31reoicines. DR. M'LANE'S. : ~ CELEBRAT'.I3 . • . YERMIFVGE .! MEI LIV,p?, PILLS. , W . ~.... E 'beg leave- to call:. the atten- ' --;-----:-tioril - Eif:the--Ttade ; atid---m. - especially the ThySicia.s of. the 'country, to two f the mosepopu-. ----4arremedieS.UO , : _ before-A.l=-111131i .We refer to • • '•• ••Ilr. Chas. 11 Inns's CdebraiW . . ''Vermiftige . a d - Li3iet Pills: . . • ', We do not recommend , them as. universal Cure-alls, but simply for 'what their naine purports, -viz,: 1T , ~. . THE . ERMIItGITC .S , . FOr expelling Worms /from . the , - human system. It ha -alsobeen . administered with the most - sati*' : factory results, to various Aniinals . subject to Worms,' -..-) THE - LIVER PILLS;' For the cure cif LIVIR. COMPLAINTS, • All BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS; SICK -- .1-IE-Al)=A Grp Er&c.-- - --.lll:'casq , pf-- 4 -- I - EVER AND AGUE, ' • • preparatory to or — fa ter taking Qui-:" - nine; they almost -invariably make a speedy and permanent cute. • _ ~• As specifics •for the above_men tioiieddiseaks, they are Unrivaled,- . .and never known to fail when ad-. ministered in accoklance:with the directlons . . . • Their unprecedented, popularity has .ibduced_the..pro - prietors, • . FLEMINO BROTHERS, - PITTSBURGH,PA. • to dispose of their . .Irug business, in which they- have been success '. fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now . give their undivided time. and attention 'to their manufacture. And being de termined that • Dr..: - M'Lane'S Cele-- brated, Vermifuge' and Liver- Pills shall continue to ..occupy-the- high positiell they n• - zw hold among the great remedies of the day; they will,continue to spare neither time nor expense in f)reetiring the Best and : Purest material; and com pound them in - the most thorough manner.. Address-all orders to - YLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. Dealers and Physicians ordering from 'others than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders Abate:din mid tat none but Dr.lll7,nnes, prepared by Planing Ans. Pittsburgh, /h. To those winking to_Edre them a trial, we will forgard per ninth, post paid. to any part of the Dolled States , ono-box of PIN fer - twelve threotint pestage stamps, or one vintof Vvrnifuge for Lorton three-cent stamps. All orders from Canada must be Lecomptiole4 by twenty cents cairn. DR dOG'GSII ; ELOS NEW MEDICAL SALT, --• READ TUE FOLLOWING CLRTJFICATES TO T . •Beaty of this medicine In Inflammatory diseases. " For the last twelve years L hare been more or less. "troulded w I Inflate watery Rheumatism. coin mend nu •arly'ln the spring, and 'lasting until cold weather sot lu, when !mould ho relieved for n while, only to be at. tacked again In the Spring. All my joints would tAvell and be very sore, attended with the most acute pain. feat, : shoulders t arms, and hands troubled me must, too much so that I could scarcely walk, and almost al ways requiredassistance In dressing. During this time I wool] try everything 1 could hear of..in tho hope of tludlng.t; cure. 1 also tried several physicians, but no thing seenie.l to help.me the least In the world. About two and shalt years ago I was attacked as usual. and as usual tiled everything toga rid of it, but to no itr. polo. I kept growing worse, and finally bed to give up and stay in the house where I woo COMilled about four weeks. This time my feet swelled, artd.wero so sure that I could not stand on them or get on my boots, and my' Lauds swelled to twice, their usual size. In fart, I woo I. all appearances and belief, totally usen up. Akira this time my parents, who reside in Melee, sett for iii,, to come home. I wen', and after my arrival commun. red trying another remedy, hoping to be cured. but re suiting the same no all others. For weeks I had r o t been able to dress myself or rah say hood to toy hoed, and suffering. the most torcht MIT min all .the time. One day . my ather comet:l . l,4lth n pn t r In which was advertised Dr. Cozginvelßs Motttrxl Saltzlcor Inflamma tory Diseases only, nod wanted me to read, 31111 son what I thought of It I road and laughed ot. - 1 ro. trounced it a humbug, nod told bin, that I had ~ e n humbugged enough. 110 kept urging tire, and at la, t said I could Gut try It, and if I would write to Dr. C. giving hint n description of my disease, lid would pay the expanse. Of course I could not refuse such on of fer and stnt for one box. It cams lu duo season. but my faith was not increased, and I laughed at tho idea of so mall a done doing me any good, and told my a lfo that i belrdved Dr. C. and Ills Salt both humbugs.," 'forever. I commenced using It and the resul t- e ns perfectly astonlablug. I could hardly realizo it myself, I plept,soundly all night.. which I had not done for a long time, atill when I awoke in the morning, strange as II may seem, 1 was entirety free from pain. I tool then taken but ono doso, and bathed freely before going to bed. That morning I felt so nett that 1 hardly knew how to contain myself and went down stairs end told thafolks how well I felt, and from that day to this I hareitot suffered one moment'', pain or had an attach of my once dreaded enetny, Rheumatism. I ant per. feelly well and hearty, and wherever I bare n elience I recommend it. A friend amine, residing in Brooklyn to now tryinledt for a bad rime, neuralgic rheumatism, and in farit Is working admirably. This Ina longstory, bat I hare told nil the farts, which can bring wit nesses to substantiate if necessary . ;and will again soy that In the MEDICAL SALT,a Sure cure may be fetid,' tbr all Inflammatory diseases, and would urge all who aro afflicted to give It a trial. ONO. 11. 15UNCAN, N 0.117 Wall Street, New York When It Is remembered that the MEDICAL SALT is as eftleaclous In all other Inflammatory (Mr.. as In Rhoufnatism,.(see descriptive' circulars) it will at onto ho seen that It in a moat Taloa* remedy. Surely. those thus all - liked will ilnd In their own condition .and In the above statemenTs, enough to Induce them to give the MEDICAL SALT &total.' . - ;Prioe,.(hae Dollar. Chronic Package, 82 50. D C. TAYLOR A CO., • • Can. Agents, 202 Dock St., MINT. The New Medical Salt is for aalo by druggist• gone ally. Give It a trill. . [July 1.30,9-Om TIM MOST EIMA.6III3INA BOOK OF' Till:AU edition of 19,001 told in six week:. 'ENTI , ED "BOYHOOD'S PJRILS ' AND 'IIII AN HOOD'S CURSE PURLISRED. BY' DR. S. PANdOAST, , 916 Spring Garden aired : Philadelphia, Pa., at; for sale by all bookaellers This is a book of 225 pages, 12m0., bound in cloth,tvllli nine ditkographic dilates. and intended, for parents, guardians and young men. - Every young men who wishes to maintain his health anitmanhood, and have 'it heaithyprogenY, should 'reed this book. tome of the . statements are rattily astounding, and have never i.e fore appeared in print. Price $l, By mail $1.15. NOW IN PRESS, AND READY FOR DELIVERY IN A FEW DAYS, A UREAT,WORE. FOR TUE LADIES, by.tho erimo author, entitled MEDICAL. GUIDE, AND' 'MARRIAGE 'FRIEND . • This las workrof nearly 600 pages, beautifully bound la cloth 'and contains over.loo splendid and curious en. graving.. It glees a complete deseriptlon.of the struc. • Our. and function of the reproductive organs of the fe =lei showing. how parried ladies may have or avobi large families. Alex. is ceitiplete history of Wermaphro. dltism, with curious plates ishowing both sems In ono. It also gives' advice 'to young ladies in seleethig a hueband,•pointing out the cause of semuch unhappi ness after marriage, and the ilifrguncd It exerts on the offspring. I• The work .also gives the symptoms and treatment of all female diseases, so that-every female may be herowil physician. ' • • The last chapter is devoted to the Toilet, givina the • receipts for cosmetics at present in two by the nobility -of Prance, England and Russia, Ow boautiLving_theskit - hitlFltaili;'atid for removing foul and preserving a street ' Wattle. They have twennbtained at great expotse. ' Prim $1.50. By mall $1.70, or eight additions : li post •66e stamps. 8000 copies 'have already been ordered.