Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 13, 1860, Image 2

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Friday, July 13,''1860
031." God allows the vital
rent to /lair through iny veins, Twill never, never,
titvcr, by word or thought, 4y mind.or +oils; aid
in admitting one rood of FREE TERRITORY
ta." 2 -11ENILY CLAY.
s Pommes.,
AS M. -.
14 Ulysses Merour. •
15 George Brisslor. .
16 Sharpe.
17 Daniel 0. clehr.
Samuel Calvin.
19 Edgar Cowan.
20 Win. MaKerman.
21 S. M. Kirkpatrick. .
22 James Kerr.
23 Rioled P. Roberts.
24 Henry Souther.
26 John Grier. ,
p.m. JAME'
110 N. Tnom
Edvrard C. Knight
' 2 Robert P. King..,
8 Henry linium.
4 Robert M. Foust.
F Nathan •llilles.
John M. Broomall.
7 James W. Fuller.
B'Leri B Smith.
9 Francis IV ,Claint
10 David Mumma, Jr.
11 David Taggart . .
12 Thomas IL- Bull.'
' 13 Ft:ancie•Penniman.
A regular meeting of the TAINCOLN
CLUB will be held at the Wiiwam (Glass'
at 7/ oVock. • •
Curlidg, July 1.3, 1860. ' President
The friends of LINCOLN, lIAMLIN and
CURTIN will hold a meeting at CLARK'S
Hotel, Mount Ilu Springs, on Saturday
evening the 2lst inst, for the purposo of
Esq. and•others will address the meeting.
July 13, 1860. •
Con' en Le of the ilereld.
On our first pogo will he found the "Advent
of the Mosquito," a very seasonable article,
and a plemmiitly written sketch entitled "Thirty
Five, or,the old Maid's Birthday." The Mis
cellaileouS articles comprise the "Ground of
Death," "The River Jordan" &c. Then fol•
low the “lii7dies 'Department," and acolumn
fur GM we hope, some
of our faii i readers.may find something useful
or inter - tie - ling. A large portion of the inside
Is taken up, with the proceedingsofGommence
ment weck t an occasion of too much interest
to the people of this county, to be passed by
without notice.
Oregon all Right.
The news by the overland mail confirms
the intelligence of . the defeat of Gen. Lane
and his 'party, in Oregon. Logan, opposition, e.
is elected to congress by 150 majority. The
opposition have also a majority in the Legis..
lature which secures the election , of two U. •
S. Senators. Gen. Lanes' term 'expires in
March 1860 ; the other seat. is vacant.
STRON4I NGUAGIC.--At the Douglas rati
fication meeting held last week at Harrisburg,
Mr. Oittings or ilaltimore,a Delegate to the
National Convention, was intro duced, and
made a speech in which he said "I would
rather see
,the rirty sink iri hell than
promise with such men as the Breckenridge.
ites,and that the country would be much safer
in thelhunds of Mr. Lincoln, or any other
Republican," than in the hands of
the weak, bad man, whose name heads the
Pisanion ticket."
The meeting was also eloquently addressed
by 1. A. Lamberton Esq.
Democrats of Ohio, met in State convention
on the 6th inst.
Resolutions endorsing the nomination of
Douglas'and Jtdinson were adopted, when
fifty Breckenridge and Lane men withdrew
from the Convention and met at Neil House.
The bolters appointed a State Central
Committee, and a Committee to prepare an
address to the Ohio Democracy. They also
issued a cell for a State convention, to meet
in August, to nominate State Officers and
an Electoral Ticket.
'mongers to this'country by the steam ship Ful
ton, are Charlotte Cushman,•tbemOliess; Geo.
Cruikeluink, the artist; and William Vincent
Wallace, 'the composer.
rorney'a Pre from Lancaster says:
" The friend 4 of Judge Douglas, here, to
man, indiguan4 repudiateany affiiation with
the Dieunioniats —We demand a clean elec
toral ticket, a lair fight, cud will reject any
prospect by which the regular nominee of the
National Democracy is intended to be'airixt
Adjul ant Grneral Wilson bas issued an or
der calling a State Military Encampment at
York, commencing on the 8d and ending on
the Bth of September next, Major General
Win. IL Kelm, of Reading; will be the com
manding officer of the Encampment.
WesnmALTA.—The last surviving brotheVof
of the Emperor Napoleon I, died recently
at Paris :—the first of his brothers, Joseph,
King of Naples, having died in 1844; the
second, Napoleon, Emperor of, France, in
1821; the third, Lucian, -- Prinde.of Canino,
in 1840; his eldest sister, Marianne Eliza,
Duchess of Tuscany,' in 1820; Louis, King
of Horand, in 1816; Marie Pauline, Duch
ess of Guest.dla, in 1825; Marie Antoinette
Caroline, Countess of Lipana, in,1839, and
Jerome, ex• King of Westphalia, the eighth
and last, in :860.
Jerome w is best known in this country,
as the busb,nd of Miss Patterson of Balti
more, to wlynn'he was married in 1803.
'Pope Pius VII refused to annul, the
niage, at the instance of Napoleon notvidth
standing which, Jerome in 1807 married the
Princeierrederica Catherine, daughter of
the King of Wurtemburg, and , e r few days
afterwards, was proclaimed King of West
_ ' •
By hie marriage with : the Princess Fred-,
erica he had three children—Jerome Napo!.
eon, born in 1814; Matilda ' born in :1819,
and Napoleon, born , 1823. The format,
died in 'Florence in 1846.
, By the death of tha .Prince Jerome, his .
son, the Prince Napoleon, becomes in case
of the death of the Prince Imperial,lhe heir .
to the throne of France ;his ;eldest son,•the
American Bonapart; having failed to obtain
from the French Governmept, a recognition\
of his rights. .
Eaton amp Gunk Riatttrs.
Vateolrologiegi liegistet. foi. 1800.
1860. 7 o'ck. '' o'ck. 9 o'ck
El Ei P. M. P. M
6 78
f 6 62 '
8 62 .'
9• 71
10 72
11 70
.OF •
Commencement exercises of Dickinson Col
lege,:were Inatigtirated on Saturday evening
last. by 'the Junior Contest, for the Grigg ills•
dale. The audience was large, and greeted
the speakersisuccessively with frequent rounds
Of applause, while the ladies testified the ap
elation .bY Sendine up ,a number of bo.
- The,following-nobers of the.Tlinior Class,
appeared in the arenttp‘as contestants. •
T. M. WILLIAMS, Blue Sulphur Springs,
The Philosophy of action.
This was an effort to show bow the action
of the mind bad drawn fact from fact, in the
development of truth; as evinced in the pro•
gross, of science, , literature and the arts; the
rise of Nations, and..the establishMent of the
Reformation. The speeillt was well written,
and his manner of delivery earnest, but rail- .
er too violent in action.
CHARLES ILRI:, • Table Rock, N. 'T
Enipiricisni and Corninon Sense. '
This speech, on' the universal conflic tic' 7
,wean pretence and reality, showed 'strong
traces of original thought. The speaker took
the position that men love to be duped lie
cited, examples to pro4e that Empiricism
usurps public opinion, in every, ,department of
life; and closed with whop° for the .coming
of that good time, when Common Sense would
be called in as the umpire,•to decide between
truth and error. d'ho effect of the speech was
somewhat marred in the delivery; the manner
of the' speaker was s constralited, and his Inem•
cry slightly at fault, yet its xiterits were ap-.
parent throughout.
L. M. IlavEnarierc, Cumberland Valley
The Tendency to Sadness.
This speaker teek a very sombre view of
life. , argued that sadness prevadee the
world, is inherent, in our nature, and that
every day we are called on to learn the lesson
from disease and misfortune;' but consoled
his'hearers, with the reflection that sadness
qualities the hopes, refines the heart, takes
theiolse gloss from life, and enables us to
appreciate our blessingS by the contrast. The
speech was well written end the delivery was
easy and natural.
W. FRANK GooNynr, Milford, Del.—Power
of Imagination. - • - •
This speech was based on the assertion, that
the imagination leads the intellect captive and
is the cause of all human 11 - CHon—tending - a
charm to nature; a sweetener of life; cover
ing our world with a fairy network of en
chanting views, and making earth a paradise:
Mr. Godwin's voice is good, but rather too
monotonous; his-Manner of delivery is quiet
and self-possessed. • -
Signs of the Times.
This is a prolific subject, and was well treat
ed by the speaker, though confined to the lim
its of welled speech. He took a rapid view
of the important eras in the world's history—
The progress t!lf science; the march of civili
zation; the triumph of intelligence over ig
norance and superstition, Were all taken as
indications of the brilliant results yet to be
achieved. The speech was delivered in an
earnest, graceful manner.
Wm. B. ZIAIESEBBIAN, Balt. Co. Md.—Action,
the Authol'of Nature. . .
This speech contained some beautiful ideas,
but the voice orthespeaker was so low, that
we lost the connection. His manner was too
quiet and subdued—rather puitedjor the pul
. •
pit, than forensic display.
Jiff. i3ARTON, Village Green—The Tendency
of Truth as a Moral Force.
• This speech • was well written and some of
the ideas were happily illustrated; but-the
effect was injured by the manner of the speak
er which was somewhat strained and unnatu
ral. His object was to show that Philosophy .
had made Truth available in revealing the re:
lation of man to the Diety; the result of which
wait civil and religious liberty.
EitettY WATSON, Cokesbury, S. C.—All is
' This' was an excellent speech, intended to
prb,that life is an enigma and that.mystery
proiades all nature. It contained some beau
tiful 'ideas, clothed in eloquent language, and
was delivered with'much diguityialthough the
speaker was evidently disconcerted by the
battery of bright' eyes just in front of him.
JIMMY H. Gummi, Huntingdon—Social Sym
This speech was. on. a subject, too little
practised in social life, however well under
stood. The speaker endeavored to show how
sympathy begets responsive action; prompt
ing benevolent enterprizee;, -smoothing Ole
asperities of declining years, and strewing
with flowers, the pathway,to the tomb. His
style of delivery is forcible, but on this occa
sion was rather overdone.
On the whole; the speeches were creditable
to the authors, but our apace igloo limited to
do them justice. The only' objection we can
urge, is that of too much . saineiless Witte sub
jects,' and a tendency to the ideal, rather than
the practical in life. This is to be expected
however, from young men, who, as yet, have
only looked at the world through the medium
of books, and who have yet to study the great
book of human nature, page by page, In the
active duties of life, to which they' Hill soon,
be called.
The committee on the Junior Contest award
ed the gold tnedat to EIIORY IV/aeon, Cokes-
Miry. S. C. and the silver medal, to Thomas
Wumane, Blue Sulphur wings, Va.
: COLLINS 011 Sunday, wasapol.
tolled arta pointed speech. The close attention
throughout of the large audience declared that
the speaker's words went home. It opened
with a reference to the dangers attending
young men in that transitional period from
boyhood to early manhood which Beechercalls
the dangerous ....Hell Gate!' ohife, Where so
many wreck not only themselves but also the
fond hopes of their friendsandfamilies. From
this point' the. speaker passed to a sketch of
the character of die obristian student, the
happy combination of correct principles and
literary' aims, and then to sot his truthful pic
ture in a clearer outline, he drew the dark .
babitgrountl of the political corruption, public
erimel d . Social vice's; and when the Doctor's
graphite sketch tonehtndon. the minims vices
of the young wen, Wedarted thefeolings of al.
moat ievengs whist , these hardened ones
Who greedy of gold, in this town and elsewhere,
~ who,
traps for the ensnaring of the bialies
and souls of our young men.
In the. same clear and scholarly 'Style it was'
shoVrai,tbat , the defence" against,and correction
of these not lie so •mueh in scientific,
restbetio, philosophic or literary, culture; nail]
the principles of the gospel, in.heart•feltpietY,
in the power of diVine grace. It was n ror,#
of solernn r emphalie warning, that wily, 'We
believe ring in the ears of many far years to'
come, and which those 'who hoard; ehould
heed, if they tee would not fall, or remain fel.,
len through the vices and follies abounding
everywhere. ' •
Emory chapel was crowded in the, evening
to hear the sermon before the SocietY:eiJte
ligious Inquiry. The REV. A. Coritctimr, be; -,
log unable. to be present ; this 'annual ser
mon was preached by the Rev.J.; F. CUAPLAIN,
on the interesting tVrae °Olt ) 'ActlerniitiOu of
the'Rape, • The Sermon open cl' with a state
ment of the contrasts ibilind' in the, natural,
and moral •world, and then narrowed 'down 'to
the subject by minirasting thebuyingof Christ
Maly . 1 ....
78 60
04 00
678 A --
6766 •
77 66
81 00
78 06
for thirty pieeos of eilv . er, with the world being
bought back by the death of Christ. The ad-
Irene was listened' to with respectful attention
,to the close
TREE SocaSm—The Belles Lettres Society,
celebrated their 74th anniversary; oli Monday
evening, in Rheem's Hall. The audience woe
large,' and 'gliaced_ with a number of - ladies.
She stage was festooned with evergreens and
floweVs, among which,' the red rose, the em
blem of the Belles Lettres Society, predomi
Seven ydung gentlemen, who were selected
to sustain the lifWary character of the Society,
iippeared in the following order. -
P. A. H. Bitowtt, -Harfora.-Go:,
- niversarrAddresi— Tho-Spirit'af-Reform,
: The speaker alluded to the fallen condition
'Of tho human race,.and argued that Hie motive
for nclion, iu Hie march of reform, was to re-
gain 'tlint perfection which was lost by the
fall; viewing the spirit of reform as the crea
tion of progress, 'Chad rescued the mind from
ignorance and 'superstition, broken, the tem
poral power. of Rome, eel:Wished. the Refor
mation, and laid the foundation of civil and
religious liberty in America.
The addresses to„the Societies; and the
Grammar School, were appropriate, containing ;
maieb good advice, which, if followed, will be
profitable to all concered.
Haim! If. GREGG, Huntingdon, Pa.—Stviis
This was an admirable speeah, doing full
justice to :he national character of the•Swirr,
as shown in their iaberilkt love of liberty, .at
tachment to their mountain homes, and their
unflinching courage against n foreign soldiery,
on many a well fought field, He scanned !lie
pages of their early history, bright with deeds
of heroism , but fo'und a brighter picture Still,
in their , present peaceful pursuits: within the
steadfast battlements which gird their country
His speech abounded with apt illustrations,
which were ingeniously drawn from the nit
airal beauties of the country, the character of
whose people lie was then describing.
F. S: Livinosron, Buenos eyree,-&-A,—
'The Ideal man.
This speech was ono of the gems of The even
ing. The speaker started out with the asser
tion that' he world has not' yet 'produced a
perfectaman. Ile allowed the importance of
dicision of character, and contended that even
mulish obAinacy,' was preferable to Pseudo
conservatism._ -He 'compared the man of
no opinion, to a flower without perfume—an
arch without the key stone; and characterized
the true man, as one, in whom all the virtues,
Jike the Colors of the rainhow, were concen
trated, to make a perfect ray.
D.•ll.EoallAN, Lebanon Co., Pa.—A Poem.
This pi'odUotion bore the marks of having
been hastily written, • and was read too fast,
to. enable get a very clear idea of the
argument. The humorous parts, in whiCh he
alluded to incidents of College life, and in
dulged in
_some political hits, were well rel
ished by the' audience, judging from the ap
plause which greeted the speaker.
J. S. STAMM, Mount Joy, Pm—The Tendency,
of Human Aclione.
This subject naturally introduced the same
train of thought inJulged in, by the first
speaker.—That the cause of human action wiis
found in the desire to rise from a lower to a
higher position, the result of whioh was pro
gression. He closed with the hope, that the
coming millenium, would bring aboUlt.kli . e res
toration of man to perfection.
H. A. CURRAN. NWTltretle,
This was a well written speech, on the "ir
repressible conflict" of ignoranoe allied to
wealth against genious allied to poverty; in
which the speaker drew a graphic picture of
the 'student of nature, who, driven into the
shade by Resifting pretender's, draws endur-
ing pleasures, in tho-,peaceful . walks of eel
C. G. JACKSON, Bernick, Pa.—LUe's
A fine speech, and well delivered, in which,
the speaker sketched the useleSs life 6f a dr,y•
dreamer, in contrast witliTtWinan of earnest
existence, whose life is devoted to action, where
brow meets blow, in the great contest of life.
Condemning also the other extreme, where life
would ho made too real, he describCd the. land
Of reality, as bodnded on .the one side by
dreams, on the other by utilitarianism, and ad
vocated the pursuit ol6, ; tlte middle course,
where were to be found those qualities which
make life,' useful and happy. •
Tr. - The Union Philosophical 'Society, cele
brated their 71st anniversary, on .Tueaday
evening, in Rheem's Hall. Owing to an in
creased number of strangers, who had airlved,'
the audience was even larger, than on the
previoua evening, and the stage• presented a
much more crowded appearance. In the deo•'
ornt tone, the red rose Itad given place to the
white, and the 'badge of the society, worked
in evergreen, hung suspended frotn.a wreath
in front of the stage. .
Jadon V. Glorwaurs; Freeland., Pa:—.Annk
versary Address.-7 he Eloquence of Action..
The object of the speaker, was. to shoW lb :
power of eloquence, in .swaying the mitoses;
and inspiring men to achieve great' results
. The addresses to the Societies and Gramma
School, wereolmete,and approprinte,to the occa ,
'Rion, and the . apeaker paid an eloquent tribut
tb the memory . of J. Duncan Stevenson, wh
was called away by death from the native du
ties of the society, since the last Anniverpary
W. LAWS CANNON, Bridgeville k ;
ry as a Syittem. : .
This speech was well written, and deliverer'
in an easy and graceful , manner:; , Ile aSsumei ,
that as every thing is governed by, ayatornati ,
'History is also a system, requiring two
qUalities, preparation and 'development; With
two objects in view, the establishment of Chris
tianity and pure democracy, in whigh, Ito ar
gued, consisted the elernents of man's perfec
R. 801/TIMAN Cb;" Va.
Our Aim Gained by Actiou.. . .
rie argument bt thle speaker went to prove
that though - man Is endowed with a variety of
gifts, ho only has faculties for one pursuit=
like a vat -machine, requiringharmony of no
tion; to pmdupecit he grand_result, -- he can only with effect. when devoting all the page
'to a Chettert study. It was am excellent cont
-position throughont, but hiantemory was at
&Ult, and ihe'de (very defective..
f:le,onos Be on, Charlestown, Va.—The
This is fruitful subjcct,.but ono which ap
peals' f . the fancy, rather than the jtidgement.
The speaker-claimed for poetry, the prime
agency in dispersing' the ignorance and su
perstition of the dark ages. Ilistory may note
down the, - .annala .of the time; philosophy,
reason and' speculate,- but -the Poet, gathers•
up 'the broken fragments Ofthe past, and em
balming •them in rich caskets,' hands' them,
down to- 'posterity as examples for noble
,deeds in the' futuie, , •
J, LEs:ron SHIPLEY, Baltimore, Md.— The
Beauty of Harmony.
The speaker introduced his subject, byallud to' the harmony of nature, from the Crea
tion until tlp fall of man, and ita restoration,
as truth led the way. Turning to more prac
tical views, he illustrated hi's argument, by
examples drawn from the narrative'of the His.
torian —the ,Biographer, grouping loiether
opposite phases of oharaotsr, in one harmoni
ous whole-the harmony. of tic' ion found in the
true man, guided by virtue =the Painter
blending together light and shadow, in har
mony; and theit closing with a•beadtiful tri
bute to_the emsksubduing harmony of music.
Ben. F. BALL, Washington, D.'C.—Power of
The speaker cited Truth ash living princi
ple—its home the soul. Ho argued that man
was always open to the reception of truth,
and cited exemples, to'be found among the'
ireat_trutha_evolved,_in_lie establishment of
civil and yeligiotis liberty.
JoHNW. LANDIS, liallifax,Pa.—The Stude
This poem closed the exhibition, and the
composition was creditable to its author.
commenced with a vivid deseription. Of the'
scenery of Iho Susquehanna; and then, in a
humorous vein, described the well-stocked
farm, whereon lived an honest dutchman and
lki,a wife,. who having a son somewhat stupid,
and lazy withal,' concluded to make' a scholar
of him, and straightway ben( him to College;
where ho goes through-the inflictions of a full
course, and ends •by making his bow to the
audience. a grave Senior.
If the author was his own original. the "old
dtitchtnan" . may congratulate himself on the
fact, that his son haii - Tttik:on the honors of his
All the epenkers wero complimented - with
wreaths and boquets,•by their fair friends, to
whoth suitable acknowledgements weic !made,
by - Dn. 0. 11. TIFFANY of Baltimore wara - di ,
oiled success for,. the orator; and a litemy
feast of the choicest kind for the audience.
The theme was "the Life and Character of
Wnshington,lrving. This genial, chaste and
eloquent writer had n.congenial, chaste and
eloquent eulogist. The speaker's vivid de
scription of Sunnyside was exceedingly enter- -
taining. Then followed a masierly sketch of
life Ind .:diameter: The lively fancy and ap-'
prociative humor of • speaker seemed at
home among the quaint sayings, and- dherno
lets, and.spark:ing humors of the author of
Sleepy Hollow, where great rodlesey and
retiring habits fornied a fine contrast'tas' hie
brilliant and world-wide reputation. Both
the eulogist and Iho eulogized stand.the high
er. in public estimation, for this day's perfor
A hrge audience assembled in the evening
to hear the address to the Associated Alumni,
by Gno. A. Eimer Esq., of, Philadelphia, on
the Relation between the Despotism. of. Public.
Opinion and the Liberty of Individual thought
and its Eipressions. This otherwise admira
ble discourse was marred by the unreasonable
and unseasonable intrusion of topics which
were offensive to many of the audience.' There
are mooted questions which ought to be kept
out of Commencement exercises; where men of
different opinions and feelings meet as on a com
mon plitform, and where they have aright
to expect that the discussion of bitter vexed
questions will be left to other arenas.
_ln the
discussion of the relationebetween Despotism
and Individualism tho speaker showed, we
think, nu undue preference for individualism,
a preference which if carried into general prac
tice, would damage both social and govern
mental relations, and exalt man's idiosyncra•
cies above the social, civil and churchly forces
,instead of harmonizing them.. With all its
faults it was a masterly speeoh.
the-regular commencement exercises of the
college, were held.. At 10 o'clock a proces
sion of the Trustees, Faculty, and Students,
Termed in the College Campus, and marched to
ltheem's Hall, where the exercises wore held.
The audience was_ very large, a majority being
ladies, presenting a gay and animated appear-
, The great length- alba Programme pre
cludes any report, other than the names of
the speakers and the subjects chosen for the
occasion. The following wis.the
• onthm or =MIMI.
Music. '
G. JACKSON, Berwick, PA.—Satuteitav
Addresses. .
B.• F. BALL, Washington, D. C.—Oration—
(Third Class)—The Mental Sublime. •
J. L. Cnoox., Anne Arundel Co , Md.—Dis
sertation=Speculative Minds.
'43. BAYLOR, Charlestown, Va.—Essay— The
Beautiful. (ExSused )
T. M. ,Dons, Lexington. Ky.—OrationL
(First Class)— Utility of Fiction.
R. S. BROM% Alexandria CO.. VA. 7 -ESSfty
77 -Religious ToleiMtion. •
J. V.. GOTWALTN, Freeland..Paz—Oration
(Third Clnes)---Anterican Literature. •
P. A. H. Bnows, Harter& Co., 'Ald. , =-Essny
—Errors.of Speculation. •. .
• • J. W: SANDERS, Baltimore; Did —Essay- 7 -
God in Creation.
O. B. CRISAMER, 'Baltimore, Md. Dissertn
..tion—Dignitsf,and Duty of Nan. (Excused.)
11. A, CURRAN. Murgarotta 7 —Classical Ora
tion—The Spirit of Inquiry. _ .
H. W. Ann Err, Shelbyville, Kyr7Oration—
(Som.& Class)—Mission of Genius.,
J. 11. GRALIELL,, 'Woodstock, Va.•=-OratIon—
(8eoont1 (lase) • Intelteatital-Achievement.
. D. B. BRUNNEll,Btonersville7-aertuau Poem:
—DieCollegiumslaufbAn. • •
8..11; Yocum, Northumberland'
Claes).--Vriticiand Criticism, . •
P. Muteixn, Berkey Springs, Viii—Ora
tion-r(First.Clase)—Power plthe Will. •
B 13uAratex; —Poem—yirit,
' • . ,
J. L. 1314PLIFT,'
Baltimore,, Md.-Orntion—
(First Class)-,-.Bxecteign. ,
J. 8. BTAMM, Mount Joy—Oration—Seconcl
Class)-The True Man.
d. ' ilrldeshlrg- -, 11111044ig0
dittio'nzitte PAilaeephy. ,
D. S. BIIENRI, A. 8., HarrisburgHtlnitter's
Oral ion
Tho degreo of A: B was conferred , by Pres.'
idenrCoLrans, on the Grid - dating Class as
lowe: , •
The degree of A. nf. in course, was con-:
ferred on the 'following gentlemen, members
of the class of 1857. ' •
W. WI 811114... D B. Bunns. , '
GEO. J. CONNER, ' ri.coNßAth, •
The honnrorydegree of A. B. 7as conferred
on THOMAS R.Vtcnioir,: and the degree of A.
M. on Rev.' B. F. GROVER.
The degree of D. D. on Rey. FlENtrir SLICIR
and Roy. D. W. 13,karzuk, and of LL. D., on
lion. Wet. Dyson, of England...
In the evening. Da. COLLlifil held his antual
leyee, for the Graduates and invited guests,
and a largo 'manlier partook of his hospitali
ties on the occasion.
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees, the
•resignation of Da Comma!, woe tendered, and
a series of resolutions attopted, complimentary
'to Da. COLLINS. a copy of which we hope to
• r.
receive next week.
Rev. 11. M. Jonissox, D. D., was elected
President, 'OW Prof.,'S. D. .1111.1.5/AN, ' WS9
elected in ilaenof Prof. JOHNSON.
Among the Alumni of College - wh - 6 - wero
present during the week, was the Rev : John
Grier, of Philadelphia, tkelossmate of Presi•
dent yuchanan's, they having graduated to
gether in 1800. Ho informed ps that the class
of that year numbered thirty members, all of
whom he thought were still living but four. '
He took a lively interest in the proceedings,
and was evidently-pleased to visit his Alma'
llfter'an absence oT haffn century. On
Wednesday, previous to the address of Dr.' ,
Tiffany, one of the students, Mr Eckman of
Lebanon, seeing that Mr Grier, was without:
Ihe badge of the Bolin Lettres Society, step.-
ped on the stage to where be was seated and
taking the rod rose front his own breast deco
rated that of the old gentlemen with Iho so
ciety's einblem, whichlie,wore until the close
of the commencement.
The music furnished during the commence
ment exercises, was of very ordinary cbarac-
ter. The committee of arrangements had en
gaged the services of Beck's Silver Cornet Band,
at a high price, and hedto put up with ten mu
sent by Mr. Beck, who are not members
of his band al all; and far inferior as Ifllltli.
claps, to the Barracks Band. Perhaps iLtriay
learn the Students a lesson in the future, that
it is better to secure the services. of a geed
band af. home, than risk a semi - if: disappoint
meta similar to•the present.
MR. Poise:—lt has been my privilege
to witness and enjoy tile literary aecompani•
[acute of Corntneneement week, and. with
your per Mission, I herewith give, curretete
ealamo, expression to my ; ,•oivii views and feel regard 'to n portion .of them. In
doing so I may without:presumption suppose
my huinble judgement to be in harmony with
that of ninny others, though doubtless there
-are those whose opinions may differ, inns- -
much as they may, from their own stand•
point of judging excellence, give a decided •
preference to those who, however deserving,
did not, in every respect, equal such as may
be here designated. I do net. propose - giving
critical analysis of every 'performance, but •
rather a summary notice of that with w hich;
1 was partirulnrly pleased—though therOwas -
very little with which I was not pleased:
• The Drama •al Junior prize Contest, embra
cing nine. speakers, was listened •to by a
large audience, including an attractive repro
sentation of the youth and beauty of Carlisle;
who furnished many evidences of their appre
ciation to one and nil of the 'rival orators—
though I was much pleased with young
haverstiek,' and highly gratified with Mc-
Cants and 'Greg. The' first was calm and
deliberate, and his delivery in unison with
the character of-the' speech. -Ninety Six,
of the Palmetto state, was honored in her
gifted son: and •Harry, of Huntingdon, was
not a whit his inferior..- On Sabbath' morn.
ing I heard the baccalaureate sermon by Dr.
Collins.' It,wus eminently appropriate, and
it is hoped that the kind and wise counsel of
the President will be remembered and im•
proved, as peculiarly conducive to the true,
dignity, enlarged usefulness, and certain
happiness of the young men. •••
I. did not hear the discourie before the so
ciety Of Religious Inquiry, but •preamste it
was equal to the high reputation of the
The Anniversary of the Belles Lettres So•
eiety was, upon the whole, one of the most
'attractive and creditable that I have ever at
tended, and in every respect worthy the well•
earned renown of this ancient associaiion.
Broion's lull-toned and manly voice was
• pleasing to my ear, and the address. itself •
was chaste and appropriate. Harry Gregg
did well on Saturday, but better on Monday.
His address was very good, and admirably
delivered. In person, voice, and - gesture, as .
well as in the suitable expression • of feeling
to the sentiment, he has till the elements of.
an orator. Livingston wits unexceptionably
good, and the youthful Jackson Was an lion.
orable representative ol the Belles Lettres
Society. The Seventy- Fourth Anniversary,
was a decided enticees, of which the literary ,
brotherhood may all be proud. 'En avant
The anniversary exercises 'of the Union
Philosophical Society came off with the usual'
eclat. Mr. Golvalts' address compared fa.
vorably with that of the -previous evening.
Very creditable was. the effort of Cannon. -
S,reve and Shipley did well, and Ball's ad
dress possessed marked merit. Nothing oc•
curred to tarnish the 'fair fame of this - rival
and time honored society: and yeloitir„l:ldi.
tor, though a " Unioyistr yourself, °ilia trust
admit that the belOaddresues were given on -
Monday evening. q .
The . excerienceLori_severa pieces was
tioutewhat marred by the lowness of voice,
monotony of uttericate, hurried manner, un
happy expressions, and the seemingly Mei
mumble need of prompting—defects, which
it -would be well hereafter to ovoid. '
The young gentlemen deserve credit in so
leeting Rheem's Hull 'for their exercises: it
is every-way preferable to -Emory Chapel : — -
larger, better ventilated, and will_ admit Of,
expressions or demonstrations not befitting'
the sanctuary
Major Rheem, ever attentive and obliging, •
seemed comfortable and happy only in hay.
ink others in the same desirable mood, and '
he has my thanks for, the eligible seat flit..
nished me. Here 1 close, leaving the re.
mainder of the college exercises to .be
sketched by some other hand—anticipating
in them, however, all honor to " Old -Mother
COminti.. 7 lfarvest Is nearly overand theist ,
tiler's attention Hill soon be dlreetad to puttliig
In seed for another crop. In this oonneolOn
read the advertisement of the Willoughby Gain .
Spring. Oralu Drill by V. Gardner ti Co. This
Drill has attained such
..deserved Pokularliy
that the enterptleinglntionfooturers aro recele- 4
Gig large orders from n'distanee. On Wednes
day. Ineralng three "oatloada'wei:e 0040 d lo
Linits4lll4l, gr, atO other. 'italic •
ter eight years sertioe as President, fir, Col
lins hid closed hi connection with Dickinson
.College; and Is altouttotake charge . of a large;
.and flourishing Ladies Seini:fary, near.ltletn 7
Tentestkee.,, The anuses which'hiwe
polled him to take this step arise' r froinnodiS- .
irliention to the dillies inCident table late
,position ; nor front any wont of confidence in'
the stability of the Institution; buteiinply be . ;
cause,,other, and more pressing tlutieirerjuite
his attention elseithere. Without desiring to
indulge in useless or unmeaning panegyrick,
.we may be permitted to say, that ra no pre
.vious periiid in the history of this venerable
College t has it enjoyed greater :prosperity
than unt , ler his administrai ion. The avortige at
,endance orstudents,andthe number of gradp
ales, have been larger during his term, than
at any former wind of the sidle duration.
Important improver. eats. whieh add Itintilt to
-thoconvenieneeandcorefortofthestudonte and
Prefessors,have been made at considerable cost,
without taking ono oent Nein the college fund;
while by his financial' ability, the resources
of the Institution, have Wen so managed as to
now, more than meet the current expenses.
The number of students, neshown by the caia
logos for 1860, and the interesting public ex
ercises, which have marked !he olese of anoth
er y_ear..bear teotirnony to the flelity, , with
Wifich the faculty havO discharged their du
ties, as men as the present prospetity.and in
fluence of thacoltege. • • ,
Those who.knew Dr. Collins, best, will re
gret. lo pavt with him; lie is genial warm
hearted, earnest and truthful, and the Insti
tution which he leaves,.will regret his depar
ture while the one to which he goes, will hay
everything to hope, from his energy,' talents
and chripthitt,elsartseter... Our best wishes at
tend him in his new field of labor.
119... A brief Paragraph in the last number
of the IllfatAuf, in reference to a demand ou
Mr. Richiags for licence . to give a concert,
has roused the ire of the Chief 'Burgeits.—
In doing so, we bad no design or intention to
"affect injnedusly, the charaetei or position,
_pultlie or private,orthe Burgess; We mere
ly.-stated a Met communicated to us, the
truth of which we bhd no cause to question,
and at the.same time denied the authority
of the. Burgess to demand a licence• fee for
concerts, under a Mir construction of the
Borough ordinance. If no " threat " was
made, the demand itself implied one, and if
Mr. Richings bad refused to satisfy the Bur.
gess he must either forego'his Concert, or
subject the proprietor of the Hall to another
suit foe a penalty, as in the case of the Baker
family ; and which, by the way, has been
decided by Justice Smith, against the' Bor
ough. We have no wish to detract froth
the merits of the Burgess; we give him full
credit for zeal in the discharge of hiS duties,
and only found fault with his discretion in
this instance; In conclusion, we would any
to. t beßurgess, that the proprietor of R'leera's •
Hall, is not the Proprietor of the- H- raid,
and - should not be held accountable -for a
paragraph with the publication of. which,•he
had no connection..
lisliLutheran Congregation of this place, are
now erecting a large addition to their church
edifice, which,whert completed,will make the
building one of the most commodious in the .
Suite. ,
Fora long time past the sittings have been
all taken up, and the congregation felt coin'
polled to enlarge their building in• order to
accommodate all who worship there. The
filet of their building being yet • completely
new, . made them loth to alter it, but
necessity min overcame prejudice. The rear
end of the church has been taken out,
and an addition of twenty.four feet (including
the recess for the pulpit,) has been erected,
and is now under roof. We understand the
church is to bu frescoed, repahited and fur•
lashed, and consequently, will not be ready
for ro dedication until almost the beginning
of October. The entire building will be 93
feet long, and able to accommodate an au
dience of nearly 1200 people. The end of
the churchwhich'was taken down, has been
closed up . temporarily with boards,.and reg-
ular service is now held every Sabbath morn
ing and evening as usual:
MARY KRAFTAEN.—An "institution/'
long known here as "Old Krofty," died on
the 9th inst. in the 81st *yeti of.her ego; hav
ing been born at Ettingen, Wurtemburg, in
February 1780. For more than thirty years
regardless of heitt or cold, she kept her sent
in the Market Hone, dispensing fruit, cakes
and taffy, to young and old. By dint of close
Saving, she had acquired considerable prop
erty, and some yetirs ago, site made a will be
queathing, the house in which she resided,, to
the German Lutheran congregation, as a par-.
nonage. This will, at her requeit, Was plii& - itr,
in the center stone of the church, at the time
of its erection; land on Monday last, the wall
of the church Was opened and the will ob
tained. The house is probably worth twelve
hundred dollars, the rest of her propertygoes
to some distant relatives.
M. E. Cauttoil Fiiday
last the momberif arid' friends of the M. E.
Church, held their annual - Pic•Nic at the
llketing House Springs. A large company
of ladies and gentlemen attended, and spent
the day pleasantly, id various amusements.—
About two hundred took dinner, after which,
an eloquent address was delivered by the Rev.
A. R. Gibson, of Emory Di. E. Church.,. We
tender our acknowledgements to the com.
mitte of arrangements, for a "complimentary"
on' the occasion, and regret that the duties
of " publication day," deprived us- of the
pleasure of attending. •
Joint %up:wt.—This well known' caterer
for the publio - died"at Bhlppeneburg, on the
80th inst. aged 85 years. The News en:ye :
•.. ins death wee sudden and unexpected,.
produced it is thought by disease of the heart
Untie few minutes previous to his death .ho
was kn'ading bread, when he remarked to an,
elderly lady in his employ that "ha felt strange.
ly at his heart." like handed him a chair,
and requested him to sit down. Scarcely had
he been Seated, when be uttered n faint cry,
fell from the chair, and before medical aid
could reach hitri he expired."
• "Jade!'" proficiency in the oulintify art,
was pro:eel:411, asthoee who have been his
statue at flogistown, Newrlllo and SkiPpens
burg, will readily admit) but his unsuspecting
- nature made ]dm'the prey of others, and it Is
irobsble that pecuniary difficulties nggrala•
tad the disease which carried him off so',end.,
, . ,
POPpeATION oP VIII 130ittnitift,-.41 7 0
low% Wet the paptilattoti of CarHete t eeeeao..
tnitted by We. Deputy Itiorebele, tante up 6 .1 65 -
The populattop at the borough lu leap. iron
ABM, 'ebuttlag on inarealso in teti '7!nitk ;of
,1,184. k.. • .
OUR Fouttmr.—On. WedncsAy • last,.
we, in company with 4few friends; belie'ving
that a trip, to the country'on our nation's na
tal-day, would be more , . congenia) to our
tastes , tha4 the dust and heat of a militZi
or' fi remen's deino nstraiinn, selected the
rerrj CountrWarm .Sprinks as the place
to be 70noreil by our 'visit.-
•••• rip , Wi_th the lark, we found our ride. over
the-mountain delightful ; and arrived just in
time (to be too late) for breakfast.
• About 10 o'cloci,Vz arrived a party of
excursionists' from unennnon, which con
tnitAllitce brides, all married within three
weeks previous, and all as "merry an a
marriage hell. The addition of a delegation
from Landisburg, gave the place quite a.
holiday aspect, and - ns the ping suggested.
dinner, we would have asillenged any local.
ity to have produCed a comlier.file'than that
day assembled at the Warm Springs. •
When we come le speuk of , the. dinner,
we can't find expressions savory enough, to
. ..convey an adequate idea of the good things
which comprised the sumptuous repast. • The
table was :tastefully decorated with flowers,
the servants active and obliging; and in feet:
nothing was treating to please .the' most. fits- •
tidious epicure. • . •
Assembling inthe lawn on the bank Of
Sheytnan's creek, the Declaration of lode
pendencs was read in' a full clear tone by
Col. theiciNiox, of Duhcannon i' after which
the Star, Spangled. Banner was snag, while
every voice contributed to make the hale
'ea) with the grand old chorus.
• The salient points of this watering pitted
are wild,. romantic scenery, large and well
ventilated sleeping apartments, the warm
temperature and medicinal qualities of ita
bath ai_andiast,_b u t_not leastuthe-repuation
its proprietor, Mr. Jowl Enttur, has for be.
ing the man to "keep hote)." Success to
him!' - . .
Aumm'thiNgratinates at the
.recent corn
mencement at ,Prinemon, were Samuel M.
Wherry, Jos. E. McLean and IsaaelCoontz, of
this'county. -
Tun MItRYLAND UNION -A democratic pa
per at Frederick.' is disided in its household.
Ons of its editors. Bradley . T. Johnson, who
was n delegate to thenationalconvention.and
lit chairman of the Maryland democratic State
control committee,.supports Breckinridge for
the. Presidency, wilily . Mr. Charles 'Cole, the
junior editor. advocak the election of Judge
Douglas. Arrangements are...therefore con
templated for one or tile otherparty to acquire
the, eole ownership uud the paper take position
Our renders will remember Mr. .johnson,
oe one of the conned. in the- ease of Myers,
who was tried in our court for' Kidnapping.
Special Jcotice's .;
Tux following Is LI oomph, of thu. numbrou4 letters
otbstintly recelying for ilostottor's Stomach Bitters:
• CANANDAGIU,, Ma y 16, - -
Mcssna. 'lemma & Slum, Pittsburg Pa...—tie lB6o. nts:
As we are xtrangers, I heron ith enclone you -taenty•
eight dollars for four dozen 11,tutter'n Stomach Bitters
which please forward via Michigan'Sunthern
Toledo, shin, and Clayton Station — there purclumed
several dozen bottles at Toledo this 81.110011, but the
is on the Increase so much th.t I wish to open a
dlydct track with ybu. I was try your litt•
tern by my physician, for the Liver Complain t.-an d
noised much material old that 1 have recommended It to
others and have sold about two dozen per weekibr snout
tints. I Intro all Minix of Medicine in my Store, but
there I. norm that I can so • ohonrfully and truthfully
reconnuend as your Hitters, furl' know trey have help
ml rue beyond my expectation. Yours respoctfully.
'I he subscriber will sand (fres of charge) to all who
desire it, the receip and directions for making n
pie Vegetable Balm ' that will, in from two to eight
day., rim - testi Pimpl es, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, Sallow,"
no., and all Impurities and roughness of the Skin,
leaving the same—as Nature Intended it should he—
soft; clear. sm o oth. end beautiful. bus° desiring the
Beelpl, with full instructions, and advice, will please
calrun or address (with return postage.)
IYactleal Chemist,
June 29, 18d0.-3m, No. 32 City Buildings, N. V.
sternly, have now been berme the public fur live yeare,
mid have eve ry where won golden opiuioun hunt th•
many Uninsamin who have used them. "
. • .
Mamie. free from intricacy, technicality. or danger.
they Lave barman the ready resource And aid of the pa
rent, traveller, nurse or invalid, and have become the
family physician and medical adviser of *Lomond. of
families.' No nhero Lave they been tiled witillint Lev
laic-been approved. and their highest appreciation ,ea•
monk those who have known them longest, and, most
N. II full eel of Humphreys' Homeopathic Speci
fics, with Book of Directions. and twenty different
Remedies, in huge Oohs. morroeco case, s.i; ditto in
plain case, $4; case of fifteen boxes, Mid Book, $2. Sin
gle boxes, 23 cents and faPrents.
Those Homilies, by the single tint or cane, are sent
by mail or express, free of chat go, to any address, on re
ceipt of the price. 'Address
No. 602 Broadway, New York.
MOn Buoda• July Pth CIIIRLES Infant eau of David
and Jan/111111, aged fifteen weeks.
ghe gjathets.
Reported weekly - for Ike Herald by
Woodward ar. Behrnadt.
PLOlP , (3uiLettine)
du. (I,xtr/f1,..
do. trAtolly.).
tt-' LOUR
RED do
SPRING 8ARLEY.........:N0
Xew ilimertisements.
semi:atm : —.l . hereby oiler myeolt a candidate for
the office of ItHOISTISIt. of Cumberland' County, sub
'net to the decision of the People'. County Convention,
and will be thankful for your support. •
Moly '2, UNA. c
EIITLZULN 1-1 hereby offer tnyafilfa candidate for
the office of REGISTER of Cumberland county. auldert
to the drcialon of the People's County Convention, and
will be thankful for your nupport., Respectfully.
Carliale, June 15, 1860.-t, c. E. A. nItADY.
Follcitation of numoroue filendn. I otter mynolf al
a candidate for the office of CLEAR OF THN COMP,
and Ia:COWDEN subject to the doelelon lu Couvoutlon
of the Peophie Party of Cumborleud county
Monroe tolrnKb4i, Juno tb, .00,-ic,
a undersltined hereby offorti Model(' non candleate
fbr the office of PROTIIONOTAIt Y of Cumberlond Coun ,,
ty, ouldect to the decision of tbn Peopirs Party horn!.
noting contention, and respectfully solicits t be import
or the Party . J, k, 1 , 19111E1i. •
Nodrille jutto 20,- .ca
• . offer myeelf to your consideration as a candidate
for the Ogee of PROTIIONOTAIIT, oullject to the Ur•
cl , lon at the reeple'm County Contention, end will he
grateful for your dupvrt 0, A. 00 LLF:N001L0110.
Neurllle June 20, 't,U.-4.e. .
11EittAND COM:Ty,
lettlltettt I hereby OW in ',lf In vntle con tildiett.
thin, as a candidate for the Office at UlZtelllll, alibi
Jed to the decision tif the tienhie's Chititlllllntl
and 1111tikful 11:1 'OW ellipplirt.
Mourne Tnieniihipi
fty 30,1800.4 a,
'l'o THE CITIZENS OF' cLJMrn n..
tAtI P .C.I3" I 7. t k the
m o n z s gN *4 o fer.tuyoy naval aM. P t
o lijed Of It pia 014 It vtioottiputlet., couhty, singe. t 4
the etti•plien CotinirContghlion, and will bI3 thAllittla
, for yvtir oOpittni,' ~ • SANUELVISIV ni t7gt,
°a lleleAprll ebt.tedo..t
0110 1.1 TOA ALL CONOH torn t.),—
Win Mug $f mowing dthmtooleeo Itillohtei to 0.
t. 1 Ototo, aro hereby Ifni Pled that they olltt4T rollond
oat! 0 thole amount althea he mob po to ftlithirltit,
teem and after the tot er,lhiy, Mt hiitoto potato told
amid b 0 nottlatt telthlo SIXTY DAY& Ito trAturt lel
any amend filb 14t to than pat thea.
canto' :l,tire, 11004 i......, Ch oaten,
$4 83
.4 87
.4 87
.3 25
.1 t.O
.1 10