9)0 the heirs and legal representatives of ram,oooo (feign We al the townsitlis of Mullin, county of Cumberland deceased. Tnke notice that by ' virtue of a writ 0 . Pnrtitlon nd Valuation issued out of the Orpheus' court of Cuin , ei Mud county, nud tonic directod.•l will hold an Inquest to divide, part or value the rSal octets of sold deceased, on the rfretulses, on TIIIISDAY I fie 26th day of September, A. D laal' at 11:1, o'clock, A. M ,•wheu and whero you moy attend if.you. think proper, SWill. Al CART:CET SherilVx Offirti, Carlisle Sheriff. 'Aug. 111, TRAYED.—Cgone •to the residence of the subsc,ibor, living In Dickinson township, It into mile south of tho Stoup Tavern, on the 20th juno'last, a RED 11EIFFER, • v• *lite rico, once silibtly cropped, supposed to bo it two years old. 7.1 m owner will please come for hard prove proporty, pay charges and. take her Away, or nho will be (Unwed of acCording to 1aw.,.. . 'Auip 1141840. -tit." . - IIOWARR RUPERT.' • DiCKL,BON COLLEGE.- • The ait terninpeni THURSDAY; Eieptember 13th ExamFlllation of Candidates Wednesday the 12th. Tao OlitAilMAß . SCLIOOI., „,... ..„, Is under the eare of A. F. Mullin, A. D. a gnnt.lertian who an Principal of the Cumberland Valley lam itui the Insi two yearn, hns gained, a high reputation as faithful and 4:Metal:it Instructor. Aug , 31, '41 1 1. - 4. 1 ' 11. M. JOHNSON. • puBLIQ-ALE-OF TOWN. PROP ERTY. . - irill be offered at Dublin rola oil - Saturday the 22(1 of September, at the Courto C ome O (MOON! . . .. . . Situated on South Street in the Borough of eaglinie, ad joining property of Wm. IL islatherni on the edit, Abrm Zimmerman, on the West, Geo. Cart, on the South nod South Street, on the north contaluing,ho feet In front by 240 feet in depth. late the property of Wm. Noble deed.. . . • The lot will be divided into two marts or sold together as may best suit purcheeers, and will make two very desirable building lots. ' . • Sale to commune° at 1 ri'clock.P. N. when terms I WII bar made gnaw n by ROBBRT WILSON Aug. 31, 010.-t. s. Guardian of Kate A. Noble. • • (ZMALL FARM AND NEAT COUN LI TRT RESPENCE AT ERITATE SALE. Situated a short distance went of Carlini°, about 00 yards) froln the Borough lindin'in North Middleton top. Containing about 4.) acres, all , clenred and lit a high Mato of cultivation.. Thu Improvements nro a neat on 3 and a half story • BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, • cistern, s table. bog pen And other convenient out bull. dings, together with fruit shrubbery &r. Twenty-five acres of tat above with the Improven3enta will be disposed of separate from the other' should the purchaser desire It.. . For terms and further pArticulars enquire of F. Neely residing near-the premises, or of Aug. 31, '60.-6t.. A. L. SPONSLIIII, Real Ent. Agt. and • - • -VALUABLE PRIVATE RESI DENCE,AT PRIVATE SALE. .... V . Situated on West Pomfret. street in the- iloreugh• o Carllshi. The lot chi:titans 0 feet In front sud 2.41 r feet lu depth. . The Improiements are is commodious two story . - BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with it two story Brick: Back Building, containing on the lower floor two parlors dlning•moni end kitchen, and on the second flour five chambers. There ale alio other convenient nut buildings. Cistern, fruit, shrub bury 1 and other necessary improvement , . for terinsand further particulars enquire of . A. ~SPoNSIA:II, Aug. 31, '6O.AR! Beal Agt A ticrly: • 0 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT . . PURVIS; SALE. In pnrsuanco of the last will of.lohn Finn Williamson doe'd. wo will sell on 'Clinrsday the Volli, of October. on the proinisea, ono half mile aouth.of 'Centreville, Com berland county. tlio following described . Mantion Prop erty, of said decal.. rontaluffig , . ' 1 1 - 3 i ACRES, • of first rate Pine land, Interspersed with limestone quarries, excellent for lime or building purposce. The 1111pr...uell te arc p large ar . I MUCK ELIA NO 'DOUSE, firJt about 50 by 311 feet. two stories .1110, a finished in Modern style, with largo Dank Bern, corn Crib,. and Wagonolunt, to geod.o.d..r, and other necessary out buildings, a well of good water, cistern at the door. About US Ores of sold tract is clear and in a high state of cultivation; the balance in excel-. lent timber.. The Yellow Breeches creek runs along the northern side of i.old.farm. The location, Itmirovenientseind quality of sell, make this one of the most deldrablo farms in Dickinson town, ship. Information In.regard to the above property can be had by calling on ally, of the subscribes, residing near the property, or by letter addressed to either at Dicklit• son P. 0, CAR , . Co. Terms will he made known on day of sale, and made easy to suit purchasers. . .10113 T. TIMERS, ADAM COWER. Execiitors Of Johnston Williamson, dce.d. Aug. 31, INUO.-t, s. UIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA _MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Ninety Fifth Seipion, (18,60.013 'William Gibson, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Surgery. Henry IV Rood M. D., Enterit us Prof. of Practice of Metliclue. Samuel Jackson, M.D., Prof. of Institutes of 31m11- eine. Hugh L. 11.1u°. NI. b., ' Prof. of Obstotrlcs awl the Disennes of Women and Chlldrou. Jo'W,iply Carnno, M. D., Prof. of Matorin Modica nod PlmrMacy. Robert E. augers, 1.0 D., Cliemixtry. Soacpl3, Lolly, M, D., Pref..of Anatomy. len ry 11. SMILII, 31. D., Prof. of Surgery. Niv 1111:1111 Pepper, 31. D., Prof of Theory and Practice Mmile William Hunt, N. D., Damon Aral, of Amttomy. The Locturosof the Session will begin on the second Monday of Octobor and ploso on tint,lfitof Mara, Thoro will ho one Introductory to the course. Clinical iiietructiotyis given throughout thu Session, in the Medical 1611, by the Professors,and at the Poult ry iT.lllin and othor ll.pitals. • The Dissecting Rooms, under the superintendence of the Professor of Anatomy and tho Demonstrator; are open from the middle of September. The Room for Operative Surgery end the Application of 'landau., Sc., is open early In September and through out the Session, under the supervision of tho Professor of Surgery. Surgical Demonstrator, C. S. Bishop, M. D, Fees for the Lectures (each P.ro(essorlls,) $lO5 Oye) 5 l‘leteleuktlral Fe (patio:lce on; Graduation Fee, It. E. ItNIERS, M. D., Dean of the Medical Fneulty. SAMUEL PRICE. Janitor, University Iluildlog. I'. S. Board may bo had at from $2 50 told per week, Aug. 31, 1800,-M. CHARLES RUMPP. POWEE MONNAIE, POCKET BOOK AND SATCFIEL MANUFACTURER. VO. 47 NORTII SIXTH STREET below Arch, Phila., foimurly 118 North 4th St. ‘A Porte Monnahrs,• Cigar Cases, Pocket Books, Port Folios, cokes, Satchels, Dressing Cases, Money Bolts, Work Boxes, Bankers' Cases, Purses, El WHOLESALE AND' RETAIL. • Aug. 31, 18110.-ly. EMS= =EI BENJ. S. JANNEY, JR. & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND , PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. elos Market Street, PIIILADELPIICA V ALI] ABLE PRIVATE RESI DENCE Xr .PR:IVA.TE SALE, Situate on North Hanover Street, Io the borough of Carlisle, now In the occupancy ofJ..D. Halbert. Tao 'Lot contains about 38 feet lu Irwnt, and two hundred andlarty feet In depth. This Improvements are a large and commodious TWORTORY STONE 1101185 & RACK BUILDING. with all the modern improvements, together with other convenient out building.; In good repair. This property will be diaeosed of on moat favorable Wm.! thr which, and other, particulars, enquire of J. or 0 L. SPONSLEIt. Aug. 17,'60. Real Estate Agt, and Scrivener Ladies' One Price Fancy Fur Store ! JOHN FAREIR‘,. No. 718 Arch bt. between 7th, & Bth, Streets THMADELPHI (Late of 81.1 Mnrket. Bt. lmiorter, blenufnefurei arced Dealer In all Mnie FANCY FURS Moving removed 1 my New Store, 718 Arc Bt.. end being now v lively In the Mannlic turn end Solo of Pane Pure, which, In seem deuce with the "Or , Price Principle' I have marked sit the lowest possible prices conslatoot with a reasonable profit, r would nolb Mt a visit from those In want of Furs for either leadiek or Chilthenl Wear. and au inspection of my selection of those goods, satisfiml, an I em, of my ability to please In every desired essential 4?