3 Counting 4o' se JX4nanao for 1860 1221 131 IM 1.9 10 OW l ' itl. 1G 9 111111 2:1) 23130 I 13 1 14 24 21 26 =ELI 1 3 4 1111 11, 10 121 2,) 1.. .. furni,_P 'tut ABY The Father I= Clear the.brown path, to meet his coulter's gleam, . Le on he conies behind his smoking tenni, With ttiirs'bright dew drops on his sunburnt. brow,. The lord of earth—the hero o . f."tite First in the field, before the reddening Last in the shadow, when the day is done; Line after line, along the bursting sod; • • - Marks the broad acres where his feet have trod. . . These are the hands, ,whose sturdy labor brings` The peasant's food=the golden pomp of Kings, This iti 4 tile page whose letters shall be.seen, Changed by,the sun, to words of riving green; This ie the sehohir whose immortal pen, Spells the first lesson hunger taught to men These - are - thelinesoll-1 lleaven Cojllllllolded • toil, That nu. thy deed, the charter of the soil. . . r . Trot, to their homes where faithful arms' Shall' , toil . . .. .. ~,To crown with peace their own tin I ainted soil; 4"And turn to God—to freedoin—to mankind; (.1 If her chained bondage , etions tdiall unbind.- There stately forms-tin I ending) ever stow, Bowed, their Strung manhood to the humble plough. . _ Shall raise erect, theguardians of the land, The Hanle stern iron in the same right hand, The gray hick thunders•te.the parting sun . .The sword has conquered what the .ploUgh share won. Cranberry Culture. • A correspondent of the Germantown • Telegraph asks the editor to answer or iffderfain throughJhe.medium of his ex tensively circulated paper the folhming questions. ' 1. What.soil -is most suitable for the 'cultivation of 'the cranberry ? ;2. What is. the proper• method of pre paring the soil for planting the .eranber ry ? - At what distance apart - should the -- cranberry- plan,ts be plaPed - • 4.. Is manure a benefit'? -If so, what . variety is the best 5. Is irrigation beneficial to the growth of the cranberry plant or not? ' -6, Whiit is the best method to-prevent or check the growth of weeds'? -• 7. What time' must elapSe before a-fall bearing of the cranberry? 8. Frost or a hot - sun, are either pr both injurious; or is the plant capablmof - 'resisting either? . . _ 9. ,Will not the gathering of the cran berry by the rake,• cause greater injury to the vines, and thus be more expensive_! than hand gathering would meet ? 10. What is the proper Management of the berries after they are collected? -The editor of the Telegraph responds saying:—Here is rather a formidablejole. of questions asked by a Jersey man, re • siding almost in the midst of the' very region that produces three-fourths of the cranberries supplying the Philadelphia market.. Nevertheless we shall brief an swers give to the best ofoUr knowledge. • ' 1. Sandy soil, by all means. 2. Break it up with the plow, if p*itle • ticable by reriton of the moisture; avriny rata clear it of all other vegetation. 3. This depends:upon ciretonstanceS; es-n rule about .2i feet apart,. each way. The best cranberry yards, are those cover ing the surface in ono dense mass which, as the cranberry throws out runners in the proper soil several feet in a season, this is soon the case where the weeds are kept down the first season. 4. Water, sand and air, are what the cranberrY dourishes in. the best. The • water should lie not more. than a' foot be low the surface. Low ormarshy meadows not too-heavy, Will answer very well for this fruit.- , 0 0 5, Moisture is everything' to the mul -1 berry, irrigation would be 'necessary for upland yards, but it would be attended with considerable labor and expense . ; hence ,we cannot recommend'upland eulti vatiomwith a view to profit. 7 6. Remove the weeds by hoe or hand the first two seasons, and the-, cranberry vines will take care to smother them to death afterwards. • „ 7, The.crauberry should be planted in . the ppiiiii,;_Say from the middle of-March to the middle of May, to avoid freezing out the• - first winter, which is often the ease if planted in the fall. The second year after that the vines may be consid ered as in full bearing, though frequently in one year after good props rare gathered. • B.' Northern expoSures are best for a cranberry yard; and if a little shaded still better.—They are sometimes damaged ' by the changes of temperature in thewin ter—that is by exposure to a - warm sun during the day, and hard frost in the night. It should be borne in mind that nearly all damage to trees, ehiubs and vines, during winter,•ii caused ,by expo sure to the sun. 9. Hand-gathering would save tho vines, • from injury, it is true, but the labor Would be tedious and expensive, and in a great measure destroy the, profit of : the crop. The injury, - so•palled to the vines by the rake, is not really hurtful, but rather the contrary. 10. Lot the fruit boas sound as popi hle,aUd pack in good - casks, (barrels) press down gently,. and head up. Stow them where .the feroperature,is •pretty equable.' We know of no bettermethod —ED, , . • How TO MAKE A BALKY HORSE PULL. —Take a Small rope, double. it, make loop at the double end, and draw it snug ly around the under jaw of the animal, just below his front teeth, with the loop underniath.—ThroW. the loose emir over your shoulder- and walk in the ti ,he should go, holding fast and pulling steldi iy and firmly., Don't bo troubled about 'him, for be will follow without after he has discovered hol you have get-hira.. - , TRYING - FEMALE- - COLLEGE, rottiANicsouno, I'A. ' Thle Institution, designed for the Mein' education of Yhung l.atilen, has been lu operation two years with . the most gratifying l'esul tn. . It is now established on firm lends, and, Its pal rorago 'airtady, extends over several litat es.. • , , It Is located mi the Cumberland Valley Railroad ndd• . way betiveun Harrisburg and Carlisle. in the most for filutit ul portion of the valley, and in iu close proximity to one of the 111(14 maid, healthy. and en— terprhing towns 'in the State. . It is central, and easy of ii,ess. Students leaving i.lVosilitlaton, Baltimore, otlnilledelphia in the morning I train for ItarriAliurg, will airice at Mechanicsburg I time mr dinner. . The edifice is large and clatfingdions, surrounded by dflubb,m1111(111S. Roil trill IlerMllMMitltenbout. row how '''‘lred - Ineirticis. In Its construction,lt combines till the Moder. hoprovMaents for the promotion of health, emoting. nod cutivenieficl„..l.wthrqZ respects physicians prononnee it tuirtvidl 'She elmnibers are large and neatly furnished, Rauh has.register.for,heat and "1 entilatlon , Only tllli:Audents occupy the .inte IThe lath rooms are at all times supplied with warm and i'" sf'! .ll; " g t rrr t. tp its are and well' arranged for re'cre— .ation, and the various calisthenic exercises—so esssw Hal to 'health, graceful. Movement and Symmetry Of form., ' The Faculty of instructicitCht efficient and expert. uncoil. in 111. Collegiate Department the course cif ,study.is of a high grade, comprehending:ill the subjects belong. log to II s elll.ll,At, Pullin find Christian Edw.:atom'. In Li Preparatory Departmeift. pupils will We are. fully Ins octal in.those branches forming the basis of a thoroug English education. Sueinse. rSt•Se,ion, from%elet.lledneSday of Scohlither to the :lath of January: . . . Second Ser , nun the lot tif Februiry to the Ist of - Vacation, d,Wing Jnly and August: , I El = "IN ADVANCE. Boarding. Waohing, Furfilsbeil Dooms. F and Light. Tuition—Collegial° Department, .