Car • AND • FAEM IMPLEMENT DEPOT!' F. Gardner h Co. no,iv' manufaSturo and keep eon . itantly for sal°, at theiV extintsiv& Steam Works on East Main street, Carlisle, a largo assortment of Ate ItICULT URAL '.IIIPI,'EALENI`9, „.. of well known, approved' usafulnebv to firmorS. among which theyyrould call especial attontloh to WILLOUGH DIPS CEI.ELIGAT.GD PATENT aIfiIf•SPRING 'GRAIN DRILL, . which has tak on °vit. fiftya.ffirst Class Premiums at Shit ' • and County Fairs. To the Farmer& of Cumburland ork and Porry.countios no need not speak In dotal of the moths of this drill; as,scoros of them aro now it use on the best farms in these counties. Its repute. Una In established as the most completo ,Orsin Drill now 111.111aucturod in the United States. It sows Wheat, Ilya, Oats, Barley sod Grass, evenly and regular, • without hunching the coed. The 'gum-Springs pass, the drill over stumps and stones, withotir breaking pin's or . the drill..• Forovorrand regolar sowing; the • -by-Gum Spring Drill Is unequalled by any other. We • also manufacture and soli the folithrlng articles, which , .tvo can recommend to Farmers as rellablo iniplomonts, • ' of establishaLchanictor MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER,. LASH'S PATENT STRAW Az FODDER CUTTER,. • DRIDENDOLP lI'S PATENT CORN SHELLER., HARMS PATENT CIDER. MILL. • • JOHNSON'S CAST' IRON HOG'S TROUG IL Also, Throe and Four 'torso Powers and Threshing eltit Iron Field Roners,, Plough. Castings of various.patterns, Corn Crushors, and other articles for .Farmern too numerous to montiou. Also, Egg'Coal Stotes and Teo Plato Wood Stoves, with an immense a---- +variety of L other castings for housekeepers and otheq. • Wahavu also an attractive variety of patterns for • . , IRON. and CEMInEItY ENCLOSURES to which we would call attention. ' 1 Stean"Enginos and-111111 Gearing. • To this department of our business we-give portico. tar attention. Our already extensive stock of patterns for Vapor, Flour and Saw Mill Gearing, is constantly Increasing. Mill Owners and Hill Wrlghts will bo fur. fished with, a printed catalogua of our various Mill Patterns, on application. Our illachitto Shop comprises all the' various tools for turn ing,planing and finishing - slatting - dud Castings, by maod sot caretulkinchinists. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, of any desimblo capacity, front ton tq Ewell ty-fivo horse lower, built In tho best style and on accommodating ,tynrs. Engines built at our. establishment may bo seunTosuccesSful operation at many of tho largest Distilleries and Tannerle's lit Carlisle, nod Cumberland , -- l'orry - sod - Dauphin Opuntlexto - tho owners of which , wu co6ibloutly refer fur information as to thoir cy. Persons wanting Steam Engines aro earnest '• quested to call and examine before contracting where. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY,' Conna••ted with our ostabllmortont Is a Steam Sash and Ibior Manufactory which is now in . complete order for ' the manufacture of every deset•lptinirof BUILDING MATERIALS, . for tho most costly as mull as the plainest house. Win ' Mow Sash furnished from 5 cents upward, according to slze of glass; Window Frames from $1 31 upwerol; Shutters and Rolling Blinds from $l. 75 upward ; Pour Panel Doors from $2 12 upward. blouldlogs, Castings Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery, nod other articles needed In house building, furnished nt the lowest prices and of the best quality of lumber. ttc9.:Wo aro also prepared, no heretofore. to build and repair BURDEN OARS for trunsporter's on the railroad, wills promptness and on reasonable terms. Tho continued patronage of the public is respectfully &incited. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Slay h. '6O. • N. 0A It DNER A Co. CIE MENT.----Tlie subieriberje prepared co soil to !yardman !ma others, CE11111NT; by quantity.nt inenufitcturors prices, Carlbile, April 11, 1860. AItIIANGEM.ENT. .L.l On and after Monday, 23d ,May; tho Sub scriber will run n Daily Train of dtire r between • CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA, • leaving Carlisle every morning and Philadelphia every evening. • All goods left nt the PRIM:111T DEPOT of Peacock, 7011 & HINCIIMAN, Noa.'BoB and 810 Market street, will be delivered in Carlisle the next,dny„ • • - 11. - W: HENDERSON, - West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. Aril 11, '6O • FOR. THE • RN,P'UB,LLCAN . NATIONAL CONVENTION. AT CIIICAGO, MAY 16th, 1860: EXCURSION TICKETS • TO . THE CHICAGO CONVENTION, CAN PL PURCIIASED IN PITTSBURGII,, AT THE DEPOT OFFICE OF Tun Pittsburg, Ft. Wayme and Chicago Rail Road Company, Good for tho Round Tilp to Chicago & Return FOR $14,00 Tickets good4rom Slay 12th to Juno let both inclusiro This is the only direct route from Eastern and Norti Easterh Pounsylv:Lula, through from Pittsburgh with out chango of flare. t/i}-'Lao T.11;13 trill !nava Pittsburgh Daily, on the ri iral of Trains froni•Phibulelphin and Harrisburg. , CEO. C. HATIIIMAY, • Can. Pass. Agent, P,, Ft. w. C. It. May 2, 1100,21. • • 7VOTICE. — To the c hoirs and legal 1 representatives of Jacob Helm; late of the towe l; hip of Southampton county of Cumberland deceased. 'rialto notice that by virtue of a writ of Pertit ion and Valuation Issued put of the Orphans' Co , rt of Cumber land county, and to mu directed, I will hold an Inquest ' to divide, part or value the reel estate of said demised, o'n the pratnisos, on Friday the 28th day of May A. D. 11560, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and where you may at. toyed If You think proper. . ROST. M'CARTNEY, Sheriff. May 2,1860.—1 t .Sheriff's Office, Carlisle. UDITORS NOTICE.—The credi t - tom of .T. Hunter Herron, who have claims upon MI telltle° of his assets in the hands of Scott Coyle his assignee will present them to me at my office in Carlisle on Monday the 21st Mity 1860 at 10 o'clock A. M. C. P 11115111161 f, Auditor. Dirty 2, 1260 -46 DAY _ UP ! PAY UP ! ! Those indebted to the Into firm of Shrom fi Black are hereby requested to call and settle their respective areounts within thirty days, otherwise theta bills will be left With a proper officer for eullection.—We 111C/111 whet weeny. SIIRO3I k BLACK. Boy 2, 18110 —t. 1. TUST RECEIVED.—Another lot of 11011 Stair nod Chamber enrpntr, (Belling very cheap.) Also, a lot of BEST QUALITY of Oil Cloths, all widths, whleb we or* selling at fillets per moan, yard striped 11111 i idaln, Cloth Murillo:3, Dress gonda &C. May 2, MEL LEIDICII & SAWYER. "VALLS I NAILS !! NAILS ! ! ! 111 A large stuck of good, Clean, Neat, and tough mills, at the lowest Prices. Our nails are worth toots a keg mono. than any other make of mills sold In our town, this Is the opinlon - of mechanics who have tried them, wo also hare a full aisortmentaof • BUILDING MATERIALS, of the latest. and most approvod styles. All goods war routed as represon eod., .1011 N P. LYNN & SON. - a May ...— North Itatibter St. Carlisle. 1 - IENN MUTUAL ' LIFE INSIJ j • ItANCII-COMPANY : - • , , • DIVIDEND NOTICE.. . The Board of Trustees have &dared an EXTRA Seam Jiiviovin of El yr E EN per cunt, and a regular Dividend of TWENTY-FIVE per coot. And also a Cann or Ism. EAT Dividend of SIX per cant upon tho Scrip Dividends of 111.10 to February ISO inclusive. I noi 11,11 V ready, to deliver Certificates and pay In= terest tutbose entitled thereto. A. L. EVONSLEIt Nay . 2, 1860. Alton t. O BRIDGE BUILDERS.- r_ . Proposals for building a tl'eadtpi Bridge over the Cesodogulnot creek, at Sample's fording, in Silv,h. Spring Township will be rocolvod at the Commission ers' Waco, In Carlisle, until Friday the 18th day of lust., ut which time the proposalS will be opened and the contiact awerdod to the lowest and best *ovum]. • SPECIFICATIONS. • • • . The bridge to Ito in length one hundred end fifty-five feet in the clear, trout one abutment to the other, and sixteen foot wide in the clear; with two*ahutments; each twelve feet thick at thu bottom, with ihatlering wall of ace inch to the toot on throw sides of each abut , went; the abutments to be sixteen foot highfrom Ion; wator mark to the cord.line, from which the arches are to be alarm() anti extend across said creak front one a butment to the other, and to be double fivred with ;two Inch plank,.tho lower floor to be pine and the upper white-oak, end mimed in the centrattifteen inches; the sides and gable ends of said M ffi idge to be of suciont height (say 121eot) to admit covered or hay wagons to pass through the ,same. Tile bridge Is to he closely woatherbonrded with % Inch pine board well - lapped. Tho whole of the work, of said badge to be roofed With • good and nufficinnt pine ohlugles ; said roofing to ex tend at each and ton foot over the heel of the turbos, or top Oche abutments, and on each side of the bridge, over the weatherbOarding two feet.. The, abutments to be built on firm Mundations, to be approved of by the Commissioners; the whole of the mason work to be well built of largo lime steno, and good mortar, and pointad. The filling to consist of earth and stone, end to be sup. ported with wing m.llBllll each sltio live feet thick at the two abutments ' with a battering.of one Inch to the foot to the top of the filling, and to extend In that mint. nor on the'two uxtromo aide§ of the bridge until the ailing and wallitig shall meet the roads, with an as. cent, not exceeding an angle of two dagreee olulation• from the road to the bridge, with curtain walls of sufficient length and' thickness, and cowing with pino shingle's. , The wood work on the out side to hovel hre•:.' coats of good white lead paint mixed with boiled lin seed oil, the Inside to be well'whitewashed with time. The contractor total:doh and give such' security as the Commissloueremay require for the faith , NI performance of the workmanship, .and the poem; nancy of said bridge for add airing the , term,pf seven .years. oars. . Quarryleave' gratis. DUCOAW, }Commlealoners, . of . • J. 11..WAUGONCiti Cumberland Co. ' • 'J. Ammon:ma, Clerk. • 2 May 2, lin . e Foundry, ATARRIAGE GUIDE . A NEW I3OOK, UY '.1 . -I'llft/.. Tho - secret - clue - to - Couriship, -Lore ~ - ;:'01',.._,;., and Marriage: . with the diseaseslnel c? ,f_i..3.: , '-••-•,':.,,, duet to IrOuth, Maturity and Old Ago, 7--1- ,- -1. ,_,F:. —being lights and shade,. or Married - ;-t , -- - Trir n, :' , o4, - ;, - --i4 Life, its Joss and Sorrows, llopes,reara - ' , 5".: , ,!k;d1 . :4' . ..„1-:: end Disappol n t oma t o .' Lot all married, '''..i',7 7 ,ik v\‘; , people, nr tho c o contemplating . mar :‘'.',: 1 t'‘`' riser and having the least impediment to married ilre, reed this book. Lot orery young nom and•woman in the land read this book. It IS Feu or PLATEN, and discloses secrets that ovary ono-should know: a little knowledgo at first may savolt world of troublo in after life. ESTABLISIINENT 11 TO THE CITIZENS OF CARLISLE, AND VICINITY. Tho undersigned has located hirnsolf in tho room im mediately above Dr. J. IC. Smith's office, (oppoilte tho Depot) where ho Intends conducting the MiIItCIFANT TAILORING BUSINESS in all Its various branches, Dross, Frock, Sack, nnq Business Coats cut antfroado in the latest Now York and Philadelphia fashions, Ponta.. loans Cut by a NISW:W:4ITM which will giro Elio trenr or an elegant spool:roe. when Inn standing position, nod when inn sitting posturn, 55111 not lido half Way up to tho knees no la usually the coon In the old %mot*. cutlimr. Moo a besutll4.fityle pf«YESTS that will not be dispose:L.o ride bp, AR fs usually tho case. a lu all those garmenti'ito wily litsurdUt tit. Ciating done at short notice, arid directions Is To making givon wheirtio,dred. J. S. ROCKAFELLOW. April 4, Ttk—am. @MEM QOIIIETHING NEW.- • 1 1 11sseirAtighinbatigh - it Duke, take pica - stir° in unnounelog-to the:rid - eons 'of Carlisle nnit — kielillijl; Hint they aro prepared to renovate bonnets of ovary de scription, and nis,terial that require 'WHITENING, SHAPI . NII - sod PRESSING, in a style that will in most cases excel new, in white. liens, brilliancy and finish, having quite-recently re. ei,ived Instruction in en entirely now process, connected with Mrs. C, C. Dow's patent hat and bonnet pressing machine, fur which they have purchased the Bola right of Cumberland obit Franklin counties. They are also ready to teach others the same superior mode, as well as supply nil those with machines who may wish to purchase, after tinning thoroughly testeifits merits. • Also recolper for colors, of every fortionnetn, Ilnta , Ribbons, Silks, and 'Feathers given with the sale' Black lace yells, however touch laded will bo restored to =1 N. B. This process-will—strengthen-the material, where all others have InJured..'. Among the many recoonnendations that have boon givon,"in favor of Mr.. C. C. Dow's Pressing Marine, and ,recelpe7Onii only will bo inserted at the present time. Doing Induced to investigate tho merits of the Re ceipts given by Mrs. Dow, wills the sale of her very ex salient machine for pressing bonnets, hots Re., 1 ac knowledge myself astonished beyond measure, at the wonderful effect, producing•}vbat I would have consid ored an Impossibility, had I not seen It demonstrated beyond a doubt, and I sincerely recommend It to the use of all engaged In the straw, and millinery business no belus ono of tho greatest improvements of the age. Carlisle April ir, , 60-t. f. MISS 8. GRUBB. STILL AHEAD!!! SECOND GREAT ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS; We are now opening our second arrival of Spring Goods which we offer to tho Citizens of Carlisle and vi. deity, at unusually lost prices with tbo determination to keep paco with tho thnos and the reputation of "i OUR HOUSE" for soiling Cheap floods.— Wo purchase our goods for “CASII," exclusively, there by enabling us to sell at cheaper rates than the most favored Houses, a fart our (rip n d. and customers should. boar in mind. The following comprise but a small iron I ion of our lumens° and varied stock. Plain & Fancy Silks, Foulard Silks, • • Parisionnes, • • Delolnes, Mire," • Crape Do Espognes, • French & Scotch Gingham's, Valenclas, . • Poplin., • • Polrde Chasms, Lawns. • • Plaids, • French ililinierican Chintzes t American Ultighains, Shawls, Lace & Slllt Mantillas, A very general assortment of mourning goods, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., he., Douglass & Slierwood's,Now Skirts the the most perfect and beautiful skirt ovur produced, made with ono clasp and warranted not to got out of order in 801, 3.15, 20,10, 35, 40 and 50 'loops. The lar gefit stock of CARPETS liana OIL CLOTH' over brought to Carlisle (Ito hove reduced the price of the very best iluallty of "Gil Cloths" to 00 rents pen square yard, to which we invite the attuntlon of Ileum, kuupers, wo soil thorn lower than can ho purchased at any atom In the Interior of Pounsylvanla. Our goods in - this line are purchased direct - hour thiltielitablabfrnu . ted man ufucturos sod for durability and design cannot beau rpossod, LOOKING GLASSES of all sisal, tindat miaow' pares. ' GENTLEMEN'S WARE: Cloths, Cassimeres • • - • Sett Moan, .1 Tweeds, Cotton:ides, " Kentucky Joansim. Vestioga, Ac., ke, allemember we are detenninedtuot to bo undersold and defy competition. A. W. BENTZ. Carlisle, April 21, 1600. GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE bo to LEIDICII It SAWYERS New Stoyo Ithat Main Street and sue their bountiful stork of Newt:lona now 18 thu time to Mako your Spring and Bummer pun. obasoa. Having selected our stock with unusual care from the loading impoEt log houses of New York d, and'avalled. ourselves of the extemivo auction sole of Van IVyck, York. IV, can offer great inducements to the.buylng public. Our stock comprises the latest kinds and styles of DRESS AND FANCY' GOODS In the market. such en Figured, Plain,- Barred Striped. Silks In all their varleties,Bouble Jupo Silks, Illurni mated Foulard, India Silks; real French Challies, Cram Grenadine, Spring {Wench's & Poplins. Four ran, ilminced ilnrngo .1: Lawn Bohm Barege -aught's, Crap, Maritza In all colors, Mist:tattle cloth, French Organdy, Lawns. MOURNING DRESS GOODS,' of every description of Desson's importations. Minis! Shawls I clan kinds and qualities, Light cloth Mantlet Splendid silk dusters, French Late Points & Burnourk :Mantilla Mantles, Stn Umbrellas & parasols, Alen dure Kid Gloves, Gauntlet Mitts, Spring Gauntlets.; ilosiary of nil kinds and sizes. Embroideries of °Very' description. Bonnets, Flats, Shakers, Bennet Ribbons' and trimmings, Dress Trimmings. HOOP SKIRTS I, HOOP SHIRTSI I Wilcox ealebrate&gourd trail skirt, selling very cheep. Men .& Boy's Wear suitable for the season. Mete, Neck. Ales and all tuber kinds 'ot gentinliton's furnishing goodsev - on RIG I CARPETS I I 'ollCloths O l eirths, Shades hc, dc, de weber° just gonainto this braneh'ef trade, cushitners aditrlud our. stock N HIV and Fltridit. • Constnet additionsor de - arable dotal' nip he secured during the season: Plano call'at April ld. '43q. MS11)10114 SAWP:REI, Nair Store plt..J. S. WAGGONE,R,,: Office North . Hanover Atreet, Swe deers nortlier lira. fklorits' ma* ,- . -,•-• - - Carlisle April 25, '6O:-Iy, SPRING Goo , ps.— SHARPIESS BROTHERS, Have received no admlmb e eteclf of Now ' Ynbrice, Finch TRAYiII.LERIES, GRISAILLES and CAMILLAS. • Fit trey-SILKS from Auction, below tho coot Of Wiper. team. • I.IANDKERCIIIEFS and tinAVATS . .. • HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, VLAIN colored, BLOM glossy SILKS,nnd neat CHECKS: OKAY Von . LINES in over variety: Chino mot Plaid. Olt . (UNDIES,. ItENADINES, LAWNS . CHINTZES, MUSLIM, ELANNRLS, QUILTS & FURNISHING GOODS „ • IRISH SHIRTING LINENS of • the beet bleach. SHAWLS CLOAKS LACE and ". SILK MANTLES. . 'Goode for 1 , FRIENDS . . • • wear, •' SI-TOE GOODS, BOLTING! MOTHS, bc., ttc. 811MIPLESS lIROTIIRR9. ' Sth & Chostig, Phlittdulphim May 2.1- 4 3n0. - ARDlVA ir ß A l itp ! ii -H A R D. - Lyno le Son have Just •complotod oponing Moir Spring Stock of Hardware, Paints 011 s, varnishes, Mara &c., to which they iuyito thowerly atttontlon of the public. Wo hare greatly . oulargod our Mock In all its various branchos,and cap now accornawdoto tho pub. Ilc with RRIJABLE GOODS. • •In large or small quantitlea, at the lowest prices. But we do not wish the public to understand that wo.havo brought all UM goods In Philadelphia and New York to our town, but we can assure thorn that bate look Into our store wlll convince them that we have enough to supply the demand In this market. Persons wanting goods to our Nue will find It to their advantage to give us a call Wore making - their purchases.—All orders personally nod punctually 'attended to, and no trilsrm preseutallons made to olTeet moles . . JOHN P. LYNN & SON., Slay 2,.'60. North Hanover St. Carlisle. T OWN PROPERTY AT PRIVATE. SA X.E. e subscribore offers at private lisle, • . a house and lot ofgbound, situated no ,f c . z I n - Louther Streetlil the Borough of Car- . .•.i.'? •'. lisle, belonging to the, heirs of John 2.y'. i - Snyder doo ' d. Thu lot Is thirty one : ~ . ., 4 ,, .... ...- feet In front, and two hundred and for- •=.-.7. - .7.'" ty In depth. Haying. thereon ereetedn TWO STORY . FRA ME HOUSE, . . , . argo and convenient, sufl in thorough repair, with a ,ow , r,70 Story Strum/Ma building. wash Louse ke. ..For Sums'''' or ether particulars apply on thu premises o • • - ,o . ELIZA BETH LANE. or , ROBERT 31001 U:. Guardian and Agent for thu heirs. .. arullale, April 25 1861 L-t. a. ivILL,TArsirOUNG, M• D SauLl'fbr o copy (a_ncloaltig 25 :103ta).to 1/R. WM. 17011.',i(11, — Pi). .110 81'11110H STIttIET, 'HILADELPHIA. CArllsla, Aprll 25, 'OO Sin.. DT BIRABLE SHADES, suRPAsS NEW, ' , minium!, Jun. 14th 1860. .BELLE OF THE SOUTH" SALE OF UNSEATED-`LANDS. virtue or a warrant from tinder the hand and sealer office of the Cominlnslouare ofOumberlandCOun. ty and to ma directed, the following tracts and lots of unscatedland situated In Cuniberland County State 'of I!enesylranla; will be exposed to sale by public von din on MONDAY, Ihollth 'day of June. 1060 at the' Coot t !louse In the Dorouch'or.Carllale, County afore ' sold. and continued by adjournmont from limo to time until they are all odd, or ns_much of each tract or' lot nu 11 , 4 suMcient to- depay • the arrearasea of the State, County, Road and School taxes due theroon and costa. 14 spoNsmi, ' • • • County,Treasurer. No. Lots. Warrantee and Tax Pao. CARLISLE I. • John Dunbar% hairs, Colvrell'a.hekka, I. George Wahl; DICKINSON TOWNSHIP 'Aro. Acres. 5. John Brugh, 11. Jacob Layman, 22. Gilbert Searight, 5. Benjamin Malone, 46. •Thomas C Miller; Jr. ' Michael Myer's - , • o..lacob.Myers, 66.. Hen.4lrlyers, - 15. Charles McCulloch, 20. Thomas McCune's heirs, 6. Peter Mu heirs, 60. Morrison & MeCreary, 6. Anthony Myers,' 10, HoWard Myers, 7. :Philip Myers, 4. Cornelius Myers, 28.. John Myers, • „ 4. John H. Marsden, . 6. William• Miller, 41.• Nathaniel Weakley • ° 10. Jacob. Wolf, . • 10. Michael Weist, 96. Iletcry•Kindig, Adam'Counii, • . 6. John Countz, 100. Henry Clover, • . 18. Funk's heirs, 8. Moses Funk, 12. John Graham, 12 Thomas Graham, ° • 7. Jnines Grenon; , 10. Nimes' heirs, 10. Elizabeth Lyne, • 0. John ' . 3. L. lerthey Agt. for Frederick, 6, ,Albert's heirs, . • 7..J01in Gough, . 8. St - inre' Gleim, 6. George Spangler, • 5:- David - Scobey, 87. James Townsend, 200. Sane' Woods son, heirs, 14. 'John Zug, " • • i 8. John Hemminger, • 25. John loran, 10. James Bishop, 15. Francis Celestonb, 600. Rogers, 17. Peter Beam, • 10. John Cline, 5. Amos Myers, Meal's heirs, - r -6. John Neeley's heirs, 4. Isaac Bowers, 3. Joseph Baker, 7. Adam Ler•ew, 7. Leshey•Lewis, 6. Peter, Myers, 4. Soletnon Rovetson, 5. Josenli Trimmer, 7. Jacob Oriest, 7. Bailie! Griest, 30. David. Duncan; . • 'l2: Grove, 12. James McCulloch, • • FRANKFORD TOWNSHIP. 30. Samuel 1455. Hollentrack's heirs, R. Smith's heirs, 02. Mary Johnson, ' 800. John M. Woodburn, - 2E' 16.-George Washmood, 15. John fleiks, 27, George Diawbaugh; 18. John Dunbar, SOUTH MIDDLETON Twp; 49. litirbolt & 'Trump, 41. James Townsend, - 0. George Deardorrii heirs, 76. John McClure Jr. heirs,. 111. Jacob Sheafer, ' 230. Shenfor & Roller, ' ,NORTII MIDDLETON Twp. 660. Hollenback's heirs; • 100. Mathew Irvine's heirs, • 5. David Capp, Snell, 6. Peter Rbisinger, 2. Jacob Stouffer, • MONROE. TOWNSHIP. 1. Martin Diller's heirs, . 11. William Saxton, MIFFLIN TO*NSIIIP. 04. Edward Biddle, 2048. John 31. Woodburn, Tax $lO6 43 WARRANTEES AS FOLLOWS viz: 200. Daniel Boyle, •. 10'6, 128, David Barns, 6 76 326. Moore Wharton, 12 80 150, Samuel Norton, • 4 8 9 4 8 0 100. Sarah Parker, 260., Lydia Parker, • 12 26 200. William Parker, 10 60 .250. Mary Martin, 2 50 180. Ro sanna Martin, 1 15 100. Christian Marshall, b 31 90. Eleanor Martin, 20 60. Richard Lake, 2 60 100..41E0J:bald „Gortlner, 6 81 100. Ezekiel jilbg, 5 81 160. Willisurf P. Gardner, 7 96 21.'15 illinm Moflit, . 55 14. George Buck, 1 22 150. Thonins Paxton, 4 16 100. Alexander McClintock, 2 77 200. ,Moore 'Wharton, 5 08 160. Thomas C. Miller, • 3 80 25. Richard Stevenson, . - ••1 60 100. Johh Croesler, 1 88 6. . 99 , 4. Ventur;Pattort's heirs, 01 24. Benjamin Heberling's heirs, . 06 5. Janies.Hoover, 85 200. William 11. Woodburn, • 60 24. W. W, Frazier, 1 04, 13. Jninew Fulton, 1 10 16. John . Hoover, , 36 60. W: C. McCune,. . . 90 53, Abraham Grove, • 275 16. Daniel Sweigart, , 20 409. John P. llumerieh, • 220 NEW CUMBERLAND. 1. George Carothers, 1 53 1. George Fahnestock,• 75 I.,Abraham Ilursh's heirs, ••• 13 1. Samuel Hursli, 20 1. Luther Martin,/ • • •82 1. Philip Smysorr ••-• 30 1. Thomas Warren, `53 . 1. Henry Miller's heirs, 1 10 .1. J. B. Simmons,... .• -22 1. Peter Simmons, 26 1. Asa White, • 1 16 2. sYierk & Cumberland Rail R. Co. 1 82 LOTS., IL Owner• unknown. 27. do. 30. do. 204. do. • 158. do. 201. do. 170. • do. 172. do. 164. do. • 78. do. . . • 70.... • do. 88. do. 220.. do. 203. 202. • do. NEWTON TOWNSHIP. ACRES. . 888. John M. Woodburn, 18 20 - . 6. Joseph Laughlin,' • 98' 2. ,David Barnhill, 1 21 . 96. Leonard Helm ' • • 70 47; John Holm, '.. • I 76. Henry Clover, • • • 106 HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP. 900. John M. Woodburn, . 869 . .100. Samuel 011inore,' SI,LyER • BPRIN,G TOWNSHIP. _:...l'._Elhis Kiinger, . 26 I 16. David S' ger, B3• 1. Henry' body, . • ' ', • 42 ' . . 8 UTILIMPTON TWp. I I; 403. William Dilnann, .• - . •10 70 900.: James. Dever; ... ' :° . 484 '938. John M. Woodburn,' . 83 ,211 804. Jrohn Nicholson, • . .... ~• 8 70 1. John & Abrin. Roddy, 2.* Robert, Laird'n heirs,.! 2 ; 234, ItolfOrt, Scott, 100. Joseph' McKee, • 11A31PD . EN ,TOWNSHIP . 60. Quigly, Otirlialo April 11; 1860. .1.,4.5Y.01 1 ::P5A1.,,hatS - - . , . . . of Goods. Wares and Merchandise*, aim Distillers, M. lore, Lumbermen, Boor Oynterand Eating Houses, Tun. Pin Alleys, Billiard rooms 5r.e.,. within the .rounty of Cumberland, as returned and, claSsitiod by, Win. Mc- Pherson, Mercantile Appralsor, in accordance with tho several acts of Assembly, as follows to wit: . • * Omimett. • . ' Moss. Limes. Jos, 0. Hoffer, (Implode, . 14 * $7 00 Loidich & Sawyer . 1 • • • * 11 'l5 Os .1. W..Eby, grocer, . •' -* 11 - 15 00 S. C. Ilnyott. grocer, " . • ~ .11. - . 1000 John P. Lynn & Son, hardware, • 11 16 00 •Armetrong & Hoffer. lumber, 11 "- 15 00 .Woodward & Schmid., produeol ' 10 20 00 Jr W. Henderson, produce, ' •10 20 00 S. 51. Hoover,' • •• . 14 • 7,0 J. It. Nonemaker, " ' ' '• •*. •14 . 7 00. , .1. &D, Rhoads, 9'. • *ll - 700 William Bentz, grocer. * : Prof. H. AI. Johnson; bo•ke, . 14 :. • 700 A. B. EwingeTurniture,.l4 * 700 -Robert Moors, shoos, . - 14 7 ho . J. B. Duncan, Agt., shoes, 147 00 N. Hantch•-elothl rig, 14 - ' 700 Ifetn:y • iihillin,. " , 14 - 700 Wit. Mlles, dry goods, 1 14 -7 00 J. Masonholmor & Bro., confectionery, 'l4 7 00 ,A. M. Piper,.Agt., books, ' • • 14 ', 7 00' 3.0. Celli° & Co., hate, . ••-- • 14 - 700 Samuel Ensmlnger, saddlery, • 14 700 ThometeConlyn, jewelry, 14 .7 00 James Loudon, hooka, . . • 14 700 It. E. Shapioy, jewelry, - • ' , 14 John D. Borges, stoves, • 14 7 ( 11 ) (1 Jacob Sonar, shoos, -14 ' 700 John Irvine, " 14. ' 7QO 11. S. Ititter, clothing, 14 7 00 .W. Gould & Son, variety, ' Y• 1i .., 7.00 Henry Harkness, grocer, . i' ' 14 '7 00 William Sellers, baker, - • 14 , 7 0,0 -.A. W. Bentz, dry.goods, 10 00 - 8 Ephraim Stool, jewelry, • 14 ~. . 7 00 - -O lnlmlf, grocer, - . • 9 -20 00 Philip Arnold, dry•goo(tt, -- . • 12. ' .12 50 -N. W. Woods. Agt., dryngoo4e, • 14 --7 00 Peter Dlonyer, confectionery, . 14 ' 7. 00 Henry Saxton, hardware, .. ' , 10' '' 20 00 Arnold & Son, clothing, 13 10 00 Isaac Livingston, " 'l3 . 10 00 David Sipo, paper and furniture, . . 14 • 7.00 John A. ihnurich, sr.:dry-goods, ' 13 10 00 Jonathan Common, shoos, 14 7 00 .1. W. Smiley, cloahlog, 14 7 00 David .Cornumn. flour, . • 14 700 Jacob Wolf, grocer, • 14 • '7 00 Andrew O. Lechler, grocer, '• 14 • .7 00 William Harn, : 14 Dinka& Delaney lumber, - 12 00 S. W. Havorstick, drugs, ca l 2 . 13 •10 00 Samuel Elliott,- .. -. .. 14 700 1i..1. Kieffer, Agt., " 14 7 00 Joseph If. Stool, jewelry. 14 ' .7 00 Ashur Wiol. clothing, • 14 7 00 - . Henry Kollar, hate, ' • 14 — 7 - 00 John Faller, grocer, * 14 700 David Hooey. " 14 ,7 00 James 51'Gr ' annhen grocer, * 14 700 Androve Monesmith, " - 14. r. 700 John Ronan:crab, - " - ''-' 1 14 700 . °cargo Lolby, 14 . 7 00 H. Wonchel, ' 14 . . . I, , 7 00 Jams Colin), jr., ' " • 14 700 Dante' Ecklos, • •14 7 00. Joseph D. Halbert, " ••• 34 ' 7OD Mrs. 01..1. Stump, ,0 1 , 14 700 Jaunts IL Weaver,' furniture, ' 14 7 00 Henry Rhoads, 14 7 00 , (Wargo Grossman, baker, - 14 7 00 John Schinoll, " ' ' * 14 " 7 00* John Brown, 14 • 7 00 John Sellers,' ' " ' • 14 700 John holler, grocery, 14 7 00 Janos Cell 10, sr., marketing, . 14 700 Humor & Fredorlekir," 14„,_--7. 00 Rolm. Martin, 14 ' 700 John Reiter, . • • 14 - 700 Itoltert Allison, , ” . ' . l4 700 William Askew, .. 14 7 00 David Frederick, 14__ 7 00 Wilson Votnaid, " • 14 7 00 Augustus Croll, .. 14 7 OU Low, & !Sauey, . , .. l4 700 Jacob Weaver, - ": 14 700 Andrew Swede, . " • i. 14 700 1/. Spook,. 'l4 ~ 700 . . • Wm. Chonowith, ' •‘ . " •• 14 700 Sophia Sturm, dry goods, l4 ' 7 00 Margaret, Noll, millinerk,, 14 7OO Eliza Staid, . 14 ‘• 7 00 ~ Mrs, J.lint.lon, " • 14 700 Miss Dulto& _A ughinhaugh, millinery, ' 14 7 00 *Mrs. E. Williams, millinery, 14 7 00 Mary Morris, stoves, 14 7 00 J. & Geo. Teylor r edmos, ' 14 700 A. 11. Blair, leathor, • 14 • 7 00 Daviff,Thoes, Furniture, 14 7 00 . F. C. Kramol, Joweiry,_. -__,.._.1.4--..--7-0- DICKINSON. John T. 0 re • on, dry.goode, ' 51 Carver & Koller, " - William Watts, " J. Russel & Co., W. Russel & Co., David Hays, Benjamin Plaitic. 11errsoy Hardmir, Jerry Gordnor,• Michael Nogle, marketing, Jacob Bootee], " H. Coker, grocer, $2 86 42 • 88 Tax Due. 2 92 216 2,50 2 07 2 88 2 48 2 00 1 70 8 82 1 72 1 88 8 56 MI EIM 8 76 2 97 2 00 2 04 8 23 2 87 EOM BE 3 88 ETD _ -P2 28 26 3 51 119 BM EASTPENIVIDUROVOIL" . Wm. Her & Hummel, lumber • Enshart & Wormley, •• i• 1 David Lingfield, " Adam Eslinger, D.J. Ityuard & Co., " I • , Martin & Rynard, u• O. W. Ressler, dry-goods, William Banks, grocer, James Talbert, " Jecob - Renninger, " • . John al'Oormiek, " D. Dellinger, dry-goods, Jacob Longnocker. grocer, Michael Free, produce, • • • B. R. Patterson, " J. 11. Ileums, Christian livey, " • Daniel May, produce . II 66 4 GO 82 54 14 25 2.28 1 18 1 64 FBANKFORD. II !Main Green, dry-goods, Rupp .& Son, dry.goodsHa,ticom 11. Rupp. produce, • Jacob Bricker, produce, Bitnor k Who, shoes, Cyrus Temple, furniture, George L. lisle, stoves, John Solror, marketing, - Samuol Simmons, dry goods, William Ecklas, 1/orricaLL. James Grano, dry goods, Shoemaker & lionntz, dry-goods, John .Noweonier, Sour, Hoover Jr ltobuck, marketing, Christian Steviek J fur glum ' ' ' Lows!' ALLEN ' Brown &Tetrow, dry•goods, , ' l3 - Itilllliam Lloyd, drugs, "'' , 14 Eli Wise, dry•goods, 14 John Cohnnam " 14 Moses Beget, markoling, 14 William Oran, " 14 John Young, 0 14 Jonathan Brubaker, markoting, 14 ilimus Dingneeker, produce, , 14 blonitoa. 11. O. Stephens, dry•goods,. 13 D. L;Deriney, drugs, 14 Henry Spahr. flour dealer, 14 Samuel Plank, dealer . 14 • MOTMw. Henry Snyder, dry-goods, 14 Henry Zeig r ib-4- . " . 14 William Yenanl, marketing, 14 • Ittrontrasx Toirmunr• Jacob Stickle, marketing, 14. Edger & Shryock, dry•geode, .14 Meottsnmsound.. • Brindle 8; Ne!manger, dry-goods, . Daniel Comfort, 11Oyer & Brandt, w N. It. Stone, " " ' Mrs. T. Sterne, sr Philip Arnold, ti .. Henryl74 Eel Flo, . John e, et Babb & 0 irrotson, hardware, John S. Boyer, rr Leal Kauffman, drugs, Ira Day, 0 . . J. D. Herring, " Edward Lamont, shoos, 't Margaret Holmes, " ' Conrad - Mules " Joseph Totton, " Levi Itelgle . Daniel GmbH!, clothing . .., ._ • - •ltt. Shigisei, grocer, 11.-it. Thomas, grocer, ' Jacob Swerts, jewelry, Jacob Wlneman, baker, W,n. I....liustou, furniture, Samuel Worst, ' . ' Bobb,Shothm,e & Co., store's, goo. Wundorttob. " It. Wilson & Son, rr . S. T. Huston, s.sddiery, A. 11. Meteor, millinery, .. Mrs. Bryson Vogiesong, flour, Charles Schmid, baker, Kauffman & Oswald, produce, . •Zacharlas & Haversfich, produce, J. 11. Slogirer, produce, • • J. Johnson & Son, produce,' T. 11. Bryson, w J. Hummel & Co, lumber • J. Milken, ' '/‘ Sidle & Eberly, 0 George Kosor, marketing, John Johnson, George Stonoure, " Frank Marshul, " Jacob BO:Igor, grocer, D; IL Swiler & Co, clothing, NEWVILLi . . Thomas Stough, dry-goods, '. • ~ ' 1 c;t-,-.1-4, 12 40 Joesph Laughlin, clothing, • .1 . &•,:14 ' 'M.': 700 'Thomas M'Candllsh drl.irods - , V , 13 •• -- 10 00 Klink & Bros, - .•13 10 00 J. 0. kJ. B. Brown, hardware, • ' 'l3' 10 00 •W. L. bl'Oullough, grocer, 13 ' 10 00 William Bretton, drugs, , , 14 . ' 700 William Rood, " .14 •7 00 3. G. 191111, ~ ' 14 700 3. 11..,Fr0y, stoves, ' 14 •7 00 J. B Cobaugh, stoves, - ' - 14 700 B. Feldman, Jewelry, 14 . . 700 John id, Davidson, Rheas, - • • • • 14 ,'-• 7 00 William Cruiser, bets, e . 14'' •J. IL- Iferron, furniture, "- ' . 14 700 , . 7 00 Geo. Bricker, • • ' • ' ". 14 700 Anthony Foremen, marketing, .. . .14 14. 7 00 William Siltiel, • " JonathanTerree, " " 14 ~ 7 7 0 0 00 • Lawrence lionolds, clothing, „ IA , ..7 00 New Cumniamarn„ - ' ' - W. T. Soussor, saddlery, T. Wilict, dry•goods ' . ' 13 ~ :l3 .00_ Charles Oyster, lum b er,'. —,,-------7-7107-- 10 00 . Church &•Eberly, " , • ` ', 12 -, - . 12 10 Valoutlne Fcamani." . - .. - 4•18" ,, 10 00 Rudolph Martin, " -.. . .13 '• 10 00, Munger & James, l' ,', ; . - .' - 11. ' ;10 00 George Ilene, " ... , ' 13 ,- - _ .10 00 George lieu, Produce, •, ~ ,14 .-' „.. 700 John -Miller, dry.goods, ' • . '. ' 14. ,7 00 George-M. Houck, marketing, : 'l4' • • '7' ofi • John Lewis, dryloods, Oakville,l4 . 7 00 LOWill & Wagner, produce, Bad Birrn, 13 ' ; 10 00 - Wrier John Williams, " . J. W. holdlch, Bouth Middleton, Isaac German, ' " - 11. Hopple, • John Shaffer, A. Bolder, D. Whitcomb, .9 ." 1 Nobinger & Co., Lower Allen, Joseph nughcr, Martin Caultuntn, 0. Eberly, 8. D. Boyer, - 0 J. IL Rupp, Hampden, .14 T.D. Bryson, '. ll. Simon Oyster,•East Pennsborough, . 14 .1. Elder Ilarnitz, Dickinson, . 32 John Moore, • II • James Wenkley, " 14 —Benson, • - 14 ' Robert Noble, Carlisle, 11 G. 11. Bucher, Sliver Spring, • 13 Miller &_Eberly, Mechanicsburg, • -II I.D. Boyer, Lower Allen, . 14 Henry Nanning, Silver Spring, 14 Marts, Dickinson, • 14 BEER, OYSTER AND EATINGHOUSES. Andrew Gould, Carlisle, - 7 10 Jamas Wharf; 7 11/ Margaret Miller, , 11 10 ll—Arnold', u • 7 - 10 ' George Noland, . 7 10 Frederick lien nor, ' 1 7' ' 10' James Cranoy, 61 ' 7 • 10 Gotloi b Switzer, " 7 10 Samuel Sykes, " 7 10 Emanuel Welrlch ".7 10 Joseph Ebrlght, . • 7 , 10 Wm. Moudy, " - " 7.., 10 Catharine Myers, " .. 7 ). 'lO Jacob Stratton," 6. 7 10 e Mrs. Low, 11 7 . 10 Mrs. Peters ' . 11 . 8. Grove, Lower Allen, • 8 • 's' Jacob Howaters, Lisburn, - 8 6 Moses Beget, Lower Allen, 7 10 Elizabeth Hamilton, South Middleton, 7 .10 James Mackey, Shipponsburg, 7 10 T. G. lloffnutu, 7 10 Charles Brewster, Newton, .. 7 10 Peter Ilenneberger, West Ponnsborough, 7 10 John Nicholson, Newville, 8 , 5 Crawford & Scott, " 8 5 Joanph Ogden, East Peonsborough, 8 6 Samuel Rupert, !Mechanicsburg, ' . 1 5 John Maley, 7 10 Joseph McCan ' I, 7 10 William Iteed,Bll9er Spring, 7 10 11. Eberly, Mechanicsburg, 7 lb BREWERS AND DISTILLERS. William•Lacomber, Carlisle,. , $ 25 William Alexander. " 25 A. Bowler, South Middleton, . 25 . 51. G. Beltshonver, Monroe, . 05 . D. 11. Voglosong, Upper Allen, 26 William Henderson, North Middleton, 25 Samuel Grisainger, " 15 Robert Quigley. Newton, ' 16 , - Atli & Newcomber, " . . 25 . Samuel Ennoluger, "/ 25 Benson & Myers, Silver Spring, ' 25 TEN PIN ALLEYS AND BILLIARD TABLES. Emanuel Welrich,one table, - PO Geo. Folland, ono table, 80 W. J. Williams, two tables, . . 40. George Poland, ono alley, 30 4 ,IAII persons in the above list are hereby notified to take uplheir licenses without delay. • A. L, SPONSLER, May 2, 1860. . County Treasurer. 10 00 10 00 7 00 '7 00 7.00 I'2 00 7 00 7 09 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 IM 10 00 12 5u 10 00 7 00 1 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 Q 0 .000 7 00 7 00 7 01 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 10 00 12 50 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 7.00 7 00 700 7 00 -• 7 00' 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7.00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 1.0 I 0 00 7 00 12 60 ~.,12 50 14 V6O 7 0 14 7 00 14 7 00 7 00 1 0 14 7OO 14 0 14 700 14 7 00 fIUMBEELAND' VALLEY R. R. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. • ORANGE OF 110IIRS I On and after MONDAY, APRIL 18th 4860, Passenger Trains will run as follows: ozsdfited i) • • FOR CIIAMBERFBURG AND lIARRIEDURG. Lit Train. 2d Train ' Leave Hagerstown, 0.46 A. M. Greencastle. 7.35 " Ohninborsburg, 8.30 " 1 1.05 P. " ilhipponsburg, 0.00 ', 122 ." Nuwvfllo , 0.32 " 2.04 " • Carlisle. •• 10.10 " . • 2.44 " Mechanicsburg, 10.42 " - 9.10 • Arrive at llarrlebura. 11.12 4, 8.45 ", • . FOR CHAMBERPIICRG AND lIAGERSEOWN, -:v It i Ist Train .nave Harrisburg 8.05 .0: ! 51 Mechanicsburg 8.41 " Carlisle, , 9.27 '- " 3 ' 30 " WM . },t V ' T At A 1/.lt I 0 E,' S . " Newvillo, . ' .10.02 " 4.04 ' " Shijmenaburg, ,10.84 " 4.33 " Y I CHEAP " Chambg', (Arrive) 11.00 ", -, 6.10 " BLANK kook a STATIONERY ESTABLISIIIIENT, Oreuncastie, • ' 0.00 " ' 0.40. ,t 826 Chestnut Street, bolos, Fourth, South side; Arrive at Hagerstown. `, Os?' Passengors.will observe, that Hump is but One (8100 or Toe BPRRAD Eitatr,) - I. Train a day, (a Passenger and Freight Train combitmd) ' ..r 1141, ADELPILIA, F A., over the Franklin Road, connecting with train to Ilan . . riebbrg at 840, A. M., ant: with tho Train attivlngfrom Ledgers, Journals, Day [Make, dish Books, Leiter Pal Harrisburg at 5.00 P. M. ' • ' per, Foolscap Paper,'Bill Paper, Stool Pune In great mei TIMER Daily Trains leave Ifarrieburg fbrl'lttsbarg.duty, Envelopes of all sixes, Letter Books, Bill Books, at 2.45,A. M., 12.50 and 4.05, P. M., making direct con , , •nectlons with trains Pm in Cincnati Louisville... Cleve • RECEIPT - BOOKS dx. 'Wad, ()Mango, Indianapolis, St. Louie, atid all princlpie Enveloping Paper. Quiihr de., COPPYINO PRESSES points throughout the Went. $O, $8 and $lO. Copying Books , Copying Brushes; and For Philadelphia, Via Pou n ay - 114111N Catirm ' cllitliroad . ALL OTHER ARTICLES FOR Tug COUNTING HOUSE At 1.20 and 0.06 A. M. and 12.65 and 0.60 I'. M. Vie Lebanon V. It. IL, al 1490 A. M., and 2.06, P. M. Foi Which will be sold from twenty . to thirty per cent, below ~ Baltimore, at 3.21 it 7,20 A i M., A 11.06 P. Al. . the ordinary prices, for cash,. • • For irovorton and Williamsport at 1.27 and 8.16, P. Carlialo r April 18, '60.-9m.• . ' . •• M. Trains on Dauphin hood at 2,00, P. M. , ..... • .. . .. MADE CLOSIIINO I ' NOTICE TO I'ASSIONUERSI Al all Stations when , LT . ,}FIN (MED CLOTHING! ' - Tiekete are mold, vial ohamherehurg, Ilhippensburg .L,. PITTING, CLOTHING! Cavlisle, Mechtinlcaburg and llarrieburg, a reduction of - TEN CENTS on Ticket will he made to all l'amen . The subscriber has lust receive d a very impeller and well selected stock of core that provide thenteeltlie With Ticket' befere en. • - ' .. bring the Cars. . , ' SPRING .36 , 813111itE1t C LO THING, , nomad ON ce c obAntatitypig,),, ' °' N . 141X + 11uPet't . Cohliatino of Casemere, SuMmer and Italian cloth, . .- -' - ,_ p.,,,,,, mammies, Linnen and Cottonadoi Coats, . P is APM '' S ' lB6° ' ' ' ' ' ' -- -.- ---; A Shirts also Silk and Satin vests and In short e try . . , . ~. , . r •', °thing In the way of GAIIMENTS._ . Ille Mock of !3 8 I CVN E P.I'S. IfOTITEr.._ , .. a HAYTI...YAWNS!. 1 ' rfiI..N.I.Vi'ING G00D,:9; ANotice!, hereby given_ that' Abirabitutallan,'. —,• - . , . ~ . , -td the borough of Newville, Cm:Oberland County, :„Prt... :has been selecteilwita great deal of care, and shirts by, deed dated ' pril 6,18 r, has assigned tO the suhserl .:, oravata, An, de., ant sold at ueueua l low prices. - . bar, all his estate real. pebonal And mixed, In true( !tor,: '.' ...-- - TRUNKS CARPETIIAO.4 A VALISES. , the benefit Pr hhiSrtdltors. All persona .thernfore, le; ,„.:.,,.....:: I..... . r ise d su , bsc n ri r be ._ rar , Ouht , lcait ,„ .e . Pecke ,..... , i:iittentien ' to: his Alebted to the assignor' by bond, note or:bookAccount :-, 'are required to. makelnunediate, payment; .and .thcce. . , 7 • :: - 77, • '';;;- .... ~•,,, having claims to present thenifer'settlernent: to. .' , • ,.. ;. • •-, HATS Akep C A PS lzu elitcli he boa received and selling them at very. low ~- ; ..: ' ~,,, ' 3 ; Assignee orAbralram Killian, res.. or the above you can c9eavilzee Newrilier 4tprall." , 488 °. '' " ' '' ' ' '''' '' . ' Hug et the CheariSlothing !Hors near the Market - --. .House' , • " . , ASHEHNIKL. Aprtlall, 1860. ' . • • Cheap Job,Printing douo,here. lllylands & Washßiga, dry goods, • '- 14 James Kyle,, 14 Menlo! •• "' • • • 14 kusnauglit & 11y0.,. " • • 14 '.. 7 410 & Hurst , • 14 • 7 00 S. A: lion - Ors & Co., h 14 • . 7 00, A. Allnlch, • • ' 44 . • 14 ,7 OJ '"John Wagner, marketing, . 'l4 , 7 00' Snider & Knettlo, produce, 11 15.00 J. &J. H. Kursk - ' 11 l5, 00 J. &J. B. numb, produce, (Oakville ,) 13 ' 10 00 Nowcomhor & Korn, produce,', 13 710 00 Klloo;dry•goods, - ' 13 10 00 800TH NIDDLETOS. —Knop, Furniture, A. H. Leldleli, dry,soods, , J. A. °autumn, " Alexander & dry•goods o,iodyeir & Rood, Samuel Bhupp, flour, 0. Hoover, market, run JohtrA. Wolf 63 1 60 77. 43 Saintsreesuga.' Abraham Hostetter, clothing, . • . • John 0, Al tick, drugs, ••- W. W. Hon'on, . Rankin & Bro., n . , • J. Stunitiangh, hardware, Forney & McPherson, hardware, Grabill At Johnsen, • • Starlet( & Hitnklo, dry geode, • Stewart & Son, Willis, Moore k Co, • & M'Cutiee Heck & Co., " J. & J. I.l.lteddig Jamb Pogue, grocer, S. C. troller, • " - • William Baughman, grocer, P. Deltrich, John Bridges, clothing, • I'. S. Arts; . Geo. Cole, "—, Croft„ " Israel liykas, stoves, A. It. Wolf, " • P:MIllor; baker. B. Johnston Brioddy, furniture, David Frantz,. • David Criswell, " Martin Angle, lumbe r, , • John Wilkins, grocer, 'Kelso & Mathews, hooka, 411). Fisher, hats, • H. Hyslogur, jewelry, Isaac Landis, Ruby & Co., produce,. • (7 . Fosnaught • T. B. Blair & Bros., produce, Daniel MoliOnarketing, • Benjamin Biggs, " N. A, Cornelius "• • AI las.. D übbs, Mrs. thurgoon, Trinunitigs, , . Jano Galbraith, & Co., confectionery, SIIIPPENSIIOIIO TOITII6I/19. A. Soarer, marketing, • SOUTHAMPTON, Strohm A.Allen, dry goods, , ' . 13 Clark & Sonu, 13 George Clever, " 14 Schoch & Sous, • " • , . 14 Usury Myers, marketing, - ,14 Adorn Shrlrer,' dry- Irma ALLEN. oods, ' 14. Gosuller A: Zook " 13 l'utor Ohmic), marketing, 'l4 :Bohn - LlU:rick, --" —l4 Dark! illorkleff " 14 ...WErr PENNODOOOOO. . Woodward & Schmidt, produce, 11 14, 0 reason (Motor & Co., " .. , 12 Theodore Humpshire, " 13 A. & 11. Smith, produce, " - 14 It. 11. Thompson, - " • • - 14 G. IVultobison,. 13 H. Seine, ''', ' - ‘• • Alexander, oodhart, marketing, 14 Junius Bishop, ~ 14 Jesse Beep," 14 David Strohm, dr SILVER 81 . 111 Na. y-goods, . John S. Cele, . 4 Jacob Simons, " - .' Brownewell A Weaver, dry-goods, Jacob Loan, . . 'Ain Hyle p; : Id ill Flok'r clothing, . Leldlch, produce, del Finis, grocer, ohn Houck,. dealer, Fisher & Copp, dealers. F. Preekenniuker, marketing, - W. Brideaux, Merchant Tailor,• • MILL:EI.. Sam'l Hepburn West Pounsborough, 14 John D. Sharner, 0 • 14 John 11111er,. 14 A. Middleton, If --.. 14 Aid &Snyder, .. • , ' 14 Alit & Myers, Newton, • 14 Ahl A Snyder, " . 14 Jacob Huller„ " . 14 William Henderson, North :Middleton; „ .12 William Henderson. - ” • 14 Philip 7,lglur 14 D. Hoover, :Middlesex Township,' ' 14 M'Cluift,Shlppunsburg, 14 - --- Cramer, • " ~ 14 Jueab Co4rr, Upper non, ' — l4 D. 11. Voglesong,Monroo„ • _I2 D . lirandr,— 11 JosiT Juhn 11=1 ..., ~:ti ~~~., . 74, 70c 700 .„.. AIiM F BELLS I . 14101-• BELt:SfI Just received the largest', cheapest and best' as. /mamma of FARM BELLS In the county, Greencastle Metal, and Bell Metal WAARENTI:O NOT.TO oneciq et the Hardware /Hereof . Marsh 7, IIEN R YB4.X' slt TILLTItIU , AiPH.ANT, ki The complete anemia of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the subscriber In calling the attention of all who may want a superior stove to call and ox. amino the only stovnthat has givea universal satisfec. lion. 14 7OO . 12 . 12 70 13 10 00 . 13 10 00 14 • 70u 14 7 03 14 • 700 14 7'oo WIIAT JS CLAVIER OVER OTHERS IS let. A saving of horn 30 to 60 per Cent. In fuel: 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the same lire, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove of the same also, 4th. The preservation ig the centre piece from sinkitig saving repaini, sth. The beet Baker, Roaster, and Cook now In mei; • 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the Rues, 7th. A perfect Gas Consumer for either word or coal, • The Prairie Flower Is warracted to give satinfactlon In every particular, and will be shown with plenaure to all who mar call, whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity of reference In town Cr country. A few other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be sold very low to close stock. . Spouting, Roofing, Job work, Copper-smithlng and Sheeting work proniptly attended to, In town-or coun try. All work warranted tit the old 'stand, Hanover street north of Louther. '• 14 7-00 14 7 00. 14 7 oo 14 " oo 14 7 00 13 30 Du . 13 10 00 12. , 12'60 11 15 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 12 12' Go 11 16 00' 14 - ' 7OD 14' 7 00 14 • 700 44 7 oo 14 • •7 00 14 7 oo .14 7 19 . -7 . 14 14 ' 7• 14 , "7 14 14 7 14 ' 7 . 14 7 14 7 , 14 , 7 14 • .7 14 7 I 4• - . 7 10 2O 13 10 11 16 14 7 • 14 7 14 • 7 14 7 14 14 . 7 A ~ . MARY M. MORRIS. . • . N. B. Old Copper, Brass and Pewter boug4t, and tho highest prico Ladd In cash or goods. • . March 28, , FOIL R . ENT.— herge wsrohouse on the cornsi of Main and West Weds, with a commodioes trick, and all necessary privileges' for the transaction of the forward ing bnetness, offored focrout. l'ossession given on the Ist of April. Apply to . Carlisle March 11, 'GO JACOB naze,m. - • WATCHES, JEWELRY & BIiVER-WARE, Wo would respectfully inform• our. frionds, patrons and thFpublic generally, that we have now In Store, -and offer WHOLESALE & RETAIL, at the lowest Cash Prices a large and very choice Mock of Watches, Jew airy, Silver end Plated {Vero, of eve, tai • ry variety and style. Every description of Diamond . • - Work, and other Jewelry made to or • dor, nt short notice. Aro-An Hoods WARRANTED to be as represented. N. D. Particular attention given to the REPAIRING of Watches and Jewelry, of every description.' • , STAUFFER ft-HARLEY, No.-822 Market Street. South Side, PHILADELPHIA. March 14, 'l3O-3m. ItEMOVAL. 4. L, SPONSLER„ Gla s sePlT:a l ° M°° l'iNvfirc"h"!2TltirrLi THE STOVE, TO SUIT THE PEO LL PLC.—The complete success and universal utile faction' given• by the PRAIRIE FLOWER -- COOK 'STOVE, warrants the subscriber in calling upon all who wish comfort and con venienee to call and examine the stove before ' - purchasing. All who bay. tried the stove `; have beou more than satisfied. Of the great. number sold during the present mason, thetrst complaint has yet to be heard. •Of Ito other stove can this with truth ho sold. For strength, economy, boating, cooking, baking, and roasting powers, it has no rival. The into improvements for the consumption of,coal gas, gives addil tonal strength, besides in vast saving in fuel. The stove Is warranted to give satisfaction in all cases. Tho furniture Is all made of the best material, end for work - manship cannot be surpassed. I have besides a num ber of other cook cloves which I will sell with or kith. out furnituns below cost. All work - heretofore' done, attended to promptly Charges moderate, with a desire to please all. ,I hope to merit a continuance of the pat ronage already bestowed..-, - Mrs. MARY M. MORRIS. 14 _4 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 •14 Jan. 11, 1860. N. D. The highest prier,' paid for old copper, brass, pewter, In ceshi or taken in exchange for goods.' - - fIARPETS. ELDRIDOE'S. CHEAP STORE The subscriber being under Tory light expenses, has, as is well known,' always sold goods very cheap; but this season, hawing walled himself of the recent great depression In prices of material, &e., offers at Lowest paters MAX coca BEFORE, a very large assortment of • TAPESTRY, BRUASELS; IMPERIAL TIIREE-PLY, CA.RPETS, INGRAIN and VENITIAN _and9I.L.CLOTI S_of-all-widtharingreat-varisty,—Alio, Canton and Cocoa NATTINGS of all klnds:wlth a largo stock of LOW menu Ingrain Carpals at 25 to AO cents par yard, Stair. and Entry at 10 to 50 cards, also, Rag Carpets, Cbtton'and Carpets, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, 'du, Ac. 1^ 50 If. II: ELDRIMIE, . No. 43 Strawborry St, one door aboio Chestnut. AirStrawberry-Is the drat street west of Second 43., March 28, 1860 Pnsumpni . • - UMBERLAND VALLEY INSTITUTE C - . MECIIANICSBMIG, PA. ~ A. P. MULLIN, A. 8., PRINCIPAL, and teacher of Mathematics and Modern Languages. THOMAS 8. BESBE; A. 8., Assistant Principal and teache of Ancient, Lanages and higher Enlish. ~ L. M. r !LAME/MICE; A gu ssistant In the Eng g ilah De. partmenL BE] This Institution haying passed Into new hands, will be reopened ea a Maio School only, on Thaxsday, the 2d .day of September next. Rls the design of the present proprietors to make It a strictly first-class Boarding School, for training and fitting boys and young men either for college or business. Au efficient corps of In structors has been organised, whose, personal interests Cr,, identified with the success of the Institution, and who will spare no pain. to make It worthy of the colon dence and patronage of the public. "The'Bulidings of the institute are ample, and well arranged for the an. sommodation of about ninety boarders, and all students from abroad are expected to board with the teachers.— They will thus enjoy thebenelit of Constant instruction and supervision. Mechanicsburg Is situated In the centre of the beam Ufa' Cumberland Valley, nine miles from Ilanisbarg, and Is easy of access by Railroad from Philadelphia,Bal timer°, &c. No location could be more eligible for ac •cess—none more healthy or attractive for such a school. Pupils from Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and intermediate point., taking the morning train, will reach 2lecluinlcsburg by 2 o , olock, P. M. , As it le the determination of the Principal and his Assistants to place the Institute on a permanent and elOrated basis, with every application requisite for superior success, they appeal with confidence to all who have sone to ed. mate. The scholastic year will be divided into two sessions of twenty two weaker's - eh, the first beginning on the first Thureday oNiff,tember, and ending on the firse Wednesday of February; the second session. beginning on the first Thursday of February, and ending on the first Wednesday orJuly, • • Board, Wailing. Tuition, Rooms hirnished, and Fuel per Donlon, - *Bl 00 Day scholars will be received at $lO,, CT, and,V, as cording to their advancement. MMi==l Terms per session payable half in advance. For,fur. their information apply to lifullin t Reese, Proprietors, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Apr. 6,18 M). RESH SPRING ARRIVAL 1860 BOOTS& SHOES. . BOOTS & SHOES. , As the times are very tight at present, it will be livery persons interest to look out for cheap BOOTS & SHOES, lind save the dimes, and the very place .to accomplish thin object is at the old corner known as a Shoe Store for many years, directly opposite Burkholders old stsnd now Glass's hotel. So call and see (or yourselves and esron money as you will -find a complete assortment of all kinds of goods in the BOOT & SHOE LINE, and of the very boat makes, and ever remember the lowest price en - Mb:sin not always the cheapest so you will lind among our stock the prices vary according to the quality of the artlfie. The Subscriber having must returned fkom Eastern Cities with a large and complete stock of Boots & Shoes he also keeps ou hand'a superior quality of florae Made work of Boots & Shoes to salt the trade at the lowest cash prices. Men's Calf & Kip NB ed Bootr, ; • Men's Pregeh-Caitsewed Boots,l - Kip Calf & Goat Brogan. high & low cut, Men's and Boy's Call Buff & Patent-Leather Oxford Ties, Men's Calf Buff & Patent leather Congress gaiters, sew ed and pegged, Ladies' Misses & Children's Black and Colored lasting gaiters, Ladies' Misses & Children Fancy itid,& tforroco Slippers Ladies' & Misses Goat & French Monaco Buskins, Women & Children' pegged work Drell kinds at IoW prices. Just received an assortment of Children's cop. pored toed shoes. Repairing done on abort littlce. The subscriber Gill .continues on at the old stand thankful ibr past favor' hoping to receive a continuance of the same. • Carlisle April 18, 1860. - • • JACOB Blifißß. 211 Train 2.16 P. 81 2.62 n. EEO ~:~lscettancous.~ ~-:I 'WILL give special attention to collections through TV out the state, make investments, buy and Tell Real Estate! and Securities. Negotiate loans, pay taxer. locate lend warmnts, &c., &c. Refer to the _members o the Cumberland County Bar, and to all plarainent citi aena of Carlisla,Pa. fAug•l'6B-Iy. • J. CIOODPEAR. R. ANDERSON AVING - ,eriterea into co-partnership Jl_ln the manuiticturing of DAR IRON, at Letort gorge, Carlisle, Pa., we would respectfully invite the attention of hardware merchants, Blacksmiths, and all others' Who may want a superior article of Iron to glee them A call. • „ All kinds of hammered Iron. constantly on hand or drawn to order on short notice. - The highest price paid for wrought lion scraps, or la; ken in exchange for bar Lyon. • J. GOODYEAR d CO. , 0ct.12, 185 g. • : A .GRIOULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. '‘iiitlvators Garden Hoes, Garden Trowels, Yorks, S hovels, Rakes, Spades, Moos, Pru• ning Hooks Hay Knives, Picks. Mat tocks, Hay Elevators, Manure • Kooks, Plows of TEN different make, „ including Planks Plows, Henwood's Plows, • Gibbs' Plows, Zehrlees Plows, Bloomfield Plow, Bork Metal, and Eagle Plows, do., fie., d 0.4 de. Just tecalved a largo supply of all kind of goods to St out the Penner or Mechanic at March 7,'60. PLEBE!' EiAteGki. MILLINERY 1, MILLINERY I! Mrs. M. Neff having arrived from the city hae . opened a complete assortment of • STRAW'S YANOIf GOODS, comprising Straw and fancy. Bonnets, Ctildren'a hats and flats, crape bOnnets, french flowers and _ribbons a splendid assortkeent of the new style embroidered rib. bons, headdresses, collars and sleeves, hair braids, • DRESS Sta'S • • lace and surnmermantles, new style train hoop Skirts, 'consols, laces &e., &c., to which she Invites the 'lndies Carlisle. Carlin' and vicinity: • Aprilll, 'OO-3t. ,B LINDS AND SHADES. 113,J. WILIJAMS,' {No. 16 NOSTII BTROT PIILEAD4P,I4 . 16 the most extenslyo 6.46lk6totune of'.- VIENIIIII4III,',IILII' D:. ..TOP 0* 84'24:04.5: , . ' TOR LARGIUMIND .itesorticient in the(lll7 s it the litOWEWA'; Store Shadts,Alade,2attd.Lettered:' 14.N10. -2m =I Musinesg; ;Zarts. J. W.' Fotriat;AttOney at; taw, •°Moe with J. It Smith, In Glass' Itow . firi rear of Prat:Presbyterian Church.; AS business en. trusted to him will fro promptly. attendid `May 'OO.-Iy. ' • .• A OARD.-7Dti..JNo.• K.,.Snirrn, re. apactfull i announces to tile Ud_;;lblinds manor patrons, that he ham returned l Enna hie sopth western tout. with ,hls health greatly lippicred,rd "hasresumed his practice In Capin . . Opt ICE on Main Street, one difbr west of the Railroad Depot, where he can be all hours, Or ,and night, when not out profeesionally. Carlisle, Oct. 20, 18604 f. J J. DE:NDER, M. D • otomalopArifisr,) • • PHYSICIAN, SIIHGEON k ACCOVOIHER.' Mee on South Denote? Street; formerly Veal)led by Dr. Smith. D R. S. B. KlEFFB4_ollice in North Hanover. stroot two doors from Arnk store. OMmo hours, more puttleularly from 7 tog o'clockl A. M., and from 5 to I o'Olbbk, P. M. • • ..:- . .7::::7:-. more College of Dental Surge y. iltILOMco at tho residence Olds mother, test Lou r ther street, throe doors below Bedford. March 19, 1856—tf. , • . • I OOTOR •ARMSTRONG has rsmov- NI ad Ida office to thaouth west corner of Hanover A omfret et where ha may be consulted at any houief the day or night. Dr. A. has bad thirty years experience In the profession, the last ten of which have been devo ted to the study and practice of Ifonireopathle medi cine. May 20, %70m. - • DR. J. C. NEFF respdet-\• Carlisle,,s the inAlosand o'tlmon • -. ma. ofl and' vleinity, that g he n tuts re. mimed the.practice of Dentistry, and is prepared to psi. form all operationa on the teeth and gums, belonging . to his profession. lie will Insert full sets of teeth on gold or silver, with single gum teeth, or .blocks, as they may prefer. Terms moderate, to suit the times. • I.C:LOSOMIS • South Renover street, N ne;t door to the Post .omce. L. Will bo absent from Carlisle tho last ten days of each month. faug.l, .65. GEO. W. NEIDICH, D. D. Late Demonstrator of Optative Dentistry to the hrito College - oft i rr f e 7A. lfce allsldenee, oproslte Marlon hall, West Main street, Carlisle, Petal Nov. 11,1857. itS. W. HAVERSTIOK, Druggist, • ° North Ilattover Street, Carlisle. Physician's prescriptimis carefully compounded A full supply of {resit drugs and chemicals. LAW,CARD.-CHAALES E.' MA GLAUGULIN, Attorney at Law, °Mee In 'lu lled's building, Just opposite the Marketllouse. Carlisle, March 14, 'OO-Iy. jOHN HAYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW.-- • °Mae on Main Street, opposite "Marion nail," Carlisle, Pa.. [Oct. 20, '5O-1y: • P. HUMRICH, Attorney at Law: C on rs Nona Tor strim, a few doo south of Glass! Hotel. orth All ll buslnons ontrusteil to him will be promptly attended to. (April lb. • L AW NOTICE. -- REMOVAL, --N. M. NROE Ims rom'oved Ms Mike In n idlo Court HPEouse,. S be ho will promptly attend to r all business pn t rustud to him. • August 10, 1857. LAW OFFICE.-LEIVIUEL TODD has resumed the .piactlce of the Law. oMcc in Centro Square, west side, near the First - PresbiterlaW Church. April 8, 1857. ANDREW J: WILCOX; - Attorhey ,at Law. °Moe No.lo Loxiogton St. Baltimore. Baal. nen promptly attended to. U.M. Johnson, sin,; Jacob hhooto, Apri1.25:.60._3 ~.n j n AL. • . .... _ I TOTICE.—Notiee is hereby given t hat an election will be hold on Kende} , the 14th day o May .A. D. 1860. et the Court House in the Borough of Carlisle, between the hours of 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock P. N. of that day. to elect a President and Pour Nana. gets for the Carlisle Gas it Water Company. LE3L TODD ,Pres. C. O. 'ik M. Co. Apiit 25,'00...t. e A. UDITORS NOTICE.—The under. eigned Auditor, appointed, by too Orphan's Court, of umberland County to diatilbute-,the balanhe re, maining In the hands' f Ekoch Young, Administrator of Jesse Young, late of Moliroa Township Cumbkrlaml County. deed. among the -heirs and those legally en titled thereto, will meet all persons Interested fer,lhe urpme of his appointment, at biz omee In Carlisle, on 'IIIIRBDAY May 24th 1860 at 2 o'clock P. M. April 25, 'OO.-St. C. B. MAOLAIII:1111,IN, Auditor. De'r FARE REDUCED. 1702 STATES UNION HOTEL, 000 & 008 Market St., above PHILADELPALC. JAMES W. POWER, Proprietor. TERMS :—*1 . 25 per day. ju301.11. AMERICAN HOUSE, North Hanqvor Streqt, Carlisle, Pa. W. W. KLINE, Proprietor. This House has been refitted In a superior style. and now open for the accommodation or Boarders and Travelers, on MODER-ATE TERMS. EICELLEIV STABLING ATTACHED. UNITED STATES HOTEL.- 5: E. Cor, 11th Afarket Sta., PIIILADELP 11 ItA:, H. W. HANAGi, PROPRIZTARS Jan. 4,1860 N. HANTCH, M ERCHANT TAILOR. WEST MAIN STREET, Opposite the Rail Road Office. "tar Fall and Winter Styles of Cloths, Cossimeres and Vestings made to order. 'Carlisle, May 2, 1800. IL NEWSUADI, ATTORNEY AT LAW- Me with Wm. IL Miller, Req., South Hanover:Street, opposite the Volunteer Office. Carlisle, Sep. 8, 1859. W. C. RHEEM ATTOBSWeAT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minneapolis, Minnesota. El WM. MoVEY,