13A1.14IiIEOWE DIAJMETS TITEADVIC../UUO 0. Flour and Meal —The market for Super Flour con ' 'tit err firm at the advance noticed yesterday, a Ph sales; test on 'Change of 400 bills !Inward et. part sold .fN,•esterilay, et $6 64. also nyendefilay P. 300 Ishls do at $.5 6257 per 1.51, - 1;ff.11 - 1loward" Ft.: and Ohio -Sumr close d quiet but firm at $5 52 1 ,4 per blll. standard City 51111 s caper is held at $5 50®5 645 per hid. Of INtrn we notice a sale 0r4.100 bble choice lloward at. for Mall• tog at $637 11 4 - par bill.- we continuo to quota good ship ping Wands Howard st nod Ohio Extra at s6®o 25 and City !Mills do. $6 1.44*i 37% per Lb), 50 Corn 62 Meal fo I , quiet at $3 62 . 14 for drandy wino, and $3 W % r , City Mills. Ityo Flour is quiet at Si - 37%0 45, par 'Lbl for first qtility. Orain—About 4,000 bashels Wheat wore offered this norolmr.on 'Change. and micas weio firm of V 400150 for ordinary to good white'riirld - $ 1 05 111 65 per Lu. for • prime to choice do. rod sold at St 32®1 37, per Ln. for ftli to prime., Of Corn 8,1,00 ha. offered; and vrhito NOM at 70075 c. and yellow at 63®670. per but , fiir fair to' prime, mixed andlinary lots ROM 4 . 715 c. below these prices—demand fair. Of Oats 2 400 hu sold at 41®43e ter p a aaayleanin, we duets Maryland and Virginia at 37 ®We. par bu. ,No sales of Itee reported, we quota Psuha at 85®83e. and Maryland at 60®83e. per bu:- PHIL A DiCLPIILA. DIAftKETS • • • . TUESDAY, Juno 5. There is a little better feeling in,Pinur to day and • hi - Odors generally aro loss noxious :;tho demand: however, Is limited, and only stout 210 bbls found boy • ere, for export, mo4tly western, at'Bs GO for standard ' superfine. and $5 75 per bbl for ostras. Tho : tales to • • the trade were to q fair extent „within the seine range.. of prices for superfine and extras,' and 'front so@7 50 • told for extra fondly and fancy brands, as in quality; tiro reriptit are light and the market steady at the above figures. itye - F,lour and Corn Meal ritntin no Inactive, wo quoto the former ot $404 12%and the latter, Penne; Sisal, at $3 37% per bbl, end ilttle'or nothing doing. In Wheat there In not much doing, owfhg to the firm '; ness of holders, who nro In=s anxious to sell to day, nod only some 3000631050 hit•hols have been disposed of. of • 12503135 c. for common and good Penns: rods and 140@ ' 145 for white, mostly of the former description. ',nye • Is quint, nod In the 1111111, Ca of salon, we quote It nt 84@ ' 55. Corn is not so plenty to day, but the demand .eon, • Moues limited. and the marktic 'ls rather firmer, with slips of come 0000 ho. mostly soul here yellowi to note at 650. in'cluding'l7oo buds the ears, at Um same price,, and 800 toe One quality at 89c afloat. • Onto continuo ' dull pt 420:e43c for Penne and,4oc for.llolownro. 3tetu Atthertisemeiits tflo -TILE ELECTORS 'OF C(JM. . • lINItLAND COUNTY.• :43117..TA1EN: I hereby offer In! self to your consldera. tion, as eatuluNte fn• the ntlfee of It rub jart to the 111.C151.)n of the People'R County Couyoution and will ho thrall:fel for your support. ISAAC HULL, Monroe Townshlp. May 300 860.-:tfi, TO TUE CITIZENS OF CUMBER. LAND COUNTY. • I. tiax•rmotatt bnroby offer myself a candidate ' fm tbo offim of Itt..:•/ISTIM of Coluborland tiounly, sub Jot to tilt; decision of tlio People's County Couvontlon and will be thauklul for your support. Rearm:tinily, SAdlUbl, SIPE. 3by 2, 1860.-1. c 1 0 TUE CITIZENS OF CUMBER -I* LAND COUNTY. tlwri.tmtlN hereby . offer myself candidate for the coal., of Of C`Jotherbt Id eouoty, suldeet the People's Coonly Cum euthiu, and will 10, t I your suppin t. o Iteppocifu ly, SAMUELCALUIYEL,I, Carlisle April 25, 1600. t. e. TIEMOCRATIC CONVIOTION AT . . BALTimoRE. _LJ . .. . ,• It 1 - ffe.... T. ifr. T Z5 ..., ." 1 - FARE REDUCED! Excursion Ti . eliks to Baltimore will be Fold at nit tie ticket stations of the Cumberland Valley Railroad ea the lißh. I ith :tad 18th loot., gooitigr a return trlpant til the :26th June. - - 'Fare per raund trip: Front Merhonirsburg, Carltele. Fltippenslairr n - " Chambeishurg! • R. It. Office,,ltino 6,'60 T HE Cll/1"IS STILL THEY , COM If „FOURTHORE:I.T ARRIVAL OF THE -SEAON• • " llnvintjust returned for tInF fourth time thli sown from the Eastern Cities we ore now ' n 'Most rare and elegant stork of Ladies' Dress Goods, Capes, Mau. tildes, Dusters he, • We particularly invite the ladles to our llue of Inn: , Dineen t ,D111 . :63 UOODS, which have been selected with care arid empritee all the latest and newest styles in market, Ladles. call early arid examine for your solves alien you `will I, sallStied of the Important fact' that our stock Iv larger, better selected, and cheaper than ran he purchased elsewhere. 'rho undersigned havinginrole this purr Mere almost exclusively for the Ladles Invitee them to Corn; oriel Come - 111111 and sue the sights no temptingly .displayed on mar shelves and counters. Juno 13, ',G4) `STRAWBEIIRIt ,AN.I) FLORA.I. FEstlym,. k ikhn Young Mon's Christian Xssoriation lot Carlisle, will bold a Mr:wherry and Floral Festivabin filarlim Ball valnanstng'on Wednesday ovenlisx Juno lath and to continuo through thy work, Pro, oods to be I,lled to the support of thole Froq Beading Room and Library. sttention of tho community Is directed to this Festival no arr.bfort. worthy of libernl contributions, J. W. ‘lkrNintil, .1 no. Com Abell, • J. A. I Nan., t, Coo. S. Becton., te•ldirh, W. P. Lynch. Juno 6, 1860.:21. ' , Com. of A rrnugomonts; L ADIES' . CIIOICE ! 1 PATENT SELF-TESTING AND SELF SEALING. These Cann and ..farp being perfectly simple In their arrangement, and requiring no cement or Raider to 111001 them air tight. ore the must reliable .n nd -contra Went Teasels that are lit the market for preserving Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds. They pamens the following advantnges ovarall othe Cann and .tars that nre In the market: First—Ail that is required after the fruit 18 put It hot, is alutply to arrow the cap down tightly. Sieoiid- , They - catiidopened by A - A ogle turn - of th, .conor. and the entente taken out one•fourth th time required by bther remelt., • • . Thlrd—besides their slintillrity and ease of adjust. 'mut and the Inaposalbillty of stoppers blowing out, they glow at all dines the exact condition of the fruit by simply looking at the gn i ) of thn rover: If the gum gasket II ennenve, th e fruit s 0,41; Venom( ' the fruit in going to spoil, but will always show Itself in time to be Bayed. DIRECTION FOR USE • Mat the gltiss or stone Jars to about the Pelee tempe rature of the fruit to avoid cru•king, and Oil the eemorl with syrup within one halt Inch Of the top of the neck, the cover I, then pyt on and simply turned uutil,lt is perPctly tight. . Caro Should he taken to replace 'the same corer on the Jere from which they were removed .44 - Itead the following rellebld teatitnoo7.9t l We refer to the following named gentlemen who, having had thee° cons In WO, aro competent to Judge of thulr met:lol,llnd have given certlficatee.to the facie above Meted. • Samuel Arnold. S. W. Ilaveratick, .' Wm. M. Deotem, Cashier, II IL 11.11Ilants, her. A. IL Kremer, Dr. S. 11. Kieffer, Dm J. W. Burl, Theo. Common, Dr. W. W. Dale, :Notes MGarter, C. D. Arnold, , . H. Newsham, En. S. G. Iluyett, D. 11. Kieffer, J. Common, lion .1. II tfraham, •It. H. Shapley, - W. D. A. Naugle, • John I'. Lytle St Son, john tinnier, It. M. Sleek, • • Daniel Dailey. B. Common, Ed, Democrat J. P. linesler, Reg., Der. Jacob