t 71 ;4 rtit r °141 ) . 0 itt d sr'l2 'PA. lirehuisday, March 21, IS6O FOB: PIiI?SII)ENT,• SIMON GAMEIION.," Oultject to Otu tteelsiou of the Nattemal Coneentten.l PEOPLE'S NOMIN A TION I= ANDREW Gt, CURTIN, =9 To Iho Patrons of the Carlisle tferald • ging. the fleet Any of April, the Bare Id Otrie . e; vvtlt be removed to • AVISE IMCM 11,9 jFIR 'r FL41011:1 , ' directly lo rent. of site Coort 11 taxe. Af ter that drat c, - or rhopti havlo'k. osto an 'Wilk the riitabllsittneot, 11 . 1 . 11 Bud' the Rill tor lit the front - °Mei; formerly on.. tooled by John P. Rhoads Exo: CONGRNSSIONAL REfopl.- —The Itoltitnnru Americhii snyi: The abolition of. the 'frail I; in. 4 privilege, the 4.duclion of mileage, and the disseverance of the falblic iirinting and the Post (Mice from politilm, arc the great - re • forms which have liven . ttggestell tit the pro sent session congress, and. if the popular Will he properly ro4pected, they will all be come laws. The proposition to give the mai' contract to partioe who will provide for the delivery of mail oil for , will niont of Federn‘l Post inasl 'l ,, l.jht 1,, r , r• the careful attention of 11,•pre,mfaiire, at lirtishingten, and ile n lni , i i 1.0%,i,tre one;great-eurse from dl"• (:1),Ii THE Ar1;11.7. • 2: r. ! II correspondents nu to • ktri , to 1^ the t., tiquitaus slave ;rade Amtri.hinir ethmt?lvely, notwithstanding the v t , et.oree or a large fors.• of United States and bticish a•`,lqh • 11 is 'said that now emE,ag , :.,i, on the Afrfean coat, in lid; traffic, limy 1,0 ntn, ber ed by ihe do7.etf, and that the larger part or them are owned by Americans, and have yet; ular Cuslcim House clearances. The captains of these vessels claim to be engaged in the palm oil business. .Light:draught steamers. it is believed, woulil assist the Government, effort to break u the traffic. LO, POOR INDIAN I The Indians of Ci!Hernia:are rapidly pro: - sing asfay--slainhy diFoase, the rifle, and the fire wAteroT tlie.:imle fares. Of'. tit, 110 IMO Indians who inhobired California tWelve:l.va ago, not ten thousand, perhaps not five -then sand-remain to tell the story,of their wronp. Ten yonia henry, .probahly not a ,tholn.and will be in existence. During the yehr 1059 there were three. Indian wars in the •; ono in the valley of the Mnjave, ono in the valley of Pitt firer. end ono in the valley of Eel riser. Tliee thieee, says ❑.Nan paper, "cost the red men not. less than seven .thousand,- lives, exclusive of those . 'slain in - casual encounters in other rants of the State." The origin of these wars iv but a ropetiiijn of tlVe .61d-stery,'i . l 7 iitten in Wien hlu.al ach era the entire continent. the.white then enetettelt i,tod upon the preserves of the Indian, driving off the gabc hicL gave him' Hiebsist once, nal in return the latter sto'o .the cluck anii other properly of the former. leetalint ion follelyeq, then ext erminat ion, Rod what the rifle Fparefl, intoxicating liquor decimates, and soon the land that once swarmed with rod men, ...will lidow thtm no more forever." A member of tho Legislature has introduced n bill provid ing that those Indians who arc captured from thou 16 time, may be domehticitied'hy heiti ...indentured to faraue're'and others who mas , bu disposed to take them. This eleasu•e is pio• 'posed as an amelioration to the conditiOn of the Indian's. DON'T Lnui • Enston'Arylis snys "•That the proceedings of the ,Rendi'ng Con- vention are not altogether agreeable tu thc. ' " iflaC/Republieens." This may be so, nur de they seen: to be particularly agreeable to some of the Demberats. Robert TyleV,,Et,j,, of,Philadelphia, Chairman of the Democratic StateCom.uittee, thus speaks, of the proceed ' inks of that Convention: 4 . In severhl of the resolidions adopted by -the Convention I fully concur; but .1 repudia7 c . and refuse to accept the resolutions as a trial,. and deny that they constitute a ,SOUJiii • creak Platform, or that they reflect:Mc opiniob of a majority of the Democratic Party of less • aylvania. Su for as they hare. rclurenre t.. the Territorial question, 1 dissent from them ; because of their incompleteness and junta: •eieney, and their failure le indicate distinct principle. The only platform un this subject 'any sound Demberat can _recognise, is It. presented by James Buchanan, the wise, fear less, and incorruptible tent csman, in. his Sil• liman'letter:and various (Alicia! declarations Touching this question, end by the wise, feats Ass; and. incorruptible *Ridges of the Supreme Court- when interpreting the Constitution of the United States, in' their enlightened judg ment., in the Dred Scott case. This is the doctrine to ,whieh, in 'my humble position, I will always inflexibly adhere. This is the doctrine which I beljen :1 large majority cf the . delegation ehoserHo represent this State in the National Conventleit, beetled by such ,sterling. Democrats as linker, Bigler, Dayson, - and Planter, will maintain with the mustun faltering determination. It is the doctrine uf common sense and the Constitution; end it is the:doctrine which Will be embodied unqup, tionably, in the ,Charleht on platform, and to which Mr. Montgomery, (who appears to his thoroughly'imhtzed with patriotic aentintent,)' and the seven or eight gentlemen in the dele gation, said to be friends of Judge‘Douglas, that event, doubtless yield their tip ' proval and support, as the voice of the Na tional Democracy." THE CIIAILLESi'ON CONVENTION.— The Wash ington correspondents of the New York papers state, that the pressure has become so great upiin',the National Committee, for n chang:3 fiom'charleston to some othcr.place, for bold. ing'pie Democratic Convention, (hat the Com- mitten has determined to hold a meeting; with view to. considering,. the subject. . Every • ~section of, the country complaining of the threetefind . extortione. Fifty. dollars per day:' k will be, charged for the deo of parlors.. and . . evnrything,ulso in proportion. The Na tional Committee agreed to pay s2Bo'a day for the use of « public hall. It' backed up by Committee ovill,,plionge the place ofneming ' frinn'quirloston.ta Baltimore.—Belt.l Arne. . .„ • ma EXECUTIONS AT Cu i tutsarqwm, Chaele,itown. ' Affirch 1(3.4 T!0:1 town threinged'entli tisitoratollay, anxious to. —,, k meselhe exeeniion 'of - Stevens and ' Illi,tontaited Of: the low wits put,,iiitp tdfapi . mien.' ' ' ' • Both the miridatnited' appeared res,igpcol.o their 'fate, and' exhibited tatiekpianiess i !mg • ,sesighatiori.' Steveno dieitverY bard: bui„tl.4l4cptspired, • without'aStiniggle. , The' condeitinedo,4ll, attentionsticini'llio'nnuislt'y, anti theri.tvare,, no religious dereePonie's on ihe,gallPwa or din- They worn loth • rititalistm`tihd' : relieoft of their r own, whion'eimbled, hem- ie. moot their fate firmaroO „ d.atid , Their 'bodies 'haeve been forwarded to the ' pare of Morelia Spriflv . cioiitbi Aoiboy, lti. J. • • •, • - raistturnii:sENTATiux. The last V iiliniteer eillstaitui . tut editorial arrieje the, iinttueral. coudition of the borPuitk.wh I.t whir are at all couVe,raant tvith the lua'lta,rm - ' merit of oily borough flitirs,'-Willlsee at . on 11.. at It dy.tissue..of faltldhood and th , isreppLi ,eufution„ Vet up col the eve of the electiou'l for*Olitieal effect bdt there are other's who ara.uot Übla tosee . the • "wheel , :Within the wheel" ?and %rho will ren'clily 'suprosedhat charges so boldly made, must have trUth for ,their basis With !he charges uttered agaiust.the Gas t Water, d'ompany, we have nothing . (6 do, they sire abundantly able to defend (heat- . selves ; hut we, du take exception to nay tittetopt on the part of 'the. editor of the IVitufeer, of , otherS, to cr7 s ate.an impression that the Repiblican members o' the Coeueil, „hard mismanaged the borough affair..i,* or .flees culpable ur negligent in the discharged of their duties. The robinteer save:' ""Seven years ago Carlisle was out oklebt, ur very 'wady so: Since that time the afFa:rs .ur the borough litre been rnanaged by ore political opponentss—tWo years under the Know• Not !ling rule, and the last live under Republican rule. lit h e stands our tpwn now--w bat• is her indebtedness A inewer,. some FoRTY.vivE THousAND_Dol, ! - .1,A115! : Our taxes too, of eourse, are enormous, and will soon be - •oppresire to an intolerable degree. This state of'things has been brought about by the"mismanage went of our borough authorities." Nuw if this slate of affairs has .been brought about' by "mismanage:neat; as the 6litur ofthe l'olunfrer ... 'would have us be. Hove, the filet is patent to every citizen the borough that the democratic members of the ditfere4t.coMucifs' are entitled , to a full share of the responsibility'. The records of .aacils will show that wheit the borough !-&ubsi,rilied for $25,000 of—stock-in-tlie-Gas and Water"f2u. J. Ellis Bonham then the acknowledged democratic leader, was the President, of the town council; the editor of the ruluntter seas himself, one of the peti tioners in favor of it, and every demoCratie member of the'council voted for it. In all .the questions which have come before the eMineils, whether. in 'regard dilution of ges ninl water„ or other improve•. mums connected will the'prosperity of the • tk!ivn, political feeling has hews entirely absorbed iii,. an earliest desitc to promote the ptiblic good, de:l,t, but suppose it is $43,000, filch, the editor -the l'olulitcer, to „make th'e swu look even burger, has put in -staring capitals, the citizens of the town have re ceived morn than value fur the investment, - indbeir,yrilliard gas, a bountiful supply of pure slater, and 'their increased sithdy from the ravages of fire. There have been crises sit bin lie last yeni, when, but fur' the sup ply of'. wider - , more. property, would have been destroyed by lire, that twice the - amount' of the'boroug.h infestMent; would the citizens of Carlisle, fur. the sake of wiping out ihe borough. to go 'oleic to what our town wee ten years ago? The 111:1:44•9 will answer_no,. It thousand limes no ;' the, very few,duay whimper yes. For, thore are insn' in every coin sonic of them "taxpayers . ," too, for' might ne know, %ch. - , aViogo, utterly s'elfish that they never pull a string unlesi they see a dollar dangling at the other end of it-, and so wilfully bluid that they .cannot see the - ativalitag6reflublic improvement; they vex the public ear nil' ceasingly, with coMplaints of high taxes, without the candour to acknowledge, that the, cause or that taxation has increascd,the value of their property to anatmonnt far in advanceof.the tax., If the Republican party of-Carlisle must bear the responsibility of the benefits which the citizens had derived from borough deln,give them also the credit fur the it. 'the intisiduction of center itnd gas alone has increased the value of real estate in this borough, more than dotible, the entire cost of the undertaking. - THH " CURTIN." RISING =I On Saturday evening laq,. nu 111111INISC 11 . 1,0ing was held at Concert Ilall, Phla.M ullin, to ratify the nomination of ANDRKW U. CURTlli'for Governor. Tilo%.l:oVali a gen cral 'outpouring of the people, and large del options were present front every Ward in the city. fly the-time the Meeting. was called I. order, the crowd was so great that rostrums were erected in the street, and moetings or pnized by those who could not obtain adtnii lance to die Hall. The meeting was organized by calling C. B Tine. to the Chair, and after it number of Vice Pre‘idents had been appointed, the lion David Taggart. was called to the Et:indi and delivered a speech, tvliich wal heartily ap plauded. Be mat . : tello wed by the Hon. Jas. -11. Campbell, of Schuylkill county. From a full report in the Philadelphia Xorili . Ameri can, wy extract the concluding sentence of Mr. Campbell's bpeech, which told with tin illing effect on the audience. Mr:Campbell said : " You.nil know. or have heard of the great Bruce of Scotland.. Previous to his death he made a vow, that lie would notk,i a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and after his death his kiwi. was Placed in a silver en-e, and put in thepossession of.the Douglas, whointdsoVr , J. that he w041 ,- take the heart to thy Holy Land. On his way he had a tilt with the N100r. , ,0f. Spain; wearing the heart of Bruce in hid hoSour,-hd - iseslMd to the conflict. The Moors were about to overpower the force lit' Douglas, when reaching, into his bosom. he tilok the heart, and throwing it before him, cried—lead on, brave heart, as thou wort. ever wont to do!' Here to-night, on the shores of the Delaware, in the beginning of this g reat conflict, the greatest, perhaps, that the coon try may ever witness, when we are striking for liberty, I throw before you 'the heart of Henry Clay, - of Kentrfoky, and exclaim, "lead on, great heart, as thou wort, ever wont to do!" Mr. Curtin, the' nominee, ~Was next called out, and made a lucid, manly speech, acknow ledging the compliment of snearmi endorse ment of the people of Philadelphia. In c:on, elusion, he said: Before the. election comes, fellow-citizens, •you will hear me often, loud .tind long. I will be here, and around na ,, , from the mountains of Pennsylvania will come a chosen band of men , and we will conleot Iho ground inch by inch, with the enemy in this city of Philadel .phia—W.e_wilLnnlitaALLUthight Meeting ill_ Independence. Squaw, bum in each of the 24 'Wards of the city, and will be there.- [Ap plause.] , We arc for the war, and as the bat tle wakes warmer and warmer. we light, liardermnd harder—[greet. applause] —nod if I fall, Gen Foster will acknowledge, that lie had the,warmest and hardest light Inc ever had in his, life. , [Cheers.] -. . The Hen. Wrote Coravin, cf Ohio, was then . introduced and made one' of. his characteris tic'speeclad, electrifying'. the- audience. with Mime 'uf his Impliick, hits. Speeehedwere also made by 'Judge Itelley and- William B. Mann: - Esq.' During 'On meeting' in the Ilnlf, the addrensed.liy 1 ../ -3 ;“ 11 441!9 4 a - ,.:Col:.,Whito, and others. , The. whole. alTair,7wns afbrilliant opening 'of-The crirripaigni.and ls'but tlioh'e'~inning'of:mm aeries '' I, B • I o e tong 13? L t Wall make rho Ponagerfaas trearlVle timit shoes, IN PHILADELPHIA! Donzocrentle Platforsvp i •It has lotig'been the boast' of the Demo l'eratie Party, that their principles are int- Vtanitabk:' Ilinv far they are entitled to this cm liii, logy be gathered from a slight view ! at the ir course oll'Ae prerjeti ti ,of Peutibylvaniu. They asSiOne to . be :tariff • 'Mein and.ut the recent State Convention at Rending, they passed the - tion : "Resolved, That the convictions of the Dentocratip party or reausyttaida remain unshaken iii the wisdom and justice of adequate. protection. of iron. cold, wool, and - of the great staples of ,the country based upon the necessities 0r a reastinalile revenue systthn of the general government : proving of the views of l'residetit 11ublianan upon the subject or ipeciiie &dies; wo,'earn• estiy &hire our Representatives'in congress to procure 6 . 11,11 'midi:tendon of the existing !awe as the unwise legislation of the fie• puhtitain party in 1857 .renders - absolately necessary to the prosperity fil • areal ,in % dultriat interests' Of the Male ai , runia.". • Now this language comes squa're up Jo the Mark, and ifth-inight be tempted tu be lieve dim they had found the truth it last, mid were disposed to render tardy justice the industrial interests of 'Pennsylvania. But,, how is it that /heir '"convictions 111/1111 unshalcen in the wisdom and justice of titkquate protection," wlien these "cwivie• (ions" heretofore, have been clifirel:r protection and in Invor.of free-trade? ; There is still :t other part of this resolm tool which reqiiires same sexaMiliation. It says ''we eimitertly•thisire our lLepresenta fives in Cmigresi to procure :sneli lien el . lhr cxiiting laws :is the unwise legis lation, of the Republican parity in 1857, yon der", :.I, z oiliteiviw:4,6:ittry : ' 111(1,T:trill act: of 1857, which this resuletion rulers to, was voted I.lr by every 41emocrat ht 'the U.' S. Setinte,mitl every tlemoerntie member of (201 r grl.S.3 front PentisylvSrde, except °Te, and was approved by President 'Pierce, on the 3,3 of Match 183 7. So much fur the •`u it wise legislation of the Itepublieati party. of It-3.57:' And yet a' Stitte convention of delegates, claiming to be lione,t,..cpright, iuit;li rue [nee, have the effrontery to palm Leon the people, a f.ilse stmement such as this, whi7:ll any neap can disprove, Iry consulting the Congressional records. This is sot all T. stultify ~ theinselves still mow iii the very lat.e of the xesolution quoted above, they passed another,atlirming the Citiciiin ili Platform of 16.56 I Now let us' see how Mr -the Cincinnati Plittfutin approves Ili.) idea of ' adequate protection 10 - the great stitplt, ot'fliir'tllutottry." Although ea 'efilliv worded the geheral teuhr of the, reMlltitio its on this subject, by the Cinalilieti - C.invettlinti, are against protection. The -lilt suh.livisi ti Of the :ld resolution, con. tains the following: "That justice Mid 'sound policy JiMbicl, the Ilderar Government to fi,sfre cite braltell Of eheri.sh the interests of - one pm•lioir to tip, in .iiieg qt . aarther port ionqt:oili . common coon . . "'That it is the ditty of every branCh of the Governifictit, to enforce 111111 11r1letlee 1111' 1110111 bind ccouMny iii conducting Our pub: tic lifiairs, and that no more revenue ought to he raised then is required to o riefeay the mcessary expenses of the government; and for the gradual but certain:extinction of the public deb/:' ---- If there is tiny diMht.as In the exact, mean big, of these inissages . .it is fully removed first subdivision ot the hest general resolution, which is in them words : ".liesolrett, That there tiro questions con• touted with the torekgr . r.policy of this coon. .try 1)111141 alit infermr to 110 11011111Stie 1111119. 11101 - whatever. The time lion collie fit. ,the pe o pl e ' the,,?raited States to erlare themselves avorqi . free Pit()GIZESSIVE TR.‘DEI .TfIROLIGII9UT THE WOltd,D, and by solemn ineuile•tations, to place their moral. influence at the side of their successful example," Now lerrty_ unpredjudieed..men take up the Tariff Itesolutinit of the Readito Con ventiumand read it in cenneetlnti with the anti tariff resolutions of the Cisicintulti Con vention, and then try to reconcile these 'opposite sp.tems, as 'Mime:lb:4 'by a party •who ''never thunge their principles'" That prOtion of the Colt resolution in.re• gent to ectiVenly. in c r undiiMilig our public all drs,, "the gradual but certain extinction of the public debt" ha., 1,.•1.4 lwautifid• J,/ carried out. Bat, prolession is une thing end practise another. TUE NEW HOMESTEAD I.AW Aii ad hag reeePtly been passed by 'Con greys, grantipg.a 11.epesleaft to :local settlers The Ist section is as rollow,,: it enacted by the Senate and House or llt•presentatives of. the United Si:ttes,of Ante riea in Congress assontled, 'rinal any person who in the head 'el a family. or 11.111) ban ar rived nt the age of twenty-one years, and in II citizen of the Mated l shall hove tiled his intention to be'eitne - ndelt. 119 required by natnialiiation laws Unitind States, shall, from and after the passage.of this act,' be entitled Id enter, free of cost. one liiindred and sixty acres of unappropriated public lands, upon which said person may have tiled 0 pre•etnpt ion claim. which may. nt the time applic!ftiOt is 10340, be subjeet to pie eqption :it one dollar and trett:y-tie cents. or less, per acre; or eighty acres or such tut 11!,,,r,r..priatrd at two dollars and fifty eeitts per acre; to be located in a body, in conformity to tho.legal subdivisions of the public lands, and :Lifter the sante Shall have 11eQs surveyed. 'rite `2•l sution requires 'OW to be made that .neb„person in the 110411 Or IL family, and thatthe entry in their exclusive use And Itenefit,•and no patent to Inane until live years atter the dale of such entry , lrlte•-1 11 E.:colon provides that all lands no tinder the provisions of thin net shall' in no event become liable to the satisfaction of any di•ht or debts contracted prior to the issuing or the patent ilterefdr fit It section declares, that in case of an alialtdonntent of the claim, for six molt hs bei fore the expiratioll of 'the tine yearn', after no. ties given to the-setter, the- land b hall .tvo le the Government. .The Milli section prohibits any , individual from mating more 'ha)) hne r ,entry, and pro vide-) that nothing contained in Ihis.net 'shall be so construed as to impair orinter.fere . itt any inanner whatever with existing pre-etnp. thou right:4: And provided, further, That all : persons who may have tiled their application:l for a pre- einption fight prior to the passage of this net shall be entitled to all the privilagea of this act. 7 -- . Tho work of ISO°. The a. Y. Tribune, in a recent ntitice oil the wooc:for Iso, and theineans'hy whic,ht a political triumph is' to be acbieredi lays doii•n the following rules, which we earnestly. commend to the attention of our . readers :" I. Kindly feeling and a conciliatory policy towards those who have hitherto been sepit. , rated from us rather by diversities of organi• Calimy• or 61 personal ptelerentie,' by them radical antagonism of ideas and purposes. 2. ,Early and universal` organization by Sltitt•s. counties, townships, and 'oil lagei, or rivetion-d is! riets r under-the- : lead .of-inen-of worth arid of work. • ..,• . 3. Prompt persistent efforts brecieft ttngam ization. to impel kindred organizations In every neighbor i ng eintittyyr torznship t .but especiatly• in those tvidere Waditire liftbOKto been The systetintfie'and: intiveritil circula tion :it'd diffusion of Republican neyrspapers and documents. . , , 's:..Seasopable:amt effective precautions against fratels op the ballot-box t _nspeciatly iii 4istrrebi Where oar. atlyersaries huve . ,, an, overwheliblnr , pre'p"Opilertitic'e'. • . iaa-Aecording .tp, pitichil stalentept the John' 13 r'Owit iiiid . .itits. etretidy cost the (;fate, of Vii•ginie. the ^ ' •rtwohundred:rittil sixty, thoustind doll in Legisint tiro Mitts voted to preset riiffitrson 9:ittrils with new unifortnsf stirvices' at.linilier's Ferry. , • 71.11131 VEICILY 1.2,A41) , Of (ho twenty-one men, wlip look part in flit . 'SsNArn.-- - A large numb'eCof petitions, &e.,* attnelvon flarper's•Ferry, tell were killed in •werirpresenied, and among ths.:m several for a law to secure to farmers certain.rights in ' th °-,-' net •L,O C" -Inwe f' bten 11 "g..: ill Virgi " i4 the imtrltet.lmues ill the oily of Philittlelphi„; 1 ..21110.0m of y, four, F. J. Merriam, Bat k'oY, anti se'veritl rentoiistritnees against laying mil betPiiic.oi'ven'lliown and J. C. Anderson, are .. t ra y tusks 'on Seventh „,,,..,,01, near the bay f) . . • market, in the eity - iir -Philadelphia net : An tel i .. g o i _ a ll : . e ' rce . 4 ', d -' ~,,'- ''. i 8 4 . l,otioni, o. - thli.our. Lutoluu , i,:cortioratlog the Bustpudnitinti•anti Philatlel . et:Virginia 1 recently sent an officer, with a .'' 1 1 ' u 11 u i3 .t i u t4 : 1 14 1 . , 7 6 .,` 1 1, 1 3 ' 1 )1 , 1 i,, P' , ' . :,'Y ,0 • 1 „ ° ", e ' 1 b . ;1 .. n id ,, , i , , i ;' ,h ' i ,..: i. i,n w d:: , r ., - , retktilsitiorf;on . ,- the (11) . 1/artier of lowa,' for !lie reported advernoth,- Thit,l2ltllll.lllice hill - I`l6. arrest of Copp, who 1711 S supposed. to be in 4 dicing to rho city I'd' Flthwicilihin and ow r• Ath-ii,ov was olotoioloo.ziv re mrt - that State,. The deomoil was refused on the ! e'llt,itY i' . .. , . ~ 1 ,- . e I limo the Judiciary Committee without any oily passed tillt part of the Governor of lowa, and Governor : „,„,„„knont. , The bill hoe 'a11 . .. Letcher sent. a ti'peeial message to the Legista• lIIIIISL' by a very th , citied vote, :Lod 1,1 designed tui , o‘oi . vir o lija,, l it i veito hhi g . (its comity'' nul l . to protect the community' ngairi t t the framtu• . s le i l l it io it i p o e n t l 'atio , n ( s . of r. irresponsible trisinsance in pairiet.isin-of 'oOver!mrlciidtwoot,l, of lowa, in '1 ljournett. . , • not surroldering Coppie - to Virginia. ,The ~ ~.1 1n, u . s c.--AmO. n g the bills reported from the Governor of 'lowa, in it message to the 1 5 ..eais .I . lllllllll'g (min:twice were the following:--A hithiel gives his reasons - for refit:Ping' . !Aire: supplement to the net consolidating the etty , mend .of Virginit, as follows. . of Philadelphia, (Filing Councils power It, ' i refused the 'order of arrest in this ca s e ('or , cheopo like 'tints of holding elections,) with i a menthoents ; it supplement . 10 . „! . hp,..,,itert rep! t . he.following reasons: • , ::1 :ling:banks, as committed,'(*ticom`p banlt4 -lot. Tho af fi davit , Pre B ented was net "",°' to cork counterfeit bills when preented. at before ', a ktogistrate," but before p notar; their centiterOmn net to prohibit !lieu-uniting public. , -' . a lovomotives in certain parts dl' (he .Twent .'...d. Even hail the law reaognised an nilido . k i t, w ar d, adversely , on net requiring the vit made before.a notary pithlic; the nflidavi, so,queliantut thinal Comp toy' to, coinp!y. - vitli tin •this is not authenticated by the hulary ' the 'conditions of their charter, with amend seal:" --• ' ..) •- meats l'lte resolution front the Senor , : fixing :id- 'File affidavit- 'does not show, un less it the,thirdilT April for the final adjourntitenV 'be inferentially, that Copptc was ill 1110 Sfolr or the Legislature, was taken 'tip, and after "I . Villli"i'i "the ii"ie Ifs “nided. andabett in g mach ili , Civedon was agreed 10-:3C/18 ' (ii', 4ollll Brown tititiothers," ns stated therein. , 'lays 30' The bill to enable the First Baptist 'Mt:. It-did'not . "le-g"IlY charge" will ' e "'''i Citurch of Philatlelphialo sell certain real es mission st..+treason, felony, or other crime. ..,, 1,111, passed 'finally. Adjourned. • .. !Mel' 111) . 1 argil:lien( on these points, tht ; - . . . For th..llsrahl. Goveriter sums uP in these words : • l • , . Ma. BorrOa:-1 I::eini yott the copy ot a cit .,. r i ots bill, which was rendered to a gentleman - The whole ca c is this: A paper was pre titled to tae,- purport Mg "_lO ba an eflidavit 1 ,„ „,,,., .of our cities. The figures are corre . et, made tinder it hike or Coogye , s, but , nut load , bat appear wroog in the addition: neverilie before an olliter roecigniscd -by 111 . ,11 law: or ' I le , the „ i „„„„ ta „,,e right. can any of your lithe law A 1830 applies to this class - lot' case , , ~,,,,,1i.„,„ unravel ii? lacking, to its authenticity, an essential renal i .„. site precribed by that law r w . 'Thie paper ; ICOPY or via Bitl:i made the basis cr 0, (.kotarld (him I should iir 1 . , - ' Philadelphia, Feb. :23 18 h'a , . , ,00. rest and. surrender for trial . for crime in a , My....J. R. Mililnor. .• distant Stale a eiliz n of Geis State, while it ' Bel. of J. C. Fleshing. •containeti only the statement of a person ' Two tin lbones, ' $lO 00 wholly Unknown to mu tlittt lie bolieve.l.the One wtiotl do ' 6on citizen was guilty, of a ct,:ime, which 'crime, if One wooden do , 500 committed at all, niipht, for aught appearing iii the paper, have ,been ,committed in ling other Slule7ls well as Virginia. I refused the demand triode upon me ; MO now, after a more full and careful consideration of the -.,.. oilier than I then gave It, I fun. content Willi -rN VJOtiIIT itn QJ the - deci,i" then made." . __...._. After paying his respects to Gov. Leacher, TlTzteoi•olookql ilegisie,, as to the tone of his Special Nlt,t,age, Gov. _ liirkwtiod conelulles as fo 6- llows :• . • .... . . "fhe people Of lolva need lotdefence at my .isco. hailds, They - lode the Uifion, and they ore , ....„ determined it shall lie preserved. Their teal-) '' ty to it is'not determined by the fact whether l a. ' , or tel they control . its policy and enjoy its .t honors 1111(1 elllollllllllllg, /11111 !lilllollol I hey ' la ,;: may believe at times that that' policy is con- ; I V . . tvol:ed fur improjler purpores,and !host - Outliers • ! R l_ tun' 'OlllOlllllOll3 11111 lied ill 11111c01'111 . 1111;111 , 1.1,-. rlir.l7 - 11111 11111R - tir - imiriltiti I it cirtittge . t•fralie . . "I''‘ : made in a legitimate and constitutional way, • 0 , ,, and when 'that time shall have come, they will • „ mil sco_tu it that the union shall still he presarv- "` Friday, the 21th in,r. A. IL Oshornb,i Honour. strCej. st ill 11110 sell - personal. property,.consiating of household and kitchen , I'l2llll'o.mo to say in conclusion, that in my juidgrilent, Otte.of he most important dui le. of • • the ollicial,position I is - ,to sec in ir 111.-0 010 Pf.nsf)N AL PEoPERTY.Ott no eiti...;ri of owais carried neyond her bot. tiers and subjected to the ignominy S.ll tirday next, 1). II ; Culberisou, at his roil.: minutia toil the• peril" of trial for crime in l d..tnee,"West of the College, in the property of atiother Stoic °diet wise than by due process • h, MeClint (wk. will sell a huge otook al l'it l r, That duty I shall portortn, , When- ‘, a ., I d Litchen furniture See ail .ever the Governor of Virginia or any other : ec , 813 r e -shall •tratt,toit -to MO papers pi °pet exectitcd,.and contliping proper root. tle I IA: E LECTION. mau~iiug't is 511. relater or ono or our peoplo, rottfoi the returns of the I Alton promptly issue a warrant for his ren I I - dition, and not till' then." n,-held loot 'Friday. The re . - stilt i 8 not exactly whet we *idled, or had ' ES SION AL. rtastm 10 expect, Init we submit to the Will of : • - ; WASIIINOTON, March 14. the mßjoriiy, mad rest R , Liiß ' nej SENATIC( . - Petitions - were presented for the ! I t IV EST YARD. possage.'of it 110IlleSIOilli Law, and for a Pro I eel ive Torii) Low. 'flie bill for the pro! et;t iop liorgess. of fetnoloentigiant pi'Sseugers yens pissed. t John Noble, , 20'2 Jovepli 11. lilair,.l4l ilouse.—gr. Uhl:mats ; from the Committee ; .4,s,sistant 13iiryees, Oil thu.indicinry,reporteti ~ q ..veritl bilkonmug i J. 13. Alexander, 831' No opposition. which was ft resolution instructing ilto Cams-.' _4 ssrss'or, mitteo.ln 'the .I,itgliciary to inquire into and t . report whidlegisl dion is nocetsory t. 1 Jason; Cy: Eby, .233 Peter Gulshall, 122 give protection to the citizen" from ono State going td another to engage in private:nod low tul Intsindss t and that they report. by bill or otherwisti. ' , Also, to relmri by bill or other wise, whether any, mud if so, what further le eislatioh` in necessary, 'to . secure* a prompt inithful. and ancient execution or the ortieli elf lbe Coast ilutiotk in referene.., to the rendi 11011 or fugitives ft: to .justice. llu mulioa, tle into Comitiiitee of lliu Whoru cc the consular anti diplomatic bill. Tito ftsDAY, March' 15 Only, len%SenoturS were .present, and Ow proceedings were without general inkrest. llonsi. —Mr. lklillson, or intro dueed a joint resolution defining the eoti,true• I ion of the net, making appropriations fort lie satisfaction of the Virginia land Ivarrants, approved Atigyso 1832. Referred. Mr. Barri,: of `,ld., introduced a hill for continuing and completing t.,ya itoprovemem Of din navigntiontof the l'atam4Co River, and rendering tlic potA.. i of Baltimore necesiible to war :neat.° vs. .Iletcrreti•to Oro committee on . On motional' Air. Maynard,' of Tenn., a re :31,14100n was adopted tendering titan to the Cergyinen of the Distriet. Colombia, who. previously to tho_election or a Chaplain, at tetulud .and .opene.l Iho daily tiez3ions with prayer. Um Iluusr. passed a consular an L4ijdoron tie appropriation• bill. , FRIDIv, March Ili SKNATS.-TllO Choir presented n tnes,age from tile Preddent.cortiTtitticating 111111 i iillllA I ductintefilsin reference to the alleged hos:ili ties ons-ilte• Rio Gronde. It 'wttb till on the tattle ttndprtfered to be printed. Also, acorn. moniention front the Secretory of tie 'iron etry, transmitting statistics relative to trail, with the British _North American Provinces. Boise•-9'hc'srssiun wittet-t-n-li-an tip in a dim eussion on the pultlic printing LEGtht.ATtvir.. Ihnittsiarno, March 19 StiNATn.- r The hill to repeal tl a law requir. ing the insifeetion of dolite k ltic distilled spit its was reported c itli negittiva'recumutendatlot. :The resolution providing for a final inljourn ment of he'Legielaturo on the 27th-inst., - ati• inserting the thl of April, passed. The llou, has not yet , fv,liti oil . A me, sago woo received from We Governor, return log, with hip object hilts; the„bill to innorporat. Ilse Amerimin St'eanOlanitfaeturing Company. The bill wdli immediately passed over the vet. by it cute 0t .. 20 . 11ousE -:1 resolution won athipted the committee in the ease of the conteste., election itC.l4te Fourteenth Representativ. Diet Oct of Philadelphia tiny dollars apiece meet their nece3sary expemies iu during the investigation. The Free 1311M:int: litll passed.the,ibeouVreading. THURSDAY, Mardi Iri. SENATE --M.r. Penney, from the Judiciary Committee,' repotted, no COMlllitted, the johlt resolutions on the subject :if the Tariff.' 'Th:' !louse hill, for the hydro'' , 'security of laborers' wagei, ninFbill'relative to chattel Mortgitges, were repothed With negative recommenda liens. The l 'izlielit incorpotate the ° General Assembly of thd . ifillrect Presbyterian Church, was - reported tie committed. A supple:nem, to the Generadllunufa'eturing L:iw was passed„ - lthr. - Ilell l iijiiiiit - teiel'airOii pruponiitg to anietitl the Constitt,itio'n by ie'storing to the governor the power et ifppointing the Judges of he :in promo CouiWpessed CoOMMtee'Oi_the Whole The bill• to' ince - Opt:ate 'iltii'NiflliW County, Bank wioritegt4tlie(l-4 . Ati 13, ,rive 17, The bill to revi s e iliti P'enhl cette, - wa'S' again taken. up, 'anti debated AM•ihethe'lOOrOin,, ,, oeioo,• , ' A message was received (tern' the Govertior, vetoing the bill. to, thiikililitU Aottut Joy Sa vings, triklMit44l tdMic ociAii(i. , .., •• Ilooso,: The forther . , .§oppletuout .10 the ehiirter Of I ) , . l tentoent4Rtttleelta.•CelePtle.Y. pitifiticl:po Yy t ! 1 1'49 . 1.14R to ValalUish. , n,,peou. ral: P.',litlill'.""-b:Y.Stee, tPAiPed. Olillly - 2 3..0ui 51,. nayslpd: die r to„coneor .banking.pr ivi leOff,o ll iii:Ai 4 4:t uf rpiB,,,,,ings in.ititipn , vdtt9 l . l 4,iVoAo . OFP9rilWls: l l3lan laken'lT oi l .ts"titial pioagpi uo4v,ithotundingthetdev, •ert ., 'kohjeetionf,,und pogot iv.od --yeao 55 • tiys,23'—in4,4,Olglitils.. , 4 motion to recoil - 1 eider 614 vote Iritit telt4.,peeateg, wltich.• the 11 01 40 - ,t01 5 j0!ti1 . 1ed,",, : ',.,-, , ,, i :., •. - '' 4 • March 16 iteceived jThy ni en MIP3 I= 9 o'cl A. .l P. 3!. IP. 31. - .- ...- :'.l 33 11•1 - :10 ' 45 137 :13 ,43 35 :t2 rJ2 3%; • Town. Council J. Worthington, 186 William A. Miles, 114 'l'. 11. 'rlionip . Bon, 209 Win 148 William llontz, 2.22 C 1 N. SubtleLiman, 110 Thomas Conlyn, 224 .1) Sterrett, 1/r. S. U. 171 'John Ow/P.1) 01 i 207 luol i r, 218 J. I . :l9onlieitner, 130 11 I). Ilamp(tin, NM J. POL`tlethiVll Le, 2:12 John \loll, In, i cclor, John Thompson, 220 XVIII. McPherson, 122 &lud Director, . Ulllllill.oll, .3;23'N0 Cow/able, 232: No oppcmitiou Jacob 13retz, EAST WARD buryr; 30.1. Brat., 200 Sobi , Noble, 4ssista»l Burgess, Alexunder, xi SbOT, 12 Peter Guhhnll, 2110 .1 sou W. Eby, .7'own Council, Tlrm•yliarkliess, (k 9 John Gulshall, ^_3l .11mA) Leihy, . 113 A. 701 'Geo IV. Itiandt, 112 11. S. Ilitter, 21 1 7 S:inittere. Iltusti,', 112 J. Chu,.lyettr, 187 Auditor rl I J. Masonbeimer2ll D. Hampton, .Tud g c, ' ill Joseph Neely, 216 Robert Smiley, in Teri w, 99 J. Underwood, Cli A. T. Deemer, School Director, ' • INo opposition, ' Henry Saxton, B'_'3 Justice of the l'eace, 152 A. DehufT, 17G ; Joshua Fagan, Cu 13'able Ames WiThier 121 Andrrn• Martiu; 197- ..liNsivEitsAßY.,—The. Young Men's Christian Assneiation.nf this place, will eel. ..4iitte their firs 1 nnnivciiaty on to• morrow (Thursday) evening, in the,,Pirst Presbyterian church. The exercises will consi'M of 'Mares.' 819 on appropriate topics, by scram' gentle- men, and the report of the President concern ing the state and doings of theAsseciation, together With suitable Music by the Choir.— Everything will be done to make the evening's entertainment as pletsant as possible. Thermvill be no, charge l'or admission, laid ! young. men aro especially invited to be pro• awn. no exorcises will -commence at ! o'clook ELECTION or A PASTOR.—We learil from tho lla•risburg rdeyraph, that at n con gregational. meeting •of the First hni4ran church of thM . place, held last week ftn 4 the election of a Pastor; it was unanimously agreed to give Roe. I. EVANS, of 4,'4owville, n odi for that position, at a salary-of $l,OOO. Mr.-Evans is very popular wherever ho is known ; is a man of energy and ability, ithd if he can be secured for this new undertdicing, will Mo doubt,prove a faithful and'suceessful Pastor. FANNIN'd Fan ' nin,• Stage Manager of Miss Bell Carr's Dra natic Troupe, is to take a benefit this evening. lie otTers,alieh bill for the oceasion—. Rob IRoy," The .Servant's• Stratagem," an'origi -1 nal "Fireman's Address," together with sing. and 'dancing. This, tegetber mrith • hiyi nuirit.sa, an actor, and his efforts to amuse' .our citizens during his visit, should seeurC' film en' ovvitioning house. . regret that' the inelentenCy of the wea klier; idonda'y'eveniug,„pVevented• to large An,attendance.nt Miss 5 . 01 Caere' benefit. ns : otherwise would have been.' . ' THINGS q'III.:ATAICAL. — For the ,pact week, our, citizens hove had nil opportunity 0. wit a series or Ti N oi . ricale,lateyfoin. Ments by n'drantatie Troupe, mule' the man• agemovit. of Miss (Paitrr, and wt: but - sPeak sontimetua Of those who hove at-' .temlpl, them, when we. say, that in point of tniP l l, ii iS lawn. COMpany that , i Ita . ever vi4fted 'Carlirle. Their selection of • is'-eery JudielOtts t thy pleceir are well, put on the Flnge,nrul the characters, in .0101 1 y .a•us, better gustained (hap wo have seen bent on, the hoards of a regular Theatre. Tha i. l o,wing, in a }peat measure, to the (net dnd .of 131.1.1. Cattu, Manage Tess, and C.v..). T. F.lirN, S;age• pit-et:tar. The pro. mineral members or the .Company . , are Mr. .1 Fannin, Mr. T. S. Holland, Mr. I. Clirr, Garrf, - Miss F. La Lois, ;Miss Fh - Winthrop, Annie Fannin and AlisA Abide, nil of whom 111 . n no ex.rellent in their 1: way, that we cannot particularize the perfor mances of one, Nvithon; doing injwitiee .lo eflie'rs. They have math) a very favorable impression, and 'we hope the Pat lOnage they have received, in 'commensurate With llteir , . ' merits. IVe lelrn that it is their injention to visit [_Chinilierslntrg,raifjii, -- they cloY;ti i here, and no ;commend them to the citizens of that place. 3usTiers or Tim PEAcm.-Citizenior this euttnty, who were elected to the office or Justice of the t3eacc, at 'the'rect;nt townehip ulcetions, are, reminded that to law was linseed tliu last I,,,gislatore, which provide: , that 'every person elected to the-oftive of ! log ice of the Pune or . Ahlerman, :dial!. within third) , days lifter the election, if he intend.; to adeep I said Office. give notice thereof in writing to - 'llll3 Prothonotary of the Court of Cornthon, Pleas of the proper county, Who shall kettle.: diately inform O; SeuretTry of the Column - wealth of said acceptance; and on commission slintl issue until thu Secretary of the eqT nicewi'ealttt has VeCCI veil the net Lee !iloresaid. [BM Goon AnvicE.—As the season fur gar den malting anti transplanting is pair at hand. we lake occasion to impress upon the mind s of our readers, whether they own a patch of ground for.y feet square or a' dozen of acres, the importance of providing themselves with t rtes, shrubs, &c., for Planting,. The value of a few fruit'. trees its it yard, and the beauty which they add, ix a eoll?liderat len wh ich , SllOlllll 110 t tut overlooked. Pettit tree. , and berries, n.sitecinily, aide frost the pleasure derived in their cultivation and adornment which they throw around thYhouse„ate often the I.ource of much profit. Strawberries, rakp , t prothies,, )" largely, :nrl if not retptirt 1 for the consinop- Aion of the household, alW s itys;litni arently znarVet at high price:l.• A grape vine, propterly . trained, 'Will occupy it a fete feet of ground, and yet produce it fair qui - 11101y of-fruit. So, too, of blackberries, an excellent berry,-easily cultivated, and eery - prolific,and litany other fruits, I hat we might., name, the plants or which are easily procured, and which require lint little attendance. PLI;SIll .i t~ ~t.f ,,. _ c, < ««a~ f LIP , 1800 Da113 , --1- nnin. Nem, :i7 I II Ili I 0.01 ii-17'.11ev. A. 14:. Pastor ,of the Emory Nlotto lint .Eilis , ..op•tt li, whose course at . leeinres oil 11i , lical Characters, kV 118 interrupted by his airemismte'nt the Cooler , enee.-)vill re-tine them on , next ternoon. o'cloolt.. The subject• of the neat tint Co *ill he •• D, m ()era °3 We haw given the result in the different townships, as far as received Merely as a l item of mainly news,- and nolfr'on anrbEmtc • inglt any have 011 political questions ; a s s - the . spring election in the townships, which are L always niece or less affected by local manes, I would be a very unsafe criterion in judging of tho probable result, in • October. In the • neiv township of Middlesex Abrin. Lumberton was elected" Judge; by a majority of 'One over Geo. Clark, the vote being 68 'fa tilt. • Upper Allen, Kew,Cumberlrind. Juno tm. But:0E88, Christian Ii i'lcier, , Jolm C. Kirk, INsrurrnas. „ Adam reeman, /NSPECTORS. John Eisenberg, Lewis Rhoads. N. Middleton. J Jacob Waggoner, Not' 10110. S. W. Grit , inger, J. C. Suck. Silver Spring. n n. Chas Shreiner, INSPECTORS. G'o. GI 089, • Geo. Itii.;wnwi.ll. Middlesex .1 titian. Ahrm. Lambe) ton. Lewin 113er, John Swartz. East Penn , boro Junnn. David 1.1(.1t., 1N141'1.e111119. Patrick . Nynn, E. 0. Dare. Fran h ford , ' .1 I , nag. . W in. B B!oser, • Tx r' .u 7 OM. , Levi Woi st, John Alezr.nJer. Bop(!well, .111n01:. Philip Long, Tuns. J. r: McClure, A. 8- I h'ork. Nlechanio,burg, Geo. Geo. thw . • IN!!PECTOIti IL C. Painter, Jas. C. Green J turn P. .I. It. Niesley, INiwi.aTons .las. Black Glias...lielizhoover J DOE. Chas Chiii., ildb, I N$ I' CCTOIIB, John J4l CObS, • Black JuDor: Juba Siterbn iNSPECTORS L J. .C. Eberly At n meeting of the Irvington Liter nry Society, March 17th 1860, lilo foWowing preamble end resolutions were adopted:' WHEREAS, in the dispensation of Divine Providence, our beloved friend, Miss IlnobA, ii. 11 . IIDSON, tills been removed from this world and whereas, we cheriSh , a high regard forthe numerous virtues which adorned tier charac ter itrlifeHherefore , Resolved, That, while we mourn the loss of but de r anged friend, we yield sulnissiveV to the will of Him whose •ways are founded iu righteousness. itiemtved, That by.this dispensation of Di vine Providence, our Society has been deprived of one of its brightest ornaments. • ' Resolved, That, - we sincerely sympathize with the friends and relatives of the deceased and trust that the consolationsof divine grace way abound towards them. Resolved, That Itt her meek and ututhdrn.., sive life, and calm and - peaceful death, 14 find much to excite our .emulation, in thirjt tainnient of the great object of life: nesoiv t d, 3 . lieL n copy of these resolutl he forW 2 trded to the family of the tleceaed, Rosa/vat, That the foregoing , Preainble and Resolutions bopublislied in the.. Peninsular News, Nlilford Del. Curlj'alo Llerald. and °up , - berland 'ralloy Journal, Tlechauioaburg. , • 1 ,' : ,JUNNII4 L. ANDRItSCS,. .. , . , GEOHOIE• A ' , Auxlus,:: Committee. • „ANNIE BELL NUCOLLEY. ~ . • sertloge Loottits Bond, Esq. btleti appointiti by to tilt the yap.ney (mused by the" iettittyl of Judge. Stomp, from. ttiii Cthiiiunl CoOrt of the city of,Bolti• more' TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS • INsni - J, - srons. IV. I) R ' underlic•h, Jacob Ilnerin•r...., ShippellallYg Bultuns.4. John 11onderheh, Juim. 111 , 11cr. IVIn. Griffin, ' INsntio GUM Z. D. Ucisumnu, J. U. II übley. Shippensburg Nlonroo ~J111)01: Chas. 1%1. White, _ INSPECTORS. Daniel Line, Jacob Dottie)). S. Middleton Juno o. John INSPECTORS. Sam'l Kunkle. Lower Allen. JunnE. Amos Shelly. INSPECTORS. D. Greisinger, Jo.. McGuire. I= lItVING FEMALE COLLEGE, March 171.11.186 U. --- --- i ~C allforula Inlcillgenee. I—' The latest ariTiiml from . Painona gri ims J . San Franciseti.tialters to the 20th of • F s obrifat ry.- A corresirnident of one of thUse papers, -i who' litizt visited the 11)i:dill.; localities,, mites ias; roikw, : • • • ...:_r • Ti. Ileitifblienns in Convention la . Tart's.. ville lintlCultlitiltio. hove linssed resolutions i deckling that. NV it.t.lnta fl tir.irnitn is their jfirst ithoiee'runitng all tl e worthy anti (full. 1 'tont Repilitheand of th...; nation as It condi -1 dale for the. "nomination' id the National lteniiblieait ConYetition". for flip ollit.:e of President or the United States. The-•.Saii, [ Fratteist.to Bulletin, renTrlring on fliese resu• intiOas, states I nit nineteen ont,of twenty of the •Itentibliesits• of 'California 'aro - fur Mr.' Sc. , tyartl; . ' - ' ' . • 'NeWs from Ori , gs}n_is to the 10th instant, andTrom . Washington Territory and 13ritish' OnJumbla . to the I nth. Dr.. Randall, of the army, lug arrived at Wallit•‘Vitlla with con , siderattlegold front the Similkaween mines. One hundred And twenty patdied mules left the Danes on the Sintilkawcen,'and parties were . leaving for the same placa ,every , r I n y: • The Vashingtoil b ' enislature has (1111)0'101A delegates to 3 joil ‘ ltOoliven• (ion of. \Vashington Territory and Oregon, to be held at Vancouver in. gay,' for the eonsideration of the necessitrof con'structing' northern Pacific railroad. - The firfunces of,California ere in tohnira• ; the debt Of the• State is about, $4.250,000, including $1113.000, Itilly'acltunwled'ed.and will be paid, though not embraced in any regular fend., The surplus in the' troasory now over 8000.000, and . it averages half a million. The State reveilui! is Considerably ill excess of the ex• porld , ithre, awl it is proposed lo reduce the• :"..tale tax Treat sixty to 'forty cents un the $1(10 Irl yalitytiun. '1111!. I „ 1111 Mill/111a 'of taxab)e prpperty is-$131,000.000, and the appraisomet6 of. the cottilly as,iessors are doiddless it. rates Veil' far below the' actual prices - of • property. there and oc"cessity for ascertaining the higite,t exchangeable vable •ot. the real p , 2rsonal property of the Stati..s subject to taxatiiiii, it would doubtless be found toexce . ed $200,. 000.!100. Special 'Notices =I . . 1111dUnii:;111 , 1. Is DOW prep re lo furnish. lo any. quantltirs, 1100 to 1000 firer, more, good .11nd grnWilig landS. in 1:1111tItlipti u 1 adjan•nt rood ties, lo 12. 15 hoots of iltltignore. and 21 of N..or'Yotti. .11. Lad and• the climate *cry Lr tithy. and so mild that sleep c u t ter rodinarily w !Mere.' 0 ith eery little reeding, :mil m Imre a cow eon lie riiheil as runty ne nelihken hr Nem? England. They will h e ! mid bhon p, and nujEasy terms. or exOuttignil let Improved I.r.porly, or g&nd mereliantlise: Address, with I'. 0. titinp, Joy, CPC n CO, TribUll New Yerk. II Cl,'llNil Yr.:111:3)1W 1.1 nave often rendered ITV( by ail ti eabil'arn in u 4 of 1,1 re I 11 t , fic sll:ll,lCaliol".thar ooguis e 11,111,1 ale the ‘te et - Imptent. They :taros inak, 'pit - . lIVI,OUV. bait tblo and and ra ati•e4 re4l L.; bear tho brunt . of their lib Celebrairil I , t;•innela Bilteis tvtil prou , .lll ellidelat levi levity far this evil. it a ill net tall, Moron,: Iwo the iviel'e phrsieal hot i'lltirely care the iornt olpstiliate ra,s of In. di, i ill. iil. - 11111:11 Li car 0 , 11114:Wilt. The first In the eijilliiry :lc,: (heir ill thin ui thy Bitters is Out it iv the ta•le that I,oi 078113/ .1 hell/1,1;0. Sold by 41 drag fiats. -S'— • F MAP) DR. HOOFLAND'S SERZAN 1 p " DR. 11100FLAND,S Q ORDLI L, .The b great standard medieinei of the present age, have acquired their great popularity only through years of triad. Unbounded satisfae. ?ion is Tendered by them id all eases; and the people have pronounced them viorthy. ---• Myer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the •?ini;System, Diseases of the Kid cys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or weakness of the stomach and digestibe organs, a-' speedily, rind permanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The 'Balsamic Cordial has 'acquired a reputatinn suryassing.that of any similar pre para(ion extant. win Oaf, WITHOUT ZAIL, the 17108 i severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In, flaenza, Croup, Pnoumonia,..lncipient Consumption,. and ha 3 performed the moil astonishing cures ever.known of Confirmed Consumption. A fem doses will also at once check and cure the most severe Dlarrlia3a proceeding fcam COLD IN THE BOWELS. These medicines are Prepared by Dr. C. M. - jACKSON & CO., No. -113 Arch Strut, Phila delphia, Pa., and are 'sold by druggists and dealers tn medicines everywhere,. at 75 cents per bottle. The signature of C: bi. JACKSON will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle., In the Almanac published annually by the . proprietors, called EV - IYEODY'IS 'ALMANAC,. you . will find tea(irnc•.y and commendatory notices from all parts of the country. These .dlnianacs are given away kg all our agents. IMF: YOU A'DISEASED LIVER? questlun though startling, Is . sofflelently suggeitit o when the fief in taken into ennubb.ratlon that diseases of the lAveriitsvo Lunette mou Monolog. Iv rnitbutt in the Uoft,llittites. Indeed pone an: 100. formidable disnetes that aro not in some way tnteer.bla to is dere tigett stale 01 that. lattiOrtaitt organ. or the complaints usually clamed render the head 14 POI, FMIIIIIIOII. hate their orient In the Liver. "Any true. dy that would insure regularily.und. actual 110' n blessing to 111:1111.1 hiet Lena the eNclamation timuiainis. Thu 3entetly has been'found: It is Sato :tll,l sore. IVllell a fair 'trial has been n'lrot tied it. it ban IlevertLeen ',lean total. Header, have you any disease of the Lit Cr. or liana' hiettyoulatlieve- proceeds ftuutlliepat le q 0.1110,110140 Lose not a inthilent,,bUt pureluoutt UON itr. Mutates prepared by FleinimOtios.,, sod they will restore you to health. It lithe only remedy yet discovered, in which Implicit ronfidetree may be placed g.Z"Purchasers will he careful leash for Dr. AP LA VElt PlLl.S.mnuftrt wad I y I,I,E‘T INO 8 1 1.08 ,or Pittsburgh Pa. There . are other Pills peril:), ling to be liver Pill, now before the public. Pr Mel.aoe's gen nine liver Pills, also list celebrated Ver - rnifuge, eau wow be had at all retTectable dt tuff ' Bull.. et. ammo BOOS. Fits S Why Prominent For a long time there wax a. Paragraph making Its regular weekly appearance in nor columns, with the betel, but en.phatie words "Ms! 'Vital" always at the to come an offinnive caption. hut not so to the benevolent and humane. nho could sympathize in the sorrows of oth.rs.—:ioThe mesons are shocked at nay indication of disease. and are ever thiown Into nervous excitement on withessiug a hearse or n 0.011. Such ern to be pilled. We should always strive to look di sease nod even death in the fare with calmness. and especially take every oppvrtuulty tor sib Tinting ditto So. Viewed to this light, the advm tisement% of S. S. limice. of Ina Baltimore street, Baltimore. Md., poaess at certain interest; and these who know of any one suf fering front Epilepsy, 4:161115.er Fils of any klud.should feel it t pleasure to Mt out bin adVertinelnellt, or in route other way send word to the afilicted,of the great value of his remedies. They can be sent to nay part'of the country by mall. Price; ylperbox. Two $5. Twelve $24. . IMPORTANT TO FEMALES! Dlt. CIIEESEM AN'S PIUS, prepared by Cornelius h. Cheeseman. M. D., New York City. The combinetion of ingredients In three Pills are the result of n long and e sire, practice. They are mild in their opentlion, r od retain in correcting all irri,..•ohtt Vpinfu I . 0 tr nations, renun'ing all obst millions. whether freer Its 1 .thsaibe, headache, pain in the eide,Taliata lion of the heart, whites, all 'mesons •allections, 11) aeries fat a te,, pain in the back and Ihnbs, kc., disturbed bleep which arise from interruptions of nature. TO M ILIUM! LADlliSi Dr. Choesuman's Pills are Invaluable, as they will bring en _the monthly period with regnlarity . Ladles crlarhavbrMi disappointed in the.use anther Pills ran place the Utmost confldenre in Dr. Cheesenten's Pills doing all that they represent to Warranted purely vegotablc; and Imo from anything Injurious. Explicit directions, which should bo read, accompany each box. Price $l.-, Sco by - thittl 'en . en. closing $1 to any authorised agent. sold by one Drug. gist In every town to the United Statee• it. It. HUTCHINGS, general Agent for the Untied States, 165 Chambers St., .Now York, to which , all wholosale order's should bo addressed,. • „ RA N BHT PHIN ICY; Wholosale and Agent& . Harrisburg, Pa: 'S. ELLlOTT,'Catlislo, Pa afir !Load - aid stiverlitiena . i!ta of D. Sau oflfljiver IgUigorqlor.,•, .•. WM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers