Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 30, 1860, Image 3
=I itlarrintiCs. On tho 15th 105t., , mt., by goy. .1. KV:IIIP, , Mr. WILLIA'r It. T 1 f11:111 .11111 S 1111:17 111. N 1/ 1.1.1 both of Nov villa. 4 ' pearp. ' . In Wost l'onnallm'o, on tho2lth Inst. SIMON 1101.1- VEIL ALTER, agad 2.1 year.; and D days. . • On thil 22d illta. , la. *What, irnliars , . ANNIN A. daugh ter of Et it itAl)l and SAItAI I Wt/O, agral 3 Yearry. 7 mOuths and 13 days. ~, his On Sundar•wrning last your ts lorough SAMUEL 11. 11. DEM 1.1311,, In tho 23.1 your of his ao. . t! t aihcts. Cilli.Ll.9l. I..PitODCCE MARKET. • ItcyoMcd weekly for tile Herald by Woodward & Schmidt. • FLOUR (Suporfi.). dn. ) do. (Fatolly.).. • n 1 1 .: 1.01,1 t ' 'Wu wi INAT EEO do COIN OATS. CI.I)VERSNED 17.110191 VSGIi U.... Fd'ILINO BARLEY. II ALIT i 31011.1,,; Flour and tleal.—'lntro woo It good demand fin. Super Flour this morninu, for oxport. with silos 0f12.10 lloward strdat aud lads Ohio at CI bbl. The morkol ehmad..lirui nt Otto (Mc, Of City Mills do nu salvo rt.portod, standard held ot tUtu Extra nothing is dolour, we cuotione to nit,. Howard, stroot and Ulyiu at St 6700 and City Mills sll(:fai bbl. 'Corn Mal Ityo'Flour aro dull at our. gilota• tloas of y.stord Ths toile - win.; are tile Insportions or Flour and '•:1111411 for tit', ~reek ending; llay :—lloward of riot 831711ds; City 31i11,, 173 , 1 hbis and MI half hid.; 921 bids: :viol Failly. 21:31 bids—toad Whve, lON and 11'; hlir hid, To ~0:11or with 31 1 9 'ado Ito Flour. nail 17i I ilids and 100 half Li,is tort Mutt. Netu Ilithertisements TO 'YIIE. i'. I.;..'TUBS' OF' t. - 1110114 \ N i)1.:1)1: 0 •7;tr, ..LNYI.Y.3Ir.N: I iliyrithy OlOr'lll:,SUiltir our consider 4 lion, as .t L-Indolate fn. the hill,: of it 17l16TINt, rub j..t. to OK, deolAloillof tll , People's County l'ohventbrn ;And wilt tn, It !Watt' 1hr. , ,U!.1r SOM. t. ' . . . 1: , .1A.,1 [Md., . , ohnim A t1.h, 1 1 p.- . ... —Slay . /110 - THE CITIZ SOPCUMB ER- A 14.1 ND covsTv. • otre, myself R e.mdidntn Alf the of if 101ylt• of .thi , nberlaint'uonnly, sub jeet to Silo doel•aon , &t.lle I'r. rite's County Convention, and will Ito thankful for your 04. p rt. IN fort tally, b.k u SIPE. 313 y 2, c ru . o CI.TI.Z2NB (}I CU3IBEIt ' Lts, eouNTY. 111.1 . 0iy eff, onytiulia oululidato forth' 0111, of :I:lll , r,:it”c,:o.ii , .d rutin ty, lud.joct 1110 Pe ,plo'u Conuly I.lonlonliun, and Will hc.tiutuldul fur your suppl; t. Ilesp,mi CALL/1VE1.1,. Ctitlisle April 2:1, c. "- SI]CONI) SPILING • A RIIIVAL.,-- h Alc,;p; 81,14.14.11 H om Till; 1i EAD AND ELE'f. At the stora of Jolla Irvine, Pot the E corner 01 itablte square, In the.plat 0 I.o.ltoreltataalbtalbt , lioes Cap, at 'wires that defy etaattelllloo. Ile hen jIIOV eettlellell 10 , 111 the E 1,4 with the largest and most 00111ttlete.asteetteeot of Boots. tsboss, limo A Cepa that he Ino ever prteototed to tbls enottounity, mad trlibtit he le determined to hell at the Imvest postd ble prison. the elatalt embrace,' overytbiag 111 Juts lluo of Fool pees, ouch no MEN'S & ROTS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip 110:a..., Call:110 stunt t Luntltur Oxford Ties, Calf nod Patent. 1,,;;0.1, U,ntcra, Calf Nu] fillers, 'Onlatml lisp Drukuni, Slipperr, iFIDI 11.3' ITTE Alt. VIM Pronell andtors, llorncon, If.Pl :,11pporo, l'ancy 00,0, .01.1 11,1 !Or.. .L. • l:1111.I/II EN'S W E.llt °fall lle.oripllono tino 1,14{114 tiai tor:, Nlaroevo and lal,tln4 Button Ltu.da,)loroeco Loo 'loots of nil hinds, Lowy shoes of various styles or. it Ir , N o.ll's, Vor and Wool Hats of all qualities and stylos, alio, a large abhortment of 81'1? 111 7 11A lloottvand Shoe 9 inado to Order at the shortest notice. 3100:driug promptly done. Conlid..nt of - hie ability to all ciasses the public to give him ' itemembur the plaeo, X. 11. eurner,of the Public i3(l °aro; Iny ;11), TI ATEST ! LATEST ! • • MAGNIFICENT OPENING of Summer NIIIIInery, S. A. Hutton is now open ing Um lat.:, mtutiocr Fashlorot NEW STVLIi BONNET& Fine Ilrala aunt 5t.1 . 11,V slylo Itihbons and Flotvore.p.l , inO Leghorn Flats awl Infant (lots, on..k. r.tyle Mt/Uloll,Nil B ) NNETS, Crap Collars nod Yell!, awl rativy (1..11.1A of all lands. Also, EltlENCir .Ty A CE - t f, SILK -ll.f NTILLAS aro Invited to call maid theeo ' beautilul styles. Mrs S A. „May N. !heaver St. Carlltic, iiI:ADQUAIII .19, IA Iliig.ll.4l‘ lily. 1.1.11 ) I=ll The ordor of :Major JohOVCAi - tney Itrlo4allolnFpriAor Of the 1,1, IlriAndo, 13 liivkloo of Peousyhiloiii uhdioria. tlireclAilu, Ole UsVlllllllllg Or the Iht ~f Cu tillt.irhiliti volauteors at ,gaturday the 2i.ith day of May, last., for iivihoction mut review he bore• by rouoterahoolvd: /poi In lieu of :odd in dor, the lel . iginiont of . Cumin:Hood Puluute a uounibturlud Clbinol W. M. Penrose trill ,•m btu at Carlislu on Wodoviolay, the 4t - b day id July uost fur the pulp oio of disdpliao I.perlioll nut tOV IoW. • T. 411 Übe mill lir f u•int-tlity 1U &cluck A: NI. of said day in or t.treiit —tOo right of Lho Regiment resting In front of the Court Rouse. A. Ey order Itrig.Gon'l • J. M. ALLEN 13ERAY'S JAPANESI - AND LEA I'll Et PIIESEII.VINO COMPOUNDS! Need no ruldilog—produre n beautiful Gloss and will preserve the Itaither ono third longer. ferry's Japanese Polish Jro Patent Leather Roots. ferry's Japanese Boot and :lino Polish, 25 eents l'orry's hipniese lVaterproot Poll Is, 25 rents. Perry's Jelll.lllOSO lioriluss Palish, 23 cents. Perry's Japanese Pollali for Iron hoods, 5... rants. ferry's ditit.inato Forniture Polish, 23 cents. For solo eVerp.)l,rll, 111101.811 e Depot for Pennsylvania, at E. 11, 11105 A Co. corner of Etat sad Chestnut, Philadelphia. May 30, '60..9:n. T A LUABLIii REAL ESTATE FOE ' Slay 31. IStVI, th' tuc ,Ilorsignoil will woo,. SA, at owhun'n of Situ tier, tear 14olf's 'lovers, ou thu nallOVer 1111 d ..11.0tinwro Turnpike. of VALUABLE: CIDISTNLIT LAND, In Ink t) 3 to 15 acres, to suit purchlsorg. sltuntr.ll In Lothm , n• tarn.hip. Ad.tma county, near the ll.tnovor nod If.t[tumor , ' turnpike., 1 sills north of Peter:burg, m 1.01111114 undo of Dovld Johnson, Will. M 00,111,14, Cyruv AlberL.losoph Bickel, Henry Finkel •ninl other, A public roil puges through n part of the nhuvr laud. • A Gt.VOral Tr Or 1,111 , 1, 113 rt olivartni nini part covered with thriving 'Thoh•r, sottolle fir :arming purposes, Adams coil Ctiollwrla , .l roult t Ito enrll/410 and 1111110Ver turnpike, licong,l Shgtihr, John Wolfitiki others; Containing from 40 to 109 sanh. 'Annul of fmnl, containing 67 Acres cool 27 perril wt.- ry.frrrf LtiProrn pi! e:adjoining - land of John {Voir, Coorgo Shenier, David Miller ' and in hers. • Aka, on FRA IDY, Juno lot. 1900, will no exposed to publio or private ruin, nt the Bolling t..prlngs, In Can, burland county, 200 Acres of CHOICE CHESTNUT (LAND, from 54020 arrow each, situated In South Middleton township, adjoining lands of Thomas lireon's heirs, and otliors: • ALSO, a Tract of Land, containing 100 acres. more or less, part cleared and pa rt'envered whir heavy thriving Chestnut Timber. adjoiniiig lands of the hole a of Then, as Green, deed, henry llreehldll, Benjamin Kaufman, and others. The above tract.has an old Log Howe and an excellent Spring of water, and Is stweptible of be• lag eAuverted lektan BEAUTIFUL VARNI. ALSO, ton Lots of Ground. or Boiling Springs, the ono having thereon erected a *.P3: 4 4 two story STONE HOUSE, and other lm.a a • %CS , provetnents. The other having thereon HI erected a two-story LOG Honks and other improvements. Aloe, 4or 5 good BUILDING LOTS adjoining the above. 