Pry, James Raymond, David Smith, Seq., W. 11. Miller, Esq., ILia". Frent. Watts, . Ono. IL Parher, Esg„ Jetties Clendenin, ' Wm, M. Porter, Ed Herald. For sale corner of Conover and Louther Streets, Car. Dile, Pa. 8.0. it UYETT, WM, PR FOLEY. mo .ki i r i n s tArge t o ed:el:to vase the adjui u ug eo uu LI up. NEW GOODS I NEW UOODS 1 I A tt NEW 1100D8111 Leldlch & firorfer, (ltddt Moth et.) tine unt returned from Nos York and rbllndelpbld, with' haw and won 1191oeted litinik Of Dry 000. In np,c r thd presentlf enelon CoMprielog fain latent hod de T Dross Gcmdd, 13h:trysi Mantilla/, Silk Nineties, d Mint d, Lndo feints, Silk Ituruorae..ttlooncett' Ilan , . ttrene. dined 8111 t !hired:, Flounced roogedn, Hounded tisgsg. dies, ltObd BlllreklN and hitwor, ItaglensChallles, Mourn. Jog goods new textures ntttletylon. AVVROWERIA's at , ' ALL leflvDs, bonutlial Paranoia. nun umbrellas In i d / colors & slam Ladled *III Cud on Impaction, our goads nultod to SUelr wants %immunity coinulota and at present will plow the most neenOnlielli: 'Another largo addition of CA ItPrat3 fi OIL CLOTHS, Looking Oldies, !Mode end furninhhig goods, no tb dopt ottr•tuottoue but lame l.y attootion'ond ituluetry to mete it the interest of buyers to dual with U. We buy had for cob, end our prices will be et iho Inamie posible..turgid, conetAut blind/nix will be matte daring the eeason. LktDICIi 3 eitIVYKR, Jude kieelkhoa. • • ''' ' PHILADELPHIA:; ' '' • -'•' .1 WATORRIVE JEVIIITELRE' STORE • 'O. CONBANTORMER. OCCUPANT, iffo. 14e NORTIf .SECOND S,TREO, , conn xii OF QIJAHRY STREET. 7ho undersigned has leasod the, above prinises, whore ho Kill, Item, a large alaer/timut of•Oold & olives f American. ltnglishand.Swiss Menu lariat of the 'most t;eleitrated iiiahers. In addition to' wlilch will he found always on hand land Amide to order) at, mangle° variety of Jewelry. silver. and Sliker Plate.. ware, t.lgether with agenentl assortment of !Inch good.. as are usually kept. in a flat elate Jewelry Store. The patriots of O. Conrad, and those of the sitescribel loather with the public gerrerally, are invited to call whore they will receive a gond article for their wow, ' As I am determined to do strictly.a caahltusiness g wait will be sold very low; A LI. PROFITS AND QUACK SALES," Is the motto of this' estabi - • - LI4IVIS 11.1tROOMALL, Formerly 0. CONRAD, • • No. 14g NortliSecond St. corner of Quarry Phila. Juno 0, 140,-Iy. An np4iont ntid Stomach projnirntion of IRON purl. fled of Oxygen and Carbon by i`ll3llbustion In IlydrOgen Sanctioned by Ito highest Medical Authoritlea. both to Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. An experience of - !Anthem] . 'daily proves that no prepatation of Iron ran be compared with It. Itnpuri• ties of the blootOlopression of vital energy, pale and otherwise shady complexions tudl , ate /Is necessity In altn , st every conceivable rase. lunoxinus In all maladies In which It has been t , led, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the follow ing complaints, tz : Nervolvi - Affections, RM.,. Clll.llOll. flyeireliella, comitlpfit .'Diar. Dyselltery, Inctpl tilt Cool sum tlOll, treutoels, Salt /1111sinesa'stront 1011, Whites, ,Chlorn.lg Liver Coon plaint. 'eh rotate Ilio'nElat'ith es, It It evaluate tent, I la te ran Itt ant Fevers, Pimples Ent the Face, &c. lit ensue of•aenotal,,Debility, whether the result of setae disease, or of the continued dltninntitin of ner vous nod muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of tlds rgsterntive has proved successful to an extent which no description nor wrltteu attestation would render credible. Invalids So long betbriddoft' as to have Iselin, forgotten lit their styli neighborhoods, have suddenly re M.N . :violin the busy world as if Just rut tenet troth protracted traria inn distant land. Steno very bl.gual instances of this kind are attested of female SulTerers, emaciated victims of apparent mares. nangtilneous exhaustion, critical changes. that complication of herr...and tlystieptie.aversion to tar and exercise for which the physician hue uu name. It Nervous Affections of ell kinds. end for reasons familiar with medical men. the mitantifin of this prepat ration of iron must noces;arlly be sslutary. Mr unlike the old oxides. it In sigetitusly tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regular.), tune dnt; oven la lhn pact ObitAllate e.t.a of ernalveneas without ever being n -gastric purgative, or inflicting in disagreeable sensation. It Is this latter property among others. which makes. It so remarlatlily effectual and peromitent a renNoly for Pilo,. ttyon Sthiell it also appears to exert n diatiart alai I Faiallie action, by illsp using the local tendency which forms them. - In Dyspepsia. innumerable as mu its ramoot, n single box of tileSelnialybe it,, Pills Imo often stalked for the most, habitual eases, including the attitude:4 Costive. nos. In unchecked even wAen ndvaneed toDys. ontury, retaliated, emaciating. and apparently malig nant, theellects have been equally decisive nod aston ishing. In the local piles. loss of flesh Clint strength, dTid 11-_ ling cough. and remittent - beetle. which generally im !Jima° InlVjpient Consumption. this comedy Inns allayed thin Illnt , ru of hlrntln and physicians. in several very . itratifi i nix Innutintolmstinu instances. In Scrofulous Tinlaumniosis. his medicatycl Iron has had fan more-than thin good flirt of the 111,,RiCHIMMIS. ly balanced preparations of iodine, without any al their well known linbilities. ••Th e ett e nt r i.m f.trenies cannot be ton - confidently Invited to this retnnoly.and reldontive, iu ,the cases pe culiarly affecting them. ^ In Rheumatism, both chronic and Innammatory,in the latter however. mere decidedly—lt has beer. Inv:wie ldy, well reported, boo h ns alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and stiffness of the joints and muscles In Intermittent Fevers It must to ecoe.sa rily toe n greet remedy and energetic restordtive, and Its progress In • the 110 W F4111(;111011t, the West:will probably Lo oils 01 high renown and usefulness. Ni, remedy tins ever been dlseoliered in the whole his tory of in adie.nes. w bleb exerts . Ftfelo pronuot,lmppv.and. f ally restorative effects. l'osllllo.l.4l4,e...eomplete dlges• Mom, rapid acquisition of trength, with an unusual disposition .flor active and cheerful exercise, immediate ly follow its use. . Put ultln - neat fiat metal boxes containing 60 pills, price 60 cents per lox; foor sale by druggists and deal. ern Will ino sent free to any address nn receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be arid, essed to - , 11.11. LOCKS A CO Agents 330,1troadway N. Y. $1 83 8,25 5.85 0: N. LULL, Superlntemli.nt May 23, '60.-ly T - 1 4 STATE' NOTICE.--LTAters of •Ad l'U'rßlnlntiratlnn on the Enfate'of ELIAN DIEM., Into of Newton Tow ?nahlp, dereanvd, have been Imuna by the fteglatvr of Combarland connly, t, the nuhnertber reehl• !MEM Ing In Nerrville. All persom indebted to the Estate, Are required In make Immediate payment. AO those haying claim.; to present them properly authenticated for' ttl • t (SO (MIL 11, t6O-6t. SECOND OPICNIN.G OF FASHION - SECOND _respertfully'infortun his friends and the public generally, that ho has just remised his sec and supply of fashionable Summer Goods, which can not be equalled In. • QUALITY AND lINAUTY toprlslog Um very latest s styles; of all Muds of good man OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ca/IMMO, of 1l NEW STYLES, vektingN,'/11l unrHrilled 111====1 LINEN & COTTON GOODS, ) 06r which will tw sold per yard or madotri order with a very low advance. A large assortment ortionUeniOn's Furnishing Goods of every description. IMMO CARPET BAGS, U3II3I:I;LLAS The Public will-find It tritheir Interest to cell. es we aro determined to bold up our motto, 'Quick Sable and Smell Profile." 15 . ,1,te LIVINGSTON, , North 11nnover Street, 51ny 16, '60.-3rn. Opp mite Ihe A int:dean Ileum k i z OH E MIN'S ANNIffILAI'ING kj POWDER Is thy only hnown and hest nrtlcl lo • estormltnite Roaches, Bed Bogs, Ants, Moths, Flies, Elena, ()Arden Warms, 4ti,,,.,WAJAt.X.R.P Vine lingo. Ae. ;;,f04. , ./,t , : , ` , ;,...1; IT CONTAINS NO P01...;74,744-7:.,4,4„ii,„,,. ...;74,744-7:.,4,4„ii,„,,. Schwerin s are sure - • dCath to •CATS and MICE. Sir. bclnrorin received ~, • rt,lteetes from (be 1 . r.1 'aunt or Uirnrd College, Ili• rectors anon, or Rettig.. l'ennsvlvnuin Ilnsptiol. nod other prominont polite Institutions of I.ll.lndelphla ; U. s..lnll;4Wnohlogton, U. C., and Charity Hospital, Now Orlenn., fs.. • • The ortgal/Ili cos tlfleatei ens be seen at the Wholeaah. and Metall Depot., 121 North :+econd ; , treet, Phlladel phis; and for Fale-by nIl Drug4intli and Grocenq.' Beware of spurious hnliations: Remember to ask for, Schwerla'n A nulltllktlng, Pow ler. NOM, genuine unless slgued J. SI SCHWERIN. _May . Sp;l: SCO. . HEADQUARTERS, 111 Bag. 15th Div. U.lll ) Carllslu May nth, 1860. f ORDIM NO, 4 The order of 31aJor .rohn M'Cartney Brigade Inspector Of tin• Ist Brigade. la ilivinion of l'ennnyinttni I WlllOllll. OA Militia directing the amontblingof the let Regiment or Cuitullv.ltotid rnluatoern nt Carlinie. on Saturday the ibhh d'ny ht' May, innt., for inspection and review In here. by countermanded, And I° lieu of said order, ti u let Regiment of Cumberiund Volunteers] comminuted by Cobalt! W. M. Pomona will ensemble nt Carlisle on Wednesday, the 4th day ofJuly next for the ',urn.° of dinciplino Inspection nut review. TIIO line will he formed et 10 o'duck A. M. of raid day In Hanover 'Arcot —the right of tho Regiment renting in front of the Court Moue°. Time. J. Kerr, WE DlintltY'S JAPANESE POLISHES, L AND LHATIIBit-PitESERVINO CODPOUNDS I Need no rubblk—produre a beautiful Olean and will preserve the leather olio third longer. Perry's Japanese Polish for Putdrit Leather Hoot& Parry's Japanese Boot nod Sloe Polish, 25 cents Perry'. Japanese Waterproof Poll 11, 25 route. d'orly's Jap.inene Harness Polhill, 25 cents. Perry's Jappnone Polish for Iron Donde, 50 rents. Porry'a Japanese 6'lll'olEllre POIIBII, 25 coots. For sale everywhere, ' Wholesale Depot for Ponnaylvania, at E. 11, II /rr & Co, corner or Filth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. May 30, '60.411u. QECOND SPRING ARRIVAL.— i s .3 LAMM SUPPLIES FOE TIIIC ItEAD AND FEET. At the atom of John Irvine, on the N. E . enrodr of the public square, In the place to purdhase Boots Shoes lint,. k Ceps.drt Prices that defy cnnipetition. Ile Imbed returned Irani the Kart whit the largest and most complete assorttuent or Dente, Wins's. lints di Caps that he has ever presented td thin community - , and whleh to It determined to sell at the lowest posit. lute priced' Ills stock embraces eToyy4Llng Wide Hue or business, such en MEN'S & BOYS' FINE.CALF HOOTS, Kip Boot)), &it' and Patent Loathe) , Oxford. Tina, Colt Pd Patent Loather Genera, Call isullitiorn, calf and Kip Itroseue, Slippers, de. • • . LaDiEs' V7Eulit. Floe Minch and English Lasting °alters, Mailmen, omr and Kid noota, Floe KM lillopers, FAricy bllpper Moroccoomd Kld 111.14113 P, &c., Mlds ANI)(111ILIntICIV8 WEAR °fall descriptions embracing dna [coding Gaiters, !demur.° and LaAlbg Dutton Boots, Morocco lsicelloota of all nlnds,, finny .hose of various Myles slippers, dm. niers it °S.III, 811 k, Casohnere, Fur and Wool Hats Mall qualities and styles, also a largg assortment at . STRAW EATS, . Moan and Shoes Made to order at the ehortexl notice. Repairing promptly done: Conlidknt at bin ability to plane all classes of euxtoroors, huyexpectfully invites 'the publl9to glvo him n tali. tm. Remember advisee, N. E., corner of the Public &TIM .101 IN IRVINE. ' T11051.,A, MrKINNEY. Admr. of Elias Diehl, deceased HA TS d CAPS, EWE! By order Brig,. Oen.' J. M. A LLEN, Foundry , , AND ' FAST IMPLVENT DEPOT! F. Onrdner & go. now menntietu re .nna keep eon gently for Bale, et their extenelve Steam Works on Este Mein street, Carlisle, d lergeessortinent of .AtrRICULTURAL. IMPLBAIENTS, Owen known, approved usefulnetia to farmer& anion. whirls they would call especial attention to WILLOUGI BY'S CEIXBRATBD PATENT G UAI SPRING GRAIN DRILL, which has taken nvor fifty First Class Premiums at State and County Fairs: ,Tn the Farmers or Cumberland, York and Perry counties we need not speak In detail of the merits of this drill, as genres of them are now In use on DM best items In these counties.. Its reputa tion Is established *a the most complete Crain Drill new Iran ufacturod in the United States, It sows Wheat, ltye, Oats, •Parley and Urasa, eveply awl regular, without bunehlut: the cued. Thornitni Spri nutrients the drill over stuturet and stones, witimulitreaking philter the drill. For even and regular sowhig. - 1 be Willough by Cluth'Spring Drill hi unequalled by any other. We also manufacture and sell the following articles, which we can recommend to Farmers as reliable Implements; of established character: MORRISON'S - PATENT CORN PLANTER, LAMPS PATENT STRAW A; FODDER CUTTER, lIIHDENDOLPIPS PATENTCORN SHELLER, . • HARE'S PATENT CIDER MILL, " JOHNSON'S OASTIRON HOG'S TROUGH. • Also, Three and Your Horse Powers nod Threshing . Machines. Cast Iron Field 'toilers, Plough Canting of various patterns. Corn Crtisherg, and other articles for Partners too numerous to locution. Also, Egg Cosi Stores and Tun Plato Wood Stoves, with nn immense •nedef.3 , Of other easting4-for housekeepers nod others. •Wehavonleo un attractive rutioty of patterns for • ERON RAILINGS; and CE II ET ERY ENCLOSURES to which we would cull attontion. Steam Engines and 111111 Gearing • To this department or our business we give portico inr Attention. Our already extensive stock of patternd for Paper, Plow and Saw Alia ,Cearing. Is constantly Increasing. Mill Ownors and Mill Wrlghts will be fur lashed with n printed citalogun of our 'various 31111' Patterns, on application. Our MachinoShop cmoptisiie all the various tunic f , Pr thr al pinning and finishing Shafting and Catalogs, by good and careful Machinists. STATIONARY , STEAM ,ENGINES, of any dosirablo.cminelty, frhara ton to tarenty•fivo horse power, built ha the heat ('t• on Aceorrant:Alating terms. EnglaaPs built at our establishment may bl soon In sticeesaful operation nt many of Cho lamest Distilleries and Tanneries in Ca. I Isle, mad o.amberland l'erry and Dauphin Counties, to the bullets of which we confblently refer for Information AS to their efficion- Cy; Pert:coma wanting Steam Engines are earnestly - re. - quested tare:Aland examine buforo contracting vise. Valero. • • DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. Connected with our irstablialimunt to a Steam Sash and Poor Manufactory which in now in compluto order for the manufacture of Loony description of = for the Most costly ns well as the plainest house. Win dow Sloth furnished from & cents upward, according to sine of gloss ; Window Frames fa i n $1 31 upward; Shutters and Bolling Blinds from $1 13 upward; Four Panel Doors from $2 12 upward. Mouldiugs, Castings Architraves, Wash Boards; Brackets, Fancy Blowy, Scrolls, and other articles needed, In 'house building, furnished at the i , 04 . 