—. Thoaa wishing-a. copyottheflret- edition should send their orders without delay. • .' . „ WM. complete description of the work see Prospectus,. Which will bo sent pn receipt of one letter stamp, 'AGENTS.WANTED inevery.town Union. ' Feb. 16,1651:1-4y , , , • • .„ ,att, ` Bbls. prith6 New I: Herring, .N. 7 rirOvecti trOi eilci nt a prlc suit HALDgRTH.. ..,. ENE New Etnitiur:. 411`211411sTIOA°: • NEW STORE 'AND NEW GOOD'S' After raturutim hie ocknort.loagements for the vo6 , Alhoral patron/Igo-which bed hogn.ortooged to • tiio undorsigiout wow.) .11.eltentlun to 'thia ilt^t that ho has just ro.upetted his ottou4tvi atoorttneut of family . •CRACE~ S POW store•ronin, ea the anutli.east corner of the: public squari,, where the pubic are invited to call, nod , examine :I stock or gaudy which, In elegance, variety and extent. Will defy competition; compilling - In part, ' bat, lump, crushed loud brown augers, 'Java, Rio and roasted, Coffee Every. und and ungrautiti,)-Pickels, Sauces', Table 0 .'IrA 4. , New . Otleitiikr*Sugarllouse 'and Molds(' • Illelseses; Now. York and Philadelphia:yr. . . . up, Ctroese, Pacaronl, - Vernieeilli; 'spilt Penn; ibitulny,' alinement, corn Starch, Farina, (Moot,late, Extract 0,, A r vArAv,, ,, ,Novagtirertolu, finest qualify of Semirs.' A!co, a beautiful al .:Inman I;, of 11rItannla Ware, plain and g.. 14.1 baud ,China Waco, Glass; Quoonr. Stun° and Eal them Wore, in &Oat on., • riety. and no elogant lot of Fancy Soars, extraeli nod . perfumery Sro the toilet. luriudim; Peaebos' In cabs, Raisin's; Cran• 'borricq, dry applen, citron, almonds, uraumrsi-,lentons, 4e. , LIQUORS: Wholesale and retail, embracing common-and old Ity . • him key,' Brandlea, dark 'and pale, Lisboa Sherry Port. Nl:Wean, (Heger, Catawba, ' \\ ... 711 ;' .. .,,X 7 / • andulluscat Wlnni in mcks and •Ixn• [lce, ‘nlske . y, Holland Ulu; and' Schnltlitm Schnapps. '- FISH . AND SALT A large ADO: of LAMPS, Including Oyott's celebrated lamps for burning lie none or coal all. Mat', Sperm, l'lno, Lard and Coal OH, turning Yluid..Sperm and Star Candles. . . • . CEDAR , WARE AND BROOMS. Mugu% Itopea, Nlopp!, Sons, Docr.mntn, •Waltem lmokhlq•Rirtsees, tine letter and note payer, Willow Wnro, }min ted.buelcett, fir.. . Cotton and ironllen Hose, And half flogs, and n full stock of (loons, Including ,tlxo•wsll' known Ilnwvet Iluckiltuves. • In short.. 1115 .100, elllllprkev ov.ryt Mint is rnllPi for.in-1115 tiuo of hnsine . F, rind to rputlor tin lint antisfnction to Irk cusiouu•rs, C. INIIOF.P. Cnrllila, Oct. 27, IHIIB-Iy. -- 40 - 11aikothr.rut - 1311 - 1 : :111tIs -taken-I el-itxchntige-fo geodes. • HAI,I3EIVI"§ FA'3IILY GROCERY, QUEENNWAItH AND' VAItiETY BTORB, North-West Corner .of the Public Square,'oppo - 'site the Carlisle Deposit Bank. o .7. I). HALM:IIT Ipcs 111 n replenished his ',dock o goods. Ills assortment is now full and romplete.ninonr. which may he ommuerated even• variety of fresh - I - FAMILY GROCERIES, vrllle,ll in quality And prten U_l X' 7' J;1: JJ'l,' .4 T A frn.p;strocli or -chin a , Queensware..ni ne and beautiful dadgus,, and end racing °lvry grachi , price. .. Ile %o SOLE AnEN'T in Carliale for .loNe..s'oolebrated KEROSENE OR COAT. 011. 1..011'1 4 , one of 'the greatest . divroveries of the Age, rondoinit cheapness, safety and there:wed light. Coal 011.ar I amps constantly on band, which the public arc. nuo : ited 013111111 C. .., .7057 IL If A Lit Fla, - ' N. W. Corner of Public Stiunro Cnrllsle, Oct. 27, '2B. (:).S gl' II IT. STEEL t ; • -- - - Alrel; WATCH-MAKER SOUTU HANOVER STREET, A - feul - hors Sottth of the Court Hotter. • Having supplied myself with 'a large asaortifilot Watch Matra lals. Glass a, I am now preittell • e.pafr nil Mikis of Wabilea.tloelta,Jeweliy..te.. en tl mst'reasonable !maim, that mity be entruatld to I,• rare. !loping lip btrict attention to, bunineea to be I pored with a liberal share of public patronage. • A fine assortment Of JEWELRY. such as !A.G. Breast Nos And Ear Dr . ope, Gold and Cameo: !ilbst Breast Vine and Ear Inops.ltox. and Grass Pins all site Pohl Chain Houk, InatedChaina,Gilt La.hets.Guard Keys, Sc.-A1.. , , a largo, and fine attars m rut of • (i.0_1,1).._11N.G II It It N (Lt_4, . . tine Alga. n n l o t of Sllver r , Hunting., Detaelied Lev' , 16d 14itpluil . Welelles. and it good assortment' of 511,4 :plated and Steel Spectacles. • , all ol' irlilidi-wlllig,olthlow. kslCaririii• publiepalro age is re.neetfullv eolleited. JOS. U. STEEL. Carlisle. July ill. 11.1.'41-1 Y . . • • " /141/4.1e.r -rA3IILIS-04h0CERY Affil. ' 110+ tuitE. , ' - Juld reee red and dit store. a fresh and ~tvell so. lusted tn.sn'rt mold of-111.1- - - - .lAd and Alma. • cailat Col Tee. Roasted Coffee. Crushed • Pulverize' Sugars. Refined and other. brown Sugars, superl;pr Syrup Molasses, Orleans - • (baking) Mn n sues. Spices of every pure only;. Starch, Parlua and Chueolato. Marearoni, Cheese and • Craelicrs,• Tapioca and Saga, Eater:dux and Soda, Cream Tartar and as , sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TliA.9.—A lino a,REortmont in •PAokager it C.-X , - 7 ,1 and it. bulk—as well as All other article; I s '..'; belonaing to the hA unexs--all at the loweet 11 f, and Into reduced prices.. , i ,!....,_ J. We I:11Y. -,Fairer Hangings ! Paper Hangings COME AND SEE OUR CHEAP - PAPER HANGINGS. CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. . CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. • AND OUR • FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. FINE GLAZE!) PAPER qi ANG mos. ‘• FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS.. 4, • FINE GLAZER PAPER lIANGINGS. . AND ALSO OUR • WIT GILT PAPER HANGINGS. • RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. • IR ICH GILT PAPER lIANGINGS. RICH GILT PAPER HANGING'S. ""c: Ant WI NDI)W PAPERS of various colors We Irl,h to loferin the puldie that our stork of Paper Hangings, is t he'largest it n.l most varied assortment ever opened in Carlisle, and that we are Felling at prkvs•thnt will suit ever •body, at 4OIIN I'. LYNE & SON'S, • North }poorer St, •hero you can be furnished at all times with Flesh l'Afhts, Oil, Varnish, Ice, of the best quality and at the lowest pri;:en. fnpr.6.1h59.. 14 1 Ei 13 i tti AIN STI LAN E Ell _D -14:1- nto - v - to { ,r being offered nt .1. W, Sm ile's tf: SII()F; STORE, Leonard's Corner Carlisle Having discovered that small profits and.qu'ick sales Is the true W111010.1(4' strxesN in blislll,,i, 1 111150 do trrininett to offer still better inducements ttlaWover to purchasers. ur MEN Wlll'llol'B clothing for . , Via 31A & have Just 'applied a largo and complete assortment comprising Or et' Coats, Frock Coats. Sack Coats, Raglans, Business Coats &c,. do., Pantaloons, {'rile, Shirts Un— der Shirts, Drawers, Monkeys, lloilery. Moves. Sus ponders, stocks. neckties, collars and Handkerchief:l,SE, ALSO, Ono of the best and most select assortments of Kip, (trained and Crif Boots, Brograns, Oniters-Jellor, son'aGnimShors,&c., ever brought to this market, lot men & boys, women & children, and m remarkably low prices. For women and children I have the best of homemade, and make up to order oil the shortest no . 'Also/ A large stock of HATS AND C PS, for men and lays at very low prices, Also. Trunks, - Travelling Bags Umbrellas, &c. at very low prices. COME ONE, COME A 1.!,, I irill•be Leppy to see ye : Amid meke you l.s fpiiLl t w y i . tl geed bargel ts. s . October 5. '59.-3m. t*- - 20'0D! GOOD!! GOOD!!! Just reeelyettet the cheap Groeety of the tinder signed, loin of gm! Mobs, s put of Which aro the huh. luring t Ifermatically scaled PEACII ES, (fresh.) ~ TOM ATOM, CORN, • " • PEAS, . ASPARAGUS, ' • "" " OYSTERS, " • LOBSTSRS. ..... • " " PIN I: APPLE, 4, " TURTLE SOUP, " SARIIINES. • ." • Pickleil ("Jerkins, 'Chow Chow,. Piccalilli; Lobsters. Cauliflower, C'Apers. Oliver, Tomato,, Hatsup, Walnut do., Mushroom dn. Popper Sane°, Hominy, Orate. Cranberries. the finest of Dried Beef, Pugar•cored Ileum Shoulder. Bologna S3ll,Cigo, SOl.lll Beans, Maccaroni, Sugars, Coffees, Tea., Molasses, and FISH. of ell kinds. QUEt NSW ARE, FINE SEGARS, among which are t wenty-fivo thousand German Sixes, prime Tobacco, and thy very best and purest LIQUORS In the county, Confectionary and Fruit. &C. All of which aro offered to.,the citizens of Carlisle and county of Clunberland, at the lowest prices for CA9II. COME ONE, COME ALL, twollionra East of Rhoads' . (Warehouse. , WM. BENTZ. , Carlisle, Nov. 9, 1890.' CIiIEAT EXCITEMENT AT PER'S MERRY. ' Old John Drown it 111 alive and recommends the La dies a Cerlii,e and country, to go immediately to . :LEIDICH S SAIV.YER'S NEIKSTORE,- and exiinine their splendid stack of new . goods. • Just received a large lot of magnificent WINTER SILKS, (front Auction.) Splendid= BMW Cloth Alan. tlea and Raglans. Latext Parts 'dyke elegant DRESS •GOODS, in great variety 4, 'styli, and' kinds. Brod*, double reversible, and th Scotch SHAWLS.- • • • ••• FURS , ! FURS I ! •FURS F! I . -Direct from Cie manufteturera, warranted free trim moths, and at greatly reduerd L I ---Alaua-lirgbudilition of STA ChEl . :(100DB: - Inaltible tor the Opaton, including 'WOLF'S CELEBRATED 11010; VEIt BUCK GLOVE+, 'warrantrd genuine, notwitit _ standing the AIIiDODITED AND NADU/DWI AGINCT. . . . ARMAGES FOR —L The oubscriber has now on hand an exCenlive assort , went of nerr andkecond-hand CARRIAGES , whlch . Noll cheep for cash. or exchange 000 D horses. Dersone In wankof such articles kw call at the Liv— ery Stable, corner of PIM street end Dickinson 'Allay. ADAM tir:k RIEMAN. Carlisle, NOT. 80, 11359-4 t tP.- T4'oll'9o Carriage!asp,aalat LITor. ~... ~'~ ~~.t ~cr. i~rt,tirDUS: . , ATOI I ES, -d 14 AND • y y SILVER , VAltltitT CONLYN'S old established Steed, West Main St., nearly opposite tho.Cuniberlalid Valley Bank. , - . . .I.lmvejust recolvMl n new_ APErrtinepi..a.,widcheil: ewelry. medallions. silver-ware, &e... liiikddltiou to My forci,ter Om* to which l'inVito the Mason,m id' the public, Theassortinent euibmces fine :TeZ. ' gold and silver lover watches,!laming; and opengaga do., gold Anchors tor . Ladies and flontlemen and'Alvec pines and Quartlor watches of everfra• - rioty in style and price. ' . • •, Also line gold Medallions. Breast- ins for belles and Gentlemen of every quality. pattern - end .prlee. Gold' fi•b, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold .bracelets, finger -rin;s-cuG• .ins abide, sleove,buttons. CM,KOS • - chrirtns - •,-. c.. C. tot an. a vet m• e s ver an pa et butter knives,' forks, table tea: t and mustard apoona of every vsriety. A largo as- trtnimit of gold, sliver Mand - commt ,pectscles; - tvault - all , so ages , eh we inviteapecial atten. tion. no Trtrtustery War s PtiMst. - ihatiriii spectacle cases, tansy bossy, silver and peat, cart] cases 'gold and common bracelets, Watch chains,. . ' t:. ..,,. •klantle Clocks and a vanity of articles mg- i-4 , .... ally kept in Jewelry establishtnents, which Oisp A s ' I will sell - low for cash.. All articles war- VIP: tented to be What they are represented. , - .-"'''' !articular attention paid as usual •to ~, ,s i '-',. WATCH REPAIRING and all work war- ranted. . . .. Dec. 23. 1867.1 William I'. Lynch, ^ • Practical PL UNIER and GAS FITTER • , in the busmen, of t/ M. B. Church, ill Street, Carlisle. Lrail and Iron Pipes, „ Iron Sioka, Iffilrantr. ,13 Tubs, • Hot & Cold Shower Bath, ,, ''' „*"° .lh.lloirrra, • .IVater Cinema. . Buhl tr, Force and Lifl, Pump Hydraulic Barns, le. • %trot.lron Wei'd Tahoe," "And every description of cocks and fittings for ga steam. water. fie. Superior cooklug ranges. heaters no gas fixtures put up - in churches. stores and dwelling at Alowt notice, In the float modern style. All motor al;"nod.Avorl , In our fine allow rates and warranted. IVii" Country N rorls and Jobbing promptly attended t _Han 141 t E S ki . Cr It 0 C E R .T. E S AT S. C. HUYETT'S .--Shad-and-Mackerel of different grades.-- _ At HUYETT'S. Salmon, Seale Fish and White nob, - At lIUYSTT'S. Coafish,-Salt and Pickled Herring, AI'IIUYETT'S. ;Cheese and Crackers can be had lahTlS. Pried Frult - Preservel, and - 4111es, At HUYErf'S. :Sugar Cured Breland Hams, ACHUVETT'S fl soh supply or LIQUORS, . • UYETT'S 011., White Lem], ke., Lc 1859. GOO PAIR TRACE-CHAINS, , • with a large avanrlment of WM' eilAn%S, - BREAST CHAINS, HALTER CHAINS, • • . • LOG CHAINS, FIFTH CHAINS, T-INGUE CHAINS, • • COW-G-lIIINS, SPREAbS, &C. - .Tort received at the 'cheap ilardwaru store of 31arell 16.1ti5di. 11. tiAXTONI I win TONS lIA-MMERED AN - 801.1.1:1) - 11iON.--IVItli a lit* arsortur oot STEEL, SHEET IRON. 1100 P IRON, BOLTS, NETTS, • • • WASHERS, • - ANVILS, • VIOES, •SCIIE\Y PLATES BLACKSNIITH BELLOWS,'ke Just received and for aldo cheaper thin e v er, nt • Mnrch 16, 1859. • • EN Fa XTON'S. EON RAILING !=lron Railing foi _l...Cemetery enelosures,publlentni private grounds and gardens. nonlo la order {at the Carlisle Foundry.' On stork of nailing. Verandah end Bracket patterns rots. prises a largo variety of new and elegant designs which toe public are invited to rail and examine. Orders for mating and putting up Hailing will be promptly execu ted at hatlstectury prices. try. An entirely new TEN 110 ESE STEAM ENOTE RIO ROMER now on bend, warranted to be of the bent mac: and will be sold at a bargain for rash or op shot I time FAIARDNEP. & CO. ' July :1,1659 pooT AND SHOEMAKING.-J 1.3 & G. TAYLOR, return their since., thanks to their Customers. fi,r thervery liberal patronage ex len. ded to them, an d would respectfully Inform the public that they continue to manufacture CUSTOMER Work, at their old stand, nu North Hanover street, two doers above the drug ',tore of S. W. Ilaverstick. With a number of first rate workmen ,employed anti facilities for securing the best stock to be foundeitt the market, they are prepared to make up every description of BOOTS AND SHOES, fur ladies and gentlemen's trpir, in the most tashionaMe style, and of %%tutu:Nue ma. terials and workman, hip.. Many years of practical experience In the business troth here and In Philadelphia instilles then, in saying; that they are able to Insure full satisfaction to all those who may leave their orders. April 21.1659, Cf. J, A O.' TAYLOR. SOMETHING NEW: AGRICULTURAL. IMPLEMENT AND SEED STCRIf: M. B. STRICKLER •A In•e,lnFt opened, In the &Ong formerly oempled by Phryoel,,,Taylor Smith, itig's, now fmliglit. Mal street, tsfo doors east of the market home. Is large a sortment of AG Etta LTElt.kl, IMPLEMENTS and fe iliscrs, which thos aro prepared to sell on the mos essontablo hems. The stock embrneer. PLOWS; CULTIVATORS. IIAR ROWS, II AT, STRAW AND FODDER CUTTERS, REAPERS, MOW Pits. DRILLS, CRADLES, SCYTHES, CORN SIMMERS, ' FORKS, sno'ELS, HOES. CARES. PRUNING " - KNIVES, WHETSTONES for Mow ' ors, end every other articled., ressary for farm use. They al,. Intend keeping inntlilltlun. a full soulnrt meat of CEDAR and WILLOW WAItE, ineludlng Spain's patent Churn, Brooms, Brushes, OtOtor.work era. 0 Butter . .. Forms, Prints,. Ladles, Butter Tubs, ke. . Also. Fruit. Garden and Flower Seeds Seed Potatoes, f the b,st varieties. They are constantly making ad. Mons to their Mork, and VW use every exertion to lorly the wants of the acridultural community, They have also the agency ler EVANS A WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES Orders left tat the store- (or fruit end ornamental Trees, Flowers nn/] fertilizers, - will be attended to promptly. hi. STltnliLElt 11110. April 20. 1059—i; A. 13. ENVI&G'S I_PU,RNITURE WARE-R00.111S; 859 --ku--mi-;•=;1'; 1 1 ?, 4.859 • • • • ' • . _ . West High treet, Carlisle, Pa (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County . .Agricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber hoe just received the moot splendid onsortmant of articles In his line, ever brought to this place—which ho Is determined to suirst prices that de fy competition. .- Parlo r Chamber, • Dining-room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and Office Embracing every article peed by House and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and, fashionable design and finish. ,Including aloe Cottage furniture In soils. reception and'..Ceutp Chairs, Mattresses, Gilt frameni pictures, dm, Ice. . purchasers are requested to call mud eXamine his stock. at his extensive ware.roonts, West, Main street, North side. 0.4 - Particular attention given as, usual to Amerada; orders from town and country, atteuded to promptly and oat moderato lento. j A. D. .E Carlisle, 'lay 12, 1050-Iy. NtOROCCO LEATIIEII.--=—A ful!'as burtment of Blorneei . i Leather, Linings and Lind lints, ante. Boot Trees, and a full assortment Sieve Kitt and findings of all kinde JOHN P. LYNN & SON, North Hanover Street Oct. 27, '43 XTEW MUSIC STORE 314RILET STREET, unniusninta, -a ii E E T Dt U s ItaITRUCIION ' MUSICAL MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, PIANOS; • • • MELODEONS, .. • GUITARS, • , ' •• VIOLINS,. FLUTES, ACCURDEONS, dq 0. C. R. CAICTEA. Tlny 11, 59 VIE EXPRESS—A bap assortment , ' ol - Nahtlllas of the !stoat style, and very cheap, ran be aaan_ttihac_heaß.dafikof • J. A. ifirmniCa, Jr. . , . --- r" usT RECEIVED, slot of Straw , arid tIO Hay Culture, at the Agricultural Store of '' , , • • , - , El. li. STRIOKI.p. k AMC) ~,, glatilale, July 16,18611. , ~.-• . . ..DON7 FAIL. to Elea AN- - NOINCEKENX" bieri, In 'ineiker an. ('1 OISE KLAN)) .y ALLEY INSTITUTE : . ISlgekaNitihunG, PA. iPALIN.• A V, PIUNCIP.4.II. afietencher of •Dlalhuwntics MforModorff LOoliffogoo.... Si REESE, - A.114 - AssistSnOritiiipsl and teacher of Ancient Languages anti Higher English:.. L. N. IIAVEUStICE, Assistant In tho English De• partment. . • . , This Institution having passed Into new hands, will "be reitpined:usit3lale school only, on Thurstley,4he 2d dny of September itext...lt la tho.dealigu.Of the presout proprietors 'to make it a strictly first-class •Boarding &Iwo], for .training nod fitting boys and young loon either Jro college or business. An efficient caps of In -structorsli anised — whosu .erannal interests nry entiti;l ith 1.7 - 10 au COOS o e ns u on, an 'who will apneo no pains to make it!Worthy of the COlifl• dunce slid patronage of the public. The Buildings of - thtilnstirute - are ample, - and-well-arranged for the ac• commodatlou ofaboutuinety boarders, and all student's .fronuiltplidfirp_o4,rareled to board 'With the teachers,-_-- - Vrefielll thus cud supervisimi. llieclumicsburg is, el lauded in the contra OT the beau tiful Cumberland:Valley, nine miles from Ihrrinhurir, nod in easy of access by Railroad from Phlladelphia,itab Bemire, dm. No location could be more eligible for ac -i-esn—none more healthy or attractive forsuch, school. PUhll% from Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia nod interntedlata :points, tetanal the morning- (rant, will reach lec.lianienburg by 2 ololeick, P.- M. Aa it Is the detertolnatlon.of the Principal and his Ansistants to place thb Institute on it permanent and elevated bank, with every application requisite for superior ,PUCTI.2.Ii, they appeal with rprilhleine CO all who hays , 'One to I= . The scholastic year will be ells ided into two maidens of twenty two weeks each, the first - beginning on the that Thursday. of September, end ending on the Mat Wedninday of February; the second session beginning hu. the first Thursday of February, and ending on. the first Wednesday of July . . • - • TAMS. Matti, Washing. Tuition, Boom furnished. -- ' - and Fuel per Session, - - - 881 00 Pay Madill's null be received at $10;$12, and $l5, as cording t their advancement. . No mit charges for ancient and modern languages or vocal pale. • Term per erosion payable l elf. ,in advance. Fm fur. tlieleinforntation apply to Mullin & Reese, Prop:Wes, Mach nuicsbitri, .Pa. Apr. 0, 1850. . • - . f JIVING PEMAVI COLLEGE, This Institution, designed for the liberal education of. Young Ladles, has been in operstion.two years with the most gratifying results. It Is, now established on a link basis. anti its pal torn,' already extends over several States. It is located 011 the Cumberland Valley Railroad mid. - WAY - between 'Harrisburg and Carlisle. In the most fer tile and ballot!! ul portion of the valley,.and is in close proximity to 'ono of the-most moral, healthy, and.en-. torprising towns in the State. - It hi-central, and easy of access. Students leaving Washington, Baltimore. or Philadelphia In the morning train for Harrisburg, will arrive at Mechanicsburg in 'timo for dinner. The editicVs WI and commodious, surrounded by doultio verandas. an will ocromniudete about one hun dred boarder.. In its construction, it combines all the modern Improvements for the promotion of health. comfort and.convenience. In these respects physicians pronounce it one - The °hardier. era large and neatly furnished ; ittLyegister for bent and ventilation Or nits occupy the F/111111 room Thu bath roomy tea supplied with warm and cold water.. The grounds At HUY r.TT'S MBE= th, to hetilth, Tho Faculty enced. In the Collogiste Ihmertment the course of study Is of a high grade. comprehending 's]] the subjects belong. log to a Classical, Polite and Christian Edui.a lino. In the Preparatory Department pupils will be care fullY Instructed In those branches forming the heels ot thorough English education.. gliflNlONS.—Firot - Seto,lon, from the let Wednesday of September lt th.caUth_oLJannary. Second .ealuit - ter - in the let of February telhelst of Jnly. ' Vacation, during July and August. 1.1, TERMS PER SESSION OP FIVE MONTHS, PAYABLE IN ADV ANCE. • Boarding. Washing, Furnished Boom& F and Light„ . . . . . , . • 500 00 Tultlon , Colleglato Department. . . . . 20 00 Preparatory 0 • -First .2 'l2 00 No extra charge for Ancient languages. - Dlusir—.Pilino and (1 uitar. . . . . . 20 00 Vocal 31..51e. . . • • • • • 200 Modein 14,14;1mi:es. . . . . . . . 00 Painting, Drawing and other Ornamental Branches at the usual rates. - T.Xt.llookB furnh•hod at city prices. • For furtherP , iti' l u ti l ,T.. ° Z l (7.''- MAIrLATT, A. 51.. Aug. 3. 1859. Preald ant. /171.A.k3.111111S BUR G ' I".Eta.A.LE SErillaNll.ll.lr. . • Tim remit ation_olihis Institution Is now fully estab lisped, and Its NUCCI,N as n first class Seminary ',laved beyond &Übe, Pupils will .find - in the boarding tie partmenf, home comforts, parental supervision and naval Influence. In ilia educational department ar complished leathers, thorough Instruction, and sure means of advancement. CONTENTS OF CATALOOVE.7VBT ISSUED/ Trustees; References; Teachers; Pupils In attend• once the year post. PS; Course of Study; Graduation; Expenses: Lorathni; Mental and .3loral Training; Tts• Tistoxisfs: from !Inn. Geo. Clambers, B. )3.•Schneck, I). 11).. and others, Ia regard to the recent annual examina tions; fmnt the Claamber,laqg Press; and from 311131t$ W. Alexander, I). lb. of Now York, and others. The next merlon will commence September 14th. For a catalogue address Auglo,lBMi ItIAT ARR 1 VAL 01? VI AND WINTER GOODS. The subscriber toiling just roturnetb from Philmieb phia, nnonnuccs to his customers and the public gen orally, that ho has now one of the beet storks of floods eversifferett to this market, embracing every variety of READY MADE CLOTHING, and Place Goods, blob will be made to order, or sold by the yard, among which a tow articles may be mew, Untied, vie: Nine black twilled French, blue.black blue, green. brown, drab and clareL Cloths; Petershani, Russia Fur Coatings, Mohair and heaver{ fine French Black Doeskin, silk'onixed plain and fancy Cassimeres of every style and quality, line Silk and Plumb, Satin, Groan. dine. fancy Cassimere and plain limeskin Feelings. Also a yam largo and handsome assortment of plain and fan. cy Cravats. Stocks, Napoleon Ties, fine quality,'Chiuese Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs, fancy and plain Collars, Suspenders, and ball Hose of every descripticn. Also a very large assortment of TRUNKS. We call particular attention to our 'large and extra quality of English sale leather Trunks, Valises, and a large vane, ty of Carpet and Oil Cloth bags, &c.; a large lot oreltra made Umbrellas, rill of which will be Reid, at the ;lowest Hem.. Call and examine for yoursolves at the old stand it North Hanover street, opposite the American House. 1. tIVINGSTON. Sept. 25. 1859.-3rn PURE WINES AND LIQUORS JOS. MIDDLETON & CO. Noe. 150 and 158 North Fourth Street, • .OV-2111ANHISS, WINES and GINS imported direr and warranted pure and Fold to Blainlsts and Hole Keepers at lowest - wholesale prices. 4.4-Thonesortinent consists of (Bird, Pinot and Italian Brandies; Old Port, Sherry, Mnderin, I.lslxm, and Champagne Itioce; also, a largo stock of Monongahela Whiskey. Holland (Ito, Irish and Scotch Whiskey. Oct. 12, 1852.-3 mos. . CUMI3EKLAND VALLEY 'BAN K PROPRIETOR'S; • • WILLIAM ERR, • 111XLCIMIR tiNNZMAN, ROUT. C. STERRETT, .• 5 JOHN DUNLAT, lticnann AVOODS, • JOHN S. STEREITT, . JonN O. Dustve, • 11. A. STURGEON. This Bank, doing business in the name of lies, liren noman. & Co., is now fully prepared to do a general Ranking Business with promptness and fidelity. Monet recerved on deposit and paid back on demand withont notice. Interest on special deposits. Coe• tificatos of deposit bearing Interest at the rate of five per cent, will be issued for as short aperiod as four months. Interest on all certificates will cease at mb turitk,provided, however, that if said certificates are 'renewed at any time thereafter for another gluon pe. ••riorl, they shall bear the name rate of intermit up to the time of renewal. , Particular attention paid to the col. faction of notes, draila checks, /le., in any part of the Uniteril States or Canaries. • Remittances made to England, Ireland: or the Con I l• mint. The - faithful and .confidentlal execution of all orders entrusted to them, may be relied upon. Theyaall the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and Alf uthors who desire a safe depository for their names, to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors tof this Bank me INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of t tar estates for all the Repossts, and other obligations of tier, Manna. man* Co. They have recently removed Into their new Banking house directly opposite their former stand, in IVest Main Street, a few doors east of the Railroad Depot, where they will 'at all times bo pleased to give any in. formation desired In regard to money matters In gene. sal.• •• • . • Open for business from 0 o'clock In' the morning uOlll o'eock In the evening. . mo, 20.2022. A. STURGEON, Chshior . Rases :Patent Washing Illabliine just ' reeptrea by . . . Mn.. STII7OB a LEIL Bro. • litir4hlo to decidedly the best Blttebtne 14 tom, 'Rept, 7. '59. • . VARM BELLS,;--Just, reeetvecti the J largest and cheapest aseortment In the county and, warranted not to crack, At the cheap hardware • • May 25, 2859. - • - If..BAATON. COATS, 'PA VTS AND VESTS OF . . ',COATS, PANTS AND VESTS OP . . ' . ! . OASSINET, OASSIBIERS,.CLOTIT A SILK .. . CASVINET, OA/MURREE, CLOTH A SILK. ( . .virt-ai:u . reota. 7B '., . • `DVER4OATS - OF • , - . ' ' ' ... • . ' ' . ~ . - ''' - :CLOTH, BRAVED, PILOT, PETERBIIAM, &c. ' ' CLOTH, DEAVER, PILOT, PETEESILVII; At. :GENTLEMEN'S SHAWLS, unprrynnit;vs spAwia.; • . . . ..A. well in kfl sorts of °Onto' Furnishing Goods 'ore orfcred In largsquantalen and oh ram, orkablo HOE AE, prlcan, - A rIC CHEASEP , OLOTIUNO STORE NEAR THE II HET •,, ..,...corlislo, Nor.), Up, ....- 0 1 .4-f! r j i g•OP&P e fitlY. 4l ßDOLHOdi .. . ucationaf. id well :wronged rot recrei henle exiitclet4- co 00140. vement 'and nytotnetry of In edeTent and experi Rur. HENRY ItEEVES, - A. M. 'Cliamberaburu. Pa Miscellaneous.. Abort, Arch Strict, PH 11. A DEI.PHIA. ..11111Elt WIEL. -Ntistelintous. Carlisle Foundry, • .11 , 1 A URINE SHOP; CAR AND SASE[ FACTORY, - • • Nast Main Street, CARLISLE. This extensive establishment Is noyi"lo Complete or dUr and supplied with the host machinery for executing work' In every-department. The,,,bulldings have also humflgreatly enlarged this spring and stocked with the newest and moat improved teals fur the manufacture of • DOORS, WINDOWNItAMES, SASH, Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings , Brackets and all other kinds of Carpenter worrk. We Inylte Builders. Car peptiiinud others to call and examine our facilitioa for doing —tbis—description—of - workr -- The - bost - 111aterints W - ST4Toprices - st any i4hor estibllshinent in prices as lor its at the County or elnewhore. STEAM ENGINES BUILT-TO ORDER. and repaired as heretofore. Engines low° been recent ly built for W.. 151. liondersett & Xon ' in this. borough, IL.Bryson & Co. Allen-township,. Ahi & ftnithera r New• : ville, - BhirdirdriVettelt - Nortii — ldtddle u, sad °Lows, at whoee.establiehmeht they may be seen In deify op. emtleh,and to whom we can refer for evidence of their auperlority. • • • • • _ . _ • : IRON AND BRAS° CASTINGS. of every description, from the emellent the heaviest pieces, executed at short notice for every. kind off.. chinery. A largo variety of mill castings.now on band -Two itkilifirl Pattern =Acre - remits ntly employed.— REPARING promptly attended to for Paper Mills, Distilleriee Grist - Mills, Factories, Ac. Turning and Fitting Mill Spindlen. done in the best style. THRESHING MACHINES AND HORSE POWERS.' each as Both Gear Four Hors., Powers, Horizontal Gear Four and - Two Horse Powers, Corn Shellers, Crushers, Iron Rollers. Plough castings, and other or. tides for farmers, on hand or promptly made to,order. BURDEN CARS BUILT, 'and repaired. Our facilities for building Cars Ore now more complete than herotofore.and rankles us to fur. tlsh thorn to traniiportere On the rail rood on aCcA1110• dating terms and made of the host materials. Orders solleited.und entire satisfaction guaranteed. • Thu long 'experience in the business of the senior partner of the. firm, and the completeness of our Ma chinery In every branch of the 'establishment* warrant us In mini-log the . beet .work ,to all who taxer us with their orders. The continued•pktronage of our old Mends and the public is renpeotfully solicited. May .20, 'B7- I Y. F. GARDNER A Co. . jpnitriou ac coos IMPROVED TAMENT ..MELODE(* THE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT In the UNITED STATES, EMPLOYING TWO HUNDRED MEN, and Finishing EIGHTY 'INSTRUMENTS PER WEEK. , Combining -all their Recent Improvementr.—the Dlrlded Swell, Organ, Melodeon, kc., Ac. (The Divided Swell can only ho obtained In Melodeons of our Manufacture.) GEO. 4 A: PRINC.I . i.I.& CO.. _ pi.puracturcr., itunitioi New York = 87 .Fulton at. 110 Leure at. Chievo, WIIOLESALN AGENTB—Russell & Richardson; lls• ton,. Mime.; W. F. Coburn, Cincinnati. tr.; Palmer St. Weber, St. Louis, Mo.; Ph. P. Weplelu, New Orleans. • ,Froul the Howe Journal, April 3, IRA. • The Melodeons manufuctured by Prince & GC, and for mile ut 87 Fulton street, nre the' best in the world We.havo, tried them, and therefore speak understand. Ingly of their merits. They are affordedat a very motb orate cost. PRICES OF PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS Four octave Melodeon, extending from C t.) C Four nod ri half octave, do. Cto F FireOetere Melodeon, . do. Fto F Five octavo, duublo rued, do = Two Banks of liVys, Fire Sots of Reeds, tight Storm Ono and a Half Octavo Poet Podaln, One Sot of. Roods, in Point 'Bass Independent 1351) VOICES OF PIANO CASED ' Five Octave Melodeon, extending from F to I , flOO Six Octave Melodeon, - Fto E . 1:10 Fivi3Oettive doubld reed: do, F to - Fl5O Five Octove, Two Banks of .......... ........... 200 Our facilities ter manufacturing are perfect, andfConf our long experience hi the - buslonss, havlifir finished .and sold over TwEsTv.rwo THOUSAND MULODE. (INS, we feel confident of giving satisfaction.' - All Melodeons of our manufacture, either sold by us, of dealers In any part of the United States or Camides. are WARILANTRD to to, perfect in every respect.afid should any repairs be necessary, before the expiration of one year from the date ontale we hold ourselves ready and willing to make the some free Of charge, provided this, Injury Is not caused by accident of design. • GEO. - A. PRINCE & CO. ' Agents for the sale of our Melodelms may be fou'ufl iu all the eltleg and ".towns tut ho'United States and Canada. Agents nt Carlini° and Klngttnti J. A. II !'.AO Y. At Newville—W. It. LIMY. • jntnyl9l,B . . I;I IRE INS UR ANC E. - TIIII•ALLEN AND EAST PENNSIIOItO MUTUAL 1 , 1111.; IN SUDANCE COMPANY of Cumborland.vounty, incorpti• rated by an act of Azsolohly, is now fully orgautzvd, and oporatlon under thu tortiugoniont at the folloViiiig zoinnitzzloners, viz: Daniel Bailey, iVilllnm It: oritasi-Mlehrtel Cocklln, .1. 11Ichelberger, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun lap, ,Jacob It. &over, Lewis flyer, S. klierly, Benja min 11. Mmiser, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham; Alexander Cathe Art. 'Cho rates of Insurance are as low and favc ruble as any Company eine kind In the State: Persons wlshinglo become members are invited to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. - • M - M. R. 00110 AS. President. STAYMAN, Vire President • LEWIS MYER, Secretary. - MICIIABL COCKLIN, Treasurer. 3lnnagers.—Wm. B. Corps, L. Myer. Christian Stay num, M. Ca:kiln, J. 0. Dunlap. IL Martin, D. Bally, J. ll.Cauver, Alex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Elehelbers ger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. CU )/D BRIGAND COUNTY. John Sherriek, All en henry Zoitring, Shiremanstown; Samuel Woodburn ilickinaon ; Henry Bowman . , Churrhtown ; Mop OH lith, fith, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, W. Penne; horns; Samuel Coover, Meehanieslnirg ; W. Conklin .Shopirenistown; Coovor, Shopherdatown ;J. 0. Sax ton, Silver Sprinit; Boni. Havel stick, Silver Spring; Charles Bell, Cal liele ; John liver; Carlisle. YORK. COUNTY.—W. S. Picking,, Dover; Peter Wol ford, Franklin ; Jae. Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Lon dorfr, Washington;' D. nuttor,'Newburg; it. C. Clark, Gliisburg. RE .11 A UPIIIN CO.-11ouser A tochmin,,llarrisburg. Jumbos of the company hiving policies about to en. piro. am have them, ••wel by making application to any:of the Agents. April 20. 1050. • JNO. D. CHURCH. ; . EBNItiX CHURCH Sr, -EBERLY STEAM SAW MILL LUMBER YARD, •NEW CCTMBERLAIM PA. All kinds of ,LUMBER, constantly op.hand. Lumber delivered at anYlioint aeremplble by Railroad, • at the shertost notice. ' BUILDING TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND LENGTHS CUT TO ORDER May 25,1859—tt - GLASS! GLASS!! PAINTS! PAINTS II "A full asshmmit-of 0111101 of all 'Sizes and quality, with a large stock of freah PAINTS, all colors. Oils, Varnish., &c., Cement in largo or small quantities, at low figures at JOHN P. I,YNE & SON, Oct. 27;'58. North Hanover Street . -- C 1 LASS, GLASS.-500 boxes alms kJ . of all.sizes,ilygle oud dotiblo thick, Just received at • HENRY SAXTON'S. Metr.lB, 1859. - 13 1 FIletirl1L: I S ll.l l ln ' o j r 3 2l, L ext S t iu l akes ß I li f :r L a j al S o e l a , a the Hardware Store of ' .1. I'. I,l'Ni.: dr SON, May 18.1850. . North Hanover at. I{4T AND- CAP EMPORIUM. .1. ti. CALLIO & C 0.," successors to Win. If. Trout Would announce to their customers fln d the publk generally that they have Just received from phla, a large and elegant stock of goody, In their line of business of every variety, style slid quality. Tlry bare on hands sPlendld nmoiltoent of lIATS AND CAPS, -•-• • • " . of all descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest FUR AND SILK HATS; and at prices that must suit every ono .who his an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stock Includes, MOLESKLN, CASSIMEBE, BEAVER & FELT HATS, of every style and color and unsurpasted for LIO HT. NESS, DURABILITY AND FiNdall: by those of any 'other establishment In the country. MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS and CAAS, ofevery description constantly on hand.. •• • They respectfully invite all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, to give them a call, J. 0. CALLIO k CO. Ap'i.^27 a 1859-1 y I / OUTS 'AID' - 'SHOES.—I have just added to my stock an AAsortment of Boots Jr Shoes. ...len'e and Born' Winter Boots, very cheAp and good Ladles'. Allsses• end Children's Boots and Shoes bf Wlllls' 'celebrated make. too 1, handsome and cheap. A. full ossortment of Gum Shoes and Sandals. Beet linality and lowest price. . i Sly 'old customers for Boots and Shoes, are respectfully invited to give me a call.. Carlisle, Oct. 20, 1850 UM (Late of incheater 4. Scott,) Pennon:oolmo' Furnishing Store' AND • • 'S - HIRT•DIANUFACTOItY, No. 814 CllEaVitlT STRUT, (NEARLY OPPOSITE TIIR. GIRARD LIMBS) I . IIILADELPUIA. T. W. SCOTT,. would reapectiully : call the ettention of hie former Mende to hie new Store, and brprepared to Oil orders tar SHIRTS at abort notice.' A .peribet lit• guarantied. COUNTRY,. TRADE /supplie d with FINE COLLARS.' -- • . [Oetl2,'B9. ' ' gRIND STONES.-150 Grind.Stoneg -pl ssealust r6elved at 'L BAXTOIB. . dos. Fly - Nits, of all colors,. Linen,- Ootton and Twiny, cheaper thathe cheapest, at 11. kIAYTOWS. '.ll.lay . v., 1861/. - . . , A/ A CI K,ERELNo.I.-2..543. jufft, *Jt slk lic4 " BALDER% ME MEM EZEI FIST GREAT ARRIVAL FALL & WINTER CLOTHING. The sultseriber has just returned from the Eastern Cities, with a largo and wel, selected stock of FALL AND WINTER-CLOTHING, • GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, .TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, Ate., which he can sell et such prices, eta to astonish the NATIYIS. , Having taken particular poise to select goods especial ly adapted for thiktuaricet, he can assure his customers, Mt, they aro t'' ' WELL .A,70 'FASIIIONABLY MADE. - Buyers will lind it to their Inter Est to examitte"hia Stock, as ho ties detertrilned tovell upon the Motto of ! "SMALL PROFITS." 11.3.-Betne,mber the old Stand, near the Market Rouse. I .g ASUllt MEL, Successor to Steiner 3 Bros, Carlisle, Sep. 14, 1855. • • i . .IIOAIESTEAD FOR $10; • ~.. -L . A !lOW:STEAD FOR $100: Also, HOMESTEADS FOR $lOOO and over, Pituatml on and. near Rappahannock River, above and below Fred. erlekalourg, in Virginia. • ~• •- A new Own. called Itapaliannock, has recently been, laid out, In Culpeper erpoty, In the midst of the Gold Region or Virginia, suncounded by mines and while • companion; and fauns and town lota In alternate dly alone or shares. can now be bad for mere snug," o induce settlement In this desirable region. '111164 00 worth of land is to be divided amongst perches s or given away as an Inducement to come on amp' e ins• provemente. and the land Is of the most Improvable qualities. Many have' already_ settled tand scrims of others are coming. Good farming land, in tracts Mena. purchasers. can be had at from ten to twenty dollars per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly Insfalments. Unquestlenablo titles . ..lll In all cases be giv'en. gkr. Agents arearanted prey where to sell these lands; liltend induceineuls will be given.. lorps-Ilculars; address . . Fuits! , p ( Z l l B l, s ,9 o ! 0 ! .0. F FAREIRA. & TIiOItIPSON, • No. 818 MARIICET STREET, abovb Eighth, South side, I'HILADELI.I3/A, • HATE JUST OPENED THEIR . Elegant Assortment of Furs, . . manufactured undel,their immedlatn supervilion from FURS, selected with the greatest care from the largest stocks of the &Ironer( filsngsf, embracing arm., varlw ty and style of • LADIES AND CHILDRENS WEAR. Those purchasing early will have the benefit ot larger selection. Besides the above goods, we have a line assortment of CUAS. OGILDY IIUFFALO ROBES, GENTLL'AfENS? ' FUR, GLOVES & COLLARS. The prices oral! Hue) goods are at a lower figurpthan they can be bought anywhere In the sits. 'Ss • PAREIRA ic THOMPSON, 818 Market Strout, Philad'a. N. 11.--iuns altered and repaired and' FUR "pIiIk— ?SINGS made to order. T E WENTY HORSE ENQINEI-- • Now On ' hand at the Carlisle Foundry; a new T 1 NTY.IIOn B E STEAM ENGINE, Compleie 'in 'every . respect, which we will Belt at a mall advance on tors. • -.Also, TIIRKSIIINO MACIIINSH, HORSE POWERS, Corn Crushers, Corn Sheller*, and other . machines - for Var4nerk, ' . 'Also, TEN PLATE STOVES for burning wood, two sines, of handsome patterns,. together whir& variety of other articles for tarruers.aud housekeepers, too nu. orrow m toil:mention, . , . , • . • . • . . ' Carll.lo?ct 7. 0 ARDNEIi A 00.- . 11, 180. , ' '' .. Cheap 'deb l'Fintink done hare. -% • • Misttlantons, C ARLISLE AND. PHILADELPHIA ...I • • • 'DAILY .PREIGHT.4.INry I , II . EED, WARD .1," . 811 MARE/LT 212ILEIrr, .71& 1). RHOADS, MAIN ATMENT, CAULIALt, .PA. Sir Owe of this Line leave the Depot 811 Markiit at.. Doily, 'at 4 o'clock, I'. If.. . - Maio Cirlisle, Doily,. et To'clock. A 81. floods intended for thin Line-should henuitked C. J. icteilyr4.'reight - Line;ondhedhliT by - 4 o'clock. , .. 111 ay,25. I) !' 11 • 1-- L A. D IL. L P. ti-1- AND. HEADING ' ' • _ R A I 1.. ...R. 0 A: D' . • .--; ' • . . 'III.I3LERTATritANDDSIDNT, . . ..., , --Arm 1803'69. - • ' .. • . Two passenger trains leave Harrisburg dolly, (Sun. days excepted.) at B.OU A. Al., and 72.43 P. 21.. for Phila delphia, arriving there at 12.60 noon and'7.4o I'. N. 'Returning, love Philadelphia at 7.00" A. N., and 3.30 P: M., arrivpig . ..4 Ilarrisburg at 12.40 noon and 8.261' 31. • . FARM: To Philadelphia, No. 7..L'ara. $8.25 ;.No. 2 (in tiame train.) $ 27 0.. , Fates to tickling. $1.60 and $7.30. At Reading. connect with trains fur Pottsville, !inners vine, Tatunqurt, Catawivsni On. . -r Four tralnif !caw Reading fur Philadelphia daily, at SA. Al , 10.1$ A. M., 12.30 noon and 5.00 P. Al. - Leave Philadelphia for Reading nt 7.30 A. 51;1.30 P. M., 3.30 P. N., and 4.45 P. 51. Fares front Rending to Philadelphin, 411.75 and $l. 45. Tho 'morning train from Harrisburg connectx at Reading with up train for Wilkosbarre. Pittston and Scranton, ' For through tickets and other information apply to J.. 7. CLY DO, General Agent. Blay - 11,'59 LW . STAGE ROUTE.- LI Thu subscriber has Started a tri weekly line of Stages between Cailisle and Landisburg. leaving Car• lisle every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Immedi. ately on the arrival of the afternoon train S earn from the cast:, Returning, loaves Landisburg at 800 A. M., ifiliFfTiididnyriVediresday - and-Saturdayvatut-arrivm at Carlisle_ at 'l.OO I'. M., via. Perry County Warm Springs, Shermansdale, Sierrett's Sap and Carlisle Sul phut' Springs. On and aim' June the 15114 the Hue will be run daily fur the accommoption'of passengers going to the_Springe— Fare to ilufhoveral points as ollows: Carllalecto Sulphur . Springs, Sterrett's Cap, Sliermanstinle, . . Perry County Warm Springs, --Landlsburg, 13=1 Landisbnrg to Warm 'Springs, Sherratansdnle, Sterrett's (inp, Sulphur . Springs, " Carlisle, . . . The ribii - vo lipo will regularly carry the MAIL to' and from the snveral points otlovo Indicated. ' hove also a verll veilstocked LI r bItY 5' . ..A141.3, from whieh I am'at all times ready to furnish horses and car • rlng.en to those who will favor no, with tiMir p'n - fronage, on the most reasonable terms and in tbo very best style tuny791858.. • GEOAKIN . . fIOPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON MANUFACTORY. . . The subscriber takes this mel hod of Informing her frikths and the public, that she still continues the manufacture of nil kinds of, work, •in. Copper, Tin and Sheet non.. Iler Stoves aricselected from the most op. proved styles, Tile Cooking Stoves for (heir qualities as Cooks tied bakers cannot Be stirp.msed, aniumewhich are the well known Globe, Noble' Cook. Funny Form , . tei; Uovertior, Penn, and the new favorite, Prairie Flower. combining all the testedimprovementn, in fort the crest and cheapest stove ever offered to the public. The Lstrube Rove, or parlor heater, impisived, l'"C Warming two. three or fear rooms, put up to order. I.e. sides a large assortment of- Paths , Radiators and office • stoves. 'PRICES ILEDUCRIL - on PLUMB( N o and GAS FITTING, Thosewho wish wet k doue in this line would do well to en I, at the old stand before rontraellug elsewhere, as 1 am de• termind to do work far lower than the present rates. 1 lilt% e for 1191 Ir and keep conStetutiv oil hand the patent Scotch Tip Burner, Wax Tapers. pinin and fancy Gloss illobes.1:80 Fixtures, Wrought iron Tubes, Hydrants. Lead Pipe; limn Hose. Shower Baths, Bath Tubs, Over flow Basins, Marble Itafdo tops. Ar. My workmen aro •competent and reliable: • All- wOrk - warranted antr,fur• worknritinship end material, I chnlleffge competition, tfir- A few, good Cook Stoves With Scam suitable for' parlors on hand, which 1 will sell at cost. May 4,1659. MARY M. MORRIS. -- ---,—,--- F•Y C 16 L 8 (.0 It . 1' ICTUR LS . j A. 11. LIEN WOOD would respeetfully_intbrin et„ citisens of Carlisle and vicinity that he has taken r00n,.. • in Zug's new building, east corner of Market Square whero.he is at all times ready to take A . MiIItOTYPCS hi thetatestand most approved style. Pictures taken tp rainy and cloudy weather as well as clear. and sat isfaction• given or 110 charges made. Portraits and Da. guerreotypes ropled. Miniature Pletyres, taken for Lockets !cc., In Ambrotype. Ambrotypes warranted to stand the test of time, heta or water. • Ladles and Gentlemen, aro cordially Invite (1 to and exomlne - sporlmons. • Prlcon from 26cts. to Pd. A. It. lIENWOOD. ann. t 7. 1858.-ly. ' Artist CUNS GUNS.—Just received ?luta assortment of Double Barrel.Guris, S Single .. ~ Single and Double Pistol's, ' -.- ',Revolvers, .. Game Bags. Powder Flasks, • Shut Pouches, ' - ! PowdCr., Shot, • . , Caps,'" Wads, Stc.,, at • 11. SAXTON'S. May 25, 1850 Ll' Elt Y STABLE.—Having pur chased from J. lt. Nonemaker Ids LIVERY Y.P. TABLISII\IENE, I will be always ready to Rectum°. • date the public- with HORSES, CAR i*ftclti MIES, BMW ES, and every other ar lirio In my line. By strict attention lo business and a derire to please, the subscriber hopes to receive a liberal sharp of public patronage. 11E01(0E lIENDEL. N. O. I)tunlbussee on hand to supply thoso who moy be In Ilona them. . t/. 11. NOY. 25, Iftsi.l , Ito 0F 1 N G KJ A.T.E.—The under signed hen been appointed agent for the salon( B.OIiFINII SLATE and has now and will constantly keep on Lend a frill supply to curet ;he dernanda of builders and others. 'Thorn In want of a superior art 6 cle)rrouid do, well to call at the Lumber and Coal Yard, near tho (ins Muse. . Juno 8, ISS9. , JACOB SIIIID3I. E. BAEWER Laud Agqnt. .. Port Itbyol, Ca July V, 1859 Xicebiines S A. N IF 0 LIVE NVl' riEvint DEDI i IT IS COMPOUNDED ENTIR -1.• has betonneap established fo ' known and *unproved by and is now • rtrortrd to I V. thuullseasen for-whi-la It It has cured thousands. c.? years who hod given up t_ numerous unsolicited' rt stun show. The dosemust leo:Map. 4 0 . 1ted to the temperamt. t of the intilvidual taking M it, and usetil in motif quantities an to not gen- 7ttil tly op the bowels. . _Ler' the — dictates •of le your judgment guld • - you in the use of the ;ll ., Liver Divlgorei. -tor, and it will tome Liver Complaints,. DIU= b us st ,a, s. Dy,,ropsin, wlly_ntle--IDarlimets,Puth m seer Coplalnta - , - DySen ery, ropey, Emu rfl toms.", ath,- Habitual Costive- nem*, Cholera Modals, Cholera 11 2 1 e Lintuiii,rkiiitulenee,, -duandlte; Female weoirl-- , K-4 --- itenses., and maybe used sucem:sfully as an ordi- nary' FAMILY MEDI CINE. It will cure sick Itesdoehe.(us thousand can testify.) in twenty- minutcs, if two or three tenspoonfuls are taken al at cokrunoticomntit ofthe ho ' MO it are 'M o w . thein:testim" - ony 'ill Its ftivor. MIXIVATER IN THE Int MOUTH WITH THE INTRIODATOIt, AND / a -SWALLOW MOTH TO GETHER, • price One Dolittr,^per Bottle. ALSO . — • . SANFOAD'S . CAT H AR ure Vrgetritle,Extr Cfl 80!1, air tight, a /1 stet . The Fatuity Cathertie. Live Cethertic which the his pltctle” more then The eunqantly 1n t1)'..,., role. hove Tong M. isfactfon which all lane b . . Induced MO to place of all. Et==l3= mutton art .011 different The banally Vet with due reference to ,thet, hem' compounded purest vegetable extracts pore of the alimentary safe in ali camel where a as Derangement's of the Pettus Iry the Back and and Surenem over the cold, which frequently. long course -Fem.; ,- .9elleation • of cold over 11ml/trite or weight in top) , Diseases, Worm; in to:: a g ro a t many to iel: mention intsd p.a , The Liver Invigorator a retailed by Druggist,, gen the Trade in all the large S. T, IV. S; m $0 20 :auford, D., ofise "1,1 • 335 "Boe,IW Juno 15, 1559. IfOWI ASSOCIATION ' ja A Benevolent Institution, established by special en &lenient for the relief of the obit and distressed, afflicted with, Virulentand Epidemic &senses., Thu HOWARD ASSOCIATION, In view of the **fel •destruetion of human life;'eatined by Sexual diseases, 'arid thodecrptions practiced upon Ilnyunfiirtunnte vic , tints of much diseases by _Quncks, several yen rs ago dl meted their Consulting Surgeon, tui a (WA RITA lILH ACT worthy of their !Male, to apron Dispensary for the treatment of thin close of. diseases, In all their forme I and to give 'MEDICAL ADVICE (MAT'S, to all who I apply by letter, with n description of their conditions I (age, occupation, habits of lite. &r..) and in cases of mi -1 trente—peverty, ",to FURNISH M111,111(1NRS ,FRECOF It needless to add that the Association eornmande the highest 3leolical skill of the nee, nod oJll furnish the most approv. d Modern treatment. The Directors of tai. A wain I ion, in their Annual lie. r.v.t, i z on ttwtr;.,''„t,",riT,l:7rirs.',f'ui,T.'..,.f.h.„'7.7‘,7: reZtrihde. ed the labors of the Consulting Surgeon In the cure of Sperinntorthon. Semi lull_ Weal. nbra. Impotence. Goner; rhos. Meet. Syphilis, the nil, oftinnnisin or Selfabuse, he. and order a continuance of• the same plan for the, eine:nibs year. The Directors, en,a-review of the past, fee) essufed that their labors it, this brawn] of benevolent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflicted, e'specially to the young. mid they have rehorred to devote them. srisu e, with renewed zeal, to this Imy important but nrurh deeplacd causo.• ,lust published by the Association. a RepOri on Sper• matorrlir4i, or tionilnal - Weaknei‘s. the Vice of Onanistn; Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and other DinenseS' of the Sexual Organs be the Consulting Surgeon, which will tin sent by tacit, (In a sealed letter en vol Ope,) FREE OF CII ABC E. on receipt of 'MO STAMPS for postage' Other Reports slid Tracts' on the nature and treatment of sexual dlreneee, diet, he.. are conshintly being publish ed for gratultoun distribution. and will be sent to the afflicted. Some of the new remedies and nietboilit•Of treatment discovered during the last year, Are of great value. , , • Address, for - Report or treatment . , Dr. GEORGE It, CALHOUN; Consulting ; Surgeon, Howard Association. No.: South Ninth Street, Philadelphia,, ha,. Ey order of the Directors. . NZRA D. ILEARTIVELL, PresidentOEO. GEO. "stIRCITILD . , Secretary. Det..6,1858.-ly READ PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL. HOUSE—Establish. ed twenty-two years' ago by Dr. KINK ELIN, corner of Third and Union Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' Experience has, rendered Dr. K. a nag successful. practitioner in the cur of all diseases of a private no ture manhood's' debi e lity, as an Impediment to mar ring.; nervous and sexual infirmities, discern, of the ,skin, and those arising trom abuse of mercury. TAKE PARTICULAR. NOTICE. ' ' There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often 'growing up with them to manhood; and which, if not reformed in duo time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, Insiduous nod devastating affections. Few of those who give way to - thill pernicious practice are aware of the consequences until they Mid the nen , none systenWelnattered, feel strange and unnerountable sensat on., and vague hare of the mind. (Pee pages 27, 28, 29, of hr •K's book oat Pelf-ereserrat ion.") The unfortunate thins affected becomes feeble, In unit. ble to labor with accustomed . vigor. dr to apply his mind to study ; his step Is tardy and peak; he is dull, irresolute, and engages even in his sports with lean, en. segy than usual. II he einancipate him solf before the practice has done its.worst, and enter matrimony, his niarrlage is unfruit ful, and his sense tells him that this Is caused by his rally lollies. These are.considerations which should awaken the attention of all who are similarly situated. BEMEMBER, Ile who pinees'him'self under Dr. KINIRELIN'S treat ment, may religiously conlide In his honor an a gentle norm, and rely upon the assurance that the secrete of Ur. Ws patients will sorer bn disclosed. Young Illan—let no base modesty deter you from making your - mire known to one, ho, from . education and respectability' 101 l cert..inly befriend ymi. • ' Ur KIK I:LIN'S residence has Leen for the last twen ty•two years at the N. W. Corner of THIRD AND UNION STREETS, Philadelphia, Pa. VATIENTS AT DISTANCF Can have (by atating their Case eaplleitli', together with all their symptems, per letter, enclosing , n remittance) Dr. K'n medicine. appropriated errordi ngdrf Forwarded to ally part of the Unlted i gtatei, end packed necttre from PAM Atig or .CUItIOSITY, by Mall cir-Expr'esti. READ ! .YODTH AND MANHOOD ! I A vigorous Life or, a Premature Death, on Self--Preservation—Only 25 Cents. Letters containing that value in stamps, willunsura a copy, per return of mail. GRATIS! GRATIS ! ! G RATIS ! ! ! A. FRI= GIFT TO ALL. MISERY RELIEVED "Natures Guido" a now and popular work, full of ',doable advice, and i morosely° -w.artti ng, all kkralculat ed to provent yearn of misery, and aavo thousonde . ot lives, is dlstrlbtited withoukrharge, and forwarded' by nodkprwpaid to any Post In the United States, on re. ceirliik an order enclosing two postage stamps. ,dec.i5,18584y. • It: -HAMPTON'S - COMPOUND • DIURETIC PILLS. • • E Hampton'. Pills contain neither ,13.1.. in or Mir. Fury, 'but are purely vegetable In their companion, and are highly recommended by eminent physician', al .A • • • . Beira Certain, Speedy and • Pertnanent.eure, For Gravel, Gleet, Mile. .. • titre., Lueorrhoea, Female Weaknesses, and all other dimeases of •the Bladder, • Kidneys,; • and •• • . , sexual Or - gans. *pluck lINTY CENTS . ..PEI BOX. ' • Prephred and for sale by .., DB. J. T. HAMPTON t CO.; 406 Sruce , Philadelp *A. Bold by Druggist. a n d Dealerestreetpererywhrrahia. Mr. S. G. WILD, sole agent for Newyllln. TRUSSES ! BRACES ! ! • SUITOR TEitsil! . • C. H. NEEDLE'S. Corn Twelfth C noes Streets - • Practical Adjnater of RuptUre Tripmea and Mecbani— cal Remedies. Ilea cOnetantly„ han ds large stock of Genuine French trusses, also.. iomplete assortment of , the I;ei.t`Acparican. believed the celebrated Whites Patent Lever Trued, believed by the best authorities to be superior t' any yet Invented; ..binglish and can Supporters and Pelts, shoulder Omen, iiiispenserT lianttagesi &aril:Jesting Syringes, adapted to Ixdir Mll es, in neat portable canes, French Peasaries, Urinal liags.: Be 4 Orders and letters of enquiry, prompt at-. • tobtlon. " , . August 240850. • D A G UICRUJBOTTPES.—Iri beauty and do. ability, M. ",Stin drawn" pictureequale igood daguer— reotype;. this is the, D01111;11, iapreesed by the luding Photographic Joeireale of the day,: both American end English; these may lie obtained at tharoome, of Ml!l; Reynolds, Loather Street, two doors Wiitof ilanaver. 'Carlisle June . . • . DON'tFAIL pee'3lXTll ANNUAL AN; wotrtimomistorttnalintfttot efforp, In mandrel' colVant• WS G.ORATOR I 'I:TATES. • * ELY FROM OU3tS , arrt ct. - a - Standrtyd - bledicire;: nil that have nerd it. with confidence In nil is recommended; ' within the last two sit hopen.of certificates in my p. 11203201 EMZI23I nein, and put up in Glass nd will keep iu any Will la a general but at— Iproprletor ha, used in !twenty year. " I;.reasing demand from ,ed tho fills and the eat. regard to their, use, thein tho reach know that dlffereni Ca portion!, or the bowels. Martin Pill has this well establielied from a Variety of th• which act alike on every eatial,and are-good -and- Cathartic is neetted.such Stomach, Sleepiness, I Loins, Costlvenees, Pain whole body, from sudden If ilegletted,' end in a of -.A ppettle;at - Creeping the body,' Bestiessoess, the head, all Inilhomm• Children or . Adults, Purifier otthe Blood and Heel Is heir. too !MUM. meat. Dos,e,,lttc23. ME! nd F, rad la town aridly Calbartle Pllln are and sold wholesale by neer and Proprietor, e w V ok.