HAIR DYE-11A111 DYE'. , jlAlit DYE: Wm. A. Batoltmio . o nate Oye, • THE OItIOINAL AND; BEST IN THE WORLD I AB °there ace mere inlitat lone, and ebotild be avoided - you wish to r.cape ridicule,:. _. _ _ - GRAY, RED, Olt RUSTY HAIR 1 - yed instAntly to a r beautiful and hater] .llrown or Black,-without the lend Injury to Ilalr or Skin.. • FLFTSEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been --awarded A. Batchelor since 1859: and over 80, 000 applientloni hay - a - been *ado to the flair of hie pew trone or bin famous Dye. WM. A.'IIATCHELOWS MIR DYE, produce II color weot to be distinguished front-nature, and inwarranted not to Injure in the Bent, however long It may be run. Untied, and thedll effects Of. Bad Dye remedied; the Bair invlgorated`for Life by thin Splendid Dye: "Made, sold or applied On 9 private root* nt the Wig. • Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. ' Sold in all cities and toirini•of the United States by steel •la e en. - do on four sides clench llon. of A. fsATCWE I ; - =233 itroadvray, New York_—, -sir- Sold-by-Drugrints in Carlisle:— ITIOSWIGIS=WWIS - =`•Dittehnlies Wige and loop ...keneurpassalL_They_are seinpuit,Alghtesy endd - hie. Fitting to a charm—no turning up belfißlP%on shrinking off the head; indeed, thin Is the only Este 11,,h.,,0i where thane thine tee properly understood and med 24.1 Broadway, New York. n0v.17,'58-1y IMPORTANT TO reiratiALEs DR, CIIEESEMAN.'S prepared 'by Cornelius I,l7Cheoentan, M. D., NOS , York City. The rombiontfon of Ingredients in these Dille are the Insult ore long and extensive practice. They are mild their operation. and certain In correcting ell Irregularities, Painful Monntritotions, removing all obetructiono. whether from cold or otherwise. headache, pale in ilia side, palpitation of the heart, Whites, nil ',fermis affection., hysterics fdigue. psip In the hark tied limbo, he., dioturbed sleep which arise from interruptions of nature: TO MARRIED LADIES. Dr. Cheoseman'. Pills are Inroluable. no they will bring on the, monthly period with regularity. Ladles who hare been disappointed In the non of other Mlle can pinto the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeeueme's that, they roprenrut to • do. • Warranted purely vegotabb, and tree front anything Injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read, - accompany-each box, Price $l. Sent by mall on en• clonlngsl to any authorized agent. Sold by one Drug . gist In every town In the United Staten. • 11.11. Iturdit I OS.' General..Agent' for - the - United ._,_Staten, 1165 Chambers St., New York, to whicir‘all wholesale orders should be - addressed. ' • ItA VERT it FINNEY, Wholesale and Retail Agents. ' Harrisburg, Pa. U. J. KIEFFER, Carlisle, Pa • . • '-' . Vttriatits.. On the 16th 1n1, , t...i t h e Lutheran Parsenakti In New Rlngaten, by Rev.-Wm. Kopp. Mr. DANIEL EIIEIILY, - !odd's. PELSCILLA OATES, both of Monroe tennahlp. 'On the Ifni loot., by 150 , 11er. A. It Kremer, Mr JOIV X.LEIt, to Mloo LIZZIE LONtl', 545 of Perry coo' ' . ilta•tps - . c, • , At Mlle Tonto, on the lot Inst,',Sirs: JANE McMANUS, consort of lion. hullos McManus, forinerlyof this bor. Aigh, aged 59 ) oars On Thornflay. the 10th Inst., KMMA KATE. BOYER; Azad 4 yews, daughter of Arn, E Boyor,..fortnerly of Wllllinnaport, l'n. . In MI.. Borough on Sunday, tho 13th font., Mr. MARY CART, wife of Mr. William Cart,•nged 9D yenrs. TrUly In It Bald, '• that In the midst of Ito wo tire in ,denth,nand ueset,was this pasipte of scripture stronger Illustrated than in the death ordrs. CART. Up to the time of her sickness; which wne of but n feW Nitta d _ration, mho enjoyed perfoct_liesith,..war lit 0110 !SOON. and little thought that in so Shorts time she would 0 to ty. Ax n wits an•n owl her kind, and as a: neighbor .bilging. tho has left n hurband, elght., children, and a large nundmi of soir.Jivlng ft lauds to mourn tier euddrn and unexpected death. Diy: frlunda Weep norfol• me, Your leers are-ell in rein, Prrpare to meet youroq, That we may meet again. IllarCuts. • GARLISI.V—PItODECE MARKET. Reported treehly for the tler .by Ai/i;o - dward & Schmidt FLOUR Bupertine, per bbl do. . - 11xtrn, - do. .10. Fa oily do. - RYE do. WHITE WIIFAT per. bushel-. {{Ku' do do. • Brx • - do CORN (old) . do; .. Conw*, (new) • do, ''. 4 ^ OATS (now) do. CLOVERSEED (10 TINOTILYSEED do. SPRIIYO BARLEY do. WINTER BARLEY dcr: • Jicto itttnertiemitts . . • stoRE-Itoom FR — 7 OR ENT.A . well furninheti St• ra Room for rent In a town of fifteen hundred Inhabitants. and Improving rapidly, whern there are only threellry.goods stores ponsension given et'nny time. Inquire nt thin office. Nov. :11, 1589. hOR RENT.—The large and conuno eloo,,Tairaniv.aami Howe:eon oecupled by the eubsrrlber, of the large Two.etery I'I.A.STERIEU HOUSE, 0111104 lie Rey. ond'e (Intel, formerly ve. 1, , ,/ t., copied by llicherd Parker. For tellwe apply to JACOB IRIIEBNI. Carlitile, Nov. 23,1F159-2m. 1110• It It ENT.—The two-story Plastered , owstaallo [lousy, on !Anther _., I root, now In t h e occupancy of I'. F. N o r , .' nn, Esq.;'llon throe smaller tlwelllnik ,kll. w1;1 ho r• n'ed from Ilia lot of April V , l,' : s`• li.t. •• , Zgk ,, .4::,,,'. For terms inquire of , . . . en , lll , le, Nor. 21 18511-2 m 01:11 ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT! V 4 - CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THE Cosniopolitan Art Associaton. InFroni . all section; of the countrietihsciftiers to this popular Art Institution, (now in its Oath )'car,) are be. inpt received In a ratio unparalleled with that of any previous yenr. Any person eaa-become a member by anbscrib tag $3, which will entitle him to let.—Tito boauilful Stool Engraving, "Shakspeare and lliS Friends." 24.—:A. Copy of the Elegantly'lllustratod Art Journal, one year. 3d.—A Fret, Seaton .Adotisslon to the Ballades, 618 Broadway, New 1 orb. • • " In addition tq which, over yoga- tionmieb valuable Works of Art - are given to subicril•ere AR Premiums, comprising choice Paintings, Sculpture; Outlines, &r., by the first American and Foreign Artists. ' Ti t kralin Evonivirto, which" every Subseriber 'will receive Immediately on receipt &subscription, entitled s"SIIAKSPEARE AND lIIS FRIENDS." is era character, to give unqualified pleasure and sat's. itetion, No' work' f equal value W. ever before placed within reach of the people at such a price. Thu Engrav ing is of very large sloe, being printed on heavy plate paper, 30 by 3$ Inches, making a Most superb ornament ,suitable for the walla of either the library, parlor, ur office. .1t can be sent to any pert of country, by mall, with safety. being peeked in a cylinder, portage pre paid. Think of It Such a work, delivered free of charge, and the ART JOURNtL, one year, for TWIRL DOLLAR.) —l.B.ruscitirrioNs will be received until the Evening of Timidly the 31st of Jan eery, 180, at which tints the Minks will close and the Freedmen given to nubscribera. No person in restricted ion single subscription. Those remitting $l5 are entitled to six memberehips. Subscriptions from California, the Camden, and all Foreign provinces, must he $3 fa) instead of *3, in or• der to defray extra postagen, Ac. Persons wishing to form clubs will apply for a elreth ler of totem, Ac. The, beautifully 'Hesitated Art Journel, giving full' partlenlars, will be sent on receipt of 'lB cents, In Maim. or re 6i. Address 0 L. PENNY. Actuary C. A.A., 54nand 318 Broadway, , New York. 1850, - ' . eeriptinne also received by Wir:J. SHEARER. for Cerlisio end vicinity. IN ov.l SW. SO Hon. Sec) J AMES R. WEAVER'S • CA,RINET • , .•-- CHAIR ANUFACTD....T, NOATII 11ANGVE11 iSTRACT. CARLALE, PA. Ilaving•been engaged In the business thr over twenty years tie shittl4 return t hanks to his customers and. friends...for the liberal encounntament extended to hint In yearir gone' I.y. and 'further assures them that no , ; , - Fgt e l y tte a v o l , il.e hn ol . :rat a to r e,fnll satisfaction , who cuArits AND YUDNITiIItE ' " of 'every description constantly on - hand, or made to order. Warranted to be of the beet quality, of ..the la lost stile, well buishekh and sold at.the lowest possible prices tor cash..,.. • Ile also continues business 4 in UNDERTAKER. Reedy made Cofpne., Mattillic•or,•otheivise, , kept eon ',gently, oil handl and funerals promptly attended • to' personally, Ia towicor ... country,..on ,, thrvmost reasonable terms• ' 14 ' SINS N:,ll.—Teo Properties situate In Ch web town . . gAti.b: county,'ire offered,fo,salo tin emir terini. ! Apply ne .DAGIJERRiZO44PEIibi beeitty and stio . WAbli sliewik" picture 'eipiale agood ciagteo- . - reetypej:,tbbi bi -the opinlor!_ eipreened. by the leadiug "hotograpbleJpemaleitlttbe day; boltl Amerleeti end Rnglielir tbese rflayitm obtakned at - fir roomy et' Mx' lleyebtde;teitVi c etWt;Twiketaiiiveit:of ,•• '1 '.• p:` ° DON'T FAIL to fee,BIXTUANNUAL AN. NO9NOFSBNT ^ BndDrllltdntutrani, 1 n auctpiq epl imp n • ' - N e w 6109 g ..leittly , executod:.„ 1 . T' ~t . i. 1 f.,.. t,, .., :.: I,: .1 ,. ,.. : , :' t. -:: ~ , Y ..',,. 11 ~,, STOMACH BITTEIS, The propriCtors.and tilannfaeturers of4IOS TBTTBW§•PJFILEBHATEB: STMACif TERS,Can perfeCt-cimfidelice to physicians and chi , I•ll3,generally of l'hoJ/nited States,-because tiro hatnithitted a repu tatioti heretofOrd unknown, AOW facts upop this - I:Mini - It ill speak• more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or bls zoning puffery: The consumption'of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over P. half- Million bottles, and from its manifetttm steady . increase inntespitsL it Wevidgitt that tlurin • qe,..44 . sliffiiffiegrolAWagritfriraid. . .ne milli . I hat tics. Thia iinmense amount 7- cclitidtiever - have been sold. lint' for the rare -medicinalliftiperties - contitideditrthe;preffra.7 Lion, and: the sanction of the must'_prinitinent -. a . r . , . i irr „, i 1 611 „ a , 11 . 61 I. where I t i l l ie/cle r ie w lMa r t c kno l v i n, avn — t= i tr common the 'Bitters to their patientS, but ' are ready at all times tegive testimonials to its' effieneyitrall - easetrofanomachic - derangentents and the diseases resiulting therefrotn. This is 110 S a temporary popularity, obtained Ly extraordinary idforts in the way of tram • peting the qualities.of,thßitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluab 1 . medicine, which rs destined to be ea. endurin as time itself:' " Hostetter's Stomach Bitters .have proved' a Godsend to-regions where .foyer and agile and various other bilious complaints have• .counted their victims by hundreds. To be_ - able to state confidently that the "Bitters" tare a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like disedses, is to ilia ,proprielors a sourcenf un alloyeci'pleasure. It removes all Morbid matter from % the stomach, .pitrities • the blood, and imparts renewed Vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates-upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, rind soon restores thee( to a condition the healthy discharge -of-litp-functieps_of.nature.._______: -Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as . per 'directions on the bottle, and they will find in it ft stimulant peculiarly adapted to 'comfort declin .. years, as it is pleasant to 'the palate, Ilv tii ini s igor iiii to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and . rejuv\ gutting generally. We haye the evi dence of t lousands of raged men and women who have experienced, the benefit of using this-- preparation while sintering from stomaolf de rangements and general debility; acting under ,the advice of physicians, they have abandoned, all deleterious. drugs and fairly tested- the merits of this article. ' A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their.eares arc to haraSsing that manyof.them sink under the trial. The relation of mother. and child is so absorbingly tender, - that the mollier..especially if she be young, i i. apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. 'Should the period of maternity arrive during the sundae'. SCIIHOII, the wear of hotly and taindis generally aggravated. Here, thee, is a necessity for is stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up untler•lier-eiliatisting Wits and responsihiiiii - es. Nursing mothers gene ally-prefer-the-I;itm . t,, .dl-etler4nvigo, • tors that receive the-Indorsement -of physi-, Mans, because it is . ,,tigreu.46 to the taste as well aircertain In give is ]ermanent increase el.:bodily strength, ' . . ,• All those persons. to - whom we have particu: EMS daily referred above, I 0 wit: - stifferers fropi fever and visite, otinFed diarrliceli; dysentery, indigestion, loss-of appetite,.and all disease's or derangements of the wontach,. superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing.lllol hers, will constalt t heir_ovvniphysicarwel elite .to no teller's Celebrat , d Stomach Bitters a trial. caution the public against using any of ihe.vnany hail Atkins or counter feits, but ask for llosrv . ritat's CELEBRATED STOMACH BBCFE - ICL and. FCC that each botilq 11118 the wortis! 4 Dr..l. llosteticr's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cop covering the cork, and observe-that our autograph signature is on the label. , • _ as- Prepared and said by HOSTETTER & tpdITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and "sold by all 4uggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany. $ 4,76 6,00 6,26 8,50 1.26 1,16 \ 80 476 2,00 For salt) by S. ElHost, F. IF. linverstick, Carlisle; John C. Attlrk, John Btombsugh. Shippensburg: L, ICSO man, J. 11. Denning, Alechnulesburg; and Druggists goncrslly throughout tho county. NOT. 9, ',159. FALL .AND WINTER .GOODS ! Thomas 11'. Evans ,S• Co.; Hove now open for Inspection anent the lorgeet and handenulext of.ortnientn of LADIE'S DRESS COO/JS, to be found in the Cout try. selected carefully with n •lew of suiting all tastes. The Stock will ho found to embrace a variety ofgonds In all prices. Among the ar._ tides to bet d In their extensive eittablishtnent are • SILKS of all kinds and prices. SHAWLS in tie newest designs. CLOAKS—the latest Paris Styles. POPLINS, MOUS. DE LAIN ES, VALENCIAS. CIIALLE'S, CHINTZ. and other new textures of . this seanon's Importations. LACE HOODS, EMBROIDERIES, the newest n 0.,. elel 3g . - aLovEs, vms, MITTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Ac. MOURNING (MODS, a full assortment. WHITE, GOODS, in every texture. 11051EltY of the bust makers, with a Tull steck of other goods worthy a visit of Inspedion. A laree portion of T. W. E. A Co'. stock Is their' owe futon tt tnoa.'ona of o.o . firla visiting Europe twice a year to make purchases. thus enabling theta to offer t. 'their customers. the newest alai most fashionable styles and textures, simultaneous with Male appearance in Europe. 'they hare also purchased largely this season at the Anctlon :tales, and ran thirt afford to give their customers the* full benefit of thu DZMIECIATED Pelerap resulting from Mcessive importations: I adios and oar era front this vicinity, visiting the Fite, will find that'a call at this establishment will repay them. 818 h 1,20 (.•lIESTNIIT I.TREET, Op, unite (tinted House, Philadelphia. Nov. 2,1859. MIMED G REAT EXCITEMENT AT LIAR.- - , Idols nititir. • . Old John Drown still alive and recommends the La. dies of 'Carlimo and country, to go lannodiately to . LEI DIG?! 4- ~.A WYER'S NEW WORE, . and examine their splendid stock of new goods. Just received a large lot magnificent WINTER' SILKS, (from Auction.) lendld Dearer Cloth blare tire and Raglans. latest rIP atyles elegant DDESS GOODS, in great variety of styl e ,. and kinds. Mucha, double reversible, and fine Droteh SHAWLS. .FURSI - FURSH FURS!!! Mad from the manufacturers, warranted free from mottle, and at greatly reduced pricey. " Also a WO ndditidn 01 ST %ME BOBS. suitable for the season, including AVOWS CELEBRATED BAND TER ' BUCK GLOVE •, warranted genuine, notwith standing the Aurnontsut AND EXCLIMITi aosacr. Carlisle, Nov. 2. IMO. . CT.IMBERLAND VALLEY R. R.- WINTER ARRAIVGEALENT. ritimn-tvz . 413 ,• On and after MONDAY, NOV. 14th ]ItD. Pasant:get Tralar alll run as follows: (Sundays earepted:) • FOR lIARRIBRURO. • 14 TrAln. 2d Train Leave Chamberaburg, .8.35 A. M. 5.40 1?. M " Shippeelsburg, 0.05 " 3.15 • Newvlllei 0.38 " 3.45 " Carlisle. 10.15 -- " , 4.25 i, slechanlcablarg, 10 47 Arrive at llarrlabura, 11.15 , Ist Train. . 2.2 Train Leave IlarrLsburg • B.IG A. M :2,93 P. M " Mechanicsburg' —. 4.57 ' 2.12 , " Carlisle 9.37 " 3.15; ". Newvilira 19.1.3 " 3 ' 50 Shippeueburg, • 19.42 4.20 Arrive at Clutinbersburg, 11.12 " 4.40 • ' TRAINS LEAVE Harrisburg Oa Pommylyanta Can• trat liallroadat 1.00, P. 51.,•2.15, P. M., irla Columbia, and 550.. P. M. . . s./1 • Via Lob. non Ve. '16.1 - Reading 'Beiß r oad, at 800, A. M., and •2.86: . 1'. M. . For Pittsbur, at 0.60, A. M. and 1.30, p. For. • Bsltimorc, at 2.40 and '8.45, A. 51.; and 2.05, I'. M. For Travartort, Williamsport and Buffalo, at, 1.21 and 7.50; P. M. Schuylkill and Btsquallatina Railroad; for, Aln burn and I'qttfrilip,.4.4 2 2.014 P. 51.- '• Ti) ,PISSESONItS .At 1111 Stations where Tickete aro aold,. Chimbershurgi Shippen t rib Carlisle,. idechaultih - urg and-Harrisburg, reduc not TNN CENTS-on each:Ticket wilt be made to all ['amen. guns that provide tkeihselves Kith, Tickets before on. tering the Cars, ' ' ' " " • - 0. N.• LULL, Supar't ItaOkiumi Ofnee . , Clnabersburg, 1. ,• . ' • Nov. 9,18144 • f • , COATS, PA NT$ AND. YiSTB OF 'COATb, PANTS AND' VESTS ON . . —, - :,-.- 41ANSINETTCMISISIBITIfittOTtf, .1 - :RIX:. ~CARSI.^q.T,OABBRIMCE, cLOTII' a SILK. OVER-CO . OBAR . , . . ._ ~.. , . . .. • Eit-op4ms OF ' • cumir, BRA-vitt, FILOT, ririttsirAm• Ac CI OTri, BEAVER, PILOT, PETEIISIIALL to OENTLIIMPN'S 'BRAWL& / ; 01INTLEMXN13 PILAWLB. ' ' LAlimallAusallsoKtis GiintatlOdibdi Goods-are often d and nt,rerodrlcablokilf rl AT TnE - cusAp"c9mpo4kAgyo.„lyx Atiunciortkoust.:.'6., „ , , Nr!, 9,1,0? ...,ZO,NI . FAIO . O Bei .SiX,TO - UNVAL NourrameNr , ■nd brllltimt Offers, t o a nther column. HosTTTER'S I=l 4.56 " 61:6 " FOR 011AMUERBOVII0 ~ ; ~. MIMI= •Ne4?ii-#.,!.' . (iii.e. •.• • • k 4.4 1!: dir ,L -t-, •,. L.T ••• Fall arid, Winter - Goods, . „, I flirt. naw °inning ,the largest assortment of DRY . GOODS over brought to Oitniborlend County. • .. The attention of the 'lsidleele wirtletilarly Invited. to ; the spleadhliasigirtteent Of, t '•' S;S,; - '124: 00. D.. A full lino of Magnificent Silkil, PopliosjToll Do CU • ilees,"Frotich• Cinihtiteres,.R.o., :Shawls and Cloth Capes of all klnde and Uncokundbly cheap'. Dress • Trlinniings. all tho new styles and to - suit every color. ' Flannels Ana Blankets at ristonislaln low, prices. Call. iutr.WWWitattradvasatuvOtaltska a - .. erfgaggy , “ e „e Muslihs,... cached-and Wohle - sebed.:mal , itater;iiilfratierftw hail. -- 'l,ltVene,•;•NaPklns, --- ,.Table 'Cloths,- Fhirtlngs, --71MylleseAc. - i-bronght - from , - .. - New „ .. , - ----York. very good and Tory I ,eortMent. . . 01111Kt114'13b0Dir• - ---•leitirlorassortrifenPokiieurrti' Ina Goods of all him:fienddescriptions. , BONNETS-5: la IIIiONS:—A new supply of fashionable Bonnets and ltibbous, at low figures. . • ' • ,G [AWES —The best - quality -of• Alexander's' Kid - • -----filoves, Kid, Sllkand-Cotton Gauntlets. - Buck Gloves, equal to any .Exclusive Agency, Gentlemen's wear. A now.assortment of Fine .Droad_Clothe, _Center. Den.. ' acne, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Yostings, Cassinets, • /to., Ac. . BOY'S'WEAR.Casslineres sultablo fur boys very cheep. ' • Three Ply Carpeting, good, beautiful and cheap. Floor Oil Cloths of all widths. good and r.hesp. . The Store Is new filled with new, elegant and cheap goods; broth:lit from the:largest and best lonises In Now York and l'hiladelphla, and will be sold off kt•prlces to 'l defy, alleompotltion. Coate ono. come ell, byline poi-chasing olsewhere and • Judge for yourselves. • r No trouble to show our goods at the Mew Store oppo site the Railroad Depot. CHAS. OD !Lin% ' earl Isle, Dct 29, 1859." -- •• • ••••• • • • NOAV IS THE TIME FOR 'BAR . GAINS! -LAItUN AND EXTENSIVE ARRIVAL - FALL AND WINTER. GOODS! At • •. tho New Stoic, corner of tic Louther The undersigned returns thanks for the U patronage bestowed upon him by the pi - 111 . 11c, ariAtirtbil +num nto respectfully atinounces.thot ho han Just returned front Philadelphia, and Is now opening s now lot of spring A itOCHill RS,--consisting its part as follows, and which he Is determined to soil et the lowest cash prime. silks, Dural Cloths, .Challien, Alpacas, Delsines. De Rages. Lustrea, Poplins, UM., Bareges, Brilliants, Skirting, French.auffSeotch fling. hems,-Prints, Moves, Hosiery, Collars, itaudkerildefe,, Ac., Ac. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, of every Variety and quality. Staple and Domestic Dry floods. 'Clothe, Casslntores, Vestings, Flannels, Mut lies, Tickings; Stripes. Checks, CaliroeS Cotnades, Lineqs, Shootings, Denims, Nankeens. to ]) r ills, Marseilles Quilts, colored arid Odle. carpet Chain, Ic. Parasols and Undwellas. Also, a large and splendid assortment of BONNETS, lIATS, CAI'S. BOOTS and 8110 ES. .1 Superior lot or fresh OltoChntl ES, Tens, Coffee, Sugar, Melnsses. Bice; Spices, se. Having_ selected my entire Mock with the greatest care. and tholowest cash prices, I CAR itimurn my friends and the publle`generally. that 1 will do all in my power to niake my establishment knoirn as the stead Quarters for Heroin," Those who ,Wish to purchase will find it to thole advantage to call nod examine my stock before purehasingelsowhere. DB- I will pay the highest market price for Butter, Eggs, Rags, Soup and Dried Fruit. .1. A. 11U311t1011, Jr. Carlisle, Oct. 26,.11158. NEVV. ARRIVAL 'OrFAII 'AND W T _11)11. .(1() 0 D • . poled. plilahnd New York with ki3 largest and most' magnifi. earitstoek-of goodo ever broincht to Carlisle, which fur litylo and benulif nie unparalleled. The Ladles aro particularly Invited to examine our inried and splendid . DItESS - GOODS, . • 'conoktlng ofPlalbick Silks. Vow) , In., of 'oven?, du scrlptlon. 11.1yoderu nod Fig'd. do, elegant Vulva Pup buy, both plain and Caul; .FRENCII 'Btu lorgeol stock went of lb . EostCrii Cities. • " - CASIIMfUtfft3, Plain and figured, all Moo! DeLainoa, plain and figured. • g AWLS. A veil large amortment of over 400-Btel - Jacquard, Blank°. and Mourning Shawls of every-quality,eariely,And.prlce.--_,___ • FLANNELS. Ifliita, Fancy and all wool. piald Illtiff. • . VALF:NIIAS. Plaid and Ilayadere, at atitonlabingly low fignroa• , • MUSLINti. Over 10,000 yds., from the mnst cele brated manufacturers la that. 8., et all'prlces both white and unbleached. • . . • LINENS. A- large stock or neery description, Ted Clothe; Nnyklns, nni. for Shirting, from Ufa best many. fartureeeln Ireland. GINO II AMS. A very large assortment. LICOF.S. An assortment conslstlo_gor over 20,- .000 vlll4, and at prices to snit tho times TRIM MINKS. A very handsome and well selected lot . of " Ladies' Dre.Trimmlngs," to suit every variety of of dress goods • , • 01.0 YRS. Kids, °aunties, Silk and Cotton Gloves for Ladies and children MOURN'S./ GOODS. Black French Nlerinoes, Block Cashmeres, all Wool DeLaines. 4eLain.,Coburgs, Jtnd every variety of mourning goods far dress, crapes, tells. Collars, Ac.. Ac. RIBBONS. We would call the attention of the Ladles to our largo 'dock of well selected rlblems. ORNTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cloths.Vesalreeres, Satinets, Yeliateetta nod Girds; over 10,000 'du. of Satinets at very low prices. GAIIFETS. A large and well AM ected stock of Carpets of every description of over 0,000 yards. IRANOVKIt GLOVES. - The - tar famed and well known Hanover Gloves are only cold by me. as I am the only authorized agent for the vol. of Glom In this•county. ,We Just received 600 pairs of them: MY Store Is at tile old Stand, in balmier St., nearly. opposite the Post Vince. Give us a call-and examine our stock. . Carlisle, Oct. 5,1850 SPECIAL • HATS AND 'CAPS. AT KELLER'S OLI) STAND. NORTH RANOVER. STREET, Will be foitnd a large nod elegant assortment of lIATS and CAI'S, in groat variety, °Tour own and city menu-• facture. ATS. .CAPS. ' Silk. • Navy. 018,4111,0, Morphy, Scotch. • • ' Ledger, Ledger. Planters, ° 011 Cloth. Plush A Cloth. Children's Fancy. .ASSO, Wool Data of all kinds, which will . be sold at the lowest prices. Recollect KELLER'S OLD STAND, North IlAttover Street. M. data of any style manufactured to order. Oc.t. It?, 1659.. • r rll.lll PARIS -MANTILLA, CLOAK ANIS FUR Exponitrar. , - , No. 708 Clietanit'Street,-(r.bove neventh,)' , I'IIIILADELPiIIA. 4 The subscr,bere Invite the attention Of the Ladles, to their Atock of those ELEGANT GARMENTS, of which being a ttrzciat.t7r, they era enabled to oiler the want complete tooortment In thu city.. They will open•ln October and November their Jilt portotiom comlsling of • _EMBROIDERED VELVET CLOAKS, HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, OPERA CLOAKS, &c., &c:, and elegant epocimette of hountlnannfacture, will be added to their Stock EVERY 111ORNINti TI180)1011 TUN SEASON. Ater ' GRAND OPENING. 'III Elegant •Furs For Ladies' Costume. IN THE FUR ROOM 01 0 TRH PARLs MANTILLA EMPORIUM. The subscalbers beg also to announce that,. In coca. pliauce, with the wishes of several .slued customers, they have added to their establishment a • FUR DEP Alt PATENT, In Which will at all times be found the largest display of well seasoned GARMENTS, spade up by the beat French workmen, and at prices ittilch whit commend them to the econonsihal as well as the most luxurlotie purchasers.. EVERY GARMENT may be relied on sabering exactly 'what Is represented, as it ix no part of the rieoraqic, the subsctibets to obtain an ephemeral notoriety liyoffeting imitative manufactures for the sake of selling cheap,— but, on the contrary, a reputation based on the permit. neat and durable foundation of public confidence. PROCTOR` &, M., j Importers, and Manufacturers of ,CLOAKS, MANTILLAS AND FURS. NO - 108 Chestnut Strout, Philo(lelOhio Oct-10.1889-3m. - , ...(1. r . 1 "0.01) I GOOD!! GO. .D duet received at Gie cheep Grocery of the under planed. lola of good things; apart of whlelfare 'the fol. . • Hermetically staled PEAGIIES,' ';(fieslO ,-- . 0 . ASPARAGUS,." , • •, I •A . 0103TV:it0,. • . r LOIlaT.3118.".: • „. ‘ .O PINE APPLE, -00 TUICTLE BOW', "-,. . , - 00 . , . SAIIDINES, , pi ea Gerllne, Chow Chow, Plwatlllll, l -Lebsteis, ----Ca dower, Capers." • - • .00W0P,TeMatOCIEktailp, r iiltichrooM dm"; popper soco,,llTAnThy, °Atte, Cnpberrles,. the finest:: of, GAO near, ,FILTer-cltrid',. Gems, Phouhler.•Gologin Netisago,.Poue 'Mane, Mace:wool, .Sugar, CgOre,ol, hl.. l acces, and FlNSlof.alLkiade. FINE .SEGARl3..ameng whlchtare, !; - "twenty-five thou d: German, Plree, - prlme..Teitrro„ and the' hod purvey LIQUORS In the Confectlooarfand • ; • All of whlctiare offeredlo the eltlieneof CarErle and cboliltv of Outnbeirhiod, at.the loweat,/aicea for CUM. , ' ONIII,-43031.13.-ALL,..two doors- East.of , ElieAde. • . ;',, , 0 -Wat BENT Q+rllde,Nni:O, X 860:• UST-11,1110111YED, t9t: cif Siva — Ni and Cut.t?3 . ro, nt the Agrtcul[nml - BtBlti off' ^' , , . . , IL B. STVICktLER # re . ) ,':„ • TgItp4II.O.AIN,S,T,EIANFIVEI; „ 'arenow, being. ilired at J. Oro*lie CHEAP • OkOTHINO cf 7 SHOE STORE, ; Having dlacorinod that send wilt. anligtildi 0.414 hi thp trio principle of suriresa Oi btialkiess, , k Sam de termined to offer:stilkbetter indurernants - Mau erer to purchasers; Of MEN, and BOYS tiothing.for.-,.--.,^ • - ii.I.ILA hare Just opennj kith* and ;antidote assortment eornprlyingdvar Coati;Erock Coate. Sark Cants: Raglans, BpsineraGnaty &e,. &e. Pantaloons. West', Shirts Un der :Shirty;. Tuent, Monkeyy, .11ralery., Gloves. Sus. panders, stocks. neckties, collars and Handkerchiefs &o. nyabittaatiacinfat=taattdttirddaM ing • ••ttv, , :lit'etr itipytiridued andUlylf,Ms Par, JdqvYtii tadreffiNtif - Sl=Xever_linuatheritaits niarketi-loy: - men- &-boyn. women- & ellildren,• and -at.temarksbly Jovvprlcea:—For_--Women.and children .1 have the beat of_ fiememade, and make-up_ta-firdaf*.pn,the !holiest sip, tees. •o --- - - - - HATS AND CPS; and boys at,- very, low 'prices, Alen. Titmice, Trar . elllog llags Umbrellas, de. at vary low prices. , COME ONE, COME ALL. 7 7. . bo beppy tU coo you and makeyen . glad 'with goerletrgalts. • • B.:W. 431ILEIri7 October 6. r • NEIV 'FALL ' , _ SA.WYEIt, 4,- ,At their now Store Knot Main stliot, ilea dooMbelow Martin'. lintel, respectfully announce to Abe pailc that they hove received from Ihe best Importing auci jobbing hou.e.of Now York and PhllAdelphin,llle'lar• gent nadhekt'neha•ted stock of • 14.. 'AND WINTER EIRT.43IOODS. over offored in Carlini°, embracing all kinds and qUall ion or DRESS GOODS,. (latest Paris slyla.,), SHAWLS of every description, • lot h Mantillas in Every Variety, FURS, freehand direct from the mane cturerg. Mourning Press floods, In all their vedette& Man's and Roy& cloth.aud Cels.imers, 5,1001 shawls, drawers sod undershirt.. ho - ' elory olvill kinds, suited for the .....„„_,_,_seasen,'Alexander's Celebrated Kid Glide& ineWollitida --- ' — ' 7"" - .. ' and number, Ilnop skirt. 11/mover . Muck. ghives warranted, , EMIJRO2DERIES, EIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, and a rompleteraariarnent of all other kinds of Dry Goods. We will be making coneitant add•tiono to our stock during the moon., - LKIDIGII A fietollor 5, '59, HANOVE LL STREET - • coNrEcTkoNERY, • • / l'S LE PA. ' Wholesale Rama Reduced $2 per 100 lbs. The attrl e ) Una of Country Merchants and the public generally is uvited to a large assortment of - 'CHOICE - CANDIES,. • - butnutactured of the, beet underfed and warranted to contain no poison in their istiors,•whlLL will be sold Wholesale or Retell at low rates at the old stand of . P. DIONYER, . NOUTH HANOVER STREET,CATWEEL; Pky ?,. few doors North of the Csrllsle Deposit Rank. Just received a large issortment_ol__: FRESH FRUITS AND NU-TS o Abe latest Importations, consisting or Oranges, Figs, Odes, Ilanatinas, Pine Apples, Almonds. . Cream Nuts, 'Cocoa Nuts, Ac., rail of which will be sold a law rates.. Also, a large all Sortinent of TOYS AND FANC% 9 GOODS of overy variety. Also. all the .best brands of SEOAItB AND TOBACCO, of 'Atiforlean and German manufacture The suhseribir returns thanks for the liberal patron. ego bestowed on him by the public, and solicits a eon. finnan., of their favors. Itemembys the Old Stand of P. MONYEII, OAHE:4IO,-J une:lll,- , 58. North Ilanorer-Strad..--1 'N. H A N , MERCHANT TAILOR: WEIST MAIN STREET, -- Opposite the Rail:lto:id OffiCe. • Bill and IVinter t.tylee of Cloths, Coesimeree and Treetioge made - to Onrlialo, Oct. 26i IBM ' CARD.—Du.. JNO. K. Smint, re spectrully announces to his old frla ndif and former patrone, that he bu returned from hie eolith weetern tour. with hie health greatly Imptoared, end tae rammed lila practice le Cerllde., OVe ICE on Meld Street , one dimiiniter thellitfread Depot, where he can be found at all. home, day and night, when pot out firofeacJonally.. Cerlinie, Oct. 26, 1p359-tf. - . DOCTOR - 4RAISTRONG has restov ed his office to the South west cornerof Hanover A Pomfret et where he may be consulted at any hewer the day' or night. Dr. A. has had thirty years experience lo the profession, the liutt ten of which hare boon deco. tel to the study and practice of llomccopathic tine. - _ Alay_ttl,!biOnt. , MEM OLIN HAYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW.— ey OMce ou Main Street, opposite "Marlon Hall," Carlisle. Pa. . - Pet, 26, CP. LIUNIRICR, Attorney at Law.. ..—olliee on North Hanover street, n few &cora 'south of (Uses' Hotel. All burliness entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [Aprill6. AM NOTICE. —'II,ENIOV.,%L. N. I PENROSE hos removed his ollirei In rear o Ahe Court Mouse, where ho will promptly attond to all business entrusted to him. Au g dst 19, 1857. I. ASV . 0 FFICE.-L - E MUEL TODD Ld has resuniod the practlce.uf the Law.. 011 Ice fo Centro Square, west Milo, near the First Presbyterian Church. April 8, 1857. TAR. S. 13. KIEFFER Office, in North Ilanorer street two - doors from Arnold k /knee store. wilco hours, more particularly from 7 to 9 o'clork A. M., sod from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. GEORGE S. SEA las RIGHT, DENTIST, from tbe Bab ••"' timore College of Dented Surgery. gajßllce at the residence of his mother, East Louthat street, three doors below Bedford. March 19. 195G—tf. - Int. J. C. 'NEFF respect fully Informs the ladles and gentlemen' of Carlisle, and vicinity. that he has re, named the practice of Donlietry, and is prepared toper orm all operations on the teeth and gums, belonging o his profession. Ile will !Inert full nets of teeth on gold or silver, with single gust tenth, or block,, ail they may prefer. Terms moderate, to salt the time. ' • Office in High street, directly opposite the Cumber land Valley flank. tta„, Dr. N. will be In Newvills the last ten days 61 every month. JAI). 20. ISfitt-11" Di pft ri • South Hanover street, nett door to the Poet Offlde. .1)3,19111 be absent (man Carllele thelent ten days of each month: , I aug. 1:"55. GEO. W. , :iNEIDIOII, D; La, pernonstiator of Ape:mire Dentistry loam Baltimore College of 1311314 1rtirc, - De l3 ' free l S al i t g irresidence, °greet° Marion Ilan, West Main street; Carlisle, Penn Nov. 11.1867, " J 0 S 0 N , 11.0 U 8 E , . Cor. of Chambers St.,. dk College Place, NEW , YORK. • TERPIS-4150 PER DAY. J. It. BUIIUItUe, Proprietor, Late of the , ..lehneopffoiree," Cleveland, O. eug.31.'59-3m. AVE W'S'lll - 4:" ATTOR'S LAW. Office with Wm.ll:Mille; 4 ,-tlin.,'SoutlVlTehover Street, opposite the Volunteer Mee. Coribilei Sep. ti,1 , 89., • `'ATTOItNEY AT,LAW AND GENERAL 'AMIN? . ~ . . . • Minneaßoqe, .411pesota. , • ' ' *ILL give Isparta] atientionlgcollectinis througd -mit the State, makelnvestments. buy and toll- Itoal Estate and,ttocuittleti.., Negotiate loans, pay taut?, j ov olo an g irarmrita,•di.i de: Hafer Litho thembeir-o. the Cumberland County Bag; and to all proudnen Ceitl gene of. Onrlbile. Ps. ~ ~ . - -,• - v.. CAuge4ll-13/: - , REAL 'A- il-11, AGE'NOY;::RE: • --MOVATA.:-41, • ROESLER; ;REAL ESTATE NTi CONVEYANCER 'AND 'SCRIVENER; lose I.o=' moved to his New Mice cio Main ntreeti OW. 'aiopr well of the Cumberland Valley'llall Road- Di3lo; -Ile Is now permaiientls Idladedilind has oa head dial for,sale &Ter) , large amount of Real Estate, "comdellnif. of Rama, of all'oltes, , impfoved• and unimproved. Mill Pp:mortice, Town'tqoperty of eters; description, B'ulld, log Lotc'eloe, , Weatern Londe and,Trivra Lotli!: 'He *lir give bin atteldion,•as.haretaftire to the Negotliktldis..Of Lbann, Writing of - DoedP, blotters ' , Wills, :COtitrac" atid Barlow:dog generally. • • • , 28, 1857kz-tf.'" • rpo UNFORTUNATE-YOUNGAEI* ;,--gparmatotrbtea. combo ettled.wltboilt=ditigo br aurally, loVieuraoutae. , liaougmaa aiiifering. tram' ootwoury.gmbolork. would do.rell to glvo ounilour troatulent :11toso eigbauktligi lovaiiam manently arraated by a now bat nevarfalling meth . Addraws (opaloalugl thy,* dollars) Joules 11. pqbaity: -• ; I •,1 Di0v,31,1w8L,4 Qlooobs. Lemons, Zustness earDs. MEM . . • , - ivi•lT tTE At/TICE. -- . —Latertl.oe - lAt" Entata of Ealti4 athelatiora.couuty, State or ludlana,.ffinronted,Ott•W. Issuatt,to the Pabscrlbor nullEun ID tough MI Ally ton totnoshlD,Cumbarlaadcounty. All prrsonalutlabtnt to ,tho estate are , raquastett•to , nankev.luunnAlata pa, humsr god:than, anttlemoot to pii,t v :Jar, SALE • ' . • —7- . '.. l'' ,":..',.."),'::::':: „.ixit''' ,. .• ''r ~.,, ' • ' , • ~:', ~,••• ,'•••-,KkAL ESTAHE 'Vie subscriber:pow' iiffeill oneVturigfng indneeleo is to thoeo of limited means; who dtlare to get a chiapatni .dosifabissinstne to nhaotthavnoit-healthyandjenter •, prisingVittees In the State.. Three paper 'Mille twit' at hand, and the feat• lately erected, le nose. In saccesaful operation for the mandfactrire of fine paper, In over !Oil hand% male and female, awe employedAtesid ee . 'Mt. Holly El pringeiat the haste of the South M Qumran, Fa, =. STATE .NOTICE.--Leitera of .Ad.. „ ..... , ontoe townehip. deed ., hive been honed to the ant., red watering place,. being unusually patmnised. - 1 g a e d u. s r mAte . rially to the pecuniary Intereate of the peoplo .. Thaterlowing described property is adjacent,and in ministration on the estate of Philip' Lute. late ri *after, rasiding in- Smith Middleton -township. ' -A,V , tended as an addition to the Springs, and also to Um person...lndebted to said Estate, are i 'q u ' lt 'd to ••"a • i . • " beantlful village of Papertown: •• • . : - • Immediate payment, and - those biting claims to— ENOCH YOUNG, Administrator of 1.4111,5ar wertrix.7 • - _Aem rt hytnetar of rbilip laiis r dedd. Nov, 2,1859-6 t. ------ ----. • 7. sigped Auditor. ap pointed by_the eouit. to mar.: she. and alitribute the bee llmdt,.Adaduletrator Or John 0.-Allne, intent Dirkin' non'tOwdetdp. hi cold county. given entire that be will attend to that duty, at hie office, in the Borough. of Car -liebh-on - TIIUMSDA - Yfthelet dare( Deeember..lBs9, at. ID Welock, A. N., eirthat dey,..whonand where those id. Joiertted Ate requested to attend... •• • ... .A.• U. SHARPE; - Anditdr: . . . Nov. 2,1859. • 1 'CARLISLZ, June 28, IS 8. 'lVOtke is hereby. given that. lin application will be, made to the. Legislature of Penneylvania at. lie .next. meeting for'the incorporation of a Dank of Issuer with discount and deposit privileges.' to' be located in. the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland eau nty, l'enn'a.,•to be called. The Bank of Itarlinle, with a rirpital of one bun• dred thousand dollars,.vit h the right to Inerearte the same to three tidred•tho d doitara. • " I • ' ( SIGNED. ' - • WitAiAm Kin, . JOHN 11, , PAA0A, • • Tilos. PARTON', • JOHN None, • BIM/. GIVLIR, JR., .- EROCH YOUNG, RICHARD WOOD', • CHRINTIAN STATRtif,. - WILLIAM Dunn, JOHN O. STERRILTr, A. B. SMARM WF. N. ittism.l., Jolly O. DUNLAP, w JOACPII D. Ilm.nant., • " -- - -.- Itonsur-lbosn, Jour( Domsue,.. lamen Rostra, Rooms blooms,' - - 11. A. Bsonorom p ROBERT Wilson, --- 8 ikliii - IFICLIWN, ' `---- — GicT. — Wasiiiiirza; 1 ' JACOU K. Nyman!, BoT,. Nsumsr. ' - June 20, 1850—dm • , NOTlCE.—Notice is -heleiky given that application will be made to 'the next Legit. firip lettere of Penney to alter the charter of the tear . hale Deposit Dan ~ I ted In the borough of ,Carlisle," ;Cumberland county tm auto confer on said brink the rights and prie nig of a bank of tante, and to change tie name to the Carllele Dank t also to Increase the capital of Sold bank (which I. at prevent eeventptwo thousand dollars, with privilege of Increasing the mane under Its Present charter, to one hundred thousand,) to two hundredund fifty . thodiusnd dollars. - : " - • W. M. HEETED, Caehler June 29, 1 . 85f1 1 46m . • 'STATE NOTICE. —Letters test:i nlaid/my on the Estate of basin. Mumma, late of hfek lotion Township, dert4sed, have been leaned to the subscriber/1, residing In the same township All persona Indebted to the estate, are r e quired to make immediate payment; and those having rialtos to present them for settlement to - GEORGE 110LI.IN4KR, DANIEL HOLLINGER, Executors. 0ct.19, 1859-6 t 17, STE' AT NOTICE. - Letters test a-:: meutary on the Estate 48smust BPOIDT : late Of Monroe township, deed., have been issued to the iqub... aeriber, residing In etirlisle.___All s _persone. indebted_ to' the Estate are required to make immediate payment id-tliose-having-tdidiorto fko to Nov. 9.7859-fit liorellancotia. SECOND • GRAND, FAIlt OF TILE - - • (utpberlatid Fire Company.. • Ms Cumberland Fins - Company pulp... bolding :a • ' F.4II4_J_ALSZIE S &ILL—•• Coinmkncing DeCetaber 12th, and clos - leg December 17th, 1859, • • 'ae oldest being to raise-funde for ',the purpos;Lo building An ENOINE HOUSE. • • ' Michael lninici, i lt"*.trullY linsuellirier -- " • • I E. D. Quigley, . James Martin, - Jobn Arney, A. J. nalghler,- Augu.tus Zug, John bailey', • , Jacob Albert, . Frederiek - honner, . PETER . BPAIIII, Chslituan. - Carlisle, Oct. 20,1860-t f. W SCO,TT, - (Late of Me firm' of Winchester .3 Scott,) Gentlemen's Furnishing Store AND SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 814 cIIFSTNUT STILISIFT. (NEAIUX OPPOSITE vnn (SIMARD 11003E4 =E! • J. W.,9fXYTT, would repPertfully eall the attention of Ills Milder friends to hie now Etore. and Iv prepared to 1111 orders for SIIIRTB e short notice. A p.ofert fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE SnoßTS'and COLLARS. Ket.12,159. Our Nume—Our NolloH"Good .repectfully annoueee that we in, intend holding our LAST GRAND FAREWELL FAIR, during the Holidays In RHEEM'S HALL, -. Comencing Wednesday Evening, December 21A,11159, ."and closing Monday Evening, January 21.1,1860. We respectfully *licit the ald of the public In the enterprise. The proceeds ore to be applied to the pay. moot of 110 SE recently purchased: ' • • Single Tickets, 10 Celt** packages containing els tickets. 50 eente. - To be obtained from any of the committo or at the door. Respectfully, Jos- C. Halbert, L 5L r.lyere. ' George. 51e11, . Joho r e. Ilalbert, John G. Heiser, John C. Schuchumn. Wilson L. Spottswood, William Zlmmerrnan,, Simms nod/ ; Donlel J. Moore, Hobert V Noble, Itah. J. Camaro% fleortfe OGILBY, Chairman. t„24,f 18E04 f. . ). HAMPTON'S • COMPOUND - DIURETIC PILLS. 'fbr. Ilampton's Pills contain neither Redeem or Men eery, but are 'purely vegetable In their composition, stud arethlglily recommended by eminedt physic's., so Sate Curtain, • Speedy and Permanent Cure • For Gravel, (fleet, Strie• tuna, Lueorrknen, Female • Weakviensea, and all other diseases of • Kidneys, the,liadd • and „ _ Sexual Organs. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. 4 - Prepsie4 and fur sale by • ' • nit. J: T. lIAMPTOS' & CO 405 Spruce street, Philadelphia tars,. Sold by Druggists aud.Dodera everywhere. Sir. 8. G. WILD, sole agent for Nowellia. ISENWEIN'S ,TAR - AND• \VOQI) • NotrenA,.. IMMORAL, ; • J .` 7e mu 00$? EINDICINK ut Tut WOULD, for the Cosa of COMASMUD Conk. Croup Dm:whine, As . throe, Difficulty for Breathing, Palpitation of the heart, and for ttict relief of patients In the 'advanced stages of 00kaultraos, to. gather with all Diseases of the Throat ,and Chest, and , • ; which predisposed hi OonsuMption." It'attaekathe root .of disease, and makes the fell destroyer succumb to Its — neuenee. -- It also prober, free evpactoraticin, and In duceahealthYantioniti tbedisiaied Mucous Membranes and Tissues. It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of AsretlA . One dose of this Invaluable Syrup often ,gives case, and consequently sleep, which the peculiar , nature of thhtdlseasu denies Mut. Id very pleasant do the taste, and prompt In its effects. Thy nr, avid he Convinced, that it is Invaluable in the yoga OP BROX. CUIAL AFFCCTIONO. PRICE 50 casco 1= • ;, • l• Prepared only by • A. EBSEIN, Corner of Ninth and Poplar inmate. • PILIGADKLPIIIA N. D. For Bale by N. Killott-, U.J.Keitfer, B. W. haver stick, Carlisle; L. Kauffman, Mechanicsburg; -and tto.- K. Smith, & Co.. Philadelphia, and Storekeepers and Druggists getierallYt • _ - • Carlisle. Oct. 159.-- 7, mos. • , • • fItrAIBERL AND : VALLEY 11A.NIC k • PROPRIETORS, WILLIAM Hta, • . alizeuorallatureaterr, L L HOOT. C. SUMMIT?, ...nkalN DUNLAP, , • !Benign iticioes, Joust 8. Sersaterki Joan O. Ilettsvr. H.A.StfilSnsofi. 'Tole Bank, dotes business in the name of Eel:, Bien 0013140 & CO., It now folly a general thinking Business with - promptness and fidelity. Money on deposit and paid buck on demand I without notice. Interest paid on special deposits. Car. I , tificates of deposit bearing interest at the rate of five ; I per cent: Will , be! bunted for al short a' period AM' foup I , months..; Interest op itli.certlficates will eease at ma. turity, provided, however, that If said certificates. are renewed at anytime thereafter for another given' ice. clod, they shall bear UM immolate of interest up to the time of renewal. Partirplaritttentio ,paid to the col• 'action of votes; draftd,rheckei &c.; Iu uy part of,the United States or Canadas. :Remittantes made to England, Ireist thaVonlb neut. The faithful and coofideattel . e euelon of all orders entrusted to them, may be roiled 6 n. !They call the attcntiOn ofTarmsra, bl antis and all (there who desire+taste .depository tbr t ir names, to the undeniable fledithat the proprietors o th is Bank hIeINDiVi&OAII.I4 liableta the extent of !hell' tea for all the Deptents,and,othermbligations or Net. etaill6 man & cu. They have recentl y removed Inio.thetrwoillawking. i'llonsw , diteitiyMppoeite. theritimer..stinde• hi Weil Main Stpest," a few doer* mit, of ,the , Hallteaft•DePaly while they will it alltimekbe,pitstwed to give ISUY 'formatiott;thedredits mood to 'money :natters In gene. scat. ° T -e r ib r in do 'e mi V " io° *4:oA tAtflfttail HtAlll o'o (4 In 1 !eferOnt ' • • 4, •!, '111':A:13T1/talkOM Cadger. parlthle, My?, 115 T. ' , t t.: ,:, i ..!1" ,L) . Zgirkana43=aa oaXiftrg=l*3lWv sides of-thallaitimore and Hanover turnpike, li in 00 -- south of Carlisle:—The tomer. gn-average of 40 feet-In .front and 200 feetin length. The .benutlful strram,_ Mountain ti`rikk, dowe,peat. a_portlon_of_them.:7;Aisw b vntt NAIcII3IOeIIOI7BE, • • • , And one srre,of ground , ,gardbOt•no. l • f t — r i yard. fruit trees in abundance. This gr house contains 14 rooms, with large basement kitchen, well of, water at the door, and acknowledged to be a very dellghtfullo •. cation•fer a private residence:—Alsore story= - --- . . WHATHEILBOARDED FRAME. HOUSE, • and lot, with &Menai:der house thorenii .:1111 erected, being a. good., location. r butcher—this businena havieg been profitably established--or a good bus • noes stpd fur a mochanie. ;Mao, • 103 ACURA OF HOONTAN.LANO, •• • , well timbered with pine and oak; Witldn 2% militant the above property, having -•; guu I water power for a saw mill. . The term, will be made very aiecommo. dating. and great bargains may be es. " . • , petted, especially in the building lots, to toaterindivinual enterprise. • • Pleese addrena or sae me personally, at Mt. holly Springs, Cumberland county, Pa. July 20, 'b!l—t( ; ALFRED MORK. pUBLIO SALE OF PERSONAL PEOPERTP.-13n FRIDAY, the 25th of NOVE3I.. 111.8, 1859, thof undersigned Assignees of Peter F. Ego, will cell at Bolling Springs, 44 &et of Carllee, the following property: HEAD OF 110118E8,1 . 8100D 'MARE, 1 . 3111 LE, 2 COWS,. BROADWIIEELMD WAGON, 4 SETT'S . GEARS, 1 HAY •RAKE, 26 COA 114 BASKETS, I_WINNOWING JULIA , 23,000 BUSHELS OF CHARCOAL, 70 TONS OF MAGNSTIC ORE, Lot orLutober, Area, Saws, Shovela, Ae., dke.: • Sale .to.commenco at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day when terms will be made known by BENJAMIN K tUFFMAII, . • CHRISTIAN HERB, " • :' hoe.% '594 s. - • • Assignees. HOUSE AND LOT. AT tRIVATE • SAUL—, .• The subscriber offers at private sale, a••=a 4 . o ,_ lIOUSE and !.OT OF GROUND, situate In 0. sII Dickinson 'township, 'near the turnpike,• a - - mile and n half east of Mount Rock. The House is a Frame, Weatherboarded. Iwo stories in height, and con. taining five rooms and kitchen, with wash•house end cistern attached. The lot contains TWO ACRES of thu best quality of land, with a variety of choice Fruit, and having erected thereon a FRAME. STADIA AVagon• 'Shed, and other out buildings.. • Persons wishing to view the property can do en by calling on Jacob Black, on the premises, or on the sub. scriber, residing near Newville. S. - DAVTDSOB: Aug.17,18594f.. GI O. W. BRANDT, .E.tecutor "hiPOES IJISEASE ORIGINATE IN IMPURITY ON TIM BLOOD? . sls a question of vital importance, and one whirl; f, has never been eialisfactorily disposed of by the profits noes who tearh the Apiiiing art. Some maintain—and especially the old wool Phyeiriane-that life lives in the blood, and therefore all diseaies originate in it-- but modern science avers that aliments have, their origination lo both the solids and fluids of the body. That the latter preponderate, however, Is a fixed fact, and medical skill has clearly demonstrated that at least two-thirds of the Ws that human flesh In heir to, have their source In an • -- INIPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD I Aar forinstaTecervin thretong - catelorrnmattrh - ii-Scrofu. -- In; Totter, "Barber's Itch,' Pimples, Illotehes,,Eryolpe • lee. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, discharges from the Far, Fever ' Borea;or irruptive diseases of any kind.—These are A% , ecrtatned by well known medical laws to arise froubad blood—while the highest medical authorities declare . that moat fevers originate WM° name-Manner, and ' more particolirly Typhoid end scarlet—lie- former buy tug an Internal, and •the latter air external irruptive disease; and In all pemonsattacked be them maladlm. the blood 1 found to be elther,onaguleti4, or of a dark unhealthy color. To ward off a large majoilty 6f diseases, as •well an to _clare a number which has. already seised upor,thesya tern, It is necessary to wuKIFY TIIE. BLOOD Llndsey'a Improved Mood Searcher does not claim to Le • UNIVERSAL PANACEA' for every diserteta Known, but the pmprietors claim fo, It the power noConty of draining out err impurities of the blood, but by the skillful combination of well known vegetable remedies. it will cure all diseases arising froin a deranged elate of the liver, drive out dyspepsia, and give renewed tone and vigor to the stomach. That the Bum. Steamya L all that to claimed for it, the propri• tors can produce" It le only few years since it was discovered, and yol It bas,grown into such a business that a large laboratory has been built expressly for ita mannfacture—a largo' number of men employed in putting it up, and still dm SUPPLY DOES NUT EQUAL THE DEMAND!. We ask any candld man, could 'Who so, If the Med trios did not poesosi Au the virtues claimed for The Proprietors have hundreds of certificates from Men of probity and standing In the community, show log what the medicine Is doing daily for the suffering ASK ANY PERSON who has ever•used the Blood Searcher whether-roll was experienced. let the afflicted glee it a trial—a single bottle .11 convince the most akeptitl Its efficacy. tip Fo r sale in Carlini by 8. W. Haveratick, S. El Ilott, and ,B. J. Kieffer; Kauffman & Son, Mechenlee burg; llosweiler A Zook, fihepherdstown ; Joshua Culp Rogstown; Jacob Simmons. Cross 'toads; Kurt: a Wise, Shiremanstown; A. M. Leidich, Dolling epringa: Mary W. Kissel, Churrhtown; Edwanl Joules, Weal 11111; J. C. Fasnaught & Bro., Oakville • Shoemaker Elliott, Newburg; Wm. Betton, Newvlle; J. Hood A Co.. Springfield ; Ruamil Dire, Dickinson; Highland & Wmllinger, Jacksonville; Wm. -Clark A CO.. 'Leer Muds; Wm. 'lt. &kiss, Sporting 11111; D. Denlincer Whits Hell; J. C. Altick,Shippunsburg;.all of Crimber . isnd county, Pe. LINDSEY k LEMON. Proprietor's. Hollidaysburg, Pa. EEZE! SUCCESS poNpLß.fr E!! JUST PUBLISHED, Tfl Y. FOURTH EDITION OP Grobe's New Method for the Piano. opus 1100.. . nice Bound In Cloth, • • BULLETIN OF TESTIMONIALS ' in favor of this unique work, which hits al• ready attained an, unprecedented poptddrity. We must confesi that we are naturally not very fa vorably inclined to MOW methods for the piano. • We have hod so many instrucUone during the last twenty year. that we really think Mankind ought, at least, • to know how to play the piano-forte ilovrever;tir, Orobe's book has zomewlmt altered our mind. It offers • really something new, cuntalningaome truth we have. - not met with until now in any. other method. It ad.- :. lures for one to the principle a Tutus lissome moss." 1 1, L A ng) a T ti z o . should Id . b r o om ?f i r e s t i , u sk s o t ly h r e Y tt T ge he wl ' i l ic g ti l t r o T leti p g la t y 2 follow.' Tale In excellent. This lejuet Thie le true and matural. The whole system, le based upon this principle,—always with special. regard to the primary lustrurtloo In the art of playing Hut piano. It Is for this reason that such matters as belong to a more ad. vented period to the player's art are excluded' and w folio* In another book. The music in the book 'precti. sally illuntrates the principle of the author. The whole Is to the point, and will be found extremely useful." From." The Musical World," New York. . "First, we find a very sensible prefium, lin the comae of which a list Is even of the intuit distinguished efUla ' predeceseora in the bookonaking and plamntuching profession,—the date of their birth and death being not forgotten. Mr. Grebe is . doubtless better posted in the matter of musical biography them any other, MINGO . -We Mid, next. sciumextellentadvketoteeehera. which we should ilk* to transcribe to oncolumns. had we space. Mr. Ombe's admirable book le, by the whole, heartily to be recommended to the multi, public." From "The Daily. Picayune," New-Orleans Mr. Grote stands verv.hiathwa an proftinor and teach. er and franpaver Ibr thrl i planoThe book'he now givvs public bears upon Its ewe' to. every experienced and practised eye, conviction that there to a valuable additiOnto the rudimentary Musical lore of the country and the world. A bettir prlautry invtructor In the art, and especially In the science of piano pl +Aug, has no/ sr before tem pubilvtied.", . • . . From "The Public badge:" Philadelphia "Len & Walker hare published Professor • Charles Firobe's New Method for the, Piano, which is one of the best elimetitary'Works_npou the subject. extant. Mr. Orobe la a thorough master of his subject; and he leads *the pupils pleasantly through the task. by makluc it clear, elmPlq progresslie and 'pmetieni.'f. ~ Copies will be sent I VER,, • and delivered dry to any part of the town. • NONEMAyf t .E . 8., Aug. 17, IMO. " • ' LESTER'S' LOCK. STITCH . 2 SEWING MACHINE?: Price sso,,and upwarda. ' ' The great favor which attended the fottodiettettelt • • t LESTER'S ' SEWING la eufficteitt`ovldene of their SUJYERIOI OVER Ate 64'liER,9; - • `I'HIC AND TiiilN-WAVELK, • being more ample than , ether 11141110111.1NE8, ',ad hag TO.G.PTbUTORDER:.., ' ,,', they wiIttrITIVIII, TOM ? RIM AND bArtlltk. They mitikeirood bank-a:104604 aides • •• , •.fr- • A,41.. 13c.5,11369, a. GOODYNAkt. 4- ' - ' 7 " ,'' 7 ''''' '''' ''' '''''' ‘ ' . . - r01 1 .19 r 4 t i'.7 • . :. ' • " ' BA K 0 11 :9‘ 1. :':.,.,.1'],ii...; ' . 7 • - 4 AY.o44:eitieii4ritii.coviiineri te liff - in ibi;iiiiialitlifitivit ktATIMPViIi r - IF ' ~witsie,, - p44,ws votildliMptottinly • 11,11tk 10 , 1 late Mir Or flterdwaresnifrebititti.uneklMillbl4.o4lll ,, * :ht4.o"l7,lbDuri„w.a....l.7lTer,lP!'::...'l,. telY Ir , MAtt l ' -1 .11; il l othi Miura eit.4 , lroii: ion itikhgr; ot? jl , l , #4ier .. . diawn ttroodiro idiot inittte.l , ;u!......rt!, ~., ... . , . .. , . 'The lihestprlee paid for moth., tosi-stiiiiii*W z . kri . Ishfiri f . ° T !" r k rT: viloobtilin f ir o llt ' 166 . 146 4 act.12,41",:::r..F , : .1 - t‘,.;:, * a . •;. ; ,. .e " • ' ~; t": , ...i.k.(4,q • , . - WM! II JOS. RITNERi Jr 111