Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 23, 1860, Image 3
IS Riarriage.s. On tbo 10th Inst., by the nor. A, 11. JOAN LIAILIBIY, to Miss 'Bll - SAN AI 1111 . 4'1.1; hulk nf Carl lelu.• • II ptati2s. An tho 11th !net.; in Monroe township, Mee DEVI CORNMAII, nod 1.13 yie; 10 menthe. and 25 dolt. On Friday. the 18th snot; :Ohs ELIZABETO FItAN• •CliO KERN AN. In the 69th year of harem,. - • " aletu iltmertisernents. T O:THE CITIZENS OF CUMBER LAND ' COUNTY. • UENTIYAIRN :—l'horeby offer myself a candid* TO 'the °Mee of RF.OISTIIII. of Cumberland County, sub, juat, to the doelslon of tho People's County Convention, and will he -thankful for your support. . . Respectfully, . . SA:OW.4, BIPN. ' May 2, 1860.-t. I'o TETE OLLIZhNS OF CUblßlillt LAND COUNTY. • • • ' Ozerbenisii hereby Mier myself a cendidate forth , office of IMO ESTER of Ochnberla d county, subject t •the People's County Convention, and will be thankfu for your support.• • • • Respectfully, • BASIO.EL CALDWELL.' Carlisle April 25, 1860.—t. c. • AFALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR 5A1.13.—0n THURSDAY, May 31, 1860, the un• &reigned will oxposo to public sale. at the house of Ono. Shoafor, near wors Tavern, fut the Ilanover and • Baltimore Turnpike. 200 Acme of • •' ' NALUA BLIT CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND, In lots of 5 to 15 acres, to suit purchasers. situated in' 'Minton' township. Adamoscountyrtrear the Hanover and Haltiniore turnpike, 3 callus north of Dotenthurg. adjoining lan& of David Johnson, Wm. 3looreheati, Cyrus Albert. Josoph.gickel, Henry Eckel and, others. A public road passes through a part of the above land. ALSO. several Tracts of Land, part cleared 'and part covered with thriving Mutu., sititablo kw . farming . purposes, el tuated in • Adams and Cumberland counties, adjoining the Carlisle and Hanover turnpike, blooms 3heafor, John'Wolf and others, ,ontaining tram 40 to ' Ina acres earh. ALA% a Tract of Land, containing 67 acres and 27 perehos, west of the Turnpike, adjoining land or Jam, Sbenror, Darlil-Miller, nod others. Also, on FRIDAY, Juno Ist. IMO, will be earosi to publlJor,privale On, at tho Boiling Fprings, lu Cunt: borland county, 2.J0 Acres or CHADOE CHESTNUT TINDER LAND, from 6 to 20 acres ,mch. Banged in South 1 1 11ddlOton township, adjoining lands of Thomas ruon's heirs, and othot P. , ALSO, a Tract of Land, containing 100 acres, more or less, part cleared and pert covered with heavy thriving 7 - Chestnnt-Tlm'iter,-edj..lning lands.of the heir enf Thom, as Green, deed., Henry Brecliblll, Benjamin Knufman, 'and others. The above tract has MI phi Leg (louse and an excellent Spring ornate, and Is smeteptible be. ingconvertud Into a BEAUTIFUL FAIIM. A LSO, two Lots of Ground. nt hutting Springs, the one haring thorium 'erected a • two story SCONE HOUSG, nod nth, ten..••• •It , peorements. The other having thereon. al: erected n twn.story LOG 116.0 nod other ? Improvements Alan, 4or S good BUILDING -LOTS•. adjoinini the shore.. The undersigned will also roll at private sale, laiT•iror small Cradle of LAND, at such, places no purclia.lers may desire, of nay' of tho land-kno on an the • Carlisle Iron Works," a large amount of the same being faint laud, with lino Springs and running neater on the Nemo Also, several good, sites for Saw Mills. croon wishing to view thn prop. onion will be Chown them by calling on Mr. A. (Ugh, at Bolling Springs, who has draf,sand plots num• bored, and who can particularly.describo.tnetn td put , chasers. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M on the days named, when,cuuditions will bo rondo khown by .W. D. DIMES, , • WM. YOUNG,. • • 'C. W. MIL, WM. 51. DnETE3f, May 23, IR6O-t •- . cHAvvtir4 %-.. • 74, An aperient and Stomach Preparation of IRON purl. fled of Oxygen and Carbon by eniultustleri in Ifydrogen Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed In their practice. The experience of thousonds doily proves that no preparation of Iron can bo compared with It. Impuri ties of the blood, depression of vital energy, polo and otherwise sickly complexions Indhiate its necessity lu alm , sl, ovary conceivable case. Innoxious In all maladies in which Mum boon tiled, It has proved absolutely curative In each of the follow ing complaints, via: • In Debility, Nervous Affections, Erns, elation, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Dlar kiliCE6, Dysentery, 'lnelplent Consurnp. tient, rruberoulosls, Salt Rheum, INlsmenst citation, Whites, Chloroals, Liver Complaint, Chronic Headaches, Rheumatism, • Intermittent Fevers, Pimples on the Face, &c. In cases of general Debility, whether the result of acute dlseaso, or of the continued diminution of ner- vous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent whii:h no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to hoie become forgotten In:their own •nelghborhoods, have suddenly re appeared in the bony world as if just returned from protracted travel lu a distant land. Some very signal iiistauces of this kind arc attested, of female Sufferers, emaciated victims of epparent moms• urns, songulneous exhaustion, critical changes, aurt.• , that complication of nervous and dyepoplic'avernion tO • air and exercise for which the physician has ho nom. In Nervous Affections or all kinds, and fur reasons familiar with medical men, the operation of this prepa ration of iron must necesserily he salutary, for unlike the old oxides, it k vigorously tonic, without being orriting and overheating; and gently, regularity ripe. - riont, even in the most obstinate eases of costiveness without ever being a gestric purgative, or 'Wilding a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property among others, whirl, makes It so remarkably effectual and permanent 0 'remedy fur Piles. upon which It also appears to exert a distinct and specific action, by dist! erring thu local tendency which farms them. In Dyspepsia, Innumerable no are its causes, a single box of theseChaiyhelte Mils has often sufficed for the most httbitnal cases, Including the ettendent Costive ness. _ Jn unchecked Dinrrhcca, even when advanced.toDys. watery, coullrmed, emtchttlng, and apparently malig nant, the effects have boon equally decisive and aston- Ishlnff In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debill: flog cough, nod remit tent hectic, which generally in. dicta° Incipient Consumption, this remedy has allayed the alarm of it-lends and physicians, in several very gratifying and interesting instanes. In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated Iron hoe had fur more titan the good effect of the cleat cautious ly balanced prepanttions of iodine; without any of their well known The attention cf females cannot be too confidently Invited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases pe culiarly effecting them. In Rheumatism, both chronic and Inflammatory—ln the latter however, more decidedly—it has been Inverts lily well reported, hot as alleviating polo and reducing the swellings and stiffness of the joints end muscles. In Intermittent Fevers It must necessarily be a greet remedy and energetic restorative, and Its progress In the now settlements of the West, will probably by one 01 high renown and usefulness. No remedy hati ever been discovered in the whole his tory of medicines, which exerts such prompt, hopmnand fully restorative effects. Goodappetite,eompletedigee tlon, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active end cheerful exercise, immediate ly follow its use. - Put - up in nest fiat metal-boxes- containing-60 pills,. price 60 Peas per box; for sale by diuggists and deal. ern lViil ben sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be ruldtessed to It. B. LOCKE General Agents May 29, '60.