Special 3totices n WHAT THE NEW YOR . K CITY FOLKS SAY OF DLL ArIiNE'S.CE.LEfiRATED VERMIFUGH iflatiuftittirri by Fleming .ftriy Now Yonx, • August .25; 11352. sir This is to certify that I ern well miqueilined with n mon fifty' you's of a.:e, for many years a resident of Zs , city, nho has boon at Mules extremely ill, but d not tell from winitca use. unless it •War worms: Ile told hie atteudi ng physician his suspicions, Mit the physician at once rldiculed.,the idea. and ranged to at. tend him any longer. Ills son then mentioned Pr. !Thane's Vertnifuge, and asked him If bo would take It; his reply was—l must take something to get relief, or die: They at once procured a bottle a 'Dr - Ml...lnes Cele. bested .Vermlfuge. and he. took ono half at ono dose. The result was, he passed upwards throe quarts of worms, cut up hi every form. lie got well immediate. ly, and Is now ,enjoying most excellent health; and like the gond Samaritan of old, in endeavoring to re lieve his unfortunate neighbors. Ile .ntakes it 111/1 sine's to hunt up and sol fi ct all cases similar to his own that may be given bier by regular physicians, and in. ! . duce' them to try Dr. D'lsinirs Vernilfuge. 'So far he haslnduced moth than twentrpersons to Whittle Vet. mifuge, and id every cone with the ',most happy results. Ile is well satisfied that Dr. Mono's Vermifuge, : and M'Lane's . Verrolfuge. prepared by Fleming Bros. of Pittsburgh Is far superior to any other known remedy, and that if more generally known would not fall to save many valuable 11i,.,. For further particulars Inquire M Mrs. lisrdie, In% 0 ninon Street. New Fork City. Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr.lM'Lane's Celebrated Vormifuge, manufactured by Fleming Men. of Pittsburg, Ps. All other Vernilfuges In comparison are'worthless. Dr. fit LANE'S genuine Vermiform, al. so hla celebrated Liver Pills, can now he had at all re, spectable drug stores. None genuine without the sig nature of. ' • ' FLEMING 11110. TgE PECCI,TABITIISS of the female constitution and thstverinue trial', to which the sox is subjected ,de mond an occasional Tecourse to stimulants It is Im. portant, however, that thesefehall ho of a harmless on. Lure, and at the same accomplish the desired end. Hos tetter's Celebrated Stomach inners is the very article. Its effects in all canes of debility are almost meeker. It restores the tone of the' digostiTe organs. infuses fresh vitality `ltito the whole systent and gives that cheerfulness to the temperament. which. is the most raluablo of feminine attractions The proprietor,' feel flattered from the fact that many of the most prominent medical gentlemen in the Union heir bestowed'. enio• whim upon'tho illiters„the virtues of which they hers frequently tested and acknowledged There are mme, ous counterfeits offered' for sale, all of which are desti tute of meriCtrnd petal ively Injurious to the system. field by all drogeiets in the world. • or.see ativerlinument in another column. • • NERVOUS DI9EASEI3 CONTROLLED AND CON. QUZIIID —Of all tho various Ills that detract from the - enjoyment of human life, most of them tney bo traced to a disordered condition of the nervous system. Thn horrors of Epilepsy, or Falling Sickness, arise in most canes from this MusD. Cur readers may remember, on several occasions before, we have alluded to the won• • derful cures, or modifications of Fits. made by the . . Vegetable Exintrt Epileptic Pllln, Invented and pre— pared by Dr. Attu A. Itasca, of 100 Dnitimore Street, lialtimoro, Md. We feel fully satisfied that these flue have mired some of the most stUbborn canner Epilepsy, as will as the milder forms of _Ms, such as severe Crampsy Sonnets, Ac. We now, record the fact, that persons will find these Pills equally efficacious In curik every form of narrow+ debility;—nli Matter whether manifested in OM acute and exeeruclating form of Neu• rahrla, Tic-Dolorous, or Nervous Headman., the misery di/yarn:psis or Indigestion, the SulTorings of Itheumit- Um or Gout, thu melancholy hallucination of depressed spirits nr hysteria, their effects will" be equa ly happy and certain. Versions In the country can write to the . . Inventor. end have the medicine forwarded to them by moll. Tho prices are. 01113 box ; two boxes 9.51 twelve boxes $2l; and 'soot to anymart of the country. free of postage. Meet your communications to Bxru i3.-lIANca, 103 Baltimore stmt., BRlM:lave, Md. 1 1 $30Fkkklk DR. HOOPLANDS GERMAN BITTERS, DIR.IIOOFLATETWiBALSAIIILIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicines of the. Present' VC, have acquired their great popularity only thr6ugA years of trial.'• Unbounded satiefac= lion is rendered by them in all cases; and people have pronounced thdm worthy. Llyer Complaint, Ilyspepala t Jaundlei, Debility of the Nervoior System," • blames of t-fie-IChineys, and all, diseases. Arising ; Nor a disordered liver or eatnescof the stomach and dcaestine organs, are speedily and permanently aural by gsi GERMAN BITTERS, • • The lialsarxdo Cordial hat acquired a reputation •surpassing that of anyaimilarpro ' partition extant. It will cure, ivlrruouv FAIN As Most severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In. Hums,. Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and hat performed as soul aatoniahing curse ewer known of Confirmed Corunmmlion. • A few doses will also at once check and cure the most severe "Dlarrhcea proceeding from COLD IX TEN BOWZLII. These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & CO., No. 418 Arch Street, Philo delphia, Pa., and are sold by diuggirts and dealers in medicines every Where, at 76 cents per bittle. The signature of C. M. JAOKIION 1001 be on the outride wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietors, called ErsiTtlODlell ALMAXAO, you. will find testimony and commendatory hotiees from all parts of the country. These Almanacs are given away by 611 our honk. THE OXYGENATED BITTED.. The qualities of this medicine have placed it u pouan Imperishable foundation. In destroying disease, arid InduCing health It has no parallel. For the following Complaints these Bittens are a tpe. eine, yin :—Dyepcvla, or Indigestion, Heart Burn, Aeldlty, Costiveness; Lose of Appetite, Headache and Heneral Debility. . . In sonny sections of our country this pre . paratlOn le extensively used by physicians In their practice, end It seems to have restored many to health who were apps rently beyond the reach of the healing art. • Bub.joined are a few tributes from ivell•knovin physl clans: 51.vssmmx, TIOGIA Aug. 213, 1858. I have used the Oxygenated Bitters In my practice with decided success In debility and general prostra, Lion, Ay., and confidently recorumead it in Dimond De bility, and disease. of the digestive organs. H. WIIITE;11. D. Ammaa, N. Y., Sept. d. 1868. .oTnnxigitt—l have Leon in the drug businecs the lest fifteen yeas, and have never sold a medicine which has &eunuch great satisfaction in canes of Dyspepsia a. the Oxygenated !litters, and in this disease I always recommend it. 11. O. FOWLER. ntrntINOTON, Vt. Nov. 12, 1654. GICTITLItMAN am pleased to state, that I have tried the Oxygenated Bitters for Indigestion and Debility, found Immethate rellef!nm using only a part of a' hot ',,, tie. I hare the greatest eodildenee In 4t an a cure for Dyspepsia and General Debility, and recommend It with L. much!pleasuro.. •- • • Yours, As., ' JAMES LEWIS, 11. D. Prepared by SETH W. FOWVE & CO., Benton, and for stale by Samuel Elliott and S. W. llaverstiek, Carlisle; Ira Day. IlleehanicaburS, Ruts & Wise, Shiremanstown; S. G. Wild Novrville; Shoemaker & Elliott, Newburg; J.O. &Rick, Shippensburg; and by appdnted igents and dealers 1p medicine all over the countyu • -DAGILIERREIOTYPES.—In 'beauty and do. ability, no Sun drawn" picture equals agood daguer— raotipti; this Is the opinion expressed by the leading PhotoeraphloJournale of the day, both American PIA Sunda; these may be obtained at the rooms of Alta Reynolds, Lei:Aber Street, two doors wester limmeer. Car liele&me 16150—tf IMPORTANTTO FEMALES I DR. CHEESEMAN'S !'ILLS, prepared by Cornelius L. Ckeeseman, M. D., New Yrirk City. • The combination of ingredients in them Pills arellie result of a lonirand ostensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain 'in correcting all irregulerlties, Painful Menstruations, rumoring all obstructions. whether from 'cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, albnervons affeetions, hysterics fatigue, pain In the back and BMW, 4c., disturbed !sleep which Orion from Interruption, of nature. TO MARRIED LADIES; Dr. Cheeseman'e Pills are Invaluable, en they will bring on the monthly period with regularity tisdles who have been disappointed In the use of other Mlle can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheesemanis Pills doing all that they -represent to do. - Warranted purely vegetable, end tree from anything injurious. Explicit directions ' which should be read, accompany each box. Price $l. Sent by snail on en. closing $.l to any authorized agent. Sold by one Drug. gist In every town in the United States. B. O. IIUTCJLINOS, General Agent tbf the United States, 165 Chambers St; N.ew York, to which .all wholesale orders should be addreseed. DANNVEItT h FINNEY, ,Wholesale and Retall:Agentl. Harrisburg, Pa. S. ELLICIT t CaDsIe, Pa .` TO FARMERS • Viacurrix Lorm,—The undereigned, Is norrprepar to furnieb, lu any quantities, from 100 to 1000 acres, o morn, good farming end growing lends,. lu - Randolph and adjacent mutation, - In western Virginia, within 12" er 16 hours of Baltimore . , and,24 of NeW'Yoik. • The l e nd is fertile • and' Val timbered, the climate very healthy, and so wild that sheep can be ordinarily wintered with, very little feeding, and where a cow Can be rained se cheap aga'chicken In New They. 'Mil be sold cheep, and on easy terms, or exchanged for' !Motored property, Verchmodie . C.- • Address, with I'. o._ p, Joy: Coe !ft Co., Tann, Dolidings,New York. ' , 1tuay26,1660. „ : THE OLD 1)OCIDIV8 SON.—.A. 8. IIEATI,I, Pay' , .CiAN OD 8 ' toy ~will examine the sick end &Wad ' eke me , et icur Argb k t. Ittr.'BAMOZL ELLIOVen, ,Carll.l. Pe.. on th 14th of 4141.1A11t1e end itencp, 1800. r c ...3 ~, Dee. 14.18 Id. ' ' ,,' ~ • • • diarriagt£C: • . . . • ' • • —o ... . . onThurxday nywol'uVr4l:lo , th'e.tio'r, W. W.ltolls, Mr. A. K. I'IIO3IPSONt of.Drondolbon,l , ti• to tillos •11ECKIE , .). WOODBURN, of Cntlltdo.' . ' p On the 11th' Wet, JOSEPH WARD WOLF, non of 0 eorgo L,,and Ellubetit . Gaucher, aged 16 months, 6 weeks and co'days. 4fllicted from infancy. • • • In Elaii Francisco, Cat. op the ith of December, LBO. THOM Ad 8. OFFICER, a native of Carlisle,. Pa., aged about 60 years. - • . ° • • At tli% residence of hasivteN Mrs. C. Butler, in Pitts burgh. on the night of Wednesday, December 14, 1860, GEORGE W., second eon of George Bmlth, f.rniorly of Carlisle, Pa., In the 28th year of his age. ' In the prime or early 'manhOod, with the dreams of life flitting in playful shadows about you- 7 buoyna. of beim, soil looking star off Into the dim and unknown, yet Promising future—with it heart attuned tothe ktud Hest influence—cerieroqs to a fault—with a mind no constituted—with a heart so brimtheri with a large hu• inanity, it would seem indeed a hard thing tb die I The rosy Mtn of a gay morning eclipsed by itko ahad• owe of a dark night;—and, fo nocn—an soon I alas! eion Yet, not alone Is this last mutation - In the shifting drama of life, , The two•angels go forth on their every day' errand. Ode records a mere :mine—the other ekvnicie Is—Of our dead. toroth froni another " = se one world revolves in a higher - space, and, as In Nature, there are come plants more beautiful than others; so we/lA-with him whose name stands at the head of this word ! To "know him:, wu indeed to" love him.'!. - ' yho that knew him Will boar other testimony than this. Tee, my early friend in dead! The {Veen spots of the earth will know Liw no mernthe friends (Ibis youth will miss him r ir m'm fly pleasant places—thereyill be is vacant snot at One hearth, and around ono board , that will niver be tilled agaiwl • Lovely In his life—in his death, there was no divlit log friendship 1110512 who loved him first and most and those who had learned to know him In hiclate; life, ceased not to remember him wheri pain knitted his brow. And, when at last, the damp's of death ley upon him, each was lavish of tesiderest - Ile lived at peace with all men, and we know • nht where hie enemies are to be fo'und. Ood rest him 1 Let him sloop. lie died trusting In Christ, calmly an an Infant cradled upon the bosom of Its !Nailer. " • Amid some pear and dear friends. yet afar from the home of boyhood, to the beautiful AlleghenyCeme• tery, we committed his bOdy to the &mt. The chaste service of the Episcopal Church RA, read at his grave; and the tenre that meistened the cheeks of those who fol. lowed him thither, were honest and sincere—the hut sad tribute we could miller him. • ' So let him sleep—so let him rest— '. The red earth heap'd upon his breast " ; So let him rest—solet him elev— . Ile hoods not now the teal, we weep; The sunlight of a brighter sphere, • Illumes the planet shadow'd here; Tot, living.leve will linger round What hence to them is hallowed ground; ' And Time, 0 lend thy unwilling ray To chasm the Murky-mist - 15 away; So we thrtiugh faith may upward glance, • And still behold his countehancel ' gke Mullets. , CARbISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Report-14 weekly for the herald by —-' -Woodward Itz. Soh wad t.. FLoett Superfine, per bbl. ' ' $ 5,00 do. Extra, , do.; 6,00 do. Family do. - ,A,25 Rye' • . s do. 9 6k.75 Mitre Wttekr per buohel 1,28 to 1,33 Mo. , .do do. .. 1,20 . RIC ' • do tg CORN , . -- e ,- - - dO,-* . - - 65 OATH (new) ' • ;do. ; : .- - 86 dLOVERSEED --, do - ' 6,00 TIMOTIITSEED '.) do. •. •- • 2,00 SPRING BARLEY do. ' . . , , 65 WINTER -BARLEY. do. ' 70 .. - New ilburtiaentents., lAB:D.—'The undersigned feels that 1 his warmest thanks are due to tho leveret' FIRE 00 NI FANI s of our town (or. their unromitted exertionn to save his building from the ravages of the terrible Bre that threatened to baffle all lan. matt,exertlonn on Sunday morning last; and assures tlibun that he Will ever cherish the most grateful rocol. lections rt. their disinterested heroism, In periling UN suit Ilmb to save hie property. And also to Mr,Bautuel Elliott, for the abundant supply of refreelmeota fur, Milted to the Bremen to his behalf. JACOB ItIIBBM. Carlisle, Jan, 18, 1880. vsTATE NoneE.—Lettors of Ad .L4 uilnlettation on the Estate of Wittiata LFONARD, deceased, late of the Borough of Carlisle, having been granted by the Iteglater of Cutnberland county, to the undersigned, residing In Landinburg. Perry County. Notice is hereby given to Umwo knowing therimelvea Indebted to the estate to make payment; nod those haring claims against the estate to prosent them for settlement to the subscriber,. who Inay• be addressed either at the above place, or at Carlisle, Cumberland county. EDWARD it. LEONARD, Jan. 18, 18130=0 • JO 141STAKE.—A11 persons in want 11 or a bottle of Floe Old Imported and Pore Brandy, or Old Itye Wblakey, or Oln. Winer; be., ran get the pbro article at th e drocery of , the atibeerlber. WM. BBIITZ. Car Hale, Jan. 18, loziln FOR RENT.—That new Three-storied BRICK 110110 K on North' Hanover streot,h eat door to Moo, If utton's htnro. Balt bi• for any business. Vol till 1110, kc., apply to .1 AMES It. WEAVER. Carlisio, Jan. 18, 1860-1 r. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.--The Cumberland County Aailcultural Society wHI meet at th e Court Honer, In Car Hale, on TUESDAY. the 7th day of February, at 11 o'clock, A. 31, A good attendance 111 requented. , So. ' D CROFT, Sec'y. MUM= A GRANO . CONCERT OF IipCAL I S. INSTRUAIENTA.I., MUSIC will lio given at the above Hail on WIRDNIMAY EVENINU, January 18th, 1800, by the celebrated 80. prano Vocalist,. . , MIEG _GRACE NILLOUOIIBYY (Of the Landon )loyal. Academy of Music), assisted by her cousin, the eccomplished Contralto. MISS GERTRUDE. MELVIN, attd•the renowned Violinist, • ' I U • • CHARLES ELLIOTT, • ofDellerlot, late'Solo Violinist at tho co irts of Portugal, Crammer, de.. Ac. N. il`-I•he cousins. Illiss.Ontee Willoughby and Miss Gertrude Melvin. made a brilliant debut at ths Now York Academy of Al.psic on Friday evening, December 23d.-1856, - See New York papers of 24th December, - 'W. Admission 60 cents.. Doom open at i o'clock; the Concert to commence at 8. For particulars see Pro. gramme. 'Jan. 18, 1859. JAMES R. WEAVER'S CABINET . Aoir , • .„„ . •CIIAM MANUFAVTORT,' NOATII Hai OTIII STRALT,:CABLISLA, PA Having boon engaged in the business for over twenty years ho would return 'thanks to bin customers and (Honda, for the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to give full satinkaction to all wbo ,may favor him with a all. • • CHAIRS ANA FURNITURE, of every description comitantly on band; or made to Order. Warranted to be of: the best quality, of the la• test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prime formula. •-• Ile also continues business as an UNDEUTAICER.— Ready anede,Collinn, kletallic orotherwlae, kept con. silently on hand and funerals promptly attended to person/ally In town or coubtey, on the most reasonable terms. . . Cherry and Walnut Conine, large size, i ell flntshid and lined Inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. • . .. Walnut Conine covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WEA.VEIt. • May 25,1869-17. .., N. 11.--Two properties situate triChurebtowit,Cumb. county, are offered' for sals on easy terms. Apply as abase.J. It. W. NOTlCE.—Letters of Ad= I s u ministration on the Esiate of D. W. A.lc late of Dickinson township, deceased. heti° beengrantad by the Register of Cumberland county, to W. 'Anti AlcOulloch, residing In the bomugh of Norville.. All persons Indebted to said estate. will make lime. 4111 e payment, and those haring claims, present them, duly authenticated, for settlement to W. LINN McCIIII,LOCII, Administrator of D. W. AlcCulloch; Dee. 7, 1869. . N OTION = Notice -hereby given to. = Notice all who are Indebted to ua tbat Our hooka will 66 headed over for collection after the 16th of next mouth. Our books are wow In posvesslorf of our successor Asher {Niel, who IS eonetantly.nady to receive money on 011 e accouu.t. • - Jan. 11,1860. , BTEINBII PROTIUM& , P. 8. Asher ITiel'a Clothing Store , near the Market otI3OOTS AND, SHOES. A lot of Boots anti nine Just recilved. Ladles' 'end os Morocoo Lodi of Wilgeo colebntted wake. A new supply. . . Cernyle, Nov. 80859 A MERICAN AND F (kN • STEREOSCOPIC • ANTHONY, .., • • 308 Broadway* Igsw 3tork.• •• After May let, 1800. nC 501, 131lOADWAY, • . 'two doors from the, St. Nicholas Hotel. Tie Sierepacepe is the Moat Instructive, interesting, . entertaining, nutuslng and excitip.q of modern inven- None are too young, none too old,. none too Intent• gent; mono too uneducated, to ackaddiedge its worth and beauty. No hams is complete without it; and It must and'will penetrate everywhere. ' It presents to your view every part of the' world, in all the renal'. boldnitss, perspective,- and plumpness of detail, an if you ware on the epot.• , • Photographera are everywhere exploring- Europe, Asia, Africa, Anterica, hi search of the grand and the beautiful, and the results of their Mall are constantly' enrieldug our stock. „ We have an immense variety of paper Views of Scones in Paris, London, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland." Switzerland, Spain; The Rhino, Versailles, St. Cloud, Vontalubleau,'Thllleries, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Athene. the Rely Loud, China. Indio, errant Palace, also'Oroups Historical, amusing, marriage seamen, breakfast scenes, plo-nica, statuaryi 4c., Ac. -An exquisite assoitment Mt Illuminated Intp• Acre of Palace* ClOirchea mid Cathedrals of grades, Italy, Ac., Sc. Thp effect of these illuminatadritiews is • most remarkable. ' Every gentleman of wealth and refined taste should have in his drawing room some of our exquisle views on glass, with a revolving stereoscope, showing 42, 25, 50 or 100 scenes.- Nothing can' be more fascinating, and ono ran offer no greater treat to a friend fond ofthe masque And Lilo beautiful. • Anthony's instantaneous Stereoscope Views are the lettest Photographic woplier. They are 'taken in• the fortieth pert of a second, and evorythlbg, no matter -how rapidly it may be moving;- in depleted am ahaiply and distinctly nn if it had been perfectly at rest. 'This . gives an additiOnal value, for to the beauties of ineni• mate nature it midst the charm of life and motion. The. process lea disciivery of our own. and being unknown in Europe. we receive from London and Paris large oi• dory for Anthony'. Instantaneous Vinyls of American • life and scenery. . • Aumng other things we havcrjuSt 'published Stem conic ilinetrations of the Steno of the NOLTOT•NTREZT PRATER Montana, in which many hearts feel aq Inter est. The particulars of this will be found In our cat* logue. - • . Oun CATALOGUE of subjects and prices will be forward• ell to ally naldress nn receipt of a stamp. Parties at a distance 'sending us $l. $5, $lO, $2O, or $25, can have it - good instrument and such pictures as . they may nattiest cent by Espress. • . Views alone, (without instrument) can be rent .by mall. Parties who 'Wish to be advised °revery thing irally valuable in the lino that comes out, may send us their minks to place on record, and we will keep them posted at our own espouse. „ Mon of leisure will find Photography a meet (eschat letg and delightful amusement. We are prepared to fit ..OUL_lsrontotirE with everything necessary for their nue• cons together with inetructiont .Itaw - to - take Sturm, • ample Pictures.", , E. ANTHONY, Importer and idanufact.urer of Photkraphie 13Interi• alx, Sterenscopeaand.Stereoscopic Views.- : XEly- Merchants from every section of the count!). are ° respecefully invited to make an extwoination. of our Antic. as our discount to the trade will be liberal Ti) PHOTCSORAPHEItS.—FIrst•cIass stereoscopic Na g/Invert wanted. ' Send by mail a print unmounted, with price of Nega tive. pan.lB,lB6o—im. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE! Prepare for the Groat Politkal Campaign OF 1860. • INDUCEMENTS TCi'CLUBS - NOW I 3 TIIE TIME VIIIISCRIDE. Tna Tatnoni=now mo r e than eighteon yearn old,nnd having over a quarter of a million euboeribero, or con' intent purchaners;'diffused ihrough every State and Territory of our continuo In oesence what It has boon—the earnest champion of Liberty, Progress, 'and of wliatover will conduce to our national growth In Virtue; -Industry, Knowledge; and Prosperity. Phli NEW—YORIC DAILY TRIBUNE . Is prie tad on a largo imperial sheet, and published every rooming and evening (Sundays excepted). It contains Editorials on the topics of the times, employing a-large corps of the best.nowspaper writers of the day; Domes. tic and Foreign Correspondence; Proceedingi of Con. grem; iteiwrts of Lectures; City News; Cattle,. Horse, and Produce Markets; Reviews of Books; Literary In• telligence; Papers on Mechanics and the Arts; Cook. ery, &c., tic. We strive to make TILE TRIBUNE a newspaperloxneet the wants,of the public—lts tale. graphic news alone costing ova - 05,00 U per annum.= TN 113.1S.=The Daily Tribune Is mailed to subserthem at - $l 3 Per annum, In alliance; $9 for six - months. THE NEW—YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Is published every Timm' and FRIDAY, and contains all the Editorials of the Unify, with the Cattle,, Horse, and General Markets, .reliably reported eniressly for THE TRIBUNE; Notices of New Inventiona, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Articles on Cookery; and _during the sessions of Congress it contains a summary of Congressional doings, with the more important speeches. We shall, as heretofore, make 'PILE WEEKLY-TRIBUNE: a Literary, as well as a political newspapar, and we aro determined that it shall rectudn in the front rauir of family papers. TERMS:. . . - Om copy, one year $ 3 00 Srao copies, one year Five copleA, one year 11 25 'Fen copies to ono address . . . . . . . 20 00 Any person sending lIVA club of twenty, or over, will be entitled to en texts copy. Fur a club of forty, we will sand the Daily Tribune one year. TILE NEW-YORK WEEKLY .7%1111151E, a large elght.page paper per the country; Is' published every Saturday, and contains Editorials on the Itnport• ant topics of the times, the news of the week, Interest. Ing correspondence from nil ports of the world, the New. York Cattle, Horse, Rod harduce Markets. Inlet esting and reliable Political, Mechanical, and Agriculturaloar. titles, Papers on Cookery, &c., Ac. We shall, during this year, am hitherto, constantly 'labor to Improve the quality of the instructive enter. tainment afforded by 'l'll 6 WEEKLY 'MISUSE, which we Intend, shall continue to be the best Family Weekly Newspaper published In the World. We outsider the Cattle Market ItoPorta alarm richly worth to cattle raisers a years', subscription price. • TERMS: . One copy, one )ear .• . ...... $ 200 Three copies, one year, . . . . . . 600 Flee eopice, one year . . . . . . . . . . 800 Ten copies. one year .. . . ... . . 12 00 Twenty copies. to one address . • . . . 20 00 Twenty copies, to othirese of ench subscriber' . 21 00 Auy person Sending ne a club pf Twenty, or more, will•be entitled to an extra copy. For a club of Forty, we will euntt,rlllt SEMIAVEEK TRIBUNE: and for a club of One Hundred THE DAILY TRIBUNE will be sent gratis. • Suhserlptions may 7 commence at any time. Terms always reek to advance. All letters to be addressed to HORACE GREELEY A CO., Tribune iluildings, Nassau at, New York. Dec.1450-3twAole.o.w. J ANUAKY REDUOTION IN PRICES. • t Announces to the public and his customers, that to elecordstwo with his usual custom thin season of the year, ho has reduced the prices of b la stock of • FANCY' DRY. - GOOD - g, '.•• which cninprise l finnychocet and beautiful deserlp. Vona otlif INTML PRESS , GOODS, sueh as all Wool Merinnes, plain and figured, all Woot De&linen, plain and figured.. Coburgs, VIL1011C111" DeLalues, all wool, Plaids, he., eke.. • SHAW LS of every variety at extremely low prices. A beautiful lot of FANCY SILKS of every atyle and color, and at lower rates than can be purchased else. where in Carlisle. _ , A splendid. assortment of Pure and Cloaks yet on hand which we are determined to close out without re. gard to COST, in fitct our whole stock is now °Rating At unusually low prices. Portions will Slid it to their decided advantage to call and examine for themselves, as great bargains may be expected the closing season. Carlisle, Jan. li., ISO°, DissoLurioN., OF.. . _PARTNER, Sill P.—The partnership heretofore - exinting um' der the firm of 511R03.1 & BLACK, has this day been diasolved by mutual cdnnent, theraforewa would aollelt all Lima indebted to Caine and cattle their accounts, and all thaw having claim, will please present them for aettiamont. . . . JACOB SIIRO - la, ' . ItOBBILT M. BLACK. .e. Jan. 3, 1860. ' • , The buainesS will hereafter be continued at the 'old stand of Bhrom A Black under the Arm of BLACK & DELA NCY, Where we will keep constantly on hand all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL, of army description, which we will sell at the lowest cash prices, and all on denrfor bill stuff will be promptly attended to of the shortest notice. We are thankful for the patronage of generous public at the old stand of Bhrom & Black, and would still solicit a continuance. All orders left at the residencja Jacob &dam for coaVand lumber, will be promptly attended toss heretolliye. BLACK & TRUANCY. Jan. 11, Vino. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AP PUBLiO SALE. By order of the Orphans' Court Dy virtue of on order of the Orphans' Court of Cum' becloud county, the undereigned will offer at public mile at .the Court Howse ' on SATURDAY . , the -4th day of FEBRUARY, 1060, xl lO o'clock, A. IC, that valuable Wen. and Lot situated on North Honorer street, In the Borough of Carlielf,,, and Ibrmerly occupied by Pater Welbloy, doc'd. - The House Is a two story Frame plmtered upon the outside, and le about twenty.eight foot . in '""', front by dotty depth,Jaaring 'two Tr rooms and a kitchen en the Bret floor, •• - • and four rooms upon the second floor,,all lu good lepalr, together with 'necessary out.bulldings. The Lot le 20 feet in front, and 210 feet in depth, and contain a 'Arlo ty of choice fruit (roes. TERMS: Ten per cont. - of the purchase money to be raid when the property is Addeo off, the balance of ono half on the let day of April, A. D.,1860, Sand the reeldue to bo'dlviduil Into two equal paymonts, payee. 'bit at one and two 'ears with tutored. Taxes for year 1860 to be paid by purchaser. • . O. P. 11llMitIOlf Admr. O. T. A. of Paler W.iblq, deo'd..' Jou. 11, 116045. • TIVENTY 11ItSg New on hand at the Carlisle Foundry, a new TWENTY 1101.88 STISA2I ENGINE, complete ha every Forted, Which we will 101 l at a emelt advance on cost. Also, T111(81011NO •BIACIIINIIB, 1101(811 pommel, Corn Crneburo, Corr. Shelters, and other intichlnon' for Farmers. - Alro, TEX PLATE 'STOVES frir burning wood, two ekes, of hatulerane pattern'', together 'titbit variety of other articles for Farmer' nod Dlounekoopere, too nu. Morons to ((motion. ' - F. OAtIDNER a 00. Carl W., Oct. 6,1869 • • • dristioduaiY. actu fitmettiseinents.— A. W. BENTZ FURS & CLOAKS., A. W..BENTZ v Jiflisccllancous. A DMINISTRATOR'S'.NoTICE.— Letters of Administration on the Betide of BA• iteetAng, - late of the Demuth of Cardillo, deceased, have been issued to theesubserlber residing In ffnuth Middleton township: All persons indebted to said EA tote ereyequested to make Drunediatelnlyment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to IIUdirSTUART. Administrator of Sarah - Clark, deed. Dee. 21, 1116d-130 UMBERLAND VALLEY.: BANK C . 1.1501.11,1ET0R8. Wn.umw ROU'r. C. STUMM; RICHARD WOODff, `Jaen; 0. Duni.vr. . . . This Bank, doing business in the name of Her, bran neman & Co., is now fully proparel, to. do a general Hooking Business with promptness and td. ...--- Money received on deposit atnipaid , .. on demand Without notice. Interest paid on special deposits. her. tificates of deposit bearinginterest at the rate of five per cent. will be Issued for as 'short a period se four months.. Interest on all certificates will cease at ma. turn'', provided, however, that If said certificates are renewed at any time thereafter for another, Wen pa. 1.. ) clod, they shall bear the same rate of interest u to the time of renewal, Particular attention paid to he col. faction of notes, drafts, checks, &c., to any" of the ynit6d States or Cansdae. ' , . . Remittances made to England, Irelandor the Conti. nent. The faithful and confidential .execution of all orders entrusted to them, maybe relied upon., . They call the Attention of Farmers, Mechanics and all others who desire a safe depository for their names, to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Bank • al e INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of their estates for all the Dopossts, and other obligations of Eel.; Praline. man k Co, . , They have recently removed into their new Banking Bones directly opposite their former island, In West Main Street, a few doors east of the Railroad Depot, whore they will sten thyme, be pleased to give any in. formation desired In regard te Meng , matters in gene. cal. Open for buslnesS from D o'clock In the morning null 4 o'clock in the evening. U. A. /3TURGlisoy, ambler. Carlisle, May 20,1857. • William •P. Lynch, Practical FL UMBER and GAS FITTER, in the basement of the 21: E. Church,. Main Street, Carliele. , Load and Iron pipes,„ Iron Sinks, • Hydrants, • , Tubs, Hot re Cold Showarilyathe, Beth Boilers, Water Closets • Wash Basins, Force and Lid Pumps, llydrauliellame, &e. Wro't Iron And every description of cocks and fittings for gas, steam, water. &c. Superior cooking ranges, heaters and gee fixturee put up in churches. stores and dwellings, at short notice, in the moot modern style. • All mated ale And work in ourline at low rates and warranted. WY-Country workand Jobbing.promptly attended to. Mar. '23,1869—1y FSENWEIN'S- TAR-AND-WOOD _ NAPTIIA PECTORAL, 18 rue B? MEDICINE ItB rus WORLD, for the Celia of COLIOIIS AND COLD, Croup Bronchilie, As. thmo, TlMiculty In Breathing. Palpitation of the , lleart, nod for the 'relief of patients In the „ advanced etages of Coasuaerriox, to. ' gether with all Diseases of the . Throat and Chest, and whlcli predisposed to Consumption. It attacks the root of disease, and makes the fell destroyer succumb to Its n nuance. It also produces free expectoration, and in duces healthy action in the diseased Mucous Membranes and Titian.. It Is peculiarly adapted to the radical curo of Anus.. Ono dose of this invaluable Syrup often gives ease, and consequently sleep, which the peculiar natuVe of this disease denies him. It in very pleasant to the taste, And prompt In its effects. Tay iv, and be convinced, that it is Invaluable in the cuss or BRON CHIAL AFFEOTIONS. - . .. . . . . - . Any ug :l= 4 ll . ol MR BOMB. ~, ' . r fly by • A. SHERWIN, Druggist, 0 N. W. Corner of Ninth arid Poplar Street& - __ __- • • -- - -- --- PHILADELPHIA •• N. B. For Bale by 8. Elliott, N.J.Keiff.fr, 8. W. Darer. stick, Carlisle; L. Kauffman, Mechanicsburg; and Geo. K. - Smith, & Co., Philadelphia, and /Storekeepers and Druggists generally. 0ct..19, '50.-7 mop; TEIDIGH & SAW_YtR, (East Main Street,) have Just teturned tronithe Eastern Cit lth a large and well selected stock of • • WINTEIR GOODS, to which they respectfully Invite the attention of buyers. • A It embraces everything rare and new thrown In the market by recent Importations and Auction Sales; tn. eluding Nancy Dress Silks newest styles .velvet Pop. line. Elegant Figured Merlnees, Darla DeLaines, Satin finished Valenclas, and.all other kinds and varieties of /Weis Goode. • Also a liwge aselortment of Brochi, Long and &intro Shawls. Scotch, Blanket and Waterloo, Double, Meier. - alble and Bay State Shawl,. CLOTH MANTILDAS, Cloth Mantilla., Raglans from wholesale manufacturers acknowledged the hest •styles In town this season. . . SUDS! FUItSII FURSII I In'eVery variety.- Sable; Stone, Ma.tln, Siberian Capes, Culls and Muffs, Rue. slats Fitch, French Sable, American Filets Children's Furs of all kinds. We warrant them all free from moths, having purchased direct from manufacturers. Ladies and Gentlemen will find n inspection a full line of every clam of goods kept In a first elms Dry Goode Store. For HOLIDAY PRESENTS we are fully prepared with a full stock of Fancy and desirable goods.- We feel prepared with title large addition of new goods and our former stock, to cult the wants of pll In our line; wale* an inspection of our goods. No Iron• ble or attention Is spirant) showing goods LEIDIUII A SAWYER. Carlisle, Dec. 7, 1459. . 130.1tTABLE GAS LIGIIT. The undersigned are now prepared to furnish "Loveless' Portable Gas Light and Fixtures," at prices ranging from $5.00 to $5OO. This light has the advantage over other artificial light on account•of its SAFETY. BRILLIANCY and ECONOMY, the cost of a Full Flame being only about ONE CENT perhour. - Orders from abroad respectfully solicited, and full satisfaction warraUted. Liberal deduction made to Churches And Seminaries. All Orders will receive at !elution if directed to HARKNESS A litt. Carlisle, Pa. te..We would refer to the (ollowlag gedtlenien who have the light to use. 11. A. Sturgeon, Esq., W. M. Waite, Eeq., Dr. D Mahon. Wm. Iter, Esq., Joe. O. Hoffer, Eeq., and Col. J. Mei'lnnis. Carlisle, Dee.l4, 11159.--3 mos. NIGHT SCHOOL.—The subscriber proposes to teach a Night School for out quarter.' for Ladles any fientlemon, commencing the first or sec ond week in January, 1800; the sessions to be held at his house. Those desirous of becoming pupils, can do so by calling on the subscriber at his residence In East ''otufrot Street, when terms will be made known. E. ECKEL& Carlisle, 28, 1859. rr " STOVE TO SUIT TII)4.1 PEO PLE.—The complete success and universal sells. faction given by the PRAIRIE FLOWER COOK STOVE, warrants the enberriber calling upf all who wish comfort and con. pro ; ' vonioncir mill and examine the store before • • purchasin , J5ll who have tried the stove hive been more than satisfied. Of the great number sold. during the present scaiiiin, the lint complaint has vet to be heard. Of no other stove can this with truth be said. For strength, economy, heating, Looking, baking, and roasting powersAt has no rival. The late improvements fur the consumption of coal gee, gives additional strength, btruides a vast saving id fail. The stove is warranted to glee eatisfactlon in all eases. The furniture is all made of the bent material, and for work inanshiprenciat bo'surpansed. I have besides a num ber of other cook stoves which I will sell with or with. out furniture below cont. All work' heroic:lolre done, attended to promptly. Oh/argil moderate, witha desire to please all. • I hope to merit a continuance of the pat ronage already bestowed, ' Mn. MARY M. MORRIS • . Jan. 11, 1860. , N. O. The highest price paid- for Old copper, brass, pewter, In cash, or taken In exchange for goods. OLIDAY IRESENT.B LADD, WEBSTER & CO. SE W I . N 0 E • • 'A few of many reasons why the Sewing Machines of Ladd, Webeter & Co. are preferred above all others. 1. They are eo remarkably anima in their construction. A child can operate them and, understand the mechanism. "44 2. They,are the arm:lour Sewing Machines made. It is almost impossible to break or to get them out of order. ,13: They are eons In their operation; finishing the work Ina uniformly perfect manner.. 4. They make a mar LOCK amen, alike on both aides of the work, which cannot be vitamin. 6. They, stitch , hem, bind, fell, run and gather, with. oqnt basting. • • O. They sew equally welt the mutest and the usavi. • JOT fabrics. 7. Theyeew over the listensr seine without changing the tension or breaking the finest thread. I. They use any No. of Cotton, Thread or Bilk directly from the 'spool. 9. They use a rerastonv needle; curved ones are liable to break. 10. The needle hes. a PERNINDICTILAII motion. This I. absolutely necessary for heavy work. They have a lIII K KL nu; none others are in con. stant contact with the work. They run easily and are almost noiseless.' • They are not liable to oil the drums of the operator. They do not require a screwdriver to set the needle. They do not hart to be taken apart to oil of clean. They dc(not form ridden on the under side of the work, nor are they wasteful of thread, as Is the ClllO, with ALL CHAIN IMTOLI YEACHINIA LT. They are capable of doing.a greater range' of work, and in a mere perfect manner than 'any other Sewing Machina; as le proud by the result of our challenge for a trial, which had never been Accepted. Stir On Exhibition and for sale at Mrs.' ft. A. lin. Notts? DAGUlittltitAN goons, 2d.dOor Veal of Dr. 'Eliza's' Mee, by 1 W. 12.. MA.BON Mier Dec. 21,1962-2 t. at- Every , discrlption of Needle Work eletuted at our Room, and samples of work sent by rusll. • ' • F A STATE OF JOHNSTON WILLIAMSON,. deceased.—All pereenb indebted to, or having c a me against the Estate ofJohnston•Wllliamson, late. of Dickinson township, do'd., are requeeted tn. meet the Executors of said estate at , thepublic house of Ja cob ltedeecker, In Centreville,' on Wednesday. Thin" , day, & Friday. the 9th , oth, and 10th of February next , with their ciallne properly authenticated Ow settlement. JIMIN T. 0 SEEN. , ' . - • . ADAM CYKIVItri, . Jan, 11, '6O-t d: ' Administrators ord. W., died,' ' ' ' Cheap' Job, Printing done y o r e ...._ Beta !boos.' L A. 11,'G E, AIR IT F 'Fall and Wintneboods, AT OGILBY'S STORE. am now opening the largest assortment of DRY 00008 mom brought to Cumberland County. • • Tho attentlbli of the Ladles le paitieularly Invirel to the splendid aesorttnont of D"RESS GOODS. • A full lino of Magnificent Mika, Popllion, Poll De Cher viers, Fiench Merinoes, Ceshmeres, Sc., Shawls and Cloth Cape" of all kinds and uncoulmonly.chenp, Drees Trimming', all tbo new styles and to omit every,ColOr. Flannels and Dlankefe at astonlabing low prices: -Cali case. the best in Carlisle, at 6, 8 and 10 cte. DeLaines, the best In the State at 37, 50 and 63 cts. Jaunting, bleached and unbleached, no batter and nctschetiper to be had. Linens, Napkins, Table Clothe, Shlrtings, Doylies, Sc., brought fronithetargest Importer In New York, very good and very cheap.: Gingham', a full air sortmen • Blinnuon Dnlmitates, Joan Dumap, JonN 8. StraUt; H. A. Bnonazon. ' ' MOURNING CIOODS.A large assortment of mourn ing Goods of all kinds and descriptions. BONNETS & RIBBONS.--A new supply of fashionable _ Bonnets and Ribbons, at low figures. ' GIAVES —The. beet quality of Alemnder's Kid Gloves, Kid, Silk and Cotton Gauntlets. [flick Gloves, equal to any Exclusive Agency, Gentlemen's wear. A now assortment of Pine Broad Olbtlio, Canter Bea , „, vers ' Plain and Nancy Gasslmeres, Vesting., Caeslnets, &e., Ac. • • BOY'S WEAR.—Oessimeres suitable for boys very cheep: Three-Fly Carpeting, goad, beautiful and cheap: Floor Oil Clothe Mall widths, good and cheap. ' - The store in now filled with now, elegant and cheap oods,-brought from the largest and beet hoboes in New 'York and Philaderphla, and will by sold off at prices to • defy all competition. Come one, come till, bofote purchasing elsewMi re.and judge for yourselves. No trouble to show our goods at the Mew, Store oppe site' the Railroad Depot. 011 AS. OGILBT. °di-lisle, Oct. 28, 1850. SPECIAL YOTICE.— . HATS AND CAPS: AT.. , . . • KELLER'S OLD. STAND.. NORTH 114NOVER STREET, Will be found a large and elegant assortment of HATS And CAPS, In u great variety, of our own and city menu. facture. HATS. - CAPS. Silk. Military, Moleskin, Navy, ' ' Comilmere, ' Morphy, , . ' :Felt, Scotch, . Ledger, Ledger. - Planters ' Oil Cloih; .' Plush & Cloth. , Children's Fancy. ASS% Wool Hots of all ;chide, which will 'be mold at' the lowest prices. -Recollect . 'HELLER'S OLD STAND, • : North Hanover Street. , al, Hats of any etylo Manufactured to order. ' Carlisle, Oct. 10, 1659. • T HE PARISMANTILLA,.CLOAK AND FUR EMPORIUM. • No. 708 Cheetnut Street, (above seventh,) PHILADEILPitIIA. The nubscribers Invite the attention of the Ladles, to their stock of these ELEGANT GARMENTS, of which being a BPICIALITT, they are • enabled to offer the moat complete assortment In the city. • • They will open in October and November their Im• portationa connlniltui of EMBROIDERED,ELVET CLOAKS,' HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, OPERA CLOAKS. tto., and elegant ppecimens of home manufactUre, will be added to their Block EVERY MORNING TllllOOOll TUE SEASON. \ • Se r . . • • GRAND OPENING. nEilt Elegant Furs Eor,Ladies' Costl.nne, IN TILE FUlt ROOM OF THE PARIo-X4NTILLA EMPORIUM. The euboesihors beg also_ to announce that, in com pliance with the wishes of several valued customers, they have added to their establishment a FUR togrARTMENT, ' In which will at all times bo found the largest 'display 4.0 f weir aennon4 GARMENTS, -made up by the best French workmmii , and at prices which will commend them to the economical as well as the most luxurious purchasers. _ E VERY GARMENT may be relied finis being exactly what In represented, as it Is no pared the 'lawn of the subscribers to obtain an ephameralnotaalety by offering mitative manufactures for the sake of selling cheap,— but, on the contrary, a reputation based on the perma, nent and durable foundation of public confidence. J. W. 'PROCTOR & CO., . Importers and Manufacturers of CLOAKS, MANTILLAS AND FURS. No 708 Chestnut Str4el,. 0ct.10,1850-3m.. NEW GOODS AGAIN! AT OG , ILEX'S CHEAP STORE. • Just returned from the city and now opening a Jorge assortment of Elegant and Fashionable Winter Goods, Elerfant Silks, Poll de Chevlers, and all the newest styles DRESS 110005 In great variety. ' A lai.ge lot of Ladles' Cloth Cloaks and Shawls, of the latest sty lee. Just received LADIES' FURS, good and cheap. A full armament of Dress Trbnmloge, Cloak Tassole, es. CENT'S SHAWLS, good and cheap. CALICOES at 6,6, 8, 10, and 12 cents. M. D.,LA INS at 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 cents. 6-4 Cloth for Over Costa at 37 and 60 rents:' 6-I Black Cloth for ,Ladies' Cloaks at $1.60, $2 4 Qp $2.60, and $3.00. The stock Is now large and complete. All persons in want of elefant and cheap goods, will fled them at the new store opposite the Railroad Depot. Nov. 30, '6O. CIIAS. 001LRY. 1 4 1 RES II GROCERIES!- AT . • B.O. IIUYETT:B Shad and Mackerel of different grades,' At IIUYETT'S. Salmon, Scale Fish and White Fish, At IIUYSTT'S. Codfish, Salt and Pickled Misting, • =1 Dried Fruit, Preform and Mlle., , .• Sugar Cured Reef and Cams, At IIUYETTI3 A flesh supply of LIQUO,Itti, -f'''• At%Y:tirf'l3 011 e, White Letitt;de, du, " At HIIYETT'S .CH — RISTMAS PRESENTS! Goods for the Holidays ! ! FALL ARRIVAL OF Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Fruit, and Confectionary. S. W. HAVERSTICK has Junt received from the city and Id now opening a nplendid display of FANCY GOODS, to which be desires to call the attention of his friends and the public. Ms emeortment in this line cannot be surpassed In novelty and elegance, and both In quality and price of the articled, cannot fail to please purchasers. It would be impodeible to enumerate Life which comprise every variety of fancyarticles of the most exquisite finish ouch as. • ' rapier Mache lioods. --- 1. -. • • . Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink;stapj,ls and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card emirs, . Ladies' Fancy Baskets, . ~ FancrWork-Boxea, with sewing inetrunients, Ladies' Cabas,Writing Deskm, and Porbfolios. ' . - Yen Sionnales, of every variety, Oold pens and pendia, Fancy paper weights, and . a large iariety of ladles' Fancy statio, cry. .„.. Motto !male and wafers, Kik end bead purses, • Biding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bagel, •'• • Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Basin and It. & 0. Wright's keeps and Perfumes of various Muria,' . • • . • • • • Fancy Pins fOr head dresses and shawls. • Musical Instruments, of qii kinds and - at all prices together wife)) an Innumerable variety of artloleselegan t ly finished trod suitable for holiday prelsents, to which he invites special attention. , Also, an eltenalve and elegant colliction of WOWS, comprising the various English and American Works, embellehed POETICAL WORKS, 'Oleo and Hymn Rooks , elegantly bound in velvet with metal chimps and corner'', suitable . for holiday gift% ' Hie assortment of School Booki and School Stationery Is also complete, and comprises everything used In the. Schools. lie also desires to call the particular atten tion of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, Ac., - • • from the eitenelve establishments' of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every styli,- of Carlos., Chamber and study Lampe, for burning either dard,'Sporm or Etherial oil; also DYOfT'B celebrated Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps,Aegetber with Flower Vallee Fancy Screens, do. Hie assiirtnithst in this line is un. equaled laths borough. Also, • BEGARS AND TODAOOO, anibraclng all tho favorlta brands, and a flue assort• went of iIINDIII3OIIAUM 82d0K1Ilt8 AND PIPEfI. such as Oranges, Lercione, Figs, Raisins, Nectatined, ramose, /Cc, FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—Mtg. RERVIiti FhollB, MINCED-SIRAT, FICKLER, &c., In every variety and at all prices; all or which are pure and freeh such as can be confidently recommended to his friends. Ills Mock embraces everything in the line of fancy Ooodd, with many other articles useful to husekeepere which the.publio are coot:billy Invited to call and examine. • k - Remember the Old Stand, nearly bppoelte the flank 'on North Hanover sheet. . . Dee. T. 18119 1 nw MUSIC STORE. NO. DS MARKET STREWS, lIARRISBURG. ti.E fr u..• i p • • Inernuopos bodice, 11.16310 AL SINItOIIANRION OIINNRALLY, PIANOS, lIBLODEONS, GUITARS, • VIOLINS M AGO ES, ORTRsONS, 4e, 0.0. WoAnil-OR, Mg)? 11 ; 60. EMBIZE! =! =! FANCY GOODS, SIttITTB, is. W. a&VERSTION Zustnesg taros. Sidirjr, re spectfully Announces So . his old •frlends and twiner' patrons, that he' has returned from his south western tour,. with hie health greatly Rumored, end has resumed his practicirin Carlisle. • r WM on Main Street, one'door west of the Railroad Depot, where he can for found at all hours, .day and night, when not but profeselonally. carlielig Out. 26, 1859-tf.. • • . DOCTOR ARMSTR.OSTG has remov ed his office trt.he Barth west corner of Ifano`ier Polnfrot, et w hero holday be consulted at any bowel thi day .or night.. Dr. A. has had thirty yeare.experlence in.the pmfeeslon, the last ten of which have been doses ted to the study and practice of Iloruccopathic mein. eine. May2o, 'bithu. J. J. BENDER,_III. D. - (11051030PATI1D3T,) , * • PHYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOITCHER. i,:y orli r e . e sm oil ti touth limner /3treet . , formerly occupied • • pR:. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North oro.linnoverstreek. two doom &QM Arnold & Bon's Ornce hour., morepartkularly from 7 to 9 o'clock% A. 61., And from 6 to 7 o'cloek, P. M., .. 0 7..'...7. lOU, - GEORGE S. SEA -111.4i'.:,,..' . maiit, DENTISt, from the Bal. -'-'- t more College of Dental Surgery. - 113-oMce at the residence of hie mother, EastLouthet street, three doors below Bedford. March 19, 1856—tf. • . .DR. S. C.REIFF respect fully informs the ladies and gentienien of Carlisle, and vicinity, that he has re• slimed the practice of Dentistry, and is prepared to per. - form all operations on the teeth and gums, belonging to his profession. lie will Insert full nets of teeth on gold or sliver, with Angie gum teeth, or blocks, on they may prefor. Terms moderate, to suit the times Office to nigh street, directly opposite the Cumber , laud Valley Dank. . • • • • • • tsA.. Dr. - 11.'wfil be In Newville •the last ten days of 'every month. ' Jan. 20, 1858-Iy* south Conover 'treat, next door• to the Poet • Oa.. Will be absent from Carlisle the fast ten dap' of eachonontb. • [aug.l, GEO. W. • NEIDICII,. D. D. Late Demonstrator of nneletive Dentistry to the Baltimore College of "rt ilrfa , De al a e l eTt g li e s r iesidenes, oproelte Marion Mau, West Main street, Carlisle, Penn Nov, 11,1857. • - HAVERSTICK, Druggist, North Hanover &rest, Carlisle. • Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded A frill supply of fresh drugs and chemicals. 'JOHN HAYS; AIiTORN EY AT LAW.— , Office au Matia Street, oppoalte "Diaries Hall," Car Sale, Pa. • • [Oct. 26, P. lIUMRIOH, Attorney at Law. ki.--0111co on North Ifsmover street, n fen doors south of Glass' Hotel.. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [Altai 16. T . _ AW NOTICE. - 7 . REMOVAL. W. 1._4 M. PENROSE ha s mitered hls Oleo fn rear o the - Court Mouse, whore ho will promptly attend to all business entrusted to hint. August 19, 1857. LOFFICE.-LEMUEL TIODD I_4 has resumed the practice or the Lem Office in Centre Square, west aide, near the First Preebyterian Church. - April 8,1857. AMERICAN HOTEL, L M R A N. Y. The advantages and conveniences of this elegant and eommodloturliotel for Travelers and sojourners, In El. mire, is acktiowledged by all. It had Note, well fur. nlshed, and the beet ventilated rooms to be found in the City; and is bountifully shunted near thellailroad -Depot; 10-that Travelers can step aboard of the Cars at ny_tirettwlthout being subjected to the Inconveniences of riding In Omnibuses. N0v.9.1859.. C, I. BUM, ler - FARE REDUCED. -ea STATES UNION_HOTEL, 0013 & 608 Market St., above sixtb i ;' JAMES W. POWER, Propiletor. TERMS 26 per day. - Ju30'52.. AMERICAN „HOUSE, ..North Hiinover Street, Carlisle, Pa.,. ler . W. K. IN E, Proprietor.: This Rouse has been refitted In a superior style, and now open fur the accommodation of Boarder. and Travelers, on - MODERATE 'TERMS. • EXCELLENT STABLING ATTACHED. UNITED STATES HOTEL. S. E. •Cor. 11th t t Market Sta., L.' PHILADELPHIA .• KANAGA, WM. McVEY, PROTIUM'S. Jan. 4,1800. 4 11.. NEWSHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with W. 11. Miller, Esq., south Hanover Street opposite the Volunteer Mace. , Sep. 8, 1850. W. C. RHEEM ATTORNEY AT LAIN' AND GENERAL AGENT Ninneapolie, Minnesota. WILL give special attention to collections through out the state, make investments, buy and sell Real Estate and eecurities. Negotiate loans, pay taxer, locate landstarrants, he., he. Refer to the members o the Cumberland County Ear, and to all prominent citis sons of Carlisle, Pa. [Aug.E6g-ly. REAL ESTATE AGENCY, RE MOVAL-A. L SPONSLER, REAL ESTATE b NT, CONVEYANCER AND SCRIVENER, has re. moved to hie New Office on Main street, one door west of the Cumberland vailoy Rail Road Depot. lisle now permanently located, and bee on band and for sale a very large amount of Real Estate, consisting of Farms, of all sizes, improved, and unimproved, Mill Proportles, Town Property of every descriptiOn, Build. Ing I.ts; also, Western Lands and Town Lots. Ile will give his attention, as heretofore to the Negotiating of Loam, Writing of Deeds, Mortgages; Wills, Contracts, and Berlvenlng generally. 0ct.,28.1867.—tf. .1. GOODYEAR. - it. ANDERSON A R IRON. HAVING entered into co-partnership I_l_ln the manufacturing of BAR IRON, at Letort Forge, Carlisle, Pa., wif would respeetfally Waite the attention of Hardware merchants, Blacksmiths, and all others who may want a superior article of Iron to give them a call. • . All kinds of hammered Iron constantly on heed or drawn to order on abort notice. ,The highest price paid for wrought iron scrape , orta. ken in exchange for bar Iron. J. OOODYEARe CO. Carlisle, Oet. 12, 1559. ' N. H.A N T'C , . MERCHANT .TAILOR.- - WEST MAIN - STREET, Opposite the Rail Road Office. dFeY" Fall and Winter Styles of .Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting& made to order. • Carlisle, Oct. 20, 1860. CCILASS, GLASS:. - --500 boxes Glass x of all aim, single and double thick, Just received et ' HENRY BAXTON'S. 61er.16; 1860. iiQ BUILDING LOTS AT PUBLIC USALE.—Nlghtean valuable lots eltueted on North extended btween West and Colingoes, measuring 30 feet in front ' each, and 240 in depth, furbishing by fee the most eligible and pleasant building altos within the borough et tFrli time ; will be eoltl et public! We on Nattardar, the filet Dal of Jantiary. Persons wishing to secure buildinglots, will do wattle avail themselves of this opportunity to purchase as, they' will be sold without fall. Any one wishing fur ther particulars will please call on the subscribers who will be hippy to give any Information Wished for. Terms made known on the day °reale by 11. L. ItELLXR, ' • JNO A. KELLICR, raters et George Kslhrr. dtereAk RESTAURANT AND BOWLING SALOON.' 080. W. rOLAND'S Eating and Dowlinglislootbunder Itheem'e New 11a11. CerHale, Pl. The 'eutiscriber has- handsomely fitted up a Boehm. rant and Dowling saloon, under Itherm'a - Hall, where the Orient Dieters and other delicacies will be served up to suit the most fastidious taste.. Two Alleys, ex tending the entire length of the, building, hare been laid down, where gentlemen can enjoy the pleasant exercise of bowling, so conducive to health, .1 3019 8 desirous of making this the most favorite Vellort" in town, be witch's the patronage of the public. ••• W.4701,AND, Proprietor . Carlisle, Dee.; 14,1889.-30. FOR ItENT.-The two.etciryPlosi•ied DWELLING Hover, on Louthor street, now In the occupancy of P. F. ,- Ego, Esq.; Alen threw smaller dwelllnus re ill I will be rented from the let of April • . ( next. . ror terms InqUlre of .. • '-' • • • JACOB OWNER. Cerllals, NOT. 23, 1150-2 m. •,. . MACKE E 1 LN0.1.-2.&8. just rooelyed avid Ow solo low at HALOMMII. Bble. priine New No: 1 Herring, 115 , 4.1 jot scatted; anklbt sabot plots to suit the mom IS , RAMAT& timber -. .fir c titod IVEW COAL AND LUMBER YARD.. 11 'The atirrlbora tbls day entered Into part. norahlp to tra COAL AIID LUMBER, We will have constantly on band and furnish to order ' all kinds and quality of seaeoned,-- . • . LUMBER, BOARDS, SOANTLINO, , 'FRAME STIIII; • ; Pallng, Plastering Lath, Shingling Latbocorked Floor. to g and Weatherboarding, Posts and hallo, and every at% tide that belongs to &LUMBER YARD. . All kinds of Shingles, to wit: )61:Repine, Hemlock, • and Oak, of different qualities. Itlnvlng Cars et Our I own we can furnish hills-to order of any-length atiE else at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable r terms. Oar worked boards will be kept under cover Of , that they can be furnished dry at airtime& We have constantly on hand all kinds Of Family Coal , under cover. which we will deliver clean to any part of r the borough. To , wit, LYKENS VALLEY, ; LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTOK • LOCUST 11101.INTAIN, LOBBERY, which wo pledge ourselves to sell at tits lowest pile s,. Beet quality of • , • LialebUrner'B. and Bladkorith's Coal, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut. do. do alwayn on band which we will Bell et the loriert tigwria, - Yard West aide of Grammar School, Will street. • ' ARMSTRONG/ ROPIER:. July 20,185 D. NEW COAL YA RI b'_..- AT THE Irr-01 . /QM OF CARLISLE. he subscriber would respectfully call the Wend* of Litneburners' and the citizens of Carlisle, 'and ON Surrounding country generally, to hie NEW' COAP, YARD, attached to his Ware house, on West High 'at.? where he will keep' constantly on hand a large tuna, of the best quality of COAL, to 1E1E: Lykens Valley, Luke Fiddler, pine Orove and Treys' , ton, Broken, Egg and Nut Coal—screened and dry coal, which he pledgeshlmself to sell at the lowest possible' prices. Best quality of Lhneburner's and Blacksmith's Coal always on hand. . Air All orders left at the Ware House, or at his red; dense In North Hanover street, will be promptly at tended to: . Aprl7l.l, bsS—ti. J. W. HENDERDON. JOHN EARLY. J. R. NONEMAKER. ' Fo RV' A RDING AND COMMIS - SION HOUSE. FLOUR. AND IFEJ,D, COAL, PLASTER AND. SALT. The suleicrlbere haring taken the ' , mahatma, ear. and fixture" of Win. B. Murray'" well known entablistatiant. on West High street, opposite Dickinson College, would Inform the public that they hay., entered into a general Forwarding and COMMIIIIIiOII tuelnees. ' The highest market price will be paid She Flour, Grain and Produce 411111 kinds. They aro elan prepared to freight produce end Acid( to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowestraten, with filthily and despatch. : PLASTER AND RAVI' kept constantly on ,band, and FLOUR AND FEED at:wholesale or retail. 'Coal of all kltalsollabracloif - • LYKEN'S VALLEY, v - •LURE FIDDLER, • SUNBURY WHITE . ABU, LOCUST OAP, • • Limebnrner's and Blacksmith's I=l KEPT UNDER COVER, and delivered dry to any, part of the town. NONERAIIIa Aug. 17, 1869 LUMBER YARD.—The sibseribere having purchared a large trite! of pine timber land and saw mills, on the wed brooch of the Otnnraf• hauns river, bare opened outs lumber yerd at MECHANICSBURG, on the railroad, corner of Allen end High streets, neer the atonal east &idle, Eberly k Co., end aloe oils AT OREASONVILLE, near Plainfield, where we will be able to sell lumber at such prices that will be to the interest of builders and otheri to call and see us before buying elsewhere. Our advantage. over other dealers are that our lumber does not plugs thmugh the hands of one two or more 'peen. !store before we get It,. and that will enable uato sell lumber cheaper than any others can Dell at these places, We will also wholesale lumber from our •llarrlsburg yard, pod will deliver lumber at any point along tha Cumberland Valley Railroad. If desired, builders can have luMber sawed suitable for any alas of building, or for other purposes, by -furnishishing us with their or. den in season. -131fAPPNER, GREARON & CO. April, 13, 1851F"-14 • VEW AItRANG,EM:E-NT. •Int and after Monday 21d ?day, 18613,• the ,eub. scrltir Will ran a Daily Train of Cars, between CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA, leaving Carlisle every morning and Philadelphia ever): e*ening. • All goode left at the FREIGHT DEPOT of Peacock, Zell A lIINCItMAN, Noe. 808. and 810 Market arse% will be delivered In Carliele the neatday. J. W. HENDERSON, • May 26,'50; West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. TTOUSE AND LOT ,T PRIVATE L A btscs:l — be offers pate sale a- HOUSE and LOT OF Gl n ND, situate 'in saps' Dickinson tOnnship, n I. the turnpike, a mile and a half east of Monet Rock. The House is a Frame. Wentherboarded. two modes in height, and con taining doe rooms and kitchen, with wash•houes and cislern 'attached. The lot contains TWO ACRES of the boat quality of land, with a variety of choice Bruit, and having erected thereon a FRAME STABLE, Wagon. Shed, arld'otber out buildings. Persons wishing to view the property can do so by calling on Jacob Black, on the premises, or on the sub. scriber, residing near Bewail°. OEO. G. DAVIDSON. Aug.17,1862-tt • ,LADD, WEBSTER' S, CO IMPROVED TIOFT STITCH • SEWING MACHINES, dicixhibition and for sale at Mrs. IL A. harnotai'S DAGUERREAN ROOMS, 2nd door west of Dr. atzea's Mee, Carlisle, Pa. Send for a circular to . , W. 11. MASON, /put p.c.70150 7 m .T_TISTORY AND DIRECTORY OF. rl CARLISLE.—The subscribers propose publishing as soon as the requisite materials can be collected, Mary aoli Directory of the Borough . OF CARLISLE which will contain a concise history of the Borough, from its Bret eettlement to the present time, a list of the *Ault inhabitants, alphabetically arranged, their dwellings, oecupat Inne, places of business, and dwelling bottom.; • list of the street', of the Borough; statistic' and history of churches, schools public improvements, lilies of travel, the various associations, and such other d•tall as will make a useful and Interesting work of reference. 'Tho business department of the Directory will contain the muds of business men handsomely dia.. played and arranged,- presenting "a desirable medium for exhibiting their business operations. The work will be carefully prepared. and its typographical fea tures' well executed. It will be published by auhterip OEM, and..vrill be furnished to roubrcribere, bound in cloth, library style, at one dollar par copy, payable on the delivery of thd work. F.,11. JAMES, Business Agent, Blansion House, will attdlid to all budiness con. ;metal vilth the y.IIITEIIEAA & JAMES, Punuanzas. Dec. 11, 1859 IMPORTANT TO, FAMIL LE S.; SAPONIFIER ! ! TIM READY YAMILY SOAP MAKER. With wKfch every family, with their ordinary kitchen g, ran make all.their Soap with little or no Isom ble—liAltD, SOFT, or FANCY. ' It will make hard water soft, dean Paint, femme Grease, Ac„ to perfection. Abundant testimony in favor of the Saponifier, with irtuJ. and YALUABLZ receipts for making different panda _ of Soap, lent free, by addressing• OFFICE OP VIE COMPANY, -- No. 806 Penn Street, Pittsburg, Pa„ or • • LEWIS JAMES di CO., Agents, Jan:1,1800-3M: Philadelphia, Pa. lku„. tie sureyou get the original end patented ertic4, manufactured by the Pennsylvania Salt idarOtfacttlrinff Co., East Terrentum, Allegheny county, Pm MONEY WANTED.—AII poisons in debted to the inbierlber, aro requeeted to ealh and settle up. The accounts are now all niadeout, and the cash wanted for the same. • OFIAS. ann. Carlisle, Jan. 4. 18t10. HOWARD ASS CIATIONI PIIILADELP A A Benevolent Institution, establlsh by special en dowmentfor the relief of the sink a d dletroeeed, afflicted with Virulent and Epide diseases.' • and eipeelally for the Cure of Themes of • the Sexual Organ,. .31ISDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Stir, Neon, to nil who apply by letter, with a description of their detainee, (age. oceupation, habits of life, ac,) and In mum of extreme ; poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUA OLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhom, and other ,Diseases of the Sexual'Omens, and on the 'NEW REM EDIES employed In the Dispeneary, Bent to the &filleted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three 'Stamps for postage will be acceptable. • . • Address, DR. J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Acting Snub germ, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the,Directore, EZRA D. HEADTWELL, President GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. Det.21,1862.-17 - FOR RENT.—The large and comtao• Moue Drlek Dwelling Honig now occupied by the. subscriber, en d the large Twoetory PLASTERNDOWIME, 111 .oppoelte Ileymend'a Hotel, brutal, no. • cUpled by Diehard Darker. , For terms apply to Carlisle, Nov. 23,1880-2 m, REAT REETOTION IN PRICES. I here tble day commenoeff *filing off my entire eta .of of Winter (bode *tiredly tedtle. 4 French Melina*, Shawn!, lure, Cloaks Ze e AT Ones. MI other anode at uncommonly low price*. OriffrliiiffOff AT 008 T.. • The atonic le large and complete. Novi 11 She, Urns 'end °quotes the piece, to event* great bantitine. . • - , . - ~ Off AB . Winn . ; , • Carllol,44 . Jetti l.. ll; ISOO. go.krtiuting natty exionted. JACOB RIESBM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers