NrOTLO F; TO AI.L.CON . CERNED.::---' 11 'All porsons knowing themselves iodolited•to C. IN HOFF. are hereby untitled Choi thoy MUST - cell rind Gatti., their account either by wish or ;into. forthwith. From and after the lel of July, all bills for goods sold moot be settlud wIthin'SIXTY DAI.S, Ws I cannot lot any account rue lougor then kinit Carlisle July 11, 18101:Pt.II. INIIOIT.. • . NK OTlC—Notioe is hereby giver' that the trailing arm of Loslt4 KomiNs has been Ms 'dey diseolved Inutnel consent. All pernons Indekt tel to Bald them aro hereby, requested to looks peygnent, and thosellevlng ctsinis twpreeent thorn to .1. $, Lash at Dirl/ele Or F. Know at Allentown with O n days. i S,ASII, F. JO USS. July .0:1860.43t..* r .O ICI YE WI, NO 0 D 111 air IP AT , S -VEGETABLE - LIFE PILLS • 'PHOENIX BITTERS., Thehigh and envied celebrity which, those pre-eml pon m o dish, es have acquired fur their invariable OR ninnyt in all the diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of pulling not only =Wes eery, but unworthy °llium, They are known by their fruits: their good works testify for. them, and they thrive with) , the faith of tho credulous. • In XII Cases of Asthma; Acute and Chronic Rheuma tism. Affoetlons of the Bladder and'llidneys. Billions Fevers and Liver Complain ts.—l n the South sad West wham these 'diseases proiall; thal will be found invalnable. Phtp,ters,Dirm rs bind others, who onion ace these medicines, willinevcr afterwards he with 'out Vol. Billions Cholle and. Sarrm.Looloness, lilies, Costive ness, Colds.nrd Coughs Cholic. CONSUMPTION— Cad with great micceSs in Bilk di sesio, Cor upt Humors, bropsles, Dyspepsia.—No parson bit in this distressing disease should delay using them medicines immellintely. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelus,Flattdeney and Fe wer and Ague.—For this scourge of the Western country those medicines will be found n safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines Isave tins system subject to an return of the.illseaso, , a cure by these anedielnes fi permanent. Try, them. 1.0 satisfied, mud be cured. FOULNESS OF CUMPLEXION, GENERAL DEBILITY. Gout, Giddiness, Gravel, Headaches of every kind Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Inman Blood, Jaundice, Loss or Appetite. LIVER COMPLA [NTS, ' LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, ' N EitellitlAl, DISEASES Never falls to eradicate entirely ail the effects of Mer cury in II n I tely sooner than the meat pew erful prepara tion of Sarsaparilla. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds. Organic AlTuctions, Palpitation Of the Heart Pninters' .Choltt. MEC! The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles alit, years standing by the use of these Liver Medicines alnuo.• Pains is the head, lde back, limbs, Joints eudy:4- guns. ' • RHEUMATISM. atill.ted with this terrible . disense will be sure of relict by the Idle Medirincs . • • Rum of Blood to the 11.4, Scurvy, Snit•lthoum. Swellings.• SCROFULA, or KING'S EVIL,- in Its worst forms Ul• • . 'eer's of,ivory description._ Worms of ail kinds aro effectually explled by these medicines.. Parents will do well. to administer them niumerur tittle ex„islence is suspected. Belief will be certain. • - • Tull LIFE PILLS AND PHOI:cIX BITTERS ~,e? PURIFY TUB BLOOD, And thus remove alddlsesses, from the systeth. Prepared by DII, WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, No - . Irda Blond wily, (Moffat Y. Y. July For solo by All Druggists FINE.. WATCH REPAIRING.- F. C. KREMER. '7 ' nt the Now Jowoiry Storehn'ltnst Main street, near the Public Square, is prepared to clean and repair the Fi nest Ilratches, and warrant them to give entire oaths faction. Also tine Mantle Clocks of all kinds, aluslcol Boxes, Accordions, ke. put in complete order, nod rrnr ranted. Carlisle July 0, 1860.—ty, NOTICE AND READ THIS. -, . . F. C.- WItEMEIt, , OR iniiHAt the now Store. on Past Main St. I near floury Sexton's Harahan., Shore, ..../ • would roll the attention of persons In wont ore fine Watch to Ills splendid MIS b' stock of American, Llyerprol and Lon don u.+ LlAl SS. I kayo a fine stock of thtlal Watches, at all priers, front twenty &Hiram up to three hundred dollars. I also have a large stook' If Silver Hunting Cased end Open Cased %Patches, from three dollars up to eighty. I also It now stock of French and A mori can JEWELRY, In setts, such as Cameo, Gold Stone, Lava, Mosaic, Mourning and Plain setts, Arc. '1 also hero n new stock of Medallions, from tm, 4.fiar up to fourteen; Ladles' and flontleman'a Ilualitta,rina of all patterns and prices:-Gold Chains; a large Ftork of Test Poll and Curb Chalon; a very largo stook of finger rings of all kinds and patterns. such as Seal Rings, Wedding Slings, and Settings; a fine stock' of Cuff Plus, ()old Simla, SICOTS Buttons for Ladle. and Oontlemen, Craters Bracelets, (told Watch Keys, Seals*, Gold and Silver Thlothlee, Geld anal Silver Spectacles, a hirgu stock of Silver Tea and Table Spoons at all prices, nud a coop unto stock of Double Plated Tea and-Table Spoons, pin. ted Forts, Silvermod Plated Butter Knives and a lino stock of double plated Casters, Sugar Spoons, Silver Fruit Kithira, and a large stock of Common Spectacles, to cult all Ages, to which I invite particiihir attention: Port Woollies of all kinds, Silver-Keys and Chalon; a' largo sleek of Accordeons, Violin., and Music Boxes, (largo anal small.) and a groat variety of articles usually kept Ina Jeweiry store. I have also on hand n largo and well redacted stock of CLOCKS, of all patterns and fashions, front ono dollar up to fifty, whicli I will POll at a small profit and warrant thorn for one , year, to ho good tho..keepers. Every,thing sold by mo shall be, what it is represented. ClocksPWatches, and Jewelry, carefully repaired and warranted. ,carlislo July 6, 1860.-Iy. Letters testamentary on the estate of henry Erick late of Monroe township deed. have 'teen Issued In duo farm ()flaw by the Register aeon'. borland county to flonry S. Ruck, George Enclt, John Rock and Jacob Erich, all.residlng In tho name town.' ship. All persons Indebted to the ostato will make Itnneedi Ito payment and 'those having claims will pre. ,nout tuero properly authenticated for settlement to HENRY S. ENCE, GEORGE ENCK, 301 IN ENCR, JACOB NECK. Executors. Monrno twp. July 6, i8,30.-Gt.. rilhe 74th Anniversary of the Belles Lettros Society of Dlcklnson College aolll ho colo• twitted In Itheonen Ilan on noat Monday ovonlng, July Dth 1860 at B'o'cl.k V. 11. COMMITTEE Oonrgo hambertnn, George Molter, Co ilelo July 0, 1860. . W. C. Round, W. D. Clayton R. I'.lrlntiro, EmOry Watson., Chairman he 71st Anniversary of the Union I'bllesopLirslSolely of Dickinson College •wila be be d In .lilleenes Mall nu Tuesday July lOth LW/ o'clock I'. M. ' • COMMITTEE IsMc McCurley. Itortrand S. Ashby, Alfred N. Welt:, W. M. Travers, Mirry Millar Jr. W. 11. Parker. W. Frank Clod win, Chairman. Carllido July 6, 1860 N OTICE.- Mactiamcsnuna, June 19th 1960. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Legislature of Penusylvaula at Its twat meeting for the incorporation of a bank of Issue. .with discount sad deposit privileges, to lw located. In gm Borough of Machnnicaburg, In thillounty br Cumber land, Pena. and to ho called the Merbanicsborgllnok, with a capital of one hundred thousand. dollars 1,4.4 the right to Increase the sum to 'two hundred thousWe dollars. John , llmodt, Leal Merkel, Jimob Mumma, WM. R. Dorgan, Jacob Eberly, John Nisloy, John Sadler. , Levi F Ebony. Samuel Sher Solomon P. Corgas. A TTENTION. • FARMERS AND. BUILDERS. The undersigned in the nolo agent for the celebrated BEACH 11017031 ItOOFINO MATH. and will keep a supplyteenstantly on hand. Thls slate ran be furnished cheaportbay shinglen, end in more durable than any other matttltd. It can be procured by calling on the subscriber at his residence on Bast street. JACOB 81111031. tLal.. N. B. Slain will be furnlshOd to'persone In adja cent countlen at the nhorteet notice. Carlisle Juno 29,1890.-9 mos. Ty •S. Godbold, Tuner and Repairer j_ j_. of Pianos Melodeons de.. hoe made arrange ments to visit this place quarterly amino mewh oftener as occadlon requires. Being, located At Harrisburg parties can have thole Instrumenta tuned at short no tice. Partlestwiiihing to purchase Pianos ae., can avail themselves of his experience In selecting good instret manta without charge, all work will, be fully Wm ran ted or uo elutrao made. Orders loft at the l'oat (Mace the Mansion House and It. B. ShApley'a will be tempt /y attended. June 29,1860.