:,-1.,:-41.1tOceticolcP.1 16 tr.r. - - . • goop'SigAira,loll,ll-iiii PEOPLE; .1.021 tcr,'Llilftliffil k. ty(lVYkitt'llew,;Storei East! ii , /, ? ~,„. ~ttreifffltlil seiriliele.btiutifurstork Of NOW Walla, /M.( ; . hotline letnike YOur. Sprlngond Surniner pttrai fleet flififfecliiii Our siock , willi untlimal vies from, , the r thklnipiottleg bowies' of New . York k Plillailel.; phis h fitttiratted dinvolres. of the ..httonttve •suetlon, mile f Vail Nyck; Townsend & Wareene, Neil York. We' .. can offer great inducements to the buying, public. Our stock comprises the LW est Flints ipid:stylee of . ,DRESSAND I'ANC.I":GOODS ' in the inarket. Stich as Figured, Plaln, Farrell Striped. allka In, all their varieties, bauble J epe Silks, 11l unit. , • natcdiFoulard, India Fliks, runt French Clunk's, Crape Grenadine, ffprlngoValenclail & Poplins. Four & nine flounced Barege & Lawn Robes, Canute Anglate, erupt; Maritsa to all colors, Allianaltiu cloth, French Organdy, Lawns, 'MOURNING DRESS GOOD9i:2` of every description of Beason's linporibr. Shawls I Shawls! of end qualities, Ligh loth ltfantiss Nplendid silk Clusters, French Lace Ito1(/4. Dustman.' Hisantilin Mantios;Buhilmbrollett & parasols, AIOXIth• dory iqd Alilloros, Gauntlet Mitts; Spring e cllauntlets, hosiery ofeltkirids aud.alses. Embiniderlep of every* dissefiption *Bonnet's, Fiats, B.bakers, Bonnet Ribbons and trill:amino, Dress Trimmings. . .MOOF BKIRTSI 1100 p SHIRTS Wileox.oolebritatf gourd troll skirt; pelting very cheap. Alen & Boy's wear suitable fir the season. Iftits, Neck ties and* all* other kinds of I.lentioutett's tbruishing goods, CARPETS I C AFL Olt Cloths, Olt clrths, Shade. AC. &c. Kfi Itchave Just gene Into Ulla branch of trade, customers trill Bud our stock N and ItleltS11; " Constant additions of dealrable goods will bu accUrod durlrig the !wagon. Please call at. • April 18. ; ',139. • LEI MIL S SAWYEIIS,•Now SUIT FRESH SPRING ARRIVAL 1860 . oTs4,sitioEs. 1111 the Clausen vory light at prosent. it kill be orsery parlous Intend to look out far cherip BOOTS k 81111th, and sato the dimes, and the very place to eiecomplish this object is at the old corner known en u Shoo Store for many. yearn directly opposite BurkhOtiers old stand now °Wei HOWL, So rail and see for yourselves and Imo money as you wilt find a complete assortment of all kinds of goods in the 'BOOT kSIIOE LINE. • and of the' very host makes, 'and evor remember the Iswoot price articles 1,4 not always the cheopest so you will find among our stock the prices vary according to tits-quality of the article. The Subscriber having Just returned frotu Etudes' Miles wits a large and complete Mock of Boots - lc Shoes hoodoo keeps on band-s ouperlor quality of limns Made work of Boots & Shoes to suit Om trade , at the lowest nosh price's., Men's Colt & Kip Pt gged Boots. Men's French Culfsewed Boots, Men's Kip Calf & Host Brogaiiii high It low cut, Mai:Viand Boy's Call Buff & Patent Leather Oxford. Ties, Men's Calf Bulf & Patent leather Congress, gaits/if; sow ed and pegged, • Ladles' Misses & Children's Black and Colored lasting gaiters, &Children Fancy Rld,& Ilorroco Slippers Ladies' & Misses Host k French blorroco Ifuskins. Women & Childrens pegged work dull kinds at low prices. Just received an assortmentof Chlidren's cop. pored toed shoes, Repairing done on abort /Utica. The subscriber still continues on at• the old stand thanktul for. Past favors hoping to receive a ce, Linn/ince .of the same. . terliele AprlllB, 1860., . - JACOII.SF4iEFL • WE LL} SIADIi CLOEIIIMII F F1111311E1) CLOTIIING I RCTIRU CLUTIIING •• The subscitber.has just recelyed a very,. superior and well selected stock of • SPRING b.' SUMMER CLOTH IgG, Conslstlna otCassusora, Summer and Italian cloth, Al. paCC4I, Mars/dies lilunen and Cotlonatle, Coat', Pants 't Shirts also Silk l and Satin rusts and In short every tiling In the way eII3AIt3IENTP. •Ills stock of GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING. GOODS, Lae been noloctod frith n grent deal of care. and shirts crarata, t0.,4.c., are said at unusual low prices. • TRUNKS OAR prry !mos & 'VA LIS ES. The aubicriber would boll special attention to his large stock of HATS AND CA PS lamb he lm re celvod and Is salting them at very low figures. Of the above you can efiIIVIIICU yourself to calling et the Cheap Clothing StVFu near the Market House ASIIEIt WIEL, April . l.l, 1860. A G RIOULT UR A L IPIYLE lILYTS. tiultlvators, Barden 1106.• Gorden Trowels, Yorks, Shovela, flakes, Spades, Hoes, NM - nlng Hooka Huy Knives, Picks. ;gut- .- tocks ' Bay' Elevators , 31anure Hooks, Plows of TEN different Including Planks ;lowa, licuwooiLo plows, • - Gins' Plows, Zelirler's Plows, Bloomfield Plow; Bork Motel, and Eagle Plows, &c. ' &e ., &a. Just tecelved a large supply of all kind of goods to ill .uut the Narmor or Mechanic at March T. 'CO. HEN BY 14. - A Xv 45:1 • SILVER PLATED • WARE DY HARVEY FILLEY ,7 ‘ N 0.1222 Market Street MllMUfaCtUrer of fine NICKEL SILVER, and SILVP't PLATER of PORES, SPO 4 , 15, LADLES, IluTfllit KNIVES,. CASTORS, TEA SETS, WINS, it taTLEs,• WAITERS, BUTTER -DISIIES, ICE PITCHERS, CAKE BASKETS, COSI3IIINION WARE, • CUPS{ MUGS, • GOBLETS, With a general aveortment comprising none but the beet quality, made of the hest. materials !Lod heavily Plated, constituting thud- a Stirviccabitrand durable article For HOTELS, STEAMBOATS and PftliATE RAMILIiS 46F- Old WAre re-plated fn tba best wanner '• Fob. 22, 1800-4 y. . W_C. RHEEM ATTOIINEY AI . .LAW AND GENENAL AGENT . . . . . , . . . , . . Minneapolis, Minnesota. WILL give special attention to colloalons through TV out the State, make investments. buy .and sell Real Estate and securities. Negotiate loans, pay trier, locale land warrants, de., Ice. Befey to the members o the Cumberland County liar, and to all prominent cities seas of Carlisle, Es. rAug.V.5B-Iy. 7. GODYEAIt. J. ANDERSON • . BAR IKON. . ITIAVING entered into co•partriership in the manulicturing of BAIL IRON. at Leto, t ergo, Carlisle, Pa., we would respectfully, Invite the attention of hardware merchants, Blacksmiths, and all others who may want a MIL/Crier Article of Iron to give them a call. All kinds of hammered Irou constantly on hand or drawn to order on short notice. • • The highest price paid for wrought iron scraps, or ta- Yen in exchange for bar iron. . - J. GOODYEAR jg CO. Carlisle, 0et.12, 12119. • THE - MUTUAL ,LIFE PN S UR ANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. Assets: •. SIX. ..51iLLIDNS Q 1 DOLLARS, INTSSTFID Iti Mat XOIITUAtI7J3 REAVESTATE, - .WORTII ,QV iSt $1.3,000,000, The premiums ere Lowell. thou In: ninny' other, Compo ules, and the Dlvldundx herb been uktifea. This Is a strictly Myren Company.' There aro no !Stockholders, so that ALL Till: PROFITS LICI,ONO TO THE INSURED. ' ramphlebt; and every Information, may be had GOAT Le,'on.application to WM. D: HALBERT, Quill • • • .PHILADELPHIA REFERENCES :, • ° 'Thomas Robbins; • - John Welsh, Mordecai L. Dawson," . (Morro' H. Stuart, George M. Stroud, . E. S. NVhelen, John D. Myers, ' J. Fisher Legining, ~r Joseph Pat Corson, 'Willi:Mk C. Ludwig, • John Alt Atwood, . Arthur O. Coffin Thomas IL rowers, 0 onrge W. Tolauil, • William geßet, 't ' Thos. Wattson. F. RATCHFORD STARR, .Agent, • S. W. Cornet Fourth and Walnut Strata. May 23, '60.-gm. . , Pill LAD'A PHILADELPHIA WATCHALND SEIWEILIM STORE O, CONRAD, FORMIIR OCCUPANT. Na. 198 NORTH SECOND STREET, CORNER OF Qua ftlrr STAEBT, She undersigned has leased the above premises, "Lashere he will keep a large assortment of (told & Silver • 'Watches, of American. fingliph and Saris, Manufacture of the most celebrated makersja addition to which, 'Will be foimd, Malaya On hand (and made to order) an tuttenslVW variety ofJeweiry, sliver. anti 'Sliver Mite] .10110, together with a general aesortinent of ouch good. acv timidly kept In a first Ciart3ewalrY sharp, Ttie pawns of O. Cannel, and-those of the subscriber together with the public generally, are invited to call, where they wfitreceive a good.artleie for their 'money. As f am determined to do Oddly limb business goods iiiill he told ieryolOw.• "SMALL PROPITS AND QUICK SALM. lo the Motto of Mils establishment." • • • • 'LEWIS RAIROOMALL, Formerly O. CONR Al); ' • N4.'148 goritkilecond43t. coiner orQuaw Phila. June O. 1860.-Iy. INI'.ECTII4E;' THE' PEEBIAN: ' : .• cirAnnr: •,- • '". or the prevention and cure of " Fever and'Ague and ' lIlIlluW Fevers." This wonderful remedy wail brought *to thaktioiledie of the present propriotom by a 'gland Who hilt been a great, traveller in, Persia and the Holy Wlillo. going ibi.wia the visor Pirpbrates; : he exPei-len• cod's' were illtack'qf Fever and Ague. On discovering ble eliutUticni. sum of the boatmen took from his person • an Amulet ljay)ogi f•Wdete this and no rover will touch op o t al th th er ej wow; .as to its virtues; "ho oomplfed and experienced holing Into relief, and has .ince alWaYs found It an effectual : protection. from all tarderilitureomplallitsi • • • • • ' On further havestigatbnihe found that the boatmen attrihuted,toiCinlrotoulous .towera, and said Ityould ontrbe"bbtelbed !Min theiTiiilsta of the:Sun: Sinn. time afterwards, Ilho !convirslng with a Priest obtained fret:9.4lm the secret of its prepu - ation, Cud ascertained Where' thrrthedlcinal . 'herbs wore to be youndog *Melt eres,alatulleUnded - The .wonderful virtues thiaartieli have Induced a Nil, belief In the minds of the natives is mlreenlons be,aling powers of their Priests. ' " - • • Slate his return to Antericit. Whim been:tried ‘"with "the happiest effect bY4teoiml Ladles Sind Othillemen of hlith'eharacter, who hare -given Itltlie most •ungnall- Sed -- This remedy liar Ins been a specific in Per. alt for hundreds of yaw, - for the,preyention - end - ''ore of lever 1108, Akilaand Dillouslroverstoi-blfejod to the-Auteriesti pelople. 7 11111111 berseubby malliprepitittriwit,h fell ' directions fieluielint receipt of " ' . lPilifelpell Depot and Idennikeldij,lBB Mainfitolitch ininid:Ve.". Drench 011icej - , Blik'of Fammerea Ottlidlng Veer ••• • O • • • • • 3E44 ',..1111 . 15'1LC.X48 , 10 . . . - ERVING PE MALE • ~C OLLEGEI: j_ • • - • wlimitcslioncri,k. ,4 This Instit. tioni designed for, the ilhoraf•oduestion Young'l,adlos, has boon in operation two years with thg,most gratifying results. It In Wow ostablishod:ou ~ a *Re buts, and . Its pal ronage already intends, over several States. , ' It is located on the Cumberland Railroad mid ' way between •Ilarrlsburg and the, most fer tile nad.beautit ul portion of the valluv r and Is in close proximity to, one of the most moral, 116/1101y, and en terprising Dines in the State. . It Is central, and easy of a^cees. Students tearing Washington, Daltirimro, or Shitadelphla In the makilog train for ilarrlsburg, will arrive at fileshanicsburgAit time for dinner. • The oditice is large and commodious, surrounded by - double Verandas. and will ACCODltnotlatu about ono hun dred hoarders. In its construction, it Cambines all the 'modern Improvements for the' promotion of healthi comfort and convenience., In thesorespectii phyaiclans pronounce It uniivalled.• Thu chambers ore lurid end neatly furnished. Bach has , its register for beat and ..ventllatiou Only two students occupy the obits room. Tho bath rooms :went all times supplied with warm and - *cold senior.' grounds are ample, And well arranged for recto ation, and the various nab:thank, eierclses -so csssu - Mal to heabli, graceful tweet:n*oa and symmetryni form. ' • .The Faculty of Instruction Is efficient and expert. &aced, ' In the C,olloglate Department the•ceurse :study is of n high grade, comprehonning all suldects belong ing to a Clawsical, Polito and Christian Education. In the Droparotery Department pupils will' be care ' fully instructed to those branches forming tEe basis of athorough English education. I..sastiss.—First 8.51011. froth the Ist Wednesday of September, to the 30th of January. Second Session, from the Ist of Fehrnary to the Ist of July. Iv • Vacation, during Julyliod August. • TERMS PER 'SESSION OF FIVE NiON Tll3, PAYABLE . . IN ADVANCE. Boarding. Washing, Furnished Rooms. F and Light. . . . . . . Tuition—Colleglate Departmeut. ".• Preparatory .r BOOTS & SHOES Firsltiass, , . No extra charge for Anciont*Lauguages. Aloof ‘--Plotio and Guitar. . . . . . . . 20 Oa ~..VocAl 'Of. sic.. . . . . . . . . 1 2 0 1 0 '1 0 1 i' l A o l d ul. r i t ti l g i. 7l./ n r ll' a u al g u e : ' litild IlraucheS at tho usual rates. Tost.bOOks furnished at city priced. For furthor particulars address, Itor. A. G 31.11tLATT, A. M., President. Aug. 3. IRCO CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. .sUMMER ARRANGEMENT. , , ... J . , CHANGE OF HOURS! • 'On And After MONDAY, APltlf,ll3th 1860, PassonEm irediu , ulll rite as follows: (Sundays excepted* 1:01t CUAIMIIERSIIURG AND DARR:ISI3I3Ra. Lance Hageristowo, U reeueliStle. • Cliamborsbirg, • Shlppeissburg, • Newrille, '• Carlisle. . . . . . . . "Mechanicsburg, 10.42 " . 30 A rrive it Harrisburg, , 1112 " :145 - " IQIL CLIA3IIIERSIII7.IIO AND II AGERSgOIVN. . . Ist 'Crain. Id Train. .I.eava Ilarrisburg 8.115 A.Bl 2.15 P. )1. 6 .• 3lectutulanburg , 8.47 . " 2.52 " Carlisle 9.27. .... " 8.30 ' . - ,Nowville, 10.02 " 4.04 - 6 - Bhippennisurg, 10.34 ", 4.83 • " Chaintne.kArrive) 11.00 5.10 Greencastle, - OOO " Arrlye at Hagerstown. 6.40 " ear . Passengto ft Will observe, tliut•thero is but One .Train it day, (a Pas.onger and Fri iglo Train cong , d) nomtlin Fni,,tain (load. connecting with train tfillar. riAburg at 8 31.1 A. 1., ant: with the 'frain arriving from Harrisburg nt 5.80 P. 31. Til d F. rl Daily Trains leave liarrisiturg for Pittsburg. nt 2.4!i, A. 11..12.50 and 4 05. P. M...4iiking dlicet con unctions with trains for Cincinnati, Louisville, Cleve land Cllceago, Indianapolis, t'd. Louis, and all principal points titromdiont the %Vest. For Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Central Unilroad At 1.20 and 0.05 A. NI., and 12.55 and 3.50 P. M. Via I.elookon l V. It. 11., al 0,00 A. :11., and 2.35, I'. 'M. For ItAltithoru, nt 3.27 .1. 7.20 A. NI.: & 205 P.:11. For roverton and 1% ililainsport nt. 1.27 and 8.15, I'. NI 'Frahm on Dauphin Road at 2.00, P .M. NOTICE. TO PASSENGERS: AL ell Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Chatubersburg.._Shippeitaburit, Ca-lisle, 3lechanlesburg and Harrisburg, a reduetlon 01 TEN CENTS on a:aril-Ticket will be made to all Passel, germ that provide theuaselred with Tickets before en• tering the Cars. Railroad Office, .Cluimberaburg, } April, lil,180). A. 13. PAVING'S - FURNITUILE WARE7ROWIIIS 1859 - #÷ • up . . West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Pmniunt awarded , .at the—cumbeth...nd _County Agricultural 'Fair of 1857.) The subacrpor has just received the most !splendid amsortmant of articles in hie line, ever brought to this place—which ho Is determined to sell at prices that de fy competition. . 'Chamber. Dining-raomp PUR.NITU.R. ' Kitchen and OiUo Embracing every article used by !louse and Hotel beepers, of the most approved and fashionable design L: and dnidh.. Including also Cottage furniture lu foam reception and Camp Choice, lilettnisses, frames. pictured, AC., Ac. Purchasers are requested to call and examine his stork, at his extensive ware-rooms, West Main street. North side. -- A. B. EWING. • /2.Z.- Particular attention'. givemas usual to funerals: orders from town and country, attended to pninipily and on moderate terms. 'Carlisle, Ploy 12, 185g.—ly. F AL*. AILIR I V AL. OF Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods,. Fruit, and Confectionary. 8. W. lIAVERSTICIC has Just received from the cit.) and io novi opening a splendid display of NANCY GOODS. to which ho desires tarn)! tho attention of his Men& and the public. Ills assortment In this lino cannot be surp.aal in noveltand eleganco. and both In quail!) and price of the articles. cannot fail to please purchasers It would he Impossibto to enunierate his which comptlse every variety of fancyart,ieles ()Elbe:mm.l. exquisite finish suoh as. Papier Macho floods, Elegant slab:titer and porcelain ink-stands end trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, • Ladies' Fancy Baskets, raney Work liners, with sowing Instruments, • Ladies!. ibas, Writing Desks. and Port cubes. Port ,31onnales, of every variety, • Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large.vcrlety of ladles' Fancy stattoe.ery. Motto seals' and wafers, Silk and bead purses, Itidlngwhlps,nlegantly finished. Fier cutlery; • Perfummigiskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for tho toilet, X. Buis and It, &:(1. Wright's • Soaps. and Perfumes of various Muds, , • Fancy Phis for head drosses and shawls. Musical instruntents, of all kinthi and at all prices together with an in duterablo variety of artieleselegant ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to which he Invites special attention. Also, an ortensive:and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising tho various English and American *dirks, richly embellnhod POETICAL wonicr, Bibles and Hymn nooks, elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and corners,suitable for holiday gifts. Ills assortment of ehool Books and Schott Stationery is else complete. and comprises everythltig used in the •Schools, Ile also &Ares to call the particular atton. - lion of Families to his. elegant wort:mot of LAMPS, &c„ • - from the etstorinive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and °there of Philadelphia, romprlsing every style of 'Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps for burning calm Lard, Sperm or Etherial oil; also DTOTT'S celebrated Kerosene or Con! 011 Lamps ; together with PlosserVenen Fancy Screeds, ete. Hie annortzdeut In this line is uu equaled In the borough.. Also, ' „ BECIARS AND TOBACCO, • embracing all the ISvorlto brands, and *lino abort 'ment'of MEERSCHAU3I SMOKERS ANIY * PIPES. such as Oranges, Lemons',. Pigs, - Raisins, INecterines, Prunes, he.. FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PRE. SEEPED FRUITS, PICKLES,. Ac., la+overy.verlety and at all prices, All of which are pure end fresh such as can be 'confidently recommended to •hla Mende. • Ills stock ombracm everything In tho line of Fancy. Goode; with many other articles useful to timekeepers which,tho publlo are especially .invited to rail' and oiamine. , • •.- . 'Remember the Old Stand, nearly : oppostte the hank en North Ilanover street. . MEM A PA NE,Si% TOOLISIIES, rAND LEATIDOCTICESINIVIND CO,IIPODNI.O lined ne rubbing-Hill -Once a bep4lful ale/0;10 0 will preserre the leather ono (Writ 'anger. 'A • - peory's,,laponelie polish for Patent Leather Deets. ferry's japaileiwßOot'and Shoo Ponds, 25 canto ' Porry'sJapaiesei Waterproof Poll b, 25. route. . Perry'w Japanese lfaineos P011eb,45 cents. Prgry'ti,Topoposu POlnUfor 'lron (limb, 50 rento. Perry's'Japaneoe Ihirnltura Polish, 25 cants. ;Par sale prorywheie. Wbolesale,Depot for-Ponnsylvanlei,A E. 11, ilfutrr co. comp(of gilthan 31 Cloestnut,, Phlladelphlw,". , .• • - " • ' 8414 W; TR W.'IIA.TS "Just received at Keller's Old Stand North Hano ver street larqe and complete istoCk.of . ..DIENB , & BOYS' fillt&W*ATS, "" • ' !':Otall tie different eiViei will be mid at a smell advance on city, • • Also Childrons Saucy Cass and Bate Ilene' it'Bois i* )11* t. t. , 1Y. 0 04.41AY5;': Several:nairatylesatow:roady tot Loppietion. , Berieta• - bey Ulan. want barialmicall at 311711V00.78mi,L,... =Mil 1 ,.' 05.6tiCiiiiii.iiiiii., EM=I 1i Train. 6'.{5 A.ll 7.35 " 5.30 9.00 44 9.32 10.10 LOD P M 132 • :21:14 " 2:41 0. N. LULL Suporl. UM ) 1859 FANZY (100D5, 8. W.,IIAVEE{STjcg •__ . . • iNetti. EW - STORE tIND EEW - ,OOODS!' After returning Ida acknolarnigemente for Abe very ' liberal patronage which has boon eitendedlo - him, the undersigned *bola call attention to the fan. that:Mi. Intsjuskre.opened hie extensive assortment of family; EM `~~ • ' TR ACERIES ' . ~ :~r: In his nenratere•room, on the south•oest darner !of Itlin! • public aquarworbere thepublic are invited to call and; examine it stock of goods whiefi,• In elegance, variety! ',and extent. will defy-competition t, comprising In part! we; lump, crushed and brown augurs, Java, NM Red roasted Coffee 'Every va• „%,„ Roty and quality of TEA. Spices; (ground l` and and unground,) Pickels, Banton, Table Oil. A t New OrleatiiirSimarhouse land Trinidad Blolainies; New York, and Philadelphia Syr. - ups. I.llmeae, Macaroni, Yennecilli, split Pose, 'Hominy, 3lincemeat, turn Starch, Farina, Chocolate Extraat.o. Coffee, refined sugar at reduced rates, Trashing and bak, Mg Aida...! Tobacco of the mont . flvorite bands; and the finest quality ef S;Jgars. Also, a tmatitiful - assortMene of Britannia Waie, plain and g',ld band „China Ware,' Class, Queene—Stonuand .Eaithern Wara,,lnsrent va riety, and an elegant let of Fancy Foam extracts Mid perfumery for the toilet: . , ' . FRUITS: Including litmches In cans, !IMMO* Cram Lanka, dry apples, citron, almonds, !nranget,' lemon, 8:e.• _ . . s en...r e A . Lila? °ROI . i m " .I . ll 6. i n ol h o r l o , ;; l . :;,thd y e r i e l d i a , ll . , ( 1 1(.7 11 / 11 1) : ' 47) l ", l li c ra n ifti c l ' u ' s, dark and • pale,. Lisbon ( :t ',•-• -='--. --._ , Fr! or sherry l'ort, lihnicrin, li I egar,',Catiinlin ' -","'" -....\ ' • d3l cat Wines. in ranks end Lot. ..... , . lice, crater' n niskcy, Holland Gin; and 13chcidana Schnapps, FISH AND SALT A !Wage 'slork of EA 51PS, including DPoWitcoXebrattul lamps for bunting Munson° or coal np, also Sperm, Pine, Lard and Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Sperni nod Star Candles. - • -• - A . CEDR-WARE AND BROOMS. Brushes, ]topes, ilfopps, Soups, Door-iunts; Walters, lonkimpalasses, 800 letter and, note paper, )Ylllow Itaro, painted buckets, die. , Cotton and woollen hose, and halMose, and a full stack of Glovas, Including the well Jcnown nanover Buck dlosos. - $6O 00 20 00 113 011 /2 00 . . -. . . ' ' In short. his stock enmprises everything that Is tuned for In his line of business, and no efforts still be spared to render entire satisfaction to his customers. C. IN 110 FF. Carlisle, Oct. 27, 1858-Iy. . . , , . Any- Marke t I n g Of all kinds In exchange ft , goods. " amitlchir ", wait 7 7 - • . _ - ._.., . .. FAMXLY . GROCERY AND 'TEA - -STORE. , • Just received and in store, a fresh and well se• lected assortment of RID, Java and Mara. catho Coffee, 'hoarded Coffee. Crushed ' Pulverised Sugars. Refined and other brown Sugar's, superior . Syrup Molasses Orleans. • (baking) 51 oLs Pee. * . • • Spices of ovary variety— ' • pure only ; Starch, Farina and Chocolate. Mavaroul Cheese and-' • ..4 • • • r rad:ere, . Tapioca and Saga Indigo, Ealenalas and Soda, .Cruatn TuAtir and aa. sorted Picking, bluatard and Corlandor Seed TEAS.—A Poo nnsurtinent in Packages . v 0 i 1 d . 1 , 7 ,1 14111: , — t r 0 nl . l l i o n t I t te t r ho n l r o t m ic!e . and Into reduced prices. IPois `ll • -• J. 11% }ilT. Av Anil ES, JEWELRY,.D AN Eit,VilltWAlthAT - CONLYN'S old established Stand, West Main St, nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. -1 hove just received a new neSOrtment of watches, evrelry. medallions. silver ware, Or., In addition to my comer stack to which I invite the , nttention of the public, Thens.rtment embraces tine goldand silver lover watches. Hunting and open case do., gold -An chors for Lidice and Gentlemen and Silver heroines and Quartier watches of every variety. In style and price. Also One gold Medallions. Breastpins for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and oleo. Gold Ibb, vest. curb and neck challis. Gold bracelets. linger rings, cuff-pins, studs, sleeve.buttens, Cff.ties, charms, Gold and silver thimbles, silver end plated butter knives, forks, table, ten, call and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, - silver and common -Apectaeles, to suit all ages to which we invite special atten. Den. . A fine lot of GOLD I'llNS from the best makers, 'pertacle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cakes, gold and--common bracelets,_ watch chains, A t . , Mantle Clocks and a variety of 'articles- tem. e, -e . ally kept in Jokelry establlsinnents, whlcli , ...„. I will sell low for each. All ertieles - war. ' • i tented to ho whet they ore represented. , Particular attention paid es usual to ..' ,l-7 -Ar• WATCH R.EPA • 11111 , 10 and All work War. rented. ' • . THOMAS CONLYN. . Dec. 23. 