly :denim, Compaq. There are no Stockholders, so that ALL PILE PROFITS. BELONG TO TUX INEWIED. Pamphlets, and every intormatiou, may. bo Mid 011 AT on application to . D,IIALBEitT; Carlisle. PMILADELPIIIA REFERENCES: Thornaa Robbins, e- .:- John Welsh, • 31erdecal L. Dawson, thorn: 11. Stuart, . George M. Stroud,. X. S. Wilelen, John 11..313:0r5,. - J. Maher Looming, Joseph Patterson, William o.lmdwlg, John M. Atwood, . Arthur O. Co ffi n . Thomas 11. Powers, George W. Toland, William McKee, . Thos. IVattsoli. F. RATCIIFORD STARR, Agent, S. W. Cornet Fourth and Walnut Streets, May 23.'60-9m. - PLULAIPA PHILADELPHIA WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE 0. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT No. Dl§ NORTH SECOND STREET, CORNER OF QUARRY STREET. The undetelgned bee leaded the above premises, where he will keep a large aulortment of Gold b. Silver Watches, of American: English end Swiss Manufacture of the mod celebrated makers, In addition to which, will be foin6Lalways on hand ,(and made to order) an extensive variety of Jewelry, a lver. and Sliver Plated ware, together with a genererissottment of such goods as are usually kept in a lfret date Jewelry Store . Tho patrohe of o.'Conrad, and those of the subscriber together with the public generally, are Invited to eall, where limy will receive a geed article fbr their money. As I am determined to do strictly a cash business goods will be sold very low. "SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES," is the motto of this establishment. LEWIS R. BROOMALL, . Formerly 0. CONRAD, Ni,. 148 North Second St. corner ofQuatry June 6,1860.—1 y. INPEOTINE, THE PERSIAN FE . vim OfIARBI. For tho prevention and cure of " fever and Ague and Billions Fevers." This wonderful remedy was brought to the knowledge of the present proprietors by a friend who has treed a great traveller In Persia end-tho-holy Land. i• While going down the liver Euphrates, be experien ced a severe attack of-Fever and Ague. On discovering 'his couditidn, one of the boatmen took fiont his person en AmuleWsitying, t•Wear this and no Fever will touch you." Although' incredulous as to its virtues; be complied nod experienced immeAate relief, and has elude always found it an effectual protection front all materioustomplaluts. • • On farther investigation he found that the boatman attributed to it miraculous' .powers, and mid it could , only be obtaimid Imm the Prieata of the thin. gone time afterwards, the gentleman in conversing" with a Priest obtained from him the secret of ite preparation, and ascertained arbere the medicinal' herbs 'were to be found, Of:which it was compounded The wonderful virtues of this article have induced a Nil belief in the _minds ottbe natives in the Miraculous healing powers' of their JPriests. Shim Ifs retdin to America, It hoe been tried with the happleartileet by several Ladles and Gentlemen of bleb eharacter t 'who have given tr, the meet unquali- • fletilmded. , Thiti remedy having been a specific in Per sia for h'ratidrels of years. for the prevention and Cure' of Beset and' Ague Fevers—lsuow offer ed to the Atiteritan peopple.. .It win sent by mall piereld, triktajj: direol lone for use,. on receipt of one del ar., Prineltall'Depotatid tdennfaclortlfiti.kbein Bt. Rich- Mood VC - Briterh Mice; jutpti7 Celtmeteibttitildinir - yunifis,,ltEek-Iy..' • a.60?1,00*,-;Coo. G.EMTL.gmEws . E,EXIRTIVIANUFACTOItY, No. 814, Chestnut Street, Your 116oribotim' thei r ."Conelnorited 11O,tej"_ and acirli • Loppalto Cho Nilrard Ilousa '„Thll4dolpliffi. A largo mortment pfDtopming Itid?es conedantiy on • • ' leultrAtdontfo9ytCron:iiiiirdeled7blr perfect fit. guornp.koa....-1 Itib.4 l 4.Pll9 l ls,4 l uPPlll4.4tith new.thirliandtoil!tre on g!rpilitinpepiint .iient on r applleation by niwllfiret lgna. l U LY ibiktloo,7Ayi MING FEMALE COLLEGE; MEOIIANIOSOURG, P 4. This Institution, designed for the Ilbarni ',alum n . rioting Ladles, has been in operation two years.wi h 'to most gratifying results. It Is now isstablishod on, arm basis; cud its palrocago already extends over hem] States. It is located on the Cumborland,Vrilieylloilvied mid. ray between Harrisburg and Carlisle. lu-the Most fur- Ile and bustutitul portion of the volley,no'd is In elose voalulity to onu'of the most moral, healthy; and on, Jvprbillig towns In the State. ' It in central, and easy of' Romig. Students leaving Vashingeki, Daltlmofe, or Philadelphia in the : morning rain for Itairshure will arrivO At Mechanicsburg in 'ohne for dinner. '" The edifice le largo 'and commodious, surrounded by otouble verandas and will accommodate about ono hon.' .i'red boarders. In Itireonstructioth, it combines all the •aadern Improvements for the promotion of health, omfort, and convenibnco. .111 those rdsprcts physicians pronounco It unrivalled. The ohntabers aro largo and neatly furnished. Emil' has Its register fur boat and vontilation Only two students occupy the same room. The bath rooms are at all times supplied with warm mid cold orator. • Tho grounds are ample, and. well arranged for,recre atlon, and the varloug calisthenic exercises -PO emu tlol to hcnllh, grateful. nievemont and symmetry o Gum. ' The Faculty of Infdrbotion Is efficient and expor eneed. In the.Collogisto Department tin lionise of study is of a high grade, comprehending all the subjects belong. log to a Classical, Polite and Christian Education. , In the Preparatory; Department pupils will be care. fully instructs In those branches forming the basis of a theroughltriglish education. , • ~„ Sessforts:—First Session, from the let Wednesday of September to the 30th of.lanttary. Second Sessiou, from the let of February to the let of July,' • - Vacation, durlugJuly and August. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. . •-• Boarding, Washing, Furniahud Rooms. H.. • nod Light. -.• .... . . . • 2 (0 ) 00 Tuition—Oo 1021sta Department. .:" 20 00 •• Prtik , untorY " .1 11 2 I I )h3 " First Class, lie extra charge for Ancient Languages. Musle—Pirihe and Oultar. . . ..... 20 00 Vocal Music. . . . . . . . . 200 Modern Languages, ." .'.' • . . - . . 10 00 Painting, Drawing and other Ornamental Branches at the usual rates. Text•turolm furnished at city prices. For further particulars address, • Rev. A. (1 MARLATT, A. M., President. Aug. 3, 18130 CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. R.- • v SUAfifER ARRA-NGEMENT. _ . ...TACOB SENEIt lot Train. 23 Trani. Leave Ilarridburg , , 8.05 A.Bl 2.15 I'. M. Mechanicsburg: 8.41 " 2.62 " Carlisle,' - 0.27 it * 8.80 . " • liewvie, 10.02 " 4.04 t " Shippensburg, 10.34 " . 4.33 Chtimbg', (Arrive) 11.00 ~ 5.10 " Greencastle; - - -' -- OOO " Arrlve.atlingerett•irp.. ' 13.40 " G Passengets will observe, that there is but One Train n day, (a Passenger sod Freight Train cora hint 11) over the Franklin (toad, connecting-with train to liar. risburg tit 8.30 A. 814 ant; willt the Train arriving from Harrisburg nt 5.110 P. 31. . TIM M , : Dally,Trains lenvellurrlsburg for Pittsburg, 'at 2.457 A. M.. 12.50 and 4 05, P. 31., making direct eon • noctions with trains for - Cincinnati, Louisville, Cleve. Land. Chicago, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and all principal points throughout the West. , For Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Control Railroad At 1.20 and 0.05 A. 81., and 12.65 null 3.50 I'. 31.. Via Lebanon V. 11. It., al 8.00 A.•M., and 2.85, I'. M. For Baltimore, nt 8.27 & 7.20 A. 31., A, 2.05 I'. M. WATCI . iES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER-WARLAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Dank. I lucre Just received n now assortment of watches, ewilry. medallions, silver ware, !cc.. In addition to my -armor stock to bleb T Invite the attention of the public, Tito armor molt embraces fine goldwnd silver Inver watches, Iln Ulm am& open ease do., gold I,An chors. for Ladies and Gentlemen and Silver Lepines and Quartier watches of every. variety In style and prfee. ; . Also fine gold Medallions. Dreast.pins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, vest, curb midweek chains. Gold bracelets, finger daily, caliphs, studs, sloeve.btittons, crosses, charms, Ac., - ,ke. Geld and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment .of gold, 'diver . . , —.w4. and common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we invite special at ten For .re• . erton and WfillantsPorent 1.27 and 8.15, I'. -M. Trait. on Dauphin Road at 2.00, I'. M. MR. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: Atall.Sintione where Tickets aro Bold, vie: Chambersburg, Shippensburg, C,lislo.-Itlechanlcsburr and Harrisburg, a reduction-al TEN CENTS pn each Ticket will he made totill I'neeon• gore that provide themeolvue•with Tickets• before en tering the Care, Railroad OlNre, Chambereiburi t April, JO, 1860. - A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROO-111S •--OP`latj>4 . ' tlP' 1859 7 - ►Pest High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at • the Cumberland-County Agricultural Fair of 1867.) 11. AN DFACSON The aubscribor has just received the most splendid assortment of articles In his Wio, over brought to this place—which ho is determined to soli at prices that de fy competition. Parlo, Chamber, •• Dining-room, PURI4ITC R. Kitohon and °Moe Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keepers, of the moat approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts. reception and Camp Chairs,' Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, &c., dm. Purchasers are requested to call and examine isle stock, at his extensive ware-rooms, Went Main Street, North aide. A. B. EWING. J. UOODYEAjt & CO 43- Particular attention given no usual to funerals; order, from town and country, attended to promptly •nti on moderate terms. . A. 11. 11 Carßale, May 12, ISoB.—ly. FALL ARRIVAL 01? Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Fruit, and Confectionary. 8. W. WAVERSTICK has just received from the city and Is nowononing n sOundld display of FANCY GOODS, - to which he desires to call the attention of his friends and the public. Ills assortment in this line cannot be surpassed In novelty and elegance. and both in quality and prfeli of the articles, cannot fall to please purchaxers. It would bo impossible to enumerate his ' I FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fanoyarticles of the most . exquisite finish' such as. Papier Alne . ho Mods, Blegantklabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladles' Fkricy Baskets •. Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing Instruments, . Didier, Gabes, Writing Desks, and Port.fopos. • Port Mormales, of every variety, Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and large variety of ladles' Fancy stationery. Motto seals bud wafers, Silk and bead Ounce, hiding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every.kind for the toilet, X. Basin and it. & G. Wright's Soaps, and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy Pins for bead dresaos and shewis. Musical Instruments, of ell kinds end et all prices together with an innumerable variety of articles alegan ly finished and suitable for holidayprosonts, to which tie invites special attention. Alsoout extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising the 'various English and American Works, richly ombellehod POSTRIAL WORKS, Bibles and 'llymn.flooks, elegantly bound in"veivet • with metal clasps and corners, suitable for holiday gifts. - • a-4sortment pl School Books and School Stationery Is also complete, and comprises everything used in the Schools. Ile also desires to call the particular atten• Hon of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, &a., trim the extonsive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm or P.tberial oil; also DYOTT'S celebrated, Kerosene or Conioll Lamps, together with Flower Vasco Fancy Screens, Ac._ Ills assortment In this line is nos inputted in the borough. Also, • SEGAItS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the Ewerlto brands ' and a-fine assort moot of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES. FRUITS, such as °mimes, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, &0., FANCY CONFECTIONA RV—NUTS—PIM SERVED num, MINCED-MEAT, PICKLES, Ac.. In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh such as eon be confidently recommended to . his friends. Ilia stock embraces everything in the line' of Parley Betels, with many other articles useful to bus ekuepora which the public aro especially invited to call and- examine. • . Itemembeithe Old Stand, poorly opposite the Bank on North Hanover atreet.' Dec. 71868. r TRAW HATS ! STRAW HATS ! S Just received ititeller's Old. Stand North Utll3o.;' ver street, a large and complete stock of • elElk/ & BOYS' STRAW NAYS, ' of all the different Myles and cinallties, all 'of which will he sold at, small advance on city prices, ' • Also. Childrens Fancy Caps and Hats Mons' & Boys BILK, CASSINIERS. FELT, ; ',WOOL lIATS, , . &morel new styles now tiadj , for Inspection. tomom bar It you want bargelue call at "Carllele . bliy 15; ; ; lIELLEWB. AND : ••• 111.11:DEREI. • • The undersigned le theSole' agent for the celeb i ated .. 1 . , PEACHporyoati.toop.No ; srodiT.E.. tindirtilrisen a n,rinply constantly on band. This shire ran he hirrdahed-cheapectban—shinttlerV--and—lernim'e um to than any other-material.- it, ran bepmcnrod, - 'by calling - en thoinbecrlbor itt . l4lr(residonce, nn ":I.:ext *street.. •""' • " • • . 1 40013 , 811R01..., ,' • v0L.11.11.' Slate Yanibwriireitsbed to 0k.0 9 ,9 goja• rent , counties at the shortesinotirs. • ' .; Carlisle Juniftß,lBoo.-6 mos. .. -. . , • lfiltittiiiiiiitiL: TEM lath 1860, Pageongel mdays excepted* I lIARIUSBUIta. rain. 2d Train A. 61. 1.90 r. M 1.32 2.04 " 2:44 3.14 3,45 15.4.1t5X0WN. O. N. LULL Suparl, '1859 B. R. 114VERSTICK k ,,,Q\ .. *:itt9,0441,23 E • ..1' NW ,O, , . • - AIIDNEW.,9OODB Alter roturilkor bleitektioiedgeornii for- tb very liberal patronage which - be-sheen extended- to hiin, the undereigiaed,would' , 4lll Ottentlnn to the fa ,, t that he. :basjOet reopened hie extoußlvetiaeortmenf of family. • gifOCEI „. . . Fri hie now stormi•Pom:Ort the skuth•ecist corner of the public square, where the public are invited to, call and examine q stoat of goods which, in elegance, variety and extent, will defy, competition; comprising In part loaf, lump; crushed and. brOwn augurs, Java, Rio and roasted Coffee. Every ya.• rlety end quality of TEA. Spices, (grotind ”" • and unground,) Pi cis, Sauces, Table Oil. J ••At, Now Orleans, Sugerhonite and Trinidad .„. •' - Molasses; Now York and Philadelphia Syr ups. Cheese, Macaroni, 'Form...Alit split Peas, Hominy, Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate, Entreat o. Coffee, refined augur at reduced rates, washing and belt, leg soda.. Tobacco of the most favorite brands, and the finest quality 'of Sews. A :so, a beautiful assortment of Britannia Ware, plain and .g... 14 band China Ware, Masa, Queens. Stone and Earthern Were, in great va. rlety, and en elegant Int of Fancy Soaps, extracts and perfumery for the toilet. • FRUITS: Including Peaches in cane, Raisins, Cum. berries, dry apples, citron, ahnonda, oranges, lemons, ( ' .7 A LIQUORS: Wholomin and rated, e m s a ( ) embracing common and old Ilya Rhin i = = key, Lirandies, dark and pale, Lisbon ."7,7-77- ".lA V Sherry Port. [deeded:4 Ob•ger, Catawba .......21. .. and kluacat Winos In =rake and hot I no, acencel a klakey,.'llolland Oln, and &beldam Schaal:Ps. • . , FISH AND SALT A large stock of LAMPS, Including Dyott'a celebratel lamps for burnlngeltmosene or Coal oil, also Sperm l'lpm Lard and Coal' OIL Burning Fluid, Sperm an Star Candles. CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. Brushes, 'topes, Hoppa, Scarps, Doormats, Walters, Gonklng•glaises, lino letter and note paper, Willow {fare, painted kuckets, &c. ' • Cotton'and woollen Ilyee, and half Hose, and a fun stock of Glovos, Including the well knouhr Hanover Duck gloves., , . In short, his Stock comprises everything that is called for in his line of business, and no efforts will bo spared to render °nitro satisfaction to his customers. C. INIIOFF. carllslo, Oct. 27, 1858-Iy. . Ail` Marketing:el all kinds t..aken In exchange fo goods. FAMILY ' GROCERY AND TEA STORE. Just received and in store, afresh and well so• lectud assortment of Slo t Java and Mara. alba Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed - Pulverised Sugars, Refined and other brown .Sugars, superior Syrup ,Moinsscs, Orleans (baking) Malan eon. Spices of every variety— t - _ , • pure only; Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Macearoni, Cheese and Crackers,, Tapioca- and Sago, Indigo, Salerabutand Soda, Cream' Tartar and as. sorted Pickles, Mustard. and Coriander Seed. TEAS.—A tine assortment In Packages, and in bulk—as well as ell other ar ticle " 1 'belonging to the bu.dnesa--all at the lowest and late reduced prices. • " J. W. EBY. A . One lot of OOLT) PENS from the bent midterm, Apechicle cases, fancy boxes, sliver and pearl card num, gold and common bracelets, watch chains, almille Clocks and a variety of articles eon. ally'kept In Jewelry entabilahmenta, which will sell low fu cool,. All articles VOX. • tented to-be what they era represented. Particular attention paid as usual to ° c . WATCH' REPAIIUNO and all Work, war. - ranted. v THOMAS CONLYN Dee. 23.1857.1 VRESIIG_ROdERIE - S! AT S. C. iIUYETT'S Shad and Mackerel of different grades, At Salmon, Scale Fish and White Fish, At HUY ETT'S. Codfish, Salt and Pickled Herring, At IIUYEIT'S Cheeso and Crackers can be had Dried Fruit, Preserves end Jellies, At lIIIYETT'S Sugar Cured Beef and name, . AE 119YETT'S A fi esh supply of LIQUORS, At lIUYETT'S 011 a, White Load, Atc., dc., 1860 HARDWA I, R .A l it i: F l n II A D - .1.51,11 P. Lytle h Son have Just cmnpleted opcoink their Spring Stock nflln rd ware, Paints, Oils, varnishes, (Ilan hr. to Nvhlrh they Invite the early attention of the public. We have greatly enlarged our stock In all its various brauches,and can nos . accommodate the puts Ile with RELIABLE GOODS. to largo or small quantities, at the lowest prices. Ott we do not wisit'lloa public to understand that we hare brought all the penis in Philadelphia and New York to our town, but We can assure them that ono look into out store will convince them that we have enough to supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goods in our line will find it to their advantage to give us a call before making their purchasns.—All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no miens. presentations made to effect sales JOHN. P. LYRE & SON. May 2, 'SO. - North flatterer St. Carlisle. fi UM BELTING 1 • x Just rorAved a largo assortment of all sizes— Gum Bettina . , Guns lloso, Gum Parking, &8., and fur sale cheap at the Itardwato Storo of Juno 22, 1860. .11. SAXTON. rEIHE GREAT BELL MASS MEET j_ MO In being held on North Hanover Street, Car• lisle, where the tanners are Invited to call and examine the lar g e variety of FARM BELLS, juh received and which we aro selling very cheap.— Good Bells can be bought from sii,6o to $6,60 each. We have the Greet Western Bell,lhe farmer's favorite.— Dill and em, them, all you farmers who are In want a good and cheap bell. JOHN P.. - LYNS & SON, North Hanover:St., Car Isle. _ June 22, 1860 FARM BELLS 1 FAIOIj3ELLS!! Just received the largest, cheapest and best as nertment of FARM BELLS In the county, Greencastle Metal., and Bell Metal WitItItENTED NOT TO CltetCH, at the llardnare Store of March 7, 'GU, lIENRY SAXTON NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK! t " , von -_4,l> I ~~~~ ~ ~-- SHOR'T'EST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME ,BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES NEIV YORE AND - Mi.ariel4sl3l.l.7rdl A L LEN TOIS*N VIA READING, AND •EASTON. MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New' York at 6 A. 11., arrivlng at Harrisburg at 12.45 noon, only 6,4' house between the two MRS. MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar rives at Ilarrlaburg at 8.30 P. M. MORNING MAIL LINE Rant. loaves Harrisburg at 8.00 A. M., arriving at NOW York at 4 30 P. M.' AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINK, Eaq, leaves Harris burg at lib P. M. arriving at New York at 0 00 P H. Connections aro made at Harrisburg at 1.00 P.M. with the Passengei Trains in each direction un the Pennsyl vania, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Rail-, read.. All trains connect at Reading with tufts for Pothe Tulle and Philadelphia, abd at AllentoWn for Mauch Chunk, Easton, Ac, No change of Passenger Care or Baggige between New Yrok and Harrisburg, by the 8.00 At M. Line from Now York or th e 1.16 P.111. from Dm rlsburg.. For bounty of scenery. and speed, comfort-pnil geom. =dation. this route presents superior Judgements to the travelling public. • • . : . Fare between New, Yorteand 'Harrisburg FIVE DOL. LARS. , For tickets and other informatiowapply to J. J. CLYDE, Portend Agent, Harrisburg. E X g H . 0 T E L , - No. 77 Doek 'Street Philadelphia. • ILA to COL. It. 11. JONES.) This Ifotel, kept on the European Tian, Is convent. ant for Travellers, Citizens; and the Public generally, being In the immediate neighborhood of the Exchange, adjoining the Pool OffiCee and Within g. few . minutes walk of the Delaware iVharves, the landings for Steam boats from all parts. ' Ideals eau' be had at ell bourn, fr o m fo.o!olOck in the morning'to 12 o'clock at nigh t , fur 123 'mite and up. wards. 'Lodging Rooms can he procured 'at •all times for SPA cents per night. The flhambersinre clean, well ventilated and ali•nowly furnished:Tne - biathisg Vu. partinunl will he provided with - the , heat the .market eau" -- demlucal - 71fIrtlrifik - Irg - turnlslied ivltli good Ligworkand choice Cigars. The proprietor hopes that by, siiiet personal attentiobiWith. and ,obliging silrrants;iteavill be . rible'to please. , - ' • - J. orrioNxitur;, , (Late of Baltimore . Md.; and Madison House '1'611,0 July ' VILOIItIyTOR, intnher 8t ~ostl. EW COAL ANp LUMBER YARD. L The'sulbieribors hatothirdlir entered Into part , srsnip to tradisia . , 0 A i.. A N D•L Wo will bassi eimetietly on band and fiirnfth to order 1 kinds and.quidity of seasoned • - -• . BOARDS, . . • - . ... • - ; FRAME STUFF, t sling, Pla i sterihg Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Meer. . sg and Weatherboarding, Posts and (tails, and evaiy ar , eta that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: iNhitepine, Hemlock, nd Oak, of dtlierent qualities. Having Cars of our. wo we mu ;furnish bills to order of any length and leo at the shortest.notice and on the moat reasonable ems. Our worked boards will be kept under moor so that the can be furnished dry at all times. We ha 'o constant!) , - on hand all kinds or Family Con' under cover, which we will deliver clean to any part o the borough. To wit: , LYKI:,YS VALLEY, Broken, Egg; Stove and Nul LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON. LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LOBBEItY. which we pledgeoursolves to sell it the lowest prlets Best quality of • Linteburneils and Blacßimith's Copt, always on hand whirls we will sell at the lowest Rini. Yard west side or Grammar Srhool,,Miln street. ARMSTRONG & HOFFER. July 20,1859. ri II A 11i B ERSBURG FEMALE .SE The location le plearrantand healthy, and the edean. taps are equalled by few In the land. The institution la large and, prosperous, With a corps of ass stauttehc. ems with care, and well qualified to inetrutt In the mild and ornamental branches, The Influence], In the board log department are parental, moral and refining. The next session will commence on thel2th day of September. Catalogues may be had'on application to the Principal. Dos. N. W. Ells, Carlisle; Her. Joins Ault, LoOdon, Pn; Geo. D. Dueller, Esq., lloguestown, Pep lion. Geo. Chamber., D. 8. Sehne,ck, D. D., 8. It. Fisher: D. D., nee, P. B. Reese. Res,. Josuph Clark. Chambered,lrg, Pa Pro. fus2mn of Pig thletote, N.J., both of thoColleguand Theo logical Seminary. Bor. HENRY REEVES,. 31re. SAITAtI IL REEVES; knocipale. Carnal', Jan. 22, 1860.—1 y J. R. NONENAKEIVS • FORWARDING, AND CO3IMIS SION HOUSE, • FLOUR AND FEED, '.: COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. The subscriber baying taken the Ware House cars and fixtures of Wm. U. Murray's well known establish ment, on West High street: apposite Dickinson College, would inform the public that be has entered lute a general Forwarding and Commission business. The blgliest market price paid for Flour, Grain and produce of all kinds: • They ere also prepared to freight pred nee and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with. safety and despatch. • '• •-• " • PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on band, and FLOUR- AND FEED at a Wesel,' or retail. Coal of all kind,. embracing, • LYE EN'S VALLEY. • LUKE FIDDLER, • • SUNBURY WHITE ASH, LOCUST GAP, Limeburner's and. Blacksinith's j • CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. KEPT UNDER COVER aid delivered dry to any part of the town. J. R. NONESIAKER Carlisle, AuguAt 17, 1859. N'EW C OAL YAR•D AT THE ITU? SND OF CARLIFLE. The subscriber would respectfully roll the'attentio of Limeburner's, and the citizens of Carlisle, and Lb: surrounding country generally, to his NE \V attached to his Ware House, on West High St., whe he will keep constantly unhand a large supply of tht. best eivallty of COAI, to wit Lykens Luke Fiddler, Pine tlrooe nod Trerer ton, itroken, Egg and Nut coal—sereened arid dry cool ivldelt ho pledges himself to sell et the lowest possibl prices. Seat q panty of ' ti LIMKBURNEWS 'AND BLACKSMITH'S COAL,' always on ham!. Arh-All orders the Rare House, or at bin rest dunce In North Hanover street, will I. promptly at tond•d to. J. IV. HENDEIII,ON. Carlisle, April ld, 'sS—tt. GLASS! GLAssu° PAINTS! PAINTS II A full assoment of Glass of all sires and quality, with a large stock of frail, I'AINTS, all colors. Oils, Varnishes, Lc., Cement In large or small quantities, at low figures at JOIIN P. LYNN & SON, dast,Al,l6s, North Hanover Street. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. 1=! The proprietors 'and manufacturers of Hos- TETTER'S CA.I43IItATED SIVIACII BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the-article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak moreViiiieffully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning pitffery. The consumption of liostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half millicin:,bottles, and from its manifest ,steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one'million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold "but for . the faro medicinal properties contained in the prepare. lion, and the sanction of the moat prominent physicians in Uwe sections of the country wheic the article it best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their •pafients, but arc ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements arut the ditieases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained 'by 'extraordinary efforts in the way of trum poling the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. ' Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds, To he able to. state confidently that the "Bitters" are a•certain cure for the Dppepsie and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. lt,r . entoves all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the . blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, .mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as pqr_directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining yeare, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excelletilns a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. 'We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and,general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the IMIMMEI merits of this article. A few .words to the 'gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of ,them sink wider the trial. The relation of mother and child is so abstAingly tender, that-lho mother, especially it' she be young, isI — TA to foiget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity, arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. 'Nursing mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive 'the endorsement. of physi cians, because it is agreeable to 'the taste as • well as certain to'give a permanent increase' of bodily strength. All those pagoda, to whom we have Oracu larly referred above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of Cho stomach, sup s erannuated invalids( persons of sedentary oceation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical 'welfare brgiving' to Bios letter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.--"-We caution the public against using any of the . many imitations or counter; felts, but ask for 110STETTElefl CELEBRATED STONACII BITTEIIS, and see that each bottle has the words "Dr. 4. Hostetter'S Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of tho bottle, and stamped on the mantilla cap covering the cork, and observe that our autogralih signaturo is on the " label. /nr; "BrePared and sold by HOBTETTEBA BIYCIZA; :Pittab7gb,‘ Pa.,. and so* by all drug eta; ..trooeiv4 and dealers generally throughout.lbe United, 'Staten, South Anaa- . ries; aid .• . .. ~ For sale by £ l .lUltaiti.Vir, llaverstials, Carlisle; John t.;Attick; John Stambaugh, Shippeasbnrg; L: Kane mad, - J: D. zilanniug, , 31schaniesburg ; and Druggists 171FintrIlYrttiroughout - ttmrcounty. - .. _-- Nov. 0 ; '69. . . . . . ~ .... • E aubscribi3r re*are'd k) Lep uoll to inprchinti and others, CEMENT, by the insunfactwas !Nees. Carib! e. April - 11,AM . do. do Fib Y2VRD, -EY A . . 1100 TONS IRON AND 'ROLLED IRON of the very best ENOLISII BRANDS warm ed in every nay Superior to American make. Just ree col ved with . a large assortment of . . Sheet Iron, Anvils, '..• , Hoop Iron, Vide, Band Iron, ' P.les, Y • - - Horse Shoo Iron, ' Rasps, ~. • , . Springlitael, ' 'Bolts, • - • Cast Steel, ' Rivets:, .„ . . . . .• Blister I teal, . Nuts, • ' '. Waehers. - , Homo Shoes, Sonar Plates, „„ Naito. . , . • • Blacksmith 'Bellows Ac,. &c.; .., Cheaper than the cheapest, at the. Hardware Store of Starch 7, '00.• , : • lIRNRY.SAVPON. N. IL All iron sold at city prices:With height added . • O•MIST A K • persons,PaAyapt oT a bottle of Flue Old lm orted and Pure Brandy, or Old ltyo Whitikeyi or Gin, ines!do.. cku :'get the pure article at the Otocery the su bscriber.' wm mktrrz ,Miscellaneous: OOD •GOOD I! ~ G 00 D 11! G Juet received at" the cheap Grccery of the under signed, into of good th:maa, a part of which are the lul , . . . , , ~ , . • Hermetaally.sealed PEACHES, (fresh.) ' . 44 14,,,,,,,Wi1d1A TOES, viz .0„, ~., —44 - ,1 CORN . ' ' 44 ' • ,14 " tr 44 ' '-IPAS ' " . 44 .•;ASPARAGUS, r., - 44 '.,IOYSTERS , • • 44 . 4 • , LoßsTsittl. ... . - .. ~ -, TRIN I.: APPLE, 44 44 TURTLE SOUP, 44 . • • Id ", SARDINES, 4 ,•, ' trickled Perkins, Chow Chow Piccalilli,' Lobsters, Caulifidwer, Capers. 'Olive's Tomato° Hatsup, Walnut do., Mushroom do. Pepper Sauce, Uomluy, Oritts, Cranberries, .he finest of Dried bad, Sugar.enred diams, Shoulder. Boldgna Sausage, Soup ilm../N,MaccarOul, Sugars, Coffees, Tess, Molasses, and 41 . ii of all kinds. . . QUESNSWAhE, VINE SEGARS. among Which Jiro twenty five .thousand - German Sixes, prime Tobacco,. and the very best and purest LIQUORS In the county. Confectionary and Fruit. Ste. .. • ' All of which are offered to the citizens of Carlisle pod county of Cumberland. al the lowest prices for coon. • COME ONE,-COME ALL, two doors East of ithools' Warehouse. . . WM. BENTZ. Carlisle, Nov. 0, MEC ' _ 4 IRE INSURANCE.- THE' ALL EN RANCE I 'all:A 11 ,N iNu " aTi air county , PAIN: IN I rated by ttn act of Assembly, Is nou - I" lly organici.d, a nil In allocation under 'the managed it or the rolloycia'a commissioners, Its: • • .. • . Daniel Bailey, William It. Gorges, Michael NAB', J. Elchelberger, Christian Stayman, John C. Min tali, Jacob 11. Cliover, Latch .llyer, B. Eberly, Benin min 11. Mosscr, J. Brandt, Joel% ' Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. The rates of insurance are as low and favtrable as any Company of the kind In:ibe State. 'l'm-soon wishing to become memburs.aru invited to Make application to tin, agents of the company, who-are willing to wait span thotrtat any time. • • • - W3l. R. GORGAS. President. CIIRISTIAN STAVIAN. Vice President LEWIS 'Secretory. MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. Managent.—Wm. R. Gorges. 1.. Ilyer. Christian SinY mart,)]. Conklin, J. C. Donley. R. Mettle. D. Bony, .1 ll.Coover, Alen. Catbrart..J. Wickersham, j. Eichel bur ger. B. Eberly, J. Brandt. . MEM CUMBERLAND COUNTY.— John Flu: rrirk. Henry Zairing, Shiremanstown; Sranual.iVondburn =1 : 1 V;l:rdle t n o7 m nn , . C u l r ; R. lllll., boro'; Samuel Coover, eel:oldest:erg ; .1. ol ' W. Corltiln. Shophordstown; D. Coovor, Shophbrdstown ; ,J O. Sax ton, Silver Spring; Ilenj. Harolatink; Silver Spring Charles Roll. Cat lisle :John flyer, Carlisle. YORK_ COUNTY.—W. S. Making, Dover: Peter ford, Franklin; Joe. Grillith, Warrington: J. F. Dee. doriS. Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; It. C. Clerk, Dillsbnrg. DAUPIIIN CO.—Houser & Lochman. Harrisburg. Members of the company having pnliclesthout tors Pita. cantm.vo theme) ' - weit by making application lo mule Ohl Agents. April 20.1859. . EME=I:O CHURGH EBERLY STEAM SAW MILL IMEI LUMBER YARD, NEW CUMBERLAND, PA All kinds of LUMBER, • conatnntly on band. Lumtl•rdalVicrod at at t :t o n i y ii rgl t t o l s t c 7 i rleal . l2l2by Railroad. BUILbING TIMBER. •. OF ALL SIZES AND LENGTHS CUT TO ODDER May 25,7859—ft' ITOWARD ASL'OCIATION! AILADELPIIIA A Benevolent Institution, established by special en dowtnent for the relief of the smelt and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. Alai especially for the Corn of DSTCases of— . the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given grotto, try the Acting Su goon, to all who apply by letter, with a description their condition, (age, oceupatioh, hatits of anti In caste of extreme poverty. Medicines furoisbe free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spernottorrhrea, and olhe Diseases of the Sexual Organr4 and on the NEW BEM EDIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the athlete In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or titre Stamps thr postage will be acceptable: ~ Address, D1t..1. SICILLEN HOUGHTON. Acting Set goon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth litres, Philadelphia, N.A. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. HEARTWELL, PrOSldtql‘ GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Det.21,1869.