-3 m. Tint received from Brodie's Mantilla ity Emporium Now York, large lot of Silk And Lace Mantillas newest styles and nt reduced prices. Now is the time for Indies to get bargains in theao scannable goods. , Also a full supply of , r • • r BARL•`GES LAWNS,, and Summer (Dols, great Bargains will be given until the close of tho. season. Additions being constantly made, our stock is always compluto. • . Juno 2u, 18130.. a SAWYER. .puIIiA.DELPIIa AND ItHAPING ritAiraoAD. TO NEW YORK Excursion -Tickets will be issued via. heading; Allentown and Emden to New York, end beak to Harrisburg. at only SO 50 each., the round trip. Good from Monday 20, to Setui.daY 7th' 'July, with the privilege of stopping ovur at any intortuadinte point between above dates: Per tickets, &c, apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Al soft Ilerrieburg. June 29.-1 NEW , GOODS NEW1,00D8,1,1.: . AT 0011,Dylt3 'FORE: •,- 1 0 RYrao lame stock: of .sumbinic. GOODS of all des..tlptlon now opening to which thaattegtlon of all - .personst want of clicapand bandaoine goodsrexpectfully 'lnvited. -Boling purchased for.cesh.will be aold a 6 cheap, if not cheaper, for the cash. Muscat' •he had at any:other . etoreln Carlisle. ; • ' ;,:. • • -. All persons lu wantifl i andsomo' end eheap jolt& ore respectfully Intl's dto cn and examine our New Stock before purchasing... Mow ere., • . • ; ' 0011.13Yi Trjaetee. ' 'N: B. The balance or old stock on' hand chiding out, without-regard to coat i at prices unprecedently A G EN T S ' 1V ANTED f 100,600 Al'il;L DE SOLD, NOD" Ji EA DV , ' NATIONAL POLITICAL CHART, a.OP, OF Wl:ft . 'OI4ICTED . .• • coNIAINI .4 7io - . , Accurate Portraits, frinn•lite, of Om Candidates of ouch party for Prosidunt and Vioe-Presiderst, With 'their arel , ptanco. !Isthmus of thelelospooti so Parties,' with a Vast funonnt of §tatist.leal Matter. Results o 4lia`l'residontiall Elections of the. Coiled States Inn. }SOO to 1000.; TUMOR cor tho Speakers of the Representatives Prom ,1709 to Ihtti, Tho inapis beautifully cololed, and printed on,eea” ralelidored paper, Platt 32 by . 40, showing the boundaries °fall the States and Territories, natending through to the Pacific: Politicians of all Parties, and others,..wisbing to have before then, material fir being fully pouted at a Oust° glance,should possess. copy of this Itinu. Retel Prtoo,'unly 20 Cents., Soot post Vaid, on receipt of the price. A RARE CHANCE IS OFFERED TO . AGENTS • • ' For Terms, Address DUANE ittiLIFIGN, Quaker City Publishing Ilene, N 0.33 South Third St J one 20,'60.-31. , Philadelphia Pa. tc-N OLD I'ENS! GOLD "'ENS!! 71 nave an hand a Tory large stork of a:4VA fine Mai mouth MM., No 1: hold Pena which I will brlll lhr low I heir original wholesale cost price. 1 maku the lowing nutgnificept offer, 1 pun by 40 cents et eh e , 4 1•00 I . • ' 2,00 - 1 done for • • 0.00 2 &run pens for ' 6,00 A • To any one.who will Fond mo Ono Dollar for these pins, khan tecelvo at the same time, (as a pronilum) a magnificent full length portrait of Capt. - John Drown, pit 0 $l, FREE. or if they Choosl3 the life of Abraham Lincoln and timpani 11111Illill, in Olin largo beautifully bound volume - , price $1 Fit Kit OF CII A ROM It ebubli• cane now is Um I Imo to get the life of Lincoln Rod Ilemlin, 1 9 1 01: Olt cu Auo p;: . Any coo S01111111{? 111141! _fur pent,. shrill .rerelve four• portraits of John IlrownlTMllle of Lincoln and Hamlin i r and t Ise the speeches of lion. Abraham inroth and Stnpbon A. Douglas, In 111i111118 ill WS: if on..they ran- VIIFSed 010 State togother, FREE OF CII HOE valued at $6. „ , . Young men ran maim from $lO to $.9.9 per day by or• tiering a quantity 'of thesopens as theybell rapidly, and the ho .to alone aro worth the money paid far pans, books. nod portraits together. Irony ono whiles to get the life of “Ilonfist Old Abe LI mole" send mo ono dol - bur for pens, and you ran ' get the hunk FR EC OF CII AR4 lE. Semi along your orders immediately before thy stork is oxbausted. Address CIIAIILES 11. F. WORTHINGTON N l'avorlY Tiogn Co. Now York. = • TAISSOLUTION.—Noiice 'is hereby el run that the firm of James Green and John It. N I liloeb, merchants 111 Newburg, Cundoilond County, is hereby dissolved from this dote The books of. the ilrmAre In the hands of James Ofeen tor' settlement, ,rho 'will continue the business In the old stand.. NairtKirg .luno 6, 1660 Juno 16, '6o.—lt. • ...lAMBS A. OBEBN, .10MN IL NIIII;OCIC. WAR3I.S,P II INg PlilltltY • 'l'lle - undersiknerl, having leaned this favorito swater ing pEII . O liar the f•0.M10.I1,• would Joann] the patrons of _the usta blishmen t. that It is now open Ihr the xeceptien of visitors. • Its location. on the honks 019 .riesn'sCrecnnunt ho talrliatifoN for.picturesque mounts t reentry, shady roads and beautiful drives, while 11 0 reek affords era ry inducement for • JSOATING AND (ZING . - The Mineral Springs, for bathing purposes, lo one of the best in the country, having a temperature of 61 digrees Fahrenheit, and , runnitiguff newly a hundred gallons a minute, to supply tho bath-luntses, which era fitted lap with shower mad plunge baths. The buildings are large and cothinedions, having - been anti, uly refitted with new furniture,- and the larder well stocked With all the delicacies of the season, sort crimp by experienced ottendruits. A j.IILLIAI - 1D TABLE, - nwling Alloy, :I:lunle:nud nll thn enstnnTy sel;'t'oeingpl;7, Z1117:11) melded by the PI prielor who will use his hest exertions to 'mobs it at. I...traetire to those wiardesire a healthy, retired summer retreat, The Warm Springs [MI situated 14 miles north ofCar• lisle, from whieb point thine is a daily Mall. 'Persons_ louring Philadelphia or Baltimore In the morning will arrlee at the Springs in time fof ten, by way of Carlisle or Pourannon, from twit of whirl, points stages will 1111 In conne,:llon with tlio curs. For terms or further articulnrs satire. • , JOHN EMMY. June 1800. Cnrlinln l'unna: For the oh. lty of tho air. nod tho medicinal prop. ding of the water. the Proprietor velure to • • J. W. Parer, Staten 17 nlon 'tote), Wth. fluyer, ad A Lombard, JPhiladelphia, T. A. erfmvell, Walla •e St. J. 11. Guyer South 12th St. Prof. P.'l'. Tysr.u. llonry P. 11ronlc Esq.,lthuor, Cteo. Priuce, 11. F. }AU, Escp. li, 11yoro, Harrisburg. • 'INFERENCES. Freak. \Vette. B. M. Biddle, It. -S. Wpodwaril, J. 'lf Parker, Johmoiehloore, Alex, Cathcart, It. M. Howler e,m, Carlisle. Cnpt (leo. Ulhsou, U. S, A. IThon, M. Bid die Esq., Philadelphia. Carlisle June 122, 1660.-2 in •IDR. ESENWEIVS TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL Is the bentinedicine In OM world for .the elm of 'ln andColds,Crptip,BronclsitinfAstinua,piffirulty In breathing. Parpitatittinf the Heart, Diptherla, And for the relief of patlentn in the advanced !Angus of together with all diseases of the Throat and Chest, and st bleb pre.dispose to Consumption. . It to peculiarly adapted halm radical curgf Asthma. tieing prepared by n practical Physician and Druggist and one of groat esperlence In the cure of the various diseases to which the bunion frame Io liable. • IL Is offered to the afflicted with the' greatest donee. ncji.Try it end be convinced that It in Invaluable in the cure of Dronchical affections. Trice 50 cents per bottle, • ES EINWEI ai'S A ROM ATI r o every valuable remedy P.r Diarrhont, Dynentwy, Cholera Morin. and all Bowel afilictions. Try It—Price 25 cents per bottle. ycn,.Tho above medicines aro prepared only by Dr. A. 'ESEN REIN lc CO., Druggist,. and ()herniate N, W. Cur. of Ninth 7F Poplar Streets, Philadelphia. Sold by every ro.pertablo Inugglstaud Dwiler of-Modhi nu throughout Um Rat., Juno • PUBLIC SALE OF REAL, ESTA E. • , , • Will be exposed to public sale on the prelniscs, mm TiluitsnAv the 213th day 01 .Zllllolllllllr.lll.Xt. t Wet Mil north, of Middlesex, the following two tracts of laud ad joining, situated in Mlcidle..ox township, Cumberland etrunty. the'property of Frederick ikat,,,r, deed. No. 1 containing 153 arms 10 perches strict measure, about 140 of which is cienred and In a good state of cultiva• lien, And tllO 1419gnp in,thuber, bounded on the south by Abraham I.motel toti,'on the east icy the Conodogu inett Creek, on lb...north by Abraham Zvialer, John Wilson and i 3,11111.10/ ZeighT, and on thelwyst by tract No. 2, Laving thereon erected a good BRICK HOUSE. • Frame tiara, i'rame Statile, Wagon . Shed '4=o and corn Crlb, with a Well of water and 11, f e . pump to the vard!'; lot addition to tho • runitlia . : . :• along the east ride, there & are sureral small htrunms of mooing Ira• tor which pass through said, (arm, and ix wall calculated for grazing. No. L. Contains 84 acrel and 9 porches ettlittheasn're, of which (10 110 . 08 aro cleared and, the hdlanee timber, bounded on the south by Abraham Lautherton. on the ,runt by I rat•t No. I. on the north by Fainuel Ziegler and 7Porth west by Levi Zeigler,"having thereon erected a Brick Lions°, Frame Baru, flog Pets and Corn Crib. The Limn of both said tractB is of good quality and being within two miles of LIMO KIIIIF, they could ha improv ad lu a short time to buttoning the best producing farm inthe neighborhood. - Ali'rbrinrother tract of Chesb tit Timber 146111 i situate in Carrot township, Perry county, about one milo ,rest of Cra no's Cap road containing about forty-Ax sierra. Sold *'. mountain land la about six miles distant , from the two ilTerarraitioned tracts. Pale to camomile° at ton o'clock on,sald day when the conditions will be made known. ft EllittiC 11 111"fOlii , ,tit's pi fact for the hark • PHILIP KEHL, (,QO5. - WATCH - AN) JEWELRY k_j ! husiNEss. . „4 -4,i-,---: - -4-4, „ 5. _-, -,? ; p, : ...- 1 4- - . Nk,.... ,-.,. :-..0 c , , ~,„ 7 . 4 , / ~_,,,,,.. , _ r ~, _ , ~.!,,,,,,.....*,,_,,,,,,,,,:„. ~,.,,-., _ I would respectfully Inform my old friends and the public generally that I have removed my place of busi ness to Tilaginudhiltia Store Room on north llatiover St next door to Mr. Hotel, nod five doors north of the Carlisle Eniemit Dank, where I itin prepared to at. tend to the CLOCK WATCH & J.ENTEtRY BLISIZIES,S In all Ito 'variouo branches, having ;over fifteen years 'experience in the bunittess I tan eny,*that all work en. trotted to toy rare shall be done in n workmanlike man ner anti warranted. Olen Me a call. ' Carlisle June 20, 1660.-6e3. W. WA. NAUGLE. INPECTLNE, THE PERSIAN FE • • VEIL CIIAIOI. ..: 'or the prevention and cure of ." Fever and Ague and Billions Fevers." Thin wonderfursimedy was brought to the knowledge of the present proprietors by n triCted who bee been a grunt traveller in Persia and the Only Land. - Whiles going down the river Euphrates, ho experieve cud a aevero at tack of Fever and Agent On dowry; IN his condition, one of the boatmen took from his person no Amulet saying, “Wear thin and no Fever will touch you." Although increntuletta see to Its virtues; ho complied and experienced future elate roller, and boa since alivoya found it an effectual protectioll from all malarious complaints. '''• ' -- On further investigation he found that the boatman attributed to It miraculous powers, and seild It could only be obtained from the Priests of the Sun. Some- time afterwards, the gentlemin In cimvcralog with a Priest obtained from him the secret of its preparation, and ascertained where the medicinal herbne wore to be hiund, of whiCh It wan compoiluded , The wonderful 'virtues of this arliele h a ve lneliesed n fall belief In the Minch' of the natifes It the tulmouloui healing .powers of their Priests. • . . 'l3inve bin return to Maurice, It low been tried with tho' oduct by towered Lodloennd flontionien. of high chantefer,'who hero given It the moot unqualh uel ;Intim:11%10 remedylincinglmenfn apteelfiwin-Per nla for htindrele of yenrh. for the irevention and cum orb oeer acid Ague and Vinous Fevers-4a now offered to the American peoplej • • • • . - ..• It will be Pant by midi prepaid, with' 'directionet for 100..011 forolpt of one dollar. ' • . Principal Depot and Afanufholory,..lBB Main Inch- Mood VB.' .11ranch W il co, .Ihllt COnlillefee Minding; j lOW York. Addromt. , Juuo " JCULN MIXON a co .. • . .. , ~ ... . ~ ......... • . .SELLING 014' AT CO8T111: • I , . At - tho sign of tho'"Gold Eagle," 3 doors above the . Cu mberhmd Valley Bank, and two dam below' the 'Mahn.llst Church. on West Matt street, th'o largest ' and best selected Stock' of •• . • _ . , :,. - • WATCHES & JEWELRY in tke town, will be sold ; Sd' - per cent lower than at any pip& In tiro State. The'eteelc comprises a Lego assail :no t ()old' nod Silierhuutiug IWO: Watches, Levers, 'Lord, •s; itterlean - watches. and all 'other kinds and styles, had and Silver chains, .- OLD PENS 4t , PENCILS, 'jewelry-of all kinds, Spectacles Sold and Sliver, Plated and Silver %V pre, Music lioxes,Aceurdeons, 011. Paint. Ingo.. a great variety of limey articles, and a lot Af the finest Planes, which will-he sold' 40 per rent lower tban ever offered f own. The entire stock of AVotchmaker tools,. issue, large rers, and Sale will ho sold. whole sale Or retall on the e. 4.1 terms. lleviirg Selected a fh 1 class worknihn nil kinds of re. pelting will ho done as meal, at reduced prices. Plano IlltlFill of all kin s for sale. A nets first class doable bar..ei gnn warranted jenulne twist will be sold for hall Its value. . . . .. . . . R. E. SHAPLEY.. . • 4 - 0 . N. B. The !ergo three story Brick House, with a splendid store room and parlor 42 feet: deep wil l ha cold at a vary low price and on easy terms. [lll.l 'lf not gip d .will be rented from April Ist 1861. ..Cale at thoJevrelry Store in saki •linildlng. . funs It, MO. , ~ ... .., . . - CAIIPAIGN TRIBUNE.- lite Compel:Nl Tribune will consist of liftpono rem, of the SeiniXeekly ,Tribune, being the full nice of the Daily and weekly editions, and one of the largest newspapet s piloted, containing Tote advertise. minds, but giving a full, curtent history of the Presl , denial Canvass of 1 / 3 60—the Platforms of. the several parties, their eau didates, arguments, meetings speech. en, Sc., with all the intervening State Elections, and full summitries of the Foreign end other news of the day, Including letters front our correspondents In Eng-' lend, France, Germany, Italy, Cullfuntia, South'Anterj• en, Sr., Sc. This Issue will Olt tht,rofore be read and prized by nrdnni politicians only, but will Ln interesting to all, anti thus Calculated to win-the ildilioreot wol as ttiarouse,ttiol stimulate those already convloro tint the Republican cense is foondrd in 'truth and justice nod there[Ore ought, to urevall. ' - 'Phu Ciatunimi Trilmuo teilt.bvvniled ou thofollowito terms, payable always In advance: . - • yOr.ll slogln ropy (1,1 Issues) " It Collies • •-• " to ono address, o 21 • . ii • 11 100 ‘g $lO $2O sBo' . . Whoever sends $lO for iranor may ant any time af terward increase the to 'I, or from 24 to 100. by sending the difference as abeffe mwren Veloric° ol the entailer anal that or the large club. Our own intereat In thus issuing papers at a price barely exceeding tine cost of the white paper loon slight that we do not hesitate to urge all who desire the tri• moult of the llepublica en 111111S11 to cooperate with on by early and earnest efforts to give a wide and general eir. C111:1011) t 5 the Cannryrign Tribune. - We Wilkri•lld specimen topics to any one who shall write for titian. Address HORACE GREELEY k Co. No. VA Nar.sgiu 5E., -Now .Yortc Ems' IHE CRY IS-STILL THEY COME FOURTH 6RE4T...ARRIVAL OF TIM SEASON - .• Ifeving - just returned fur the fourth , flnu, this senson fromm - fhb Eastern Cities - we are now opening a 1110 St rare end eleennt stork of I,,adles' Dress Goode, Cepep, Man- Dusters • IVe partienlArly I • •tho ladles to our Hue °Paling, oilier:lt Int li. t; which loon selected with great maim, embraen ell the latest and newest styles fu inarket. Ladles. call early end examine for your. selves Mimi you will h, satisfied of the important fart that our stock In larger, better selected. RIO eliiaper than can be purehased elsewhere. The undersigned having /Mull, this purchast, utmost exclusively tie the Ladies Invites !Item to Come 0110! Come all!! and nee thosights so tempthigly displayed at nor shelves and counters: A. W. lIENTZ. Suite!Vtif). An aperient end Stomach preparation of IRON purl., fool of oxygen andc. .boo by ~..,iloodion in 11ydr0 4 ,4, Sanctioned by the When'. Medical Authorities, both hn littrope and the quite(' States, na prescribed 4n their practice. The experience of thryisands daily-proves that no preparation of 41111 van be compare , ' with it. Impuri• ties of the blood, depression of vital enorgy,..pale and otherwhe eirkly corriplrxions indhate its necessity in almost every conceivable case, ' • ' Inflexions in ail netlatiles in which It ban been tiled, It has proved absolutely curative In each of the follow. ins colliplaints, ale: , ... in DeWitt y,..Ncrvouti Affections, frant.._ elation, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Dior rhino, Dysentery, Incipient Consump- I ion, Tuberculosis, Snit Rheum, 1111smenst runt ttttt t Whites, Chlorosis, Liver-Complaint, Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism, intermittent , Fevers, ' Pimples on the Pace, So c. .---.lntaseirici , Joneral Debility, whether' the result of amt n ..... c uxask; pF or Lilo continued diminution of net. Yetis and muscular energy from chronic complaints, ono trial of this restorative has proved sheep . ..Cul to an extent which no description nod written itttestmlon would render credible. I nvalitisso long bAd.ridden as to have !weenie forgotten- In their owni.netghliortioods,' have suddenly ro appeared in the bui.y world an If just returned from protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal lostances df this kind are attested of female Sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent mans ions, sanguitteous exhaustion ' critical changes arir that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician bas and name., la NVrVI.III2: A ireetlii. er nil 1111111,1, and for reasons familiar with medical men, the' operation of this prepa ration of iron mulct neeessarily be salutary, for unlike the old oxides, irb, vigor ooely tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly ape rient, even tar tll , lllll/.4.oll4tiMlttl rondo of el'OltiVetleSS .IVitllflpt 1,1, being agastric purgative, orintlicting a disagreeable sensation. It is this Int ter lirOpNrtyllllloll^, utbers, wlnlrh makes , It so remarkably effectual and permanent a r;:inetiy for upon which it also appears Loosen a distinct and Mile settee, by distwsing the local tendsugy which farms thorn. In IVspord. Innumerable as arc its Cannes, a single bon of these Chai y beats NHS has often sufficed for the most habitual Cavas. Including the attendant Costive • unolierhed Mirth:ea. oven when advanced to llys• entery, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malig nant, the effects have been equally decisive and aatou• hitting. In• local pains, loan of flesh and strength, debill ing cough, and remittent beetle, which generally In d kale Inefplen t Consumption, this remedy lens allayed the alarm of In leullOand physicians, lu several vary gratify' eg and interesting instances. Le lierofulons Tuberculosis, thin medicated Iron has hod far more than the good effect of the roost cautious. ly irtlauced preparations of iodine, wit trout any oftheir well .known liabilities. The attention of fareales cannot be too confidently invited to this remedy and restorative, In the roses pe culiarly affecting them. In Rheumatism, both chronic and Inoammatory-1n the Pater however. more decidedly—it hen Item - , invert:l - well reported, both as alletistingpain null reducing the swellings and stillness of the joints and muscles. In Intermittent Poverei - Itanust neeessarlty be a great rellunly and energetic restoratlr, and its progress In the new settlements of the We t, will probably be one of high renown and usefulnehik- No remedy has ever Limit iiiiFivered In the whole his tory of tnedic , m., which exerts roach prompt, Itarrvamti fully resters tivirettects. Good appetite. complete dlges. tion, mold acquisition of Strength, with en unusual disposition fbr active and chaterlul exercise, immediate ly follow Its utw. Put up In neat flat pistol boxes .containing 50 pills, price 50 cents per box; for sale by druggists and deal. era. Will be sent free to any address.on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should bu addressed to It. D. LOCKE & Co.. General Agents - 389 Broadway N. Y. M=Zll CARLISLE . SULPHUR r. CARLISLE 9 {UMW SULPHUR . - SPI itildS,- situated in Cum berland county, Pa, at the knee of the Inuit Monotaln, is the favorite resort fur those ' who appreciate grand scene ry, pure mountain air, luvig muting baths, large and well ventilated rooms, good socie ty and it good table. The sea lure of the Carlisle 'Springs Tare highly impregnated with mineral, and ace superior for drinking and bathing. Lib oral arrangements will be mad for escur-len parties. SPRINGS,. CUMBERLAND CO. I'A. ilecommodations for EEC, Terms Low FOR PARTICULARS SEND FOR CIRCULARS. th( q i, =fri mN i Carlisle Springs, Pa. Juno 15. GREAT B ELIA Al ASS -.RENT ." IN la boing bald on North llanovor Etract, Car hioto, t h o 'armors urn incited to call dud °mania° filo largo varluty of FAItM BELLS, just method tint which we aro selling very .chnap.— Good Belle can be bought from $2,50 to . $6,50 each: No. have tho areal We:Worn , Bell, the farmer's favorite:— Call and eau their all you 'armors who are to trout of a good and cheap bell Juno 22, 1660 JOHN P..LYNE & &)N, North Nanover St., Carlisle 50110014 . ' .A.ND .BUILDING} -'TAX - FOR 1800.... The taxabto Minn's ot tho Borough of Carligla ero !moil nottnod that the Treasurer of the School Btrr bict of said Borough will ?Aloud at Iho County Court House (Connulastuuera' Oilloc), on • Altolay. July 30th; next, bet roen the ranom of 9 and 1,9,1 n the-forenoon, nod S and /4 o'clock In the ufternoon.oreold day, for the pu rpose of collostioir hod receiving ,the fichdol and- Dultdino; Taxes +messed for tho pranent year. On alt taxes paid on orimeroro that. date a deducticti pILL Lo' mule °max' Pot CI 1 ( T. rdranns n ixhing Cop) , tllplr taxcp In tho mann Limo can do en by calling on tho Ticaeurcr. .' Juno Y 4, 100. pliiEW9llics i pint wpnics J. A. TIERNAN. Wholesale Dealer in Firework'. Roman Cnndlon, Pky Rockets, Srroll hooln, Trlnuttles ---Drannltoppers, Blowor ' Pots, Blue I.lghts. , Pongoln light., Firemen's Torches, Torpedoes, Bulling Cream's, • . Are fknoltern, Crneker Cletoln, Dunk, Moon of Stars and Serpints. Balloons, Lc. - At inanutaoturers' piece Depot No. 2 Strmebet ry Bt. • Ono' door from &ballot. Bt. MIA Jkliko 1860.-30 • • NTEW GOODS!..XEW - , GOODS !! , NEW 06011SSI I ' • Loidich & Sawer,‘(East Main st.) hTin jut' rortumed from Now York and,PDlindelphino -non e *and well Selected stock silky Mods specially Sir; the present- Hansen comprlaing thW,lniest novidtlesidt - Drees. Goods. Shawla, fIWIWI., Silk Finntlee, L gb - Mhin Nus. Lace .Points, Silk-Burnam. Shinnied Dardires, Silk Grans discs Sulk ,linrage Flounced Songs's - if, ...flounced Organ. dies, Rohe 'Demme nod Litirne.•linglauet ebonies, Mourn.' ins goods new Witness anti styles: ' ' ..' • EMJJROIJ)ERIES OFALt.KIkIiS, beautiful sun . umbrellas In all Commo & alms. • Ladies will tiud on inSpeetlon, our - goods suited te their ivainis übusheilly complete and ,ttk.preSent will please the most ecoutnleul. Another large addltlea of •CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS, • : • . Looking GlS'osSo, Blinde and tarnishing. goods. - Welt. dept nu, rtinttoes but strive by attention and industry to make it the interest of buyers to dell with us., - • .. • , \9O buy most. for. cash, andLeur prince. will be nt tics lowest pes.tblo notrgini— Cdostant nnaltiOne will ho ninth, during tho season. LEIDI.OII & SAWYER. Juno 6, 1860.-3rn Carlisle Peundr3r, - 17 ' 2 ? rizr, _.-61:v2.42101 g r ,V ..f4ctv, ; ;Z-Y. / • AND FARM IMPLEMENT. DEPOT! F. Oirdnek k Co. now, inanufitetpro and keep con stantly for 61110, at their extensive Stoam Works on East Nolo street, Carlisle, a lame assortment of AtiItICULTUILA,T. , , of well known, nrinliyed . usofulues, to/armors. among which they would call ameba 4tantlou to IYILLOUOII BY'S OIif,EBRATEB PATV2I' GUM SPRING GR,AINDRILL, {VIII6 Las tilkoll fryer fifty First Class Premiums at State and County Fairs. Ti, the Farmers of Cumberland, York a ud.Perry 'counties we need not speak In detail of him merits of this drill, as scores of them are new iu use on the best farms In these counties. Its reputa tion is estaldished es the most complete (train Drill now manufactured in the Unitisl States. It ROW Wheat, ItYe, Oats. Barley and OROS, evenly and regular, without. benching the seed. The gum Springs puss the drill on or stumps and stones, without Waking . pins or the drill. For even and regular sewing, the IVillough by (hum Spring Drill, is unequalled by any other. We also manufacture and-sell articles, which we can remunmond to Farmers us reliable implements, of established character • • MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, --;:-.,,, _LASH'S PATENT STRAW ,t. FODDER CUTTER,• 111 PATENT CORN SIIRLI.EIt, HAWS PATENT CIDER M ILL, . JOHNSON'S CAST IRON HOG'S TROUGH. Moo, Ti ea and Four Horse Powers and Threshing Machines Cast Iron Field RollemPlaugh Castings of variousn tterns, Corn Censhers,affl other articles for, Farmers no numorons to jnontion. ' Apo, Egg Coal Stoves and Ton PIA° Wood Stoves, with an lumenau variety of other castings for housekeepers and others. Wo have also tin itttractirtrvarlety of patterns for , IRON RAILINGS. • nd CEMETERY ENpLostmEs to whirl& wo would all otton tient. - Steam Engines mind ➢lill Gonilug To this department Of our bad ness we g,ive_part lett• far attention. Our already ostensive stock of patterns for Pnper, Flour and Saw Mill Gearing, is constantly itscrensing. Mill Owners.nud Mill Wrights will bo fur• nished with a ',Hag , ' ettalogne. of oar various Mill Patterns, on application. Our Mlleblllo flush comprises all the various tools for turning, planing anti finishing Shafting and Castings. by good and careful Machinists. STATIONARY - STEAM ENGINES, of any desirable rinclty, from ten to twouty•fivo horse power, built In thu best style and on necommodnting terms 4 ' Engines - built nt our establishment nmy be seen In successful operatLon nt many of the largest Instill arks and Tanneries In Carlisle, and.eumberhoul Perry nod Dauphin Counties, to the owners of which wo confidently refer for inlOrnintlefins to their elllelen cy. Persons wantffig Strain Englneinre •earnestly re• quested to c6ll and examine before contruoting ulso. where. ' . . DOOR. AND SAS/1 FACTORY: Connected with our establishment Is a Shorn Sash and Door Manullietory which Is inhr hi • complete order for the mann:hetet° of-every dct.crlptlon of • • DUILDINU for the most costly as well as the plainest house. Win• dew Sash furnished froui,s routs upward, according to else of gloss: Window kriiiiieS from $1 _al ,upward_;_ Sinters nod Roiling Blinds from sf•7s ; Four Panel Doors freto,s•.: 19 upward. Mouldings; Castings Architraves, brash 117eir.lx, Brackets, Fancy Drapery, Forolls. and miller articles nel,le•l in lions,, I building, furnished et the lowest prices and. uf the hest finality - of lumber. o are tilt, preparol,, as heretofore. "to build and repair BURDEN GAIN for transporterapn the railroad, with promptness and nn reasonable terms. The continued patronage of the.puldlc ls'respeetfully, solicited. Orders by pall prouiptly..attepled to. • - MAY 9. ItLq:Elt SECOND GREAT kalif fr.. 4 F SPRING 6,00D5, Wo are now •opening our second- arrival of Spring Goode which we offer to the Citizens of Carlisle and,vl - at unusually Mu% prites wittl the dolorminallun to keep pace with tho, times and the reputation of "OUR HOUSE" for selling Cheap Ooods.— Wu purchase our goods for..CAW' exclusively, there by enabling us to sell at ohosper rat., than the most favored Houses, n fact - our friends and customers should hoar in mind. Ties following comprise but n mall pot Hon of our Milanese and varied stuck. Plain & Fancy Silks, Foulard Silks,.. Parisian nes, Pelaints, Daroges, Crape Do Espagnes, ~.Prench it Scuteli Yalonclas, Poplins, Poll do Charms, Lawns. Plaids, , French & American Chintzes American Ulughnios, Shawls, . . lau•e& Silk Monti:las A very general ns•ortmnnt of mourning goods, I lot lery li loves, &r., Sr., Dougla,B A: Sherwood's New SI let, the. "IIELLE OF THE SOUTH" the most perfect and hnautifnl skirt ever .produced, motto with one clasp and warranted not to get out 0 ordevln it, It, lb, 20, au, 33, .10 and Lo Hoops. Tho tar gust stock of CARPETS anti OIL CLOTHS orer brought to Carlisle (We have reduced the pile() of tho very best quality of "Oil Cloths" to 50 cents per square yard, to which we invite the attention of (louse• keepers, we Sell them lower than con be purclunnid nt any store in the Interior of Pennsylvania. Our goods In this line are purchased'direct front the most celebra ted manufgeturen and for durability and design cannot be Harm:Pied. , LOOKINU OLAS:3ES of all slant and at reduced prices. GENTLEMEN'S WARE. Mahe, , Calcatnevc. • Enttlnett Twoodc, Cottnundon, Kentucky ;Jeans ke. /cc Vestlngc, .Itemembor we are determined not to be underpold and defy competition. e . A. W. LEST"!.. • entlisiu, April 25, 18G0. VSTATE NOTlC4. 7 —',L , ltters of Ad -1.,u ministration on the Mate of Mass limit., late of Newton Township, &cement/ hove holm' issural by the Register of Cumberland county, to the subscriber tumid• lug in Newvllle. All persons Indebted to the Estate, are required to make Immediate payment, and tlinmi having chums to present them properly authenticated for settlement. j!itny 23, '3O-131.* NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK! 4.0.41....4.51fg'Ft411u SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUIdkEST IN TIME ' .: • . BETWEEN TUB TWO CITIES NEW VOREC AND • , 3C - 3CEOL I M D ISEII3 O 1131-1 1—' ' fig VIA READING, AILLENTOWN AND EASTON. MORNING EXPIi FM, West, leaves New York nt 6 A. N., arriving tit Harrisburg at 12.45 noon, only 5% hours between the two cities. 51AILIANCleavos Now York at 12.00 noon, and ar. rivoe at.liarrieburg atF.OO P,, MORNINO MAIL LINE. East; loaves Harrisburg at 6:00 A. N., arriving at Now York at 4.110 P. M. APPRItNOON•ItXPRItS B LINE, Pot, loaves IMMO. burg at lab. P. IL arriving at New York at .e.OO P. M. Connections are Made at Ilarrieburg at 1.00 P. IL with the Possongst Trains It, each dlreetroa on the Permayt. Tanta, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Rail. crud., • r • ,mine connect at Feuding with trains for Putt. ville and Philadelphia, anti at, Allentown for Mauch Chunk; Easton. do. ' • No change ot•Pasionger Care or Baggage between Now York and ilarriahurg, by the 0.00 A. N. Line Erma New York oy the 1.15 P. iti, from Harrisburg. „ Fog beauty of scenery, end speed, comfort and 'kola. neadation, thisTouto vaunts superior inducements to tho Intvellingpublic. - Fdro between Now York - mid Hartisburg, FIVE DOL LARS. • Fer tleketa and othor information apply to • J. J. omp, Llonaral,Ageuti Harrisburg.' Z. W. EBY: Tramurer. Q,CIYTHES lz „SCYTHES I• • • 160 dozen heythen and &lathes. with the hugest' atwortnotit of.Whetatonce, 'Water itoes,• Water cape; hither; shaking'Norita t Hey korite. Manure Forks, •Ste.,,Sulit'recolved and for enhh cheaper than ever at rho Cheap Itardwara litre of 11. 8A XIV)1, • June:ant/9. . " , Main St. . . . • • • ATALIOTATORSI :.: : pc • .. Jost received a large annortment of May Morn• on nod Hay Hooka; also a large lot of tlie celebrated Bpenkmon Hay Elevator and Manure - Estavntor, - for, - ,Wltich.we nro noli itgoi4a Pit Carlini% - with'n' largo" lot 'of Platillln Rope, (lento Rape Noble tti3adtigloPtillys, lie:. attain olteitp Itaodwaro S tore of , •••• • - - - Juno 22,1i360. .: ' ' ' /I:tIAJLTON• EMIIN THOS. A. IOcKINNEY, Muir. of IOW; Dluld, doceasud • C. 4 4 G RAIN CRA DLE 1 • Just received the large t .nOsorttoont of (rain Cradles over offered InlidS pln of all Mr differenO litnilitTivittrtiiiiipilfinvd — Artet Avthesi . ntipanui .Ouiturers' prices, rittlie drop bt frp of Juno 22, MO. lf. SAXTON. 6 00 TRACE. CHAINS OF ALL diargo Assortanoilt of BUTTCHAINS, :" • ii A BRBAST CHAIN* 1400 CHAINS.. COW 011AINS, dm, `.,loot'raectvett at thii - Chenp Itaidwara Stmo or March 7, 'GO. . HENRY SAXTON. TIIIIEMOVAL OF LOCH MAN'S . • PIIOTOUItA Dille A ND AMBROTYpaqAVLERY 0. L. tochman Is happy to Announce to the citizens of Carlislivand.vicinlty that he has removed his Picture Oldlery to "MARION DAMP 'where be hopes; with su• Polder facilities, and pleasant Areans to his Rooms, and exeollent light to merit a continuance of tho very Miler. Al patronage bestowed upon him by his patrons' and friends. PICITURES OF EVERY STYI;E, mado Pram a medallion to lira plan. TIM pictures are warranted Lobe superior to any motto In thin part of Elm euutilry, and eildal to the very .best aide in.large cities, Ladies and sientleMen are rospuetfully Invited, to call and examinu Feb. 15,18ti0. tr.. , . 71,ISSOLUT1ON OF PARTNER partnership heretofore existing un der the firm of MIRONi k BLACK, hos this day been dissolved by mutual consent, therefore ire would solicit all those indebted to come and settle their accounta and all those having claims will please present them for settlement, JACOB 8111 . 0 k, ItaLIEIIT.3I.,BLAOH. Jan. 8,1860 The business will hereafter ho continued at the old stand of throne k Black under the 'firm nf ItGACK, IHMANCY, whore we will keep - constantly on handidl kinds of LIT:MINH. AND (31/Al,, of oveiy description, which we sell nt the pikes, and all or, dere for bill stud' will be promptly attended to on , the shortest notice. We are thankful for tho patronage of a generous public at the old stand of throne & llloele and is,ould still solicit a continuing:o. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Shrew for coal and lumber, will bopromptly attended tons heretofore. . MACIt k IiF.LANCY. Jan. 11. 1810. CUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK PROPHICTORSI' WILLIAM ICER, :slE.Eolloirc 11rtNNEmear, ltowr, C. STERRETT, ' JOHN DUNLAP, It = r mu. Wimps, JOHN S..STEREETT,, JOHN C. DUNLVP. 11.4. STURGEON. • . - This Milk, demi; business iu thri mote of 'for, Wen neural) k Co., is now folly plcpared to do a general Banking Business with promptness ' Money received on deporithnkplid hack on demand without notice. Interest paid 013 operld depepits. Cer tificates of deposit hearing interest at the rate of 1100 per 001113 will he issued for 11A . 011011 a period no-four months. 'lnterest on all certificates will cease at me,' tutity; provided, however, that. If said certificates 11rn renewed at any time thereafier for another given Jae MlTthoy ,hnittrear the .100 01/113 on moron, up to the time of renewal. 'particular attentlen paid to the eel. faction of notes, drafts. cheekx, ftc., in any part of the United States or Canadas, -Remittances made to England, Ireland, or 'ho ' tient. The faithful end confidential yaw:talon of all orders entrusted to them, fury he rolled upon. • They call .the attention of Farmers, Merhanico and all r thurs who desire a safe depository for their unmet., to the undeniable that, thatahe proprietoro nr Mix Bank, A. mra %ley/mix liable to the extent of their estates for all the Pepossts, end other obligations of tier, Broome man A Co. . . They ha vo racially removo,l Into their n owlET:vik In g !lousy .liroctly oppo,ite their former-aloud,, inWoof Main &real, a few /lows east of the Railroad Depot, whom. th_gy will at all times ho pleased to give any in. formation desired in rtogaril to Molloy mattu r rs in guttu ral., Opun for bust negN from 0 o'clock In Um morning until 4 o'clock In the et/01,111g. : IL A. STUB:it:ON, Canhier. Carllalo, May 20.1897: - (031ETIIING- NEW.- - kJ Atighlubaugh Dub.:, take pleasure In antionnelme to OW citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that they are prepared turenovitto bonnets al every de sCription, and materiel that require WHITENING, SHAPING and PRESSING, in a style that will In most MACH excel HMV, lICRS, brilliancy and finish, having reeently ru• c•Aved inatrortion luau entirely new peocess,connec , ed with Mrs. C. C. Inov's patent hat and bonnet poking machine, h r wldoL they tiara purchased the sole right niCnule•rl:md nut Franklin counties, They are also ready to teach others the same miperior 111,10,118 well US sypply all those with machines who.may wish to purchase, alter has trig thoroughly tested Its merits. Alsu receives for colors, of every • • •DESIIIA HUI SHARE'. forliontiefs. Hats, Ribbons, Silks. and Feathers given witli the sale .ltlacklace veils, however mall Jailed will he restated to SURPASS NEW, In colornna.flnish, N. - It. TWA imlcnr, trill 'strengthen the material, whore all etherh hate Injorml. A3IIOIIZ. the many rocoonnernlalions that Lao been giton, fn la van. of Mrs. O. C. b ow ?, receipt; bou'only will Lu hiserltal at tho 'pro,sont time. l'lTTsnint , tlh Jon. ltth 1S1;0, Being Induced to investigate the merits or the lie eelpts given by Mrs. Dew, with the sale of her very ox. eellent machine fir pressing bonnets, lints Sr., I no. knowledge myself astonished beyond measure, at the wondertul ellret, pre:luring ',that I world have rnnsid• °red au linpossibillty„had I not been It demonstrated beyond ti doubt, ottitiTnineeroly recommend It to the vsn or all engaged In the straw, and millinery bunions as brin•r nue of the greatest iumwrements of the ago. Carlisle April 11,!'00 -t. 1. • MISS S. GRUBB. ,;21MON11.) SPRING ARRIYATi.- LAROE SUPPOIN MOIL TUE HEAD AND FEET. ' AC the store ofJohu Irvine, on the N. it. corner of the public s,(intro, is the place to purchaqa Boots Shoes lists A: Caps. ni prices that defy competition. . Ile has just returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats k Caps that It has overpresented to thin community, and which he Pt determined to sell at the lowest posni• ble prices. Ills stock embraces everything in his lino of business, such as & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip I oota, c:ilinnd Patent Loather, Oxford 'flea. Calf nod l'atefit Leather Clalterd, Calf :flulliffers, Calf nod Hip Brogans, fr , llilpera, &e. • L it DIE S' Fine 'French and English Lasting Gaiters, Mnroeeo, Calf and 1(111 Booms. Moo Hill StlprES, and Kid Buskins, M I SF , Efi AND C II 1 UM B.N•S' W of all descriptions ombruring fino Lasting Boilers, Burner° anti Lasting Button Boots, Mons•ro Laro Boots of all kinds, ftno , slims (11 . 1,11 - 1011 S Myles slip fags, kr. HATA is 611 k. C.lsslinoro, Fur and Wool lints of nit qualities and ntylvs, Pa:AN n largo ustortmont of STRA It' :MI 'PS, 11. ts and Shoes made to order et the shortest notion. Repairing poaaptly done. Confidant of hie inhiliCro~to please MlA:lashes st eutteuu•rc, Ito r•:sportfully invites the public to giVI, 111111 3 rail. • 1:9- Remember the place, N. E. corner of the Public Square. ' May 80,.'110. .1011 N IRVINE. GRANVILLE STOKES' GIFT • euvrim Em m o vomu; . ONE PRICE AND NO ABATEN ENT, No‘'Uni Chestnut RITA. flronvillo ShAceS would wturn thanks to Um piddle for thelir appreflation of his efforts to Please, and their Ilbrrtd patronage. In order to keep.„up this kindly froling, ho hos yiet• ded to tho solicitations of ninny of his friends and in augurated a now:system, of Gifts with ouch (torment Soil. To his choice selection of fino Fabrics, and made up Clothing, ho invites the scrutiny of the public, of , well as to iris now 100d0 of 111 , tirle Is warranted to be in Abele, Stylo unit ltlako, equal to Any gotten up in tho City. and ONE vnICE; (lower than the lowest,) marked on the ticket. Each attiele sold, or measured for, is accompanied by a (lift. varying in volt., from $1 to 5100. N. 11.—Nthie hot the moat skilful DeslAriers. Cutters and 'Workmen employed; and satisfaction hi Fit. F'aih• ion, Fabric, Price and (lift, guarani eed et OMAN VILLE STONES' one price gift .clothing emporium, No. fafr Chestnut Street. ;nay 20, 'OO.-tin. SECOND OPENING OF FASHION /MU: EUMIP.U. CLOTIIING. • he subscriber respectfully infirm lily frib'nds and the public generally, that he has just reefq%ed his see. oud supply of fashionable SuElmer Goods, which can not be equalled In QUALITY.AND .111:AdJTY comprising the very latest styles;nfillikieds of goads. CLOTH OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Cardona, or N STYLES, vettings, an unrivalled assortment Drap OA(' Italian Cloth, Splendid assort ment lir • LINEN & COTTON GOODS, all of which will, be sold per yard or made to order with a very low ad ra., A largn,sismortment (lealluaren's XurnlAilag Goodirof every desrrlption. H.LTS & CA PS, YALISES, UMBRELLAS AIL. TRUNKS, CAItrET BAGS, The Publie will find It to their Intermit to call, as ave are determlnod to hold tip our motto, "Quirk Salmi and Small Pronto," ISAAO LI I'llia/STON, • Norih Ilneovor Street, ➢fay 16,'60.-3m.. Opposite the American Ileum. T"'' MTITUAL - L IVI I N 13.-• ANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORE': 'Arnett: SIX MILLIONS OT DOLLARS, INVENTED IN TIRBI'NORTGAGE3 ON REAL ESTATE, WORTH OVER $19,000,000. Tho premiums aro unveil than 'many other Comps. RIPS, and the Dividends have been (mum. This is a strictly tiltrruSi, CompanY. Thorn aro no Stockholders, su that ALL TilS PROFITS • BELONG TO 00151NSUILCD. • . Pamphlets; and (ntty littoMmit ion, may be had GRAT IS, 00 application to P. HALBERT, Carlisle. PIIILADELPIIIA It EFEMENCES Thranns Bgbbtnri, • . Jolsn'Welsti, Marne:l4l3e 'llnweon, (loom II: Stuart, . Georgo' 31. Stroud, , „ 11. S. W Wen, • .Jobn Fisher Learning, Joseph Patterson, ." Q. Ludwig, John M. Atwood, , Arthur G. Collin, Thomas 11. Fo.ore, a corgi) W. , FolrinS,' WI:11nm McKee, Thos. Watson. . V. TlisattliFOltl3 , STARR, •Anout, • S. W. Comet Fourth and Walnut Stroets, May 23, 'CO-Um. VIII LAVA 51 • IibIIMENG 1 '.•• Just reePfved a laiio 'iits r oitiziont of Al OuraTeltintr, Oum•lfinno,' Uum l'acking, &c.; and, for Wu chimp at tuf, Ltardware Otnro of • 'Juno '114,16CA.; • • •-4 Luxor: • • 1 . :100 - D NEWS FOR THE PE() PJ.,E ‘ . A • (lo SAWYERS Now Stors rust 1 1 . 8tre'st and .ou tissir behuti NI cluck of how Goods now is the thus to utak!, your 6.pring autl . Bummor put , chums. , FIFTH CIIAINS, TUNOUECIIAINS. selected Our stock with -unusual Caro from the leading kn port Ing /mum. of Now York phld, and availed • ourselves of tbo exten,lve nuetlon sole of Van IVyck, Townsend & Warrens, New YurkLlYO can offer groat Inducements to the buying pubilg:,. Our stock comprises the !and kinds and. styles of DRESS AND FANCY GOODS In the . market. such no Figured, Plain; DarreeStrlpcd• Silks in all (heir varieties, Double .lope Silks, Illumi nated Foulard, India Silks, real - French Chunks, Crape Orenadine, Spring Vaienclas lz Poplins. Four & flounced Illarege & Lawn Robes, liarege Anglals, C 1.1113 Maritsa In all colors, Mllunales, cloth, French Organdy, Lawns.. • • of ovory description of 'lesson's importations. Sharils! Shmvisi of nil kinds end qualities, Light cloth Mantles Splendid silk dusters, French Late Points & Buruours Shaunlla Mantles. Sun Umbrellas A...parasols, Meson. tiers Kid' Gloves, Gauntlet Mitts, Spring flatantlets, Hosiery of all kinds and fIiZIN. Embroideries-of even). description. Bonnets. Flats, Shakers, Bonnet Ribbons and trimmings, Dress Trimmings. • Hoop SKIRTS! HOOP SKIRTS!! Wilcox celebrated gourd trail skirt, selling very cheap. 3lou h lloy's bear suitable for tho Re.oll. IfalsyNeck• ties and all other kluds or tiontlemen's humbling goods. 011'0141N i Oil rlrtlic , Sliadrf An we hero just gone into title brunch or trade, eustinnore will find our kind, NEW end FRESII. • •' Constant additions of desirable Condo rvlll be secured during the season. Please call at - • =MI ARM BELLS I' PR AM- BELLS!! T Just rerelve.ithe largest, cheapest and lList nortutout of FARM It FILLS hi' the musty. Greeneanthe Metal, aitd Bell Metal IV ARI/MNTED NOT To CRACK, at the Hardware Store of March 7, 'W. ..- HENRY SAXTON, . p .E MO VAL. • A. L. SPONSLER, . ' • 11as-removed his office to Ills None thence, opposite Inns' Hotel. [)larch 24, V6O-tf, • F RES S Pill ARRIVAL 1860, El= As the tines are vary tight at present. It will he every persons Interest io look out for cheap notriS k SIIOES, and belie the dimes, and the vary place to accomplish this object is at the Old corner knew a no y Shen 4'tore fir many yeancilireetly npposi to It u rkholdero aid stand now Glass's hotel. Si. call and son for yaure•lres and •. 00110 y as you complete usourtment of all Huck of goods In tho . BOOT' C SHOE LINE, nod of the very best makes, and evdr remember the lowest !who articles is lot always the cheapest Co you will find notong.our stock the prices vary according to the .tuatit y of the article. • The Subscriber having just returned, front Eastern Mlles olth n large complete sleuth of Pmts it glwrn he 114,0 1001/5 - 011,11111141 . 0 n o pn rtor quality of l fop. Mode work of hoots it: Sluertto suit' the trade at tho luwe4 •eash .111/11'11 Calf d: Kip l 4 gged hoots, • Men's French U.llf sewed =3ESErMIEIZE= Men'sand 11111(.8: Pittuot I,,ithor Oxforll TirF )1,.11's Calf Bor,t Patent lwdller Coligrehs goitere, Fow oil and 1,..".ge,), Childron'x Black nod Colored lasting I,lles' iilsses kTlllllllren Farley ICid,fi Morroro Slippers Lales' & Misses Wet k Brenelt Morroeo Bskins, %Volum R Chlldrens pegeollwiak of all kinds at low rives. Jose, revel viol an assortment of Children's yoir -11111.1.11 toed shoos. IT/tieing done on short. DC tic,. The Rabsr,iLrr 4111 colitilltlPS on at the obi stand' thankful fur past firsts lisping to rocciva a coo thin:ince Of till, 531110. lisle April 18,18110 T . ) 7},`4.!VE p: so ! F TTI L f ; INC; 1.111 N(/ Thu iubprriber hat:l'lA rucohed a very superior am' rill selected stock or SPItING L SUNIMEH CLOTHING, cor6l,timr of CasFrobro, Flininter 11111 I tallon cloth, Al p•trrrt, ylnrs.di•s, Motion nod Cotton:yd.., Conto, Not. Mlitts also :ilk nod Fat in vests and in short ovory thing. in Ulu way of U.ll:3lEN't.I. His stook of GI Fb7IA7SULVW 6'o 01q, 1214 bran relvrteti w4th.n great deal of rare. and rhirts cravats, 4c., fie.,, are a,Ada,t 11111Itglai low prices. TRUNKS VA lIPET 11A08 .4"TA MEWS. The Fobceriber wOuld rllll "special ntantlou to hid Largo stork of - HATS . AND CAPS 1 vri,irt, ti(tr;aq rrri,Avalt and 4.5 1. 111.,; Ulm at wry low figure, Of the, HUM, pill C:I 4 , 041 . 111-0 :v 011,41 by 'calling at thu Cheap Clothing ,Stora near the Market llama, All Elt WIEL. April 11, 1900. - .. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Cultivators, Garden 'llocs. Garden Trowels, Forks, Phovels, Bakes, Spades, Hoes, Pru ning Hooks Hay KuletM, Pick, Mat . tocks, Hay Elevators. Mantua Hooks, Plows of TEN different snake, Including flanks Pietro, iletiwood's Plows, Gibbs' Plows, Zotglor's Plows, Bloomfield Plow, Sorb Metal, nod Eagle Plows, &c., &c.. ar. Just cevelved a large supply of all kind of goods to tit out the Farmer or Mechanic at - March:. 'W. HENRY SAXTON. JIVER PLATED WARE' BY . HARVEY FILLEY N 0.1222 Market Street l: ,111LAIWIPIIR, Manufacturer of tine NICKEL SlLVEllond SILVY2 PLATER of FORKS, SPO iNS, LADLES. mirrEit KNIVES, CASTORS, TEA• SETS. URNS. KETTLES WAITERS, _RUTTER DISIIES ICE l'atilleitS, cARE:BAsicuTs, commilmoN WARE, 'CUPS, 311lhiS: GOBLETS, Ac., 'AVM) n general essortment.comprising tonne lout the Lest quality, made of tho best nntterials nod heavily plated, constituting them a Serviceable and durable article For iIOTELN, STE 010057$ and PRIV.ATE FAMILIES .4.7i-0111 Ware re-dated In the bent manner Feb. 52, y. •, i'Vl:(lo , ltl‘l. l loK'S t x i ILEAP ll I'llo .Elt it nt 'AND is iS. Uountrnetral front the first on correct prinFirdr, it has always tench eminently KW et,03•111,'1111,1 With - its present lorprovernerttn ferry meeting - ail the fertuirements of the arc, it now ddies all eompetilion. • • Farmers who may denim It ere at liberty to work ono of these Machines throrc-ill then:lry ent with any other,. and keep and pay fur the one preferred Thu 3lachlret is now perfectly balaneed, not leaving 1111”111111 Weiltilt MI the horses' neck: its inwelltifoll in tenpillg All4l mowing, in built wrot rind dry in per feet: It cots the ~ loot swarth, .nut as now made. with the lightest draft of any nmelihre now ill UM% It in,n rim. sti noted that the laber of rakinw off Is very Much light ened, a castor Wheel. ell 311 enhiru now 'win/11.1.1,0u the gorin side, wlnaly relieves the horses front the pressure or the machine from strain In turning, nut In so arran ged that.tireputtinrtior Is emnpletely end easily thrown over obstrnifirMs. while in motion by the driver with• out the tom of levers and complicated maelllncry. A very decided and 11111.0.1111 E feature ht Ito Improvement consists 111 its perfect arrangement fur separating and cleaning the triel, lu 111.1Wilig. It In thin nuns! simple, most substantial, most durable and In every way the most complete 111111 reliable Bea. per and :Slower In the world, and its such Is Warranted. The Two horse 3111.•111ne (with easrdraft for t we hor -sEs,) cuts n swarth 5!..,1 feet wide, afiriPthe, Four Horne Mt.:hints a foot wider. Fur particulars address SAM111:1, ItitANDT. New Guilford, Franklin pointy, Pa., Agent for Fran kiln, 11414111 S noel Cumberland counties LOCAL AGENTS. .TOIN O. SA:SIPIAI, 11m:enter:II; • • . TI 1031 AS G ILEA thrlufloid• • 3103 16,'60 -2nr• W E lti N,'S AN NIIIMATINC, -Euvanirt4 the only -known and- beet snick- to exterminate Roaches, Ded • , Dugs, Ants, oths, Flies, Fleas, Garden Worms, • 'Vine Bugs. .be. IT CONTAINS NO POI. SO\. - Schwerin's Pilts are sure death to RATS am' MICE. Mr. ,SCIlWOrill received ''` , ...Zffsimito z , zzore ..„,,, • certificates from the Tres!. dent. of Girard College, DI: rectors of (lowa of Refuge, Pennsylrnula hospital, and other prominent pubile JusSitutions of Pinhole] plain; U. S. Jail, Washingtdn,''D. C., end Charity Iforodtal, Nue. Orleans, la. The original cm be seen at the Wholesale and Retail Depot, I.2,Sorib Second Street, Philedi,l Rhin; and for kale by nil Druggists and Ureean. aroWitewkro of spurious Imitations. Remember to ask for Schwerin's' Annihilating Pow. dor. None genuine unless signed 31. SCUWERIN. May 23,1 SOO. 'WATCH AND JIIIVEILAIr STORM No. 198 NORTH SECOND STREET, CORNER. OF QUARRY STREET The undersigned has lensed the above premises,' whore he will keep a large assortment of (told AdQlver Watches, rf American. English and Swiss Manufacture of the most celebrated 1111110111, In addition to which, will be found always on Lind (and made to order) an extensive v.irlety of Jewel ry, silver, and Sliver Plated ware, together with a geocrakessortittent of such goods as aro usually kept in a first Oars Jewelry Store. The patrons of 0, Conrad, and those of the subscriber together with the piddle generally. are invited to call, where they will receive a good article for their money. As I itin determined to do strictly a cash business goods will he sold very low. "SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK. SALES," is the motto of this establishment. LEWIS 11.11BOOMALL, Formerly 0. CONRAD, . No. liB North Second St. corner of Quarry Philo. . June t3,lSCOmly. . • . . _ NAILS ! NAILS ! ! NAILS. 111 A largo stock of gocal,'Cleau Neat, and .Tongla' nails, .al the lowest Prices. ' Our nails aro worth Octs: a keg more, than any other make_ of natta /old In'', our town, this to the opinion of mechnics who haio ried them, wo also have a fall nssertnient of DUILDING DI AVIIIIIALS3. of' the latest ettult Ingst approve:l styles. It goods .rar. routad•ss reptoseututl. ' • '.101I1s: LYNE A: '2ON. • ,Iklity•tl,• V. • • • ' , Korth Thinestr St. estllsle. • ~I:4ILY NETS:!; ,PLY. • • um pals, Ffy,Nots Men, Cotton and I...lna—cheaper Slum I.lloS4sapestr-Just, rosolved t, nt the Ilsrdwittii Stottof, • , N. 11:--Sold Agoras Extra Chand•nrsbueg . wino Fly Nets, . IdOrelatitu supplied ot manufactur , erP Priceit• • ' • • v Juno22,:18110. • ••. ' • • • . . „, lehiiap - Job Printing duo , ,Altscellancetto. MOURNING DRESS GOODS, cARrEts CARPETS!! =I TIOOTS k SHOES I= PHILADELPHIA. 0. CONRAD, FORMER OCCUPANT usittese '(ar~s , 'T J. FOULIC, Attort)(.s, at Law _Li g ; thilim with J. It. Smith, Erri.,,in 1:1:1•4' , rear of Frot Prephyterinu Church. All Imblueiu truutoil to him will he promptly to. 31,1 y 9, '60.-Iy. , A (I•ARD. — , -- 1)R. JNO., K. 83111'1j, • lt. _ spectfully announces to his .44 iris min and ',miller patrons, that ho lion returned from Ito Routh weNtern tour. with Ws health 'greatly Imp , oved,• and boo resumed his practice In earns!, • PF,112:1; On Main titreet, ono door wrest Or the . r: l ilrnad Depot, whore lie rota Iwo foillOt at all IniuM, day and 441)f. when not out:proteselonally. .. , Tarlisle,-00. 20, 184-t.r. . • ,, BENDER,: M. D , (TIOMMODATIIIST) , PiIYSIOAN, SUROEoN ,S; ACCOUCIIBIL Office on Boutlt linnorer Street, :num ly orrulird by Dr. Bunn: TA.a K 13: rEPFER Office in North udno - ver street two doom from A roold A: Ton's atom. Oflird hours, more particularly from 7 to 0 o'elorl. A. 31., and ftonrs to 7 'o'clock, lt. GEORGE S:.SEA- Vircir 17.1iN'VIST. from the timer° College of I , entr.l MOlllee at the residence of bin limber, East Loather street, three doors below Bedford. March 19,1.856--tf. ' DOCTOR ARMSTRONO Ililli i.C111011 , . rd his office to thaSomth west . cornet' otitanov er Pomfret et whore he may tul at any bourn! the day or night. Dr. A. has had thirty. years eaperionro In the prollriqinn, tho last ten Of 0010 i. hate ;won dela. ted to the'stndy amt' practice of. I lorree o P l thic I . ol * clue. '"May 70,'076m. 5 7 ,7; 13.1. t. J. U. NEFF resrmot -1/4.4 fidlyitifortos the I sdlos and son Outsell . of Carlisle, that lie inn slimed the practise of DeiitLitry. and bg 'preps:Al 10 We, form all operations On the tooth laid gilel3, hOhnigilltt to his profession. Ito will insert Nil setatroth no g old or sliver, n single im tee; h. tir Idorks, Wither :nay preror. .Ternis moderate, to cult the times... • DR.LO.LOON/S S Suiant Ilanovor fitrout, • •• t..M‘r next door to the 'Post '• Miro. 11 - n. Will 1,0 alment from Carlisle the leek ten rive of Imola month.grog. 1, '55, EC). W. NIIID[O.II,. S.-- DiffoollNtral or 01 Oro, f Ire fo•tf I Int 1.3. to Lim • ZIT h tVII,I Italtlfonre coilogo of ra—w ti t•fl Mirgery. • hiN - rt , Flileimi; opro,ite Marino 111411, IV.,t Slain Street, Peon Non. 11,1b57. ITAVEItSTICK, Druggki, North Hanover i'.lre.t,rdrll,l, , . PhYMelan' ,4 ProsZ'ripii , dm car efldly•eompoundo A full supply of trash drags and chemitals. . _ . rA W CAR. 1).-C El Alt I, I , ,'S E. MA _4 (ILAUGIILIN, Attorney at,r; 'Clilko In In. IJII Imllding,just. opnosilo tbo 31n het llow.o. Clrll , le..Nlnr,l? 11. 'OO—ly. . . . 011 IrAYS, ATTORN AT LA IV. IP °Men on ]lain street, ••• 11:111," Pn. [Oct. .26, 'bl-ly. P. HUNIAICII, Attorney at Law. on North IlanOver ,t rrrt , a few (10,8 'with of I.ll.lis' Hotel. All Lu•hw.+n on trusted to him 111 ho promptly attended to. [Aprll 14. - AV NOTICE. ov.AL. W. ,m. PLN ROSE has romovv.l 6111,13 In Nlr n the Court louse, idler., he will'l.r: o .ol7 attend to oil bushars.+entrusted to blot. . August 1b57. H AW OFFICE.—Lk:II TO j hits resumed the inactive of q,c haw, 1,, Centro Square, west side, Hear the 1 irCI Prert.bytod:nit Church. April 8, UM. t NM . / EW - J . Wri f j (!()X A tt or fi e y a !, .1 1 .1._ Liu, Office ]9 I.!lxitrgLoo L , LIMIIItuore. Bust -111,5,1 prOMptly att•lrldi,l MEE .• Mit( in, • • If. A. Sturgeon, ur Carlislo Fox.. STATE - S-UNION HOTEL, 6O( & 608 market S(., above mix.tlip =I :11V.IES IS. I.OIY TERMS '25 per b y A 31. E RI,C AN IL.O USE, North Hanover Stroot, Carlisle, Pn . KLINE, Propriclor: This Tr0.,50 has tenon rolltt;tjl in a son, tar stylo. and I now upon for tha aronntnralatln 01 (Warders • and Travelers. on .110DINIATE EXCELLENT STABLING ATTACHED. UNITED STATES OTEL..• S. .8. Cor. 11th S Market Sts., U. W. KANAGA, M=! MEM 'N. lIAN'I'CII, MERCHANT MEL WEST MEET, • Opposite the Rail Road Office. Fall awl Winter lidev of Cloths, Cassimeres awl ratin g s wade to order. • Carllrlr. May 2, 11. .NEWS IA A , ,ATTOR,NEY AT AW.: wilco tritlx Wm. IL 71IllIcr, Esq., tt.mtlt Ilarover Street, oppositto tho Voluitteer entibtle, S. S. 1859. W. C. Rl-IEI .NI ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AgENT Ninnedroal, Ayianr'6ola. t t i t i t I Real F.,tate and accurities. Nozot)t.t , joy taxo7, locattiland warrants, to., &c. • Ref., to fit Im.mberk. 0 the Cumberland County liar, and to all 10‘.nlim•nt Ott• aims of Carlislo, Pa. ' AugY4S-1Y• J. u iOUYE.i Yl. ANDEIIFAor BAR IRON. l Al n ti rll% a , IG entered g o i r n 0 11.111 I-11),a?.! nt r r s i ut. For - ge, Cot lislo, Ps., too tiould rehrowlrolly lot Ito. 11141: lit el:ti (ion of I lartlware tnerrlot /.2oit its; :old all otlo•ro who may Want a superior ankle nt . l run' to giv.o MI tindt , of hamtlicred, Iron no;7itiaqynu havd nr tlr.tivu,to andironrhnr6nottre.l'•' i• 7 'l•he hight•Nt price raiti far wrou4;ilt iron PrlnPs, ar La ken 111'0,mb/tug , : foiLar iron.' 3. (100ITIMAlt &CO. =I LyT'l L Tlt U 111 Pll N The emonlele success of the Flower COOk Stove, warrants the subseriher In calling En! attention Of all who may want A superior stove to call and ex amine the only stove that has given unlver,alFalh•fae lion. ' WHAT IS: CI.AOqI)IOVgItOTIIEILS Ist - A saving of from 30 to C,O per cent.. In fuel. 2nd. A butter and toldier Oren from the mono flee, al A larger Omen than any Other Ft 01. (pit 4th. The preservation Of thu centre pleco .6(114,1111114 saving repairs, sth. Thu best Baker, Roaster, and Co , k now in else, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the Slow, ith. A perfect Gas Constiater for either trot d nrcoat. Thu Prairie Flower is warror ted to give satisfaction in every particular, and will ho shown m tut pletnuM to all who war call, whether desiring to porch:us or not, any quantity of reti•rence'in, town cr country. A row other good Cook Stoves on hood, Milt It will Ito sold very low to close stock. Spouting, Beefing, Job work, Copperstnithing and Shooting murk promptly attended down or collo try. All work warranted at the old -stand, llanover streetriorth of Louther. MARY M. • N. B. Old Copper, Brass.ind Porter loughl, and tho highest price paid in elsh or goods, March 2,4.1gt111.—tf. TO MISTAKE.—AII per - inns in want ." ; era bottle of Fino Oldimported nod Port:Broody, or Old Rye Whiskey., or Ulu, Wines, dira ram get, the puro article at the Grocery of the sula , cribar. WM. IlltS'l7. Carlisle, Jan. 18, MO DIICENIX LOOKING-GLASS. PICTURE FRAME m ANUFAMORY, N0.21:5 CFCNTER,STREET, N. Y A large assortmonfof every , description of toohing. Glass...laud Picture FramCs always on• band. Inner Wood Mouldings, Itovewood, Walnut, Oak, )Isplo at 3lahogany. Gilt and' Berlin Mould' new Nor. It all, owl Mantel 31irtors. Ovals for Photography, . cutintrS, or, dors solicited. Goods carefully packed and shipped to any part of the lJnitedf.tates and -canadaa, Jl4lO 15, '1.10.-3m. • 11011ACK V.9101,E1t, Agent, 11AI LORING ESTABIAS II ENT , So THE CITIZENS'OF CARLISLE AND VICINITK• • Tho undersigned has located himself:ln the 'Wear Im mcdiately above Dra smitten ollieq Opposito the. -Repot) where he In `onda conducting the MERCII ANT , :TAILORING' BUSINESS In all' ts `Yaldollll Dress, Frork, Pack, and Susi neVats rut and wade In the latest Now York and Phil. I Ida Gnaltinbo. Punta. loans . Out by w the wenry or an elegant appotrancb lehensinnOASalalf Pr' ol ll and when in a sitting posture, rlde' hair way up to the knees no Is usually the CIISC In the- el d say or cutting. Mon, a beautiful elfin PT VESTS that will not be disposed to ride up; as Is usually, the crap'. AI D all these gmmanta ixe'wlll. Insure ~• • • Cutting done at, short ;notice, - and .dleeetions ns ta,':; ittaking gleeuiritexi'doilrOd, S. nooKAF.cabw. April 4, '430.-3ta. • • • ZEE =I WM. 31eVEY,