agriptituot ,porAnot.,,„ AttEDTTOlltalitißT PASTVRES - • ' ? • • ' i Yia • •••- nlirnited ',range, of paetnre'ind,kB4; steel' enough` crop it ireW tire •rilnicist "nierojr' of 'the, _ 2 weather. -"If there chance to be favoring • and •a good the gfpit,4" of graseimd well; but if, is' frequentlyOcciiiin,there 'comes a long pe riod ,ol: criviith; the browned' fields already closely' cropped, suffer , having" little to 'protect the Mote. from - the 'full power of the cattle suffer Yet mom. The milk pails shon-soyiorts 'OIM-• inntipp; the dairying' profits shrink, 'rind the stock fall' off When :they should be ' - A severe" cheek of •this kind will be felt: -throughout the .season, for much of „the - pasture may be '." Summer , ' killed," and "Alio full flow of milk can hardly be "regained. This viiy be . pard ed. against fig : putting in plot of corn, sorghum, millet or' 'other 'suitable crop fin., cutting 'and feeding green. • An - acre of coin •• sown broadcast now, will • very soon yield sufficient to give great re lief to the short palatine: It lir not owe.. sary to stable the cows; cut a good supply . • for them- ' and feed _night • and morning • before they.leive the.yard Ohey will eat , it with a relish,and make ample returns in the milk pans, rind the churn. Even if the threatened drouth.shouici net come, and abundance of grass should grow, the' roiling crop need not be 105 t... Cut at the • proper season, and properly cured, it' wir ' not come amiss - next Winter. TEE GROWING CROPS The intelligence which reaches in in re gard to the growing crops is generally of a cheering cltracter.. The late •• rains have been of incalculable advantage throughout the North pod Nest. In Illi nois and Wisconsin_tbe farnierdonticipate a harvest far exceeding in bOunty that of . any previous year. In JKansas there is yet complaint :ofdrought. In Minnesota wheat and corn never promised better. In lowa the rye harvest will be ripe ,as early as June. The Detroit(Mielr) Ad vertiser notices some very '_firie specimens of both wheat l and rye. , Several other pa pers :speak of the wheat crop as looking remarkably *ell. •In Kentucky, , 'short crops are predicted. The accounts from Pennsylvania lead to the anticipation of of an unusually large grain and fruit crop. The grain fields are luxuriant, and wheat will mature early. The papers from all segiens of Maryland speak favorably of the appoarance of the growing grain i . ..crops.' From 'Virginia we have some aoL oounts of damage to the° grain but .even diem an average crop is expected. • THE FRUIT CHOP The gernantown Telegraph says "The season has reached 'the, point, wheel - - we may predict, with, tolerable certaintk, the fruit crop for the year. We have ex amined a number of apple, poor and peach, orchards, and have mime to this conclusion: That the crop will be a . fair one, the - blossoms - having Suffered comparatively, little' fiern'thelate `frosts, the heavy mks, and the severe blows. That the pear prop will not be more - than half a yield, owing to these.reasons. That peaches Will be pretty abundant in old orchard's, while in- the, young orchards there,will be almost a.teittil failure. • The Rekbold.'orchaida of Dilleiare, Welearn, proaiise a full crop." That 4here will be an abundance of cherries while the straw berry beds afferdAiudoubtecl evidence of • a bountiful yield. Altogether; we 'regard 'the fruit indications as highly promising; not even excepting the 'peach,' which hes' in various journale:been proclaimed to be' utterly destroy t tmwberries in the height of the season, will sell at six cents a quart I" ' Speaking of the Farming and Fruit' Prospects in New York, the Rochester, Unica says is not.saying too much to assert that the prospects of the fariners and frUit growers 'of this Vicinity :mere never better than it present. This may bo said, without, any exception, we ' he- Bove, in refcrence r io any important branch of agriculture. If there ever' was a time when farmers should suspend their'labors for a day, to return especial thanks to Providence for His favors, that time has arrived. But it is not hero elope that our, farmers are thus favored i . from all sec tions of this State we hear like favoralzie reports of the crops. The SyracuseJour nu/ states that the prospects of the.agri oulturiatif in the centre Of the State'were never better than .now." Cattle Murrain. This disease has been'destroying vast numbers of Cattle in the State of,Mlissa , chusetts, and to such an extent, had its 'ravages extended, that the Legislature of that State appropriated_ 850,000 in pay. • ing for the diseased Cattle, which have. bean slain,.in the hope of preventing the spread of the disease. tut the appropria -r-tioii:liiiibeen'expended,-addAo diaease still prevails to a fearful, extent. The matter has been , deemed of sufficient hp - poitance by the jiovernor to justify him In convening an extra session of the Lek , islature,'to adopt measures for the,preied tion of the further Spread of the diseal6. • It is 'said to be. spreading nipidltiato • Connecticut and Rhode Island. • It . is just like the cholera, and.haspl= ready Started On its winding way, to spread desolating .amongst . the horde 'of the Union, and unlese it is summarily stopped, (provideds•that is posaible,) we . may look forward toper° times.beforelthe = present yearis.otit.. broken put in new. localities; far distant from. where it first appeared,,Piir tied thither dMibildsi by the .trinsporta- . Slog animals. Indeed, : the dlicise is nowArmly:fiied in twentyPf . the largest eattle-raising - distriets hiNew• England: `. Aid ;yet, ' this fiten'Of threatened, by. 'the eignad, of this plague,t 'butchers ikre,:fMind,in, ' Hints buying .np",diseased cattle °heap for the New York:101140i" • A • FERTILIZER 'FOB STRAWBERRIES: An experiment' iiride' in 1869, may-not be atnice at fillet .time; for the growers ,of I, pitisiWlieiiiee:;*. kOcuied a half hogshead . Pah; filled It ,witkrain water r into which I put one, quarter pettiid,ofamm'onia, and ! .. one quarter .pound of oommoit nitre, and ,liethdnirdiestfitre iniretahcfin the' open 1 40 1 0 1 4 : t .# ( 0#0 , :::',40 11 7, 84raw , plainiCiere comiliOnto bleasoniel_ rrai my NO a aforiaki lug thifielio o4 a eveningiliiilt a w a tering ;pot,' , twiee week, orb)Ye.the fruit%wa ;growing -=and, 'the result.' waeL4puble '.Where thelliquiLfertiliier-waitipPlied,4o-t-that produced'aiditoreida, where:, it Win net' applied:°?7eljr 4 l4eilfe• • Vs/quitter ' • • M=l=Ml IPXA,LickpFNmILEt .OOLLEGV,;{ . itit,(l4l . Institatirin;.doSigiakor;thkil6ralidutatiotr. AllonAlrlLidlei, has lined operailoiet,iyd sari with Alba moat gratifying,tosuita, le now .Aat lished 4 11 r4 1 ,. ballikopd IhrpalrOnagi-alreedy. extenda over . -seieraLSKtes. , I If IS located on ()timberland Talleyßailread'aril& ' ,way,betweenillarrlsburg ' the most for- Alio and heautitid, portion of the,v,alley, Audio dodo,,ope otthe. most 'lnotal r healthy, and'en-. • 44rPrising towns !In the State. , ' I ‘. It la.ceptriti, and .easy of, &mess, Students leving -tashfrigton, Baltimomor'Phlindelphis In thAmo Wog train for liarrishurg, . will, arrive at Mechanicsburg:ln! 'Mule for dinher. - - • The edilice is large and commodious,iurvounded,byt double. Verandas, and will accommodateabbutnnelliutt , dred boardets..' In its conatruction, K combines all the' 'OloderriArdprOvoments fot the .promotion of hdalth, comfort And convenience:. Id them re:irate physicians pronounce ft unrivalled: ' The ehambers Arelarge and 'neatly furnished. • Eseh has its 'iagieler for heat and ventilation Only two studehts occupythe name robot.'' The bath rooms are at ell tloiea suiptlad with ward:toad . . The grounds are. simple, and Well arranged for reero:t anon, &tut the 'redone ,callethenle,axerelsee —eo Mean health ' ginooful toniestiont and 'symmet ry of form. • • $. • • ' ' ' ' . • Tho Tabun) , of inotniction it efficient end exper • In the Collegiate Departnisiat the: course of study is of a high grain, comprehending all the subjects belong. lug too Classical, Polito and.Ohrlstian,Education., • • In the Preparatory Popertment.pupile mill be care; fully instructed In those branched, forming the bald, of 'a thorough English cdtieatlon. , ' •, ' Besioarre.