a From tho hattendown Herald and Torch THE INFIMENCE BMILE.'." . . . . . rt Mother! Mother!" 'exclaimed a little boy, jumping and skipping is an. eastacy of dolighl, " gory hand upon thy. head whettehe was passing, arid said 'good morning, my little•man, who wins the marbles to•day??.,-isti!t she a-sweet lady, mother?'.' those kind words and gentle smiles warmed like summer sunshine that little heart all day, causing it to throb with new joyousness, seniling out its cheerful influence upon ll around hint. -11:11o . can tell how mania flitting ahadow' it dispelled;--how num). a .fein.ful miagiviug they, may have subdued, or lulled into And who has so far outgrown their childhood as not to be proportionately affected by theni? I have seen a man, stately in Lis own ideas of dignity, walking with film step, his brow knit' with 'perplexity, and' his lips closed; as business cares and difficulties arose before him, relax his-rigid fcatpres, while his . whole countenance: lighted, up with contageous joy, as a- smile greeted him on the face of a passer-by . ; and how little it costs the dispenser of such joys, a. kind word, a smile, scattered here and there, along the patli of life, are gathered up like precioui jewels, end placed in, the casket of good works, never, never' to' be lost ! ' • fijany years ago, in a distant city, a little . . girl, the child of a widow, was compelled by necessity to take scone articles of Ins , ury that could be dispensed with, and go forth td find a purchaser, 'that ,their mediate Viante . might be supplied. ...Rivas_ ft, cold day in winter. The streets were . covered with snow and ice, and' the pierc ing winds penetrated tlie thin garments of the child, but she felt it - not. Kkeener chilliness was in her heart. She thought of her poor mother; 'Elie pitying loop she gave when parting, and—she know her fond heart Was struggling even then in 'sympathy and regret, that her daughter. should thus, by stern necessity, be sent where taunts and jeers might greet her. B s e she htistened on, and with faltering ..-4(rep, :Mil almost suffocating throbbing• the heart, she ascended a flight of marble steps, in front of an'glcgant residence, of one of the Deacon's of the church shelled no often attended. A servant answered the Siunmons, and, after hearing her re quest„ left her. The door was open lead ing into a richly furnished parlor. Music at first came to the car and heart of the Tetitloner,iike. sweet clreimisto the tompest-tost mariner, lulling his soul to forgetfulness; unmindful that huge bil lows wereTollirig angrily about HOC BUt that hushed, and a young girl,riChly at tired, appeared at the door. A frown _clouded those handsome featurei, and her lip curled with scorn, as she turned and -remarked, "What can that beggar be standing,therefor? lam sure she is not wanted." -Oh, how like daggers these words penetrated the. already bleeding; lacerated heart!. Tears started to her eyes, and, like a .timid fawn, she would have darted away, but a lady, appeared before her, tall and dignified, and the rustling of her rich dress brings new ter ror to the sensitive girl. But a smile plays upon her features as she advances, and kind, soothing words fall from her lips : " lAna sorry to have kept you wait. ing so long," she said, "but you will ex cuse me, 'as I was engaged." Excuse her! ilow ehb longed to take the jew eled hand and. press it to her burning lips. A moment harem, Wirte,rl).,psy , weight oppressed her, crushing out her young life, and deluging her whole future with a flood of bitter sorrow ! But a gol den light had broken in' upon the dark- noes, dispelling the gloomy shadows, and driving away its most bitter forebodings. " What has taken the cloud from my daughter's brow, and filled her tear-dim med eye ;with' such a flood of cheering sunshine ?" asked the mother, almost sadly, as • her child once more re•ontered their • humble home. 'There were traces of tears upon the widow's pale cheek, and a dark, dark shadow broodin over her sorrow-stricken heart. "Surely the Inca. gre pittance. you may have obtained from our last sacrifice - could naLhave the power to 'thus transform you into an angel of light, to cheer ono moment of my weari soma life ?" "No, no," exclaimed the _child; thio wing •lierself into ler - -mother's urine, "not this little handful of money, but the ; kind words, and the pleasant smiles of the dear lady that gave it to me -. 7 -that has made me so happy." The mother kissed again and again the bright young face resting upon her bosoni. The dark shadow withdrew its sombre folds from around her heart, and the golden sunsidnii penetrated and warmed its most -desolate'ebambers. • Then there conic the sweet music of many voices up through the silent past, that had long before ceased to whisper "sweet memories," where they :met with no responsive echo of gladness, and the future, casting aside her cheer less forbidding mask, stood forth once more witio pleasant, inviting face. . That little girl is now an aged woman ; her'brown locks aressilvered by the frosts of ninny winters; but she once told me, that that dny's,experience of frowns and smiles, .was alwaYs remembered- with ti tearful eye. But, the lesson thus taught ha4 lll 6 6 lOid s her,Wholo life. ', "Never,'! Ate remariccd, ‘ "would I 'give ,an angry ,wori to; .a dog crossing my path, if it was poisitile_te:tvoid -it." . Then ever speak kindlY,* . ilo 'pleasantly, for you know ilaothow far 'the:golden 'lentil Will pent te. Bertipe .it may greet thee like a reath of glory twined around the; crown ~,of il:TreMoink foifiver. ' . ADA Gix,NwcioD. . . are the enjoylm~ahte;,b ORlttcationaf. ~FEMAJJE„ COI4,IIGE • This Institntion, designed for thullberal.duentibri •bf Young Ladino, has liuon.in operation two-years with ;the most gratifying results. It is now established on is firm basis, and its patronage. already extends over several States. . It is located on the Cumberland Volley Ikilroad mid. 'way between Harrisburg; and Carlisle. In tho-moot for: tile and boautitul portion of tho valley, and is in close proximity to .ono of-the most inugal, healthy, and en terprising towns in the State. It Is central, And cagy of access. Students leaving' Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia in the morning train for Harrisburg, will arrlve.at,illochaniesburg fn thou for dinner. . • • •The edifice Is largo and commodious, surrounded by double verandas, and will ocentnupdatuabout.one tired boarders. In Its constructius - , It combines ull the ("0,1.111 improvyments fur the promotion of health, comfort nod convenience. In thus,, respeeta physicians prolootnce it unrivalled. Ifitueliontler Pro largo And Moth neatly furnished. has Its rei stet. for Neat anti vest Cloth. Only 'two u; btu Ls "coups the ••• mu r00t,,. The both mows are nt all times supplied with nn d cold water. ;Thu grounds ore ample, and.Weli arranged for recto otio`li, and the vorinul ealiSthente exercises -so essru• till to hearit, graceful movement and symmetry of form. ' • . • '-The Faculty of Instruction Is efficient and expert °need. . In the Collegiate Department the course of study is of n high grade, comnrelrending all the subjects belong ing ton Classicalattlite and Christian Education. In the Preparatory Departmentpupils will bo care fully instructed in these bronches forming the basis of a thonbugh . English education. , Sassious.—First geralon, from the Ist Ilrodnostlay of September to theloth of.lanuary. Second Session, from the lot of February to theist of 39 \s i. catIon:dur ' Ing.54y . and August I- • TERMS PER SESSION OP FIVE MONTLIS;PAYADLE .IN ADVANCE. -• Boarding,,Washing, Furnished Booms. It • and Light. .. . . . . $BO 00 tultio ti— Coll og I t Depart ru on t . . . . 