111t mires and of the best quality of lumber. fo„,ll'e aro •:dso prepared, no heretofore. to build and rep.dr BURDEN CAlti I . ,rtransporterlion the railroad, With promptness and on reasonable terns. The continued patronage of Ihn public Is respectfully solicited. Orders by mull promptly./kttende.d May 0. '6O. GAIIDNER & C. 6. NAILS! NAILS !! NAILS !! ! A taiga stock of grand, Clean. Neat, and Tough Imile, at the lowest Prices. Oui• nails are worth LOOK a keg more. than any either make 0111111b1 sold In our t0..0. this Is lbo opinion of mechanics who Lave tried them, we nice have a cull assortuulitrot -I . BUILDING M'ATERIALS•, , - • of tho latest and most appri,Nl styles. All Goods war routed 119 represented. - .1011 N I'..i.YNE d SON. May 2.'60. -: - North IlAnorer St. Carlisle. L L -I)!!-! - RECO.A'D GREAT ARRIVAL OF SPRI.'iG GOODS, We are now opening our second arrival of Spring Goods which we offer Lo the Cltiz•ns of Carlisle and vi tinily, at Inman:illy low prices with the determination to keep pace with the those and the reputation of OUlt HOUSE" for selling Cheap Goods.— We purchase our wsal4for-CASll,"exclusivel,v, there by enabling us to Fell.at cheaper rates than the most favored !louses. a firt our friends anti customers should, hear in mind. The folloWing coalmine but a email por• lion of our immense and varied Stock. ' • Plain & fancy Silks, Foulard Silks, Parlslonfies, Delaines, llereges, '• Crave De T:spagnes, French & Scotch •ingh'ama, Valenclas, Poplins, • Poll do Chevron, Lawns, Plaids, • • • French 4, American Chintzes . American Ilinghams,. Shah le, Lace & Silk Mantillas, A very general assortment of mourning goods. Hosiery, Gloves, Ac., ,he., Douglass & Sherwood's New Skirts tho "BELLE OF THE SOUTH" the most perfect and .beautiful skirt ever produced, made with one clasp :aid warranted not to get out of order in 11, 11, 16, 20, 30,35, 40 and LO !loops. The lan gest steak of. CARPETS mid OIL CLOTIIS• • ever brought to Carlisle (IVe have rotund the price of the very'best quality of •. Oil Cloths" to 1:0 cents per square yard, to which we Invite the nitration of ilouse• hooter? we .11 them lower than can be purchased at any store In the interior of Pennsylvania. Our goods in tills line are purchased .lireet, from the most celebra ted Manufactures and fur durability and design cannot be surpassed. LUOICItiII GLAS:4:6 of all sizes and at reduced prices. GENTLEMEN'S' WARE. Clothe, Cas..lmores. .• • tkatinetts, Cotton:Om lictituckv..leans &c. Sc. Vesting., Sr., Sc. F Remember we nro determined not to be undersold and defy compotitlun. A. W. BENTZ. Cmlisle, April ISGO. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORE. ' Aasets: ' MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, DtvEantp IN YINST DIONINIADEA ON HEAL ESTATE, 4 WORTII OVER sia000;000. Thy premiums are Cowen than In many other Compa• tiles, and the Dividends hat a been OILEATER. This Inn Strictly Moron. Company. There are no Stockholders, no that Al.l. TIjE"PROFITS OELONO TO THE moan. Pamphlet& and every information, may be had GRAS is, on application to WM. D. "[ALBERT, Carnal°. pniLnxkl.pilu REFurtiqc'gs. Thomas Robbins, Mordecai L. Dawson, George M. Stroud, John IV Myers, Joseph Vatter:lnn, John M. Atwood. Thorneo 11. Powers, Mcjiee, John Welsh, Occur° 11. Stuart, N. S. Whelen, J: Fisher Learning, {9llllanitl. Ludwig, Arthur G. o.llln ' George W. Toland, 'rhos. IVattson. F. RATCHFORD , STA RR, Agent. Gomm Fourth and Walnut Streets. May 23, q*-11in. Pill LAVA. UGAIt CURED HAMS.- Dr'aline; Bologna, Flab. Cheese. Coffees, Su . gars, Molasses, l'eas, Alaeramni, Dried Fruit, Tomatoes, Poncho; In cans, Pine Apple, Corn dried and fresh, San dines, Anchovies, Olives. Mu-broom. Walnut end To motto Kateup.John Bull, London Club. Worcestershire, India Soy, Harvey's and Ito:Wing Sauce,. Plebels of all kinds plain and fancy, Mustards plain and mixed, beet quality Tobacco & Snore, S. Oils:fingers pure • OLD RYE WHISKEY, • • Brandlen, ITlnen, and ulna, de.. n•lth n groat variety of poJo not enumerated to ho sold at the lowest CAM PRICES. Country produce taken In exchange. May ,10,'60.-11m. WM. BENTZ *aItANYILLE STOKES' GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIUM, - - ONE PRICE • AND NO ABATEJLENT, • No. CO7 Chestnut Street. Granville Stokes Would return thanks to the public for their appreciation ol his efforts to plettee, and their liberal patismago. In older to keep np this kindly feeling, he hes yiel ded to the solicitations of many of Lis friends and In. au curdled a now myntem, of Gilts with each Garment Sold. To his choice selection of One Fabrics, end made. Clothing. he invites the nertitiny of the public, an well as to his now mode of doing business. Patch or .aisle is warranted to ha in Fabric, Style and Make, equal to any gotten up In the City, and ONE . PRICE, Hower than the lowest ,) clerked nil the ticket. Earth artrele sold, or measured for, is accompanied by a Gift. varying in value from $1 to $lOO. N. IL—None but the most skilful Deolgners. Cutters and Workmen employed; and•sittlefaclinn In Fit. Foil'. lon, Fabric, Price and Gift, guaranteed at GRANVILLE SPOKES' one price gift clothing emporium, No. CO7 Chestnut Street.- - May 10,'00.-Cm, LATEST! LATEST !I TIAGNIFICENT OPENING ,9ummer4lllllneri, htt.e. 8. A. Hutton lb now open lug the Leteet Sumner Faehlone NEW STYLE SILK B CRAPE BONN) TB, Fine Braid and Straw Bonnets, new MO) Ribbons and Fimtnri,'Fine Leghorn Mate and InStep Hats, nevi , ntyle MOB RN INS BONNETS, Crape Collars:and Veils, and Vanaylloods or all kinds. Also, I'RENC.II LACE cG SILK MANTILLAS. • Ladies nCa Invited to call and see these beautlttil Styles. lira, 8. A. lIUTCON. May 80.'00.-Bt. a• N. Hanover St. Ca 1111.110: SALE .:OF• UNSEATED. LANDS: lly virtue of a wamnt f(om tinder the' handl and seal ofbiltee'of th'd Commissioners ofeumberland Wand to me directed, the folinwing_tracte-and lots of unseated .Lend situated In ()timberland County 'State . of Penneylvenitt. will be exposed to sale by public von'. due nu MONDA day- of-June -1860-at - the Cnurt. noun in the tiorouah of Carliele. County atom. mid. and tontinued by Adjournment from limo to time until they are ali sold, or tie much of each tract or lot will ba eufficiebt to defray the- arreanutes of the State, County, (toad and School taxeadue thereon, and mote. ~ A. L. BPONShitIt • " • County Treasurer. No.,Lote. :Warrantee' and Owners: ~ T ax Due. - • CARLISLE.• 1. John Dunbor"steirs, ' 1. - Colwell's heirs, L Gems WALL DICKINSON TOWNSHIP. No. Acres. , 6. John Brugh, 11. Jacob Layman,il 22. Gilbert Searight, '• 6.. Benjamin Malone, ' .45.. Thomas C Miller, Jr, 4. Michael Myers,‘", 9. Jacob Myers, 66. Ilen:yr,Nlyers, • • 15. Charles McCulloch,. 29.-Thomas 'Hecuba's heirs, 5. Peter Mullen's heirs, , . 1 70 GO. Morrison &McCreary, • Et 82 s'. Anthony Myers,: B7. 10. Howard Myers, \ 1'72 7. Philip Myers, . 1 88 4. Cornelius Myers, 28. John flyers, 9. John'lL Msraden, 5. William Miller, • 94. Nathaniel Weakloy 10. Jacob Wolf,' 10. 'Michael Weist, 95. Henry Rimlig, • IL Adam Countz,' • G. John Countz, 600. Henry Clever, 18. Funk's heirs, 8. Moses Funk,- 12 Mtn Graham, 12 • Thomas 'Graham, • 7. James.Hreason, 10. Rimes' heirs, 10. Elizabeth Lyn°, 9: John Lehman, 8. L. Leohey AgL for Frederick, 96 •5, Albert's . heirs,- • ' 178 1: John Gough, 1 98 8. Samuel 6. George Spangler, 5. Mild Scobey; BT. James Townsend, "7: • 6 17 200.- Racal Woods sea.heirs, 28-45 14. John . Zug, 8. John Ilemminger, 25. • John Boron, 10. James Bishop, • 15 Francis Colestdne, --- 500. Rogers, . • 17. Pieter Boom, 10. John Cline, 6. Amos Myers,. 6. Meal's heirs, G. John Neeley's hairs, 4. Immo Bowers, 8. Joseph Baker,. 7. Adam Lerew, 7. Leshey Lewis, 5. Peter Myers, 4. Solemon RoVetson, 5. Joseph Trimmer, 7. Jacob Griest, '7. Daniel Griest,. 80. David _Duncan, 12. Grove, 12. James McCulloch. FRANKFORD TOWNSHIP. 30 Satniiel Griseingor, ' • 140. Hallenback's heirs, 2. Siniih's heirs, , 92.- Mary Johnson, 900: . John M. Woodburn, 21. John Homminger, 16. George Washmood, •1b John Ileiks, 27. George Drawbaugh, - 18. John Dunbar, _ .• - SOUTH 111IDDLETON Twp 44. Horbolt & Trump, . 44. James Townsend,'• 9. George Deardorrs heirs, 76. John McClure Jr. heirs, 111. Jacob &eider, 230. Sheafer & Keller, , NORTH MIDDLETON Twp 650. Hollenback's heirs, 100. Mathew Irvine's'helrs, 6. David Capp, 6. Philip Snell, 6. Peter Kissinger,' 2. Jacob Stouffer, . .•e• liIONROE TOWNSHIP. • 1. Martin Diller 's beim .11. William Saxton, • MIFFLIN .TOWNSHIP • 94. Edward Biddle. 2048. John . M. WoOdburW, Tax $lO3 43 VAIMANTEES AS rom.ows,viz 200. Daniel Boyle, 128. David Barns, 325. Moore Wharton, , 150: Samuel Norton,' 100. Sarah Parker, 1130. Lydia Parkdr, 200. William Parker, 250 Mary Martin, 180. Roganna Martin, 1110. Christian Marsha,ll, 90. Eleanor Martin, 50. Richard Lake, 100. Archibald Garqner, 100. Ezekiel Kirig r , ' 1504 1 iiIlinut P Gardner, 21. William 51offit, 14. George Buck, • 150. Thomas Paxton, 100 Alexander McClintock, 200. Moore Wharton, 150. Thomas C. 25 -Richard.Stevenson, 100. John Creasler, • 0. Joseph Williama;:' 4. Venus Paiton'a •24. Benjamin Heberling's heirs, 6. Jables Hoover, 200., William H. Woodburn, 24. W. W. Frazier, 18. James Fulton; 10. John Hoover, 60. W. C. McCune,. AblialituffOrove, 16. Daniel Sweigert, 400. John P. numericlt, • 220 NEW CUMBERLAND. - LO rs * 1. George Carothers, 1. George Fahnestock, 1. Abraham llureh'e heirs, .1. Samuel Harsh, • 1. Luther Mania, L Philip Smyser, 1. Thomas Warren, 1. Henry Miller's helm, 1. J.•B Simmons, 1.. Peter Simmons, .1. Asa White, --2. York & Cumberland Rail R. Co. 1 8: LOTS. 11. Owner unknown 27. do. 80. do, 204.. do: 188. do. 201. . do. 170. do. 172. do. 164. do. 78. do. 79. do. 88. do. 220. .do. 293. du. 202. • do. NEWTON TOWNSHIP ACRES 888. John M. Woodburn, • 6. Joseph Laugalin, . • . David Barnhill, • 40. Leonard He 97. John HeLe, • • 70. Henry Clover, • • • , , .110PEWELL TOWNSHIP. 900. John M..Woodbern,, 100. Samuel Oilmore, , SILVER SPRING tovizitur. 1. Elias Kissinger,. • 16. David Singer, 1. Henry Eberly, . . 1 SOUTHAMPTON Twp. 903 I •Willietn Dunben, w9oo;Jamei Dever 988. John 61.. Woodburn, 809.'John,Nicholson;, * ,1. John & Atortn. Roddy, 2. RobOri,'Lairtl's heirs, ' 284. Robert Scott, 400. ,Joseph O. Iteitie.(hirity„ CArlimlo April 11, 1860. • 600.. TRACE CHAINS OF . ALL '' :. kinds with a large assortment of . BUTT CHAINS, . ' II A V&A CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, ' Firm CIIAINS, lASI CHAINS, TOMMY.' CHAINS, . COW CHAINS, • SPREAD Ac., &a., Just received at the Cheap Hardware Store of '" • parch 7, '6O. " ' HENRY.SAXTOW $2 36 42 88 • REMOVAL OF IuCHMAN'S PHOTOGRAPHIC! AND* 'AUBII,OT'YTE-GE-A-LLERY. Tax Due. 2 42 2 16 2 59 2 91 2 88 Of, 2 43? 12 90 1 13 • 0. L. Lochmart Is happy td announce, to thr citizens of Carlisle and vicinity thnehn has removed his Picture Oullery to "MARION HALL" where he Lopes, with su perior facilities, and pleasant•'nrcess to his Roamer, and excellent light to murit a continuance Mille yin y llher• al patronage bestowed upon him by his Patrons and friends. • • . PICTURES OF . EVERY STYLE,. made from a medallion to Ilea size. Ills pictures are warranted. to be supurlorto any madise , ihls part of the country, arid equal to the very ben de In large cities.: 'Ladles and gentlemen are rasp tr Invited to call and exiimlne spechnons. ' , Coldish), Fell. 16, 1816). ti • DISSOLUTION :OP, PARTNER 1.," siii?.—The partnership heretofore existing un der the Byrn of SHRUM is BLACK, has this day been dissolved by.mutual consant;therefore we would solicit all tit.° indebted to come and settle thclr accounts, and all those having claims will please present them for settlement. • • iiEM Jan. 3, 1860 8 65 1 01 2 47 The business will hereafter bo continued at the old' stand of Shrom k Black under the. firm of BLACI{ DELANCY, where wo will keep constantly on hand All kinds of LUMBER AND COAL, of ovoty doseilption, which we will aril atjite lowest cash pikes, and all or. dots for bill stulf , will be promptly atmuded to on the charted notice We are thstikful for the patronage of a generous public at the old stand of Shrom A- Black, And would still eoliclt a continuance. All orderti left et the residence of Jacob Shrom for coal and lumber, will be proniptly attended toes heretofore. 1 62 1 95 8 75 2 97 1 34 2 09 Jan. 11, 1860 2 04 $ 23 2 87 1.91 ( - 111111BERLAND VALLEY BANK q 1 .PII.OPRIETOIO3. • • DIELOLIOM BANNEYAN, JOHN DUNLAP, JOHN S. STUDENT?, 11. A. STUUONON. WILLIAM KIM, . ROUT, C. STERRETT, T lIICM ARP Wooto, 3011 K C. DONLYP, This Bank, doing business In the name of ker, Bren nemlin & Co., is now fully prepared' to' do a general Banking BusineWrlth promptness and fidelity. Money received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice. Interest paid on epeeist deposits. Cm , tlficates of depositAbodring interact at the rate of five per cont. will be Insipid for-as short a- period as - four montlAsi Interest en all certificates will cease at ma. turity, - provided, however, that Itsaid certificates aro • renewed at any time thereafter for another given pe• Hod, they Shall boar the same rate of Interest up to the time of renewal. Particular attention paid to the col. faction of notes, drafts. cheeks, &c.,'in any part of the United Rtittel. or Canadal. Remittances made to England, Ireland, or the tont I. [lent. The faithful and curtadential execution of all orders entrusted to thorn, may be relied upon. They call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and all ethers who desire n safe depository for their names, to the undeniable tact, that the proprietors of tide Bank ate INDIVIDUALLY liable to' tho extent of their estates for all the Depossts, and other obligations of Ker, Bromine. man & Co. EEI 8 88 I 65 25 49 In They have recently removed into their new Reeking House directly opposite their former stand, in West Melts Street, a few doors east of the Railroad Depot, whore they will nt ell times be pleased to give any in formation desired in regard to mousy matters in, gents rat. Open for business from 9 o'clock in the morning uu 4 o'clock in tho moping. . , Carlisle, May 20,1867 No MISTAKE.—AII persons in want or a bottle of Finn Old imported and Pure Brandy, or Old-Ityo Whitk'ey, or Wince. do., ran get 'the pure article at the Grocery of the aubecriher. W.ll. BENTZ. Carlisle, Jan. 18, 140, 28 25 420111ETEIFqG - k, MIFRog Aughlubnugh & puke, take pleanure in announcing to tho citizens' of Cailinio• and vicinity, Mint they aro prepared to renovate bonnets of every de scription, and material that require WHITENING, SLIMING and PRES-SING, 3 67 1 19 In is style that will In moot roses exact nen, in white. 1.51,i brilliancy and finish, having quite recently re. Cblvdd instruction !nen entirely new procens,connecled with Mrs. IC, C;Dow's patent hat and bonnet preening machine, for which they haie purchased the sole right of Cumberland and"Frank.in counties. They " ere — alio ready to teach others the same superior mode, as well as to supply all those with machines who may wish to purchase, after having thdrougbly tented Its merits. Also recelpee for colors, of every DESIRABLE SHADE. 2 05 1 06 8 66 4 60 lorDonnets, lints, Ribbons, Silks, and Feathers given with the sale Mack lace yells, however much faded will be restored to in color and finish 82 54 14 25 2 28 N. B. This process will strengthen the material, where nil others have injured. Amon: the many recommendatlonn that here been given, fa favor of Mrs. 0. C. Dare's Presslug Meant., and receips, ono only will be Inserted at the present time. , Being Induced to Investigate the merits or the Ito• celpts given by Mn.. Dow, with the sale of her very en. callent machine for pressing bonnets, hats yt.a t I ac knowledge myself nslunlshed beyond measure, at the wonderful effect, producing what I would have consld• ercd an Impolwibillty, bed I not been It demonstrated beyond a doubt, and I Homely recommend It to the use of all engaged In the straw, and millinery Multiuse no bein one of the greatest Improvements of the age. Carlisle April 11, '6O -t. f. MISS s. GRUBB. 1 18 1 54 rj T AILORING ESTABLISHMENT. TO THE CITIZENS OF,AARLISLE AND VICINITY. Tho undersigned has located binvielf in the room Im mediately above Dr J. K. Pulith's ogler', (opposite the Depot) where ho In •ends ( , onducting the MERCIIANT TAILOIIINfI ItUrIINESS In nil its `'minus branches, Dress Dress Frock. Sack, and ntl.inOßS Coats cut and mile In the , Now York nod Philadelphia fashions. Ilan ta les:is Cut by ri NEW SYSTEM which will giro the wear er nn elegant appecrance when Inn standing posit' n. and when In it sitting posture, will not ride half way up to thu.knbes as is usually the case In the old way of outline. Also, n beautiful style.of VESTS that will not lie disposed 61 ride up, as Is usually the case. In all these garments ha will Insure a hit. Cutting done at short notice; and directions as to making given when desired: J. 8. ItOCHAFELLOW. 10 61 6 76 12 80 8 40 cl 4 98 12 25 10 CO 2 00 1 111 5 81 2 60 6 81 5 31 7 06 AI'CORMICK'S REAPER AND MOWER HIGHLY IMPROVED FOR Ind, theintructed haul the Bret on correct principles, it hits always been eminently socceisful, and with Represent Improvements fully meeting all thu requirements of the axe, It now defies all competition,' Ferment who may desire It are nt liberty to work one of these Machines through the Imre cut with any other and keep and pay for the nee preferred Thu Machine le now perfectly balanced, not leaving a pound weight qn the horses' neck; Its execution In mot ng and mowing. In both wet and dry. Is perfect ; It cute the widest swarth, and as now made. with the lightest draft of any machine now In ueu.' It Is so con. 'sit acted that the laber of raking elf hi very much light. cited, a rector wheel. en an entire new principle, on the grain old., wholly relieves the horses front the pr,eseu re of the machine from Pirelli Iu turning, and is no BIT 611• god that the rutting bar is completely and Cattily thrown over obstructions while In motion by the driver with. out the well levers and complicated machinery. A very decided and important feature twits ImprOvement consists In its perfect arrangement fur separating and 'cleaning the track in - mewing.- It is the moot simple, most subitantial, mid durable and livevery way the moat complete and fellable Rea. per and Mower In the world, and as suck is Warranted. . The Two horse Machine (willy Utley draft for two hor-. see,) cuts n 'swarth 53 feat wide, and the Four Morse Machines' foot wider. For particulars address SAMUEGBRANDT, New Guilford, Frank Hit County, Pa., Agent for Franklin, Adarneand Cumberland counties LOCAL AGENTS, JOHN C. SAMPLE. llogeetown„ THOMAS GREASON, Plainfield. Moy 16. '60.-ean., 1 22 4 16 G 08 3 80 100 I 88 jig 1 - 04 1 10 OM 1 63 Q'PRA IV HATS! STRAW HATS! Ly Just received at Holler's Old Stand North Ileum- Ter street, a large and comploto stock of BIERS' A* BOYS' STRAW lIATS, of all the different Myles and qualities, all of which will be sold at a entail advance on city prices. Aloe, Cblldrnue Fancy Cape and (late Mans' & Boys SILK, VASSIMERE. FELT, WOOL lIATS, Several new erYltlffirow ready for Inspection. Bement. bcr Wyou want bargains call at Carlisle May le, v Era 81 21 21 21 • 14 • 66 86 86 84 44 22 22 88 • 84 22 WALTER • C. - WjIITMAN. • , bealtirin FINE GROCERIES N. W. Cornerl7th.and A t ah Street., . PIRLAPELPRIA. Importare &Crone A BlackOell's ENdLISII PICKLES awl SAUCES. Particolarattention paid lo 0(.1001111g 4110 • • TEALS & COFFEES For Fernlike, lingers ninny', at Kellum' price& Choice WINES, LIQUORS as43lCUAltd, of thu belt breude, always on baud. , Slay 0, 1820 IMP ARRIVAL OF THE SEA sort. BIM e ladlorof Carlisle and vicinity are respectfully nvlted to examine "Our Thirtl.Artiral" of • IM3 , which wo have received and 'are nor{ opening. The unparalied 1111.ICASS with nhlch we have heed favored and the rapidly increasing !'.TRAXIIi" of Our nom hem induced no to make 8 60 11 MONTHLY TRIPS _ •-• to the Eastern asks thereby enabling us to offer mur Customers and Patrons &Me latest styles In the alms het, end nt prices fir below all our .compatlters. We purchase our goods for.Cesh, TRH SEQUEI. TO CUE SUCCESS,* saving to us of at Wail twenty per sent, audible great advantage we ere determined our cuatot mere shall receive the benefit of. Our New Astral of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. it largo complete and. desirable, embracing everysarlo.' ty ofenlnr and , description. Alamember, "Out Motto" la not to be undersold. ', • . • , • May 9;'04. • '' • ' A. W. BENTS. . 10 70 484. 88 21 . ' 8 70. 11AMPLEN ,TOWNSHIP JACOB SHAWL ROBERT hi. BLACK BLACK & DELANCY. 11. A. STUR3497l;Casbler SURPA - 819 JEW, PITTIIBI . 7IIOII, JAIL 14th 1860 KELLER'S SPRING GOODS 31,3 1 Go 77 Miscellaneous. GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPI 4 II Go to LEIDICII & SAWYERS 'New Store East Mehl Street and see their beautiful stock of Now goods now, le the time to sna ky y o ur S pr i ng ind Summer pur, chases. Ilavingheiccted our stock With unusual care from the leading importing Lemma of Now York it Pliliaael phin, and availed ourselves of the estecti.ive auction sale of Van Wyck, Townsend & %wrens; New York. We can oiler great inducements to the buy ing Public.. Our stock coutlielses the ticket kiude and . utyles of • DRESS AND FANCY GOODS in the Market, etich as Figured; Plain, Barred Striped. Silks in all their varieties, Double Jur, Silks, Glued. netted Foulard, India Silka real French Charnel, Crape Grenadine, Spring Valent ine & PoplThs. Your .4 nine flounced Baroge h Lawn Robes, Itarege Anglale, Crape • Naritze In all colore, '/Ellanalso cloth, French Organdy, LaWns. Eigi • MOURNING DRESS GOODS, of army description of Benson's importations. Shawlii I Shemin! Mali kinds and qualities, Lighteloth Mintier Splendid silk dusters; French Late Pointe & Burnouts Mantilla Mantles, Bun Umbrella; & parasols, dors Kid (florets, Gauntlet Mitts, Spring Gauntlets, liosiory of all kinds and sizes. Embrolderiesof every description. Bennett', Plats, Shabots, Bonnet ilibboos and trimminge, Dress Trimming/b. • • . • 11001' SKIRTS! 1100 P BKIHIBII Wilcox colobmted gourd trail shirt,.selling very client,. Mon Boy'a wear suitable for . tho mason. Hats, Rack• ties and all other kinds of Goutionton's furnishing 00148. 'iIIAMPETS I OARPETB I i • Oil Clothe, Oil clothe, Shades ie. dm As we have just gono.into this branch of trade, customers will And our stock. N blW ‘ and MittlS 11. ConittnntrulditiOns of desirable gocds will be secured during the season. Please call. at. . April 18. '&1. - LEIDICII lc SAWYERS, New /tort FARM BELLS! FARM BELLS!! , Just received the lergest, thenpnat and bust 'as. sortment of FARM BELLS In the sountj, Greencastle. Metal. end 801 l Hotel WAILIIENTEOBOT TO 011401 i, et the Ilardoinre - Store or March 7,'60. E :VI 0 V A L A. L, SPONSLER, lox removed Lie also to his New House, oppost Glass' Hotel. March 2851160-tL F RESH SPRING ARRIVAL 1860, 'SOOTS & S UGES As the time/tare very tight at priaent, it will be every persons interest to look outlor cheep lIQOTS & 8110E8, and save the dimes, end the very. place to accomplish this object is at the old corner known AS a Shoe Store for many years directly opposite iliarkholders oldetanct now Glass's hotel. 80 call and see for yourselves and ease money as you will find a complete assortment of all kinds of goods In the BOOT & SHOE. LINE; , - end of the very best makes, and ever remember the lowest pricearticles 5 not always the cheapest so you will find among our stock the prices vary according to the quality of the article. The.. Subscriber haring just - returned from Eastern Cities with a largo and complete stock of Boots & Shoes. he also keeps ou hand a superior quality of Home Made work of hoots At Shoes to suit the trade at the' lowest cash,priees. Slop's calr & Kip-Pegged Dads, - • • lien's French Calf sewed Boots, " Men's Kip Calf & Goat Brogans high & low, cut, " Men's and •Boy'S Call Buff & Patent Leathe r Ties, Mon's Coif Buff & Patent leather Congress gaiters, sew-, ed and pegged, Ladles' Misses & Children's Black and Coloied hiding gaiters, Ladies' Misses & Children Fancy Itid,& NforroonSliPpLi Ladd's' & Misses Goat & F'reneh Morrow Buskins, Women & Ohl!drone pegged work of all kinds at low price's. Just received an assortment of Children's cop pared toed shoewitepairing dune on short ne The subscriher still. continues on at the old stand thankrni for past favors hoping to receive a continuance of the same: Carlisle April 18, 18130. "JACOB SERER. WELLl..`ggigfPN,faris,it 'FITTING CLOTHING! • The subscrlber has j uet received a very superior and well selected wock of ' SPRING A; SUANIER CLOTHING, .Csinslstlnq of Cassmere, Summor . and Italian cloth, At. paced, Marmite., Linnon and Cnttonadn, Coats,' l'Ants & Shirts also Silk and Satin Teats and in short ovary thing In the way of GARMENTS. .11is stock of GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS, boo boon ealected•Wlth a great deal of care. and shirts cravats, Ao., &e., are sold at unusual low prices. TRUNKSCAIWET 6,108 A VALISE& The shbecriber woull call special attoution to his argo stock of HATS AND CAPS which he has received and is milling them at very low figures; Of the above you can ennvince Yourself by calling at t he Cheap Clothing Store near the Market hoses WIEL. April 114800. ' HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM • J. O. CALLTO & CO., successors to Wm. If. Trout would announce to their customers and the pistil. generally that they have duet reoeiveCrrom Yhiladol phla, a large and elegant stuck•of goods, In their line of businena of every variety, style and quality. They have on hands splendid assortment of • K. , - '4llr, HATS AND CAPS , - - • - - of all descriptions, from the'comnton Wool to the finest FUR AND SILK HATS; and at prices that must'sult every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. Tho stock Includes, ' MOLESKIN, OASSIMERE, DEAVER & FELT RATS, of every style and color and unsorpamed for LIGHT NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those , of any' other establishment In the country. HEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAPS, of every description constantly on hand. They respectfully Invite all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, to plea them a call. J. U. CALLIO & CO. Apr. 25, 1860-ly PENN MUTUAL LIFE, INSU RANCE COMPANY. DIVIDEND NOTICE The Beard or Trugern hare declared an EXTRA SCRIP 611IVIDEND of FIFTEEN per cent,and a regular Dividend or TWENTY-FIVE per cent. And also a CASH nr INTER- Jar Dividend of SIX per cent upon the Scrip DivWeads of 1850 to February 1859 lIICIUSITO. I am now ready to deliver Certificates and, pay In terest to those entitled thereto. A. L. SPONSLER 111ay .. 9., 1860. Agent. NAILS AND, SPIKES.-' &none Nails aad Spikes, Jtet received of the ♦erp beet , make and all Warranted: Country merchant); supplied, with units at manufacturers pikes, at the Ilardiiere Store of March 7,410. TTOTICE.—AII persons indebted to the &ate of,D. 11. Cotner, for Advertising ordi.b fork, are requented to cell nt the llcntun Offico end' make payment to Wm. MI. Porter, who In enthorleod to receipt for the same. DAVID COOVEIt, May 14.'09,' ' Admr. el D. D. Connor, deed. . 100- TONS IRON' -AND ROLLED 1 IRON of the very best ENGLISH BRANDS warren. tod In ovary way Superior to American make. Just re• calved with a large assortment of Sheet Iron, ' Anvils, Hoop Iron, Tiros. ' Band Iron, Silos, ' Horse Shoo Iron, Rasps, ' . Spring Steel, Bolts, Cast Steel, Hinds, Blister r tool, Nuts, Washers, llovso Shoes, Serew.Plates, ---s „ ~ NMI', • Blacksmith Bellows &c., Sc. Cheaper than the cheapest, at the Hardware Store of Starch 7030. - HENRY SAXTON. N. B All Iron sold at city prlces with freight added and warranted. ' °NYDER.- , • j) -- • . .7,5 Kegs Dupont. Rock and Dille powder, with a arge assortment of • Safety Sum • Stone Drills,. • • Violin, atone Sledges, Crow Dare, Stone Hammers. Just received at tho cheap Hardware Store of March, 7. '6O. . ... If KNRY SAXTON. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 80 d- 82 Chambers Y Would notify the Trade that they aro opening Weekly, In now and beautiful pattern., the W.AAISUTYIA PRINTS. IMM:1 • AMOSKEAG, A now Print, which exools every Print In the Country fur perfection of execution and design In full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any In market, and meeting with extensive sale. Orden, promptly attended to. 11teb.13.60-Iy. SILVER PLATED WARE BY HARVEY FILLET No. 1222 Market Street PHILAD6LPMA, Mimufacturer of finct NICK EL SILVER, and SILVER PLATER of FORKS, Si'O 'NS, LADLES, BUTTER KNIVES, CASTORS, TEA SETS. URNS, KETTLES, WAITERS, RUTTER, DISHES. ICE TIMERS, •CAKE BASKETS. COMMUNION WARE, CUPS, MUGS, 0011 LETS, With a general assortment comprising none but the best quality,' made of the tent materials and heavily plated, constituting them a Serviceable and ducable article For Coma, 814AMBOATII and num% Icsintits Atiiv Old Ware To-plated In the best manner • Feb. 22, 1860-1 y, - pot LTITD-E3 AND SHADEb A." H. J. 'lv xi. sa Aex s, No. 16 NORTH 51'11,ENT PHILADELPIIIA Vie tifostTistatisive Meiniitaciorty of , VENITIAN, BLIND WINDOW SIIA UES. ,AY TIIW,LARUEST AND •FINEST, ''_ -Assort ment In the Mg, ,at the LOWEST Store" Shades Made ant !...400114 April ."" • , . 2 • L:: YOULlC,'Attorney at Law . Office wAh LB. Smitti,'Esq., in Must Roc, in rear of Prat Presbyterian Church. All business env trusted to him will bdpremptly Mtynded to: . . . jAit.D.-Dit. Jiro. K...Bmyra, te spaotfully. Announces to, b old frh min raid 4ntr patrons,' that be has returned Cram hie Ninth. western tour: with, lihr health greatly imiumcii, and ban resumed bin practice in Carliele. . • 02, , ico on Alain ?treat, one door went of the Rellioad Depot, . where ho cau be found at all hours, day and night, when not oui.professionally. ; .Carlisle, Ca. 26, 18611-tf. '• ' • ' Jt BENDER, .M. r 4 • _____ ~ ( 110 MCSOPATLITST,),,„.' . ...„. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACGOUCHER. . , .. "Office on' South Hanover Street, fennelly occupied by Dr. Smith.' p it. S. B. KIEFFER Office iO North • Hanover, exact two doorvirora • Arnold & Son'. e so, Oflice hours, more particularly from 7to 9 o'clock, A. M., and from 9 to 7 o'clock, P. 51, 1 : - 4,-,-.,, , ,..., . pit. , GEORGE S. SEA ‘ 11iii, , ,...,.... . . RIGHT, DENTIST. fnim the Bal. '. "' Wiese, College of Dental Surgery. • Sllll.Offlee et the reshlsnice of hle mothor,Eaet Louthiu street, three deers bald* Ito:lifter& • • March 10,11316—1 f. PQCTOR'ARMSTRONG hnci remov od hi,' °Manta the &oath west corner of Hanover & omfret St Where he may be canna Ited at any hour o f tho, day or night. Dr. A. has hod thirty, years vasperience ' In the profenden, the last ten pc Which have Mon demo.. ted to Dm study and practice of Ifommomitble 'inedi. eine: • . Slay 20, 'Kam. . "" '' . DR: J..C. N EFT- T espe d . s•aagas fullrinforms the ladhisitnd gentlemen of Carlisle, and ty,that he hos r. named the practiceof Dentlitry. /Ind Is preplrad to pei• form all oparations on the teeth and gums, belonging to hie profession. Ito will Insert full sots of troth on. gold or silver, with single gum teeth. Cr blocks, as they may prefer. Terms moderate, to stilt the times. HENRY BAXTON DR: I.O.LOOMIS at m __ • South Hanover 'street, next door toer'street, the Post Office. 101._ vriii be 'absent from Carlisle the lent ten day ,_a ofc each month. faug.l, • • nobTs & 811.0E8 GO. W: • NEIDICH, D. D. Lan Deawoetrator of ( *palm Ira Dant latry lathe reTi l nO7r,g4 l . l"° o • 001 ca at Lis reeldence, l Hat/, Went Mama atiaat; Carlisle, Penn oproelte Skrinit Nay. 11, 1857. S;. W. HAVERSTICK, •DrukglB t, North Hanover kreet;Corlfole. A full ..P p h p y il tle o l; . ir r lp h res r e u rlAt a lo n n t il eAroontlatwomponnded L" , CARD.-CHARLES E. MA OLAIMIILIN, 'Attorney et Law. Mee bolt's ballding,just opposite the Market House. -Carlisle, March 14,'60-Iy. JOHN HAYS, ATTORNEY AT CP Office on Main Streat,, opposite, Marlon Oen," Carlisle, Pa. • •• (Oct, 26, CP. FIUMRICH., Attorney at Law. .—Oflth on North Hanover street, it few doors south Willis' Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [April 15. •• • L AW NOTICE. - RE:MorAL. W. L e M. PENROSE has removed his Oleo In roar o th Court House, whore ho will promptly Attend to all Mildness entrusted to bins. August 19, 1857 LAW • OFFICE.-LENUEL TODD has resumed the pinefice of the Law. Office In Centre Square, west Aldo, near. the First Presbyterian Church. _____. April 8, 1857. ' - - • . • ANDREW J. WILCOX, Attorney at Law. Mee N 0.19 Leiington S. Baltimore. Basil nele promittl&Otendee'to. REFERENCES. AL Johnson, Jeeob Ilheern, 11. A. Sturgeon, Ex AL. • Carliele April 23, 'OO.-3m. • 1167 FARE REDUCED". - ti)a STATESAINION HOTEL, • 606 de 608 Market St., above sixth, JAMES W. POWEE, Proprietor TERMS :—sl 25 per dep. • ju3o'sB. AMERICAN HOUSE, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa. W. W. ILLIN E,. Proprietor. This House has bean refitted in a superior style, and I now open for theisecommodellon of Boarders and Traveleri, on • MODERATE TERMS. EXCELLENT STABLING ATTACIIED.r UNITED STATES lIOTEL.- W. KARACiA, An. 4 1880 MERCHANT TAILOR. -, WEST MAIN -STREEY; • Opposite the Rail Road• Office. *V. Fall and Winter :tyks of Cloths, Cassinicres and Vestings made to order... Carnal°, May 2; 1860. IL NEWSIIABI, , ATTOR,N EY AT AW. otheo with Wm. W.3lllfer,Tdot., South Hanover Street, opposite the Volunteer Office. Carlisle, Sep. 8, 1859.. W. C. RI-lEEM ATTORNST AT LAW ANPVENERAL AGENT Minneapolis, Ifinnesotd. =1 WILL give special attention to eollectlone through Yr out the State, make Investmenta. buy and sad Real Estate and ancuritles. Negotlate loans, pay tale*, locate land warrants, AG., de. Refer to the members o the Cumberland County Bar, and to alfprnml nent Mt. sena of Carllnle, Pa. Aug4'sB-Iy. J. GOODYEAR. R. ANDERSGIJ IMA IKON. • HAVlNG}entered in i ,.o co-partnership In the manufacturing or - 11.tit IRON, et Wort Forgo, Carlisle PA., 'we would reapectfully. Invite,' he attention of h a rdware merchants, Blacksmiths, and all other!' who may want a superior !article of Iron to give them a call. kinds of hammered Iron constantly on hand or .di. we to order on short notice. he. highest price paid for wrought Iron scraps, or ta. hop Intwehauge for bar Iron. Cenlh9e; Oct. 12, 1889. ELDRIDSE'S CHEAP STORE. ' The subscriber being under eery light expanses, has, as Is well known, always sold goods very' cheap; but thin sermon, haring smiled himself of the ,rocent grrat depression in prices of material, ate., oltera at Lownt PRIM TRAM EVER DEFORS, a Tory large assortment of TkEiIiSTRY. BRUSSELS, .}.• ' • IMPERIAL TUREE-PLY, • O A 111. P. ET 8 , INCRAIN and VENITIAN 4regi3 l l, CLOTHS of all widths, in great.Tarlt ty. Cantoo: Slid Cocoa MATTING'S of all kind& with a large stork of Law Male= Ingrain Carpets at. 25_ to i 0 emits per yard, Stair and Xotry at 10 to•Sl.T•Tents, 'also, Rag Carpets, Cotton and hump Carputn4lugs, Mate, Stair Itods, 11. IL ELDRIINIE, No. 43 Strawberry St., one door above Chestnut. ' STirStrawberry is the first street west of Second St., March 2S, 18611., rBILADELPRI t. TILL ky The oomplete success of Me Prairie Flower Cook Move, warrants the subscriber lu calling the attontlon of all who may want a euperlor store to call and amine th e only stoic that has given universal satiates Oen. • WHAT IBI3LAIMED OVER OTIIEIII IS let. A saving of from 30 to 60 per teal. In feet 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the came tire, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove oft ho dome size, 4th. The preservation of the centre Pleat from aluling saving repairs, sth. The beet Raker, Router, and Cook now In nee, oth: A superior arratigement,for cleablog the Sues, 7th. A perfect Oas Consumer fur either word or cool. The Prairie Mower to warranted to glee satinfaelion In every porthole' , and will be shown with pleasure to all who may call, Whether desiring to purchme 'or pat, an y quantity of.reference In town cc country. , A few other good Cook Stoves on hand, Zrhith will be sold very low to close stock. Spouting, Roofing. Job woik; Copperarolthing and Sheeting, work proniptly attended to, In 'Cam or roun try. All work warranted at the old stand, Hanover street north, of louther. • • " • ' • . ; .; • MARY litomopms. - Old Copper, Brass and Powter bought, and the highest price pald in cash or goods. ' • 28,1800.—tr. • 7 • 7 I • -7, 'WM. U. MAITRi'It'S TT CHEAP BLANK WOK & pTATIONEIpt 4c4TAI/1491.11VATT,.. 826 Chestnut 4treet; below Fourth, Seuth aide (slop or yip fintutp BAcitip). P:lt L ri P lA. pa lA r, Yoa 4R6ll4 l6car Irsaarals:BDallrPti°l;npaiirj,'l3l.4eoll'lrniikatiblrtketlneivNa riaty,AnTriallearor all sixes, Letter ihkito.Pliiißooke, *8.00A1117 S 0 O%C$ ,(fx. • v: • Znyeiciilng Paper, sae: 0111111PNCI,PRESsEs sh 4s abd MO. .. I :MPYIng Make, Cop ,Ing fkbobes, awl 4 ALA O:IIdkRAILTICLEB FOR VAR OCOINTINa HOUSE Ichlatt artJl beaold hal' tiventy tottaissieisint>below the oriloary price's. The cash. Carlbla AP* 1118 . 40,4 m. • • zuBthess cart's. PUILADELPAIA S. E. Cot. nth f Market Sto, =M! WM. movEt; =MED M HAN C •II , J. UOODYXA &CO M MN