-41rat.Sesaion, trim the let ,Wednesday of • September to thedOth of January. Second - Session a .fram the let of February to the lat Of Vacation, during July and August. ' TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS, :WARM • ' IN ADVANCE: • Boarding, Washing, Furnished Rooms, F and Light. Tuition—Collegiate Department. . . Preparatory No extra chargelor Ancient Languages.' Music—Plano and Guitar. . . 20 00 :Vocal 111,151 e. . .• . . . . . 2 00' Modern Languages,. . . . . . . . . 10 00 Painting, Drawing and other.,Ornamentalßrancher , the:usual rates:. '„ Textbook, furnished at city prices. ~” For further particulars address, Bev. A. CI MABLATT, A. President. Aug. 3 1859 CUOBERLAND„YAT,LEY R. R SUNTER ARRANGEMENT. • CIIANGE OF 11o1JR81' ' .on and after MONDAY, APIIIL 16th 1860, .Pabsorier 'Trains 'will run nil followa: (Sundays exceptad :) • FOR, OUAMDRDODQD6 AND llA4ltlfillUliG. Ist Traps. : - 2d Train . . Leavellagerstown, 0.45 A. M. • " Greencastle. . 7,35 " • • • ' • " Chambersburg, .B.IQ " 1.00 P. " Shippenellsr*, 9.00. " 1.82 " .Newville, .. .9.32 " 2.04 " Carlialb. • 10.10 " . 2.44 • " slecll(nlcaburd, 10.42 " . 3.16 .. "• • Arrlieut llarrlsburg, 11.12 ' " 3.45 FOR 011A6IDERSDURGI - AND iimmisgowN, Ist Train Lewin Harrisburg • , 8.05 A. 91 Mechanicsburg " Carlisle,. • . 9.27 " " Nondlle, . 10.02 ‘l ." Bhippenabing, 10.34 " Chambg',(Arrlre) 11.00 " " Greenough°, ' ArriTe at Hagerstown. 0.40 41air Passengers will obeervit„Abitit there is but One Train a dui (a Passenger and Freight Train - combined) over the Franklin !toad, connectlng.with train to Her. risburg at 8430 A. M.; an with the Train arriving from Harrisburg at 5.00 P. M. THREE Daily Trains leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg,' at 2.45, A. M.. 12.50 and 4.05, P. M., making direct con nections with trains for Cincinnati, Loulavllle, - Cleve. land. Chicago, Indianapolis, St: Levis, and all principal points throughout the West. For Philadojphla, via•Pettokylvania Central Railroad M At 1,20 and 0.06 A. ~ and 1 66 and 3.50 P. M. Via Lebanon V. R. It., 'a t 8.00 A. $ . and 2.35, P. M.. Vor Baltimore, at 3.27 A 7,20 A. Si., it 2.05 P.M. For Freverton and -WililmsraPorttat - 1.27 - irnd - 8.16,.P. M. Trains on Dauphin Road at 2.00, P. NOTICE PiBSENCIERS: At AlViretitioBs where Tickets are sold, via: Chambersburg, - Bhipponsburg, Carlisle, Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS op each Ticket be made to all l'asson• gem that provide themselves with Tickets before en tering the Care......... . O. K. LULL super c. {al!road Ook4,'Cliamboraburg,} - • Apr 11,10,1860. • A. B. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS F/3 West Iligh Street, Carpale, Pa, (Primium awarded at the Cumtirlatuf counts . , ' : 4grkultteral Fair of. ' . The miliscribur has Just received the most splendid assortment of articles in his line, ever, brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that de fj competition. , Part°, Chamber, Dining-room, 1111NITtrit.' . Kitchen and • 0411ce, Embracing every article used 'by House and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, (lilt frames, pictures, &c., *c. Purchasers are_ requested to Ball and examine his stock, at his extensive ware-rooms, West Main street, North side.-•-' A. B. EWING. I Particular attention given es. usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on Moderate terms. Carlisle, May 12, 1858.—1 y. A - GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. .' " tnitivators Garden Rom!, Garden Trowels, ' ' Yorke , - Sh ovels,: Rakes, Spades, Noes, Pru ning Nooks flay Knives, picks. Mat, , took, ' 'Ray Elevators. Manure • Hooks, Plows Of TEN different make, . • including Planks Plow,, Ilenwood's Plewe, Plows, Zeigler's flown, BlOomfield Plow, Bork Metal, and , Eagle Plows, 40., 4c., 'ac., 40„ Jint'teceived a large supply of all kind of goods to fl out the Farmer or Mechanic at March 7, '6O. FALL ARRIVAL OF Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Fruit, and Confectionary. , S. IV: nivEnsnaK has Just received from the city and is now opening aeplendld display of FANCY GOODS, to which be desires to call the attention of hie friends and the public. Ills assortment In this line cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance, and both in quality and price of the articles ' cannot fa ll to pleasepurchasers. It would be impossible to enumerate his which compriee wiery'eariety of &nay articles ofthe inost exquisite finish such as. .I"apier,tdeehe goods, . - Elegant - Idaho/tar and porcelain ink-stands andtrays,- •"laney Ivory, pearl and shollcard_cases, • Lidice Fancy Baskets, ." Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing Instruments, Ladies' Gabes; Writing Desks, atrPortlulios. , Port Menneles:of every yarlety, • Gold pens and pencils, Pitney paper weights, and a large *eddy of ladles' Fancy stationery. . Motto seals and wafers,'Silk and bead purses, Ridleg,wleipe, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, 'Perfume baskets and bags,. • Brushes Of every kind for the toilet, X. Basin and it. k o.. Wright's Soaps and 'Perfumes of various kinds, Pancy.Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all prices togotherwith qq innumerable variety of artieleselegant ly finished and suitable for holiday preseuts, to which he Invitee special attention. .Also, an extensive and' elegant collection of , eomprielrig the various English .and American Weeks richly; ,embelished 'POETICAL WORKS, .Bibles and' Hymn Beloke, elegantly bound in velvet with metal thumps and corners, suitable for holiday, gift+. , Ms essortment a School Books and a School Stationery is also noneplete, and comprises ' everything used in the Schoele.' Ife also desires to yell the particubwattsve tiOU of Fannies to his elegant aseortment .or` hem the extensive establishments or Cornelius, Archer. and Others of •Philadelphia, eomprising every style of ,Parlor, Chamber and study Lampe , for burning either Lard, Sperm in • Inertia •oll; .also DYOTTI) celebrated KeroseutrOr Coal l fl Lampe, together with PlowerVi m es Panay Screens; ate... Ithressortment , lirthlt 110 le: un• equaled In the bomnigh. , 4l3o. o , ' " embraelint'itli , the "gvincilto brands', and a line isiOrt• mentnf lIIIIRRB9IIFAUST smommus Arip PAP-118. •• guitc . as Giantlesi , Lemohs, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Pruner, itcq FANCY. CONFFAITIN'fARY—NUTS—FR ISRIIFICD: BRUITS,' MINCED-RANA' VICKI,EB;., Arc., In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh such as can be confidently , recommended to • his friends. Ella stock embraces . evetythitig In Slip line 4Fancy Goods, with many otheenr,tlcles' hieful to hus 'keepers which t h e public are especially Invited ,to rill amt,examlne. ' j r ', - Remember thaolgietind i oppesitnitteßankton Northileitoyer street: . . ' :• 1 -;•.• • . • Dciod Beef, Bolopia,Anoik.unicao,'youteitt,longers, Molasses', Teas, Itacearon4.:',VitidvoltralS;;:lomatoes, ,Petches lb Cansi' Pine Apple,'Corsidiied and fresh. Bar. ,diaes, Anchovies, Olives. IduchconniO' %RIOS acid Vo• mattoHatecin, John Ball, LondimalitiiVainestovablve, 1 India f3oy, , Ildrisfs'and lloaditig, Banco, Pickels of all ,itindeplain and dineyoitiostardlo riotil#l*(kk asst wintirETi, Brandleii,. Wined, and ‘f goodruotiltkOperatol4 blisopto , t4le 10414: pAtni BlOBlL ,, Countyproditca.oicen lixobitive.., PkY •'•.