00' 6 Preparatory 6 .. . 10_00 " - First Class, 12 011 No extra charge for Ancient Languages. Muslie—Plane and 0 ditar. . . .. . 20'00 Modem, Languages, .. , . . 18 00 Painting., Drawing and other Ornamental Branches at the usual rates. ,'Text.lionlia furnished at city•prices. For further particulars address, • Rev. A. G. 51ABLATT, A. M.. Aug. 3. 1859. President. . • 111i9rellaitcott5. A., 13. - EW.ING'B . • ' FUIIifTURE WAREROOIIIISI .-- , oxtoll 1s 59 c'F - .7.; 4( -45, , ) , 1 II :! -1,... , 4 .. IG , - - _...-••,:l.„,.. ::,'1•41:., GO 59 ---.' .., , t i __ -___ , - .7, -t:•-: gr West High. Street, Carlisle, Pa (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County • Agricultural lair of 1857.) Thin subscriber bus just reobl‘cd the most sploudill essortmont of articles, in his lino, ever brought to this Placo—witleh be is daermined to sell at prices that de fy competi I ion. Prieto,' - Chamber, Dining-room, 1. FURNITUR Kitchen and in j•- °ce Enda:acing every article used by 110000 and 'Hotel keepers, of the 1110Beapproved and - fashionable 1 - 01 , nod finish. Including nhto Cottage furniture In eats, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, 'lilt pictures, .ke.,..te. •' Purchasers nre requested- to tall and mot:nine his stork, at his extensive warc.ronms, - Went Main street, Mirth shim , A. B. MINI). air Particular attention Oven as usual to hiller:OS; orders from town and eountry, attended to promptly nod on moderate fermi. Carlisle, May 12, IFFS.-Iy. TRUSS - K.B ! BRACES 11. •SUPPOR •1 T'l SP! - , C. H. 'NEEDLES. • S. NV.. Corner Twelfth S. Race Street■ • • Prnettrel Adjuster of Rupture Trusses and Mechent rad KVlllediCK. Iles constantly on hand a large Sleek of tionnine French trusses. also a complete assortment. of the best American. including the celebrated Whiles Patent hover Truss, believed by the best authorities tt be superior t. any yet Invented.. English and Amerl• ran Supporters and Bolts, Shoulder Braces, Stispensory .Bandages, Self Injecting Syringes. adapted In both ens• oil; in neat portablj eases, French Pessaries, Urinal Bags 0 " r:14 and letters of•enuulry, will moot prompt at tention. August 24, 1950 • Dleprptle pain • Cannot remain Nor colic strn% li The health to drain. No longer nerd we Year The victor's found Already crowned: The fors are bound - By LIAVe-Anoxrric (2.ENERAL DEPOT 48 W ATE Ii J 1 ST., NEW ihNtIC. Sold In the principal cities and towns. Send for a Circular. Mutate ronts; quarts VI. See advertisement herded Dyspeptic Remedy In another oolunm, FALL ARRIVAL OF . . Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Fruit; and Confectionary. IV. lIAVAIISTTCIt has Just received from the city And Is now opening A splendid display of FANCY LICKIDS, to which he desires to call the Attention of his friends and the public. Ills assortment In this line cannot be surpassed In novelty And elegance,. And both in quality and price of the artirleA, cannot fail to please purchasers. It would he impossible to enumerate his FANCY GOODS, ;which cornpriso every varietyVancyartieles of the most 'osoubilto flush such as. Papier Medic Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-standi and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cases, • Ladlos' Fancy Baskets, Fancy 'Work Boxes, with sawing Instruments, Cubes, Writing Desks, and Portfolios. Port Monnales, of every variety, Cold polio and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladles' Feocy station ery. Motto seals and wafers, Silk urd bowl purses; hiding whips, clegahtly finished. Floc cutlery, • Perfuma baskots and bags, Brushes °revery kind for the toilet, . X. Basta and it. Si G. Wrlghtia Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy fins for bead drosses and shawls. Musical Instruments, of all kinds and at all prices together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to which ho invites apeclel attention. '• Also, au extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising the various English and .American Works, richly embelished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and Ilymn-Booltspialtatatitly bound In velvet with Metal clasps and corners, imitable for hpliday gifts. Ills assortment of School Books and School Stationery Is - also coniplote, and comprises ovorythipg used In ti,, Schools: Its also desires to call the particular allure lion of Families to his elegant assortment of . • LAMPS, ac., from tha extounlve establishments of Cane Hun, Archor and othern of Philadelphia, comprlning ovory style of Parlor; Chamber and study Lamps, fur burning either hard, Sperm ot Ellerinl oil p also DYOTT'S celebrated .Keroseno or Coal 011 Lamps ; togothorwith Flower Vas. Nancy Screens, ae. Ilia assortment In this line is un• .ogualod In the. hormlgh.... dnamts AND TOBACCO, embracing nll the thvaito brands, and a fine assort moat onI.BERSCIIAU3I SMOKERS AND PIPER. FRUITS, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins,. Nectarines, Prunes, &e., FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—FRE. SERVIRD FRUITS, 311IVE11—REAT, MIMES, &c.. In every variety and at all prices, all of whinh are pure and fresh such as can ho confidently recommended to lils friends. Ills stock embraces everything lu tho ilea of Fancy Hoods, with mauy Itther articles useful to bus okeopers erhieh the public are especially invited to call and examine. Remember tho Old Brand ' nearly opposite tho hank on North Ilanovor Area. .• • 8. W. ILLVERSTIOK. Deo. 7. 1859 TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS THAI US CAR 01Z A FEMALE INSTITUTE. THIS INSTITUTION Is located at Academia, Juniata oun.y, Pa., 13 miles from the Ponn'a. Railroad, at Pat,. rale station, and t miles from.the Perrysville station, , . TERMS: The ACalemla Year eon : sista, of two Sessions of Bre mantles each. The summer .Seseion with whie, the Dahool opens, will enmmence on Tuesday, the let .day of May, 1890. and-will close on Saturday, the 29th Sep tember 1860, and tho Winter Session, on Thursday the let day of November, 1860. and close March 130th, 1861. Board Including Fuel, Light-and - Tuition In tbe Piet:nary and Collegiate Den trtments, oar term, payabl. In advance $75 00 Washing, per deem—. ........ ......... , Si Lessons on Plano or (loiter, cc .ebrding to length ..... .. —416, $2O or $25 per Sees ' Use of Piano or Guitar, accor ding to time Si, sor 6 „ Drawing or Flower Painting 10 to Ancient or Modern-Languages, VACU A • 410 „ When-Piro Is required in Sirs : plug. Rooms, each pupil " 8 13 13 •Seats in Churches Free. Young ladles will be met at the. above stations and convoyed to the Institution, if a short notice be given by letter, addreased to the Principal et Acodomia, niata'county, For cireulars or other. information ad dress the Principal at the above Mike. -REV. W. (1. - E. AONEIY, ' . Principal. P OLSTEEINR: :CANE ..• • • • ISEATiIiO.-. lie 13nireciriber Oats of Pidiedelpble,) 'mould inibrat the citisdne or Carlisle, and vicinity, that bell prepared to; do..UFiIOI,BTSItINO In all fit branched, Aleo, •' !ale AV N G •• ; ilia repairing Furniture or every description,' at his. ehaPPlii.Eiitnaver Street, betnaini , Pamtret street nod quiPtit al/0, 4*i; furniture for !ale at • the tOWei 1i1ar0,13'2141361).4m: ' New aboutm. • NEW STORE AND, NEW '• GOODS Anne rpturning his neknineletigements for. the very liberal patronage which has boon oxtondod to blot, tho undersigned would rail attention to tbo feet that ho 'hasjust magental . Ms °atm:mire assortment of family BRACE ES In Ms new storeroom. on the south-east corner of the public square, where the public are invited to coil and examine a stock of goods which, In.elegance, variety' and extent, will defy competittritireomprising, fu M o t -loaf, lump, crushed and brown ,sugars, Java, life-and roasted Coffee , Evely on. Hay and quality of TEA. Spired, (ground%lll and ungriund ! ) Pickels. Satires, Table Oil. New Orleans, Sugnrhouse anyl., Trinidad ; ; Molasses; New York and Philsigniphits Syr, ape. Cbeitme,s'acarotil..verinecilli. split l'eas,lfoinio, 'Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate, Extract .o. Coffee, relined sugar at reduced rates. wnrhhtg and bah. tfreolla. Thbareo ot Elio - most. favorite brands, and the finest qualliy uf , tiegars. Also,'a beautiful assortment of Ilritannin Ware, plain and gad baud China Ware, Masii, queens. Steno and Earthern Warp, In great va, tidy, and an elegant MA of looney Soaps, extracts nail perfumery for the FUMES: Including Pooches In cans, Raisins, Cram learrio:h dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, • • LIQ17011A:' Wholualo and retail, mbraclng common and old Rye Whis 1 1111 r key,4 ndlos, dark and. , p e a r la, a Ltt , bo v , i ,t l ( ( ( 07411 C pi., ' '- 4 , 4) . B"er qd ; - i v ➢ l , ° Tit i c'gtit i Acs'a c thi h ot• lier, Scotch II htakey, Holland thin, and Schoidam Schnapps.. FISH . AND SALT. A large stock of LAMPS, including nyotes celebrated tempi for burping Jcre mole or • coal oil, also .Spenn, Mao, Lord and Coal 011, Burning Fluid, Sperm and Star Candles. - . . CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS . . liruthos, Ropes, Dlopps, Soups, Door•mats,. Waiters, Lonklmpglasses, Ono letter and note paper, Willow Waro,,painted bueltotr, .Cotton and woollen pose, and half Bose, and n full stock of 41Iovos, Including tho. well known Hanover Duck .3tutos. •• • . g a short. his stock comprises everything that IS called for in his line of . ,buslness, and no efforts will Lo spared toreador en,tlen satisfaction to his customers.. C. ll'ellOFF. Carll6lo, Oct. 27, 1868-Iy. • .eit- Marketing Gl' all Mudi bacon . In . exchtinge to . , j P 1.1 U_. STLLL WATCH-MAKER SOUTII HANOVER STREET, A few doors South of.thkCourt House Hating supplied myself with a large assortment of Watch 141aterials,.01nsses. &e., 1 am now prepared to remir all kinds of Watebes.Clocks, Jewolry. Sze. ' on tlig most reasonable terms, that may be 'entrust, d to my care. hoping by strict attention to business to be fa• voted with a libmal sham of public patronag e.. • A fine assortment of JEWELRY. such as tadies' Breast Pins and Ear Drops, livid and earned; Misses` Breast Phis and Ear Drops. Box and Glass Pins all sloes. (told Chain Hooks. Plated Chains. Gilt Lockets. Guards, Keys, &e. Also, a large and fins assortment of • • GOLD FINGER RINGS Also, a fine lot of Sliver Bunting, Detached Lever, and LepluolVntrvilen. nod n good arnortnient of Silver. plated and Steel FpecllleieS. all of which will ho sold low. A aharo of piddle pn t ron ago Is re.pectfully molleited. JOS. U. STEEL. • c nr hnie, July El, 180-11 . . " 01,111110 A" 11.1114.44 P FA..y GROCERY AND TEA STOltli. Just rereived and In store, a fresh and well so- . looted nssortment of 1110, Javn and Dann.- coil. Coffee, Roasted Collce.—Crusbed • • Pulveilrod Sugars, Refined and other brown Sugarsomporlor • i Spain Molasses,. Orleana . • -Oinking) 'M al as nee. Spleen' of every varlotyr- • . pure only • Starch, Farinn and Cinandale, Macaroni, Choeso and Crackma, Tapioca and Saga, Indigo, Saleratos and Soda, Croon, Tinier and sorted Pickles, Mustard arid Coriander Peed. TEAS.—A lino assoi Intent In. Parknges, and in bulk—aa well an all other articles belonging to the biulnehs—all at the lowest nod late reduced pi ices mm. } 51t Ent A.Ni) coNLyN , 4 entlibliFhed Stand, IVest Alain St., surly opposite the Cuniberland Valley h ank. , • . . havejnat rec.-elver' a hew assortment' of watches, °reeky. medallions. silver ware, hr.. hl addition to my armor stocic to which I Invite Urn atlontlon of tho public, Thuassortinent embrarea One gold and silver lover watches, Hunting and open coma do., gold Anehora_ for - Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Le pines end Quertier watches of every va riety In style and prier). , • Also One gold lrirdalllons. Drenat•pins for I-Idlos and Gentlemen ontrOlY nuoilty, pattern and price. Gold fob; *est: curb and nocicchains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, cuff-pins, studs,,sleove-buttons, crosses, charms, &c. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, toa, salt and mustard wow of every varioty. A large assortment of gold, silver common spectacles, to suit all ..-46.1errge and s to which we invite special atten tion. A fne lot of COLD-PENS - from the beet' makorsi rpectacle eases, fancy boxes, sliver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracelets, watch chains,. r: Melillo Clocks end a variety of articles usu- ;••• • ally kept in Jewelry establishments, which ,;Aerk , will sell low for cash. All articles war- 'Mr rented to be what they era represented. Particular attention paid es • usual to WATCH REPAIRING and all work war- •ranted, F RESH GROCERIES!- ..AT F. C. 1111YETT'S Shad and Mackerel of dilTerent grad A tes, - IWYETT'S. Salmon, Scab - Fie& and Whlto Flab; At 110YETT'8 Codfish, Salt and Pickled Herring, At irlUlLETT'il. Cheese and Crackers Can be hid A TIUYETT'fi aI . Dried Fruit, Preserves and Jellies, At 1111YETT'llr ,Sugar Cured Deaf and Hants, At IFOYETT'S. A flesh supply of LIQUORO 4 At 711:1YETT'S 01Is, Whits Load, &c., &c., AMI3LE i TON'S STAIN.- Thu most rollable artlrlo to mu for coloring the 11AI t or WHISKERS lostantanuouNly to NATURAL BLACN OR BROWN Does notinjuro the flair or Shin, or impart to tho Huh thrithletallie dual, or greenish Fbado that most of the dyes do, and NEVIM fades or Alashes out. North, For sato at floury hinnekubili hlarber Shop, • brouu Hanover Street, tartish; Pa. Jacob P; Stein Agent; to he found at Linnelluhrs Barber Shop. Jan. 25, 1860-arn. INTEW MUS , FO STORE Li NO. 03 MAVKIIT STRITT,'IARRISBURG , p H E 111 T ILL U $ • I O, INSTILUCTION 1160X11, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, PIANOS, MELODEONS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, FLUTES, ACC:OW/EONS, Am. 0. C. R, CARTER. May 11, 69 MAPES" NITRPGENIZED 01: • c ilyerllospkatt of gal c I cometAan os. Dried Blood, • . Bones, Sulphuric Acid, • .Peruvian Guano, • AND SUlphate Ammonia. • 100 rounds of tho • NITROGENIZED PHOSPHATE WIG equal ..t.effeet and lasting power .118 b Pounds Pe ruvian Guano—will produce GIMATEU WRIGHT GP WHEAT, And other Grain per Bushel: rie,, IT I'REVENTS RUST ! I aollelt Fanners to give It it fair trial, beingeonfident. of Its worth. It has twee extensively used In the Now 'England and Seuthern States for ten years past, and Its Increasing solo ' PROVES ITS SUPERIORITY! It Is packed fu Strong Bags of 160 rounds each • Price per Ih%g, or 1150`per, Ton. Ordenuccompaohnl by Remittances will meet with prompt Affliction.. • Testimonials and Simplex given Prey of ammo, on application to the polo agent, R. W. P. ALLEN. No. 14 South Dolaware Avenuo, • P HIL AD ELP lIIA. 1311— AGENTS WANTED. Carlislu F'on. 22,1800.-3 w. j6O • A T SPRING 1' A 911 . 1 9 ijs,. - •- tot era old Sland., , ,A comPloto / IMO, of Hats anti tap s. now ready for luspectlou: r ' ' • : r . S ILK. , r r , r r , , ,' I • ~ , . 1 . FUR, .„ ...• ~ .. OASSINIER,E,I •• .• • ' •'• '", - • • 1 ' . • FELt _B4 . -IVOQL -.. : '• . 7 '" . . , . . . . RI otreq style end quality. We call particular 'liken ton to our 83- SILK HATS., 81Ik -aud - oat :Hats, of rz style laa tut; order. , Ctpa of a , 11,. studs. tl ; ct a sbANi , • • •Nottltlimuorar Street, • r • . 1 - IA.WIES I - HAMF 4 S-1 f HAKES 1 : ! _ , ~ . , 369 PO. !lamer, jut received of all kinds. ~ , ; ' - colisioN PATTEILN; .',*, ' • • : -,, ... '•, ~ ~ ' VLIZ ALET LTOWN PATTERN; • sltb aid*lticatp4tontrdOeganocheaportlia" t or . ' 0..',r .- : •0 thollnwaa"Storo orr. I_i .n_ - XTON.lLizoli•r;'o,' 'rx fmmbet „ - IV - E . COAL AND 1141111 BE R YAI(D. ..Ll, The' aub#cribers time thy day ontorod oto part unielalp to trado In . a ” - • A" Li. .It,g,p, M,B E It , . . We will lean ettntdantly on hand and furnish , to order all kinds and gitelitet of seasoned • 1.113.111}31, . • , .. ' ~ . . somtbs ' • • • SOANTLINO, • PRAMWSTUFK, . , . Paling, Plastering Lath. Shingling Lath, worked Flearq• lug Arid Weittherboardlng. Posts mid Hails, and usury nr Cele that belongs to a LUMBER LARD. andkinds of Shingies, - to .wit Wl:Benin°, 'Hemlock, and Oak; of I.l 4 fferent qualities. Baring Cars of our ow% we can furnish hulls to .order of any length :sod size at the drortest notica and on the most reasonable torsos.. Our ivorked bnard4 will be kept under Cover PO thet they can he furnishedalry at all thrum We hove constantly on hand all kinds of Family Cool under rover; which we will deliver cleat: tb any part Id the borerugh. To wit : r. LYKOI;113 VAhl,p Y , Brokon, I , :gg,.Stova and Nut FIDDLER,' TitItVORTON, . do. do. do. • LOCUST 3i010CE.4.114, ' I.OI3IINICY. valid: we pledieourselTos to sell at the lowest prises Best quality of • • • LimebtFner•i: and Blacksmith's Coal, , always on hand whlrh.wo will sell at the.lowest Agra. Yard west side of Grammar Sehnol, Main street. ARMSTRONti & HOFFER.: -July 20,1860 HA.I I 4I.3ERSBITRG FEMAI4.I Stat.. C INAIIY. - The loc44ion is pleasant and healthy, and the !Wynn. toga are equalled by few in the laud. Thu Institution' Is large and prospefous; with a corps or ass atnnts nun with care, and well qualified to instruct in thn solid and ornamental branches, The influences in the board ipg department aro parental, =nal and The next session will commence an tire 7th day of Februnry.--Catalsgrues may be had on application to the Principal. . REFERENCES. Nov. W. W. Ells, Cerllsle; Rev: Job a Ault, Loudon, Pa; Mee. 11. Bucher, Esq., .Iloguesto re. Pa; lion. Cho. Chambers, B. B. Erlaneck, I). D.fS. B. Fisher, D. D., Bev. P. B. Reese. Rev. Joseph Clark,Chemberrehlra. Pa I'rn• fusser, at Prim:elm), N.J., both atilt; College nut Theo logical Eanduary. Bev. lIIENRY - ItIIEVES. A. :11 CarllFln, Jan. 2_,1880.-1 y. FORWARDING, AND -.COMMIS BM d ouse, • • FLOU'D. AND FEIED,, . COAL. PLASTER' AND SALT. Tho subscriber having taken the Ware Douse cars _sind.fixtures of-Wm-11-M urrayis-weltknown.estAhltch._ mon t, on West High street. opposite Dickinson College, would inform the public that he has Mend Into a general Forwarding and Commission buslntss. The highest market price Kill be paid fortleur, Grain afid produce of all Untie. They are also prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and BalLimore, - nt the ion eat rates, With safety end despatch. PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on band, and FLOUR AND FEED'at %holesale or retail. Coal oral! kinds. embracing, • LYKEN'S VALLEY, • LUKE VI mini wry WIIITE ASIL LOCUST DAP, Limeburner's anal Blacksmith's CONfiTAWILT roc VA ' H.l PT UNDER 2 - 10 v rt, and delivered dry to uuy part of the town: J. It. NONEMAKER. Carlisle, August 17, 1859. N T,W c 0A L: YA It .1.) -- AT VIE IVEsT END or CARLISLE. would respectfully cull the attention of Litneburner'e, and thweltizene of Carlisle, and Um nurinundingeountry generally, to,/de • ' - - NEW COAL -YARD, atfaebod to lila Wafo House, on 'West lllith St., where ho will keep constantly on bend a largo supply of the boot quality of COAL, to wit: .. Lykens Valley, I,uko Fiddler, Pine firoronnti Tr; , Ter... ton, ilmicen, Egg nod Nut Coal-.—re, celled end dry coal, which ho pledger himself to sell at the lowest possible prices. Root quality of .LISIEIBURNER'S AND BLACKSMITIIIS COAL ' . always on baud. • ohnAli orders left nt the Warn, Douse, or at ble reel' dsoroin North Hanover streut;‘,* 111 pro aptl y at, • tonded to. W. II LNI.VEDSON. Carlisle, April 14, 'sa—tf. EMIMEM GLASS! GLASS!! PAINTS! PAINTS!! A full assiutneni of Glass of all Msoa and quality, with a large" Mock of fro.h FAINTS, all colors. Oils, Varldshca, Ac., Cement In large or small guard Men, at low figures at JOHN P. LYNN A SON, Oct. 27, '5B. . North Hint's - as Street, ° HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS 1. TETT . II CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT-. TERS ca -llseLt n Teal - whir perfect — confidence - to physicians an' Rheims generally of the United States, bemuse t ' articles...4la...cit ' has attained a repu tation heretofore um lutontei. A few facts upon this point will - speak more powdrfelly than ' volumes of bare nEiSerl ion or blazoning puffery. Tito consumption of liostetter's Stomach Bit tern for the last.year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coining year tho consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never linve•been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepare. tiun, and Limo sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where'the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready nt all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all eases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity;Obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trim peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid 'estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to bo as enduring as time itself. llostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and 'rive anet.varlous other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and• like i diseases, is to tho .propriot ors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to theyervous system,. giving it that lotto and energy indispensable , . for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and aeon' restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly persons. may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, ' invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic,' and rejuvenating generally. 'We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this _ preparation .while-sufferhig from stomach -de , rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of.physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the ''merits 'of this article. A few words to the gentler sax. There aro certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young; is apt. to' forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant.. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summerscason, the wear 9f body and Mind is generally aggravated. Hero, then; is a necessity for a stimulant to rccupo . rate the energies of the systeni, and onablo the mother to bear up under her cibausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene szr4ity prefer \dm Bitters to .all other it:vigor:v. lltrs that receive the endorsement of physi , dans, because it is agrorablo to• tho Nita as well as certain- to give a permanent increase of ' bodily strength. All those persons, to whom.wo have particu larly referred above, to wit: sufftirors - from foyer and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhea, .—elysentory, indigestion,, loss of appetite, and all &Weans or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing thothers; Will &insult• their, own physical welfare by giving ,to Hos totter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAPTION.-;:-1Yo caution the . publio against. using- any of the many imitations °toot:titer felts; but ask. for lIOSTXTTEIVB CELEIIIIIATED STOMOXI BITTERS, and see that each bottle has the words " Dr. J. Hostetter's StOntach, Bitters" •blown" on the sido'of the bottle,.and stamped on the 4netallio cap covering the cork, and • observe that our autogrtiph signature is on the 'label: • ' . : -,-,,_. . . _. 40' Propared'and cold by YdOSTETTED. 1351.T.T*; l'ittaburgb,l'Ea., and .sold by ail drUggiets, grocers, - maid dealers ' , generally. t. throughout the 'United. States. South. Ante- TIIONIAS CONLYN At ICUYETT'S ~ , slag, and Gel:many.. , . - . °.•Yor'4lo by S. EtMit, S.W. lisvorsticic,lsl43:l4%ii (I. Attick; John Stotn9augh, Shipponsburg; Kant: man,, Henning,: Btodiidlcaburg; and Druggists gsnerally troughout the .suunty. • . .-.Noy. 9,'50. . AND . . t45i.11) 0.11 3 .8 D ;OEMEMT.;--- •• : --•7 ~, ,' barrel% Gerhard with a vary . , largo , aisertmeht" , or , ala and Iron Pampa; - fall Muds cheaper than, ever,;at, the Hardware 13toie of ' ' - :_' _, ' - . . . • 1.1.1.% MI 7, ' 80. . ; • ; 'HERO.I - Et AX.TOIs:I --.- Mrs. SARAH 11. RI:BYES; Prthe!pals. J. R. NONEBIAKEIVS itlisfcliancoxts. 2 Car lisl e iroupdry; . . : - . .. 7 ., . r ' " -f • -,7- ' -, ‘ 1, ,' - - ,- - -- _ -7- `, 4 , ".,,-;--:::.-.11 tk. -- ..., . A t ... yrz v A l , 4 '...v• r'-, ~...., # ,fr".....7e 04 - ,y3f 4U, '07.-: ..V 4l ,&A,E'''' • pj.C. . V, l ' ilk 'P',.;.Sfiltli'M':'i':-.loC'''',.:`‘ 1 01 .0 .. ,11 411.4,‘'5.' "- '`177‘,451 , • ',.;,...—,..—,-, A ern r-,4-I.4.4iYAiogitw , - , ,,i, , 1F1nT ~,,,,,.!, . ~,., .„. „ . ____ , . ;-....' --.....,./.1 _ • MACHINE SIIO P. • CAR AND 'SASH FACTORY, ' . East Main street, GARLISLII. This extensive establishident Is now in CompFete or. dor and ,supplied with the bold mariiinery for eseeutine work isCovery timortiount. The buildings have ilit• harm tinnily enlarged this.spring and stocked with the newest stud most Improved tools for the manulacture of • • - DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES, SASH, • Shutters. Blinds, IMoulphigs, Dreckets and all other kinds of Carpentor worrk. IVo Invite Builders, Car proton 'iind others to call and OXIIIIIIIIO our faelliticis fur dolor, this description of work. The best Materiels used and prices as low as at any other establishment In the County or elsewhere. , • • STEAM ENGIN ES BUILT TO ORDER. and repaired as heretofore. Engines have been iecent• ly built for IY. M. Henderson Ai Sou, in Oslo borough,. It. ii sun & Cu. Allow township, Ahl & Brothers, New• "' VW, Shade & Wetzel, North :Middleton, and oGiurs, at whom estalilishmeut they may be seen in dolly op oratiomond to whom we can refer for evidence of their superiority. IRON'AN6 BRASS CASTINGS. of ovary description, from thoIiLISOICSt to the heaviest places, executed at short notice use every kind of ma. chlnery. A large variety ef mill castings now on hand Two skillful Vattern makers constantly employed.— ' REVAMP promptly attended to fur.' Paper' Mills, Distilleries, Grist Mills, Factories, &e. Turning and Fitting Mill Spindles, fee. done in the best style: • THRESHING MACHINES AND HORSE POWERS. mush us Bevil Gear Four Horse rovers, Horizonte bloar Four and Two Horse Powers, Corn. Sheller, ' • Crusheta, Iron Rollers. - Plough.castings, nhd other its titles for farmers. on hand or promptly made to (Wiles BURDEN CARJ ]BUILT, and repaired. Our farilitios for buildisirears aro no. .1 intini csielpiete tine heretofore and enables its to ru. Hob thorn to transporters on this reibroad on necomi dating, Wins and made of the best' mittpriels: Order solicited and entire satislinition guarentiarl,_ The long exparionce hi the business . of ties Semite partner of she firm, and the completeness of our too chinery hl rivery branch of the establishment Wetrell In In nvsurinx the had ,Work to all who favor is with their orders.. The tiring oiled patronage of oiir ale friteitiii and the public is re4peetfuily solii•ited. • May . '2o, F. AMMER. fc Co. GOOD! GOOD!! - GOOD!!,!' —.lnatrecelredat - the - rheatrOrniTrydf - tile - under signed, iota of good th:nbs. a part Of which o r e thu lot luwing.• • Hermetically sealed PEACHES, (frei.h.) .• 'd TO3IATOES., " CORN, p FAS, • 44 4 , ' " " ASPARAGUS, " . ." OYST mits, , •" DinsTsics. PINE APPLE, " . di 0 TURTLE SOUP, " ' It " . SARDINES, r,. - - Pl , ltled Gorkloa,. Chow Chow,. Piccalilli, Lobate; 14. Cauliflower, Caper. olive.g, 'Donator ICatatip, Walnut dd., Mushroom do. topper Sauce, Hominy, 11 ritto, dlumberri..o, thu linvot, of Pried fool, Susar.enred Ham, Shoulder. Bologna li utg.t.go, Soup 6., .s, Mac...trout. Sugars, Conoco,, Tens. Molassep, anJ .I It of all 1:111 els. _ (ill Eh NSW A hE, I'INE SEG AIRS. among which are twenty livo thou.etud (turnout Stone. prima fohacco, and the very best and purust LiQuoics io 0). county, Confectionary and Fruit, An. . .'All or .0110 are offered to the cillzonnofAlrlisle nod . county of Cumberland. al tho hiwert prirexifor 1:4811. CONIE ONE, COME ALL; two door: East of Rhoads' Warehouse. , l.. 15.11. BENTZ.. Carll3le,•Noy. ti, 1359. • J, l 1 - RE INSURANCE.-TILE ALLEN AND EAST TENNSIIOItO MUTUAL FIRE• IN SURANCE COMPANY of Cumberland enmity, Incorpe rated by an net of Asqembly, Is 1..' fully erg:lnlv•d t and In Imeratlen u n der the management et the following .1111111iSS{01111rN, viz: Daniel Dailey, William 11, Chirps, :Michael Cockil a, , .1. Ei..ll4,lberger. Chrlhtlan Stayman, John C. Dun. lap, Jacob EL Coover, IMMIX Myer, S. Eberly, Ilenja min 11. Messer, .1. Urandt, Joseph Wickersham. — AlefianderClitheen - - -- --' ' '—• '7 - -- --• •' --5. .. - -. ) 70.01' N sLATE.rbe under, t, sigitedilms been appointed iient, hir the, sale of litniFlN(l SLATE /ind has now anirwlll eoustan.tly keep on timid a fall.ropply to meet the demand& of builders mll4llOlB. T 111.0.111 I,llller n talperlor art! ele would do well to rail at the Lumber and Coal Yard, MI. It. (.101ICIAS, President. near the tlits House. .1 . STAVIA.N. Vire President Jutn 8,1869. A • ThOA•atos of insurance aro an low and fa vt rablo nn any Company n;l' the kind In the State. I•ersona wishing. ti batman] themburs am invitod to mkt application to th agents of the company, who aro willing to wait upon than' at any Limo, .I.IMIS II YElt„ Socre trig =2 ➢lnnagern.-ICm. It. tinrgas,- L. flyer. Christian Stay nun, M. Coeklia..T. C. Dunlap, It. Mar tin. 1). Bally, .1 ll.Cooeer, ANX. Cathcart, J. - Wickersham, J. Elothelbur ger; S. Eberly, J. Brandt. OEM CUMBItiILAND COUNTY.—John She Melt, Allen; henry 'hearing, Shireranostown ; Samuel Woodburn Dickinson; ilmary Bowman, Churchtria:n t . Mode Gal 11th, tionth Middleton; Samuel Graham, W. Penns bore': Samuel Cotner, Mechanicsburg; ".1. W. Cocklin, Sheplierdstown; D. Coffer, Shoplmnistown ; J. 0. lax• ton,, Silyar Spring; Beni. Havelstick. Silver spring; Charles Doll. CoI lisle; John llyer, _YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter \Vol. ford. Franklin • Jae. Griffith, Warrington; J. P. Dear Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; It. O. 'Clark, Dilleburg. DAUPHIN CO.—Houser .t Lochinan. Ifarrlsburg. Members of the company having policies about to ex• piro. can have them: r "wed by making application to any:of the Agents. April 20. 110. • I JNO. IL CHURCH*. 4 1 EBERLY CHURCH & EBERLY . STEAM SAW MILL • • AND . LUMBER YARp, NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. • All kinds of LUMBER, constantly on band. Lumber delivered at any point accessible by Railroad at the shortest notice. BUILDING TIMBEIt ti OF ALL SIZES AND LENOTIIS CUT TO ORDEU • Nay 25,1559—tr • JIAT AND OAP EMPORIUM J. O. CALLIO & CO., successors to Wtn. H.-Troia would announce to their cnstomers and the putilli. %generally that they have just received from ithilatiel phis, a large and efogant stsek of goods, iii their line el -. business of every variety, style and quality. - - ,iAI They have on hand a splendid .._. assortment of , e' '';' , .. HAT AND CAPS - 1 ,-... S ) A,„.._ k.. .„.. of all descriptions, from the commou•Wool to the finest ' , we AND MN lIATd; and at prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. Tho stock includes, MOLUSKIN, OA6BIMERE, DEAVER & FELT HATS, of every style rind color and unsurpassed for MOUT. NESS,.DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of any other establishment in the country. . . MEN'S, 1101'N.nild CUILDit EN'S HATS and CA AS, of every description constantly on hand. They respectfully Invite all the old patrons end as many now ones as possible, to give them a cap. J. (1 . . CALL() a CO. Apr. 27; 1550-17 --- - — 7 • 110:WARD ASSOCIATION! • PIIII.ADELPIII.A A Benevolent Institution, established by special on dernnent for the relief of the sick and .dlstrek.sed, afflicted with Virulent and LpidoinlediArases.l and especially for the Cure of 'lnseams of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Sur. geott, to all who apply by letter, with a domiltilell or their condition, tags, occupation, habits' of life, Ate...) nod lh eases of extreme poverty. Medicines furldnited free of charge. VA LUA MAI: REPORTS on Spernetterrhom end other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEVI BENI -EDI ES employed In the Dispensary. matt to the afflicted In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. TWO or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, Olt. J. SEILLEN itouunToN, Acting Sur poen, Howard /immolation, No. 2.,South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pu. By order of the Directors, EZRA IN HEARTIVELL, Prgidern. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. De....21,1859.—1s • • ' , LADD, WEBSTER & CO. IMPROVED TIORT . STITCH SEWING .MACHINES, On Exhibition and for ale at Mrs. E. A: REYNOLD'S DAO,II.tiEREAN ROOMS, dud door treat of Dr. Errata's Office, Carlisle, lb. Bend forgt circular to . . W. li. MASON, Agent. • Dar. 7, 1550-tf. To ease your stomech At once discard nil ; Take the advice I give, . Ifyou would thrive and The stomach medicine of real merit, INVIOOIIATINO BPHIL?. JENERAL DEPOT 48 WATER ST., N, Y. Sold by tho principal Drugglott. Pint bottles, 50 coots, quarts .$l.. Circulars sant, postage paid, on apPlingtkan. See adcortbnaitent Dpe poptie liemody,Wanothor column. - 115 DINTS AND 10 Tone Whito Lend. 1600 Salton of 011. Juni received with a large aseortniont„ of Tarnishee, Fire, k.roof Paint, • • • • • Turpentine,, Noronci White, - • :Japan, • • . • • 'Mid ta Zinc, • •Putkr, Colored Z no, •••, ' • Litherge, • • lied Lead, ' Whiting, .'• Bolted , • •• •• . • ,Lard Oil, Shellac. •' • • • , &perm 611; • ,• ' •,-• • :reint Drushol• he, • . Colon of cry duseriptinci dry, AOd.llllJn ga . us and tubes at the hardware pima of !le•kitl,!l3o. •.• • HENRY SAXTON, • 11115ccl . 'fPor! B _, ,t CAI4.ISLI: AND PIJIIADIORIII.A . • VILEIGHT LINE. •' FithiltD,.WAßD & PitDIM, 811 3ilital mem, idithADELPitia. J. & D. 11110AD8, ' MAIN HTIltiT, Cars of this Lino ictIVO ths Do'hot 811 blarkot At., Daily, at, 4Voincle. P. M. • . • I,4ava Curlislo, Dolly, at 7 o'clock, A 81., • Olio& intonded for this this shoald to Marki] 0. & P. Daily Freight Line, and sent in by 4 O'clock. May 1859. I) 11 • 1 L A. 1) E 1 4 P II iFa ~ ,AND.itimpulo •' It A 1 I. It 0 A 'D . . 8.9-7.31.4 , 11 t ARIZANIII.I4B7a, • ' ' - .4iiit - rgrlBs9. . . TWO ptmanger trails' lea vu Harrisburg dally,(Sun• davn excepted.) at y.oll • A: 31. and 2.45 T. 31.. fur Phila. dulpiiia, arriving Were at 12.50 magi and 7:40 P. 31. heturning, Daryl Hilladulphia at 7.30 A. 31., and 3.30 P. 31., arrirlag at Ilarriabiirg at.12.40 . n00n and 8.261' 31. FArtes: TePhiladelphia, No. I Cara. $3.23; No. 2 (In same tralil.) Fares to Ituading,. $0..00 and $1:30. - At Rea ding. connect wlll,,tralna fur Poltavele, 311,:ers: ville,'Panumun, Catawissa, , Four traina leave Leading for Philndelphla daily, at OA. M 10.10 A. 31., 12.30 noon and 5,02 I'. 31. Loam Philadelphia for Reading at 7.30 A. .1., 1.30 IL, 3.30 I'. N., mid 4..15 P. M. s,,,Fares from Pending to Pliihnirlphia, 81.75 nod $1 45. The morning train from thin isburg conneeta at Iteading with up train for M'llltesbarre. Pittston apd Scranton., For through Abinds and other Information apply to J. J. CILX I / 1 1, ' N a y ' • th•neraldgent. NHEIV STAGE ROUTE.- The Ineirmalber has started a tri.wealtly line of :taps . between Carlisle and Landisbus* leaving Care isle every Monday, rsitte,lay. and Friday, inuticill• .tely on the arrival of the afternoon .tral n el .ears from he east. Returning, leaves Igindh,burg at 800 A. M., 'very Tuesday, Wedneyday and Saturday, and. arrives it Carlisle ut 1,00 P. M., via. Perry Cuunly Warm Shgrinattsciale,'Sterret t's Gap and Carlisle Sul lair Stu lugs. On and ofer .lane the Int b, the line will .0 roil daily for the accommodation of passenger's going .11 the Sprite,. Fare le thitol,veral points cc allows: 'arlisin to Sulphur Fillings, $0 no • Sterrett's•Uitp. Slrermangilnlo,. l'errylinty Warm Surlop, Laudisburg, . . . RETUR.NINO. I.atidishurg to Warm iiprings, Shermansdnie, 'Sterrett's flap, &Hh qr Springs, 1 " • Car l isle, 1 tal The above line will 'mauly eiirrY 4 tres , 'Mi'l+ to nod from the several points libore Indicated. haVU IdSt, n well slo,lied LI VLItY Pam which I am at nil tithes ready to furnish horses and cnr• Ilaces to those.who will favor nnu with their patrniwo, nit the moot reasonable terms and hr the veey hist siyte touylill KA. • s EOM: I: 111:: , . DEL UXCELSI.OII PICTURES' A. R. III:Mkt/OD woubj respectfully inform no, citizens of CArliale and vicinity that 116 has taken roan.. In %ma's now lotiLllng, cast corner el itlarkut Sonora where he I: of all times rmly to take A ;SIIIIIPTITES In Urn and 111.N1 aplanVed style. - riallrea taken In rainy and cloudy NVl,dbl . no Moll am clear. rind Sat. iskt4lo . ll , given to antral, Iliad, Partralta and Da gUerraptypna Mitilatlime Pictures taken for I Lockets Ac.. itt A labrotype. Ambrotype war: anted to /Aural tras test of limo, beta or valor. !males nod4leotlomon nro cmdlall;• invite 'd to rn uul exnroloo nperimenn. Prkei, from 2."Ft41. toldt). A. R. HEN wonn. Jou. 27. 1859.-IY.' A alst. IVEILY STA BLE.—Having pur. IJ elins - ed from .1. 11. - Nonemotter his LIVERY IIF• TAIII.IBII3IIINE. I will be /11whys ready_ to accomter. dote the, poldle with 1101 li CAR• q i r BUIRIIES, and rverrother . or. • - .: 0- s - V -. 11rIn In my flee. ley strict attoutton„te business and a'do4r.s to please, the subserlher heres to ieeelve a liberal nimrva of public pm,uung , •• II EMIG F dl lINDEL t , N. 11. Otonibushes On !Mild to sup p ly those who may he in tined of them. G. IL Nov. 25. IS:;7.$ A S It . • )1' BA V S J. CABINET MUIR MANUNACTORY, NOR= HANOVER-STREET, CARLISLE, PA. Having been ongageibliitlio ',tininess for over twenty yearn ho would return thanks to his customers : and friends, fur the liberal encouragement ottooduil to hire In years goon by, and further assures them that no palm, will ho spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor hint tutu. a rail. . CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, • of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the In. lest style, well finished, and sold ia the lowest possible prices for cash: Ile also continues business as an UNDERTAR Ready Made Collins. aletallla or otberwioo. kept con• stoutly on bond and funerals promptly attended to personally In - town or country, on t h e most.reateinable terms. • . Ulterli and Walnut Collins, largo PILO. Hell finished and lined insidb, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Collins covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WEAVER.. May 25, 1850-Iy. N. IL—Two properties sltuato In Churehtmrn,Cumb. rountyi non offered for sale on easy terms. Apply ne above. J. It. W. 1211=1 William Practical , PI, umium and GAS FITTER, in the Lased o4the Jl. E. Church, lain Street, Carlisle. Lend no Iron Pipes, lrOn Sinks, 11/ drama, .11 TUI,F, llot k Cold Shower Mahn, ~"`lt Water Cinsets„ :"51.1 Foreo and Lift Plunins, "Ydraulle flaws, itc.• lYro't Iron Wed Tubes, And every description of cockn and tittliv.;n for gas, steam, water, &n. Suparlor cooking ranges, heaters nod gas fixtures put up in churchen, stores and dwellings, nt short maim to the most modern style. silt underl ain nod work In our line at low rates nod witrranted. .0Z- Coon try work and:lobbing promptly attended to. 'Mar. 2.3,1859-1 y pAPEIt HANGINGS &c. -SPRING 1E309 STYLES. OF WALL PAVERS. ' • HOWELL .F BOUEK iiAsUFACTUItEIiS AND TUIPOItTERS OF PAPER HAM; G No: TT south FOUItTiI Strout, below Market, Shlla dolphia. Oilers unusual fanliltles to Woof-vino 3 RETAIL BUT ms, a optondid stock of goods to soloet from, and all of the uswest and best designs.—WlNDOW CUIITAIN PAVERS, in oudless variety. TT ERRING'S SAFES. 11 FARRELL, If ERILING s CO., No. (.129 Chestnut street, payne's Philadelphia, tunhu Mequon! In this State Ot I IE ItltlNt'S PATENT CIIAM• - PION le lyt r AND flUitOLAlt l'ilOOF . SAFES, secured with' PATENT KoWDER INCA, both of which received lloloih at the World'a Fair, London, Ibsl, and World's 'Fair in 'New York, laollE THAN ' 20,000 Ihrring's Sajiq have been sold, mid are now In actual me, and nearly 'OO hove been tooted to seri. dental fires and have never filled to preserve their con tents. We also keep on hand and matte to order Dwrixiso Boma Sorry. "Sideboard and Parlor Soles'"—(iniltio Lion of handsome furniture) of elegant design' and weiltmanship. Also, Burglar Proof Safes for Banks. Brokers. Jewel ers, Vault Doors, Safes for Specie. Silver Plate, dx. The Burglar - Proof Wu to use at the Treasurer's 0rn,.., of Piclusway vaulty, 0.. (at writ, mtnuttet urea by us, and in universally acknowledged to be the strangest Safe in the world. „._,Persons wishing Salem will find It their Interest to call or send for our catalogue before parebaslng else. where, as these are thu only Safes which have .proved themselva perfectly ruts ennui' and free from damp ness!, $l,OOO 11BWalli) will he paid to any person that can , YAIONV that a Ills RHINO'S PATENT CIIAMPION• ever +WWI° preserve its contentn In au..eccldental fire. [Starch 2,8,1880-Bn. S 6O. FIRST GortEAT'ARRIVAL SPRING GOODS, Tho anbacribor respectfully Inforfns his friends and customers gonerally, !bat ho has just received and open; od foe thanpring trade, a largo end beautiful asaortmont of 31E'N'S AND BOYS' VIZAIL, . iconiprining is greet Toddy of the latest atylo of goods, n lbw of which may be mentioned via : Fluoblock, blue, drab, brown. and green French Cloth, flue French doeskin, Coasimare in largo quantities, ...beautiful silk mix'd Oaselmores and , Twooda a great, variety of _._ . - . YESTINOS - 01 ,111,T,...H1ND13• .. Also, . , Tory large stock of LINEN OnTTON GOODS Also,'extra qualities of English - eole•leathor TRUNKS, Carpet Bags, and Umbrollaitull of'whlch bo field at tho cheapßentleuaelt's Furillehlug Stun), at tho very lowest term,' ISAAC LTVIN I ISTON, North trancirer stein, opposite the''Amorlcan noose." Carllale, March S 1 „ r 860'11AltDIVARR;L.,- • The Suhscrlber hasjuat returneti fromthe ..}:aldern. atlas with the largest, cheapest and best lelected as. arwiment of ilaftlwareaver.ottered In this County. 'Eye ry thing kept in a large Wholesale and lintall MAO , ware Store can Le had a little lowor, than any, other house In the county at thweheap.Hordware store 'March T, HENRY , SAXTON: •• • N .L.IYIIII, IN • • , NEYEIti'D 1T.113 COMPOUNDED E has become an establisi knowul'atid approved liy rind is Dow inserted to - the dlseas(wi fur whi..ll it It has cured tbollnindS yinini 1010 Iliad given up tilillen,US unbent:Red ohm slaw. .. The dose must he mini,. of the individual inking In yin tattles ns to act gen- Let the dictates of you in the - use of the tor t antl.ll wilt curt. Out attacks, Myttpupeitt, nor ComplointNillytton— neh. Clinton, Morl-Its.Chnlon, emetic Weak— . tuttroefully tin all ortli— CINE. It will onrush.): can -testify) to tw.•nty teerportuftiln are taken attnek. MI who use it are In its favor. . MIX IVATItIt IN THE VItIORATOR, AND CIETIIEII. • - .1•11co•Clito 1:101tr per Dottie, SANFO RAY' S . FAMILY, (14.TIIA1tTIC COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put, up in Giese cacao, air tight.; and will keep in any ell g.ate. • Thn Family Cathartic tiro Cath.Ot lc which tho his ;wart', more' than Thu co ntontly W— illiam who hare long Ws. Isfaction which all give Laainduced mu to place of all. The ProfeAston well thartleg net on different with due renounce to fart, been compounded purest vegetable extract, part of the alimentary x,ll'olo all races where a an Vorangrinents of the Pains Inn the Back and and Soreness - over Om. ' cold, width frequently. long course' Fever, Loss Sensation of told over , Ileadttche or wenalit In ' tory Dlseases,.lYorms In llt he uneathm, a great Jaany dls , onsea to I Mu, to mention in.thla rot Pico OM $0 26 The Liver Tnylworafor ' , galled by Diliggisk gen the Ttadvla all the large S. T. W. S. 335 Fronds .Tunnlu, Inso. - 17)0ES I,IIISJA.S.F. 011 i ORIGIN ATE IA . I'lllBlR n quention or vital linportanee. undone which has /lover been narbdietoillyAlispon'ed of by the iirlifen sorarwlio leaeli the healing nut. 1:19111(1 maintain—and egpedally the old ndlool PliVnidans—that life lives In the blood, and therefore all di:gases oilgloate in 11-- lint modern silence avers that ailment, intuit their origination In both the solids and Ilitids y( the body. That the latter preponderate, however, is a hoed fort, and medic:ll shill has dearly ilenionntrated that_nt leant two-thirds of the ills that human flesh IR heir to, have their source in an 13IPURE STATE OF TIIE BLOOD As;for Instance. In kilo long catalogue. Burls nal Scrota la, 'fetter, "Harbor's Itclo.l'lntples, lUot,•hrs . -F:ry ' ellhi lan. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, discharges from the liar, reset Sort ' s, or irruptive diseases of anv kind.—These are no contained by well known onstirallaws.to arise Amu hid blood-,Y1)110 the Itighet.t inedleal authorities declat, that most fevers originate In the same manner, and inure particularly Typold and scarlet—the further he log ale Intermit, sup the latt wall external irruptive disease: and in all per,sons attacked M . these nos , ndles, the blond is found to be eltbet coagulated, or of a dark unhealthy ctilyr. Largo majority of di neat s as well Co to rs: l ;k:•: .s t i ll o l it d,; which hay° already - seized upon the ays tom" It is tieresFary to . J11.00J) ( - Lindsey's Improved It \ lood Scorcher does not claim lot 100 n UNIVERSAL PANACEA for every disease itnoWn, but- the proprietors claim fur It the power not only'of drninin g out au hornm hies el the blond, but by the,killful combination of well know n regetale reinedies. It will were 1,11 d lbennes mitring from n •ternnged shit° of the liver. drive out dyspetde, and giro renewed tone and 'rigor to-the stem:wit. That the 111.0011 Sconellla Is all that is claimed for It, the pt oprie tors win produce - It In only a few years since It was diocrivered, an &yet It lion grown Into such business that a largo laboratory him boon built expressly for Its number - of men employed in putting it lip, and still the SUPPLY DOES EQUAL THE. REMAND! We ask any candid man, could this be so, if the }led letio did nut possess ALL the virtues claimed for It t. ' The Prom !Mors have hundreds of certificates from mon of probity. and standing to tho community, show lug what thil medicine in doing daily Ybr the suffering • ' ASK ANY PERSON who ban ever used .the Illood Searcher whether roll was experienced. Let thu afflicted glee it A trial—a eltigle bottle wil convince the Roost skeptical of Its efficacy. . rtS. For sale In Carlisle by M. W. Havers tick, 8. 11l 'loft, And 11. J. ICleffer; linufftnan & Sou, Mechanics burg; Ocnveller - k Zook, Shephordstown ; Joshua Coin llogstown; Jacob Simmons. Cress Bonds: Kurtz Wise, Shiremanstown ; A. M. Leidieh, Dolling :wings; Itla'ry W. Kissel, Churchtown ;• Edward 4 1 / 1 131011, Went 11111; J. C. fflutrmuskt & lire., Oakville; Elineninker Elliott, Newburg; \Sin. Walton, Newville; J. Hood .1. Springfield; Russell & Mee, Dickinson; & Washinger jacksonvillo; Wm. Clerk &' Loris Bolds; Wm. H. Eekles, Sporting 11111; I). lienlinser Whits Hall; T. (1. Alt Mt, Shippetisiturg ; allot' Cumber bind county, Pa. _ 0<127.V1 DYSPEPSIA REMEDY Arontatic Invigorating Spirit. This Modhire has Leon wet; 'by the public for nix yearly - 0;1th 'nem:lel:lg favor. It In recommended to cure Joyepeneln, N 1.1,01114.1., limn dupe Colic, Paine, Wind In the Stomach, or PRI. in the Bowels. IlcadaclM. Drowidoces, It hinny Ccm. .plelots, Low.llrlum , Tremenb • Intel:opulence. It Stimulates, }NlA!lndex, Invigorates ; •Lul l not I ti tox I onto Or St upe fy. An a Medicine, it Is quick and effectual, curing the went aggravated canon of Dyspepsia Hidney Complaints, and all oth, derangements of the Stomach and Bow. els, In a npeedy manner.' It will Instantly revive the moat drooninrand midi ancholly Fplrits, and restore thu weak, nervoun iand sickly to health. strength and vigor. •Persone . mho, from the li hava , beemne dejected, and 1 lured, comAltutions broken horrible torso to humanity, almost Immediately feel the rating efficacy of Dr. lima's Doen—One wino glassluil an often as necessary. One deste w ill remove all Had Fplilts. One dose will cure Heart burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. One dose will give you a liocti Appetite. One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose'will remove the distressing a cid til.greeoble effects of If Ind or Flatulence, and en coon as the atom. aclvrecelers the Invigorating Npirlt, tile distressing load and all painful feelings will be removed. One done will remove themoot distrosslng pains of Collo, either to the stomach or bowelo. A few dosos will remove Ml ohttructions 'in the Kid• uny, Bladder or Ili : leery Organs. . Persona who are seriously Mlleteil with any Kidney Complaints are - assured speedy'rellerby - ii -- dose Or two and a rattirM CUM by the U. Of ono or two bottlot. Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, In violent headaches, Sickness at stomach, weakness. giddiness, Sic., will find bus dose rill remove all had feelings. I adios of weak and sickly constitutions. shin id take thu illvlgorating 41rit three times a day 4 it will tasks Item strong, healthy and happy, remove all (Astro, lions and Irregularities from the menstrual Organs and restore the bloo,n of health and beauty to the eat iiworn lace. During pregnacy It will be found an Inv/linable mein inn to remove disagreeable smisations at the stontsrli. All the proprietor asks Is a trial, and to Induce this to has put up the luviumaDio Sionn in pint botticu it 60 cm., quarts el. For sale in Carlisle by 8. W. naverst irk; in Me. baniesburg by L Kauffman, And by Druggists geom.. dly. Feb:l, 1 . 860 .- I Y. - . "IRSENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD N APNEA PECTORAL, TO TOE LOST- MEDICINE IS 0110 WORLD, for the CURL of Comma Ace Coto. Croup Bronchifio. Ale thma, Difficulty In Breathing, Palpitation of the • Heart, and for the rallef of petiole lu the advanced stages of 'COAST/NV:IOX, to . • gather with all Diseasoa of ,Throat and Chmt, and which predisposed to Consuitiption; It attacks the root of disease, and makes the fel) dostmyer succumb to ID ' ufluonce. It she produces lice expectoration, and in d noel( healthy action in the diseased Mucous Membraur: and Tissues. It Is pt•oullarly adapted to tho radical cur, of ASTHMA. Ono dose of this invaluablo, Syrup oftoi gives ease, and consequently stoup, which the pecolitu, nature of this disease defiles him. It is very pleasalr .to the taste, find prompt in Ito 'streets. THY IT, and I, convinced, that it Is invaluable in the cons or Bros. CUM AMMONS. • ' POMO 00 CENT,. Pea BOTTLE. ' ' Trepttrod only by • • • A. ESBENWEIN, bruggiat, N:11'. Corner of Ninth and Poplar meads, • , ' 1r PHILADELPHIA IC D. For Sale by 6. Elliott, D, J. Huffier, B.IV. Have; 'stick, Carlisle; L. Kauffman, Mechanicsburg; and Oct K. Smith, & CO, Philadelphia; and Storeiteopeis etc Druggists generally : ' r • Carlisle, Oct. 10,'80"-7 mps. IWN RAILINGI-71roti, Railing ii. Cem uteri enclosures, public:old private grounds Ml' I pullet% made to:oeder at the Carlisle Foundry. , stook of ltalliugjerandah and limeltot patterns co; 'prises et largo variety of new autl elegant:designs whit too public Aro lotted to rail and 'examine. Orders 1 , walling and pulling up Railing will be promptly oaic Italat satisfactory prices. n,/# Au outVely'nevi TEN ITOTISR PROIN pud 11011.12.1 t runvon band, warranted to he of - the 1,, , make, and will be told at a bargain for, cash or on 61. r • „ F.E14.8.Db1E4 &, . ' • • J 'Ay :11, 18h 311eilicinCs. • Id D'S GORKTOR., I;ITATES. int NTIB Z IP E a 4 40 0. owl . 0" . Poll giving their testimony 081 31011T11 WITW SWALLOW BOTH TO, Flt G et. a Stiinlard Medicine all thnt bars used it, ' with eanlldenes In till Is meal - unloaded • within the lust two all hopes of r.ellmfostbs 501tIlles Les lu my poses ted to tho temper wont it, and used in such tly on the bowels. . yrtur. Judge of fruiclo Liver Invlgora- Liver CO 13111110111 F, 11111. th runic- Blartllneat.l4 of tory. Dropsy, eoul . Stust., I Coss, •Cholly. Cll°loll,, I ufitnluth, YlntuLn t o undmorty I.e uw•d ottry k'.4111.11.,Y MEDI- Iltstilache.lns thousabd 11 two cr limn n t eollll4lotlcelliotut ul limo general ,but no props lotor has used in twenty , years. kreasing demand trom ed the Pills and the sat. in regard to their usa, them Within thu reach N knoir that Eliffaront Ca 'portions of I lie 'bolveln, I h art to rill _A ui r this well entnblifinot front a Tnrioty of 'the which net niikiron every canal, and are good and Cathartle in neotled,attelt Stomach, Slcepluel.r, Loins, CoptiveneFn, Pain • Iwbolii body, from eduldeit if neglect, d, end In a,. of Appetite, it Creeping the body, ReFtletmeon; the head, all Intl latomn- Children Jr A dultp, Purifier of the Illood and Ileni lleir,_tock,aumu__ • (Imola. 1)oso, 1 to 3, 30 Ce itx nd Family Cathartic Piltx aid and.sold whohawlo by towna. uford, M. D,, ufacturer and Propriotor, ny, New York = LINDSEY A: LEMON, Proprietors, Dn. DARIUS lIA3I'S mjudlelous uso of liquors, 'their nervous systems s1u:lt• down, and Pubjert to that the Dr.ustom Tur.mss, is happy and healthy 1uv1;,,0- InNlgeratleg hririt." WHAT 1T WiLL DO NIODTLIt DISSIPATION
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers