40isiellancous. PEOPLE VA:!!:OOII6iraWitI•NIDICIV. deSAW,YI?;IIB,IVor i gtore gist MAtil. o,l : l itA ibbre,b,iiiitifittptdeir of Siiirtiondii bible end 8 uritutor pile= 'Wide tinueunt . ; 1-11:eilititiklititzgitie . hciunoiCorti ew'lork extunitvb auction ,utt , Wykitt..:Teiittitietitaly4ertuie, w WU' liiiiftiffer . keeithluilucetnents tri'itiu buying publit.'oUr stock etinitiebies the Iritost,thide n tyke of R AND .P.A.2l r 6'r q in.the inarkit4ilteri as Figured, Plain, Barret; Striped. Alibi In,pll Mule:varieties, Double Juno' Silks, Ilium'. suited Foulard,lndla Silks, - real French Challies, Crape firenadino, Spring Valet:mina At Poplins. Yooir & nlue trounced Ramp &Lawn Robes, Ilarege Alight's, Crape Maritsa In all cslors, elotb, French Organdy,. , . .. .' , MQURN(NO „ DRESS GOODS; of e” every -description of flexion's linpoketlons. ' Sherrie I , Shawls I of all kinds and gunlitles, Light cloth Mantles Splendid silk dusteks, Freueh tato Points & Burnous Sliantllla Mantlue. Sun UmbrellniVaresels, Airmen. „dens Aid Oloves,'Clauntlet _klitts,"opilng aauntletri, 'Hosiery. of all kinds and Oleos. Embroideries of every description. Itonnets. Wlatii, Sinkers, Bonnet Ribbons ' andirlmmlits, Eresiarimmlrigs*,. , • . ~ ....• . II P SKIRTS: 1100 P SHIRTS I I Nflleoxcolobniti4 gOiird troll skirt, selling very cheep. Men a Boy's ,wear sultoblii for the seinen.' Mids t Neck. tlekvitid' MI Ober .klits of tiontlemen'ii lurnisblng. CARPETS t CARPETS!! 011 . 4:11othek, 011 i;frilis, Shidei &e.. &c. As we hese:Suet gone kilt° this Ig:inch of trade, customers will find our stock NEW end•FRESII. Content additions of desirable goods will be secured :dining the sensed': Please cull et April 16.'6U. LEIDICII Jr. SAWYERS, NewStrre • FRESH SPRING ARRIVAL 1860. OOTSA,SIIGEd." „ BOOTS & SHOE& • At tthithnesere eery tight of preient, it will he every" persona Interest tolook out for cheep BOOTS & 8110 ES, and save the dimes, end the very place to accomplish this object is at the old corner known as a shoe .Store ihr many Years, directly opposite Ifurkholders old stand noir Obese Hotel: call enter() for Yourselves and save money es you - will Sod a complete aesortment of ail kinds of goods in the BOOT & 8110 E LINE, end of the very boa makes, and ever remember the lowest price articles is not always the cheeped so you will find among our 'Cock the prices vary according to the quality of the article. The. Subscriber booing just returned from Eastern Cities with a large otteomplete stock of Bents & Shoes tie also keeps on had 'a -superior quality of (tome - Made work of.Beots & Shoes to'euit the trade at the lowest cash prices. • r • . Ramis Vail It-ititrPtgiod-imote, . • tion'a French Calf sewed Boots, I Ken's Kip Calf& Goat Brogans high /t low cut, Ken's and Boy's Call Buff& Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Men's Calf Buff & Patent leather Congfess gaiters, lee. ed and pegged, Ladies' Misses & Childron'e Black and Colored lasting ,tasters, ladles' Mieeos & Children Feney Kid, & Morro. Slippers Piffles' it Mimes float t French blorroco Buskin., -Women & Children pegged work of all kinds st prices. Just received - en assortment of Children's hop pored toed shoes. Repairing done on short nr ties. • -The subscriber 'dill continues on at, the old stand thankful for past favors hoping to receiVa a cm tinuance '(the same, • ,Carlislo April 18,1660., ' JACOB-SERER. , MAD?, GLOKIIING I CIATIIING FITTING CLOTILING I • The suhscriher has lust received every superior and well selected stock of SPRING /i SUMMER. CLOTHING, edelelfltlnd of Caeflatcre, Summer and Italia'n cloth, Al. puce, Dlarsalles, Ltnneu'aed•Cottonndn, Coats, Pante 4% Shirts also 811 k and Satin vests and In short every thlpd in the way of OARDISNTS. jlie ntook of 47ENTLEMEiVS'. PURIM:WED GOODS, Imo been solectod with n proat deal of care, and Flat cravats, de., &c., are fluidat unusual low prices. ntUNK&OARP.ET BA BB & VA L181,..9. ' The auboorlber would call special tatontiOn to lag iitta stock of . . HATS AND CAPS- •.hlch ho has rectivod and le oohing: them pt very low tin a.- Or the Above you can convince ).buroelf by railing at the Cheap Clothing Store near the Market I (ow ASLIEIt WIEL. April 11, 18C0:- . , WRIOULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Cultivators, - Oman Hoes, - Barden - Trowels; Forks, Shovels, ROMs, Spades, Noes, Pru. _ • nrig•llOoks Hay Knives, Picks. Mat tocks, Hay Elevators, • Man ure _ • .Ilooks, Plciwg of TEN illifeierit mkt!, ' Including Planks Plows, Ilenwood's Plows, Gibbs' Plows, Zoluler's Plows, Bloomfield Plow, Rork Metal, mid ,Engl6 Plows, da., ac., 4c.. &a. Just' t solicit a large supply of all Itlndlif goods to Lt nukthe Farmer or Mechanic at March 7.'60. HENItY SAXTON. • "„ - ',IILYER PLATED WARE RX HARVEY' WILLEY No. 122 E Market Street, PAILADILPIMA, •Manufacturer of Eno , .„ . • NICKEL SILVEIti and SILV7I, *PLATER of, , FORKS, SPO.JNS,' LADLES, BUTTER - . KRITES, CASTORSTEA; SETS.' .:URNS,'.:KETTEES, , WAITERS; ' SUTTERS .DISHES; ICE PITCHERS, • CAKE BASKETS,. OOMMI I NZON, WARE, ' "CUPS, MUGS, 008 LETS, Ae., • With a general assortment critnprlslng none but the best quality, made of the beet, materials and henTilY plated, constituting them n'S errieeabla and durable nrciele • . ; For Karns, ars/vincula and .PEITATE FAMILIAR For Old. Ware re-plated in.the beat. manner Feb. 22, 1860-1. y.' • • • W..RHEEM, ATTOUNTX AT LAW AIID:GENkIIAL AGENT Ninneapolie, Nbin'eaoia. • TirrilL give special attention to collections through TV out the State, make Insontments, buy and 801 l Real Estate and securities. Negotiate Inane, pay taxer, locate land warrants, ac., kc. Refer to the members o the CuMberland County Bar, and to ail *mince t tit'. tens of Carlisle, ra. 'fAug4.6B-Iy. J. GOODYEAR. - LIAR IRON. AVING entered into co-partnership the manufacturing of BAR IIION, at Letort Jorge, Carlisle, Pa.; we would respectfully invite the attention of hardware membanta, Blacksmiths, and all there who may want a superior article of Iron to give t em a call. MI kinds of hammered Iron constantly on band or drawn to order on short notice. The highest price paid Ibr wrought iron scraps, or tit. ken In exchange for bar Iron. 3. GOODYEAR & CO. Carlisle, Oct. 12,1869. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSU It- ANCE COMPANY OF NEW TOM .Assets: ' ,SIX: MILLIONS A 8• DOLLARS, INYEISTRD IN FIRST 7JORIOACIIIB ON REAL INTATE, WOItTII OVER $13,000,000. The premiums are Low= than in many other Compa. tiles, and the Dividends have been douses', This Is a strictly MUTUAL 'Company. 'i'bere, are no Stockholders, so that ALL TUB PAOFITS AELONG TO TIM INSURLD. ' e ' Pam&leis,' and every information, may be bad GOAT ria, on application to WM. D. HALBERT, Carlisle. • •,,,, PIIILADELPIIIA REFERENCES: Thomas Bobbins, John Welsh; ~ Mordecai L.'Dawnon, ' • Gears° 11. Stuart, George M. Stroud, B.S. Whelon, John B. Myers, • •J. Fisher Looming, Joieph Patterson, , William C. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, Arthur G. CoMn Thomas 11. Powers, . George W. Toland, William Mcßee, • Thos. Watteon. - IP: ItATCIIFpiID STARR, Agent, ' • • ' - ' S. W. Comte' Fourth arid Walnut Streets. , May 23, '6O-6m. PIIILAD'A. I , IIILADELPHIA‘ WALTON AND JEWELRY STORE 0. coNnno, FORMER OCOUPANT, No. 148 NORTH SECOND: STREET, CORNER. OF QUARRY STREET. Tke undersigned' hoe leased the above premises, where be will keep a large assortment of Cold k 811yer Watcbee;rf American. English and Swills Manufacture 'of the most celebrated 'mekers, in addition to which, Will be found 'sleep; on hand (and made to order) on : extensive variety of Jewelry, silver. and Bilver.Plaibd *Arai together with a genimil aSsortmeat of such . goods scare usually kept in a drat class Jewelry Store ' ;Tbe patrons of O. Conrad, and those of iheaubscraber tNether with the public generally,' are invited to call; where they will receive a good article for their money: AxFairidetOuilned to do strictly a Caibliusineas goods will he sold.yery low. , f SMALL PROFITS AND QUICIL NALEti," is the motto of thin establishment. , .LIOVVIB,II.BiIOOMALL, " , „ . Formerly 0. CONRAD, No. lda North Second fit. corner of Qua: tr . June 11360,4 y. .„ . .or the PERSI4/`,T E F .. . VER. 'CliAlifd. ' :' iT. -.: or tbe prevention and cure of " Fever and Ague end Itillions Pours?! : This wonderful ienredy 'wee brought ' , to the knowledge of the present pngwietors by a friend who has been a grant traveller In Persia and the lloly While going down the II iyer, Euphrates , he experien• coda severe attack of Fever and•Agtie. ' On discovering , iihreoilditiora,•onei of the boatmen took Point& peraon ...an-Amulet saying, "Wear Obi and no Paver will touch •yon." Although lincreOuloue 'as•`,.to its virtues; be • compiled and ,esperienced Immailato relief, and bas. , shun always formed it an effectual. protection' from air matador's Wamptaluta . ,. . „ . ~. ~ . ' . lOntsrther Inveatigation be foiled that the boatman ~ •'attributlidinit;rnirallnious-powerss 'otid ^eald it Leonid ' only, be bbtained front,' the Prieets of the , 131113.. Some time aftervraide,"lturgentleman in conmroipg with a l pant bbtalaid acme Math. secret of its girepnytioni• :.and.asontained.wbare the medicinal :herbs were•to her . .i 'fbund, of which: it.was, mm0.111,10E4 , The' Wonderful .'' ~'irtrtues of flit article have induced still 'heifer in the • mends natives In tim miraculous healing *rims .?'?f,tkelr:Pribiti.- '' •• ' - ,• -l' •:,,.,,........ , . '=. 'ffinethiaretlirnto Ameaica, it: liiii.baaii,ii•led with. '••••• *• bii ppl#Vpiteet bjlgeveral ladles and gentlemen of 4 - . 4 itio tidaii , Etna It the , Faalit , unqiian..; •ri'r•Op, '•,' , iidaidy'llavias b oa t 4l, ONO* Jahr. 44 .*iiire:10v Itia.•PrIORO IO 4,AO , atm :'-iiit • ' liis:f. • - a aiterligta ItarterfaiseMeadta ti t e a l pia _rig*ldt?mttlivtglnglyietko.i ::4!:fir . V--- RktiM Ql rigitiOiteiii4.lifi; t 'oportiotk —. tors Band off ••,/, • ...' . ' ',,q. ' tr .1 , ' , ' ,l ' '.. , 'Pr:.1 , ....,. • I ' , c., ',7.Sett 4 , 1466,17: t -,,, ; , dontivlrk.oxfoi. ) ,: • ~ , ,,t, A `..4.' .Z . J , t '!" ; 'Z.:A .u,' , ' r. s, ;L..", , . .. 1111: - F,EMA.LE . COLLEGE, . . ; 01lANIOSISUItG, 'PA •Ttile.lnstltntiOnf, &alpha% for'tho;llbertil calueetioit of Young Ladies, has beau to Opotatiblitiro yearkwith , the moitgyatifylug malts. It Is now osteblishodon allipajaials, nod, pairocpge already 'tixtentis, °ter' 11.1% , Thr Statf2B. ' It la locakidaindlie Clumborland-Yelley flallrOod . g"! ' wity'hetwoon-llarelehurg diallltirlinha" in the most fer tile and•boatalthl-holtion bf the vellwand Is in clone; proximity to ode of the dnuat moral,:bealthY. and au tdrtiriging.tOWilirili the ptate: - " ltle-contratand easy of neeeini. ilttidents leaving Weehington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia In the morning , tralnlor Ilarrisburg, WIII arrive at - Idechanicsbueeld time frit dinuor. • The edlfico In large and commodious, surfounded by double verandas. and will acroonnodato about one hun. droll boarders.' Lt Its couiltructian,'lt coml./Ines ell' the' mo‘Wrn' improvomento for the promotion of health, comfort and couvenienee. lri thoso respectdphisicinns pronounce It unrivalled, The ohombers aro Inrgitped • licitly tarnished. Eneh has' its register fur hoot And ventilation .Only two students occupy the same room. The loth rooms aro at all timexouppliod with Warn and cold tooter. " The grounds aro amhlo. and well arranged for recre ation, and tho various' calisthenic' exeraisen -so awn• tied to health, graceful movement and. symmetry of form. • Tho Facult ly oncod. In the Collegiate Department MO course of study is of a high grade, comprehending all the subject.. Wong. tug to a Clasalcal, Polite and Christian Education. • . in.the Preparatory Department, pupils willobe care; fully instructed in them branches forming the beats of a•thorough•Engllch edueation. „ , Some:m-I'lmM Session , from the let Wedneaday of. September to thu 30th ofJanuary. Second Seision,from the lit of February to.the let of J uly. Vacation, dtiring'July and 'August, TEIt3IS PER EigSSION 1W FIVE IIONTLIS, PAYABLE . . _ IN ADVANCE.' Boarding, Washing, Furnished Roomo, F 860 00 and Light. • Tultion—Colleglat . o Department. . . . . • 20 00 " „Preparatory . '• ... . . 10 00 • " " First Class, 12 CO Nn extra charge for Ancient Languages. Mimic—Piano and Gutter., . 20 00 Vocal M•ibie. .• . . . . . . 200 Modern Languages, *. . . . . .10 00 Painting, Drawing and other Ornamental Branches at the usual rates. Text-books furnished :dairy prises. . Yor further particulrs addross; Re a y. A. G MARLATT; Aug. 3. 1859. . • President. CUMBERLAND VALLET.4.II- C . ..511mMER ARRANGEMENT.: ~,,,,, QUNSE OF HOURS( On and after TIONTaY, APRIL 16th 1800, Passenger Trailw will tun aufollows: (Sundays excepted.) POR CHAMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG. lot Train. 2d Train Leave Ilageratown, 0.45 A. M. Greencastle. ' 7.35 • Chambersburf6 8.30 " 1.00 P.Bl ". Shippeneburg, 9.00 " 1.32 " • Newville, 9.32 " 2.04 " " Carlisle. 10.10 " 2.44 " • Mothaniceburg, 10.42 " 3.10 0 Arrive at Harrlaburc. 11.12 " 3.45 FOR CLIAMDERSBURG AND HAGERSEOWN. • let Train. 2d Train. Mayo ibwrieburg • 8.05 A.M. 2.151'. 51. • Mechanicsburg 847 " 2.62 " " Carlisle, 9 " 3.30'" , "Newville 10.02 " 4.04 ," Shippennburg, 10•31, " 4.33 " Chambg', (A rave) 11.00 " 5.10 Greencantle, 0.00 Arrive at Hagerstdwn. 0.40 " ear- Passengets will observe, that there Is but One Train a day, (a Paso:anger and Freight Train combined) over the Franklin Hold, connecting with train to liar' risburg at 8.80 A. SL, ant. with the Train arrtring from Harrisburg at 5.00 P. M. THREE Daily Trains leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg, at 2.45, A. 51 .12 60 and 4 05, P. 5I„ making direct con - ;actions with train% for Cincinnati, Louisville, Clove• land. Chicago, Indianapolis, St. Louis, and all principal points throughout the hest. For Phlladelphl&Rla Pennsylvania Central Railroad At 120 and 605 A. M., and 12.56 and :1.50 P. M. Via Lebanon V. It. R., al 6.00 A. 11., and 2.35 I'. 51. For Baltimore, at 3.27 & 7,20 A. M , & 205 I'. at. For .reverton and Williamsport at 1.27 and 8.15, P. M. Trains on Dauphin Road nt 2. 00, P . NOTICA TO PASSENGERS: At all Sfutlons where 'tickets aro cold, vie: Chamberaburg, Shipponsburg, Carlisle, Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg, a reduction of ThN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all Paseo': gore :that provide themselves with Tickets before( en. tering the Cam O. N. LULL Buporq . Ballroad QMoo, Chambefaborg, 1 April, 10,1880. f A. B. I.IWIIsTG'S • FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS 1859 West High Street, Carlisle, Pa (Premium awargeq,at the Cumberh:n4 County Agrimitturai Fair of 1867.) The subscrltssr has Just received the most splendid assortment of nrtlelea his line, 'eyed' brought to this Fle c e--lichhe Is determined to sell at prices that de i competition. • Parlo r Chamber, • ' " Dining-room, FURNIT 13 R. Kitchen and Odle° mbuicing every article used by House and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and limbionable design and finish. 'winding also Cottage furniture la setts. reception and Camp Ohnln., Mettrasses, ;Jilt frames, pictures, Ac., Ac. Purchaser. are requestedoo cell and examine hie stock, at his extensive waro•ronme, West Main street, •North'side. A. 13. EIVINGI.. AT Particular attention given as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on tumlemto terms. A. 13. Carlisle, May 13, 1658.—1 y. I=l FALL ARRIVAL OF Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Fruit, and Confectionary. E. W. IIIiVEIRSTICK has Just reoeived from the ell and is now opening a splendiddisplay of FANCY GOODI. I , to which he desires to call the attention of, hie friends and the public. Ills assortment in this line cannot be surpaSsed In novelty and elegance, and both in quality and pricier the articles, cannot fail to please purchasers. It would be impossible to enumerate hia which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite Wnish each as. Papier Macho Goode, Elegant:alabaster and porcelain ink.stands and trays, Taney Ivory, pearl and shell card CASCO, Ladies' Fancy Ilaskete, Earley Work Boxes, with sowing instruments, Ladles' Cahas, Writing Desks, and Portfuhos. - Port Monnates,pf every variety, Gold pane and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladle.' Salley Mattel; ery. Motto scale and waferk; Silk xnd bead purses, Biding whips, elegaStly finished. Flue cutlery,. Perfume baskets and bags, • Brushes of every kind for thetoilet, X. Basle and IL & G. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy Pius for head dresses and shawls. Musical instruments, of alLkinds and at all prices together with an innumerable variety of articleselegant finished and suitable for holiday pretends,. to which . ho invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, - • • comprising the various .Engllsh and ,Amerlcan WerkS, richly'embelished POETICAL WOItKN, - Bibles and Hymn hooks, elegantly bound in velvet with metal alive and corners, suitable for holiday gift.. Ills assortment of School Books and School Stationery Is also complete, and comprises everything used In the •Behoole. He also desires to-call the particular atten? Hon of Families to his elegant assoitment of • LAMPS, .&e., • from tho extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style. of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, (or burning either Lard, Sperm et Iltherial oil; also DYOTTII 'celebrated Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, togetlier with Flower Yeses Fancy Bcreensi &o, Ills assortment In thil line Is no equaled In the borough. Also, • BEGI.kItS AND. TOBACOO, embracing all the Ovorite brands, and a fine assort maid of MEERBOIIAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES: • :FRUITS, • snob no Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, Ac., FANCY CONVECTIONARY,-NUTS—Pit „SIM,FED FRUITS,. MINTED-MKAT, PICKLES, - de. in every variety and at all prices, all of rthich are pun; ; , antlfresh each as mobs ,coofidently.,recommended to Ida friends. Ills stock embusses everything in the line of Fancy Goode, with many other .articles • useful to -.hue ekeepera. which.the• public. are especially Invited ,and examine, Remambeythe Old Stand, nearly the Rank , on ','Noith Hanover Street. . 13 - 10RRY'SATAPANESE-POLISFIES, COSIPODNOB I Need. no rubbing—produces beautiful Gloseandirill preserve' the 'either one third longer. Perry's Japiiiese Pollish for Patent Leather Boots. Perry's Jepspese.Boot and Shoe Pellets, 26 cents Perry's Japeineso Wiferproof'Pell h. 26 cents. Perry's Japanese Ramose Polish, 26 cents;. Perry's Japoness Polish for Iron Goode, 60 - einits. . Perry's..lapanese Furniture Polish; 25 cents... -; ' •Porsale everywhere. ' • • Wholesale Depot for Pennsylvania, /It MAL llmir Co. corner of l'lrth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. Iday.Bo; ' . , . . • • CITRAW - HATS 1 STRAW HATS! Just, iecaliadiktkallatoli Old Stand Nortii Haup t ;Tar strapt; a large and aompleta'st9e kof a5✓ .iii0, 6. .0.t.it r , 14 ,4*/.0. 11 a , SS:WM fkiiiitltyl!W and . Viallita,!•all idt:wich otittro;stddztganstal •c - • .-; m:au cstats,ww.42.lo. • ..:411411 sumaxam ;•• • 1. .. : - vrocq e HAZE,A6t $Y iody for!Dir , oto;i•:. bargalos mil at • Carlial• KELTAW“. COucationd. Of InetructlOn is 0111olont end oaporl• 1859 FANCY GOODS, .010 i f is , ;NE'*S.TQIIKAND NEW GpODS Adittiointk,t g o . moiftie tie , ry , .pbnigiptigtnitigp,.‘yblell Luis bion-e*tiodelt,to >uittiorsighitlkwould attetiLl9tt. gui,ffri" .that Ito 'hat Just ro:op6nedlilif oxionelve aosortmeot bc campy &Roc - . . In ble new'store.rooni, on tbe'southiliint . earner - nf'tba public stuaroi,lrbere the public ors invited to', cult and. examine lektock of goods which; bii elegance', variety and "extant: will defy compotitlon; Comprising in part ,loaf, lump,, ermined and ',Awn'. ankles, . a Java, Itio' and roasted' entree.' Beery vu. ~- riety and quility of YEA: ' Spices, (ground i i and'unground,) L'lckels, Sauces, Table Oil. I !, ~..4 . - Now Orleans, Siosultonae and 'krlnidnd '. ;,' Molasses; l'tor York and l'iilladeliiliiarlyn. -_ • • ' ups: Cheese, Macaroni, Yermecilli: split Nee, knoriny, elinecinust, corn litatch, icarino, Chocolate, lOitract ei Coffer, relined auger at : reduced rates, washing and bolo Ing coda,' Tub:woof the most Oworito brands, and the lineal qu'illity of Segos. Ain°, a Ilea ntiful assortment of Britannia Ware. plain ond• g.ld land China Ware, Olaie, Qtienni. Steno nod. Ea, thern Ware, in grook-rio, rbity, .'ind en elegant let of YantY/Patips, extracts nod perfumery for tba toilet.'. .', . ritUITS: Indio:ling Peaches; In. cank,•ltaisine, Cran. barring, dry apples, citron,. almende, 'oranges, -lemons, . 7 .. .. -.. ::LIQUORS: Wholesale 'and retail, .- i rrg,(4l(4) embracing comport and old Rye Whig. , ( key, Ilrandlua, dark and( polo, Lisbon? '"--"' 7= - - - -4 ''''' 1111 Sherry Port, idadaria4ialkger, Catawba. ~ .i - --..;. : L7N v.• ..,, ...• and Muscat Wines itv , easks and lxiti • • _ , Soy, beoteu .tt Waling,' Ilolland — Glur and Scheldani Schnapps, FISH AND SALT •Xliige god( of LAMPS', fnelnaing*ott's relebre Lod lamps . ,for burning , 'immune or coal oil, Milo - .Sperm, Plno, Lard mul Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, sperm and Star Clidles. . • " • CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS ' " Brushes,' hopes, litoppv, Soaps, Door4thilit, Wit Hers, Conking•gleseoe, fine letter and note paper, Willow. Ware,.painted'bucltots, dc. Cotton and woollen Hose; and half nose, and it full stock of Otovesrincluding •tho well known Iltinove4 •Duck Gloves. In short.'his stock comprises everything that Is rolled for in Ills line of business, and no efforts' will bo spared to refuter emir satisfacticiu to his customers.. C. 11.11101T.' Carlisle, Oct. 27, 1818-Iy. Markoting of all kinds token fo goods. ' "11101RIOX "LILL" FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA . • - . Just received and in store, a fresh and . well we. lectotrautortment of Min, Java and Mara caibo Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed . • .Pulverized, Sugars, Maned and .. other brown Sugars, superior . . • • ' . Syrup Blolesses, Orleans ' (baking) 61 o I asses. ' • Spleen et every variety—. pure only; Starch, Farina and "^• Chocolate. Maccareul„Cheese and' . ' Crackers, Tapioca and Sage, Indigo, Saloratue and Soda, Cream Tartar and 'es sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TE4s A ,--A One assortment In Packages 01 and ir'bulk—as well au all other article ' i 0 , belonging to the budnesa—all at the louse 1 ' 1 4 . and into reduced prices. . . s . ..c" • - J. W. EBY. u • . AT 4 C E O I DYLY,\ L "S R o Y a established Stand, West Mairt Bt., nearly oppoelte the Cumberland Valley Bauk. I haroJust received a now assortment of watches, ovrolry. medallions. silver ware, &c.: In addition to my *ormor stock to which I invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces Ono gold nod silver lover watches, hunting and open moo do., gold An- Cheri. for Ladies and Gentlemen end Silver Lepincm and Quartier watches of every variety in style And price. Also fine gold Medallions. Brenst•pinn for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, itattent and price. .oohl fob, vent. curb and neck divine. Gold bracelets; finger rings, cutSpino, etude, sicovo.buttons, crosses,. charms, &c. Gold audoillver thin blee, altrer and plated butter knives, forks. table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of °every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver O'Y'‘'ESkand common spectaclea, to suit nit m ages to which wo invite speciatatten non. A line lot of OOLD PENS from the best maliqrs. •pectecle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracelets, patch ehaluoir it ) Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu• r ,, . . , ally kept in Jewelrynstabliehments, which 4,401. I - will sell low for rnsh.• All articles war. -TIP: I !ranted to lio what they are represented: - ~."' Particular- ottani ion paid as usual' th - , . --, •ii, 'W Tell ItEPAIRINO and all work war. ranted. Dec. 23, 1827.1 VRESH -GILOCERT:ESI -- AT B. C. 111/ma's . dhatl and itifackerol of different grades, At 111.11417. Salmon; Scala Flab and 11111 to Fish, At itt/YETT'S Codfish, Salt and Pickled Herring, ' At lIUYETT'S Oboes° and Orackers can be had • IIUYETII3. Dried Fruat, Preserves and Jellies, - - - At 1111PETTli Sugar Cured Beet cud Demi, . At nu'rErrs. A fled' supply of LICTOIII3, ' • At i3i/tXTIIL 01Is, 'White Lead, &e, &c, .186 HARDWARE! RD - • 'WARN!! Jonh P. yne k Son hero just completed. openlop their Spring Stock of Hardware, Paints, Oils, varnisher 01mo kr.. to which they inflict tho early alttentlen thn public. Wu have greatly enlorgid our stork lu al Ito varioue brancheo,and ran now accounuudato the put lk with RELIABLE GOODS. in large or email quantities, at the lowest prices. Ho wo do not wish the public to understand that we bas brought Millie Food' In*Philadelphia and New York t our town, but waren apeure them that one look Int' our store will coinlnro them that we have enough t. supply the demand In thin market. Persons wantin goods in our line will find It to their advantage to gP us a call before making their purchasoc—All order personally and punctually attended to, and Ito mina presentation,' made to effect sales ' JOHN P. LYNN & SON. North Hanover St. Carlisle May 2, '6O SPRING GOODS. - SHARPLESS BROTHERS, lave received anadmirable stork of Now Fabrics, such as TRAVNLLEItIF,S, 011InAILLE8 and OANILLAS. . Fancy SILKS from Auction, below the cost of rumor tation. . . . . lI.A.NDKEUIIIEFS and CRAVATS. °SIERT, F.MIIROIDERIES, PLAIN colored, IILA`"IC glccoly SILKS, and neat CHECKS. GRAY POPE. LINES In every variety ; Chine end Plaid. OR - (UNDIES. GRENADINES, LAWNS and • .CIIINTZES, MUSLINS, FLANNELS, QUILTS FURNISIIING (100D3 • 1111S0 SHIRTING LINENS of the best bleach. SHAWLS' •' • CLOAKS LACE and • • SILK MANTLES. Goods for FRIENDS • ' wear, • • • SHOE GOODS. BOLTING CLOTHS, de., &e. ARBLESS BROTHERS. Bth & Chestnut, Philadelphia. May 2,1860.-3 mo TAILORING ESTOLIS EI MEM 1 1O TIIB I • , CITIZENS OF CARLISLE Avp VICINITY' The undersigned has located himself lu,the room lin medintely above Dr J. K Smith's oilier, (opposite the Depot) whets be in'euds conducting the MERCHANT TAILORINGEUSINESS In all its various 'branches. Drew; Frock, Sack, and linsinens Coate cut and tondo In the labia New York end Philadelphia thibiona. Pante' loons Cut by a NEW sinar.m viblelt will girii the wear er en elegant appearance when In a standing posHI n and when In flitting posture, will ale ride half WA , up to the knees anis usually the ruse In this old way i cutting. Also, a beautiful styled VESTS that,' nil , not be dispcise4l to ride up, as Is usually the case,. lu . all these garments he will inner° a lit. Cutting done at short netlce, and dirdctinns as tee making given when desired. J. 8, RDCKA FELLOW. April 4, '00.4m. umUM BELTING 1 ~ , ... jr JUKt received a large disortment of. all sizes um —• Beltlmr, Gum nom Gum Packing; . I:c., and for aalercheali at the flardware Store of - • , Jun0„2:416 , , 110., . If . SAXTON. . , GREAT BELIpMASS MEET ING Is'being held on North Hanover 'Strad; (tar ns e, where the farmers are Invited to call Cod examine the large variety of : . . FARM BELLS, luat ;wooly:ad and which wo are .your Oood Ballston bo bought frna $2,50 t0t10.50 each. We ,hare the Great iWealorn Bell, the farmer's' favorite.— Call and 'coo thorn. all you turmoils who are to want 01, a good andthaap bell June 22,18000. JOTIN P, LYNN & SON,, North Hanover St.', ear blip. t . , )ruet received 'from Blithe e 31nottilo' Reverie:ern New. York, A large , lot nr Bilk and Lace entillas noreest style. amd at reduced priees.v , Ncer Is the time for ladies to get bargains In these :sosemnable goods. Also a full 'supply of , . • BA B. F(3 E. 13 L' A .W. NS , ... 'i . 1 ili be l• ' end &muter Gale, gree Berge be a , g vett matt] the °lute of the eeitton. ' Adaltioutt beleit,Otietitutl.t , made, our etockie eilw , s , °ambler°. - • • ' -1, • ' Juno 20; IRO: ' ' ' IgIDICti .4 latiA'gtt FARM BELLS ' , FARM .13ELiLEI !1 duet received the Iriigeid, eheepenkitp4,..heet..a,f• ortment of FARM - BELLS to the county.. GegleerpstJe Metal, end Bell MeIat . WitEItENTIM.NOT:TO'CRACK, git the Hardware Storcet,-. _Much , 'co... • at F,Nrq !l o ixTort. . • • • . _ , 'IWAVE .. dfrAVS" 414iii;atipi'aidat*(40,o4' BRIIMM0110413M, • , F - VONOVEcITAUS:. ociw cH14218, . *Mica th 4 CI) cftli, itti w lr atif3,l4ira ittbr,b 7,• . k; ItYS.I.NTON. • tiilyfier & eclat. AND, L1.J311,E Y :.thiipui,i4ll.4trliaisible, day °attend into pelt; unehlp.tolriftle s.".•s J 0 - kl; E R , „Verrill hail', cnintatily otehend and furnish to Order •=1 ; s • ; ' •••' '••• ' SRA:kilt srui•it, , • Paling. , SlaefbrllifYlAth, Shingling Lath, Worked Floor?. , Ilupg dkVenthUrbiarding; Poste and itnile, and every or tido that beleOgs Foe a LUAlllitlt , YARD. , • - All kinds r;f 7 eliitigliel, to. wit: •Whitepine,. iromlock, • nod Oak, of. dlituroul• quell; lea: Hering t'Are of our owh:we ran - furnish- bills to• older of tiny. length IWO rise at the:shorten notice and on the moot re a t onetdit , :Ounivorked.boarde will be kept under cover so that they On be furnlohod 'dry ot AI times. • We have constantly on hand'all kinds or Family Coal sneer Over: which ne-will Qoliior clean to any part of the borough. To tilt • ' EN LiikllNS - VAI.i.liN,: , , Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut INKE;I O IDDLEIt, • . TEEVOIITON, '• ' ' - ' do. do. ' ,do, `- 'LOCUST MOUNTAIN, . . . , . LOREKEY - . . . • . . Which I,e plodgeoulsfilio!l to sell at pa iowest n prices ---pest quality of . —77iintiburtier'* ' .and Blackainity a Coal, • • - , alwais on livid which'wo will sell at the Inivist figure Yar4 west eido of Onnanutr Elphottl, Main P treet. AILMISTRONO 'ek 110FETIL July 2,0,4869. CHAMBERSORG FEMALE SEM- - .The locution do ploaawit and healthy, and the advaw loipn' ore equalledifiy 'foil' IC the lend. Tho Institution ifl large anirprefirs' roils with nwriss of nis minute' cho sen with eat*: iteil.well!nuallfisd to Instruct In the mild And ernaniental.brawebee. :The Influences in the board log depart inept uis parental, 'finial' end refining.. • The next suailen will commence on the 7th day of February.; Citalo4uee, may be bed on Oppllcstion to the Principal. • REFERENCES. , ‘. . . . • Boy. W. W. Elle, Cnrlielot Bey. John Ault, Loudon, Pit; Geo. H. Bober, Et.q., lloguesto on; Pa; Con. Oro. Climbers, D. B. Firhneek, D, D., 34. It; Pleher. D.• D., Rev, Iteit - . - Jeeph Clerk. Chainhersblig, Pa Pro. footiore at Priri.inton,..N.,.l.; loth pftheCopoge and Thoo • • • • Bor. HENRY BEEVES, A. 151" 31ro. SAIIAiI IL BEEVES; . Prinelpelo. _ Cerliolo, Jan. 22'18E0.-1E • ' F _R QwopiNa- AND COM': 110USIL F•L 1,):1111 . 94. N AD; F. 16, D,., • • OOA , :eI,4OIE R -AN D. SALT. The subscriber,' having taken . the Were house. ear. and fixture. of WO, B. 31 urfisf n Xvell k nrwn establish ment, on •West illgh'street. opposite Dickinson College, would infolin the public . that ho has entered into a . general Forwarding and Commission buglers,. The highest market price will ho paid for Flour,•Oruln and produce of all kind,'.. They•nre also prepared to freight produce and stock to Ph liadelphla•and Baltimore, at the km est rates, with safety and despatch. PLAST EA A ND SALT' kept constantly on hand, and ' , LOUR AND FEND et .hrdesale or retail. Coal of all kinds. embracing, " 'LIKEN'S TALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER. SUNBURY WIiITE ASH, • • • • LOCUST 1.1 AP, • • Limebutter's and alacksnuthls •• COMA:IILT VOll ISALT: . •,6EPT UNDER COVER • and dellyered dry to any part of the town: T. R. NORMAN.= Carlisle, August 17, 18.59. NEW COAL YA AT TUE WERT CND OP tArmisut. The subscriber would respertfully cell the atteritloi of tArneburner's, nod the citizens tir Car)1.1.., o d th surrounding country generally, to his • . • NV,W" OAL YARD•, atiarhed to hjeWsupf House, on Wiest II hill - St., whore, ho will hoop constantly on hand a largo supply of the, boot quality of DOA I, to wit: Lyhons Volloy,,Luku Fiddler, Pine 0 rare and Trevor ton, Broken, Egg and Nut Cord—scroened end di y which ho pledgee, himself to poll at the lowest pond btu pricer. Bust quilDy of L1111111SUHNI:R'S AND 111,AelfSitI7TIt'S COAL " always on hand. • WAII orders loft at ibe,Wnro House, or at his real donee In Northltanover street, will he promptly at. tondod • J, W. HENDERSON. Carlisle, April 14, 's9—tf. 111. LA SR! .