• •:- •••• mix; Biwa ,•. • • • fl • :4.- - .0 , .. :,c . ,, - ,5,;t ,f': :,.: ; .‘ ' tbucationaf. ~~ :,n = FANCY ,000D8, 'km{ AND T9i/AOOO, ' . i. ,+enfm t+;h.MM.:+YR.4iM udlf~/~4!~~`j,.l,l'mnw.i*xiawV..R•b ,-. 6 . ,, fi11VT.E.7V2 1 104 1 Jr.: ...... . itt".tiV 'ciiiiiro N.ticY.;: I S i TORE Ali , .; ' — 7. Afteifaliernlng bbi'acitnowledgeinniete 'faith:Yell I lbaratpatronage .which`has bebti Vitlended:fei•hini,, the inttleisigned would call attention. to , thaifeit that- ha has just reopened:hlanxtenelto assortment of filially , ii Zig ): •,i ' '•' ii ' • ' . I E s .:. .„" . • .fr.a. In hisnirtat.ate4nolninn..this mfiltriSotiti s cornor of the, pubilasluare, where the public ore invited to call and examine a stotilitir goads-which - 0i olivine°, vatisty 'kid extent, will 'defy comPittittou t' comprising In Tart • loaf, , liinep,, crushed-Wad Viown ' ei2itars,:','.. r - ~.' 'ilava,.ltio nnti roasted Collce;''.Sverf iiii..--.- 1 "0 .•.. . . •riety and quality of TEA:- Spleee; (ground i I' :mid ungsbunityPlaktie;Stitialiss TableVOlF 1 I. ...; New °linens, . Sugarbouse . and, Trinidad t, , is. I ,litolitielisi Now-York and Philitdelplibilliyi , . ,• • .•,, Vim. ,Cheese, corn Starch, eplit.Veae f ilorednyv Mincemeat; corn Starch, raricie,.Cbocolata./ixtreet xi. Coffee, refined pulsar. at reduced ratek,,wasbing and Lek tng Oda., Tobacco of the inOst . favorita brands, and.tbe finest Ouelity'of Sogarti. Also, a beautiful 'assortment of Britannia. Ware, plain . and ..g...1d baud; China )Verv z Ohms, Queens, Stone and Earthern Mare, in great ye- rioty, and an elegant let of Fancy , Soaps , ext,r*cle and perfuntory.for thelbliet, . ' ', t , , I'' , . • , ii , FRUITS: Including Vaiwbee in cane, •Ralaina, Oren; barrier, dry: applesy oltron,• almonds, oranges; len:love, mil . . ( ../..... - sa,. . . .LIQUaRS: 'Wholesale and `retail,' t1,177/((4) embracing common pod old Rye W,ltja.. 7 _ key, Brandies, do& and palo; - Lishon , „_, ... , t VI ' Sherry Port, Modena, Ginger, Catawba' .' . 77:t.7: , ..v v and Muscat Winos in , choke and 01,, ties, Scotch 11 blakey,,lfolland Gin, and 'llcholdhin . . .FP3II 'AND ISAtT. : - : Marge stock of .LAMPS, Including Dyott's celebrated lamps for burping - Kerosene or coal.oll, also Sperm, Sine; Lard and Goal Oil, Burning Fluid, Sperm; and $6O 00 20 00 16 00 12 00 CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS.' Druabee, • Itairdl,' Ideppa, doom Doerdziatn, Lonlchupglaasea, dna letter and note paper; „Willow Were, painted hookah., &c. —" • Cotton and woollen Iron, - and hail Unit), and a full stock: of Gloves, Including the welt k n nwa Ilanover Duck Gloves. 4n. short, his stock compriaok everything tbat Is called for in his Mao of bondman', and no efforta• will be spared to redder entire satisfaction to his customers. ' ~' • • 0. INHONT. . Carlisle, Oct. 27,1858-Iy. Air Marketing of all kinds taken in exchange lb . goods. . . , . . O S BP.II U. - STEEL J A .6 4 WAT-C V H-MAKEI . 80IIT4 ISANOER STREET, - • A few doors South of the Court Home. • . Having supplied myself - with a„large assortment of Watch Materials, Glasses, r nm now prepared to repair all kinds of Watches, Clock's, Jewelry, "cc., on thu moet'riiasoriable terms, that. may be entrusted to, my wire. ' Hoping by strict attention to, business to be few tiered with a liberal share of public patronage. A fine assortment of JEWELRY, such as' Ladles' Breast Pins and Ear Drops, Gold end Cameo: Misses' Breast Pins and Ear Drops; Don and Glass Pine all sines, Gold Chain (looks, Plated Chaise, Gilt Lockets, Guards., Keys, Ac. Also, a large and fine assortment of GOLD FINGEIV.RINGI3. • Also, a Site lot of Ether Minting, Detached Lever, and Lepine Watches, and a good assortment of Mier plated and Steel Spectacles. • - all of which will be sold low. A libareof public patron. ago Is respectfully solicited. JOS. 11. STEEL. Carlisle, July 13, 1859-1, • 2d Train 2.15 P. 111 2.62 " 3.30 4.04 ' i 4 .1114 1110.711' 114.14.14 1 Y • VAMILY GROCERY AND TEA STORE. _i_.. . . , • , Just received nod in store , a fresh and well se. lected assortment of Rio,. Java and Mans. calbo Coffee, Roasted Coffee, Crushed - Pulverised Sugars, Refined and • - . .: other brown Sugars, superior ' • Syrup Molasses, Orleans • ' - . •(Iwking).ild olit sees. • Spices of every variety.— puro only ; Starch; Farina and Chocolate, Matearoni, Cheese and Crickers, Tapioca and Sags, Indigo, . ' Saleratue and Soda, Cream Tartar and as. sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. ' TEAS.-4 fine assort - merit in Packages, 41 -M 1 . 7 . and in bulk—lts -well as all other articles , belonging to the business—all at the lowest hi!. and lute reduced prices: , t I ... J. W.. EMIG .., 4.33 5.10 ,N 6.00 7 ATO H ES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER-WARIAT-CONLYN'S old established Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. -. I havejust received a new assortment of watches, cooky, medallions, silverware, &c.. In addition to my former stock to whlchl invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces fine, gold and allier lever watches, Hunting 1 1 0 and open-case do., gold Anchor. Jor Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Le. pines and Quertior watches of eve Viv a• Get," in style and price. . Also fine gold Modelling. rtreimbpins for ladle. and Gentlemen of every quality pattern and price. Gold fob, Vest, curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, cuff-pine, Muds, sleave.buttons, crosses, charms, &c., do. Gold and silver, thimbles, silver and .plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, aaltand mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, sliver lersaNgt e and common spectacles, to suit .all ageS to which we invite epeeist atten. tion. A tine lot of GOLD PENS from the best makers, spectacle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracelets,"uatch chains, Mantle Clocks and a 'variety or articles nen. • ally kept In Jewelry eatebllshritents,' which' , • will sell low for cash. All articles war. • 'llll ranted to be what they are represented. , Particular attention paid as usual to WATCH REPAIItING and, all work war ranted. Dee. 23, 1857.1 FRESH GROCE.RIESI--: AT S. 0: ' Shad and Mackerel of different grades, . At lITIYETI I B. Salmon, Sale Fish and White Flab, C043111h, Bait and Pickled trerriag. At TIIPZETT'B. Cheese and Crackers can be had • • - A 1113YETF . :13 Dried Fruit, Pretence and Jellies, . At HIIYETFI3 •Sugar Cured Beef and Hama, At HUYeIT'S A [testi supply °MUMS, At H JP../ / S 011 e, White Lead, de., de., WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER-WADS . - • We would .reepeotfully inform our Mends, patrons and the public generally, that we have now In Store,. and otter el, • ' WHOLESALE k RETAIL, at the lowest Cash Prices a largo and , • ...‘,/ very choice block of• Watches, Jew.. ~ifjp, elry, Silver and Plated"Ware,•of 0 , 4 . . it ry variety and style. , t:,... ~ Every, description of Diamond '• . • • • Work, and other Jewelry made toot- , .....;................ der at short notice. /Q-All Goods WARRANTED to be as represented. , , • , N. li. Particular attention given to the REPAIRING. of Watches and Jewelry, of evelgt description. • STAUFFER A HARLEY. N 0.622 Market Street. South Side, P/lILADILPIIII. March 14,'66=9m. IVIARRIA.GE ginDE.— , A NEW.IIOO,K, BY • WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D • 1;n 7 ; The's'ecret . clue to Cmirtaiiip,' LoV* clr,,\ and Marriage: with the diseases. tool ••••••,i` dent to Youth, Maturity and Old Age -" lights-and-shades of•Pdarrted i-,41` Life, its Jove and Borrows, Hopi:4,l B l4.lA' 'f..;:i?,.4k; • and,Disappolutrueuts..• Lot all mauled .4-47 I‘P ggil orth i em elndbavtg imperilment to married life, read this book: Let every young man and woman lathe land read this book. It is You, or PLATE 3, and discloses secrets that. every one abOUld know: a little knowledge at, first may save a world of trouble An after life. • .• ' • • : 8 Bend for. a copy (edelosing 25 cents) to • Dlt. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 BPRUON STREW, PIIIILADELPHIA. ' '• - Carlisle, April pa, , , , eo,pin.•• ••,-• -, • . . .1,86 . 0 HARDWAll wA t lii HAa A : ooh PAyire it Son have Just completed. opening their Spring Stock of Hardware, Taints, 011s,varniabes, Glace die.. to which, they Invite the early atttention of the public. We have greatly enlarged out' stock 4n all Its variousbninchei,aod can now tecommOdatetheputc ligt,m,rszE GOOD'S. In large or. small quantities, at the lowest prices. Put we do not'whdi the publie to understand that we have brought all the goods in Philadelphia arid 'New York to our tow u,,but we can assure themAbst one look into our store will convince them that we' have, enough to supply In this market:' Person, wanting goede nt he ot our ?imn a e " w d i advantage to give unit MlL:barer° making their purchasos:—Ail orders personalty and punctually attended tOr . andllff 'Whim pleseptittleps made to elect aside ' JOAN P. LIME & May 2,'60.'' ' North Ifibover St. Carib& 1 S P .11.4 G 0 .1), SHARPLESS BROTHERS Ilaie received a, admir able etocic of New Fabled, such as TRAVICI.LERIES, git ISAILLES end CAMILLA& Farley allrliB from Auction, below the cost of Wpm , HANDKERCHIEFStatIon. end CRAVATS. ~. upstEgy, umflltOlDtatlES, PLAIN colored .' BLACK ' gleamy BILKS „ and neat OGREKS. 'GRAY POPE- , / LINES in every variety; Ohineand Plaid. wt.. ; emENADINza, LAWNS , and ;- , • DISINTERS, MUSLIMS, - FLANNEVS, • • , (01ILTS A BUItNIBLIINCi GOODS • /RISE EIERTING LINENS of, • thdhest bleaCS SIIAELS ,' • • Jj• ~"Golide for • : FRIENDS • , ” MOE GOODS. , • 'BOLTING cnc,orup,Aci „ r hu Aireplig timiiiigns. • i Stirds Olterithtit, Philadelphia. t, ;' . 7BMgN'E*- - -The subs - 01.113er is:prepaid& so) litaituthetiireit ';•.•J ;•• •1:4.4.4,1%,4pi11.11;,.18p.: ; ., - ; • ; ~w~:~}ta~~ .t~.:e~c~:~~i:~ ~unl..,~,,.;~. 'antoipdtnto lien - , nothip•foroo;ar -"‘ Lie A'o' 0 Ii 17; iEE li • • • •Wtf will have constantly wallah& atid furnish to order all tleds'alid 44allty ef. assme& , 1/ 'V*Bkiti r "' . iltArdE &TUFF, Pa !ester 'Lath;irorkeq Ingg'hnd•Werithdirithch litallajetderery sr tido that'belongs ' • kirida of Sb flateiihse, Oalq of dir IltiVtag - Ceire of our WV . CM/ farhm.. r• of any length' "and' Olettt the'.sbortest.votzw, the most reasonable' 1e e. "Our wdrkdd lioliisraws,. kOpt undercover so - `that'they can bOferilleheil dry/it all times:' , • eohatahtly oh blind all trends of elean . to any part hl ", the hormigh,. - TO wit ' • _ " akiria vAieNY, ' ,LUMEXIDDL,EIt, - • TREVORTON, • , „1140.UWEDIOatititx, 1;0111IERY. irlalch we pledie teiiielSeS to asll at the lowest primal : - alWaykossband *deb we *lli Sett at the lowest figure. ' "l.. .'l .o 4 l *.liflikle 41 Opuntritir lithool,'3lelnetreetf & 'HOFFER. : A , ' • oASit3tßawitti - OEbtAtvE SEM;• 'NY 1616eititaisplaiiatifettd healthy; 'and the admin. !agars are equalled by few In the land. Theinstltutlon la large and prosperium, with a corps or assiatants.ebo ken with caul, endspaltquallfild • lntuatruct In the solid !end °regimental branches, The influences In the beard lag department ere parental,. movil and refining. • • • ' gan,not! incision will Commence on the .7th day of Fehrdary. Qatelogding.sigay be bad on application to the principal: • • • ' 'Rev. W. W, Ells, CarNele Um John Ault, Loudon, P 44; flee 111. Bucher, Esq.,'..lroguestown, ; lion. Geo. Chambers, B. B. Hehnock, P. D., 8. R. Fisher, D. Per, /tee" , Roy. JoftPb Mark, Chamberablyg, Ea Pm. /assort; o caton; N. J., both of the Ce)logo nod Theo. HomLnary. Roy. lIENRY ItHEY.HB, Id re. HARALL 11. REEVES; Pnoclpale. Carpsle,,JAn.;2,lB69.= • d. It. NONEDIAKEIVM F ORWAIWING AND COMMIS . SION HOUSE, FLOUR AND FEED, COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. , The subscriber having taken the Ware house ears and fixtures 0f,Wm.1.1. Blumsy's well known establish =anti on West High street, opposite Dickinson College, wouldinfonn the public that .he has entered into's' general Forwarding and Commission business, ' • • The highest market price will bo paid for Flour, Groin and produce of all kinds. , They are also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Dalitimore, at the lowest rates, with safety and despatcp. • - PhASTEIVAND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at wholesale or retail. Coal stall kinds, embracifig,-• 'LyKEN'S VALLEY, - LUKE FIDDLER, • gunnuity WHITE ' LOCUST OAP, Limcburner's and Blacksmith's ' CONeTANTLT TOR BALE. 10EPT • UNDER COVER and delivered dry to any part'ot the town. J. R. IiONEBIAKER Carlisle, August 17, 1/359. NE•W•C AK - 30 rflrfe IND 01 MIMI. The aubsCrlben,wiinlll respectfully call the nttentlon of Limeburner's, and the citizens of Carina°, end the surrounding country generelly, toble. , NEW OOA L -- Y — A-R D - 'attached to his Ware Boum, on Went. High St., when he will keep constantly. on band a largo supply °film boat quality of COAL, to wit: Ly en Valley, Lutie Zlcri Dlno? re andTretoi troLna.nrr ooire r eianddrycoo which he pledges himself to sell at the lowest possiblp 'prices. Best quality of ,DIMBIIIIIINER'S AND BLACKSMITH'S COAL' alirsifs on hand .176-All orders - lett at the Ware House ' or at his reel denoo In North Hanover street, will be promptly at tended to. .1. W. HENDERSON.. Carlisle, Aprlll4, 'sS—tf. IqLASSI 'GLASS!! TAINTS! PAINTS!! % A fu ll monument of Olass of 41 sizes an quality, with a largo stock of fresh PAINTS, all colors. Oils, Varnishes, &c., Cement in largo or small quantities, at low Silures at, ' JOHN P. LIME & SON, North Hanover Street. Oct. 27, '5B STOMACH BITTERS. The proprieiors.ifintr manufacturers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal, With ,perfect confidence to physicians and eititins generally of the United -States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore Unknown. A' few facts upon this point will' speak more powerfully than volumes of bare.aseertion.or bla zoning puffery. Tho consumption of Ilostetter's Stomach Bit ters fir the last Aar ninounted:to'ever a half million bailee, and• front its - manifest steady increase in times past, it le evident that during • the coming year the 'consumptlon will reach near one million bottles. 'llia immense amount, could never have been sold but .for therarifi medicinal properties contained in the prepara ! tion, and the :sanction of the most prominent physicians in ittelle sections of the country 'where the article is best. known, who not only recommend the Bitterolo their patients', but are ready atoll times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. Tilts is not a temporary popularity, obtained by oxtrtiordinary 'efforts in the way of trum. peting the qualities of the Bitters, but o solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is 'destined to be as enduring as time itself. • liostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and ,various other bilious ,complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state Confidently . that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyedpleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it That lone and energy indispeneable . L iar the restoration of health. It opeiates upon,' *the ettailach, liver, and other'digestive organs,. mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition, essential , to the healthy discharge of the functions' of nature. Elderly personsimay use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a etimulatit:peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to thiipalate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, --and-rejuvenating. generally..-We-have the evi— dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced.the benefit of using this preparation while . suffering frem stomach do rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned . all deleterious drugs and fairly tested : ,the merits' of- this article. A few words' to the gentler mein" . are 'certain periods when their cares aro so harassing that many of them sink under the The relation of mother and child is ao' abetirbingly tender, that the' mother, especially if ehe be young, is apt to. .forget-her own health i¢ her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should tlio period of Maternity arrive during theaummer season, the.wear of liOdy'and'mind . is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant tO.reoupe , rato the energies of the system, and enable the Mother tos gear tip finder her.exhilusting trials and ;responsibilities. ; Nursing /mothers gene rally prefer the Hitters : to all other invigora-' tors that receive ' the 'citdorsOinent phytil 7 . clans,. beat:time agreeablejo the .tasteas ' well as certain to 'give a Permanentincreaae , . of bodily strength' . All'those persona, to whomvire, have particu larly: referred. obove, to wits. 'sufferers• from fever and. ague, - °kneed by malariai , diarrhom, dysentery, !indigestioti,;l6thi of appetite, and AR:diOcasei or dean - temente' of, the stomach, .simierannitated invalids, persons of Sedentary o,ccuiitiOn;.antl nUreinginotbere, will corm* ;their, own phYsical, giving fetter's Celebrated' Stomncli Bitters a trial. • • CADTIGH.4:-.Vonaution the public against tieing any Of the many imitations or counter.. .felts, , but . ask.. foe, Ho STETTLIed CELEBRATED fiTOKApti and 01'1010 tie& bottle has the Words :”Dr..l.Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters'! blown •on the sidO of .the bottle;' and stamped on .. ./ o ;na:Ota ll l o 3l4)Or!aritik. `the ,cark: ObserYe that'Our stjtogi pli eignaturelion the 7 .•• 4 ,4* - ,rienared and aoId,b7,4OIMB.TWAHAt 'mama, ritt#14140.,,,, 4044 114,40 ; .14 all 'iroeera t. - „and' 'defilers generally' Ithrtatgbaut,lloln#o4. 64 44 !hii 41 04 4 4 . riot, and Ottettlist4: , • " 1 YONOttettr ltelif,:tilteititten Ong& ; o.Attick, atinaangh,. Shlppansbung 1, , la MO MOO: ft.' Henning Ateehanicahorai sted-,nr41 411 geadrLllrihrou~llpu ,the ,c9utitr.. • : 1 ,, 17 ZNT:I6 THOMAS CONLYN CEICSI2 At 1113TETT'S ba t ineortmeti4 , U se sl P r SlS. b.i i4 6 o .6 :;d t t b k .iT E Ar l47 l; 7'.l:,e. 0 kinind ilt 00 , 1 '.0 0 r; Pr :o 4 .Vnq 4°,Pt r f! lun no 114,1hr/4040 in* ot " • - • 'rqnsailiTOAVlON' Itroken~ Egg , 'Store 11/Idl{9. do. , do ES =! HOSTETTEWS ;rte'. ; :.P ,-".5 ~, ` , G:0 OD, 1 tVO OD!" Glitob :Juni rdeolved at the cheap Grocery of the unde r. •itignodi lots of good tUtbs, a part of which aro „tha ht. lowing -', Hermeticallx Reeled PEACIIES, (fresh.) . . " TOMATOES, " - '• • ""', • ' '" CORN', ' • : " m 'rims , .6 '" : , " ' . ASPARAGUS,. :" • ••;. . • '-' • ''' .......-" - ' " .OYSTERS, " " • " - LOBSTSRS. '" • . . " ." . , PINE APPLE, • " iiii ''', ''' '• • " '• ' '" 'TURTLE SOUP, .! \ .. • • .-.. . " , • " • SARDINES, • e. , . 7 , ed Oerrs, Chow . Chb*, Plccalillt, Lobsters Cauca wer, Ca ars. .. , • , ... . , . :Olives, Tome oe Ketßup, Walnut do., Mushroom do. Pepper Sauce, Hetoloy,, thittsi Cranberries, the finest of Dried Beer, Sucer•cured Nano, Shoulder. Bologna Sausage, Soup ho‘gw,Moccaront, Bugers, 'Coffees, Teas, Dlolasses, and if •It of ell - Ithidi!' .' s • - .QUEENSWARE, PINE' SEGARB: among which are ' twentrllve . thousand Gorman Sixes, prima - Tobacco. and the very - best and purest LIQUORS' in the county. Confectionary and Fruit, de., . ' • . ' ' • '. All of which are offered tOthooltisens of Carlisle and county of Cumberland. at the lowest prices for coon. COME ONE, COME ALL, two doom East of Rhoads' Warehouse. Carßelt, , Nov. 9, 1859 FURIRE .INSURANCE.TriE ALLEN AND 'EAST PENNBBOItO 'MUTUAL FIRE IN ANCE COMPANY of CUmboriand county, Incorpo. rated by an set of Xssembly, is now fully organised, and In operation undor tho management ot the following commissioners, via:, " , Daniel Dailey, William It..oorgas, Michael Coekiln, J, Elebolberger, 'Christian &airman, John C. Dun. lati,Jaeob hoover, Utile Dyer, B. Eberly, Benin. inlit 11. Masser, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. , . .. . - . . -. The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of tho kind In the State. Persons whaling to become,members are invited to make application thtbe agents of the company., who aro - willing to wait upon theM at any time. R. 00BGAS, President. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vico Prosidont. LEWIS NEER, liacretary. • 'MICHAEL COMMIE, Treasuror. Managers.—Wm. R. Corps, L. Ilyor, Christian Stay man, M. Cocklin ' C. Martin,lL Bann., 11.0oovor, Alex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Eicheiber ger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. iczem CUMBERLAND COUNTY. e— John She rrlelreA ilen , Henry gearing, Shiremanstown; Samuel Woodburn Dickinson; Henry Bowman; Church town; Mode . (hit South Middleton; {4anntel Graham, W. Pence boro'; annual Uncover, efechenicsitnrg; J. W. Cocklin, Shopherdstown; D. Cnover, Shopberdatown; J. 0. SAX. ton, Silver Spring; Dent. linvetetick, Silver Spring; Charles Dell, Catifele ; John liyer,,Carllsle. YORK COUNTY.-19. 8: Picking, Dover; Peter Vol. ford, Franklin; Jas. Oritlith, Warrington; .1. F.,Dear dmll, Washington;.)). Itutter,Nevrburg; R. 0. Clark, Dillehurg. DAUPHIN CO3—Mcitreer‘k Locbman, ITarriehurg. Members of the company having policiesabout to en. pire, can have thews oared by conking application to anylot the Agents. April 20, 1869. ' . • JNO. B. EDEMA( CHURCH & EBERLY STEAM SAW MILL • AND • LUMBER YARD, NEW CUMBERLAND, PA..: •. All kinds of • LUMBER, • constantly on hand. Lyda:yr delivered at any point accessible by Railroad, at the shortest notice. BUILDING TIMB,E•R OF ALL SIZES AND LENGTHS CUT TO ORDER May 28,1859—tf • HOWARD ASSOCIATION! PIIILADELPIrIA - A Benevolent Institution, established by—special en dowment for the relief of the sick and .distressod, aftlicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases.) - and especially for the Cure of Dlseasea of - the Sexual Organs.- _MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Sur geon, to ell who apply. by letter, with a description of their condition, (ego, ocaupation, habitekof life,' he.,)) and In cases of extreme poverty, illedleines - furnlshea free of charge. • - - VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhcea, and other Diseases, of the Sexual Organs, and. ou the NEW SEM EWES etiployed In the Dlepensery, sent to the afflicted In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. • Two or throe &atone for postage will be acceptable. Address; Dlt: J. SEILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Sur germ, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.. liy order of the Directors, EZRA,D. HEARTWELL, President GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Det..21,1859.-ty • LADD, WEBSTER & CO. IMPROVED Titan' STITCH - - SEWING MACHINES. On Ea iltalon and for sale at Sirs. It. A. Ilarrrotn's DAGUERRRAN ROOMS, 2nd door west of, Dr. Zrraca's.ol2lce, Carlisle, Pa. Send-for a•clrcnlar to W. U. MASON, Agent. Dee. 7,155 p-tr. PAINTS AND OILS.- 10 Tone White Lead. 1000 Gallons atoll. must received with a largo assortment of • Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint. Turpentine, Florence White, ' • "tiny, White Zinc, Colored Zne, Litharge, Bed Lead, • • Whiting, Dolled 011, Ohm, . Lard 011, Shellac, Sperm 011, Paint Brushes, Fish 011, ,to., • Colors of every description dry, and 011 in cans and tubes at the hardware Store of March 7, '6O. ,Thonsande ire dally speaking In patient DR. EA.TON'.B INFANTILE CORDIAL. and why I because It never (silo to afford instantaneous relief when given in time. It acts as it by magic, and one trial alone will convince you that what we say is true. It contains NO PAREGORIC OR - OPIATE • of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the guttering' of your child, instead of by deadening its sensibilities. For this reason It commends Wolf as the only reliable preparation now known for Children Teething, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Drip— :lug in the • Dowels, Acidity of the Stomach,, Wind, Cold In the head, and Croup, also, for sollorring the game, reducing intiernstion, regulating the Dowels 'and relieving pain, it lois no equal—being au anti epee. ' medic it le used with unfailing success, ip all cases of Convulsion or other Fits. An 'you value the 'lira and health of your children, and wish tosave them from those sad awl blighting consequences which are Certain to result from the use - of narcotics, of which other remedies for Intoning Complaints are composed, take none but DR. EATON'S INFANTILR CORDIAL, this you can rely" upon. It is perfectly harmless and cannot Mho the most delicate infant. Prim, 'A cents Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by - CHURCH - & - DUPONT.' — • • . No .09 Broadway'New York. 0 L Healthy Burnet* Blood upon being ANALYZED always presente ue with the same essential Itlementi and gives of course the Trurtandard. Analyse the Blood ore pervon suffering rem Consumption,-Live' Complalot, Dyspepsia, Sera a, _Sc. sod we nd in every instance certain defichinclei iu the red -globules of biped. flupply, these deficiencies end you are made well. ',The BLOOD &OOD I. bounded upon this Theory —hence its astonishing suttee. -There are FIVE PREPARATIONS' adapted to the 'deficiencies of the Blood In dlifgrefit disposes: - For Coughs: Coldiylbtochitis ' or. any ; arr. , Don' whatever of the TIMOAT or LU NG S induclog Con. eottlen,nse No:1, which Is'always the No. for Del P on of Spirits, Loss of Appetlte c and Mr all Otirow; plaints arising from Over-uso, General Debility; ••and.Nervous Prostration. N 0.2, for Liver Complalntli, No. 3, for Dyspepsia. Being, already prepared fcr sorption it Is taken by drops and :carried Immediately Into the circulation,' so that what you gain you retain. The No. 8 is for Female Irregularll lee, Di ataxia, Weak mimes, Ac. See special directional roi this.. For Salt Rheum, Eruptions, Scrofulous, Kidney, and Bladder Colnplaluts. take No. 6. In all cases the direction must bo strictly followed. Price of the Blood 'Food $1 per; bottlO. ;' • • ' • told by CHURCH A DUPONT, .• • • • • • '2 , No. 400 Itroadway, NevoYerk. .T. W. Dyott'&fions. Philadolphia, and 0./I•KOyser liiittaburg Wholesale Agents, For Sale , by S. Elliott, Carlisle. . • C WA 111. ". r • . • II Thd 'subscriber w_utild respectfully 1111110131K0 to e public that be . la now • prepared with additional -,..r00m, at his old stand opposite the Road- Depot, to forolah.lee Cream of EVERY:FLAy9p, to any number .and at/than notice. . • ; , •Mare. '0 0, 1 4 t. • - PAVIA ROCKAFELLOtir. • • . 00 ; TONS :IRON , AND:, ROLLED Itipti of the very hest ENGLISII BRANDS warran t . In every way Superior to American make. Just re• calved with rt large assortment of Obeet Iron, • A un ti e , lloop Iron , Vices. ^ „Itand , lionse Shoe 'lron, . ',Hasps, ' Spring Steel, Bolts, ast Steel, ' 'fleets, Blister tool, • •Nits, , Washers. out Shoes 10 . 011 , ; .•', • • .3letckrlnith CheaPer cheApost, at the hardware store Of ' • 'Marab ' '80 , " amity . All' lion sold aKcltyriCoiririttt,'A‘l4oollddOd ''\'''';Cozri4'.2:;;, ,-::';4...i. :,,,4::,.. -. .. - .. - Ei . ,olliii .. .clit.t t /CARLISLE :AND. PHILADELPHIA D AI . 11;.11 - .10 RAC 6' T PURSM, I.4¢D :FREED, OlL:Atilt/Ski 9THELT , ,PULLApIELPIIIit. . D. itIiDADS; • -MAW BIREET,-0411.1.1814,'1,A. Cara of this Lino leave thn Dopet 811 Market it., Daily, At 4 o'clock, P. M. .. Learn Carlialo;Daily, at 7 o'clock, A M.' ,; Goodalotended for this Lino should be marked ,I'. Daily Fruight Linn, and sent In by 4 o'clock. May 25, 1859. ' , HILAD E LP EL A , • AND READING , . • •RA,III4,RO.A.D•'. •' 811.11M1 H, AHRAHOEMENT; APRIL 18, 349. Two passenger trains leavo Harrisimirg daily, (Sun „days excepted,) at 8.00,A. 11., and. 2.46 P. M.. for Phila. delplila, arriving there at 12.00 noon and 7.40 P. AL • Returning, leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A.M., and 3.30 P. 314' 'arriving at Harrisburg at 12.40 noon and 8.26 P. M. •. W.. 11. BENTZ Fonro To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars. $3,25; No. 2 (In acme train,) $270. ' Faros to Reading. $4.60 and $1.30. - At Reading. connect with trains for Pottsville, Miners sille,Tatriqua, Catawiosa, Ac. , Four trains! leave Rending fur Philadelphia dally, at RA. M., 10.18 A. Si., 12.30 noon and 5.00 P. M. ' Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 7.30 A. M., 1.30 M., 3.30 P. 21., and 4.45 P. M. Fares from'Reading to Philadelphia, *1.75 and $1 45. The morning train trim Harrisburg connects at lending with 'up train for M'ilkosbarre Pittston and Icrautors. For through tickets and other information apply to " .J. J. °LYDA, General Agent. Miy 11, 'O. X• ENV STA GT 0' U . 11 E.- The subscriber be started a tri.weekly line of between Carlisle and Landisburg, leaving Car- X lisle every' Monday, Wednesday and Friday, immedi ately on 'the arrival of the afternoon train of cars from the east. Returning, leaves Lantilsburg at 800 A. Fl., every Tuesday, Wednesday and 'Saturday, and arrives nt Carlisle at 1.00 P. Al., via. Perry County Warml Springs, Shermansdale, Steirett's Gap and Carlisle Sul. phur Springs. Gu end afar June the loth, the line will be run doily for the accommodation of passengers going to the Springs.. Fare to the several points as allows: Carlisle to43lilphur Springs, Starrett's flap, " Shermansdala,. . . . 37 " Parry County Worm Springs, . . 100 " Landisburg, . . . . . . . . 100 RETURNING. Landishurg to Warm Springs, • " • Shormansdale, " • • Sterrett's Gap, . . • Sulphur Springs, 1 SO " Carlisle, .• 1 00 • The above line will regularly carry the ALUM to %nd from the several points above indicated. have also a well stocked LIVLRY STABLE, from which I am-at all Ulnas ready to furnish hareem and emr• Hagen to those who will favor me with their patronage, on the most reasonable terms and in the very beet etym. ~unly11)1858. GEORGE 11.ENDEL. -I Ic A XCELSIOR PICTURES. A. D. LIEN WOOD would respectfully inform the c t sena of Carlisle and vicinity that helm taken rooms in; Zng's new building, east corner of Market Square, where he is at all times ready to take ABIBItOTYPES in the latest and most approved style. Pictures taken In reiDY and cloudy weather as well as clear, and nat• infection given or no charges made. Portraits and Da. guerreotypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken for Lockets de., In Ambrotype. Ambrotypee warranted to stand the teat of time, beta or water. - Ladles and Gentlemen are cordially invite dito ra d examine specimens. Prlces.from 25cts. to $lO. A. D. ILENWOOD. Jan. 27. 18513.-17.: ' , Artist. y i,V ER Y STABLE.—Having pur t Jtniited from .1. It. Nonemaker hie LIVERY ES. 'X'ABLISILMENE, I will be Away, ready to accommo _, * • date the public with HORSES, CAR. RIAGES, BUGGIES, and every other es. Xiier .- I.:Ce tide in my line ! By strict attention to business and a desire to please, the subscribey,hopes to receive a liberal share of public petronaite. OEOINIE lIENDEL. rOmnlllusaoa on hand to gattiply those nho may plit needrof them. - - .• G. 11. N0r.25, 1857.1 JAM ,0 R:.WRAVkR'O CABINET . AND CHAIR - - DI ANDY NOT 0.11 - ItV • Nonni HANOVAII STOUT, CAILLISIX, PA. Having been engaged In the business for over twenty ' , ism ho would return thanks to his customers and friends, fur the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by, and further assures" them that no pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. °NAIRN AND FtiII,NITURE, . of every fiestription constantly on hand, or made to order. Warianted to be of the best quality, of the la• test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices tar cash. Its also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.— Ready made Coffins, Metallic. or otherwise. kept con. 'tautly on band and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Cherii and Walnut Coffins; large else, well fobbed and lined inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. ... Walnut Collin. covered from 15 to 30 dollars. ' JAMES It. WEAVER. lifer 26, 1859-Iy. - - N. 11.—Two properties situate fn churchLU7n,Cumb. county, are offered for sale on easy tonne.. Apply as above. .1 It. W. Practical PLUAIBER and GAS FITTER, in the basement of the M. E. Church, Main Street, Carlisle. Load and Iron Pipes, Iron Sinful, .4 ' •, Ilydrante, Bath Tube, • hot & Cold Shower Baths, Bath Butlers, Water Closets, Wash Basins, Force and Lift Pumps, 1 1Sdraullc Rams, &e. Wro't IrOn Word Tubes, FITNRY BAXTON, And eiiwy description or cocks And fittings for gas, steam, water, dc. buperior cooking ranges, heaters and gas fixtures put up In churches, stores and dwellings, at short mitre, In the most modern style. All materi als and work In our line at low rates and warranted. Ari- Country workand Jobbing promptly attended to. Mar. 23. 185D-1s HERRING'S SAFES. FARRELL, HERRING A CO., No. 629 Chestnut street, (Jayne'n 11910 Philadelphia, Only manufacturers in this State S. of ilEit RING'S PATENT Cif A3l. PION F I It E. AND BURGLAR PROOF BAKES, secured with HALL'S PATENS POMMES, Loge, both or which received Medals at the'B'etid'e Fair, London, ▪ , ▪ • York, 185 World's Fair in New 9-4. •." have been sold, and are now In actual use, and nearly 900 have been tested In acct. dental fires and have noverlit led to preserve their con. tents.. We also keep on bend and make to order Dwsuirm !louse BATES. "Sideboird and Pallor Safes"—(lanita tlou of handsome furniture) of elegant design and workmanship. 4 • Also, Burglar Proof Safes for. Banks, Brokers, Jewel ers, Vault Doors, Safes for Specie. Silver Plate, &c. The Burglar Proof Safe In use at. the Treasurer's Ofiles of Pickaway county; 0., (at Circleville,) was manufactured by us, and Is unlveriallj acknowledged to be the strongest-Safe In the world: , -- Persons wishing Sates will find it their interest to call or send for Our catalogue before purchasing else, where, as these are the only Safes which have 'proved themselves perfectly TIRE 111007 and free from damp ness. •1,000 REIVADD 'sill be paid to any person that can show that a HERIUMPS PATENT CHAMPION SAFE ever fatted to preserve Its contents In an neettlental Ore. (Me•cb 20, 1800-3 m, clB6O .HARIINVAR E.-, . • The Subscriber haw just returned from the Eastern iled with the largest, cheapest and best selected as. sorlment of hardware ever offered in this County. Eve ry thing.kept in a largo Wholesale and Retell Hard ware Store can be had a little lower than any other house in the ooudty at the Cheap Ihrderans store of re. Ma h 7,80. HENRY BAXTON. • ... TR7USSES r BRACES I I 'SUPPOR 7 • ;(7. 1 11. 163E1)1E8, • S. W. Cornekr Twelfth & U me Street■ PHILADELPHIA. Pruett...el Adjuster of Rupture Trusses and Dlecbanb. cal Remedios. Ilse constantly on hand a large Stock of (leonine French (roma, also a complete assortment of the best American. including .the celebrated Whiles Patent Lever Truss, believed by the beet authorities to Le stiperior to any yet Invented. blnglieh and Ameri. can Supporters gud Mite. Shoulder Braces, Suspensory Alalages3Lelf Watling Syringee. adapted to betham es, in neat portable cases, French Pecsaries, 'Urinal Rags An., Ac. •' . ' • • Owlets and letters of enquiry, will !neat prompt at tention. • • • August 24, 1859 - IT lAM LS HADIES , I,S!I'IIADIES ! 350 Palr flamer, Juit racelvad otaikklnda: . . 0061610 N PATTERN. LONDON PATTERN, ' . ~ BLIZABETIITOWN PATTERN, " • . .with and without ratent raetenloga cheaper lawn ever. at the Ilarderaro Store•of Mixon 7, '60. (• 3 P E S • 011 " EA . P 13TOliE. . The subscriber being under 'very, light expenses, has, as is well known; el:itaye sold goads . very cheap; but .this 110k1013; harfing availed himself orthe'reeent great depression lerteibes of .material,. &c., offers 'at WWII YOWL' TLICI ITU strops, a very large assortment 'el. l'AliitETßYn3RUEO3litil,'', } ' - " , , 13IPEEIAL v ocilr.=Pl.Y, '. CY /fp:K:IP Et B , .INERAIN and VENl'2l33l' ' . . _ , ...... iiii4 olkoLoTri4 of all widths, In great variety.,, Also canton:and Coma BIATTINGS of all'hiede, iltha large; stock of. LOW mean ingrain Carper - at 23 to .60 gents per y_ard; Btalr and Entry at /0 4 , 03.0 _sente._Also,i3ag. Ca e rt.Mtto — kiiiicrpremß ),-#,, Au . g,,,gato, ,fpor • •• . IL'ELDRATi6I4 N0:43 Straw - berry. §t.; Oci• itogr loove.,Ototin.nt::•4, lor• 8 t air Dor Or hi the grit etreet ereekpli e ßecoP . a at m . Mirth 28,1880, William P. Lynch, ROBY TUN 20.000 llerring's Safes HENRY, SAXTON Eebicittes SAN . • NEVER . IT 48 COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY. FROM GUMS, and •! , hatrbecome ah established,fact. a Standard Medicine known abd approved by - •'0 nil that have used It and lc now. resortedlo = with innfidonce in all thediseasea for whisk it,.. i s recommended. It has eared thousands lc within She loot twirl years who had' given up all hopes of relief,ee the nttmerous _unboncited . Irl certificates in my ponies don shciw. .- - no - The dose must beetle - si) of the individual taking Sisiii quantities as to act gun- PP Let the dictates of 1 8, you In the use of the ...,.,`"' tot., and It will cure oua 'attacks, Dyspepsia, I* non Ciimplaints, Dyson- 1 ash, Habitual Costive- I/ Cbelera - Morbus,Cludera tie Juandice, Female weak- I.'il succemsfully as au ordi- IN, CINE, It will cure sick can testify.) in twenty g teaspoonfuls are taken r ,, attack. All who uses It ,ire wl In lie favor. ' ' - ' , MIX WATER IN THE INVIGORATOVD 1 °ETHER. NW ' ' . , Pl‘4l . e Dollsr 'per Bottle. ALBO.-- , - _ _ SANFORD'S • FADIILY CATHARTIC COMPOUND= =OM Pure Vegetable Extraeta, and put up in Glass Oleo% air tight, and will keep In any oli ma,Le. • ' ' The Family Cathartic the Cathartic Which the Oracti , o more than The tooetantly lu— aus° who have long us. Isaction which all givo boo induced nut to place of all. - The 'Profession well thartics act on different The Family Caw with duo 'reference to fact, been compounded purest vegetable extract, part of the alimentary eafe in all cares where a an Dorm:Temente of the Faini in the Dackrind and Soreness over the •cold, .19sich frequently, long course Fever, Loan Sensation 'of cold over Headache or weight in tory Diseases, Worms Is' Rheumatism,, a greet many diseases to which 011 b to mention In this ad Pica, portions of the bowels. thartle . PM has Z„,, this well established. Ffrom a variety of the which ect alike on every . renal, and are good'and Wig Cnthartlc Is nesded,such _ 4 4 ,Sionlach, Sleepiness, mq 'Loins, Costiveness, Pain Ipt If body,from sudden loy• If neglected, end . In a E ,, FL A pa i t y l , te ite n d LeZnj 4 0 the head, all lothunma or Adults V'Purifier of the Blood and esheir, tno flume vertleement. Dose, Ito a. 30 rents, • $0 50 EMI The Liver Divigoni tor al rutalled by Druggists gene the Trade In all tho largo t ' 8. T. W. Sa. ndliatolly Cathartic Mlle are aridly, and sold wholesale by towns. • . • 335 aad sv Jun 016,1839. bOES - DISEASE ORIGINATE ibiis x3IOURITY OF TIIE BLOCiD? ' is a question of vitSl importance. and one which has hover been satisfactorily disposed of by the pram! surs who' each the healing art. Some maintain—and Mpecially the old school PhySiciamt—that life lives in the LRAM, and therefore all diseases originate In it— but modern science avers that ailments have their origination In both the solids and fluids of the body. That the latter preponderate, however, is a fixed fct,. and medial skill has clearly demonstrated that a at least two-thirds of the Ills that human flesh Is hair to, have their source in an IMPURE STATE OP TUE BLOOD An, for Instance. in the long catalogue.-such-ent-Scrofn Is, Totter, " Barber's Itch," Simples, Blotches. &yelp, lee. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, discharges from the Sai,l+ever Sores, or irruptive diseases of any kind. —These are es certained by well known medical laws to arise frtm bad blood—while the, highest medical authorities declare that most fevers originate In the same manner, and more particularly Typhoid and scarlet—the former bo Ipg an internal, and the latter an external irruptiv• disease • and in all persons attacked by these maladies, the bleZdis found to be either coagulated, or led a dark unhealthy color. . . - To ward Min-large majority of dieeases, as well as to core a number whirls hare already seised upon the sys tem, it is necessary to' • PURIFY TfE BLOOD - .l.l%diey's Improved Blood dearcheedoes'not Claim 'to be a. UNIVERSAL PANACEA for oval". disease Known, but the proprietors claim for It thepower not only of draluing out aa Impurities Cl tho blood, but by the bk Illfull combination of well known vegetable remedies. it will cure all diseases arising from a deranged slate of the /Ivor, drive out dyspepsia, and give renewed tone and vigor to the stomach. That the !Snoop Summons is all that Is claimed for it, the propel* tors an produce THE PROOF. . It is only a few years since It was discovered, and jet !Mae grown info such a business that a large laboratory has been built - expressly for' its manulkcturo—a large number of loon employed In putting it up, gatilt the SUPPLY DOES NOT EQUAL .711E-DEND We ask any candid man, could this be so, l i t he Med loins did not possess ALL the virtue. claimed for it T. , The Preprietore have hundreds of certificates ho ot • .men of probity and standing In the commonlity';' show lug what the medicine is doing dully for the suffering • ASK ANY PERSON who has ever used the Blood Searcher whether cell was experienced. Let the afflicted give it a trial—a single, bottle wit convince the mast skeptical of Its efficacy. 03,„ For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Ilaverefick, S. El liotti and It. J. Kieffer; Kauffman & Son,. Mechanics burg; Oosweller & Zook, ffflepherdstown ; Joshua Culp J. ilogetown ; JaCob Simmons, Cross (toads; Kurtz & Wise, Shiremanstown; A.M. Leidlcb, Fprlngs; • Mary; W. Kissel, Churcbtown ; Edward James, West Hill; J. C. Fainaught & ..13rof, Oakville; Shoemaker & Elliott, Newburg; Wm. Bretton, Newyllie; J. Hood & Co., Springfield; Russell & 'Dice, Dickloron; Wre'land & Wasbinger Jacksonville; Wm. Clark & Roads; Wm. H. Nobles, Sporting Hill; D. Denlinger White IMO; J. C. Altick,Shippeneburg; all of Cumber land county, Pa. ' LINDSEY & LEMON, Proprietors, Hollidaysburg, Pa . 12=2 DYSPEPSIA R'EIIFEDYI - Da. DARIUS HAM'S t Aromatic Invigorating Spirit. • This Medlcire has' been 'used by Ore public for viz' years, with increasing &Tor. It is roconimended to ' cure Dyspepla, Nervousness, heart-Utah Colic, Pains, Win An the Stomach, er Paine in the Dowel., Headache, Drowsiness, Kidney Corn. plaints, Low• Spirits, 'Delirium Tremens, ' Intemperence. It Stimulates, Ezhillrates, invigorates, bat will not Intoxicate orlitupely. Ai s Medicine, it is quick and effectual, curing the most aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, Sidney Complaints, and all other derangements of the Stomach and Dow- . els, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most drooping and mel. muttony spirits, and restore the weak, nervous and sickly to health, etrength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors, have become dejected, and their nervous eysteros abet. tered, conetitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the Drumm" Tasman, wit almost immediately feel the happy and healthy 'prig*. eating eflicsey of Dr. ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILT,. DO. I ' ' Doss—One wine glass full as often as necessary. One dose will remove all Dad Spirits. One dose will cure Heart burn. :Aro° doses will core Indigestion. ' On dose will a Gad Appetite. One dose will atop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia One dose will remove the dlstrerolngand disagreeable effects of Wind.or.Flatulence; and as soon as-the atom----- etch receives She Invigorating Spirit,. the distressing load and all painful feelings will be removed. • One doge will remove the moot distressing pains or Colic, either in the stomach or trowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Rid. ray, Madder or Urinary Organs. Persona who are seriously afficted with any Kidney Complaints are assured speedy relief by a done or two and a radical cure by the use of one or two bottles. • NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. • Parsons who, from dissipating too muelt.over'night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, Mr violent headaches, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddiness, he,, will Ond one dose will remove all bad feelings.- • ladles of week and sickly constitutions, shculd take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstrutv hone and irregularities from the menetrual organs and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn Dewing pregnecy It will be foind en invelnable meal due to remove 'dleagresable sensations at the etomach. All the proprietor sake le a tidal, and' to induce this le bee put up the Ittsiontatmo &matt In, pint bottles it PO Ms... quarts 111. - 03- For sale In Carlisle by 43. W. Havanna]; ; In Me. banicaburg by L Ltauffman,'and by Druggists goner• dly. - Fob:1;100.-1y 1860• SPAING FASHIONS', AT " - SELLERS'' OL.7j. STAND. • • . - A complete stock of Ilata and Caps now ready for Inspection. SILK, •. • . . • ' FELT & WOOL. In - • every atjle and quallty.'' We call particular titian 'Con to our $3 SILK HATS. Silk and Soft Ilatsi. of any style manufactured to order. Caps of all kinds. it}..couxer lIELLEICB OLD STAND.' • . • ' Carpals Dltirch'ltt Notch 1000. BOXES OF , • Of all sizes, Double and Dingle tilek: Mtn, Ora'a:. motel Volt red to:, du t received at tba Cheap Mud , Mirth 7' 7 , y. 00 RI:$1):-E.TO.Nt S.— • h i ..o ra u allee_witrtonte'd of the , beet s. ,titillt7.. quit 0,1114 it thonergjeare Stott • • hißphY, , • . . ....' 1'25 Kollin kipSol,,,ltock, and Me poyri . l!r f with:a , a Vrgie n ii, : ,!!' -7 ' r': ---. 7 -n ' itone ; Drille, ' .., ' i l -'- —4 ' l4l ' -- '. 1 . - 1 ~ crow.E.ar4 ','liiii ?a:eV it tile Amp pkidirate:Store,or .‘. - -. ,'.."; aciP 46 `PritiOng;,49P9 her!)t =I 'OH D's GP 11:A I),R, ted to the tempernment it, and used •in .such tly, on the hovieln. • ,your judgment, guide Liver Invigora• yur Co mplaini Bill • Chins& Dlarrhoeagium tery,Dropay,l3durfitunn, nese, Cholle, Cholera, Infaulum, —"Flatulence nessee, and may be used nary FAMILY 'mnpx. Headache, (os thousand minutes, If two or three at commencement ofther giving *their testimony MOUTH WITEi THE SWALLOW , 130T11' TO tea general but no 'propriotor has used hi twenty years. krenaing demand from ed the Pith and the oat stn regard to their ueo, them within the reach know that different On nford, 111. D., EsetUrer and Proprlatot, y, New York HENRY 84?croN.',