Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 25, 1860, Image 3

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.../11l1T181)02, 1 1. I 6.
Senate.the Senate was 'opened with
Bills lu Place
Mr. Penny re' . o ;nip fp proyidii 'an addl.
Renal law judge, in:A lieglienp county; also
to incorporate the Pittsburgh and Birtning•
h am' Passenger Railway.
Mr. tinbrieet bill' to erect th9„...eturnties.of
, • Lawrence and Mercer into a new jUdicial
district. , `.• - •
Smith, an act regulating the sale of
intoxicating liquors' •
Mr. Palmer, a bill to incorporate the Bank
• • of Mibefs:l+jlle, Schuylkill county.
...Mr. Connell, to incorporate the Pennsylva
nia•Markei Company Phila. • ,
N. • Executive Ndrni nation
. •
' The, icincination of Bev. Wm. it. Do Witt,.
as State Librarian for three years, was con•
firmed uniriihnomsly.
Mr. Bell's resorutione, relative to the oi•
- ganization of Congress, suggelling a tempo.
rart organization, for the passage of the
• nancial bills, were taken up, passed first
reading, and were laid over.
The Senate then .repaired to. the House
to elect a State. Treasurer ; and on returning'
House,—lho House met at half. past ten
o'clock. •
A large number of petitions were presen
ted for an appropriation to the School, at
Media, for idiotic children. ' • •
Messrs. Strong, Moore, Ridgway and .
bott, presented petitions for n change' in the
mode of the assessment of taxes in do) City
Of Philadelphia. .•
• rd Igille Rand In Place. •
. Mr. Strong rend in place a bill.regulating
the inspection of pickled fish, and to prevent
fraud in vending the 'same..'
Mr. Cassel, a supplenienti to an act- to:in
corporatete Mount Joy Saving Institution.
Fraeottha oe.state , Tro soarer.
At twelve o'clOck both houses met Iri con
• venflon and proceeded to the election, when
Mr. Slifer - had eighty one votes, and John
W. Maynard, fortydnc.
A certificate was issued Yo Mr. Slifer.
Nothing further of ithportance Vlll3 tran s _
meted. . •
• HarriSburg, 'Jan. 17.
—Senate,—Petitions were presented by
Messrs.'l'hontpsun, Yardley, Schindel', Gregg
Rutherford, and Penny, for an alteration in
the' license law,' relative. to riestaurants and
eating saloons. . -
Several petitions were presented frdm citi•
tens of Philadelphia, praying 'for a low for
..the better regulation of the assessment and
. collection of taxes on real estate and• muni
cipal claims in that city.
Meows. Bell, Gregg, Rutherford, Schell
and hnbrie presented petitions for an increas•
ed appropriation for the 'training schocil for
feeble minded 'children at Media.
Several, bills were read in Place, aad.a•
mong them one by Mr. Parker to incorporate
the Metropolitrin Passenger Railway Com
. puny. • • .
• Mr. Bell's resolution relative to thb orgathi.
zation - of Congresk, was 'considered, debated,
and negatived—yeas 7. nays 17.
• Housit,—TheSpeliker laid before the Hou e
the report of the Auditor General, in referen
ce to making uniform reports by 'Railrom
• Companies.
The judiciary committee reported agoins?
the bill allowing Justices of the Peace to re•
taint their dockets when retiring from ollice ;
the same committee also reported formally'
bill'reducing the Stateinx. ,
• Numerous hdls ora local character ..wete
reported by the several cominittes many of
- them relating- . to_ Philadelphia and vicinity.
Among the billy passed was one to change
the name of the Pennsylvania and: - Lehigh
- Zinc Company, and to reduce the 'capital
stock. - -
Mr. Espy .rend in place do act to incorpo ,
rate the Pittsburgh and Mansfield Passenger
and Freight Railroad Company ' • Mr. Gunni
son, an act to. qualiCe the distribution of the
estates of deceased husbands and wives; Mr.
Elemaker, an act to incorporate the Farmers'
BankTf Mount Joy ; Mr. Kissler, an act to
incorporate the Dimes Savings Bank of Le
high co., Mr. Shepherd, an act refuting to
landlords and tenants; Mr. Ridgway, an act
to incorporate the Metropolitan Passenger
Railway Company of Philadelphia ; Mr.
Strong, an act relative to the appointment of
auditors; Mr. Dunlap, an act to exempt from
sale the household of a householder having
a family..
The joint resolutions' relative to the organi•
cation of Congress, was under consideration
when the House adjourned.
The House will meet again this afternoon
at.three O'clock to disetisi these resolutions.
Harrisburg, Jan.. 8
Senate,—The Judiciary Committee repot..
ted n supplement To the act consolidating
Philadelphia. Also, nau pplement to the act
to equalize wall - 1,11.0n corporations.
a bill relative to writs aT error.
number of other bills were reported, a.
mong them the bill to incorporate the Friends
Asylum for' the Insane. Passed
A resohnion was Mlopted, that when the
Senate adjourned, it adjourn to Monday aI
ternoon next.
A resolution appointing Wm. P. Brady
librarian of the Senate was also adopted.
Mr. Bell presented the reasons of ten Sena
tors for their votes again'st the •resolution
relative to the organization of Congress.
Read, ordered to be placed on journal and
House,—The re.solution to print five thou
sand English and two thousand German-Of
the Auditor, General's Report. on Railroads,
passed the House..
Subsequehtly the resolution was reconsid
ered and led-to a long discussion, and was
finally postponed indefinitely.
Mr. Hatfield announced that comingevents
cast their shadow before—having felirenee
• to the report Which is expected to be made;
declaring' Dr. Wiley duly elected by a majori
ty of thirteen . tu•nturrow. lle therefore ask.
ed the indulgence of the House, to take up
the bill incorporating. the Pox' Chase and
Frankfort' . Railroad Company.•-
'Mr. l3arnsly objected to its consideration,
but the House-suspended the rule—yeas, 0
nays 30. The hill was read, considered and
passed to.a second reading, but the House
refused-to suspend the rule to pass it finally.
Harrisburg, Jan. 19.
Senate,—Bills were' reported favorably
relative to encouraging the mineral resour
ces of the Commonwealth, and to incorpo•
rate the American gleam Plow Company.
Mr. Smith read in 'place a supplcinent to
the act to incorporate the Broad Top Im•
provement Company ; also to incorporate
the Butchers and Drovers' Saving Fund mid
Loan- Company.
Mr. Connell, a eunilement to the Butchers
and Drovers' Association.
Mr. Smith, presthsted the petition of Mrs.
Mary Gaul, praying for a 'divorce from, her
Mr. Bell presented the reasons of himielf
and eight of his ileinocratic;.colleagues, for
their vote in thvor of Mr. Bell's, joint resolu
tions, relative to the organization of Congress
which were ordered 'to be iducM.l upon the
Thb Senate then adjourned until Monday
afternoon. • •
AlVar,—,,Thik'bcing 'petition day 'in the
Muse. a . large number were preahnted pray.
• ing for an increased appropriation to the
. School at Media lotfeebleminided children,
and for a change in the present license laws
Several !A the bliteNwere!rom ;Montgomery
A number of bee of a local character were
reported by the conunittes.
• `Mr. Strong read if, place a supplement to
the act for the protection of game and birds;
Mr. O'Neil,. an act to incorporate the Dutch
qrs and Drovers' Mutual Saving Pund-and
Loan' Company; Mr. Cope; an act to incor
porate the Easton and Nazareth Railroad
COmpany;Moofe, anaet , toincorporate
the Western'Life Insurance and Trust Com
pany, located at Philadelphia Mr. Williston
an act to establish rt'Oeneral
Mr. Pennell, Cu. act to prevent cattle, horses
sheep' and hogs • frem, running at large in'
Delawapa enmity, :
The act to incorporate the Fox Chase and
FrankfOnj •Passenger Railway Coinpany was
_ .
. .
passed. , . , • .
• The committee in. the_ehntested
ease from'Philadelphia; reporter))against - the
right of l'lionins W..Dullield •iixti Pent, -and
awarded the smelt° Dr.'Cieu. Wiley, who was
Mr. Duffield denied all knowledge of frauds
committed. 'andilianited..tbe
Speaker, and members of - the House, for
conrtesies extended, and •retired.
The House meets this afternoon at three
o'clock to consider the Tariff resolutiOns.
• Harrisburg Jan. 20.
House,—Mr. Coulter; .011 behalf of the
Tnnecratie members, • asked leave to enter.
upon the4ournal their reasons for voting a. ,
gainst the Tariff resolutions e ..- sterday,llitict
also asked that the same be published in. the
Daily Record. ', •
After a spirited detente, the Speaker deci
ded that' the paper was not courteous towards'
their fellow members, charging theta .with
falsehoodomd suggested to the Members
signing it, that they, should erase the ;obnox
ious sentences. This they refused to do,and .
the whale subject was therefore indefinitely
Possponed, and the proteld; returned to Mr.
Coulter. •
The Cotnmitte on the contested election
case faint the.XlV,th district asked rind ob
tained leave to sit in Philadelphia.
On motion of Arr. Sheppard, it resolution
calling upon the State Treasurer id inform
the House What amount of balance' was on
hand at the end of the,liseal year,. and the
pldee Where.the public monies have'- been
deposited during the past'year, was , agreed
Mr. Wiley moved that the vote had yester
day, by.which the.• bill to - incorporate the
Friends' Asylum fo'r the Insane of Philadel•
-phis was passed, be re considered and then
Mr. Sheppard read a bill to refund the
enrollment tax paid upon an act to incorpo
rate the National Art Association, but the
House refused to consider Vat the present
time. .
The - otherbusiness transacted ryas not of
general interest, and .the...LlOusc_ adjourned
until Monday afternoon.
BpeciaJ. 3totices
MantVacturrd by polling Bros
New Yens, August 25, 1852.
..Can This Is to cm tify that I am well acquainted with
a men fifty years of age, for inany years a resident of
this city. ;rho has been at times extremely lii, but
could not tell from what cause, unless it was snoring.
Ile told his attending physician his suspicion's, but the
physician at once ridiculed the idea, and refused to at-
tend him any longer. Ills son then mentioned for.
M'Lano's Vermiluge, and asked him if ho would, take
It: bls reply was—l must tale something to get relief,
or die.
They nt . oneu procured a bottle of Dr 31'1,91se's Cele.
Isratesi Vesmifuge. and he took one half at and dose.
The sesult was. he• pateed upwards three quarts lif
worms, cut up in every form. Ile got troll Ifumediate
ly, and is now enjoying most excellent health;
like the good Samaritan of .old, Is endeavoring to re , •
Dove 1114 unfortunate neighbors. Ile 3.6 Th it his bu
siness to limit sip and select all casegsindbir to his own
that nosy be given over by, regular physicians, and In.
deices them to try Dr. 31tt.:111,0i, Vernilfuge. So rr he
has induced more than twenty 1.0,401111 to tusks, th,e,Ver.
mirage. and In every case with the unist happy asultsP.
lie is well satisfied that Dr. i'l.anels Xerinltuge, and
Voronifuge,%prepared by. Fleming li sos. of
ittslfl'islirsuperi7r GI '' Vt tie' ll7 .nr°l litdtitfnsnttgenenil3 ION would fall h:1;
many valuable lives. For further particulars inquire
of Mrs, Hardie, 1153% Clollloll,Street, Nslw,Nork OltV.
IM. Purchasers will be enre'llll to ask furor: Nl'Lane's
Celebrated Verntlfuguoitannlartured by reining Bros.
of Pittsburg, I'M All.otber %*ertnlftigeli In comparison
are wurthlesA. Or. gedulato Vertnlfuge, al
so lily celebrated Liver Pills, can note be had at all re•
spectable drug stores. None genuine without the sig—
nature or - FLENIINO 11110.
Tilli I'ECIALVILITIBi of the female constitution
and the verinu• trials to which the sex Is subjected de
mand an deensional recourse to stimulants Is 1m•
portant, however, that these shall be of 11 harmless na
ture, and at the same accomplish the desired end. lins
tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters Is the very article.
Its effects Is all eases of debility aru almost magical.
It restores the tone of the - digestive of glare, infuses
fresh, vitality Into the whole system, and gives -that
cheerfulness to the temperament. x hick in the. most
valuable of feminine attractions The proprietors feel
flattered from the fart that many of the Most prominent
mettlesl gentlemen lu the Union have bestowed enco
miums 111/011 thellllters, the virtues of which they have
!reit uently tested and acknowledged There are numer
ous counterfeits offered for sale. all of which are desti
tute of merit. and positively injurious to the velem.
Sold by all druggists In,the world.
Ltt dee advertisnualitt In another column.
QUERED <Of all the - various Ills that detract from the
enjoyment of human lift, most of them may be .traced
ton disordered condition of the nervous system, The
horrors of Epilepsy, or Fatting Sickness, arise In most
cases from hue rouse. Cur readers :nay remember, on
several occasions before, we hat it alluded to the won.
:held cores, or modifications of Fits, made by the
Vegetable Extract Epileptic l'llls, Invented and pre
pared by Dr. SETH S. Ilases, of lea Baltimore Street,
Baltimore, Alit. We feel full, 'satisfied that these Tilts
have cured soma 'of the most it übborn cases of Epilepsy,
its north nn the Milder I nno of Fits, such nn povnro
Cramps, Spasms, &e. We flair record the fact, that
persons will find these Pills equally efficacious In curling
every form of nervous debllit) ;—nr, natter whether'
manifested In thin acute snit ex...elating forum of Neu
ralgia, Tic-Dolorous. or Nervous Headache, the misery
of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, the siiihrlngs of Rheuma
tism net:lout, the melancholy hallucination of depressed,
spirits or hysteria, their effects will 110 neon ly happy
and eritaln. • PePsons In the country write to the
Inyentor, and have Ono medic', forwarded to them by
:nail. Mo . :mkt,: are. onto box $ . l: 'Ott, boxes $5; tin No
bins,: $2l: 111111 sent to any prrt of the country, frro of
postace. Direct your 000101 u Orations to SETH S. 11 ANCS,
108 Baltimore street, flalllutore. Md.
Ths great standard medicines of the present
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial.-4Jnbounded satiefac4
tion is rendered by Mint in all . cases; and the
people have pronounced them worthy,
Liver. Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases ,arising, from a disordered
liver or weakness of the stomach and . digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balaamio Cordial- has acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre 7
paration extant. It will cure, WITKOIT
the most severe and long-standing " •
Cough, , Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In.
. Mazza, Cronp, , Piienmonia, Incipient '
Consnmptlon, "
and ha's performed the moat aatoniehihusurea
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A. few doses will also at once check •cnd
curs the most severe Dlarrhaia proceeding
These inedicines are preparid dy Dr. C; M.
JACKSON & CO., No. 418 Arch Street,
deTphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and
dealer: in medicines everywhere, at 76 cents
pei bottle. The signature of eM. JACKSON
will be on the outside turapper.of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called EVEKTDODY'S ALMANAC,
you will find testimony and commendatory
no Sea from parts of the country. These.
manacf are given away by all our agente.
PILLS, prepared by Cornelius
Chreseimm, M. IL, New York City. The combination
of ingredient', in these Pine ore the result era long and
cstuniiive practice. They are mild In their riperation, •
and certain In correcting all irregularities, Painful
Menstruations, removing all obstruction',, whether from
•culd or °thumb°, headache, pale in the side, palpitation
of the heart, whites, all nervous atiectlnun, hyeterica
fatigue, pain In the bark m1411'111,8, he., disturbodeleep
which mice from Inturruptione of nature.
-Tit M AItRI ED LADIES. • Mr:Cliewseman's Pllle *to
invalunble, no they will bring op the nitintrgi‘d
with regularity badly, who have beet dint dat e n
the nee of other Pills can place the utinest c Widow° I 1,„
lir, Cheesumau'a Pine doing all that they roprovnt to
do.' •
• .
Warranted purely vegotabla, and tree from anything'
Injurlotuf. Exprlelt dlreetlona ' nliould be road,
accompany until lam. Price $l. (lent by mall on en.
cloalmf St to any authorized agent. , 'Fold by one
*gist In every town. In ti; ilidled-States. • . ,
It. It. 111/Tr3lllNflfl, General Agent , for the I.lnlted
. . . ..
. .. -
Stays, 1611 Chaildlers Ft., Istow York, to wlllcli'' all
wlinlepnle OrtlorP 41 0 1 1 11‘1 1. odEll.t.erl.
lIANNVHRT 'IT:' FINN EY .. Mi II ol vault, and Retail Ageing n.
11,orlhburg, Pa. F. RI.LIOTT, Carllalej Pa
. . . . .
ThugheHiles - of Oda rdediCifie have pieced It u ponan
Imperishable foundation. In destroying disease, and
inducing haalth it htfapq parallel. ..] .• .
Fur the following Con:4,lllJan thesollitters are a Spa,
Sills,: riz :LBripepain, or Indignation; Heart Burg,
!tei4ity; Costive :nags, Loss of Appetite, Ileadacho and
General %hilly; . ' ' • . .
In unity sectiqns of binr enuntry this preparationOs
extetiri rely used by physicians in their penance, and It
sounts.ln hash restored ebony to health who were app.
'rentiy talent' the reach of the healing art..
• .. •
Subjoined are a few trlrtes from woll-knotrn p yBl
clans: . .' - '
L ' • ?prism:Li), 'Abet Co., Pa., Aug. 26,1801. .
I have used the Oxygenitted Dittors In my practice
with decided success in debility and general 'minim-
Lion, ttct. and confidently recommead it in t.leneral Do•
hill ty, and diseases of the, digestive organs. . • .
Ammatv, 11l Y.,' klopt. 6,
• •
GIiNTLENIEN have boon in ,C a n drug businees the
last fifteen yearn, and have neversold a medicine which
hue given Allell great satisfaction In cases of Dyspepsia
as the Oxyconatitd Bitters, and in thin disease I always
recommend. it. 11. G. rowbrat.
• • Burittratron,'Vt.. Nov. 12, 1814.
GENTLF.MEN lam pleased to ntate, that I have tried
the Oxygenated Bittern for Indignation and
found linniedatte relief from until); only a part of a hot.
tie. I have the greatent oodfldenee in It an a cure for
Dyspepsia and General liability, a niirecommend It with'
much pleasure •. tours, &0.,
Prepared by SETA W. FOWLE & CO., Boston, and for
sale by Samuel Elliott and S. W. IlaVerstick, Carlisle;
.Ira Day, Mechanicsburg, Kutz & Wise, Shlreumnstown ;
S. O. Wild, Newville; Shoemaker & Elliott, Nmiburg;
0. &Wok, Shippensburg; and by• app duted agents
and 'dealers In medicine ell over the 'country.
Trauma LA . :um—The undersigned, to now prepared
to furnish, In any quantitlek, from 100 to 1000 acres, U.
moro, - good farming and growing lands, In Randolph
ud adjacent counties, In nostorn Virginia, within 12
15 hours of Baltimore, and 24 of Now Yo, k.
rho land In fordllo . 'and well tin.berod, the el
very healthy, and so mild that sheep eon lei ordinarily
tvinteredlwith very lialtifeeding, and whore a cow can
be raised as ehoap as a chicken in New England. They
will ho sold cheap, and on easy terms, (Jr exchanged for
improved property, or good merchandise.
Address, with P. 0. stamp, Joy, Coe & Tabun
Buildings, Now York. , . , [maY25,1859.
On' Wednesday avoning tho 11th list, ErAzA,
George Taylor, of tbk borough, aged 40 yonro.
-- In this borough, on' Saturday 1'314171dg last, after a
'king Illness, 011 IMES, son of Mr. John 0 utshall, In the
11th year of his age.
On Sunday last, of scarlet rover, ANNIN LOGISA.
daughter of George and Mary Cramer, aged 2 years 3
mouths and 25 days. . .
Yes, now their Ilttlo cherub child,
_ hlns passed -Death's gloomy portal,
IVgJtuuw'hot littio spirit mild,
Has now become Immortal:
01 lenelsus, Father, Lois to hear
TL is stroke, without itpining,
That we nay meet the angel ono
Where countless hosts aio shinton
At Clio residence of his sister, Mrs. C, Butler ; in•i'
burgh, on the night of Wednesday, December 14, 1559
iff MIME W., second non of George Smith, fJrnierly o
Carlisle, Pa., in the 15th year of hill ago.
In the prima of early manhood, with the dreams o
life flitting as playful' shadows about you—l uoyaitt b
hope, and looking afar elf infd the dint and unknown,
yet promising future—with a itentl'attu nod to the kind•
Hest influencen—,onerous to a fault; with a mind FO
constituted-111111'a heart so brimmed,wlth ale rgm'hu•
inanity, it would semi indeed a hard thing 19 'die!
The ro'oy tinte of a gay morning eclipsed by Chu shad.
own of It dark night—MlLL : 6o sacs—se neon! Maxi oven
Yet, not alone is this last mutation to the shifting
drama oelife. The two anOls go forth on their every
day ''errand. • Also records a now same—the other
chronicle is—of our dead!' Yet, no •'ono star dif•
feral, front 1111444 r "-118 one world revolves in a higher
and, an in Nature, ibero are borne plants more
beautiful than others; en wall It with Min whose name
stands at the hood of this brief rueord. To" know
was indoed to " love Itik" Who that know him will
hear other testimony
s than this.
Tea, illy early Friend Is dead! The green spot s,of the
earth hill know , film no mare—the Moods otitis youth
will tithul hint front tnapy pleasant plares—there will be
a vacant Seat at one hearth, and aroutid' ono board,
that trill never bu 011od again!
Love'kin Ids death, there was no livid-
lug crl . endshlps Thme who loved him first and most,
and tholie who had learned to know him In his later
ceased not to'rentetnli . er him when pain knitted
W. And, !Ilion at lamt, the damns of denth fay up
WM, neck was lavish of to,lderoyt
'lle lived nt peas:o with all mou e and wo know
ro 111 x enotnlox aro to ho found
God rest him 1 Let him sleep. Ito Wed, jrustlng In
Christ—calmly, as nu Infant cradled upon the bosuncor
Amid FOlllO near ona dear Moods. yet afar from the
home of hie boyhood, in the beautiful Allegheny Como,
tory, we committed }IN body try.tho duet. Thu chaste
service of the Episcopal Church tons rend at his grave;
and the tears that moistened the cheeks of those whet:
towed him thither, were honest and sincere—the
sad tribute we could render him.
So lot him sleep—so let hlth"reet—
'• The green turf beap'd upon las hreasb"
So lot, him rest—so let him sleep—
, 110 heeds not now the tears me weep;
The sunlitht of n brighter sphere,
!Humes the planet shnelow'd here;
Yet, living loves will linger youndv,.
What hone° to them Is hallowerarinind;
And Thno, 0 lend thy mellowing ray •
To chess the murky mists away;
So wo through faith way upwaril glance, •
And still 1,01101.1 ltl.r eountemmro!
Sweet Is, thy sleep, my friend—my brother--
Than THEE—such, I may 041110 noothor.
Sill P.—The partnership heretofore existing un
the firm of SHAW! & BLACK, has this day been
fired by mutual consent, therefore 100 would sulirit
hose indebted to come and settle their accounts,
all those having claims will, please present them
, for settlement,
0 .7 * Markets. •
topor!ed Ireekly for
. 6ho 'Herold by
Woodw•nrd et Schmidt
FLOUR Bepl•rtiee, per bbl"
Ile. I.;;Lra,. do. do. rlllllily .•.
11; do..
1 f; 5.00
Iris WHEAT por -bundiel - 1,°8.10.1,33
do do. 1,20
OATS (sow) do.
r , L'ovEnsEET) do
Tian Ahnerlisements.
j_ The mont reliable artirle lu me for rolorlt; th'
I.IAIIt or AVIII8IC1:Itt; inatahtenvolisly to a
boos not Injure the Hair or Skin, or Impart to the fiat
that metallle that most of the
dye,: do, and NEVI!It Index or trashes out.
I , 'or sale at Henry klonekuld'a Barber Shop, North-
Street, Carlisle.. PC. Jacob P. Stolubrono,
Agofrt ; to to found at Linnekuhl'a harbor Stall,
inn At, ISdil-thn.
, •
1,) INA' It Y.
The location Is pleasant and liesithy, and thn'advan
braes are equalled by few In the land. f 'Pie Institution
Is large and prot.pct oils, with at corps of nos stants
sou with care. and well qualified to itistrurt in the solid
and ornatnental branches, The influences In the board
•Inc'dopartment are parental, moral and running. .r
g.,Th3 Inert s.sinti will commence. on the 7th day of
February. Catalogues may be had on application to
Ho Principal.
!ley. W. W. Ella, Carlisle; Nov. John Ault, London;
Pa; Cleo. IL Bucher, EFq., lloguesto ria,-Pa; lion. Cleo.
Chambers, B. S. SrMiceli, N. 1)., S. R. H., Rev,
". 11. Roble. Rov..lovepli Clark, Chamberahlrg, Pa. Pro.
is/lore at Prin.mton, N. J., both of tho College and Theo.
'ideal Seminary. . .
Nov. IiERVES, A. Si.,
lUrn. SAltAil•ll. REEVES;
CarllFln, Jan. 22, 1860.—:31
DtssoLuTioN.—The copartnership'
horetoforo existing between Sishorh, Sons & Co.,
was dissolved by mutual commit, on the 2nd day or
november last, by the withdrawal of Samuel Sheets, the
remaining partial& will contioni?the business, rik,lllg
Pond Iron Works, under the grin f Schoch ‘k Sons.
. . sil COll SCIPICIL
. ..
401 IN scuuctr,
' January 23,1, 1800.—ilt..* - sr
U MI STA li."141--A 11 per9iins in wont
era bottle al Fine Old Imparted and Pure Brandy,
Old Aye Willekey, or Oin, Wince &a., ran get the
'pure article at the Grocery of the eutseriber.
Carlisle, Jan. 18, I‘Bo
. •
r 4 OR RENT.—That new Three-storind
L , c'.• BRICK MINN on North llnnover' stiite,
host door to Mr. Mutton'* Millinery tore Sultlit
dble for any buslneris. Mir Winn, 3c., nopb , to
Carl!rlo, inn. 18,18804 r
CLAN AND SURDEON; 11111oxatnIno the, mirk and glvo,ad•
Oro FIME., at our non; Mr. ' SAIRILL KIATOTT'D, Carll• 11.
On - on tho 14th of JANUARY and 31A Rath 1800.
.1669-3 in
06. Vrintitio ''"
Titorit : lßTolts. ° • ;
. qiizionotn. 800 timwooe r
121011,0 D
,{VOUDR, ,;1011N S. STRREiTT,
.101 IN Qt ! 7ll. N. STURGEON. •
This doing lnislichtihi tin; name of Ker, Bran
Immo & Co'., is now. folly prepared to- do a general
Banking Business with proinptuese and fidelity...
Money-reedred on-deposit and paid back on damned
without notice.- Interest paid onspedlal deposits: Cer
tificates df dtposit bearing Interest at the 'rate of Ave
per cent. will ho Betted for de chart a period as. four
months. Interest on ail ciiitificates will cease at
turlty, provided, however,. that if said ;certifieates are
renewed at any time thereafter for anoth,EnCgiven. p p oo
rind, they shall bear the mama rate of interest
time of renewal. Partieular attention paid to the eel.
!action of nbtes, drafts, chocks, &c., in any partnt the
United States or Conadas. " .
. _ .
Remittances made to England, 'frolend, or I ho Conlb
nont. 'The faithful 'and coundontlal execution of all
orders entrusted to them, may be rolled upon._ _ •
They call the attention of Partners, lliechnnics and
all others who dooiro n onto doposltory.for their names,
to the undeniable feet, that thepropriotoro of this Bank •
aro itanvinuatiar liable to tho (latent bf their eotatom for
all Ufa Depossto, grid othor obligatiobe of Koe, Dronno•
numk Cat
• They have recently removed Into their Mier' Banking
Moue° directly opposite their,former stand, in 'West
Main Street; a few dawn east of the Railroad' Depbt,
where they will at all times be pleased to give Any In
formation desired'in regard to money matters In gene.
Opon for business from 9 o'clock in the morning uu
14 o'clock ht.thp ovoning.
'2l .
.ASTUIt3EON, Cashier.
Carllmlo, May 20. 1857
308 Broollivay,:New York.
After May Ist, 1860; at 501 BROADWAY
two doors from the St. Nicholas hotel.
Tho'Stereosespo tbo most . inkructiYe, int cresting
,titertainingonusing and exciting of modern bison
Nono nra too 3 oung, none too °'d, none too Intel
gent, none too uneducated, to acknowledge Ito wor
and beauty.
No henna Is compieto without It, and It must and iv
penetra to everywhere.
It presents to Your view every part of the world, In
all the roller. boldness. perspective, and !sharpness of
detail, as if you wore on tho spot.
"Photographers - aro everywhere exploring Europe.
.Asia, Africa, America, in search of the grand and the
beautiful, and the results of their skill are constantly.
enriching cur stock..
We have an immense variety of paper Views of Scenes
In Paris, bondon, England, Scotland, Ireland, "Wale
Franco, Belgium, Ilelllnd. Stritzerland,
,Spnln, TI
Rhine, Versa Meg, St. Cloud, nintalnblatt, Tuillerie
Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Athens., the lioly Land, Chin
India, Crystal nleu Groups Histories], amusing,
marriage scenes, breitkfalit scones, ,plc-sins, shammy.
i.e. An e;,.qulsito assortment of Illuminated Into
rtora of Palares, Churches and Cathedrals ct France ;
4c., ke. Thu chest of these Illuminated views Is
most renutrkahle. ,
goilllemp of wealth 811(1 relined tasto should
have In his drawing room some or our °squish, views oh
gloss, with a revolving stereoscope, showing 12, 25, nu
or 100 MOULT. Nothing i:nn by more fascinating. and
ono can offer no greater treat ton friend fund of the pie.
uresque and the beautiful. p
Antluiny's Instantaneous Stereoscope Views ore the
latest Photographic wonder. Miry are taken In thin
fortieth mart .I,f a second. and everything, no matter
b o w rapidly It may he moving, Is depleted 'as sharply
and distrectiy no int had been perfectly at rest. TIII
gives on additional value. for to the beauties of hard
mate nature It adds the charm of life nod emotion. 'Ph
process is a discovery of our own. and being 1111M111111
In Europe, we receive from Lomb% and Paris large 0
dors for Anthony's Instantaneous Views of America I
life end scenery,
Among Other things coo have Just .published Stere
Illnetratlenx of the Scene of tini FULTON Sirti.Er
PRATFR,3II:ETINGS, whlrli Tunny howl, feel no Inter
partleulurs of thle.wlll be fuunkln our rah,
logite., • ,
OUR C4TAI:OOUF. of minerhi and prices will be forward.
oil to any 21EldresA nn reeelpt . of a stamp
Parties at it distance sending us ICI. $5, $lO, $2ll, or
$25, can have in good Instritinentand such pictures al;
they may request vont by Ilspress.
Views alone, (without instrumut) can be sent by
Partici who wish to lie adVioed-of every thing really
valuable In the lino that comes out. may send no their
names It)11111( . 0 on record, and we will keep them posted
at our own expense. •
" Men of lebiuru will find Photography a most' fascinat
ing and delightful an . Wu urn prepaied to lit
Out Illflatigling will •Verything necessary for their Rile.
ecoologe ter t instructions How to take Stereo.
scopic urea." - E. ANTHONY,
impart And Manufacturer of Photographic Mattel.
elm Ster ,scopes and Stereoscopic VIOWS. I •
riCar Merchants from every section of ; thr country are
respecefully Invited to makes en examination of our
stock. as our Int:conk to trio trade will he liberal
TO.PHOTOOHAPHERS.—First class stereoscopic Ne.
gatlves.wantcd. --
,Send by mall a print unmounted, with price of Nega
tive. • pan.lB,l:46o—lna.
By order of the o . rphane Court
By virtue of ail order of the:Orphans' Court of Cum
berland county, tho undersi*ned will otter nt public
sole at the Court House, on SATURDAY, the 4th day
of FEBRUARY, 1960. at 10 o'dlock, A. 111., that valuable
'louse and Lot situated nu . North Hanover street, In
the Borough of Carlinler aud formerly occupied by
'Peter Welbley, deed. . 7 , ~
The House Is a two story; Fsemo
Building, plastered upon the outside, . •, i
and le about twenty eight foot in a. ,- '1
front by thirty In depth, having two .i;l ,' 4.
robins 11nd a kitchen on tho first floor, ... ....::,......
and four rooms upon the second floor, a I in good topair,
together with necessary outdinlidings. The Lot In 00
feet In front, and 240 feet in depth; and con taluSa varlo
ty of choke fruit trees.
TERNIO: Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be
paid when the property Is strickon off, the balance of
ono half on the lot day of April, A. 1).,1060, and On
recline to ho divided into twe equal payments, paya
ble at one and two 3 ears with interest. Taxes fur your
1060 to be paid by purchasor.
6, P. 1111:11111011,
Adam. C. T. A. or rotor Welbloy,
n.ll, 10.10-1 0.
Jan.°, Icoo
° The Ini9ino,s will hereafter ho continued‘at the old
stand .‘,:hroin A: Black under the firm of BLACK &
DELANO'. whero wo will ,Iteep constantly nu Landoll
kinds of LUMBER AND COAL, of ollny 0..111110n,
which we will sell at tho lowest cash mhvs, and all .or..
dory for bill stunwill ho promptly !Wended to o'ri;the
shortest notion We aro thankful for tho patronagtl of
a generous idildie at the old stand of tibrom
and would still solicit a continuance. AR/ardent lilt
at the' residence of Jacob Olirotn for coal and Imula,r,
will be.promptiy attended tons heretofore. -
Jan. 11, ISGO.
Now on hand at the Carlisle Foundry. a now
TWENTY 1101tSE STEAM ENGlNE,•comploto in every
respect, which we will sell at a small on ro•l.'
Corn Crushers, Con, rhollurfi, nLll,oihcr much - hes for
Also, TEN PLATE STOVES - for burning wood, tn.
on. of handsome pntterns, together whim variety n
lur articles for humors and housekeepers, too nu
roes to mention.
Carlfsle, Oct. 6,180
A Al E•
S •11, . WEAV R' S
• .
44 es, o• AND
having been engnced In tin, business for over twenty
years ho would return thanks to his customers and
friends. for tile liberal encouragement extended to him
In yenne goon ly , nod further assures them that no
ruins will bu spared, to give full satisfaction to all who
may favor him with.% call. , •
or every description constantly on hand, or made to
order. Warranted to he of the hest quality. of the lo'.
lent style, well finished, and soli/ nt the lowest possible
prices for cash.
lie also continues business as an UNDEItTAItIUL—
Ready tondo Oolllne, Metallic or otherwise. gept eon•
stoutly on band and funerals promptly attended to
persbhully in town or country, ou thu most reasonable
Cherry and Walnut Coffins, larger size, aell G icd
and lined inaldo, from 8 to 12 Minim..
Walnut Collins covered from IS to 30 dollars.
!joy 25, 1850-Iy.
11.—Two properties sltunto In eliurchtown,Cumb.
county, aru caned fur solo on easy terms. - •Apply as
above.; J. It. 1S•
• N. H.: A,N T ,
OppOsite the . Rail &ad Office.
_ ter Fall and Winter Styles of Cloths,
Cassinzeres and 'Festiva made to order.
Carilelo t Oct. 20, 1850. •
1 Wni v-S SToii E .
8 II .151 E- s I Q,
JANOS, ' '
0. C. B. CARTER.
May 11; 59
- . • ---.-- —"" . Bard to C0.31', In fict our whole eters now °Rating',
tunusuidlY low prices. •' '' _ Q , • ••. -. ,
A GRECULTURAL SOQIETY. , --Tho g i'ersone will nad It to their deal 11 , advantage to ;
Cumberland 'County' Agricultural Society-will mill and examine for themselves as groat bargains may
meet et the Court noose, ,in Carlisle, on 1111:SDAY be expected the Closing season . .• .
the 'I tit day of February ; at 11 o'clock , A; 31.31. - q1 good . . . - ,A. IV., 111IIITZ,
attendance to roquostad. • '• • •• • ' t • ' Carlisle, Jan. 11, 1860, ' ' - ..," ' --...... "
Jan. 18. , 60, ' . -' :: , ' D.B. CROFT. Rec`y. - .
. •
Bbl.'primo, New N. 1 liorring, LASS, ,GLASS,—,SOO boxes,.alliss •
50 just received; and for sins at prices to •sult the at
G -I
of all class, eh:lWe aild'ilouble CI ick, jusblecelved
times et ' . , 11ALIMATS. - ,Mar, 16,,1660. •
. ,
2 lisccilnncous.
RonatT 31. BLACK
Fall and Winter • Goods, ".
T am now opening 000 Inmost assortinont.of PRY
4310iThS 'ever brought to Ovationland County. "
The attention of thulatillos.le orticularly invited to,
tho splundlil aesoytment Of.
A full lino or INlnonificuntlcs, Poplins,, Poll Do' Cho
viers,. Franck Merinoes, Cashmeres, &c.,. Shawls end'
Cloth Capon of all kinds and unconunonly cheap. Dress
Trimmings. all the now styles and to. suit every color.
Flannels and Blankets at i.tniiishitsg , low prices. Call•
cocs.,the bust I n.Carllslo, at 6, 8 and 10 cts. DAM nes,
the best In tim State at 37, 60 and 63 ato.
bleached and - unbleached, no better and nerbeaper to'
be had. Linens, ,Nnpklus, Toblo Clothe, Shirting'',
&e., brought from the largest Importer in New.
York, very good'and vary cheep. Glnghaßis, a full me
'sortment. • •
MOURNING GOODS.jA 'largo assortment of mourn
leg Goods oral) kinds and descriptions. •
BONNETS & RIBBONS.—A new supply offnailionnble
Bonnets and Ribbons, at low figures.
GLOVHS -.The :best quolity of Alexander's Kid'
Gloves. Kid, 811 k and Cotten Gauntlets. Buck Gloves,
equal to any Rxclifsive - Vihney, Gentlemen's weer.
A new assortment of Wine Dread Cloth's, Castor Bea
vers'Blain and Pitney enlifdlnereS, NOStingo, Cdpinetli,
hr., ho.
]TOY'S WEAR.-Cassimores suitable for boys Yery
• Three Ply Carpeting, good, beauflftiTand cheap. Floor ' •
Oil Cloths of all widtbs. , gond and cheap.
The store is now filled'wlth now, elegant and cheap - `T •
goods, brought from the largest and best houses in Now"
York and Philadelphia, end will ho sold °fret prices to
defy all competition.
Come one, could 0,1, befoie purchasing elsewhere and
Judge for yourselves.
No trouble to show our goods at the Most Store oppo•
alto the Railroad Depot.
Carlisle, Oct 20, 16.9
XT .
Just returned from the city nod noueopening itrg
lu:sort:nen t of
kiejani and l'ashionahle Winter. Ggods,
legant Silks, Poll do Chowlers, and all tho newes
yies DRESS xlOOBO 1u• great variety.
A large lot of Ladles' Cloth cloaks and Shawls, of th
test stylen.just receiVed
LA DI good and cheap.,
A full ass": tment of Dress Trimmings, Cloak Tassels
c. (TENT'S SHAWLS, good and cheap.
CALICOES at 0, li, 8, 10, and 12 cents.
M. I). LAINS at 8, 10,15, 15, and 20 Vents.
11-1 Cloth for Over Coats at :171Ind
0-I Black Cloth' for Ladles' Cloaks at $1.50, $2.0
'.1,0, and VI 00. •
The stock Is now largo and complete. All persons In
ant of rir, ant mid - cipap goods. will find them nt the
w store opposlto tlunallroad Depot.
Nox.:M, at). • •• 'IIAS: 0011.11 Y.
• A I It E S •(3- It-.107, - OT It lESI
Shad and Narkeral of ,111i'crelii grades, _ -
At 111111:17'S.
Salmon, Simla Fish and White Fish,
Codfimll, Pall and Pickled Herring,
ch m ii mW Crackers ran hn lacy
Fried Fruit, l!ieverver and driller,
Sugar Cured Beef and IlaniB,
A flesh supply of LIQUORS,
,0118,'Whito Load,
& SAWYER, (East thine
ki sirAto havtrjust returned front the Eastern Cit
ies with ft large and vielPselerted stuck of
to which they respectfully, invile the attention of
It Cliiiirleefl tworything rare and new thrown in the
market by recent Importations and Auction Sales, In.
eluding Fancy Dress Silks, newest styles velvet Pop.
tins. Elegant Figured Men aces, Faris DeLaines, Satin
finished Valenclas, and all other kinds and varieties of
Dress Goods.
Also a large assortment of Broths, Long and Sousre
Scotch, Blanket and Waterloo, Double, Revel ,
rabbi and Bay State Shawls. •
CLOTII MANTILLAS, Cloth Mantillas, Raglans from
wholesale manufacturers acknowledged the best styles
io fetin this reason..
FUIDI/' FURS: I 'FURS!: I In every variety. Sable,
Stone, Ma.tin, Siberian Capes, cum end 31nITs, Ru.t.
elan Fitch, French Snide. American Filch Children's
Furs of all 'Mims. We wartant them all free from
moths, having imrehased direct from manufacturers.
'* -- Ladlee and Gentlemen will find n Inspection a full
Iltie of every clues of goods kept In a first class Dry
Goods Store.,
For HOLIDAY pittAiNTs- we are fully prepared
with a full stock of Faitcy and desimble goods.
We fool prepared with thin large addition of now
goods and oar termer stock, to snit the wants of all In
Our line; WO ask an ii.peetiOn of oar goods. No trou.
Wo orattention Is F pared in showing goods
Carllelo, Doe. 7. 10.9
Fresh Drugs,
Fancy Goods, Fruit, and
• Confectionary. .
S. W. HAVERS:FICK has Just received fronotho city
and is now opening' a splendid display of FA . NCY GOODS,
to which he desires to call the. attention otAls friends
and the public. Ills asslnitnent in this Hun cannot Iro
surnamed In novelty sildWrilferr dud both In quality
and price of the articles, cannot tall to please purchasers.
It would be impossible to enurneeate his
tvhich comprise uveryvariety of fancy articles of the matt
toolnisito Wash cook as. .
Papier 3lnelo. Goods, I-.
Elegant :dab:oiler aunt porcelain ink-stands and trays,
' 'Fancy Ivory - , pearl and shell card cases,.
Ladles' Fancy .llaskets, N...
Fancy Work liox,f4, with sewing instruments,
Ladl;,,' Cabas, ‘rrking Desk*, and Port folios.
Port 31onnales, of every :variety,
00Id pens and pencils, Fancy paper wa yhts,und
large vrrioty of ladles' Fancy statiol cry.
Motto soak and wafers, Silk and Lead purses,
Riding whips. elegantly finished. Fine cutlery,
Perfume baskets and kings,
Brushes of every kind for tho toilet, •
X. Ilazin and It. k G. Wright's &ips and Porfumes
of varlet& kinds
Faiicy Pins tip head dresses and shawls.
31usfeal Instruments, of all kinds•and at all prices
together with annn umeralAexarlety of articles elegant
ly flpished and suitable for holiday presents, to which
he invites special attention.
Also, en' extensive and elegant collection of
comprising the - various Amerinin Works,
richly embeliShed WORK., Bibles 1(1111
Hymn !balks. elegantly bound In velvet with metal
clasps and corners. suitable tor holiday gifts.
'llls assortment . :!1 School' Books and - School Stationery In
also complete. and comprises everything used in the
Schools. Ile also desires. to call .the particular atten
tion of Families to his elegant assortment of
I. A M .1' i Ac.,
from the extensive establislunents 'or Cornelius, Archer
end others of Phillidelphin, compriking every style of
Parlor, Cliemberaud study lamps, for burning either
lard. 4erei or Ellieriol ell; aim DriTITS celobnited
Kerman., or Coal Oil Lampe, together with Flower Yeses
Fancy Screens, Le. ' Ilia essortment In this line is uu•
equaled hi the borough. Also,
ein l brarin4 ell the Inuorite brands, and a fine assort•
such as„.„o.ranges, Lenions, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines,
In every variety anti at all prices, all or which are infra
had fresh such as can bo confidently recommended to
his isiOntia. Ills stork embraces everything in the line
of Fancy Goods, with many other articles usefur to
hum °keepers which the piAblic aro especially invited
to call and examine.
Hammler the Old-Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on
North Hanover street..
ll'pc. 7. 1859
Announces to the•public and his customers, that in
accordance with his usual custom this season ofAhe 3 ear,
ho has reduced the prices of his stock of
which* comprises - onionr choke and nanutiful doserlp•
tloue of WINTRIt aneb no all Wool
Itlnhume, plain and ilgurud, all Wool DeLainon, plain
and figured.-Coburgs, Yalonelas, DeLaines, all wool,
Plaids fie.,
EI . .
B AVo LS of every varlot ' at extremely low prices.
A beautlfulLOt of FANOI SILKS of ovary etylo and
color, and at lower, rates than can he.purchaeod else,
where in Carlisle.
A splendid assortment of .I.lrs and Cloaks yet on
hand-which we are determined to close out without rw
,TNO. K. SMITH; re
• ' • spectrally announces to - his old frirude all
°ruler •patrols, that ho has returned from his soul
western tour, with his health greatly improved,, to
has resumed hin practice in Carlisle.
OP, tC6 ou Main Street, one door west of the linlirea
Depot; whore he caw he found at all hours, day at
night, when^not•out professionally. '
Carlisle, (let. 26, 1869-tf. •
1100 TOR ARMSTRONG- has renior,.
IN ad his °lnce to thoSonth west corner of Hanover &
Pomfret et whore ho may he consulted at any.hourot thit
day ay night. Dr. A. hoe had thirty years .exporionee
In the profession, the last ton of which hare boon de..o.
tod to the study tied practice' of Ilonneopathie mod'
cite. May 20,,b70rn.
0 S.
Oflice on South Hanover Street, formerly occupied
by Dr. Smith..
S. B. KIEFFER' Office in' North
LPL:mover 'street two doors from Arnold. A Son's
store. Office hones, moropartleularly from 7 to 0 &dodo,
A. M., and from S to 7 o'clOck,'.l , l' 61.
- ftAt i t'"-': ,
aa si a2i IL/RIG II T, DENTIST, from the Bal
timore .College of Yip Lai Surgery.
IM-OlTice nt the residence of hlainother,Eatt Louthm
divot; three doom below Bedford. .•,
March 19,.1856—tf.
Dll; J. C. NEPF respect
fully Informs the ladles and gentlemen 111411 of Garlisle, and. vicinity, that he has re.
sumed the . pradtice of Dentistry; and is umpired to per.
form all operations on the teeth and gums, belonging
to his professfon. Ile will Insert full sets of teeth on
.gold or silver, with single gum tooth, or blocks, !Ls they
may .prefer. Terms moderate. to suit the times
(flee in High street, directly.opposito the Cumbyr.
laud Valley Bank.
w9.._ Dr. N. will be In Nowville the' last ten days 01
every month. •
don. 20, 1058-Iy* •
DR. I.C.LOOMIS • ym tt ,
Sunni lianovor street, - ' " 4 . l fVir .tY..: 2 -
ntct. door to the Post ...:,
Offleo. ,
its. Will be absont front Carlisle the last ten dnys of
each month. - Inug.,l, 'O. ..
- • ---- _ I
1.0. W. NEI;DICII,. D. D.
I,ltoDemonstrutor'ot - Opetat lye Dentistry to the
%Orb D
. Baltimore .Vollege of
Den G 4 Surgery.--
• Ia•TA • "Mee at his residence,
oprnsite Marlon Itoh, West Main street, Carlisle, Penn
Nov. 11,18'4.
..1,/ S. W. HAVERSTICK,' Druggist,
North Itarigvor Street, Carlisle. •
4 Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded
A full sup of fresh drmni.and chemical. .„,..__
T - OtIN - • HAYS,A_ 4 ,
IP" . Mee on .Malu Street, opposite " Marion Ilan,"
Carlisle, In. [Oct. 26, '59-Iy.
P. HUAIRICII,' Attorney at Law.
.-0111 co on North Hanover street, n' few doors
south of lilacs' Hotel. All business entrusted to him'
will be promptly attended to. [April 15..
I_A M. PENROSE bn removed Ids, °Mee. iti_renr 0
nlO Court HMIBI , , 391101 . 0 ho will pr4mtly attend to el
1,118111. g entrusted to I in.
August 10, 1857. .
d has rommed•tai, m tgtjee of the lose. Office In
.Contre tinitme, west
.shle, nem the First Presbyterian
Churl, ,
April 8, 1857. •
- The advantages and conveniences of this elegant and
commodious Hotel fit Tray°lors-and sojourners, In El.
Is acknowledged ,by all. It has large, well fur.
niched. and the best ventilated rooms to be found In
the City, anti fa beantifully situated near.the Railroad
Depot, Nil that Travelers can step aboard of the Cars at.
any tine, settle tieing subje . eted to the Inconveniences
°trilling In Omnibuses.
N or .9.1559,
• •KtEiy - ' PAIal - REDUCED.
606 & 608 lllmrket St., alb9vt, sixth,
TERMS :—sl - 25Tier day
North• Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa.
W. W. - K LINE, Proprletor.".
This House has been refitted In a superior style, and I
- now open for the iieeinnincolation of Boarders
and Travelers, on , •
S. R. Cur. 11th i k Market Ms.,
IL W. li,ANACht,
om. with Wm. Ih Millen l:nq., South Ilutiover.Street,
opposite We Volunteer Mee.
Carlisle, Sep. 8, 1859.
speelal attention to rolleetlona throng')
V out tlin.State, nialto investments, buy nail sell
tad liqate inot aeeurltles. Negotiate loans, pay tax,.
...ale land ‘varranta. ke., ke. Refer to the members o
is Cumberland County Bar, to all prominent Ott
ta of Radih). Pa. " Augl7.B—Jy.
LIAVING entered into co-phrtnersltip
in the manufacturing of BAR IRON. at Letprt
poig e , Carlisle, In., we would respectfully Invite the
ktt out lOU of ilardware merchants, Blackout tbs. and nil
,thorn who may want a superior article of Iron to give
Thom .1 call. .
All kinds othignmered, Iron constantly on hand or
drawn to order off short notice.
'Pilo highest price pahlior wrought iron scraps, or t,
kon In exchange for bar rum
Oct. 12; 1850
FOlt It EN T.—The two-story Plastered
1)IVE1.1.1S11 HOUSE, on Loather . .;
treot, now In the orimpaney of I'. F. 4, u
4 1
Egool.:sq.; ills.. three sonillerilwi.lllmm lf . 8 i
rill ha rooted from thu Ist of
,April : ~,, ; 4
lust. ' . ....
For terms Ityiulro of . ;. `.
Carlisle, Nor. 23, 1259:.2m,
. . .
VOR RENT.—The large and connno
i,- Mous Brick Dwelling House. now
'ocomied by the subscriber, and 'the.. z old .
oppeAte Raymond's lintel, formerly oc. ~
copied by Richard Parker.
For terms apply to
Cni . llFlo, Nov. 23,1859-2 m
R r liA m li r A
r E S A T L AZE NsI VE n N i, aY l,sr lt t l l . , l l:
moved, to his New 011ieo an Main street, one door west
of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road Depot.
He Is now permanently located, and has on band and
for sale a very largo amount of Real Estate, consisting
of Farms, of nil sins, Improved and unimproved. Mill
Properties, Town Property of every description, Build.
log Lots, also, Western Lands and Town Lots. Ile will
give his attention, as heretofore to the Negotiating of
Loans, Writing of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Contracts,
and Seriveningimnerally.
Oct. 28, 1857.—tf.
Trotters Administiution on ihe Estate of So.
Itlft ' LAßK, into of the Borough or Carlbdo, deceased,
have been issued to tho subeeriber residing In South .
Middleton township. All porsons indebted to said Ps.
Onto are requested to make Immediato payment, and
those hawing claim to present thole for settlement to
Administrator of Sarah Clark, deed.
Poo. 21i1555-6te
deceased.—All persons Indebted to, or having
claims against Ilan Estate of Johnston IVllllamson, Into
01 Dickinson township; &ed., are requested to moot
the Executors of said estate at tho public house of Jo.
cob ltedsceker, In Centreville, on Wednesday, Thurs.
day, h Friday. the bth, 9th, andlOth of February next,
with their claims properly authontleated for settlement,
• . .101121. T. GREEN,
Jan. 11, 'OO-ql. Administrators of J. W., doc'd.
VOTlCR—Notice is heieby -given to
I. all . who are Indebted to us that our books will ho
handed mow for colleetiou After tholsth.of next moth.
Our books aro now'ln possession of our successor Ashor
who is constantly ready to receive money on our
.aecouut. .
Jul. 11,1660. • . . STEINFat 11110TIIER8:
P. B. Mho!' Wier,' Clothlng'gtoro, near tho Market
In, ---
STATE - NOTlCE.Letteri 'of Ad:
Int nistration on the Estate of WILLIAM LEONARD,
deceased, late' or the Boroughof Carlisle,
.having been
granted by the 'Register of Cumberland county, to tho
undersigned, residing In Litudishurg, Peril County.
Notice is hereby given to those 'knowing themselves
Indebted 'to the estate to, makepayment, and these
having anima against the estate 'to .present them for
settlement to the subscriber, who may be addressed
oither4 the above place, or. at Carlisle, Cumberland
Jan. IR, IS6OSGt
ZU6illC55‘ tartis.
JE LAURA, 'N. Y. '
JAMES W. POWER, Proprlotoi.
W3l. MeV EY,
Jfinneupolis, Jtintzenda
Jub Printing .done htire
timlb et & Ceocit
• The subaeribers have Ma day ehtenid Irkto part
norship to trade in • .
COAL, AND Lyl l lßhit',,'
have constantly on b r and and furnish order
all kinds and quality of seasoned •
• .
Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, workFd Fiber.
lug and Weatherboarding, Posta and Rails, and ovary e ,
ticlo that bolonga to a LIJMIIIIIt YARD. , •
All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitopine, Hemlock,
and Oak', of different qualities. Having Cars' of our
own we can furnish bills to order of any length and
sizo et the shortost notice and on the Most roasnnable
loons. , Our worked boards will be kept under•cover io
that they can be furnished dry at nil time,. •
Wro hovo constantly ou hand all kinds ()Chirpily Coal
tinder cover. Which we will.dolivor clean to any ,part of
the borough. To wit
which we plodgo oursolvos to tiellat the lowest prices,
Bost quality of
LiknOurner'a and Blaaandth'e -Coal,
atways on hand which,we' will sell at the lowest figure,
Yard west side or Grammar School; Main street.
Jul) 20,1950.
Thu subscriber would respectfully call the .attention
of Limeburneril and the citizens of Carlisle, and the
surrounding country generally, to his NEW COAL
YARD, attached to his Ware House, on Went High at.,
where ho will keep constantly on hand a largo supply
cf the best quality of COAL, to wit: '
Lykens valley, LIIIIO Fiddler, Pine Breve and Troyer.
ton, Broken, Egg and Nut Coal—screened and dry,, cost,
which he pledges Idinnelf to sell at the lowest possible
prices. Best quality: of Llmoburner's and Blacksmith's
Coal always on hand. ,
.01y. All orders left at the Ware House, orMt his resi
dence In North Ilanovor street, mill be promptly at.
tended to.
April 1.1, 'sB—ti.
.ELour.t. AND FLED,.
'rho subscribers having token the warehouse, ears and
fixture, of in: It. Murray's well.known establishment,
on West High street, opposlto Mckinnon College, would
Inform the public that they have entered Into a general
Porwardlng and Commission I.uslooss.
. . • • .
. Tim highest norkot primp will bo pall for Flour, Grain
not Peplum of all kinds.•
They meals(' prepared to freight produce and stock
to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowestratex, with
safety and despatch.
__PLASTER AND SALT kopt constantly- on hand, and
FLOUR AND PEED at wholesale or . rneall.
Cool of all kinds. embracing o-
. .
Limeburner's and
nud dellyored dry to any port of the town. -
Aug. 17,1859
I IJDI BER YARD.—The subscribers.
1i having purchased a largo tract of pino tintbor
land and saw mills, on the west branch of the Susque
hanna river, have opened out a lundlig yard at
on the railroad, corner of Allen and 1110 streets, near
tho steam saw mill of &Idle, Eberly& C. 0., and alsonuo
near Plainfield, where wo will be able to sell lumber at
such prices that will be to the interest of builders and
others to call and see us before buying elsewhere. Our
advantaged over other dealers ate nal our lumbeVdoes
not pass through the hands of one two or wore spee-i—p
lators before we got It, and that will enable us to sell
I umber cheaper than any others can sell at [hello places.
We Will also wholesale lumber front our Ilarrisburg
yard, and will deliver lumber at any point along the
Cumberland Valley Railroad. if desired, builderstan
have lumberamwed suitable for any rjse of building, or
for other purists., by furnishishina us with their or
ders In season: r CIREASON & CO,'
April, 13, 113511L-Iy. ,
N - .E IV II R 'R. A. N.G . E MENT.
on and after Monday, 23,1 May, 1859, the sub.
scriber will Inn a pally Train of Cars, between ,
leaving Carlisle every morning and Philadelphia every
evening, ,
All geode loft at thiFiREIDIIT DPPOT et-Peacock,
Zell d: lIINCIIMAN, Noe. SOS and 810 Market street,
will he delivered In Quilt& the next day.
Went Inch Street, Carliele. Pe.
On gshildtlon and for sale at Mrsielt. A. RETnotn's
4 DAGUEBREAN ROOMS, 2nd doer west of Dr.
ZITZERV Office, Carlisle, Pa.
Send fore clreularto
tir iI. MASON, Agent
Li..pAILLISLE.—Tho subscriborn propOse publishing
is soon is the requisite materials cnn be collected,
' A Histuryitind Directory of the Borough ,
which will contain a conolso history of tho llorough,
frost Its first settlement to the present limo, a list of
the adult inhabitants, alphabetically arranged, their
dwellings, occupations, places of business, and dwelling
houses; a list of the streets of the Borough ; statistics
and history of churches, schools, public Improvements,
Alper! of travel, the various associations, and such other
detail as will mako a useful and interesting work of
reference. The business department of the Directory
will contain the rattle of business men handsomely dig.
played and arranged, presenting a desirable medium
for exhibiting their business operations. Tho work
will be carefully prepared, and Its typographical fen."
tares well oxecated. It will he published by subscrip
tion, and will be furnished to subecribers, bound In
eletit. library slyly, at oar dollar per ropy, payable on
the delivery of the work. F. 11. JAM ES, Business
toot. )lausion (louse, will attend to all btielnesscon
,ected with the Directory.
1. PLR.—The complete success and universal satis
faction given by the PRAIRIE FLOWER
COOK STOVE. warrants, the subscriber In .1 - '
c alling upon all who wish comfort and eon.
cenieure to call and examine the stove before
purchasing. All who have tried the stove
have been more than satisfied. Of the groat number
sold during the present season, the first complaint has
vet to he heard. Of no other stove can this with truth
be sold. Per strength, economy, licking,. cooking,
and roasting powers, It has no rival. The lute
iiirovenionts fur the. consumption of coal gas, gives
dill!ional strength. besides a vast saving in fuel. The
tovo is warranted to give satisfaction in all cases. The
Fultonu Is all inane of the hest material, and for work
iitatish,l,p,cannoli be surpassed. 1 Imo besides a num
her atelier Cook stoves which I a4ll sell with or with
out furniture below cost. All work heretofore done,
attended to promptly. Charges moderate, south a desire 1.
to please all. 1 hope to merit a continuance of the pat
ronage already bestowed.
. . .
Jan. 11,18 CO.
N. 11. 'rho highest Inlet, paid "fir old , copper, braas,
pewter, In cash, or taken In exclongo for goods.
011TAB.LE GAS LlGll'l'..
, The underbigned are note prepared to Dinah
"Loveless' Portable Gas Ligltrada Fixtures,"
At prices rAllAilig from $5.00 to $5OO. '
• This light has the advantage oval other artificial
light on account uf Its SAFETY, BRILLIANCY anti
,ECONGIY, the cost of a Full Flame being nuly about •
ONE CENT per hour.
Orders from abroad respectfully solicited, and full
satisfaction warranted. Liberal deduction made to
Churches sod Seminaries.. All Orders will receive 'at
tention If directed to • GAMINESS & CO.'
• • Carlisle, to.
visy„,Ve• would refer to the follohing gentlemen who
have the light In use.
11. A. Sturgeon, Esq., W.. M. Watts, Eaq., Dr: D,
Mahon, W,,,. Iter,Esq., dos.. C. Hoffer, Esq., anti Col.
J. McGinnis.
Carlisle, Dec. 14, 1050.—fintos.
fur the CURE of COURRS AND CoLD, Croup Bninchitis,'As•
Ulm, Ditliculty in Breathing, Palpitation of tho
Heart, and for the roller of pationta in the ' •
, advanced stages of. CONSUMPTION, to. ..,
i gether with all Disc:Wes of the
Throat and Chest, and .....
which to Consumption. It attacks the root
of disease, nod, makes the fell destroyer succumb to its
ntitionce. It also producelLfree oaPectondion, and In
duels healthy action In the diseased Mucous Membranes .
and Tissues. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure • . •
of AtITIIIIA. Ono done of this Invaluable Syrup often
giros ease: and chusequently sloop, which the peculiar •
nature of this disease. denies,bini. It la very pleasant
to the taste, and prompt In lts effects. ToT IT, and bo,, •
convinced, that, It is Invaluable In the cons or Dam.'
tm. nuns 00 Milli PER DOME. . ~
Trepp.rettonly,by__ .
A. , ESSENW:EIN, Druggist,
N. W. Corner of NinthUnd Poplar Streets, .
S. 11. For Sale by S. Elliott, It. J.-Editor, S. W. Paver
stick, Carlisle; L, Kaiiffman, Mechanicsburg; athil Oeo, -
11. Smith, .t 1. Phliadhiphia, and Storokeopota and
Druggists gene Ily. . .
Carlisle, Oct. 9, '59.7 mono ' • ~ .
P. Lynch, •
the N. E. qhureh,
• et, Ciirliale, .•
Iron Oinks,
„ „
ash Bsslns, •
Itydruulle ltame, As. • •
Practical PLUNBE '
in the basement of
- Hain Sire.
Lead and Iron Pipes,
lint & Cold Shower UAW
Water Closets;
Force end Lift Pumps,
Wro't Iron WeVdTubes,.,
And ever' description of cocks and, fittings for-gait,
steam,.water.&c. Superior cooking Mitges,'lmatera and
gaR fixtures put up 14 churches, stores' and, dWollings, i !
at abort notice; in thei most Modern style.... All Mater',
alo and work In our line'at low races andirriarrintad., , :
Otif - Uountry tfork and Jobbing promptly attended -----
War. 1814-4 y
. .
nr ? kop, itgg, Stove abd Nyt
do. do. do