(}LASS;! PAINTS! kfi l'Al NTB) I A full aouument of Cliasx Of all sizes and quality, with a large stock- of !null PAINTS, sli colors. 011 s, Varnisher, Ac., Cement In largo or small quantities, at low figures at JONI; IXNE North Ilanover Stleeti THOMAS CONLYN Oat. V, '6B STOMACH BITTERS. • • TllB prntisi t orti and manufacturers of HOS TETTE lilt. -- CELEBRATED STOMACH' arr. TERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians nitd'eitizens generally of thellnited States, becausithe article has attained &repu tation hereiefore unknown. A few facts upori this poinr iwill'.4speak more powerfully than - .colonies oe*ltifii issert ion of blazoning puffery. The constuitption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over & half liottlit pail frith its manifest- steady increase in, past, it is evident that during tlie coining Oar the consuniption will reabli near ono milt& bottles. This immense amount could never 'have been sold 'but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara• tion, and tub sanction of, thb most prominent physicians those sections of the country where the article is beat known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but arc ready at all times to 'give testimonials to its offienoy in at:eases of stomachio.derangements and the diseaties iesoltiug therefrom. This is notes terepoiary popularity, obtained by extraordlpary,efforts ,in the way of true peal's; the' gitaliticis of the Bitters, but a solid estimation iAort, invaluable medicine, which is 'destined to a enduring as time itself. 4, Hostetter'if Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other 'bilious complaints have counted theivvictims by hundreds. To •be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" two a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is CO the proprietors a source of On alloyed pleasure. 4-removes all morbid matter front the st;ifituneli, ,purifies the blood, anti impartg renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it Ruh: lone clad energy indispenrohio for the restoration of health. It operates.upon thostomach,liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions if nature. _ ' Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a Stimulant peculiarlYodapeed to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, •invigorating,to t ho'bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejtivenicting , generally. We have the evi dence of G i gnsands 'of aged men and women ,who hivio ex'perienceil the benefit of using this preparation„while suffering from stomach de rangeratiatic hnd general debility; acting under the itdiiee of physicians, ,they have abandoned nli creletert§us drags and-fairly tested the merits itia article. A few words to the gcatlONlte.'" ,There aro:certain periods when therobares tiro so•liaiaisingibet many of them sink under 'Di& trial.- The relation,of mother and 'child absOrbinglY tender; that the mother, espiciallY if •slto'be -young, is apt to forget her own , health in her eXtreme anxiety for her infakit,2!ShOuld the period of maternity arrive diming - the eutinner : senson, the Wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a nOeSsjty fora etimulnittio reotipo rat e the Onelties of the systeirn'nOd enable the znottier,tirlietwoup under her exhausting trials sand reispOntitiilitiis .laiotliersgeno rally.profe4Gip ord• fa', nil other s invigera-' - tors thne'it-Ce, the endorsement of physi- Citing; beettifO'iiriiii agreeable, to the, taste as well as sortainje giso:alerinatient increase of ~bodily- sirongth.;%. • ' 'All these : portions, tO Wirom we have particu larly-n[ood fthqvc,. to wit: ,sufferers from ciguti,;caised . by malaria; diarrlwen, dysenferyOndigestioit, loss of appetite, and all'.diseases - pr'Ociali - geliients of the stomach, stiperaniiijated persons of Sedentary iic9,upitimi:itlio nursing mothers, will consult'their . own/1)10 . 81ml Welfare by giving brnted Stoinneh Bitters & trial.: At 110YISIT'S 1 .."...(lAtrillON.Wit caution the public against, -'rasing an y f; ruany",ithitations or counter.: `hits, ‘but,' ki , fon: Ileaterrilea CEE,EPRATED' BTODlAdillrelikl4l:llfia 'See that each bottle has ho:words Or:l.' llMtletter'i Stomach Bitters" tifiiria:lort ilia . sideCitt tho4Mitle. and stamped . on the matallio oap.,:coveriag the cork, and gluierve titel,Our autograph; signatUto is - On (he ~,... atv- trtiOared an d , aold by,TICiSTETT.Eit & ' 13.11qT.gi, Vltpabitiglt;lit.;. arid- sold: by all dillgidatsir grocers. , and . dealers. generally thvinniboUftlyitYld Bt#o . l l,4l P u t te " • -4, gor ask; byg,SillatC., A.NgtiliToittlokicirllolerJaba ..,u. - Attlote; A ••• altliinbanghl Etbippoosbarg , V: , ,Ksut 'IUDs. 4.411:: studage , Slsohattiothergt . 'ind' Druggists 14.*••, o •Xlafri. • •; •, • littlie'fautitg: - , -. ...t , tar 0, Wt... • 11 prepared .;,U ; epare d i'11;%34;4ts tl others; IMENT. by be ,94antlerliAm ! qrakiiritsttteet rattwt4 l6O • IrixTriN. .~Ttcllaiiea O,OD. ! 0,0, DI I' G D ! . Jugt received at th e cheap Grocer y of the undeo signed, lots of gopfl ihmge, u part of which:are thu Jul lowing . , • • , ' • Ilermetleally gush:ATP:ACID'S, , (fresh.) • • '‘," Tom.vruisB,• • • ti .COltN, • ." - • .. - at it • • • • •• Y. ••• ASPARAGUS, , • OYS rims; • . -.• • . 0". „ • " . " • • , • • " APPLY., " TURTLE SOUP, '• • " •SA ItDiNP,P, • ‘• 'Pieklad Gurkhas, ,Chow Chow, Plecalllll, Lobsters; Cauliflower, Carlin. 31. , 011vee t Tomato,' 'Catsup, Walnut do., Mushroom do. Pepper sauce, Hominy, Orate, Crisolturrles , the finest of Ilrleil Sugardoireil flems,:iihoulder.Olologna Sausage, Soup gineedronl, Sugara, - Cliffeen, Teas; Idulagewl, and f 1, of all li hide. giasiv &l a b:, PIN!" SlitiAltS, among which are twenty:llre thousand Corms n SIKOP, prime •felaimm. and the eery tou,t hod purjAt LIQUOIiS fu thUe9unty. Confctlonary uud Fruit. Sc. ' I .l il All or which are offered to the ritleens of Car'lgono couilty of Cumberbind, of 'be lowest prices for CAN/1. 00'311C.ONH;COSCH ALL, two door); East or Rhoads' N'Veruliouse. ' ' • —. • WM. BICNIZ. Carlisle, Nov. 9, 1159.. — L AND CASTRE T.NSURANCE.MiITIJAL, - THE ALE E tv . FIR IN SUBANCE COMPANY of atunhorland county. Incorpn rated by an act of Assembly, is 'low fully organized, and • lit oporatlon• under the, management of the following commissioners, viz: Daniel Balloy,. William It—Oorgas, Michael Conklin, .1. Elcholherger, Christian Staytnan, John C. Dun. lap,' Joust, 11.. Comer, bowie Ilyor, S. Eberly, Bouju loin-. 11. Messci, J. Brandt, Joaaph IVlckereham. A loxan der Cathcart. • Tho rates of insuranco are as low and favt rabic no any, ,Company of the kind in the State. • Perzona svlsbing to become memburs'ave invited to mak° application to the agents of the company, who aro willing to wait upon the M at any time. Or WM. R. 0010:1AS, Provident: CIISISTIAN STAIDLIN. Vice President . • ' lIYBR, Secretary. CDCE MN, Tiroalurer. • - .111aungers.—W.M. It. Gorges: 1.. flyer. Chrixtian Slay man, M. Conklin. J. 0. Dunlap. It. Martin, IL Bally, J. it. Cover, Cathcart, J.•Wicicorsham, J. Eicheiber. ger, S. - Eborly,'.l. Brandt. . AdIINTS. • CUMBERLAND COUNTY. John Sho nick. Allot), I ~ nry. ilnaring, Shiremanstown; Samuel Woodburn ;amen; ;• floury nowthan. Churehtown; •Modu Omit fith; uth Middleton Samuel. Graham, W. Penne, horo'; ' wool Convor,,Mochaolcellurg ; J. W. Conklin, Bleo'pocdetown; D. Coovur, Hilopludolotown ; .1 O. .1)x• • ton, dilvor Spring; Beni. llnvotattek,` Silver SpOng.,; Chorine Roll, Cu, Belo ; John Over, • YORK COMITY.—W. S. Picking, Dover: Potor,ypi. ford. Franklin ; ;Tart. Orlllith, Warrington: J. F. Dual' -- .1.,r1L - Washington; I). Ituttar,- Now burg ;- lt.-0. Dilleburg. A Lochnutn. Ilarrinburg. . . Members of the ceinpany having polieleA about to ea• can hare them; wed Dy making application to any:of the Agents. Ainll 20. 1051. JNO. B. CHURCH.. • k. r.pEnis. • CHURCH . . & • EBERLY • . • STEAM SAW MILL • • • AND LUMBER YARD, NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. All kinds of • - " 4 LUMBER,' • constantly on hand. Lumber daliverqd at any point accessible by Railroad, at the shortest notleo. • • BUILDING TIMBER .OF ALL sums •AiD LimaTlis CUT TO ORDER • Y May 25;1859—H' • I . l° WARD A A S i t.' , o 0 I r .r I 0 NI A Benevolent Institution, establish.' by special en dowmont for the rejlefof tho sick and .distressed, alketod with Virulent and Epidemic Bisensoai especially for the Onto of Diseases of, t! the Sexual Organs.. MEDICAL ADVICE Bison gratis, by the Acting Sur geon. to ail whonpply by letter, with n description of their condition, (ugo,•oceupation, habits of life, Ac.,) nod In canes . of claire., poverty, ;Medicines furnished - freo of charge' • VALUABLE REPORTS on Spormatarrhuta, and DIACIII3. of the Sexual Organs. and on the N141,5' REM EDIES employed in the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted 'in Foaled letter mongolism. Roo of charge. Two or three Stamps Err postage will lie acceptable. Addrees,,lllt. J. SKI LLEN 11000IITON, Acting Sur goon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street. rhiladulphia, Ph. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. IIEARTWELL, Presubtxtt GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretory. _ Det.21.11169.-IY • - LADD, WEBSTER & CO: . • IMPROVED TIOIIT STITCH SEWING MACHINES. t On Exhibition and for sale at 81Vs. It. A.-kgrant.b's DACIUEIHINAN ROOMS, Bud door _west of Dr., 7.111E.W8 Carlisle, Send fort circular to •• ' 11. MASON,,Ageot. Dnc. 7, 18513-tf. . AINTS AND OILS.- . . . p 10 Tone White Leed. 1000 Onlions of oil. Joel received with a largo ntsortinent a( . Varnishes. ° Flre Proof Paint. Turpentine, • Florence Mine, • - Japan, White Zinc. Putty, Colored 7. ne, • . !Aherne, ' Red Lead. , • Whiting, Boiled Oil, Glue, • herd Oil, • Shellac.. Sperm Oil. . Point Bruthes, Fish Oil, dic.,, Colors of os cry description dry, and 011 In cane and tubes at the Ilardivaro store of March 7,'60. ~ mrinv SAXTON, Thousands aro daily spealLing in praise of DR. EATON'S • INFANTILE CORDIAL. and why'r because It never folio to afford instantaneous roller when given in time. It oda mitt by wattle, :old oue trial alone will convince you 'that what we say lh true. It contains " ' hl NO PAREGONC OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by yqmovlng the sufferings nf your child. instead of by deadening its sonalidli ties. For thin reason it commends itself as the only reliable preparation now known for Children Teething, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Grip ing In tile Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind. Cold in that head, and Croup, elan, for softening the gems. reducing leftmost inn, regulating the Bowels and relieving pale. it hits no equal—Mogan anti spas. medic it is used with untallitm success in nil roses of Convulsion or other Pits. As you value the life and health of your children. and wick Weave them from those sail and blighting consequences rt hick are certain to result..from the use of narcotics of wide', other remedies for Infantile Complaints urn composed, take none hot Dit. EATON'S INYANTILIS CORDIAL, thin you eta rely upon. It is perfectly hermle.s and cannot injure the most delicoto infant. Price, 25 cent, Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared oni by CHURCH .t DUPONT. No dill Broadway New York. g_9_oD FO6tj Healthy human lUood upon bolos ANALYZED always presents us with the same essential elements and given of course the True 'Standards Analyse the Blond of a per•pu . suffering, from Consumption, Live Complaint, Dyspepsia, Setorma, Am. sad wo find it• every lIISINTICO certain defloleucles In the ryd globule. of Blood. Supply these deficleucieft and ydh are toed. well. The BLOOD POUD la founded upon this Them, —hence its astonishing autumn. There aro • . • 'FIVE PREPARATIONS adapted to the doilalopcies of .the 1164, in different 'diseases. For Coughs Colds,Bronchitis or any offer tlori whatever of the TllllO or LUNGS inducing Con gumption, use No. 1, which 'l4 alWays :the No. for Dr prolusion of Splrfix, Loss nriAppetitooindlor all Chrou le Compinints arising from Over use; &lettere' Debility and tiers ous Prostration. No. 2, for Myer Complaints No.o, for Dyegelisia. • Balite 'already prepared rev ab sorption It is takeli by drop* and carried Immediately • Into the circulation, co that what you gain you retitle. The No. fife for remelt) Irreguinrillos;llriteria, Weak' messes, ,ice. See special. directions for this. For Salt Rheum. Rruptious, Scrofulous, Kidney, and Blidder COmplalnts. take No. 5. In all eases the direction must' bo strictly followed. Price of the 'Blood Food _sl,per bottle. • Bahl by CHUROIi k DUPONT; No ,409 Broadway, New York. J W. Dyott k Sons. Philadelphia, and 0.11. Keyser ,Pittsburg Wholesale Agents. • ' . ,For Sale by S. Elliott, Carlisle, • • • •. ~.1 1 00" TONS IRON AND.'OLLED . .. . IRON of the very best ENGLISII BRANDS warren ' eil In every way Superior to American make. Just re• solved with a large assortment of ,• . ~..... .. . ' Sheet Iron, . 1 - 'Anvils, • !Loop iron, • Vices. • - , 1 . Band Iron, - ; • , ' ' • Vika •• . ' ' t '• , ‘'llorse'llhila Tine; ' Ihio:ps, .i. • ' SprlngStool, Solis, •:.- •1 ' Past:Steel; . . 7 ' ; ' ~Bionic, • .! ' " ' Dilater I teal, . Dole. .. . '.' NY idlers .' '' i 110-se Shoes. Screw Platte,,, ~. hails. .. • - ''' . ' Bleiettemith IlelloWsAn.. de. ~ Cheaper thai the oheapiatfat thellardtiere Store of March 7,-'60..-ev , v 4.- - ..:v; - - , UNNRY SAXTON. ' N. 13.''All lion sold at clay Ooes 70tr5freIght added, •an dwarranted.' -' ;., . -v" • v - . . ll•por,9onsln 'want, ObirgtAKl . ' • A '" '" ' • ota bottle of Fine Olciluipoirbil'itnii Phiii.'erandy ..orOld Ityo Whiskey, dr:olu, ke:, 'citry et the -pure , articlo at tho Uroceryor i th9:9ll34criber.Cirllili:: J;;,, , f . I I, •, 8,1 1 8 8 , . • 1 nustt i tons: CARLISLE AND? PHILADEL PHIA 1 LPL- •Li - W a pk. o l ia s; • • ' - ` 32 '' - ;Ws.`^ DAILY VREIGHT 'asp. • YRMeI), WARD .c PREEDi 811 ISAMU/ RTR ' EVS, D. 1t110.05, 2SAIN VERRET CARLISLE, PA;: ,, 495&- Cats of this LIno•Ioavo the Depot 811 51.trket st., Daily, at 4 o'clock, P. It. !Aare Carlisle, Daily, at 7 o'clock. A M. , ' Mods Intundod for this binu should bo marked C. & P. Daily Proight Lino, and sent 1 u by 4 o'clock. May Li, 1854. p IA A 1)-11 I.P II I , A AND READING 40. ii A I L. 0 A ID RIIIISIItI6'AItItANDEMRNT, Avall:18, 1859.,., E Two passenger trains teal u Harrisburg daily, (Sun• jays excepted.) nt B.ou A. 51 , and 2.45 P. M.. for Phila. delpida,ifirrivliag there at 12.50 noon nod 7.40 P. Al. Iteturniug, leave Philadelphia at 7.80 A.M., and' .30 P. 31., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.40 noon and 8.25 P . Feast f To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars. $3.25; No. 2 (In fininti train.) $2 70. Pares to Reading. st.cp and,sl.3o. • At Reading. connect with trainers!. Pottsville, Misers: Cab:whim, Ac. • Pour trains leave Rending fur Philndelphla dolly, at 0 A. 51 , A. 51. 12.30 noon and 5.00 p. u. Leave Philadelphlefor Rending at 7:30 A. M., 1.30 51.. 3.30 Y. 51.. still 4.45 P. AI. • Fares from heading to Philadolphia. $1.75 and $1 45. • Tito morning.. t,rain from Harrisburg connects .41. Rending with up train for Wilke/harm Pittston and Scranton. Poi through tickets and other information apply to J.. 1. CLYDE, . May 11,'50. Omura! Agent. VEW S.TAGE•RGIJTE.- ~... The subscriber hns 'ifarted. a trbsieehlk line 01, Stages' between Carlisle tun! Landisbuig. leaving Car• lisle retry Monday,. Wednesday and 'Friday, linnuelf abely 011111 nm-rival of the afternoon train of cars from the east. lieturnlnz, leaves Landisburttet 900 A. 1)1:, ovary Tuesday, Wednesday :did Saturday. and arrives at Carlisle at 1.00 P. 51., via.' Perry County Warm Springs, Shermensdale, Sterrett's Sap and.Carlisie Sul phur Springs. On nud ufor June the 151 h, the line will ha run daily for the necommodation of passengers going to the Springs:- 3 . Nero to the several points as allows: Carlisle toq.ulpbur Springs $0 00 , Sterrett's Ga p. .' " Gliermonsdelo, . .. . . . 'o7 Perry County Warm Spriugx,.. . 1 OD Laudlsburg, . . . . . lOO RETURNING.. Lindlaturg to Itaim Springs, . . . . . $1) 26 Sherionnsdale, . . . 60 Sterrett's Gap, : . .' • . . Sulphur Springs, ..... .1 an " •Caillxlc, 190 The ntiovp line will regularly carry the to raid frOur the several points above Indicated. I have elm n null stocked LI VI,ItY 2"'Alil.E.; !Iwo which 1 am nt all times ready to furnish horses , Tinges to these who will favor me with their patrorao. on the most reasobnitio ter:mai" in the cosy best style ninyl9lBsB.- • 01t011.111.1 FXCELSIOR PICTURES , .1 A. 11. li ENWOOD would respestfully inform ths eitizensblCarlisie and-vicinity that hohnstaken roan.. In Zug'is new. building, east coiner of •Market — Sifulfre; where ho Is at all times ready to take AMBROTYPES in the latest and most Approved style. - Pictures taken, In rainy and elouilyriveather as well as' clear. and sat isfaction given or no charges made. Portraits and Da. guerreotypos copied. Miniature Pictures taken for Lockets Lc., in Ambrotype. Ambroty pas warranted to stand the teat of time, beta or mites-. •• • Ladies and Oentiomen are cordially invite d to en and - ex amine i 3 po cni . friers from '2.hcts. to $lO. A. R. lIENW,ODD. Jan. 21. 1858--Is.' - Artist.- .ty Elt Y STABLE.—II aving vur- A chased from J. It. Nonemakeri bin LIVERY EP• TALILISIDIENE, I will be alwaye ready to acconunis dote I.li;i public with HORSES, GAB. K BIM/ LS, BUGGIES. and every other ar. lob In my line. By strict attention to 4 / }1 huelueca nod a desire to please, the subscriber hopes to receive a liberal shore of public patronage. • ' 0 EOM E lIENDEL. N. B. Omnibuomes on Itned•to supply those who may be In need of them. • G. 11. Nor. 25.1857., • - • JAMES It..WEAVER'S •-• CABINET AND CRAM • AIANIIFACT,OttY, NORTII LIANVEER STREET, CARLISLE. PA • • . . . Having been engaged In the business for over twenty years ho would return thanks to his customers . and _frioitilejor the liberal encouragement extruded to kiln tit years gone ty, and further - senores" theurthat 'no pain's will be spared, to give fulteatisfactiou Loup. who may favor hint witha call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly" on bond, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of t h e la• lest style, well finished, anti sold at the lowest possible prices for cash... lie also continues business as an UNDHRTARER..— Reedy wadi, Coffins, Metallic or otherwise.. kept ron• stoutly- on - baud and funerals promptly, attended to rromally lu town or country, nu the most reasonable , Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large size,•si ell flulabsd and lined Inside, firm Bto 12 dollars. , Walnut Coffins covered from lb to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WEAVER. May 25. 1859—1 y; , • 11—Two Properties situate In Cil iirehtown, Cum b. county, aro offered, for Sale on easy terms. Apply as above. J. H. W. Practical PLUMBER and GAS FITTER, in'thc basement of the M. E. Church, Main Street, Carlisle. Lead and Iron Pipes, Iron Sinks, lisdrants, Beth Tube, t lot fi Cold Shower Baths, Bath lloilers, Water Closets, Kash llasins, • Form and Litt. Pumps, HYdraulic Items, ha Wro't"111111 Wad Tubes, And °tory description of Oocke and fittings for gas steam, water.A.c. Superior cooking ranges,heatern ant gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and dwellings, at short notico, intim most:modern stylo. All meter' ate mid worl , in our line at low rates and warranted. af.A.- Country work and Jobbing promptly etteuded to . Mar. 23, 1859—1 y 1860 -HARDWARt.--- .• .1 The Subscriber has Just returned from the Eektern cities with the largest, cheapest Allli boat selected as bort ment of Hardware over ()gored In this County. - Eve ry thing kept In it largo Wholesale and Retail Hard ware Store ran he .lied a little lower than any other house In the county at the Cheap 111.rdware store of ' March 7,'60. HENRY SAXTON.. "RUSSES !. BRACES ! SUPBOR , TERBIII O. E. NEEDLES.... S. W. Cornet. Twelfth & Race Stroekt PHILADIMPHLI. Practical Adjustor of Rupture Trusses and Mechani cal ltemotiles. Has constantly on band a large Stock of Genuine Wrench trusses, also a complete asfortment of the lest American. Including the celebrated Whiles Patent Lever Truss, believed by the bht authorities tc be superior t•• any yet invented. English and, Ameri• can Supporters and Bolts, Shoulder ilraces,Suspensory • Bandages, Self Injecting Syringes. adapted to luitlY sex. es, In neat portable cases, Wrench Pessaries, Urinal Bags Ac., At.. Ordnrwand letters of maquiry , „ will moot prompt at tantion. August 24, lUD [TAMES! HAIIE:SI ! VAMES !! 1 350 . Pair Hamer, J wit yearlyad of all kiaria. COEDION PATTERN, LONDON PATTERN, ELIZABETHTOWN PATTERN, with and 'Who* patent fastenings cheaper than rt tho Hardware Store of March.?, WALTER C. WHITMAN. FINE GROCERIES 'N. Ws Corner 17th and Arehli t ' PHILADELPHIA. Importers of Croon & MULISH PICKLES and SAUCES. Particular attention paid in selecting lino -TEAS & COFFEES For Families, Sugars alwayrnt Renner? pi•lces. Choke WINKS, LIQUORS and SKUARS, of the boat brands, &intuit au baud. May 9, '60,1y, WM. 'H. .M.A URz O.E S . ° HEAP BLANK BOOK & STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, 320 r ChestnutStreet, below Fourth, South side • SSION Or TIIE SPRTAD EACILTO, .......P 4 O ll A D • PIL I A v.P.A Lellgars..lournals, Day Books, Cash Books, Latter Pa per, Foolscap Paotr, 11111 Paper, Stool Pons is groat ra. duty, Envelopes of all sixes, Latter Books, 8111 Books, /:RECEIP.7 I- BOOKS c€c. . goveloplog Paw. Quills de., Collnili l o .PRESSES $O, $8 and $lO. I Copying Rooks. Copying - Brushes, and A LL OTHER ARTICLES FORTHE COUNTING lIOUSE WWII will Po sold from twenty to thirty roe iont, below the ordinary pricos, for cash. Cdrllide 4111 18;!'60.-3m. ' ' . • ' VALLS NAILS!! NAILS I! I • largo stook of timed, Neat, and Tough nail Kat thOloweet Prices. .Our nails are worth Lodi a keg more. than-any Mimi' make of nails cold In -our town. this is the opinion of meefianies who have Ida them, we also have a-full - assertmen tof , ' ' . BuzLpixo of the latest mid most aplirnred style'. All goods war., ranted an represented. JOHN P. LYME & NON. May 2-'6O. North flattener Sty Carpels. ITI'S FLY. FLY NETSI • 000 pslr Fly Nets. f all • uldri• 1;Inu;1,.0otton imit•Tw Ina—cheaper c r thani o llstrelsonprii., 7 4 Just .reOeired at the Ifirdwaro stor., of •• . 11. SA3CTON. N.13:-86iu'AgeOts for 'Orpr's Exti t tf.'Vhtkiliboribult Tstli M s-FIY Nuts. urcbaots auppllos 4rooli4ufkotus. ors prices. •• • • - • June 72,140. • • P. Lynch, William' = ebicines. 'flats :DIBEASE OltIG IN ATE .1.,4 • IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD? ' lhla Is a ginlatlon of rite) Import/nom and one which has never been satialktoilly disposed of by Ole proles sera who tenet, the brallog ,art. Ferns maintain—and especially the old heill,ol Physicians— that life lives In s the blond, and therefore 011 ilveasea originate In-11-- but under,, science avers that, ,Silthents hn ve• their origfilation . lo both tbn toilds and hulde of the Lody. The. the iota, preponderate.' however, la a fixed hot, and inedice I shill baps clearly denometrated that et hoist trarthirds of thrills that bunion' flesh la heir to, have their source in on • c. IMPURE STATE OF. THE BLOOD As, for instance, In the long catalogue, murk as &min la, Tuttur,." Barber's Itch," Pimples, 'Roble& Erysipe las. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, discharges front the Ear, Fever Bares, Or irruptive diseases of any hind.—These aro as curtained by well known medical lan% to arise from bad blood—while thulrigliest medical authoritlex &clue that most favors originate in the eania manner, and more particularly Typhoid and sceriet—the former be lag an Internal, and the lattar tin external Irruptive disease; and in all peelkona attacked by than . notladia, the blood is found to he either coagulated, or of a dark unhealthy color. To word off n large majority Lf dlnesook, es well an to cum a number which have already selaud upon the eye tem, It D accessary to ' • • PURIFY TDB BLOOD - Llndsey'n Improved Blood Beareher does not claim to be a UNIVENSAL PANACEA for orety dlseass Known, but the proprietors, claim Tor It the power not only of draining out an Imuritles of the blood. but by the eltillful rembloation often known vegetate remedies. It will cure all diseases arising Troia a deranged state finite liver, drive out dyspepsia, and givererlowed tone Cud vigor. to the stomach. That they iiLOOD SEASICIIIM in all that, in claimed for It, the proprie tors can produce TUB PROOF It Is only a few years since It. Val. discovered, and yet It boo grown Into ruck a business !loan large laboratory hos boon built expressly for Its manufacture—a large !Umber of anon employed inputting it.up, and stlll.lhe SUPPLY DOES Ma. EQUAL MB DEMAND! We risk any rondld man, could this be no; lithe Med lane did pot posscse AM. the virtues claimed for it / The Proprietors have hundreds of:certificates from inen of probity and standing the community, chow lug what the median.) lodol itg daily for the .rufferin g • ASK ANY PELSON . • who. ban ever vied the Blood Searcher bether roll wits experienced. Let the affiliTed give It n trial—n single bottle evil convince Mit:best skeptical of Its ciliates. vv. For sale to Carilsiii by 8. W. Ilaveratick, S. El liott, end B. J. Incffey; Kauffman ,& Son, Mechanics burg; ausweller A: Zook, lihrpherditown ; Joshua Culp ilogstowsm Jacob Simmons. Croix Bonds; Kurtz ic Wine, Shiremanstown; A. M. Leidict, priugs Mary W. ltjnsel , Churchtown ; Edward James, West 11111 :.'3. C. Pesminglst 'As Bro., Onkville; Shoernaher & Elliott, Newburg; Wm. Bretton, Norville; J. Hood &• Co.. Ppringhold; Buseell & Dice, Dickinion ; & Werhinger Jacksonville; Wm. Clerk & L.,. Lees goads; Wm. 11. Bales, Sporting 11111; D. Ocnilimer : J. C. Altiek,Shippensburg; allot-Cumber land county, Pit. LINDSEY & - LElDON;ProprptorF, Ilolliciu.vskmrg, 122112 DySPE • PSIA Da. DADIII.9 DAM'S Aromatic Invigorating Spirit. This eledleir o has ,been need by the public for x yeare; with Increaslug favor, It is recoumvouded• to cure DyepepFla, horroimposa. Heart Ituru, Colic, Palm,. Wind In: tho Stomach, or Paine in the °web,. Headache. Drowsiness, Kidney Coat. .plelnts, Low SPlrito, Delirium Tremens, - • In tempercnco. *, ---1 1 -B limulatear•Exhillratea..lntkoraleikalit Will not Intoxicate or Stupefy. An a Medicine. it hi qiiick,and efteaual, curing 'the moat eggravated casks ot Dysiopsle. ' , trimly Complaints, and all other- derangements of the Stomach and Bow. els in It speedy niatin'er, It will inatetutiji revive the most drooping and ancholly spirits, and restore the weak, nervous and sickly to health. ,strength nod vigor. Persons who. from the Injudicious use of ilqu'ors, have become dejected, aid their nervous systems that. lured. constitutions broken down. amid subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the Datlmnst fanoeooK, MII nimost Immediately feel the happy /old healthy rating ebleacy of Dr: Mee Illvigor.llug Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. lime—One wino gloss full as often as necessary. Ono dose will remove all had Spirits. One dose will cure Heart burn. , Three dome will cure indigestion. , • One done willltive you a Wad Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing po lesof Dyspepsla. One dose will remove the distressing nod diragtemble effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon BR :the atom eat receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressing load nod all painful feelinga will be removed. One doso will remove the-moat distressing pins of Colic,-cit her in the stomach or bowels, • . A few &wee' will remove all obstructions in the ICISI• nay, Bladder or Urinary Organs. i Persons who are sorfounly afficted with Mir-Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by n dose or two and a radical aura by the uao of one or two bottles. • NIO =IX DISSIPATION Persons who, from dissipating too ranch over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, In violent headaches, slat:weir nt stomach, weakriees,_glddluesil, ae„, will hod one dorm will remove all bad feelings. - ndleaof-irenk and sickly constittltt nn. should fake the Invigorating Spirit three times a day; It will make them strong, healthy And happy, remove all obstruc tions and irregularities from the menstrual organs And restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn lace.' During pregnaey it will be found an Invaluable Medi Tinei to remove dltagmeable sonatinas at the stomach. All the proprietor asks Is a trlid,,and to induce this le bee pat up the INVIOMATINO realr In plot bottles dal) no, quarts el. sale In Carlisle by Ss W. liaveratick ; In Mo. haniesburg by L. Kauffman, and by Druggist. gener- 1860.'SPRI . NG F A VHIONS, • ICELLERS' OLD STAND. • A complete sleek of Data and Cape now mad,y.,filr I napeetlou. • . t- • .• • CASSINIERE, . 3 . • , FELT & WOOL. • • In every ats le and quality. - We call particular atten tion to our $3 SILL. lIATSV — StIk and soft' Data, of any style manufactured to order. Caps of all Linda. RECOLLECT KELLER'S um) STAND. . North Hanover Street. . Carllale March 14, 1860. 1 000 130XES OF GLASS.-' 011111 lalsoN Double and single nick. Plain, Orilla mental Colt rod ac. Just rocalred-at the Cltqap hued. ware Stors el March 7,.60, 200 GRIND STONES.-: Of all slice, ,viarranled of the best,*.rinality. , Just etelved at the flardware Store of ,March 7, '6U. ' HENRY SAXTON. • • OWDER.- 25 Kegs Dupont. Rook and Milo poScder, with a largo assortment of Safety Rose, Slone Drills. . ' - 'Picks, Stone Sledges, Crow Bars, Stone Rummers • • Just received nt the cheap Ilardwero Store of Starch, 7, 'CO. lIRNRY SAXTON. IpT AND CAP EMPORIUM.- J. O. CALLIO A CO,auccessors to Wm. IL Trout would' announce to their cuotomora and the piddle generally that they have just received from DliHada phla, a large and elegatit stock of geode, in their lino of busineas of every variety, style thud gaality. They have on hands sphinitid • 'aosortment AND CAPS, • - ; of alLdescriptions, from the common Wool to the fineet FUR. AND SRA ILVTS; and at pricer that must quit every one who has 'an eye to'ketting the worth aide money. The etock includso f MOLESKIN, CARSIMERE, BEAVER .4.IfELT HATS, of overy style and color and unnurpasted for LIGHT NESS, DURABILITY AND EINISH: by that% of any other eatablishmont in the country. • MEN'S, BOYS' and-Cullum EN'S HATS and CAPS, of every description constantly oh hand. They fespecttUlly invite all the old patrons and au many new oneslf fOltible, to, give them A call. 'J. 0. CALLIO CO. Apr. •26;180);-.1j:-. y.N.N . D.fUT,frAi;:.IIF,F.; • INSU- AnNa:cOmplari.. - •.. - . • . . DIVIDIININOTIci§. ' ' . 10 1 The Board of Truoteee have doilirod mita SCAM DITIDEND or BIFTEHN par ceritiMuti a remitter deed of TIV.IttiTYrFIVII pat cool. 'And Mee uDm rut- LOT Dividend of SIN. par rent upon tho Se p I r ads et 1850 to February. 185 p inclusive. I-am now ready to deliver Certificates and •ay In terest to those entitled thereto. A. L. SPONSL 'lt' May 2, 1860. ' • .. . ' •AMent. FOREST, 'ARMSTRONG & CO., D DRY ,1.100D4 DERROH ANTS, • • 80 i t 82 •Chainbere' "N... Y. Vropld notify the trado that they are opening Weekly In new rind beautifurpittrins, tho WAMSUrti rziars.. ' ALSO THE A M,OSXBA A new Print, which male every Print in the Country for perfection of eseeutiohnqd design in full Bladder Colon. Our Prints are cheaper, thou any In market, rnd meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. QU GA 'C UKBA: . 11 A MS•-• Drled:Beet: Bologna, Fish, Cheese. Coffee., Boaters,' MOMSSeg Teas, Masserool, Dried. Trolt, Tomatoes, ,Peaches in.ons,,Plno Apple, corn' dried hod frost].'ar. dines, Anelmeles, 011ess. alvairoorm: Walnut . , and To. !Mato liatsup,jobn liull,Lorkden:Club;Vormateratilre. India Soy, Ilarrey's and Beading Sauce,, Plehels of all kludo plain and klustaide plaln . androlaed,liess quettlty %Übe= k Segura: S. Orlsslugere pure OLD RYE 'WHISKE'Y Wandler; 191nati'indbitio, goods not enumerated lobs sold at- , tblawest , .CLAEß-- . ritiCza. Country produce taken ln,esrklinge. • 11ay",111,,4/o,irm • ,;.:,.; •-. iLS ANIS . §}"iKtS 111 60 Taus fr'.ei"feeeitikl : helbe nary beet inako tea IVarnteted, Couotryenerrhauts supptled , mith calla et usauufactuivie piteee;• lie the 114rdwore atore of Meech 7,'6e. RENPY PAXTON. HENRY SAXTON fireb.B 86-13,