Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 11, 1860, Image 4

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%tll' Ltlt{llhll-4#!tPltll??Cnt
. , F - FA:DE, •
'',j.:-..Thelitrui,honored-Spadedslalling. : into-i
k-disuse .WhereVer commowsense . delves.
Look nt 'yonder, sin]. of Thin,;-,lnt lie ,ilrives 1
• the Lihining blade into, the moist loam,
and heaves ont a stf titra - ciwip tiwsedr , masr:,
two sides.uf,which ar smooth old 'CO II) ._
pressed a's - hossibl
.. ,ji yonarc.standing ,
near or irnrking by lits sjdirthe. will hit. itp!
, a rap and. Criunble the top of -it a . littli;
while the,mass•nrohalily nidns Jotael.
'i The greundwill lnkleveled off..idenia, rake,
and the luinpsWilt `- bake- sloWly, and re
main likelycumugh In.ird.iind 'unpervious
all nu -ntit4r, if Iho ground .is.tiot
. ileeply
worked. again. When 'spading' is `done in
very.,dry riehther, ii - kin nut liOlo to the
ssiste objeigiien in degree, yet it 1006. s .tho',
soil always inure or 'less lumpy.
. - • How different is it` ith the'nse of the
,fork. 'Eli spading fork is- f quid
.o r ~,,,,.
riot's fortes in- the shops. .We prefer one
: of narrow tines, rather long and very thick,
Made ofgund steel. A good . vality of
steel is very important, for often . a single
tine striking a stone . or stick', has to take
instantly the whole 'force of, the blow-or
shove. The lines ;'slmuld be thick, es
obnsiderable prying power, is often re
qUired ; :mil they snainld. be nrCew, t hat
the earth may be na more enintiresset than
is. neoeSeary. 'A fork like this may' be
driven much deeper with the came ree
It will lift the earth quite es well as ii ,
spade, and .without packing it . If rools v i
:of tress,`bull4; or anything of time kind
are present, there is little probability t hat
they will be injured, if care i's:tised,- and
• the groiind May be' loosened Siiffieently
' in -teeny eases without lifting the earth
•at all in a way to bare_ the 'routs.-- The
fork itifact - may be used wherever Alio
• spade can be. and a' shovel is nit more
desirable,—we do not elaim for its sups
' rioritv in shoveling sand or “ravel. 7 -and
-it may .be . ""iid in- Many,places where
a spade_ cannot. be, used. About trees. in
raspberiy,eurrinit or vine bmders, espy ,
. daily, will the-fork be lound of incaleu
able service; and the spade shmil bed ban
ished furthwith.— . •
CoAr. AsiltiAS A FERTILt:•At.-t.-Wat.
Leonard , ,of South
. 0 I mon, ."3.1 ass, Oyes
the follewingstatement, in the IV - eiv
/ani.L.Fumner„ of h is..experience with coa l
ashes as a manure:
"On an old : Mowing field too much run
down, we, top-dressed a square piece of
ground fairly with clear emit ashes in the
spring 'While.the crop was growing, at
all stages the difference was pereeptible
When ready fin' the• scythe it was: piers
in quantity; and as to quality, it icrod need
about equal parts of bard grass and ri l l
clover. If the clover was not introdueed
by the agency of the, .ashes, we know - not
bow - wats—i tut redn -jour-years
none was nett thou e' heliure, Or in any other
part of the. field, thl: -was the-only clover
seen in soul-field the past season Both.
grass and Mover was mortvieorous, precut
and lively within - the top du es,edusquate,
and just as visible all around was•
hausted crop, which said as audible as
grais could say-, in its declining state, that
it had received no such' tsssistance front
this individnid , •
'On a hill side not at all renowned for
its wealthy properties in soil, we planted
the Davis Seedling'and, Jenny lA turn°
latoes t in. clear coal ashes, hall' a Shovel
full in
,a hill. llelow, on equally as - good.
ground, we planted the .same hind of po
tatoes in compost measure, - and the-emil
ashes, single ka»ded, turned out the hag.
est, best,..fairest and most numerous quan
tity of potatoes. they.. were
the best We-raised on the ferns. --Almmit
side by side, .in compost measure, our
potatoes were somewhat infected with rot ;
in the ashes they were all healthy and
soundlahnest to a potato."
COMBlo . elt, Whose inothod of culture Inn(
been so nnieh talked of, claims to have
discoVc,ted a method of preventing the
cholera in swine, the ravages cif which
disease 'have been .se . de . st rued ve. The
disease, beAllirms can be produced by a
certain treatnient of the animal, and pre.
vented by an opposite treatment, but
the method is not wade public.
, Tan Cuow.—Tn an article on winter
birds, we have (hie-defence in the A:htn ;
• tic lmatly :
"He consumes in the course of' the year
vast quantities of grubs, worms, and nox
ious,verinin; ho is a valuable scavenger.
and oleos the land of offenitive masses of
deceased animal substances; he hunts the
, griiin fields, and pulhi out and. devours
the underground caterpillars, whenever
he perceives the signs of their operations,
as evinced by the Wilted stalks; he destroys
mice, young rats, lizards, and the' serpent ;
- fatly, ho is volunteer sentinel about the
farm, and drives the hawk-from its enelo
sure, thus preventing greater mischief
' than that of mhieh he himself' is guilty.
It is chiefly during seed time and,hurvest
than the depredations of thocrow are com
mitted; during the remainder of the year
. •
we witness only hitt se r 4 ices;:and solrighly
are theSe ' set vices appriciated by,,, those
who have ,written of birds that iq cannot
-nnmo an ornithologist who does neleiplead
iin li.iiib4inlf"
Says the WiAzisia -
Farriiir. And 'every farmer should be
meal:mole, enough to tumid, all the .small
breakages that occur on- the farm, instead
of loositig time and patienekin sending
to the village to have; the Work .done.
Besides this, — when a wet dny comes, the
boys pdill interest tholuselvei ,in learning
to bectutui practical mechanics,. instead of
moping around the house...
Tiwon. 7 2 fliese mestlie taken of course
ftom'the •w'oo!i,tif last yeaes growth; from
eight 'to t*elve inches in lengthy' TWo
. or three buds may be - allowed to remain
on the portion of the etitting. bove ground,
but those under ground ;should be,eare
fully outVilt; theie will then be no sitekers
to none) , and: injiii'e—the-greWth
main stem .--,They. should • be: , inserted
the groUnd to eight itinhis; an; r
cording to the length of the shoot,s,' the '
grounillareised uround theni,
hot sins be4,iti,to . prevuil . and parch; they,
'must be W06'010114 • should
be lost in - settingotti::Mitclugi. -•
How TO;PRgyENT 8 11 _ , OK V4 0 ; 11 BEING
UNRULY orreipoudent of the -Qlde
Farnur gives jt'us hio %Onion, dint; the
cool pruotiee of making animals junto ;
over the lowet k rulls pf fences and-- l bure Drapeptle pelt'
tends says thaF ' , itlMt r u e t r Zll
if (AO Ibp,lpit, is ; lot, ,ttri .;that they are , The health to dram.
00111pC11409.,g0 they will never; „N,!,l7:l 6 evirg r 7: 3 3 Ziar it
" • ti:Viel r e7ro dd Y
• ' T r ^l . By ititogema Spior.
1, ma. isvery that the ioutn,„ of• , pArram;
oaf oofintlV4botild' thighs tu fy t kW 1' 1 4.7 YORK. Soldln ArluS DrinC tW
IP/ of
should;do as alik , ittliks .6 4o..f.iiit , Artaing:, , u , ..),..t&w o u . .. l d !u er ugz at lip=r 4 l ittaeftnow4oldfL.
water,;l: , ,40irber 90111101,1 • • •"*l l t 99 =
n "'''' 6
61 41.41i62[
YILV IN 1? le, 'AI - COLIIEG I±l '
• .L mr,oliANw:Asultu; l'A. ,
indatattion, designed Gar tint lirreraT edneallon
Lien In Op0111(1011 tiro >earl! Nittli
so'lll.lar:grattfylng rLiinit'n.' tt is "no,v".stablibbe. ,
1 :i tards,"artri Ili palrorit,4, alit ady, • or.tuuds over
L It' Is leetititti on the Curnherland l'alleyJlnilraid mid
way between Harrisburg and 'Carlirrle. I o the Inomf for..
". :Went.; treantit al portlon,rtf to VIIIIOrt and to In dose
proximity to roue of the" *Vert moral, Stealthy, and on
' ..Pr.rirrisin n
g tows infthicrr , trt to. ,
r It is central; turd easy or 'nurse. Tturleul e hating
Washington. halt tondo, or Philadelphia t inert:lllg
al n for I I arrisburl, r "arrivtr at Merhapieshurg in
';' - ..t1111.4 101'111111n, . ,•
'1 • Or etlllloo FIFO 'crunniodiinnu hurrountlyti try ,
" Qnul4ld vela Odes, nut ycill oroonturodateatrout one into
red Warded, ht Its constaitation, It celerities till the
l urelern,• imp! ovtnloril , for the p.mmalon or
outbrt arra eon vonieure. fit tau, o respect.. pltyravirtm.
unrivalled: The obanthers aro Inure avid
neatly finnlsherl• Ellett itS , OTISIOr ArOi';110,e111111
cv‘ , Only two sturieutseceupy thaftlittne renal.
'rite bath raorna are it .11 - ti in. supplied IVltliwatim and
„ •
• The arlilltl , are ample ' end well arranged for roore-
Lion. and the various calisthrptie exorcises so esr-rn.
(hit In healrli; gratreftil Movement antk 4inittelry ul
Tito Focally in ilrbtrartitrif .elfrelent and earperi
'ln the C0111,011.° Department The course of study In'
•ef e WI grade. comprehending till the sal ject Luton:'
to 0 Cliend,•ol. and Christian Trine: ten.
in the Preparatory •Thmartutent lnrptlu will be rare .
, fairy ilistruered In those branches forming the Lusk el
thorough Parglhil ..ducat tut,,
:+r.541.1N3.-., - 1 . 11 nt Segsliill, from the let Wednesday of
Feitterniter to the aril h of January.
rieanul Ziil6,loll, 1)1:111 the I et of Foirrnary to the lri. of
• Titration, diving July and.Augur.r...
. .
1,-.3r.ling—Wagang, Puna' , lied Poulos,
Tuition—Colloglata Depar.traout. . . . .
Preparatory •" ; . . un
•• • .` First Class, 1 . 2 On
Ni extra ebargo for Ancient I,ari,zuageg.
Musk—Piano aunt Cultar. . • . . 211)Ir
Medr , a I.anguft4es; . .• . . . .In uo
Painting . , Dra . a lug and other - Ornamental Branches
hi. LIU. usual I .tt4,fl.
Text•l.Dl,l, furl/t1) „ 1rd city prices. ••
For forthur p.ativairs addrer.s t , •
Itev. , A. M A I:I*.ATT, A. M...
dug. 2. Presldeni:
WhYrEp RBA NC - lE./167A •
. .
„ • W
t;iIANOE 01 , HOURS! •
tin twit after' MONDAY. NOV. .14th 1.459,
Tra Hp sent roil or. follows: exrepted
. .
• . FOit 11.17111 ISIII.IIICI.
Ist Train.
I alive (lharahersburq, 8.35 A. M
.ShippoiNburg, 9,05 4.•
•• Nowville; 9,33
. •• 10.15 r
Meehaftleallurg; 10 47
.S 'Tiro at Ilarrisbure,
FOR CIIA 31111:!itlInf 110
IFt Train., 'frnln.
reaFF Ifarrivburr, 0.15 A. NI 1205 P, NI.
•' Mechanicsburg 0.7'• 2.12 '•
•' News Ilie,1 0 .120. , '• 3.1,0 ‘.
* " Shippensbdrz.' 10.-1; " 4,20 "
Arrive at Chatulaw,hurg. 11.12 4.50 "
11N13 LEAVE Ilariishurz via Pennayi,atiln Cell •
Lial Ilaiirvad at 1.00, I'. 31.. 2.13, P. 21 , via lloiundati.
I fa Lehanial V.dley and Bending
_Railroad, al 8110.
A. 03.. and .2:27. I': NI: •
B o r hiti.d,urff, at .410. A. M. and 1.)10, P. 31.
IlvltlinoH, at. 2.50 end OA. A. NI.. anal. '23/3. P. NI. Poi
Tivlet ton.Villienhrport onll Ihul.dn, at 1.27 and 7,1,11.
- 1 . 4 NI. Svinuylkill and Susquehanna ltallik , ad, for Au
Lure Old Pottsville, at 2.1,0, .I'.
NO'VICII '1 1, 3 l',1, 1 SEN(111111. 1 : ... At all Starlinis whew.
Tivicets ate Feld, viz: Chand.ershurz. SIIIPP11 110 . 11, 1"
' 'a -I )lvrhan lealuirz nod Harrisburg. a reduction In
BENI' , on eaell.ficket will he 'nail° to-nll-1 liissvu
-Zifrii hat'ini;VVlU — thinnsrl yea with -rrivheta-he1ix..c..,.•
taring the
• 0. N. i.ULL, Super't
Nov. 0.1059.
A. 13. Ii\VINO'S •
FURNITURE W • RE..-1r0.01115,
• -
• -
. . .
I@ 59 55 9
West Street, Carlisle, Pa.
. ll7l . Wthd at the Citniberiand Cotinty
• • •
Agricultural foir of 1867.)
Thu subterlhor hoc Jut.t, rersivtql 01; 7 mind ,vltoll.llll
itsnorlssint of articles In mu lllle, over brought to this
Inu Is delta ullm•LI to soli nit 'wires that ady
cumpotillvit. 1.
• Park),
l'lttymber,, VIMNITUR
Kitchen and.
Ilinbtaving every article mud Icy ' House and Iloilo
I.cepets, of the most approved and fashionable tieniall
and locludiug al,. Cottage furniture in setts.
1411111 1.111 Chairs, 111t1.1 asses. ',lilt frann s.
I , In . L ac., dr.
Pureliarcrs are requested to call, and examine
ocil. at his extensive nitre rootin . i„ it M111)1 stnevl.
! North side. 11.
.u 1 Particular attention given as usual to.funerals;
orders from — town nod country, attended to promptly
And on moderato Irons. A. 11. It -
Carlisle. Nay Id. 105b.—ly.
. 1M PLE',3IEIT.
m. n. sTiociu,lol
Have just opened, In. the room formerly occupied by
Shovel:, Taylor 6, Smith. Zug's new . building, Main
abort (NU doors hits' of tho market house. a large as
tilizers, which they are prepsred to sell on the most
easanable terms.
Thu stork 'embrnoes PLOWS, criazvATous. HAR.
' crs, nod every othevartiele,mp
• • ....miry fur 111r111 11140. , 1
. They aim Intend keeping In addition; a full nsenrt•
ment of CKDAR and WILLOW WA s tE, lnclpyiSuo
Snaln's patent Churn. Brooms, Inrushes. IthtterArerk•
ers. Butterrorms, Prints, Ladles,, Butter Tuhs,
Itowls. he.
Also, Fruit. Garden and 'flower Seeds; Seed Potatoes,
el the hest varletlei They aro coin:tautly malting all
dltions to their stock: and will use every exertion to
Supply the wants of the carrieniturel community.
They bare also the agency for EVANS h WATSON'S
Orders loft' nt • the Store for fruit and ornamental
Trees, Flowers and fertilizers. will he. Attended to
momptly: STItI KLER BRO.
• • April 1059—1 y ••
A. well an all north of Gents' • Furnishing Cowls ure
offer. d In large qiimitities and at remarkable low prices,
Carlisle. Nov. 0, 1859.
• .0. H. NEEDLES. • • •
S. IV, Corner Twelfth ctP. Racy Streets
• ,
Practical Adjnatile,of rluptiu'e I ; ruskea and Mechani
cal Remedies. Ma constantly, ou hood a large Stock ol
Gumaina itrench-Jrusse& also a complete assortment 01
'the Scot *Atnerleatt. including the celebrated Whiles
Patent hover Truss, believed by the boat authei ities to
'be eumfrior ,any yet iniented. English and Mncri
eau bupportela and Pettit, Shoulder Pro Suspensory
liandages. Self lii.locting Sy & ringe adapted to both au ,•
tot, in neat ',actable cases, Srenchrie.sarlcs„Urinal Riga
Orders and letters of diutsyoyill moat ,prouipt , AC'
Ceutlarj. ,
• August 24; 1660. , . • ,
. •
. .
. With widelfnver'y fittnii,V, with theft' onllnanY kitchen,
rouse; can ninke all their Neap alts', little untie' ien
.1,10—MI; 51)Ft or FANCY. ,
.t' It Wily matte .lamed water so 4 eland Paint.' remove
Dressii; to perfection. "' : . . • ; -
Abundant testimony lu favor of the IMpoidfler, with
cum. and TAIMAIILE mediae ft* making different kkintle
of Soap, sent' free, by addescsing ,"
. • O,FFION OF Tlfl comp/L:4j, •
- No. 800 Penn Street, Pit tAturff. Pe., Or
• ' LEWIS JAM eS A CO.. Aging%
Jan.4,186041n. Philadelphia, Ps.
. . ,
" curs you got the original pndpolGlited article,
onaufacturqd by the Poons,vivanM Balt Manufacturing
Eitt(Terroutput, Alleghnny, tVmpty;tittt:
Ne w '.oltitd
E STO.4 f
ri.t.nthine hiry acc.116...r4,4,aeuts fix thc.:t.
10 .val vatrilliiage which has keen oxtrial, , d pi hita,
nUmil Lm,to
han-just. re.opc#tal his exten.ivt: W.lllllOOlll o 1 illll.l ytr
_ .
, .
In lila new stoto4lnn. on the:south east cornet : of t lis
piddle ktithge, widen; the public are invited to, , call and
exam inn a belch of, goods which, In elvitariCci• , IttiCli•
and ex tort, will defy- Conipetitton ;,comprising In • 1 ~r 1
Loaf. .Ittini,, orunhcd and brown'. , sngai a., \
„a .,"
'Java! Flo tiMl roasti'd coree• 1 ; v.,, Y .v "i . Hi p m , F:i 4 ,: .
1 lety and quality of 'N.M., Epices. (gi mine . , , Ili " , 4
tin cl.l, tigrim MI.) Plokek. :1a,, , ,,,, T,,1.70,i1Yi - It . l' i ~.,
...,:ow °Cleans, Fw,sarbouse..nnii Triiiidat, i i, l l l4 i; 4 :
uli c, coae:ic, 3`ararollig
Miiimmes; New WO. awl Plilladelphia C•yr•
Vorniecilli. split Peas. 'Moan,.
ilincenniat, tor. l.'lllrci , ' Vnlimii 0 -lolllIlito• f:s , . Wet ii.
Coffee, refined sugar at f.alueett rates, !visiting and La%
Mg scidit. Tobacco of the most litvarlte brands. and the
lint st gustily of Segura. Alan. a, beautiful assortment
of Prilannlit Ware, plain and . g.. 1,1 I.and Oliva IV ore
Class, Queens. Steno :mil lint Wei il Ware, ingreso 1.
tiety, and on elegant not of Fancy °oafs, Maraels,l.l,ll
ort Mowry for the toilet.
Flllll'lF. I Including Peaches In cans, Ilp„isin, flrati
bpi ries. dry apples,. citron, almondr. AI itggi.s.' Imous
. , . - ..
( LIQUOIh: ,WhclLFale :Ind felnil
7 ri r --- ir 4311.61ei1ig common mol old Ilya 1t hie
,1!8_ . II key, ue“.lie,,
~I,ek .711 i pile,. 1,i•1n.0
' tr * ,:s.._.• ' , • •I Slivrry Port. , :,.'.l i to. (11 , gee. Unt+twl :,
~ ., I: ..ii,, i itl2l . 4 lt i!hd M tißcaL t: ,! I: ill cui.lN and 1.,1.
n•. prot.ull .11 lipiltey, 11011m..1 Will, roid - tslhyidall-
, ctilwp ,
14rue stook of LA N • • inv Dyott's erlobrnir t,
lamps for burning lietosel , I Clad
Pit, Lard anti Coal Oil, lie!
:Aar Caittllen
CEDAR-WARE A.' .Li 13110 0
lirwlies, Poops, Doohnnts,
I,Pokingl;l4sres, fine, letter nod ; note paper, Will
Wore, roan tad &e.•
- Collo° and woollen hone, annidmlf alone. awl-a f u l
stork of Gloves, Iswiutling tbo trill lrnown
hock • • •
111 short. ills stock rompriNes everything that !scant , '
tin. in Iris lisle 01 no oils, to will lie spare..
lu renti , lr entire fiatiiktellou to /11, cos:. Met,
13, imiLIFF.
Car Oct, 27; tens-Iy. . •"
in at all 1.1•/u; iu exelnange
,gootlx„ .• I
j'OS E P . S•T E
.4 filo doors Soirth ‘1 %i,r Pour t ,
• •
Baying Fondled niyaalf w lilt a iargeaudao•l4oo,.t
11'aii•li Mateo ials. I /1111 111)M prepared In
111,1 1 1 . nil L l udn of &c.. ou Oa
most reammal.lo lily II!../Iiiusti .1 to
o. 110111.0 fdrl.l. to 10Iniver.i to bp P.
ell Willi II than' t i 1.01,11/.l.l[l , page.
A fine rua.orlivent of .11.111 LEY. surli as I ndiri.
111 root PlllBllll.l Elll . 111011 s. Ill) Comm:
Er.': t hod Ear llroi.x,Al , o, a11,11:1aFs l'lns all story
i1.,1.11710ti0 111 of e. Plated Clialps. 1.hi:e1.5. Guard,, Se. AL.a. n larg.. and Ono asiortuumt of • •
11 I. 1 1 1 Nll EII IV
'1 I ruin
2.41 I'. "I
4 'lll
2111,P. n fine lot of Silver llontinp. liplmiod levy,
:r..1 141)11 p 11ptplo.f.. owl a [.p..d.0,f.. plop M.. 4 :11s.
1431....1 :m it-Flue] :.—fectorlpp.
111.4 whirl, will Les .1,11.5 r. A shugi..l
le.pcptlolly .Wih. U. 011 L!..
. -IL-141-1-14-PX--P-a1 , L. 77
Alllll,l* G.ItOCEItY ANT) l'E,\
.Ire.t revelvell and 6t stole. a fresh ant se.
lectelt essolintonl of .invo null 11m n r
five, nolo-led Cone, _Urnslted • '-
neln•tii aunt
Glltel, blown :s4n:oroisnperlor
Syrup We:ins •
of n sees.
• STAVIN of every yorlol3--
. I:moot:1y S ton 11, , Satin n rind
Cltovoln.te. !Ince:trot:l, ( ntol •
- Cinehots.
Solerot on 'awl ::1,111, Cronin T'srtor ot.fl
sorirrrl 31ustrud unit r Ornintler
TEAS.—A fine assn: Woof_ In .I`itel4o - 0,
'astrir 14111,- -- ris,v^yll - tt - nll - ollres - nrritS ,
belonnior t.) the In:
1% , ,;1:9 no,l into reduced prices.
.1. IV. I:1:1'.
A'D.; I t .ES, En:ELM", AN'' ,
i l 1,1 . 10:-. , o, I; LAT Cii cI t?'ti old esteldlslted
West 3lxfit ht., nuarly oppoalle the Cutol,erla oil
Valley hank.
ha; cleat received a new assortment of watsltes.
°web,. medaillons. er ware. Ao, tOitiltloll to my
v,1111•1• 14..Yi, to trhich 1 IVO, til.• ht.lolll l • t -f . th.,
IntLl 'Fite assortment end foto zh, •
4 1
and ,Ilver lever watches. I luttiing
and open ease de. gold Anchors Inc . sf?
Ladles and Ouellette:lt nod ''llter -
pines and Ottartier watches of evtry
minty Ye style and !nice.
Also line gold Medallions: Itreto t pins lei- Ladle, fuel
tlentletnett of emery quality. Pattern owl price. Ovid
oath and nock chains. Ilold lalteelets, it ngi t
tinga, mull-pins, Kinds. sloes tt OWS, tost.ea, clam.. •
.. &V. (.101,1 nod ',liver title:l,les. silver and plated
hotter knives. torm s—table. tea. salt and 11111fdlird
of every vat loty. A large tn.,: await of gold, silver
and common hpe,tacles, to stilt all
5Z1.77 , :t ligiwtrvivbic Ivlcr - fcrylt art:el:II-at tow
A line lot of GOLD hem the 1.4 nuttier,
pect.o.le cases, fancy Loxes, silver and petal 13.11 ens,.
1111,1 vattittion bracelets, - watch' ebales
Meet le Clocks and 11. varlet:, of artieles usti
ally kept in dowelry estaldhlunents.
I wilt sell low fir 1,101. All int ides mat
t .d.t.0.1 to I o what liter Or. represented. 4
Particular attention paid as usual ti 2"
WATCH RIVA I l and all work war '
her. '23, 1057.1
A MI3I,I , II)N'S 11 A 1 R
1.• Tito uo st rell3l,l‘. Artivi , iu Ili l• Gar t oloring tLr
11.111, or WIIISKFA - U, inkallt:, ton.
Dora not Injure the Mar or nlll. Or hatairt - to the
that snotaille 411,011, lir nitnndals .hello that west nL it:
do. and NEVER hulas or WllPitem n at. No th
t'ur.t.alo at Henry linneltuhrt. lather Fhop: brunt;
Ilanoter :street. Carlivio I . a. Jarol. F. :Arvin
.tr.olt; told, hound at Mane' ultra narbar
Jan then-:lnt.
91` nI U S 1 .0
INSTRIT , lON 1101.1g.5.
Mny 11.,, fiO. 0 0. 13. CA 1tTk7,11...
c illper-Vl2osphatt. of Duct
Dried Blood, •
Sulphuric Acid,
Pecuvion "Guano,
Sulphate Ammonia.
• •oun the
Nlyloo dof
Wlll equal In Went and Inttilipt power lnn Nutt& I'e
runlau llunuo—will undue°
And other Grain p ,
I Fond t Ettutors to give It'll bir Wahl - wing olnfalen
of Ito worth. It hoe hoop extehtively ue,ed In the New
England and Enutherh :ILAN; for ion 3 ears p4st, and lie
inrrensing Fnlo
It In pellet! In Stro‘ng l&g.t. of 100 pounds arch. .
Price $4 per Bog, or $5O per Ton.
Orders 41Cedll 113Jilifil by Itentittnnens • Illta
prompt Attention.
mid ~ ,u ntples given Free of Chant, on
appllcittlen to tlni:Oedni,ent. • 11. W. A 1.1.1..:N..
,• ' Nn. :quill Delititnrii Avenue.
- I'l 111.1111 lA. .
CHI lisle Pub.
The Subso.lbers ofTer for eel° 0,000 Ramis of
ulado by the Lodi
.31iinu1acurtok. Coo,'
pony. to lots to suit putt:haws. •This artlcio to to tlor
twentieth year of Its iiitreilliction Into this cratil,ry,
nod has outlived fertlllsoi a of usury other Lileserlpthat,
following rclismosi•
Ist. It is made from the night sell of the City of New
Volt by the L. 11..C0., who have a capital ]1 6.100.0 r
Invested in the brialmtr, o h:ch Is
,at riot should they.
make it bad article.. .
For Corn tiud Vegetables It, to the cheapest, neat
est and handiest manure to tho Worldi , It eon be pleo.J
I o dlreet tontact with the . seed; forces d'ripens vege
tation two.weulcirearlicr. prevents the .cut *sierm,dolt
bi ea the crop. and fa islthuut disagteeable odor. Three
;Inflate worth Or two I,Aprels,lael,„AUfficient to manure
es acre of corn iu the
Pon c-I.bbl. $2-2 tibia $3 60,-6 blue Sc, and over
Idds. $l. 60 per Mosul, delivered free ef t linage; to nes.
Sets or callroad In Now York City.
, A pamphlitt contenting every Inforatellon, and cur-'
Ilfliates Irmo forams all on' r the 11 ollid Shiite; Who
'have used It from two to seven teetoears,w ill be i.e r ot
free to any one applying for the WIMP. ' • • •
• .". 'al ItlinaNa-nnuTtlKlts hCo ,* • •
• • North, River . Agrleulttlral Warehouse,
tlO Ctmrflond Street. New-Yarkt
or 136 SeUth Nelatviire Ave,ntio .
. : r Plitleidelptla, Pa.
March 7.1060,4 M. - •
~. , ,
.. A V.Di14.1 ...YOIII4G • , liORSII, , ;• FOR'
, 11.•:: - ; • 1314.6:. - ,.h• -
,T h . Au _bkeriber ohms fur lallfli yailllg , 'llOrfo; rlillnlT .
, :four yenta old. - ijihlrh - lal - conaiderti - tao - -- 7 .---,:,,, -
' ralaublr to hay& altordd." Ile hi ab6ot .. - ~. .
6%'haulla high: 'ln calor a - ' _ , • ,
,'..., ' WrittailllillnY -' ,llOhT , ii':'''' r' , '.•
ft el
,of tba.Chaptcr. 'Lion stock. and In bode'., ' •
. and:salon equal to any horse bred fn" • ,
this county. The - owner having no dr-"Pz.R. ---.
alro:to krcihltn; will cell him far lees than hprrlilkhl:
'tie:..i Any ,person irlshlniqurthor, Inforlhtlon, cap ad
'Omni' • --
::,.;:'• -. . .
6g4:i, ~ :, 4 z.R :aorilegiton P 0
)ffreb l 24i4rtki , siiq; . ouhlberland 00•1% :
• .
EE begleave-to call the atten
- tierrhofthe 'Trade, and more
especially the Physicians .Of the
country, to two oithe most , pope=
lar remedies now before the public.
We refer to - • •
• Di, Clias. Dllane's. Vrlebriitctl
Vprnlifuge aiid Liver Pills.
,'We do•not recommend them .as
unlversal`cure-ails,' but simply for
what. their name purports, viz.:
For .Worms from The
human system. It has also' been
adMinistered with the .most satis
factory results to various Animals
'subject to Worms.
For the cute Of Lly ER (20MPLiII4TS,
HEAD-ACNE, &c; In cases of
' FEVER AND AGUE ) • • Or after taking Qui
nine, they .almost 'invariably make
a speedy and permanent 'cure. -
. As specifics . 'for the above men
tioned diseases, they are Unrivdled,
and never known: : to failwhen ad
ministered in accordance with the
. .
Their unprecedented popularity
has indUced the proprietors,
to dispose of their Drug business;
in which they have been suceess
fully engaged—fon_the)ast_Twenty
Years, and thry.will now gi'e their
undivided time' and attention to
their manufacture. Andbeing de
termined. th — fa - DF. — Nekahe's Cele
•brated Vermifuge arid ?ivcr Pills
shall continue to occupy, the higl
position they nnw hold innong the
great remedies Of the day, they
will continue to spare neither time
nor expense in procuring tle es
and Purest material, and 'corn
- pound them in the most : thorough
mariner. Address all orders to
. FLEMING 81108-i PUisbuioh, Pa. •
P. S. Penits nrvi'i liv icia nit 011111 ing ili.lll uheie
thin Fleming Dim. will do will to write their MAVIS
distir-tly, and take row big A17, , 1ne'.1. - "prertgred l y
k'lonmy rin ! hurgh. /1 - 1. To those whldvg to giVa
them a tee will forward per mill. post pnid. to any
part of Tlto Untied Staten, one box . of, for twil‘e
three-cent petit:lgo. Mengel. or one vial of Vertniflige for
foortuen tlirveirent A 11 - Tit Ctrundu
be occompaided lry to cloy 0001 d-extra.
The proprietOrS anti Manufacturers of
TE . l"fEws (.1 - .I.EDuATED S'ff*l.l.ell
'I'EUS can appeal with perfect confidence to
physician , and oh iv. us generally of the Bnited
Slates, because the article lute attaine'd a repu
tation hevetotore unknown. .‘ few fluid upon
Ai- , point UM speak powerftilly than
volumes of bare 11•4` , 1•11 ion or 11l ,zioting'pliffery.
The consumption 61 . Hobteitecu :-,hmincii
Icry Or the last year amounted 10 006'11 half
mtllinn hauls, trine its manifest steady
increase in times 'past, it is evident that during
the coming year the consumption will reatli
lie:wow , million bottles. This 111111101 SC itni.,uni
could never have been told lint for the rare
medicinal properties cola:duel in the prepitra
thin. and the sanction of the .most prominent
phisici:uut,,lii those seci 10118 of the couturi
where the all ii-le ii,"liost known, who not only
recommend the Bitten to their patients, but
are reddy al all times to give testimonials to its
ehicacy ill all (2111.4.8 of stomachic derangements
and the diseases resulting therefrom.
This is not a teinPorary , popularity, obtained
by extraordinary efforts in the way of ..trum
pet ing the-qualities of the Bitters, but a solid
est Mint iolt of au invaluable nitdicifte, whiel is
destined to be as enduring an lime itself.
Boat eit er's Stomach Billets have proved
a Godsend to regions where fever and ague
and various other bilious complaints have
counted _their victims by hundreds, To Ito
attic to state; Confidently that the ''Billets''
are a certain cure for (Ito Dyspepsia and like
diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un
alloyed pleasure. It renuties all morbid nuttier
. the stout:fob, purifies (Ito blood, and
impart renewed vitality to the nervous system,
givitg it that tone and energy indispetn-abie
for the restoration of health. it operates upon
tho stomach, liver, anal other digestive organs,
mild y but powerfully, and soon restores them
to a condi' ioir essen ial to the healthy discharge
of the functions of nature.
Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily its
pet:'direcrionts On the bottle . , andllityvill find
in it a stimulant peculiarly adapfeds o comfort
declining,y.eare, ny it is pleasant to the.palate,
. invigorating to the trowels, exCelleirt as a untie,
and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi•
deuce of thotisiinds or aged men and women
who have experienced the benefit. of using this
preparation while kiffering from stomach
rangements and general debility; acting under
he advice of,physicians, they have abandoned
all , •deleterions dugs on:l.:fairly teste' the.
merits of this article. A few words .to the
gentler sex. There are certain periods when
their cares are so ltaritsizingt liaf•ntany of them
sink tinder the trial. The relation of mother
and child is es airmrbingly tender, that the
.ntother, especially if the be young ; is apt to
' forget her own. hi old' in her extreme anxiety
for her ititent, Should the.period of maternity
twice during the summer season, the uenr of
. body and minditt f7enerally aggravated. Here,
the,;, is a neutcoity fur a stimulant to rceupc:,'
rat.• the energies of the system, and enable the
mother to bear' tip under her exhpunting trials
and respensihilitsi : Nursing mothers gene•
rally prefer the I;itteN Ito all' other ittylgara•
.tors . that receive the • ittlersoment oPphysi
ciaini; because it' is agreeable to the taste as
welt to. 'eve' it ,perinnuent increase
of hodUy strength.
All those pc' nuns, to whont Ave have particu-,
reibrred . :iibeve.' to wit: sufferers from
fertir and ague; eausetrby malaria, diarrham,
dysentery ; indigestion, 103 S of appetite, ntid
1 all iseases. or-derangements of
.t °mach,
'thlillemilltilated iirvalids, 'persons - Of sedentary .
' ocelipat ion, and:nursing litothers.'ffill•consult
ihdr owfi PhY.Ocall 'welfare by giving to 110-
-totter's ColehrtittAl StMinicli Litters a trial.
CAUTION.-.41e carillon .the against
Using any of the litany invitations or counter
,'.felts, bitt, "ask:: for 1108THITI,Ilt'll CELERRATXI)
STONIAIinI Mi.riil:6; lad -sea that each bottle line
the porde,"Dr. llonte.teet"e'Stblititch Bitters"
blown' -oil the tOe'otalie:liotito, and Stamped
,the' rnetallirt :cep covering the 'cork,' and
;observe that our autoerepli siguaturC is on the
• lar Pretiarcitanii bii.HOSTETTER &
13.1!4THi r .pittaliorsh(1 , 1i:4 7 and sold by all
druggists, grobers. .:dealera generally
' Ehroughode gig , 13,11.110 d *alas, BoutlXAM9'
W., ti n e, W. Hsverstlek, Carliple; jobn
Att.lek. 4ohit.Stanibaugho9dpponsburg;" L. Kau!
J. IL lip ;Mechanicsburg ; sud PrusalstE'
• isturkuyllireugltont the county, 0,
I)EbLa.I.•' , DELLS . I. I BELLS: I'!
e littrileito J. P. LYNE dr. SON;
5f1y110,40611,_• - • Mwth Hamm! st.. •
.aii..r.q . !lay,' un.t ri';
A R 1.181, 1 ,1 .\,N I) I'll 11,A DEI,I I IIIA
(43 ,; , a ' r
4f . .1 IP
a b e .0 oundry,
4 _z, , ,__ i_ ._ :_._lH _. ff -__ Lt,_7 _-,-.T:--f_- -. .__ , __ ;:.4.z__ f . -- k„,,r .,, ,,.....4 . : _...,._- :.:,_, .:. •" Ailivis‘- 4 , -..zit, ,, t." .. tP" . .1'l a , 1 -
' '• • ......1 .., , ra .. ' 4, . - ri 71 rs;',,,T '3 , i....-s•- 1 . 1
.-...----,.---- : ~,C- -7' ..- -t ''- - -11 / 2 1 1V-17.- 1 ,- , • - - 7-----,L4 - 7 , --.1. '
-F,„..i. ,-.,- - .. D it. 'II. VIVItEIGO 'V 1. 1 P. ir,
4-K--qi ......,:: ;,,f..- k !it, , ,l' - ',': '-`,%,.. , tifFT ~ •,..4,-,- --- ' -- -„ , ..i . - i
:ce,;.• 7,;;;;• . . - ,.‘iirM . ;i. ..i.4-1 , ,, , ~-....4 ,
./.- •-•!,,,- , -. ...1.-
r'' ' ' l '`P.,.. j'i , ' • •,,..... '''' , .:. 4. ,t - • -,r,....
- - 1 • - # r ) ,, --„,..,,, , * • • 4 • • h Lino 1 the D
'-^ -• • ..-4-47 -- --, - ',.. /I- - C - Irtl Of i 1•4 no nave .• epat 811 Ntarf t .,,t•st,.
'''' f- 4=4 ' . ' • • •--,---- - •'''
. . . Le.ive Carlisle, Dally. at 7 o'clock. A NI. • .._. •
- ; Goods intended l'r this Ulm should be markeb C. &
Al AL. ri 11. 1.1 'S 11:0 1 3 ,
• . . : ...),:iily Freiglit.l.lite..und, , ent In ti 4 o'clUe'e. -
• . t•Alt AND Sliill FACTOTIY. • • Aar 25. 1;59 --.:••••. , .
•' . ~ ' l'anit. Nlain Street, CARLISI.II. 114111'1, A 1) E .14. i.' 1 1 n
„,.tame., .troen.:, I.Antl.ll,olniela i3.11.1f In co.rioc,o Al. AND itEni,ING I .
'i.,rao4 . 41 , 0 4,4 ,vatil the best machinery for eit•eutto it A ! ' I L It' 0 A D
. .
Work an O'ery dot. tilltoiot• The I.inlilitigx have • rah, •
' . Ili 1111.A1114A:411143!1NT,
'wan nee it ly eolai,pld dike spring and stot•ked with tie
lierre.d. and ni•eit itopon ell tu.4.4 for the 101411111ar4f11.• ' • • APRIL 1/5,.1.939. .
.: • . • • • . Two
,p,....,rtger trains leave Ihirrishurg daily, (Sun.
1,,,,,, I t s, w INII,IW 1 , ;:A NI ES. P.tSll. . - • ni,Vri eXtnpind.);kt. 0.00 A. 5!, nod 2.45 0._51.. tor Phila.
Shutter,', Blinds, .duirbillt,ta, lino:lints and all ottlyr lolphlaiarrlrtog there at 1250 noon and 7.40 P. rd.
knit& u11'.,1 p! ,tor A Awl.. • IV, lit‘lti, Builders, I' ! 1.:,. 10. 0 ,„1,,,,, 1,.,,,,,, Inntadidplna at 7.:',0 A. 51., and 3.30
1 , e4 t,,, , ,, ~,,I clings td rail nod examine tnir taellill, l i••• 0.11., arrivlin; at 11:0 - 1 - 16nnti;-fil 12.40 noon end 8:201'
.1 dog this d••teriptlun I I work. The 1,..,., 5 Laurin', 1.
~,,,i a nd 0rie,....30 1,,v as 11t any can't eattildly)inient 1i... .90111:0; 'l'o Philadinpida, 7i..1 l'ars. $3.25 ; No, , 2 (lu
t4.,l••;onoty or 14,•en hero. -.311,0 Indli,) $2. 111 ,
:., ri.:.t •,1 •-1:4111:. It , :Iv iixr • on Dim. p ar ,,,, I-, ve,..11,,,,, $1.1:0 and :411.:10. , ,
Intl l'opalred a:11,1 , 1,1ot, 4'414111es have boon I te•elit At Dealing. conoret ollli tr,iiiis fur IV Edo tile, 311i.ery ,
lv built tor W. )1. Ilerolet.enl44 eon, In this borough . elite, l'.invera. Valawil.sti, &c. •
It. En:: •11 .4, re. All torto"rtodlip, •11.1 .C• Itra n N
tlo,, es, ' Four halos teal e. • ...ling 1:31- l'ldlaiclphlit dally, at
t 1ti0... , :ia • A Wet4el. Aorth .\ll,l,lleton, nod of.lerh • ••• A. 31 ,Jo I • .A. 11.'. 12.0.4%m and 4.511 P. 51.
.11 . hoot WA 1i , 111.41110,1t 011.1 111:1'11111 aeon hi daily op Leave Plilladelpltin for tending at 7.0 A. M., 1.30 .
or'ltlo..tni: •„1, .011 nil ‘1,1.3n rinss for evldeilee '01014.1. ,1.. 8.:)II ...' SI., non 4.15 P. NI.
,uperi wily.l'aros (vont lievling fir Philndolphla. $1.74'• nod yl IS.
I:: 1S .0•:111•1:1:".- 1 ' i 4STI NOS.- , - . • Yin.. inorolinr train from Illirrhburg ...meets at
.0 Ove. - y .1 ,, ui cd son. front tli- ..mallest to the hea, it,. . '.1,11.111611 41..11 llp'tinial for , Wilke.Tharee. Pittston tool
1.1.,,,5, e ~...a.,., I ~t. .41,1 L lin; n:I. n,n- n very kind IPI nu. ,I Mann., ' ' .
. ,
..tiltfory:. A %le.:, satiety of 14111 enoll 0 , ••0 'IOW nn 'lnn,/ Nor t111:011g11 (1111011.11,1(10t11, Inn romtion apply to
I'. to sililll.ll l'attaa'n iriaKers eondently employed.. .1.'4, ClArDn, .
. ,
:it:P.llll'Ni praann,l7 at toorle.l 1. ••• I,r Paper Mill. 'May 11 ' . 'Aft. general Agent.
. *._.-
iatiller...... , shat nick, Fart. , rie4. .i , e. Tllrlllll.ll all -. 7" --.-- " -- - •
I , IIEIII r , t 1 . ,: •io•11., A,. do,a. 111 the best ste le ‘r F., w ~, T A u F. ROIIT. E .-
1 , 11:111,..1..\ Inl kt;11.11..i A 511/ 11111 SE I" l ' , Vl:lt , i -L I VI,. ~11•••ilher Il.l,.M.alted a 111 weekly line of
-4,11. ,e: n • •1 •;••tr .4 ••ir 1/ , ' P
~ ' 4 0
1,, , 11 " , '"• 1 . tares Wet e colt Carlif le and ,I.andlSlttirg, leaving Car•
,ire, V"‘ ... "'''i Two / 1 "...', l'''"'',...•`• C"ro , Th" ll,l ' ado every 5!“11•1•Ly, %Vedile,,lay and Pride,', liontedi•
1 ion-.'.. 1101, 11,111, Plo1 1 ,:o • ' , dn.:4 , , and other", toly nil the rn, ;cal of the afternoon Coln of ears from
th•les tar t,,,,:‘,,,..0u I. ,o'! or promptly made to "rde• 1,,......,L p„,r,,,•,.0, , ,, , , 1, 1 A,,,,, L•rorli,hur,, ,, at ti 00 A. 51..
itl:i1:••,, , ,'Bll , 1:1'11.1', very 'l'or , day, Wa0.,04.1,ty and Saturday. and in riVerl
' n ' l "P' .... t ').. I t ' 111 "'"‘ l''' , l'oli'l";,:e., urn o'• t -Cat lirle et 1.00 1.. St., tin. forty County Warm
, 0 ...,..,....,: e Ili" ; 1,,,,/.•5.‘• • ~,,1 4,114.'3 ili, L. ill
......... horjrns,a4fl"l.l,,, l / 1 1.., Sterrett's Dap and C•arfl•ii, Sul
r , i• IL tli;ati I . I.
I, ,rL, , ,,, on the onil rent On el-o .loir Spilovs. On and fifer June the ISt 8. Ilia line will
,latin 1 terse .l MI tna 10 ''.t L ill: 1 / I ,t ' it. t vri.ols. t inier' ••• run ,lally 11,r tile 004-00invnIallois of passengers going
~. dleite.l an I eatlre .4 itl , fa,tlo,ll.larantee I. o the Sprin;:s . . ,
The 1,,, ex period: , 5.1 th,: 1/. 4,1.3 or 11,.- son ), Flll.O 1.1 Ito. NI, r rot point, on chow,': ,
al lira], an I Lb, c 11
annole[l.o',l 1,1 our a,
.•Ilia n
cry in i', 1., ;a - 111,111A 0.0 ,,liNlnneat wan:,
lit in. .S.lllll, till' !;..4 Vr,% to all Who f,vo, -
wiLiCt heir 11;', I! aranaaa .:1" our n'
010 !Milli, in
( 00 I) I. () G CA() 1) ! !.!
..uht r e,l eel :A: UW . 1:110111 the
-I 1rt.3,11•N th..l6e. a le.lre of which are the 1"I
a‘.:A1'1111- 1 . (r/•••1,,)
•• •••
• • •• • t k -:•_111A;111S, "-;
•• '•
. 4
* ""
LIF A.( ''.l'oll
l'ir!tt••l (7111,7, Pier,tlllll, 1.011:ttmlt
d'itl,,ver. I'ajp•rs. et. 110 , , Ibislio , l Id itt forming It,
t'•;,ll,tt'tl , A th•att. %VA:, 'tittiltro•dtt kn.!, :11.d kilo pulrlie. ,14, , .4111 eoptilllt, tip"
r •-•Att• - ••• II •Itil•ty, t•rit tlto 11 , 4 , ..f all 1,10 Is of v•t'llt. 111 l'opt•t•r. Tin Ltltil
~r • I,4:et if, r tr 0,1 fr,-nl tin.
k I. 4 k • Stk,;ars, 0'11,4,1, 1a•••:. ; • t 11•• •••;; •••••• ;•r tp1:11111.,
1 I t .11
' • .1' ,! :4.;•: :Imam:: vrhl , l! !*
• t;ortliall ,41.!•••••• [glut!, !
,1 LI, \•••!;• I.1Q1:1111:4 in tJ C0111:11
I! I 0'....t.14.!) .In rt
I I of •rl• rt.
eo!tql , o!I I :ICI ill. pri,•0_1111 1:,•11
; C tve.),l•ors Ettst. or
IV ,rol,..vvio
, 4 1 111.1';
I'lltt. I •
Ill; I' I\ll'llV
ae.l by lir -•.t-elq. t ip b•ev .
web , 1;14-11_14,one:et ot the telb.w:,,
ILtb•l Will 11Ieletel C•ke ,, lit
1;1.4.•1 1 ,t„t C11:141111 .10111. C. Dm.
1!1 4 . 111torl. 11•.•;1
I. t 11. 'lt, •r. ./., Itraltat,
1It• cw.!,
Fit , . eat,. are 35 full. and farcrAhll.ll..l:l
ttlitt:111) of the Lind thi. Stmt... 1'01,0", yt Ist1,1”:•1
• • • tot•• , : n •• • •t. 1••• , t , • l it . 1 tit into , t j,lt ntlt 1.0
t , at, tt. • at •• ‘ , ll t
• W ;11Z • i .nt
111'11 •'1
1••1, •• 11 , -, • :1:• . 1 , 1` •fl
•‘ ' : 1 .111% „1
V.l I. ::1:01.11.:
11-1;%, 4,;;;;;;;;.,,, Samtiol
; 11 ,- "cuttm. flitiAtoull: 1411
•;;;;;;,..; .1 AV
/;01)11 , 1 , 1Qt../.,,t; or. :1: ./
.1 'kill ;1,•,.;.`,!1+1,,
11 I's --1 V Sot
1 1 r .1, ,;0!,41, J . F. I
5V.:,71;,,t1.1.u. .N.,b51• , 7111. C. Chrk.
111 . IN ' , n4;r
w4,i 2,, apials,
In t,
Aptil -i .
, 111 - ctl.
Clll7lWil EI;EIILY
1, 13 M is E it
• e"bbobt.l)
Lumber deb, p ite,eNsiblit by Itailn.:l4,
It U I 1,111 N (; 1)1It1:1t
or A El: I'NEO I'll, On TO Oltlll-di ,
AN;). E.N!POitiUSE.:_
.1. •i I. • I •, , ZF
.11111.11,1! t, throx 4,40•11, , 1:;- nn Lti,
11.1 m 1 . 1.:latiol
hi . ..tLot•rell.,•ltlt cf !hell sliitt nt
et ery units -tile :11111 qll lltl.
.1 TS .; N:1 (.%
• • .s,
e hi. , all eye eeffli i 4
i.• e.onet •'I rt• -
I T.' , ‘". 1.:;.11
-c•ar i• 9 f 5: LIMIT.
OlatAltll.lll' AND l'i .0,11 : l.v thou° o f
iiihor 0,01114.11mi1a In the" comdry.
MEV,. Ih)YS mut-01111.1M EYS II )I'S' viol CA AS,
eirury lest.rlption stoutly op hand.
They revectrully Invite ell the old pttrons eel, nr
Mang neer ones as • pot.•lble,to glvetheill a entl.
Apr. 27. 1F•59-I.y
. (ha(e of Ow I rm Of InhorhiF!cr .3* .3(.04)
Gentlesneois 1 - Pornt JJ g Store
.1. W. SCOTT, would r.speetlitily call the •ttentbm ol
his ioniser blood,. to his now etore, and is prepared so
rill orders p,r SIII:t I'S at short statics. A porfart 111
eusrAlltied. CORN RT AGI•; supplied with I , INII
Sill ICI'S and 001:1,A RS.
P 11 f I. A I) I: it l' II I A-,
A Ifeuevolont Institution, establish..l by special nu
titurtnent for tho rollef of the skit and ...lbtressed,•
afflicted with Virulent and Kpitlemle'aiMPett.,
and especialb for the Cure of Disease of •
th'e Sexual Orpus.
512,DTCAL ADVIt;1•: giv . en gratis. by the Acting Sur.
gt on. to all who apply by letter, with n th•seript ion of
their eendbi•in, (ego, ocatipation, hildts of life, 4.1..)
A.. 1 in oases of extreme poverty. Medicines furnish"d
free orehar•Ao.
VA MI A BLS SI:PORTS on Speregitorrittea, mid ether
' Discuses of the Sexual Oramm. and on the NEW
r.S einployed in the lilspoisary sent to the afifieted
-In 'eettled letter onvehmes, Treeniehargo. Two. or time_
s t Imps for te•stage will be nerentable•
Address, P1t..1. !MILLEN , ildtS7lll` , lN, Acting Sur
gems, iloward Asslelation, Ne. 2 South .Ninth Street.
• l'hiladelphia, Pa. thy order of the - Directors,
EZRA 11. 111,1Alt'CIVE.LL, Pressler..
(ISO. FAIIiCIIILD, Secretary. •
%Oa lialdbition and for sale at Mrs. R. A. Itsrsot n'a
1 . DAUM:MIKAN ItuOtlit, and door west of
. Zirzcida O ffi ce, Carlisle, L's
• •
•Tr. Send for, clictilar to
W. 11,, MASON, Agent.
. ,
To Rego your etomach
Telco the adviro I give, •
- If you would thrive and live i . •
The stomach median: t,: mat iderit,
Do; I.llu':‘ I xvinottepeo ,tirturr..
-- ..' .... • • -- . .
et EZ,3114,A•1i DXl'ol'i , ..4 8 *W. k T 111
. 1 .1" 131::;?l:.14",:‘Sol4 lii Ow UelPali:a Dugiiie,tt,.l , l„l
'lku ties, 'SO clints. ,quarlssl. Circular!, scut, -Ostagu
.peild, on'sipllostloull &V) adcartisamatit heeded D).
.pioptle Red lit limper column. , . , .
..... _.
l'Ip;:f1,. W.k111) A: 3:1;..F.E1),
fi D. 1:1110A
dritsin to SiiliOno Sri ingm, . .• . .
•• . .
• - - Comity NVorni Spring",
•• . . . .
..Andisblirg warn,. si•ri,•ss, •
:•"111 , 1 , r rrirrit;'"
Col lh e . .
1 Oil
The Intnnvi n•,:ulnrly carry MAIL to um!
1 . 11011 the n't,el,ll polht4 ab....e It, di. :ard
• I Wynn alFn n .101 etechea hIVI,1:1' In
••hit It I am at :111 times t0:44 t..n,roisi. hnrre.l4 .•r".
nnides to thnnnn Winn, win 1:1VAI . 11111 aitit their inatlinlnnttlo.
• the in,t tqrum it: the var.; In Ft
ntny(9ti:+!•. 8i:OB.11N: lif:Nl/EL
0,1 (L, 111,
1141 or. c
i. 4 111
strp, 10.1 1 111 ' tilt no I M
' \ 1 111 'At:
yi; s i ss . ,„ 41' , ! I A, 1:T I : IN . :. tv l n , i4l, nos I. 'lnuit
in Ott - lint , iso4tl.l tlo st nil to en i It 0.00111
stlllll bob, .01.0,1.W:111 , Z 4.1 , i',11..11 . , 1141.0111 lie.
1 , 1,1; 111011 the 11. t..rit
I kit ,. for sal,. ant! InSI • on 1,1141 tht , pi1. , 01
Tip !ann.,. It s aw Talon , pl.tin 41111 list.. s y ttiss.s
tistinnst. Wron.lnt nnt 11,411111a5.
1..t5t , 1 tltins Ilo.n. choir Itisthst, 114tIs ' I
tif' 4 , ss r,
non' • 'till /Op,: ,11 . . ss ` p41,441.404d,—iinxrantp.l. null tee.
:opt sont - ristl. I ..1.41
s . , fissr Ili II II non , en/L.11 , 1t , for
kparl,.• wh it Is I — sit IP.II us
Mo. 4, 155..9.
t .1. Mils 1.143.
. 1 XC E 111 .P I r e! rITTI - F; S
r • n . II i s .N Wool) lroui.l rt.-p... 4:0:1y inform 11,,
• 141/oss t . 111 lii WI. , and tint he Ints tal.en roost..
sin ' loge lull, sand corn, est Ilactot Stplart,
“Itr.• LI . is It . 111 tinst , s testily to tole ISIOQTYI'I,4 I
: it, flits Inlet ssnd 111011 ttrissnied sitylo Pictures , tulti t ss
II rtisti 'llll ,„,sins s r 11011 [l4 pletsr. sincl , nst
Htstnt s tinn 11i. , ,, or sp , Linn mind,,. 1 1 ,111r/ills, and Ikt
s ants:lo , l,i Mil:tutor° Platirest token fur
144 . 4 tts.,, its .1 .11.rptypit.
Airs!.rotypps ,nrinotn , l to nt n nit thi s test of Iliac, belts
1,:ii31.18 Multi ,loytkit.on ti.
• -
IVERS pui-•
11.4 been Nosn.ntsl . t.r I.IVI.IZY
I Will
111 , Ow pu1,11.• with 1111 SIN, (AIL
I: I1;T;C:1711 . .: rrilit.liSr sr
'11111: in Loy tine. By strict alit:111 ill. 10
10..111',411.1 !:I 11: ~ ~ • 0100,, Il l , whsorll,/, boralt In
receive n flat ,-1191, pl I.lli,iic.
N. It. - t11.0101,1,-es er 1t.11.1 to Chime ,vl.) may .
iss , 4l.,r lin in. tl.
!..44 . 11l or the rile
. ‘II,IIINO . • G E h:oLL LLoo rtud t• I:1 4' 'lllltUt
. ..I Pp .”11 )1:1 , 11 .1 f:11 LALIALIy LALLLA the olLLtnaotts of
LAIALAL- ALL,! LLP.LL L.L. Tito, iLL vAALI LA superior .11
~ .
“li•nt tll4. :mil
17'!:!.A T. A "It 11 1 V 11 . 1 J
The 1 . . t, retUrned field thie nwitern
Ries. with 3 ['red :derk*tot.
At.f, A 7 ,;() WINTER cLonfiNG,
A v.. tsbieh eau sell z t such prices, as to astonish the
Hiving tnison partimilar pales to select goods emirchil.
I r sitopti 1 for this itriirl,t, Le ens assure his customers,
liaL they ore
Buyer,, wlll nod It to their Intent t to examine hie
,toek, as'he boo determined to .11 upon the niotlo 01
Rpmembur the. .1a Stand, lear the Market house
Successor to Steiner A: Moo.
Carlisle. Pep. It, Ism'
==KOME, • C A B AN J. NE T
Noltrll 111:V0V:A Stltt.T.
flaying boon engaged In Lb., business for dyer twenty
rears ho minkl return thnul•s to his' customers and
:t i, nds, ron the liberal 1,,11 . 0111 . 11!;01110111. PXlell,itqi to hum.
ti years ~,u: I y, and Anther assures them that 110
I,liilM will he spared, to pine full satisthethni to all nrlni
ovty favor him witlx a call
.1 every description- co:lst:way_ on. itti d, .or made to
rdor. Warranl.ll to be er the of the In
ce , style, well llnished, and sold ot.tne lowest nohslble
: oleos tor ea,11.:
Ile also continues buslncoN rot an IJNI/11WCAK
bloody wade Collins, Metallic or others Ist,. kept con
stantly no hand and 'funerals profiqdly attended to
in town or country, on 010 MOAt I'eto , oll3l , ll'
Cherry and Walnut Collins. lane size. otilshed
.ind lined inside, F on U to 12 dollars.
Walnut Collins colored final 15 to 30 dollars.
.1A:11113 11. 11:I.:AVER
May 2:..18.11t....1y.
13.--'ewe properties situate In Ohm ehtrorn,Cum
..sty, are offered Mr sale on easy terms. ' Apply • m•
William P. Lynch,
Practical PI.U,UISER and G FITTER,
in the halo, ent of the 'E Church, .
Street, Carlisle.
Bali,rombs ta.%
%tam, &C.
I,aad and Iron pipes,
d raw,
4: Cold Showor Baths,
Nate). Closets,
C.ireo and Lift Pumps,
, nit Iron Wol'd'l:nbes,
tad every description of cocks and fittings for gar,
dram, water. Superior cooking ranges. lontarsand
0..0 fixtures put up churches. stores and dwellings,
it Aunt notice, to the most 1110110111 style. All materi
als alit wort , fu our line at low rates and warrttated
Conu try work and Jobbing promptly at touded to.
Mar. i 3,
!NA. •
140. 17 South VCIURTII Street, bolow Market, Vkillu
-44,11,41a. ,
ort-re unusual faellitlon to Winn:Snits A ItZTAIL Dry
-41:4, a spiondld stock of goodn to select from, and all of
•be content and hest desigose—lVlNlA/W CURTAIN.
TAPERS, In orallens varlesy. 1,120.7•80`.
• Anil Dealer In STRAW GOODS, •'
'vo. 103, 103 auS 147 North Second Shout
. .
Wa and now rocalting our SPRING STOCII, which
compd.., a largo nod deslrablo aanortrueut'
_Linde of STRAW - Mid - LADD OGGDS. — Gur,atook or.
. _
bci 1111u4illy lug thle eenroti, and would.ln•
rite your sperlat atoll tun tq that drpArt num t.
extuutau thrift I,,trcr,• noy.V.llik; your pitrelisit , ,
• ; 2 rbtlrli itvklectrupy.,
N05.103r1051107 bl9l . o,l3econd etrast, Phila..
• Feb. 29.111150.-4 t.. •
t o
nu•, rra;rl:
st 111 , p11•‘..d. I;4'
J. IV It.IL N ••V 1G 0 It' ATO IL
,rrATEs. •
,1,1.1' llt 111? (.1
,efl flint have VlTt , a
11 ILL cootlili•fm , In uly
Is ri•
Itl,ll, the lost' two
nll n pts nl 1 . 1.1104ne the
l'eltilmateßlii poti.ox
has Lemon, nLi eAnI , IiI , Led li
Ithu atin•ved by •
tout is 1100 to pp
di,eti,s for 0111.1 i It =
It los eared thontai.ds
tio, h.: had gi;ell tip c_
110[111.1MM tllltollVitilli
01,111 SIAM.
'the dose intiq be ;Won i t
of the individitill taking P 4
ounntitie3 es to net gen.
Let tlio dletotes of C;)
you in Lilo use of the
or; n , d It lull! .Cllll. i m 9
011.4 ottael.s. I).meilsio, gag
Liter Conivointstli,y.en
net, Ilabituill etwhe
enotera Mortomi,Cliole sa
auandlue, trotti r : ' -
nueeemilutiy Off /111 6,111-
CIN IL It will cure nick
and testify.) lu twenty I .".MC
teaspoon is uPO (Akan
1114111. k. I W .
MI 1010 .11fi0 it PIO
In liti•tilVnr.
WATER IN 'fitr. pry
ilF.T111:11. •
ted to tholanipPririni.t
it, and need In mit
by on the lone!,
seur Judi:tent guide
!Aver - Invigorn•
Liter Complaints. 11111.
t lift/111c Inurrlsoce.Sum
tery. Dropsy, Fouri-tone,
nese, Chul ie., (helm a,
InFontein, Fist Mutes
meshes, slid may be used
Ilendsclia, Ms thousand
minutes, IL tuo or tlirco
at commencement MIL,
glring thiir ttetluioni
Pelee One Della
por Bcittle
RD ''S
comrouspra whom
I'uro i':•getable Extracts, and put GNPS
• CII9C, air tight, and will licep in any cli
n nic
The L'a'nds
Ills Knoll 111410 than
Thu co • tautly
UK. trio • lot, o 10110
intw.tion which ill git
box ihdurcd um to OW,
of oil.
Pill lea genel - el but hi , -
inoprietur has wed 10
twenty yenta.
r'''l" f l : " ; nir 7a n
14 regard tin their use,
mc c,titotn rittliflr the reach
11(Y that different C 4
The Profe,sion Nvi.ll
thartion no on illifeleot
'I ho Fn rally Cn.
With due I ulokoneo to
foot, Bern compoundel
pnrost vegotatleextotel,
part. of thin.nliomutory•
0111'0.1,. all earen where n
nn Veologtquentv at Ibe
Polo, in the I:nelr mat
find::orenoski over On
void. vlilch fequently.
long coon Fe Fove, Lot,
Fon43tlon :.old over
flood:who or Bright Iv
tor): Dieetisosj W7l I.IIIP Ia
1:11011111:11.1•111, 11, I root
:ming I.llA , :inet, to o
61.1 S 111 0110 3•1
pni i:cr,s of lloy Lou ulo.
Iltartle PIU hag
Nell en tabl;rloql
Ehnm m—varlcly rf -111 a
MI 10 bleb not alike on evri y
;venni, nod are. if , mid
flail ;0101:11th:1a 1i4,1.1,M1C11
sialnarb, Sleuplor,n,
.tf4 I.IIoF. 04.11vem,s.
OM • undo,,
1.1(1..1141, entl , to -
...r Appetite. n
C .—
bead. all 1111 1 / 1 11 , 111[1-
.., 111101011 .4. -Adults,
Vier oft). nod
Is heir, tooouttio
ertimolient Doha. Ito 3.
Thu Lirur 111Nignrat1il
I Ptllled by I)ringo,4, gen
tint 71111,1111 nil tilt iurgu
s. T. iv.
ntt ✓amily Cnltiortle,Plllsnre
wally, nod sold wholcutle ny
Ilford, M. D.,
u fzir L anol Prtprietnr,
• ny, New York.
335 Brondsv
)01`:S 1
. .1 t ) I SPi I ()it 1G IN I ATE Li
This it , 11 411XSI.10111if vital 'sepal:nice. nod one which
Inic net er le en halis'iletorlly tin:roved of by the pion.,
tort who teach th e licalina art. SI.IIIX maintain-- and
eh lolly the old school Spos—thnt_h_fe_llven_lo
the hinen. ands imetere all ll•eas ' es originals, In tt.
lOtt, :110 1,11 sclettOt• that allineots hinve tlielr
• oriAmition Ithtli the solids and 'Whitt of the txoty.
i 'lint the latter preponderate. however. Is n fixed both
and inedlell shill Lon ~leanly demonstrated that el
teat tno IMO, of Ult. Ills that bunion fleSlt laity to,.
have t lo•Ir I , lli Vt. to 411
IMPURE THE Tll,ooit l
^ As, for Ilistsitiu. In the Lars eXtlllllglll.. curb 1111 Fernrll
'feltt r. • Itarliet's Piniplen.llloichen. rytilpe
Itiveri , , Salt Idielins discharges front the Lnty Vet et
i , oltst or homptlve diseases of ail Mod —1 litre are
by hell 1:11011 11 niedival Inm• to /11i, 141111.1111
NOW( the 1.14h,t, 1 :110111X1tICS drcl/11C
that Inv: , n.h.:11.16, in illeR1111)1! -- triniiner t mot
more pal licislarly Typhoid nod ecariet —the thriller 1,11
an 'Meson!, and - the latter an external lernotltn
16 , 411, ; and lo all person,itit hod bi these 1110/111i1.1.,
nohcali I v
inllifi . 1 1 , 1,X netjolity of Iti/11,1f CF. 11X styli or to
VIII,. 11 111.11141.4 it 11101 tIAVX already seized open tht . 0,10
Sem, it In necessnr: to -
WY VIII 11 Li 11/11
Lintlney's Improved Mood Searcher dhes not claim to
be n
fir oVor'lllSl,.. proriorro, doh, fo r
it Ibr p o or, not only of &Moll It not intpuritler ol
the blood, but bo lLe el:1111,11 coniblnetlon of Veil mire
I . l , llllolier. it sill vom ell dlereyes nrlrlitg hoe,
n , leranyed Onto of Vol Ilrer. iiriet. out ,lygrept, :rod
Oro rener.totl lone nett rigor to the %Low:tell 'I bat the
IILOOO Si:km:m*43s ail lhnt is Cl:tinted for It, Cho proprie
tore MO pi cduee
It is only a fair y , ars since It was allsenvoied. and yet
It has grown Int" smell a limit-. Cr, tl,ot it la rye lal.orsti.r
.has bean built exprei4lY tar it 1 ,1111111111.11111 1 .0-11 lArge.
number of men ond.layrit In putting It up, and
1 4 1./I`i'LY DUES THE 1,1%,.‘1AND1•
Wo irk any candid mon, could this ho ro, lt t.ito Jkd
iron• dirt not to 05005 ALL. tll v irturr eta touslfor It
The Prl3lllieto .. . have hmidreds or rertuteetex from
men of probity and slandln,... , In the rommunlty, rhea
ing_tvhat.lhe_medleinivlb.4lelmr dolly-forthe-ruffering
ASK ANY 1.1,1450 N
who has evil. mod the Blood Searcher whether roll
was experh•nred:
Lot Om olili••tcd give It a trial—ii single bottle ..wll
rhevptcn the must skoptlral of Ito r tlioney. •
For shit, in Carlisle by F, W. llavorstirk. 8.1.1
Witt, and liiiilTer; Kauffman ,b Fon. filiirlianles
I,nrg ; Hasrn tier Shot+, ii•town Jiirima Cols
1104ot/inn ; Jo, ob Finn:ions Clog, bold, (Curb.; A. pnilim•
Mary ft. liboi 1, Clitirehlown;
Ilitl; Fitonnurht S: lire., Oal,villo;
111Ilutt. Newburg; %VIo. Dm Wm, Nes" Hood
Dire. It•
W,hingtr Chu k Loss
goods; Win. 11. Ibildos,,liiporting 11111; D. Donlinour
Whit., Mill; J. V, Altioli.i.ililtitieimburg; all or Cumber
+ l'a
Aromatic Invigorating Spiti l .
'Phis Mediclre has been mod by iho public for al<
years. with Imre...log favor. It 14 rocomn 1110.1 to
cure I/opet/sl.l. onsnesa. Heart [turn Colic,
I•nlns, 111m1 In thy Ston.nen. or Pains In then
80we1... Dr.VI4III , S. K ld. oy tom
plaints, L )1v Spirits, llull,ium Tremund,
• • .
It Stimulatex, ENl.llirato , ,lnsiakutio%, but will not
An a alerlicine. It In quirk and effectual, curing the
most agirravated .10, Of Dyspepsia. n bine; Complaints,
and nil nth, derangements nt the Stomach and DOT:
tdn, In n speedy manner
I twill lostnittiv revive the most- drooping and end ,
uneholll spirits, and the weak, nervous and
kiddy to health strength and vhxor.
Pers.ts %di, front thu irjudieloun use of liquor.,
have become, kiectett, al:11 their nervoua c . y.tottin chat.
tired. constitution , . brute° down. mud culjort to that
horrible curse tolumaitity. Dr) 1111131 T 11131,03. Nil
,altutat immediately feel the happy nun healthy flats°.
`ratiug eilleary ut Pr. Haiti. ITITip.T3,II4
Dost—One wino glass fall ns Mien nn nte:ssary.
Ono'doso will remove all Bad Spirits.
One dine will cure Heart hunt.
Three d.airs will cure Indigestion. ' •
One dosil will give you a (Red Appetite.
One dose,,will stop the distressing pelnsof Dyspepsia.
One dose vlll remove the distressing and disagneettida
',Recto of 11 Ind or Flatulence. and no so, n as the stem.'
rein retries s the Invigorating Fphit, the,
loildand all painful feelinga wilt Le Milo, ed..
One thiso 111 remove the most distressing pllns of
eith, in the nttonach er'howels.
A ni s , dues will ;limner nll obstructions In the I(Id•
noy. Plodder or Urinary Organs:
Pertioni it Ito itroserli•usly uffleted with any Kidney
Colon obits aro assured speedy relief by a done or two
and a radical, cure by tint usu, of one or two bottles.
Persatis who, from dissipating too Touch over night,
and feel the 0,11 effects of poisonous liquors, in violent,
headn•hes, sickoess at stomach, weakness. giddiness,
to., will fled •d. so Will remove-all bad feelings.
tidies of „ink nod sickly constitutieuel. Alp old take
the Invigorating &Writ three More n day; It will Make
item strong; healthy and lI4PPY, remove all obetruc•
Ilium and trreguinritles from the menstrual organs and
restore the blooot of htsalth and beauty to the' ruereworn
During pregnory it will be found an Invaluable mod!
mine to remove disagreeable salutations at the stomach.
AII•tho prom bier usl;telit a trial, nud to Induce this
to lies pot up the INVICIIRAIINO 6PIIIIT lu plat bottles
it .111 els., cuirta , " •
11 .. .vy F•or sale In CSilisle by El. W. Usrerstick: In Me•
banicsburg by 1-KaulTmuti, stud by Druggists goner:
Senh.l, 18M.-!y.
j • N APTIIA • PBC ronAL,
for the Cults of Covens AND Coto. Croup Brouchilia, As.
thine, Difficulty in Breathing. Palpitation of the
Heart. and for the relief of patients In the
advanced stages of CO,SULIPTION, ICA .
getter with ell piseesex of the
• 'Throat and Chest, and
which predisposed to Consumption. II attacks thereat
of Waves°, and mates the fell destroyer PUN unit. to Its
nquence. 10 Alen, prod nevi, fIVP expectoration, and .111
duces health anion ion hi tLedternood :it moon Membranes
and Tissues It Spinet:utterly adapted to the radical cure
of AnTIIMA, One dose of title ituoluablo Fyrop • onto
gives ease. and consequently sleep, which the peculiar
nature of this diem.° &tilos him,- It fe very pleasant
to the taste. and pretapt In Its effects.
ir, and be
convinced. that it to invaluable the cool or Bane.
ti 11. DRICI, 60 00010 Pilt BODILY!, •
Prepared only by •
' • A. ESSBNWEIN, 3)ruggiet, ' •
• N. N. Corner of Ninth and Poole i• streets,
N. B. Fur Sale by S. Elliott, B. J. Nand, S. W. Haver
stick, Carlisle: Kauffman, Merbaniraimea, an d p ea;
Stnith, Si tto., Philadolphia, and Storekeepers - end.
bite generally. •
r f '! gir f 9
Ist°. Oct.lo. 09 —7. toes.
1 TION MAILING !—lron Mailing for
_l_COmatery eneloaures,pnblicand pilvate gieunde and
gardens, made In order at the Carlisle ,Foundry. Cur
.stnelt.olltaillng,J.:ertnidalk anti... Bracket patterns cone
priseaniarge variety.ofnew and "elegant - deilgils - Which
tno public are invited to ran and examine„Ortiers
rasting and putting tip hailing Will he promptly exeru.
.ted at satisfactory prices. • • •
rta„, Ap willi•ely noirTEN 110118 E STEAM ENGIN if
:and 111.11GElt now on hand, warranted to .be of the best
make; pud will he sold at a-bargain fer-tasti or on short
time • •
- 7.OARDNInt a , eO. • - kale . 210111 11 4 -