• Preparatory •• " First Clasq, 72 00 Ni extra charge 114 Ancient Languages. Norde—Pianu itmlOuitar. . . ... '.. Vdral . . 2..00 Modem Languages; . . . . . . 10 nO Painting, Drawing.and other Ornamental Branches at the usual rates. rextd!ooks furnished at city prices. For Waller particulars address, Bev. A. O. 31ARLATT, A. N.. President. A u 3 IS:9. it.PIBERLA.ND VALLEY It. It 1• ' WINTER AIM A N GE.3 . 1.8 VT, On and after MONDAY, NOY. '.l4t h 18M, 1':o-se Trains NV 111 run as followS: (Sundays excepted: ' - YOlt lIARRISBIJIIG - Ist Train. Lea cu Clintnlwrsburg, 8.3,5 A, M -" Shippent.burg, 8.05 . ' Nvw vine, ' (I.:IS ' " Carllelp. . - 10.15 )11.elkallirsburg, , 10.47. . . 4 Arrive ittllarrisbuN. 11.15 "" lat Train. — ' 2d-Train. . Leave Ilarrithura .• , 8.18 A. NI '2.55 1'..31.. Merlitinittanirg 8.57 ." 2.42 " earliale, . 0.27 ''. 5.15 ,-Seivville. 10:12 . WAY. Slilppon:burg., 10.42 " • 4.2 0 .. Arrive at Cliambersburg, 11.12 . 3.50 " TRAINS I.RAVE liarrlalitirg via l'ennsyly'anla cew Aral Railroad at 1.00, P. NI., 2.15, I'. NI., via. Columbia, :tad 5 50. P. 31. Pis I.l,banaa Valley and Readtiag . Railroad, at BOa A. M., 11111 i '2.35. P. 31. For Pittsburg. at 2.00. AM. oaf Lzo, !tle Po Ilalthor.re, at 2.50 a a5l 8..15. A. M., and 2.05. I'. 31. Fo Treverton; \ VII liarnsport and Buffalo. at 1.27 and 7.59 P. M. Palmy' I.ill and 'l . ;o...loellannu Railroad, liar Au bupiland Pottsville, nt SMO, P. N. ' NOTICE, TO I'.ISSL'ACII:IIS: At all 71dLi0118 . wher Tlekets are sold. viz: Chaniber,burg, 51.1ppensburg Ca rlislo. Merhaplesburg and Ih . rbdatrg: a redualoa TLN CENT:4 on each Picket will be made to all Pa., se n gen: that provide themselves, with Tickets -before e 0 terin4 the Cari'.'N s 11. N. LULL, Superl Railroad (lhambersburg.) Nov. 9, INSII. FURNITURE WARE-Itool,, 1859 =SS9 - • "Pfre „ ?t ' 'lVest High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded al the Cumherjand County Agricultural l'air - 18570 Vie subscriber Inns just reeelrsd, the most Fplendinl assortusuit rif articles in his lune, evel brought to tills place-1111.11 ho is determined to sell at prices that do fy mm1)4111144 Pnr 10, • . Chamber, Dinlog-room, IFUR, sirrun.,' and ' OMee ' . Embracing -every 'article used by TIMM and lintel keepers, of the most approved fashionable deshln and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In set,Ls. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrasses„"Wit,frantes, pirtUres, Purchasers are requested to call and examine 1115 stock, at Ills eXtVISSIVO ware.rooms, West Main sheet, North side. ,tq 11. };WING. Jr.) - Particular attention given as ukual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly mai on moderate terms. . • • • 'A, IL Cat lisle, 311 t 12, 1858.—ly: AGIIICULTUItAL IMPLEMENT AND • . - SEED STORE. „ • suczpiccuic S BROTHER, Ilarejust opened, in the room formerly occupied by Fluyoek, Taylor k smith, Zug's now building, 3.lain• street, two doors 6110 Or the market 110116 U ft huge ns. not Latent of AtlitlClll,TUltAl. IMPLIOIE:NTS and fir. Hlkors, which they are prepared to bell on the must reasonable The stock umbra,. PLOWS ' CULTIVATORS, lIA ROWS, t!T OWS, lIAY, ik AW AM) WM:It CUTTLIts, REAPERS, mowEits. niuus. CII ADLES, SC1"11I i;S. CORN SIIELLEIIS FORKS, ..SUOVELS, lIOES, RA K ES. PIiUNINO KNIVES, WHETSTONES liwflolr- e ern, and evory othor article, no: ' • cossary for I.arm 'ey also Intend keoidng in addition, a full assart• went of tIEDAR and' WILLOW AVAnE, including Spain's patent Churn. Brooms, Brushes, Butter-work an, Bolter-Forms, Prints, , Ladles, Butter Tubs, Bowls, Sc. Also,Yrult, Garden and Flower Sands; Seed P.otatees, .01 the best varieties. They am constantly making ad ditions to their stock, and will use every 'exertion to supply the wants of the agricultural community, They have also the agency for EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. Orders left at the store -for fruit and ornamental Trees, Flowers nod 'fertilizers, will ho attended to pimnpt ly. M. B. Silt IMLER - A, BRO. • April 10, 1050-1 y •. COATS, PANTS AND VESTS or COATI", PANTS AND VESTS 01" CASSINET. CASSIM ERE, CLOTH A: SILT{ - CASSINET,CASSIMERE,III:IIIIIc SILK' OVER-COATS' OF' • OVER-COATS OF . CLOTH, DEAVER, PILOT, PETERSHAM, Ac. 't CLOTH, BEAVER, PILOT, PETERSHAM, Ac GENTLEMEN'S SHAWLS. HENTLEMEN'S. HIAWLS. ' . As woll'as alt sorts of Goats' Furnishing Goods are offorral In largo quantities and at romar)zablo low prices, AN THE EAP cunuiccp STOIIII NEAR 1 . 1!E MARKEy 110 USE.. Carlisle, p;oi. 9,1859 TRUSSESI BRACES 1 ! SUPPOR. S. W. Corner Twelfth & Race Streets Practical Adjuster of Rupture Trusses and Mechani— cal Remedies. lias constantly on hand a large Stock - of genuine French trusses, also a complete assortment of the best American. including the celebrated While's Patent Lover Truss, believed by the best authorities to be superior t" any yet invented. English and Amor-- eau Supporters and Belts, Shoulder braces, Suspensory bandages, Suit Injecting Syringes, adapted to both sex es, in neat portable cases, French Ptl.sarles, Urinal Bags Ac., dc., Orders and ]cherry of enquiry ; will melt prompt at tention.• =MEM IMPORT4I , IT • TO FA MILI E S. . • SAPONIFIER-1 . ! THE READY Fd3IILY SOAP MAKER. With which every family, with their ordinary kitchen grease, can Maim all their. Soap with little or - no trou ble—HAßD, SOFT, or FANCY. It will .make hard water soft,, clean Paint, ,remove Grease, Ac., to perfection. ' Abundant testimony in favor of the 8.11)6111er, with PIAL and VALUABLE receiptsjoi making different !kinds of Soap, adut, Rico, by addressing • • OFFICE OF TIIE COMPANY, No. MO Penn Street, Plttaburg, Pa„ or LEWIS JAMES A CO., Agents, • Jan.4,16,60-3 m. 08,..11e sure you got the original and petentedaracle, mannfactured by the Pennsylvania - Salt Manufinturhog Co., East Tarrentuto. Allegheny county, I'a. .?O ,I C IA No. 1.-2. &3. just received_ and Wr sole low at IIAiDERTEI.' • fl LASS; • GLASS.-500}mug 'G hiss Ijr ot'ullBleoe, clugle and dJublo thick, Juxt received , 11.155i1GY BAXTONT, , 111cr.: 10, 1859. Vstiticational 9UtSCCURIICOiiS. jazA . r CIIANUE OF lIOURSt FOR CHAMBER SRI) IfO; ----A. B. EWING'S = SOM,ETIIIN( NEW! =I C. H. NEEDLES. PRILARL:LPHIA Ncw'' aiTTEX7OIO.7r: NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS After returning his' acknowledgements foi the Cory liberal patfonage'whielt has been extundect,to bite, tho. undersigned world. call attention to the fact Abet h a has just re-opened his extensive . assortment of fatuity 0,9-9RIES In his new storeroom, on the south-east .corner at the public square, where the public era invited to call and CXllllliOO a stock of goods which, in elegance, variety and extent, will defy competition; comprising In part loaf, lamp, crushed and brown 'cumuli, dare, Rio and ranked Coffee Eve,y vu. day and quality of TEA. *cos. (ground " and utiground,) PickelS, Sauces, "Able Oil. <7 ' Now Orleans, Sumrhouse and Trinidad . • Molasses; New York and lihilldelphlaSyr ups, chaese,); amain, Vermecilli, split Pens, Hominy, Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina,. Chocolate, Extraet'o, Coffee, refined Nagar at reduced rates; washing and bob. lag soda. ToteuNe of the most favorite brands, and the finest quality of Seger& Also, a beautiful assortment of Britannia Ware, 'plain and g.dd band China Ware, Glass, Queens. Stone and Eattbern Were, in groat vs. riety, and nn elegant let of PanUy Soaps, extracts and' Terfuniery for the FRUITS: Including Peaches In cans, Raisins, Cram berrie::, dry apples, citron, ahnotidii, oranges, demons; . 1 i 1 1 70111 POIT:1112)4 ca:{Ph n °l : VI d a nal and a Va l' g ...., = _ . kty, Brandi.. dark and pale, Lisbon k , -r. — ..__ . ;:. 11 Sherry Port. Madorla, Ginger, Catawba , 54 . ...,, k __ ; ,,. 4,?.,..... and Muscat Wines in casks and Lol• tier, t ,, cotoft 1, hislicy, liolland . 01n, and Schchlinn Schnapps. _ _ FISII. AND SALT. A largo stock of LAMPS, Wenn! Dyott's celebrate. lamps for burning limosene or coal nil, also. Sporn Pine, Lard and Coal Oil,. Itnrnlng. Fluid, Sperm an Star Candles. • . CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. lirusbesp Hopes, Mopps, Soaps, Doomnitts Waiter Looklng•glairses, fine letter and noto paper, Winne Ware. painted buckets, ite. 'n Colton and woollen Hose, and half Hose, and a ful stock of Gloves, Including the well. known Ilanove Ilnek.ll loves.. • • _co 00 30 00 n khort, his stock comprises everything that is calk for in his lino of business, and no efforts will bo spare to render entire satisfaction to his tustomers. • pullsle, Oct. 27, 1828-Iy. 3tarketing of all kinds taken to exchange re goods. . HALBERT'S FAMILY GROCERY QM:M.:MARE AND VARIETY STORE, Corner of ifie Pufilie'Square, oppo site the Carlisle Deposit.Bitzik. .1. D. HALBERT has again reptimished lila stork "o goddr.' 'His assortment is now full and emulate. among which may be en urnemted every variety of fresh ...- FAMILY GRQCERIES,"': In quality and peeo C.. 4 T E T . • A large stock or Chinn. 4:lnFm And Queenpwarn, nif , I,lC` w and beautiful designs, and embracing every grado of lie I,e SOLE AGENT in Canine for .10013 y evlobro ted 2dTrun :1.40 1•.? :1.12 KEIZOtiENE 011 COAL OILLAMPS, .ne of the greatest diegoveries of the age, combining heapti r ess; ' , arid) , and increased light. Coal Oil and Lamps constant)); coD handi - which the public, are lii lue6ted to: ill and thmuaine. 4.25 • 4.50 5• 0 4 • - JOS. D. llALBrier, N. W. Comer of Pub uaro Catlisle, Oct. 27, '2B. j O S E P S T E • E WATqI-MAKER, SOUTIIMA. OVER STREET, A. feta doors Soutk of the Four( House Having supplied myself with n largo assortment of Watch Matetiais, Glasses, dr., I ant nom prepared to all kinds of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, A.,. on the most.reasonable terms, that may lm entrust, d to I l ly• rare. I loping by strict attention to business to he fa voted with a littera! share of public patronage. A lino assortment of JEWELItY. snrlG us ladles' Recast Pins and Eau Drops, ti o lit so u l (•, ;c0; lireast Pins and Ear DropO, Dora Gloss lies nil hhol-S Gold Chola Hooka, Plated Chains, Gilt ' J ackets, G uards, Rom de.: Also, it large and fine asturtment of tl GOLD I:INGER-RINGS. • Alsora hire lot of Silver Minting, Dttarhed Lover, 0,1,1 Loping. Watches, slid it good assortment of - STlver.. plated :Ind Steel Spettaeles. all of which trill be sold share of public t npr it respectfully solicited. JOS.' U., STEEL. Carlisle, July la, 1659---ly "01.11110 A" Malt ' I_7 I AIIILLY----GROCEItt - AND TEA • - STORE. Just received and in store, a fresh and writ 'se lected assortment of Jtio, Jana and Mara. . caibo Coffee, Masted Coffee. Crashed Pulverized Sugars, .Relined other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans . • (baking) IM oI Spires of every variety.— pure only; Starch, Falnd and . Chocolate. Mdcearonl, Cheese and Crackers. Tapioca "and Saga, Indigo, Saleratent and Soda,. Crush Tartar and as-. sorted Pickles, Mustard and Col'huida - Seed. lino assortment In Packages, ge r-7. ;" and to bulkas well as all other articles. belonging: tg the Ludness—all at the lowest and late reduced prises. J. W. EBY. WATC II ES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER-WA IthAT CONLYISW old established Stand, West Main St., nearly bpposlte the Cuinberland Valley Bank. . . I haveJuat received a new assortment of watches, ewelry. medallions. silverware, It - r.7ln oddities to rev °ruler stock to which 1 Invite the attention of the public, Theassortment embraces fine f- 4. gold and silver lever watches, Hunting and open case..do., gold Anchors for ( 2, ...I ' a Ladle's and Gentlemen and - Oliver Le , a , pines and Quartier watches of every va. ' riety In style and price. Also fine gold Medalllcrns. lirea.st.plns for Ladles and •Oentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gehl Alt; Vest. curb and neck chair.. Gold bracelets. linger tinge,4uffpins, studs, sleeve-buttons, com.ses. charms, Ac., Lc. Geld and silver thimbles, sliver and plated butter knives, forks, table, teii, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A largo assortment of gold. silver ~,,,..i . ...„,- - - • and common sPectacles, to snit ail •agerlo which we invite special oppose Lion. - ' - . A line' lot of OOLD PENS from the best makerh, .p.etaele cases, fancy boies, silver and pearl card cases, gold and common bracelets, match chains, Mantle Clocks and a variety of 'articles usu. ally kept in Jewelry establishments, able)) 1 will Fell low fir rash. All articles war. ',anted to he what they are represented. Particular attention paid as - usual to 11 ATC/I REPAIRING and all work won ranted. Dec. 20, 1857.1 RE A T EXCITEMENT ATMAR- G Old .lobn Brown still dies of Carlisle and rot LEINCII 4. SAI examine their spiel .lust meelved. bur 'SILKS, (front Auction. ties and Ihdans. Late, (IOODzi, In great variety of style,. and Muds. , Brecha, double reversible, and line Scotch SHAWLS.' • . FURS FURS I! FURS I! Direct frou the manufacturers, warranted Irco • crop , moths, and at greatly reduced mines. . Also a largo addition ol STAPLE (DAPS, the season, including W01.1 , 8' CELEBRATED ❑AND VElt BUCK ,OLOVE 4 , warranted ge n uine. notwith standing the annum:gm AND EXCLUSIVE AGENCY. Carlisle, Nov. 2,185 U. • • 1859. • NO PAIR TRACE CHAINS, with a large assortment or BUTT CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, ' HALTER CHAINS, • FIFTH CHAINS, TONGUE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, ' SPREADS, &b. &c. Just received at the cheap Hardware store of March it;, 1859: 6AXTON 100 to I L O LI N :D S 1110.\ 11 % IthiV.ll.llE2ssortuAioN2if STEEL, • • • SHEET IRON, • • 1100 P -IRON, RIVETS, . • BOLTS, NETTS, WASHERS, • ANVILS, . ° VICES, • FILES, RASPS, SCREW PLATES, • • •• BLACKSMITH BELLOWS, &o Just received and for sale cheaper the n over, at , March Ai, . HENRY SAXTON'S. TRON RAILING!—Iron Railing, for j_Conietery enclosures, public and private grounds and gardens, rondo to order at the Ca rnal° Foundry., Our Mock of Railing, Verandah and. Bracket patterns °Kw prises a large , rarietyof new and elegant designs which too public are invited to call and examine. Orders fur casting and putting up Bailing will be promptly exam. led at satisfactory prices. 1F9.;.. An entirely now TEN 110119 E STBA'.II ENGINE and Hui LEit now on hand, warranted to be of the best make, cud will be sold at a bargain fir ; cash or on shorp time . F.GARDNEE & CO. . • July 21; 1-i..:513. ej LASS !. GLASS 1 I. TAINTS ‘_A ; PAINTSII A full gulsoarnent of Glass of nil sizes and wit:silty, •ulth lords stock of fresh PAINTS,. all colors. Oils, Varnishes; &c., ,Cemout in largo or ,suiall quantities, at lotrilgures nt . JOIIN r.. LYNE &. SON: North Hanover Street Printing neatly oioonted: 133EME! F 7 S LAN DR. m 7 CELEBRATED. vEßmipub'E LIVER PILLS. .'W.t.beg leave ic; call tit a at-t •• tion of the Trade; and more, especially the Physicians. of .41e - couritrY, to . two of the most,popu lat remedies ,now . before the pkiblic. 'We refer to . Celebrated Vermiruge and Liver Pills. -,We'do not -recotnrriend them as universal Cui=e-alls, but simply for -.Vvhat their — name purports, viz.: - THE VERMIFUGE, For %expelling Worms from the. human system. It has also' , been administered with the . most Satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. . . . THE LIVER .PILLS, For the cureof LIVER COI4PLiINTS, .411.13itrous' DEKA NGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE ) • • , preparatory to or . after .taking . -Qui-. nine, •they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, . and. hever known to fail when ad ministeied in accordance with the directions. EMI= Their .unprecedented popularity has indUced the proprietors; FLEMING BROTHERS, • PITTSBURGH,-PA. - ' tio dispose of their Drug business, ih which they have been success :'fully-engaged for.the last Twenty Years, and they will now - giVe 'their undivided, time and attention .to , their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. IVl'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the - high position they n.lw hold. among the great remedies of the •day,_they will continue to . , spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and — Purest material, , and- corn- - pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. • -- P.& Dealers 'end 'Physicians ordering from others thiin 'Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders • distinctly, and take none-Gut Dr. M'Lane'r, prepared by Fkming Bros. Pitteleroh, Pa. TO those wiebiog to glen them.a trial; we will ?omen] peri t r i post pahl,_to toy part of the United States, ono o for twelve • threecent 'postage /damps, or ono vial of 'Vprnilfogo fourteen threo.cent Mumps. All ordeis front Canada mint be de — compauled by twenty Cede extra. STONIAGN BITTERS. The Proprietors and manufacturers of.HOS TETTER'S GELEBRATED STOMACH "UT TERS mil - rippeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has at 'shied 21, repu tuition heretofore unknown. A . feiv. facts upon this point will speak more, powerfully than volumes of bare assertion br lils7,olling puffery. Tlie-consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its 1111111111'51 steady incrimse in thne3 past, it is trident that during the cond4, year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount' could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the•stinetion of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements . and the dinensi.s'resulting therefrom. This 18 hot a temptirary popularity, obtained. by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting, the qualities of the ,Bitti , rs, but a solid estimation of an invaluable Medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as tinie Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever and 'ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently.t hat• the "Bitters" ore a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, to,the proprietors a source oft un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter I ,~ :~~vi THOMAS CONLYY from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous systein, giving it that tone and energy indinpensablo for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to aconditiori essential to the healthy discharge of the fauctiohs of mature. Elderly persons may un'the Bitters daily as per directions on 'the bottle, and \ they will find in it it stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining, years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent asp tonic, Cnnd rejuven'ating generally. • We have the evi dence Or thousands of aged men and women who have experienced thehenefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice 'of physicians, they haver abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex., There are certain periods when their cares arc so hamming that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, espcolally it' she bo young, is apt to forget her own health in lief extreme anxiety for her infant.i Should the period of maternity arrive (luring the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here; thou, is a necessity fon a stimulant to recupo rate the energies of he'system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing inothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement 'of physi:. cians, because it. is agreeablo to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength, • All those portions, to relto Wo have particu larly referred, above, to wit: sufferers from fever and ague,. 'caused by malaria, diarrhea, disentery, indigestion, loss of appetite,. and 'all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superinnuMed invalids; persons bf sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will cons:Ok i their own physical welfare by giving to'llos ' tettetz's Celebrated Steam]: Bitters t trial. CAUTION,—We caution the public' against using 114 'of the many imitations p 1 counter feits, but. ask 'for lIOBTETTERjO CELEBRATED STOMAEII BITTEUB, and 800 that each bottle has the words Ilostetter's Stoinach Bitters" blown on tho side of the.bottld, and•stamped on-'the metallic -.cap covering the' cork, and observe that our autegraxili signature is o'n the • label. .1311. Prepared and soIdbyROSTETT.ER & Pittahurgh, Pa., and :field by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout theHnited States, South Ame rica, and HermanY• • • • .• ME For sale by 8. Enlist, 8. W. Ifaierstlck, CarliSlo; John 0. Ankh, John Stambaugh, Shlppensburg; L. , itauf• map, J. It, Nanning ! , Mechanicsburg; and Druggists generally throughont the county, , Nov. 9,'60. T)ELT.;St , BELLS 1 e BELLS .11 1- A.) I'arku 80110, ot•tbe beet. makes, for onto cheap, at the Hardware Stor n e•of 'J. LYNNiiQN, May 18,18¢9. • •%; ' .." , North Ilnuorer at. 31iebicifies EEO HOSTETTEIt'S nlisttintons Carlisle •Poundrsr' M A s. CAIt ANS . 3ASII'FACTORY, • East Main Street, CARLISLII.•' This extensive establishment in now- in,Completo or der and supplied with the best machinery for executing work In every department. Tho buildings have also boungreallynniarged thin spring and stocked with the uowest aint most improved tools for the manufacture of DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES. SASU, SlttOtters, Blinds:Mouldings, lintekets and all oilier kinds of Carpoittor wurrk. SPo invito Builders, Car, periters and others to call mid examine our facilities for doing this description of work. The boat 3latorjals used and prices as it, as at any other establishment in the Coptity STFAA ENOLNIt6 BUILT TO OliDElt. • cota'repoltkina heratoliwo. Enghms Intro loom rec., ly built for W. il. 'fendersOn & Sou, In tido borough, It. Bryson & Co. Allen toarnship,Ahl& Brothers, New , Yille, Shade & Wetzel, North Middleton, and ot:lorn, at who.° establishmont: they May he 00011 In doily op. -orailon,and to whom we ranirefto Ito oiklettee of - then. superiority. ' /. • IltON AND BRA SS CAFITINOB.\ of ivory desbrlption, from the smallest to the heaviest omamtud at short notice for every kind of .ma. , A larKe variety of mill castings mow on hand Two skillful Pattern rnaltora fmustontiy employed.,- It EPA Iti:10 promptly attended, to for Paper Mills, Dlstlllorlea, Grist' 31Ills, Fuetorlea, &e. .Turning and Ltm ttlng"Mill villes,.&e, done in'tho boot style. MAOILINES AND HORSE - POWERS. . _ . - such as Bari' Ilea, Four flare, Posters, ileriZnntill li par Pout: fled Two Horse Powers, Corn Shellers, Crushers, Iron Rollers. Plohgh castingti, and other 'or tielox for farmers. on hamt or promptly made to order, BURDLN CA11.9111_1114, fend r6p:drod. Our facilities for building Cars ore now pion, complete than !wavier., and enables us to fur: rish them to tritommrters ou. the rail road on nee01110 • dating tormi and made of the best materials. .Orders tad kited and entire antistitetion goardo teat The long experience in thin' InDlineSS of the `Senior partner of Ihn nein, and the completeness of our mn ellinery In every branch ortho 'establishment w aq ,,,,c us In ni:SUring the bent work to all who fawn- us with th, , ir orders. The I . oll . lljued patronage or our old friends and the public is respectfully solicited. • May 22, I.IIARDNER f: Co. 100 I)! GOO Dll GOOD!! lint A , eoi cud at tire cheap oi-neer'y of the turd of good 1.11:1ks, it port of which tiro t . ho I Hermetically 'Mulled PEACIIES, (fresh.) TO3I.ITUES, • CORN, pplAs, A SPA R AO US, OYSTERS., " • LongTsicB. -PINE A TURTI,FI SOUP, " • " SARDINES, . Pialifed ,Chow Chow, Mccalllll, - ,,l,obsters, Cauliflower; Ca pers.: .1 f` . „ Oil vas, Totnatoo Hataup, Walnut do., slushroom do. Popp.. SAuce, lluullgy, Gritts, Cranbarrlos, thu Ones of Dried nool, Nugar.annal tihoulder. llologrn S.inaage,Alu p a... - !:aiNlaararonly - Sugtirseoffeesi - Taut, Molasst.a. I{llll !t of all,kloda. ttUEONSW hU, F !NB SEUA RS, among which art twentylive thousand tiertuhn Sines, pritno Tobacco, and the very beat nod purest LIQUORS in thmentinty, Confectionary hod Frult,'&c. . • All of which aro otrorioi to the ci tkon aof Carlisle and county of Cumberland. at tile lowest prices for CAB/I. COME ONE, COME ALL, two doors East of Rhoads' Wa minnow. Quihile, Nov. 9, 1550, 1 11 M INSURANCE.-THE ALLEN A l AND EAST PENNS MAIO MUTUAL FIRE IN SUIIANCE CO3IPANY or Cumberland county, Incorprc rated by MI net of Amiably, is how fully organized, and in opration under t h u management 01 tiM following vernal ouorx, viz: 1.01.,1114: Italloy, Wllllmn 11. Oorgiire,,lVlletanol Ct?cklln Efolletborger, Christina Stajlllitto-..1.5 .. h)n C. Dun. ./11,01, 11. Carver, Lowls Ilyer, B. Eberly, lionia 10111 11, 310:p:or, .Y. Brandt, .10,4uph •311c1cerslitun, Alox.1)1.1. qttlieurt. , - • The raft, of inguranee'are as low and favt rable nn nay Cnal panty of the kind In the ,State. Persona wishing to !mono° zoo:ober:4 are Invited to make lipid:eat Lon _to the aLmots of the company, who' are milli:lK wa it u ion . then: at any time. NVII. it, 17C1if7 AS, President. CHRISTIAN 81!.11CHAN7Viee Prositiont IAEIVIS lIYEIt, Secretary. ItICII.IEI. COCK Trenaurer. 31anagers.—Wm. It. blorgile, 1.. flyer, Christian St, mien, 31. Coekild, .1. C. Ilunlep. It, 31artin, D. Bally, 11.Coover, Ales. Cathcart, .1. IViekersiun,l. Eleholb gar, tl. Eberly, Brandt. , AOI NIS CUll Bit LAND COUN'ili.— John Sherrieit, All on, HeurY 800 , lug, Shiremanstown ; Samuel Wonclimrd Dickinson.; Henry llowinan,-Churehtown ; undo Orli oth, South Middleton; Samuel ii rahatlL 'W.. Penn't. horn'; Samuel Coove, 310ehatitcsinirg ; Conlin Shopherdatown; IL Grover; Shepherdstown ; .1. 0. Sax. too, Silver Swing; Held. Hayetstiek, Silver Spring; Charles Roll, Om lisle_,John liver, • YORK. COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wol. ford, Franklin . : .Ins. CHIRON NVarringuin : J. F. Dear flora*, Wasilington.: D. _Rutter, Newburg . ; It.. C. v elark, Dilloburl .- DA UPIIIN CO.—lionsor k Leaman, Harrisburg. Members of the company having pollelusabout to ex. pin,. ran have thorn•J 4 'wod try malting application anyiof Iho Agents. April 20. 1859. . .INO. D. CHURCH . ; • CHURCH . & 'fiBERLY STEAM SAW MILL 1112EI LUMBER YARD, t... NEW CUNIBEItLAND, PA. All hinds of LUMBER, constantly on band. Lumber dellvi‘red at any point' acee , Ablo by Railroad at the shortost notice. • B if I I, N TIMBE Or ALL SIZES AND I,ENI/TIIS CUT To ommt. Mar 25, ISsa—t TAT AND CAP EMPORILTm._ J. ti. CA1.1.10 & CO., successors to Wm. 11. Trout would 111111111111e0 to 1.11011: 1 . 1114111111,11 31111 the 11111i114 gonerally tint they have Just reeelved front Phil udel. phi. a IZII,IO 31111 elegant stock of goods, In their lino of business of every voriety, style lOU' Ituality. They have on h;undn splendid ussortment of •••- 4 -4=, ~ • : HATS AND CAPS 7 el .__ _ . of all deserlatlona, from tho•cmnnum Wool to the finest FITIt AND SILK and at prices that moat stilt ovory ono who has an eyo togetllng Ills worth of Ills monoy. 'flat ,toek includes, 3fOLESEIN, CASS' ilEltE, III:A ymt FELT IHA'I'S,• of ivory WOe nod rotor and unsurpas , .ed for LIMIT NESS, DURABILITY AN!) FINISH: by those of any other establishment In the country. 3IEN'S, BUYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS nod CAAS, of every Jeserlptlen constantly On hand. They respectfully Invite all the old patrons and as many new 011. no 110.11,10, to give them n call. J. O. CALM() A CO.. 'Apr. 27,'185!1—.1y • 4)DOTS AND SHOES.—I have just ..dded to my steal, an assortment of Ho, &:4111w. ]ton's and Burs' {Vitae]. Boots, very cheap and good Ladies' Misses" and Children's Boots and Shoes of Willis' celebrated make. handsome and cheap. A full tissortanetit or Oust Shoes and Sandals. Best (pointy and lowest prier. My Old cuAranorn for Routs ens Shoos, aro reapectfally invited to give me a call. Carlisle, Oct. 26, 1650 19 W. SCOTT, (Late of the firm of 117nchester S• Scott,) ttentlemetes Irpritishing Store .SHII 1 MANUFACTORY, No. 814 CIIISTNUT STit4ET, (NEARLT OPPOSITE THE WIZARD . PIIILADELPHIA. - - Sarrrowould respectfully call tho attention of his former friends to his new Store. stud la prepared to till orders for SHIRTS at short notic'.. A perfect fit ~guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE 'SWIM'S and COLLARS. [0et.12,'59. • THE COL lESSIONS AND EXIT • UP A VICTIM. ' • Designed for the benefit, and nu n warning end a can. lion to these who coffer from nervous debility, indigos. nun, lowness of won t of sieep premature decay, Eve.; as Q consequence of youthful imprudence, or the baneful habit of nelfabuse. At the same time pointing out the curtain men, et of sutr cony. By one win, has suffered front the above cause, end from misplaced .confidence in medical humbug and quackery. :Bugle copies sett (pest free) on the receipt of n utatuped envelope, bearing the address of the ap. pllcant. Address, : NATITANIBI. MAYFAIR. ESQ., Bedford, Kings County, N. Y. 110c.14,1850-3mos nHAVEB . MRSISUIVG PERCALE SEIIVIINAILIr. Tho ?opntation of this lustitution is now fully estab linked, and its success om 21 first close Seminary placed / beyond doubt. Pupil. will find in the boarding do. ;mamma, home comforts, parental supervision and moral intluenco. In the educational departMent complisliod teachers, thorough instruction, and sure means of advancement. -- CONTENTS OF cATAbooup JUST ISSUED. Trustees; Geferetices; Teachers; Poplin in attend• anco the year past, US; Course• or Study; Graduation; Expenses; Location; Metall and Moral Training; TM. Tatosaut: from Ron. Geo. Chambors, 11. S. Schnook, D. ,D.. and others, in regard to the scout annual examine. Wins; from the Chandowslint* Press; and fioin dames IV. 'Alexander, L. D.. of ;Now York. and otliors. , The next session will rummoucu•Soptembor For a catalogue address Gov. HENRY REEVES, A. M. ChaMbersburg. Aug 10,1859 TDOOT - AND' SHOEMAKINCE—J xftec 0. TAY.LOR, return 'their sincere thanks to their Customers, for the Very liberal patronage eaten. dud to them, and would respecttully Inform the puttlfe that they'eunti nue to manufacture CUSTOMER Work, at their old stood, on North Ilisnover.strect, two doors above this drug store of S. W. Ilayerstlck. ' • With a number of firstoroto workman employed and facilitios for soeuriog the , bust Stock Vibe found in the market, they ore prupored to 'mike up every description, of BOOTEA AND SIIONS, for ladies and gentlemen!s In the most fashionablu etYler•and of WORSONTOD torints and workmanship. Many years of 'Practical axperienco. In Ibis business hoth hero and In Philadelphia Justifies thous in saying, that they are able to Joann' full satisthotlen to all those wit,, may !Dave thoir ordelis. - April 111, 1868, tL . d. &Ali TAYLOR,. CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA I ke - A APeRt DAILY FREIGHT LINE. • ItGP Cars of this lane leave the Depot tilt Market it., Dully, nt .1:o'clock, P. Leave Carlisle, Dolly, at 7 o'clock, A M. Goode Intended for thla'Llnei ^ should be marked C. & Dolly Freight Line, of sent In by 4 o'clock. • , May 25, Ifi D .14 I` - L A D L L'P AND ILEADINO R A.; I L ROA 'D • SUSI3I.I3It AlpAhlil43lllNT, Aram 18', 1859 1 . Two passpnger trains leave Harrisburg daily, (Sul davit exesieted,)tat 8.00 "A. 31 , and 2.45 P. N, , for delphia, arrlvihwthera nt'12.50 Anon And 7, 4 0 P. Returning., leave Philadelphia at 7.80 A. IL., and 1.70 P. 31.,Arrivhnt tic Harrisburg at 12.40 udon and b. 25 P. 31. Pons: To Philadelphia, No. 1 Car5..53.25; No. 2 (hi mom tinin,) $270: - Faros to Bonding,. $1.60 nod $1.30: At Beading. connect with trains for Pottsv)lle, Miners. Catawissa, Ac. Four trains leave Belding fur, Pidindel pli is daily, nt 6A.31 , 10.10 M., 12.30 noon and 5.011 P. 31. .Leave Philadelphia for 'Bonding at 7.30 A. M., 1.30 31., 3.30 P. M., and 4.45 P. N. • Faros from Beading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and $1 45. The inorning train from Ilarrinburg commas at Rending with up train for 11 • IlImshnrro. Pittston nod Scranton. For through tickets and other Informatlon apply to 4.,.1. (71,1i0E, General Agant. My 11, 'CO LW TA G •ito U T Tho Rutwriber Lax started a tri.weekly Ithe 01 Stages between Carlisle and Landisburg, 'paving Car- Ilido uvory Monday, Wednemlay Mid Friday, inunedl. ately on the arrival of the atternoon• train of cars drone the east.";,lteturnink leaves lei adisburg at 6 00 A. 01., every TlCesday, Wednesday and Saturday, and arrives at Carlisle at 1,00 P. 01., via. Perry County Warne Springs, Shen/nuptial°, Sterrett's (lap and Carlisle Sul phur Springs. 'On nod aferdune the 16111, the line will e run -daily for the accommodation of passengers going to the Springs, . Faro to the several points as °Bows: Carlisle to Sulphur Sprlugt . " Sterrelt's Cap, SUrnittnschtio, . . . . . • " Perry Comity Warm Springs, Landisburg, . , . . . La ndlsburg toll - arm Springs, iihermansdale, Sterrett's Gap,' 41 Sulphur Springs, -,• . - = obese lino will tegularly carry the MAIL to and from the soyeral points above Thdlrated. ' _ I have also a ‘1 ell stocked LI VLItY STABLE, frop whlett I'ant at all limes ready to furnish horses and ear • riages to those whin will favor me with their patronage, on the most reasonable term and in the very hest style, mayl9lBsB. Eoi tu B 11 EZiPlif.. COPPER; TIN AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY. 1121311312 The subsrriber takes this method of inforMlng her 'friends and the public, that _she: still continues the manufacture of all kinds of work, In Copper, Tin "and Sheet from !ler Stoves ore selected from the most MI• 'MIMI Sty 11.11) Thu Cooking Stoves for theirqualiffes as cooks antrbalters cannot be surpassed, among u bleb 'are Ilie well Itnown Globe, Nollhe Cook.. Fanny Ferrer. ter, tlovernor, Penn, 11,111 the now rVrnrite, Prairie Flower. combining all tho_tested improvements, in fact the best and cheapest.stove eerr .fared toll°, public. The Iptrube, Stove, or parlor heater, Improv,ed, for warming twb. three or f:ur - rooms, !Mt "up to °Quer, be sides a large assortment of Parlor Radiators and office * stoves. PRICKS REDUCED. on . PLUM 11l NG and 11A8 FIT"fl NO. 'those who wish work done in this line would do well to: ea I at the old ' 'stead before Colltrutliog elsewhere, as f ant de. teratined•to du work far lower than the present rates. I hate for Sabi and keep constantly on hand the patent Scotch Tip Iturne4,3l - ooTapers, plain and fancy Illays tilobes, Gas Fixtures, IS rought Inn, Tubes. Hydrants, Lead Pimpum Hese, Shower Baths, !lath THb,,, Ilver. How 11:18111N, Marble Basin tops. &c. My workmen are competent and reliable. All work warranted. and fur workmanship told materiel, I challenge Vow petition. - .IpV. A few good Cook Stoi'es will. some sult.tble for _parlors on hand,-which I will sell at cost: .-, • . T:Ma'y 4,141.1 q. ---.- , . . MARX M. 3101(1118. FXCELS .10 . 11 PICTUI 2 C ES A. It. lii YWOOD would respectfully inform tht cltkinia of Carlisle, and vicinity that he inn taken room; t 3 in 7Aig' new building, emit corner of Market Square, where he is at all times ready to take AMBROTYPES In the latestand'in - MatiifijiinvVd - idyle. Pictures taken In rainy and cloudy weather as well as clear, and sat isfaction given or no climates made. Portraits and'lni• nuerrentypcs copied. :%llniature Pictures taken for Lockett; she.. ha Alubrotype. ,Ambrotypen warranted-to Ann 4 the tent of Mum, beta or water. . Ladies and nowilemen aro cordially. Invite II to co and examine bpoehntms. Prices rem tarts. to $lO. A. It. HENWOOD. Jan. 27..1808.—1N.' , Artist. • ;1 * EBERLY (Z . UNS GUNS.—Just, received large kft nitstortment of Double Barrel Guns, • Single Single and Double Pistols, Revolvqrs, • Game Ifags, • Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, • Shot, -2: . Caps, I'nds,' Cc. , nt ' ,• May 25, 1859. IL tiI . XTON'S. . LurEIZ Y STAI3I.E.-11avi ng pur chased from.l. 11. Nonetnalter the I,ll'.EltY TAIII.I;tIIMEN E, 1 will be always I . saily to aveonnoto . date the public with 1101;SES, roItIMIES, ltrtill I ES, and nary other ar. homy line. lip strict attention to bushiers and n dezire to please. the bole:m.ll,er hopes to receive n liberal share Of imbue patronage. it COIIIi Ii lIEN DEL • N. B. OnlniinlSSUN on supply threw who may be to need of them. (I. 11... N0,25.181:7, r -1{ 0 0 .P .1 N-..rw tA ze YAT h.—lhe under signed 11 . 11 i hemllllllll6lllll,l neent for the sale of 1:00FIN1i and 11:111 now and %%111 instantly keep 011 hand 11 full supply II) meet the demands of bulldeos moil !Moles, /I Thom., In ward of a superior art! au would do will to eald at the latonber and Coal Yard near the Ws 1111111 W, June 8, 1859. 1 4. -1 . 1 B.T GR EAT A\li, RI VAI FALL & WINTER CLOTHING. The subscribm has just returned front the Eastern Cities, with a large and not. selected stock of FALL ANI) WINTER CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISUING GOODS, ' TRUNKS, CAPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c„ which Its can Hell et such prices, as to astonish the 0515 I.Y. Having taken particular pains to select :mods especial. 1y adapted ti,r this market, Ito can 05001 0 ids customers, that they are WELL AND FASHIONABLY 3IADE.. Buyers will find It to their Interest tp examine his stock, as he has determined to sell upon themotto of "SMXLL PROFITS." to_ Remember the old Stand, near the Market House. ASHER WM, Successor to Steiner & Bros. Carlisle, Sep. 14, 1559. CHAS. OGIILIff A HOMESTEAD FOR $10; - • A HOMESTEAD FOR $100; Also, HOMESTEADS FOR Sloe;landOer,sltunted on and neat'llakethatinock Rlver, nbova And below Fred. orlcksburg, lu Virginia. 'A now town; called Rapahannock, has recori,tfy been laid out, In Culpeper county. In the midst of the Gold Region of surrounded by Dillies and mining companies; and Mims and town lots In alternate stone or shares. can now be had for a .• more song," to 'lnduce settlement In this desirable region. $154;000 worth of land tato be divided atnongst purchasers or given away as on Indticement to come on and ante ito• provements. and the land is of the most improvable qualities. Many hare already settled and scores of MING; are coming. Good farming land. In tracts to stilt purchasers, can bo had at from ten to twenty dollars per item, payalle in 'easy quarter yearly imtalmenht. Unquostionablegitles will in all Cll4l be given. .0,;9- Agents are wanted eveywhere to sell these lands; liberal Inducements will be given. For pa• Madam, address E. BAUDER Land Agent, July :40,1859. Port Royal, Vs. . • FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FOR 11359.410. FAREIRA & THOMPSON, , No. 818 MARKET STREET, 'above Eighth, South side, PHILADELPHIA. HAVE JUST OPENED THEIR Elegant Assortment of Furs, funnutitctured under tliOr immediate supervislorr from FURS, selected with the greatest care from the largest stocks of the EcroroAF MARKET, embracing every varim ty and style of LADIES AND CHILDRENS WEAR. Those, purchasing early have .the benefit of a larger selection. Besides the above goads, we have a ,fine assortment of BUFFALO .ROBES, GENTLEMEN'S' FUR GLOVES& COLLARS. Tho priers of /lathes., goods are at a lower figure than they can be bought any whoro In the city. VAREIRA & THOMPSON, Ndr.0,1859. 818 Market Strout, Phllnd'a. • N. It—FURS altered and repalreVand FUR TRIM MINOS rondo to order., GREAT. REDTCTION IN PRICES. 1 have this day commenced selling off my entire ptock of Winter Goode et greatly reffueed prices. ' • Yrawli MAP, &c.,.AT COOT. . All other Goods at uncnminotily low prices. OARPETINOp — AT COST. Tho stock Is large and compli ' • • l'lMv is the thus and 001LIA'a the place, :to. secure 'mat bergalos. ,Carlisio,Jin. 4, 1800. Bigahlutpug, FARED, WARD fi F:RED; 81.1.FARRET STREET, PIIIIADELPIIIA J.'&.D. RHOADS, RAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA. ME EDE= JACOB $111:03 'OIIAB. 061.1.11 r .311eDic SLNF I V E:lt INV- NEVER DEBI IT Is 'COMPOUNDED ENTII bps become an establishedJi known and approved by and fa now resorted to thedlsenses fol - whlda in It him cured thousands years who ha% given up E ... • outuerous uusoadted Atm Thedusemustbeadaf, . 4 1 of the individual taking 'M . quantities as to act gent. Let the dictated of da you in the use of the tor, and it will cure ( i p oun attacks, Dyspepsia, p 0 3. 'OM 1r; tiler Complaints, Ly'sen neh, Habitual Costive- Cholera Morbtle, Cholera Juan,.lieu, Female weak successfully as an ordl- CINIc.. It will euruslek can. testify.) Ili twenty teaspoonfuls' aid taken attack.. All who use It . are In Its favor, - WATER IN THE I N VNIONATOD, AND . , . Price One Diiiiii. IkorrvtLe•- •--ALSO.— • . SA. N 1 1 ' 011 .D" S FAMILY A C 'lt ARTIC: PI L L co:drama:a FROM . . . Pure l . gettible Extracts, and put up in Glass Case!vair tight, and will keep is. any cli n.ale. .. Cathartio IVO Clair' , I le Which the prnetp, 1110I:C 1111111 . The coomtently th— in,nc who ha ye long us• efitetion which nil give ins Induced tub to juice f nil. The Prefeaslon well Jamaica eel on different The Family Ca with duo tolerance to Cart, been compounded Potent vegetable extracts part of the alimentary site in all cagor where a 'as Perangemonts of the loins in the Back and Auld Soreness over the cold, which frequently, long course Fever, Loon &ovation of told over m Headache or origin in tory Diseases, Worths ilk. Rheumatism, a great ma - ny diseases to Which our to meutiou hi this ad 1 00 1 00 nee Tim Liver Invigorator a tailed by liruggista gene 10 Trade In all the large S. T. ►V: S nford, 111. b., 335 Brondw Jun el 5, 17159. DOES DISEASE OItIG.IINATE' IN Im PURITY OF TilE BLOOD This Is a question of vital Importance, nod one which - has never been satisfactorily disposed of by the prof,' sera who teach the healing art. Some maintain—and especially the old school Physicians—that life lives la tile blood, and therefore all diseases originate in it— but musters silence avers that aliments have their origination In both the bends and liulds of .the body. That the latter preponderate, however, Is a fixed fact, and tnediral . skill ban clearly demonstrated that at 'least two-thirds of t h e ihk that human flesh is heir to, have their source in nit --- IMPURE STATE OF TILE 1114)001 As, for instance, in the - lottg catalegue,finch as Sc la, Totter, " Barbersltch,' , Plutples, Blotches, Eryslpe Ulcers, Salt Rheum, discharges front the Ear, Fever Sores ' or IrruPtlVo diseases of any Itind.—These are as cortaaned by well known medical /airs to arise.from bad Illood—w4llo the highest medical authorities declare - tint mosf fevers originate In the same Snanner, ;Ind , ,mare particularly Typhoid and .stArlet —the former be- Ing nu internal, and the latter an external Irruptive (Ikea.; and in all persons:duo-keit by these. maladies, the blued Io found to be el thin coagulated, or of a dark unhealthy color, - To ward off n large majority of diseases, as well as to 'cure n number which have already seized upon the sys tom, It Is necessary to 'PURIFY THE BLOOD Lludsoy's Improved Blood Searcher does not claim to he et . • UNIVERSAL PANACEA for every disease known, but tin, proprietors claim for it the power not-only of draining out all impurities of tho blood, hitt by tho nldllful rOllll/11311t10,1 of well known regulable remedies. It will eon, all diseases arming front a doranandslato of tho Jiver, drive out dyspepsia, and give renewed tone and rigor to the stomach. That tile IlLoon SEARCH ru is all that is clainied lbr it, the proprio tors can produco ' TIIP. PROOF. It Is only a few years shwa it was discovered, and yet. It has grown into eucha business that a large laboratory , has been bufft .exprosslv - for Its manufacture—, large • number of men employed, in putting It sip, and still the SUPPLY DOES NOV EQUAL TILE DEMAND! We ask any candid man, could thin be eo', If the Mod kiwi did not possess ALL the virtues claimed for it I The Prop? letors have 'hundreds nf certificates from Men of probity and standing in the community, show trig what the mealtime Is tieing daily. for the suffering ASK ANY PERSON who has aver mod the Blood Searcher whether roll was experienced. • • Let the afilhded givo•it a tflal—a single bottle nil convince the most skeptical of its efficacy. un,.. For sale.in Carlisle by 8. W. Ilaverstick, S. El nett, and 11. .1. Kieffer; Kauffman & Sent Alechattles burg; Oesweller & Zook, Illemberdstown ; Joshua Cele Ilogston n; Jacob Simmons. Cross Roads; Emir & Wise, Shiremanstown; A. 81. Leldleb, Bolling Springs; Mary W.ltlosel , Churchtown.; Edward James, West. 11111; J. C. Fasnauyht. & Pro., Oakville; Slmentaker' Elliott, Newburg; Wet. Bretton, Now•ville; J. Hood A; Co.. Springfield ; Russell & Dire. Dickinson; Iligkland Washinger Jaelowinville; Wm. Clark & Co., Lent immix; Wet. 11. Eekles, Sporting 11111; D. Donliniter Whit, ; .1. C. Alt io k, Shlppensburg; all of curium , land county, in. LINDSEY dt LEMON. Proprietors. lINILIeyeLn re,. Pa MEM ME MOST EXTRAORDINARY BOON OF THE AGE s ilist edition of 10,000 sad in 3iX IVCCA.I. MOM “BOYHOOD'S PEIULS AND MANROOWS CURSE PUBLISHED BY DR. S. PANCOAST, 516 Spring, Gardeh street, Plaladelidth, Pa., and t for sale by all booksellers.‘ Thle Is a book of 225 pages, 12m0., hound si elothwlth "nine lithographic plates, and Intended' for parenta, guardians' and young men. - Every young man woo wishes to maintain his health and manhood, and kayo a healthy pragany, should rend this book. Some of the statoments aro really astounding, nod-kayo never to. fore appeared in print. 'Price $l, By mall $1.15. NOW IN PRESS, AND READY FOR DELITERY IN A FEW DAYS, A (MEAT WORK FOIL THE LADIES, by tho.same author, entitled LADIES' MEDICAL GUIDE, AND MARRIAGE FRIEND This la a work of nearly GOO pages, beautifully bound I u cloth and contains over 100 splendid and curious on• gratings. It gives a coinplete description of the strue• t uro and function of the reproductive organs of the re. male, showing how married ladles may have or. avoid largo families. Also-a con)plote history of-iformsphro• tiltism, with curious plates showing-both 00.00111 n one. It also gives advice to youog. ladies In selecting" a husband, pointing out tho cause Of So.unich unhappl • 11000 after marriage, and the influence it exerts on too offspring. The work also gives the symptoms end treatment of all female diseases. sejliat every female may he her own • physician. The last chapter lo devoted to the Toilet, givitur, the receipts for cosmetics at present In use bythei nobility °Mance. England and Rued; fur beantifyidd tliCskin hair, teeth, and for ivtitoving foul and preserving a sweet breath. They have been. Obtained at great eipubsel- - Pricak . sl.6o. Ily atoll $1.75. or eight additional post— age stdhips. 8000 copies have already been ordered.— Those wishing a copy of the first °kitten should send their orders without del 'ay. For complete description of the work see Prospectus, which will be sent on receipt of one letter stamp. Aft ONTO WANTED lu every towitin the Union. F•eb, 10, 1059—1 y" yt. 11AMPTON'S ILL CUMPOUND, Pr. Ilairipton'a Villa contain uultber lialsani or ?der. eury, but aro purely vegetable In their compealtlon, . and are highly recoriuueuded by eminent phyalelans, ea Safe, • • , Certain, . Speedy and Permanent Cure • ' For Gravel, fleet, Stric• • turns, Lucorrhrea, Female Weaknesses, and all other diseases or • the Bladder, • Kidneys, - and Sexual Organs. • PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. Prepared and for sale by DR. J. T. HAMPTON & 405 Spruce street, Philadelphia Yom. Sold by Druggists and Dealers a very whore. . Mr. S. G. WILD, solo agent for Nowyills. . H OWARD ASSOCIATION! • PHILADELPHIA A Benevolent Institution, establhhed by special en ". dowmont for the relief of the sick And distressed, oftlieted with llint , lent and Epidemic diseases.' and °specie* fort.the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. - MEDICAL ADVIONI giveri gratis, by the Acting Sur. geon, to all who Apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (ago, occupation, habits of life, LT..) and in caws of extreme poverty, Medicine!, furniahed free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Suermateirhata, and other Discuses of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REM— ELMS employed In the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted ' In coaled letter envelopes, Free, of charge. Two or three . StampaTur postage will be acceptable. Addntss„ DR. J. SKILLEN lIOI.IOIITON, Acting Sur. gent,, 'toward Association. No. 2 South Ninth Street, Sitikcielphia, I'a. ,By order of the Dlrectors,- EZIIA D. WEARTWELL, Dresidrw.. GEO, kincimm, fincroteirt. Det..21,11350.—1y - • lk,rioNbtleidYi'oltVhe:ArtNthetTcrElbEler'. nre 4 r : U l q l Pri t r e B d° ° t In tl no settle up. The accounts are now Oh u tu e ndeout,landl the melt wonted for, the NA/1104 . . , • ' • , MIAS. OGAD.Y. • CoHalo, Jac, 4,1860. 11311 IR D'S aOI ATOIt LITATES. El MIX FROM 61/111S, and 4,t, a Standard all that lave used it, with cohlidonfo In all Is rocol n within the last tyro all hopes'of roller, an the CertitlClttC3 111 my pusses, tod to Cho tompertunont It, and .unod; In ouch tly on tho bbwelti. your judgment guid Liver Invigorn• Liver Co in plail n is, Jill Chronic Diarrhoea, Sum tery, Drupsy, SpurStom noes; •Cholic. - Intaptum, Tintulunen, nesse'', and may ho used nnry FAMILY MEDl lioitdsclie, (as thousand minutes, Jr two, or three at commeneuminit of the• giving their testimony 31OUTII witir THE {FALLOW 110T11 TO [7ll Inn general but or pi opriutor has' mod Iq , ' twenty ya:rtl. ; a t ;:osue,mth know that different Ca • portions of the boWels. thartlo Plll ban thin' well established from is variety of the which art alike on every canal, nod.are good awl, eittlftrtle In nerded.surh Stomach, . Pleepitterti, hoins, Costiveness, Pain whole body, from sudden if negleeted, end In a of Appetite, a Creeping the body, ItestleSsuess, the head, all I nillimmu• 'Children or Adults, Purifier of the Illoud and • flesh Is heir, to() nuther 'meta. Dose, Ito 3, stilts, _ anilly Cathartic , Pills are , and sold wholesale by •turrr 1111 d Prf prictor, Now York