-Persons ate distance, who may find it inconveni, ant to call personsily, need only name the article, they wish, topther with the price„ fi nd instructions for sand. Ing, and foiward the orderto my address—moue] fie companying—to insure a satiate:oo compliant° with their wishes. Aug. 24,'60,-I. moo. ineTeachers wanted .to fake Charge ...of the Bchooln of Middlcsai Township, the exeunt • nation by county Buperlutunden`• will beheld at Hay. mendbi Hotel In Catilele c on SaturdayBoptember lent I • 8 o'clock I. M. •'• - • • 'JOHN MILLER, Sec'y. • STATE NOTICE-Utiers' ,Testa- A2i.montaiy on the estette of Mrs. B. A. Somerville deo'd late of the borough of Carlisle having' beenjran• ted by the IteMster,MCumhrriand Co.; to me the tuts scriber, tiring in Ofrllsto. tacticn is booby' stretrjo all persons indebted to sold estate to make peyntorit end those tiering clehlle to present them duly authenticated fr , settlemeht to • MARY J. BOMERVILIMS. Caripo • ; Executrix: ICLiNIBERLAND COUNTY FARMS I- AND NERollittiT MILL. : - .A.DAWNISTRATOIT •'S / • O x Friday the Met of September 18.60 IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court nfeumberland county, I will cop thololluo , lug valuablo • • YARNS AND MUCDANT MILL. No. I. A farm on the HArrisburg' Turnpiko and Le tnrt Spring, onetnlie east of, the Borough of Carlisle, contal ping nbout 175 Acres el inst. rata land, in a high state of cultivation. And nearly all fencer! with Locust posts and Chestnut rails. The ,Improyenients are two BRICK .DWELLINO lIOUSBS, Frapubsa. Wash'and Ice House, double CorikTrib and Wagon Shed, double Stable and. 111 Carriage Houso, cud Framo Barn, ' and othor out buildings, a thriving young orchard of grafted npplo and penchlreen. Mweil of good motor. This Wm from its soil, loigitith and gourd advantages Is considered ago of the most dust. rabic, properties in Cumberbuid County. .No. 2. A ferns about three. miles Cann Carlislo, con taining - TWO HUNDRED & FORTY ACRES, ;bout 100 of 'which la Ihnostono, 35 of meadow. and the balance of good RMy land, under, good cultivation and well fenced. The Improvements area good FItAIGE .DWELLING, et. a good Barn about 100 feet king, with Wagon Shed Corncribs. and other out buildings. A litioldwitig tied thaqtwolling. and thu Conneugulnet cri.ok bordering) for a Intla. , his cum has air nyu boon considered on, of rho best In Its neighborhood, boing adapted to th , robbing of stock. NO.O. AJartn adjoining No. 2, contains about . TWO • HUNDRED. ACRES, about if, of which In good ineadOw. 30 acres woodland and the halerici Mote in a good state of Improvemont. The bid [dings are a good ' Fit AIdEII 0 11 , • a Log Barn, Corn Crlb and other out houses, a well of good water at the house, and theConodogultset passing "N along for Won ntlle. • - No. 4 A tract of-slate land enjoining No's 2 and 3 'containing about 80 'tierce, ni out fifty of which indented and tinder cultivntlon an the balance In wood. 3 here are no buildinea on this tract (which until recently formed part of firm N 0.3 ., It Is so arranged no to make n very handsome farm when thu uccutsary buildings are nut on it.' No. 5. A 51 encli ANT MILL in the Borough of Car. lisle, on therLetort Spring. which never fill's. The Mill , • • Is 80 feet long with three setts of burrs. There Is about five acres of land attneh• ed to the property, n good Brick .IJ DWELLING . DOUSE, Stable. and other out-houses.' This property In the hands arm enterprising man, can be Inn& Very profittildn'; on thorn Is constant 'demand fur feed for horses, cattle, liogs /to., ns well as flour In small quantities. Np. 6. A lot of nbout Your Acres ndjoinlng the Afj/1. cultural Fair Ground, In the Borough of Carlisle, which in cotiiiidered very valuable'elther as an out•lot, or for building purposes. . No 7. An out lot containing ahout it, Acres • du the. Waggoner's Gap Road. No. 8, An out-lotcontaining al,out,llAcres adjoining No. 7, and was formerly attached thereto. These two oublote Non. 7 and 8 are very valuable for farming or pasturage, and are both enclosed with Poet and Ball Vunce. . hurvers are now being made of the lands. and drafts of each piece will ho exhibited on the day prattle. - No. 1. will be offered on the promises at In o'clock A. M. The 01111 and the omit-lots a - ill be ,ATered at the Court House, In Carlisle.`-at, 12 o'clock, A. NI. Farms No. 2.8, and 4. will he offered at thelvvelllng ; house of Nn. 2,1 d 2;,5 o'clock, P. M. / '9, All —ecessnry information ran he hod by rolling 'n or writlntr to the subscriber at the Mansion House, .or to Judge %fiats, Carlisle Pa. • Terms will be made hoewn on the day of solo, and hey will be glade ho easy as to accommodate any.pui , hosier. " • ,TOS/Mll W. PATTON:A.I,II'r. of the estato of Robert Noble, clee'd • , Aug. 24, 1560.-4., A SSIGNEE'S - SALE OF REAL • ESTATI. On ToeFdny the 18th (ley of September next will be exp. 41 to Public FM. on the pretnisexlbe following MILL PROPERTY, situate in Lower Allen township. Cumberland County, on the Yellow Breeches Creek within three mil,•e of Ilarrisburg..bounded by lands Al Yol,t lb et, (leo. Betsey and others, rentainfile . Twenty Acres more or less, and having thereon erected a loNe tho story.BRIST Mt v: Ith 'all the ma eh inery In complete order, a Saw SI and n Corn Drier with all the mach! . Tr:: nery att.:ached to mkoPOrn Meal.ghe .water Bower Is sullielent to drive the Mulls nt el! sea. sons. Since slew two story I 1):117 , ,1,L1NG HOUSE, - a barn and a good Tenant lionse. There anti apple or chahl on the premises, and the land is in a high elate of cultivation FOlllO seven or eight acres of It being excellent um:dew laud. ALSO, at the 1.1110 time and place will he !Mid tr lot of ground situate in East Pennsborn township. COM. berland County, ono mlloirom the Susquehanna River bounded by the Cumberland Valley Railroad And the State road from llarrlnburg to Clettyslatro, containing ono erre more or less, known as the " White 11111 Prop• arty" and haying thereon erected a largo Two Story Frame -House, Stable and of her out huildinga. °Units property there la a large variety of choice fruit trues. The terms of sale of the Mill poverty will be ea fol• lows, viz:—Ton per cant of the purchase money to be paid on the day of sale • Elfteen hundred &Mare to rer• main In the property Soling - Mu lite of the w Wow of W illiam Brooks. dee'd. the Interest of which is to he paid to her yearly during her lifetime and at her death tho principal sum 1s to he pall to the heirs and legal et presentatlves of the cold William Brooks, dee'll. ono Indio( the balance of the purchase money to In paid on -the Int day of April. -1801, when pnraession on the prond• Ira will bo given and a deed made to the purchaser.the residue Is to be paid In two equal annual payments with interest from the I st'of April 1811, which last payments are to he secured by judgment or Mortgage 011 the properly. - Thu ternis of sale of the White,lllll property era Teri Per cent of the lined..e money to he paid 011 Ile day of sale: one half the Winnco on the lot Aprll.lBlll, and the residue in two equal annual payments with Inter. eat trom ltt A priL 18111, maid p tyments to he secured by Judgment orintortgnee to., the property. Possession to be:circa on the let April; 18111, and a deed made to the purchaser at the conic LIMO. August 17, ISCO.—t. a VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at Private Sale the farm on which he now resides, situated In Upper Allen town. ship Cumberland County, on the road leading from Lutt's NI ill to Lisburn. front which it Is distant about one mile. The Yellow Breeches Creek, hounds the Si nth side of the tract. The Farm is In a high.•state of culti vation, and contains hUE HUNDRED AND puUli ACRES, of I lend. udxad with the RED land. and all cleared, except about two acres. The Improvements Ate A TIIREE•STORI BRICK HOUSE, Including a basement, nearly eon, and finished in the beat manner, A BRICK BANK BARN, large and commodious, Wagonshed, Carriage !louse Corn-Cribs. and other necessary out building. A thriv nit orchard of choice fruit, a well of water at the door .nd running water in every field. l'urchasore desirous of slowing the farm, or ascertain ng the' terms of sale, will call on the subscriber on•the renders, or by letter addressed AIICIIASL LAMBERT, • LisburniCutub. Co. Pa. Aug. 17, '60.-6t.* DEEM VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber arra at private snlo a valutbla Int of ground on North street In ihn borough of Carlisle, cotitainlng 120 feet in front by 120 feat In depth, hay. big thereon erected n doulile two story STONE itopsE, .• with frame beck The lot eon be divided In • to two lota of nillßnt reel , and will be Fold an may best !ult. purchasers.' t Minded' by properties of John Moore. and Jame We vet and °there, and ellerx a lino location for the tegibm of a row of dwelling houses, andlberefure worth* the attention of purchasers.., For terms or otheißuforiontion apply tn. ' - MAROARETTA 0. STURM, Carlisle Aug. 24. MO —6t. ' , ES pußLic SALE 01.i'll.EAL ESTATE. IT an order of the Orphan's Court of Cumberland County, I will expose to public sale on the float unmod premises oh Thursday the 27th day of September, at 11 o'clock A. M., the real estate of Elias Deihl deo'd. , No. 1. A farm In Newton township adjoining John Sharpe, David Darr, Ahl & Snyder, and others on the Cottodoguln not creek; about two miles North' Rost of - Nowvllle. containing 118 acres more or less, about iOO acres of which are Cleared and under good fence and h a ving a Teo Story, • LOG HOU'S - E, and Dank Barn, Corn prib.and other .1.: out buildings thereon erected With VITEr. • never failing water, N 0.2 A lot of ground 1n Newton near the Railroad Depot at Newrille, coot:titling GU feet trout by 180 feet In depth, halogen uuttntobed ' Frame ilwehing House thereon erected and bounded by Henry filltubldle, and others. • • No. S. Also an unimproved lot In the mine town, of the salon she, and bounded by the above. The conditions will he 'midi, known on the day oriole by • THOS. Melt INNEY', Aug. 24, '60.4 s. ' •of Vllas ll• 1111, deed. j OS E P H U. s TEEL WATCHMAKER • SOUTH H ANOVER STREE the T 4 1 0 \ A few doors south of Court house. Having supplied myself With a largoassorintant of Watch Ninterlale,Cliannee,, . 5 „ .bone prepared to re. pair all klnds'of Watches , clocks, ecrelcy, it , on the' most rensonabta tern,. that may he Intruated to ml . esro. - Hopi tuthy strict attentlon to Milanese ,toho fo vored with a liberal sham of public patronage. A fine assortment of. JEWEIoItY. 4 nuch as Ladiee% Breast Pins and Ear Dropn Cold nod cameo; Misses' Breast Pins and Ear Drop.. but and Clicout Pine all rites. (old Chan., Books, Plated Chains, Cllll, Loikets,Cluardc Keys, di. Also a large arid fine asnortment Of GOLD' FINGER RINGS, • ,Alsci a tine Int of Silver Hunting, Detachad. Lev's, and I,opinee Watches, and lt.good assortment of Nllvir ,Vatel old Steel Spectacles. All of whlnb IMF be. nold low.. A pima of public patronage la rcsnactrally .199. U. STEEL. emits% Jen. 16(0.-ly,• CEO. W. CRISWELL, Amlgneo'of JOSEPH BUCHER • 0 ItAHAN'S "COURT --' 'SALE. ty authority of an order of the Orphou'd Court, of CuMbeviand County we will expose to pubilcrsati on the premises In Newton townsitlp,Cumborland County, • about three west of New vire on SATURDAY the • 22 September,' 1800 ot II o'clock A. M. a first 'rate Farm containing 130 am es which hoe on the State road from ' NewVillo m limibeirY, and on the Conotlntuinet creek 'Giant one hundred acres of which Is limuitene mid the ' residue slate land of the best fidelity. The improve• moots area largo two story ' • • STONE MOUSE, . : • q 7 0. Bank Barn, Warm Shed and Corp' crib , i n paver falling spring of water et the / " • 'door, with spring houses and Ohm. buildings. The . land. is all cleared except afoot ton ores good oak and hickory timber. There's n rchardol seventy trees on thWarm of the choicest fr t, besides plume, ' cherries and peaches. The '.4iregiiSilrlng", a norm failing stream rune through tiftiprendisis. 1 There are three Merchant Mills within a mile and a half of tho farm find Kis within one mile of tho Cams borland Valley Railroad. The farm is 'isticeptiblo of , ,divlsion into two pnrte of 102 acres In one and 84 acres in GM other, and will be mold together or in ports an ;• will hest cult purchasers. iya..The terms will be made known on the day of sale. NANCY WAGGONER, ISRAEL WAGGONER. , • • Admr. of Sam% Wagmier August 17, 1860. t. • = • VALUABLE REAL ESTATJIIIT. RALE. Ott Satiirday. September. l l2 , .1860' Will be offered at Public Sale, on the preielset„VrB following Real Estate,'lnte the property of Henry Enck, situnto in Monroe township,'Cnuiberland County one mile east of Churchtown, nud four . miles West of' Mechanicsburg, on the rood from (Oiler's mill to.,Lei digit's tavern, containing 105 ACRES, and 47 Perches of Limestone Land, 00 Acres of which ore cleared and the residnecovel'ed with thriving timber. 11 deslrahle the 'property will be divided, and cold In two tracts, as follows: No. 1..-Containing 80)Acres and 108 perches, having thereon erected a • ' • • • ""' '• a ..TWO-STORY, LOG HOUSE with Kitchen nttachedil•oth er boarded, n Bank Barn, 74 by 50 feet, Wagon ened, Carriage Ilousds, Corn Cribs and other noentwary out buildings, , " AN ORCHARD OF cuorcE FRUIT TREES, containing 2 Acres, two good cisterns, a 'Well of never fulling winter at the house, and one nt the barn, . No. 2.—Containing 24 acres and 96 .perches, part cleared, and thin balance In timber, adjoining the above. Both tracts are under goal Pucci, and Ina high state of cultivation, having 'men well lianed. At the rune time and-plum will be offered 10 ACI?E'S O.P.MOZINTAIN LAND, . covered wltit Chestnut Timber, situated about one mile from Brandt's Mill. Persons whaling to view the property can call at the . premises . as above. Mile to commence at 12 o'clock, when terms Will be made known by HENItY B. HECK, WHO E ENOK, JOHN ENCK, JACOB ICNCK, Aug. 17, '60.-ts. Executors of Henry Enck, dec'd. -I)UI3LIC,S ALE OF. REAL ESTATE. '• • Will be Fold tt Public Bale, on the premiere, in Mon rei. township, ono mile north of Churchtown, on the Lisburn road, - On Tuesday, - the 2d clay of October next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., that excellent LIME STCNE belonging to tho heirs of the late Bablel Baker. Tide • farm contains 106 -ACRES, about 75 of which are cleared • and In a high state of cultivation, ' • tho balance, In valuable woodland. . The Improvements are alarm twe story S,T ONE HOUSE, `Atone Bank .turn, torn Cribs. and other utaaa.sory out buildings. There lee Well of goad water, convenient to the dwelling, and (here are olfio on the preenßes an apple orchard and other fruit trees. A portion of, the ram line been recently limed. and In all respects the property in desirable and valuable. Persons wishing to view the Property before the day of sale, will please call on l'eter Baker, who resides on the same. Eollti E BRINDLE, PETER BA KIM, .dixec•rs of Daniel Baker, dec'd. Aug 17,-,60.—t0. T I MESTON E; FARM AT PHI- L . • Wall EMU . . . Tim subscriber offers at Private Sale, 53' ACRES of valuable Limestone land situated in. ponroe township, Cumberland County, ono mile south of Churchtown. on the Yellow grouches Creek,ndinlning 3lichael d; Hello. hoovor's Mill property. - Thipland is all cleared, in n high stat.eof cultivatidn, and all under good fence. The imprriventents moo two. • story, - Log Holm Weathorboarded, with log kliclion attached, agood els. _ tern and wagti btfuse aligning, with a pump at the door, of mover failing water. - • 'Alen. A large log bsru, wegim shed, corn crib hog. pen and other necessary out buildings. There leen ex cellent young orchard of choOd fruit, 11 fine collection of young locust, and running water In three of the fields ' Persons wishing to view the property .or know the, terms of tale, • can coil on the sulneriber on' the premises oraddress ' ADAM 50111E11, Aug. li, lOtie —ft. Allen lost Office, Pa. VALUABLE LIMESTONE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. Situate In Southampton Township Franklin County, alx;ul 3,11110 S North West of Shippensburg. no the Ito'. berry itoad. This Farm contains about 12'2 mars 02 of wklch are cleared and the residue covered sail h timber of the Wet quality. Tl,O !mornCements consist of a largo and commodious .Two Story 'Wok MANSION HOUSE, .4;'l , • I a a with a Wentherboarded addition A A I • lar;:e atone_liank. Thirst, -Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs Also a Wash ' • Suck. House And other convenient out bnildings. A NEVES FAILINU well of water with a pump near the door, a largo Brick Cistern. Also a FINE ORCHAD containing about one hundred •trees of well selected fruit In good .Gearing order.' The land le the beet quality of •Limestone, in a high state of cultivation and under good fence. . . . . l iris to one of ~ he matt productive Farina In this sea thin of the country, every foot of It being susceptible of the highest state of cul ovation, there king no waste land whatever. The location ion most - desirable one, and eligible In every pout of vlew,belngqulte convent. ent to Church, 31111 and School Houses. _For terms and further particulars enquire of P. P: McClure Esq.. of Shipponaburg or of theaubscriber. A. L. SPONSLER. Real 'Mlle Agt Carlisle Pa. Lancaster Examiner, Ileposilory A Transcript Chem beasburg and Shipponsburg News Please copy. . Aug. 3. 18e0.-6t. Letterd Testamentary on the- -Estate of Johnston Martin Into of Monroe Township, deed. hare been granted by the Register of Cumberland Co., to the subscriber residing fn the semi township. All persons Indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement to JOAN RELTZIIOOVEII, Adm'r.* Aug. 21,1860.-flw. 1, 1 ST A.T.N NOTlCE.—Letters Testa ., montary on tho estate of Mrs Elizabeth Bents, deed. Into of the borough of Carlisle having been gran ted by the Register of Cumberland Co.. to me the sub scalier living in Carlisle, notice Is hereby given to all persons Indebted to said estate to make payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated fur Fall 01111111 t to Carlisle Aug. 3.'60.-6t NOTICE.--,ln- the matter of the peti tionll of 11. L. Weller aid J. A. Keller Executors of George Koller dec'd praying for a' discharge frotu their trust. Now, to wit: 14 Aug" 1820, Rule granted upon all parties In interest to show caune,on 311/N DAY the 27th day of A ugunt, 11300,irhy 'said petltlooors obould not be discharged ' BY THE COUICC. ATTEST: D. 8. Cnorr, Clerk. Aug. 17.-31. • NOTICE. --Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Elizabeth Snyder, late of Hampden tow iship, dee'd., having been Isinfed by the Register of Cumberland. County, to me the subacrlber.Rchig In Loner Allen townshlP, notice Is hereby given to all persona Indebted to maim Immediate payment rind those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement to IiENDIf ZEA Aug. 17, 1860.-6 t.• QC1100.1 . 4 EXAMIiNATIONS.- The 1,7//xamlnitinn of applicants fbr the Public Schools of Cataberland County, will be held as follows; At 'I lopuwell. on Friday, Aug. 24, at 10, A. M. Southampton, " Saturday, " 25, 9, A. M. " Shipponeburg bor. and top., " " .41 it 3, P. M. " Newton " Moridas, " 27, 0, A. N. Dickinson. " . " " t' 3, P. 51, " it Middleton, " Tueslay, .1' 2B; 11, A. 111. " Monroe, ' " : " IL , dil 8, P. M. " Upper Allen, " Wednasday, " 29, 9, A. M. " Lower Allen, " " 3, P. 81 4, N. Cumberland," Thursday, " ' 30, 9, A. NI. " E. Ponnsboro', " . " 14 de 3, P. 51. " Hampden, "Friday, " 31, • 9, A. M. " Mechanicsieg, " "• . ".! .3, P. N. " Silver Spring, " Saturday, Sept. „ I, 9, A. M. " Middlesex, " ' ." " 1; 3, I'. M. " N. 311ddieton."" Monday. " 3,0, A, M.• " W.TennsLoro"!. " " 3, . At P. 5 . 1 . " Frankford, " Tuesday, " 4, . 11, A, N. " Nowvllle, • " ••• " 4, 3, P. 51.- " SI ifill u, " Wednesday, " 5, e 0, A. 51. Directors will please make the necessary arrangandote and, if passible, notify on by mall. previous to Saturday / the 25th Inst., of the place at 'which I shall meet them In the different districts; as 1 shell teasel by private conveyance, they will center a favor by arranging the places of meeting,as convenient to the direct line of travel no possible. A full attendance of the different Boards of Directors, Is particularly desired. . JOSEPII 511FF1,151, ' - Aug. 17, '60.-to. ' ' County Superintendent MALL FARM AND COUNTRY RESIDENCE AT . PItiVATE BALE Bituataat Mount Holly In Cumberland County. near the Mount Holly Ponce Mill containing about 60 acrea or Land 30 of which are cleared alidthe residue covered with good Chestnut timber. - Tho Impiovemouta area trebstOry stone dwelling House and Frame Kitchen, • Bunco Barn, Corn Crib and other comb. •• • a Went oul buildlogn, A never felling well" • • of pure Mciunialu Water, a Ana orchard sit _, Apples and peaches of the beet quality also chordal and other fruit. The situation la moat delightful heintril the .gap of the South:3l6llMM n' and but a elmrt Meta ott &inn OM Mt. Molly Springs Hotel.. II is known ea ;the ..May. harry Farm' and and regarded ae one of the Smolt and meet, romantic, country rmidences In point ofletation In Cunt., Borland county. For terms to , enquire of • ,A. b. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agt., & Scrivener. Aug. 10;186 . 0.-6 t QO -EO. Z. BItETZ, - Dootist Of, aro North Putt Street Cartli ~; ItiCe• Ot- 1?AIK. Ok• THIDEIIIPIKII3 BOOK • AND LADDER COMPANY: •-•.• The itmplre Hook' it Lathier Ce n ipanYT No: 1, Of Car. Hale, return their thankete lodles,Aind citizens generally for thirlibe-al eld hatetitled•to them at their that rair,.Juiy 4th Ind, tiud'irealdniapeetfallydnform them•that therinteod holding ..onentorsand the le+t" In Rheum's liall, during the . Agricultural Fair, cam. midiclng the nth DAY yttqp•Oultic.andnodlng Battle+ ' day evening the lath. Any smell arilcie r f,ncy or use• ful that the Judgment of the thdipp. may euggent, will be gratefully received and tint siipport of the public, ever remembered be the niembunt vi the ItnMiro. .Contribotionn may bn all.heither of the edmmlt• toe on behalf of the Company, • • , . 'Cd3IMITTE,D CE,ARIIANGEDIENTI3. , . Geo. Ifendel. ' 'Jnittempbell,Ohnirtain. W. 0. Sawyer; • 0. D. Moen, D. 11. Dixon, •11. IN Wert, • ' .1.0, Blair, • • P. V. Kuhns, • • • ; 0..1. Girmony, • • J. A, Heft, - • J. T. Lobed', . .1. D i Thompson, ' J. U. Shooter, - ' • 'B. K. etimelgler, ' J. W.Paris, So rotary. . , . Parlseges of (t tlekote IVO emits, 'Single :admission, 10 nants to to bed or any of the Committee, and at Um door of the Hall., . .• Carlisle Aug. 10, Dittn-t. F. , , • . B'A N K.N 0 T Tbn parttiorrhip heretofore, existing under the name and slyleof K lt, IittLINNRMAN & Co., expired by limitation on the,l3tb Inst. All balances duo depositors will be transferred to and 1 all Interest Certificates now out, will taipald at mat utl. • IV. or new ones lase-d by the now firm of KKR; Aux. ' LAP, & Co., whose Banking Card will be seen below. • • Milt, DRENN.E2IIAN & CO. _Carlisle, Aug. 14, 1860. `• , ' CUMBERLAND oVALLEY BANK PROPRIETORS.' WILLIAM Ren t • ' InAso Dimutax, McuAnn wootm, • , . ' Jona S. STIR KETT, Joan C. Dumas., • ' JOHN Intraap , . This Bank, is now prepared to do a general Banking and Exchange business, Under the name and sty le of KKR, DUNLAP & Co., in The, same plate lately raru• pied by Rer, Brenneman & Co.. - Money recielvedon deposit and paid Nick on demand without notice. Certificates of depiislt bearing Interest at the rate of ftve.per_cent. will baissued for Me shOrt a period as (dbl. months. Interest en all certificates will cease at maturity, provided. however, that If said certificates are renewed at any time thereafter for nu. otherglyen period, they shall bear the some rate of lue Wrest up to the time of renewal. Twee.ty days police must bagiven of an intention tO•withdraw intoreet de. P . Ti t4 .y . cAlr the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and all r . er . Ihere' who desire a safe depository for their Money,' tot °undeniable fact, that the prteprietors of this Bank Ate ut only liable to the amount of their stock in the bank, but are INDIVIDUALLY liable to tied extent of their estates for all the Deposits, and other obligations of Kor, Dunlap & CO. . . . . - Particular attention given to collection of Vend ue Notes, Foreign RiPs, Drafts, Cheeks, &e., in any pier' of the United States and Canadas. Reinittances made to any part of the United States, England, and Ireland. They will at ail times be pleased to give any Iniorrna• lion, desired in regard to money nate ters In general. The faithful and confidential execution of all ordrra eutrosted.to them mar be retied upon Open for business from g o'clock in thetmoriiing unlit 4 o'clock-ki the evening..."ll. H. STURGEON; Cashier. Carlisle, Aug. 14. 18G0 IT OR SALE.—The Engine I of tho United States Flre Company, of l'hlladeb phi. Hunt: by John Agnew In the best manner. and about three yearn old. Believed to be the bent 'Engine in the City, and will be sold low If applied for soon. Address Am..l SHAW, - N 0.312 North Second St. • or .1 11. 911141•INOSBUI10, • N 0.331, North Fourth Street, Phila. MT. WASHINGTON COLLEGE, For Young Ladles. FACULTY OF GOVERNMENT AND INSTRUCTION.' Amapa LaWIP Staley, A. M. Prlocipal.—lntellectual Philosophy and Chrietleti•Ethice. Jeo. A. rotors, A. B, Vice Blathematlcs and Ilellea ',Urea (to behind durlincine year.) Natural Selene., Prof: Hoary Scliwiug,—Organ. Plano and Vocal Music. Prof. Nicholas Tillinaun,—Plano and Guitar; liainuol tick. oring, Esq.—Branlog end Oil Painting. Madlio Mat tat,—French Lantimmo and Embroldory. Miss M. Elisabeth Pettibonu,—Aseistant Witcher of Mathowat• Ice. Miss M. Virginia Whltlocke,Etiglish Braucbus. MOUNT WASHINGTON COLLEGE. . • . The Vrlocipel tskes this method, In ndeince of the ;mould Catalogue n•ut Circulnr. of nonouncluirthnt the fifth year of this Institution will begin or; the Viltb4 WZDiiiiiiDAT oP SEP(Eillin I , ICAT. Ile desires to assure the friends umbpittrous of the 'College that the same earnest devotion to the work of Female Ed ucutiou which line waited Its history thus tar, xlll continue to clinr roltrizo the npuretlotin of the School; mid tint Dui ni; or. espouse will 1/U_Npared make It - that could be desired both es n Literary Institution and us n Chai. lieu home for these eutrusted_tuits_care— . TITS COLLEGE EDIFIOE,AND °BOUNDS. The location - of the College. el, thu Northern Central Rill Road. six miles from Baltimore, has been selected as one of the most desirable in the State: Theirrinifids include twentyone acres of excellent land. and are or namented with a beautiful woodland of several acres, In the midst of which, un an elevated and highly de sirable site, is located the College edities, four stories In holgot. The building Is constructed of brick,- octt. gorial In limn, MU feet In. circumference, encircled by wide and beautiful verandahs—has ample acctititutode thins for one hundred hoarders, and presents a very' striking and imposing appeartuce. The locatims is highly salubrious stud picturesque. and commands a dellghtlul view of the surrounding country. The Internal arrangements are oompletu, and are all thatlcould be desired. There are Atirty.two rooms in all, eight of which are very spacious. In the tank loft are two reservoirs, whir a capacity of 3,000 gallons: and from these, the Kitchen, Laundry. Ilstit.rooms, and the Chambers; Dormitories and fintiplatudings, tire abort. dently supp led with pure water. All the apartments are provided "withregisters for-ventilation,' and"tbn'ad• mission of warm air. In the winter seas -ft, from' largo brick furnaces. The Gas arrangements are also com plete. The building throughout, is furnbhed Inn very neat and attractive style, and the Principal is satisfied that parents and guardians will be highly pleased with the entire arrangement of the College. . • OBJECTS ANDCHARACTER OF TILE SCHOOL. Mount Washington College affords to Its pupils, ample means nod appliauces, for thorough physical andlutel. leads' trainieg, with all the advantages and surround- Inge eta Christian family. Precision IS made for physical education, In the dully practices of celistlienin exerclsle, the value-of which hoe beau seen, in the Improved health and fuller mule cuter developmeut of the pupils of the College. The 'Verandahs nod extensive grounds laid out in beautiful walks, furnish both the invitation and opportunity for healthful recreation in the open air. As regards Intellectual culture, it Is believed that the course of study and methods of Instruction adopted !at *mot Warhingten, are, to say the least, equal to those of the best schools in the Country. Thu istudies le which its pupils are engaged, with the free oral teachings that accompany each recitation. arid the fre quent delivery of formai lectures on scientific or liter ary subjects, with cleicnrentlings from the Clensle poets and prose writers of the English language ' combine moat favorably, to produce the best form of true woe manly cultivrtion. In this connection, it is deemed proper to mentiOn, as ono of the great advantage' of the Institution, end as tuatei lolly affecting its character and' contributing greatly to the sticcessfulaccomplinhment of its objects, • that It is exclusively a Hoarding School, and that no pupils are admitted. but teaches are, lu full, members of the College homily. A course has boon established for resident graduates, who may dab . ° lo prosecute their studies beyond the regular curriculum. Beside the study of the toot books mentioned, they will prosecute a syntuum tic course Of reading, and will have thend vantage orepecial lectures. The College in furnished with complete apparatus for Illustration in the departments of Cliumintry and Natu ral Phllenophy : and the public may rent assured that whatever may bo,heeensaiy, from time to time; to keep pace with. the program of the age, will be brought into the service ofof the College. The religions teachings of the College contemplate a thorough nod hermonieue acquaintance \vigil the fun. damentel facts end truths of Christianity, as taught :clearly in the [winter., end which rise abovnall mere nectarlanisin, to that higher malty of the Divine Life, In which "there in neither Jew nor Greek, .for eel are one In Christ Janus.", The entire character of theTeligions trebling of the College Is einitiontly Christian without being sectarian, —and While no painevill be spared to Impart a pracP Weil knowledge of the Christian Religion, parents and guardians may rest natured, that no attempt will be made to interfere with the particular denominational relations of the pupils. TERM ' S. • • A. W. BENTZ. AdminbArator. For the English Course, Including Laths and Greek, Board. Furnished Room, Fuel. Light and Washing, Fur Soho'ladle Year, $2OO 00 GIME2 , EXTRA CHARGES. , Instruction .rm the Piano or Guitar, Including the use of the instrument, $l5 00 per Quarter 111 structions on the Orgom . 20 00 . Vocal Music, (separate lessoes,) 15 00 " " On chasm) 500 ti Modern Languages, each El 00, 00 Painting.(exclualve of materiads)lO 00 •' Drawing and Painting In Water Colors. each. 6 00 Ornamental Needlework, - ' 600 " Stationary for School Roma rise, '1 50 " - Diploma' fee $5 00. . . .ear Where it would be preferred, a special arrange• went can be made in advance, that will encore to the pupil the privilege of the entire course lucludlug ail the extra branches. ' The bills f ir each „half session are to be paid In ad- • Vance. nod adeposit - Must be made tanner the expense of books and materials fur Painting, Drawingand Needle Work, ate: Whore it Is desired that these should bc, fur. niched by the Institution. New Pupils are charged only from the ditto of their, entrance Into the School, but the engagement, ts ' in ell cants, for a year, unless a distinct arrangement is made for a shorter time. No abatement willthe made In the mutt, nt old pupils t c . who day away after the opening of eession or of r, such as may bo absent from the Outings during the year 6 unless suoll'ab,sence ha caused by serious Sickness Pupils who remain at the College during the Vera- Von will be charged , for Boarding and Washing, 'S.I 25 per week. - For admhslon, additional particulars, As., address, ittyr.GEO,LEWIS STALEY, Mount Washington, o , , Baltimore County, Md. 'REFERENCE. • Bey: A. IL Kremer, , ' W. St. Berstein Esq., ' Cary W. Ahl to . Abrm. Bottler . ' J. P. Ilander - tt S. IL Kieffer. M. IX' August li, 1800,2 m. . • ALIM:BLE • TOWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE . BALV, situate on haat iteln Street; In the boreugla L ot Ciurhale: The lot contains '32 fort In front and about 200 feet In depth. , The Improvements niers ann. • • TWO•8'2011Y , BRION; HOUSE . and Beck Bulidlng, • Wlth other con" venlent out buildings, all In excellent order.. , The owner being particularly deshoue Of aellinki a(qtoet leatipin nteXlet ohtainedli t yapplylint to b tIPONB4RIt,. • , held hetate'AAent and Scrivener. Clarltide;Angust U, IB6OrOW, • • 11. A. Smaroli. CIME! Carlisle roundry, : _,l0 1 * • .c.- A7- z -i's- - :• , Li•••• - • :- ." * =-` ,71),,,Vq 1 4'1,k1 ?:'• rtiti' trt f 4; rr • . - gn. FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT 1.., 'l'. Gerdoer & Co. aim 'flienufecturo And keep 'eon etently for ERllo4ilt their eittenel ve Stettin Worker ou East Nola eiroeteCtirliele, a large uveortmeat of , • AttII,IOI.ILTEEAL lIIPLE3IENTB, of well known, appeal - it'd ugnfulnno. to Ihrmnen. nmnng tliel would call espeelnl attantion to WILLOUG II BY'd CEI7EIIItATED PATENT . Cl UAI SPRING GRAIN DRILL„ which has taken hoer fifty First Class Premiums at State and Tint,. 'Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumberland. lark nd Perry counties-we need not speak in detail of the Writs of this drill, as scores of them are now in sea ea the best farms in these counties. Its repute. Mon is established es the moat complete Grain Drill now manufactured in the United States. It sows Wheat, Rye; Oats, Darkly and Grass; evenly 'and regular,. without bunching the seed.- The gum Springs pose tile drill nieistumps and stones, without breaking pins-or the drill' , For even and regular sowing, the Willough by Gum Spring Drill in Uttequalled by any other. We also manufacture and -sell the following articles, which we can reeonuntind to Farmers as reliable iiiiplentents, of established character: MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, / LASH'S PATENT STRAW it FODDER cureElt, • DRIDENDOLPIPS PATENT CORN SHELLER, HARM'S PAtilkiNT C DER MILL, JOHNSON'S OAST IRON HOG'S TROUG 11. . '‘.Also, Three and Four orne Powers nod Threshing v h do h ti ue p s ; tt Cantrn t s. Corn h o .3 ll m e P. and lough Coatings aCra:l sctea foerf f armors too numerous to mention. Also; Egg Coal Stoves and 'Pen Plate Wood Stoves,• with osktigunanno variety of other castings for hodeekeepurs IMF others. We haven's:, an attractive vat let ~ ,of patterns for ' IRON RAILING, and CBStE.T MY ENCLOSURES to which we would call attention.. • Steam Engines and IRtll Gearing. To this deportment of unr business we give partleu ler attention. liar already extensive stock of patterns fir Paper, flour and Saw 51111-blearing. is • constantly.. increatsing. Mill Owners and Mill Wright. will be for wished with it printed c itelegne of our various Mill Patterns, by application. Our Machine Shop comprises ail the varinds-toele for turning, pinning and - finishing Shafting and Castings. by good and careful Machinists. STATIONARY STEAM ENO INES, of any desirable rapacity, from ton to twenty-five horse power, built In the bent style' and aronniodating terms. Engine. built nt our entnblislunent may be seen In successful operation at many of the largest Uietillerles and Tanneries In Carliiiieland CUmberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, to the owners' of which we confidently refer for infbrinntion ns to their effiden ey: l'ersons wanting Ateim tingling are •einuestly roe quested to ct,II and examine before contracting else when. • ' •DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Connected With our .tablishmeni. Is a Steam Sash and Door Manufactory' which is now in complete order tor the manufacture of ovary description of -BUILDING - MAI:H.IAM • for the most costly ns well as the plainest house. Win• dow Sash furnished from 5 emus upward, arrordlifir to size of glass; Window Frames. from $1 31 upward; Shutters and hailing Illindn from $1 75 upward; Four Panel Ihiors from $2 12 upward. Mouldings, Castings Architraves,. Wash• Boards, Itrackets, Fancy Diapery, Serails, and other articles ticedol in house building. furnishod at the lowest prices and of the best quality . of lumber. . ere also prepared. on heretofore to build and repair DUlt DIM CAII9 fort re nsportern on the railroad, arith.promptucss 4011 on reasonnblo terms. The continued patronage of the public In respectfully solicited. Orders by mull promptly attended. to. Slay 9. 'OO. F. (lASI/NCR Ai Co. , • nR, ) motrp s '.1.4-/ _ 3J _, _, ___) ----I—<— •,(S3c. AT r CHM- OSWE ) s , r RE I 0 \,,_)-----,--• __--,--). .PILLS - - IRON. 1 - --- . • An aperient and Stomach preparation of IRON purl. tied of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in hydrogen Sanctioned by the higheak Medical Authorities, both In Europe and the United_ States, and prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands dally proven that no preparation of, inm ran be compared with It. Impuri ties of the blood, &premien of, vital energy, pale and otberWise sickly complekione indleate its neceasity In every conceivable ease. inflexions in all maladies In which It has been tried, It has proved absolutely curative in each of the follow• lug cOmplalnts, via: • Ds Debility, Nervous &Motions, Em. , elation, Dyspepsia, l'offistipsti 011arw rine% Dysentery, plant Coatkump. lion, knit Rheum, 11111stnenstrual lon, Whites, Chlorosiii, Liver• Complaint, Chronic licatlacheo, It heztthatiant, — lntermittent Vevey', Pimple. on Die Face, Lo. In cases of General 'Debility, whether the result of acute disease. or of the continued diminution of ner vous and muscular energy from CII3OIIIC complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved auccessful to an extlent which 'no description nor written attestation would render credible. invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten In their own neighborhoods, have suddenly re Appeared In the busy world as if Just returned front protracted travel in a distant land. Sumo very signal Instances of this kind are attuned of .townie Sufferers, emaciated victimn of apparent ulnas nos, sangulneoun exhaustion ' mitten! changes. ant. that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise fur which the physician has no 111h110. Ia Nervous Affectionn th.all kinds, and for reasons familiar with medical men, the - opmatiou of this prepa• ration of Iron must necessarily ho salutary. for unlike the old oxides. ll is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regidar'y ape. dent, even in the most ob•dinate cases of ,iostivettesa without ev;; l bbing.a gastric purgative, orin dieting a disagreeable It In till utter property among others, whirl, makes It so remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Plies, upon which it ales Appears to exert a distinct and specific action, by disp Thing the load tendency which furinstheni. In Dyspepsia. Innumeelableiaa are its caulf.s, a single box of these Chatybeate Pillshas often sufficed for the most habitual canes, including the attuudeut Costive. nese. • In unchecked Diarihrea. oven when advanced to Dys entery, confirmed. emaciating. and Apparently malig nant, the affects have been equally decisive and aston ishing. . In the local pains. loss of flesh and strength, debit!. ting cough, and remittent hectic,, w bleb generally in• Meat° incipient Consumption, 'thin remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians: in several very gratifying and interesting. Instances. In Scrothioun Tuberculosis, this medicated iron has bad far more than the gond effect of the most cautious. ly balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their wall known Tho attenthin .Itienales cannot. lie too confidently inched to this remedy and restorative, In the cases po cullerly affecting them. In Rheumatism, both chronic and inflammatory—in the latter ho waiver. inarimiuddedly—lt hats beet. invaria bly well reported, both as allevlathrepaln and reducing the swellings and stiffness of the joints and muscles • In Interenittmit Foyers It must nectuaarlly boat great remedy anal energptlc restorative, and its progress •In the now settlements of the West, will probably he ono of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has over been discovered in the whom,' his tory of modlcines,•which exerts such prompt, lailpprand fully restorative effects. Good eppetite. complete diva Mit, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exorcise, immediate ly follow Its use. Put up in neat flat metal bozos containing 60 pills, price 60 cents per box; for solo by draiggists and dad!. en Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. • •All letters, orders, etc., should be Add, essed to -It. B. LOCKE & Co., General Agents 7. lffay 23, '30.-Ty. 330 Broadway N. Y. • NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS 11 AT MILBY'S STORE. IDR Y GO O D S ' A large stock of ROMNIETI • • aogps of rill deserlption now opening to which the attention of all persons In want of cheap and handsome goods is respectfully Invited. Being purchased for cash will ,tip sold as cheap, if nut cheaper, for the cash, than cad: - ho had at any other store In Carlisle. All poraoua in want of handsome and cheap goods are respectfully Inuit d to call and examine our New Stock before purchasing alsowhero. • C. 01311LBY, Trustee./ N. B. The balance of old stork ow hand closing o t without regard to coat, at prices übpraccdently low. Juno 29. IWO. • POND'S EXTRA CT OP HA.MAMELIS, • OR PAIN DESTROYER. Is one of the few domestic remedies which have come 'lnto general use end aver, without puffing. It Is the product of simple shrub, harmless in all cases, and n domestic remedy unequalled: For Burns, Outs, Brui ses. dewiness, Lameness, Sprains; Rheumatism. Bolls. Ulcers. Old Sores and Wounds, It has not an equal. It Is also used with great success..fon.Toothache. liendsche Neuralgia,Sore' Thrtat, Colittrillarrhom, lioarstmess, and otheiamilar troublesome and painful iffectlOns, while it promptly arrest's ell Memo! duces., Hundreds of physicians use it daily In their practice, and give it their utuwalilled recommendation. Bold by our agents and doaleet, and by MIUMPIIRAYS & CO., 582 Broadway, - Bole Proprietors and Manulacturere. it' August 3, G. A.' & 1 A. LANDVIL; ~ NO. 110 North Wliaries, Philadelphia, MANUFACITITIIi AND 11AVI3 Fort - BALE - ' • • CANDI ' Ri d' S A P d7m ma ngte r : l lt u t t el B , 9 ja r rtt' i n g a r :ll l o n :: Pure dpet: i rd • Illeeelied Whale. e. f ., 'Sea ,glephan trained 11 hale, Tee l' ''. • ' 4:)( 7'" ners7't r ore, 'Palm, Ololue, sad , . 1 .. .: R .. ed. , eV -. • - Yell*. Drown, ()bemire:el ..; SOA Ps' gjv i !ano niiihthor. • . • ' • -: • .. • , , QTERESCOP.IO'.VIWS.-Orily, 10 cenle ap!eco Mrs. .li t Reynolds Dag'uaitatin , rooms.. .Aug. IQ, ' l 3O — 4 t.. • STErtnsco" pie ITIEWS.of the Graaf, • . sfaitorq, Tommy or Japan: Flora . Tempi°, .&o &c . s 4 M..A. Rey O nolds D .. 1 t. • •egrrean Itoosssi " rs 'l3O ue .." ISSOLUTION" OF PARTNER- D. eViro - porttiernhip heretofore existing uu "der the f 8111lOW & BLACK,. ban this day begs dissolve y mutual consent, therOfore we would solicit all those indebted to coma and 'tattle, their, occounttl, and all thmo having elan., will plane pro/lent' them for settlement. JACOB SITROM. MOBEIsT M. BLACK Jan. 3, 1800 . . • The business hereafter he rent Blued,' it' the old stand of throw & Bieck under the firm of BLACK &• DEL ANCY. where wo will keep centtantly on band all tlpp Ver r e 1 ; 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 mq lat AND COAL , c o a f kb e i v B e ras, d rnl i t 16 e e l' wh'l• dery r bill stuTnill be promptly atiogsdnd'to 1111 the ehorteaLnolice We aro thankful for the patrennee or a gnuortivalmhile nt the old stand bf them &Dlaek, and would still solicit a contlnuance.7'All *mere left At the residence of ..laeob Blimp for coal and lumber, will be promptly attended tons horetofofd. . . BLACK & DELANCY.. Jon. 11. 1860. • • INJ RS. WINSLO\V, an experiericqd j_ Num and Female rhyalelatt, Tremont's to the ottoutlon or mothers her . SOOTHING SYRUP, • FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which giently foellitaten tho prOcene of teething, by neftenigg the gumA.,,redueing all Inflawatinie , —ielll al -1 inY 011 pilitartd - iiiinninollie action, and In num to regu• Jpte iho bowel,. Depend Upon It mother. It will give rest loyoureaven, and RELIEF AND IIII " ALTI1 TO YOUR INFANTS We have put up and sold ,this artirlW for over On years, and can say, iu. confidante and truth of it, what WO have never boon :bit to wry ofany other medicine dolled In a il e n e tOT . t r n,; MRS. WINSLOW'S 7 6 a t ' n ' i tim e ly woe Nov- or did we know an in. ' SOOTHING - stante o f diratisraetion !!Ybnyand MEI= ho used Its —•swsei, • On thocou rary nr 111140'—. W r -Clia ,keer.• dell btu d with its opc- d Ka:akin trine of highest conantendatlon of its ma• Oral etTecteand medical 'virtues. We tweak iii this matter "whet we do know," after ten years experience and pledge otir reputation for the fulfilment of whet .we hero declare. In almost every instance whore the infant Is eulfering from pain and eshaustldn, relief will be found'in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is Administered. This valuable preparation is the preen Hutton of one of the most experienced and skilful nurses in Now England, end Iles horn need with never failing entreats in • THOUSANDS OF CASES... It not only relieves the child from pain, but I witty.. rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity nail glees tone and'energy to the whole systcm. It will almost Instantly relieve . GRIPING IN TUE BOWELS AND WIND.CIIOI.IO, 'wore con. which It not method, and We believe and, surest t h o world, of Ilyttelitery' has in chit ,er 'll arises from teething. or from arty other, mime. We would as to ovary mother who has child suffering Irons any .4 the foregoing complaints—Mai ni lot your prejudice nor the prejudices of others stand, etween your suffer ing child and Si,., relict that will e SUltE—yen. AB SOLU'rELY SURE—to follow the use of this .mediriTia, if Wooly used. Full directions for ueing will seem, pans' each tattle. N„..pne genuine unless the Bic -simile of URTIS A PERKINS, New York, is On thet outside wrapper. Sold by S. W. Ilaversticic North [(snorer et. and S. Elliott Main st. Carlisle, and Druggists throughout the world. Price only 25 Cents per Bottle. Principal 081- No. 13 Cedar M. N. Y. July V, 1860.—1 y. enls tone, speedily re• It the d beet th. I n en CHILDREN remedy in I" nu """ TEETHING. and Diners dren whet!) I= T E OWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE ' • , SALE. t.ltuste on East Lonther tltroct In the boroughof Cer lisle. The lot contains 30 foot in front and 11.10 feet in depth. The Improvements consist of a corm• sacs di moons- two story FRAME HOUSE with, gy., - r , other convenient outbuildings, Fruit Trees Shrubbery Ac. The owner being particularly d'...sirous of selling a great bargain may be had by applyrint to . A.h SPONSLER Reel Est. Agt. A Scriv. Aug. 3, 'OO.-6 t se"- Not A LL persons knowing themselvos in debted_to the subscriber - , will plesse call on him at his residence °Nitwits Itsymend's lintel, and sett! • with mt delay. The accounts MUST he Nettled. Juiy 13-3 m. • J. I). 11ALBERT. OARLISIE ' WHITE - SULPHUR SPRINGS, CUMBERLAND CO. PA. Tin' .CARLISLE WlliTil SULPHUR. SPRINGS, situated in Cum. berland - county, Pa., at the base of the Blue Mountain, la the favorite resort Mr . those who appreciate grand. scene. ry, pure mountain air, invig. orating bathe, larmitind well ventilated roams, good mole. ty and a good table. The wo. tom of the' Carlisle Springs are highly Impreguatrd with minerals and are superior for drinking and bathing. Lite oral arrangements will.he made for ezeurtion"part lea. Accommodations for 300 • Terms Low:.. • • FOR. PARTICULARS SEND FOR CIRCULARS ORZN, CLENDENIN k Vas Carlisle Springs, Pa. Jilin) 11, 'OO.-3m. S F ECOND OPENING OF ASHION - ABLE SUMMER CLOTHING. the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just reeds ed his .ee end .upply of Isibionsble Summer- Doodir,•vhich can. not he equalled In QUALITY AND BEAUTY • comprising the very latest styles, of all kinds of goods. CLOTH OF EVERY DESOMPTION,, Caesium. of all NEW STYLES, vettings, an unrivellod aoeortmont Drap dote !Milan Cloth, Splendid moon , mon t of LINEN & COTTON GOODS, all of which will be mid per yard or made to order with (miry low advance. A large easortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode of every description. HATS & CAPS. TRUNKS; VALISES, CARPET BAGS, UMBREpt.AS Ac, The Public, will find it to their Interost to call, mine are determined to hold up our motto, , •Quick Snleoued Smell Profits." • ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Street, May ]6,'60.-Am. Opposite the American Douse. . N OTICE.— Memoncentata, June 10th 1860. Notice la hereby given that an application will be made to tho Legbilature of Pennsylvania at its next meeting for the incorporation of a bank of issue, with discount nod deposit priviloges, to bu located In the Borough of Merhanicaburg, in the County of Cumber land, Penna. and to be called the Mechanicsburg Bank, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars with the right to inertias° the sum to Lich hundred thOusand dollars. John Brandt, ' , John Nisley, _Levi Merkel,• , JohnSailler. Jacob Mumma, ' Levi F Eberly. Wm. It. Gorges, , Samuel Eberly, Jacob Eberly, ' Solomon P. Gorges. CLOCK WAT H AN!) JEWELRY BUSINESS.' I would respectfully Inform my old friends and the public generally that I have removed my place of busi ness to Maglaughllos Store Room on north Hanover St nest door to Mr. Kline's Hotel, and flee doors north of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, where I am prepared to at tend to the CLOCK WATCH & JEWELRY BUSINESS In all its various branches, having over fifteen years experience In the business I eau my, that all work en, .trusted to my care shall be done in a workmanlike man .. um and warranted. Give me a call. Carlisle June. 29, 1860.-6 m, W. D. A. KAU° LE. NEW GOODS!. NEW GOODS ! ! Ng iv GOODS!!! Leidich & Sewer, (East !lain at.) h tee just returned from New York and Philadelphia, with a uew and well selected stock of Dry Goode specially far the present mason comprising, the latest novelties-of Dress Goods, Shawls, Mantillas, Silk Mantles, 'Lem Manlius, Lace Points, Silk Burnores, Flounced Boraxes, Silk arena. dines Silk Barege Flounced Pongees, Flounced , Organ. dies, Robe Ilareges and lawns, Raglans Challiee, Mourn ing goods new textured and styles. • EMBROIDERIES OF ALL KINDS,,. beautiful Parands, sun umbrellas in all colors k sizes. Ladies wilLtlnd on inypectlon, our goods suited to their wants unusually complete and nt present will please the most economical. Another large addition of . • CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS. Looking Glasses, Blinds and furnishing goods. We a• dopt our mottoes but strive by attention and industry to make It the Interest of buyers to deal with us. We buy most for cash, and our prices will be at the lowest pon.ible margin, Constant additions :will be made daring the season.. LEIDIOII dr SAWYER. June O. 11360.-Bm. • P' H .1 L. A D E. L El I A AND READING It Al. L R 0 A D, R115151111t ARRANGEMENT, • • On and after MAX 28, 1860. _ Two passenger trains leave nariisburg (Sun• days eseepted,) at 8.00 A. 11., and 1.15 P. M...for delphla, arriving there nt 1451 noon and 0.15 P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia at 8.00 A.M.. and 3.30 P. 31. ; arriving at Ilarlisburs at 12.40 noon and 8.30 P. u. . Peace: Philadelphia, No. 1, Cars. $3.25; No, 2 (In eamo train,) $270... Pares to heading... and SIM. • • At Reading:ironed with trains for Pottsville, Miners. ville, Tamaqua; Catawisra, Se.- '• - Your trains leave Reading (Ur ..Philadelphia daily, at. 6A. ; 10.45 A. 51,12.30 noon and 8.43 P.M. -Leave Philadelphia for Reading et 8.00 A. M., 1.00 . P.! M., 8.30 P. Id., and 5.00 P. M. • •• . •- • • • • ,Parealrom Reading to PLUadolphla, aL7b end $1 45. The morning train' Deal Harrisburg connects at Reading with up train for •Wilkedorret-Pittston and Seranton. • „ For through tickets and other informailon aply to Au- g,.'130. - • ' General Agent. VdOIR Steam 'Boiler : _with two, cylludore, perfect end in good torder,:-erill .be o every 10w., • , • 011114 CH A Bonn - , • . 14.utritwbumb,in . .te Aug, 24 , 1860.-3m .+ ' Now Cruabwland Pi. , • • ' oPgilie.l OPEcIVIP ; s J o , r i awe wpcm."th PEOPLE ELY. •, - The undersigned • haring used • Professor 111.31. Flint:VV.-81 , 0)(PM 110MOSOPATHIC REMEDIES In our families with the moat Mitiefactery results, end having full confidence in theie genuineness, purity, and efficacy, cheerfully recommend them to di per. ont'Witb wish to have safe, reliable, and efficacious remedies at.hand for private or dotnestic The Rev. Wm. Homier, editor of .lhe Northern Independent,. Auburn; N. Y.; the Rev. E. If. Crop. D.D., Rector of St. Peter's Citurelt, Auburn, N. Y. ; the Rev.' DAD Ives, Chapinin,....,oLthettindk-Siiire— prison ; the Rev, Spencer M. Rice, Rector, New-lied ford, Muss. Moiler. Allen Steele, Neir•York Con. ferencet the Rev. Samuel Nichols, gost-Oenesre Con ference, N. Y. ; the Rev. P. S. Pratt, Dorset, Vi t; the ' Rev. John E. Roble, 'Buffalo; A. O. Hart, Feq , TARN N. Y.; the • Hon. Neal Dow, Portland, Me.; the lion. Scheyler Colrag, South• Bend, Ind.; the Iton, George Humphreys, N. Y. ; llenry D. Cook, Esq., Editor of the Ohlo State Journal,. Columbus, Ohio ; the Hon. R. 11. ,Oraham, Moline, H ; the on. 11111,1110 J. Chase, Monticello, Fla. ; the. lion. Joseph Benedict, Utica, N. Y. •, Wtn. Bristol , Utica, N; Y. ; A. S. Pond, Esq., Utica, N.Y. ;' .James Plunkett, Fall, Nash- . *Me, Tenni • ''' LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES. Na. Fever, Coogesition, end Inflanaustion. No. 3.—for Worm Fever, Worm Coll o, Welting the Bed.. . No. S.—SW.O4I4N Crying, Teething, and Wakeful. - - nest of Infant's.' No. 4,—ror Diarrheas, Cholera Infantuen,and Sum , , mer ' ' • " ;No. s.—for Colle, Griping's, Dysaiterg,.or Bloody Flux. No..lL—For.ChOlers, Cholera Morbue, Vomiting. No. 7.—For Cough,, Colds, Influenza, and Sara • Throat.. • . No, B.—For Tooth-ache, Faceache, and Neuralgia. No. 9.—deor Ileadische, Vertigo, Heat and Fulineti neon No, 10.—Drarirrass Pitts—For Weak mid-Deranged Stomach, Cortstipation, and Liver Complaint.. No. 11. — Foe FRMALBIaricautaarna,ficanty, Pain ful, or Suppressed Periods. No. 12 —For Leucorrhea. Profuse Menses, and Beartng Down of Females. NS 13.—Vos Croup, Iloarse.Cough, Bed Breathing. No..l4.—Sstr RHEUM Puts—For Erysipelas, Erup- Cons, Pimples, on the Face. No, 15.—Rsixoxsad. Pula—For Pain, Lameness, or Soreness In the Chest, tack, Loins, or Limbs • A.—For Fever and Aguo, Chill Fever, Dumb gue, Old Mismanaged Agues... P.—For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Infernal o "Ex ternal., O.—For Bore, Weak, or Inflamed Eyes and Ey lids ; Failing, Weak, or Blurred Sight., o.—For Catarrh, of long,standing or recent, e they with obstruction or painted didcharge. W. C.—For Whooping Cough, Abating its violence and shortening its course. ' . MEM 7110x-magl rrmagOilig ggq •ox oa rtelf "Zagg.APPY Padua agt a 3 Smtmumsoo so tiro) Lsosa oI gammon ono Jo oist mit so, body tuaralpa . aAlibi ire allaP o M7'almivAt tummy •asigtp-4. .evaallse Jo IWu 4Cg pousniss Amp oq Instoupipatu mu gait ..11,10A-agg s'Simpitem (,go)'isaappv A - pas .gq Wands 'ao oleo wasmo a cti unto a osop µhas 'mop not yupt pdpi 10 ona d sew .1 )vii og o too' "lIYISI AEC 931aRliE311 11:10 . . twoni Act ao p M Try B moat Lunn 'Snagnitom goo 'now° nig In 'on op 003 'FIARUIU 10.1,3 Jo oniapv 'pm JO 0.1110 pluopooJoad oto anpun OOVICI 03 gaiaL mot suonand •nort and 3 . nuonno.gp wo opts • noml •nann • ev uodn pagan oq Aunt pun `uaioug Spatuna waio qua pun pgornanons Inout cod Tomo( BAN Jo loom pno 'Limon.) pun ,uopnonoad lunnbanuoo .puv ananqnnia .Cmuniosul—lounneuva 1 0 0 9 .0 00{ .. .nog and tonna og 'anpa •ano PIN 0 41 Jo annoy.) 'oo oooPfl I"JUNti - 1 0 3 10.aU am—quinvasto A OO Ol O lll vod •rog and qua.) og 'naiad %wawa ao• Slums moo sgaunnon • ZtimunoA 'van -00 N 'oßoaaA 'oninunolg Spilnoo—'filUnnotgqng 110,a •zoq and stun.) og 'naiad unoonaong Apoop (IWO 'OM -Haag ppuni, 'nuoonpunonny pinkt—'asaono 00.8 ' ..xog and nploo og 'onva ,, ,ogangairia fluonungal ao• 'uoptnipain ogevanzg 're.nnpig Jo unnal oto angll:4 • J•naunanAt unoAang ao 1101/Ad . /1111SISa 1000000 noj • •xog and nluan og 'anod suaappqa Jo Anattano imopuonno ' lun3la PIO pun anumn.ng 'Emsuo,r, papunp 411 pun pn2lopoi . npunpo po2ugu2— • Tgtmou3B 1101 • ',cog and span 04 'aniaa 0400-anx pun 'nava roll 111 fluplaor pun 'gulanno Jo straupani oto u 3 (003034 and •eptiannang 10• 'lNi...rap/ . 10034 1331038 333 Bona cup 'Ara 011 . ) (0013 110.111031118-1181191T9ai Ofrl 1111000(J5+1a tag 1(033 . XOll and N)tIOD `aniad . 0090101 -*AK/ Puv ylloco tolA pnpunon • Suppnaaa paaognq ' 31 03 111M . 1. , n90pdc10— , 318111.1.11,1 010 11)11.1.13IF 110 d • 6 831101.1i3 091 Y, 51156,111pV1 •kpl pup soap 7g l ' pr 1118 p . 110 g IMAt if. or7u3 •rp og . • cropornp gip, .sarng . parmal oprigj lor gg• • ..... 'pv.9134719 qua 'rarog paragotou opluig 1 gam pus • parortuma 'Karoo 9 Jo arra G goott pus '.drag paraumnu of Jo alma t _ Mold 'PONT pOllqllllV, 07, to moo 28 'goon pal . 030049ta al • applutoa root 09 jo area ;;:' • JOAO • • Iprop oo l 2oo2 aql 101 pied uvqg o/nm wog 'mramgvan ;Ivaco& 443 aqa•p•all 'll3.legu9 10 saua 4qedatloCa 00 qatto 'lllll3lolp 311201113 9121210 • to alna 1111 u , qlo •aouTunq 61030 1101 UM ug aJna • p. 101113 upoi uoneagut -du Jado/d asoqa 113U139d0 PIN 0003 aqVuuorotn.la pia .23410 pus . tunaquiNg '4.l3egua 'sa.ta gguan a.u3g . 931011p11211 ‘saill.tainSami pug 'Sumac/ atm: .4A , 144,1 , agag•gtlmoa .11.41 'uogreffusuo3 Navumig 01,11..vg•dadria t• tong 'aardaelp 311.10/113 110 UI - 11( 1 a 40003 pall 1930./ £q [l9/113 9300 aq gp Ana 'uoudiunown PUS '091430014 'glum 1,211119! p JO 1.1009p000J 04) 1111 119U0 00 4314* pm 'aauazana -30 10911b91; 43110 JO 910 4314* 'mploa poi sqffnoo vnaialluep pa.sap -an pm! . pacrs.Ungs at•asgp app 'pagguapinu 0i lavggy• waauagag• aqg saliva g 0 gel page 'l3OO 30 p9g00215 yaw, t anacip a/9ua oq", wane v tape Pip Pima yang 9v ui pvv •anowto Sc /49.1tu0/d gamma/ /adold Pip 29.91 Jo aSitriv/pa ..9412 •Lt" pow 'rapivalQ.•/a/0,4 141.191 911 113tInei? *Atirinni Rune pus osupsiiinaqedn6.l3 4 haplagfd l / 4 rami.i.rafq Suopyttuuspui ilose '6.untselp amps C. 111011 tr 110110Ver et. , Jppoelte COlllt HOUFo and retail agent •for Carlisle and vicinity and bruggists ado stores generally. • TFIE ONLY - PREPARATIQV WORMY OF Universal Confidence & Patronage. FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMEN, Ladle,. and Gerttleruen, in All parts of the world testify to the efficacy Of Prof. 0. J., Wood's Hale ltesti , rative, wed gentlemen of the Press are unanimous In its prAb.e. A few testimonials only eau be here t Iron : see circular fur more, and it will be impossible for 3on to doubt. 40 Wall Street, Nevi York. Dec 20111.1859. GENTLZMEN :T.-Your note of the 1511, Inst., ham been received, playing that you had heard that I had bean benefited by thews of Wood'ai Hair Restorative; and re questing my certificate of thd fact if I bad no objection to give it. I"awardit to you 'cbeeifully,. becmise I think It due. My age Is about 50 years; the color of my hair auburn, nod Inclined to curl. Some floe or Ms yearn 'duce It be gan to turn gray, and the scalp err Ike crown of my head to loose Its senalblllty hud dandruff to form upon It Each of these dlsagreabllltles Inermend with time, end about four months slues a fourth was added toy them, by hair Milani; off thu top of my head and threatening to Make 1110 bald. to^tltio unploarant frodicAmont, Inn.; Inducol to try Wood'a hair Restorative, mainly to nt revt the felling off army hair, fort really hail no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to Its original color t xcept fr, in dyes. i woo however. greatly surprised to End after the use of two bottles only. that not only was the tnlline off-arrested. but the color was restored to the gray hairs and sensibility lathe scalp, and dant:huff ceased to form on my head, very much to the gratitleition of my wife, at whose eolicitatiou I was Induced to try it. Forlbis, among the many obligations I owe to her sax, I strongly recommend to all husbands' who veto,' the admiration of their wives to profit by my example, and use It if growing gray or getting laid. Vary reepectfully, BEN. A. LAVENDEII. To O. J. Wood & Co., 444 Broadway, New York. My family are sbsent from lie city, &11l PM no longer at No 11 Carrot Place. • Stamnstop, Ala., July 2p W, 1860. To Prof. 0, J. Wood :—Dear Sir: Your Hair Ruslora live" has done my hair no much good time 1 commen ced the use of It, that I wish to make known to the public of its elects on the hair, which are great. A man or woman may be nearly deprived of hair, and by a me , sort to your "lair Restorative " the hair will return more beautiful that/ over; at l east this is my expert. euce. Believe at all I Yours truly. . WM. 11. KEN EDY. P.S.—You can peblish the above it .you like. Ily publishing In our Southern paper,. you will get more patronage south. I see several of your certificates in the Mobile Mercurhnatrong Southern paper. • . 11. Keenly. WOOD'S HAIR 'RESTORATIVE. Professor 'O. J. Wood: Dear Sir. :—ltating had the misfortune,to lose the beet portion of ray •Ifair, from the effects of the yellow fever, In New Orleans in 1811 I wee Induced to make a trial of your pri oration, and found it to answer es the very thing needed. Fly bale Is now thick and gloms, and no words can express my obligations to you in giving to the aMictiej such a tree • FINLEY ,10IINSON. . The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sizes viz: large, medium, and small; the small holds j. 5 a pint. mid retails for-one dollar per bottle; The medium bolds at least twenty ppr cent more 'ln proportion than the 'small, retails for two dollatiPliet , ,bottle• the large holds a quart, forty per cent more In proptrt loo, and zeta* for three dollars. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 444 Drondhy, - Now York, and 114 Market Street. St. Louls,'ido. • And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy 'cidods Pea. „ Aug. 24,1860.-8 mos.. • ' ' • DISSOLUTION.—.The' .iurtnerthip heretafitia existing between Peter Gashes sod n. ller. trading under the ilrm of Garber A Kelie at White House (motherland Co.. wee dissolved bxotul unt consent on the oth Inst. All persons ,Jndehted to the flrm;are reenested to.goaka immediate mutant.. and those having claims tlYpieseut them for settlement to either of the undetxigned • PliTkitt G Alt DKR. The oudeyalgtiod hating purchased . the stork of Om' bor I Keller, wW oontiouo the tnielnesa -at .the old stand, and . respectflalli sollcot a continuatwoof patron. B. K. KEL,Gtgt, , JAMES 111..W.6111131Ct0D. Ir'etteri . ...teetatheritery Orrthe *hire of , L A reotert Nrll4p, bt , „l`iertkr Mit)leton emerme deed. bare teen grantettlit Om Begin erofeunibeflend County to the linbileiriber" , reoldlog in the bviount. of Carliale.. poreong Ingebtell toe tald, estate cm ben.. hq reltleate. I to'make inintediato, payment , itini those baying claims 711Irenent then for sel tiounto I to , y. , , W+ PATTON: ingi2,4o.oo,•=ati, ' , • i. , Adoliplatrator. )1., ..., 'w - oteil:ici:eake' olitii r , of .. fr'l,3 e ß a dmo -he igiwoot,p.imiV6rovai'nit4ig - Txhmi• oii to 14 bald at Plainfield BehOol Boom:on - Ale n day bb 3,1 of Spptembar.• - The'Direglors *Ell tharit ,41- lo 0% c i g bk46 th e knooon of salCder. , , , ytie eltlsena ,tre no. epect,Nll3i Invited to titan& By eider of tb. Board, . ' WM.4I. BAVIDEOp Bee'y. NI lEM B. K. KF;U,KIA_
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers