Cllli IS T. 31 N.B , :j'-II'E.I.INT . ! Gorirls , Ar .thi:ibf iclityth PALL Fre.M.DrugslEssew 'Goods,' Fruit; arid . ,_ • ,CuslutSsissiT.: • • s. W, HAvsssubs. Just recolvial from tho city and is now epenipit n splendid display of FANCY 0000$, to which ho desires to•call the attention of his frionds• nod. 31.. 'public. • Ills assortineot Ll this Jinn cannot .flu surpassed in uovolty and olutailica, and both fu quality 41111 i prier or the articles, cannot till to please purchasers. It would bo FANCY 111;101.h.i, wtiliVeih — iipflii4l - ive . ry.varlecy fancy al ticket-oft-he's& ~ , , Papier' Mitehe Boids, • • percelainink , sfands - auttniyac Olney Ivory, pearl arid shell card once, Ladles' Fancy Baskets, • Fancy Workilexes instruments, ;' COOS, Wri. lug Doses. and Port folios. • Port 31orinales, Of every, variety, • • Gold .pons Add .pencils, Fancy papoOveights, and a largo riety of Fancy sands cry. Motto sunk tidewaters, Slik sad bead punks, .. - . Riding whips. elegantly - finished. Flov•eutlery, • • • Perfume baskets and bags, • - Brushes or ovory kind 'for the toilet,: •' ' X. Bade and lt. a U, Wright's Soaps and Pertunies ' • of various kinds, Fancy Phis for.hcall ,dressee nod shawle. . • .31u,leal latrutneats, of all kinds and st all prices together with nri itinuttionddo variety of articlerielogant, • lyjlnisheil add suitable fur holiday presents, to which • he invites special attentien. :Mau, an ostensive and elegant collection Of comprising the varNia--Fmgllshand merle:in Works, _richly oinholisheit piMiTICAI, We 'Bibles and Ifyin II mks, elegantly bound ), velvet with metal • elasfi and corners, suitable 1td....K.11d* gift.. . Ills asvortmeot School Books and Sellout Stiitioriery Ia also complote, and comprises everything usbd in the Rehools. Ile also desires IA cell, the. pirtieular..a.t , tva. . . lion of Families to his elegant .SOrtliluut. of • LA Si p , &c.; . frintll e: to r %I . F3tal:s Ain ts nl'Cornolifn,ArehJr . i orol,ietpi,mpri : l.sow„r ; ,tyl,.l Parlor. Chamber and study Ignore, for burning either 'Lard. Spero) or Efherlal oil; also DliOrr'S celebrated Kerosene.or Coal till Idurion, - Wiether with Flower Venom Yaney.6creens, .te. Ills 115801 t dent In thin line Is un , equaled in the borough. Also. . e:Ef/ Anti AND T, %cm, • , . m b r acl3i g • all tali, favorite 'brand+. and a One :wort wont of Mr.r:It.ieIIAtLII.SNIOICEIId AND - GI , AK Oran - gee.' Lemont , . FIA., Nol , " l ”aar PritneA,./te,.. - FANO)! CONF/MIIOSAItY—NOTS—L'Its4• 81.;:tVliO FItIJ ITS, MIS ' i l )-tl EATi lleg I.CS, ,ke., I it evi.ry variety and at all prince, ail Or whieli are Pare Rai irelgtl ma,2)l ree0111111011411111•t0 in in lijkfit.Oek uaJ,racoe OVerStbing In the line of Fancy ihnLis, with ninny OLher vale, useful to hum nkerperA Which the public are taped:llly invited to call and eaam L m. Ilununuin•r tlin Old iiland, neatijr4puelte the Bank en -North Hanover Went. OEM LA. OK.W() 0 D' S I\l A (1- AN.I) It It ITISII soorr c we, NOT YOrlti c.oitinuo to pohtp,h the f.)11 ,ring leatiog British l'orlotirnoi,ll/. Tlf I; 1; )N ((ommintFro,)— TM.; fl VIEW (Whig) ling N trrvn Churello WE:zT3IIN.iTE:ti (Liberal.) 1/ L. AOIC WOO 4'3 NM N111.7E411 11'111 N ( Thp twig...netts uhly represeut the three great pont!. rxrpqrlito. Irf Great Mrittio—M ou . ..l'lta•lival hut polities Firm only 0101 feature of 'their elmriteter. As Oro,s of the now Irolitutidlwriterellor, ersture. Morality. on I ottiliglo it. they ittolid.ipi they ever i,1.41'11 'ALKYL mini, - Allud In world of letters, hying considered IndiAptottettile to tho scholar mill the 'trollop el'ical while Fir LIIO lupJligrnrt rawer of every elvei Choy furnish :I ni ire unmet and eAtielactory record of On rurrritt literature of the day, throughout the tlitit,rAtOte p N2111113' obtained from :Illy tither source M= Tat. ro olpt or "Anv.vicASnia,rl re,th. 11.4110 rs gi vev a•tlitiotl4l ill! one I o thoso 11.1 , 41 31 they i'4lll HOW NI tho hands or nth. ncrLhure'ern 1011 nn Lite original Out.. . For any 000 of Ow for Itv.iieirH, $ 3 00 ,- , - Furany"l.lY. of thu lour Ile duo, 'h 10) En • any Limn. of tlw our lturien-V . Yili . 7 0 , 1 For alofonr of thu lirrion, - 1 0.0 For 111 leltwo , nrrt 31ap