'The undersigned will also soil at private sale, largo or small tracts of Trail= LAND, ,at snub places us purchasers may desire, of any of thu land known as the '•Carlisle Iron Works." a large amount of the MOM being fartn laud, with fine Springa and running lenter on the same. Also, several good sites for a,iw• Mills. i'm•eons wishing to view the prop• ernes will he ',hewn theta by railing on Mr. A. M. l.ei. digit, at Dolling Springsovito has drafts and plots aunt bared, and who can particularly describe thorn to pur chasers. • ,• lo to commence at 10 o'clock, A. )1, on the days named, when conditions will ho tondo known 1,3 r W. I). 11111113, ' A IVM. YOUNG,- (1, IV. MIL. • 11 . 31. ar, IlliETEn. Tiny 23, ISCO-t s u n W BRIN'S ANNIHILATING IJ I'OWPEIt to the only known and brit 'articl to exterminate Roaches, Bed • Dugs, Ants, Moths, Files, , „dr tt - IJI4 Fla% Ga rd n e Norms, ' Vine lings. &c. IT CONTAINS NO POI. SO N Sullwerin's Pills/Ire sure death to it gITS end MICE. r. Schwerin received • certificates from the ?real .7 ......_:.- 4 .(. 4 S4Favrzatte &out of Girard College, DI• tvetork,et fence of Refuge, Pennsylvania I tospl WI, end other prominent public itictltulions of l'h 11. S. Jail, Washington, D; 0., rind Charity limudtal, NOT Otittalitt, -'-The original eertlficates eau MI seen at the Wholesale and Retail Deput,rl24 North. Second Street, phliadel. 'phiii; and Sir salebtalt Druggists and Orocilvi • tre- Bowan, at rpurinds Renteinbar 4 to aak for Schwerin's Annihilating POT' dor. - None On.u.tgo unlcas olgnod . • 4y 41 2 3, - • 're'r - "` • ",-isTATEI soi v.—L-tters - of At' . J ministration on the,Esta to of Dam; MEM, Into-, r Newton Tokruship, deceased, have been Issued by. fl Iti,tister of Cumberland county, to the subscriber rest ~ hia• In Newville. tl ons Indebted to the .liStaii are re.tuired to ma Inunediato payment. Ana thin.i. Ind .tir ebrinv to 'Freon InLn properly Authenticated fur settlement. . . Ting. A. AinKINNI , IY. Admr. of Elias blob', dercesud. . . - "May 21. - '6O-6f. . .. ' - . , tLCU\I) UVFASHION - -ABLE St.llll.llOt CLOTHINE. The subscriber res'poctfully 'informs his friends and the public gneeralty, that ho has just revels ed his kee' .end supply of fashionfible'bunuer °nods, which can not ho equalled lu QUALITY AND . IIIiALITY comprising the voryjatesb styles, of all hinds of goods. CLOTH OF EVERY DESCIIII"FION, Cassitner's of all NEW STYLES, vortings, an unrivalled assortment. Orap d'uto. Italian Cloth, Splendid assort- Mout bf , r.4.N.71DT & bovroN Goons, • '• all of which will ho sold per yard or made to order with a very' low tiii A large agsertment of Oeutlemen'l,,, Furnishing Goods of every description. • • 'IA7 . ' tf; C 2. PS, • • alcuNits,' . • n , VALISES, , • i • CABPET BAGS, UnitaILLASS:e. Vita 11 . 111 find to their interest t call. as I+ . are ill:ter:o4ml to hold up our mot tn, "qui, sliesaild Profits." ISAAC LIVIN(Dr,TON, North Ito rover Street, Ma. ~ 'Opposite the t ‘tnerieoff Muse. Utl Alt C RED.II, A XIS.— • Li Dried Beef, Bologna, Fish. Cheese , Coffees, Sugars, . Melo:4,es, Teas, 3facnronl, Dried Fruit, Tomatoes, Pouches in c o ns. Pine Apple, Cur., dried and fresh„ Sat , diem Aueluvies. Olives. NI u.hre an. Walnut and To mat to Eatsup..lnhn 1011, London Club. Worcestershire, India Soy, Harvey's and !fending Same, Pickelk of all hinds plain and fain.y. ?iuoto,'le plain and misud, bust , quality Tobeep Segars, S. Orissingors pure .lel7, WIIISKEI - --" BC ...5 Si .....J 50 itt9W,.. vtleg,/,iteF, arid Ilion. ,vitb.n grant variety o , gr,01)4 nut ea thneraVit sqld at the h.west C. 14,11 ['HIVES. pnalqee taker. htexellatigit. May V.ll. lIItNTZ VEW Alt 4N(I•E • M ENT. •01 .On and after )londay, 23,1 May, 1h59, the sub, Aeriber will run a Dally Train of Cars. between ' . lIAIILIShIi AND l'1111;&111 . 1.1'111 A, lifavitrt Carlisle every morning and Philadelybkierm .111 gomis hdt at the Ficlivorr DEr,(yr Peaeock tel A: lIINIIIOI.\ N. Not. 10S and 115 Market 'street n 111 be del icoral in Carlisle the next day. 11.ENIIMurc, West 111,h Street,,Carlisle,'Pa.' Aril 11, , I n NOTICE.- gicett. that .lo4ofili rtnelter ot .......eii_AllmCfmnii.hrti.Cumbnilantl_atitiiiy, having: tin the :nth tjAs of April • 0X1,11t01,1 . 0 In. 1110 A droll 4 of voittot.niy molt flt the)101101L, 1 11 . Info erioliti - rs• All liersnoti btu in;; him :un notified 111,011 t th..01.1111d Uwxu.iudeht oil Will Dud", immediate paylnoitt to tllO Sub3,riber living' in UP.). W. GIIkWELL. Nlity ii. °no.-3t. .U.1)1:1'01tS NOTICE.—Jn the Or plr Is' lioni•t for tiio County Of' Citipherlanil. rgt.tte of Joseph I:rier iler'd. 'filo Auditor uppeinled I.y iietirt bra wilt. !settle and n.ljust tiro eel.. tot or ot•tott, ,t.e',itor of Iho I•Stat r of I•) not. Clint; ihnl lon of tin in the Wools ” nim, the parties eNt. ‘ l,l for. Ito. pin fitl bin A ppeluilinnit. on - Monday 31er Lleirielerk A.M. rit his tnliee no joining 'thee]. IV-M. :111ty A - • - ‘11()TICE:L-'1'o the heirs .and legal reprosontatlytot or.farnb 11,11,,. Into 1,1 thlt Shill .1,01101311111011 I . oollty 01 ' Clllllb,limd d.irensed. 'tat, itotit:o that by Yirtoo of a unit of l'Arttflon :tool aloof' fin Looted out 1A t lot t frolotto.' Court, of Comber. linfl enmity. and Ift fo , ftirot:to.i, I will 10.14 sin fug fte‘t to oft Idr. Im : t nr valoo the I+-al ,Rata of snit! firetottool, 011 t 111 on rf lay t Ito 2.411 slay of MitY A. 11. 1f05.0. ) ,, I A. M., NYhon owl a ItYro you flay ut tand'fyon LIAO VY.flty.• 110111'. A RI'S ftllerlff. e'vf•Attorili's 0111 re. E= (1 ItANVII,I,B. - sToN.F;s' GI FT ii Ei o T,Ni, EMPORIUM, 0:N I.: P It I C F. ....A.NO SO .11/;...1 ?Witt:NT, No. r,p, Cht,thot FtreZt.. . Ornovllio Stokes mould return thchn:kit tlce public! 11 , 1: t Itelrltppfeiciation of trio eflOrt:l to 0,1100, UM% their illo'1•31 rit r0t0140., • o fp, der bl keep rip }his kintlfy ho hnF yiel ded to the c• c ollvitatiom of malty II his I, lends rind in no.turattora n sl(hitcto, data with V3t•il tiarilleta hobo heleet 101 l of tine Falcriccs, mid mole up riot hillhr. he lovileF the Nco t f lothlitt. as well a.: to his new limit, of doing. hosioess. tlacch at tic+e is warranted to lot in Fah] it., :431tc nod •Icilto, t oped to :coy itottczo up in the City „a ntl ON Vowel. thou the lotiest,l mai hi•li nn the'lleltet, Duch article tiOlll. or oletic.urtol for. is tieemorinied by a 111114 yaryim In volueltnio F.".t to illicit. • N. 11.-.....50110 but the Inott skilful DesitroerA. ("utters and Wo e k t o c co enciticocerl: nod sallsfartion Nish. too. Fahicin, frier and Gift, utiarnottoot of tifOliLS'ono price Olt - clothing , emporium, No. 107 Clie , toot S . treet. May 90, .1011N1R‘INI An sportent and Stottnugt Ittoputation 01 %RIJN purl' fled or bcv;ten mid flsrbuti by l'onitiostion tintlydrnden Smell Jitt.'d by Ihe hiultost A uthoritiss. both in Ihnivuo• nod the Unitod tqutos, and their practice. 'rho omstrlonss of thousulds daily proves that tin intsparatimi ot lnm roil Int romp tre , l with it. 3 nuntri• 'tn. , of the blood, tispri•ssion of vital asiergy, pal° alit oiliorwi. , siridy complosions initiate its nece,ity in aim sbov,ry insol,:11111.,111•••• jomoon: In all maladies In which alms been t t hae pr einative in may!, of the fallow. og complaints, in be Willy, : 1 11erVons A (reef Inns, Finn.- Lelnt 1011, 1./yopronla, ConKflpal 1011. C) vilitx.n, llyweni cry, Incipient Cont4l. p. colon s, Salt nitro., ' PI Iw 11l I.IINI ....A 1,,,,, hilt, ' Chi, Lira, eO . lll pia (:hronic: Headaches, 1111r11mollnio, 1 o fern. *ant let:Vero; pimples on tile Foci, &c. DAME), W er rosnit or the contionot duoiloutioo of nor--„d ons olosioslar otninY , fl e trial of this ros , orlaivit Zits proved macces , l'ul to an Moot which nn ileserlytion Could tund , •r rreditdo•, Invalid.; so long h,yo Lien 0114 own 111+AhhrilOotiti, Iron tohl,lttly r,,,,,,rynre1l In the !luny world na ii ju,t, rune ur.l fret protta , ted toanyl,lll n tlintaht. 