1857.1 It. E S Gs 0 (.3 ERIES! AT S. C. 1111Yr.TT'S - - Shad and 3lnclerol dlfferent-gradPs, At IIUYETT'S: Salmon, Seale Fish and WlilW Fhh, - .lt IIUYETT'S . _ . - Codfish, Salt and Pickled 'tarring, At TIUYETT'S . . Cheese and Crackers can bo had . • • ,A IIUYE'III'S Dried Fruitsrreserves and Jellies, . IIUYSTT'S Sugar Cured Beef and Muni, AO lIUYETT'S A flesh supply of LIQUORS; At 1113YETT'S 01h, Vl'hlto Lead, &a., Lay ""'At 1101tETT'13 1860' ni- V4 DWA lr l l E nr i ti HAR D T Joni, P. Lytle k Son have just roippleted Opening their SPring Stock lard rare, Paints, Oils, varnishes, Ohre Ac. to or blob they invite the early nittentlon of the public. Wu have ureatly.eularged our clock in all its various bmnches,nuttcau miss accommodate the pub. lie pith • . _ _ Gogns. in largo or small quantities, at tho lowest prices. But we do not wish the public to underutond that We hate brought all the s oods In Philadelphia and New York to our town, but WoCan !Usury then* that one look litto Our store CJiiriliro them that wo hare enough to supply the demand in this market. ,Persons wanting goods to our line will find it to their advantage to gist, Os a call bolero makihpz, their. .porchasos. , —All. orders personally and pußkually attended to, and no micro presentations tondo to effect sales JOIIN P. LYNI: & SON. May 2, 'GO. North flanovreSt. Carlisle. el Gig BELTING ! Just re,fred a large Assortment of all Fins um Deland. Gum Horn, Gum Parking, Ac., and for iVIIP cheap at tho Hardware. Ron, of Juno 22,1860. 11. SAXTON. rill-1T GREAT BELL MASS MEET mu la being hold on North Hanover 'Street, COr- Mile,livre the Inrlnor6 are invited to call and examine the large variety of PARNI BELLS, jest recelved and whirl) we are selling very cheap.- 01,4,1"11ells ran ho bought I $2.:,0 to 06,50 each. We have the (trent Western — Fell, the Ihrtner'e" favorite:— Call and see t hero. all youltarrours who are In want of a good and cheap bell., JORN - P. LYNI a ziON, Juno 22, IWO. North Hanover St., flar isle. • FARM BELLS ! FARM BELLS!! Just received lbe largest, cheapest and best as. eortment of FARM Bl:l.l.:ilmtbe county, Oresneastle Metal, and Bell Metal NV AItitENTED'N OT TO cit ACH ; at the I lardware Store of - - : - i • March 7, 'CO. ' , , 4r.l'ini' . SAXTdN. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK! marsito , . , • - - , 40) SHORTEST IN'D.ISTANOE • AND' QUICKEST IN TINE, BETWEEN THE.TWO CITIES NEW WORE 3E3L'immelsikviaw;A• ! VIA READING; LLENTOWN AND EASTON. ' ' MORNING r.xl.lmho, West. leaves New 'York ist'o4. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.2M5 noon, 0n1y.11% hours between the two Cities.'' ' '• MAIL LINE leaves New York at 111.00 noon, and .4r. rives at Harrbibmg at 6.301'. 31: n' • MORNING MAIL LINE East. loaves, Harrisburg at 8.00 A. 151., orris log at Now York at 4.30 P. 31. AFTERNIRIN EXPRESS LINE, lilto,t; lokdes Harris burg at ).10 1' 31. arriving at New York' at 0 00 P.M. • Connections are made at Harrisburg - at LOO viltb 'the' Passungiii Trains in•'each direction on'tho Peno vani anee.: Cumberland Valley and Northert 'Centnil Roll. All trains connect at Rgading with ;''Ciains tor Potts. villa nod PlGholelphla, and at Allentown for. Mauch Chunk. Easton, Ac. ' • No chance of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New Yeah And lI trrisliurg, IS the 0.00'A: M. Line Prom Now 'York or the 1.13 P. 31. (rem liatrisburg. '• • . For beauty uf scenery, and sperm; comfort and ircemn l a udation, tide rout, presents superior indteemonta to tbo truvellin; - •• • • ' - • '• • •'• Fora hrtumrn New York and Itarrisburn' FIVE Wile ..ttiti., Fur tickets and other Infordralon apply to • J. CitYDE . General 'Agent, Harrisburg, 'EX ell AN G E TO:T No. 77 'Doch'SdTet . (Lnt4cQLK. D. JON).;S.) . . . - Title Dotes ' kept on Die . European PM% is cimonnk. ant Tmvellers, DitiXene, and the Public • goderaily, being In Lb.. immediato'neightiorlmtod of the Exchange, adjoining the 'post Office, and:. - withid a Nor -minutes walk of the Delatvarelyberveiittie landings for Steam , . boate from all parts. ' • ' . • , • : •: Bloabi can be had at all bouts: ?rem 6 o'clock' the morning'tn , l2 o'clock at night, for 12% 'cents nod up.. wards. Lodging • Eiroms um he proauted Si .6.11 tithes L , r.37j4 cents per night. .The ()hal:ahem aro clean,.well ventilated and alt.ugqeely Intninhed, The-Eating ; Do. Dirt:mein' will be peoilded'ulthi 'the best ;this Market can produce; the Delnkloir,•oounter furnished with goodldquois and the, Cigers:. The - preggietor hopiet that'ity strict perec , nal attention, trlth.coMpetont and oppstugf sortanti; bo be - able' lb ;..• ' • ' . .1 , ••J. OTTENKIIIK. • : (Late of Baltlmnre, - 1.11d., and,litidison.llousn•PhilaJ < " I'ROPRIETOa. ~IOQI. MM Thap subscribers have this day entered into part nursldp to trado in •• 4 ' ' J 0-A zai,ls m," • We, will havo Considntly on hand and , furnish to di:der nil.kinaaand,gµak}try . •°f : aentoubd, .. ; ..7 • 121; : ' • .• ' FRANS STUFF, Fir.ot• ,fugpod.,Weatltcrboardiplocts and Italie, snd story at: tick° that ticlouks, dI.,U. • , ' • All hinds of Shingles, te,wit: Whitepine, Ifeadech, • and Oak,. of different qualities. Raving Cars of, our own we can .furnialt bills -to; order of any length and' site at the shortest notice and on. the most reasonable' terms. .Our worked.boants nu ll bo kipt under cover su that they 'maim furnished dry at all times, • We have - corstalitly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under, cover. qvhlch wo Will deliver, clean to any part of the borough. ~To wit "• • . • . LYEENB VALLEY, Broken, Egg,,•Stova and Nut LULL Lt FIDDLER, TRUORTON, ' do. , • .do 4 • do. Loam MOUNTAIN; "tristch waqiledgenunsalveato:sell at the lowest prices' , • Bost quality of `. a . . , . Liniebtfrior's and -smith's • Coot, always on hand' ,blelt Fo.wlll sail nt'thu lowest figure Yard west situ or Untannir Malt] abet:L. AIIMSTItONG S 11OFFE1t. . 20,1669.' 711 AMBERSiItritGOEIALE SEM INX ILL The location is pleasant and healthx, and the shuns times are equalled by tow In the land. 'rho Institution In large anti prosperous, with a corps of oils stantu cho nun with cam, null well qualified to Instruct In the solid, and ornamental branches+, The inilutinceuin the lioni.d lug department arnpaiuntal, Moral and refining. • The next sesslnit will commune° on the %it day of February.. Catalogues may be ,had on application to the Principal. • r • • ~•• DEFFIIIENCES. .• Bev. IV. W. Rev. Jobe Ault, Loudon', Pei flee. 11. Bucher, Esq., Mgt:textual', Pn ; llou. Geo. Clunnbera,ll. S. Sebum*, D. D., S. Fisher, DAL, Boy, I'. B. Reese.- Rev. Joseph Clark. Clunubersblm Pa: Pro. ressers at - Pilueoton, N.J., bothbf,the College and Theo legtral Btonluary. ' • •' : •••Ber, near REBUS, A. M., , • . • !. BA RALI. H. BE EVES; Carltelo, Jan. 21, 1901.- 7 y. • • • . . ic . jvioiv,EpiAN.Eugs oRwARIRNG AND COMMIS_I , •• ' 4.,13L0N `rl;olUlti AND : VEEDI COALS PL•A9TFIL~AKII BALT The Subscriker having takim , the' War° Haase co Ili And fixtures of WM:II. bluiTay'smoll known establish ment: on West iligh otrout..opposito Dickinson College, would inform no public ,that ho hen entered Into a general Yorwarding'ind CemmiSsion br i efness. Tho highest market price will he paid for• Flour, Grain and pro Mice oral! kinds. They are also prepared to freight produce and •stork to Philadelphia and-Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with safety and due catch. , Pl.a fiT D LT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR ACID ITED at uhniesale or radii. .- Coal of on Mods, enqoraelog, LYKEN'S VALLEY, _ atJ„NBIIRY WHITE ASTI, • . • JA)CL'riT ( 1 A Li. LimebUrner's and plafekstillos • , • OONSTANTLY roII•HALT:. --; • -• ItEET UNDER* ~COVER - and delivered dry to Jury 'girt ofllk i v t. I.4 i lv6. Earioart. Chrlisle, August , iSSP. NEW C .A T. Y. A R AT 2111`. ITENTZtii, lIY eARI.SI.E. -The subscriber would rep.pertfolly 1,111 the attention of Limoburner's, and thu citizens of Carlisle, and, the surrounding country generally, to his . NEW' 0A 1. YARD, - attached to his Ware Houseont West 11Ipli Ft., where be will keep constnntly on band a largo supply of Lb beet quality of COAL, to wit I.ykens Valley, tuko Fiddler; Sine Oruro end Trever ten, Broken. Flgir and brit Coal—screened and dry root which Inv pledgee himself to cell at tbo lowest possible priers. Best quellty of LIMEBURNER'S AND' BLACKSMITH'S COAL always on band. . _ 43;5-All orders Intl at Ike 'Warn House, or at.bls reel theme in North Hanover street, will be 'promptly at landed to. W. IIk:NDEBSON.._ Et= L S 1 .. GLASS!! PAINTS pA I NTS I! A full assonnent of °hiss of. all size niitl quality, ulth a larye Flock of frei,II.I.KINTS, nl colors. Olin, Varnishes, he., £t'went In large or stnal quantities, at lose figures at JOHN P. LYlol.,ti fiON. Oct. '27;10. North Hanover 'area. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Thepreprietorm and manufacturers of lIOS TETTEII'S CJ GEBIRtTED STOINACII BIT TERS can appeal With perfeel confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United Stares, because the article; huLattained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few filets upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of llostetter's Stumfteh"Bit ters for -th'e lust year, amounted to ()veva-half-, "million.bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in tines past, it is evident that during the coining year the consumption will reach near one !stilton bottles. This immense amount Could; never hay° . been told bet for the rare inctlicinalpriiperites contained iu the prepara lion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the artielel is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in till tames of stomachic derangements and the dismises resulting theretrom. 'Phis is not a templokry popularity, obtained by'extraordinary effortS,ln lh y way of trum pcting the qualities qPilritlfgr.srbut a solid estimation of an invautibKolAdicine, which is destined to be as enduriVg , its time itself. liostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where,fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their ',Hahne by' hundreds. To be able. to .Hato confidently that the "Bitters" are n certain cure for tho Dyspepsia ntid like diseases,.is to tffe proprietors a source of nu alloyed pleasuCe, It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purities the blood,• and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that ' tome - andlenergy indispensable for the restoration of heath. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, Mildly but PowerAilly, and otion'restoren them to a condition essential° tke healthy discharge ot` the functions' of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bit tors daily as per directions e n the bottle, and they will' find in'it a stimulant' peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it - ie pleasant to the palate, , invigoratingt elite bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs. and fairly tested the merits of this, article,. A ,few Worths to the gentler sex.: There, are certain ,Periods when thei: cares tife.so‘harassing that Many of these sinic'under 1.116 trial. :The relation of mollies' unil child is lo,absorbingly tender, that the niother,. eepecially if cliche young„is 'apt .to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for. the'period'Of"maternity arrive during llie enamor season, the wear of body and mind ie-g . cnevally aggravated. Here, then; is a nesgssity for a stimulant tg.reoupo rate the enmiles of the system, andSmablethe soother to bear up.untlen her - exhausting trials and responsiGilities. Nursing mothers geno rally .srefer - tho Bitters to 'all other invigora tors that receive the 'ciulorserneikof, physi'- ciens, because it le . agnieisblti to the taste as well as certain 10 give sv permanent increase of bodily strength, All thorie pereon's, to Whommobave partieu larlY referred above,. to wit: sufferers from fever and'agneVhfuisearby rinderiti, diarrhwa, dysentery„lndigOstion, appetite, wid dirdieeases er derangemints of 'the seeinabli, superannuated persons of 'sedentary occupation, sianWrsing:soOthersovill consult owsvphysicalwelfare by. giving to:1103-! letter's Celebrated 3tOniriehrltitters a I pAP,TJON,,,,,Wsismition.,tho,piildic against . - using any of; the many imitations - or counter,-. felts; . but • aalt.,..for...lioirrurritn's CELEDIVATEDI SToßrAcir hna'seo that eaeb bottle hat; the witrqs :"V:3;'llOiteitei's plOninch blown . on ,tlio; of tho bottle,, anti stamped on the motan , io cap covering, that: u tbi . tintnerntilt Slane:4lTO 451 Prepatied . h.nd'ifold , by/EO§'PEMTEM. ,pza ~thiOlighi,mts . itt:w•vputea,t3tatee,,flinAli:Ame-. , ,riosipatd Getanyl L : O. Attlek, Jottd , Stambaugh, Shippenablargi Kau( ninth B. ilfmning,Apottaiticsburg;and_DrU/dsPi - fIEMENT,i4;4TA 1,44;ppi#94 14 44 4 t. jtteititilitte and Other ; CLEILIINT, by _ the quantitx pt. metinthetutere piiceti.. '" ' April u; lego: Jill elkuieou . /10 OD !:,6100"'D ! 1 G.. 00 D! ! Jtit4, 'received at Yliecheatflreceri'of fho undet shtned, lota of good th:hhap ti part of which are the 101 lowing: , ' • • Ilormetleally eintIedPEACIIRS, • (fresh.) 0 " 'I TOMATOES, " . • . . . . " ' ", P 148,, • ,; " • ' • 4 ''' " ASPARAGUS, " ' - " • OYSTERS,, " . . . " LORSTSIttI. • " • " , " IPINE A PILE, . • , ' " - " TURTLE SOW"' , , .. " SARDINES. . 'Pickled Gerldus, Chow Chow, ' 11111, Lobsters, • Cauliflower, Capers. • Olives, Tomato° Katsup, N al at do., Id urhroom do. Pepper Sauce, Hominy, Grit, Crailberr,les, - the finest of Dried Beef, Sugar•estred lama, Shoulder. Bologna Sausago, Soup ile , o)s, Macearoni, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, afolasses. and .? It of all.lchls. , • • • • - • .. • QUIII•NSWAtai, VINE MARS, among which 11tc twenty five thousand fleyrnen Sixes. prime Tobacco, and the vary best mad purist LIQUOUS lu the county. Confobt onary and Vruit. &el "MI of which are offered to the citisonn of Carlisle and county 'of Ournboriand, nt the lowest prices for coon. COME ONE, COME ALL, two doors East of Ithoads' Warehouse. - ',. • • •-• , WM. BENTZ. Car:lsle, Nov: 0; 1880. . • ° ' IRE F INSURANCE A T: T . Tau __A% AND EAST PHNNSliolto.. MUTUAL FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY orCumberland county, inner!, rated by an act of Assentbly, now Dilly organized,and In operation under, thu . nianageinoist of the followin commissioners, viz : Daniel Bailey, William It. Qprgas, Michael Cocklin J. Eicholberger, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun lap, Jacob H. Coover, Lewis flyer, S. Eberly, Benin lulu 11. Mosser, J. Brandt, Joseph 'Wickersham Alexander Cathcart. - • The rates of insurance are as low and fan rabin ns an, Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing t. become members are Inyited to make application to t h. agents of the company, who are willing to watt upro them at any time. • . WM: 11. 001tOAS. President CHRISTIAN' HAYMAN. 'aro President, LEWIS RYER, Secretary . . . 311Cl/AltL CDOICLTN. Treantrer.. Managrra.—Wm..lt. tiorgm, L. Ryer. Christian Slh y man, M. Co kiln. J. G. Unnlap. It. Ma) !tn. 11 Bally, .1 tf.Coover, Alex. Cathcart, J. Wichursham, J. tarbelLei ger, 8. Ebony, J. Brandt. - AGENTS. . • , C/15111ERLAND COUNTY.— Jelin She rile+. Allen Koury Zoaring, Shiremanstown; Samuel. lVnndhui it Dickinson •, Iltory Pnwmen, Cli rrh too n ; Mode lit It fith, South Middleton ; Samuel Oraham, atom'; Samuel Coovor, sleclriulrolinrg r .1. .11". Corklin Shophordstoivn; D. oorer, ; .1' 0. ?a , . ton, Silver Spring;' Benj. Hare: stick. Silver Spring Charles Bell, Cailiale ; John liver, . , YORK COUNTY.-IY. S. Picking, Bever'. Peter IV,til ford, Franklin ; Joe. Orlfiltle, Warrington: .1. F. hen dont Wastahrgton; D. Rutter, Newburg; C. Clark Dillsburg. DAUPHIN CO.—liounnr k Lorin:nee, ilarrlshurg. Members of the company leaving pollilesabout to e Ore, can have them:l 'wed uy making application h any:of the Agents. April 20. 1850. 1= CHURCII & EBERLY STEAM SAW MILL " . 2 L A TTIIIBER YABI - „NEW CUM-BERLAND, PA 4.11 kinds of LU.3,18E.R, ..constantly nu Lutabi , r dellyered at any put seeemiihip by !tonna , at the shortubt natio.. • - • , 131YILD,INCV TIMBEp. ON ALL SIiES CUT TO ORDER May 25,1859—tf " ' ' ITOWAIII) A ASt: 2 CIATION t-IL A IA Beuuto'nut Institution, established by npoelal e • &mutant for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic. dlsensi.N. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting So goon, to ell who apply by letter, with a description their condition, (ago, °conflation, habits of We; &e. and In eased' of extreme poverty, 'Medicines furulbin free of chino, ' - VA LUA tL6 REISORTS nn Spermetorriuraend f;i11. Diseases of the Sexual Organs, end on the N ' ENV Itt I EurEs employed In the Dispendary, sent to the nitlhm In minted lett'er envelop., fr. of charge. Two or hr Stamps fors poategd l) acceptable. Address, Olt. SK ILLEN 110110 lITON. Acting. Su goon, Howard Association, Ni,. 2 Smith "Ninth -Stree Fhltadeiphin, Pe. By order of the Direct , hs, =• EZRA D. REA RTIVELL, Prest&n OEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. • „, Mt.:21,1850,1y e LADD, WEBSTER C CO. • IMPROVED TIWIT sTITCII • SEWING MACHINES. On Itxll.ll.ltlon and for sale nt Mrs. R. A. It;itsntk DAOUERREAN ROOMS, Slid door west of Dr. Errs En's 0111ce, Carlisle, Pa • Seetl-far re circular to •W. 11. MASON, Agent. Dee. 7,,1559-if. PAINTS AND - 011.5.--L- -- - 10-Tons White Lend. 44)0 Gallons atoll. Ju • received with a large assertinont'of • - —..... • Varnishes. Fire Proof Point. Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Ms. • Putty, Colored Z ne, ' Litharge, lied Lead, Whiting, Boiled 1111, ' , • Glue, Lard Oil, SheHae. . Speen, 1)11, Paint Brindles, Fish Oil, dm, Colors of et ery description dry, and Oil It...me en tubes at the hardware Store of March 7,'60. 1I itNitY SA XTON. m (05:: t St. 's ,' ~ .. q i4 • . '' Thousands arts daily Nl:waking in' pralso of • . DR. EATON'S • INFA ILE GOIiDIAL• and why? becausit It never falls to:atm inryWit annul relief when ttivuu in time. It arts as it by 111021 e. at ono trial alone will convlneu you 1,4/It.n lint wu bay truu. It contains NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves byyoniaving tb sulteringe a your child, Instead of by a.„,,,,,„ i „„ it sensibilities. Fur this reason it commends itsel rep (lc only reliable prep:notion now known for Oh list ret Teething, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Grip log in the Bowels, Anrllty nt the :.toinools Wind, Cold in the hood. and Croup. also, for ..ftenlin the gums, reducing fidtaine the). regulating tire Bowel and rollovina polo. 11 b rie no elm 1-I,vin .4 an anti spas medic It is treed with linfdliti,l•llE:Cubfi in nil cases 0 ClonvOlalon or cither•kits. As you value tic 11(0 and health of your children. and widi Ain save tbon from those pad and blighting censoom nees hick on certain to rcjult fnmi the use of narcotics of whle other remedies for In font Iln Complaints are composed tallp noon brit Dn. HAWN'S IN FANTI I.N you in A l, thinyou can rely upon. It is perfectly hermit,' ant cannot Injure the most &Beate infant. Price, cunt Full tliNctloosaccommov cull bottle. Prenared•onlj by COVIIOIIII A DUPONT. • , No 4,19 Broadway New' York. D _ utr Healthy human Mood upon being • • A •INT YZ ED- . nhseye pieserils u s e with the sarue..esSenttar elements and gives of course the 'frue btaudard. Annlyze the Blood of n porrou surlng from Cuto.Whiptiou, Live Complelut,Dyspops &c. sod we find le 'every historic!, certshaefieluncles in the rod globules of Blood •Bupply these deficiencies And you urn wade well. ' The BLUUDVOOD Is iouuded upou this Theory —hence Its astoulshlng niece*. There are • . • ;FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the delicionc'es of tbo Mood In different Jillsoasos. For Coughs :Colds, Bronchitis, or any star , lion whatovor of the THROAT or LUNGS inducing Con: - sumptidn, ueo No. 1, which Is obeys the ,No, for Do pression of Spirits. Loss of Appetite. and kw all .Chron• to ComPlairitk arising from Over use, Ueneral 0011017, and Nervous Prostration. No. 2, fur Liver Complolhts. N 0.3, for• Dyspepsia. • Being already prepared fix' oh sOrptio,n4t Is taken by l ffrops and 'carried: Immediately into thu circulation, so tit4t; what you gain you retain. Tho No : Lis for Femalulrrogulorliips, Ilvoterla, Weak !nooses, &n: Soo' special - directions for this. For Salt Rae um. Eruptions &milldam, Kidney, nod illtolder Odluplaints, tako do 5. In all casoe the dlrortten must ho strictly plimsoll. Price of the Blend Food ta per bottle. ' • Sold by CHURCH sz 'DOPONT. No PM Broadway, Now York. t & Sons; Philodelphla, and O. 11. liryeer Pittsburg %Wholesale Agouto. Itur.Sidif S: Ellrott:gaslisle; „ , ri . TONS .IRON. . ~ AND-_ ROLLED. .•-• , fittem of very bestENOLIBII BRANDS iearran od in every way Superior, to Aineriesu wake. Just ree celvedmith' it large'assortinent of ' " .• ••' . Sheet Iron, ' ' ' ' ilii;/11s, Iloop iron; ,',", ~ :. 'Vices. . .. Band Iron, Files, 1 ' , " .Horse Shoe Trite,' -,' ; Hasps, . ; • i Spring Steel,* r . soils.- ;.:• , •.: „ t ; t Quit Pled, . Rivals, •; , ,i, Blister I t001,'..; ', •' :4 '/',tra in: ' 4 .• , i ..- .. , • Washers: , •, . ' ' 0 wi,entWvairt9 l l ~. - -. ;.:. • Swim Platen, . -,,..., , ,,i6V:91. - N it -• Blacksmith ilellown Att. ttc. Ohmper Elia - the cheapest, at the •Ifeird irate Sims et 'March 7030: ' , • IlklrillY.SAXTtiN., . N. U All Trim Sad at elty r Vilmie with' freight added an „ . . „. . • • ; MIST AK E. 11 potions in'want rot a bottldot .I+ltieothlletpertedeinitt , ure Brim dy, or Ohl Rye Whiskey,- . or 'get the pica article at the Orocery.of thereubserlber. • • . • .Catlinle, /au. 11, IEBO, alliCtbliciits. CAILLISLE,AND-1 LiILApELNH.I2I .gra D A IL R E I'a lIT LINE. ... • . &:FREED, 411 MARIUS MM, -rittiddiiiirnin. .J. &D. , ; IIIIOADS. . 111A13 BTRECI . , CARLISLE,. Lap. Curs of this Line leave the Depot 811 Market et., Daily, at 4 o'clock; P. M. ,Leave.Garlislc,Dally, at 7 o'clock. AM. , • • Goods intendol roc this Lino should be 'racked 0. & P. Daily freight Liu% nod scut lu by 4 o'clock. May 28,48bU. •MiilAir STAGE' ROUTE:—, The subscriber has started n tri•weehly Hue 'el Stages between Carlisle nod, Landisburg. lOavlog Car lisle every' ltinnday, 'Wednesday and Friday, hunted!. stilly on the Arrival of the afternoon train or cars from ev - Fagt.- Returning, leaves lAndlelpurg at 800 A. hi., every Tuesday, iVelnesdity. and Saturday, and arrives 'at Carlisle at 1.00 P. 11., via. Perry County Warm Sittings, Shermansdelic garret t's Cap and Carlisle Sul pitur-Springs, On and nfer.lane the 10th, the line will ho run daily tbr the aciommudatied of passengers going to the Springs. Fare Intim several points as allOws: .Carlisle Sulphur' Springs, ... .• . ._so 50 • " Sterrett's Cap. ; . . . 75 Sliermansdale, • . . . . . . 87 '" , • Perry County Warm Springs, . . 100 • • 7'. • La' udieburg, . .• . . . . 100 RI:TURNING. • • Landis urg to arm . . . . . $0 25 Sherilinnsdale, . . . 50 " „ Sterrett ' s U.l , O . 75 Sulphur Springs, . . . . . 100 earliest', . . .... • . 1 ( JO '7'llo tIiSOVO line will regularly carry the .711.17 L to, and It the several points above Indicated. 1 have also a well stocked LI V LI:1 * `nna' whlch Pot,, at all !linos grindy to furnish h0rg. 5 511116,r rinses to those who will fat or ine,with their pitrobnee, Oil OW 1115554 re•OFOIM11113 terms and in the very la:st nylo, ' 0.E010.41 lIENDEL. • i I XF .4 O.EI.ISr()It PICTURES A. It. II !INWOOD would re/pertfully inform IL, .ritizobs of Cnrllvli nod viiiiiity.that helms taken ivon... hi Zug's note building, east et • 3larket Square; • MA:re in is at all times ready 5 A,NI In the I,Uevt and loofa oPlirot Mauro; ' taken in rainy and cloudy weatherl 51 clear. nod xnt. tsfaetina given or no cluirces.l .'ortralts and Da• guernit!, fire C510.51i.• ,ctures taken liar Lockets he., In, A inbrotypo. Andinitypes Wllll7lll tedlo stand tin trial of time, Lela Or trate , . • blidiss nod (lentleinon ore cordially invite do to ca 'anti PX15.11itir.55110551111151115. Prit ,s ls 1111111 2:511. to $lO. A. It. 111;N1VOOD. ,lan. 27: 1808. - IY. ' ' Artist. 4 F r - E 1 3 :- . sTABLF 4 .—IInving pur -1 5 5 51515 ti from J. R. :c , 55101111‘1,5 5 r JAB VEItY Es. TAIII,ISII3IENE, I will be always ready to in:comers date the public wjilt HORSES. CA I 1 It 'AGES, lilll H7I RS, and every other ar• tide hi toy 1511 n. By strict attention In 1...0111)MS:01a a dad re to ;115 5 51' 5 0. 5)15 5 151111555 5 11b0r hopes to revel, u a libund sitar() ot public patronage, tIEI/Itli lIENDELi_ ' N. It.. OniolltuSses on hand to supply those who may be in need of theta. U. 11. Nov. 25. 14.7., I= AMES,It. WEAVER'S -CABINET /341 • AND cumn m u F A47T o NOWyl HANOVER SillY.rr. CUILISLE, rA Hiving been engaged In the business [hr Cr twenty years ho would return thanks to his customers and frhuds. for the [them! encouragement extended to him ht }ems zone Iy, and further assures them that no phis will he spAred. to give fulbsatlstactlon to all who idly, favor him with t rail MIMES AND rintNiTuitn, • of every deseription constantly on hand, or made to order. Walrranted b, be of the 1,1,14 quality. of the In lest ntylr, well finished, and solo at the lowest: possible lor ort:•11. Ile Also eontinll, b 136111... as an UNDERTA If 1111.- 11e:0y :untie Collins. Metallic or otherwise. I, t con. Plautly uu hand and (uncials promptly ntte;led to personally In tow al or country, olt the most re .01151111, • en e , r y nod W 01,1,11 Cbflins. lar,c size, nen' finished 11111 i 1111.. d lunldr, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Collins covered hoot 15 t - 5 30 dollars. JAMES R. WEAVER: May 25. 1h.59-Iy. N. nmiiertles situate In Chumlawn, Dumb. county, urn offered for_ sale on easy terms. Apply'ns above. .1. IL W. William I Pteretiutl Pl,OlllO - in the Intsemeat of Main-Stret Lead and iron l'lpus, Iron Sinks, Ilydrants, Path Tu bp, lint 1. Cold Shower Baths, 'liath Boilers, Wider Closets. Wash Ito-Ins, force and Lift Pumps, - hydraulic Rams, etc. Writ% Iron Weld Tubes,. And every description of cocks' and fittings for gem, steam, water. &c. Superior conking rattles. heaters and gas fixtures put up let churches. Mares and elwellhant7 at.short notice. he the most modern style. All mated. oil slid work In our lino at low tutus and warranted. °AY - Country work and Jobbing promptly attended to. Mar. 23. 1559-I.v TRUSSES_I BRACESJ! SUPPOR .. THICS!!! C. H. NEEDLES, S. W. COrner Twelfth & liaje Strewim PHILADELPHIA.' Practical Adjustor of Rupture Triunes and Mechani cal Remedies.. tins chustantly on band a largo Stock at tlenuine French trusses, also it complete asbartment of the I est American. Including the celebrated Whlteti Patent kover'Pruets. liclieved by the best authorities tc be superior t' ,anylet ilietitetl. English end Amer- rem M1111)0401 , c11n , fItalte, 1, 4 1.11/tiOr Mures, Sunkonsory Ilandagos, roc I nject ing Sykillgea. adapted In bath se, ea, In neatlportoill• eases, French Pe.earies, Urinal Bags hr., tac.. • ' Ord•rs_aild later! of enquiry,-will, moot prompt at. toution IL Ip.m3 ! If A.MES ! ! lIA 31,ES ! ! 50 Pair nature, just reeetvod of all kinds. t3031310N PATTERN, ' LONDON PATTERN, ELIZABETHTOWN PATTERN; with null without patent fasteninga . cheaper than ever, at ill, Ilard wan, Stony of March 7, '6O, WrAll.r‘ Ell,;` . It MA N. " Dealer in • FINE GROCERIES 'N. Av• Ccsiesser 17th and Arch Street•, PHILADELPHIA. Importers of ef oNs . . • E i IASI! PICK filig and SAUCES. Particular attention paid In selecting lino `1:11.11.5.,q4 COI TILES For Panill huirnrxtilways at. Refiners' prices. Mole, F 1 6 ,, LlQUolth smih:l./ARS, of the - boot brands, always On humid. . May 9,, '60..1y. • VA4IIS ! 'NAILS ! ! NAILS !! ! I. X large stuck of good,pean; Neat, and Tough nallF, at the lowest Prhres., •Our nails are worth Z.Ortn a keg nein,. than any other make of nails veld In our. town. this is U, 00 tilon of meebanlea who have triad them, we aloe I t ive a full assort moot of BUrLDINO MATERIALS, • of am latest aall 'mast approved etylea. All amain war roared ay represunted. 3uIIN I'. LYNN & AIL) , 2.'00 • FLY NETS ! NETS! tralr.Fly _Nola, of all colors; Lluon,Caltna and Torino—cheaper than the cheapest—Just racillvell at tho llardwaro Store of 11. SAXTON'. N 11 4 olu Agents ()Jr Gray's Extrs ClutteberebutlC Tel . :ie .— Ply Nets: ' Aleicleents-suppli eta et meuullactur: ere prices. 6 Juni. 22; 1590.„ • 600 TRACE CHAINS OF ALL (duds with a large amortutunt of MAT CHAINS. HAI T IRt Cid IiREAsT MAINS, LOG (MAINS. co', SPREAD Se., &c., lust reeeivad at Iho Cheap Hardware Store of 7ilamh 7, V). ' • HENRY SAXTON. GRANVILLE STOKES' GIFT • CLOTHING EMPORIUM, .01VE PRICE 11. NO. ABATEMENT, No. art Cbostnui Stmt. . , . Oranvillo Stokes would return thanks to the publla fm their oppreelationof Ids efforts to please, and their Dheral patronage. " , . • v 4 Ln ~der to keep up thin kindly feeling, he hos yiel ded to the solleitotlons of loony of his• triclinia and In. Angursted a new system, of Gifts with with Garment. Sold. To his chuffs selection of Dos Folvlrs,and made. 'up Clothing ho footles the sbrutina , of the. , 01E44; on Wadi no to hie now Mode of doltm business. Coslt'„or. tido la 'wornented to be In Fate*, /7tylo and !lake; °gun,' Di any gotton up in•the City. and ONE PRICE, •Alower' limn-the lowest;! Marked nu tbo ticket. itwh Ortlau sold, or measured for, is accompanied by' aClik•varying in value from Sl tnitlotl , ' • • • , N. 8.--None but tho moat skilful Designers. Cutters mid Woiknien otAployeal f and sattsfoothuf in Fit. Fash ion, Vahrle, Price anti Dift, gemranieed of t.1.A.NV141,1.1 DUNCES', ono. price gift clothing emporium, No. OUT Chestnut Street. •• • ,MnY HAINES BROS.) 0r,111t9T41:11 , 70..a.n4 ; zia Acpriorr • • ~ , , "P 'IAN() FORTES; 'fhdebrated for superior quality of tone.amt 'eloptnee STOP beauty, of finish. These 'Nonni have always taken ItsT 'PREMIUM whi3iiiilleed In eompot [clan, with otheemakora. sw.CONkTITIQN.: kapjelidld ariviriment of LOUIS XIV and plainer styles always o hand. ' Also Sueond hand Timms and . PRINCE'S I.lli pIIOVED d PISDEONE from 111 to SSSO. • LT,ory lustrun*iit Warranted. , , . , • • ORO. L. witarms - Mahe and idolodeotkEtot. E • '' . , • S. I. cor,it,la Arch' Sts: 'l3lla. July 15C0..:-4 rues. • ~GgS DISEA3E ORIGINATE 1A • ' IMPURITY OF Tlll BLOOD? - his inn question ofaital Intporttuice. and one which hits never boon aatlnfaqtoillY clittwied of by the proles sore who tdaeli the healingl, art. Berne maintain—and °specially thy old - salmi Pityslidnus- 7 that Ille'llves In the blood. and therefore nil iirearet , 'originate In It-- but olodern science avers that Minimax have theit origination le loth the solids and fluids' of the Lolly Thor, the latter 'preponderate, hoe ever . . isn 1.5 col lu r I tied Inedieni elan` has cline ly denanixtratol Call n• least two-thirds or the [MUat liftmen been it, heir to, have their source in an • As, for instance. In the long Catalogue, such as Scrota la,lietter, ilarber'n Itch," Pimples, Blotches. Eryslpo lac. Ulcers, Bait ]thrum, discharges from the liar, Fever Bores, or irruptive diseases of uny ktrid.-XThese are 'as curtained by well known medical lawn to arise from bad blood—while the highest niudiCal authorities declare that most fevers originals In the same finance, and more particularly Typhoid nod scarlet—the former be lug an Internal, rind the latter an external irruptive disease; and , in all persons attacked , I.nt these' matadies, the blood is found to bi either coagulated, of of a dark unhealthycrm , l / 4 .„ To ward istf, a arge majority of diseases, as *oll.se to euro a uturiber s Mar havo already seized upon the sys tom, it Is necessary to - ..• •1 llltw\:Trn BLOOD Lindsey's Improved Blood Searcher does not claim to be a • for every diseaan nnownib ut - tbeideprftithirelnito - or. It Ito power not only.of draining nut an idipuri tie; ol the blond, l,nt by the all fitful combination of well kndwii vegetable remedies. It will rum nil disenses alreing - freni, it deranged suite of the liver, drive nut dyspepele, and • give renewed tone and vigor to the ntinneeh That the ninon SEAll1:111.41 IN all that in claimed for it, the proprio torn Carl produce .• • • It is only a few years stern tt won dikovered, end yet It ban grown into cuBb n business lent a largeleboratory hinobeen built expressly toe its maitufarture—s large number of men employed to putting it up, and still the ' hUPPLY. PULS' NOT EQUAI. THE ItEMANDI M'e ask any candid man, could fills be no. II the Mod icing did not possess ALL the v Hues claimed fur it The Prom 'steers 'bit're.hundrtlLlA of certificates from mete eel prohity and slanding.in.the community, show ing what the medicine is doh.: &MS' for the suffering ASK ANY . Who bas over used Lim - Blood Searcher Whether Jell WA% ON peri,,twed, • Let the afilleted give It n trlnl---li Pilloo )4)W° Nil COTIVinCe the 1111 Ft Sl,.litirai of Ito enk.,,,y. , • . al), For 'sale in Carliale by M. W. Haven:lick, FrEl Bolt, - and IL .1. Kieffer; lianfrolmn "5: Fon, fileelsanien• kung: tiomveller .t.. Zonk. Sliefilf ordst own ; .Insli fin Co In ffigefnwn ; .tarot t :Ammon P. ermei linalln; livrtz •At .11 ire. slilremanFtotrn ; A. M. Leldirlf..lMillne :Hugs Mary IV. KINFeI. Clll4 rrhtown ; Edward James. 15 rot Ilil I ; . 1 . (:. Faan.limht .k Bre., Oakville: Shoemaker Fe rillott. Newburg: Mn. Brat ton, MAI. rifle; J. Hood. & C,.. Springfield : I:Ifs:ell Fe Lice. Dirkln^on ;• 11 , ' Inn d .el 1. Fe . Wlingl . r .lAck wanyll le; Wm. Clark Fe 1..,,, I.eon p ond e , Win If. I:Aleg, Sporting Mit; I). Denlineer Whit: Ilall J. C. Altlek,'Sltlppentburg; all of Cithiber I ad roman Pa. . , As a Medicine. it Is quick and effectual, curing tho .1111,0 aggravated MVOS of Dyspepsia. ' , Jitney Complaints, -and all other detungenients of the Stomach and Bur ets, Inn NJWl'lly manner It will lu stoutly relied . the most drooping and mel atieholiy spirits, and .ristore the iveuk, nervous and sickly to health strength and ylgor. Persons who. from the injudicious' use •of have heroine dejected, and their nervous systems shel -111,01i1•11 don 11. Flll.ject to that. ' horrible curse to 1111w:101[v. Ihe :FR 011:70,011 almost immediately feel the happy 001 healthy itirlgo• rating eilleavy of 1/iU_ltiuN Invigorating dose.—One whir glass frill is often no DECeRBIIty. 0110 ditto will rennive all Had Spirits. One dose will cure Ileart born. Three doses will eure Indigi stlon,_ • One dine will give you a tio. d Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will reindve tbe distressing and disagreeable effects et Wind or Flatulence, and 11:1 .141 As the stow orb receives Alm Invigorating 'Spirit, the distressing load and nil painful feelings will be rammed. One dose will rennive the most distressing pains of Colic. ellher In ilia stomach or b o w e l s . - - A low doses will remove all obstructions In tbo one, liladderOr Urinary Organs, .. . Persons who are seriously /Allard with any Kidney Com Paints ere assured speedy, relief by a dose or two and a radical corn by the 1.151.1 Orono or tuk, P.: Lynch, 11 and GAS FITTER, the M. E. Church, Carlisle.• 1860. SPRING F A A T S HIONS, • . KL'LLERS' OLD STAND. ' A completo stock of Bata and Caps now ready for Inspection. SILK. • FUR, CASSIMERE, FELT & WOOL. ' In every 84 le and quality. We call rartlettlar a aunt , Unit to out $3 SILK HATS. Silk and soft Mts, any style manufactured to order Caps of all kinds. RECOLLECT It KhLtilt'S DLD STAND. North Ilauover Streit. - . • l oop BOXES OF GLASS.—. Of all slur, Double end vltigin Ortuv InentalWoh ied &c.. Just received at the Cheap (lard. ware Store .1' 3hireh 000 GRIND STONES.- Of nil Azes,lvprrantal of tha boot ,quality., Just revived at Om littrtlweretore rf March 7, 'W. 'MN RY:.8.1 XTON. 11= . . 13 OWDE R . - • . • • ' j• 25 Kegs Dupout:ltock and Ritio . powder, with a large roburtinent of Sandy Fuse. .. Steno Drills, . Picks, . • Steno Sledges, ' Crew liars, Stone itaniniers. Just received at the cheap Hardware Store of slarrh„ 7. 'GU. HENRY SAXTON% HAT AND7CAP - EMPORIUm.- J. O. VALLI(/' et CO., succissore to Wm. If. Trout would announce to. their customers' and 'the publit generally that they hive Just received from Medal phis, a large and elegant sti.ek of goods, in their line of business of every variety, styte and quality. i & 1 Tlkey have on ltanda splendid - assortment of HATS AND CAPS, . ....... of all description., from the common Wool to the' finest FUR, AND SILK HATS; and at prime that must suit every ono who bass an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stock ineluder,_ • _ -MOLESKIN, CAMOMILE, BEAVER B FELT of every style and color' and unsurp....ed for , LIMIT. DUltfiltiLlTY ANP - FINISH : by thoee •or any oilier establishment in the country BOYS' and CHILI/It EN'S ' HATS and CAPS, of every icseriktinn con.tantly on hand. • • Noah 11:tuover St. Carlisle • 'Theywespectfillly Invlto all the ohl patrons and as ,usny new, ones as posalble,•to give tlltm a call. J. U. CALLIO & CO.' I3ENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMVANY. FIFTH CHA TURUUE quAINS. . The Board of Trusters Dove doclared an Errai. Emir DIVIDEND Df Fl FTBEN.per cunt', and a regular Dividend of TWENTY-Fl YE per cont. And also a Case or Ear Dieldend of DIX' per cent upon tho Scrlirl/tridOndo 61.1840 to February,lBs9 inclusive, I and now. ready.td deliver Certificates and pay In terest to those entitled theretm SPONSLIZit May 2 MU. Agent. DV, FOR..ST, ARMSTRONG: & - CO. :DBA'I:IO6DS MERCHANTS ? •-,„. . tibitffl'Oha, T bers 5t.,N.:1 7 .,,.. ; • .7•: - Woul4 nottO 'Hide that they ntiopenhiti WFAily An • ow and bentdittti pAtternft, tho WAMSb'TTA' PRINTS. • $ Al.ao TOE • • . . . . A Jlt 6 a 'IC .Fl-4 0 ; A new Print, which eosin every Print in the Country for parroction of eXecutioa and &Apt lt, tun /dslidtr Rolors.•, - Our Prints am cheaper thou 'any in =whet, rod meeting with klanairp sale. . .. Orders promptly Attended to, ,• ' . 2J.1131.h1Y • . .. . • „ •sUGAIt CULLEITITAIMS•7-'-. Dried heat, Bologna,"Vish. Cheese: Coffeee; Eugstv, alolesses, 'Teas, •Maceerony Dried • Fruit, Tomatoes, Peaches in cane, Pipe Apply, Corti'dried sod fresh, Sar dines:Anchovies, Chien. kluehrootn. •Wainut and To. motto latstip,JOlM talndorfOlub. Worcestershire, Sbdin Soy; Harvey's and Deeding Dance; I'iekels of all kinds plain inl'fancy;Altisthrde plainvind mixed; best qmitity Tobaceo & Elemm, B.OrieslpQere pure • OLY:YRITIVHISKEY : Drandlea, Vinci; with grintt - Variety . co goods not enumerated to ba'aold'at the lowest CASII PffICES: Country produce taken in exchange, WM. DENTS .„ • NAILS AN p 11' benne Nails nod SpikeS' reeeli'eat' of the very b t make and ell Warranted. Country merchant s supplied with nails, et reenufepturbis 'pqoes, at the Ilardwsre Store of blotch 7,40. JUeficincs. 131PURE,STATE7OF TIIB MOD( ' UNIVERSAL PANACEA' TILE: PROOF LINI)81:17 & LEMON. Proprletorx, Ilnlllilayaburg. l'a OEM • yS P S AP - R - EMERY V Dn. pARIIIS HAM'S Aromatic Invigoratins , Spirit. 'Nils Medi..lre bus been used by Ihe public for x years. With increasing favor. It in recouurended to - cure ilyepepula, Nerrousnesn, --- 11001. limn, - C 011.., Pains, %1 nl. in the Btonoteh, or Pains -to the ]towels, Headache. Drowsiness. Kidney Corm. plaints, - Low Splilfel,-7Telieltfur—Tretnens, lotempereuve. It Stiniulates, Kxbillraim invigorates, but will net • Intoxicate or Stupefy. IVII AT :IT wad, Do. Nra ItTLY DISSIPATION "Personswho, from dissipating too vnuch over night, and feeirthe evil effects of poisonous liquors, In violent headaches, idckness at stomach, weakness. giddiness, will find one dose will'remove all bad feelings. • Indies of weak and sickly constitutions. she old take the Invigorating l-plrit three times a day; it will make them strong, healthy and hippy, remove all obatrac• thins and Irregularities from the menstrual organs and resfore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn lure. During . pr6gnacy It trill be found en invaluable mod! tine to remove diaagreeable attnvellona at the stomach. All the proprietor asks la a trial. and to Induce title to has put up the I Avielitirtao SPIRIT .in pint bottle, it 50 etm..towtrts $l. • re > For sole In Carlisle by 8. W. Ilareratiek ; in Itio• hanicsburg by L Kaulfinan,And by Drugglets goner. illy. Feb. 1,- 1860.-Iy. . • , • • Carlisle Merch . l3, ISCO 11 EERY SAXTON Apr. 25, 1560-1 y DIVIDEND N(FrIoE lIZNIVE SAXION