Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 18, 1860, Image 4
Imanac for 18130 - ;Jo e NI April ME FEll licuUUCni !from the Alumlean Fanner.) .' Work on the Farm for January Petra Aecpurrs.—Note take an inventory of all you have. Determine by a careful -and just estimate of your farm and every thing upon it, what your stock ih trade is worth,•and- knot;; know ' whether .it has paid you a fair interest upon the investment, and sufficient wages for your own superinten dence. In such-an estimate, the farm is 'en titled to credit for house rent and firewood, fruit, vegetables, cat; bread, in fine, every ; thing it has for shed for the use of your family. Do not merely give it credit for crops sold, and - setting against that the ex pense of manures, cultivation, &c., qoine'to' the conchisiOn that farthing is an impridita• ble business. - . Winter Plottifiting.—"hlie any opporCunity the stateipf thd weather may allow, to break up your'sod land for. Corp, Ternips, Pota• toes, &cl On stiff lands thcaction of frost - is useful, and on ell there is an advantage in having - th work done early. The' team is in better condition foe hard work now than in the spring, and y'on4ill be more sure to -plough deeply, and ma}' do so With less - risk of any bad consequence from brealitig up of subsoil. Of course, at no time is it - prpper to plough the land if wet. Vare - of Stock.—Have all stock carefully looked to, and that continually. Fdod enough. and especially Water enough; and as often as they may want it—nbt in ode great draught', that will thoroughly. chill them, but in small quantities. when they-will:- -.Cows-and-Ewes,- andßreeding SOws,.should-be all well fed during the winter months, and Wave especial care, as the time approaches fon4m-ving their young. Do.-not delay until Spring, but provide .yourself at-once with any necessary addition to your working stock. ' Implements, d'e.—Have all implements, carts, ;Cc., put away under =cr. Let all be overhauled and repaired, and such new ones purchased as may be wanted. '• .t`lover and grans Fieldv.—Let no hoof touch the cloveror grass during Winter, or - at any time when the ground-is wet undlia ble to be poached.' Ifaatires.—Gather, as you may have op portunity, - materials for manure. NoW especially the time to niAil yourself of _all domestic resources - . Do riot, however, be. misled into-the useless labor ofhauling more, material into• the yards than is 4ito sulk: cleat, to absorb all the moisture of the drop. ..pings from the stock and keep them comihr tably dry. Whatever .matter else you may be able to gather, should be composted' with lime or ashes; if it be good meadow muck or peat, exposed to the action of frost, &e., and woods' scrapings or other litter may be haul ed at once to the grounds, where, they may be needed, and spread upon the surface. Lime, 4shes, adrantage:ot all weather that is good fin• liatilim!' -to get such fertilizers as these on the latd; and have them spread at once. .Firewood mid Fence iS7ql:—Cut firewood for next winter, and get material fur fence cut and hauled in place. Work in the Garden, • There is little work to be done in the veg etable garden at this season of the_year. The gardener, like the 'armor, should now, how ever,Dbe occupied in laying out work for the coining season. The garden and grounds should be the peculiar province of the lady of the establishment, who should make as. sistants of the boys and girls, and, have such other labor furnished as may be requisite tbr her iv or k At this seasomit is well to have a plot of the garden and grounds on paper, for the purpose of more. readily designing and arranging any improvement, and laying out the' work for the coming Spring. If a new garden is to be made, or new plant L. , tions of fruit or ornamented trees, now is a convenient time for maturing your plans and making all needful preparation. Preparation of the Ground.—Should the ground at any time this month be frozen and sufficiently dry, it May be dug and immured for the earlier vegetables. Composts, whkih should have been prepared in advance; are the proper_manure for all garden plants.. Early Peas.—Some of the ehrlier. peas may be planted, should you find the „ground in order for them. After plantipg,day,ii convenient, some brash-wood along the drills; to remain until the peas begin to come up . in the Spring. Tinder ordinary circumstan ces, peas avill be - better and earlier for this early planting, provid4;always, the ground is, in good order. Ibtatoes.—These may be planted for early use, if you give them a good covering of ma , .nure, and litter enough on. top of the -ground to ensure them against frost. , ' Hot Beds and Forcing Frames:—lf these are to be used, have'all neeessasy -materials for them in readiness. Poles, Rods, &c.—Get all these it; readi ness at this time for Peas, Tleans, and other climbing plants. The Fruit Garden Make this Inonth any necessary prepara tion for' planting , out Fruit 'Trees, Gooseber ries, Currants, Raspberries, &c. • Prune all hardy. sorts, Plums, Cherries, &c. Apply manures around all that need them. Gooseberries and Currants require to be well . trimmed out, to give light and air free access to the fruit. The Orchard. . . In the orchard the same remarks are ap plicable as to pruning, manuring and prep aration for planting. Those who failed to plant in the Fall will now have_ ample time to make the most careful preparation for set ting their Fruit Trees. Newly plantedl tees will Jukbettertfor.a.eovering.- Pf..-litte.t4out their roots, but not s'o Thick as to' afroffithar bor for mice. It is a good time to clean the trees of moss, ,&c., on their.truelcs; by'serap ing the bark and washing with soft soap or any preparation which may be good for. the purpo'se.: brilpfaentat youy grounds nee deifelent in ihese;by all meanasupPly the' deficiency, and 4nalre your preparations for. planting withas much care as for fruit trees. . '' • . The.Nuisery,' Every place ivliero it is expected vate Fruit to any extent; should have a por tion of grounA set'apart as a ntirsery. "The stones md seeds of fruits shciulcl ho.,planted here, SA seedlings 'raised to be bddued and grafteditereafter. . Every boy, and girl, tool should be taughtAbese interesting and useful arts r and to raise their own trees, oath° best means of .ensuring Stich'. it's : . th'ey May wanf. It will:hive the good :offect r top, of cultivat ing an interest in fruit culture. - ' IRVING MilMALlii COLLEGB, MECHANICSBURG, PA.' This Institution, designed for the Moral, educntlod or Young Ladles, has•been in operation two years with the most gratifying rend ty It' Is now eStablished 011 firm basis, arid tts patron - Age , already- extends over scd'eral States.- .a It is limited on the Cumbeidand Valley Railroad mid. way'between - ilarrislawg-and Carlisle. in the most Vert, tile Illid boatitittil pOrtion of the valley, and is in close proximity to Ono of the most moral, healthy, and un terprising•tod'uslit the State. con tnil; rind. easy of aeceis. Students leaving Washington, lialtimore.or Philadelphia in lin:Morning train for Harrisburg, will arrive at Mechanicsburg . In 11100 lie dinner. - The (din, Islarze root commodious, surrounded by .10 , 010 'verandas. and will accommodate about one lime droci Luarders. In its Construction, It combines all tire novices improvements for tire pionnithin of health, comfort and cep Veil lone°. In these respects physicians prOnoulivo it .(01t . vtd The einimbers are large and ilea tlefurnishod.' Pooh-has its register. fur heat and ventilation • (tidy two-students occupy the same room. The bath rooms are all times supplied with Warm and cold water. . . II 'rho grainolN aro 'ample,,,ntal'lvell arratignit fbr recre ation, nod the varlon4 eitllsthoule •:ranee—eo besen• tlaeto hoahh, graceful movement mut symmetry al Th.. rayon:). of Instruction .18 ofnelout and expel.' °need. I JI In the Colle;late Department the course of study Jr of i t l)high grade, romprvhonding all the subjects belong. ig to a Claxsical, Polite and Christian Education. n the Prernatory Departnientpnpilti w l be earo fary - Instructed In those branchos forming the basin 01 n thorough English education, . Snasorls.—Flt et Sognitin, from tho let WednoPday of September to the 90th of January. partn Socoud Session, l'com the lot of February to tho tot of July ocatlon, during July mid August. • . 121,11tNIS Plat SESOION OF 'FIVE MONTIIS:PAYABLI. IN ADVANCE. Dearding.l'ashltsg, Furnished Booing and Light.. . . . . . • $OO6O -Tuitiou—C"lle g lato Department. • 1" . , 20 00 Preparatory. 4, . . . . 00 ‘• " " First Class, 12 00 Np extra charge for Ancient j.,anguages. Musle—Plano and Guitar.' . ..... 20 00 Vocal . . • • • • • • • 2 " lialetp Languages, . .• . , 10 00 Painting, Drawing and other Ornamental Branches at the usual rate's. Text.honlu4 furnished at city prleps. For further pat ticulara address, Bee. A. O. MARLATT, A. M., 1131.1. Presideul. riUMBEItLAN'II 'VALLEY It. rt.- .I:7*Tn 2ttli44-4.4.4r, - - -011,15101 i OF 140U/ISI . On 'and later MONDAY, NOV, 11th 1 559, l'assi , own Train+. Mill rim ns lSllows (Sundays exeupted:) FOR IiAItItISLIUIIO. Ist Train. 2d Train Leave Clianiliertiburg . „. 5.35 A. li. 2.40 P. 51 Shippentillurg, . 9.05 " 3.13. " Now vine,' 5.38 " - :.•15 a Carlirlo. 1535 " . " Meehan lesburg, '16.47 " 4.56 " • Arrlvo at Ilarrlatirg, . 11.15 " = Muchaulesburg , H. 67 . _ ‘, Carne. , 9.37 ° a. 1 - ~ - . - ~- - Norville, 10.12' " ' 3.60 4 ShimmuNlourg, 10.42 " 4:5) " Arrive at ChaullatrAlklug, 11.12. " 4.50 0 . TRAINO LEAVE Ilarrifthurg via I'innn6lvania i'on tral lialitoll at 1.50, 1...)1., 2.15, P. M., via Coluenbia, and 6 50, I.; M. lla Lebanon Valloy and ROadi.g Railroad, at B 00, A. M., 21111 i . 2.35. P. 31. •For Pittsburg: nt 2.00. A. M. and 1.20, P. M. For Baltimore, at 2.50 and S:l5, A. 31.,.aud 2.05, I'. M. For TreYerton,..Wllliznosport nod Buffalo, at 1.97 and 7.011,. 1... M. Schuylkill and Susiinelliddia Itallrbad, for Au• burn and Pottsville, at 2.00,. P. M. • ' NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations whore Tickets are sold. viz: Olornibe . rsburg. Shipiremborg. ('a lisle, Nleelniniehliorg Anil Ilarrisloirg. n reilortion of TI.N CENTS on each Ticket will lie made to all Pas,en. Liers that provide themselves with Tickets bellira eii: . tel'ing the Cars.- ' " , - '-- • . O ltairroitil Thlice - ;rhaniliertiliurgrf N. Lind' Sur"t r: - N0v.9,1959. ' - A. B. E\VING'S • OURNI,TURE WARE-ROQIUS, . . . --.-' ' (( • ' - 1[859'. :1 ';: - '":- . 1 1 . '7 . ‘ litis9 .. 4 '.• ...,4 . . 1) '- - :''' , !'( i l . lr_ . ~, - • . , ' West high Street, Carl Isle, ' ' -A (I'remiunt awarded at the Cumberland County 21yriraltural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just rec.... Mid thu moat splolodhl aq , ortmont ,of artirlvs in Ms lhoc e ver - broaaht to thin placo—which ha Is thaw:mined to.gull at prlms that do' ry wuroutir.u. Pavia, tau avahar,-'. Dining-room, TUB.NIT UR Hilehell and ' 011iuc Embracing over)' article used by tlnnsc hod lintel itoopors, or the 11104 approved and fashionable de'sign and finish. Including also Cottagd furniture in sates. receptinn and _Camp Cloths.. Mattrasscs, dill framts. pictures, .10.. See. Purchasers aro requested to call and examine his steel:, at his extensive unre.rooms, West Main street, North side. A. It. EWINO. trir Particular, ttentlon given as usual to funerals; oilers from town stud country, attunded to 'moonily oil on nualcrato-leans. . A. 11. ~~ SOMETIIIING NEW! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT neve just opened, In thu room formerly ikeopted Ly tqtryork, Taylor & Smith, 'Lug's now building, Main street, two doors east of the market house, , I% large ss• sortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMIt'NTS and Pr -1.11Iv!rs, which they are peepared to sell on the most reasonable terms. ' Thu stock embwes PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, HAR ILOWS:'11 - AT; STRAW AND FODDtdd REAPERS, MOW IOIS. DRILLS, CRADLES, SCYTH ES, CORN SHELLERS, FORKS, SHOVELS, 110E5,11 A Ii ES. PRUNING KNIVES, WHETSTONES for Mow ers, sad ovary 113hur artirlu, nu cessary for rams use. They al.o intend looping in addition, a full assort ment of CEDAR and WILLOW WA ILE, including Spain's patent Churn ' Brooms, Brushes, Butter-work• era, Butter-I'olms, Prints, ' , Ladles, Butter Tube, Bowls, .he. Also. Fruit, Garden and Flower Seeds; Seed Potatoes, , of the best varieties. Thoy are constantly making ad. ditiono to thole, stock, and will use every exertion to supply the wants of the agricultural community, Thoy hays also.the agen'ey for EVANS h WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. Orders loft at the storo for fruit anthornanwnitsl 'rows, Flowers and fertilisers, will ho attended to numplly. ' , D. S'l`lll.CliLLit & 8110. April 20,4959-17 J AMES R. WEAVER'S 7 , 016tw0 , , cApTicET • cirve • .M-ANUFACTORY, NORTH HANovrat STItiET, CARLISLE, PA Having been engaged I t, tha.bustness for over twenty yours ho would return thanlis to his . oustomors and friends, for the liberal encourrgoment tn- him in years gene try, and further assures 'them that no pains will bigsp:ded, to give full btalsactio it to all who may favor limtvith a calL • CHAIRS AN.9 FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or marbly order. Warranted to be of the best quality, of the la lest style, well finished, good sold at the'lowest possible prices tor cash. • Ito also continues business as an UNUE fiTAKEIL—, Ready .made Collins, Mutants or otherwise. kept con. stoutly on Mold 'and fonerals promptly attondetl to personally In town or country, on the most reasonable terms. May 25,1854-Iy. • N. B.—Two properties situate In Chdraltown,Oumb. county, era olfered . for sale on easy terms. Apply es abets.. J. It. ,COATS, PANTS AND VESTS ON - COATS,, PANTS AND VESTS OF - CASSINET, CASSIA ERE, WWII k SILE .. CASSINET, CASSIMERE, CLOTH & SILK OVER-COATS OF - OV.EII—COATS OF • : . CLOTII, BEAVER, PILOT, PETBIISIIAIII, &c. 'CLOTH; HEAVER, PILOT, PETERSIIA4, &c CTINTIMMEN'S SHAWLS. .' ' ' • • , GENTLEMEN'S tdf AWLS. • As woll aft all setts of Gents' i'urnisbing anodo are offered In farm, quantities and at remarkable low prices. • AT I'ILE CLOTIIINO . STORE NEAII. TILE . MARKET HOUSE. • ASIIEM Carlinle, Nni. 9, 1800. T' RUSSES. I BRACESTI SUPPOA, -. ~ , . , TB ~. •. . , ' " • ' • '" C It.'NEEDLES," - drop 51.1 p 4 . 7. Coror ;.991velftis. ~,.. , ...,, .aca tiltreet• ;.- •' , • - .r 2 PILIL / 11).E.614.11A. Practicalldjinitur of Rupturo Truases atid Muchani- , :. cal Remedies, llas constantly Onhandn large Stock nt 0 unutno French truasos, alai) a coinplato asaortutunt of ~ thu bust Inntirlean. Including. , tbo, colubrided Whites': Patent hover.Trass, belloyod by thu beat apthorltles to , bo anpurior t.• any yot invented...Si/ash and Anlini• can Supputtoro and Bulta(Shoub,lor Bracua, Sustainancy, Baritligex, Self-Injecting Sarlogua, aidanttal to both . seo• en,' to' heutpoditblu Cason', Pronah'Possitrlaa Initial IMO. t &c.; 1.,C.; '''' •, V . ' , Ordure and lettors of enquiry, will moat. prompt at !catkin: . ' August 24,1859. . ' ' nucationuf. iJilis CURIiCOIt . FOIL CIIASIIIIMSBUILO, Ist Train.. 2a Train. 8.15 A. M - 2.05 I'. SEE D STORE. M. B. STRICKLER BILOTHEIc, !, 1 JAMES . It. WHAVEII '', ett) '-Ofoutirx.: _witTrE.nririeor: NEyv sTo4E -AN]) NE \W - ttiODS • /. . , . • . After roturnine his acknowledgements for the very liberal patronage which has beincextencled to him. the undersigned would call attention to the Mot: thee he, iats.Just ro-opened ills extensive assertmeut of kindly GRO CtRIEV , . In bin now store-romn. a he south-east corner of tin public square, where to pub! le pre invited to call add examine a •fitock of g ids which,; In elegance, variety and potent. null) defy computitlou; comprising fp part , loaf, lump, erosion and brown sugars, . Java, ItIo„ and roosted Coffee. Every va. -. 'duty, and liunlity of TEA. Spices, (ground jp.i" 4, ) f nod miground,) Pleicals, Satins, Table Oil. , - X, New Orleans, Bugarhouke. and !Trinidadi I 111 ... Alolasses; , New York and Philadelphia Syr ups. C'donsu, 31acarafil, Yurineillii, split Poas,lfmnitly, Mincolimat, corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate, Extract co Coffee, relined sugar at reduced rates, washing and bak ing soda'. Tobacco of the most favorite brands, and the finest quality of Sugars. . Moo,, a beautiful assortment of Britannia Ware, plain and 'g,.,ld band China Ware, tilass,'Quenns, Stone and Eartharn Ware, In.gruitt.vre fluty, and tilt elegant lot of Fanny Soaps, extiaels and pert "ii y for the LOMA. . FRUITS: Including Peaches In cans, Raisins, Coin. ,Lorries, dry' apples, citron, almonds, Oranges, lemons, Sc., die., .. .. , ,411 1 LIQUORS: Wholesale and retoll, ( L f 4 .*'atidt.m,nd'i(s.;{7, 4 .dolpdlY,uf,l's•t,','„ ~..t :„ f....• 11, Sherry Port, Ainderle, Ginger, Cotnwlo .47-1:7-.4;.-..,.. and Winos in easkg and Lot . . Iles, Scotch ii'llisliey, llolland Gin, and Scboldnni Schnapps. ' '' - • .. • . FISH AND SALT A Inrgo AGO, of LA:SIPS, Inelndlim Dyott's relebrat lamps for burning Kerosene or coal oil, 0109 Spori Pine ' Lard and Coal Ull, Burning Fluid; Sperm ai Star Candles. CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. ' Unpins, Roves, ',guppy, Snaps Itoor•nints, 'Walters Lookinv.glasses, lino letter and note _paper, Willow Ware. painted bucketm, Colton and woollen limo, and half Hose, and nifull •tovit of Cloves,- including the well known .I.fanove: noel: ti loans. Ja short, his stock comprises everything that is relic Air in his'llne or 'mom, tact 11,, efforts will ho spare, to reactor oat Ire satisfaction to his customers. Carlisle, Oet. 1858-ly Ara- Marketing of all kluge taken In exchange II HALBERVS FAMILY GROCERY QUEENSWARH AND VARIETY STORE, North- West Corner of the Public Square, oppo site lie Curiae Deposit. flank. II A 1,1{1•1111" It. again replenished lds stock o goads. Ills assortment Is now full and'emnplet” among which may bu enumerated every,varlety - of Cre,,l FAMILY" GROCEpIES, ,thio, in qunlity and prico N' T 11 DA 7' A large stock of China, C lard and queeimwm e. n! now nil beautiful designs, and einbraeing el ery-'6 . .jile'ol mice. t'oi,EAne.yr In Carlirlt• or .Insm' reli•brati4l .I{EROStiNIi OR COA 1, 011, 11:111'6, 'no of the greatest' dineovei les or the mg,, combining •Ileapness, safety and 'Men tmeil I'ght. Goad tAI and Amps o,tmslanlly on hand, Which OM InAblit: ore re. I nested to: ill inn] examine. , JOS. I). lIAT.IIPItT, N. W. Corner of Public F.quaro Carlisle, Ort. _ t ir OSEPH U. STEEL om _Wa s WATCH-MAK ER .OUT11;11AMPILIt - I . I . CII , d are /I the Pour! Fopplied royeulf ‘rllll a Inrge u , sortnien,„ I am 00,0 prefutrud t ,epair oil Mats I,l3Satehe,Clooks,,lesvulry.,te. on th oou , t reusuuuldo Corms, that, may ho entruFirtho or ,aro. by strict atteutlon to loosine - N t(l bo f• vered with a Illuoal Filar° of public patronage. 1100 assortme;ht,of .11•:1VELItY. ruck ns Ludir ilreast Pius 0011 Ear props. Gold ).1.1 Cameo; Missy: Itreast and far Drops. 110 x and Wass Plot-all size. ,;01,1Clutin Ifoold., Muted Cludos:(Mt Idui,et,,,Goard• keys, So. A Isoo likrAn and lige assort rumt of OULU FI - NOM: ILINIIII •Also; a ts . L: , llver Ilmiting,lajhetl I ever I4at.l•lll.p:laild . itoctlapsortillept of Sjivej platoq and Stad.l Nwetneleg. 6rwiiii•ii wilt ' - 1t: p.hari. of publirvrntro JOS. ngn j, rourertfully rJ..1101.01. July la. " OMR .1100 i• fLif F AINnLy 0 ROCE RI( AND 'YE: :quit .Itnt retired and In store, a fresh and .Well so -1111,1 agsartinent or itio,.iavir ond 'Mar, ~. calla, Ceifee. !toasted ('oiler. Crushed Puiverired Sugars. I:efoled and . other brown Sugars, atperior . ' • Syrup Molasses, Orleans • (baking) MeIaSPOS. SONIA of I'VerY-I'llril•ty— pure only ; Stare)), nutlet and ' Chocolate, Mueearoni. Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sago s Indigo, Saleratos and Soda, Crean. 'inner and 1.• . R 11 1 .11,1 PlCkll`N, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TRAS.—.I lino assortment in Package ~.....,..,,<- . 1 ., and in bulk—as nen as all other artiel ' 11 : 3 1 ,: u ,,1,, belonglint to the bu.4inebs—all at, the lowe 1 4 A ;, , and late reduced prices. 1 , ..1., .1. IV. lillY. 4 111.11,11... • U7ATcIIES; JEWELRY, AND LV Illt•NVAll LAT CONLYN%I old established Stood, West, Math St., nearly orposllv the Cumberland Valley took. I hit VO just •regelvod n now I.Snal.w.a of, ei,Illry:Illeth1111011ti. sliver tour,,, laiditinn lit my neuter sleek to 'which I invite the 11140110 m, of the Thu assortment rillbrillTS 11 , 10 • Gold and vile, lewer watches. Gyrating r, nod open Aorkolo for I,,oliosonaliontlinool ood pines and gilartler gntrhex oterery,va. 0• rlety in style and price. Algo floe gold Medallions. *cndid.' for Ladlea nod Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold cub, vest. curb end nevi: ebelns. Gold bracelets, linger rings, culi.pins, studs, sleese.buttens, crosses. charms, ,te. Geld and Oyer thimbles, Miser and plated butter knives, ibrits. (nide, tee. sell and must:1111 spoons of every• vneloty. A largo ,o,sol towel. of gold, silver and COIIIIIIIIII spectacles, tw sult all eget, tit u bleb we invite special allele• Gnu. A fine lot of 0111,1) PI:NS frau, the best tnkers. , peetticlo eases, Jitney bases, silver and prarl card cage; Edd2ln.lroTnn.n brackdas, match clialax, IMIMM!I=nIM==I Ily kept In Jewelry e,tallll , lnnelits, will null low ti.r moll. .11! nrtleles war anted to be tvbat'lley :tr.. ntro.o Vartleular atteutkm re LFlltli 1. 111 , 1P.11111N1l mill all work ,vat rAntt 1,,_,,, Doc. 23,-18573 G REAT ENCITE3I EST AT lIIR ptArz. , I Mil'. Old John Brown still alike and ou [ u ds dies of Carlisto nut [mote., to go Immediately fi LELD ICH 6 . SA WY S Elr ST() R nd ozandno their sidendld stmid: of no" pinds :lust re - Celved ii lArzo lot 01 uowidlicont WISITER SILIiS, (from Auetbo..) Splemlld I:ea‘ . ..r Cloth Mau•' ties and Itagbth. Latedt Perk btylek elegant (MODS. in groat v.arbly el strb•• and Nods. double reverelble, nod 111.0 So ,teli SHAN% LS. - FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! ',. Direct, froo tho 11,1.11f:taw vrs, warranted troo 'from thotlisoind nt greotly rvtluvi.,l p, Ives. Also it large toldltloo of STA (loons. soli,,lze, f or tho solo.on 1V ) I.1 , 8 CELEIIIt %TED 11 NO. VEIL BUCK tILOV4I warrtiattml genuine; notwitb. .9tlllldlllg 1111 AUTII OI,, Zt. nan E.X.ellrlv}:Ailt2,CE. Carlinkt, Nov. 2, 111e.1. " ..1S 1) • • .Cr PAIR TRACE CHAINS;.• with n largo nssorlmont of BUTT CHAINS, ~ • ..BREAST CHAINS, HALTERTNIAINS,,t LOG CHAINS, 1. ; FIFTH CHAINS, TONGUE CHAINS, • COW 'CHAINS, • . SPREADS, &c. &o. Jost recelved nt the ehohp Hardware store of March 16, ISM , 11. SAXTON 10,v,TONS HANIUDRED _AND ROLLED MON.—With a largo aatiortracut of STEEL,. • - ' • 811 BET 'IRON, .. . . . '.llool' IRON, .. . . • -RIVETS,, • BOLTS; , . I. NUTTS, . . WAS II ERS,• .. . . • ANVILS, . • ' . VICES, ' ' •—• • • ': FILES. • . . . RASPS. . . ' SCREW , PLATES,: ' • BLACICSNI4jI BELLOWS; Szt3 ~.. , Just received h a d for vale cheaper thin over, nt, '• • . Maid] 19. 1869: ! •• • • - HENRY SAXTON'S.' IRON- for Jl_Centotery enclosures,piiblic and privato grounds and gardens, made to ardor ,stStlta Carllolo 'Voundry. stook of lialling,Verandatt and lirachnt . patterns' cont prisesn largo TarletY.of now and ologant designs which too public aro invited to call and examlit...Orders for raking nod putting op Railing will ho promptly rorecto tot at satisfactory prices. , • • • Aw °unruly now TIII4I.IIORSE STEAM 111101Nli 11011,Elt now on hand, warranted to 'bp of tlui boot make, and trlll be sold at a bargain for' cash didu Short time ' • CO. •. ' , July 21;1=68. • jLASSI•'GLASS!! PAINTS 'PAINTS , ' t A' full 'assrurnent of 0 lam of all 'dreg and quality, with a largo aleck of freeh PAINTS, all eeinra, Oils, Varnishes, Sc,-Prurient In largo or mall quantities, at low flOrea at • JOIN r. LYNE 't SON, • , North Harmer Siret4;:r., Oe .°",166. A I%Is: prime • New iNo. 1 Herring, j..t reeolvod, find roe emu et' prlott to suit tl;e Imes fit /I ALIIORTS. , DR: NI'LANE'S ' , CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the 'often tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians,. of the country, ta .. tiVo of the most popu lar remedies now before the public.' We refer to . • , • . Dr. Chas , ll'lmoUs .. Celebrated . :- Yerinifuge and We do not' recoMMend them 'as • ,uniVersal Cure-alls, bUt . sirriply for • what tilde name purports,.viz.: • . TIIE V.ERMIFTiGE, • • ,For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also beeni administered' with the •most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms... • THE - LIVER.) PILLS, For the cure of LIVEiCOMPLAINTS, pill BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS,SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases:of FEVER AID • AGUE, preparatory to or after takiiig theyalindst invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. , As specifics for the above men tioned diseases i -they are-Unrivaled,- and never known to• fail when ad- ministered. in accordance with the. directions. Their' unprecedented-popularity hasinduced the proprietors, • FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug 'business, in which' they have been success= fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their 'undivided_ time :and..attention. to their manufacture.. And beingde kerminedthat Dr. M'Lane's - Cele bratedVermifuge atld -Liver Pills .shalt continue to oceupy'the high' positron they new hold among the - great; remedies. of the • day, they' "will, continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and , Purest material l . - and cotn-_ pound them in the most ihorotigh -- manner. ' Address all- orders -to --- . - YLEMING . DROS.- Pa.. P.B. • Declare and 11,vtdriatis o,dw ing holt, (there than Vleinlng Bros., will d., well to utile their ordns dlettrietly, pod take snow last Pr. .1/I.lilet. prrptted naming Bros. Piliskorpli.. 'To those wishing to give IhOM A trial, We Will forward per tnail: post pnfd, to any part of tho United Ftnt en, non hoz of Pills for lively° ibruo-eont protege 811.1114, Cr one vial of Yertnifuge for fourteen three-rout stamp., All Brix from Canada must be aolonapanfed by twenty rents extra. DM= HOSTETTER'S STIMiIiCH BITTERS. The proprietors and man tfacturers ofiIOS TETTER'S cBLEBBAT STIIMACII BIT TERS can appeal with ierfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu-* lotion heretofore unknown. 'A few facts upon thin point will spimk More powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning putrer - 1. The consumption of. Hostetter's Stomach Bit tern for the last year 11111011111Cli to Over a half; million bottles, and ft um its mnuileal steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coining year the consumption will feat!h near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have Bien sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those seetions ofthe country where the article is hest known;'who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in theway of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, lint a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to he 'enduring an time itself. - llostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where fever . and ague and various other bilious complainti have counted their 'victims by hundreds. To bo able to state:confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un .alloyed Oceanic,. It removes all morbid,mattbr from the stomach, purifies' the .:bides'; and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, ,giving it that lone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, nab* but powerftilly, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. tt. kio• ... Iti= Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, es it Is pleasant to the palate; invigorating to the bowels, erntllentns a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence, of thousands of aged men_ and women_ who luivp exporioneed the benefit 'of using this preparationi suffering froth stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under Into:advice of physicians, they have abandoned fall delelerions' drligs and fairly tested the !merits of this article. -feir words to-Hre gentler px. There arc certain periods when 'their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation of mother and child' is so absorbingly 'tender, that the mother, especially if bile be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety 'for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggraiated. Hero, then, is necessity for a stimulant to -recupe rate the energies of the systcun,,and enable the mother to bear up tinder her exhausting . tritils and responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene: rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive .tho, endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength, , • • All those persons, to whommo have particu larly referred above,' to wit:' snlferers frind fever and agile, caused by malaria, diarrlieea„ dysentery,• indigestion ; loss of appetite, and all -diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated' invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing Mothers, will eonsult their own physical-welfare by giving to dlos tatter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. ' "CAUTION.-'--We Mullion. the public against 'Using any of, the many imitations or counter : felts, brit ask; for r iiOBTETTEIE'S CELKBRATEp; STOMAC,III Birrinsoind see that Pah bottle has' theWtirds "tor. J.' Iloatetter's Stomach Bitters" blows, on the side . of , the fiottle, and stamped on 'the metallic cap covering the cork„ and observe that our autograph signatureis' on the label.: , ';. :'• , .•• ' d-. 1 spared and sold by HOSTETTEIea SMlT,H. ,,, Pittaburgh; and sold: by all droggiatit;loSoors,' and ' dealeia ,zoneraily th.oopiAO,tit ti iJnitad states, Atha- . rioa, and.darmany. : • • • Nor sale by S. , Elliot B. W. Ilaverstlek, Carlisle; John 0. Attiek r jehrk'Stmiubaugh, Shlpponsburg; L. Haul , inan, 'Hanging, 'eleebenlesburg;. and Druggiiita gonsralttproughont the County. Nov. 0 ; 'MI. 13E.T.148 t OLEO I' ••BELLS 1 Fart.none, of the best makes, fur sale . cheap, nt e Hardware Store or J. P. LYNN & SON, May 18,1859. • • . • North 'letterer at. .;MiebictAcs4:: NA Visalitenus UM Carlisle . Foundry, 'MACHINE. SHOP..;. CAR AND SASII FACTORY, . • •'• . ' • Min Street, CARLISLE.. This extensive establishment is now. in Complete or der and supplied with the best millinery thr exeepting pork in every depaatatunt. The buildings have davit been greatly eularge&this spring and stocked with the tun Test and most improved tools for the manufacture , • tr 1,90103, WINBOW FRAMES, 5A811; Shutters', Blinds, Mouldings,'.l.lrackets and all other kinds orcarponter worrk. Wo Builders, Car . footers and others to call and examine our facilities for doing this description. ol:work. The bent Materials used and prises a s s low us at ILey other'establishthent in the County or elsewhere. ; STEAM ENOINES•BUILT TO ORDER. • and repaired as heretofore: Engines have been reboot. , iy built for W. M. diunderson &in Ibis borough; it. Bryson Fe Co. Allen township, Ad Fe Brother:l,l,low villa, Shads & Wetaul,"North Middleton, und ot.sers, •et whoa° establlshnient they may-ho seen in daily op. orating, and to whom we can refer for evidence of their superiority. . . • • - IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS:" of every description, from the comfiest to the heaviest places, executed at short ,notire for every Mild of ma chinery. - A large variety orient castings now on hand. Two skillful Pattern - makers eonstently employed.:— . REPAR LNG 'promptly attended to for Paper Mills, Distilleries, Grist Mills, Factories, &.. Turning hod Fitting Mill'Splndies, he. done. in th hest style. ,„ m TiEsitlNl3 MAGIIIN E E S AND 11l itSh POWRS. i i. such no Devil Gear Four Ilersn•P wers, horizontal Gear Four and Two Horse fawn a, Corn Sheller's, Crashers, Iron Rollers. Plough casings, and other ar ticles for fitrmers. on hand or promptly rondo to order. BURDEN OSIIS BUII.T, spa repaired. Our filcillthix for building Camaroa now more complete than hertitolore and enables us to fur nish them to transporters on tilt - trail rood on acme, dating tennis and made of the boot • materials. Orders solicited and Mithe satlidhction guaranteel. Tho long experience in • the business of the senior partner of the OM, and the completeness of our , ma chinery in. every branch of the establishment warrant us in nwsurlog hie best work, to all who favor us with their orders. The rend trued patronage of our old friends and the public is remeetfully solicited. May '2O, 's7—'3'. F. G ARDNER A Co. . . (Z : 00 -1Y! GOOD!! GO OD!! ‘_A ;Nat received at the cheap Grocery of the and signed, leis of good things, a part of Which nru the I lowing Hennaloally sealed PEACHES. (fresh.) TOMATOES, CORN, PEAS, ASPARAGUS, OYSTERS , " • ... . If " LOBSTSIa u " • • PINE APPLE, •" TURTLE SOUP, " " • " SARIONES, P't nerlcli.,..Chow Choir Piccalilli, Lot ste Caulillower,Capers. lilveS. Tomato. Catsup, IVidnut do„ 3lushrnom dn. Pepper Sauce. Ilinioy,ltts CratilierrieN, the fluest of Pried liver, Sitior.enred (joule, Flinifider. Ih - drogue S.ittgage,'Soite tin •o,3facearoni, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, and I f.i oil - •! • . • • ..-. . • 1/11E N,4W A i‘E, FIN SEGA RS, monk- which nre thoumnd Gunman Sixes, primp• Tobacco, and the very hest and purest I.I(IIPARS In the county, CooPetioluiry and Fruit, ,te. All of which are Offered to the eitlzeini of Carlisle nud county of Cumberland. nt the lowest prices for cAsn. CtINIE ONE, CONE ALl,,,two doom }not of Rhoads' IVarehouse. Carlisle, Nov. 9, 1559 INSUL.A.N GI, THE ALLEN AND EnsT, I.NNNsnuito , mwrum. - nitt: IN SUEANCP COMPANY of Cumberland county. incorpo• rated by an act of Assembly, Is now fully organized, a nd lu operatlon'under the management, of the following eonn6hioners, viz: Daniel Polley, - William It. anrgas, - Michael Cocklin, - .1. Elehelberger, habitlan Stayman; John C. Dun lap, Jacob 11. Convef, Lewis Ilyer, 8. Eberly, Benja min 11. "Musser, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. The rotas of Insurance are no low and favcrable'es any Company orthe hind In the stitte. l'et?..em, wishing to become Members are Invited to make application to the alenta of the company, who are willing to Walt upon them at any time. . WU. 1L GOICG AS, Pr'esident. CllitiSTl AN.S P.tYITA N. fire President •- . LEW 15.,11-11iltrfieeretary MICITAEF oncic MN, urer. 3I ma, It. I Inrgas, 1.. flyer, Christian Stay. limit, 3f. Oneklin../. 0. Dunlap, It. Martin, 1). Daily, .1. 1 I.onover, Alex. Oath:Nla, J. Wickersham, .1. Eleheiber • ger, S. Kberly, Jrilrandt, " 9 ": - ' AGENTS • • CUMBERLAND .COURT Y. John Shorrlek, Allen, I leafing, Shireniaostown ; Samuel IVondlourn niokinson ; Henry Bowman, Olnirrittown ; Motto 00( filth South Middleton; Samuel. rahatn, 'll'. Perrnft bor. , Samuel Craver, Nfechanirsbnrg; J. W. Cocklin, Shepl;enistown; 'I). Cover, Shepliertlstown ; J. 0. Sax ton, Sliver Spring; Beni. Hrivet stick, Silver Spring; Oh ah.s licit. Cal Ilsio ;.3ohn Flyer, 0 . 11100 : YORK (111UNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; l'eter Wnl fnrd, Franklin : Jar. 0 riflitli; iVarrlygton ;J. Pear lord, Washington; U. Ilutter, Newburg; It. C. Clark, hilisburg. .• DA USIIIN Cll,-11nuser k Lochtnan, Harrisburg,. 3101101,s of tho company:having polities about to ex pire. ran litre them,. by nuking application to anyr,of the Agents. • April 20. 1859. JNO. B. clitTitc[r. EBERLY. muncii & EBEaLy_ STEAM SAW MILL LUMBER YARD, . , ;NEW CUMBERLAND, PA. A111:1,1,18 of LUMBER, • constantly Orlhand. Lumber delivered nt any point accessible by Railroad • at tbo-shortost notice. BUILDING TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND•Lumans CUT TO ORDER. May ISs9—tf IrT AND CAP EMPORIUM. J. li. CALM() &CO., iuccessors to \Vitt. 11. Trot ivould punro to their customers and the pub generally that they have just received from Philad phis, a large and elegant stack of goods, in their line bestows of every varietb style and quality. ' they have (nth:min splendid assortment of HATS AND CAPS of all descriptions, from the annular' tool to the finest FUR AND SILK HATS; and at prices Unit must suit every 0110 Whig )11114 an eye to getting the . worth of Into money. The stuck Includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERF, BEAVER & FELT HATS, of every style and color and unsurpas•ed the. 1,1(1 111. NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of any other establishment I n tho country. . . mriNo, pox's' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAAS of every .I,scription collet notlyou bond. . • • They respectfully lurko nll the old patrons and n: ninny new once as possible, to give Went n call. J. IL CALLIO k CO. Apr. 27.1859—1 y :1)00TS AND SIIOES. , = .I have kis ; added to my stack an assortment of Boottat Shoes. . len's and Boys' Winter Boots, very cheap and good Ladies' 'Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes 0 Willie' celebrated make. Cee.l, handsome and cheap.. A full, assortment of Bum Shoes and Sandals. Best quality and linvai prier. My old customers tier Boot;and Shoes, are respectfully invited to givOlne a call. . Carlixlc, Oct. 20, 1859 t." W.. , SCOTT; • , (Late of the firm of 'Winchester 4. - • - Gentlemen 9 e Vttrailelxing Store AND - 8 0 T 0 R-Y, . N0..814 CnEsTNirr • • . • ' (NEARLY 'OPPOSITE THE GIRARD HOUSE,) PIIILADELPII/A. . • J. W. SCOTT, would respectfully roll' .114'stteutIon of his former fiends to his now Store. and Is preparsd to fill orders 'fir SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect lit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied:loth FINE SHIRT'S and COLLARS. •__ _ - THE CONFESSIONS•AND EXPE ItIENCE OF A VICTIM. Designed for the benefit, and AA a warning and A can• thou to those who sourer from nervous debility, indiges. thou,, lowness of spirits, want'of sleep, Immature decay, &c.; AA a consequence of youthful imprudence, or the bauefull.babi tof self abuse. At the' saute time pointing nut the certain moons of SELF CM.. . . - By one who hos suffered from the above cause, and from misplaced - coblidence In medical humbug and quackery. Stogie copies sent (post•freo) ou the receipt of a stamped envelope, bearing the address of the• op. 'plleant. Adilress, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Rings County, N. Y. Dec.14,18611-3mos. • la.a..ranianslttrue FEMALE SEMINARY. • • The rapid/Won of this Institution Is now fully cacao Ii ed,' and its success no a first class Seminary plated boom( dciubt: pupils will find In the boarding do. •partinant, hopni comforts, parental supervision 'and moral iiiiltipnco. tho educational department no cOmplished teachers, thorough Instruction, and sure Means of advtedicrimut. - 'CONTENTS OF, CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED. 'Trustees; Itelbratices;' Teachers; Pupils .Attend• 'ante tho yes". past, 98; Course of Study; Graduation; 'Expenses; - .Location ; Mental And Moral Tritlulng; TIMONIALS : Duro lleu. Geo. Chambers,.ll. 9. Schnock, D. D,,.And others, in regdrd to the recent annual oxamina• lions; funn tho Chambereburg Press; and from James W. Alexander, D. D., of Now York, and others: • , TIM nest sesslOn will eommeueo Septemlnfr 14th. For a catalogue address! Roe? HENRY REEVES; A.ll. Chambersbura.-Pa. Auglo,lBso T4OOT. AND SHOEIAKING-.::.-.4 J & 6:T'A.V.LOIIt, return' their sincere :thitiki to their Customers, for very liberal patronage eaten. dud to them, and would respictfully inform the -public' that they continue to nonufaetUre CUSTOMER York, at their Old-stand, on North lianover.etroot, two doers,' above the drtig storo of 8. WalaverstiSk. With a number of first rote workmen employed qnd fitellithis forciecuring the 'beat stock ttrAio found in the market, they are prepared to make up - eirtity.descrlption of BOOTS AND 511058, for ladles and gentionnut's year, in tip most fashionable style, 'Atvi. of VIARRENTss too. tutialb and workmanship. Many years of reties' experience • in-the .inminess bath here and in lilladelphitt justifies them in saying, that' they aro ablelo insure full eat isfactlen to all those who may leave their ordure.' April 21,1858, tf. CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA • it"Gria. . D L F,R11144 4, 114 LINE . FRF:ED, WARD .01tEED, - • 811 MAILECF, ETRECT, ' J. & D.,11110AD4 • MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, PA. Ara - - Cato of this Lino leavo the Depot 811 Market . Dully, nt 4 o'clock, P. 31. _ loolvo CurlislorDally, nt.7 o'clock, A- r Intended for this L - iu should ho marked C. dr, P. Daily Prat:Olt Line, and sant In by 4 o'clock. May 25, 1889. - • I ' 1.1 I L A .1) L II I - A AND RDADING RAIL ILOAD • AItitANDII3IIINT,• APRIL 18, 1839. Two paesen . ger trains leave nnrrjsburg daily, (Sun days excepted,) at 8.00 A. 31', and 2.45 P. M., fur Phila delphia, arriving there at 12.80 noon and 7.40 P. 31, ' Returning, teal,' Philadelphluat 7.20 A.M., and 3.80 P. M., arriving at Ilairinburg at 12.40 noun and 0.25 Psta.s: To'PhiladelPhia, No. 1 Cars. $3.25 No. 2 On mania train.) $"0. Fares to and $1.30. , At heading, ion nem. with trhins for Pottsville, Id I hers- Tamitqua, Cain wism, Foffir trains leas e lie:Ming for Philadelphia daily, at A. M , 10.10 A. 31., 12.50 noon and 5.00 P. 31. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 7.10 A. 31., 1.55 31..:11.:10 P. 51., and 4.45 I'. 31. Fares from Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 and 51 45. The morning train from Harrisburg connects at Reading truth up train Mr...AV,ithesbarre,.Plttston and Scrauton.• Poi through tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, hlny 11 , '5'1 NTEN ST . e(ll A. The subscriber has started.l. of Stages Leta eon Carlisle.add Landisbure, leaving Cat , lisle every Alrontoy, Wednvsdaynud Iriday, luunedi• atelynn the drrival of the afternoon train of ears from the east. lteturnin4. tedves latudisburg at 800 A. M.,• every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, and arrives of Carlisle at 1.00 I'. 31.; furry County Warm SPrinvq, Shermansdale, Sterrett's flap and Carlisle Sol hurirings. On and afmanne the 13th, the line will b be ruu daily ibr the ateounnedrition of passengers going to thit Springs. Fare to the several. o h points °polio Carlisle to Sulphur, Springs; Sterrett'a (lop. I , :ltoruninstlalo, .•. . . Terry County Warn, Sprlinv, " `..Landlhburg, . . . Latiditlntrg to Warta Springs, Sterrett's (hip, Sulphur Springs, Car . , The above lino will tegillarly entry the MAIL to and froni,the sevinul points abase Indira Intl., I haVe also a well storlied LIVLRY STAIIT.E, from whlrh I am at all times ready to furnish horses and ear • rimes to those who will ins or me with their patronage, Olt 011111104 11 . :01011111.1l terms and In the very Lest style. HEN DI: L. COPPER, TIN AND SIIEET IRON MANUFACTORY. The subscriber taken this method of informing her friends and the public, that she still continues the manufacture of all kinds of.4ork, in Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron. Iler StAy:OF 311! selected from the most op proved sty lea, The Moking Stove/ fir their qualities As chins Lad bakers eantiot be surpassed, among valid) :Ire the well known It lobe, Noble Cook, Fanny Forres ter. Governor, Penn. and _the. new favorite, Prairie Hower. combining all the tested Improvement/4 in fad the hest and rheapeet stove over offered to the public, Tim I,trobe Stove, or parlor heater, 'improved, for warinito , two, three or itlll . 1110111 W. put Up to Order, be sides a Purge assortment of. Parlor Radiators and ollfce 41 stoves. PRICES REDUCHO. nu PLUMBG IN and OAS FITTING. Thos . /. who wish wet,: done ~,. fu this line would do well to end at the Ohl . stood before contracting elsewhere, as I am de termined to do work far lower than the presept piths. I lime for sale and keep cenata nth on hand the patent Scotch Tip Burner, Wax Tapers, plain an,P;fatiey Globs Globes, Gas Fixtures. Wrought Iron Tubes, Hydrants, tend Pipe, limn hose. Shmcrr Baths, IlAtlpTube, Over. flow Basins, Marble Basin tops; kr. My workmen aro competent and reliable. All work warranted 0101 for workmanship slid material, I rhallenve competition. 4)- Alew-good Cook .Sloves willi Foote sititahle for - parlors - on - hantl, whirlrl will sell at rest, ir !tiny .1, :Ital. . MARY M. :1101 till& I%M. BUNT/ Fx E1.510R I'ICTU,ILES _4l A. Jt. lIENWOcih would respectfully inform the citizens ofearlisle and vicinity ttni.o,n, has taken room. In Zug'ii new building, east corner tlrli.irket, Square, wherWhe tunnel ready to take Ammon' ricS In the latest and inset approved style. Pictures taken in rainy and cloudy weather us well as clear. arid sate 'sr:talon given or no charges made. Portraits and Da. gueereetypes copied. :%liniature Pictures taken for Locite±,-..*.e.,.in A inbrotype. Anibroty pus warninted to stand the test of thno, beta or water. . . LdieS and Gentlemen are cordially invite d to. ra and examine mu:amens. Prices Wan 25rts. to $lO. A. It. lIENVrOOD. tn. 27. 1850.-ly.' Artist; juUNSGUNS.—Just U received a large, nxsortm of Double Barrel Guns, Single Single and Double Pistols, iti;volvers, . . Game Bags, . Powder Flasks, 'Shot Pouched', Powder:. Shot, • . Caps,• • Wads, &c., at ' • May '25, 11,55. 11. SAXTON'S. T urERY: STABLE.—llaving pur elinsed from .1. RI tolneouther Ilk LIVERY E. TARLISIDIENE, I o HULL tdwaye ready to necomtme date the public with ((OASES, CAR. RIAU ES, ItUtilllES, and every other ar lo my line. By strict attention to business :mil a 'de lire to please, the subscriber hopes to receive a liberal share of public pinning. • GEOItU-E N. B. (Omnibuses on hand to supply those who may be In ilea of them: Noe. 25. I M 57.1 )0 0 E.IN G SLATE.—The under- Ili signed has Leen appalbtetr agent fir the role of 11001 , INO SLATE. and has now and will constantly keep on hand n fall supply to meet the aletnands of Luildrrs and others. 'flown In wnnt of a superior arts' ele 'would do nen ,•all nt the LuolLair and Coal Yard, near Lhn Oar 41111 U S, 15&9. JACUII r i IIST 'GREAT AItRIVAL • —OF— FALL & WINTER CLOTHING. ° Tho subscriber Into just returned from the Eastern. Cities, with a large and um. selecteti stork of FALL AND WINTER CLOTIIING, GENTLENIEN'S FURNISILINCOGOODS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS;'UMBRELLAS, he., 1% Molt ho eau sell at such prices, as to astonish the NATIVES. 'laving taken particular pains to select goods especial. ly adopted for this market, hacan assure his customers, that they aro WELL AND FASHIONABLY MADE. •' titres' will find' it to their interest In examine his stuck, as ho halt determined to sell upon the motto of "'SMALL PROFITS." ”...nemeruN.r Um old Stand, near the Market Mime. ASHER WIEL, - • Successor to Stouter St Bros. Carlisle, Sep. 11, 1559. • C 10.9. 01.711.13 Y HOMESTEAD - FOR slo[ A HOMESTEAD FOR $100; Also, HOMESTEADS FOR ;Wetland over, situated on and nearrlappaltati no& River, above and below Fred ericksburg, in Virginia. A new town, called Rapahannock, has recently hoer laid out, in Culpeper county, in the midst of the Gold Region of Virginia. surrounded by mines outrunning minpallßS; nod (Innis and town lots In alternate tiler MOOR or sinuses. can now be had for Meru smog." to lnduro settlement In this•tiestrable region. 3154,000 worth of land Is to be divided amongst ',milk:wens or given away as on Inducement to come on end make Ini• provement Fri-and-the hind Is of the most Improvable tontiltres. Olany have already settled 'end scores of others are comine. Good farming land, in tracts to suit putehasers. can be hid at from ten to twenty dollars per acre, payarle in r4oy quarter yearly Ingialinenlp. Unquestionable titles will In all eases be given. 414) -- Agents are wanted ovey w hell:hose)l these lands; liberal Inducements will be given. For po' neuters, address • E. BAUDER. Laud Agent, July 1,0, 1850. • Port Royal, Vs. PUBS! FURS!!' FURS!!! FOR 1859-60. • FAREIRA & THOMPSON, No. 818 MARKET STREET, above Eighth, South Bid°, PHILADELPHIA. II ATE JUST OPSNED THEIR . • Elegant Assortment of Furs, manuthel tired under their Immediate supervislyn tram I,IIBS, selected with the greatest care from {he largest stocks of the Epsom: 31.ut0rr, embracing every s ty and style of ' LADIES' AND,cIiiLDREN'S WEAR. Those purchasing, early will bees the beeeflt of a larger selection. , Besides the shoes goods, we have a fine assortment BUFFALO ROBES, GENTLEMEN - 8' 'FUR GLOVES & bqm.A.Rs. The prices anti theeo goods are at a lower figure than they au be bought anywhere in the city: • • . FAIU LRA & TI10:11P 8 6N, . N0v.V.1,659.: •• , 818 Market Strvel,,Philad'a:, N. 13,—FUlt5 al.teted end repaired atut„FUlt TRIM MINUS wade to order.- TEWENTY= HORSE ENGINE Now on hand at the Cantata F oundry,' a new T NTY MASH STEAM ENGINE, complete In every' respect, which we will sell at a small advance on coat. Also: THHESIIINO.DIACHINES,. 11012 SE .POWEIIS, Corn CrealleS,Cprik Shelters, and other machines for Fortnum. „-„ Also, TEN ELATE STOVES for huniing wood, two sizes, of handsome patents, together trithe verlotrvit other articles, lie Farmers end Housekeepers, too nu. meroue to mention. • F. GARDNER k CO. Cerilt o, Oct. 6, 1&O. , . J. L 0. TAYLOR Rlisctlantthis. I=EI Miebicines. LINIIII, NEVEIt DEMI IT ,T 3 Cint POUNDED ENTIII ban become au established fa kronen dud approved by 'and Is now It:sorted to IZ the diSeases for 11 , 111,11 it It has cured thousands yearn It Ito had given up numerous unsolicited ri ohm show. The dose must bestial,. 4 0 of tlie'indivltkual•taking oaJt quantities Us to act gen- • the dictates of you In the Wre of the tor, and It n cu're dus attacks;,d/ppopsht, -. boor ComplOintsy Dy.p ach, Ilabitudl Costive- IP , Cholera blorbtm, Cholera J uuntllce, Veuntle.weitk Fy - "successfully an an ordi- CINIt. It will curesick ran testify,) In twenty 1g teaspotinfuls atO taken e n. , attack. All who .use it are In its favor. , opp MIX WATER IN TIl Ii INTiIifIItATOR, AND 1 4 CIETIIIO. Price' ne Donal SANFORD'S • FAMILY' CATHARTLC COMPOUNDED PROM . ' Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put, up in Glass Case!, tight., and will keep iu any cli mate. ' The ' , welly Cothartie tivo Cotlyirlie which the his proetl,.• more than The contently in— those who have long 1114- ISigetloll n Irlch ell give tiny Induced me place of all. ,1911 inn general but tie— • proprietor has used in . UD twenty years. :; r il'gr."fltam„ai;'' the fr r o n ' t n . regard to their use, 'pep within the reach C 2 2 1 E" 4 4- co) Tim I'rnfearinn well thartics act on different Thu Family, Ca . .- with due rele, euee to fart, been compthstnied purest vegetable extract g part of the alimentary Fare in all races where It ax Dertingentents of the Pains in the Ihtek and and Soreness-over-the cold, which frequently, long course Forel, Loon Sensation of cold over Headache or Nireight In tory - I/Ise:oil, {}'ern"; In Rheum:lo,qm greet ninny diseases to which °unto mention In thin nd ,Pico CM $0 25 50 The Liver Inv' earn for and ;et:ol,4lly Drug:,lsle gene, all! the Trade ly all. Ilae largo town S. T. W..Saufr OEM 1331.7. Broadsi:ay, June 15, Ma,. •. 11)0ES • DISEASE ORIGIN ATE IN IMPURITY 01 , 1'11E. BLOOD t lisis n question ..f vital importance, nod one which has never been satisfhetorily disposed of by the prufes Fora who . licich the healing art. Some maintain—and especially the old school Physlcians—that life lives in the blood, and therefore all diseases originate in a— but modern science mere that .ailments hnve their orlgiuntjon in both the,aolids and fluids 'of the body. -That the latter - prepondentejltiowever, "is n fixed Met, and inedienl 'skill' has clearly demonstrated tilt nt least two-thirds of the Ills that human tech Is heir to, have their snurre In an . ,• • IMPURI.I STATI: OF Trig 1:LOOD AN, for Instance, In the long catalogue, such as -Scrofu la, 'fetter, " li . hrber's Itch," Pimples, Blotches. Eryslpe las, Ulcers, Salt Illieurn, discharges from the Ear, Fever - gores. or Irruptive diseases of env I , lml.—These - are as rertained toy well known medical Ihws to arise fnan had blood—while the highest tmalleal authorities declare that, most fevers originate In they:line Instiller, and mom particularly Typhoid and seiirliit—the former he 'lug an Internal, and .the latter an external irruptive' disease; flint In all persons attached by these maladies, the bleml Is found to lie either cengulitted, or of a dark unhealthy color. . '1 . 01W:1111 , pff a largo majority of diseases, as well as to curl 'a numlter which have alreadvmpized_uppn tho tom, It is necessary TAP I Pllltlif =lf BLOOD TA ndsey's Improved Blood ...Searcher does not slain] to bd UN! VERSA L PANACEA for every disease kdown, but the proprietors claim for It the power not only of draining nut ad Impurities el the blood, but by the skiLlfnl cottage/dine of well k aiwn vegetable remedies. It will min, all diseases arlsiog from a deranged state - of the liver, drive out dyspepsia, and give renewed tone and vigor to the stomach. That the IlLoon Stnactise. Is all that is claimed for it, illeproprie tors can produce = It Is only a few yearawlnce it was discovered, and yet it has grown into sucb n buslnesv that a large laboratory boa been built prpresslv for Its manufacture—w largo number of men employed in putting . It up, 8114 still iho SUPPLY DOES :IvQT EQUAL Till: D EMAND! We .k any candid man, could this he co, If the-Med lane did not posses 9 ALL the virtues claimed fold t. The .Proprfotors linen hundreds Of certificates from ITICII of probity and standing in the community, show log what the medicine is doing daffy for the 'offering ASK ANY. I.l,llhsON who lots ever used tho Blond Searchur whether roll was experienced. • Let the afflicted giro it a trlal—a single bottle yin convince the wed skeptical of its rtllreey -. For sale In Carlisle by S. W. Ilarersfick, 8. El llott, and 11..1. Kieffer; Kauffman & Son, Mechanics burg; Gosweller & Zook. fillepherdstown ; Joshua Culp: llogstown; Jacob Simmons. Coons Roads hurts .6: •Wise, Shiremanstown; A. M. Leidieli,• Boiling Springs; Mary Ny. Kissel, Churchtown ; Edward James, West ((Si; .1.0. Fasnaught & Bro., Oakville: Shoemaker & Elliott,Nowbura; Wm. Brnttosi , Newrille; Hood & co.. Springfield; Russell & Dice, Bikloson; Highland & .Washinget Jacksonville; Wm. Clerk & Co.. Lees Roads; Wm. 11. Eckirs, Sporting D. Denlinger White lleß ; .1. C. Mild:, Shippenslourg ; ni 1 of Camber land county, Pa. LINDSEY LEMON, ProprMors. llnlliduy I,a rg, Pa MEE! TUE MOST EXTRAORDINARY 1100 K OR THE AGE First edition of 10,000 sold in six weeks. ENTITLED "BOYHOOD'S PERILS MANHOOD'S CURSE PUBLISHED BY DR. S. PANCOAST, 916 Spring Garden street, Phlad,lphia,'Pa., and for aale ly all bookseaera. This Is a book of "•'5 pages, l2um., bound in cloth,ullll nine lithographic plates. and intended for parents, guardians and young 111011. Every young man who wishes to maintain his health and 111:1011 , 011, and liars a healthy progeny, should rend this hook. Some of the statements ore really , astAndingould Lave never be• lire appeared In print. Price $l, IV mail $1.16. NOW IN PRESS, AND READY FOR DELIVERY IN A FEW DAYS, A GREAT WORK FOIL rim LADIES, by the saute author, entitled • LADIES' MEDIGAL GUIDE, AND,,MARRIAGE FRIEND This In a Work of nearly 000 pages, beautifully bound is cloth' and contains over 100 splendid and curious cti.• gratings. If gives n completo description at the Arne tore and function of the reproductive organs of the ft male, showing how married ladles may have or avoid large families. Also: a complete history of Ilermaphro• ditisin, with curious plates showing lollesexes in one. It also given advlcu to young ladies in selecting a husband L peduting out the caune.of so much unhappi- MORI aka iniarlageoud the Influence it cackle on offspring:l ' The work also gives the symptom a and. treatment of all feMale diseases, so that every ienialo may be herowu - physician:" - ' - The last chapte:l devoted to tho Toilet, Orin , : the.' receipts for cosine. sat present in use by the nobility of France, Engin and Itusra, for prautlfylug thoskin hair, toot h, and for removing foul and preserving a sweet ,breath. They-have been obtained at groat °spot se. • Price 81.50. Ily mail $1.75, or eight additional post age stamps. 5000 copies have already been ordered.— Those wishing a copy of the first edition should send their orders without dal ay. . . For completo description of the work sea Prospectus, which will by sent on receipt of one letter stamp. AGENTS WANTED in every town in thu Union. Feb. 10, 11859—1 y .DR. ' HAll l) lP u l i :O tT lsl io ; jus eoAlPOUND Dr. Ilamptou'a Pills contain neither Balsam or Mer cury, hilt are purely vegetable In their composition, and are highly recommended by eminent physicians, no • . Safe Certain, . Speedy and . .' Permanent Cure Per Gravel, Oleet, Stile. .. . tures, LIICOITbIeft; Tomato Weaknesses. and all other diseases of . the Bladder, . . . . Kidneys, . . • • "' - .. . . and • , . . Sexual Organs. • . • ' .. PRICE FIFTY CENTS rim DM '. • Prepared and - for sale by ' • - Dit.J: T. HAMPTON Se' CO., 405 Spruce street, 'Philadelphia t Sold lip Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Mr. S. G. WILD, sole agent fur Newville.. „ BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY GIFT ! • JUST i'ULLI,SUED, , TUB ALBUNIsOF MUSIC FOR 1860, • . Containitig choice solootion amuck andfinO lishmonts. For sa!e by LEE & WALKER, Punusneno, • . No. 722 Chestnut Stteet,Phlindelphla. PRIOR $3,00, BOA by well, froe.ollioxtago. • Roo. 14. 1151. • P U4E:WIN 1!;S AND .LIQ,UORS . JOS. _MIDDLETON sr. CO. Fos. 156 and 158 North Fant . thStreet,, . • Abort, Arch Street, - ...• • •° PHILADELPHIA.. 4 BRANDIES, WINES and GINS Imported direct and warranted pure and sold to Druggists and Hotel Keepers at lowest wholesale priees. , '.. " • - iye•Thi.assorturent consists nifltard; Plod :and Rochelle Brandies . ; Old Sherry, Port, Sher, linden,,, Lisbon, mud; • • champagne Wines; nfso, a large stock of • •" Monongahela WhisEey. Holland • • Irish and &alai Whiskey. . Carlisle, Oct. 12,1859,-:-3 num. • Min GOItATOR I.JTATES. 11:1,17 FROM OITAIS and a. it Standard Medicine, all that liave used it, with confidence In all is recommended. vithlu the hist tvo nll hopes of relief; as lbw" eel Lihestos lu my pusses . od to tho ' temperament t, and used; in such . ly on tho bowels. your, judgment *quid Liver . Invlgorn• Liver Complaints, JSIII• _ChronioAarrlmea,Bunt tery, Dropsy, Sourßum— ness, Cholla, Choler., Intim tum, Flatuivuee, nese., and may be ußed nary FAMILY MEDI— ! Headache, (a s, thouvana minutes, if two or three nt cominencomant Of tho giving their testimony MOUTH 3SITH TIII SWALLOW BOTH TO per Bottle know that different C:4 portions of the bowels. Mart is Pill boa this well .established from n variety of, the which net alike orrevery mud, and are, good and Cathartic Is needed:such - Stomach, • Sleepiness, Costiveness, Pala whole body, front sudden if ueglerted, end' - In • of Appetite, a Creeping the body, Itestlhasness, the head, all tonal n I ut -Childrtin •or Adults, Purifier of the Moodand flesh isludr, too nullder Foment. Dose, Ito 3. Cents, ' , nndly Cathartic V a re y, and sold•wholuate by rd, 111. D., urer and Proprietor, New lurk.