411110 v,ry nl,trilluntancen ht (1,4;1;1ml:tie atteFtent of Itroale victim , it! '.l.lUr'l.t M 3 .3 1110, 1,111,4111111•1111 , e:01:111,t1,11. IMO Ilnt e011115111,1t1011 Ortie, V , ll , and 11311 , 11th;aV1 , 1b10:1 1.0 air and vsintist. f , r uvltirlu tlie - phsiciatt lhon 1,, Nvrv,,h., nun 01 till khnhi, and tth to, , th•al 1114•11. flue .1”.n.ti ,, pn•pa ration of lon uht•t uncut...lily Iu tollutary. for unlike Ulolollt brillg I•Nritill'4 VIP! 11 , 0,11,1t11,:: and ytuttlr, reghlar'y apt. rinot. 4.1 , 11 to 11h, mutt, t,h , t,luato runs vottiVellenN .itlaatt maw I.,eina a gastric lalrgatiVt., or Inflicting cable t,earalloo. ' It I this latter nriuierty aIIInTIT, ethers, which makes t w, ,niarkablv •t,l d unit poriminolit II 1 . 0111..i1y :Ur 'lle, main or Kish it als,uanuuais toaxart ailktinet and pevice action, by-ditpu . zing the land tendelicy which 11 . 111% thorn. In pyspepS13.1111111111 ' or:1114 , 11F 4r4itf,4,311,0,4, hlnglo „,x.of them Lh.dp s,air h illg.i z i iuttotl libilieed for tho 11,1 habitual Caws, Including tlio 'attendant Coutlve- - I n - unebeelreilliarrhrea: even when edralfeed-t6PYs ntery. confirmed, toneciatlrur, and apparently wally; lent, the clients hate equally deelshe Auld aston In tlto Inral pain, leas of Posh anti strength, dehlll ling rough. ar.ti remittent. Lrr lie. %aid, generally id % dicata Incipient Common/Lion. till; remedy has allayed tha'alarm et trit.nds :11111 in several very gratifying till lot orestini4 InAtabetkg. In :iernlbliongla•roulo•ils. this met/tented Iron ]ms Lad CV Mot, than tile good street of the Most cant lous• ly balanced jon•parnticni,sof ludinu, mahout, any ottheir well knew° iiehiiitiee. The attention 14 impales cannot ho too enthlently. nrited to till remedy and Fester/ 411'e, to the rases pt , ullarly affeetteg them. In leheutipttlsto,l.Otilliannic nod in liamixttory—lii the latter heel., er. more decidedly—it lies hem. Invaria bly well reported, boils no nllevlalfogpod ti and reducing the swellings nod stiffness of thei e tets nod muscles. „ In Intermittent Fuvvrs It must noce , sarlly'bo it great remedy rind energetic , restorative, 111111 Its progress in the now settlements of the West, will probably Ito 01113 Of high - renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever boon discovered in the whole his tory of inutllc.nes, which exerts such prompt. lia ppv,and fully restorati,e,d,OlL flocel appetite. rumplete diges. tion, rapid acquisition of stronath, with an unusual disposition for active and ch.:vital exorcise, immediate ly follow Ito non. up lit neat flat metal boxes ,containing pills, price to rents per box; for sale by druggists and deal. ers. Will bin sent free to any address en receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should ho add, resod to It. LOCIiE ,t; Co., (lenerol Agents • 339 Broadway N. Y. May 23. $O.-ly rnII2 MUTUAL - L [FE INS 'UR- I, A cg CO 31 PANY (AP NEWYORK, • . SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLMIS, • INVESTED IN Fifth? SIOETIIAGFS ON REAL ESTATE, $13,060,000. Th;preiniums am Loamy than in many other Compa• • ales, and the Dividends have Leon GREATER. This is a -strictly- Mo - ru li. Company. There are no Stool:beide., on that A LI. Till: PROFITS ./ISLONU ED IDE INSURED. - Pamphlets, and every Information, may to had GOAT IS, on applleatlon to WM. D., DALIIDRT, Carlisle. PHILADELPHIA REFF.RENCES: Throngs Robbins, John WelelL'. -- •. Mordecai L, Detreoit o Centre H. Stunt,' Delirgo M. Stroud, E. S. John. IL Myers, Pkher Lentlng,i .7oseph`PottertgL Willinno'C. Ludwig, ' John M. Atwood, Arthur O. Coglh .Thontna Powore; • • Onorgo - W..Tulon ' d. Time. Wutteen., - 'RATCHFORD STARR, Agent, '• • - , • S. W. Callum Fourth and Walnut Streetiii May 23, 'BO-on, Till sguiv;itnr Carlisle 'ouutidry, . EARNI IMPLEMENT DEPOT . • - • F. (Loaner manufacture and' 'mop con• elan tfy for sale, at their extensive Steam Worlto'nu East Main street, Carlisle, a large itisertment of '. At, ItICUL'r IlltAL I3IPLEMBNT.S, of well known, ttoproled. usefulness' to farmers. among which they wotail call Imm:lid attoutlop to WILLOUGLI . CriI,IiBRATED PATENT Gffilf SPRING GRA IN DRTL J, which has talc int over fifty First Class Premiums at State and County Fairs. To the Farmers CI Ouniborland, l ic k pad poor) , 1.01110.10, WO need not speak In detail of the merits of this drill, an'st'ores of them are now in usubn Ihp hest Gnaws to these comltimi. Its ruputn• tlon is establbilted an the least. vl,lllOOO Omit, Drill now man it llortaired in the United Slates. It swola Wheat, Ilya, Oats. Barley and - evenly and .yerti tar, without benching the seed. 'rho mini Simon...fine:a the ever stumps null stolog, Villein breaking . pins or the shill. • Vol . evea4Uhl rettlikir sowing. the W)lough .lly limn Spring. Drillis - tringlialled by any ono?. • We also manufacture and sell the tellowhiu artlelti, which we ran re.leinntend to Fawners as reliable hnplements, or esiabliOnta eintowter 111ORRISIN'S PATI , ,NT CORN ri,ANTEtt, /..1811.'s P.VIT.NT STRAW& I'VITNT CORN SIIIMLER, II MIN'S I'ATF.NI' • • • JOIINSON'S (LIST IRON IIOO'S Tllol.'llll. Also,. Tin , . a MI.Fou rr.ilorAo-Powers and „Thrrshlnp . , Maehines. Cast Iron Field Rollers, Plough Castings of Various patterns, Corn Cr, and viper aliFcles'for ' , armors too 111111101 . 0114 to IMO - MN, Also, .1.;;;;; Coal Stoves and Ton Plato World Stevo,, ,rlo,' an Inunonsa varlet:: of of her onaings for houselceapers and others.. We Lave ids, an at trite Live variety of patterns for . EACCINT nod CE,RI.ItEIIY ENCLOSURES lip which mil would roll Aleutlon. Steam Engines and Mill Gearing. , Tn thin dopartment of our business we give parllen , 'tar attention, Our,alrearty 00h/11010e sLo:dt of patterns fir Paper,-1 1 11/1/1 and SAW tlearlog. Is constantly - Iner,asino. VIII Owners and 111.1 11 • riX1110 I/ for ni<lllol with n'printed eitalq/loi Of our cannon Jlill Patterns, on application. Our Machinetthop comprises all tha varhilr, t'mls f•r turning, planing and finishing . ' tiLtaltito4'ooll 03011tigs, by plod and e.irpful , sTATIONAtty STEAM ENDUEi of any 111,iralol04julaelty. from telt to t wont,lll, (torso' 11,111 , " ' Engi . n , q, Inuit at our establishment `may, he Ben Iu site/00,0;11 npel allot 1.1 ((Lilly' of the larginit Tanneries in 00111010, and Cumberland Perry and Danphio Counties. to /the /moors w bleb 00 confidently refer for information ilv to, t heir eillelen / Persons wanting strum I:110000 nro ..Irneolly re• que4rA to e.. 11 nod ux.lwhm beforn cool, cting else/ /./ hero, DOOR * AilD SASH FACTO - alt. Connerteil with nur Qstablishinkt. In 0 Sti/arn 111011 and Boor Mminfitetory Which Is no/ nonplete order Jur . the manufaeltue of every /I,cription 01 • BUD / DING dl.l.'flLltl.ll./L; • for tin moot onstly a< well as the plainest honse.'"Bln dow ninhed from o e . i'/lits upward, according to idl , / 01 ;dose: Window , - Frames from $I :II upward; Shutters and Illinds from f 1 75 ~pw.,41; Pour Bolo! fronl Id oivatil. Mouldings. engtings A r.hitraves. 11'as11 Boards, lirto/ttoto, Fancy Iltapery, rolls, andmtlivr articlts needs I In liotwe flirt/JO/oil priv , ., and of the host gnnhDy Of honhur. ty.We arn-aly/ preparell. us heri•tol/lro. ' to/Iniiht :old repitr 111.1:Dir,N U.\ for I ransportersein the with 1..011101104 an , / on reason:O stl/ nO. The eniitinued patrinage of the puldle 10 re:lnvelfully 6nlll'l tail,"' ~r 4lln- . 11 by 111011 pi oufptly WO/lido/1 May 'J. 1 00. F. 11.1.111/Nllll ;L: VAILS NA ILS I 1 NA 11,S I i , f Clean. Beat, nod Tough nail,. at the hat Prin., Our flails are worth Wets n innt...l , llau any , other uhgko 01 nails smith In our Loon. thls is thy opinion ornwehuni., wholuary tried noun, wt . , also haven full itool tpr•ti I, of 11111 N 31 TI; It , . of thin latest niul unit anoroVed kyle.... All amid, war. rit! iol esiiiited. .1011 S 1.1iN17 soN. . North Ilailoyee Pt. Carlisln. S T 1 1 . , 1, ,A 11 EA 1) H, ! • sEcoxv ORR AT ,4R 1 VAT; OP SPRIA6 GOODS,- ---- )Vii tiro now opordim. oils scrawl arrival of Sprint! Goi.ils whial we caller toVlio Citit ma of I'didlsle nod vi chitty, nt movoilily low iiii , vs with LI; i• ditterinidation to knoll liA•tl with the Lilo, .111,1 111 , roputatioti of "(11111 1111111 li" for soiling i'lo,ap IlOtalS.— . i . Ito 1101,11 1009 r Ltruiltif un , - CASH, " exeluslyely, there. lit4,•,,o.ditli Mt Its 1 , 1 Fen :It VI.. 111 , T 1.111 . 0 thanolo 111. t. f. cored 110n5 , ..a, a fiet our friends :1114 elloollll.lli Sholliti 1P , ..11 . ill 11111111. ThU roll , oWiTlitCqlliipulte tlt. II small pus lion of our lIIIIIIeIISe And 'Varied stuck. Pillill & Failey SilkS, - .. , TOUIIII I I Sill.„ ' • l'arlidannes, Delititioa, • • ' • Ilare . ..wa, Grow On lispaanes, • • _Promo , .1, ~.1, 1 1?1,1,,..11.1./, Valencias,.. l i millos. • . , Voi I do elievres, L • twii. - • . , • . • . • Plaids, • I'rvurh .0 Amorleari.elltutzeß Atiwrirall Ginglimns, Shawls, e 1 -• k )inilllas, A V vrji gtmeral turrlrilltl4 goods. llo , iiery, tilui es, k.., 11011:412V.t: k Silt:rMioli'N'StiVl Shirts Ow "BELLE OF THE sotyrip! the most perfoOt and beautiful ,shlrt. ever produced, made with one viols and warranted mat to get cat ul order in 11, 15; i, 30, 35, lO and 50 Hoops. '1 • Lo lar• gest stork of • • CA !WETS anti OIL CLOTHS ever Iwou..tht to Corlkla We tut,o tedured tha pri , •o of the very 14,4 quality of "kg! •2leths" to 50, coots per 1,111.11,1 yard, to oldolltveluvlte theattoolloo et 1100, 0 Leviters, %to sell tigen losehltait voo l e purot t ,,od lit /toy sten, in the Interior of Penusylvoula. our goods to thi. Ilue are purehaNed direct front the 10.4 ro t o boo. ted 11.1,1 litr 1111.1biliLy nud thAgll vonuot Le surpassed. LUJIi.INO 01,16, , /lS of all sizes 111. d at, reduced pr i or . G ENV], ENES "S WARE. a Cloths, • . • . : , :ari,,,cro,--- RI.. - 7 ------ • ~,-, Cotton:trips, '' hentn,l, .Irons ,tr..k.e. l'ellinv., ho., sr, r tt, , ,nenther wr are ilyteminet.l nut to be under Frail caul dery er..011.1t 100. A. W. BENTZ, Carlkle, A pH] 25, ISr.O. W HATS! STRAW.IIATS ! LI oat re,:oh ea at Heller's Ohl Storni North Ilano ver street, n and complete stoek.of STRAW HATS. of all the 1111Terent rtyles and qualitl,, nil of which 101 ba.sald at II swall IltiVallra nu city prime. Aka. Childrrus Fancy Cops , alai Ilath Mons' h. Boys SILK, . - CASSI NII , IIE. FEIT, WOOL lIATS, • Sorer:ll IlfIW rolay for lOsiiectloo. itemam- Err If yen roll llt KELLEWS. C..1.1151e May WALTER C. . 1 \ IT Al AN FINE GROCERIES N. W• Corner .17th and Arch Silrectk, Pll 1 A DEL riLITA. Importers of Cron • • ESOLISII PICKLES anl SAUCES. Particular attention old to ;electing lieu' •TEIAS Ft 001 5 FEES For Families, Sugars slways at Refiners' prints. Choke) WINES, LIQUORS end SELFARS, of the host bianthh always on hand. May it, T It D. ARRIVAL OF THE SEA . -so N.. • itoladios Carllslo and vlotolly aro rospoct fully Invited to °swain° "Our Tldrd Arrival" of • • SPRING . GOODS. .. . which we have received and era now opening. The unpsrsliM Fn 'cosy with whiell we heve boon terored nwl the rapidly Increabing o 'BLUM" of Our Huusu boo Induced us to melte " - . . . MONTHLY TRIPS ' to the Eastern Cities thereby enabling us to offer our .Customera and Patrons all the latest styles in the Mar ket, end at prices far beic4s 4 all Our competitors. We purchase our goods for Cobh, THE SEQUEI, TO Mt BLICOESIi, a saving to us of at least twenty par vent and this great advantage we ire determined our ( * uits. mere Shallyeenive the benefit of. Our New Arrival of LADLES' DRESS GOODS. is largo complete and desirable, milbraelug every varie ty nreolor and dmription. lieteembur, "Our blotto" is not to be undersold.- May li. 'lid. • A, W. BENTZ. 31,1'0 . 0 RAI [OK'S . _REAPER' AND MOWER me LILY IMPROVED FOR 1860. Constructed flout the first on correct prhleifdos, It ban always been eminently successful, and with Its present ishproveinentn fully meeting nil the requirements of the are, it now de6106113) competition. Farmers who marieslre It urn at liberty to work one of thou Machines through the Lars est nith any other, • nild'keep and pay,for the one preferred• Thu Machin° in now perfertlY lialanemli not busing 6 pound weight on the 1161.60' neck: Its execution in reaping and mowing. In both wet mid dry In perfect: it cuts tiro widest swarth, Illid 68 .1660 Made. with the Widest draft of any inaellino nog, lit uso, .1t 'erne, con 'sti noted that the ]alicr of raking off in very much light• cued, n edntor wheel, en an entire now prin.:loo,on the grain Shia, wholly relieves the horses from the pressure of the intchlue front strain in turning, and in no arran ge! that the cutting Ruts completely and easily thrown over obstruitionn while In motion by the. driver with out the 000 of levori and complicated machinery. A vary decided and Important feature In itsimprovoniont• consists in Its perfect arriingeinent fur separating and .cleaulint ilie track In lnoa9ug. It Is the most simple. Inns! substantial, most durable and In every way the moot complete and reliable Rea per and 81 o wer in the world, and Its /Mini Is Warranted. Thu 'lwo heron Nilichln (with easy draft for two bra , . • soil,) cute a swarth b 4 feet whir,. and, the Four R o ma Machine 6 Riot Wider. For particulars address SAMUEL.IIIFANDT, Ngly 0 ull fotd, Franklin County, Pa., 4Pgont fir Fran kl I 'Adams and Cumberland count's* - • - .I.OOAI. ACIENTB, . :WWI SAMPLI/, 11m/uptown, .„' , 1:110118.8 ORTIASON, Plainfield. !deo 10,'60.-2m. ~ SALE 01? UNSEATED LANLS. . . . . . , , . . .. y virtue of n warrant fiom under" Om bond and seal of offico.of tho Coinffillisithiers of Cumberland Colin. ty and to mu directed, tho Ilillowirtir trootn nod j o t s of unstinted Laud I.ltuntell in Cumberland County • e , tnin of Pofinsylannia, will lie imposuil to sale by niiidin vu,,. duo on MONDAY, thee 11.111 day or Jinni 1000 nt the 'Court Ifouse in the tiornuelt of Carlisle. County oliire. said. nod rontinned by adjiimmunnit'from time In time until they ore nli ai ad. or no much of enelytract or :lot no win In, sufficient ,to" defray the. arrenroces of :the State, County, Road and echoor taxes duo thereon, and costs. .--, . .A. b. SPONSI Fit Colii)tyTrensurer. No.' Lots. IVarrantee and Owners. Tux Due. . . . CARLISLE, ": • I. John Dunbar's heirs, • I. heirs, 1. Goorgs Wahl; DICICINSON TO WNSEI IP No. Acres. Tax Due. 6. John thigh, . 2 42 11. Jacob Layman, 2,19 22. Gilbert Searight, 2 59 6. lienj'amin Malone 2 97 45. Tlionins C Miller, Jr. 2 88 '4. Miehiml Myers, 9. Jo'cob Myers,, 50. Homy Myers, • 35. Charles IlleCalloch, • 20. 'llmmas•McCutte's'heirs, 5. Peter Mullen's heirs, • 60. Morrison & McCreary, - -6. Anthony Myers, • 'lO. Howard Myers, - 7.°Philip Myers, 4. Cornelius Myers, 28. John Myers, 4. John ll..Maistlen, fik NViltiam - 44. Nathaniel Wenkley 1 10. 'Jacob Wolf, • •10. 9liphxel Weist, 43. Henry 19oligo -0•: AdamtCourita, 6. John Counts, .600. Henry Clever, 18. Etink'e befrs, 8. ;\ Imms. Funk, . ' ' ' 1 31 - 12 J,ltn Graham,, , 2 O 12 ThOnuni 13raharn, 75 ' 7...L0we . GileaSnii, - '.. 