-Iy. 339 Broadway N. Y. C H WE RIN'S. ANNIHILATING iwn and best artist. to terminate Roaches, lied no, Ante, Moths, Flies, . Garden Wormer, is Bugs. Le. (T CONTAINS NO POI. Cchedtrin's Pllie aro Bore nth to ItATB mud MICE. Cir. bcticrerin received •tltlwtoe from the Pres' it of Girard College, Di tny Ivanis Hospital, and ...air prominent pi .ostitutionn of Philadelphia; U. S..lail, Washington, D. C., and Charity' Hospital, Now Orienn., The original certificates eon be seen at the Wholesale and Retail Depot, 124 North Second Street, Philadol, phis ; and for sale by all Druggists and Orem,. 41. Beware of spurious imitations. Remember to ask fur Schwerin's Annihilating Pow der. None genuine unless signed' henwEnni._ May 23, 1800 rtiHE MUTUAL LIFE I'IsTS UR • ANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. Assets: , • SlX.atrutOss UN DOLLARS,' INVLBTXD Itl 111111TWOUTOACIA9 ON ROIL MATE, IVOR= OVER $13,000,000. • - , Th. premiums are LOWKR than In many other Compaq - Wes. and the Dividends have been 011ATE11. • Thlt I/1 6 Strictly. MUTUAL. Cotraps' ni. Thero are No . Btoakholdere,Ao that Ald. TILE PROFITS BELONG TO TOO osuriEn. Pamphlets, and every Information, may he bid an 'B o on applleatton . to ' ' , iy3l. D. ,14ALORriCarltile, ItP.VERENCES: ' ••••., -Thames Dobbins, - —John .Wetsh,. • - Alnwlacal L. Dawson, ' Wows 11. Stuart, • • Oaarge M. Stroud ' , • E. S. Whslen, John IL Myers. , • 'J. Heber lorandriir, Joseph Pattfraon, 'Wham 0. Ludwig,- -lohn`ll. Atirand, • . • Arthur G. Catill • ' Thome IL Powers," - Osorgo W. Tolsrid,, • Willie& McKee, Thos. Watteau. • P. RATOIIFOISD STARR, Agent, ' • S. W. Ctl1•0111 Fourth and Walnut Warts,' ' .111ai23, ' ' PIIILAIPA. , , - rte.. Tb!, Pit,tabvirgh Aurizaliiiy 4 - 81'2"iTE N0T1C4. 7 7L-tters or - A7d. min(etrnklna on the lieste of ELIAS . late of mccun Tostushlp, deceased. hate been - issued by' the Register of Cumbarlend enianty,,to the subscriber rehlib dug in Nourvllle. ./111:persimt Ilidehted , te the Estate, 'are minimal In leaks inunallato 'payment, 611 4 ,t1t0X0 lit 191,01( demi to present t hem properly authenticated fur settlement. , . o• Ps. ,MoICINN WC , i...Admr. of dummied. May 27, ' I ECOND .0 P ING OF FASHION __ L - - Cho' subserlbor'respectfulli informs his friends and tin public genoruliy,•thst he hoe just resets ed his sec 'ond supply of fashionable Bummer Uoode,. which can not he uqualled In . • ' " QUALITY AND BEAUTY' 3' comprising the very latest . itylesof all kinds of goods. OLOTII OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, - ClTltedrs °fill NEW STYLES, yestinge;an Unrivalled assoamout Bray d'oto. Italian Cloth, Splendid consort meat of , LICiTZIN & 001 4 r02 , 7 GOODS, all of which will sold por yard or Made to Order sviilk a very low advance. •A large assortment ofGentlemen's,i Furnishing Goods of every description. . • • HATS (E. 'CAPS, . TEEkies, VALISES, . CA RPM BAGS, ~ UMBRELLAS Au The Public will find it to thitli Interest to call, as we aro'dotormlned to hold up our motto. '•Qulclt Sales and Swill Profits." • ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Stroot, • Opposito the American Mous. May 16,'60.-3m ci n UOAIt.OURED HAMS.,L 10 Dried Beef, Bologna, Fish, Choose, Coßoos t Sugars, Molasses, TO., Flac.roni, , Dried Fruit, Tdmatoes, Peach. in cans,-Finn Apple, Corn dried and Dish. Sac din., Anchorlos."Olives.alu.hrooM. Walnut and To motto lintsup, John Bull, London Club, Worcestershire, India Soy: Harvey's and Bonding Sauce, Pickels of all kinds plain and fancy, Mustards plain nod mixed, best quality Tobacco d&Scgars, S. 0 rlssingers pure . OLD RYE WHLS'KEy Brandies, Wines, and Bins, ke., with a greet variety of goods not on moors ted to he sold at 'the lowest CASII PRICES.' 'Country produce takou In exchnnge. • Jddy 16, '60.-6ut. W3l. BENTZ _A/I'OORM IC II K I ; i l , t i l i :I R A O V II F I D 'a k t: OR I AN , II S uit Comitructed how tho flrstpu correct, prlnciploe i It has al wnys been eminently sitecesertil, nud witly Itepreeent ro linprenienta fully meeting nit th ru o r quireents of r ttu 4 40, it now donee all competil lon. . • Marmara who may deelro It urn at liberty' to work one ottimen 3foritinoe through the harvest withany other, and keep and pay for the one'prefereed — The Machine know porfe6tly balanced., not hewing pound weight on this horses' neck; its execution in reaping and mowing. In both wet and dry is perfect; It cuts tho widest nwerth, and as now made. with the _ lightest draft of nny machine now In use'. It Is so con. sti noted thiit the labcr of raking elf id very much light. cued, a castor wheel. en an entire now principle, on the grain side, wholly relieves the horses from the pressure of the machine from strain in turning, and Is so arrant. ged that the cutting bar Is completely and easily thrOwn ovor_obstructlonawhile in motion by the .driver with— out the use of hirers and. complicated machinery. A vdry decided and important feature In Its Improvement consists In Its perfect arrangement fur separating and cleaning the track In mowing. It is thotinist simple, most substantial. most dumbla and In every way the most complete and reliable Ilea. per and Mower In the world, such Is iVerran teal The Two Intr.° Machin° h easrdraft for two her semi cuts a swarth fth: feet wide, and the Four Hers. Machine a foot wider. For particulars address SAMUEL. BRANDT, New ullfoid, Franklin County, Pa., - 76;,63 . nt CI for Franklin, Adam and Cutaborland counties LOCAL AGENTS. .101 IN C. , SAMPLE, Ilogeetown. „ , THOMAS ()REASON, Flail:l6l3ld. Mn) 16,'60.-?m.• /GRANVILLE STOKES' (1 . CLOTHING EMPORIUM, • ONE PRICE "AND iyo AB4 TENETS $lO. GOT Chestitlit Street. Granville Stokes would return thanks to the public for their appreciation of his efforts to pillase, and their liberal patronage. In nt der to keep up thin kindly feeling, ho bon ylel. tiled to the solicitations of many of his friends and in.. engorged anew system, of Gilts with cub Clarnient Sold. To his choice selection of fin.: Subtle., and made. up Clothing, he Invites the scrutiny of the public, its well as to his now mode' of doting business. Each ar ticle in warranted to be In Fabric; Style and Make, equal to any-gotten up irrthe City. and ONE PRICE, (lower thatt_tlie lowest,) marked on the ticket. Each article sold, or measured for. In accompanied by a Gift, varying in solos from 51 to f.lOO. It—None but the most skilftil Itealgners. Cutters and Workman employed; and satisfaction In Fit. rash. lon, Fabric, Price and (lift, guaranteed sktIIt),INV,ILLE, STORES' ono price. gift clothing emporium, No.• 007 Chestnut Street. May 20, 'do: 6m. THIRD ARRIVAL OF THE SEA SON, 1 o ladles of Carlisle and vicinity are respectfully. inviTed to *asinine "Our Third Arrival" of •" . SPRING GOODS. - • which' we hate -received and are' now opening. The unlevelled su mess with which we have been layered anti the rapidly Increasing "THADI3" of Our House has induced us to make ,MONTHLY TRIPS to the Eastern Cities thereby enabling- us to offer our Customers and Patrons all the latest sty/coin the Mar ket, end at prices fir. below all our compel-item We purchase our goods for Cash, THE SEQUEL-TO OUR. SUCCESS, a saving to us of at least' twenty per cent and this groat advantage wo ere determined our rosin men shall receive the benefit of. Our New Arrival of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Is large complete and desirable, embracing every varie ty ofeolor and description. • liemember, "Our Motto" Is not to ho undersold. I May 9, '13.1. t SSIGNEE'S • Notice Is hereby given, that Joseph Illicher of i - lwar Allen Township Cumberland county, having on the 6th day of April 1860, exemted to, me a deed of voluntary assignment for the benefit of . his creditrrs. All persons having claims against him are notified to present them, and those indebted will make immediate payment to the subscriber living In East Pennshoro Township. ' 040. W. CRISWELL, May 0, • BRIGA DE ORDER! Thu First Reximent of Cumber'and Volunteers Commanded by Col. WlMath M. Penrose, belonging to the First Drigade commanded by Brigadier General Jas. M. Allen, and composed of the following volunteer rout I.niea, via: Blg Spring Ada Mantilla .0 nerds, Captain il'endbdrn—Carlisle4u tiler Cadets A rtilleriste, Captain Parker—Carlisle Light 'lure Centel it sliCartney Mechanicsburg Notional Blues, Captain Zinn—Walnut Bottom Infantry, Captain Ewlng—Churchtown Quit, man Uuards Lieutenant Richwine Coeur/C—Carlisle Rifles, Captain Crop—Carllul Sumner Mlles, Captain Hullo, will assetnble and form in Regiment at Carlisle an Saturday the gilth lust. fur the purpose of discipline inspection, and review; at which time the commit, dents of:companies are required to furnish the Brigade Inspector with certified returns of their respective conw patties agreeably to the article of the lith section of the,51111,14 Law, approved the 21st day of April, 1555. "trigade inspector's Office, JOAN M'CARTENY, Brigade Inspector, Ist Brig'd, 15th Vie. P. V 5111. - NA7 -ALTER E. WRITEMAN. Mq '60.• FINE GROCERIES . N. W. Corner 17th runt Aroh Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Importers of Cross & . NNGLISIL PICKLES and SAUCES. Particular attention paid in selecting film ' TEAS & ciorrEEs For Famine.. Sugars always et Ron nere 'prime. Choice WIN IS LIQUORS and HEGAIIS, or the bent •brende, alanye on hand. May 9, '60,1y.. • AUDITORTIC.II3.-4n • the Or phaus' Court for ttie Cnunty of Cumberland, estate of Joseph tinier deed. The Auditor appointed by the Court to Ruda, Rattle and adjust the account of Jacob Otstott, executor of the estate of Joseph Grier, deed. and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the Acemintant, svjll meet the ested for the purpose of his 'appointment. ou Monday May Ant kJ o'clock A. M. at lib ()Mee /mini nl ng liheems WM. D. LIALDERT, May 9, '60.4t. Auditor. RUM: AHEAD!!! • SECOND GREAT ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS, We are now opening our second arrival of Spring Goods which we offer to the Citiwns of Carlisle and vi- Chitty, at unusually tow prim; with the determination to keep pars with the times and the reputation of "OUR DOUSE" Tor selling %cap Goods.— Wo purchase our goods for ..CAS ft," exel nal rely, there by enabling us to sell at cheaper rates thou the most favored Houses ' a fart our friend. and customers shnuld bear in mind. The following comprise but • small por tion of our Immense and varied stock. Plain Az Fancy Silks, Foulard Bilks, • Parislenneir, . Detainee,. 3arego s,• Crape Do Espagnes, ' French A ticotch Gingham, Valenciae, • Fopllns• Mimi@ Cherie; ;Amts. Plaids, • • • . • French A American Chintzes Americanflingharns, • - • Maw's, o; Lae° & Silk Mantilla/4 A eery general aSsortptent of mourning goods. hosiery. Gloves, ikr.. Ac., Douglege A Sheriririt's .Nue/ Skirts the ..BELLE OF TFIV,SOUTIV the most perfect and beautiful skirk.ever produced, made with one clasp and warranted .not to get out of order In 0,11, 15, 25, 301135, dO . and 50 "loops. The goat stock or • • • • CARPETS and OIL CLOTUS• • ' ever brought to Carlisle (We have reduced tie price of the very best quality of "OH Cloths" to 50 cents . per qusre yard, to which we Invite the attention of [louse .. • • • • • wipers, vie sell them lower than can be purchased at, any store, In the Interior of Pennsylvania. Our goods -In this line are purchased direct from the moot celebra ted manufactures and for durability and design cannot be eurpassod. -'1)0KINO GLASSES of all shies mid at• 'reduced pricen., . .. , . , GENTLEMEN'S W4RE. •"-: ' • . Cam merei; dattinette,' . •• .- ••• •... . ' ...:. Tweeds,. • . . . . • • Cottonadee, • • • •-• • • ..• ,Kentucky Jeans deVde. . ._ - ' Vesilegs, de.; de, . ' . • . ..Remember we ore determined not to be undersold and der, compotltlon., ' • A. W. BESITZ::', • Callele; , April IN 15111.' _ , --... : . Carlisle . Foundry, • • FARM IMPLEMbi DEPOT! F. Gardner & Co. now inane:Lc re..and keep eon. eta ntly rnr coin, at their ellonalro 0/1111 Works on Bast .Main street, Carlisle, a Wile assortment AORICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of welt known, approved neefulnose to formere. owing which they would call espechil attention to WaLOUGH IlY'd CELEBRATED PATENT. . • • ei SPRING GRAF DRILL which has triken over fifty Pinot Class Prom u and County Voles. To the Farmers or ,Cumberland, ork and Perry counties *e. , nhed not speak In detail Of the nuirlts of this drill, as scores of them are o now in 111A1 on the beet firms In these counties. Its 'remit*. timi Is established en the most complete Omit, Drill 11011mtnufactured In the United sows Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley - and Urns, evenly and regular, without bunching the peed. The gum Springs pain the dri over stumps and stomas, without breaking pins or The' rill. Fer.oven Mid rkulor sowing, Ihe Willough by Oum Spring Drill is unequalled by any other. We aloe magi ufacturo and soil the following orticlem, which we can recommend to Hdrmers AS reliable Implements, of established Mittman,. MORRISON'S PATENT coN PLANTER, LASH'S PATENT STRAD et FODDER CUTTER, DE ID KNDOLPIPS PATENT CORN SHELLER, HAIM'S PATENT CIDER MILL, • " JOHNSON'S CAST IRON HOG'S TROVOIL Also, Three and Pour norm Powers and 'Threshing ithichines. Cent Iron Yield Rollers, Plough .Castings of .various patterns, Corn Crushers. nod other articles Tor Farmers (no numerous, to Mention. Also,. Egg Coal Btovewand Ten pinto Wood novels, ,with an immense 'variety ofpther castings fur housekeepers and ethers. We hero also an attractive Variety of patterns for • and CEMETERY ENCLOSURES to *Rich wo would call attention. Steam . Engines and Mill Gearing To.this department of our buslaess we give particu • lar attention. Our already Ostensive stork of patterns for Paper, Flour and Saw 31111 Gearing, Is constantly hierraslim. 31111.0trners and Mil Wrights will be fur • nlatted with ii Printed ettnlogne of. our 'it:violist Mill Patterns, on application.. Our Machine Shtip comprises all the various tuts futurology planing and flubhlng Shafting and Outings. by good and careful Machinists. STATIONARY STEAM. ENGINES, 'nearly desirable (spelt", from ten to iirenty.flre horse' power, built in the best style rind oo accommodating terms. Engine. built at our establishment may be ieen_inhuccessfuLoperation,at_many_oL_theLlargest. Distillerieq 4111.1 Tanneries in Carlisle, and'Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, to. the owners of which we conlidently refer for information as to their efficien cy. wanting Steam Engines are earnestly re• quested to cull and examine before contmetimg else• where. • • DOOR AND SASH FAOTORY. - cohuodud . with our tstablishmontia a Stearo Sash and Door Manufactory which is now in coruplote order fur thu manufacture of ovary description of , for the most costly waren as the plainest house. Win -dew Sash furnished from 5 cents upward, according to size of.glana ; Window • Frames from $1 Si upward; Shutters and !tolling Blinds from 51 .75 upward; four Panel Boors from 52 12 'lower& Mouldings, Castings Amhitrayes, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery, Scrolls, and other articles needed, In house building, furnished nt the lowitst prices and of the bait quality of lumber. tr..1,..We are also prepared, es heretofore. to build and repair BURDEN CARS for transporters on the reilrmil, with promptness and on reasonable terms. The continued patronage of the public In respectfully solicited. Qrders by mall promptly attended to. Nay U. '6O. Y. °Amiga & co. lEMENT.—The subscOor isprejinred j to Hell to merchants and °there, CEMENT, by the qu r tit T " V rt V "P ,jtrltse,Arnt,lS. 11. SAXTON. NkWARRADVdEMEN,T. On and after Monday, 23d' blaij, 185 D. the sub. scriber will run a Daily Train of Cars, between CARLISLE AND leaving Carlisle' every morning and Philadelphia every evening. gnodo left - nt the FREIGHT DEPOT -of Peacock, A: lIINCII3IAN, No•., MS and RIO Market street, will be delirpred in Carlisle tbn neat day. J. W. HENDERSON, Bast High Street, Carlisle, Pe. ME@ NforicE,—To the heirs and legal reprettentatives ofJacoli 1141 m. Into of the toWn• Alp of ziouthnuipton county of Cumberland deceased. Take ntitico that by virtue of n writ of Partition and Valuation Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Cumber. laud county, and to me directed, I will bold an Inquest to divide, part or value I ho real estate of sold deceased, on the premises, on Friday the 2flth day of May A. D. ISSO, nt In o'clock, A. M.,.wben nod where you may at. tend If you think proper. . • DM. I.ll'OA RTNEY, Sheriff. SherllT'a Office, Carlisle. May 2,1860.—1 t AUDITORS NOTICE.—The credi tor], of J. Ilunter-llerron,who have claims upon the balanceof his assets in the hands of Scott Coyle his a/minima, will present them to meat .ny olllre in Carlisle on Monday the 21st May 1860 at 10 o'clock A. M. C. MUSH= 11, Auditor. May 2, 1860 ENZME2 NAILS ! NAILS 1! NAILS ! I I A large stock of good, Olean, Neat, and Tough .nulls, at the lowest Prices. Our nails are worth Enda a keg more, than any other make or nails sold In our s town. thin is the opinion of mechenlcs who have tried them, we also hare a full assonment of BUILDiNCI'MATERIALS, or the latest and most approved styles. All goods war ranted as represented. JOHN P. INNIS & SON. May 2, 'AO. North Hanover St. Carlisle. pENN MUTUAL LIFE LNSU n • ItANCE COMPANY. , DIVIDEND NOTICE. The Board of Trustees hare declared an EXTRA Scale Divinsso of FIFTEEN per cent, and a regular Dividend of TWENTY-FIVE per cult - And 4,180 a EABII or !NUR. EAT Dividend of SIX per cent upon - the Scrip Dlvldeads of 1650 to February 1859 Inclusive. I ain now ready to deliver Certificates and pay In terest to those entitled thereto. A. L. BPONSLER May 2, 1860. Agent. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM.- J. G. CAW° & CO., successors .to Wm. If. Trout would announce to their customers and the peal, generally that they have Just received from Phliadel phis, a large and elegant stock of goods, in their line of business of every variety, style and quality. lIINIThey have on hands splendid assortment of HATS AND CAPS , . . . of all descriptions, from ttfo'Conuon Wool 'to the. finest - FUR AND 811,1{. HATS and at prices thnt must suit every one who has an eye to gelling the !worth of his money. The stock includes, `MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER &FELT lIATi, of every stylo and color and uasurpaa•odlbr LID IIT. NESS. DURAIDLITY. AND FINISII: by these of any other establishment fry the country.• MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAPS, of every description constantly on hand. They respectfully invite all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, tu.glve theta a call. . J. CI: CALbIO & CO. Apr. 2.1, 1860-1 Y N 0 T I CsE. .. . TO THOSE WHOA IT 'AMY CONOEHN. • The subscriber hereby gives notice, that from and at. terlthin date, he will pay no bilk contracted by others In his name, without his written order. _HENRY LEFETER.--. Dickinson twp., May 9, '60.-3t. • _ I .•__,• • VAILS AND SPIKES.- . • . .11 50 Tons Nails and Eplkes, jest received of the very best make and all Warranted. Country merehaute supplied with nails .at manufacturers pllees, at the Hardware Store • &larch 7,'60. TOTICEL- 7 -All persons indebted to the estate Of D. It. Cnoverilor Advertising orJob York, are roquented to mil et the flume Mice and make paymegitto Wm.Af. Porter, [[ho In anthorised to n•celpt for Ihq name.* DAVID COOVEIt, - , •lllity 9, , 5e. ' . Admr. of D. R. Dwyer, dee'd. • WANTED.lmmedhitely. . three or . . four first rate Journoymon House l'aluters none but OW workman peed apply. J. IV.-PAIII3. N. B. Cor. of Main and l'ltt at. Carlisle. lifity 16, 60.4k* . , 1-1.4 '. tiLE.—A . desiiable residence on East Pomfret street, I. offered at private nate. Tor Candi or other particulars, enquire at the Itereld Mee. . May 16, '60.-dm. mA.CARD TO Tat' SUFFERING}.. The My. IVILLIAM - Onsatiova. while Inhering as a smeary In Japan, was cured offionsuroptlon ' when all other means had failed , by a recipe obtainelfbrim a . learned phyalcian residing In tbs. great city of Jeddo.' This recipe has cored great ntirob,irs who were suffer. log from Consumptinr.,-Bronehltis, Sore Threat,Coughs and CoLd., And•ttio debility , and nervous depression coo ed by these disorders. Desl milk of hetiefitting at he I will send Mid recipe; which I have brought home wit me, to all who need It, free of charge.' -- . -- Address - • RSV. WE. COSGROVE, • 430 Fulton Ammo, Urooklyn, N. Y. May 23,' 60-3 m . . VALUABLE CHESTNUT TIMBER FOR'11)1L11. ill sell on the 2de - dune next, 100keree, In lobe of from 5 to 10 aerie, of that , excellent rimmic LAND, ;known as the "Buchanan Tract,". adjoiningthe Om of John Ilerman, I%mllea north of Whitestown, In A dame county, on . the road leading from liendenwille to Mt. *illy. There In on some of. the lots excellent lyhlte Fine Rafter and Building timber. 'A great portion of the land le level, and en excellent quality of Fans Land Immediate posseerion,wlll begiven. , Bale to commence at 10 o'clock, on theWoulloce. Terms made known do dal areal.. - DANIEL'D. OWL' .1)1_111.1)S . ANP CHMENT.-1- 6) %minds Cement with eery huge -assirtteent of . }jida mio 11'001'11 - MM , r 411 kinds ..chesper then ale; at the Ilardnare Store of Muth 7, , - HENRY sAxtox. AND ..IRON RAILINGS; BUILDING MATERIALS HENRY BAXTO SALE OFJ.,TJNSIM.TED - • LANDS . : ly;olrtue of a warrant from trader. the-hand and senior Mitre of Cie Commissioners Of : C=ll.46nd Cow) , ty and to me directed, the following : tracts and iota or unseated land situated in Cumbeiland County State of Pennsylvania, will be exposed to isle by pane ion'. 'due on MONDAY, the 111 h • day of June - 10 Oat the Coot-VW/yea to the Doroughof Carliste.Wounty afore. said. and t outibued atiJouintnent - finto time to time until thoy oro.ali sold, or cc much of tech tract:or lot as wit' be sufficiant to defray' the arrears:ogee of the • State, Courity,ltoad and licboid_taxes duo theroon,-auci costa. . A. L. SPONBLEE; • • ' . !• • • 's, County Treasurer. No. Lott. • Warrantee. and. Owners. , . Tax Due., CARLISLE , • . . I. John Thinbar's boirei. 1. COlwlrtr trolts;—. 1. Georke.WAl, DICKINSON TOWNSHIP NO. Acres. 6. John Brugh, 11. Jacob Layman, • 22. Gilbert Seariglit, 6. Benjamin Malone, ' 7'45. Thomas C Miller, Jr. ' 4. Michael Myers, 9. Jacob Myers,. ; • ' 66. Hen:y Myers, 15. Charles AloCulloch, 20. Thomas McCune's heirs,- . G.:Teter Mulleq's heirs, 60.: Morrison-St, McCreary, 6, Anthony 10. Horard Myers, 7. Philip Myers, 4. Cornelius Myer's, 28: John' Myers, 4. Jelin H. Marsden, ' • • G. William Miller, 44.. Nathaniel IVeakler .10. Jacob Wolf, . • 10. Michael Waist, 46. Henry Killing, ' • ' 0. Adam Countz, • " 4 -. • • G. John Countz, 500. Henry Clever, , 18. Funk's heirs, 8. Moses Funk, ' 12 John Graham, 12 Thomas Graham, ' • 7. James °reason, 10., Dimes' heirs,• 10.• Elizabeth Lyne, 9. John Lehman, • 8. L. Leshey Agt. for Frederick, ' 5,, Albert's heirs,. •. 1. John Gough, ; 8. Samuel Cileim. •6. David Scobey, . ' • 87. James Townsend, . .• 200. Sam'l Woods sen. helm • 14. John Zug, ' 8. John ilemminger, • 25. John Boren, 19. James Bishop, 15. Francis Colestone,' J 500. Rogers, : ' 17. Peter Beam, 10. John Cline, • 5. Amos Myers, 5. Isiesi's heirs, 6. John Neeley's 4. Isaac Bowers; 3. - Joseph Baker, , 7. Adam Lerew, 7.. Leshey Lewis, 6. Peter Myers, 4. Solemon Rovetoon. ' 5. Joseph Trimmer, _ 7. Jacob °Hest, • • • 7. Daniel Griest, 80. David Duncan, • 12. .Grove, • 12. James McCulloch, • FRANKFORD TOWNSHIP.. 30. 'Samuel 1405. liollenback's heirs, • 2. Smith's heirs, 02. Mary Johnson._ 800. John 11V, WOOdburn, 21.'„lolin Ilemminger, • 16. George Wnslimood, 15 John Hiles, ' • 27-George Drawbaugh, 18. Juhn.Dunbar, • . -- • • SOUTH'MIDDLETON•Twp. 44. llarbolt & Trump, 44. James Townsend, 9. George Deardorf's heirs, 76. Joit' McClure Jr. heirs, • 111. Jacob Sheafer, 230. Shenfer & Keller, ' ' NORTH MiDDLETON Twp. 650. Hollenbaek's heirs, 100. Mathew Irvine's heirs, 6. David Capp„ 6. Philip Snell, 5. Peter Kissinger, 2. Jacob Stouffer, GIONROE TOWNSHIP. 1. Martin Diller's heirs,- 11. William Saiton. MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP 94. Edward Biddle, 2048. John M. Woodburn, Tax $lO5 48 WARRANTEES AEI TOLLoWiS tii 200. Daniel Boyle, • • 128. David Barns, 825. Moore Wharton, , 150. Samuel Nortoh, 100. Sarah Parker, 200. Lydia Parker, 200. William Parker, 250 Mary, Martin, i -180. Rosanna. Martin, • 100. Christian Marshall, 40. Eleanor Martin, 50. Richard Lake,. . 100. Archibald Gardnai, • 100. EiekiclKing, 160. William D. Gardner, 21. William Moffit, 14. George Buck, 160. Thomas Paxton, 100 Alexander MeOlintook, .i; 200. Moore Wharton, 160. Thomas C. Miller, • 25. Richard Stevenson, 100. John Cressler, 0. Joseph Williams, • .4.- Venus Patton's heirs, 24. Benjamin Heterling's heirs, 6. James Hoover, 260. William H. Woodburn,, 24. Frazier, 18. James-Fulton, • - , 16. John i lloover, 60. W. C. McCune, 61. Abrahatn Grove, ' • 16. Daniel Sweigert, 400. John P. Humerieh, NEW_CUItIBERLAND LO CB . I. George. Carothers, 1. George FalnStock, • 1. Abraham Ilursh's heirs, I. Samuel liursh,,. • - 1. Luther Martin, 1.. Philip Smyser, 1. Thomas Warren,' I. Henry Miller's heirs, 1. J. II Simmons, 1. Peter Simmons, . . 1.. Asa White, 2. York & Cumberland Rail R. Co. 1-82 LOTS. 11. Owner unknown. , . 27. do. , 80. do. 201. - 158. do. 201. do.. .170. do. 172. do, 184. do. 79. • . do; . . 88. do. 208. do: 202. NEWTON TOWNSHIP ACRES. ' • , • 888. John M. Woodburn c 6. Joseph Laughlin, 2. David. Barnhill, • • 46. Leonard Helm, 47. John Delso, • 76. Henry Clover, • HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP; . 900.; John IL. Woodburn, 100. Samuel Gilmore; • SILVER -SPRING TOWNSHIP Kineinger„' 16. David 811189 r, 1. Henry Eberly, •,- _" 13CHTHAMPTON . Tivp - .7 1 • • 408. ,William Demoan, , , 400. Jamea:Devor, ••. 40% . ,John 3Yoodburai' '' ' SOL,Jolin 1. 'John & Abrni. 'Roddy, 2. Robert Laird's Loire, 284: . Robert Scott; ' • 490: Joseph 314Ke0,', • .• TIASIPbEN ToiVNSHIP. 40. i Route Quigly, ,:.1.1 carlliao April 11,1800 r. 1 3 1? §,ANU S 11 A .41 IS . B. J, muradAnis; .; • No. 10 i(0112111 STREET `ls the most extensive lionuthetarer'of VENITIAN BLIND • • AND WINPOTP SHADES.-- X , Cir VIE LABONST AND PIND , T . • 'Amortrilent.lri the Clty,nt the • .•• • LOWEST CASH PRICES. Store Shades Made and. Lettered. April It, . $2 86 92 38 Tax Due. 2 42 -216 2 69 2 97 2 88 p,00: CHAINS OF ALL ky - Muds with a large assortment of BUTT CHAINS. lIALTER CHAINS, ' BREAST CHAINS, FIFTH MAINS; LOU CHAINS, • - TONGUE CHAINS. COW CHAINS, • SPREAD Are., Ac., Just received a't the Cheap hardware Store of Starch 7, 'to. : - HENRY SAXTON. 240 12 911 1 18 1 70 8 82 REMOVAII II M R I A I p g m ?S D M A N ! ' E. 1 72 1 88 AMBRO.TYPE GALLERY. -0. L. Lochtitan le Nappy to announce . to the citizen,- of Carlisle and vicinity that ha has removed hiirictun Gallery to...ItIARION , IIALL" where hp,topes; with nu parlor facilities, end pleasant Recess to his Rooms, and exi-ellent light to merit a continuance of the veriliber. al patronage beatowed• upon hin ts by -his patrons anti friends. 7 16 8 55 1 01 2 47 • . PICTURES OF EVERY STYLE, ' made from n medallion to ills sire. Ills pictures are warranted to bo superior to any. made In this part of tho country, and equal to the Cory best made In large cities. -Ladles and gentlemen ant respectfully invited to call and examine spetlmene. • - ._Caallsie„ • 1 62 1 91 8 75 2 97 1 81 2 09 • SILVER PLANED WARE BY JIARVEY FILLEY No, 1222 Market Street Ppitsnstrnts, Manufacturer of tine NICKED SILVER, and SILVER MATER of YOKKS, SPO /NS, LADLES, BUTTER KNIVES, CASTORS, TEA SETS, URNS, KETTLES, WAITERS, BUTTER DISHES, 1,0,E PITCHERS, CAKE BASKETS, COMMUNION WARE, • CUPS, MUGS, GOBLETS, Sc., . With a general assortment comprising none but the 'best quality:made of the best materiels and heavily plated, ounetituting them -a Bei - Useable 'and durable -artirle For lIOTIMR, STEAMBOATS and PRIVATE FAMILIES • .03-,Old Ware re-plated In the beat manner Nob. 22, 18604 y. . 2 04 8 28 2'87 1 9 1 78 1 98 A 09 56' 6 17 28 95 • TAISSOLUTION OF PARTNER -I_, Silitt.—The partnership heretofore eilstlog der the firm of 8111t031 k BLACK, has this day been diVtlyed by mutual consent, therefore WO would solicit anima indebted to come and settle their accounts, and all those haying claims will please present them for settlement. 8 88 1 55 24.90 Jett. 3, 1800.. The business will hereafter be continued at the old stand of Shrum & Black .under the firm of BLACK tt DELA NCY, where wo will keep constantly on hand all kinds of Lumuen AND COAL, of °rely 'description. which.we will sell at the lowest coals ptlces, and all or ders for bill stuff will be promptly attended to on the shortest notice. We are thankful for the patronage of a genoroue public at the .old stand 'or4llrom & Black, and would still solicit a continuance._ All orders left at the residence of Jacob 81,rom formal and lumber, will ha promptly attended tom heretofore. BLACK & DELANOY. Jan.-11. 1860. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS ; •• 80 1 1. 82 Chambers St., N. Y. Would-notify the Trade that they era opening Weakly, In now and beautiful patterns, the WAIIISUTTA. PRINT.. ALRO VIE • 'A .Ilf 0.8 EA G A now Print, which excels every Print in the Country for perfection of execution and design In fitil Madder Color& Our PrMa are cheaper than any in market, rod meeting with "extensive sale. Ordeal promptly attended to.. - 28 25 1 17 887 1 19 - 100 TONS IRON AND ROLLED 1 IRON of the very host ENGLISH BRANDS warran ted In every way Superior to American make. Just re calved with a large assortmout,of . . . . ' Sheet IrOn t Auntie, . Hoop Iron, '' Vices. Band icon, Filem, . • diorite Shoe Tron, Rasps, . . Spring Steel, Bolts, cast thee', • ' Rivets, ' . - Blister tteel, Nuts. ' - „ Washers, - Meet e Shiites, ~ Screw Plates, ..,,,,r t : flans. . . Blacksmith Dellowsiet.;gc. Cheaper than/the cheapest, at the Hardware Store of .•, Blared& 7,'60. lIENRY SAXTON. Wli All Iron sold at city prices with freight added and 'warranted. 2 05 1 Da 8 00 4'60 82 84 14 23 2 28 . . 13 0 W D E R . --, I. 15 Rags Dupont. Rock and Mlle powder, wftp a large assortment of • Safety Fyne, Stone Drills, I\4' Plekni Storm Sledges, • Crow Darn, Stone [lemma. Junt rocelred at the cheap hardware Store of • Starch. 7.'110. .. HENRY SAXTON: 1 18 1 64 j 0 It RENT. " Three commodious room on the thfrd 'dory of ItIIEEM'S NEW HALL suitable forlioclety meetlitge, I,flgos or chiller purposee also, on the first floor one room eultablo fur a lIIIIInrd Room or oilier, nod a too in I. the basement are offered for rent. Porreaction given Immediately. March 7, 11160.—t f. J. EREEM. 10 GI 6 76 12 80 8 40 4 98 12 25 10 GO 2 50 1 15 5 91 eIti.MBERLAND VALLEY - BANK PiIOPICETODS: WILLIAM KKR; Metunom lIRNNLMAIK, Moor. C. STERRKTT, JOllll DUNLAP, RICHARD' WOODS, .1000 S. STERKIM• • Joni.: C. DUNLTP, " IL A. Simmers. This Dank, doing business In the name of tier, Dren semen & Co., Is now folly prepared to do a general Ranking Business, with promptnesa and fidelity. Money received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice. Interest paid on special deposits. Cer tifirAtes of deposit bearing interest at the rate of five pepcent. will be bused for as abort a periodus four months. Interest en all “rtiticatem will cease at ma. 'turlty, provided, however, that If said certificates are renewed at any time thereafter for another given pe riod, they shall boar the same rate of Interest up to tb time of renewal. Particular attention paid to the col. lnttlon of notes, drafts, checks, &c., In any part of the United States or Canadas. Remittances made to England, Ireland, or the Conti.. vent. The faithful and confidential execution of all orders'q entrusted to them, may be relied upon. • Thlfy call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics-and all sehers who dotal' a safe depository for their, names,. to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Dank Ric INDIVIDUALW liable to the extent of their estates for ail the Deposed', and other obligations of Her, Dionne. man Co._ They have recently removed into their new Dawklng Douse directly opposite, their former stand, In West Main Street, a few doors east of the itaiirmul Depot, 'where they will at all times be pleased to give any In formation desired In regard to money matters in gene , Open for business from o'cloCk In the morning until 4 o'clock In the evening.- , • 11. A. STURaIiON, Cashier. Carlisle, May 20.1857. 2 60 5 31 5 31 7 0,5_ 1 22 4 16 2 ei 5 08 3 80 1 00 1 38 1 04 1 10 Egli 2 20 NO-'ISTAKE.,--. All-personsin..want, or a bottle of Fine Old Imported and Pure Brandy, or old Rye Whiskey, or Gin, Wines. he.. can get the pure article at' the Urerary of the subscrlber. ' WM. BENTZ. Carlisle, Jan.lB, 140. 1 76 4.IOSIETHING NEIV.- 17 Misses Aughinbaugh 7t. Duke, take pleasure In announcing to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that they are prepared to renovate bonnets of every de scription, and material that require • WHITENING, BHA - PING and PRESSING, in a style that will in most Mee excel new, In. white. nese, brilliancy nod finish,. having quite recently re• calved instruction In an entirely new process, connected - With Dirs.,C, C. Dow's patent hat and bonnet" pressing machine, for which they have purchased the sole right of Cumberland and Franklin countlem. They, are also 'wady to teach others the same superior mode, ne.well as to supply all those with machines who may wish to purchase, after having thoroughly tested its merits. Also recelpes for colors,-of uvety • DESIRABLE MADE. for Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons,.Bilki, and. Feathers given with the sato Block lace veils; however much ,faded will be restored to . 1 10 1.10 . SIVEPASN •N EW, • In color and finish N. D. Thin process will strengthen the material, Where all others hayo iplured. „ . Among the many recommendations that have been given„fn favor of Mrs. C. c.'Dow's Presslogillacine, and recelps, one only_ will be Inserted at the present time. rlilkOOßtill, Jan. 14th 1860. Being Induced to Investigate the merits of the 11.3: colpts given by Mrs. Dor, wilh the sale of her very ex. colient machine fur pressing bonnets, bets de., I ac knowledge myself unleashed beyond measure, at the wl.nderfulaffec4; producing what I would hove consid. ered au Impossibility, bad I not even It demonstrated beyond a doubt,and 1 sincerely recommend it, to the use of alLonsaged In thl straw, and millinery business so briar one of the greatest improvements of the age. Carlisle April 11, 430 -t.f.: •MINS B. OItUUD. 18 20 . 98 1 21 TAILORING . ESTABLISIIMRNT. TO TILE CITIZENS' OF. CARLISLE :AND VICINITY. The undersigned bee located himself in the' room Inf.; medlately above Dr. Soilth's °Mee,' (opposite . the Depot) where he liestide conducting the MERCHANT TAILORING BUSINESS In all: Ita:vatione brandies: Drees, Pinch, Sack, and Business Coats cut and made in the latest,New -York end Philadelphia fashions. Pants.i Toone Ciit Ly a'NEWSYSTEM - whlcherllt glee the wear er an elegant appearance when In a itaintlng posit!. -11, and when Inn eltlinzponture, will not.'rlde - half Way up to the knees as Is usually thetas., In the Old way of cutting: Also, is beautiful style of VESTS that will not be disposed to ride up, la is usually the case. In all these summate he will ineure r allt. , Cut, dene',iit shaft 'natio'', and direettens as to making Sea when dulled. IGICKAPELLOT.' , April 430.-3m.' 1.66 8 69 MEI 10.10 4 84 88'21 8 70 1 P-R.ING•GtooDs. SHARPLESS_ iROTHERS, • Have redared on admirable stock of New .Fabrics, such • ' i as ThAVICIAItIitES, ORIBAILIrIiB sod CAMILLA& , Fancy 911,K from Auction, boloir ItMeost 'of impor. and - C.R - AyATS. • • HOSIERY. EMBROIDERIES, PLAIN colored. BLACK • glossi , SILKS, and neat DIMES. ORAY POPE LIVES In overpearletr. 'Ohlne end Maid. OR DANDIES,. GRENADINES,. LAWNS„ and • . CHINTZES; MUSLINS, FLANNELS,. '•, QUILTS .4 FURNISHING 00005 • • , • IRISIISHIRTING LINENS of the best Wan. SHAWLS ' CLOAKS LACE and • • • SILK MANTLES. • Goods.for.• • • c FRIENDS . ' • wear,, • . SDOE Goons.. BOLTING.cLorns, Ac., Ac. •• SIIARPLESS 'BROTHERS, •' Bth & Chestnut, Phlladelphlai May 2,1880.-3 m! 1860 :HARD .. IVA ir R A E RE I I - 1 II A R D JOllll P. Lyn° & Son have Just completed opening their Spring Stack of Hardware, Points. Oils, varnishes. Ohm to Which they invite the early atttention of the public. 'We have greatly enlarged our stock in all Its various branchekand can now-accommodate the pub. lic with ' • •• RELIABLE GOODS: • In largd'or email quantities, at the lowest prices. But we do not wish the understand that we have brought all the goods in Philadelphia and Now York for our town, but We can amain" thhl that one look into our store will convince thenk'thnt we here enough to suppiythe demand In this Market. Persons wanting goods in our line will find it to their advantage to give us a cull before making their purchases.—All Orders personalty and punctually attended tom and no ratan, presentations made to effect sales , JOHN ,P. LYNN &.80N, NOrth Hanover St. Carlisle. May 2, 'CK) rilowN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. '.. The subscribers offers at private sale,• . . a house and lot ofground,, situated on ~ 1.,c 7 .- - -- -, ' 4 Lontber Strest In the Borough of Car- 1'44 , ,.. Hale, belongln'ic to the heirs of John F.-:1111•. , Snyder deed. The lot In thirty one n.;," Y . - foot In front, and two hundred and for ty in depth. flaring thereon erected a • TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, large and convenient, and In thorough repair,. with a new Tria Story Stone Back Building. wash home' Ac.. For terms or other particular', apply on the premises to ELIZABETII LANE. or ' • ROBERT MOORE. , • Guardian and Agent for the heirs. Carlisle!, April 25, 1850.-t. a. IVIA:RRFAGE GUIDE - A NEW ROOK, EY . WILLIAM. YOUNG, rim D , AVllpi.' . The secret clue to Courtship, Love • tAkti4>. need Marriage: with the diseases incl. (-7 ••••:,V '''.•,..:".• dent to Youth, Maturity and Old Age ::----, Aft ~, -T, ro- ..--, —being lights and shade* of Married RalL, -011 `74 . 4,1:,-;.1 Life, its Jots and Sorrows, Ilopes,Years C3 , ";3111, asikli . and Disappointments. Let all married .!.. 4 ://..dr.,,‘. , .people, or those contemplating mar "" I, ls rinse and having the least impediment to married life, reed this book. Let every young man and women in the land read thin book. It in FOIL or PLATS; and discloses secrete that every one 'should know: a little knowledge at first may save a world of trouble in after l if e. ' . JACOB BISROC, ROBERT M. BLACK 800 for a copy (encloolog 25 :onto) to DR. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPRUCE STREET; Corllelo, .401 25, '6O ' . GOOD NEWS FOR TILE I.4:OPLE , no to MIAMI & SAWYgitS 'Plow Store East Main Street and see their boautifol stock of New Goods now Is the time to make your spring and Summer pur chasos. hoeing selected our stock, with unusual care from the leading Import ing honkas of New .York k Philadel phia, and availed ourselves of the extemive auction sale of Van Wyck, Townsend h Warrens, New York; Wo can Mier great inducements Co the buying public. (Mr stock comprises the latest kinds cud styles of DRESS AND FANCY GODS In the market. much an l'igured, Plato, liarred Striped• /Mika In all their variation, Double Jui, Slam, Ilium!. naked Foulard, India Sake, real French ehallies, Crape armadillo, Spring Valanclan .4.Popane. Four k nine .bounced Barns° /k Lawn Nolen,-Itarege Angialc Crapm 'Maritza In all colors, Milanalso Sloth, French Orgaudyt of evnry description of !lemon's importations. Shawls! Shnichil of all kinds and qualities, Light cloth Mantles Splendid silk dusters, French Lace Points it Rumours Shantlila - Mnntlen, Sun Unthiellnik parasols, Masan. dons Kid. Gloves, Gauntlet Mitts,. Spring Gauntlets, Hosiery of nil kinds And sizes. Embroideries of every dencription. Gunnels, Flats, Shakers, Bennet Gibbons and Irimmings, Dress Trimmings. - '•IIOOI SKIRTS! 1100? SKIRTS! h .Wilcox celebrated gourd troll skirt, selling very cheap. Men Sc Oay's•wear suitable for the season. Hats, Neck• ties and all other kinds of Gentlemen's furnishing goods. 011 Cloths, 011 Orilla, Shads. etc. kr. As we hare Jost Bono Into this branch of trade, customera will End our stock NEW and FRNSII. Constant additions or desirable goods will liirsseurod during the season. Please call at • April IS. '6O FARM BELLS! FARM' DELIS!! • Just received the largest, cheapest and bast Mg. sertmeut of FARM It ELLS In the mu nty.., 0 reencastle Metal, end Bell Metal WAItItENTED NOT TO CRACK, at the Hardware Store et Mirth 7, , 60. HENRY SAXTON. • WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER-WARE We would respectfully inform our friends, patrona and Iha public generally, that we have now Irt.Store, and offer ' IVIIOEESALE & RETAIL, at the lowest Cash Prices-a-large and Tory choice sleek of IVatches, Silver and Fisted Ware, of eye. ry variety and style. Every description of Diamond Work, and other Jewelry made toot- der at short notice. Si-All GOods WARRANTED to be no represented. N. D. Particular attention given to the REPAIRING of Watches and Jewelry, of every description. STAUFFER & HARLEY, No. 622 Market Street. South Side, rumtournts. March 14, '6O-3m, E o 17 . AL. - L. SPONSLEII, les removed hie office, to hie New House, opposite Ohms' Hotel. (March 28, 16t4-tf, FRESH SPRING ARRIVAL. 1860 BOOTS & SIIGES, • . BOOTS & SILOKS. AA the times are Tory tight at present, It will be every persona Interest to look out for cheap BOOTS & SHOES, and asvo the dimes, and the very place to accomplish thin object Is at the old corner knownya a Shoe Store fur many years, directly opposite Burkholders old stand now awes Hotel. So coil and lieW fur yourselves and save Money as you will find a complete assortment of all kinds of goods In the BOOT & SHOE LINA. and of the very best makes, and ever remember the 'lowest price articles Is not always the cheapest so you will find among our stock the prices vary according to the quality of the article. The Subscriber having Ret returned from Eastern Cities with a large and complete stook of Boots & Shoes ' lie also keeps ou hand a superior quality of Home Made work of Boots d Shoes to butt the trade at the lowest ' cash 'prices. , I Men's Calf d KIP Pigged Boots. . ' !. Men's French Calf sowed Boots, Men's Kip. Calf & Goat Brogans high k low cut, Men's and Boy's Cali Buff 8 Paten, Leather Oxford Ties, Men's Calf Buff & Patent leather Congress gaiters, sow . ed and pegged. _ - Ladles' Misses & Children's Black and Colored lasting gaiters. Ladies' Misses & Children Fancy IC 111,& Morroco Slippers & Mimes Goat & French Morroco Buskins, Woman & Children, pegged work of all kinds at low prices. Just an assortment of Children's cop. pared toed shoes. Repairing done on short Intim.. The subscriber still continue, on at the old stand thankful for past favors loping to receive a continuance of the name. Carlisle April 18, 1860. JACOB SEGER. WM. H. MAURICE'S . CHEAP • • BLANK BOOK 3 STATIONERY ESTADLTSIDIENT, 326 Chestruit Strict, below Fourth, South eidel PON Or Till &MELD ELMO PHILADELPHIA, PA., Ledgers. Journal'', Day Booki, Cash Books, Letter Pa • per, iroolselip Paper, 11111 Paper, Steel Peng In great va tidy, Envelopes of all alses, Letter Book*, 13111 Books RECEIPT BOOKS &c. :Enveloping Riper, Quills &e., COPPYING PRESSES $O, $8 end $lO. Copying Books. Copying Brushes, and ALL Min ARTICLES FOR TILE COUNTING ROUSE Which will be sold from twenty to thirty per ront r below the ordinary prices, for cash. Carlisio April 10,'00.-3m. vr MT-ELL}MADE OLOEIIING I VINISIIED CIA MENG I • FITTING OhOTIIING The subscriber has just received - a very superior and wall selected stock of . , . SPRINGA.SIISIKER CLOTHING, emulation of eassmern, Summer and Italian cloth, Al. puce', 31arsalles, Litman and Cottonadn, Coate, 'Pants & Shirt,' also Silk and Satin vests and In chart every thing In' the way of GARSINSTS. Ills stock of GENTLENEAtTFURN !SLUNG GOODS, ham been eeleetoCwftb a met deal of care, and' shirt* c r avats, Saida, are sold at unusual 16n prices. • . „ 641039 R VALIgEB, ' The subseilber,would call :special, attention to his large stock of'.,: • • • - • • 'BATS AND CAPS wiileti he hos re delved bileillog' them at 'eery low flume, Of the above you .ean consluee yourself by calling at the Cheap Clothing Store, near, the. Market !;,liones,j ' , • ABIIEit,W,HtL. Apia . . .17 4 1011," RENT.- 7 . • -.„ The !orgy w . sro holes . on tho corner ..of Nein .andrWilst streLoteotlth 11 commodious . track, enct,ttll noceerery prlillogonp for tho tranenctlon at the Ihrrard; log imainers, olltnact fitPleacepip.rmiyano*.t4o let or AprlL 'Apply to Carl • Markl ;.1. 1 '6O ' JAOOII EttEElt - itliscellancoup. MOURNING DRESS GOODS, CARPEMSLCARPNTSU SAWYERS, New . Store S . Zustiless utr,oB., L• J•', W. . FOULK, Attorney at Law . °Mee with J. It. Smith, Esq., In Glass' Row, In 'rem. or. Fret Propbyterien Church. All. business en. Untied to him will be promptly attended to. . • re -spectrally announces to hie old"frlende and minor patrons, .that he.bas returned from - Ids south western tour..*lth. his 'health' greatly Imposed, and has ream:and his practice In Carlisle.• •L. Main Street, one door west of the Railroad' 'w can bo found at all boars, day and •riprofosslonally. ' ER, M. D ( 1 10310EOPATDIST,) PHYSICIAN,. SURGEON & ACCOUCHER. . Offier on South Ilaporer titreet; formerly oceityled by Dr. Smith. R. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North Ilanoror street two doors from Arnold A sm's a ore. Office hours, morapartlculorlyfrom 7 A.:. 9 o'Slocki A. Af.l'aud from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. • ' , .-,.-...-...,,..., T R. GEORGE S. SEA 'iliiii-: - . .t , RIGHT, DENTIST, from the Bel. 11111/1• ~., .., more allege of Dental Sur e ' E ry. 03.881ce at the residence of his mother, Eaat Geuther street, three doors below Bedford. March 19, 1856—tf. DOCTOR ARMSTRONG 4s remoo • od hie office to the Sonth west Corner al:fa:loser & Pomfret et where he may be consulted at any !tensor the day 'or night. Dr. A. has bad thirty years experience in the pmfcgdon, the last ten of which have been docce ted to the study- and practice of Homeopathic modl• clue. Mby 20, '67om. • • DR. J. C. NEFF respect fully Inform. the ladles andgentletnen 11 . 4 . 6 of Par Hide, and- wieinity, that helm re sumed the practice of Dentistry, and le prepared to pep form all operations on the teeth 'arid gums, belonging to his profession. lie will Insert fall eels of teeth On ((did or silver, With Single gum teeth, or blocks, as' ey may prefer. Term/ moderate, to cult the times. • . I.C.LOONIS • South ITanover street, • - SWIG next door to the Post 03. N7lll be absent from Carlisle the last ten dayr. of each month. faug.l, '65. • el_Eo W.D .D Lat . (' Dem onstrator or flperalive .to . the . • Baltimore • Cortege' r. • De Al ni ce ß at bl e e ri n;eide . n . re: pproalte Marion Malt, West Main street, Carßile p Penn •, Nov. MOM. 8. HAVER . STlCK, 7 DruggiiV North Honorer Street, Catrllale. Phyelclan'e prescriptions carefully compounded k full supply of fresh drugs and chemicals, - R. J. S. WAGGONER; Office North Ilanoyer Street, two doers north oflars. - Morrie In shop. - Carlisle April 25 AW CARD.—CHARLES .E. MA GLAUCHILIN,.Attorney at Law , Office h 4n. • heirs building, Just oppoelto the Market Renee. Carlisle, March 14, leal—ly. TOHN HAYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW.— Offleo on Main Street, opposite "Marlon Carlisle, Pa. [O4. 26, '26-Iy. • ri P. HUNIRICH, Attorney at Law. IL) .-0111 do on North Hanover street, a fen. deo south of Glass' Hotel. All business entrusted to W.. will be promptly attended to. (April lb. •14.?.. OS W NOTICE. - REmOvAr. - •: , =1;N. • M. PENRE has removed hie office In rear o the urt House, where he will promptly attend to all 'hued nem entrusted to hha. August 19. UM. LAW. • OFFICE.-LEMDEL ^TODD' has resumed the practice of the Law. Office In Centre Square, west 'aide, near the First Presbyterian--! Church. . . April 8,1857. ANDREW J. WILCOX, Attorney at Law. (Men N 0.19 Lexington fit..llaltimore—Busi: nese promptly attended to.. . REFERENCES. Johnson, Jamb Ithaca', 11. A. Sturgeon, et At. Carlf[ge A rit 25,'60.-9m. sea- FARE REDUCED. -VAL STATES UNION HOTEL, 606 &608 Market Elt.i above alith, • PLIILADELPAIA JAMES W. POWER, kroprletor. TERMS 25 per day. jn3o'6B. AMERICAN .HOUSE, North Hanover Street, Carnet°, Pa. W. W. KLlNE,'Proprlet64 Titla Glenne hag been refitted la a ■nperlor style, and no, open for the accommodation of Boarders and Travelers. on MODE RATE T SUES. • EXCELLENT. STADVING ATTACHED. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Cor. Markel Sir., 11. W. KANAGA, raorittcrome e MEM N. HANTCII., MERCHANT TAILOR. WEST MAIN STREET, OppOsite the Rail Road Office Stir Fall and IVinter .Styles of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings made to order, Carllalo, May R, 1860. 'n. NEWSHA ATTORNEY .AT LAW: Ocoee with iVm. U. Miller,. Esq., South Hanover Street, opposite the Volunteer Wee. Carlisle, Sep..l3, 1559. W. C. RHEEM ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minneapolis, Minnesota. WILL glee special attention to collection. through TV out the State, make investments. buy and sell 'Waal Estate and securities. Negotiate loan., pay tize-, locate laud warrants, da, Lc. Refer to the members o the Cumberland County Bar, and to allprominent citi zens-of Carney, pa. fAug4•6B-Iy. J. GOODYEAR. _ R. ANDERSON BAR ,lIKON. HAVING entered into do-partnership in the manufacturing of DAR IRON, at Letort Forge, Carlisle, Pa., we would respectfully incite the attention of Hardware merchants, Blacktmitbs, and all others who may want a superior article of Iron to glut , them a call. All kindm&hamniered Iron constantly on hand or drawn to o on short notice. "' The highest price pa id for wrought iron scraps, or ts• ken in exchange for r iron. . Carlisle, Oct. 12, 1859. 'I A It PE TS. ELDRIDGE'S CHEAP STORE. . The subscriber being under very light expenses, has, as Is well known, always old goods eery, cheap; but this cocoon, haring availed himself of the recent great depreskion in prices of material, /M., offers at towns PRICES MAN EVER . 01[PORZ, a very large assortment of TAPESTRY. DRUBSELB, . ~ IMPERIAL THREE-PLY, }CARPETS, INGRAIN and VENITIAN J. and OIL CLOTHS of all widths. in great wariety.. Also, Canton and Cocoa MATTING 9 of all kinds. with a law stock of tow Pawn Ingrain Carpets at 21 to 80 cupid per ynrd, Stair and Entry at 10 to 50 cents, also, Rag Carpets, Cotton and Ilemp'Carputs, Rugs, Mats, Stale Rods, Ac., Ac. ' . • IL IL ELDRIDGE, No. 43 Strawberry IL ono door above Chestnut. 49-Strawberry hi the Brat 'treat west of Second St., March 28, 1860 Poluzstrali. • O n TILL TnIUMPHANT - . ►J The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the subscriber lu calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to call , and ex amine the only stove that has gliirmlyental astWac tion. WHAT IS CIAIdIFE OVER OTHERS IS , let. A saying of from 30 to 60 per cent ln %el." • •• • 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from thereon, Ilre, • 9d. A larger Oven than any °thereto!' °libel same dze, : 4th. The presereation of the centre piece from Making saving repairs, • . oth. The beat Baker, Roaster, and Cook, now In use, •. 6th: A puperior arrangebient for cleaning the flues, perfect Gee Consumer ibr either word or coal. The Prairie Flower Is, warrabted to. give satisfaction In every particular, and willamehown with pleasure to • „ all who mar eall, whether purchase ,o4not, any. vow quantity o;r of m d fu c T i ni t : T t; onlic• hand,co count ry. hich I be sold very low to close stick, • Spouting, Reefing, Job work, Cappenenilthing arid Sheeting work promptly attended to, In town or trouo-;•, -••• try. All work warranted at the old 'stand, Ermine's •.•,. mitred north of Louther. , , MARY M.IIOIiRTS. N. B. Old Copper, , Brass and Pewter botzght,uattMO hil i hest price ri d la (=her erode.. I •: i AY :UP! PAY :up P' Those indebted to thelate are hereby retotootatt to mil had *Ade their reopefum amounts within thirty,dayoi othoroloe be left with a ptopet °Moor tor .collettfoo,-Wa - tuoua.. , what-we MIYA /.860,4; f. ;• ` " TTIST IVED.: - --Analier ap,rl.obambor:impstsi(selltilit4ent i! i i ' d a ttkArtiVeTtr7egjllai i l A Y ;Ot etepsd sod p_lala, Chstl, =lutist. Dress itoods &o. tY 2,120 Q. : LEIDIOLI uSAWYER. =I WM. MoVEY, J. GOODYEAR k CO