Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 02, 1860, Image 3
TEE • .tiP BLICA N. d'ONTrICIFIION AT CIII CA_VO, max.leui , lStle: .EIN.O Ur,. SI ON TICKETS . TO TON , • CII WAG° CONVENTION, CAS MI PUMMIASp) I 111 P I 'P J S 8 unGli„ AT TIIH 'DEPOT i...Her:IR Pittsburg, . Ft. ;Wayne' and Chicago Rail Road CompO.4, e.G0, :... ,1401.,;.t he Round Trip i 0y 0 iongo . .L...1t - E•iiirn 4 . '. • /' FOR $1.1,00 , , • Tinlcan good frmsi tiny 1:201.4. Juno lot both Ittchtslve. is Ells °lily direct roll to from Ellf t null North Ere.teru Piluosy throuBllll mu Pittsburgh )vith• 1,111 olio nge ,of 011.4. V 1,11114 viii is um Plat:11111'01 Daily; cn tho an ival'of Ti ;tins from PlJlll6lolpblo isburg. r;‘).4.1. MAY,. . 5 (1011. Pass. Agoot,T., Itt. W.& C. It R. 1S,;(1.-2t.' V(..)11.(.11.3.— , T0' 'the heirs • and legal ' ll l lllll4olltatlrPs ot.fneoli Bohn, Into of tiro town• xldp ors,. o t p Collllty 0r combortwol den•am.a. C:n notice that. by)v [Attu o r :, writ of Pm tuba anti Valanti n , ohisttati 1111 t LIIII 1 01 1 111111S' COIIOL 1 , 01 I r.moty, nod to too direetv.i, !myth hold no inquevt t part' or vaino rho toil onto to of rout tic,ns,tl, pa My, proakoA, 011 F1 . 1 1 1:1y 1110 14th day or 3lny ,t. jolt A o'elorlt. A. II , when :Intl whore . you may at toad If you thin!i•i,per. . ........ •ItOIT. 'MT 11t CNl.:Y,•";3llerlfr. May '2, ISiio.-11 • sheriff's •Offiro, earl Islo XTYPIC creditors ofJ . LI übert !tomb, n•llo hat, Flidms upon the Imlanvobf liSiet.3 In tl.9imolY of 64,(f 0.,510, n , sinnno. %rill pro .tot them to ;110 nt nine. In C. 11•11,18. nn )homey the Slot 3.11tj tacu.nt.l l o'I•looR a. I' 11.011IIIIGII, •' May 20860 A nailer. t 1 Y! PAY UP ! ! JELL "I' litrialittal Ci t 111.11;6 mof Shroin &Mark '• aril Ilea r olly 1,1110,401 i tO and s. the their resportini ais milts within thirty ditis;alliaraisa thel Willi Will br h.ft with a maiier a:neer taint, wii say. 51i.11:K. May 2, Int2)-t, 1. IEIBI. Itl!lti-0; Vl;ll,—Anotlit• lot mt . iv -71311 5t.111. - 11.1* , 1 - carpets, Mug Very I.ot of 11%41' •orGii ohm.. ail WO Or,: • It 3:tril pialo, Cloth .Nlatitlrs, Slag 8, lsnU. 1,: , :totoo 0 6.% II vt:it. SP It IVO GO 0 . 1) .:- Si - lARPLESS: EITIFIE2S, llavo n 4,1,11111 oglulicaldo ,:ttwlt of Now,l , abrirq, Filch tIS Tit A11.:1,1,..:1(1.EA, and CAS 811.1i6 front ...union, b.lluiv the of Inipoi , ,t. 111,11. 11 ANDKSIWII IBM and CItAVATS II ). , •I Elt S, 1.1 , 1111Iiill)1•1:1111.‘1. P1•11.11`; .. 0 1 ,1 r 1 /4, '17.3 . gll,By :WAS, and ite/tt 13111•11'1(3. illi.l Y 1,1 1'151.1 in ory v:11.1v1).: pH- • (I tN1111•1 4 . 1,.%11'N, and Gilt NTU. 4 .• (r.111;1'.-1 I , IIIINI-1111N 1 1 (1.101)3 IRISH ,I1111.11N•: • - th / . / sll.l • t,ll, 1,1011 on.l . ' ' 611.1 i .11 %..V1:1,1•19. • • (1110.1 r Flit 11N 1).3 ear, (i0()1)S, BOLTING Churn..., Ay., A PLESS\III:O ill MIS: f,lll & I'liilatßll.lll3 Mny 1., 15110. I ENN- , tll 11TIJAJ, L'IFE INS Ll— nioci3co3o,As v. Difsl) , , , , , „ Th!. wmra or FITIP 1)IVIIII:S0 of VII , VEES per rant, nod a l egialjtr Divideod yt"VWI.I,Y,VV.VIVE p..r vent. And also a tlasa or t,to.,t• Dialend X por ..ent Sel . ll/1)1 , 14,a1s ISIal to Fehroory 185./ l c pd r , 1:t111 1,(01 . 1 vatly to dent . , Cm Lille:deg 111111 pay Ito those entitled thereto. A. L. 61,.1.I.1 , ;'1.1';11. 1.11 rdloy Pot. building . 1C1 , ..11.11 Irrl.l:y nye!. IL (:o.orlo,oito•t ervelh It ;4.1,11'111 , 0 fording, in Silver ititeing• Tor,toltip, .v tit be roe, roil at tho 1'0,11111k,i021- 1:11100. in l'ltl.lklO.lllltll ril:fly Ihu 11th Jay of flay itttt.,yt,„witieb; thou titl;4ol;ll2l,titi wilt I ....A . prird.Atmt thu ettntraet tt‘v•trilett L,r tin• low rot nut Itt•.t prop o•al. SI'ECIFICA'I'IIINS. Th.! Ltid.,.t., to Lein Inulrth i t ntoire9 nu fi!ft}=lire Prot ho tho eleir, froth oor abutment to I Firnl'ln7Prftl sl:e toe° let wl,ll. 11, 1111. 111,11.; will, Pooh 11'01 thielo :it Hilt bottom. with, hobo hl;; wall tiro •.0 Joel, toll he Itrtt ou three tides o alott mote.; I lie ttlottoteottr; to Ile FIN tool, loot hi:IA.IAM: In, water holy% to the e.trti lion, front which the or , heit mu to lit: A.1.119 1 0nd extottil 111 , 111 • 1111iititillittil 1110 .111,, nod 't•t /to den lb ll.ortol with two hurt olutilt, tit, 14901.114. r to b.; 1:110,01.1 the. ottorr' rthil•-•oalc, fakod LI the evolve fitlorn inel.99; the f11.1”.:1114 ;table elol• of 9,081 to; bf 9101191,0 t, tivigitt. (soy )2iil'et.)Lit 0,111, 1, eat eretl ur hily Willi. LP 01 , 4 thrlei.4ll Tilo Into leo I heely 11 tut...91;111 , 1.4 .1111 ;Li biota pis, , , ho,tril ;roll Ittiottel. Thu triejlu tho itlgtf 10110 Pt; 4 nod t•ollieletst Otto 411111V1,1: rooting to tot 11 ill e.ll•h and test 1;9.1o%, the heel of the nrehe,, o r \ tot of the abottneht9, :tool on i,ll`ll nide a the hthig.., • • er the treatitut•letarttiog two feet. Thu alnitinenls to lot oti;llint-fettittlatiosto. to he aporotrd of by Itto CAztoir.i•to.l , ; the whole Of tilt, tottsro wort: tot,,, troll --Lunt,d'ta good mortar, not to•lott•;1.. Th 9 to rottsist tillrilijilli!Siitilliillllll Stir. ported With Whig tells till liiteh Flilo lit,, feet thick th e VA, With a batteritog of tot' loch 1.1110 loot tit the trlo ul, tito 111nm:hit:Id to e‘teod In (hilt too. • Mir fin the aides of the britiLte until thu filllog• no I 9,11111114 shall meet the roads. ,Wllll an. not eretortingatt moth; of two 'llogtoot; eirvation troll 1,11. 1.4.11 to the la 1114 e, e tt rt n i, wok of sittlleitott itotgtlt atitt thielotto.o,.9lltl4.oVOMl with pion shingles. 'llto wool] world on 11t9.11t tbilo, 11, horn three emote of !rootl wolf.° lo hl 10,611 totx t of wllh Lolled lin s..l ell tip 111:11:111 to be whitetraolted with Illov. The ettotr,e.t.rto lutot.h nil otattoitti, mill wino 909ority its Ili,, Collllll6‘iiitliirit our li•ii uira Inv 111 f-itih. ;tort...llPM; ofLlte ti , 11.1,111.1,111), ntit 110 1 flititry for tlurittg loom of tore,, , N. 11,(Qtrtrrtt 19,‘Ye,tr.r911. 31;19VA ‘‘',•rs . Ir. lb littlch:l,B, . .1' All. \ ON I thiotherhttiti Co. ..r. tArrlt. May 2, iSiel -41 t ' 01. • NIA LI:S !. NA ILS ! ! NAILS! ! ! A of good. Clean, Nor t, nod .Torr ,11 at the ' rm. nail:. A., woo Lb . tOt , Lo; 11101 . ... to in any nthor inoiVoi 'sohd in oar town. this onlooker Or 0. 0 . ),:vv0 Uied thorn, no :Ike have a fall nr)erinu•ptnf • • I I, II I 5: 11 MAT I; 11IA of the la teat and riniA - approved 143 les. All gno,la soar. rooted as ro•pier.ented. ..10IIN I'. LYN F. SUN. Play 2. 'Cm. • - North Ilanoyi, St. Cur l lola. (-114 DW Aft 14: ! 11 kit 1) - . , WARE!! - :1,*11111 I'. IStle , Son littYll jiL t r.nupintul opoulitg their SprilidSlovl: t f ITtr.lwore, trA•l-1., ' Mow A. to t h..y invito the I.,Arty Itittontimi or Lhe pulAie. %%so 11.4• o gle.tly no larp,e.l I in- 1 ; jt:r1; IA ail Ito . V.11'10.1 bra..1011,:y111111 call 1)111' aVettlllllllbillltt tiro pulp lie Y? is (JAR LE, U 0 0: in large or Fluell quantities, et Ills loweet priers. hut trolls net i‘l.ll the toublii• to ttlier.tattio that wei)tei I.cought, ell t lt.t t teel.. lu Pllll l 9lelphia god Nee:_.Yorli-te nor orrn, s lllll. ‘ ltitik into our •ttue t.IIi cult lore (loon that ee have e nough to foggily thel,11:111k1 lit lilts all.o . l(pt. Personswatithitt goods lo our lino relit foul it to their tut, nut tge to give ua it rill lierare tit On: their purcha,i.— In orders I,rsolially and puitetualle ultimate! te, nod Ito titi a n • pre,ontatious muds to effect s des JOAN P. IXSI'. SON. North llanover St Carlisle. Tay 2, dill (1A ILI DEPOST'r 13ANK.— .) 'This 11.11 - 0:.1)1n this' day m 'de n DI, idond of Five per coot for the la,t. NIX 1111,11 n. which ill he pail over V. the stoeliboiders or their . legid 1 . 1•1114.1.1.11L1 t V lell do maid !wing witty Ihr Ito samo.—BYardor or tin, ltu rd or dire etorA. WM. BEET EM, ("ashler. May =7 'tlo. picumflitTY AT PItI.VATE 5.% hrl. f • Thoo2bgerlberl offers nt prl veto r.lo, a 1164K:til lot of grand, Fit:anted bn tf-L' Louth, ti .s, of Car; alit Ilie,. belonging In the heirs of John , C 47;, g nyder TllO 'lnt ig thirty 01,1. but lo•front, and two hp odr.•11 and 'An , ty is. depth. Having thmon emted a • • TWO-SI9IIY- FltA3iE 1101IS11,• hr,., and rotivnutont, and In tlornll4ll xvllll et , n.,ll:ndt hums,, rur,l.9rinb ur ot.lier partieninilinpply on the t.rendneF ire ROItEIIT 3101111 H. • B tin rain n and Agent lor the 11..iltar' Carlisle, A 11,11 25 I i,50 Al" AIL RI AG . k Gt 31151 nrxir BOOK, BY TATILI.T.A.Ter. V. OUNG, TT. D .0 ., :rt,7 . : 'll,O sveret tine Lu COllrtPlllll. Lnl'U ..:' - ,„;V,!,,1 . ,4,!...., and sintrlegot with 1'..0 dinea,es 1nt1'.,.....;•-• '.,.....;•-• ~,--:::.-,.. 'dent to, Youth, 3lnturlty and OA Aye :“4"4 1 : .4.5:: ..--",-, , —being INIIIP trillt Rhado , of *Married' klte.) . t(/t1 , ',.4T:: - 4...,%. t,,..16t.a mot Sr;rrow,, i or eg , F,.. t .g - In N : Q 07 ., ,,;:: and IffsarneAntalentn. Let`ll married 2 '':% , /,. , r...• I"' -llgoplei . or thata amteutplatioß mar •fl III , : ' , li;er nail bating thole:it lm podlmout to married lit , , raid 01141.001 c. Lot every' younq mail alai woman in. tldi landxrad thin lx.ol, It 'l,i Fiut b up .1 1 '4\TPR,.111111, dt , elnsex , aecretstbaf 'every 000 shoula know s , o Milo knowltalgo nt .flrat way saru a world of trouble in after hid..' ' , • - ' , Sr o 4 for o ropy (ousloslu 2 21 - wits) to int. 15'31 YOUSI), No, 416 STREET,. •Pli I bAI/F:LInIIA.- • Cirnslo...4 pill 2,1, '60,310.0 rrAILOitiNG ; MENT OtTlztiNi=ot? ' cAurni e r ' AN.i) VICIthTY. !rho ulnleu : elgued hut:located illutteir In the'room lin metliately ahoy., nr.J. K. Sinlth'e oIIISCo, (opposlie the Depot) whore bertulantle conductlutOihe AILORINCI - KUSIN tl - Oit •in ell its verlous Arrant:lloS. Conte cut e)ad made In thO Ititest:Keif York -and Vhlindelphin fish foot, u te• )nine Cul by n N itW sy4TNII UtiwO WIN glyo the We orttwelegent'appOrrepOu when In e tiling petition, . J unt loon In o MIA fri,i4oxture,*llf dot. tide-half , way to to tho knee% no 10 litte.l(3- the eadu ii‘ 00 I I.lW:y et W1 ,, ..nt - Ifei7el - sle - or - VP.ITS7I net — Wlll' net birdie,potet toyele AN ,I 5 Ir.:4:111y the....4412 4 "..1u, thetovrineauttle tell' Intuwe • • Clitti 1101 W , nt '14161; tintlee; 'dtCectlonk ghee. Of bon dOutrud. J. $. JiO4.AvIJ.LOIY. ApHi • ir-..s S( • . • luit)rs • mots A: 3110E$ As the flame ere very t tht nt pr - meat:it will he et ,arsons later, st to leek oat WA. chedp.'llOOTS et Vll6 'and say.) the the very,' this sided ha of thoold corner Itnawn as .a Shoe St' Po. limey yearn, dia eetly opposite iturkholdors slat elf atm ape's's lii tel., 6e,call seal pet. , for,' youreel ces so emery as you wilt thud a tniinplete assoctfuout all Made of goolle in the •' , 1300 T &SHOE LINE,. and of the Tory - best wakes. and c'i" . .a . ,,reineutber I lowest Prise artle:es Is not always rho 'cheapest 10 rrlll 11101 nwnig our stock the prices vary accordlut 'the nuadcy of the article. • 'the :inhArriber.intring.just returned from Bast• svitlt'a large nod eloopkto iladc & 811 hn also keeps on 110111111.0001 . 10 r 1111111ity or [hone N, work of ilootaft :hoes to snit the trade at the lon ca•h priers _Mures Calf& Kip )'.{molt 11g.ots, Froneli Calf solvtql ll'mt, l‘lon'A gip iSdf & Dent liro!vol,F high k luu rut, 3folIN:111,1 I:ka ton t heather Oxford TI 31en's oar Hon' k vatont leatherCongrees tonere, se ed nod ca, k Chlldreb's IThrekned Colored lost! gaiters, Mies , e‘ k Children Vnnej Hid, k MorroenSllpp Ladies' .C3ligmes !h e at 31erroen buskins, tl'omeu .4 chndrons pegged norlc droll. kinds et lo prime. iTeeivedlin accorllnent e pried toed Mine:, Repairing amnion short. cc t tro. l'ho continims on ot filo olil st 4 (Amok Tol for post lot ors hoping to iTeelvo cm:tint:nu ,f,ho El= AVM.. H R 1„f) E' S • - 011-IEAP • , BLANK BOOK .t STATIONERY ESTAIILISIDIENT, 32U ChestuuCSlYeel, below Fourth, South eidt (Slow er Rifil.l . o • PILII; A D LPII IA , r,.., 0 . 11Z1`1,1 .19111 . 11/11N, Pay 110"1:S. Cll.ll Book,, L e fle r - I raver: 11111 Papyri ;t.t.i:l Poo , DI great Euro litpv.,;... .of all Aizvs, I,ettvr Dill Duo cr.e. . • Enveloping' Parer. QMIls , .CO l VJfl PhESSI sit, $8 mid $lO. Copying Ilooltu. Comy firtmbe,,, a A M. OTHER Awricr,Es FOR THE COUNTI NO 1101;. Which . 011 . 1 u m htmily to . thirty rout, thu ordinary i!rtrus,p r rush. • OM=2l= 1-Ar • NP.:IItvOITs . STIFFEIII,IF,ItS: Thu subscriber'. foe several years at re'sittutil of Asia, tP,overed btle Ihtue. n ''' ' etable t ,a t ro Car, Orr glom a ud ition, Asthma, ilrenellitis, Coughs (Nadi:, nnrl Nersa.usltel Intr. For flu, Itenelil of Con• snuiptive, tout •Nerreut Sufferers, lie Is willing tt/ OW S.lOlO thnsa trlmaissirteita - litull Fsend - thq•prescrlptlon; with lull dit•eetions tree - 6f elutrgo.) nlso .1 sanucle Ilse whielCtliey will tied n Lentil intr ei nation 1,1 - Nature's r.liujrlu lierl•s. 'Chore &siting tile liemrdy 1,111 Obt 111) It Ivy return nisi% Lc aadressing .1. C. 111'1'11 • . . Her ssie A pilY,ll; No. .4 :IA !trona way New Cork. N. 1.11 1 7. -7 . • Au..0.10,:.y.h A no.. fitho plensure onahrioz to th. riti,:ona l'allhde nod viehihy at the., are preirro , l hi reacts aft lemur!, of evely.dt •iteitoo, niatori•tt that reoku wilurEslNG, SIIAPINO nail MI V.SSINO, In a shin that w ill In Inoqt.,p4i, exc,l 111,11. 10'11111111'V awl finkh. havite; Olio roil:ally on o..lvl.4llll,lrttotion ivan entirely 111110 proovs4.connwc , o.l with Ilre. C. Dines tyy,out hat anii Inoitiot pre sing lowilloo.'fi 0. which Oily Ist,!11111,1f1,4 till! Sid!: 110 It or aunt onnntios. Tliny aro al,. mein to tone/1,70.e, Ito 1,111111 tn. dr. as well In slimily all Moo: i‘it,ll anieliiiies is leo Play 101.1, t. puroh.e.e, oiler Illy 1110,011Y1/IY te:51,11 its nuel its. receipe,. for colons, of every 1.) 11;: - 1.1X. ' 131_;1 , _', SYTAD ES, Inc ltnuuoty. Ilats. 1111.1 mas. Silk,, and Fnallivis ninon nit), the oak, Mark lace cell, honorer marl; litiled trill bo resloreil to S,II'ASS NEW, in color and finish - N. 11. This iirooos+ will aloongthea the' niiiteilal, whore all others ha voinjorell. the 111111 v oecionalionilallotis that have boon glinti,.fn favor of 31re. C.V. Dow', !'rondo;: 31aoloo, and --reeollis,-ime only will be lilsooltol at the time. - l'orrsaoitoo,.l.lll. 1.11.11 1,00, • Beloit Itol,zrael to loveetlgato the 'merits 11,11 rvipts givt•n•M'y )Ins, Dow, tilh the salt, of 1.1 a• 'very no., collont in/10111w 1101,1 , 111 g 1,0:1110R. 11111:1 &C., I, in, hitiorholge beyalitt at 1 Ito wonderful s ellelit..piri loci n:; 101111 t I 110111.1 hay° /.lo•siii twil an 1100,01iilitr. hnd.htP,t foie... it deilionsti beyond a 1111.114,..ial Irf.iticeroly ineaftanienil it to the use .0 all etnrourl,3ll the sloths.. and 'bathos is 111.10 ono 0• thwart...o,4 improvements aao. Carllele.Alirll II e'en-t. r. 0.I: Itlllat. STILL A.11EN1).!! 8141 art) rene .1 7'ARIIJ ira r,or SPfsl'+lG 00 RI) S , Wo Or" now opt•Dintr qm nml rtlvnl of ;401..4 t o, to ti, Of 1411 lidr 11101 yi• 1101110 illy lOW prioo. 11411 ti/ 0 li.oolloilolt * Ma 0 0 11/11,1,0 with, tiol Ili,: 3111 tho •I'llou Lotion' or • (Stilt It /USE' f nolling 11 . 1: so ton' gondsl,-(:.l.Si Iry no,thling us In 1..11:110ln 111, r3LoA thu Host 4n5.1,1:0.t, nor kiln/ills ninl C. 0 1 ,11101, SIIMIId ir In Litt It small 'Fur. [l , lll4'ollr 11:11111.11,u and varied Motii. 01,11,1 • ' r . Foolitt , llSlll..., - Pori triltllt • N, ''....•••••• ' • • VI:1111PS, .• • , ii: ll, 4V'S• . ' . • C 1,11.• Thl T.spseni•s. ' • Fretiell A. Notch illoglianni,, .I'zilenclits. • • ' .. Polins, Poll do Clisvres, , _ I,lw ne.„ ' Frodl4l.l, .11norlisin Illiinlatis llinglialin., .. ' 'Pill:min. ' leieo & Silk 11ontillos, A verji lgenerid :issilr't Omni t.f 111 , 1 I,:1 i ,IL! ‘.•4•414, 11,,fory, lilure,, &e1...1e., .1. ,Ino•woo I's Se,V Skirt,, tilt, i)LITIIE SOIJ'I'll" mnst n.l 111 , 0111 . 141, a.itt Wit 1/11t ss.irrantell 11 , 1 to grt oidrrlit h. 11,13, 3 , , 115, .I'J utl /10,10 h. it Lir /3.13 , uf ()11. CY:4/TII6S • vii liroutlit to Carlini. , kit! , iv Ilia Nano of Ito l ory host , 01..t1it7 •• ',loll, - to no tier In No yard, t winkk iv.. loth „ tha atlrlilLaf of 'loony oil tlvial to vor tti rut in pi0...11. tninl at Stilt' In the lotorior ”r (tor titl.ll.iN I lion or,, Iflq not int! (unit /11a . 111r1A111.1.111.1 for olitvalolity stirp til,.itinES of all and at dutlu.l G ENTLENEX 'S• jr_ Clwtl • Cali4ilnerps, tink•tt:, Tweds, Cott.. , lnailev,. • • 10:11tIt:lw Jratis kr. kc. AA:.;41,••, 1:1.110 , 111b, we detenuined jot to l•e A. 11". BENTZ. - Catlimlo3, 'oil • ou aItIND ST N S ot tot stood. wan au t ell of Iho Lunt olottlit.y. Just toot% liurilmaie 61ui u of MIME , rl 000 N HIV'S TOR TkIE PEOPLE N.T (k, 1.11 i.rmrtii & SA WY E11:.4 Wow 'Store East M;iiu Strotd. And so t 1 illi,r bOatiti(lll to k of Nev, (1,.F1.; now IV the tilllo 0.111 . 00. y;.1.1r :1,:llig Mid 61411111er pl.; nk,s. ~ Having Felreted Our kIto:II: wIlli• unußual care from i t lIF 1, ...- 11 111 , 1 , 1 , n , log lodo.u.Fid Now York .1. Phil:Mul -1 Fla, nod availed. nu of, the. FA Wm.( v a diuutlon• k: In of Van Wyek,,..TownFeod Ft. IVairrelm, New York. WI ran - idler great. hid neemen is to tho Loping public.. Out HttIMI - C , lll prier.. OM 10,t killthi and styles of DRESS AND FANCr GOODS In the Inarl.4. such as Fl!u,cd Plaln, ltarrcd Striped . Rills la allhodr 11,,u1d0 dupe natcd Fonlaph Indla tilts. real French Clialllcs, Crap Orenadina, V411•11CI:IN 1 . 1101118. Pour_ ulna , 11114 t, 471[Awn Itarege Anglals, Cray. Mlaltzu inn nil co:or,i, Mllanal,u cloth, French Organdy. porna. I MOURNING I)RESS GOODS, of every au•wa.lialun of IlL,on's Importations., Shawls! Shawl..! wall lands nlahinalitks, Light chall Mantle, Splunala hill: tinst‘a•s, ,t,llunuurt Shauttlla parosolf, Alexau• flh.yrs, Ilnuntlet.'Mil to, `prior; Claun{lets •Ilosif,y7of 1111 - I.lnaw and do: , •riptinu Donnas, flats, Shakers, BAnuet.llllAula tonflrlunninga, Dtutat Trimmings: a 11 . 061' IfOOP SKIRTS!! 1 gmrd trail Hirt, VI cheap >venr mdtztido.hor the minsoit. 1.1,,f4 and .101 olhor Mods of lltdalettlun's luruiehiut • .Ir. - . CA RPETS CAlU'liTk u S 1.41 Clotho, Oil eirths, ShtidiN Atr.. ke. AN wollnve jum .„,111 , 1, Into tills 14.111,1 t trade, cutdmera 00111 Tied um NCR' and kit Cuostant additions of deldrable (curds' mIIYLo scrurvi tiorlo , " the SUPPIII. 1 . II. , 1.1•ill at - April IS. 'GU.' LEII/1011,t :rilVI:1,11:S, Now Rol. TAR. J. S. WAGG ON NH, °lliac Nora laitovur Street, two awns north of Mos. Morris in hop. , Carllslo April INToT tC-4.—Notice is hereby gj . yen that. an dloellon wlfi ho holt! on ?Joni .1). tho I.lth day is 31,,y .h. D. 1,h6 1. :it Om Court ,11.0.i.e in Iho lirouuli, l; tweenlho Law: '1 ..1 2 o'1).:1: oto.1:4 '..h.t:lc I% .‘I or ilvit day. t, el.,t. 0 l'in,,hl.oll odd Four Nunn. gertfrOr did Carllp:o Co, Z. Water C{ . llll, 1i). J.E.:il, 'DWI), , Pros. , C. 1.7..,..t.10. Co, April 25. • , T.TDIT,OIIB NOTICE.—T 6 Alil'aer la,siw;ki Auditor, nininillted Ly tip) Orldiatt Court., 14 Gond:o4ml County. to diArliita.iint . balautm re ntal:dug In Om Ninth. of Youn g, Atlnduktrator of.!usso Yituog. INo of Mouton Town.l.ll, thaulatrintid CouttEy..doeid, among tlio hubs and thou loyally oil, titlail theta°. 10111, unit all iietEnns, I utorepted lor tin Orionus °flits appointment, at We 'Alpo In Carlible,.on 'lllllltOil IY May 9th 11360 at 2 amok I'. 31. 401 2:, C. E. 5 1 4111.Allt1111.1N,Andllor. . . . . . . . N . WiENV ;T:•Avl I., l ;o)l,Attoiiie, .t , . .:---At--,lmr-,. , 1.1.;Itro - Nk21 , ArTllir;ton ST,7ltalttoloro,,ituet omo, promptly at toodul to.: ...- • ‘ I-, .. .-,• •-, :, • • „11,52121tENCES. , .. -, f ,',.‘: . , ' 11;31. Job ~ •-r • ~, ' -', -., - Jorobithoom? 4 ' it. 44i11t',,,•?)13, p . , AL,. ' •'-' . • • CalliLlWAYril 25, '60.-.2m. • i _. . . .0 -IJ ki;ATE Laws.: ~ L ily ; Nll'Cue of n ' marront. •frnin(under the bond rind n'eul Of Olilrit of t.ilql..0111i11)/StOliiritelif CUMhdrlo id Coun•• ty'und to mu direct' 1, tho tnirts and Into of unmated Lund FitlVlttlli iu Cumbarlond County state of Pon noYI Inc Solo by public rep• d uonti MOND'A Y; ,hi, I Ith dny•'of, Jund lnllO'ot the' .Count House truth° lloruu•h ofporfldle, 'County Idoru• iontlnued by tonnurnltirint front time 10 time 'untlrthoynee'dli mad, or on 111i104 of: dneb tract or Int no mla to.,defroy Mite orrenroceo of the Stem, County;Acatt and:lsebool taimedun thereon; and „costa.. • • - ' • "A - . L.. SPONSI.IiIt, "'County Tri.ns . uret. No. Lots. Warrantia . and. Owners. rt'ax Due CABLISLN I. John D11111111 . 1 .. 8 hchv, , 7. Cid w..ll's 1. George Wahl, kICKIN . SON . TOWNSHIP 5. John Brugh, • 11., Jacob Lnyinnn, 22. Gilbert Senriklit, , •5. Penjontirf Mnlone, ' 45. 'Thorons C Miller, Jr ' 4 Miehnel Myers, 0. Jacob Myers, ' 15, Charles•MuclullOch, • 20. Thornns McCiane's'heirs, 5. PetezMuilen's heirs, „ 00. Morrison Si NleCrcory, ' 5. Anthony Myers, lbeward Myers, 7. Philip Myers, 4. Cmnelins Myers, ' • 28. John Myers,. 4. John 11. Marsden, 5. IVilli;uu Miller,- • , 44, .N.ntlinniel Wenkley 10. Jacob Wolf, 10. Alichnel 45. theory Kindik, Ailntn Connt z, , 11. John Cotinlz, . '5OO. Henry Clever, 18. Funk's heirs, 8. Moses Funk, 12 Tlioniag Grdinm, 7. ,Limes Grposotr; 10. Jlivies' heirs, it) Elizabeth:l yrie, J. John Lobs an, 8. 11(e-hey jtgt for. Frederick, -fig,tlbasKs, eirs, ugh, • . 8. Samuel 5 ; Ceerge Siothgler, 5. Diehl Scohey, • 7. jimllles T,plensen.l, 200. S.unt'l Weeds sell, :b6irs, 11. Julio Zug, ' •8. John Ilenamingei, . . 25. John Boron, 3 88 18. Jetnes Bishop, 55 15 Francis Celestes°, T 55 500. Rogers, 17. Peter Hearn, 10: John Cline, 2 15 7 1 ,l ; . 1. 5 - 5. My er s, 5 Meals heirs, 28 8. John Neeley's heirs, . ' 30 1. 15011: lloweis; Joseph Baker, • 42 ,7. here w, . 7. Le,hey Lewis, 4 1 )• -Ci. Peter Alyer.s, 37 4. Solesion Itovetson,.. • ' ll 5, Joseph Trimmer, 7. Jacob , 7. ththici :8 80. Nvid Duneas, • 33 12. GrOve, ;NI • 12. James McCulloch, . • 3:i - y FRANKI,OR ITEiMIZOM .30 Sninuel ilrisinger,, 112 1165.. 11.110nlifick's lich.n, 28 . 215 2. timi,th's heirs, , I'l7 112. Nlary .luhlinn. . - - 3 57 Bno.--,lolm-M. -11'undburriy ,-,- - 1 111 ,21. John Ilen'Huingelt, '32 AG. Goorgn Waslm.on,l, 21 15 Jnlin (Jeiks, - - - ' 90 27. aeorgm briMbrolgii, • 30 18. John Dinanir. g 8 . . • SOU MI 'MIDI/LP:TON' Twp. 44. Harboll. & Trump, 1. t laines Towns(' 9. (; etirge I )t._ll f . 's Yip irs. 2 - (1.7 (•,- Li ...,.... . - .. 75. Joitn NleCluvu Jr. heirs, 1 Illi ; 111. .1.101.1) Slte:aer, 8 GI; • 281./..l . llienft:r.& Keller, 4 CO _ NORTH MIDDLETON , C6O. If ollenbaok's heirs, - 32 51 Irviuo'd heirs, . 14 2.i S. David Capp, 2 28 s... Philip Snell, fa -• ‘11) 2, Jaw!) Stouffer, 11 111t)N1101:] 1. Marlin killer's heirs, '•' 11. IVillinm SaX:l/11; MIFFLIN TOWiT.SIIII" • tile Di mOll Biddle, 2048. .lolin Tax $lO5 4.3 W.VII IL% N TEES .16 VIZ: • 200. IMpit4 Boyle, ' 10 01 198. llavia 0 70 325, - 310.. e Vt'llr,rimi, • 12 80 150. Saimicl,Noro,ll, • 8 40 100. 8,11.111 Payker, 4 ¶l 200. Lydia Parker, 12 25 200. Al Whim JO 00 2r,0 31)0101,' 2 50 180, ilvt , uovt 1.0.11[1, , 1 15 11)1. 1,0 . :+111A11, 'Bl 40. DC , 14101 . 20 10. 2 (30 100. Archill:ll , lGardiler, 5 31 100. lizvkiel liing, 5 81 150. II Gardner, 7 05 91. . • 3333 14. lleorgo !tuck,3 22 • • 150 Tli,inqs, Paxton, 4 10 100 Alexander iNleClintock, 2 /7 2111. Moore Wluirt on 150. lhoiniis C. 3liller, 251 Stevenson, 100. Joint Crossley, 6. Wi 4. Tentisllou's heirs, 2.1. l;rnjwuin Heberling's heirs, 5. 3 o co ' rluover, 260. William it. Woodburn, 24. W. IV. Frozier, 13 Jollies Fulton , . [C follies Iloover,.. 150. W. (1..,W11upe,, 6,, Alo °haw Grove, pl(;; 400 John P. litunerieh, =EI hors L.. George Cnrothers, 1. George Felitiestock; , 1.. Abraham Iliu•sL's heirs, 1. Samuel Ilursh, 1: Luther 1. Philip Snyur, I. Phones 11'.irreit, 1. llenry Aliller's heirs, 1. J. 11 Simmons, ' 1. I'ste• Simmons,,/ . A.:41 f - • 2. York & Cumberland Roil R. Co. 1 62 LOTS( • .11. Ooue• unknown: 204. y - du. 168. lu. 201, 170, ,„(1().- --- '' 179, do, 161. do. IS. do TO. '.do 83. r do 226. •• du 203. •-• do ACRES. , , - filln John M. IVoo4burn, 9. Do viq B:umhill , 46. I.dnintra Helm, 47., John help, • 75Ctleni•y'Cierei.,' ' • • II.UI'EWELL TOWNSIUP '4OO. John M. Woodburn, 100..1 . §nmuol Qilmoro; • , • 131LVER' SPicRSTO TOII'N.SH;P.. .1.. Etias Kissinger, • f 25 ' 16. David Binger, si., • : '. • • 1. ileiiry Eberly,. 42 SiilJlll.lMpTtlx• Tivp: - JO yin - nom Duncan, • 10,70, Dill, aaiiics Dkii id.; • • •-• 9.41 • 9ilfl:, John:M. BB 21' &Ail. John Niehuls,m, 8 70 1, Gott 3 . 80 1 BO 1 38 1 . 01 1 10 t 36 NEW CUMBERLAND , 1 30 ItiWTON TOWNSHIP •It John Tti 4lbrth. ittiddy,' — ‘ • 2.. Roliqit , 234.: , :tt'oixti . :Bbott. ''• "! '4 • 100.! IIAMt , . 50. e Carll3lo Aiirll 141600. ' I,' IST -OF' '014.41,' E.RS •"(4'Good+.Wareibtid . Mii - is'ltbd4OVnisb 1 / 1 01111ers,',1i111: • I.Mo,•Littoborition, Door Oynteremi'mtmag ir,f45,,, 0 . tr0,,. Pin Alloys; Dillinrd rot 111.1 kt . .,.iii!11111"00.. Collll6' of - C•11111l0r11111; on returtsed and Classified •by Win.' Mr ' Then, to, Merrantilo Appraiser. in'imcrirtlntico'wltll tin -• so7orol nets of Assembly, as follmis to wit: ' Ortill:Tfil;11. ,' .. ' ' ' ' • . • .61 . ..L113: • •• Jos, 0,, liolTer, - dry goods . , , , ; . ' l4 -I,elillcli & S.:iwyor " ' ' -.1. IV. 1114 grocur, • ' • . s. c ; 11 nyett. grocer, , 11 John P. hylie A Son, Inman - me; . '• ll, ' Armstrong S. liollbr. lumbar,. -• ' ' 'll AV, , ,el,rarl Sc :, mid , , produce, ' --;' •10 • J. W. Henderson, product), ; ' - 10 . S. M. lloover, • .. 14 .1. It. Nuneinalter, ‘I ' 'l4 .1. SD, lthunds, ',. • - "-- - 14 Will lo m lit ets..grbeof.. ' . -14 Poi 11. Id-Johnson, books, : ' ,11 . A. 11:14,Ing, furniture, 11 Robert Mourn, shoes) - , ' ' 24 J. IL Duncan, Agt., ahoy, • • 11 , N. ihintch. clothing, . -' , 1 14 1 . . Honry 211tilin, o , 1V . ..A. Mlles. dry gods, . 11 '.1.1111;lonholiner A Bro., confectionery, 11- A. :51. Piper, Agt. ' books, ' 3. (1. Collin A Co., hats,• • Samuel llnsmingor, middlery, - • l'homon tionlYb, Jowelry, Jame., Imu . don, books, . It. A. Shabby, jewelry, loth 141.1erAtts, stuyes, J0e..1, Sone{, shoes, John Irvine, "" - 11,S. Ritter, clothing, . ' W.ll,,tild .1 don, yorlely, • Henry !j mknens, grtmor, . . IVIIII.IIII ,t 1,111, 1 ,; b.lker. A. W. Ltentm, dry:goods, , Ephraim Stool. joyAr.y, C. I Oita, pro,,, r , Philip Arnold, dry.grois, ' '• N. W. Woods' AO . di, goods, Peter .`.Prayer, O Mfectliniery, lielry Saxton, illrdsv . ,irc, Arnold 'n Sum, elotliin;;, , I,t n• I.lvingstoo. •• • • -Ai, old -Sllempoperminti-fu rnitorcr-, -lon ti A. i Ili orieli. sr., dry•go bin, J•matimil 0i,1111.111, 811 , ..1A, J.ll'. 6 "Hoy, clothing, 1/.1,9d 0 mune, II cur, Jac m Wok' gib •er, (011.11 , 1C4P.V I. I, miller, groeur, IVidiani liars,. o . liheik A. Dulaney, I abilier, S. IV. ILIVOr•SI iI:R, drugs,—. ... $2 30 42 MEM 290 2. 59 2D 2 88 2 ;fa 12 O) 1 14 I 70 8 82 1 72 188. 8 55 I'ol 2 47 I 62 I 111 8 73 3 2: 97 1 :3 I EU 2UI 23 2 $7 n •Smuuel Elliott. B. J. Kmller, Act., Joseph U. `fuel, jewelry, , Ann e• eletlilug, 11.iry hate, • Jelin Feller, exocer, 1 1 .11'1.1 •`. .13it1 , 11+' 11111111:111, grocer, Andrew is 11. IVeneliel, Callio. Ilek D. Heliport, " I' Mrs. .1. Stump, ,ti nes 11. We trer,-furnlture, Henry • „lie , lg., IfroFSlll3ll, :.•111110:1, John Jelni Jelni Kuper, grocery, .1:1.111..,4 Can', sr,. In ir!‘eting, liumer Frielkei,•ke," Robt..\lartio, John ErLcr, • Rohe! t it %%IMAM Asku,y, 1/.1r1.1, erode, ire, • .0• Vernald, A ii.;ustle. L,r, A " , - A IlarelV 11. :4j/iwti. (210 , 10.1V11.11. 80j1111.1 ,tiarn, dry - 31.irktr.4 Nell, millinery, Stela, re..l. " A A ngilinlrinzli, millinery, Mrs. :4:try 3torris, slovne, .1. 1 (leo. shoes, ot. IL 111.dr, leather, 1/11i Id Jens,, Furniture, • • 'Stainer, ..j..,9Jr.ri , Dies:lN,. Y. 1 78 1 18 ME 6 17 2a 45 :Mho (I•Ten. dry.gooli, I: Irv, •F •• 11'1111am 1V:iti••• ; 41 .1. 11.4.4 4, ( - 1..., 44 1:u.s••1 1,110., " 11 11,0 ttp.lll — i•hoik. . 11 '• mathetlng. •• 11. 11,:lier, proccr 111 1/ I:Am'i.wiFnu ROU4 11. Wtn. lim.,t 111/MI.I, I 1111111.11!1., • 12 I:1114111a 4: ‘s orn);ey, ,• 14 11.1%14 1•1.g111.1• I, - II , - 11 Ada', 4::41/14., ,, ,, 11 D.J. 1/plurtl ..t. Co, -„ , 5 - -14 ..41.irtin .';-1:1 nal /1/ 4 ' - '''' '''''' ',- "'tit • 11. W. 1 , ,,..3...., dry-goode, 13 1 1 .1111.1tirlIqIsm,grucer, 14 James 1'311..11, " . 1-1 .1,1.6 Itentilegvr, " 14 ' .lulu/ M'Corloick, " 14 . -11,-1/..411641-r, /Ir., RolmlS. • 14. tarok: grocer, 14 .Micli,t4,l Frey, prod ore, . 14 1. 11. Patterson, " - ' 13 .1. 11. 1100 n.., " ' -. 11 ,Chr6 , 130 Eroy," .. ... ._l4 . lmniul May, pmduca ' ' 11 .1 18 1 1 GI ... , li 'Maul (trum, dry.ion,4, ll , oaqinr. ' .1: 11. liupp k Fon,NI,..y.);oOLIN, 13 , 10 00 - IL I:0pp. pr... 10,,, 1:i ' fr 12 :AI Jacob lirleßvr, proloce, • ' 1:7 .... 10 im 'Mum . 40 1 Vim., ,11.4.5, - 1 I 7 00 Cy! kn. '1,00p1,, iurniture, 31 7 00 tioutge L. / LOC, hi, Co, .. 14 7 01 .1 , 00 5.•1r.,, nrt..!u•ting, 17 - 7 thl : 4 1inuol ;1101C.11•1, dr). :40',1)F, . Ii 700 11 . 1111:J11 r...71,i0.-1, 'l4 , 7 U)) . ~ I I oytwEi.t. Jamoq GI eon, dry glll,l+, ' ' 13 , - .10011 01, , ,,,111'.., e• liumar, dry.gooda, 13 10 00 j o hn iN.,wyonivr. flour,l4 .. . :7 00 11,,rover .0 1Colunic:10.11111.Ing, • ' 14 700 Christi ui ete, ie.:, furniture . 14 ~ , 7 00 mow. 0 l'otrow, dry goods, l3 10 00 Will11:00 lA,yd, drugs, 14 7 00 Eli 11 . Ise, dp.goods, 11. 7 Ou . John 0.40 11 00,, .. 14 , 7 1111 :',l.iies Ila..zot. 000101 Jug, 14 • 7 00 11'1111:im Crali, .• 14 7 00 .lolio Y Young, . 14 .- 7 00 .1001tb,01 itralrikor, mlrkoting, 14 7 01 Hiram Longureker, prodaires, ' 14 700 :\ I uNnoc. • IT. G. Stephens, dry.youdg, 13 1), L. Dev luny, drugs.l4 • Hour:, : 4 p.thr Hour dealer, 14 ii3tillll,l Haul:, dealer • . 'l4 ~ , llonry Snyder, dry-voods, • . r 14 7 :0 , . Hoary Zel.der, " ,14 , 7 01 Williain Vonord, nirkotlng,, 14 - 7 - 00 41inntionX TOW:isillr. 3nroli Stio,kle : niaricotlinr, ' 7 00 Edger .44. 1 11r.ynek, dry-goods, 7 00 • "MstniaFicsnona. . Windt , . & NeiFwanker, dry.goods, ,15 fi 11:m1A Contort, 10 4 ' l(ye,r .0 Brandt, ' /0 I M. It. Sumo, .7 Mrs. T. lityrio, 7 I'hlllp Arnold, . 7 floor). Lease, . 7 .lolin.ltoklo, 1101,10 & U.trrittson, hardware, 10 Jolla S. liovOr, _. ll _. - I ' - 1:: 4 1, -. l . xliciiallaq drugs, . , Irr Bay, . ." ...I. 0. liorring," . 1 ~ • ' I:111yard -Lamont, slinos, . Margaret i . lohnou, " ' Conrad illinel 14 ' 3nhopli Totatin, 11 : 1,01 Itelgio • • " Daialol 0 tabill,'elatillnz, , A. Slogi4or, er.4.1.r, ' ~ . Si. IL Them so. groeor,. Javoli 6, arizi juwelry, 41,01,5V111A man, baltyr, 'Win. C. Ilustoil, f ornitairo, Foothill Work, , " Robb, Silo th ore .1: Co., stoves, (100, Wundorlkh. . 1 • • It. Nl'llion & Son, li. T. Ibiston, oaddlory, f A. 11. Meteor, millinery, 4 ~4-= Vogleraug, flour, .4 : 01 1ocIn4 Behold, luthor, A linuirionii eil/amild. prod teat, DI , %Audi:Arlan .00 Havers irk, itiUduco, I t .1. 11. Fluid:4. 7 r, produrn, 32 • J. aIIIIIII.OII A Soh, ino.l,lol', - 12 T. 11. lirpni, . ' 1 . 12 .1. Hummel yt,. Cu, lumbar, : 11. .1. 311lizon, . .. 15 Sidle a: Eberly,. "• 34 , Otorgo liosor, marketing,- ,1 1 John .lolitison, .. 14 . 0 uorgo Slountiru, .. •14 Frank 31tindiel, " - : 14 Jacob Endnger, grocou , - .1 ' D. if, liwlle,r A: Co., clothing, 1 • , . • 1cia4444.44. . Thomas Stough, dry.goods,„ ' 7 Joseph Laughlln, clothing, 7 Thomas Ill'tolo,lllsll, dry lino de, Klink & Rots, :' - " • , 73. 0: o*J. If. Brown, hordwa y o; W. I. 51 1 Oullongli. grooor," . Wilibrui Cr ,Ltnp, drugs, , William Revd, 8.0. Wild, • . ' : ' , . J. It. Eroy, etovos, ~ .1. II Cob:nigh, strooa, - .. .11.:Foldnuin: jimoli•y, ' .Tohn M. UovidsOn shoes,. - • Willinin Crotzor, hots; . ~ 3. 11, IforrUil, furniture, . - '.ooo. Dr1ch0r,..,.. ".. Antliony Foreman', inorketinivi" ,''. 11 1 1111 nm 5t114014 ' :` I. ... ~: : Jonathon 4.0 1" 1,10 4........ .4, : ' '' 'r ' 1 Lawrjoroltonoidli, olii,ilifiig, , „ -' - ''''-: Near s CiiiiiiiliLkNli. V. T. Elou4ser, saddlery, ' ... ,n 'l, Wlll4, drrgopisi. . , , t ChOrlei4stocluiiiief,,... ' : , ' ,171. \ ' ChUrch S;ElorlYi l 'Valontlno seaman, “..- C - i Rudolph 31artin, . " :. Mussor ,4 amni., ~ "f .. ; •", 1 1 1 tlo'm•ii Doss, ' .. ',, ' . , . . Iloorge'llei , o,iirodoco, , i, .loliniAllilor,••dr:i:gdodA. •' „f,. 1.100r40.11. Houck . , Inarkethilf, ' ' ' : 1 .:: 0 ';'. . ' , NrArror. ..101171 LOW Is, dry,gotnia;,o,ll,llll,,, ' 1,131V114 & IYagnor, produce, Rod Barak 2 75 29 2 20 I 63 12 12 50 14 ,-, 700 12, 10 on 13 . 10 nu 13 • r 00 13 . 50.00 7 00 - .. • / 1 - 7 1.6. • • :7 4 7.00; • 11 • 7 00 14 700 14 , -- rot, _l4 7, of) 7 ou • -14 •7.00, - • , I • - 7 0 00 • ' 00 18 20 48 1 21 EOM 8 ti) 60 77 43' 7 VO 25 01 1 50 19 I) 10 Oti 7 0)0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 011 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 DEMI If) On /0 00 7 0.) 7 00 7 00 7 0) 7 01 El . OE 1123ZEM! 111 I=1!! 6ffilE/ 14 7 00 14 7 00 It 15 00 • 700611 13 10 00 - 14 .7 00 14 . 7011 lk 7 el) IC 04 • 7 00 41 34 7 13 00' 10 Oil 14 - • 7 Oil 14 7 00 7 00 14 7 00 11 7 00 lk 7 00 14 7 00 • 14 7 00 31 7 on t 7OO 14 7 00 14 7.00 14 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 110 14 • ' 1 ou • 34 7 00 11 ,Z. 011 •7 00 11 11 7 00 • • 7 00 •]4 7 00 1t 0 . .111 00 It i 00 12 . 19 00 12 12 00 12 60 I :7 00 11 . 740 14 7 00 11 7 00 14 ' • 7 00 1,4 7 00 14 7 00 700 14 . 7 00 A'S E'S N ftr . tiotte g ts heruhy Oren ; Ji r brralurinl9l49l, lu the borough 'of Noirytilii,'Culnharbilui , by dyed doted Aprll's, 1810,1 inti eissignisi to tha subsoil her all his saw to "sal, persqual PtItilt11X10: in trutil Ihr thaltoilitftt of Itts . cretlitors. All porrout4 tharaturatAiu. tt 11,41 A I'o the a. - Ntgiiilt• by licnd; ucttn am bsiolit it to':i,ialtu Itatodlata. pnYiii.sltb piis,!Avrpiasp ft , „!, ettlow .p. F. , lit .. .,tu , ' . , , ;WO',I .1. COI • 7 AntAlmoo of Abialu4 1411111 in. , 1T; 1 550. - . • • . 'l4 00 'lO Oa Chetip JpliViiilting, dime lityo. . /4 00 13: • \ - 'lO 00 13, ' 00 11 1 12 TM' 'l3 ' :1000 ' nu' . /3. •10 (10 15 - nntilnger, dry goods, , • , 14, aninen 141 u;., . t • 44. 1).100.m 111 or; 14 . ,Fomtnght it HI d.,• •to , - 34 31OCor4' S. A. Uoiveto S Co., "- -A,3lllllelt, • . ' 14. Wininer, morkoting,l - • ,14 Suldu ,4 liu" 1410 / l' r .""c u / , .1. II: . • „ J. 4 J._ 11: Harsh, proguce,,(Onkrlllp,) 13 Nowconther 21.-Horn,'poduno, - • ' 13 , t3t.rUTLI AIIIMATOrt, - 11 - oop; rurnltnro, . 14 A. - M. Lotilloli, dry:goods, 4 12 A: - Counnin,,, , • ' ' 13 A losondoi• S :glint'', ilv-goods; , 13 lioudyintr Poled,, „. . 14 Sonanoj tginpp.,lll,:nr; . • 14 o.4lonver, marketing, 14 . John A. Wolf, ." , 14 S3Ik2ZSHDUAGI. „ . . _ . , _....._ .' Abraham Ifristetter, clothing,. , John C...Altlek, drugs, IV. W. Herron, ” •• nankin S. Ire., " • .. , . J. tieuinha ugh, hardwaio, _ . 1, orney ez .5 Mel'horSon, hardware, . .13. Grabill JolUpsen • " • . - 13 • 1 . Stovielt .t .liankle, dry grinds, , 3 2 SteWlirt.E Sou, " . . It ll'lllis,l3lmsre 4 c 0.,. "1:1 . COX'S: Iretl/Ilt, " . ""12 , Iletlc k Co., . . ./. 4: J. 11.1tedillg, . . " 11 , Jacob Pdgue, grocer, •• ' __l4 N. C. Holler, "' . " 11 . ' William ligitglininn, goober, • , 14 I'. Deltrich, . • 14 John 111•Idges, clothing, ' , ' I'. N. Art; , '• , , Geo. COIN' " . Geo. Crolt, , ."“ , Israel, stoves, A. If. Wolf, " .5. Aliller, baker. 11 Johnston Snodtly,. furniture,. ' 14 1/avf.l Frantz,, 14 David Criswell, " . "1 I/ •3lar,tin Amain, lumber, 14 John WllkillN..grOCer. . . 14' Kelso itr- Malliews, books, . ' • 14 It, D. Fisher, halo, ""IT4 11. Ilyslager, jewelry,, • 14 . Carlo I:midis, • . - - 11 Ruby & thr, produce, „. o • .' 10 'C. Fusuaught " - '.-- . - 1:1 'l'. 11. [flair .5 Bros!,lifeduce, - . ' 11, • Daniel 116 b r. marketing, ' 11 . . Benjamin Digs, " . 74 • N. A. Cornelius," . 14 ' Miss. Dub)", millinery, _ . " 11 Mrs. tatirgemi, T, ifill)1o;v,, Jane Galbraith, .1. 4:".. Collfi`ellWllol'.{',' 7 14 ' SIIIITENsinnio Towmmir. A. Soarer, iiihrketile"l.-.. . •• ... . - - • , • SOUTO.II.I/q0:1; Strohm Sc. Allen, dry geode, -, ' 13 -Clark .t thous, •. , 13 George Clever, " -.. ' I.l* seirch k Sous, " • ' ' 11 ii_entY..M.Y.ersonarketing, ' -,----.--.-14--- Ilresn ALOES. Ada°, SIIriVPI., dry-,!nods, Goswiler ,t; Zook Peter U /net leli, inn rketi ng. ' Itolairt Ileirb•lt, '., • -. David 11ei Molt, ' 11 - 1:.1' PF.NS31101I01:0/1. WOOdWal'il .k Selimidt, produce, tircuson I/ (vier & Co.,' O' l'lnfoitire Humps/ he, '• A, .1. ',I. Smith. produce,' " : It. lt.Tlrimpson, •. •'. 11. 'W. Ibild,on, 11. Strine. " • Alexander (14ntlhart, marketing, .1a111... tlisbop, " ''. Je teep, r•' Firsr.r. SPIIINO. Da Id Strohm, dry•gootk, John F,. Cole, daeobt.inunia, , Ilrownewell .v. Weaver, dry-goods, Jui..d, Leas, John Kyle, Josepli.Fink, elothing, • .10103 1,011.•11. prod Use, (cruel Hies, mo,er, John Renck, dealer, Fisher 4., Copp, dealers, F. Breckonmaker, marketing, W. Bride:lux, Merl:limit Tailor, :Itll,l,lris. , San,,' ! Hepburn West Penthdanough, 1 t John D. Shallow, '•• '' 11 .Ition /Mier, ll A. Middleton, -_--- " 11 Ali! .1 t , nytler, 14 . .1111 , A: Myers, Newton, 14 . A Id 4. : 4 1.y.1er, • " . 1 i ,Inerd, Bello',, " 11•1111ani Milder: on, MA U, 111.1.11e10n, .12 WIIII•no Ilendtl:43ii. 11 Philip Zig!, " - 11 D. llot,ier. Middle ,ex Tow rodilp, .. 14 3Fil..lur,4 4 l,ippensburg, • • . 14 Clamor, • 11 1 1 / 1 ;)b t u lle,el', Upper Allen, . . 14 . If. l'oglo.iong, 3,lmirge, • _l2 . 1). ifrdt an, " 1 -1- . ~ 11. Glyler, 11 John William', " • ' 11 .1. W. leldlrli. EMU!, :Middleton, • It I rear Germs n, ' ". 11. 'topple, : " - Jahn ; ., 1.11 . ..,.., A. Du her; ]4 7 " 14 7 - 7 1•} 7 ,14 1 14 - 7 .1/. 6' 6 ?7uLingur U.)., Low, Minn, ltor, •• !Irvin " • U. 1:1.0s•ly, H. 11. 119 er, • ' 6 • • 11...!:1ipp, Ilampilon,. P.ll. Wynn., •• 1I - 15 SI111•01 I kyrter, East. l'ennsberougli, 11 7 .1: l',ltler Mirolin, Dielchihno, - 12 ; 12 50 Jul.. Aloore, .$ • . 11 ' - 7 - James il'intkloy, , .!' It —lions•00, ' 11 ' 7 Robert Noble, Carlisle, 11 7 (1. 11. Iltielmr, Si!yen Spring, . 13 10 Miller A: Lb, iy, 3k-IniniriAirg, . 11 - 15 1.11. 11u3or, Luxor Alton. llonry Manning, Sliver Spring, 14 . 7 - - - :118rt - nTlneklonon, _ ~ • - II 7 - BEER, 050'1'1:11 ANII IATING IIOIISES. • Andrew 110061, Carlisle, - 7 10 Jaines IVliarr, ''. . - 7 10 31apzatet 31Iller, " • 7 10. 11. Aroolttl,. ' 7 10 I 1‘..1r40 Fohnnl, , " 7 10 Fredarlt-1; 10..nnely , 7 ' 10 4141111.411C1,10ey, •' 7 10 1;otleil, S c , hear, • " 'B.annet 1' , 14/.11. 1:1111111110 IVelll/11 ' ' 410N1,1111 I:briglit,' •' 7 .' 10 'il'in. Moody, " -7 10 Calliarinu 3:yers, ", 7 10 .Ini•ub Sttatton, "• . 7 10 Mrs. hoe, / 4 ~ 7 10 Airs. Peters, " - 8 5 5.. lirCV, Lower Allen, . 0 .lamb Ilo,•nters. 1,4.1. urn, It 6 311,,,e's 1:0,n1, 1.4111 t-r A/len. 7 10 Eli, 11,01 114/111111.411. 5.4111 11 701,Hk:ton, 7 10 Jann.B 3taelsey, 813hp...burg,, 7 111 T.. 1., • •••• , 7 lo - ):Darin Pri4W441.01., :144 0/111. lo Toler Ihroill..i.erg,,, NVe...t •Panlrboinngh, 7 • 11/ - John n. N 4-14 vllll-, 8 Crawror.l A; Scott, •• 8 ' 5 Josvpli Ogden. 1•:not l'unnshornugh, , 8 h 13411111101 II dyer), Mutirtnieshurg, II 5 John Molny, 7 40 .lo,epli 31..1'an, , " . • 7 10.. Reel. Silver Fpring, 7 11. Eberly, .11,118niehburg, 7 10 • . ISriNICI.B.6 AND DIB7I 1.L1i11..i. Williani Lnynnilo•r, l'arlinle,, It iili.on..Unmunkr." A. lin,ler. Swath Alidahnon,, 31. U. Bolt zhnnu ..r. nom no. D. 11. I'oglr,ong, Cinn, .Allen. Wll.hno litn.,lt•rs..n, Nurth .%11thlinton, 141, / ,,, , ,A 1411,111 g,, 11 , .1a.rt Quigley. Newleu, .1111 kNewroilibt,, Sainurl I;tonningcr, " Don Non k. Mouse. Sliver Spring, ...,„ T P.N. Pll AI, I.E I'S .1 NI) BILLIARD TA 111.1.. S }lntail tie] Wvirlf.ll, ono •table, :'-'• tit!, F, 11 ono t• 11,1, . 8 W. J. WIIIIIIng, two tablas, (icorgi. Folopt, 01.111110)7 . B, • i . .111 p0t , ,,,,n. n the 86.0 114 lire hereby notified t thl:o up their - Ikeasen without delny. A. F., .SPOSSI.F.It, County Ti ensurer. Any 2, 1560 - I LIMB !!;11LAND VAI,LEY•.a.— SUMNER AIeIIANGENENT. . • • s.- CHANGE UP 111)UIZSI On and Mtn,. :)11)SIDAY,• A l'ltli. 16111.18110, l'aFseng. Train, will ran as Or!lows: (e.tualayn exrepiiit.l;) FUR 011.111111Elt*1101t0 AND • 1,11, ,, ,Lti1ni , • 2Crralit I,,vo.llagertdown, 6.15 4 .';41::;t1. • ' ',•' freen , ,tralu• 7.;13 • .! ChlltllllUrBllUl'g, - 8.80 i‘ Shippitlo.ll..Urg, 9.01) 14 . 0.:12 Co lixlr. 10.10 ' " 10collankFbarg,. 10.42 Alrlyo nt Iltirrlnbum, 11.12 " FO1cu4M111ERS11131:0 A SD'unoEitnowN. • 2.1 Tram. Lento TiarriaLurg . _8.05 _A.3I . 2.151'. 31. • 3leehititiemburg „ HAI " 2.52 • " • Curiklu • 0.21 " 3.80 • 10.02 • • " • 9.01 Pliipponitlittrl • 141.31 " 9.33' " • Cluttnine,(.lrilye) 11.00 0 - 0.10 ' ii rduitcaOUu. IV 00 : At i - 1 at'llagerstuwo. • • 0.40 ", - (re- Pastiongoi ti will 01. serve, that thoro is :but Otia 'Train n day, (it Paimatgar and Frulglti mtoblgo over 11111 Road, Connecting with train. tu Mar risburg at 0.30 .1. 31., ant: with the Tiaiu art !vial; from Harrisburg at 5.110 it, .31, , • 1'11111919 Dolly Trains laavo Harrisburg tar. Pittsburg, at 2.45, A. 31.. 12.51 and 4 05, I'. 31., initthig•direct con • noctions with Oaf. (Si' Lituiatille, Clara haul. Chicago, Ind lanitia•l Louie, and all principal throu,:hout the Moat. • • r . .••• Por Philadelphia, yin Pannssicanla•Contral Railroad At 1.20, and 0.0,, A. 31 , and 12 25 and 2.50 I'. 31, - , Via Lubation T. R. IL, at 0.20 A. 31., and 2.35, Nur Bat tittiol'e; at 8. 2 7 A 7 . 20 A: 20,1205 P. 31. • Poe rovorton and It 1111Ainsport.itt 1,27 Mild '8.15, P. 31. Tralus on Dauphin Ituad a 2.0 U, 1' '3l. • • NOTICE TO PASSENCIERS: 'At tlij' .Y.filcions whom I'lelpets aro sold, viz: ChaniberFtfum, 31oopulestlrg ;Coll Iffirrisburg,'n rpductlon of TEN CENTKno each Tlelcotavllibo iondo to nll l'usson gOrn thnt prorldo thoiunblves wlth 'Tltliets berm • en. Wring the Cars, 0. N.l. 1 1ILL Supor't Railroad °Piro Climhbarsburkij. • a ~, . • • ;?i()TIC HAS 111111 E TV.UN 7 ,. . thatletters I,lnchnloh.trAtion on the Estate ofineob Esllubnati, lea of East rennaborong: township,. have bean AulYissned, by thO r lteglsti;j• of lhnnberlanil: COnh tY.'• to' rubicrilsiV living ha. !wino top. MI pStsons Indebted. nra rejnived to..tnalco hu'inFaliata. vlyment; niot Lilian having elaltn, toprusentthum ldu- I3"authen tivattllor. nottlement to' ' • roo y.san'otAN,.. Administrator. I OarllsTo, Mnr, 29 .T0:-9t , M F 4 l ,ll t . ;c li i 3 v l-',3 1 ' . ,r ; 5 :t 1. 4 ' ! 4 .1 1 ,, t . M. ,,t 514 4 11. 1 1.j ! 1 sprtment of V i Rm. il .:1.1 . ,S In the, county, II revue:title MOO, ntrl Bull Metal W,,tItICONTIM) NUE TO•eltAolt nt alb Ilitr . dwore Store of ' March 7010. . . III:SIIY SAS:TON. OFFERED . ;AT .PRIVATE S ALE A tract of I ana 1141.1:sumt to Sterrett's Gap, con sl,ting °flit aera.t. about 21 [taros chaired part or which is In meadowl well set with timothy and clover whit now fencing all around, and divided Into 4,lleldc. A Moll,: hill branch running along the ono side, havinr, a !lilt of3o fool, siilltdout ler any ordinary power for Machine. ry. n spring - of good water doing at the house and rain wing through' the whole Place. 'rho whole admirably adapted to pastnra:;o-20 or, 8,0 head of . • • YOUNG C ; ATTLE,• •• may fin pastured the wholudniminer, and if the whola were fen.aal in, it wOuld be suliVant for 60 bend—a Ono indneemont ti bermsrs. Icarinx many cattle to glaze, with sufficient timber lot funning and building purponpe. it la n Onalftelit lon for a Illachandth, Waggonmal,er, Cooper or any other mUchanic.ll 'l'llo roil is good and _suseepliblo of hizit iniprovpinent. Mine Call bo id Within One 111110 and a half. with a little ham It (sin be made 0 good Emir; desirable ho may need a mall place. _On; a two story L() Il 0 S'E , • • . • ..trnti a lag 'stable, with some fruit trees,—Price $OO.l rune and WA, It. yuu may buy it on easy payments. In. qui:o of the Editor. Carlkle :Clara 21, 'oo.—Qt. • _ C..,1 TILL TItIinIPIIANT. Tlitlemoleteentecess of the Prairie Flower Cook - Stove, warrants the SUl.Feribite In Calling t h e :mention of all who nmy waittot. superier , euve. to 4,14 and amine the obly stove that has Oita univers.tisallsfac• 7 7 7 7 7 10 15 7 7 E WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS I st. A wviltn; 6f from :In to flO per rent. in fuel. S oi l. A b u tt, r :ant qtddcer Oven from the ',unto lire; Alar4or Ovon than tiny OM!, stuvr qf s:tille Oze. SUL ;the pf.,servakholk of the, centre piece from : tanking saving repairs; Vb. The' boo juicer, Rooster, and (VA none in use, fah. A soporior trrrangenand, for elea'nint thCflues,- ith• A pellet 11:10 Consunior Inc sillier wo, d nr coal. Ti,,, Prairie plower Ss warmo ted to giv., sallsniel lon in ever'yoLdkulr,, and will ho shown with Trie.iqure fa All Who innp rnll, h)lli her .16;:ra,,g to pnrer6i,,or nut; l 7 I any quantity of reference In town Cr country. - ; A foir other good Cook Stores on hand, whl.dt vrflt told very low to-close stock. Spouting. Roofing, Job work, Coppersmithlng Sheeting work promptly intruded Ib, lu 1,,11..r eon try. All work warranted at the old stand, llanm, street north of ',outlier. • H 7 IJ 10 11 7 H 7 1-! 7 1 7 2. 50 • • . •M .511 Y M. 311/1111 IS. N. 11. Old Copper, Bia,s and Pow for Vaught, and t highest prl p lid la c u.. 11 or g...0d, 31arell 2S, IStlo.—tf. 11 1:1 ' 10 1.3 30 11 7 71 7 TOOK OUT FOR THE' KII)NA1 ;Li 11. 1 vii44:l4 , 4414.444,4,41,1} 4,114(444ts .11 1114 1,4444 v, 11444414,4e1vt, 14441014t4441 LI It irLL,L.O ell I 44,141‘ tL wit,1144111, 41,1.1 y, 1I 4444 longer 1 ,14 1u1g 4 J., 4 44 cnu La 0.. , Fob. 1., 16140. • 13 10 1:t 10 14 7 11 7 1 01 t Ton 1t,,, wara bouts,, on tit., ,nor of )1.11 ul IVIIst sidooL4, with a ramnw.liqus trick, and al .cus,ary inlvilov., for Ilia tralraution or the rum our J.( 111.1,111n5, olrGrod far runt. 1,0,a5.4d0.g1 run on LI! or April. Aidlly to (lirlbdo 31arelt J.ICOII WITCH JEWELRY FY IV ER-WA RI Would l'e;peetrully inform mu onortrilat this we now In Stow, and oiler • ' g . • IVIII/1,115,11,1-; ,1 It Da'Al L 4 at this lowest Cash hive, a brio niul 14 , r,y choice siool, Willehos, Ji•w• • eloc : 4 11 vor and Plated )Voro, of ovo ry vArioty and stylo. • 04 Evuly description of nnod le.: 14; Wort:. an d nth, Jun dry nsolo lo or. ..„ dor at short enti•e. 4.—i-111 (10,oly WAILItAyym, to be as roprosontod. N. If. Parllonlar attention Oren to Om 1111 Sti of W.ttelle,;111111 Jewelry, ef every dos• Option, 5'1'1111,1,411 .1 11.411 1,4 X, 62:2_Alarlztt March 11, '614.73n, . 1.._60 T) EMOVAL.. • A_1:11 4. SVC/SA.1:11, lla ti•lnnv.:.l Lis olivo to Lis Now MID,. opposit Glass .I).l:trelt.2`l, I kiu- tr. 14 11 . \ 7, 31 1:: - 14 11 7 13 111 • I,S FO It isuot • . 'I'I, I: /1111,11, 011 010 Aami of lieu] and Bor. 01.11,1"1/01tV 1111 . NV): Will he hint at the Cunnili.4.lo.. ors' I nil, nflidliovs, n Ir.: ProloArdotigh and Iliutiparn on Thurmhy,, Ito Ditli or April. upper Alto. Lower Allen and Nato Cionbrrlantl, on Friil.ty. lho 2711) of April. anti :Fllear Flu on Alto Aprll... Mount. and South 311Plil4ton, on Tuei,(l.ty, the lot of North NiAJlulon and Middlesex, on IVeiliterility, the i2d of Ploy. rr,,,,i,ford and PIIIIIin, rut tho ill of .11oprivril unit Shippuloilitirg Borough, On Friday' till' 'tilt of M:IY. rio3B.lrtnipton awl - N(3,ton, on Saluriliiy, tl i iith of • • May. Torm.llll., n u filo stir .11.31 a v. l'unni.lorough and Nnyv I le, on Weannstlay. the 9111 in Ma).'. Carlisle, on '11111,41m% the 10th ..f Mar. t‘A Si ll ill. St Em l.lll', C.,ooole,.i.Derm N. 11. • er • AvAullosEit,): cum b.,1 in. • AttNit, J. AMISIRUNO, Clerk. t April 4-31. IMNI 4 4iirt;us:imIti are daily spool. tug to praise of ' DR. EATON'H INFANTILE CORDIAL. and why? hecansu It never fella to alTer4l Instantaneous relief when ;Oven /R time. It arts tin II by, eagle. nod one trial :done will ontrince you that"what Wo ray is, true. It contains . • NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, nRd therefore relleves by removing the nulTerlugh of your instead or by. dom.b.obo. r its For this reason It commends itselras the only able preparation now known for Cltlld ern l'erthiam,-1/lorrhoon. I)3 o sentery, Grip log In tine llolvets.. Acidity of the c , toteach,_ Wind, Uold In the head. and Croup, also. for ...orteolog this gums, rediming Inllann,tion, regulating this Bowels and .relieving pall,. It lion 1111 equal—being an anti spas medic Itia used 11 ith uufJlinr ,tirress in all Coven of Con vttlit lold. or other Vlte. An yon sable the Ail" and lion(th . of your children. and to 51150 them from nose owl and blighting C1111,q111.111:1% Ivlll,ll are certain to 10.9111 t rllllll the 11.1 or narcotis of WIIIDO other remedies for I unlit CllllllllllllltH tiro composed, take none but lilt. 1.'..t.r05•6 ISF ISTII,V. CORM At,, this you con rely upon. It Is perfectly liarnde•s and eminot Injure the most delicate infant. Price, 'Xi rents Pull directions 111.:011111.111V earls Fiat]'. Piepared only h'y CIl IJRCII d DUPONT. .No 4,01 Broadway Now York. 1 75 15 .:5 Agy: y.l 04, • Il.ralthyliuman Blood upon being • • ' •A N Y always presents us with the onion essential elements and gives of roars° the 'frun Standard. A nalyin the 'Blood of II porno sailed rug front Consumption - laver . Complaint, Dyspopula, Seriduat, de. and n lied in ery illSUltleo Mrt.lllllll.lll . l.lell'S 'the red globules of Blood Suipply Lime deficiencies and you ern nunin well. 'flue 111.900 1.1/111) is ionuttled upon lids Theory rustier its.austoululang surres. 1 here lire FLVE-I!ItEI'ARA-TI()NS , to tire alefleliunegus of the Mood hi different, /Ike's.. Wan. (Numb:. Coida, Bronchitis. In . any .alfee. thou whatever of the THROAT or LUNGS Inducing Con. .autumption,ino No. I, wadi It is :dons the No. Sru 1)11 pwsidon of Spirits. Lots of Appetite, and for :ill 12111,.11• C'emplutint sal rising from 'Over 11Pic likumarar and Norvour Prostration.- No. 2, fa. I leer No. a, for Dyspepsia. Being already prepated fur ob.' sorption It la taken by .drops and corded Ituumediately into the circulation, eau that whatyou 343111 you retain. T ale he go. 5 Is fur Pent irregulal Hies, Hysteria, Week musses,. Sr. Sea SpOetil direetiwa fro. this. Ver. Salt Rheum. Efliptiens, S.:millions, Kidney, and Bladder Comp . altutul. take No. ii. In all C. 1805 the direction tenet bo strictly followed. Prlee or t.l, mood Food St per bottle, - Sold byCitUltcll A DUPONT, 4o;) itroodway, Now 'merit. W. Dyolt S: Sons. Philadelphia; and 0.11. Rosser • l'ittsburA - Wholevite Agents. Loa P. M 1 " 2.41 3.r I 1 A R.1 1 1;1 T S . ELuntDows cltunv STORE The eubeetlher Laing under rare light °mauled, has, of I well known, alua3s sold ravels rug: ellueg: .hut thin son, ha , lug argil. d.h I dry] t 011 lie mount greut deal erelou in pelves of mat e. ial. ,ce.,• rghlisat hum tit ramie lab: I Nu-Arum...ll; a rely large twerortuidit nY 1 T 6PS3 4 3.ItY,III;USSE . LS, '' ' .' ,• , ' ; Y , 1311'1310 Ad, Tr f ilitiAlx, • Oa 'ft P 16. T i; ' INIJIVAIN'and I ENI'fI,IN .' ' .' —•-. . ~. and OIL Cf,03'116 oeuti:.tath.. to groat variety. Also, Canton oud Cusoa . 6IATTINOS .9f all Id tols 4 with a largo steel: of LOW OrlCEDTitgrithr Carlotta at 26 to 60 rents , ' per pint - Stair and Entry at In to 111 roots, 030, Rag Carpets,C,otton and trump Carti,ds, Bags, ?lads, Stair .ito4. ' S '' ' —''' : No. 43 Strawberry St., ono doorattaroJAnAtnut. ', */-Strawbarry Is, thadlred6treat uaitt,..uf Se't?ford. St., ' 4 Afare 1t.28 18d0 't' ' '• - ' ';' ": ' l'attsirtjaati I, 14 1 011, 101 N T, ~ ~ ..,..- ~ • '-, . qt ~. ' As ttJlej , (lotelS Stare frato hurl actor the list of -;,-)ttry-noStolia Sterallioror a t'the Comer of NO and' 'lldth streets; lathy dltestoeo df.0, , 0e1110.,v; rsgeth'ee.odth' . • addrgeirlldr, friiiiie'd toolveneat)t, salts Ole lot ,Caritets'.. I.dssekslon will he given as soda' as the ghodiedir Lard. stern rt»111 are dtsposod rf ;tad no additional root until' mid Ist of July. , ,' • , J . IIA:tIILTON. . , April d, ' 3iti-' 3i,* • . .. , . . i, ; ---XlisinWAL'itti)s - ..''t : A:. t , ARD.—D.Et, - .lNci.: IC.,..S . Auncit n. spectfully.nnhounces to hle old frltnda, oo former. fettrens;' that ho' Linn , rehlrifed frow tylikout: ,treeterti,tutfr. ,vdtb hit health groatly 'lmplored) a. Mitt resumed hltrprtattleirin Carlislo.' • • . , 10E.,rnt. Main 8 tre II o door mentor the liallroa, Depot, whom he can Ito found at all hoitre, day au, ti ht; silten not out profestlonallY. Carlisle, pet. 20, • • •-• • j ,,, W.MDE It, •M. D. • •• • . • • (iromthorutasT,) ,• • ' YSICIAN, • S 1)1{G libN & Accou . ctit 011ie° On Oath minover Sticet, foin!oily i,ccui I by Dr: Smith. • ' • ' nit. S. B. KIEFFER Office in,gort Linimigyor lit'reet two addr,i from Arnold A ' Bon aoro. 0 1 1 1edliourn, Mon, particularly from 7 to 9 o'elo6 wit' front t to 7 o'clock, P. M. aEoRGE S. SEA DENTIST from the Itul • - thnore College of Dental Surgery. fr.ollire at the rmidenro of hie mother, East Lentil,' Area, three doom below, Bedford. • Mooch 10,1.dontf. • . : lat any i r lOCTOlt AItiVISTRONG has reniov- I_,Yod Pomfret hig w oheoln, .: ho may ba consulted to Ulu wost corhor of haurof Ilanayer day or nlllll. Or. A. has had thirty years .'asperl6oca' In the pron., 15i011; tint last ton of whlrll Luvo 1114 to tho study and practleo of Ifounnopathlo Moat. eine. May 20, 77" • DR. J. 0, N EFT iespeet. .ve•fully Informs tho 111,11.1 ii and gentlemen of Carlisle. and vicinity, that he has re. atoned tfm•practleo of 'Dentistry, anti Is primaredto Inno• form all operations-on the tad!' nod gums, belonging to his profession. lie wlllinsert Nil sots . of teeth on gaid or sneer, a It h Mogi° gum tenth. or bloCktt•na they airy prafnr. Torna moderate, to suit the thorns.. South' Ilani,rer street, - next door to the Poet (Mee." 11-21, Will ha absent from Carnalethnlnat tan dap n eadt Month. --- , fang. 1, ----- ' S..W. • HAYERSTICK, Druggist, North If:Toyer Street ; Carlisle. P, hysU• Fm's presorlptlons oat orally compouudi.4 A full supply of froiih drop :1111i chornkals. AW (iAItD.-CIIAItLES L. 111,1 (11,A.UMILIN . , Attorney nt Lan. 0111qo lit building, J wit npyilsito the :11:trkee Cat.llllo. Nl.treit y JOHN 11A1 - S, ATTO'IIN IN AT LAW IV• 0111 E, o Main Street, opposite " Marion Hall, [Oct.Corllslo. I'n. 26, '6.0--/y. ft lILLMItIO . II, Attorney at Law. J.—ifiller on North honorer street, tt few doors moll o(111,1st: Ifotel. All business ontrusted to hint will be promptly attended to. [April 16. • ' - FA \V NOTICE.— I NIOVAL. . PENlnn+ltl,hoi: runioved his °Dim In o llm Vona I boost., whom ho will promptly attl.4o !undoes, entrusted to hint. A If:41191,40, 1 h 57 T,A V OFF IC 1411.-1, IiI3ITIIU, T(11)1) j Ims resumed no t.raellro 111 Li, /Ayr. h, Gmate west 81,1 e, near the FliBt Church. April 8, 1857. t0,13u, PARE REDUGED. STATES UNION HOTEL, GOO. St. GOS Market St., above stxt It, I= JAMES W. POWER, Prop. lel", Jti:M7,4 11111 . 113:-81 25 per day AMERICAN HOUSE, . North Hanavor Street, Oarlido, Pa. ' - Prop ri c I This li.nt.n) has boln , rEllltt.P.l Ina snlnn-l-o. Ity Iv. an 1 1 ' . now Open fbr nnunnlmlnn of Iln:udern Hurl Travolers, _ EXCELLENT STABLING ATTACHED. U - N T I'F D STATES 110' IT t; • Cur. lllly t j• Markel 818., I C. if. W. IiANAIL%, MeV " ' 1.1161 , 111ET0119. • • N. N'T C . irtVARCHANT TARN. MILT STREN7', Opposite the Rail Road Office. Fall and Wink.). , Hyles of Clatbv, Caysimeres and rodings made to order. Carliqo, May 2; IMO. N 11E1 S RUA 51, . ' AVFORN EY• AT LAW. Ofliee with Wm.. IT. Miller. Haq., Sonlb Tta never tilrert, oppo,ile the Volunteer 0111 c..• Carlisle Sep. 5, 15:i0h AV. (7- IZITEEM ATTORNEY Al' LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minneapolis, Minnesota. Eltr nd , !t urtr: i Erdatu dud sr:1,11.111es. Neu - on:de kalls, pay Irrelto laud v.arraulu,,O.u,,te. Bel, to the uremlwr:.o the Cutrtlrerlurrd Courtly liar, and trail prominent eitl• Oen: , of Carl IN le, PA - . I Atigfsh-ly. 111= EM3TEM :._ ... fAvING entered into co•partnersblip In thu mpluiarlurlng al 13.113 IRON, tit I.t,,kt loge, ‘l,, would respeetrul4y , tuvl., 1,11,110 u of ISlrdware lihml;Fßllths,lll,l HII hers who limy wane a buperior . arlielo of iron ty ZiYtl ran a rail. All Hod , or It:mime:red. Irou mnolantly on hood or 1 riven to ordtrron short notier. Thu hI . ,:loot price !ilia for wrought lion scrods, or 1., ken lit excluingu for bar iron. CarllFlu, Oct. 1.2., i ~GIUIULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. • - .LlBlentorP, Cordon lines, Gordon Forks, Phovul... Bakes, Spoils. liars, l'ru- Mug Hooks 1.1.Py Knives, Ilelts. I‘lnt tneks, lfrky ElevAnrs; 31uffuro , Hooks, Plows n 1 'ITN drffiwont make, Inelndlug Plows, llonwood's MIA.? Nous, Zi.i.ler's Plows, Bloomfield Plow. • Pork •Mehl, sod Eagle Plows, ku., fir,, au., Re. Just tecolved a larao supply of all land of goods to fit out tho I'3llllor us Nm•hnnic ot. Msrvh 7, 'Os, S A i- 0. At tho CaDinct Rooms of A. P. rwlNn.,,3 A. No 'a g~Eiretlan Blinds! which east $2O a palr, ono year ago ;:tind will he sold at a great reduction. March 7-0.. AIILLINER Yt LLINERY ! iv rv. 71.7.:tie1f art I rui taut. tI ray.Laa opeiiu,l a puiploy mown,. tof • erlzAw .t. FANCY COOPS, . . 'comprising Slt-Jklltitljattey lionnets,,Cldltlrotilt Taal o a'itl I1:414, rrapo Iqt/fiefs. Irettt•lt flower,' ant • 1111 tos' a splethlitl assort flout of tho nos - style utubtrtitlered lib lottsj Itutulltket.sre, cullers awl hil.ltVl,S, hair braids. • DIIRSS SILKS ' laUb 11 . 11i1S1111116er111.111i10;S, 11V1V MI.)10'14.011 11 ,, ,,p . I,l re , r cort•AX; lams Which she invites the Maks, at:Ain:de and • - . April I 1 .'OO -at. MEIMI=I No. 1G NO 'ITU STI:Min'.I'IIII,ADE GNI/A Is MI 'tnoSi os tonidre )TntT • ~iT•tOtm - ei id I 1 7 MTh 0 Tii`:-817A:DE TII 1 ! •LARGEST FINE9T•I•Vi4 ' • WFsortplon! In cho cllyoktt/e. • n ••• . 1• • 1.0 ESI.7 ;.., Store. Shade's:. Made and Loiter - 6d:: A l ,clt 11, ,p).-2T; ''• kt DIC CM:18111SM 1,1",}-1 , (NISII.P11) filn:11(110k • - z . • " 1 , 1171Ntl CLOTIIINI: I Tb a imtss.t•ltso4 tou. , just rocelysil c very i•uporier hi; I', • , schs;tbil stock ut • . • SPRLTG,.tSUIIMI3It;CLU'~tIING; cono,tiu fir ca,Fmcri , , swimbir and itolian!elotit;-A10:. - cu parrs, Linnon ;ul4l.:t:lottottnift, esst7,-kantq,- 1;;. Shirts also Silk and. Slithi Testa and ifir shnrt ierorr thlu;; In ths, Way el GAIIIIIINyst.I sstock: GES7'LEMENS! , , , P,IIRYISZIING'GrOOD,S'i: ilaß boon sqlostod tyltb,s, .trar tag, &e., arc suldSt notip,44lisls Tit II NICK ).LISPS,; . Trio speel: t l. uttqlitlqn tq, Stositqf , . , ^L • t•-:+ • qt,Arrct•IDUYTATPS 7, •' - '"• - • - + o.Pd'O•d• '1 , 44 1 , 1, 944'g' .t.h•eln nt 4° .. 4 - 1 ottlii.',hoiti you can' coovuon, youvuur Joy, • caillogat,•tho Choup o,lothliq • S toro &or • the- AlOrka ' .101.0 • El ,11, D._ ..1). ,8.. Joni Ire bnn,liatry to Om Cid hnore • CoDego , Pon tul Surgery.' Ofllcu tb Is re,...1t10n 0 Arcot, Carnal°, l'en = =I =