1! ill II I 3 1 LIC 11 ' 0 IS I 4 I 111112 1 11 ' 11 IS 1 '1 , 21 11 111 , 17.1 S 1 221'0 1 21 1 2,1 I . lilljlq l l f l i . 1 21,2:!2; 1242 O.II 1-11121 .14 '1,611.9.1;20 41 Fob ; ) CM s 2 ',?l, l6;1SIls 111 111 fiTi 1914 to •il2l EMI grintfitira p, GIIIINEIMIII The theory recently advocated' f plant. ' ing peas very (haply in the cart It in order to prolong the bearing capacity of the vioes, 'has also heen•Well tested "in Wil liamstown. and found - to be correct. A fart - tier' tuld tne that he ploughed a fltrrow beam deep;' then scattered the seed peas at the bottom ; which he turned a deep ftTfrOW upon them with his plough, covering them, it' Possible, to the depth yf twelve inches. They pushed their way up through the flick mass of 'earth very soon, _and instead of turning yellow the , bottom and dying After the first gathering, theyhlowned sni t bore .until he was tired of picking the pods . such a result will uniformly be realized ; fom the plan, pea culture may tie unTdeduore profitable than hitherto. . , • 5T71,1 . 1.1•1NG SEEDS EAU: LY Rev. Daniel - Emerson, tialnunit. county, Ohio, states that he bus beensimeessful in giving garden seeds an early' start in alit following matiner:—llaving schicted the . quantity needed, each sort, is tied up by itself in a cloth, the name being written on a slip of paper, and enclosed with the seed.. The packages arethen buried about trio.inehes deep in-the ginned for a Week or two—When ready to - plant, the kinds needed fur Planting , are taken from the bags and used.. They will be f,unid to: have swollen, Perhaps sprouted, and rebdy -to-grow. I f_t he -grim nd should :ha- u ito dry, it is best to water the drills jift er.tirbp ping the seed, and then cover with . dry earth. Mr: E. says that by this plan he , has never failed to 11116 U phi Ilk front-every seed planted, I f each seed is placed where it is Wanted to grow, it will save the la bin -Of thinning, though many prefer to din their rows,- leaving the must prominent plarfts to grow,— _ PLANTING TOM A corresliondek of tht Garden,' Chrpttie/c (Eng.) strongly recommends the growing of tomatoes wholly in pots, especially, by those who raise only a limit ed ,supply of a dozemor plantS for home•use. He alAo thin 4. market L:tr dencts, and those living In eities, would ' find this mode invaluable. The.pot-plants are entirely under. control, and require almost no attention. Ile " I have not planted out tomatoes for the last five --years,-but have had instead 'good crops from plants in pots', with no trouble' in training, or stopping, and-no failure as.to production or ripening. .1 sow the seed in a No. GO pot at the end of February. The plants are kept starving under glass till the middle s of April, then shifted iyitoi thumbs, and put on the pot t ing-beneb I a week. They are then packed together under a warm fence, and when they want - it, arts shifted . into 60's and allowed ro get quite pot-bound/' . THE PEACH CROP For the coining year is most likely to be au entire failure. The bud, so far as we learn from 'the papers-and private sources, have been generally killed, by the extrcufe . cold: The extensive peach or chard of _our friend and excellent farmer, Mr. George Longstreth, four, miles east of town, and which had such an abundant potta harveSt last year, will, as he informs' us, bear none this year: The. buds are mostly, if not all killed, and he fears, in some cases, his trees also are dead --Let our readers, who were so fortunate as to get peaches last year, be economical in their use, for they wilhget none the pres ent year. We trust the apples, which are the main fruit, crop, will be safe Lebanmi -(0 }'Sear. TO KEEP INSECTS FROM PLUM THE ' It is recommendettis a remedy for the ravages of the cumuli°, to g niw plumtlies with the branches over a stream of water. The curculio do not sting those plums which would fall in the water if separated from the limb. It is claimed by somedhat the cunning insect is aware of tho fact' That the pluni:would fall in the water, and . therefore their eggs3 . if deposited in it would be lost. •TILE TRIMMING OF GRAPE VINES During April we had many 'eats askito "Is, it. too late now to trim grape vines?' Grape vines should' never be trimmed. in the spring ; November is the bette, time. At that date they will not bled, and by freeing the vine from its useles. portions, you prevent the exhaustion o the. roots by constant evaporation from till tranches, and consequent ascent by en billary.attraction; the wind blowi itgamon , the branches also assist this action. horn pare a vin trimmed in November, witl one along side of it trimmed in spi in...; equal size,mud invariably the • Ndvcmbci :rimming will give the best results• LoousT•YEAß.—Ammo Domini 1860. According to entomologists, is-locust year. ;The red . : eyed cicada,. a member of tit • Hentiptera orintlf-winged order or ink:iti.; has proved itself in its visit to ,iNew-l'brl: State, so much like the genuine - orientr,l - name of 'tine. A peculiarity of itS-natur al history•is that the usual. length of time '`which it requires for completing-it's , and the perfect regularity with which. . every generation, numbering many mil lions of individual's, attains niaturity,eatro the infliction 0, presence unfaling rt the end of,eiiet'y: seventeen - .pers.—The' last emit: 'ranee of his greedy ibseetsliiis it is said was in 1843, :•ti if . , there is any faith to .fie'putritr'eroaking entonkolyieal : are in 'foi:' it r 'ofgrtiee. ,• There is no great eauselefaiarni, -,,liowever; for the 'dePredatioglit,,llfe ma- raider are usually-confined4o - Jhvfores"; . he is hardly ever found, iin-laMlA4,liitt hiive duly yielded harveSt;Ofiliny,;':•the seven. „Op Year A -bf his absence,' So that•in , the • steady. onward nihrolinf 'ciyilization, - it soetresin the seventeen year locust must; :fall into line and•there is room for hope that intime he Will cease his ill-mannered invasion's. altogether. • • 360 BM filr 1. 1 ,-; '2' g" • .111EINIANICSBUIZO, • Thlslnstitation, deslined for the Ilberitt eduratlim or Young Ladles, has been hioperathm two years 11 hit tho.tanst gratifying results, ,It ip now eaahllbited 011 a llrat basis, and Its patnittsga , aireadi , oxtotaltrover . se.v..ral States.. located ott the CumberhiMl Valley mid. ~ between Harrisburg anti Carlisle. ht the most tan ti 1,0;111bl - 111 ',triton of the valley, mid is ina•lose tir. , i , nity to ona of Ilia Inv rrnin al, healthy, and en , . ',prising. towns the State. II is contra!: anti easy or a , ress. Students letiviag , tia , hiagton, Baltimore, or Philadelphia in the morning nano far Llarrisbu'rt , :, will arrive at Mn'elaniirsburg In than time.. • . C.; 1;1' I r 17 '22 NEM 13 1 1.1:1i, It..r,• 11 .o, :. '. i 31 171 1 ::!1: ,.. 2 " 1 ' d2V1 1 .._ ', 81 ilt.,j11,1211:1 15111,,1111 . 111. 2ki 22,2312112.121.127 21 , 1:11)I311..:..1., : . fl i t i :.1:1 ', ; 12 . 113114 1;4111117 ,11.22,21 22 2311 , .1 ! . .262•12.• 2.) :mi., 1 . : . 3..11 . !,1 ' ;', ;. ii :. ,lu ( 11 . 112 1314 I:, 17;1'3 , 12 2b .411.2.2 2.11 2: . " .'2l 771,Th IN :(113i " =I • Tlii. rai lien in IS rifil ( , onnondiuns, surrounded by d• , uble Vorandag, sod will nroonnoodate about ono hour lI l'i'lt Issii•lii•r, .111 its isilittritelloli, it fli,,il,lfief, ;ill Olin 111.1:ii.ril lin' tile health. 10 those resp,is iihysiviano promillii en it • Gash has Its rorkter Ear hest and % . outilatiOn )ly tiro stUdelltht , erillW Ott! rni.ll. The itli cold Will,. • • ' 91111 grounds arm nmple ' and Well !trrangod for reere a int. Slid till) calisthenic exercises r,, esst.h. fial to health, g..neoful movement Mill sponietry 01 " .lorm. Tile Funny of instruetion is uffielent and experi wtepti. ' 10 lie Collegiate Dtlparttneti,l Ihe•courso or study is • of n higirrtrole, equiprehendlo.4 all the ;3nideet4 belong Ind; to a Claraleal. Polite sod Christian Edura.tion. lit the 1'11111r:dory Department pupils roil be ehre fully iia.lrin led 111 [limo. Lurnrhro It ruling lII° basis of it I.lll.lsiditil • ' : . ;;•, 4 1o1s.-1 , 1rst Session. from the ' lot Wednesday ti . fr!eptember lathe 80111 of January. B,Tond SeSSiiiti,l l •olll the let of February to the lot of July, a Yuen tion, during July and August., na rim hit TERMS PER SESSION or Ft v 7; i111NTI1S; PAYA 111.1 IN A D VA NUE. • Bo , rding..Wasihingi Furnished Manna, ' and Light.. . . . . . . • • e l,O Tuition— COll,l :Ito Department. . . 20 0 • Nepal:l3ou . , . 10 c, •• " Fin.t ChTas, 12 0 extra charge for A nfAent Languagas. MteLe—Piann and li sitar. . . . . 20 Noliei n Langtunies, " . . • . '.• . . 10 0 Painting, Dion lug and ardh . Ornamental Branch.. ,I 1 the IISU:11 Totes. Tex.t.hnnks lin•nislUarat rite-prior:. ' - For On Cher tleulara addr,s, IZev. A. I.I.ARLATI' i,, ~11 A ; . , N „, 1., Aug. ,i. 11.350.. f :lUMBEIILAND :VALLEY It. R.- 117, - 771 R ,IRRANGEIJENT. - CII AMIE Or 11001181 On and after • 11U50.1Y, NOV. tali 7859, l'a,seny. Train, lelll run :is,follow, (Sundays ext•eld.,4 L'Olt . HA ItIIISIIIJIIO. Ist Train. ea Praha Leave Cluliabri,burg, A. M,• Pau P.A Shippiisllirg; 9,1,5 " ' :1.12 " Nen rule, 11.3 S " 8.18 Carlisle. 10.16 " Mechanicsburg, 18.17 " " Arrive at , 11.13 " 888 . ". Ist Trail, 2d Trm 11, ioNIVO Itai . i.isbilL.t.: 8.15 A. M 2.W, I•. 11. .Mechanice.lttg• . H.:07 " ' *.1.:. " ' ‘; ( . m.11,1, !1.37 ' " • ::,1:o " •., Ne.,‘ ,1111., 11).12 " :Ltil), - . :thipl,4oo.loln . ,:, 10,4:'., • " .1:20 5' r.,bmg, 11.12 " . .i.roo ~ TII.IINS 1,1'..11 . 1.: 11.4.1 . 1 , 100 . ,, VI:, I'Olinsyl).ini:k eel 1 r.ll . llllilload at 1.00, I'. it., 2.1.0; I. M., via (2011i101.1: slid 570., r. If, . Va aud Noutlihg aad, ttl S IS, 2.:tri..Y. 51. === 1111111. r, nL 2.n0 A. )1..111111 , 2.05. P. )1. mid 11,0131, A 1.27 7,:p1 P, 1., S..1,1)11,111 and .'timittolrtlina fur Lure 11,1 1 , 5.6LN1 . 111,., at c.un. P. 31., 310 . 111`1 , ;-- 1 1'0 l'AS: , 1;1411-111 . S At all 141:i1.1•.tis,v1ivri muituniffizszionautte 3lttehatlicsbuc t t .1 tal Hat lialoura. a . I.4lttetlial CtINTS tut 'each llohet (tall 1..,50tt ;ha's that provide, theths.lvt, with latha, tat (Mut.: the eat's. • ' 0. N. 'LULL, Solo't.. Itollroad'Onho.. Chantlito4burg, O I • Nov. 0, IR. , : . j 3: 1 NWS• FURNITURE WA RE-ROQIRS . _ _ . • fills 59 glo ro_gi • •":":".7.,010.43h , - • • rf.4t_g West High Street, earns (Prrmium awarded at Me Ontlierl (Ind Count, Ayr/ell/11mq Poi,' qf 1 8r,7. ) . The subseril or loui just reeelved thy. most splendh , .11,,g,i . toniot °rankles In his line, over brounht to lid place—which ho is dotermined to sell at prices that de ly rpttleeti*.ll, . Par 10, Chamber, . ' DlHlng—rotim, F UMVITUR. Kit cheat livid i Oltieu ... Ilmbraeing carry article used by House Ilini Hoist Iteepels, of the need approved and inshlonalde design and linish. Including also Cottage furniture, , in setts leciption and Camp Chairs, Mattlass,,, dill frames plettirt:A, &e,.. &v. Purchasers atlh requested to call and ONIIIIIII3O hi stock, at Ills exteusivo ware.rothus, West Main street, -"'"" North side. A. It. EWI Nil. Cry • l'artlcylartlttentlon given nn usual to fum.rals ortlors from toBll 4 44:141 country, att4.11414441.t0 rrollllll and nn 111011,110 14.1 J.. A. It. it t•nrllnle. >lny 12, 15:3.-13 . . • A GRIC I_T It A 1., •T hl NT • • AND STORE. M. B. STRICKLER BROTITER, lin rejust-opened, - in - the - rooln formerly oerupled Ly liryock, Taylor & Smith, Zug's now building. Main z•troet, two doors I.:151 t!,,, market house, a largo no• atment of AGRICULTURAL 15114.EMENTS nod fee which theiare prepared to bell on the most ”eisonlible terms.' Moek. enthwes cuunvArous, ]]flit. ROWS, HAY . , STRAW AND I , I)DDER CI!rfERS, REAPERS, MOWER'S. DRILLS, CRADLES, SOVVII ES, CORN SIIELLERS. PI 'II KS, SHOVELS, HOES, RAK ES P1(ON)NO KNIVES, IV !JUNTO N ES for Mow urn; and ei ery other article. no. • cesmy for farm use. • They also Intend !atoning inaddition. ti a , sort• meat of CEDAR lad WILLONV LVAII K, Including Spain's patent Churn. Ilrooms, Bundles, Butter.work• .Bulket•Vol Ins, Pilule, I.lulles, Putter Tuts, howls, &e.' Also, Ft uit, (lard. and Flower Seeds; Spoil l'Otnt(WY, 01 the hest Vtlrletlei. They Iwo constnntly 11,i• di tiollb to their Ouch - , and will, us,, every eXerthlll to supply the wants of the lii:ricullurol community, ?Limy havo alsr,tho avney for EVANS k WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. • Orders feft nt the store for fruit'and Jrnaniental Trees:Flowers end WUlizeis, will to ntleVoled to promptly. • Atrrll !...0:1059-1y COATS;P•ANTS AND VESTS OP •• COATS, PANTS AND VESTS OF • CASSIN CT, CASSI M ERE, CLOTH k SILK CASSINET, CAt, , SIMERE, CLOTH SILK v • ohll.-conTs .s OVER-COATS' OE ' • CLOTH, Its PILOT, PETERSHAM, • CLOTH, BEAVER, PILOT, PETERSHAM, As n:•:NTr.RIWN's SHAWLS. (11,:NTLE3IEN'S 'BAWLS. As wall as all Rork of Gents' Furnishing floods aro offend In Inrgo rinaptltisaund nt retnarkuble kw prices. Al' 'Ha: CHEAP OLOTIIINti STORE NltA It TII p 1 AI;ICLT lIO.USLI. . A SII EIC•WI.IL. Carlin)°, Nov: 9, 1F159. ' r RUSS ES BRACES ! SUPPOR TERSII! C„H.-NEEDLES, s. W. Cormir Twelfth & lace Streets •. PHILADELPHIA. Practl 1 Adjustor or Bupturn Trussos and Mechani cal Ito utter. ILas constantly on band a largo Stools of. Bon no French trusses, oleo a completo assortment of t . best Amorirau, including tho celebrated 11 bites 'afoot Lovor Trines, hellos nd by thu best authorities ir Le suporlor ally let invented. English- and Annul can Supporters and Bolts, Shoulder Bravos, SuSpensory Bandages, Self l idectinK Syringes, adapted In both ~es. us, In neat portable rases, Vrefich Pessaries, Urinal Bogs c. Re., • Orders and letters of onoulryorM meet proMpt nit• tontlnn. August 2.4., MI?OR'rANT TO 1 A INr.I.L S . SAPONIFIER ! ! ' THE ,READY 14:11,1EV SOAP MAIO:E. With which ovary tinnily, with, their ordinary kitchen grease, eau maim all their Soap with little or no trou• • ble—liAltH, SOFT, or FANCY. • It will make hard water soft, •cleai Paint. 'remove Grease,•Se., to perfect fop. - Abundant te4ltuolly in favor orthe Saponifier, with rub'. and VAI,UMILL reetliptel fir malting different of Soap, sent free, by addressing . , • OFFICE OF TIIE'COMPANY, No. :MO Penn Street, Pil tsburg, Pa„ or LEWIS ,LIMNS it CO., Agents„ Jan:l,lEoo-3m. • Philadelphia; Pa. . , 101,. Ile aura you get the original and Alenteflattlele, mannlifetured by the Pennsylvania Salt fllnnufaetliring CO., East Tarrenttun, Alloglunly eunnty, Pa. MERCHMT . TAILOR. WEST KATY STREET, Opposite the Rai1',13.014 Orlido. inul.'l 44 filleA9 of Clouts, Cassimere,s and Veslidgs wage to order. . Carnet?, act. 20, 1850, ' alucatontlf. ,filit3cejleitcouly. ll= • SOMETUING NEW: ===S! N:' I. A N 'T. c H .; CD) • ON fit qv.. :JF • TTE•7I7 X • 8T 911.1) AN .U.N EW C.-.IOP • I- . • • After rotarnlne life acknuwledgewlenl ft or the err !Mold potriningo which hue peen extended traritur`th uuderslgned would roll a:L . 1310,1ml to the hod thnt hoe just rd-opened Illeuxt.unshfo'negortmont.ol loudly y , €~4i~~~R[[~- In his new stere•rnorm on the south-cast corner of the public square, where the piddle are invited to call Old examine ti Welt of goods %Odell, Inelegance, variety and extent, will defy competition; comprising in tart loaf, lump, crushed and brown repair., Java. Rio milted Coffee EVIII Vll, 11 . 1.1.3' 111111'11 tudityof TEA. Fplcir. (around 111 111111 Barren nil.) Piehels, Sauces, Table Oil. NUI7 .01AV:111% • Sugarhouse and' Trinidad Molasses; New Curl: and Philadelplila Syr- In•oese, 3'searoni, Verineetlll. split yetis. Unruh* . Mlilennteat, rerit.:qareh, nrina, Chocolate, Extract rd C,'offee, refined sugar at rntitieral rates, Washing and ball ing soda, .'Tobacco °TM:rimiest thvorite brands, slut the Insist qtrali , y,of ' bountiful assortment I.l* Keil:nude Ware. 1(111.1' I•. 1,1 baud China Ware. lilacs, qireens. Lions and Erirthern \Vero, In great vs• Hely, and an elegant (pt, of Farley ox,tracts rind pert n,i roi• the toilet. • N. PRINTS: l neluding.l'eaches In curio, Raisins, Crane• beer's!, dry. apples, citron, .almonds, oranges, lemons. and 31401, and old Itp•lVYlls fl• Lixboti Shcrry. (ii, gyr.n.loulm mut l!usent, ,•. iii nooks ulna Lot !hey, Ilullm..• =a ' f ~(f .. ..'.l! . - • :-..01e1l 11.11 FISH \ LT A lame Ftnelt of 11311'S, In , h ine I)yoti'F reltdiratt). Intnp.for 1,11'13111g liru,srm ~11, rrls Sp.,rot 1 . 1111, Lard and Coal WI, Bou Nia.rnt r Condit,. CEDAII-WARE AND Itll.OOllS. itnl. l, J ponr.nuttn, IV+llll.l.s. I,sl.ing.glat.sus, lino 161.ter unit note _piper, .IVtilov Warn, palutul Culton:utd WOOllOll lim it, timid linlf Mge, 1111 , 1 omit stork of Moves ; hie/11,411g the well hrinwe hlniA in hook iflov,, in 'short. hie stock ( . 011/11HFON everything that is ealliel Goan the line o'l,m: bless. and no elforts will 'be spared to render entire batlsibrilon to his 0115101111,114 Carlisle, 0et.'27:1558-14, E'd' Marketlnq ni nll )dodo tnken, In exelmnge 1,) ALBERT'S FA MITA' GROCERY, If QUEENSWARE AND VARIETY STORE, Y 01111.• i 14..! COM IT Of the Public SIIIIaff, nip° :tile !lir Crirfivle . Depo.4lll;mk. .1. D. 11 A I,IIEItT lots :loin replenished Ills stock o mods.' Ins ossorlment 61114 fell sod ~ o mpha... noleng whleh may ho enumerated every vat lay of flesh FAMILY OIWCEIUES, which ill quell A} and price • CA 'l' B'E J.; .1;' A T. A large stock of Cliina, tilssB and Queensware, of new amt beautiful designs, and embracing every grAdo of trice. lie is Fo . T.r. Antsr in Carlisle lor eeleloated KEItOSENE Olt COAL OIL LAMPS, •ne•of Elio greatest discoveries of the aza, con Vining •Illetti•ness k safety and increased Oen! 11l and aids nil v uu hand. Which the publir lire 'nested to, Al and examine. JOS. D. IT A LIIVRT, N. W. Corner of Publle Equnra Carlisle, Ort. 27, '7B 8 1, P li U. 1 3. E L V/i T C MA K A . 1i it: linfir.l Smut n/'-the" Court .110 116', elf : 1 -1 1 , rge a , Aortmrnt • ol Vatch 3laletials, l'ath no.r mt.i. , ttrd In epair all I:iils Cll4l'l.,Jell 00 110. 00,1 re:isonalda tem. MO may bo iuh utatrJ 10 my al:It: Hoping by strict attention to iotsines, to Ice la 10 00 it itll librial 1:11.ne t'itablic A flue itsto: (moot of JP:Ill:1,1n% Noel( as Lodi, rout Pins idol issus' ireak t Pion raid ;din (11:t(s Pin, t•i; rn idit Plat (.11 Chaim, (lilt Lneliet s. ({tort's. •0,,, A, Also, n mtge and line 11,1.1 t1111•Itto( tI'•)UIu•'KILI Alxu,n Invo lot Of or Mlling. Ilett,llll II 1 et er 11 , 1 I.l.ol,to'll'atolit , . will a grid arnolllll,ll ilated :11/ II 01 w 1114.11 i 111 Le told low: A sbni v ,f l .l;ll,pstr o n fe Is 3,1,4,1111113 ~,iloited: ;US. Csrliste, July ailaY1110•11' "liraliitid - 1-1 r -1 A MIX "GIIOCEIIY AND-TEA • Just reCOVed and In Flora, a fresh And well se.' fueled a.. , .,ortuseuf of Itlo, .lath and Nora. • rail. Coffer, Int slid Colt,,' I't mlual Pulvel lard Sugars. Cellaal aid ' - ~ther 'brown Smars, superior t- • pltp Mnlas,er., in leans -;• (baking) No In s sea. Solves'of every onII ledy— pure toq ; Starch, Farina and Clor,dale; Mae.nroni, rheche and rraelcmt., 'Tapioca; 11101 ::1 , f2, , ,, , indigo, 5111..171b1 4 and : 4 01i1I111110 'farlar and as, sor led Pickle,, :%lust. Id and Coriander ;4eed. — ... TEAS.—A One assortment In Parlmes, c '" . " l- ' 7 itiul it, bulk—as sell as all other articles 7. lgar .!,i 0 buliagalug Vi Ilu. hualuet4—ull at the loweat 1!! and late reduced prices.' 1 t. NvATC HES, JEWELRY, ANIY SIIN EIt:WA BEAT CON lA'N'; 61d estubllAled Moot, West Main t., nearly opposite tilt, Cuiroloerland alley Bank. I have Just received a new art•ortment (4 . ~ , ,t.thes, wel Iy. notqloolloons. silver ware; he.. In addition to my •I mer stock to wllloolo I I;IN Ito till! attollii.•l, Or the 'ilhne, 'rho ao,ortment -embraces line A iIE r ~,,,„„,,5,,v,„ lever wateloon.J.,luntimr , ,p 11•1 open VAN, 1111., gold Anelnoro, for ~.. _./ • r . „ . allies and Ilentlenten and Sliver Le- 7AI Ines anol Quartier watrliCs of every va• Qjs. , ,r, , ety in style and price. • Also tlnti gold 31edallIons. 11, east.pfns fur Ladle's and Oentlemen or every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, Veht. curb end neck chains, (told bracelet.. linger rings; ruff-Pius, stints, alcove-buttons, emsseg, charms. (had and sliver thimbles. silver and plated balm , knives, forks, table, tea. salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold. 'liver ,rt.-,..1111d common Ppectacle4,..to suit all ages to which NO Inv Ito 'pedal at ten. tint, A nob lot of (TOLD PENS from thn hest makers, .• protein easi•N t Luny boxes. sliver and pearl card 0000$, gold andminunon.. boreiCts,..nateli.•• • Mollie Clocks and a variety of articles mu. ally kept in Jeweli•y eidablishniente, mhich wilt-sell low ft, earl,. All articles war I • 1:01 toil to be what they are represented. l'articular attention paid as usual to ii .1T(111 REPAIIti NU and all work war • ranted. =I 11 REX' EXCITEMENT ATA R t S FERRY. ioitl,febn h PEW rown alive and recommends the L Cies of Cdrlisie and eon nt ry, to go Immediately to T.F./DICII ,y SA ll' YE R . S NE ll' SPORE, outl oc.litilite their splint IA stoelt of non goods. 'hd received n large lot 'of magnificent WINTER SILKS, (front Auction.) t , plundid Beaver Cloth Man tles and Raglans. 'Merl Paris styles elegant IMEoS tita IDS. in ;treat variety of style. alai hinds. double rever,ll,lu, and tine Seotoh Fit AWLS. FURS I FURS I I FURS!!! • oiroo from Did nentufacturets, wan:tided trout) from moths, and at greatly reduced prig es. Aire II largo addition ul ST4l'Lti bultable for the SOll.lll Inehttling WOLF'S CELEBRATED Illt VER BUCk (1 LOVE warranted genuine, nautili standing the AUTHORIZED AND EXVI.I.I,IIE lOENCY. - Gullsho, NOV. 2, IbL9.' lA3IBLETON'S ITAIII STAIN.L: - ' 7 Thu most reliable artlelo In me for coloring the IL I L or WHISKERS initantanuougly ton' , NAI'UIeAL 1.II;A ON OR BROII7sT ' Poen not Injure the Italy or Skin. or impart to the Hair that metallic dead, or girt:W.4i dhado. that most of the dyes: do, and N.EVER lades (a. washun out. North. For sale at Henry lAtmekohrs. Barber Shop, bronm Hanoier Street, Carlini° Pa.. Jacob F. Stein, Agent; to Lu 101 Ind at I.llrnekuhl's Ilarber 4 Shop. Jan. 2.5. ISCO:ini. . ' i . E . W . MUSIC STORY, NO. I+3 MARKET STREET, ITARILLSIGIRG. 111.EET 111 U..5.,X . 0; INSTRUCIION 130013 H, MUSICAL, MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, " PIANOS, MELODEONS, ••• . , GUITARS sr • VIOLINS. FLUTES, , , ACUORDEONS, &c, 0. C. B. CARTER. Mny 11, 59 ftIiAPES 9 NITItOO nNIZED uptr-ppspiptc of yinit I= Dried Blood y Bones, Sulphuric .Keid, • . • Peruyian . Guano; nxo - Sjulphato • . lOU l'oundx of (ho N TR 00 NLK ED El 10 S1'11; , 11'E Win ottml olfect awl histlng power lea Pounds Po produre FRUIT UF 1111 . 11 AT, And other raln per,Bushol. • EfLa . .. , l'R E V MVPS RU.57' ! I soliot Fanners te 'OO It a fah' trial, being onnThlont of Its worth. li,pas loam ex Eouxivnly }mod In the Now Eng/n. l and S.outhernSAntos for too yours past, and Ito Increasing gal° ' , • 1110VES ITS StrISERIORITY! • It Is partied In Strong Pegs of 100 I'ountlA 'Pirko $ par ling, • Or $5O per Orders tocompliuled 1y Ihnnittancos will meat with prompt Alt!n!tipp.„ ' 6 , • 'l'enthnonl ntrud SamploB l4 Voll Free cr Clutrgoon npplleatlon to tho:Yolo'ihrout, • ' • 'No. Lt South POialYlll . o VIII LA UYLI'HLA. A - GrENTS WANTED.. CarlisJo Yob. 22,1860.-om. • ' • 31/ChiCiTICS N' DR. ivi'.4,-A'NE 9 S - 3 CELEBItATED V'ER:MTFUGE LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the atten . tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians - of . the, : country; to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the 'public. •We refer to ' , . oh4s, Mgbinic's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver • We do not 'recommend them as universal Cure-alls,_ but, simply_ for What their name purports,.viz.:— ' THE .VERMIFUGE, For '.expelling Worrtis, from the human system. It has also been adMinistered with .the most satig :factory results to various Animals subject-to Worms. . THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LAVER COMPLAINTS, • 1111 , DILICUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK READ-Atha, acc. 'ln cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui .L nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the 'above men tioned diseasep, they.,are Unrivaled, -and never -known to fail when:ad-- ministered in accordance with the directions.- 'Their unprecedented popularity 'has induced the proprietors ; —, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fullrengaged for the last Twenty Years, and they wiltnow give their Undivided time and attention. to their_manufacture. . And being de ter Mined that Dr. Mtane's Cele: orated Vermiluge and 'Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they nnw hold among the great remedies of the 414, they will contiriye to spare neither time, nor expense tn - Frocutiing the Best and . Purest material, and com pound them in most thorough mariner. Address all Orders to FLEMING BEDS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P.B. Donler+-and 19ipdelatts .ordering from others thanAluming Bww., will do ,well to write their °Mots mat tale raw lord 'Dr. ..ll7Rane's, prepared by Fleming Pros. YitlxLwph. Ft, To thow wishing to g.lvo them n trial, we will' Ihrward per Instil. pest paid. to :my part of Um United Staten, 'ono box of Plll4 for twelvo three-coot 5.0ta51i stamps, or ono Nnl of yermlfago frs fourteen three-rent stamps. All ordets from Cnnndu must be accomprulital by twenty cents extra. • M= HOSTETTER'S STEAUGH BiITTERS, The propriator and thonnfnet lucre of 110.9- TETTEirN . (!t,LEBIA'CED STOAIACII ItIT TEIIS.con appeal with perfect confidence to MEM physicians ant) Citizens generally of the United Slates, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofcire unknown, A few facts upon thi. , point will speak more powerfully than l'Olumc! , of bore asserlion blozoning . puffery. The consiumition of llostetter's l•itomach Bit tent for the la t year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in tittles past, it. is evident that during tho coining' Year -the consumption will reach ,near one minima bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties ethitaineql ii) the prepara• tion, and the sanction of the most prominent pilysiehina in those sections of the countr:, where the 'article is best•hnewn, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but RFC ready at all times to give . testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases reselling therefrom. is mita temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of tram peting the qualities of The Bitters, but a soli I estimation of MI invalueble medicine, which is destined to bo as enduring as time itself. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and aged and Various . other bilious . complaints have counted their .victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure' for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, IS to the proprietors a source of un• alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid mat ter front the. stomach, purifies the .blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that lone and energy indispensabai for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to acondition essential to the healthy discharge of the fUnctions of nature. I= Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it irstimulant ileculiarly adapted to-comfort dleclining years, as ft is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have The evi• denco of thousands of aged men authvornen who have experienced the benefit of using this :prepttration.trhile.miffering front stomach. de, rangements'end general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the meritti of this article. A few words to the gentler sex, There aro certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of then' sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender,...that the mother, especially if the lie yonng, is apt to forgetter owii 'Wrath. in her extreme anxict, for her - TWIT. Shauld the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated: Here, then,' is a necessity lbr a stimulant to 'tempe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and :responsibilities.; Nursing mothers gene• rally prefer the'llitteis to all other invigora tors that receive the rndorsement of physi cians, because it is 'agreeable to the taste ma well as certain to give.a,perzaanent increase of bodily strength. All those Peisons,'to whoutwa have particu larly referred above, to wit : sufferers. from fever and ague, causetdby malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseittle's or derangements of the. sttluiaeli; snperannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupatiorb'and nursing mothers, will consult, their own physiclid 'vol'llll3 by ,giving to hos tetter's:Eelebrated Stomach Bitten" a trial. CAUTI(*.i+We caution. tho public against rising any, of : the. many imitations or counter feits, but ask for HOSTETTER ' S CELEBRATED STOMAS!' PETTERS, and see flinteach bottle has the worils: , lli. J. ilastatter'aStonnich blown, it thn silo of the bottle, and Stamped ' on the metnllie cop covering the, cork,' and', observe dint: our autograph signature iS on the label: • ¢o ` .Proparod and sold by HOSTETTER tb SMJTU, .Pittsburgh, Pa. and mold by' all druggists; grocers. and ,dealers generally throughout the United I:Rates. South Arno rica;'!ln4 Germany. '• Pot kale by' s. Elliott, .4; IV. IraverOlek, ; .1“119 % Jn' 0. Attieah Stam baugh, 911199onabuig: - L. Rani . fienhillg,,Meebnultsburg; and Drugglsip genurally thi994linut county. , Nov. 9, ':1. T Foverldlylch Muses nu North Strout, onquiru of R Sluqqal orlottli & Pitt Struots, VllOlBl9, hi MEI SHIRT MANUFACTORY, .I.. , x:scotr, would rot•pertlttlly call tlto nttonthtt Ills former fo loud!: to Ills new Stow. lota Is propart. I In till for SHIM'S at notice. A perfect I, '-Olaritttlett. CtiUNTRY TRADE sl.lllllllell With FIN. SHIRTS :old COLLARS. TILE CONFESSJONS AND EXPE RIENCE OF A VICTINI. , Deslginnl for the honoht. Anil us a warning and a put , ' 'doll a, thoso who mnfer trout nervous dvblllty, indigo; t IowIIOES of xpl HIS. Went O'Steen, prein,,turo ho.; es It entleellUellse of youthful hoprudoneo, or th baneful habit of self abuse. At the 1,11110 (lino polothq out the certain meal s of tiSLP Clint, Ily_ono who box ettlrered from the above eau,e, ar • f ro m - misplaced coulideneu In medical humbug ;u, quackery. Elugle copies Neut. (lust free) on the re:ci, oft damped envelope, bearing 010 plleant. Address, ITOWARI) ASSOCIA-TION ADEL L' 111 A. A INnovolent Institution, chtablished by special e downiont Ilee the relief of thu sink and distressed. afflicted with Virulent and diseases., end especially for lire Cure •of Distgees of 1.110 &Mimi Organs. 311IDICAL ,MAVlClljclion &rails. by the Acting fur germ, to all sr germ, bPft.tr6r,''svith a description their condition, (age, weupation, habits of life, :vet In inisos of-extreme poverty, Medicines furnish fees of charge. .1'.11,11A trt, F.: REPORTS on Spormatorrlion, and 011. "Divcinles of the Sexual Organs, %yid. on the NEW NM EDI IS employed in.the Disvensary. sent to the aillic , . in . veale.l letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or tilt' St3torrfor postatre will be acceetable. • Address. Mt. J. SKI lI.OUMITON. Acting 'So Ono, llowiird Association, No. ti South: Ninth Stre. Ehiladolphin, to. ny.ordri• of the Directors, ' • . • EZRA D. lIEAKTWEI,L, Prosy/nn Secretary. . . • *. • ' ' A"' 'IiVIMSTER &:CO. Sumlrfor tt circular to I..hac. 1, 16697-tf. .iliatc; atzrt~xt,: Aisle Foundry, NI AA) 1.1 1 N 8 IL 0 : • CAII AND eASu FACTORY, I:ut Mail! zitrret, CA111.1.141A This extenAve establkintient ix HOW ill 0/1111110t1,1/{ . del' Will 31111111 ind with the best machinery tar exrcutliy, work in every dertateeiit. l'holings have air. Lean grn.rtip onlar,rl this spring /toil sto ked wi th till no west and 1110 at Imnrove'd tools for the ninnulactiir, =I Sit titterv, 11111111 R, l.uldlnFa, It, ;lekuis and oil otloo ?clod , : or ettruontor .luvit Vulldork, • ',voters anti otheil, to call aoifoxmotoo one Ihrililicv for 110i111 thin dOSCliilLit),ll I,i work. Tire Iwo( 3late•lida stood nud orieitm as h.o• :1.4:41t any other vAtibli,hinent tho l!otloty nr okewhore. DE= repaired as Ileretot Ire._ 1:n4111es Inivp _been recet. ly built for NV. M. tiondersen k Son. lu Ibis It: Ihy.mn, x CO, .11100 tonllsllip..llll &Ain - 4110115,N ew• Slut In llet7.ld, North Middleton, and °Lanes. nl Wiiono 0:4,11 , 111.1100131, they 1111,r Lc SPOO In daily Op ral.lollolllll to s•hom we 11111 vertu. I,l'r evidence of then superiority.• • ANT) 1111 )Ili of every lion, the moull,st to the llotivioql pi errs, In:4,1110d nt ylmrt :loth, every' Mod of rna rhieory. X iar,o variety of colon hand Pattern nothers ono.,t,mtly employed. ; - )'.III 1\:l promptly attundml to for Pe, )1111, deist Milk, Factories. &v. 711.1ing mud ihl tiug AIM Spindles, rcr, done In the host style. ru It H. 4 111N4: s.ll 1111)Ist; pfp,vl3/s, such us 11.101 fear Four II orsii lloriroutoi I , our and 'l'svo II Dr.! Cowers. Corn' Fholleys. Crushers, Iron itollerS. Plough castings, and ether or Lfides fin I . :nouns. on hunt ouirroidinly made to order. lIURDNN Our c are ere nee more complete than heretiifore and onablinere, to fur 1411 thou: Lu t1:10S11.1 . /.1 . 21, on the nil rood latiuG tonne lout nil,: of the ',pit Inittetilils. °Mein G••l:uulent hie iiiiitist:nitt ,11:11 . :In11 eel. •1•Iw mug the ot • the partner .4 . um rm.., :mil the iiiiiiipleteee,e of our rhinrry In every breech of the eetalilishineet . alisurite; tile . livid work tir`ell unite' favor tt ith their orders. •I•Iie ,if wif !AM Irktltts and Cho pablk 1,, re!, peuLit.ll y F. a .11:ON Ll i ir • Goof)! , G001) . 1.. GOOD r! ! Jost reeeived at the cheap firarery of the nods -11,111.,1.17a:rvi rat - W . llldd' are the "fri , Jim...tie:dry I.••alefi 1'i••,A0II /•:.i, (Gone.) . ' . •, T. 1'71.11 • 01....i, " . •' CORN, . '•• •ASl',ll;..t.l;ll:A, " " 1.08.i'1',"104. " " I•INE All -" .'• 'l l / 1 :11.1:•StiU1', " ' " t,4.IIiIIINES, " 1•1••1,1•••1 (10rhil Clout (2110 W; rit,IIIIII, I.ol , BtetS. C3llliiii,Wl...‘:ilpt , r. , offrlt, , , T1,11111t013 fliklll,, WIIIIIIIt 1,111., Mushroom .1. 1 ). 1 , ,,,i,,,•;.,,,,,. ff.. ~y, ifritt,, CrallberrillS. tile flot,t of brit It ,' uar, $u•,;,1•11t, I II.tou:, Shouhli•r. 11ologh.1 :-..u..1 , 44., .":0111, '.• •,: M•u•••:tpun, .. , ugars, Coffeen, Ted.... Mu1a,,,,,.. nut/ , ft •f' all Hods. N 111 E. SIM.% aiming 1011,11 :In 1111•11tV fIV.. 11101143114 .1,1 LI, bt,t rind plin•st in thil count) l :11141 1..1.11if. All of which: ..11rte.1 to Ow vltlztmsofclifllslonn , l count'', rift filo (1031 t: A LI, Ea,t, of lilymils• rehroliso Nov. 11, Isx.l • Flitm INSURANCE. -THE ir,i.;;;;; AND 1:1:4 PENNS'S:MO MUTUAL FIRE IS F , .)NCI: I'ANY [nea t ', ratt.4l by an a rt of,lsrambly, is In operation midi, thy suill:,:innetit of Om follow::: 1)4111”1 11614, 11 11111 in 11. n4,14;:0. Miou oI Coniip P. 1'111.1,11.kn : 1 1.:iy:11.11, John C. 1/.31 111), .1.1‘,110 'll.,,loorvr, 1.1.1vt0 llyur; 9. 111 wily, IL rje 010 11. • )10.,0r. .1. Itriindt, .lohopli 111,1a.r.:114, .11..notlet ran , : ill'inoitrain, - aril no low ittni_favCrable 'Minn:l;llly of tin , kind in the %lntil. l'eronm,dobin., to itntlii , iippliontion to the ent.i..f the oinniinny, who nre. 0 Ming to wait upon them nt any Lime.. WM. President. CILRISrItN"ST.tYILIS. Pr.,l.lout . Stivietary. MICITACI, Cilttltl,TN, Treasurer. nitmters.—lrin 11. CorgAs, I. flyer. Chr101,»I•St), 1..(.71,o))11)). J. C. 1)))111+4), 11. Muth, I). AleX. Catllvart, J. {l'lcLocshmn•.l. I:irhodln•) ger. S. 111 F))) Iy, J. Brandt. lEEE CU31111:111.AND COUNTY.— JOIII She I del:. MINI Roney Zearing, Shiremanstown; ihrmuni iVorelinn ihekinson ; Ilene lirMlllllll. (11111 . 01(11WII ; Moth. (Iris ht h, south )11.1.1100n ; Samuel thorium. W. Pourer bo r n.; ;; ;; ; rnnr i Conrrr , Nieelionleshneg; .1. IV. roekth.. hheirlierristown; I. Cnovirr, Sheirlierrlstown ; J. 0., par ton, Silver Spring; Benj. Haverstiek. Silver Spriwg; Charing Doll, Oar 1141 e; John liver. Carlisle. YORIC arsTv.—w. S. viet lug. Dover; Peter 11'11.1. Cord. Franklin ; Jnv. trlflith, ITarring.ton; J. P. Pro tiortf. Washington; 1/. nutter, Nowitrg; IL.- O. I/1110meg • ❑PIIIN CO,--Moaner k t.uchmnn , Ilerrlsl.urg. Menthol:, Of the vontpany having polh•luenbout to re pint, ran have them•t • wed ny nakinb'applientlou l•t any:of the Agents. April O. ltiD. R 0 0 .Vl. N U SLATE.—The linder- Filgued has been appointed agent or the sale of 'and - has 000 and sill] constantly livep On hand a full supply to met thu demands of tinders and others. Those In want of a superior arty chi would do well to sell at the Lumber and nail Yard, near the Gas Muse. LUMBER YARD, Juua s , .rerun SITROM. I= . CHURCH . & EBERLY STEAM SAW MILL NEW CUMBERLAND, PA All klitly of LUMBER, • comitantly on bond. - Lumber delivered at nny point nere.lblu by •ltnllrnml . - 'at the shortmq notice. BUILDING TIMBER or SI7:1•::3 AND I.ENIITIIS CUT TO•ORDIM Urky 25.1859—11 - • RAT AND CAP EMPORIUM .1, LI.IO & CO., survernorn o Win. If. Troia would annonneo to their .•nntomers and the puhli. erally that Lino' hart• jimt rneelved from Oh11.1.1.•1 I,llla. a I.trn notfelomot st,.ek of goods, In their Ilhe °very Variety, ntyle - They horn on hands Splendid • as ortnienl of 1i 17'S AND CAPS, of nll de,riptions, from Um common Wu. to the finest BUB AND :ULU, it.tTs; and nt nth.. g that nurA, null e,very . .ine w ffi ho ling on eye togeng !io. wolth of money: . Tho stra Includes, - :110I.F.SBIN, BP:AVER iv PELT II AV, f,t every style 111111 color and un,urpastni. for LB I V. NESS, DURABILITY AND. (y 'thorn or any other establlslomont in the conntry. 11l nod CIII LUIZ fIN'S ItArs n o t 0.0.0 s overy Jmrlptinn corn:tautly hmal. 'Nary respectfully im itel all he old patrons and og, many oily vitro 118 pospAble,.to Rho them a roll. = Apr. 27: 1759 -ly DI W. S C 0T T , (L'ate of the firm of Witichectcr S• Scott,) Gentlemen's pnrnislting Store No, 'Bl4 Curs•rsur STREET, (NEARLY lll`l'Util'l'l•:'l'UE WEAR]) 110UST) El= NATIISNIEL MAYFAIR, Eq., Hodlord, Kings County, N. Y P0c.14,180-3suom 'IMPROVED TIGHT STITCH. SEWING: - MACHINES, On reildlatian and for Pnlo nt Mrn. 11. A. ittlyNoi.n', DAOUPOIMAN ROOMS, 20d door.west of Or. ' •y %MEWS WHO, MIMe, Pa... • w. 11. MASON, Apia IA ItLISLE AND PIILLADELPHIA DALLy FREIGHT LrNis; 1 , 1:1111.:1), Sit MAli STREET, THILADELPIIIA • J. .S: I). RHOADS,. ' bTRIIT, ;7Z-ears of this 14'110103V° thn'llopot, 811 Market at., i ;013', at 4 &flock, I'. M. • • I,o:trell:4o,,lially, t. 7 n'elnek: A AI. 01.0,1 m Ilitutale , l for [lip; Lino 6ltotild bo mooted C. chdly Alia Aunt In. by 4 o'l:luck. )1)1Ay 25. INA'. u . .11 1 L A 1) E AND 1111ADIN(1 It A . o A D ' 81131:111111 ARILAN(III3I/115T, Amur, 18, 1859. pasFunger trains leave Itarelifiurg daily, (Sun. lava exceptpol.) at 8.00 A. 31 , ni 2.45 P. 31.. tor Phila. 11phia, arriving there at 12.50 noon and 7.40 V. 31. i:vturning, leave Philadelphia ut 7.30 - 4.'31,4A 3.:.10 P. 11., arriving rd Harrisburg at 12.40 noon nod 8.241. P ,T 0 Mill:00101a, No.l Clllll. $3971 N0.,2 -aim, train ;1270. iNtatling. SI.GO 111111 sl,:so. • . dL Ito:Rang.. cint.mt.willi trains far )111.ers. tawl4a, Four trains leave needing tin. Philadelphia daily, at a, .1. M 10.1 a A. )1. 112.110 Ilona and 7.17; Jri 151(3(37330 A. ) n i., LAO 1 1..:5.::0 V 71.. anti 1..16 I'. 11. rare rrina Reading to and $1 .15. 'flie morning train ''rum nt In:ailing with up train fur IVlllaikaai re. Pittston mud 4.iinutorri--"" For through Whets nod °0.•,: luf.,runitloo apply to .1. .1. CLYDE, ' Ittv 7ej E S G E B, 013 .- L The filmer iberleof mart.. 4 . trl ,veekly , t4;...+ hum.. J1•11Villg 011' 'l•in every 1a,1113 alai Friday, inene.li• ately on the nrelval or 'hp aft,..."011 train or. fors from the 01°4. ItetureleA, leaves I.a.dl,lnirg at eOO A. ere '1;ne5.1.13.. IVeteemolay and Saterdly, mid arrives Carllhle at I'. M.. 11.. .Perry (3 """h• 5i1e1 . 1.11.a1111., Sielreft's flap arid l'arll,lo Slit , I.lntt,Fprine, ned lifer June tine tall,, the line Ivill fir run daily far Um oreommoillitifel of pa Fisnege; s going to the fIlr111;fs. , - Faro lo several ill-11as no "news: '.!arilsle to ::111,11tfe' fije . . Ftie rett's . . . F,lieretansdale, . . . 'erry 0)111113 fiprings, " Landldetrg Landlaburg , .. Warm Sprirars, ElerAeLl2,ol.lp._ , Iphar • "•, Car . . ' Thu hhovo lino will rognlarly cnrry tho 31.1.1 1. to hod tuna the qvveral point•: above inelleated. I h. E. al, It Avell Reeked LI I'LIIY 9 , 'A111.1 . :, from hinli I an] :it all I horn 1 . /...1y to f Uritl,lllforFt, nod nor hizes to thorn n in will inn n•lfh Moir pntrnha,fo, oli tins 11110 st misonable turnisand 111 the 11.0 hontnly G•, uuq NlS:jti.. f; II EN 01:1, IOPPER, TIN AND,SII UT IRON IVIANURACTORY. Tito subserlber tithes this method of informing her ft minis and the politic, that situ still cool into, the manta:taut° of all binds of work, in Copper, Tin and Sheet Into. _ ller Moves selected front titopost up. proved styles. ~The Cooking Stoves for thelr qualitioe .Is 0001{11/M.l bakers eannot Iy surpassed, awaug o hm, tho well known Globe, Noble Cool,. Fanny Forret.. ter, tioveroop, :mei the nexi_htrtalte, .Prairio ,Flower. canthialte, all the tested imprt.venotats, in fact 'I he light 31111 011,1111,t /toy.. ever offend to the public. I'llitylettrolte St ove,• - or - parlor. - heater, - improt tel, for smarming too. 1111'1, Or req.' 11,01., put up t., ni dol . 1:1.- tillvs a itot.te assortment of l'artor Radiators and stoves. PRICES lII:JUICED. nit I'I.U:tIDING ...- and GAS FrrTIN(I. I . linqe W , lO wlsli wen li ,lona in this lion would do melt to ca I at the old stood before coottuethei: risen bete, as i any de erutintello do wort; far borer than - the pretest rates: -I" have for made unit keep constlntiv ton hand the patent Tip !turner, \Vas 'Papers, plain and faney hoes it tole,. Gas Fixtures, %Frouttltt Iron Tubes, Hydrant?, t ee d pipe, Gout [Lose, Shower !laths, ilath 'fol., ()vet-- flow Iliteins, 'Marble Bahia toph..hc. sly WOi kitten are c(topetont and reliable. All pork tenfotote.l and for m orktnnuship and material, I 4 . 11.111e115.. .•01111),., it 1,1, 4 ' o' . A oo ga cow( with I .11 . 11 r omilthle for. pariors )11111t1, which I '"lii sell at t.ost. EEMEEM )lay 4,1664 i. . :S. - - • I .A I A. It. TIENIVOIIII would respectfully In farm Ihr citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that hellos taken room, hi Zug 's new 1.111,14.1111 g, Null, owner of Ma1.C.4131. here he is at all times ready to -take Al M10'11'14444 In the latest and moat approved style. Pictures taken he rainy and cloudy weather as well us clear, and sat iNfaetion given of nosh:ll4es Portraits and Pa• guerreatypes copied. Miniature - Pirtures taken fe, lo•ckets ke.. Ili A inbroty pe. - uarrauted to stand the teat of time, beta or water. • LadiesandGenthunen are, cordially Invite d to in sprhorns. Prises Irmo 2:n14. to ;W. A. R. HEN WOOD. Jon.'27. Artist. • dt,7 IVERY STABLE.--H awing pur ;LA •eim , ,,,1 front J. R. Nonemaker Ills LIVERY EIL 'IA BLISIIAIEN E, I will'he niways rendy to arcounno• date the public with HORSES, CAR. 4,10..prit MI ES, HUH hi IES, and every ethers! , 1 -xe ikle in any line. By strict attention to Lushness and n &giro to pleaso.thosubscriber hopes to rorelvo p lil ernl shore ,if public patronagn. OEOIOIE HENDEL. U. 11. Omni bum.es on hand to supply those Who may he In need of them. ' 0. 111 Nov. Jr, 1357., EIMBIGS 1 4 1 1 ST GREA , T2ARItIVAL FALL & WINTER CLOTHING. The suluerilau has jmt returned fronr the EnAcre Cities, with n large and welA salt dell stuck of • FALL AND WINTER (mollusc", GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS Re., which he can sell At /Old, i leen , nn to NVtOlllOl th N ATI TES. flaying takon particular pains to elect goods ia.peci Iv adapted for this market, he can absm his customer that tune are • \VEIL AND FASIIIONABIX MADE • Buyers 0111 it to their Internet to oxondne h stock, as /cc boo dotortolood t o so il upon the moth, o r "SMALL PROFITS." t+„ltmnrmberthnolil Stand, near the Market nous ASIII•llt SurcesHor to Steiner S Drool: Carlini°, Sep. 14, 1559 THE STOVE TO SUIT TH.E. PEO rI.E.—Tho v 011314,40 savors and universal Fatly. Inrllon givra by the' PRAIRIE FLOWER n I , utli STOVE, ;larr:11114 tlto subscriber in i - n! -,- calling oilcan all who windh isautiont mot con. ~.. VOIIiOTICO to roll :131,1 egatnine the stove before dl!!!‘ purVhasing. All wlttt,dp,,ve , - fled the stove have been more thou hatbdied. Of the groat inundate mph' during the present season, the first complaint hos ,et .to Is. heard. Of 00 other stove rail this with troth ho_void. For strength, economy, unwitting, Zooking, baking., nod roasting pursers. It has on rival. The late Improvements flan the 'roomy:Taint of-cold — gas, gives addl. lineal !drought, besides a vast sin lug itt fool. Tine -tote is warranted to give satisfaction in all rinsing. The torniture is all made of the best material, tool for wort; intanship !wood be !surpassed. 1 have besides a nu:o ber of other rook stoves which I will sell with Or Wilk out furniture 'char rest. All ,wori, heretofore done, attended to protoptl Charges moderate. with a desire to please nil. 1 hope to tnerit a continuance of tho pat ronage already Irmlowed. „. . DIARY ._ MM . . . . . M • `. rs. ARV . ORRIS. Jan. 11, IFO. N. 11. The highest prim I. for old eoppor, hroFP pewter, in cosh. or taken in eselothgo for goods. SPEC NO'T.LCIS HATS' AND CAPS KELLER'S OLD STAND. NORTH HANOVER STREET, Rill in, found n huge and elegant assortmrint of HATS and CAPS, In great variety, of our ONVO.3IIId city mane f whim. Ilk, Moleskin, Ca.:truer°, Felt. 1 rdp r Planters =1 ASSO, Wool Ilats of all hinds, which s hill be Gold at he lowest prices. ltoolloct, • !CELLED'S OLD STAND, North Hanover Street. • 011,.. Hats of any style manufactured to order. Carlisle, Oct. 10, 1.5.50. LAMES •WEAVEII ' S ' • 41/2231, O A lIAsIpNET s•-.+l • • CHAIR 31ANUFACTORY, NORTH 114NOVER ATUELT, CARI.MI.P., PA • flaying boon engaged in the business for of or twenty ream ho would return thanks to•hla mutineers and .Mende, fur the liberal encouragement extended to him in years . tiftte,•,iy; and further natures thorn that no pain Will be aparml, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor him with it rail • CIIAIRS AND FURNITURE, d..every deiicrlptitet constantly on hand, or mndo to wtleh, Warranted to ho ef. the beat quality, of the la. Test style, well Malted, and solit at the lowest possible prices ior Nob.' flu also continuos business' on nn UNDERTAKIIII. Ready mado Collins, • Metallic or' otherwise, kept con. .eantly no hand and funerals promptly attended to personally, lee town or, country, on ,thu moat reasonable, Cherry and Walnut Collins.' largo 4se, nen finished and lined Inside, front 8 to Id dollars. Waingt Calla covornd Tronflti, to 60 dollars. JANIES U. WEAVER.. May, 21V, • N..ll.—fivo proportion situate 1u Cburchtown,Cfundi, county, aro Offered for bale on onoy . t °Mei. Appry — tin nbo'ret ..• R,littlantons. = ME Military, Navy, Morphy, Scotch, Lodgor. Oil Cloth C3J EID • • .0 IR fa. 9 S • VIGORATO pEittur,v4:B. 'nit (tint 1)000 urr,l !With voldivleeire in loreelannwialed. eel L oF' ' 1i I 1:,}...'17,1 SAN LIX ER IN NEVER IT IS COMPOUNI:IED E Lns but:mutt nn ustabllF known awl Itpioived by nutl Is uow et•orted• 10 thetlistqu,4 Lir xlll^q It oared thutiFailds years whu luta givuo up' unterf.us 1111E0:1cItell stun filtour. • Thu dose must he adap or the individual taking quantitics us to act gun. Let thus dictates of you .in the use of the tor, 111,41 it (011 cum ous attacks. ,Dysperla, iner C10111)111111tS, Dyson ash, lialdtual Cbsilve- Cziolera )101 . 1r1., 010/11:1 Juaudico, l'enudo successfully us au ordi- PINE. 1 t sure MCI: sail testify.) 11131, enty teaspoonfuls ore tattoo All ‘vho thin It are In lit favor. . 31IX WATER IN TIII INVIII0ItATult„ AND 0 Win lilt. 1 31OUTII WITH T 0 ,4 , SIV A LLOW 110T11 Price One 0 'liar, per Bottle. S4 - NF O 1 FAMILY • • C A T It T 1 C • Compol Pure l•rgetnble Exlr Cases, air ; n are. • 'N nt.7. 3 w " i l l ' l ° ke e p in nny_ . Lets, nnil pni, up in GI Tim Fn: t•iy Cathartic the Cath t flew Welt thu his . practi • 111 , 114) 411/111 Thu co • tautly in— t 14 ee wito,linVO long os. 'action which all give ha induced log to plurd of a . • L'rutession Hl:tales net on d Wet ent Thu .17nlixily , will. 11111, 11 . 1,4•1111.1 to tart; Ucrn conipetoote4l put °A vegetable extmets part 441' the alimentary ,oro In till raves where a an Petatigtatten to or the Polls In the flack taint and Soreness over thin cold, IVII felt It Ninon t long 0/1.1100 Lovet t Lone Sensation of cold ' over, Ileadarbe or wi 4 Oht hi .torr Ithseasel., Worms in ithennot 1•111, IL 1:111/11 many diseases to Which ' nun to month), In thls ad Pico ,Plll IN). g1:11,111i tot • proprletfit . lute used M . i wot) , yerir,.. ,_.l t•ro , .si , .g deter.oll . re 1.. q ed Ilm,l'llle end the 1,0 It, regard ce, thoge t 1 Wr4 I lly , ..wind]) the re. 24 il: time flea differeut, • . Iportloos or the howe It Plll I 0t Im+ v,il ..:40.1'.1 E. 4 ,fioni n leriety er , whlell not API, on et 0 , ,aunt. nod el, goof , ou Calleirtie In 1 1 , d1 , 11F .... ..0 ISi111111!, N , 1 , 14i 1 , 1 "eq 1.1.1115. Cf: COStill!III.F, i . Mr whole hely/heel ,;e1; WO If neglected, t.t.d 111 Ec i IN . Appetite. , e . ,,.,., 'the 1114. oeLiet•se. !ill ‘ ,ll lffillio• 6 . 1 ;.• Ado t fin 1110111 1 T'lliiller of I( 11. t I % ertleement, .Dnee,-1-te-4.- 30 Cents. EMI CM The Liver 10,h:orator mind Family ealhartie retch e d by hruggiqq g1.111.1:1 11y. :11111 Hold wholerale the Trade in all the large to,reo. S. T. W. Sanford, •111. 11., Man Wart m Cr anal Proprietor, 335 Broadway, New York. Juno 15. I a 59. 11)0ES" DISEAS.I -ORIGINATE I 1311'11111TV OF TIM 111.0 , 01)? This it question of vital 11111.11,1111.0. and silo \VI) hen rimer been satisfactorily disposed of 4 thy pro Will/ teach the hustling net. hoot.. maintain—a e , pee/ally the 011F/wheal l'hysicians—that 111,, li Vet. the Mona. amd therefore all li , catoo t,rlgitotte is i lint tootle., avers that ailments have th oricination in Nall the solids sod 11111,6 W the bo, That the latter prepontimate. howl), Yr. is a lioed 111/11 nnolical skill tilts Hearty denvingtratrd that least .ta ti. - thlnts of the ills thet.litimatt_llesh is heir source in an DI i'liltE STATE' OF TILE BLOOD! . . As, Tor mates .., to the long - eatalogue. such as Sero la., Tatter,' Ilarlies'a Itch," Pimples. Bletehee. Ei.ysi laic Ulcoss,al,t - Itinitini. discharges from the Ear, Fe; Forel, Or Irruptive ildseases of any Idtiti.—Them ore ~ r.ertahled by hell knoii 11 medical lawn to arise foal] I. 11;1.ml—while the highest intolleal authorities dee,: I that mint fuVers originate in the;sione 'manner. a more pa rlionlarly Typhoid and scarlet—the former trig an intern:xi,and the latter an external irrupt' disease; 1111111 In all persons attacked be three ineladi 1.1.; blood is find to 1.0 either ~ a gulated, Cr or a din unhealthy color., . WI, .1111 oil . large majority el disea,,, !W.:I,PN as ~,, nnumber whinh hare already seized upon the s tem', it le; necessar) to . ... 11 111 1111 , 1"I'llli IILOOD Idlltlxe.0; lutprove d. Sd Illooeareher does not data; bon . . IR . `;II . I::ILSAL PANACEA for every disease known. but the proprietors chain . It the power not only of dralolcg out aitimpuritles the blood. but by the nhillful coniblaiditin of well kno vegetable reme hleo. it Will cure all iliFeaset, oriclng fn ;date of the liver. drive out dyspopidif, A give . never ell tone - and Vigor to the stohiaeli.. That t lifimui is all that In claimed for lt, Vero Jot, enn produce PltrioF. It only a fair years since ft wns discovered, and y It has grrovii into such a business that a large lal.ontte 'has Loon !milt expressly for 114 ninnufinilile—a In!, tiumla, of 1110,1 employed In putting It up. :Ind still SUPPLY DOES :rer EQUAL 'phi Eqli.:3lAN I)! • We tibk any candid man, could thit, be so, If the Me li'lto did not ponness au. the virttleaCialthed for It ? The Prom balers have hundreds of certificates fro, men of probity and standing In the community, 1•110' log what the medicine Is doing daily for the sufferin ASK ANY I'ERNON who hes ever used the Blood Searcher whether roll was experienced. ~ Let the afflicted glee It a trial—+a single bottle wi convince tip, most skeptical of its efficacy. fo_ For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Ilaverst Irk, Molt, soil 11..1. liluiTer; RaulTman k Non, Mechanic burg; Ootoveller7oiok, FlieolierclFtravrt ; .I(,hlin Cul llogslown ; Jacob Nimnums. 6nss Bonds; Ii nrtx Wise, Shiremanstown; A. 31. ladilleb, itollhof Mary W. Rhsel. eiturchtown ; Edward .hones, Ilse 11111; ./. C. Poen:night k Bro., Oakville; 'Shoemaker , Elliott, Newburg; Wm, firatton, Neweille; .1. Mudd Co.. Springfield; Russell lc Dice. Dickinson; 11. 'lan WAshinger Jacksonville; Win. Clark k Ca, Lee Roads; Wm. 11. 1?okleg, Nporting 11111; D. Deill ' inger .IVbita hall; J. C. Altiek,Shippelisburg; ell °feu/lm land county, Pa. . LINDSEY k LENlON,l ; rt;rietnrF. linllitlaynburg. Pe MEM 'DYs' E - I ) ,S I A It EMEDY DARIII:3 HA lI'S Aromatic Invigorating Spirit. This'nellicire has been used by the public for hi. , years, rrhh increasing favor. it in recouncended to cure Dyspepnin, Nervousmiss.. Pains, Rind In the Stmnnch, or Pains In thu Bowels, 'Headache, Drousinesn, Kidney Onto Low Spirits, Delirium Tremont", Intempen oleo. It Stimulates, lixhi6rnlcn . Invlgitralen,'lmt will uo I n toxicate or Stupefy. An it Medicine, it In quick and effectual, ruling th most ins 4111 Vnted nutria of Dyspepsia. Kidney Complaint. and all otlinr derangements of the Reninelt and lieu else in n speedy manner. It will instantly retire tint most di taming and me' nueliolly spirits, and restore the weak, run mr slekly to health. ntrength a nit \lgor. Porno,. who, from the 'lnjudicious . use ‘.l' liquors linve become dejectbd, mod their nervous synteuni shat tered. constitutions broken don u, and suldeet to tha Itorriblo verse in Ill1111:1114,1.110 nr.I.IItIUIITREM,S, wit almost immediately ti•el the ]nippy null Lrallhy insin rating elite. ey of Dr. Dam's Invlgoritting*l4pirit. WHAT IT WILL DO _ . Dosn—Ono wino glass full as often no necessary. Ono done n ill remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will cure heart burn. , . . Three doses will cure Indigestion. . One Joao will give you a tioo d Appetite. One dose will stop the digressing pal. of Dyspepsia One dose will remove the distresslngnmi dlsagreeabl, effects of. Wind or Flatulence, and as soon ns the stem u•h receives the Invigorating Spirit, the distressim, load and nil painful Mailings n ill Lc temoved. One dOSO will remove Iho most distressing pains n Colic, either in the stomach Or hew A Iho• doses will remove all obstructions in the Kid ney, Illaddor or Urinary Organs. Persons who aro seriously ;Meted with any Kidney Complaints are .assured speedy relief by a dose or two and a radical cure by the non of one or two bottles. .7qI3,IITLY pissivezioly.. • .. Persomewhe, from dissipating too much neer night, and feel the coil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent headachuF, sickness at stomach, weakness, giddinesi4 AT, will lied one dose will remove an bad feelings. ladies of weak and sickly emistitittions. she Id take the Invigiwating Spirit three times n lay; it will make than strong, healthy and happy, remove all nhstruc• lions and irregularities from the menstrual orieni4 and restore the bloom of health avid beauty to the careworn Ince. During pregnacy ft lei!' IR, found an Alailnable melt I ; t rio to rmaate disagreeable sons:Rion,' at the stomach. All' the pia.prietr asks is a trial, and to Induce this 'le bus put up 1110 INVIGORATINO SPIRIT 111 pint bOttlefl tL .511 010., quarts et. Irm. Fo sale In Carlisle by S. W. Ifaverstick ; lu - Me haniesburg by b Kauffman, and by Druggists Saner Pub. 1,1860.-1 y .ISENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD . _ NAI'TII A PECTORAL, TIIE 10:8T MEDICINE IN TllO WORLD, 'for thiteung of Corona AND COLD. Croup 11F011ehlIls, As- thins, Difficulty ht Breathing. Palpitation of the heart, and for the relief of patient's In the - advanced stagok of CONSUMPTION, I gather. with all Diseases of the " .Throat and Chest, and Which predisposed to Consumption. It attacks the root of diseaseould makes the fell destroyer succumb to Its calumet,. it also produces free expectoration, 'and in d two; healthy action In the diseased Mucous Membranes and Tissues. It Is pecutiarly adapted to the radical cure Of ANTIIMA. ODD dose of this invaluable Syrup often gives ease, and consequently sleep, which the peculiar nature ortha disease denies MID: It every pleasant to the taste. nod prompt laity effects. TILT IT, nod be convinced, that. It Is Invaluable In the CURE or CIIIAL AFFECIIONti. U.), PRICE DU CENTS PER BOTTLE. • • Prepared only by A. ESSENWEIN, Druggist, N. IV. Corner of Ninth and Poplar:s'meg. • --• PHILADELPHIA. N. B. For Saintly S. Elliott, It, .1. Relffer, S.W. litir.tr stick. Carlisle; L. Kauffman, Mechanicsburg; and 0,4 i. K. Smith, k Co.. Plilladelphia, and Storekeepers and Druggists generally. , • Carlisle, Oct. 11).'p.: - 7 mos. •• • . IRON ,RAILING! —Irou . Railing for iCemetery onclosures,publicand private grounds and p r d m s, wad° to atter at the Carlisle Foundry. tier stock allotting, Verandah and Emilia patterns'enno prises a largo variety anew and elegant designs which tau public era invited to rail anti examine. Orders for resting and putting up Halting will to promptly mal ted et satisfactory prices. • - An calm:lrina TEN 110ESIt STEAM ENGINE owl HOMES now on Laud, trarrnuted to be bf the best Wm, and will be sold at a bargain fia:cosli or on short time • ' qieep Job Printing dono hero. • ted tirthe tempecgm it, and aged in s tly on the lenrelb. Our jthignll.llt au !Liver jai vl go Liver Co nailainis. 13 Chi 011ie trey. I.lopNy: treys, Choi, inientum, Mainly misses, and limy bo miry FAM 1 I,l' ME Ileadadia.(as tliousa minutes, irtwo Pr ill at eniamenrement or giving their tebtim, July 21,11Ef_,5