Nol A Lb persori knowing' themselves debted to the slabseribne. wilt ri OA. cull'on film at his residence opp Ate Raymond'e Ilo(el, and settle without doluy. The accounts BIM be settled. Juty J. I). lIALDERT, ' TO PARNIERS AND TIIRESIIERNIEN: ~ ) ^a - ' • , a *UI,-.01 Geiser's Patent 8 romlating Grain Sepn• • later, Cleaner Mid Bagger. The underidgned &Airman rail the attention of the Fal memo( thi+ and the adjoining counties to this, ird., proved machine, which.has given great satisfaction_ to All who Vove need it. ',Those who wish to see it in operation can haw) (re. quest opportunities., ec it will be threshing in the "neighborhood of Carlisle during the season. Parm•ra .." would dowel) by hiving :thibr crops thrashed and els:medley the( labor and train Saving machine. There Are three different sizes, hem 4 to 8-horses, to suit far mere. Orders f,r the scale of the machines, or threshing out crops. solicited and promptly attended to. As to the ability of the marldno to do tho work, I •rek'r to the following gentle,uett wino have te..n it thoroughly tested. J nhn Noble, John' Pauly, ' Airtn. Cart. • •lohn Vameron, A. .1. Katz, elachluest, Augustus Zug, ' as-pb thank, ' do. Peter Lindsay. For further particulars see. or address . • 57 AUTIN Agent,. North Ilanover•St., net door SI est of IClitie'n Carlisle, July 13, Ipso•- 4t. COURT PROCLAMATION.-.- WItY.RES9 the lion. JA itIIS IL. Olt A 11A111,, Preel• dent Judge of the second Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cumberlend; Parry and Juniata, end Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and To - miner and General Jail Delivery in said counties, and lion. S WOODUUSS and Ilan. 31. COMM', Judger Or the Court of Oyer and Terminer sod General Jail Dells... • Tor the trial of all capital and tither offenders, - le, said county of Culaberland. by their jkrecepts • . ma di• meted, dated the Sth of January. 1500, have ordered the Court of Oyerand Termfirer .knd General Jail Delivery to be holden at CARLA sp MI, on the fourth IWNDAY al August. 1560, (being the 37th day,) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to continde one wrote. ; NuTier: IS 111611EllY 01 V 101 to the Coroner, as• tires of the l'Oatt , and Constables of the said earthly of Cutnlkeritrod,,that they are by the said precept com mended to be then and there in; their proper persons, with their mills, records, inquisitions; examinations . p rLalluthoyomembrauces, to do those. things which "to - their officer. apperWirfoThe done, Inctl/111 - those - the are hound by recugnisances. to pr....rate against tire primmer! , that ere or then shall he In the jell of sold county, are to be there to prosecute them as shall be ust. ROWT. iIoCARTNEY, Sheriff. StfLRIPV'II OSFICE, ' Carlisle, July 13, WO. 1' ' TO FA ERS AND LINIEBL,TIt- NIMS AND OT111:11.S. Tito underabord.hava been appointed sole agents for the 8010 of the colohrated Trerorton Coal. Thin Coal In racommendild by Mr. Landis and others alto bare tried It. to Ino equally an.etrong, end burn as touch limo per too nn lakens Valley or airy other cwll in use. Como' in want of Lime Coal will find It to their Im terust to buy thin Coal ire it costa from twenty to twou. ty fire cents per ton Irina Limn 'l.ykens Valley. We have the prepared Treiorton Coil flw loudly use always on hand. Also n largo stock of,ool of all kind.. Our mock of hUNIIICR Is largo and complete and will he sold at the lowest prices. Thankful for pont (mourn we tespectfully.esa a con. Unmake., of tint same. ABAISiftONO B /19N TER, REM =III A GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND MACHIN?. SUOP. N. W. corner or ilanover and North St directly opposite rtaymonds lintel. The subscriber would inform fat mere and the public generally that he is now manufactuting and keepicow stantly on band AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS • Such as Horse Powers, Threhhing machines, with sepa rators attached CLOVER HULL RAWS CUTTERS. - •CORN SRELLERS, Ac. Sepvrators from 6 to SI horse power. built to older. N.•lt Irons and material always rah/Owl, for repair ing Reapers, mowers,-Tittesiting MaeldnetentdAdricul turdi Implements of all kinds, which will be attended: promptly. on reasonable terme ' els number Of second-hand thrne-horse machines for sole at very low rates. A. J. KUTt, Foreman. • Carlisle July 6,11460.41 m T w. §CO . ll', Gentlemen's FuiMis J • Ing Morn and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 814 Cheatmit atreet, 4 doer. below the "Cnnttnen tol Hotel" and nearly nepcslte the •:Hirord lloueu" I'hll 1 Iphiu A large assortment of Dressing Robes constantly on hand. Part irniar attention given to ordered shirts—a perfect fitguaranteed,. • Wholesale trade supplied with now sliirisand collars on liberal terms. .., July 13, 18110.—Iy. NOTlCE.—Notiee it hereby given that the trailing firm of Lash & Knauss lias boon this doirdiesolved by inutool consent.' All piirsous • ludrht ed to sold firm are hereby requested to Tooke payment. and these hewing rinimn to minima them to J. S. Inch at Carlisle or I:, Kuauas at Allentown Pa. within :SO days. . • July 6,1860.-3 t. • FINE IVATC II R E PAI It I NG:- .1 F. C. KREMER. ,a. the Nsw Jewelry Store on East " e• Main latent', near the Public -AP - Pquari., 18 prepared to dean and " repair the Finest Wateltes, and • 2 ;,.„11111 warrant them to giro entire j. ' aatistaction Alan fine Mantle I • . \. : 1? .Clocks 01111 kinds, Musical Ito, ..* 6. , :"/...:. et, Ace willow., Ac. put In cos 'N..' , l ~.. : . 2 , . , ... , ;, pieta order, and warranted. '_ . _o o, .....7 . ..,...... • CarlUde July 0, JAW-1y N REMR OTICE • AND READ THIS.- F. 0. KE, • • At the note - Store. on East Main Ft. 0 C . ~; .7 . 1 I w n o n u r l y e ir l y t : ; 4 :l n t t n t n e ' n s ti f o l o iLT:aro . s ruz ; It slant cd . o fine Watch to hll ß s r Ple n ndid c.,..) . t. „s r !, •t• l7 ' .:Cock of American, Livervol and Lon .douott :I stalatt. I have a fine stock of Gold Watches, et all prices. from ttionly dollars up to three hundred dollars I also have a largo stock of Silver ilintting Cased end Open Cased Watches, fr'm three dollars up to eighty. I also haves now-stock of French and Ameri can JEWELRY, In setts, such as Cameo, Gold Stone. Lava, Mosaic, Mourning and Plain setts, kr. I also have a now stock of Medallions. from ono dollar up to fourteen; Ladles' and , iontlemen's Itreattt ('lns of all patterns and prices: Gold Chains; a large stock of West Nob and Curb Chain.; it very large stock of finger slogs ,of all kinds and patterns. such as Seal Mims, Weddlog Itings,.and Settings; a fine stock of Cult Pins, Gold Stints. Sleeve Buttons for Ladies and (.1 ant letnen.Croses Bracelet., Gold Watch Ittly., Seals, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Goldund Silver Spectacle., a large stook of Sliver Tea and Table Spoons at all prices, and a cont. plots stock of Doublo Plated 'fort and Table Spoons, pla• ted Fork's, Silver and Plated' flutter Knives and a fine stock of double plated CatderS ' Sugar Spoons, Silver Fruit Knives, and a large stock of Common •Spertacles, do suit all ages, to which I Invite particular astentlon;` fort !dominion of all kinds, Slit —...— Ter Keys and Chains; a large stock of Acrordeons, Violins, and Music Boxes. (large and small.) and a great 'caddy of articles usually kept in a, Jaw airy store. 1 haves:so oa hand e large And well selected stock lifel.ooKS, or all patterns and fashions. from one dollar Up Ca 1212112== . , pto It and warrant them for one I , l', .1 • . 1 1' . _year, to be good titn.kespers. hoary thing awn by Ind shall be whit; It In reprmented. Cloche, Watches, and Jewelry, carefully repaired and Warranted. Carlisle July 0 1 18130.-Iy, Letters testamentary on the estate of henry Enrk late of Monroe township dec'd. have been levued in due brut of law by the Reglater ofeutn• Borland county to Henry 1. kinek, (Merge Back, Job. Eack and Jacob Bock. tI realding In the name town ship.. All portions Indebtvd to the eaLite *HI wake' Itetnedi payment and those having claim will pre mat totem properly authenticated for cottleinont to Itaxtor ry. ENCK, •'"" ClEOltriE JOHN ENCIC Jacek aid: Monroe typti. JUly 6,1600.-61. Exicutors. 'NOTICE.- Midll4\looooooo, iiitlt, 10th 1000, ....Notice is herabrxlten that kit application will be Inade to the bagislature of renne.ylraula at Ihl • tick t Meeting for the Ineorporatlon of a bank' of lame, With 'Miscount Wad deposlt pribileuto. to be laridtid In the nen:nigh of MECtidnlceburir, In the Collard of Olittibeh land, Patina. and to be called thb inbcbanlosbutir Hank, frith a, capital °rotor hundred thokaand dollatir With 'the tight to Indreace the onto to twehundred thoUtiand donut. ,_ reh,rlV,t., , ,Itihnlifictfty, , Jobb Nadler. ~kerb Mumma, • , Levi t Ilborky. .K. Siorgar, - Mamie' Ebel% . Win ascot, *grin • ' , —; ' eglattott ti. Oorgno. _ .. -. A . TTEN TION PA It Lite, AND Ittlltafttftei The itndsitilottid le the Fate itittlbt rot the eNlCifidttld MUCH DOTTOM itUOVINtI ELATE. and KllI kthp d nuppty Constantly nn hand. This Mato tan ho fdrekilinti finnonih• than, filtininun, ethli In mare sigrablO•tban any (niter tnaturlitl. it tan btl pmennal by *tilin tin inn subatribbr at idh 1 - opidehce on rant btlfort,, daoo Mlllol % val,„ th)ith furhtel 1a pertronh Ina*. Naataltt h:ttnzrtrdun i:t,e, H. 8,• Godbold,. 'ruder nod .Ittipuiret• a e ttiontto MotOthtbilh an hoo toodo 11111111 nm onto to llnit thin pion nuatthily hntt tntletintlilin. , lD titta.iton litho( inentin n 5 lintrintittlii eqn.illtu t h at iniattattiltitn'tlillen 115 MUt5 nip l'ealltn Whining to plirChnho ninon Inn, tilh h 11 themeetrlsorhthoapotlonenitltrlrrtJny Rend InoVit Monte witntwo der e, lin work Oat by MOW oval PAO. Yd or no olnitito colors lore !to tit 00l 1 3111,0 t he Montion tiouto odd toot o uttiott itttendoth ,iOOl Wilttlth4on - • - • • clianNTo6-Tha booritior t;ropoireti A.,/ to Nati to otorehaota ultivfej Otitlitht tq !tit, itutottty at map ityitttutota • 'Corukit Attu itopl I)URIFy -THE ]3L001) The high and envied celebrity which thesis pre-omi pout Medicines have anittHed fits their invarlabte • eill racy In ad the dlsesses.which they prefers to cure, ims • rendered the usual practice of pulling not only Wince., sary, but uattvathy of them. They are known by their fruits: their OJAI works testily for them, and thby thrive not by the tnith of the credulous. Ist alhases of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rheuma tism. Affections of the Bladder and IC idneye. Billions Fevers end Liver Complaints.--In the Pouth and West where them diseases prevail, the 3 will be found invaluable. Neuters, firm rs'and others, who °oceans° these medicines, will nevefafterwards be with out them. Billious - Cholleand Stirous Looseness, Blies, Costive ness, Colds an d Citughs ' Cholla. • - - - • fk CONSUMPTjON—Used with - great success In this di noose. • , • . . . Car upt; Humors, Dropsies. Dyspepsia.—Nn person 'With this distresstug disease should delay using these' medicines innrdiately. • . . Eruptions of the :kin, Erysipelas, Flatulency and Fe vcr and Ague.—For this scourge of the Western country -these medicines erLI ho found a sant, speedy and certain. remedy, Other medicines luny*. the s 3 clam -subject to rr mimeo of the diseatto—e curt' by these mrdlrhma is permanent.. Try dim. be satisfied, and be cured. FOU,LNESS OF COMPLEXION, • - 0 IIN KRA L DFUILITY. Gout, Giddiness, Gravel, 'Heed:wiles. of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, lutpuie • Mood, Jaundice. Loss of Appetite. LIVIA; COMPLAINTS ' LEPItOST. LOOSENESS, ° • MERCURIAL DISEVSES • Never Mlle to eradicate entirely all the ellecti.:of Mer vary Infinitely sooner than the most pox erful prepara tion of Sarsaparilla.. , Nicht:Sweats, Nervous Debility. Nervotis Complaints of all kinds. Organic Affections, Palpitation - of the Heart Painters' Melte. PILE'S. , The originsl proprietor of these medicines was cured • of Piles of ris years standing by the use of-these Liver Medh:lnes alone Pains in the head, side, back, limbs, Joints and er g Zoe WU RUM ATM!. . • Those affll ted with this terrible disease will bo sure of relief by the idle Medicines linsti,pf Blood Id the Head, Scurvy, Salt•ltheum. Swellings. ' SCROFULA, or KING'S lIVII., in Its worst forms UI - cern of every description. Worms of all kinds are effectually expelled by these medicines. Parents will do well t..• administer theta whenever their existence Is suspected. Relief will he certain. ' ~ • . TILE LIFE PILLS AND PIDENIX iII'ITTS . . PURIFY TI R-BLOOD,, And thus roman) all diseases from th system. , Prepared kik -' . DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, , . .) No. 335 , 11 roadway, (Ballot Building) N. Y. • • For sale by all Druggists. , . July 1.-to. GENTS . WANTEDI 100,000 WILL 11N BOLD. ' . • NOW HEADY NATIONAL POLITICAL . CHART, amar 01' TEES UNITED STATES Accurate Portisits, from life, of the Candidates of en Party for President and Vice-President, with their I. tern of acceptance, Platforms of their t repoctiro Part" with a vast: mount or Statistical nutter. Results the Ptesidentini Elections of the 'United States frt . . . 17110 to 1556; names o f Iho Fpenbors of the .41oubo of ibpresentstlers fr0m1769 to ISCU. 'rho map is beautifully colo.od, and printed nn heavy ealenderrd paper, sizb 32 by 4,. showing the exact boundaries of all the States and Terilturies, extending through to tho Pacific. Politicians of all Parties, and others, wishing to have betiiro them motel int fur lining fully posted at a single gloom, should possess n copy of this Map Befall Price, only 25 Cents. Fent post paid, on receipt Of 'the price. A, RARE CHANCE IS OFFERED TO AU ENT S. For Tenor, Address DUANI ItuusqN, • Qunker City Publishing 110U6e, N 0.83 Sotith Third S June " ' Philadelphia l'n. GOLD YENS! GOLD. PENS !! . • hove on hood eivetrylnrge stock of extra fine Sine mouth ' No 1. °old Pens which 1 will 5..11 - far bet low 'heir or iginal whnlesnle coat price. 1 make the fol lowhig magnificent offer. 1 pan by mall, 1 dozen for 2 dozen ports for To any coo oho will send me One Dollar for these pens. shall receive et the mole time. (as a premium), n inagniticunt full' tengili-portralt of Capt. John Bro Wit, p.l $l, FREE. or If they CII.Pe the life, of Abraham nr4tn and Hannibal Ihmllll, to on large beautifully bound volume. price 61, Minds lIF CHARGE. ••11eltubli cans now Is the time to get the lite of Lincoln hod Hamlin, FREE OF CII A 110 E. Any One milling me ss'for pens, shall receive * four portraits of John Drown the lite of Lincoln and Hamlin and i Ira the speeches or lion. Abraham I.llmolu and Stephsll A. Douglas, In Minnie In ISM, when they can vassed the State together, FREE OF Cll At.OE Valued at Young men fall make from 610 to $2O per tiny by or. &dug A gonna.' of there peon)e they sell rapidly, and the be ks alone are worth the money paid for pens, books. and portraits together. lf any one whim to get thn 110 of “Hollext Old Alto Lincoln" rend me Mu, dol- 3. ABRAIIIMS, Proprietor . • . !sr for pens, and you ran get, the hook FM: OF NIA RUH. Send along .our orders Immediately before my stork Is exhausted. X ddruss • CHARLES 11. F. WORTHINGTON ' 'Waverly Tinge Co. June 26.1600.-31 ' New.Nork.. WARM SPRINGS PERRYCOU:d TY, PENNA.. .1. S. L 4 glr, F. I,NAU.,S. The undersigned, having leased this favorite water ng place for tim cocoon, would Inform the patrons of he eqnblishruent that it is now open for the reception vlsitorx • Its location, on the banks of Sherinan'sCrcek cannot ho surpseed fur picturesque mountain scenery. F body roads owl beautiful drives, while the creek eiferds ore. ry inducement for • BOATING AND FISHING. • The Mineral Fprings, for bathing purposes, le one 0 10 best in the country, ltritn; a temperature .of L 7 degrees Fahrenheit. and runtalng,off neat I) a hundred gnllons a minute, to supply the bath-houses, which /1 el, tittettun with shower and plunge haths.". The buildings are large and connuodlotts, having been entirely refitted with new furniture. 'nuld the Inrder well stocked with all the delicacies of the , }naitun, serv• ,ed up by experienced attendants. • , A BILLIARD TABtlil; Bowling Alloy. Music and all the customary amuse mutant a watering place, will he provided by the 'col Arbiter who will Ilse his best exertions to make it at tractive to those who desire a healthy, retired sunime retreat. he Wenn Springs are situated 14 miles north orCar. it, from which point theie in a daily mail. Perron ring Philadelphia nr Baltimore In the morning wil arrive at the Springs In thua for tea s by way of Carlisle nr Dunrannon, front both of which points stages will run In connection with the Ears. For terms or further particulars address . JOHN EARLY. Juno 16,00. • Carlisle retina: For the wilubltty of the eir , end the medicinal prop • erties of the water. the Proprietor refers to • J. W. Power. States Union Hotel, Wm. Guyer, ad & Lombard, otiladelphis. T. A. f;rinwell. Walls. St. J. 11. Guyer routh 12th St. Prof. P.. T.Tynott. Hoary P. Brook Esq., Baltimore. 1100. Educe, B. F. Etter Eng.. E.-Byers, Harrisburg, IIEVEREECE.% `‘Predk. %rafts. 11. M. Biddle. 11. S. Wondirard. .1. D Porker, JOhlison Monte, enthreirt, It. M. II en&r. MlOll, enrlißi O. Copt Oro. Olboon, U, 8, A. Thos. M. llid' dlo Esq., Philadelphia. Carlisle June 24 1860.-2nt ' l 5 ie 2 9 j: 3 .:,8- 4• kP1A'44444 ESENWEIN'S TAR AND * WOOD NA PTHA PECTORAL. Is lho best medicine in tho World for the cum - of Coughs and Colds, llibujr. Ilryucidlla, Asthma, Dillieulty to breathing. Palpilatforiof the heart, Ditdherls, and for tho relief Of patients In he adennced stages of COIVSUMPTION• nether w{th all Manses of the Throat and Cheat, and a Walt pro.dlepotlo to Contunatlnn, it In peculiarly adapted In thii radical allot . Asthma. Doing prepared by a practical Physician and Druggist and one of great 13.1perieliCt In tho cure of the various diFertneit to which the human frame In liable. . It to offered to tho id:dieted with the gretiteet coot! dance. imTry It anti tal cotivineod that it Is Invaluable In thu ellru of lltourhlrel affeetlous Price 60 cents per bottle. EBFINWIMBIA ADOMATIC !JAMAS!. a Very valuable remedy 11, Dinerrliea, Dysentel, Cholera Morhus and all Bowel efllletlone. 3ry lb—Prise 26 rehire perianth!. VA_ the above medicine. are prepared only by Dr. A IIiNWEINA CO.. Druggist. and Chemists N. W. Cdr. of Ninth A Poplar Atreetn, Philadelphia. Bold by every respertobleDruggist aud Designs( Medicine throughout the State. • June 2t116G0.•1y? 1)U BLIC SALE OFREAL, ESTATE nviki fir etpored to ptildle eats oh 4130 prtrnlett, do THUIteIDAY. the 20th day of September nett IrrOmllto nurt4Pat strantmx, tht rollilWlim two tetetttf thud eU jolniOgi oltuatrd In 511d0letlk CUltiberhald Coltuty. thiS ptoptrly.of Predtrlck 11111torr, det`dt NO. 1 ountillnlfig 150 Atter 1.0 wreath buint tfielity . ro, hbottt 140 hl trltlidi to tleareo and 11i k good 010th etiltivh , tlnni and tb w n banta thfiber, - bothoded oh the tputb by Abrlihttut Linitn*Ennl .411101 «opt by tith conuangto Mutt Creeks 00 tHemitniti" by Al l l7llllllll 1101311, IVll4ohllnd Smut' Piglet', anti pn on! rekt.q thitt Cherebu oritind a grtd ishiek liOUst, I , TtWin &On, Irl6lhh SUMS. tlllitnn Mini . . . _ and earn enb, ItMt 6 6611 of Wd..ef 'Ana ! 111 ' ' ' pump In tbe yafd. 111 tlUdltllln to On I • cr«plt Plinhitnr Mabry tub bait RIO, UM% tea tartril 616111 MIMI brYllbblnis 6•11- tar *Web 1i626 tbrough stAld !holt, doubt trod OAlrtilattid it'r A t .T. l giitithis OA iterto tool 0 tilfintivs It, let footwork' of widitli to 11 Itall6 mt Chlttifd AO O) lirdrbed titaiktf. trouttatiold I b lh hr A lAaltallt. foodbarhol , an alb ode'. ,Ly trot! a, 1, 01,ttl north by 0 litolin Alvgliir Ith a hut , th tilt! by bay! Vefgiff, hierldg tbrfabti minty a flrlek !Louie, ro flo dale into' g von Modetitittrilij lib ell at butti ea d %m aim It oritooti -quality pit, ba alt aikido two to ibo or Wow !shunH 'O ado) boidttOOT id•lit a 111AUFt tiltill it, Limas (he Utak pfatltlldtip Iliflab In tilt 11616h66thend, ' - AIN, oho albar tvdit artllutlM}, tioaleit, thou hltlllthl lo LitiFoi toviotddo ,vn enuHly i Elul tn 16111116 W6IItIICHIIIII'II 6 road fulita olndootut torty.eld, mien, ' it • ototiotdob mot id ohutit 616 11111t1 dilil6ll. , (MIN tilt twit 0ibi1116146116d trout,- . _.... role to fouttoltit•at tip Ofibikun egi dlq wi104 ,. 100 roottitiogo J9ll o,homit 'Womb , • . . , • . : ~ ,_. • Vtagitrif t lE o w i n ) - Atilt id fat !by liii.dOlili '. DSOFFAT ,4 VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PITOENIX BITTERS CONTAIFINO 40 cent" —, ,00---- 2,00 3.00 0,00 SELLING OFF .AT COST I!! • •• At tho sign of the "Cold Eagle 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, and t doors below the rdlst.:Chureli. on West_litaln •street, the largest best selected stock of • W A TCIIES. & JEWELRY -e in the town, willhe sold 30 per root lover than Many plhen 111 the State The stock comprises a largo assort- Snout of ilold and Sliver hunting case watches, Lovers, Laplace. American watches. and all other kinds and sty lea, Oind.and Silver clatipe o GOLD RENS & PEINOIL9, ..leivelry, of ell kinds, Spectacles Oold'and Silver Plated end Silver W a re, - 31usiellotis, Accordeons, Oil Paint ings. a peat variety of fancy al ticlea„and a lot of the finest Pianos, which will he sold .10 per cent lower than ever °Mired In town. '1 he nth WO stock of Watchmaker' . . . tools. I'neon. largo Mlrrgra, and Para will be sold whole. color raid! on the use Ft terms. . Haring arleeted a first clops workman mil lilndsof re- pairing will bo dono as natal.At reduced : Ores. . , fano murk of of all kinds for sale. A now first -ells. do b lo barol:gun warrantedjonuivo twist will be sold , fur elf Its value., • • ' - ~,- ' It. E. SHAPLEY.. *GT N. B. The large three athry Erick Houma, with a splendid store room and parlor 42 feet deep will he'sold at a very lowlprice and on easy terius.an4 if not sold will be rooted fronl April let 1801. Cale at the Jewelry Store In said building. Juno 15, 1810.. - . =MEM The Campaign Tribune will consist of fifty-one resit. lee hisues.ef the Semi lyeekly Tribune. being the full slue of the Dolly and weekly editions, and one of the, largest nowspepem minted, containing few advertise. merits. butirlSMi a full, current history of the Presi de:dint Canvessidf 181/1 1 —tho Platferimi of the several parties, their candidates, arguments, meetings speech es, etc., with all the interverfing . State ltleetlons, And toll eunimarleo of the Forelgo and other news of the day, 1:m111,1111g letters from our correspondents In hug land: France, flermany,.l tidy, Cal &mule, South A marl• en. Or.. Sr This Issue. ill not therefore be read end prized by ardent poll filial. On ly, but hill he If:tem:ding to all, and thus calculated to who the Indifferent as well as to arouse-0)d stimulate those already convinced that the itepu4)ic:ul cause Is founded In truth and jostle'', and therefore ought to preset]. The Campalgin Tribune will bewailed on the following terms. payable alwnys In ndvanro: For a single copy (hi Issues) $1 " 11 copies " to one address, • $lO ff 24 .4,„ .„$2O ft lull i" tt • " . Whoever 1,1311dt, $lO for 11 copies may at any time af. terward increase the numliei to 2.4• or from 24 to 100 by sanding the difference no above between the price of the ronallfir and that of the larger club.. °wawa luteriest in thus Issuing papers eta price barely exceeding the cost of the white paper Is so slight that we do not beritate to urge MI who desire the tri• ‘umph.of-tbe-Republlestivaust-to cooperate— i early and earliest stems to give a wide and general cir culatiou, to the Campaign Tribune. t. We will send specimen copies to any one who shall write for them. . AddrOon UORACIS OItEFLTIY & Co. Nd IMX,Nassou et., New York Junols, 1660 ►[HE CRY IS STILL THEY COME! FOU.RTII GREAT ARRIVAL OF THE SEASON. . ' Ilayingfust returned for the fourth time thin senaon from tho Eastern Cities wo are now openings most rare and elegant stunk of Ladles' Dress ()nods, Capes, Man. tillas. Dusters &o. We particulnrly Invite the ladies to our line of meg •niliceut DR MSS 00 DS, which have been selected with grout rare Witt embrace all the latest and newent styles in market. Ladies. call early and examine for your selves when you will b • satisfied of the importnnt fact that our stork is larger, hotter selected, rind — cheaper than nen he purchased elsewhere. Tim undersigned having rondo thin pun base almost exclusively ter the Ladies invitee thorn to Como one! COlllO all i I and Pen rho sights so temptingly displayed on our shelves end counters. - • o A. W. BENTZ. • Juno 13, '6O. T 0) • A. Tr- : '' i l:SIVE 'PILLS"qAI'-' • • / . - An aperient and Sto:mag: preparation of . IRON puri fied or 0:9 , 4en.t1d Carbon by . rmittbustlon In hydrogen Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities,- both in *Europe at4the United States, and prescribed in their practice. • • ' experience of thousand, daily proven that no - prep:utak,. of Iran ran be centpartid with It. Imptirl hes of the blond. depression of Ilia] energy, pale end otherwise sittkly.romplexlenz Indicate Its necessity In nfin •sl every conceivable case. • itinexions in all maladies in'which him been L led, It has prayed absolyiely curative in each of the follow lug complaints, viz: In Debility, Nervous Affections, 'Huth. elation, Dyspepsia, Constipation. Mar.. rhten, Dysentery . , Inelpletat lion, Tuberculosis, Salt Rheum, Illistneust roes lon, Willits, Chlortods, Elver Coniplolnt, Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism, hit, Fevers, Pimples on the Face, &c.• In cages of ( lettere, Pusillty, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of ner vous and muscular energy from. chronic complaints, one trial of this res , orativo has proved surceesful to an extent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. invalids so long bed-ridden as to have becone forgotten is their own neighborhoods, have suddenly ru appeared lu Chu busy world as if Just rot urned from protracted travel in a distant land. _Some very signal instances of this hind are attested of female Sollererm, emaciated victims of apparent morass. mos. satnettineous exhaustion. critical-change., and that complication ol nerions and dyspeptic aversion to air and emirat+ for which the physician hos no name. le Nervom Affectleas o, all kinds, _and for reasons familiar with medical unto, the operation of this prepa ration ,of iron must necessarily be salutary, for unlike the old oxides vigorously tunic, without being evcitlug and overbeatmg ; and gently, regular'y ape , tient, even In the moot oh itinate cases of ...tire:teas -without ever heing a gastrlo purgative, or I:Aliening a disnwreeable sensation. It this latter property among others, whirl, makes It an remarkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Piles. upon which It also appears tooaertn distinct and specific action, by diep wiling the local tendency which forms them. In Dyspepsia. innumernble as arp its eaue•e, a single lor. of thesaChwybesto Nib has ohm sufficed tbr the most habitual mean, lucludin tiro attendant Costive ness. In unchecked Diarrhea, even when advanced tnDys entery. confirmed, mach Ling. and apparently mallg unlit, the effects have been equally decisive and Aston '=" in the local pains. loss of flesh and strength, &bill ting cough. and remittent hectic, which generally In• • ducat° Insipleitt Cons tunptlon. this remedy has allayed the alarm of ,lauds and. nlyinkinEnl, in several very gratifyint• anti Interesting inkintwes. In tiorefuloue TubercUlosls. this medicated Iron has bad far more than the good effect of the InOnt Cantinas , ly balanced preparationsof without any of their hum. •linbflit ice.- The attention • f fotoules cannot be too confidently Invited to thin rotuedy and reetoiatletn In the casco pe culiarly affecting them. In Rheumatism, both chronic and Inflammatory-1u the latter however. morn decidedly—lt luta been Inverta• lily well reported. nothias alleviating palttatid redsicing the Retellings and silliness of the Joints and muscles - • In intermittent Voters It Must necessarily be It great remedy and energetic restorative. and its progress In ' the now settlements of the West, will probably be one of high renown and usefulness. No rented v hoe ever been ;Uncovered In the whole his tory of medlolnes, which exerts such prom pt, happy nod fully meter:Mee effects, - Pond appetite. complete diges• (lon, rapid acquisition of etrongth, with an unusual • disposition for active and cheerful exercise, Immediate- Lly follow its ucc. neat flat metal boxes containing 60 pills, price fin cents pea box; Mr solo by druggists and deal. ere Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders ; etc., should be addressed to • . • ' -It. li. LOLIKNI a Om, fleneral Agenin Nay 23, -87.1 Ontadwei N. Y. _ . CLOCK WATMI AND JEWELRY DUSINICBB. tOtlld rethectruily Infntln to old frillhdi ilhd thin ptthlto genevelly Viet I beve renlo4bd my place btbhnl• note to Itlnglotl3lBl.4 Stott, itbentnli horth Itenovet 81 hent4loor to Mr. litine's lintel. end 0 vtt doOYS north or the C 0411418 Dettont Ban) Whore 1 Bth IntiPllted to e 4.• tend to the cLock hitcit ,4*.tElvEtitY stlgteli ' . , id ill HS Vdtiolla hrahrhes ,baatait ono hihian yeati dallerlenro 11l the Inlo ltioni l . an say, OM. all work bd• teuata4 lb la dhrliEhill be &Alain a wOrhtnbwllke tlitrw tot kind Walinotod. - °lan ha a doll. Writing a tidti 110, i61.10,4k0, W. b, A, ttAtidLil. ' t iTODINiIf, - 4i - iff ' f i llitStAN .tll : vlf g .cit.4.ltlif. . • I. tios pilffi•Ehtloh nlid, title of l' ibid. tad Agio Mid hllltritin reVern ll 'Ville WOnliel.hll Vtlhbdi itliN broulfht td thd ktiblrleditt of' thn Intrnot iihninlnttfrn hi , II Mend who tido bon a Great ti.011110.11l Pirelli, odd 1110 llbl' tato, 1 , ~ U10101;411* dean thb llt ih•Vtlfhtlittfd, ha aartribm. old a purnti kitsch of reflor kfnl Agoo. Ulf tillltbflfrlng fits elindlthnli 411111 of Uhl Ifnaliflun lodk {{ l out file harmful an Aioultt, Maylnit, 14 Walt tub, Ant no 'fat will 'taut itt." illthliugh Non ialatts all to lia ViittiOi ha boaililiail and dkttrlnhenu !Intim late tenor, iititi tip Oltrt. olWnye Monti It an 'Aar:taxi painettua hunt hi lhalnplolin cfnoilldlote, ' : ' ' Ulf t'aftlint tavta.thtalloa ha ?maid flail tha liattuadt. attribdt ett to It whitcalotal pahava, Boa mad II adual tiglf btu/Mailed loam til.l. I.:I' ittat, n 1 l!in . situ, harm gigtsb,tr,t'qit turb.lV:AN t il t i lt ° at i ll l t t t i ffirn i tYltl i : Mill llbtfiftukuu I..ifithru.thii ti!raleirtill o itro oortrtujil rqulrtt, or trtrl H ,I,t 0,4 ruillti.,uhdliti ;a .4011vrrut 4 .1?1,0ra 01lhld Udell) EldVd 100111114 a fir i , tha • trivit i t t ltir t l i tt i ttitbis kq,111 . 11 aim! 91 . 3 1 eiriltill turrop , iipvr.trin r 611114 1.15 AtilVPlril tom torch irtoi..with; (lie hilpiukt equat by etV4l.ll taupoi mu rlbhilutuvu bc ll ' A li ff11 1 111:1 V 4111 1 1. 1 1 g 114iFtf ' 11 1 ; 1 1 1 1 ° 14 k tU h b 4h I t i FrV i l!:. 04 . 41fil l U ll i rX t tf:Il t : 1 141t10,1 1 ti l tIV t :tgi t i, h aW h tlial i 111 It A 4 l ,llb7ll 3 olo ° ll . .v 4 iiitt ' ll hff Aldi with full dirtilluite fur.olo, to tie:ln - 0f AQO 114 r, . rrlol, ii ii4 nuli m altito . uloTyj itili 14111 1 1illteh , raft 3 Vet Mel; usult or unworn klbllot I vo , . Iri , Intl 1 i4g . 1 . , ,trollif IVIRIV AIN J. NEW GOODS NEW ~ OODS r' Leidieh k Passer. (Beet Mein et.) his ODDS! returned :from New York and Philadelphia; with a TiVir and well selected Stock of Dry Ooode speclully . for thu present. Beeson comprising the latest novelties of Drees Goods. Shawls, Metalline, Pak Menthe., Leo Jlau Nes , Leon Points. Ellk Bac:norm, Flounced Barnacle; BID: arena. (Mee Slikliarege Flounced Pongees, Plnunted Organ. dies, Robe Bereaee end borne, Raglans °bellies, Mourn tug now tusimen and styles. - EMBROIDERIES'OP:II,I; KIVIA , . beautiful pa - insole. sun utelirellas lit all eaters & ekes. Ladies will find on inspection, our goods nuked to their wants unusually 'Templets' end at;;,pfesent xlllplease the most eenhomienb Another laigenddlllou of CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS:: Looking Olaises, nitride and_furnishing goods. We et• dent our mottoes but strive by attention aid Industry to malce it the interest of buyers to dual with us. We buy most for rash, and our prices will be at the lowest pee lisle margin. Constant edditinns will be made during the season. LEIDICII & SAWYER. June 0,1860.-am.. Cairlisle Foundry, --- 1- rs • ; ..4e, Z N I !;r 4 o .l l?Aca,;#l „,43!0.; • • .. - 4-.llo 6l talg r l l k s . : :::Jt - iZ4 l . 7 ;"' • • • I, .-_-_--- -__.l7tot AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT! S. Gardner & Co. now manufacture and keep non• thirdly for their extensive Steam Works ou East Main street, Cm:lisle, a large ursortment cif ' . Atsltl.CtflaUßAL DIPLEDIOTS, of well known, an prove4Unge fulnes to farmers. 'amon g which they would call espeel el attention to WILLOupg - BIN; CM MIRA TED I'ATI;Nt ' , GUAI SPRING • GRAIN DRILL, which has takennvor fifty First Clans Premiums at State and County Fair5..,....T0 .the Farmers 'or Cumberland, York and Perry counties we need not speak in detail of the merits of this . drill, as scares of them aro now in use on the beet farms In these counties. Its reputa tion in established an the most complete Grain Drill now manufactured In the United States. It sows Wheat, yie, Oats, Barley and Grass, evenly regular, without bunching the semi. The gum Springs pass the drill over stumps and stores, w ithonl breaking pine or the drill. For even and reguStrauwing, the Willough by Gum Spring Drill Is unequalled by Any other. We alsoananufactureund.solbthe-following-artieles e which we can recommend to Farmers as reliable implements, of established character MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, _ LASH'S PATENT STRAW h FODDER CUTTER, • Dili DENDOLPIPS PATENT CORN SIPELLER, ;. • EARN'S PATENT CIDER MILL, JOHNSON'S CAST IRON 1100'S TAU.° G. • Also, Three and Four !form Powers and Threshing Machines, Cast iron Field Rollers, Plough Castinga of various patterns, Corn Crushers, and oilier articles for Farmers too untnerous to minion. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ted Pinto Wood Roams, with an inunenne variety of other eaatingn for houstracepora. add others. We have also an attractive variety of paMenuffor • .IRON RAILINGS, and CrHUY, ENCLOSURES to which .we would call att tiou. S main Engines and Mill Cieriring. Tol his department of our busluesn we giro particu• tar attention. Our already ostensive stock of patterns for Paper, Flour and Saw Milt Gracing. is constantly Increasing. Mill (honors and 311.1 Wrights . wl II be (Inv niched with a printed e Italogue of our various Mill Patterns, on application. Our Machine:Anon comprii•ve all the various tools to-turning, planning and finishing Shafting and Canting,, by good and caret ul Machinists. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, of any desirable enpaclty, from ten to two'ntv.flio horse power, built In the best style and ou accommodating terms. Engines built at our establishment may be neon In successful operation nt many of the largest Distilleries and Tanneries in - Carlisle. and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, to the owners of which we ciwilblently refer for inliwinntien no to'tbeleefflelet cy. Persona wanting itenut Engines are earnestly r quelited to mai xml examine before constricting els, where • DOOR AND SASH FACTORY: • Connected with our establishment is a Steam Sash and Door Manufactory Which Is now lu comploto or2er for this manufacture of every description of BUILDLIG NATERIA.LS. - for the moat .costly as well as.thepleinent house. Win dow Sash furnished from s'cents upward, according to size of glass; Window Frames from $l. 31.'upberd ; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from it 75 upward; Four Panel floors from 52 12 onward. Mouldings, Castings Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery. Scrolls, and other articles needed In house building. furnished at the lowest prices and of the best quality of lumber. 90)... 15 e are also prepared, as heretofore to build and repair BUB Di'iN OAIt9 fcr transporters on the rallroad,vvith promptness and on reasonable b.rins; The continued patronage of the puhlle Is respectfully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended May 0. 'l3O. 'F. GARDNIM & Co. STILL AHEAD!!! I. SECOND GREAT ARIZIVAI; OF SPIIIIA GOODS, • --,----- ~ We are now opening our second arrival of rprlng Goods which wo offer to the Citteoe of Carlisle end vi. cluity, at unusually tow prices with the determination to keep pace with the tints, and the reputation of "OUlt HOUSE" for selling Cheap Gorda.— We purchase one goods for ••CA Ski," out net rely, there by enabling us to sell at cheep, rates than the most favored Houses, a fart our f•lends and CUSIOUIOI . I4 Pilfillill bear in ailed. The Mincing comprise but a email por tion of our immense and varied stock. Plain & Fancy Silks, • Foulard Silky, • .. Nankin nee, • 4 Delaines, . • Baregev,• . .. • • Crape Da Espegnes, . • french & &Inch Gingham,, Vale nettle, Poplins. - . Pull do Chovras, Lower. ..''' ':v:,2 -j" . Plaids, .. , • French d• American Chintzes American Olughams, blmtels, . Laced:Silk Mantillas, A very general assortment of monrultig goods, Hosiery. Gloves, he., Lc., Douglass A Sherwood's New Skirts the "DELLS OF THE SOUTH" the mold perfect and beautiful skirt ever produced, made with ono clasp and warranted not to get out of order in 8, 11, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40 cud 50 Hoops. 'The lee goat stock of CA RPETS !And OIL, CLOTHS ever brought tri.Oarliho (We have reduced Po price of the very best qtiality of "Oil Clothe" to 50 cents per iquaro yard, to which we invite the attention of Gomm keepers, we salt them lower Iliac CAR be purchased at any store In the Interior of Penneyirmila. Our goods In this line aro purchased direct from the moat celebra ted manufactures and for durability and design cannot be surpassed. LOOKING GLASSES of all niece and at reduced price!. .GENTLEMEN'S IV-411E. Clothe. Ceselmeres, hattinette. Tweeds, Cottonadert, Kentucky Jenne he. &e Ventluge, he., ete. Itemember we are determined not to be undersold and defy romnettt loo . ' A. IY. 11111STZ. Carliele.lApril 26, 1860. NEW ,AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK I 71. • .W 1.747574; , 4 X/40.: -SHORTEST IN D AND QUICKEST IN TIME • BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES of , NXIW TO n Z AND 1 114EitrilSillAAVrtS L e . VIA READING, AL IiENTOWS A 14.13. EABTON, - MORNING .EXPIINtiIh West, letiveS NOW York it 6 A. MA arriving at Ilarrhiburg at 1146 nOOO, only tlyi hours Lot Ween the two cities MAIL LINE 'snide ko* York at 10.00 notith.and Cr. vivo el liarrlidiiirg at 106'. 61, 'MORNING MAIL !ANN East. 'eaves Gerribbarg at COO A. M.. arriving at New York at 4 30 0. M.. AFTERNO It LINE, Ea.t, 1014 es Marrit. burg at 1.16 M. attiring at New York At 000 I? bt. • Conneetiont and Madam; llarrtcburg at 1.00 P. M, with the Psidengai 'Encino In each direction on the Veoneyb verde, Ciledbetianil Yallsy end Noithern Centiwt hall. read. All thine cenhect at flooding With tralwe tom' Cott& Oho and .Phlladelphla, mid at Allentevrd for Ilbuch Chunk, Anon, 60.. , • Ntl clititooldf PhOsirtigii? Ears oh Illiggetyn between New York endl larriaburg t by the 0.00 A, OL Lino root Now York or the lit. P. M. Mold Ilarrlebtirg. . For bunt, of Manor'', and comOwt and areolit. mOdethill, thIO MEMO pnethit doperlor IndhrOtininte to the trorntling nubile. Fare hetwern New York And, If i rrisburg DOL. LAlN,tickiskiiyaid other ih ritletloh enply to _ &J. OLYEEt Minaret A gehe , Ilaitlchurgg , .. • ~ .ENV , GOODS NEW GOODS . • • ,al • %lava: 81`Ctt9, . A large etriek or SLIMADIIt atitlho or all des. diatom tint` olienind to Or tich the anti:4oM or nil- peninllo In wont OfThlhili end atidtollie gtiodd It roboo..thllty C og porehatod MN rich ha told At cheap, if hot 'heaver, tot toe oath tuanAto he had at. ou t other store 10 , attltela:- • pbßitinis In want othoodruata 011)A0.1tertie are eigortfutly ti to eon oho amoottor our runt mod, loom pureutolud Obettaurif, .• . • • • th.Ottihll36,Truatea, • Ih bittitnea data gnat au Wont &mug out 10111dUli Itqattl to coati al „ price, OliMicadently, loW l Jun 040,1110,1, 111111b/itiIiIAPHIA• AN D ItISIADING .:J,L•.— ItAINUMB. • : • • '! l c) Ilokots -14o' trintto4 vinr Ifiebbßje trout Yarhandharti to tar hoe& at Vittld ()luta. too p oioi„, and In MIMI a to ro.luatty th duly trtth **any 'Ail or t 'ill) Ipg !win , eatra artnauiriava4 4dt*tilil34v . d 71;t0 str.tiP r i; • t•,•••:. la A a,. v•littaco•ott. ar otirt, goo .TRACE : CMAINS„ OF. ALL lIJJ kinds with a largo assortment of BUTLER/11ES, , BREAST (MAINS, LOG CHAINS, COW BEATER, Just received at tho Cheap liard Ware Store or March?, '6O. IlliNikY SAXTON lEMOVAL OF LOC AIV S kJuk; - PDOTOUICAPIIIC AND , • • • AMBROTYPE GALLERY. - 0. L. Lochretan to happy to announce to art citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that he has redloved his Picture,' puller, to nhiAltiON MALL" where he hopes, with cu. pnrior facilities, ancppleasant•eiceens to his dooms, met excellent light to altrit a continuance of the ',lily libor• el patronage bestowed upon hip by his patrons and. friends. PICTURES OF EVERY STYLE,. • made from a medallion tp life else. Ills pictures are warranted to be superior to any made In title part of the country, and equal to the very beat'made In large cities. Ladles and gentleman aro respectfully Invited • to' all and examine spechnens. • Cannel% Feb. 16, 4860. ti. DISSOLUTION F O PARTNEII. - purtnershin heretofore existing un. der the firm of BIIROM & BLACK. Lao this . day been dissolved by mutual consent, therethre we would solicit all those Indebted to :come nod settle Ili& accounts. and - all those having claims will please present them for settlement. • Jan. 5,1860. The business will hereafter ho continued at the old Stand of Shrom & Black •undo• the lirre•of BLACIi" DELANCY, where we will keep constantly on hand ah kind. of LUMBER AND 00A,1., of briny , ,deiso lotion which wawlil sell at the lowest coal* prices, and all or dery for bill Muir Will be promptly atmndod to on tin shortest notlee lie are thankful for the patronage a. M generous public at the old stand tif Shrum fr. Mask and would still ardleit a continuance. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Shrom for coal end lumber., will be promptly attended to as heretofore. EZEIBM CUMBERLAND VALLEY ]SANK PROPRIETORS. Itatreod I zu , 51i:Lcnom BRimatix, Rom C. Stemmer, .IOIIN DUNLAP, RICHARD WOODS, 30110 S. STETIEETT, 3000 C. DUNLVP. ' H. A. STUraIF.ON. Thin Bank, doing; business lu the name of Ker, Prof, comae & Co., is now billy prepared to do a general Banking Business with promptness and fidelity. Money received on deposit aitd paid back on floomnd without notice. Interest paid en special deposits. Cor titicatos of deposit bearing interest at the rate of five per cont. will bo issued for as ehorta period as foul - mon rtigcates cease a£mn. - Welty, provided, however, that • if said certlfirates err renewed at any time thereafter for another given pe• clod, they shall bear the same rate of InterOst up to the time of renewal. Partieftlar attention paid to the col. lectinn of notes, drafts. chocks, 40., In any port of the United States or Canada... • . . • • Itemittances made to England, Ireland. or the Con! I• neut. The faithful and confidential ext.cution of all orders entrusted to themi may be relied upon. They call the attention of Partner., Mechanics and all rdhers who desire a safe depository for,thelr names, to tho undonlable-faet, that the proprietors of this Dan It ale INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of their estates for all the Depossts, and other obligatiOns of liar, Droune• man lc Co. ' They have recently removed into their now Rooting House directly opposite their former eland, in West- Main Street, n few doors-east of the Railroad Depot, where they will at all times be plunged to give any in formation desired iu regard to money matters in gene Open for huslnese from 9 o'clock in the morning nu! l 4 o'clock in the evening: 11. A. STUII 3EON, Caahlei. Carlisle, May 20. 1857. • QO3IETIII.NG NEW.-. j MissesAughinbaugh &Duke,• take pleasure •In announcing to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that they are prepared to renoratelounnets of ovary de scription, and materlalpiat require WHITENING, FtTAPING and I . ItESSING,, in a style that will In most cases excel new, in whites nese, hrilliency,and finish, having quite recentic ro solved instruction Dian. entirely new proecss. connec'ed with Mrs. C, C. Dow's patent hat and bonnet pre-sing machine, for which they hare purchased the solo right of Cumberland and They eyefulm ready to teach °there the saute superior no do, Sa'srell ns to supply all those with machines who may wish to purchase, after has ing tbornuchly tasted its merits, \ Also receipts for colors, of every DESIBABLB SUADR. • lorßonnets, Hata, Ribbons. Silks._ and Feathers elven with the sale Black lace rolls, however much jaded will be restored to B . V R.PASS NEW, In color and finish N. 11. Thls roc.w will strengthen the material, where all others hays Joint-ea. - Alla the many recommerniallens that bait been giro n favor of Mra. C. C. - Don's Pressitig Marine, and reFelp ouo only will bo'innerted atql, present tite. PITTSIWII.III..IiII, 14th Iwo. Doing Induced to investigate the merits or the Mots given by Mrs. Dow, with the salt, of her very ex cellent machine for pressing bonnets, 1 ac. knowledge myeat[as•nulshed beyond measure, at the wonder!: 1 effect,loiroducing what I would hove consld ered en if •oosslbllityaad I not vein, it demonstrated beyond übt, and I slovenly recommend it to the use of ell engaged lu the straw, and millinery nuttiness as brio - one of the greatest improvements of the age, CAI,IIIIIO April 11,'00=t.. :111: 4 S S. UItUDU, . 'ICON[) SPRING , •ARRIVAL.- 1J LARGE SUPPLIES FOR THE URAL) AND F'EE'T. At the ntnro of John Irvine, on the N. B corner of the public square, Is the piece to purchase Boots Shoes ifiats & Caps. at prices that defy compelii ' lie hen Just returned from the East with the, largest and most complete assortment of Hoots. She's. lints & Caps that he buss ever presented to this community; nod which he is deteimined to sell at the lowest possl• ye pricey. Ills stock embraces everything in his lino of business, such es . lIIEN'S:6; BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Hip Donis, Calf and Patent 'Leather Ox lord Tien. Calf and Patent Leather Gaiters, Calf Nullpera, Calf and Kip Brogans, Slippery, LADIES' .WEAR: Fine French end English Lasting (loiters, Marnecn, Cal( and Kid llools,Fine Kid Slippers, FAncy 61ippern, Mermen, Ind Kid Ihiskins. eke,. Ar. •.!iIiSSES AND CIIILMIHN'S WEAR of all duccriptions embracing fine Lasting, lialture, Morocro nod Lasting Sutton BoOts, :Morocco Lan. Boots of all kinds, fancy alines of various styles klirr , r , , kc.. . HATS k CAPS, Silk. Cassimore. Fur and Wool Hats of alt qualities andhstylen, also 'a large assOrtment. of STRAW 11,17'5, Boots and Shoes made to order at thivAortest notice. Repairing promptly done. Emilia. at of his ability to please all classes of customers, ho rism:tinily invites the public to give Jim a call. sm,. Remember the place, N. E. corner of the Public Square. Slay 30, W. 30111 IRVINE. SECOND OPENING OF FASHION - ABLE SUMMED OLOTUIN“. 'be subscriber respectfully informs Ids (donde and the public generally, that he has just received his Sec and supply of fashionable Summer Goods, which can not Oa %palled QUALITY AND BEAUTY edmprislug , the very latest styles, of all kinds of goods. • CLOTH OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Cass'mom emit NEW STYLES, vostlogs, an uorlvallod assortment Drap dole Italian Cloth, Sphoodld assort ment of LINEN & COTTON Goons, nil of 'which will be sold per yard or condo to order with n very iow,nd mune. A large assortment of Gentlemen's Furniehing Goods of every deseriptlen. . HATS & CA PS. :VALISES, ; CARPETBAGS, USIERELLAS As. The Public will find it to their Interest to call, se 'vs are determined to bold up our motto, “Quick Setae nod Small Profile." ISAAC LIVINGSTON, _ -North Ilonovor Street, May 10, OppoAlto tho Amoricon Ilona• TIIE MUTUAL LIVE INSUR ANCE COMPANY ON NEW YOILIC. Avots SIX MILLIONS OP DOUAI:2, invzstup 1101011A0E3 011 REAL MELEE, WOItTII OVER 112,000,000. Th6 . prenitomn are LOWER than In ninny other Comp* afro, and the Invtdeude have been 011BATIR, This in a strictly Wawa. company. Thom are no Stockholders. Do that ALL Tflft PROFITS 1104000 TO Tilt Itnionso. Plimpidets. and navvy Information, may by had CAAK 0, ogi appli6ation to lIALIIERT, - ' Milt AtinrlllA It I.:FP:RI:NOES 1 Thr.tritiiiiitbhitie, John Welsh, Mordocsil b. hawooni thIOVII 11, nilarti George M. Strotid, N. B. Whelan, John D. Myers, Ji Mem Ltrtnitng, Joetehh l'ettetmon k Willioni C. Ludtht, John M Atwood. , Arthur 0. Coffin, Totnne M. POwntlh (home W. Toland, 11111haq Mogoe, • Thos. Wottton. '. F. ItATenVoltb sTAIIIt, Agent, W. cornet fourth awl Walnut strada ? May gi1,)30 , 43tri, pit! LAD A OAI - IL/P3l , l')lrrale, CA11.1.18.1L1 nt ll WHITE IitILPIIIIIII irturg tsut,Plittit s, eltuated In Ca. switlaatE.. 6 I INC OUSIOCALAND Co. rA. ibentAnti county, Pa., at ow trnme a thy lily! Man utitln, In ACCoatntodalionn for t y Atutito r..ort for thug}, SOOwilt. Appreciate grand neon. - Terms Law. r oT4l. l ;n d ' i i d t:t d t,".Z h olt r ;P: l ifi ,-. yo a. . reptllated rouniP,.,o , :d envie. pAivrttei,Atte ty dud a good tally. Tilli Vt. atitsD I'On CIItCULAIIM l'g s groli tl y d i n c i z i g l i . „a t gl i g ClWerti elthentnitt & ininernln nun A vil ealier tilt • VIA nAitta, dlluklnn and Unlit' Lit, CorUAlillptluan, Pa, oral Arraugninnetn 111 ha dUnn 18, 00.eSta. ' ' tan& fee excut , ton potlnd. '1(111001.4 AND iltilliDlNG TAX VOln, 11100. • Its humble chicane in Ibn tinrunnh, of Carlicle ere hereby untitled {het the l'enteinrer or the &heel Mot triut or eniti Donnie will alight% nt the County Mutt Ilnute (cuiuniinclonern' Oillte), on . . jlontey,ly, OM, nett* , tetwstra lomtrd or 0 end In In the fervonaci s met gaud O alaineh In the efternmin ar bald dey, en the, ritirar4l.l(.l7,l,t,'”l,4l;tvi:vg„ , !r i f,g- t 1,1 or Are that ditty •fun will . be' merlon( e vii 1!)? Wit . l'emue %wimpy In Doe lode flatten In the men ;pee . 000 go eo tue Treasumr. J W • dune Iso 3 • : Trt.eeerer, Cheap thb . Printtng done Uri. HALTER CHAINS, 'F'IF'TH CHAINS, TON(114; CHAINS. SPItEAD k'i•OOD NEWS FOR THE PEORIA', J Go to LEI DICII & SAWYEIGi• Nov Store Boat klainjitrnot and two their beautifulatock of Now (Mods now lathe time to make yohr opting and.Summor pur amen. . . . •-• Having Selected nd r stock whit unusual rare' from thu loading Minoring houses of Ninny York t Pilliadol phia, and availed ountolves pf the °stein:lvo 'auction sal° of Van Wyck, Townsend kitiarrens, New York. We eau oiler great inducements to the buying public. Our 'stack comprises the helmet kinds and styles of 'DRESS AND FANCY (ZOODS • in the market, such as Fitureel, Plain. Barred Striped. Silks In all their varieties, Double Jupn Silks, Illuml• tutted Foulard, India Silks. real French %grilles, Crape Grenadine, Spring Y.nlancias & Poplifie Four ft nine flounced Sarno, et Lawn Robes, B age Anglais, Craps Starlit° In all colors, Milanialse °loth, French Or audy, LAMM • MOURNING DRESS GO , • Woven. description of [lesson's Importations. Shawls I Shn iris I flt nl I kinds end qualities, Licht cloth Illeentlei Spiondid silledusters, French" Late Pointe k Burnouis Shantilla Mlintios, Sun Uinbroline k parasols. Almon,. dors Kid Gloves, anuutlut Mitts, Spring Gauntlets, Ilocbory of all kinds and stns. - Ertihrlildocles of every • duscrlption 'Bonnets. Flats, Shakers, liouilytfliblions and trimmings, Drown Trimmings. t ,' • HOOP SKIRTS! 1100 P SKIRTS' I Meat celebrotod gourd trail flirt, selling very cheap. Bleu & wear suitable Yor the season. !lota, Svclt• ties and all other kinds orilentlernun's furnishing goods. . JACOB SIIIIOIII. ROBERT Al. BLACK • Oil MOIR, OH cirtlin, Shade% &c. we have just g•Fno Into thin brunch c &trade, customers will find our stock . N nod F It • Cohstantaddltlune ordoxtrable geode will be secured during•tbe o•aaou. Please call at • April 0. 'CO FARM BELLS! FARM BELLS!! Just received tho largest, cheapest and bust awrtinunt of PAIN In the-county. hroenrastle Metal. and Bell Nlotal WAItitENSCBD NOT Tp . CRACK, at the hardware Store tit = Mardi 7. 'OM E / . 1 0 - V A 4 SPONSLIItt, Iles rornovEst hie office to his New Muse. opposite Gloss' Hotel. [Starch 28,1 FRESH SPRING ARRIVAL 1860 BOOTS & Sl[f.Ed. BOOTS k SHOES. As the Limos are very tightat present, it will he every persons interest to look out for cl.kpers BM'S & SHOES, and sive the (1111109, and the very Owe Keitcdompllsh this ohjoet-is at-thirty - 51d corner known as n Shoo-Store .for many year., directly opposite Burkholders old stand n0 , v111493'S !LAW. Fin eel/ and ore for yourselves and PAVI, money MI you will' find a complete assortment of all Muds of goods in the . - BOOT & IS 808 .LINE, and of the. very 'best 'makes, and• ever remember the lowest price articles Is not always the cheapest FO you, will ilnd ining our stock the prices vary according to the goodly of the article. • 'The Subscriber hoeing -just returned from Eastern Mien with,. large and complete stock of !loots & Shoes lie also keeps ou hand a superior quality of Home Made work or Hoots Ez Shoes to suit the trade at the loroet cash prices ' Stone Calf & kip IN gged Boots. French Calf sewed Waif; Meten Kip Coll& Goat Brogans high & low out, Men's and lloy'n Callllol.s Patent Geother Oxford Ties, Mou's Coll Buff & Patent leather Congress golters, sew ed And paned, 'Adios' Misses & r lllaek'and Colored lantlng gaißirs. Ladles' Misses k Children Fancy Kid, k Nfohroco Slippers Lado.le k Mkle".s Goat A Vrench Marron. Buskins, k!drool; pegged work of all kinds at low prices Jost received an assortment of Children's cop. pored toed shoos. itepaircng done on short at tire. The solpterlber still continues on at the old stand th4itald'ior - past [Aram hoping to receive a cot tinuance oft e same. Carlisle April 18, MA WELL}realm) .cLoTHINGI Thn nobscribur lilts just rocolvud a veer auporlor and wed saluted atoeji of . SPRING &SUMMERCLOTHING, Onslstlon of eassinvro, Summer And Itsllan cloth, AI. Nl.trAtlli- , IA noon and CotlonadA, Coats, Pants & shirts niso.lll4.llnd :•Atln vests and.ln short every thing In the w, t'l Ms stock of GENTLE,IIENS''F'URNIS.OING GOODS, hag boon seloctod with a great deal of care. and . blints cravats, Sc., Ac., ate sildat unusual low prices. TRUNKS CAIiPtT DADS k VA 1,18/19. Tho subscriber wool! call special attention to his large stock of. which'ho hns ro eel rod and Is selling. thorn at very low llgaras. -or tho those yois anis carmine° you roe'''. by calling at the Cheep Clothing Store near the Market House AfillbUt WIEL. April 11, 1880. • GRII!ULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, •LA: Cultivators, Garden Hoes, Garden Troy. , ls, Forks, Shovels, Rakes. Spades, floes, Fru- Ling Gook. May Knives; Picks. 31st, took., Hay .Elevators. '\lanuro Hooks. plows of TEN different make, including Planks Plows, Ilenwood,a Plows, Gibbs'. Plows. Zehrlar's Plows„lllowwficld flow, Bork Metal. and Eagle Plows', itc., Ac. Just evolved a large supply of all kiwi of goods to tit —out tho Farmer or Mechanic at March ' HENRY SAXTON. SILVER .1 1 1.ATE'D • WARE BY - HARVEY FILLEY No, 1222 Market Street PruLaner.Furn, Manufacturer or fine NICKEL SILVER, and SILVY''. PLATER of FORKS, SF° NS, LADLES. bu'll'Elt KNIVES, CASTORS, TEA SETH. URNS, K brILES ' WAITERS, RUT FEE DISHES: ICE PITCHEIIS, • CAKE. BASKETS... CONIMUNION WARE, •• .. CUPS, %MOS, aunt: vs. .in., With n genrral nelortnient compilelng sone but the best quality. mom of the beet materlale 'and heavily plated. constituting theta a Sorrlenhble and durable ankle Nor 110TPIA, STEOITIOATS and PRIVATE FAMILIICS 1*".01(1 Ware re-plated In the beat manner M'CO I{ AI LEK'S REAPER AND NI. /IV ER LT IMPROVED FOR MO. Comoructed ft 010 tho first on correct principles, it line alwayn been eminently eneceneful, and with its present improtements fully meeting all the requirements of the are, t now &Resell competillen. Fertnart wio, may desire It are at liberty to work one - of them Maelli nes through the hero eat with any other, and keep and pay for the one preferred The Machine In itqw perfectly balanced, not leaving a pound weight on tint horses' neck: Its execution to reaping and mowing. In both wet and dry to perfect ; It cute the widest swarth. and an now made. with the lightest draft of any machine now in use. It In on COO. sta noted that the lake of raking off le very much light cued, a castor wheel rn an entire now prinelpla, on the ' gruin side. wholly relieve. the hornet from the pressure of the machine !runt strain in turning, and in an arran• gad that the rutting bar la compfetely and easily thrown over obstructions while in motion by the driver orith• out the neon( levers tied complicated machinery. A very decided and important feature In its improVement Fonstats in its perfect arrangement fur separating and cleaning the tract; in mowing. It Is the most simple, moat substantial. moat durable and in every way the most complete and reliable Rea. per and Mower in the world, and as such is Warranted. Thu Two horse Machine (with may draft for two her era,) ruts a swarth fq,si feet bride, and the Four Horne' Machine a foot wider. Foe particulars addrens '..4 SAMUEL BRANDT, New a Ullford, Franklin County, Pa., Agent (or Franklin, A dam. and Curriberiand counties LOCAL AGENTS. 3011 V C. SAMPLE, ilogestoWn. THOMAS °REASON, Plainfield. Nay 10. '60.-2m __.. • • 4.1011 tVfl WIN'S ANNIHILATING POW Dillt to the only known and heat lintel to exterminate Roaches, Bed ••, Huge, Ants„ Moths; Flies, : Fleas, Barden Worms, Vine Huge. dm, • IT CONTAINS NO POI-, .• • . SON, schwerlu's Pills ere cure .. • - death to HATS lersl MICH. CrerntOrp.Z7. . :Sch.. sr' n iverived ..'4O certificates certificate!. fr om the Presi. - dout of Oirard College, Di rectors of House of Refuge. Pennsylvania Hospital, cud 'other prominent public institutions of Ph ladelphin; U. Washington, D. C., and Charity Nov °deans, It. • The original certificates can be seen at the Wholesale and Retail Depot, ISt North Second Street, Phliadol phis • and for onto by all Druggists and Orman. ik,fj•- Boren; of epurinus imitations. Remember to nag fir Schwerin's Annihilating Dow. der. Nuno genuine union olgnad May 111 SRO. • (1 BM BELTING! • )1 - tfukt rerol•rd a largo drldrititnt of ail rhea Outn Oulu time, Gum rneklug, so., and fur alto chap a 0 tho Hardware etoro of Julio YY, IDW. If. SAXTON. r 1 1 11 11 GlitilAT 131 ML MASS MEET. l i trto Is holfig held on North IfshnVer Strost, Cars llsio, where thO tOrtners troljsvlted to call phd sattnltto On hops r misty of PARR. 13ELLS, .- {rt teenivea twit which iro are belling . very cheap.— oral We tea ba tought rtem !lUD to }aOO each , We have the greet Western Dell, the larreor'e taverna:— Cell end rue them, all you tanners who are id what'ef h goad and cheap bell. - JOIIN p. LYNN & sox, Juno 22, lean. hart!' Itanerer ht., Car Isle, ItAN VlitLiE STOKES'- 1F T ‘A . tmortittio murontust, Orenelllo Philos would return thank,' to the puldie for their appreciation or hie tends to &see, and their liberal patrolled% - In ruder to keep up thieltlitili.l fillip St he hoe Viol. did to the eolialtatione of nisny h iriende nod I nugureted 0 1104 ItyoEool, Or Pine with each Ultr11101)11 told. To hit choler, nelectlou of One Petition. nod made. up (Nothing he Miami , the serutiny r trho public, es well en to his new mode a doing toothiest,. Mich to ilet le.werranted to be in Ptyle .end' Alike, equal to coy gotten up in the City. end ONit pltICll, (hver than tho'lewestii merked on the ticket._ Poch tirtlele sold, 61 4 1004011Ild for, le it Ulf, varying br ening from el to IWO, . but the moot ekillnl ihoiignere. flut(erii .end Workmen employed cud nettelkolfen bl pit Veldt. lop; ffebrl% Pelee Intl U lap guarattmed et I WAN VII,LN FlyOßM®tg4o. Poke lift eleibtag innpnrium, No. tiOf 0114 . 01 4 1 C 1 !rti... • . .~i~li~cQlinncu~i~~. , CARPETS 1 CARPETS 21. 11t RY BAYTON 11=11211 -• HATS AND CAPS o) to to twn t clo ASP NO ADArBoNr, 740, 1107 Chintinut €l o . 6l Alt_9 B apPAline 6Regic -kawg - ibrl4.7„ • . g ,„1,4 . RAAR WHAT TIit.PEOiLY. SAY. • The undersigned' havirig usel Professor lIT4I - lit .eir (notifies whir the tuoNt sotislowNry results, anti . r iturint; hill confide:lien ht their genuineness, purity, nrol ediency, elteerftilly recommend them to mil pet:, pees who nisi, to have sire, trclittitle, rind eine:v.loms ren t& d,s ot.bsi t ,l for prlynte or donnztle use. • Tire Rot. IVut. Horner, editor td "The Northeru Indepentient,"•Auborte, N. V. ; 11.0 [ter. Cres. D. Ititaor 14 St. l'eter's Ch.o•ch, Aulr.tro, N. Y. ; the the. It. 1. Ives, Chapinin. di the Auburn Stye Prison ; the Iles. Suctuser N. Rice, - Heald', Netv.lted- MAN, ; the tier, Aihrr Netv•Vork Coto' ferettee; the (try. ;home! Nicloili.E.e.t.flene r te cot,. feredee N. V.; the 11,. P.N. Prod, Dorsct,'Vt. ; the . Blank; f :Art; t, /Con , (Tye, N. V.; the 11.1. Ne.ti Ilan, I'orll the 11,,/, E:1/1kt ler Colfax, Smell-Hew], Led.: the I ten, tteolpl Humphrey., N. V.; Henry U. Gm's, L. 4. Crr "Ohio 0.111ii1.1”01, Ohio; the tir e . It. 11. (11,11iftm, Sloline 111. ; 11,1. Thoiltn. .1. (11.4 e, • )I,ottieullo, pin.; , (he 11. m. .insem t Ution, N. Y.; IVut. Bristol, Red , N, V. A 1 1 .1.1,1 , 14 , h 1.1liolt„N. If.; Jones 1 11 1.10,11, root.. Nrinl, • villf., 1 1'emo. • LIST (gSIVTIVIC ItE=DI . N rev , . No. 2.—For Worm Fever, IYorm 01110,1i—rit'ugtho • N 3 —Fur Colic, Crying, Teething, Ilill irgkerci neat of Infanta. 4.—Far Dlorrloon, Chulertt rorontuul, airl Sumo. Olor Comphinis. Nn. r).—For Cull; arlpings„ Dysentery, or Dinotly 1,14 v. No. 6. , —Vor Cliolern, Cliolcrn 111.rbas, Vont'am:. 7.--For C011g143, Co,lr, 1.1.1111:11Z.11, 111111 Nna Throat. • -No. S.—For 'month-oche. Irace•nola.. nail Neurol•;ln. No. ;I..—For Ilc.tdnche, Vvrtig•, lienl nod et:lines, 11001 of It rna. • ~ 11.-1/vArimer,—Vor 11 - priklproPt 11crat, , getl . , Sto.optch, C *ostlpatlon; and Litor'Copoplltiol. Vi<1111.1.: tauuoat. sxl 11,1, Sanely, risl; nr 9tippres.iv.l Perloda: Nn. 12, - 110 - trtott . Donri, nr rcouples Nn. •19.—Nor Croop, 11 , m1's 110 • No, I I..—S li.T 11111:1, less 1.1.0p1e4 min.! 15,-11111..rn"Pc I'eli,,.leinamfal, or tiu , r , ter, to ti: 0:1.14, 111,,,,.1.,•i f, or rr and .V.:kne, Duinb Ague, Nl'.4,llmutzoa Ames. KMI3I (I.—Yor a wr, Wolk, E}•. anti Ityeliti , v Failing., Weak, or tilorrerl o.—For Catarrh, of long . ill I will:: or renenl, either with obitroctiln or pmfu,, IV, I.l.—Por IVPantling ,taat:nk rtolinea nod A/adenine Its cams, p. lit all 4c,atet,t,.ist,, an I, n I 8, -, ialit . ttarandaaa, DittliitLaND)Latatt;, Ct aid Witt -;.!. art! eruptive II I, h i it ft, yt tEe ativniange ni t !tit let, oats protuptly Is Li" ittam. hail in a a r. ,4 e... rills all a Chat in, 'TO, 4 11i.r• n nI41•11 artnetell at oaci, bit I! ... Li I' n attack Is tuorletdeil, Ilia (jai fri.• detail Cutil.lit :Intl Odell, n1.1:1: fit - StareliCe, nwl elicit A 9 tutu I . : I:, ft , 411.t:::11. I, f dint ay.', brttlicl.ll:t., rut I ,o, , bout once co)1,1 Iu the It r, ri 1,, In ail viant.le diseurt••,o•c .s %N et uin, CUliNtiptitiCl., 1.11. I t j.:.::.:n, Iu• male bvbilitv, t3rtil iti Pt....out! co, Bole or Real; ...-1:11:1 wt., tit d',.11 •t• old ertmloon,lho tour hot tiitiiitt• it I .tr it , i.t t.: • plititition 11111 :Motif ti cote It ulo.t rt t ,u 1.3 it 11..1, 0. Oltto the core of us Tingle it oilliculty i -rt I It f , tt 411.1.1 . ,;(11. 1.0 'FI omit. Wet.lotoss, lots 11101 C L11;1111...1.1or tot Wilke Ovrr. EMBEI Cro.2. of 1111 clolrt complete, in 1:,c1, Co:, of 10 vitdo, nod ense of 151111 Fend 1/11}.{ . 4, I 1 ; 1/.1. , .1 Or dlmscs, tom.t.erer , ' 1:,,, I. Siticle numbered illy SILO: 1211..211 boxce, 1.1,1 cnme 01141.1 u., vinll.l-1 1. = Von AFT 117,4 OIL —lll 1"01 , 1 F.lll/ 0 1 . 1 . 11 1:11,101111, V 111 f.'oggel jil.ll E 101111101 F. Price, 1., FOlt.l/W(11411410 .4‘l , Pl• Troll! the the ..ii of 6,110.4 Fo, niers:lnt:dn. Pro' 'N'Niece. rer ll”:l:l.l, f •Ilonriop, and 11:orier, In tl e , Fhr.eth... -141.. e, ('0 reran per box, I.A..—.1:1111lIge.161.11,1., I illorred nod In durated 'foorile, Fnolllu4n 111.1 C/1.1.1 , 1,,, Coelleny 01 cimdre", nice, r.o e, rte pe, bnr. Fort tirnrant. lb:foil:lir.-- Nol,lo. 1VP11k111.1.,. • Either the rtsult ens.'l, Medicei rr Exhaunting 1.....:1•5tri„, P. Prior, 50 err!, per box, ' FOll 'et Ctit,(11,111 . 11 1 111,11t1 FTcll Ills Oeos,t j SCOrCtioll, kph PSI nen, Voloillr. , s, Slethsens from rolihg - or IcUlor Peke, 50 venis per boo. 'Fox 1:1{11,111Y 1)1,F:043,-I.F, Iteon! binchn.,3 of U e 101 l pct e. -Priem, 50 cents per • 'BIOIINAL Esonsiatios.--lherletstary Divan, ren and Coneedmeot Probtratlea and thlatr, bad 11, nulls of Evil Habits. Th , efh• dent 'remedy kenive, nest 'fishy:he relict Iwon ex a yore. Price, %MPhil' stirrellori.,;l per box. Persons ullo ntsh to place theer.ore, mob, Ilse profennlonal core, or to Beek ndrkrhf Pl/1:10:1, con do no, nt lets olliee,l.62.betrshisso3, thy from 8 8 hM., or by blies.. OUR REMEDIES DE MAIL. 'Look over the list t moki up it curs c f you choose. and Inclose the tunotint It, a rut m.t !tete or stomps by mall to our itchlrer.s. 01 t.lV.nri,itrAl New-York, And the metileltie utilho duly return.: by moll or express, free of charger''' . AGENTS XYANTED.—WeIIOire nu active, effielert Ageut for.the sole of our Remedies Its over LORI) Of community In the United Slates. Address Dr. //VW trUllfa, &..CO., No. 15132 Bow LATAY NEW-YOWL, C. 1110 , 17 It hover at. eppoCte rnm•t }lan, vr helranle and retail agent tor Carlisle and vicinity and Dr upglata and more, generally. LADIES' CHOICE T! PATENT SEG TiS TING AND SELF SEALING. 'These Cans and Jars being tie:Tact Iv simple do ther arrange:ll°o,llnd requiring no cement or 'older to make thew air tight: are the most reliable and cure. lilcut vessels that Are In the market for preserving Pruitt+ add Vegotabloisof all kinds.. They possess the fidlovil int advantages over ell other Celts - and :Lira that are Ip She mei Pet: First—Al[ that to required atter • the f: nit -Is put In hot, la Slinply to slew the cap-down. Second—They ran be opened by a • Ingle turn of the' rover. and the contents talieti out In one fourth the Ulna required be other Veronilit .1 - . Third—.llCaldce thole elinpllclty .ntd • ram of adjust• .went and the Impossibility ut isluirere- Mooing out, they alum al all times the exact condition of thi: fruit by simply looking at the top of the if ( * no guru gasket le concave, the fruit. Is good if co nvex. the fruit la going to npoll, but will always-al:6v ittlell;fu thus to hu ea ved. 131RISM - :IONIS`VOR UST. neat the glare or etoneJare to Ovid the Fume tempe• retort, of (ht, fruit to avoid criteklit. and (M .O. versel With Syrup within one Indfluch of tiro top of the neck, the cover le then Mum end simply turned until It is purl ctly tight. Clere•WhoultPlietteitelo to repined the enure cover on the Jere from which they worn removed. Soritend the following r • teen ID 0 1/V.4.11 Wo refer to the• toliontog named gentlemen who, `hoeing had 'dim cans In non, aro rolopetent to Judge of their merit., and hare ,1,11 , 1, certificate. to the facie abate ntotdd. fanuel Arnold.. 6. W. ltarerptlek, -vr a. M. llooteln,Aehler, t. It. %l tUlomn, hey, A. 11. Kromer, Dr. S. H. Kieffer, 11ev, .1, W. Hurd, r 'filch Common, Dr. W. W. Dale, aeon. Wearier, O. D. Arnold, Newaheim, 8. 11. iluyett, 1/. IL Riatror, J.Ournman, 110n..1. II 0 rrthant, It. E. Shepley, •W. D. A Heinle, John I'. 'Lune, k Pon, John llttmer, It, U. •Danli.l Dailey. D. eorntnon, Ild;Defooerat J. P. Hoarier, reqk Rev. Jacob Pry, Janice Raymond, David Smith, Esq., ' W. 11. Miller, Fog, Wred`k. Watts, . Jno. D. Parker, EN., daimon etundetiln, Whi. M. Porter, Ed Herald. For vale corner of Itonaver and Louthur blroots, car, Pa. 6. r. tv Err, • w mu [La. Ams Es 'fatted to min ma tho adjoining count JIIIIO n. N. am. PHILADEIRMA 1. 1 1711.TW1TAN7.1 71E1V7SILItIr BT . OIIIII 0. 00,411A0,.F010.1t0t OCOUCANT, - No. 198 NORM SECOND sl'/ EM, conal!c it ow 4vAlinle ' Tito übdoralgwed lea hotrod !hi aborts prooderi, V.linrolin will keno a large araortawnt of 01,14 a tilltbr WatPhell, r niorluent, a nit•t , wton Alakulactura Cittlwa moat celabrattd nutkarn,in taidltlan to millet, will it foumi otwity Ofillankt 14nd'Inade ordorinn oatnnelv.a vntioty Juntdry, Ivor, and 6 Ivor 'Plated war*, Ingatkor with a OVOlllAOsellttalvlltor ',nett geode as aver uoutily kept in o DM Mtn .10Welry Nang. • Tin` m u m' o f 0, Conrad, dud thone of the outwartlor tooth& with tbapublla svoandly aro •Invited to ,wll, vitiate May wilt roadva it gond article Mr their tublAY. An I 44t datarollnad to do rtrlatly atoll wilt tro told verg low. . O FINIALL Qta 15/114L1V16 - thi? ; „.. ,419W115.10111,00NA1.t0 , • bbrtoarly Nta No/640E04 Pt. "Imo of Query :.,Sual!e• 4 6 0 0 4e*!... ; _ • . f I • f I • MIS