-IY 4"1 WEBSTER & Cth 14 IMPROVED TIGHT STITCH SEWING MACHINES. On Exhibition and for sale at Mrs. It. A. nor:nudes DAGUERREAN ROOMS, 2nd door west of Dr. Zircon's Mies, Carl islu, Pa. Bend fore circular to `' W. H. MASON, Agent. Dec. 7,113504 f. • pAINTS - AND 10 Tone White Lend. lOW Gallons of oil. Juel received with a largo am:ortolan t of Vernishon, Fire Proof Paint, Turpentlyie, Finrenro White, ' Japan White Zino. Putty, Colored Y. no, Lithargo, lied Lend, • • Whiting, Boiled 011, • Ulue, Lard Oil, Shellac, Sperm 011„ • Paint flrudhea, :Fish Oil, ..te.7 - 1" Colora of story description dry, and 011 in — rinrnand Wen, nt the Hardware Store of March 7,'00. HENRY SAXTON, MaL.:`,.,H ,H ai S]: ~..,. . , Thousands are daily speaking In praise n't; DR. EATOZI:S^ „r INFANELE COE'DIAL. and why? because it rumor fella toalTord instantaneous relief when given in Mule. It acts Its it by magic, and ono triabalone will convince you thut what we ay is true. It contains NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the sufferings of your child. instead of by deadening Its sensibilities. For this reason it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Childress Teething. Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Grip ing in the Bosvels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Cold In the head, and Croup, also, for softening the gums, reducing Inflame lion, regulating the :Bowels arid relieving pain, it has no equal—being an end spas mbdic it be used with unfailing $11.085 In all Capes of Convulsion or other Fit.. As you value the life and health of your children. and wieh to nave them from those mil and blighting consequences which are certain' to result from the use of narcotics of whin other remedies Mr Infantile Complaints are composed, take none brit DII. EATON'S INFANTILE CORDIAL, thin you call rely upon. It In perfectly harinhas and cannot injure the moat delicate Infant.. Price, 25 cents Full diroction‘ accompany each bade. Prepared only by CHURCH! &.PUPONT. No ,109 Broadway New York. " ealthy human Mood Upon being ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential element+ and gives of course the True Standard. Analyse the Blood ofa person suffering from Consumption, Live Complaint,, Scroftha. tee. end we fled In every instance certain defielencles In the red globules of Blood. Bupply these deficiencies and you are 131 nth, well. Tho 111.001) FOOD is Aoudad upon title Theory —hence its tudonLshing suttee. There are . .• . FIVE PREPA' RATIONS • adapted to the delicioncles of .the Blood, in different diseases. For Coughs' Colds Bronchitis, or any Pike tion whatever of the THROAT or LUNGS inducing Con. sumption, use No. I, which is always the No. for De pressien of Spirits, Loss of Appetit°, and for all elaron• Ic Complaints arising from Overuse, General Debility, and Nervous Prostration. No. 2, for Liver Complaints, No. 2, for. Dyspepsia. Being already prepays() Yor,ab sorption it is taken by dcop's and carried Immediately Into the circulation. so that what you gain you retain. Tho No. 5 is for Female Irregularil les, Hysteria, Weak asses, &c. ,Soo special directions for this. For Salt Rheum. Eruptions, Scrofulous, Kidney, and Bladder Tpmptaluts. take No 5. In ail cases tins direction must ho strictly followed. Price of the Brood Food $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH k DUPONT, No '40I) Broadway, Now York. J W. Dvott Soon. Philadelphia, and (3.11. - Keyser Intteburg . Wholesale Agents. - For Oslo by B. Elliott, Carlisle. Car . ll.l*, 7att.lB, 0,110.415 LE AND , 1•111..L.:.L , E • • irrni f • .#l, a 11.1 , k REIG 11 9 T 1 . WADD - .4 FREED, 811 t f .iKRIT STRY.ET.• YulL IOELPRIA. J. AD. HUDAK • • • ' CARLIAL4 PA. frze•Dars of this tjjllo leave the Divot 811 Illsrket et., Dolly, at 4 o'clocki,D. Al. • ,Leave Carlisle, Daily, nt 7 o'clock. A M. • Goods I aoudad for this Lino should be marked 0. & D. Daily-Freight Line, and scut In by 4 o'clock. ' Ably 25,1880. , • • %V STAGE R O,U T'E Psi" El The subscriber bas started n tri weekly line - of Stages between Carlisle and- Landlsburg. leaving Car. lisle every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, intmedl• /duly off the arrival at the afternoon train of ears Prom the east. -IteturnifiA, loaves Landfsburg at BOu A. M., every, 'tuusday, NVethesday and Saturday. and arrives. ' at Carlisle at 1.00 P. M., via. Perry County Warm Springs, Siferataffsduir, Sterrett's flap and Carlisle Sul Our Springs: On and infer June the lath, the line will Iffiruff daily for the ffecomunalittlou of passengers going to the Sprloge. . • FarllP Ire, xevernl points as allows: Carlisle to Sulphur ,Springs, . . . . Sterrett's (lap, . . . " tillerfnansdale, . . • " Perry County Warn Springs, " Landlsburg, . . . . RETURNING Lundiaburg to Warm Springs, Sherinatonlale, :Sterrett's hop, Sulphnr Syringe, (51111/3/13,. . The above With will secularly carry the MAIL to and from the several points abovelndlepted.- ',I have clone well stocked LIVI.IIY STADIA% !rout 4111111 lam at times ready to furnish horses anti , str flaxen to those who will favor me with their pat.rohase. on the most reasonable Command lull. coy hest sqle• mayl9lBllB.Gle,OlLo lIENDEL. . . FXCELSIOR PICTURES ,4 A. It . II ENWOOD would respectfully inform tto citizens et - Carlisle trod vicinity that he linstaken room. In Zug's now Minding, cast corner of Market Square whilro ho lent all tlinewready to take AMIMOTYPI*3 In the latest and moot approvt ti style. Pictures taken In rainy and cloudy weather Ls well as clear.. and sab lefaction given or no charges made. Portraits and Da. pterrentypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken Mr Lockete ke.. In Ambrotype. Ambroty pea werranted to stand the tent of time/beta or water. Ladles and Gentlemen awcoinially invite d to en and examine specimens.. Prices from Pets. to $lO. A. It. IIIiNWOOD. Jan. 27. 11158.-Iy.' • Artist: LIVERY STABi.E.—‘llaving pur chneed from R. hinneninker hie LIVERY EP yABLIsininN,E, I will be always ready to 'newton - 10. date the public with 1108SES, CAN. BUGGIES, and every other:, In soy line. By strict attention to business and n dadro to please, the subscriber hopes to receive a liberal share of public pati•ontaso, • • Of:01t0L1 !LEVEL. N. 0. Omnibus:ma on hand to supply those win, may be In need of Mimi. O. 11. Nov. 25. INST., '1 EBERLY JAMES R. WEAVER'S CAIIINE'T AND ' CHAIR MANU EACT OR Y, • NORTH HANOVER. STREET, CAR1.1,91.C, PA Having been engaged In the business tor over twenty years he would return thanks • to Ido customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him lu years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will bd spared, to glee full satisfitction to all who may favor him Wilk a call CIIAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to te• of the ; best quality, of thu Ia test style, well finished, and sold at the lewest possible pria•s or rash. It,, also continues business as an linl.:II1AKE:11. ltemly_untile Colilux_4letallle (ir otherwise. kept con. slantly on hand and funerals promptly attended tit ' personally in town or country, tpll tho most reasonable terms. Cherry and Walnut Collins. lame site, null finished amid lined 'oxide, from II to 12 IValtaut Coffins covered from 13 to 30 dollars. JAMES It. IYEAVICR. 25.18p—1y. ' ii."-Two properties altunte In filturelitown,Cumb county, aro altered fur s.lo on' easy terms. Apply a above. , J. It. W. IV illiam Practical UMBER and GAS FITTER, in the basement of the E. Church, '...Blain Street, Carlisle. bunt and Iron Pipes,' l ion :Bilks, (lath Tubs, llot fi Cold 1 5 hower Baths, Ilath Hollers, %Vater Closets. Wash Basins, , Force and I.lft Pumps, ' tgdrannc Batas, Ac. Wro't Iron Wel'd Tubes, And everpedencrlption of cocks and fittings far ga sienna, water. Ac. :51iperlor cooklnk ranges. hooto,sh gas fixtures put up In churches. stnres and dwelling at short tootle.. to the most Modern style. All mate. als and wort , In our lino at low rates :Ind warranted 4E- Cnun toy work 21n d Jold;lng promptly altendvd Mar. 2L 1859-19 . rPRTJSSEST BRACES !! • SUPPOI TERSH! C. H. NEEDLES.. a. W. Comer Tirelfth & lance Street 9 ? PII.I.I.,ADELPIIII. fi 1.; • Practical Adins for or Rupture ilop:off,fa iA Mccbar. cal Remedies. lias constantly on Nat a large :Bock e liaal.lll3o French truss., also a r.IIIIIPI the i oat American. including the celeprated White Patent Lover Truss, believed lay the hest author ales I. be simorior t.• any yet Invented. itinglyrt and . Ainerl ran Supporters and Bolts, Shouldir Braces, Suspensor, Bandages, Self' Injecting Syringes. soured In both or or, In neat portable rases, French Pieintries, Urinal Bag. /re., *a.. Orden! and letters of enquiry, will meet prompt tention. Augulit 21, 1829. ITA3IES! 1-fAIES!! ITA3IES!! 350 Pair Haines, just receiva of all kinds. , COMMON PATTERN, ' LONDON rArrEttN, • ELI ZA II ETIITOWN PATTERN, with and without patent fastenings cheaper than eye at the Hardware Store of March 7. TO. 11AIIV SAXTON. • 'W ALTER C. WHITMAN. Dealer In • FINE GROCERIES N. V. Corner 17thond Aroh Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Importers of Cross dr Blackwell's ENO LISII SIC.I LES and SAUCES. Particular attentlon s pald idsPlocting One TEAS & COFFEES For Famllles, SugnrsalwaYkat Refiner? prices. Choke WINES, LIQUORS and SWABS, of the best brands, always on hand. • May it, N30,1y. AILS! NAILS!! NAILS !! • NAILS! A large stock of good, Clean. Neat, and Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nails aro worth 60cts a keg more: than any other make of nails sold In our town. this is the opinion of mechanics who have tried thorn, we also have a full assortment of BUILDING MATERIALS, • of the latest and most approved styles. All goods war. routod as' represented. JOHN I'. LYNX k t , ON. May 2, '6O. North llnnover,St, Carllsio. , FLY NETS! FLY NETS! 600 pair lOy Nets. of all colors; Linen, Cotton and Twine—cheaper than the cheapest—Just received at the Ilardarriro Store, of 11. SAXTI)N. , . • N. 11. —Solo Agents flu. °iv's 'Writ Chamber/11m; •Twine Fly Note, aturelututo auppllud at nianufactor or, price.. Jour 22,1590. 6ds 0b TRACE CHAINS' OF ALI lan vslthe largo assortment.of •BUTT CHAINS, HALTER CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, FIFTII CHAINS, IMO CHAINS, TONOUE CHAINS.; 00%, CHAINS, Sint EA D Sc., Ac., Just . rocelved at the Choap Hardware Store of Ala rt#.7, 'Sit,. HENRY SAXTON. , . , . el . y VILLE STOKE S'' th F T ‘.; 4 ..lx (AMMO NM COM - 081, •-- • 5. , ei ONE PRICE " o AND NO ABATEMENT, No. 60f Chestnut Street °renallio Stokes would return thanks to the public foro their tippet:elation of hie °fibrin to please, and their liberal patronage. In odort to keep up thle.Alndly feeling, he bee ylei dod to the'snlicitutiona of many of his friends and In. angurated a now syatom, of Gilts with each Garment Sold. To his choice selection of fiqa Fabrics, and mode up Clothing he Invitee the ecruttny ,of the public, ate well as to bus now mode of doing business. Kerb at , . tide Is warranted to. ho in fabric, Style Nake, , equal to any gotten up in the City. end ONN (lower than the lowest ' ) marke t / on his ticket, ' Each article sold, or measure for. I. ocelot:it:Soiled by a Gilt, varying in value fictresl. to Silk.' ' N. It—None but tha most akilful,Dosignera. Putters and Workmen employed; and satisfarg inn in it; Paste ion ,Fabric, Price and Gift, guaranteed et OVA:STILLS STOKES!,4e clothing emporium. No. MY/ flhostnut Strout. . May 31i, HAINES. BOOS.) OVERSTRIII'M GRAND , ACTION PIANO FO R-T, s , • . „ Colelniiied superior qualltief tone and elegance and beauty of lintel'. ,',"lliese Pitmen baVkalrvays, tAken 'the FIRST when PlAeed In cm . petilion with other makers. CIIALLENOK 51A Newt:m:llw. assorluunitrof rotriii - xtlyaird — Plaliteir . aWle — TaTtraYs nu band.- Also &mud hand Pianos, and , Lltiziova Dk vitovED MIfLQDEONS from 1,46" to 6P. • If'very Instrument "Warranted. • , „, Melodeon Depot.. ; • " • B.IE. G0rAth",,&,..091034,,Xi115. July 270R600-6 mow, ' , MEI \ . 7 i riis a queatlon of vital InliMrtauce. and one 'Odd, has it ver been satleartol By disposed of by. the prdles sore w Marl. the healing art. !Some, maintaln—and espechill 'the old school Thyslulans—that life iffes Is the blond: end therefore all ilseuses originate in 11-- but modern bilenee avers that-ailments have their origination t•. Intl the solids and fluids of the body. That the latter prepondutate. however, Is a dued feet, and medical ' Itill I,hw ldally demonstrated that at least two-thirds 01 the Ills that human flesh Is Mir to, have their source In en . , . , IMPUItE STATE OF TDB BLOOD I As, for instance. In the long catalogue. such as &Tofu In, Totter, Barber's Itch," Phoples, Illotebes. Eryelpe Ins. Ulcers, Stilt Itheuln, discharges from the Ent., fever Bores, or Irruptive discuses of ally Mods—Theta, are as 'cartnined by well known Medford lawn to arise from bad the, highest .medical authorities declare that moot feeera originate lh tho Fume manner, nod allure partictalorly Typhoid and scarlet—,the former be log al, littoral, and the latter an external Irruptive diFeane: and to nil periong attacked by these =lndies, the hlerod Is found Id be either coagulated, or of a .dark unheulthy color. • To ward off n large Majority -of discnnes, ns troll as to cure a numlnwhirlihuse already seized upon the sys - ... t_sm,ltritrnissary to • Linilsofe Improved Blood Se/m1;11e; dotal:lot claim to be a - , , for every disease know n. but the pmprieters claim for it Ino power not ouly of Ornitlit.g out as impurities of the blend. but Illy the skillful combination Orwell known vegetslile remedies. It will oure'ell di:mart:a arising from is deranged state of the liver, drive out dyspepsia, and gips renewed lone and vigor to the stomach That the 11.1.1N111 at UCH lift Is all that Is claimed for it, the prdprie tore cats produce Ell CU • It is only n few yearn since ft woo discovered, and yet it has grown Into ouch a business that n large laboratory has been built expressly lirr Its manufacture—ri large number of men employed In putthig it up and atlll,the SUPPLY DOES NOT EQUAL TUE IiEMANDT . We ask any candid man, could this be FO, if the Mod lelne did not ',roses. ALL the virtues claimed for it 1 . The Prop, Mt.., have hundredn of rertifiratea.froni alleij of probity and standing In On community, show hog; hat the medicionts doing dolly for the •utforing who film ever need .the me Blood Sear6her - whether-reit wen experleneed. Let the hfflisted give It a trial—e single bottle w!ll ronvinre the most nkepticel of tin ellieery. - ow For rale to Carlinie by. S. W. lieVerstick, S. El lion, and B. J. Kieffer; Kauffman &. - ':'on, Mech antes burg; Uosweller & Zook, Shepherdstown •Jontion Coln llogntoviu ; Jaenh SIMMODP.. Cron Eon& Kane WISo, Sitirotrinnstoßn; A. N. Letitia], Bolling: pringn Mary W. Kimmel, Churchtown ; Edward {Vent 1111 k; J. C. Fenneunht• & Bm., Oakville; Shoemaker & Elliott. Newburg; Wm. Bretton, Newvllle; J. Hood' & Co.. Spriheleld ; Runnel] lb- Dice. Dieklonon ; IV; •land & iVanbinger Jacknonville; NPtn. Clark & Leo Bonds; Wm. 11. Eeklen, Sporting Hill; D. Denlinger Whits Hall; J. C. Altick,Shippdosburg; all of Cumber -land county, Pe. 131=2 DYSPEPSIA REMEI)Y; • Aromatic Invigorating- Spirit, TWA . Metlicire bee been used by be public for years, with I,l,e:thing favor, It he recommended o curd llyspepala, Nervoueness. heart Iturn,,C e, Pains, Wind in the Stemnele74...-Pnine it the Dowels, headache. Droweineps, Kidney ' orn• plaints, Low Spiritn, Delirium Tremens,. • Intemperenro. It Stimulates, Exbilirates, Invigorates, but will not Intexiente or Stupefy. . . An a Medicine, It Is unfelt and elfectunl,, curing the most aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, and all other deraligiithents of the Stomach nod Bow els, In a speedy 1111111110. It will instantly rerive,the most drooping and mel. ancholly spirits, and restive the weak, nervous and sickly to heal Ih. ntrongthtlud vigor. Persons who, front the', injudhlous use of liquors, hero become d6eeted, nnd their ferrous systems s hat. Cored. constitutions broken down. and subject to that horrible C 1.1.0 to humanity, the DELIRIUN TIIMENS, wil almost Immediately feel the happy And healthy lorigo• eating efllcacy of Dr. Ilato's Invigorating Spirit. • Dear—One - wine gloss full as often as necessary. One dose will remove:olllmi Spirits. One dost9will cure Heart burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One 40 1 ,' will give you a Cincd Appetite. One 116se will stop the distressing pain. of Dyspepsia. One dose .will remove the distressing and disagree:ode duets of Winil or Flatulence. soon am 'the stein ch reeelvi e the Invigorating Spiriti the distreesing . end antnal I painful feelings will be removed. One dose v ill remove' tfie most distressing pelt, of Ndle, either in the ntoronelt or bowels. . . A tow will rezno•e all obstructions In the Kid.' Inv. Madder or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously flirted with any Kidney. ;ouip'aints are assured spuedy.xellef by a dose or two lid a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. P. Lynch, Vernon, wii,.(min distlnating ton ntueli over night, end feel the evil rfvetn 1,1 poiaortotta liquors, in violent heatineher, aleknees at btointieli, weak urns. giddiness, &e., will lind - I,lll`lli.Fll will remove all had feelings. ladle, Uf weak . and sickly renttitutioua. sin old take the Invigorating r Writ three times a day; It will itphn then) strong. - healtbv and hippy, remove all ohrtruc• - lona 111111 Irrugularliiea fn of the thenatrualorgtinx nod . estere the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn rare pregnnry It will be Pound an Invaluable meal tie Li rein ,e diPagretalologi.lll , ll(ioll. at the lit...inch. All the prom leter nrkn Ia it tail. end to Nitwit. tbj,, I' has putt tip the INVIpIItATINU t 5n ctn., gm att. $1 tm, For pale In Cu - Hole by 8. W. IlaverstlM :1n Me 11:nimbi:Ts by L Kauffman, and by pruggintspuer Ily Feb. 1, 18C,g.—Iy. ENE 1860 sp . ittNG A S ION S , • • AT KELLERS' OLD S7'AND. A enmpletu stock of Hats and Capt.' now ready Gtr Inspectiou. SILK. - - FUR, CASSINI ERE.. ~.. FELT CIL. 1n every st) le andquall y. 11"e'eall rairtleolar atten tion to out s:t SILK HATS. Silk and soft lints, of my style 111/111ufnetfred to order Ceps of all kinds. It ECOLLEET KELLER'S OLD STAND. • North Hanover Street. Carlisle March 14. 15110. • 1 000 iXES OF GLASS.— - • Lei 4 ,11 Mari., Double and single Hick. Plajn, - Orna mental Cull ted tiic. Jfist received at the Cheap Hard Ware Stun .4 S March 7, 'tin. HENRY SAXTON.. 900 GRIND STONES.- ✓ Of all - Sites. warranted of the best quality. Just VI dyed al the Hardware Slone of . March 7, %U. lIHNIIT SAXTON. 1)0 W D IL - I 25 Kegs Dupont. Hock and little powder, with a large assortment of Safety Fuse, Stone:Drills, Stone Sledges, • Crow Bars, Stone Ilanunera Just received at the cheap Hardware Store of ' March, 7,'50. HENRI' SAXTON. = . 1 . 1.A.T AND .CAP EMPORN4.--. - . ..1.. O. CALM) & CO., successors to \t'll:ll,q',Trout would announce to their customers and -the publls teuerally that they hove just received from nhilndid phla, a large and blegaut stuck of goods, In their lino of business of every variety, style and quality. - I They have on hauda splendid 114 assortment of„ , . HATS AND CAPS, . . . . of all descriptions, from the common {Tool to the finest FUR AND SILK HATS; And et-prices 'Dint thug suit every ono who has an eye lo getting the worth of his money. The stock includes, • MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEATEIt A FELT HATS, °revery style and color and unsurpassed fnr LIGHT- NESS; DEKA MLITT AND FINISH: by those of any other establishment In the, country.. MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CA PS, or:every description constantly on hand. IThey respectfully Invite all the old patient, and as many new Ones as possible, to give them a call. ' • J. U. CALLIO & CO. 4' 4 r. 25, 1560—1 y . . PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU- ItANCE COMPANY. I, The Board a/Trustees hare EXTRA ECM' Divincan of FIFTEEN per cent, and a regular Dividend of TIVENTD-FIVE per coot. Ainfliillo a CAtill or 1 VER. EST Dividend of SIX per cent upon'the Scrip Divldeuda of 1850 to February 1849 luciusive. • I am now ready to deliver Certitleatea and pay In terest to those entitled thereto.. A. L. SPONSLER Slay 2,-1809. ' Agent. H. FOAEST,.4IIOISTRONG & CO., pt GOODS MERCHANTS,. 804 _E • i2 Chamber., $?:, Youhl notify the Trade that they aro opening Weekly In new and beautiful patterns, the IYAAISUTTA PRINTS. _ ‘A MOSK.I.G. A now Print. which 0)(1.08 every Print In the Country for perfeCtion of execution and design in cat Madder Colors. Our Prints oro elicancr than anyin, market, rod meeting %WI extensive tale. Orders promptly attended to. QUCTAIi• CURED • • • Llrled hoer, Bologna, Fixll..Cliellso, Coffees. Riga ra, 51oliapta,` Tram, Illocraronl, Dried Fruit, TOiontoem, Peachea in cane, fine Appi'. Corn dried and frosb. Stu ,- Uhlos,Anchovlrs. llihre. llu•hroom. Walinit and To. math:. liablup: John COI, London Club. Worceatershlre, India soy. IlarVey'a and heading Sauce, Idokela hl all ktqlla plain and bitty, kluntardx plain and mixed, beet soliiity Tobacco .11; Segura, S;filrlanlngera puro' o yandler, Wines, and Glue. de., with ,a great variety o I,oda not enumerated to ha Fold at .tlia,•lowast CASH •• PRICES. • Country prodUee.talrou exehmiga.'.ii )May _ WMBENTZ a : k • rereiiaii ol a ttte ....arrbeakmaka and all Warrantld-,Cautit.rymateliantx pulsallatt withrnalla. ptipufacturor4 tha Ala Mareh 7,,'80. ' • .4 . t litantAilet). OES 'DISEASE ORIGINATE 1,4 . IMPUBITV.OF TUB BLOOD? PURIFY TOE BLOOD UNIVEItSAL PANACEA 1.11001? A 81( ANY LINDSEY & LEMON; Projnietorx, llnllidayeburg, Pa Dn. DARIIIB HAM% WHAT IT WILL-DO. NIGHTLY DUSi PATION DIVIDEND NOTICE IFeb.B fO-17