204 - 14/. ifiincs' heirs, 3 2:,4 ((5. Elizabeth Lynn,. • - '2. 87- 9. Jilin Lehman,.. • ' . , 1 91 --31 i. be-hey Agt. for Frederick, \ ' 4 s , 5, Alberta heirs, 1 78. 1. John Gough, 8. ttitinuel 5. George Spangle!, . 5. Doi,icl Scobey, 37. .laines Townsend, 200. Sanfl Woods sen., heirs, 11. Jobs 'Zug, 8 John Ilennoinger, 25. John aorta, 1.0. James Bishop, Francis Colestono, 600. Rogers, 17. Peter Benin, ' 10. John Cline, • • 5. Amos Myers, • 5. 'Meal's heirs, G. John Neeley's heirs, 4. Isaao.llowers,. 3. Joseph !Saber; ' 7. Adam Lerew, 7. Leshey Lewis, • 5: Peter Myers, • 4. Solomon Rovefion, • - 5. Joseph Trinneoi, 7. - Jacob Griest,, 7. Daniel aniest, 30. David Dunean, 12. Grove, 12.• Janice MaCtilloCh. FRANKTOI.IO._TOWNSIIIP. 30. Smonel Grissinger, 1405, Ilollenback's heirs, _ . - _ Smith's 92. Mary Johnson..- . .31)0. John M. Woodburn, 2L John Ilemminger, . 'George Washumml, 15 John fleiks, 27. George Drwbeugh, • 18. John Dunbar, . , SOUTII 111llllyiETON Twp 44. thirliolt & Trump, ' - 44. James -Townsend, . 9. George Deardorrs heirs, •. 75. Jelin - McClure Jr. heirs,. • • M. Jacob Sheafer, • 230. Shearer & Keller, NORTH MIDDLETON Twp 050. nollenbaelesl.4l',l.. 100. ilat hew Irvine's heirs, 5. David Cupp, 5. Philip 5. Peter Ki..y.singer, 2. Jacob -Suouffur, MONROE TOWNSHIP 1. Marlin -Diller's I 18 IL William Saxton, 1 61 MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. • 01. Edward ur,cifc, 97 2048. John AI. Wowearii,. Tax $lO5 43 WAIMANTpBS All '3'OLLOWB 9.,00.' Daniel lioyle, 16 61 128. David , 325. Moore.Wharlon, 150. Soanuoi Norton, lOU. Sarph Parker, 4 08 260. Lyili.l Parker, 12 - 25 200. William Parker,lo 00 • 21A11 . INlary Martin, 180: Itosinous. 100. Christian Marshall, 13 31 10. Eleanor 'Mariin, '2O . 60. Richard Lake, 2 60 100. Archibald Gardner, • t .131 100. Ezekiel King, ' 5 31 160. ‘Villium 1' (Archer, 7 06 21. William ' 65 IN=LE Thorruitfl'axton 100. Alexander McClintock, 2 17 200. Moore Wharton, 150. Thomns C. Millet, 25. Richard Slevensoa, 100: John Cressler, • 6. Joseph Williams, . 4. Venus Poi torris heirs, 24. Benjamin Ifeherling'n heirs, • • 96 5. James Ilbover, 85 2 1 10. IPilluim 11. Woodburn, 60 24. W. W. Frazier, VO-1 13. James Fulton, DI. John Hoover, 50. W. C. McCune, 51. Abraham Grove, 10. Daniel Sweigerl, 400. John lhoerielt, NEW'CUMBERLAND LOTS. . • 1. George Carothers, 1 53 • 1. George Palniestock, , • ti .... 1. Abraham Hursb's leirs, 1. Samuel Ilursh, ' 1. •Luther Martin, . 1. Philip Smysor, 1. Thomas Marren, 1: Henry Miller's berg, - 1 lit 1..1. B Simmons,' 22 1. Peter Simmons, 211 ~ 1.011.5 a White, 1.16 2. York & Cumberland Rail R. C0...1' 82 LOTS. , • • 11. Owner unknown 61 27. , do. 21 80. ''' do. ' ' 21 204. • do.. 21 158. do. , . ' , •• 14 - 201. ' d 0.66 . . - 170. - do.• - 85 172. d 0.,. , 35 • 164. d 0.34 • . 78. do. - 44 70. d 0.22 , . • 83. d 0.22 • 220. do. , ' 88 203: -• d 0.144 202. do.• -22 , . NFAVTON TOWNS ii ri.. ACRES. -888. John M. Woodburn, • •• 18 20 6. Joseph Longalin, • ' . 48 2. David Rnwhill, 1 21 46. Lednard Helm, - .76 . 47. John Helm, • 13 76. Henry Clever, '. , 1 - 66 1,, • HOPEW,ELL TOWNSHIP. 400. John M. 3 69 100. 'Samuel Gilmore, . 11 • SILVER SPRING TOWNSHIP. • 1. Elias Kissinger, ' • • • • "26 ~16. hnvid Singer - , 88 1: Henry Eberly, .SOUTHAMPTON • Twp .403. William Duncan, • 400. James Dever, 436.J0hn Woodburn, .804. John Nicholson, . 1. John . 34. Morin, Roddy, , ' :I 2. flobevf Laird's hen* „1' 6 234. Robert Solt, ,' • ' ' 7 100. Joseph McKee, , lIAMPI/EN TOWNSHIP. .., . • 50. Itel tie Quigiy, Carllsits April 11, 1860. BA ; IN . DS AND. S.ll A.D S B. :Y. {V34LIADI9 t , No. 16 NOIITI6 BiltgET PHILADHLPIIIA. Is tlio most extanblve Mni)ufactoror of VIENITIAN BLIND $2 30 4:: 83 AND ' WLVD 0 W Slit DL'S. AV. TILE LARGEST AND FIN} a isanrtulanl In thu•City,ot thu ,:LOWEST CASH PRIVIES. • Store Shades Made and Lettered April ' • o TRAOF: CHAINS OF ALI . kinds ... 4lth a large assortment of 2 48 12 DO 1. 13 BUTT CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, WO CHAINS, co (MAINS, . SPIthiAD dx., Just received at file Cheap Hardware Storo of • .. March 7, '6O. HENRY SAXTON, 1.70 B'B2 T)1 OF LOCHMAN'S V. PnoTouitollic AND 1 72 1 N 8 AMBROTYPE GALLERY C. 1,. LOOllllllll Is ,Ilappy to announce to the citizens of Carlini° and vleiutty that ho 11118 removed Ills Picture [toilers to ..,rd A RION HALL" whom ho hopes, with on, porioe facilities; and pleasant access to his Rooms, and ekeel lent light to merit a elltlthluanco of the ye, y ilbm•. al patronage bestowed upon him •by his patrons and liimtds.. EEO 8 65 1 uI 7 I'ICITI;TRES OF EvEley 57'17,1f; um ie frail' a medallion to .11le size. Ills pictures are *arranted to he superior to any mad., In this part of the coon lry, and equal to the very best nialio In large cities. Ladies and gentlemen aro respectfully.fuilled to call 'and examine specimens. Coolish', Fob. 13,1800. tr. • 11113 8 75 I S I !AVER PLATED WARE BY HARVEY EILLEY • N 0.1222 Market Street Pun,,tortputA, Manulllel umr of line N ICA El. SILVER, and SIFIVER Pi.ATER of • FORKS. SIN) NS ILI IMES, BUTTER KNIVES, CASToItS. TEX SETo. URNS, KErfLES, --- WAITERS. - BUTTER DISHES, ICE PITCHERS, CAKE BASKETS. CWMMUNION WARE,' CUPS, MUOS, 00111,11 I'S, Will, a getwrahiss , :ffiment roinprislog none but the - le 7 sCquality, made of the begFtnaterrala and - heavily plated, eututtltutlng them a Serviceable nod durable article For IiOTELC, STEAMISOATS and PRIVATE FASIILIGS Wiire re-plated In the best manner ' Feb. Ihi , 1(0)-1. y. RESO 6 1 28 is yvssoLuTroN OF PARTNER- E/ SILI P.—The partnerehlp heretofore exlstlug un• tit.lam of 5111:031 .S BLACK, Inof _Mils day loam mutual conymt, therefbre Wu would !solicit all thrum indubted to coma 'and sattlo their accounts - , and all Most: lutviug, clallug will pima provnt them for bottlanamt. 3 88 1 6 . 5 25 4! 1 71 Jan. 3, ISCO The 1v:N0.4 will hereafter be continued nt the old stand of Spoon, k. Mork under tho firm of IIIrACH & 1/I.:W NOV% where we will lump errestamtly on hand all Linda oh ix) !DER AND COAL, of every dew, iption r which we will soil at the lowert cash irtlees, and all or , den for bill Ana will Ire promptly ntrenderl to on the slum test notice We are tlnutt.fol for the patrounge of it generous public nt the old stand of Shront S Ilinelt, and would still solbrit a eontintlarree. All orders left at the residence of .11wr,l, Shrupt fur cool and lumber, will Ito promptly nyended tons het ettliere. -- 11LAGli if DELANCY. ---- ;Tan. 11, Isco. _ , D E VOJIE ST, Alt :Una/NG & CO., DRY GOODS -311ERCHANTS, 80 4. 82 Cliambei.,l fit., .4V. Y. IVoulil notiry . tlt Tr:ido that they hro opening Weekly, in new and bulutlful patterus, thu -.• . .1{'.41.31$ LUTA_ i'II!LATS. 28 25 .1--17 3 57 1 19 A.If(SKEAG,' A now Print, excols every Print itlylito Country fir perfection of execution god tIcKI , n in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any lu market, end ineetitm extemlve rude. °titers promptly attended to. LFeb.B'6o-Iy. - 1 00 TONS 1110 N AND I'IOLLED IltON of the very l,sl. ENGLISH 1111 AN DS warren tea in every way Superior to American make. Just r,i. eti‘o.l with a large asaurtniont of Eintot, iron, AWVIIN, . -bleep Iron, . Vices, Band Iron, , Files, - Norse Shoo Iron, Itat,ps,. Spring Steel, Bolts, .. Car.t. Steel, Rivera, . Blister 1 teel, Nuts, - , Wablsers, Liu-se Shoes, ' Screw Plotes. 111.1i,Inith Tlolloweitte..&f. Cheaper than the cheapest, at the Hardware Store of . . 2 05 1 06 3 66 4 60 29 21 11 2i 2 28 -- }lamb 7, 'N. HENRY SAXTON. N. II All Iron sold at city prices with froight added ad warranted. DOW . D E . - I 25 Kegs Dupotit. Hoek and Mlle powder, with argo a,sirrtment 61 . , i:l tilt l' FIlkl r • St.lllt! Di 01 ,, , Stollo Crow Burs, :gone 11:11111110r. •711Str111 . 1•1Vild at the rump Ilardwaro Store ,Fr, 7, 'CO. HENRY; 5.1 XTON. hi 9 it .tt E N T r Three reemeallous rooms on tho third story of ciftW.M'S Ell' 11.51,1.. sellable for society lOrylingq, Ag ,, or shni!ar 11116,10 au 1160 011 the Ihst fl oor one aaau suitable for a Billiard" Woo. or am, aMI a now In the IWritiont,:tro viTured,for rout. rureet.V.loll given DiturillatolY• 6 76 12 8o 8 in March 7, ISC,i).—t f. CLUNIBERLAND VALLEY BANK PROPRIETORS. WILLIAM KEit, Iqueitnitt Biqa. C. STrltitr.Tr, JOHN 01101.AI', N1C11.41 . .1 WOODI, JOHN S v Strit ' duns C. Dunre, STURGEON. ME EMI This Danh, deulg loupino. In the nano of Her, linen nonnain k Co., he none finny prepared .to do in gonered liltd;l 7 awittislinusni with promiittness and fidelity. Money received on deposit,and paid hack on demand without notice. I u tereht paid ou special deposits. Cor. tllicates of deposit hearing lutereht at the rate of five' per rent. will be• hued for as short a period no four months. Interest on all certificates will 'cease at nia• turity, provided, however, tlitt if odd certificates are renewed at any time thereliter or another given Hod, they Anil hear the online rate of interest up to the time of renewal. Particular attention paid to the col. 10a11411 of notes, drafts. checks, &c., In any-part of thin United Stales or Canada:, ISM BE 6 08 Remittances made to England, Ireland, or f he Conti. nont. 'l•he faithful and c•mfidoutiol execution of ell 001003 entrusted to them, may im relied upon. They cell the :Mention of Furnicro,Nierhanirs end all vihers who desire a mate depository for Wei , 113111014, to the undeniable find, that. t he proprietors of this /Wit< 3 80 160 1 38 io INDIVII/IiALLY liable to the extent of their estates fi, II the Depte-bts, nod other obllotions of Kur, Broom,. oto &. Co. Thity have recently removed into thoir now ,Rtmlang douse -directly oprslto thoir former stand, in West Main Street, a low doors cost of the Railroad Repot, whOro they will at all thous ho pleased to Oyu any In. • formation desired In regard to money matters In gone. vale Opan for business frotoßlock In the morning nulls 4 o'clock in tho atoning. : • tr. A. MR-3EOII, Cashier. Carlisle, May 20,1037. ma 2 id 29 2 20 MISTAKE.—AII persons in want L of a bottle of Fine Old Imported and Pure' Brandy, or Old Rye Whiskey, or Olu, Whies, &c., eau got the pure article at the Urogery of the buitscriber. BENTZ. 3 I Carlisle, Jan. 16, 1560, . j 0 M. ET LI ING NE W.- Ml4soq . ,ttughinbaugh-st Dulcu, ink° plensuro in' munottnritig to tho eitiztins of Carlisio and vicinity, Ihnt thoy are ',mound to renovito bounds of every do scriptiou, anti ninterini that retrak. WHITENING, SHAPING and PRESSING, in a styli, that will in most cases excel now, In white. noes, brilliancy and Ilnich, having quit.° recently rw ceirvit4 °stint:Don in an eu tircly new process, counecied with )l rs. 0, C. Dow's patent hot and bonnet pro , slug machino, for which they horn purchased the solo right of Cumberland and Franklin counties. They are also ready to teach others Mumma superior mode, as well as to supply all thorn with marthintis who may wish to purchase, atter having thoroughly tested Its merits. Moo receipee for colors, of ovary • DESIRABLE 'SUAVE.. forlionnets, Hots, Ribbons, Silks, and Feathers given with the solo Black lace veils, howeviwo much foiled will be restored to. SURPASS NEU', In eolor and finish - N. B. This ° process xvlll strengthen tho material, where all others Intro injured. Arnow; the many reenennendations that have been given, fu favor of Mrs. C.C. Doves Pressing blaslns, and reeelps, ono only wil4ho Inserted at the present time. fo • - Ihrreininon, Jan. 14th ..60. Being Induced to investigate the merits of the He eeipts given by Mrs. Dow, with the solo of her very oy. Minot machine for pressing bonnets, hats knowledge myself ss.unishial beyond measure, at wonderful 'ifeet. producing what I would boys Co9lii.i• ered an Impossibility. had I not seen It demonstrated beyond a doubt, and I sincerely recommend it to the use of all engaged In the straw, and millinery business' so bolus ens of the greatest Iniptovements Of the age. Carlisle April 11, 'OO -t. f.• ' 'l%llBB 8. lIAILORING • ESTABLIS MENT TO THE ' CITIZENS OF CARLISLE AND VICINITY. The undorsigned hatclocated Liaiself In the room im mediately above Dr .1, IC Bunt onion, (opposite the Dena) where ho In'ends condueing thy! MSMtCIIANT DUSIND9B In oil Its vatintts branches, 'Dress, Frock. Sark, and Business Coats rot nod made In tho Mott Now York nod Plilladolphia fimltlons. Ponta.' loornrCut - - a - NEW - SyaTICIII - 4111elilrlii - glro - the wear er as elegant apperannco when In itatanding positi-n, and when In it sitting posture, Pill' not ride half woy .up to:tho knees ils Is usually the rase in - the old way 01 cuttlod. Aim , ' liesutifol style of. VESTS that will not Ito disposed to ride up, as is usually,' the' ease: In' all thin° garmeritti ho will Insure a lit. - Cutting, done at 'sport notice; and directiona pa to toalilog' given when desired. J. S. IIOOKAFELLOW ? Apr117 . 4.40u . • . . 10 70 4 34 83 21 '8 70, C 01 ) NEWS FOR TIM PEOPLE Co to 'Amnon S SAIWYSILS New Store East Main Strait nod. non their Lunutifnt stock of Now Goode nor! Ix tho Limn to mules your Spring mid Summer pur olumum. • I.laving selected our stock willt unusual care from the loading Importing houoas of New - "York .0 1 . 101.f.161- phis, and availed ourselves of Op solo of Von Wyck, Townsend& Warreux, Now York. Wo can oiler great Inducements to the buying public. Our stock comprises tlau latest kinds and styles of DILDSS AND FANCY 0 ODDS ' in the market, each as Figured, Plain, Barred Striped 2 Silks lei' flrekvarietion, Double .lope Silks, Illumi nated mlarti, Ii ii real French (Utiles, Crops Oren Inc, Spring Valoncine & Poplins. .Four & Dino 110111 lid IlltrOgO & LaWil Rob e es, Barege Angluis, Crape, :liar co in all colore, Mllauaise cloth, French Organdy, Law s. t - , . MOURNING DRESS GOODS, of every descrlptioli of Dessbn's illifiortations. Shawls I Sim cis of all kinds and qualitNs, Light cloth Mantles Sphilidl.l silk dusters, French Into Points & Rumours' Skulllila Monti., Sun-Umbrellas .4"p:insole. Allison. dons Kid Gloves, Gauntlet gllttk, Spring Genntlots, llosittry of ailltinds and sizes. Embroideries of every description. Donnas, Flats, Shakers, Bonnet Ribbons and trimmings; Dress Trimmings. • , HOOP SKIRTSI,IIOOI' SKIRTS( It , Wilcox celebrated gourd trail skirt, selling vary cheap. Mon & Boy's wear suitable for the season. Llnts,,Neck ties and all other, kinds of Gentlemen's turnishing goods., 'tt t' . .11 ATV. OUMNS, FIFTLIVTIAINS; ToNOUE Oil MUIR, Oil ClrElui, Slut!log &c., An velum() just gam, Lrto,tLln brzthell of truth', eustomorel will find our vtock NNW and FRANI,. Constant additions of desirable good 8 1011 be secured during the season. Please coil nt 1112112E2 Irmo.' BELLS.! FARM. L 8 1! . Just received the largest, cheapest and best 'as. sprtrnialt °WAIN 8N1.1.S In the couuty,.(lreeneasble Metal. and BM Metal II'AItItENTED NOT TO °RACK, at the I lardwam Store of , Nivel! 7, %U. - HENRY SAViON. T) ,0 V.A L. SPONSPNI. Has removed hls'ollice to his New Mune, opposito U lass' Motel. ' [March 28,11460-tf, FRES [1 SPRING AWEVAL 1860 HOOTS fi S (FOES. . BOOTS & SIMES. As the Unless:l, Tory tightat present, it trill ho °very, porsons Interest to look out for ektrap BOOTS & SHOES, and save the dimes, mane vory place to nommplish , this oldeet lent the old corner known ns a Shoo Store, for many yourS directly appetite Burkholder"; old stand nor , Glass's hotel. So will and see for yourselves nod save money as you find u complete assortment of all kinds of goods I n the • SIIDE LINE; • and of the veryy heat makes, and. ever rennipber (ho lowest price articles is not always the cheapest so you will 110,1 among our stock the prices vary according to tliu quality of the article. The Sulmerlher having just returned from Eastern CitieS o ith a large and cow pieta stock of Boots ,t Shoes lit, also Iteeps on hand rsuperinr quality at Home Made work of Boots & Shoes to emit the lead° at the lowest •e,u4l priers Menlo Calf,' lip Pr gged Boots, Men's French Calf sowed Boots, Non's Kip Calf & (font Brogans high F. low rut, Men's and Boy's Call Brill & Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Non's, Calf Buff k Patent leather Congress gaiters, nowt ed and peal;o1, . Ladles' Misses F. Children's Black and Colored lasting • Ladles' Mkses4 Children Fancy Kid, S. Morroco Slippers Ladles' & Misses (kelt & French idorroco Itnsi,luS, - Women F. Children, pegged work of all kinds at low mires. Just received an assortment of Children's cop• pored toed shoes. Repairing done on short a( tiCe.• • Tho sithseriher still continuos on at the old stand thankful for past fdvors hoping to receive a ecutin tones of the same. Car/Isle April 18, ISSQ, JACOB SEN JACOB SIIROM, IiOIIEItT M. 'MACK • • , WM*: II; A U E.' S • - CHEAP, iD,ANK ROOK k STATIONERY ESTAIITASIIMENT, 326 Chestnut Street, below Fourth, South side) TOO Srnr.nn E.101.Y.,) PHILADELPHIA, P A . Ledgers...ll - utlets. Pay Honks, Cash Books, Letter Psi per, Foolscap Pap,, 13111 Paper, Steel lira ill great ve , ' Envi,b)poli of all Lotter Books, 11111 Rooks, RECEIPI! BOOKS tc'c: Enveloping Paper. Quills On., COPPYII.IO PRESSES $0,45 and $lO. Copying Rooks. Copylng, , ltrushea, and ALL OTHER ARTICLES FOR THE COUNTING HOUSE whiel,vlll be sold from twenty tejbW per cent, below Me ordinary prices. for rash. , Carll,l6 April IS, '60.7:1m." MADE'CLOEHING! WEL D }... CLIITIIING! FITTING CLOTHING! Who nubscrilmr has just received n very superiOr and well-releetol Blink of - SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING, Conslstinit of Canstuorn, Summer and Italian cloth,, Al. pleat, Thirsailes, Lionel, and Cottonndo, Pants & Shirts also tilik.and Satin vests and In abort ovary thing in the way of CIAIt3IENTS. Ills stock of GENTLEMENS' FURIVISIIIKG.Goobs, has VV , llll , ,clpetrA with n..ere.f dotal of care, and aLlrta cravats, it., it., aro and at unusual low prices. TRUNKS CAII . PET DAUS k VALISES.. Tho Fubserlber would call special attention to Ills lur4o.stocic of whielt ho has rice! vod An.] Is Mllng thorn at vary low figures. Of tho ahoy° - yon con eonvincu yourself by ralllog at tho Cheap Clothing Store near the Market 110.0 April 11, 18(tO roll, RENT.- Tho Lime warn Ilnuso on the corner of Main and 'Nest streets, with it commodious trick, and all pl.eessary privileges, for the transavtion of the forwarth lee - loudness, offered for rent. Possession given on the Ist of April. Apply to .. .. CArlislu March' l, '6O JACOB ltilllEAL L.VThe TO TIT E • SUFFERING. Bei...Xining COMMOVE. while laboring as a mhsiouary In Japan, was cured of Consumption ' when all other !mans had failed, by a recipe obtained front a h• trued phis shian residing in the great city of arddo. Tale i edits bits cured great numbsrs who were suffer lug from Colonuoption, Bronchitis, Sord Throat, Coughs mid ColdW, chit the debility and nervous depression C•Ot ed l.y these lik:Ordere. hosireub of benotitting others, I will send this recipe, which I have brou ; iht home with me, to all who ne.ul It, free of charge. • Address • ROW. WM. COSGROVIi, 139 Fultoh Avenue, Brooklyn, N. V. May 23,' BEEBE .VALU-AI3LE CHESTNUT TIMHER 'l , olk sm.E. I will sell on the 2kl of June nest, 100 acres, In lets of from 5 to 10 acres, of that ox,ellent TlAlliElt LAND, known as the ' , Buchanan Tract." adjoining the farm of John Harms,,, adios north of Whltestown, In Adams county, nu the road leading from liendersvllle to Mt. Holly. Then, Is MI some of tho Lott excellent White I'ino Rafter and Building timber. A grant portion of the iroul Is level, nod an excellent quality of Farm [Atoll 1m mediate possession will be given. Salo to rommenco at 10 o'clock, on the peeinises. Terms tondo known on clay ofs.l,le. DANIEL D. 41TT. May 10,-Bt. . TIAT AND 'CAP EMPORIUM.- J. U. CALLTO & CO., successors to Wm. IT. Trout would 11 . 111101111 n to their customers and the puldi. generally that they have just received from Dhiladel phis, a large and elegant stock Of goods, in their DUO of business of every variety, style and quality. _ ...... They have on hands splendid assortment of HATS AND CAPS . of all deserlptions, from the common Wooi te .the finest FUR AND . SILK HATS; nod at prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stop: includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER & BELT BATS, Or (Wen' Ntykl Mid color rind unsurpnetcd fir MOAT. NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of any other ostatillshincnt in the rountry. MEN'S. ItOYS' and CIIILDREN'S lIATS and OAPS, of overy Arscrlptlon constantly on blind, • They respectfully invito all tho old ivasond and ad ninny new ones as possible, to give them a call.. . J. G. CALLIO & CO. Apr. 25, 18130-I.Y .pENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COSI,IAN Y. DIVIDEND NOVICE. Tho Board of Trustees hlive declared an EXTRA Scare DIVIDEND of FIFTEEN per cunt, and a regular Dividend of per coat. And . alsO a Cum or lonia- EST Dividend of SIX per rent upoi the an oflS5O to Vehreary 1859 inclusive. I hm now ready to deliver Certificates and pay In terest to those entitled thereto. ' A. L. BBONSLER Nay 2, MO. . - Agent. • • - ()TICE .•- .TO THOSE WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The sub=criber hereby given notice, that Ruin and at. ter this date, he NVIII pay no bills conlrayted by others In his name, without his written order. • HENRY LEFEVER. Dickinson tivp.'ilday 0,430.-3 t. , IVAII AND SiIKES.- su nn nllB nod Spilien. Jest reeelrod of ilio very Is indite int nil Wei-ranted. Country merchants suppilr with i In /A uutuufneturore pliers, nt the Ilardw co Story o . March 7, 'GO. ." HENRY SAXTON, P TTICB.-.--A.ll poisons indebted to ,thk estate of D. It, °novel., for Advertising or,Tob -- I ork;gro.reguestedto cell at ltio , Homo CPUs and • make paymont to Wm. M. Potter, Win) Is antlinrised to receipt for the Baum.. . - . DAVID COOVER, *ay tyoo. ~ . . . Admr;of D. It. Coover, deied. . ~ - . - .A a tJDITORS -NOTICF4:7-- . The ,oredi . • , - tore of 3. 'Water Her who have claims upon ' to lance of Ms aasete In the hands of Reott Coyle his all;lgtiOniY,fil meant-them -to weat.mytfiteeln.Carliale un Monday the 21st klay 14100 at 10 o'clock-A. M.' o. P.IIIIMRIOff~ Dfay 2, 1660 —4E. . . . . , - Auditor. ' VOIt ,5.A.L . V.7-A • 4esirablo resiilenoe ou East Pomfret atroot, is offered at private FIN. For:terms or,othor particulars ouquire at - the'llOrald oMco. , May 10, !430.43m. £ilisceilmttou£. CARPETS;'CARPIATSSt & SAWYERS, So w• Store HATS' AND CAPS !DIEM Zusiness Tarbs. LWJ. . FOULK, Attorhoy at Law . Wilco with J.ll. Smith, RRq., in (Mum' Row, la rocr of Frat Prcebytorion Church. All buelnoas tructod to hint will bo promptly attotfried to. May 9, '60.—1y.• A AIARD.—DR. JNO. K. &tun,. re. LA_ speetfully announces to his old frlEntls and' farmer patrons, that ho ban returned from his tooth western tour, with his health greatly implored, and has resumed hie practice In Carlisle: • OPP (Olt on Main Strout, ono door west of the Railroad Depot, •whore" ho ean4M- fout)d of all hours, day and night, whemportflit profeselouidly. • • Oat. 2%1859-tf. (110MTOP . ATIIIST) PIWSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCLIER. Office on Soisth 'Enslaver Street . , formerly °retried by Dr. Snail. TIR. S. B. KIEFFER Offico in North llsnover. ;treat two doors from Arnold '& Eon's store. 0111ce hours, more particularly from 7 to 4 o'clock! A. M., end from 6 to 7 o'clock, P.M. pR. GEORGE' 13 mes a RIGTIT, DI:141'18T, from . the - hal. Collep of Dental Surgery. • 130-oMee at the re ° srd doom belor/fe e ltr i r Fth"'l:""'Uth" street, throe • !thwart 19, 1850—tf. • ' DOCTOR ARMSTItONG has remov al his office to the South west corner of 'lsnot el' A' Pomfret et where tie may be consulted at any houßof the day or night. Dr. A. hes had thirtylyeacs experience In the profelsion, the fast ton of which have been devo ted to the study and practice of Homoeopathic modi• eine. ' May 00, '676m. ruo-1,-• - • — DR. J. C. ros' poet fully informs the Indies and geitfoine u "'". 210 . of Carlisle, and ricinity,that he htto re: mimed the practice of Dentistry, A:id in prepsred to put , form altoperations on the tooth and gums, belonging to his profession. lie will Insert hill sets of teeth on gold or silver, with single gum teeth, or bloehm, ns they. may prefer. Terms Moderato, to suit the times. DR. I. C. LO OMI Sut tt ,_ . South Hanover' street, - 1 112, :31.? , next door to the Post . • OA. Will ho absent from Carlisle the het ten days of each month. " [ Rug.), 'a. . Gli'o. W. Nuple,9l, D. T. S.--- n , Late DenionacrataFor ciparalive DOllliFt 17 to tha' 13 ttrir '-' . 13ot i a n i m B r u%c t ;;. 11PS° o , Ilitir. Mica at hls re:ldenco , oproanC Marion 11:04, Wesi Main streat t Carlialo, lain _..:1,1"1,1857:,'_... . ' S. W. HAYERS'rICK, Druggist, North Hanover Street, Carlisle. 'Physician's proscriptionscarefully compounded A full supply v . f fresh drugs and chemicals. A 1 CARD.—CUARLES E. 1 Iu IA IV„b„ii..u,op,,s,t„; Car Halo, March 14, 'OO-Iy. - TORN HAYS, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW,—• Ofiee on Main Street, opposite "MaelOn Hall," Carlisle, Pa. [Oct. 26, '59-ly. ' CP. HUAIRICII, Ait'cirtiey at Law. eOfTlco on North Hanover street, a few donra south of chaos' Hotel. All huslnese entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [Apr!! lb. • • -- 1 .A.W NOTICE. --; ItItitIOVAL• W . j 31. PItNItOSE has romovetl him office in roar n rho Court nous°, whore, ho will promptly attend to all hominess ontrustmtto blot. ' • ~.. August 1%1857. . . ___ . TAW OFFICE.-LEMUEL TODD ILJ has resumed the practice of also Law. Wilco In Oontre Square, west side, near the Niret Presbyterian Church. • • April 8,1887. / I ~ oim 3. N altl'W J . .IVILCOX, Attorney at D Loxington St. Baltlmoru. iluel• nuss promptly attended to. 11. 31. Johnson, REFEIItSNOES. ' J aco b, nhooth, CorlisioAPrll i, r,t6i)S.t3tr , t h. iteon,. ET AL. t , ni&- FARE , STA-TES 'UNION ILO TEL, 606'&- 608 Market St:, above sixth, PIIILADELCAIA . JAMES W. POWER, Proprietor TERMS :—sl. 25 per rley. ju3u'ss AMERICAN HOUSE, ' North Hanover Street, Carlielo, Pa.: W KLlNE,'Proprietor: VAR House Bag boon refitted 1 a superior style, and now upon fur theraseummodatlon of Boarders and Travelers. on _ 31.! TIGRAIS. . ,pXCELLENT STABLING ATTACHED.. ITNITED STATES-HOTEL.- S. E. 'cor. 11th $ 5. 3farket Sli t) - • PHILADELPHIA. IT. W. RANACIA, ViM. MEATY, morticians. Jan.4.lsno. • N. HANTCH, MERCHANT TAILOR. • WE SP' MAIN STREE.7; - Opposite the Rail Road Office. wr Fall and *inter k;Lyles of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings made to order, Carlisle, May 2, 1860. H. NEWSIIAM, ATTORNEY .AT . Ince with Wm. 11. Miller, Esq., South Hanover Street, opposite the Volunteer Office; Carlisle, Sep. 8, 1859. W:, - C. RHEEM ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT • Alifinesota. through W-I:Tgil6slt"lr to Vt tli B llato State, m ake vaetmn,Zty and boll Real Estate and securities, Nerotinteloans, pay taxer; locate laud warrants, die., 'Sic. Refer to the members 0 tile Cunxberlapd County Bar, and to all prominent cliff. sons of earlier° a. fAug.l.sB-Iy. J. GOODYEAR. BA It HAVING entered into oo.partnership in the manufacturing of DAR WON, at Letor t Forge, Carlisle, is., we would respectfully invite I he, atteni ion of hardware merchants, Illackstulttis; and all others who may want a superior article of Iran to glso them a oath. All kindonfluimmored Troll constantly on hand or drawn to order-on short notice. The highest price paid for wrought iron scraps, or ta7 iron In tichango for bar iron.. ‘• • J. GOODYEAR @ CO. Carlisle, Oct. ItISSO. . - - • fIARPETS-. _• ELDRIDGE'S' CHEAP STORE. The subscriber being under very light expenses, has, as Is well known, always sold goods very chcap; . but this stetson, baring tssiled himself of the recent great depression in prices of material, &c., offers at LOWER PRIOEB TORN EVER BEFORE, a very large assortment of • TAPESTItt. BRUSSELS, • IMPERIAL }pAn.lETs, INGRAIN and.VBNITIAI.I ' and OIL °LOTUS of all widths, In great variety. Also, Canton and Cocoa MArrrNos of all kind& with a largo stock of Low ruteseelngrafn Carpnin at, p to tU cents per yard, Stair and Entry at 10 to 50 contra, also, Rag Carpets, Cotton aqd • !lamp Carputtr, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, &c., &o, H. 11. ELDRIDOE, No 43 Strawberry St., ono door above Chcctnuf. .Strawberry is the first street west of Second St., March 20,1060 PIIILAPELPHI CtTILL, T I U 31.1 3 :11. A.N T Thu complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook -Stove, warrants the auhscriber in railing the attention or all Who may want a superior ohm - to call and OX, amino the only stove that hag given uolversal satigam Oen. {VII AT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS - IS Ist. A. saving of froin 30 to fin per cent. In fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the same fire, .2d. klarger Oven than any other stove of the amnesia°, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece ftoio slaking saving repairs, oth. The best Raker, Roaster, and Cook now in me, oth. A superior arrangement for cleaning the lines, . Ith. A perfect Can Consumer for Ober word or cod. The Prairie Flower is warren tad to give satisfaction In overt' particular and will ha shown with pleasure to all who may Call, whether desiring to purchase or not,. any quantity of reference In town Cr country. A tow other geed Cook Salves on band, which wilt Le sold very low to close stock. Spouting, Roofing, Job -work, Capperamithing anti Sheeting work promptly attended to, in torpa or coca. try: All Work warranted at the old atarld, Hanover street north of Louther. • • MARY pi., ?dump N. U. Old Copper, Brass and Pewter bought , and the ` highest price paid in castle !pods. , . Diarch . 2B, 1800.—tt. AY UP 1, PAY UP:l,.l'`-', , • A*? Thoee.lndol4e4 to thalate tlnn or prom kuivt. • aro hereby ; • 111 . to fall and RetAle , thelrreepectit othfltlSP:Pl9lrlllilie 'Wink . L actog. h tt "Y. trty,dar6 otharilso , htilaft w th'a in :9 per .opticer tbrmea4 what we say. • . I&MLA010 102 May 20.860 —t. t. • • , , ftTiJsziweEtv_p_a__Anotlier lot of - •Ilall Btalr .avd. Cbainba.. =Pea l Stenll3g . , Irt • cheap.) Ala ',.ft lot of BEST QUALITY oroll Olotbs, I widths, .nlll:h,ita are 'OM* at 60cts . por square,: ; yard 01.1i1413t, Cheap Job PO'nting, done here. R. ANDERSON IMI