Special 3folices nu; Nmw CITY FOLKS SAY Or JUL M'L.INE'S CELEttii AVM VgRNIIFUGE Manulacturiq Flei!,ing Bros' ' N 01_ YORK, All4lttit is t I reitify tit it I It:II ••1,1111.111 tinted with •1% in In flay. y., tra tit a It, ; Jr no toy years a resident of this city. oil 1143'1.0.111 at -tunes . eistie hely 1.1, but could out tell 11,111 WhAt 11111”. It Min Munn, Ito told his attending physleian his suspicions, but 1110 Optician et once ridiculed the I,lrn and refused to at tend, bite any longer. ' Ilan s tit• thou mentioned. Dr. Vertilifit.re, and asked hie Who would take iv reply vras-L'.l must take something to get relief, • '' ' ''- ' lll lll l T r i . ey at Once procured a bottle of Dr 31•Lsne's Cele dirated Yet mlfugu. anti .11e Lela one half at ono dose. The.? °suit was, be passed upwards three quarts. of worms, rut up In every form. Ile got well Immediate. ly, ail Is liar ouj WM.; most ox.silittat health; and like the Samaritan of /11.1. IS endeavoring to re.. Hive his ultfortantate eel .iltho.a. Ile makes It Fin bu. olueS3 to hunt,up un•lnuluel nil 0.1508 eilnillnrlolll.9 010 n that may be girun over by reveler physicians, and tii duces them to try Dr. Whittle's' Vormifuge. .So fur ho his IndUcuil Morn thin(Monty p•lsoim to take the Ver. mirage, and In every ease with the Mont happy results. Ile Is well satisfied that Dr. M'Lane's .Nerinifuge, nod Yermifoge. unlined by _Filumlng,`,Drint. of, Pittsburgh, It far superior to any othlitlinen•druttiedy, and that if snare genoially known would wady valuable lives. .Per tuttlior particulars Inquire F r Mrs. Ilardle,•tlfl eattnott Street. New V .rk City. fop; Purchasers w 11 be careful to oak fur Dr. 31'Lane's Celebrated Vormlfuge, manufactured by Fleming Bros. wf Pittsburgs'l l it. All ether Veroilfures in connuirtunn am worthless. 0, M'I.I.NE•S genuine Vcrittifuge• sd his celebrated Lfver Pills, can new be 11.14 at all• re. spectable drug stores. Nene genuine without the sig nature of . FLE3IINO Illto. TUE I'ECIII.I.IItITI Es , of the fetienie censtitution And tile vJrinu• tebil,, to whiell the sex is oitibJected des. iertnd :to oceesloont recourse to sr hnulnntn it In Int. portent, however: that the, shell ho of n harmless na turevnud nt the s.uno ne,ioniplith the de , lred end. Iron, Cotter's Celebrated Stomach, Bitters In the very Article Ito effects In nit cases of debility aro Almost melee'. Itestores the tone I.t . the digestive or.:non. Infuses freeh•vitdity into Lim whole system and gives Lli. •' • • • • -• ch!ierf . ulnoßn . 4 to . thn'tetupmiutt4o:,...which Is - 6o most gal uallln,?ffitm!nino attntctloita , . • linttermilrom , the fact that many °film milk. prominent modie3l mmtlomen•ln thy Mahn Imar b..st , naml eneo. 1111111. Up 111 the Bitters. the virtues of rrhlch they he frequently testeckund neknowle..l4od 'Thereat,' nume our counterfeits erfyic , l.for snip. all of whiriftore des tute of merit. and postlirely illjgrii.ll3 to the sy-tern. Sold by ell drnwdsts in the world. *Ur See adyellis,inent In another column. PM l PkNikeV4 DR. HOOFDAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, DR. BOOFLANWS BALSAMIC ' CORDIAL, :Th. great stamiaid medicines of the present age, have acquired their great ,popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac tion is rendered by Mari in all cases; and Ms people have pronounced them worthy. , Liver CoMplaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the Neryous Syitem, Disesuies of the Kidneys, and all .diseases arising from' a disordered liver or weakness Of ihe ll:mulch and digestive organ:, are 'speedily and perniannaly cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial has aeguinird a - reputation surpassing that of any similar pre paration eitant. Et mill cure , WITLIOUT miry • the.nuist severe and low-standing Cough, Cold, or-Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Is. • Annum', Croup, rneursonia t alncipient Consumption, and hat performed the most eudoniihins cures -ow knoirn of Confirmed Consumption.' _ • •- A few doset_wilLalso_aronce-chisk-and_......1 ours the- most severe ./Miritcoa proceeding from COLD IN TIIE BOWLLS. These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON it Co., KO:418 Arch Street, Phila delp4ia,'Pa., and are sold - by druggists and dealers in_medicinu everywhere, at 76 cents per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKBOX will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanacpublished annually by the proprietors, called EYERTOODY'S ALMANAC, you will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of Me country. Thou Almanacs are given away by all our agent.; IMPORT AWV To PE 111 AL t DIL eta:I.:SEM AN'S PILLS, prepared by Cornelius L. Cheesenniu, 11. D, Sew York City. The combination of Ingredients:ln these Pills are tin, result of n long and extensive practice. They an, nilid In their operation, and certain In correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruntions, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain In the nide, palpitation of the heart, whites, all nervous Alrurtions, hysterics • fatigue, pain In the hack and !holm, ete., disturbed sleep which mine from I nterroptimis of mature. 'TO MARRIED LADIF:S. Dr.. Cllefhellllllfft Pills are invaluable,ns they will bring m,, tho monthly period with rogolusity hodies,Wlin have been dinlipplinted In the use of other Pills can place the utmost conlidenee In fir. Cheeseman's fills &log all that they represent to do. . Witrrantud purely vrgetahl, and tree fr‘hti anything Injurious. Explicit directions., wide], should be read, acremp.tuy each box. Price dl. Sent by mall on en, closing f•I to 11.11y,nuthorIzed agent. Sold by one Drug.. gist In every town in the United States. It. (leneral - Agent for the United Atat•s, 165 Chambers St., New York, to which all 'wholesale orders should be addressed. BANN VERT ,t.PINNEY, Wholesale and Itetall Agents. Ilarrisburg., l'a. S. ELLIOTI', Carlisle, . , . t.,' 1 ilitliliftS. 71: • .. On tho 7th hiqt.Tikili. 11C . i..1. Clrivh.Mr. 0 MORO I'. IMMIX, to Mk. AM ANIN LOU 1f. , .\ 81181;7 bo ' 1 of Atltims county. PeOs. At Neff.Kingston, on Monday the oth Inst., FRANCIS ECK EIS, kisq., In the Gilth year of !linage. llu one for tinny yearn n prdminout citizen of this nunty: having filled thu ogler of county tNionnissioner, and nerved as nonnbar of the State Legislature, In Upper Allen township, on timidity the 12th Inst., very suddenly, LYDIA A. COOP mite of Jeroh.Uom our. Jr., nud youngest daughter of, Frederick NVillsy of Eilllsbung - Pit., aged— yearn. •.. (commtinicated.l At I chusburg, Perry Co.. In January Infit, Mr. lIBS RY ICBLL San. at an advanced age. • Just in the bog uning oL another sinter, Old grandfather has bo's'n called away; To warn us, that around hint stood, 'How frall.and flitting aro ~or days. Upon his cheek the rose intim! pleee,' And beauty bright had settled tinge, Hut the lily with a' different grace, Now lusts upon his form so fair.. Ilan bnalltion are gone, nod Grandfather Is gone And we will mow nee him morn, Until we grasp Wm nalnllol faun. On Canaan 'a peaceful ,born. Within his narrow hon.& of clay, Poor Grandllitlier's llfolew holy her, Wo feel uur L es, but etJl a. hope Le Is so 411; z :1110 i tat, skies, 'Let us take warolna• by LI, death, 'Wu cannot tell who next itoty full; It may 4a you it may ha me, Ilvit death the lout a way may call Then let un try to be prepared, The nb nano to receive; That when we dla and leave thin earth We'll rice to heaven and live. TO THE FIITENDS. Then mourners dry you, flowing tears Let sorrow now by )oy bo riven, And jive on earth a holy lire ' And Meet your grandfather lu !leaven. SOLOMON KELL qt Mullets, CARLISLE. PRODUCE MARKET. : Reported wcckly for the Herald by Wood-weird dc. Schmidt, FLOUR BilperfiliO, per bbl. ~ do. 13stro., do. do. , Family . do. tire de! Witrrn Winn' per bidle! Wm •- do do. , lire do. 'Cons ' do, On're (new) do. -.., CLOVEREINNU do , - , ' . , TINOTUY8E111) SPRING BARLEY do. WINTER BARLEY do. Neu iltmertisements OYSTERS R YSTEAS & BILLLADS.— The Subscriber would infora hie friends end the public generally that hn hes refitted In a muperior style the old stand formerly interfered by J. W. Maim, dud that'his la now prepared to Annie!' 0 . / . 8 T S ';j o g.. of the beet quality .fle Also hoe re splendid which fact, tithes fond of that ainuatiment Would do well 11l note. Ito will Alc.l n y, the highest .price forall kinds of CaUSTitli eiltiDUO.ll, much an hut. ter, eage, tipples, potatori and dried fruit go., ge.. delivered to Wm. ANDlt6w MARTZ, rifs. It, ' . Fon..• • , RENT.- • • ' • i i . A Two-story (hick linuiu ova n Inro _lot in I 1 gortion Mtn dud ht tho ,south and of lintorror Aloe 11116illfiato pi SPOPPIOII will ho given. • , i Vob-'l5, ISCO.-t I. , JNO.II. l'Altlitnt. ' Thu largo third otto - pnoni in Inlinfr's .rorner ono of the loot Dakiiertitypo galleries In lowa, Vono. ohm itlven 6ntnedjntuh, atiply to Neb. la, at . • 4.1 Fb" 8 BAL E Ily virtue of a writ of :lea gletioi,, issued out 1.. the Court of Common Pleas of Cumbotiood county.atto to um directed. 1 wllle•post, to side by public •entiu or outcry, at , he court House, in the borough of Cal lisle, ott Saturday the ad day of 31arch 1100 at 10 o' clock A. Dl., tho following doserlbett Kcal Estate; to wit A lot . of ground situated In the Anna° of Plainfield.. West Pornuthoro township. Cumberland county. COll tlllllllli 47 perches MOM or less, lo , unded on the east by. a lot ofJohu Watson, on the wart by let of Wm. Moser, on tho north by the Public hood. and 011 the Booth 1 , 3' hind dr Patrick St:Milroy, Ita•lng-theituat erected a Ono and a half atoll log house. Cultist and taken I execution nod - to be sold as the property of .Tlintnas Fowble by . . . Feb. 16. 1.3130.'at. REMOVAIi 0I? 14 0(11 - 1MAN'8 PUOTOURAPHIC AND AMIIII . 4O,TIL i 'PE GALLERY 0. 1,, I•ochthan Is happy to anhounce to the eitizenx of enchain and vicinity that ha has removed hie Picture 0 a Ilere to -MARION LIAM," fvbera he hopes, with parlor facilities, and pleaxn tit acits to lila nonnut," and excellent light to nualt.a eon tin pa nee of till, wily libel, al patronage bestowed upon him by hix patrons and friends. • PICTURES OF EVERY STYLE; made tram a medallion to life alto. Inn - pictures are warranted to ho superior to any outdo In thin part of the country, are .equal to tho very best made In large cities. Ladies and gentletnon are respectfully invited to 4111 nod examine opeelmerni. Yob. NI, 18110. tf. A GRICULTURA,I SOOl I CEO. SHEAFER,..Trcaaurer in account wait Mi C. C. A. Sociely.;,, , DR ' EITE=E To bal. In bands of Treasures, as per re port of committee. Jan. 22, 1859, To ca-h • rorlrdurlng fair, 1859, " " from county,• . ' Ily cash 'mid for now build. - Ings, lc., WO 93 'ly - c.odrintl,l - for - premlude - 301—.!5 ty ranit p.ild for printing ' 70 U 0 ly ru.h raid tor oXpolieleh during .101 r, Italanco in hands of Tren,urer, $1.:111:1 'rite committee, to whom the tot °going account was subtamitted, have the same. and all the Toucher. , of the Trensuri , rs, and report to ,tam sort.gy, that it In correct, and exhibits truly the situation of the fiIIIIIICOS, . A. CATIItIART. Fall. ts, isrA.-3t N - crticE rs rnaiti,isir GIVEN, J. that applleationa far License under the ° several net, or AFsoilitily, most he pled with the undersigned. on or ILelote the 12th day or Ilarl.ll next. otherwise they will not he heard. D. S. CROFT. Clerk. Feb. If. Will. :It se . LECTURE.—Dr. D. S. Peficr, of York Will oellver a Leeture in Eduentlon Hall. nu 11 ednestlay 'evening the 224 Inst. at 7!..; o I.tk. Sub. ea—Oar-Country. Tickets admitting a gentleman nil lady 22, eentn. D E FOREST, ARMSTRONG & --- cq, . DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 80 t r 82 qambers 1": Wotild notify the Trade that they amnia:fling kl'oehly; in new and beautiful patterns. the --- WAIVISUTTA PRINTS, 0,0, TUE A AI OSKRA (1- , - A new Print, which excels every Print in the Country for perfection of execution and design in full Madder -Colors. that. Prints Are . ellealier than any in market, end meeting with extensive sale. Orders promptly attended t.. I . A 1 0 ,1,,i, r ,N,,,1 4 1,, , ,,t ‘ t th A,, , ,,. : 0, tt it n0iii N tie 0 1: 1,... t!t e,,/, r . w — ii. .. : east --- I(itTai - iittretr - inter - of - fli,ldncr, -- tmrtTNryin -- ceased. have' been issorrl..to the subscriber residing in Mifflin township. Jill !Knels 1,111014 ml to sari] Es tote Ti.. reilueiLeflfellytko ininterriste irryinonl y and those hur.org claims to present them for settlstnont to • .1011 N OILER, • Aeroloistratoe of Wor lloffelllnger, rtee'd. Feb. H, 11010-ills ' . LOOK OUT FOR ITUE KIDNAP- Ed PERS.—ILO. Isonre e•rno‘tlit requaKts 1111 who' into thntomtireK illdebt.. , l t o hin t . to nil had . o ttie Without delay as no loognrindulgonce ran be giveu. Corlblo, rob. 7M'OTH:: , t7t; - •5:.... :.. ..: .4 , 4:.;.:,, , ,.., , f-. , : 1( i.:. ,•, in.presonting you with DM. EATON'S INFANTIbE CORDIAL we desire to elate Ito superiority over every ,nostrum that nurse or quack has heretnnire offered you. Firid—lt Is the preparation of it regular physichn, who Ix well qualified•trom much experience in infantile complaints to prescribe for them. Secondly—lt Is'un tirely free from raregorie o r opiate of any . kind, and consequently relieves by removing the sulferhig of your child. instead of de.ifoning its sonsibilition ‘ Third. 'Third' up with great care, as a - comparlsoh of It with - any'ether article for Infantile complaints will chew; the very rod% (Ann which' It. Is distilled being dug frum the forests under the direction of 'Ur. Edon, many of them by Ills own hands. Fourthly—lt Is pery redly harmless and cannot Injure the most delicate In fent, and Ina certain mom end relief in nil the following rases, which Is Its chief merit over every other proper:, nom via: FOR•ALL COMPLAINTS ATTENDINO TENTIIINfi; such an DYSENTERY COl,lO, Am.; alto for softenitut the gums and relieving pain. Forregualallng the bowels It I 4 unequalled. For Cold in the blend It ,Is n •ure re• lief. For CROUP, the 'neat fetal stud trying of diseases. it t.all ho relied on whir perfect conlideare and belvg n powerful unit sp,onnotlic In all cases of convulsions or Sts. we eltrllebtly 1 . 0 , 4011111011 d peel to lose no Owe In prOatrlng It.. I.lintly—lt coets so la in moll:than usher preparations of the kind. thnt we en mint elfard each Lana edverthatieitte as can those whosc whale expanse le their advertisin; ; thrthe same reason, it contillende Itnelfan themost reliable loan mothers. In ell the directions writrited ertaltal etch bottle, intact be strictly followed Pelee, 25 emit: per bottle. FBLOOD FOO3 .Or. Mecm% baying been., far reduced by cOll/11.11hip tion. as to be considered beyond all hope of recovery by t .e most eminent of the medical profension, a tidal.* by himself—a t eg War . physician or t welly years practice— as a last relent, conceived the idea of AN A I,YZINO TUG liL9oiit and applying tilllllol4oCL phythdocy to the more Immediate contoxiloic. anti effect of the state of the blood upon the health and system. 'the result has been the productiois of tick •• BLOOD inctu the use of which tie. Bronson welt restored to perfect 'health. Within six months after Its introduction. over two thousand consumptives were elfectcully cored hr It. If you have any complainta of ct.eticsuniptlve ten dosey, COl/ Cold, Headache', Palpitation the Wort,. Lois of appetite or poln iu the side, lobo no Limp no MO 'Furing a bottle Milts BLOOD Pc 111. If 3ou are sof feting from Nervous - Debility, or year - Slo&, to brekon and disturbed. if your Spirits are depressed or ye* Or gaits relaxed, you will find In Ullman unfailing remedy, by contmencing.whlc t 0,,, drupe.' If your blerlatospltl or diseased In any manner whatever, motile two bottl es will le, nitro to in vittorate, Mill bring Il Tutu iivdy I,nd heilithrlll . nrtion fn thoonost Inveterate - eases or Less pepsin the p Mont Cali /1.'4111111 rho rived ellieient and grateful relief. A bouent to at ways expVrienced after taking only one bottle.' In Male or Female Complaints and Weakness. the mutterer. after trylng,other remedies In rain, cony rest assured, that n certain cure will re suit front the nnunf two or three bottles. The '•Ill. You POOL)" is effectual in nil rases Of Eruptions. Salt •Ithoutn. Scrofulas 1111 C, other like COlllphlintr. Pale aid emaciated children and ad Otis are immedinioly benefit ted by Its' ee. It giros strength to the body and color snot - Pennty to the skin. Physicians of all schools aro u-ing it with wonderful sureess. . . For full diroetloon,coo clriulers. Price $l. per bottle 'Sold by Oltlltoll & DUPONT, Drtteghtlb NO Mt nektn Le New York, -• - T. N. DYOTT & SON, &gouts fo o r Fein: na, wl caul& S. ELLIOTT, for Carlisle. And by., all rhvettable Druggists throughout the country. .Fob. S. ISHO—ty. - ESTATIII NOTlOE.—Letterti of -lAd ministration on the Nstato of Loula liostottor, deceased, Jain of Rilver diming township, having boon mono I by the Register of .liumber land county, to the subscriber. residing in Mechanicsburg. Notice Is hereby given to those indebted to make payment, anif - tlinso having claims to present them duly authenticated fit so 'Cement to HU°. BURN AM Administrator of Louis Hostel ter, decd. DJ 0 URN ED COURT. —To A L L • PERSONA ibisimrzo.—Take' rake that on ad ourned Court of Common Munn ; will be hold at CAD. LISLE, In and for the Cbmnty of Cumberland, on MON• DAY, the bth day of March, A. 0., HO, at 10 o'clock In thti forenoon. ' $ 4,87 5,00 6,12 8,6 . 2 1,80 1,20 ROHERT AIcOARTIVEIt, Shot.lß. Su=re' o/FICE, 1 Carl!sin, rel.. 1, IMO, J power Pit t_) Wittne.ts the Ifon,litifiliS 11. GRAHAM. Drell' dent Judge of the several Conan of Cutuuton lions it the counties of Cumberland. Perry and 'Juniata, and Justice of the several Conde of Oyer and Terminer and Ostler:II Jail Delivery In said' counties, and Hum San Vol. Wool:mugs sad lion. 31. Ceust.ta, edges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and (tonere' Jail Delivery for the trial or all capital and other offenders, lo the said - county orCumberiand. by their precepts to me di. rectal, dated the 11th of Jahr 18t15, hare ordered the Cottrl ofOyer and Terminer nd Niteroi Jail Delivery to be holden nt,CARLISL tie second ot Mt 10; (being the nth day,) . at 10 o'clock . In the forenoon. to continue two weeks. NOTICE 18 ltEltilllY GIVEN to the Coroner, Just Wen of the Vence and Constables of the maid county el Cumberintol, that tie' are hy the said precept coot mended to be than null there In their proper persons, with their rocurds, inquisitiour, usaminatiourl ant ell other remembrances. to do those things tyhich • lo their officer appertain to be done, hod nil, those that ore hound by recognisance., to protocuto agaittot tile prisoners thnt are or thou shall be In the Jail of said county, are tts be thorn to prosecute them CO shall be Just. 4.50 2,60 ROW.T. 3IcOAIMNF:Y, ShurMt SnErurton Qtrlce,, C. INC il Y BERT IV eCAR'TNEY Sheriff. • sheriff's Oflire Carlisle. Ey . _ $734 71 , ' 5, Op 2,18 R 64 100 00 ET] __..-1,664 OS . W. i, CR A It; 11.EAD, O EOltkl LINE, 0.1)1114,4.. JAIL 4 , 11) F.ASTEttN I'IINItENTIAItY. It. M'llartney, 119.,f0r support of prisoners, and fees, -2,734 19 9. leepers ' mlary nn keeper of J3ll, 159 00 N. W. Woedi 311 , 1 ,thorn, for clothing, 0117 es, . , Re., for prisoners, 107 97 Shront 1114,4 r /to,' others for rod, • • 203 21 0 miner nod, others for rori)strs ntinil, 9 39 tins and Water Company, for water, ' 41) 00 .1, IP. ithy. tor brusooo. Dr. W, W. 9,10,,5.t1ary A'S ltastarn Ststo Ponitentlary for support of convicts, sl,lli 25 ._ ... , - JUSTICIN'I'IMS' .. . 31,1101a - mlk •ra uthum 11.1118 I 111,. Common wesith caatts; 309 S 9 _. .. •- I.OANS AND INTNILKST.. , • • h --- "7. - A. 11 liltmore, blod, • 600 DO Wnt. NI. 1110t0111, 0 isiller, ii.)1,..c1n Ilsnic,, 6,o•JJ On . _ • Win. and oilltnli, in torest on U 'Linty 'multi, 1,.937 65 .T.v..3b Slater, lig.t.,Vropure'r, 00 drfta..o dl. • .ro"tors, 10,000 00 J;Calver, A. J. Ilertn.tn, nod 11. b. I rkhold• er. •Isltarm, 31 00 S. THU. J. rrlrti . )l,.. and A. Dolor,&qrs. all iry ai'llirecturg, —. 00 00 . PUBLIC BUILDINGS. . J. 1).. a rgo and Jolla, (lu:Allill, for rt . ,,1111„g ' towers or .1.01, 29) 27 Stuart .t Rel.:liter and others, for repairing furnace, .4e., 75 32 0 Is :ind 11'U, 0 oupsoy, (or gin and avatar at Court Ityuse, •, 49 05 • Joseph 014 her gut burnors, 8 ffli Wm. P. 14 . 101 for rep tiring gas fixtures, 12 25 Mrs. 1;..11ouly fir cle..n111„; Court Itmso and of 21 00. An Irow II orker for repairing locks, ll 37 . Itullsel NV.rher, nal•try as koepar, HA Oo ' H. 0, ICoorty for disks, 10 50 . H. nornni,n, printing for county, 22.3 ili .1 . .. It, lirattou. do. . do. 101 09 Wm. M. I'ortor, do. ..do. 171 00 I.leqrigo Zion, do. 172 75 MISCELLANEOUS PAYMENTS. . . . . U. Oyster, 11. Duke. and G. Scdby, Emirs., fir auditing accounts, 120 17 8. W. nivel - stick, hill sundry article , . 0 50 Samuel Martin, .for auditing accotintn of County 0111ces, 9 00 , Gold Will In t o outplay appropriation, 25 00 ac irge Wolf and "there, fir shoveling' arum, 5 50 ,i. lido and N. Miller. Ca erronoonsly collected, 037 Wni. 11. thlili3/1. for :trri.,ting horse thief, 24 00 A. Semiotic.) fir horse hire,_ 100 00 Union Fire C(1.1111aily allot . ..pH:Mon, - • 50 00 Win. Snilthfor whltowashing, 01.1 Board - of Coolinlsgioncts traveling espouses on county hualitcf.s,77 51 .1. Toiler, for char - coal, . 045 J. Brown: for putting In coal, 1 25 E. :Mew - for winding c10ck.25 00. U. W. 811. after. approprlatl in to AO Society. 100 00 Witnesses In suit agalii.o the N C. HAL CO., 49 54 W. 11, Miller. run, i n :.4upron,,, Coua, 11 00 11. Saxton, bill nundries, • 4 70 C. litho:4 bill sundries, - 19 54 I. Armstrong, traveling expellant, on county basilicas, 15 00 Sundryiperann X for fon scalps, 71 05 John Thompson for a map, :I 00 (.\ $733 27 V 010 mnountMlCOnitniminnorie checks, 41380 48 Aii 6int of County Trmieurer's commission -,,, nt.l/13,4 per cent. 806 85 Oulsininiing 61m91. 7,7114 00 Commission slintryd eollextori, 2,040 811 Kminorntions , do. do. c ~ 514 43 finiitnce in h3Rdn of Treasurar, 8,695 08 Schedule. of County ..To4 . e.q•ooldancling 011 • die IA rlal of January, 1860. -1857 Snmut , l Slrelo3o. L0wer.41.0A,me„..;,.4340 107 aolinChurvh, New 1 1 0niburiAtul," ' •7 01 Ink; .I,uttett Spottswood, Catrikto, ' 4 10 MN T. 3. Ilackett, Frankford. 04 3.9 01 8 38 John einwibrd, Newrllle, 31 27 1858 John Wholes, %rust l'emishoro',_ 33 34 1833 Win. Met're4, Franllord.t . 70 41 1859 v im mmNpe, f10p...3114 101 00 1850 Roney Roartto, Mouse, 230 01 . . 1859 11.11. Eberly. Mrchninle,burg, 74 (12 •1057 J. re 41.1.11, New Gothorlatl, . 100 49 1839 Thom. Rudolph. South Mlddleton.t 487 23 1859 pater Y. normal] Silver Spring.* 282 71 1830 J. F..lloo3lo34.lo..liputliampten,t " 133 49 . 1833 A. 11 . Sochrlst, Upper Allen, 1 07 • $1,764 OU Those marked thus (t) hare since pall In part. Those marked thus ( ) have slum paid In full. t s.... 9II.IIBERLIND COUNTY. 88. . . We, Han Commissioners of Cumberland county do eel , My, and submit tho foregoing es a correct ntatement of the reccipte and expenditures of the county aforesaid, from tint lot day of January, to the 31st day of Decenb her, INN. Incluelso, as also tt echedulo of outstanding county taxes to the boroughs and townehips therein elated, together with a statontent of expanditurce um der each head of appropriation, made by the Commie einnerain compliance wit,, the requieltiona contained In tho lid and Did mcctlonn of xn act of Aesumbly of title Commonwealth paned the 15th day of April, A. li., 1831. .. . e. CQ.- ----- .... Witness our hande and cool of °Mc*, at NEAL Carlisle, the 18th day of January,.;A. D., MO. . SAMUEL M ROAM, , N. It. NOICKI,B, i • J. If. WAOI3IONISit, Commisslonent of Cumberland County. Attest—J. Anetasamos, Clore. eosins:m.oBn CaOa. an. We, the undornldoed Auditorno(Cumberland County, met aroordl on to lave r and howl on boon rvorn, proceeded to examine the accounts and vouchers of Moans thicker, Esq.. Treasurer of the said eounty. from the Int day;of January to.thonist day of December, 1801,, luau/dye, do 'certify that we find the num of eight thoutethd five hundred ned ninety five dollars and sin ratite duo by said Treasurer to the - moot), nrnwald. ae J will appear the f weproing ex lab t of sold acrolot, lu rioters wheroof we have, hereunto art 'our handl! at Carlisle the 18th day of January, A. D,, -If EOI,IA MIN DUKE, ' • • ti KOKO N. 80111 Y, JOHN W. DOCK LIN, ' Atuiitorn of Ctimborlaud County. Carlisle. Fob. 1880. QTATEMENT . OF nils. COUNTY LT WRIT - .. . - . Chu Commisaionore of Cumberland County make and submit lho (Mowing etatuniont of the anionnt of bor • rowed money Including Intoreat. together with:, tha as note In the Treasury on the let day of January, MU. DR. . . . . • To amount of Bonds outstanding Iticluding . inherent on per lost annual etateniont. on -- - let January, feat . 4 $31,080 110. To amount of borrtiffed numbs for.IRD, Ow ou "QTATEME'NT OF THE FINANCES ' • OeTUB. COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND, • Fi.om the"lst day of 'January. to the 31st day ofpeeenther, 1859, ifielusive. MOSES BRICKER,, Esq.,. Treasurer, lu_l with Witr Qounty. HEGEL l'TB Balance in hoods of Treasurer at Inst Bottle . moot, . . .Outstanding tax si, last Settlement, Taxes levied fur 1850, Abatement received Iron, State Treasure,, Costs and lines rciceivell to Quarter Sessions, Verdict 'fees received in Common Pleas, 'Penman!, loans in Bank, Immo; e red on bond, Intuitd, I teVisod tram TAX. Collectors, - Tax received ou unseated lauds, ' Misereltenuous tezoluts, „ EXPENDITURES BY PAYMENTS I= Township dud Dorough AsSessors, EE=l32 Tax Collectors abatomont allowed tax pnyora, 2,420 12 • nativoEs AND ROADS. • • 0. Kaufman and others bar now bridges, 1307'92 John Untsliall and °therefor repairing bridges . , 1,282 41 Peter Minna and others, road damages, xur, GO Sundry persons as wend .v le were, 1-14 71 MEM Grand and Traverse JurorrfTor . January term, 035 61 dn. du. du. April' torm, ^05.99 do. do. do. August Lunn,. '5lO 09 do. . do. ' do. November Luria, 777 58 'District Attorney's fees In Conitnoniv'tli cases, 358 OU Court Crier', fees, 4O 00 Witness fees In Couttuouirealth cases, 667 20 COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE: • Androw•Kerr l Esq., 218 days service up to • 20th October, .• • Samuel Megan', Esq., 207'daya service up to ;Dint December. 400 50 N. 11. Echols, Esq, 218 clays service up to alst December, r 327 00 J. D. Gorges, Elm.. 42 days service from 25th October to 10111 December. „ -\ 03 00 J. 11. Waggoner, Esq., 14 Aliya rerrlce from loth December to list December, ArmAr.mg, salary as clerk, .1. L 91.11 1 ,111. 5,r stationery, • 11.:.1-11unt,lor poug, • Early fi Nouemulter for rent, Wm. 11. Miller, Attorney to Coininfasloners, .1. D. Dratton 'for postage, I=l .1. Louffun for book fa Register'. office, 30 00 J. D. (lorAa for stove,, , A, 9 24 I). °.Croft, E,,, 1 ., f • •• !• , it Coll•MOilwoalth MIMS, • 001 lil I'. (I.ol.rley, F:s.i., fees, . 6l 61 H. :,lpe for dos% fur Prothonotary'. ',Mee, ' 05 Ot) J. I,Yudon, hook for Iterordbr, 10 50 do. do Prothonotary'. Wilco, .• 23 11 ..0. - - -- CONSTABLES' FEES, 'A. Mart and °therm Cilgeft, A. 31artIn and Wier. fur making quarterly return., SUCTIONS. Sundry perm:tit,. holding,electionn, I=l M. 31eC10131. 4ottl others 1.;1' Goldin; Inquests, HO 4 =CI ME= Total credits, Totsi receipts, I= Deduct amount paid during IBSDc Who)a amount of aubt an tat Jan., 1860, $3111:U 60 CR. . . By amount balance In Treasury, "' outstanding tains, - " judginunt. against Borth rn Cen tral It. It. Company, • " Jarnii Coovuen subscription fur ' bridge.' hands of Justitai Smith; , $8,007 3,078 50 38,883 02 1,052 63 Whole amount of liabilities over assets,. • • MHO AW, • , • N.• 11. EWING% • o J. 11. IV AfICIoN ER, Comtnlaisloners or Cumborland County, Attost—J. Anwrnosa, Murk'. bl ,56 24 00 5,1126 01 1300 00 21 72 2 70 221 00 We the undersigned Auditors of Cumberland enUnty, havittg mom ned the Y. evural claims against said coun: ty, do curtify that the above is a true s.teteutent of tic bonded debt and asset., of the saidliunty, on' the.lr day of Jan Unry,lBo. $07,970 72 Feb. 1, 1860 $1,237 84 CUMBE BANK. VALLEY BNK. . PROPRIETORS. Muctiout IInfiRERAN, JOHN DONLAN • • : JOHN S. STErturr, IL A. STURONON. WILLIAM KM, . ROUT. C. - STt:RWI S 4 lizcitAnn Wow's, Jorp, C. Dum.vp, • This Bank, doing bustness in the name of Km, Bron noman & Co., Is now fully prepared to do a generdl Banking Business with promptness and fidelity.., Money received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice. 'lnterest paid on special deposits. Con tificatos of deposit bearing interest at the rate of five per cont. will be issued for as short a- period as ibur months. Int... Test on all certificates will cease at mar ttirlty, provided, however, that if said certificates are renewed at any time thereafter for another given pa. rind, they shall bear the same rate.of interest up to the time of renewal. Particular attention paid to the col. !action of notes, drafts, checks, &c., In any part of the United Stater. or Canadas. $2,170 03 12213 Remittances made to England, lielsndi or the Cou.i.i• neut. The faithful and. F orifidentlal execution oral' orders entrusted to-theni, ho relied upon. Tliey call the attiintion WI Farmers . , Mechanics and nil rihern who desire n safe depository fur their n r nmes, to the undeniable fact, that-the proprietors of this Bank ape vinvinusi.te linbin to O. extent of their estates for all*Che Depossts and oilier obligations of I(er, Bronne• man k Co. ETE They hove recently removed Into their now Booking Ihnusn directly °pilot:lto their forwor stand, In ,West Nola Street, a few doors oast of'thu Bailment Depot,' where they nrill at nil thnes bo pleased to give any in• formation desired In rogard to money matters In gone. ral. • • 21 00 too on osl 54 2 - 00 an no 171 20 7 04 Open for linolness from 9 o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clock in the evening. IL A. Altita EON, Cashier. eatilalo, May 20. 1857 $1,902 84 A MERICAN AND FOREIGN BTERBOSCOyth 1.01P0R1U.17. ' ANTOONY, 308 BrondavnyVNew York. After Mty lot, 1840. - at. 50l iIItOADWAY, two doors from the St. Nicholas Hotel. MEM The Steonscrpe In the most instructive, Interesting, entertaining, amusing and exciting of modern In von _ tines. Norms are too young, mine too o'l, none too Intelli gent, none too uneducated, te'neknowledge Its worth nod beauty. Not ur, is complete vithoutit, and it mu'st and will ponetrate'everywhere. It presents to your view every part of the wo nil oho retie.. boldness. perspective, and sharpne detail, no It you were do the spot. • , Plustorripitere are everywhere exploring Entrop'w,- Ask, Africa, America, In seareh or.the grand and the' beautiful, and the results of their skill aro constantly enriching our stuck. • . We have all 1111:11,1411 variety or paper Views or Scones ih Petri% London, England, Scotland. Ireland. Franco, Iteigium, Holland. Switzerland, Spain, The remailles, SL Cloud, Fontalnbleau. Tuilleries, Italy, Turkey, Erspt, Athens. the !lily Lund, China. 411.1114 Cryst ti PALM!. also Ormips Historical, amusing, at midge svanesi breakfast scenes, ple-nles, slatuary, dd., kr.. An emittisite assortment of - illuminated Into rinrs of I.alares, glue lees and Cathedrals of Fritnee, Italy, kr.. kr. 'rho 4311,t of these illuminated views la most remarkable EET3 MD MUM •I NS 51 EMI BM Every g,:ntleian of wealth 'hod relined taste alrnild h tve In Lila drawing room 701310 of our exqulnto vhiwn on gk1..0.N, with a revolving /..tereoichpe,• showin g . 12, 26, 60 or Inn Nr•en.s. Nilthill4 0.1(1 In! more famernatio.; nod one can offer no gre.tter Croat to a friend fond of the pie. urtoeine ao.l the 14,111111 W. -- A tttit2nYanktnne , JUS:fiterensaipelliVa,_itie-the riaost l'lnoto„Trapitle won ler. They are Liken._ In, the fortieth p.trt of a mecond. and everything, no matter how rapidly It rite he nenVill.t. he dCpleteli no sharply and iffseln , tly to lilt hit boon perfectly at rest. This gives 'an a Idltional value, for to - the beauties of lazuli nude nurture It adds the charmer We and motion. The lea diseavery of our own. and being unknown In Surely°. we rernive front London and Paris large or' dorm Or Ant linty'elnstantaneous Views of American life and scenery. - Among other thimrs'wo here Just published . Stereo. roplr IllustratioeS of the Seen° of the I'Ut.TON STIM.ET TIMER :11geriNux, In which many hearts foul an inter est. The utrtleular.s of thin will be found In' our rale. ERE OUR 0%1 . 11,0E1E or iiiiltjOAS !Mt prlcos will bo forward. ad to 'toy mt.tropt 1111 rocolot of a atainp. Parties at it dist:tura, sonding us $3. $5, $lO, $2O, or 1 121 , ran h iya a ,raa,l ilistruniont and such ' , Jethros as they may ral twat a u nt by Erpruss. %lows atotiti, (With otit instruinnnt) can ho aunt by $16,12u 0 Parties who what to be advrsed ofeverythlng really valuable In the line that comes out. may send us their names t place on wort, and we will keep them posted at our own ovneffee. Men of leisure will And Photography a moot faseinat• lug and dellghttul aufusentent. We are prepared to lit out outdoors with everything neeesaary for their one. cuss together with lostruetione "flow to take Stereo• seoplc Pictures." —Y.. ANTIIO:g V, Inip3rtor and naniitacturor of Photographic )Alter+• la. Storoosropos And Storooseopir 4t fruit ovary !Mellon of tho rountey aro •4 pur•fuliy Invited to :oak° au examination of Our 464.1,4 Our hoot to Ito trod° *lll he liberal IMO • TO PIO L' lILAPIIERS.—Pint clans storcoseople N getivom weLoteil. • Seed by moil a p•lut unmounted, with priceof No f 110.14 I 4,10_ 1111 M FIISS(/I.[JTION ()F I'AItTN ILI sill v.—The pirtnerid4 herotoforti ug un• der the Ilan of 81114131 & BLACK, 11. 1.111/1 d, ,horn lik,Olveil by mutual ennqent, thOraore We WOlll nollelt all thi.M.,lll.klitoil to roan and settle aerountl, and all those having dainty will 'please present them for settlement. EZIMIIII . The Itdno, will hor..after be continued at the old stand of Shrom k Mick under the firm 'of MACK 14:1,1NCV, where we will keep constantly on 'leaden Mods of AND COAL, of onety, des:Option, whlchare will son at thu lowest cash prices, and all or ders for hill stall' will be promptly a tiended to on the shortest notice We are thankful for the patronage of gonerona puhllc et ,the old stand of Simon Mack, and would still adlclta contlnuence. All orders left et the resldonee of Jacob Abram for coal end lumber, will be promptly attended to es heretofore. • Jan. 11. IYi 0 JAMES R. .WEAVEII'.S 1 CABINET f AND CRAM MANUFACTORY,' NoRTU HAMMER,STRErr, CARLOL; PA flaring been engaged In the builnees for over twenty years lid would return then4s hia.culitoiliern and 'frldude, for the liberal UlICDU171013:10tIt extended to him in yearn gone ty, and further Assam' theta that• no polno will ho maned, to give full Benefaction to 5,111i1i0 limy favor him with n call 57,170 "2 57,1Y1U 7 ()HAIRS AND FURNITURE, . of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the beat quality, of the ~ionl style, well lininhed, and gold at ilia loweelpinuilble prices loP cash. , Ile also cantle ilea buel nom an an UNDIIIITAK,EIt.+ Ready made Callan, Metallic ot—otherivnte. kopt con. scantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable torque., Chorry and Walnut Coffins, large biZO, lien finished and lined Insido, from 8' to 12 dollars, Walnut Collins coverod from lb to 30 dollars. JANIES 11. IVEAVEIt. May2J,lBB(l—ly F. B.—Two proputtlem altnato to oburchtown,Cumb. county, flea offered for We on cosy tarns. Apply as obeys , . J. It. W. VAIATABLE PROPERTY AT PtJB LIC SALll.—Dmo Barth, Auctioneer. in porno anus of an order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa., will soil, by Public Outcry, on the prtanh Me, In the Bormigh of Chambornburg, on IYRDNESDAY, the 20th day of 1 9 1111RUARY, 1060, at 1 o'clock, P. 11., all that valuable Real Property, late the Estate t . John Welsh, decomied, to wit t . _ Tho TAVERN STAND, now 4 fur the Inn eleven years in the occupancy of ,d,.„ , ":;,,-, Mr. Bendel Trostio, situated on West •1 9, ,• , 8•, .. n Market street, inaald Borough. Thin Jett i'clin in ono of the longest established, bent •i .........t- known, end must liberally patrenisid Public 1111.VH hi Chambunsburg. It le A COMMOdiOII6 two storied Brick Building, well arranged, tithe fine Dock Building st• t idled, togethor with .extensive Stabling, Sheds, and other necessary out houses, nod a largo and convenient Yard. There is, a novor falling Well of Water et the Kitchen door, and the property hi contlguoue to the Conecocheague .Creek, 'to which' dock can hitio easy lICCCFP. .ltßi-.Possession trill Lo given on the let'of April neat. ALSO—At the same time and place, there will be sold the largo Illacpinith Shop and the Wagenuntker Shiin, situated ImMedintely opposite the Stabling of the .Toir. ern Steed. These Mil desirable nosiness Stands.' A 1.80- , All that ecnittiorlioUti an ddesintblo two storied Brick Dwelling !louse with it back building attached, inimodlataly edJulti log the Tavern. Property. u• - 9,. The whole of the foregoing property in in good repair and in among the moat desirable in the Borough. Any one wishing to mace in profitable InYeAmenti. could not haven bettegopportunity. 9 Parson. desiring to stow the propertiiWill please call' int Mr. Solon tit:llMM of Chambereburg who le Agent fuy i tt T A e d n i o n o ln ii i&tztr n . . „th the . as, 4 cub, b • . JOUN WN11.111,, '. . Administrator do bode non with the Will *hoaxed. Feb 1, 18004 0' N. ANIP C , MERCHANT. TAILOR. IVES T AMIN TREEP, Opposite the-Rail Road Office. AU (tied Millar .styles, _of_ Clothe, Ciwintere4 mut .reilings made (o order, • „ ournote r oct, "1860, • 1131,660 be VOlA.,l4itaing neittly,exeduiti I, 600 00 8,595 00 1004 00 EfICI iun on 00 00 $10.79/ 12 $20,355 54 DAVID OYSTER. BENJANIIII DUKE, f 1 EOM) E ECM', Audttors.of Cumberland County. NW GOODS . AGAIN 'AT PG. J-1 CII CA l STilltE. • Just returned front tit/ city and now, opening a large - cissortlnent of 'Elegant and Faddonalde Winter GoOda, Elegant Silks, Pell. do Charters, and nil the 'nevrest stylus DRESS 00.11/3 hr great variety. • A large lot of Ladies' Cloth Cloaks and , Sltawls, of the latest styles. ju e,,,dred - • • ' LS, good and cloc4. A fall militant of Dress Trimmings, Cloak Tassel', c•-'t •.N CS SIIA good and clump. , CAI,ICOES at 5,0, 8, 10, and t 2 cents.• , M. D LAINS at 8, 10, 12. li. and 20 rents. • Cloth for Over Coats at :a and 5,ve01, • 0-1 Black, Cloth fu t' Ladles' Cloaks at 01:20, $2.00 $2.80, and $3.00. The stoeleds no v largo and complete. 'All persona hi. want of elegant and cheap go al,s, will filtd them at' the now R Coro opposite the Railroad Depot. • Nor. 30, '59., CHAS. oatioy. d, in of A 711U1' . E71".9,' : ' -- - -- I Dried Fruit, Prenorvus and Janina,. • • I.) &; — ti AIV Y E ( East Main I/ Stretit,) Imo Jugt returned from the Eastern les with :t lar4enn.l well selected - stook of ' W . N T.4,ajk 00 D S t..) which Lilo) , respectfoll mile the attention of Imre", It ondmces evdrytblitg rare and new thrown in the market. by reeent I unvirtations and Auction Sales, In. eluding Vatiey Dress Silks, newest styles velvet i'op• Fhtured.Nerinnes, Paris DeGolnes, Satin finished Valencias, and all other kinds and varieties of Dress'Uonds. • Also a large assortment of firoeba, Long and Square Shawls. Scotch, Ulankot and WaterloO; DonLilo, Item , id bit, and flay Stitt Slnwln ••• . „ MANT11.1..1.8, Cloth Mantillns t Raglans from whole/Ws nisnufseturera acknowleJgoil the best styles In • own this season. FURS! NUM! I FURSII: In every variety: Sable, Stone, 31.1. tin, Siberian Capon, Colin and Muffs, Run. Mall Fitch, French Sable. American Plll . ll Childron's - Funs of all kln.ts, We warrant `them all free front motto!, having purchased dime( from manufacturers. Ladles and Uontlemen will find n Inspection a full line of every 'lace of goods kept: p a first class Dry floods Store: For HOLIDAY PILEsENTs vn nro fully prepared with a full stork of Fancy and desirable goods. We feel pn•parod with tots I 6rge addition of now goods and our runner stork, to suit the wants of all In our line; Mrr ask an lit•portlon of Our goods. No trou• bin or attention Is Tared in showing goods • CarllBlo, - Pre. 7. 1869 ALL' ARRIVAL OF' Fresh Drugs, Fundy Goods, Fruit, and - , Coufeetionary. / JAC9B 11011Ela M. W. 11.1.VER9TICK Lan junt readved front the city and` Is now oponl ng n splendid display hf FA N'CY GOODS. to which ho desires to call the attention of his friendn and the public. Ills assortment in thin tins cannot be surpassed In novelty and elegance. and both in quality rind price orthe articles, cannot fall to please purchanura. It would be Impossiblele enumerate his FANCY IiOODS, which comprim every mrloty of foncyarticica of the most oxquisito fluish each 68. l'oplotkMocho lkinahh Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink•etands and trays Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card maw, Ladles' Fancy Baskets. Fancy IVork boxes, with sewing instruthen Cs, Ladies' Cal ban, Writing Desks, and Port Port Mammies, of every variety, (told peen and pencils, Nancy paper wrlghta, and p large variety of ladlatEancy ory. Motto swain and wafers, FM and bead purees, Riding whips, illegnutly finished. Fine cutler), Forrnme baskets and imp, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, Y. Basin and It. & Wright!e Soaps and Perlutnes f various kinds. Fancy l'lns far head drosses and shawls. Musical Instruntonts, of all kinds anti at all prices together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly fluinhod•and suitable for hpli!lny presents , to which - ha in riles speclal - alten tion. Alen, an ox lonely° and. elegant collection of • lithrtln, comprising the redone English and American Works, richly embullshed POETICAL WORItS, Biblen and Hymn Books, elegantly bound In velvet with motel clasps and corners, suitable for boiitlay Ills assortment of School 'Smite and School Stationery In also complete, and comprinew everything used In the 'Schenk. Ile also denim to call the particular atten tion of Futnil len to his elegant assortment of LANPS, ac., from the natensive esteblishmotite of Cornelius, Archer and ethnic of Philadelphia, comprising every style' or Parlor; Chamber and eAudy Lamps, for burning either Lard. Sperm or Etherial oil; also morn celebrated Kerosene or Coal 011' Lamps, together with Flower Felten Fancy Screens, file assortment In this line in 'un equaled In the borough. Also, embracing' all the favorite brands, ' and a tine assort moot of Iltwitsoit 4.01 SNlOlielli AND P/PEB. FRUITB, much as Oranges, Lemone, Figs, Ilmbdne. Nectarines, Pruner!, Ac„ b'ANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PIM. .SilltVED FRUITS, MINO).M-lINAT, PICKLES, Ac., In every 'Midi and nt all prices, nil of whiall era pure lind fresh Klt h as can be confidant!) , recommended to his Monde.. Ills stock embraces everything In the Ilan of Fancy Goode, with many other articles useful to hum ekeepurs which the public. are especially invited to call and examine. .. Remember the Old Stand, nearly oppoelto the Bank oo North Hanover area. Dac. 7. 180. J AAUARY REDUCTION A. W. BENTZ, Announces to tho public and his customers, that In accordance with his lowa custom thin bonbon of the 3 ear, ho bee reduced the prices of hla stock of - .FANCI , DRY'GOODS, whidi comprised many Miele° and Nautili*, demerit*. • Clone Of WINTER nittlSS (100b9. midi an all Wool alerlooed, plain and figured. all Wool Delatineu, plain , and figured, Cuburga, Valiumlnn, DaLalnem, all Waal, AC., Ac. . SHAW hti of every variety at extremely low prices. A banutlfol lot of FANCY SILKS of every ntyle- and color, and at lower ratan than eau ba purclumed oleo. where In Carliele. FURS it OLOAKS. • A nplondld - nrsortmuot or tiore and Ohmlot yot , on hand which We are datermlund to doe., nut without ra. gird to 0091% in that our whole ',tack in no olro.ltig at ontiMilly low prices.. Peptono wilt Matti. to their docldnd ndroutago to coil and utotnltio for thomealvoe as grout bnrivilue may bu oxpectod kite aloolug noncou - " A. 11". MINTZ. Carllele, Jan. 11, ifico, • . Nu- MISTAKII. - -All - perio'nt in want d ore battle Of rfueOldlniportedatotPure Brandy. Or 0 nye Whiskey or Glu t tYleeeo ae., mu get the fore artiela at tbelt i roaery of the aubsctiber, - - , . . Carlisle, Jan. 18,11300, • , 1 ..•• - SVIg. ONNTr., -,, • . Eitu Corot: L A RG Alt Itl A . L t) 11 and Winter Goode, • AT 00111,111 ; 'S CHEAP STORE. . I am' now opentng the largest assortment or InlY 9001/$ ever brought to Cumberland County. The attention of the Ladles Is pirtieularly In rited - to the splendid assortment of ,• ' 'DRESS GOODS. A full line of MitinlOceitt Silks, Poplins, Poll Do C1,.0 viers, French Merittocs, Cashmeres, .tc.. Shawls and ,Cloth Capes of all !Lindh and unconritonly cheap. Dram Trimmings. all that now styles and to salt ovary color. Flannels and Blankets at astonishing low prices. Call. coca the best In Owlish', at 0, 8 nod 10 eta. Deletlnes, the best in the State tit 37, 50 and t',3 cis.. Muslim., blenched and unhl.achoil, no better and no cheaprr to 1/13 had. Linons, Napkins, Table .Clitths, Filleting% Doylies, ke., brought 'coin the largest in NMI , York. vury good and very cheap. Wm/hams, a full no. sertmont. ' MOURNING. OGODS. = A largo aleiortinent of mourn -lug Goods of all Bifida and descriptiona. BONNETS & RIBBONS.—A new supply of fashionable Bonnets mid Ribbons; at low figures. , GLOVES —The best quality of Alexander's Kid ()hves, Kid, Silk and Cotton Gauntlets. • Buck fillivea, equal to any Bulimia.° Agency, Gantt Onion'Awear. . A now assortment of Fine Broad Cloths, Canter Bea• Tem, Plain,and Fancy Cansimores; Vostinga;Vasalints, &c., &c.- - • BOY'S WEAR.—Cashimores . sußsido , for boys vary clmp. • Three Ply Carpeting, goad. beautiful and cheap. Flom Oil Clothaof all widths. goad and cheap. The store is now filled with new, elegant and cheap goods, brought from the largest and best houses in Now York and Philadelphia, and will be sold off at prices to defy all competition. Come one, genie all, berme purchasing elsewhere mid judge for yourseiven.. No trouble to allow . our goods at the Mow Store oppo alto the Railroad Depot. Carliale, Oct 26, 1850 (ZPEO'IAL NOTICE..- 0 _ • HATS AND CAPS. . . ~.. -AT• • . 7 ' KELLER'S OLD STAND. - . . . NORTH. HANOVER STREET, Wlll h u found a largo and olegant assortment of AVIS and CAPS, In great variety, of our own and city maim facture. -_Il ATS. 'CAPS. • . _ • Silk. ' Military, . . Alolealt In, ' . .Navy, . Cassinicro, . Morph'', . Scotch, Ledger, Ledger. Plant/ma, • I ill Cloth. • Plush dr Cloth. ' Childrou% Fancy ' ASSO, Wool Cato of all'kinds, whin will ho sold at ho lowcat prices. liecullert IiELLEWS 01.1) STAND, . North !Latimer Streot. to.. Hats of any etylo manuCtetured to order. , . earliale. Oct. IS, 1.855. , . E S 1.-I G- ROGER E S AT S. C. 1111YETT'S Shad and Mackerol of 111M:rant gr'ados, At HUYETT'S. 83i111011, Scale Fish mid - White Flab Codfish, Salt and .I%filed l!orring Cheese nud Crackors crin ho halt Sugar Cur,;(l Beef and Hams, _ At nuyErrs A flesh supply of LIQUORS, P- AtAUYETT'S. 011 a, WI to Load, he., J.., = SECIAIty AND TOBACCO, S. IV. 11AVERSTICK I N 'P C E S ----- ___----- - 4 2 - ' Zuittiess, Units. _ ,p c/ t it et t , es i I , e :n , t t A-. ti. R,D.-L liR. JO. K. &urn, - ye- L .- 3,_ ap ctfupy ahnouncen to Ma old . frit min and former i Arens, ehat he .hen returned front Ills south welder; tour. With hill health greatly lowered, arid. 11. tie tried hls pritetico In Carlisle. OF , CH on Main Street, ono door *eat of the Railroad D.ipn , where ho btu ho found at all hours, day and irk t. whoa not but professionally. •' e. _, Oldish', Oct. 211, 18Qll-tf i t J. BENDEII7:cf77D. . ----- --- 7- .. Di ' (110M(E)PATIITST,) . PITY CLAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCHER: 'OIIINADD South Ihtnover Sired,. formerly occutileil by. Dr. Smith. Illyy It. S. B..ICIEFFISR 01E . c e in! North L Llllonover street two doors from, Arnold & store. Oahu hours, more psrticulsrly from'? to 0 o'elockt A. M.. and from t/ to 7 o'clock, P. M. , . . _ GEORGE S. SEA. RIGHT, DENTIST, from tho Bel t mere College of _Dental Surgery. OD-Office at,the residence of bre mother, Lest heath(' street, three doom below Bedford. • • . March ID, 11350.—tf. • DOOTOIt ARMSTRONG has retnov ad his MSc(' to the South west corner ochia never S• Pomfret st whore he may be consulted at any hour of the day or night. Dr, A. has• had thirty — yearn oxporieure in tho protelliilM, the last, ten orwhich,have been der.) , ted to the study and practice of homoeopathic noel!. aim May 20, '676m, 1)R, J. C. NEFF respot. _ fully Informs the ladles and gentlemen --f - of Carlisle, mid' vicinity, that he has re. eumed the practice of Dentistry, and is prepared to pet • form all operations on the teeth and gnms, belonging to his profession. kin mill insert full pats of tooth no Bald or silver, with single gum teeth, or blocks. an they may prefer. Terms moderate, to suit the times. CHAS. OUILHY R.I.C.LOOMIS „ Henover• street, " 7 . "nrilwrrA next door to the 'Pont .„„.. Office. • - • • fol., Will bonlisout from Corned° Um Inst.tan dnvs of 0.11 nnnith. nag. 1, ;1,5. G"'ov. NEIDICII, D. D. ~,-.1-• ' Latn Demanstratnr of "pinallre Dentletry t , 411- • ~...., . . Daltitnore ' College of v i;. -- . !". %%VI a,,.., Dental Surgery. GP • .4 , . oMco at hle rtaldenen, - .. . . .. . . - oproslt° Martml 11.im i 1 ust Main street, Carllsto, I. . Nur. 11, 1857. . S, W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, • North Ifonover Slava, Carlisle. Physician's presdriptions carefully compounded A full supply of fresh drugs. and chemicals. I WIN HAYS, ATTORNEY AVLAW el Office on Main Street, opposite "Marion Hall," Carlisle. Pa. [Oct. 26, '59-Iy. P. .EIUMRICH, Attorney at Law. on North Hanover .streetort (ow doors south of Glass' llotel.. All business entrusted to him will be promptly ottondod to. [April 15. r ASV NOTICE. REMOVAL. W j 31. PliNltoB hnis removed his Mlle° in reor o the Court House, whore ho will promptly attood to all business entrusted to hits. August 111, 1857. . ASV . OFFICE.-LEMUE'L TODD J has resthhe,l the practice of the Law. Wen In Centre Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian April 8, 1857. gkir FATiE RPUCED. 'VA ' S.II , A2TES UNION HOTEL, 606 6c 608 Market St., above sixth, JAMES W. ROWER, Pi'oprietnr TERMS:--$1 25 per day. ju55•58 AMERICAN HOUSE; North Miriam StraO2- Car-lido, Pa. W. W. llt LIIN E, Proprietor.. .Thin;louvu xlgin, moj nig!, Opt) MODERATE TLIiMSr Ifi C CELLENT STABLING ATTACGED. El= AI iiurorvp At IWY:ETT'I3, UNITED STATES UOTEL.- At IitIYETT'S S. E. Car. 11th 4. Market 5i.,., PHILADELPHIA IL W. ICANAUA, PROPIIIETOILI MEM H. S 11 A 111 , , ATTORNEY AT 'LAW. Mice with Wm. 11. Miller, Esq., south Hanover Street, opposite the Volunteer Mee. Carlisle, Sep. &MO. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT.' \ Minneapolis, Minnesota. • IyILI. give special attention to collections thrmigh out the Rate, make investments, buy and sell Real Estate and securities. Negotiate loans, pay tsar-, locate land warrants, .I‘e. Refer to the members .1 the Cumberland County liar, and to all prominent sons of Carlisle, J. GOODYEAR. R. ANDERSON BAR IRON. - • V the lN . G. t.. . , p ,a n , t t e u r ri e n d a o i r n i t l o mt co l -x ( a )N rtn . ership Forgo, earthily,' P/1., WO would respectfully Invite (he Ilthilli 1011 ' 11i hardware merchants, all others who may want u superior article of Irma to give them n call. " All kinds of hammered Irvin constantly on band or drawn to °Mei on short notice. The hlghost price p.lll for wrought Iron .craps, or kou In rixchaugo for Lai Iron. Catrllsle,;Ott. 12, 1850 D EAL ESTATE AGENCY, ItE LL NIOVAL.—A. L SPONSLER, REAL ESTATE Att EYT, CON VEY ANCER AND SCRIVENER, has re. moved to his Now Office on Nialn'street, 0110. door west of the Cumberland Valley Rail timid Depot. lie In now permanently located, and has-on hand sod for sale a very large amount of Real Estate, consisting of Farms, of nil fries, Improved and unimproved. 31111 Properties. Town Property of every description, Build. log Lots, also, Western Lands and Town Lots. •Ile will give his attention, as horetofbre to the Negotiating of Loans, Writing of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills. Contracts. and &riven ing conerally. Oct. 28. 185:.—tf. E:STA TE OF JOHNSTON WILLIAMSON, lecesseil.—All pursuits Indebted to, or having awls against the Estate ofJohnoton Williamson, lain Dickinson township, tLe'd., etell • requested to moot the Executors of said eatato at tlgo public house of Jo rob Itodsocker, lit Coutroville, on Wednesday, 'Mors day, k Friday. the Bth, 11th, and 10th of February nest, with tholFclaims properly authenticated for settlement. .JOIIN T. GREEN, • ,11DA.51 COOPER, Jan. 11, 'OO-td. Administrators of J. W., deed. OTICE.--Notiee" is hereby ..given all who are indebted to ue that on? booke will lie handed over for collection niter the 15th of next month. Our hooky are now In poneenalon of our eueressor Antler Mei, who le code - tautly ready to receive money on our account'. JOO. 11, 1860. STEINER BROTHERS. I'. S. Aeher Wlel's Clothing Store, firer the Markel House. • r i ISTATE NOTlOK—Letters of 'A,I _EA ministration on thu latato or WILLIAM LEONAKI,, docoasad, Into of the Borough of Carlisle, having been granted by the Regime - 0r of Cumberientl county, to the undormignod, residing In Landisburg. Terry County. Notice le hereby glean to those knowing themselves indltbtati to the sedate to make payment. and Most, haring claitntalust the estate - to present them for settlement tt ha subscriber, who may bo addressed either at the a ve piano, or at Carlisle, Cumberland county. Jan. 18, 186044 • 1 4 1 SENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD I_4 NAPRIIA PECTORAL, Is VIC DIST atEDICINE IN VIE WORLD, for the Curie of COLIMIS AND COLD. Croup Bronchitis, An. Dillinulty In Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart, and (Or Chu relief of patinntn In the advanced doges of CONSUMPTION, to. gethor with all Cinnamon of the • Throat and Chent, and ' which predisposed to Consumption. It attacks the root of dinenne, and bane the fell destroyer succumb to lon ntluencee It also produces free ompectoratlon, and In ducen healthy notion in tho dinonisod Mucous Membranes mid Tlnsuos. It In peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of ASTHMA. 000 done of this invaluable Syrup 'Often given nano, and consequently sloop, which the peculiar unture of thin dlseneo .danien him. it In very pleasant to the tante. and prompt in Its effects. NiTCT IT, and be convinced, that It is Invaluable In the CURS o► Choir. DIMAL AFFECTIONS. TR. PRICE SO CENTS PER BOTTLI. , . . . . .. .. . . Prepared only by A. DEMENWEIN, Druggist, - N. W. Corner or Ninth and Poplar streetn; PIIII.ADEI4 , IIIA ._ 4 N. 11. Fnr SAW by 1, Elliott, B. .1: Kehrer, S. W. Haver* Ale% Carlisle' L. K4llOlOllll, l'ilechanlceburg I and 13,3. . N, Smith, tt Co., Chlladslphla, and Storekeepers a. d Drumlins generally. ' Carlisle, Oct. 10.'50.-7 nips, .. 11 e 3ELLS 1 BELLS!! BELLS 11 1- Farm Itells, - or the bolt mho. tbr eels cheap ; at t llardware Store or •J. P. LYNN &SON.. - May 11,1859, - . ' North Hawser et., A 1 .1113 L tovws . ILAHLsTAIN.--- J, want reliable itetleto In lleif I I tolorlng the or•WillBtiHltn Ininantannnutly to a NA,IIIR4L. 1113AOR . Ott DRO 0W Dooe'not tho Hair or Igklo t or knoll:010 lbo Doh tont motoliio deatt l erS . redtllrtt Pllll4O Skint moot or that dyeo ao, and NliVailt moo or wooace out. For Nth/ 10 110Ury - Mmiofiulo4 Darlior Shop, Sprit' Maurer Xitroot, Partial') Pai ‘laroli F. titolobtont4 Ageor; to tot found at I.lnulAtibril4hAthPr *bop. at). 00,18004 m. Cheap Job Printing done hers. • PIIII,ADELVAIA WM. MaVEY, W. C. R,I-lEEIII. .1, I,IOOIIY EMI & CO EDWARD D. LEDNAP.D tiimb% ttaint, NE wCO A 'AND 1.0 31 iMITAREY. The nubscribore have tlOs day on torediVo perk; purnlilp to trade lu Lll A F A N D L U'lll.rt" - IV , We will Intro constent le r nn hand end furnlitt to orderal kinds and quality of seasoned 1.1.131111ttt, • " • . • EIMICI FRAM: STUFF, Poling, Planterlog Loth, Shingling Lath, worked Floor. log and Wenthorboarding. Posts and Rails, and every/tr.. ticlo that belongs•te_a LIED nnit YARD: - All kinds of Shingles, to wit: WhitoPine, Iforaloctr, arid Oar of dllTorent qualifies. Having ears of our 111,1,11,Nre can.fswillph bills to order of any length and size at the choest notice dOn tho most' reasonable 'erns. Otir w rt orked boarlla4 n Vriii be kept under cover so that they can be furnished dry.al iii Elmo!. • 6, We have constantly on hand all hlnds'al Family Coal - under cover. which wo will deliver clean to'any part o the borough. To wit: — GYKENS VALLEY, Drokoniptgg, }Rote and titit LUKE FIDIIIiPA, TIDE YORTON, •• do. , do: do; .LocusT mouriTAIN, .I,OIIIIERY.. which wo pledge onicalSoc itori of the locum prictit Rant quality of Linteburner's and Blackomith's Cool, dwayn on hand whivh wo will Bell nt.tho lowest figure,. Yard west aldo of Graaniatt &IMO, Main street. &ILMSTAUNG & IiOVVEII. El= NEW:COAL AT TUE WEST END OF CRELIBLE. The subscriber would rospectfaitY cdil the attention of Limoburners and the .eitizons of Carlisle, and the surrounding country generally, to his. NEW COAL, YARD, attached to bin Want House. on West ugh et., whore ho will keep constantly nn hand.. large supply r I the best quallp of COAL; to wit:- Lykens valley, Luke Fiddler, Pine Move and Turret. ton,. Broken , Egg and Nut Coa t —screened enddry emir, width he pledges himself to sell at the lowetrt pbs*ilAtt prices. Bost quality of Limeburnerlund Binbitsmitlee Coal always on hand. • O All ordure left ea tho Wora Meow, of at hie roil demo Ln NOs LL ❑nnovnr aied, will leo promptly at tOndod t 0..• April 14; JOHN EARLY; J. It. NONEMAKER. FORWARDING AND COMMIS SION 11011:4E • . , FIGOURAIIITO Ftt.D i GOAL, PLASTER AND SALT. TIM subscribers hay I ng taken the warehouse, cars and fixture, of Wm. H. Hurray'awrll known e w siablisliment, on Woot High street, epppsite would Inform the public that they hay. entered Intoti general Forwarding and Commission i usiness. - The highest market price will ho paid for Flour, Grain, and Produce of all kinds. They areal's, prepared to freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Ilaltimore,mt the lowest rates, with snibt.patod despatch. • PLASTER. AND SALT kept constantly on baud, and FLOUR AND FEED at wholesale or retell. Coal of all kind. omhraclng LYKEN'd VALLEY, ' LUKE FIDDLER, • SUNBURY WIIITE • • lA)CUST-OAP,` ' Limeburnees and Illacksmitleg , CONSTANTLY /0141-ALE KEPT UNDER COVE/ft,,-- nnd doiivored dry to any part of the town. EARLY A NONEMAEER, MMMI NEW ARRA„NGEAINNT. On and after Monday, 284 May-, 1859, the sub. scriber will run a Daily Train of Cara, between CARLISLE AND PIIILADELPIIIA, leaving Cnrllala every morning nod Philadelphia every evening. AU goods left at' the FItUfUIIT DEPOT of ,Peacock, Zell & HINCIIMAN, Nos. "ROB and SID Market strwat, will be delivered In Carlisle the next. day. • .T. Sr. HENDERSON,. West High Alive, earlier, Pa. Msy 2&, '5O Rti,strilantotts 011 A M IfERSB URG FEMALE SE 31- It Y. - The location la pleasant and healthy, and the advan tages ern equalled by..f9w In the land...Thu.ln stittition_ ran with rare, and well qualified to Instruct Iwoe solid and ornninental,branchos, The influences In tile board ing department are parental, moral and relining. The next session trill cominence• on the ith day of February. Catalogues may be had on-applicatima.to. the Principal._ REVERIiINC ES. Boy. W. W. Ells, Carlisle; Roy. John A ulty Loudop, Pa; (leo. 11. Ilueliar, Esq.; lloguesto ro, Pa; Iron. 800. rhatuberif,ll. 8. &loot*, D. D., S. It. Fisher. D. 11., Rey, P. B. house. Do, JOsaol; (Dark. ,Olumuleailblrg; Pa. Pro lessors at NI n..oton, N. J., both of the College and Thoo, Beroluary. Bor. 111.:.!tY IiEF:VES, A. ai t i Mrs. SARA!! Q, REEVES; Penni-pals. CarllFln,'Jetn. 22, 1860.-1 y ADD, IVIOSTEIt & CO ) • IDIPIIOVED WORT STITCH SEWING .MACHINES, On Exhibition andfor Bah, nWilrio it. A. Itoonotzli 'DMIUEIIREAN ROOMS, 2ndkiloor nog. of Dr. Zrrnit's Ofnco, OarliClo, Pn. &Cid for wolreular to Dec. 7. 1859-tf. D 011 , TABL'.E.G•AS LIGIIT. L Thu underriguedye pew Prep:troy' to furnish Loveless' Portable Gas Light.antl Fixtures," it pripes ranging from $5.00 to $5OO. This light h.fx the advantage over other artificial light on account of Its 9.yr:ff. - III4IbIAA . NCY and I , .I:ONOMY, the cost ors nil Flame helm only about 01:NT per hour. Orders from abroad respectfully solicited, and full• satisfaction warranted. Liberal dodo , tion outdo to• Churches And Seminaries.. All Orders will receive at. ention If directed to 11AltliSESS A CC,. Carlisle, Pa... os_We would refer truth(' following guutlemen whd have the light In we. H. A. 81 urgoott, Ern,,.. W 4. M. Watt,, Ext., Dr. D Wm. Fier, Esq., ,Joe. C. "teller, Esq., aud. Col .1. 51001110 x. Carlisle, Dec. IA, 1959.--31nott. Villiam. P.. Lynch, l'ractical lIIIIIER., s and GAS FITTER, in the basement of . E. Church, • (fain Street, Carlisle. I mad fluti Iron Sipes, .14 t . Iron Sinks; II; drams, d 4i,h Tubs; • I lot & Cold Shower. Stabs, _ll Boilers, tar Closets, 1 4 • PS, h Rosins, • ' rare,, snd Lin Pimps, "rVdraulle Baum, ke. • WeCdTubes, And eiory description of cocks • and fittings for gas, sirani„yeter. fcc. dupnrlor cooking ranges, beaters andi ivis fixtures put- up in churches, sOres• and dwellings, at short notice, In the most niodornstyle. AU milord , . sin and work Worn, line at low rates and warranted. oar Country work aud Jobbing promptly attendedto. • ~. •• Mar. 23, 18b111y - VEIV MUSIC STORE O. 93 MARKET STREET, lIARRISBUIHL IS II E E T 1L U B I C•, INBTRUCTION 110010, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, PIANOS, MELODEONS, . • VIOLINS, • ' - May IT, N. DYSPEPSI REMEDY. Dtt..DARIUS j HAM'S Aromatic lung - orating Spirit. --, This Med!vibe has been used by tho public for six. years, vlith Increasing favor. It In recommended. to cure Dyspepsia Nervousuens, Heart-Burn Colic, i 'Patna, Wind' n the Stomach; or Pains In the • Dowels, Ilendache, Drowsiness, Kidney Corm: plaints,. Low Spirits, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance. It Stimulate., Exhilirates. Invigondes, bet will not Intoxicate or Stupefy, An ir Medicine, it is ~ulna and offectunl, curing the most nggrivrated cases of Dyspepsin.-IK Piney COMplainte, • and nil other derangements of the :Stomach and Bow els,•ln n speedy manner.. • .. It will revive the meet droopini Ind. ends • lincholly spirits, and restore the weak, nervous and nickly to health; strength and vigor.. Perseus who, front the injudicious use of liquors,. live become dejected, and their nervous systems chat tered. constitutions broken down, and nuldeet to that horrible curse to humility, the Munro* Ta Joins, will almost immediately fool the happy and healthy Invigo. , rating efficacy of-Dr. Ilanettlnvigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. DOEE—Ono wine gloss full es often as necessary. One does will rentovenDlleid Spits, • One done will cure Heart burn. . • .. • • Three doses will eve Indigestion.. • One dose will give youtt flot.d Appetite.. One done will atop the dlstresiing pakielbrkepepere. One doge will rnnatb - glitnlVltreeginganddleegreeablo effects ufWied or Flatulence, and as imot, as- the steat ite!, realities the Invigorialryg 81011, the dletressittg load/tad all Painful feelings will be removed. One dome will remove the most. distressing. Inane of eltheriu the attned' or bowels. A few &lies will remove all obstructions In the Itlit• ney; bladder or Urinary Organs. Persons who are seriously nificted with any Klituoy Complaints are assured stimuly relief by I% dote or two and a radical cure by the use of ono or two bottles. NICIIITLY DISSIPATION, Portions Who, from dissipating too mods over Muria, nod fedi thu avii ‘ effocta or polvoitooe liquors , i n violent; headashespeicknene nt !tooled', weakness, giddiness, ilt.rAtiii hod owl ;logo will reprove nil bad halloo. ; ;idled of weakC nod Mealy constitutions, ahould take the itrtiguntti lig c lrit throe those a day; It will make Them Strung. hanithy nod happy,,reinovio soil , obstruc; lions and irregularltine from the menstrual organs lOW riaturu the bloom of health and beauty to tot tarowora . , Inca, Doplog pregnsey lb will be Ibund an Inialuable !ton to 'Otiose tileagreesble ern Atinue at the etattutob,. proprlutup laka to a triad, old to Induce thlti ti 1.1111 pot up ilia InVionia . ritol NMI In plat bal4loa t 00 quarto (01. Si&e.Ftre ran la-Catllela by 5: V 4, Urforillols i la Itrta, taOlapburg by L. Kauffman, awl by, Dttliptleta poor. ty, ?ob. 1,16000.1 y. , • - ) 0 la . N. prime Now No 1 H 0141%4041M, aftg ft,r ()Magi Priel to Wt . thi ""alll. II SOANTLING, lIENDSI',RSON. W.. 11. MASON, Agent. FLUTES, ACCORDEONS, &c e 0. C. B. CARTER.