Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 23, 1859, Image 2

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Wednesdtyi , Noi 3, 9-',,:,...,..—.'.
The cal . an of Pennsilannia who are opposed to the
s end menearen of the prenunt 'Netioned Ad
minharet n; end to the election of men to aim, who
etadain th no principles end mensuroatere reinmilted
to iniietin thole respective - counties. Odin elect Dole.,
~..ttettegu.sthLnudiber to their reprenehtetiven In ,
• • berbeld
• "Febilitsarr. , .7 . 77,7`•
_ 4 :at , 4 . 1 - rri A to.todicate,their cbolce finvitie...neat ,NrettE
. de . cyrtral mate -. 4 r - 7 - E
teandldatirteavern 6 4 - 1.1 111- til. -2
Electoral Ticket, ap p oint .
time and tnthla priiti k"District tieliv
Pates to it l e — lNiallEint - Eoirrention4n l .to-traumill
' other business as may. be deemed noceemry to ensure
encase at the cleneral Election
luiVe devoted conAide'rable sPece'en . Auf
first page to extracts from a sermon -by -Roy.
Recur Waitn.llicscnen ; the "inevitable ne
gro " having become such an:,imPortent' ele
ment in Beligionpolitica and Law, our readers
must excuse us, if we give them liberal slices
while the feast lasts. But we'have'nll3o folind
room for a beautiful poem by baLiAttAti ; 'the
tt White Patient,'!. a very frene(iy .
the life of a FreAoh Physician ; a , para Phrase
on Poe's Eileen ;' Another chapter on Etiquette,
and a column of 'Tritths Ana Trifles.
After a 4•.l6tig we pre happy to
— weloome - Winnie - Winthrop again to the Herald,-
find a place (or her' contributions
next iieek...•
A subscriber :writes to the Pittsbggh Joui
noidsti followiti•L:,"I am en Old,tine Ithig, and
Note the Beiufiffean, ticket; and I want teeny
to you, that . I am about tired. of the negro
question. I think it is 'about attend
to white men, and det the negroes alone. I
perceyre it is impossible to do them any goodf•
and if we wouid•succeed as a party,•we roust.
drop the darkies." . .
The•rollowingis the Jotintal'a reply:
..IVe received the above ,epititle through, ihO
post office.' If itwas in our power to direct'
the course of politfea, we would no), differ very
touch from our correspondent. But, alas! we
are on the defensive. .Wa , connot = we darn
not—desert.our . ground, while the other Bide
are statggling to force Slavery over the entire
North, The repeal of the Ifrissouri Compco.
raise was the first step--the Dred Scott deci
sion was the second—the avowal of President
Buchanan, that Kansas was as fully-slave ter
. itor s Geo tia and South Carolina, the
t rd—t e fount twt tr ma um to emou
case, now carried up from New York, unless
the North fights on—fights over, tq wit: that
the Constitution protects Slavery in the States
A slayo bode for the States, - as well as the
Territories,. is now expresaly • demanded by
(lob. Wise and the Richmond Enquirer—this
' :would be number five.hnd the revival• of ilas
Slave trade will be number six. Now, we are
perfectly willing to 'drop the darkios,' to.use
the phrase- of our correspondent, the moment
that theither_side_ecatie.tlidbrust,,t he daykje_
in our face.' But we fear a Democratic otTice
boldly told the truth, a- few days since, when
•an old Whig friend in our presence 'expressed,
the same idea. Well, said he, where - would
-the Demi:Crecy be without {be clarkies.. We
admit our prosneeta are not promising, but
atileas. South united in our
behalf now aide, and we would
lose the•rit Dedocratio party.
No, np. "If, :us can afford to let
' Sands) alone,. we, at least, - cannot on our side.
Thin, though said in sport, like many. other
sportive remarks, contains much - pore , truth
than the eerione,apeechee"Of politieistne
Our old Widirfre
eospondeni. will 'see, if 'be
looks , aiiiittly frestion, that the Op
position-are ou the
,defensive, arid unless they
are willing•tti-be gonged; - 6haked, and, thunpl
Pact=Ens OF TIIE ,"Uotvxmar."—Since the
organization of the Republican party, twelve
pro-slividy - D'eriloCiatio membireOf the 'Unit -
.ed States.Senatt3 have fallen in the "irrepres
sible conflict," their places being supplied by
Republicans. In 1866, the Republicans had
only 6fleen '.Repreeentatives in the United
Maui' Senate ; on the fourth of blaieh, 1861,
they will have twenty-seven. In the last Con
gratis, the Democrats bad one hundred and
sixteen members; in the next they will have,
but eighty-three; and perhaps not even as .
many as that. The pro-slavery .Democrats
are attempting to ridicule and ignore the
"irrepressible• conflict." while'at the same
time it he making terrible havoc among their
own leaders, and scattering their party in.the
Free States like chaff before the wind.' .
Gee. Simiv.—This veteran has been re•
°aired in avery flattering manner at San Fran
cisco. not stay long to enjoy the.hos
pitality, of Abet city, but pushed on to Ban Ju.
an, where his.presence. was deemed necessary
in the present dispiHe between Gen. Harney
and Goy. Douglass:. At' last , accounts from
that island matters were 'quiet, the'Americans
holding peaceful occupation, and the British
authorities waiting to see what their Governor
intends:to do. . '
Lawrence (Kansas)
~//erald of I}eedorn says:
The cognomen of "Osawatomie" has very gen
erally been spilled to Old John Brown, Though
incorrectly. Brown was never a resident - of
Osawatamie, .but resided some eigtit , toiler
above iii4i:place; on Pottawatoude creek. The
title, originally, was applied to 0. O.. Brown,
Ben., a resident of Osawatomie, and one of the
prOjectornof. that , settlement, and. proprietor
of the town site. Presses and politicians are
continually confounding these names. '
Omiort DiPIIEDATIONS. —ln . the late Indian
or Mormonm assacre of a party of emigrants
from Buchanan coutity, Term, while crossing
the WestOrli pinkies, the dead *ere found
horribly,, mangled, and ,Scalped. One . little„
girl, nye . years old, had both:_le s ge out off it
the kneea her,ears ; were ohm cut off, and her
Cyan werailtiout„of theireocketM'andtp all.
oPPettrattee,,lbe girl, after baring her lege out
off„ had•beennompelled to walic , On the stumps.'
for the•side purpose of grritifiying the hellish
propensity of savage barbaritTi. -• • -
Sark few days - since, Conductor Fu er, on
one of 'th'e'New Haven: flatheads, - asked a
young billy for her tick'et.. He received no
response, and touching' her gently, still pro.
cured none. .; Elbe Appeared to be , transfixed
to her seat,,and in p state of absolute trance,,
Arriving at , Now4laven,ahe was placed in
charge of parties there; and at the' exphratiort
of three days was still in that condition.
• . -•
Yons.:Berpre.— l The movement of some
of the_Netv York Stuilui Mill be'etuiveeeed very
closely. - .They charge forged etieblre to 'the
depositor's adoeunt; toid'Opmpel:him to prove
the cheeksn,forg,iy:TfOS,:fa'i.: It has lanais
'been a p r inoi p y qqt`. , /arf:44l o f Femedelleenesi
that if thiecb.s,ink make-al mistake and. pay, e' forged cheek', hie like in olearly-tketrs.''.l.
fileoWS..; Legislature' boa
decided latqta,githinto at election ottl. State(
Senator at this session, cieferring'itOlien"iintil
its - seoonC•assaistoling. next , year.; ' 4 l'herti
some doiiht'aboat thd re-aleation:fir Mr'- '
soa r farm ihia
Read; thie,ad.vertieement 'of 1:0,.80-
Exo I teine Clxcirleiiounik yrs.
gptitile seenta,th : tianedi - all,
nelihtiorinSed of4tarper'4ler'r.ti
tovrn' . tinder au 'linigrtiaioit thtt invading .
army iiireactieL.Browit.tindhie]
*f illewlitieadere.,4fnitor, t*toilied
. :140er's.
:Fert4; fling iniet -- #lO
';Sharpe's)Oflei were eite4itpeti4tert• ‘Chathes•
rl town, nude nioaietiger wan dlepatthed4unti:,
certain th‘e'llieteY'
from the .Seat of. War;" will give; some idea.
,of the feveriidi exeitemett Of-the people. •
Unarm „ s
FERnr, very largo
fire (Moored during the night about fouj miles
f • - $ tlirevriliturrwmomm
---=Titplptytteolortrotthe nt.o Aot - benroo=
certoined by the messenger, but.they *lll pro-.
ludily.joutottortaio.4l..O.oAho.oilitolitero 01 t he
train from Wiochester.
RIOI.IISIOND. Nov.lB l —,SitCoompaniett of mill
tary are `wider arms roatly.:tp start, for Chalice
town at a moment's vet:train. Noneliave loft
Wostottalow, Nov. IB.—A company com
prising 87 infontry and-riflemen left Aloinn
drift for Charlestown,' by. the early train via'
Capt. •lluffey'e company 'of GO men and four
guns Went by a tteparate train on the'Mantie
ens road via Straitsbut. From thence 'they
are'to & march 18 miles to Winchester.
• r.
Wasuiturrott,-Nov. government
today ordered 4 2000 lbs.-
. of powder, a large
number, of Minie balls and howitzer shells,
frottialtg, Washington . arsenal to Harpers Fer
ry..' •.
Trlll CA11196 br THE LAST EXCITaDIF:NT—Har.
•—peet—Ferrp F -Nom-18.
• night was caused by the burning of a wheat
slackt — lhourthree miles from — Chalon - own:
The military and the whole populace were
called to arins,"and the wildest terror prevail
ed among the people,'with the supposition that
Col. Davis had . 'some information of an ap
. danger. '
Tie panic among the people extended to the
Colonel, and a messenger was senthy him te
Ilarper'e Ferry with a dispatch , to the gover
nor, calling for two companies of cavalry.
This mornimg the fire , was found to be the
work bf an unknown incendiary. but no person
could belotand in the countey•on whom suspi-;
cion could " •
There uro noutA,,thousantlinen under arms,
and•no enemy to be 'fotind to encounter.
The troopss — from 'Alexandria arrived at
Charlestown this afternoon, and those by the
way of .Winchester are expected to-morrow
morning. . •
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
have'sent Colonel Shutt with an armed-posse
to Harper's Ferry, to guard tho bridge and
property of the Company at that point.
Thcro is much dissatisfaction both harpand
at Charlestown at the precipitate _action of
Colonel Davis, in sending dispatches.for troops
Motes ll of first sending out a posse to inquitdi
. ,
they have been made to appear in a ridiculomi
light before the country, and thoraro more
'than half right on that point. •
THE Baltimore Exchange advises Virginia to
keep cool, adding: 'lt was but a few days ,
sinced religious meeting in Marytantictviii
turbot' by the announcement .tight the slaves
were in inwreotio.n, and in the insane panic
and fury,wiltielv i mnsued an unoffending negro
was killed.. The same thing, atiffffn a larger
unless the citizens take at once a calmer view
of their situation. _They are not in theslight
est-clanger at this present moment from blacks
or whites. There is not the retnotest possi
bility that an attack will be made upon them,
either to save or avenge Old Brown, and if
there was, nothing but a small army would be
likely to engage in such an undertaking, and
they will have full notice of its approach, and
can prepare to repel it. They have the power
to hang Brown and his convicted associates;
and they ought to do so with the quiet and dig- .
nified Manner of men who are firmly execut
ing the mandates of the law, and not yielding
in anyiviee:to the prom p tings-of revengeaThey
should check 'Vier than fan the wrathful
, flames that are hot enough already in thipeo
ple's hearts, lest thexage which posesses them
should-be-nked-to quench itself in innocent
. Wito wnans Tue Bunacusa I—Mrs. Antoi
nette Brawn Blackwell, recettity - pretrelfikelo
a congregation in Boston, from the folloWing
" When I was a child I spice as a child,
understood as a child, I thought as a child,
but when I became a man I put away childish
1141mDuas It is said that n large swarm of
Lombardy been have been shipped at Havre,
for the'Agricultural Department of the Patent
Office. Tlrey aro to be kept until 1861, when
the now hives froin them are to be distributed.
They are described as being oT a larger size
than the ordinary .bee, and having a longer
bill, are able to suck IloWers inaccessible to
the American bee.
iVe have gooda many hum:bargain this coun
try that
as long bills, and are as perfect, - tinytlat ever came from Lombardy.
WE clip the following' well-merited
compliment to ono of our townsmen, .f. mm a
clarion paper.
J. -R. Tonna, ESQ.—In our advertising
columns will be found the card of this well
known architect and builder. His reputation
is well established thioughout the country, as
the many superb edifices which helms planned
and superintended fully attest. The draw
ings and specifications made by him for the
new Court .liouse in this pinee_speak. volumes
in his favor, while his care iu having the
structure built in the most substantial man
nor, as well as beautiful in style, attest his
thorough skill - - san •architect. is services
will prove invaluable - to those designin:. to
erect. public or other buildings, and we che. \-
fully.cotimerid him to all.. • • ' •
Dnuoasu Lthuons . :—A measure is on .foot .
to remedy 'thitt•groiring , eAI„ by appealing to
the n'ext:LOgielatuie for lljo ennettnent 'of a
law to punish OffeudertNinuch will
iii our,,least, of thesalb of poisOned
liquor. . ••, '• .
tsel..Pt;esidont BUCHANAN baadtine ono good
act, viz: appointed Rev. D., X, ,bottuitt a Chap
lain in the U. S. Navy. Ife is engaged in the
'preparation of a Ristory'of .Pennsylvania'—:a
task for.ivhiph, , ' by editoation,:industry;'and
ability, he is peculiatly qualified.
LuivenWeirrn:Nov. of
the Boston Journal, who has jaidnrrived froth',
New Mexico and the Pike's Peak 'region;
ports' that'great excitement •piei;iiiied through;
out New Mexico on ttecottut of the recant In-
Wen outrages. " • - ' '•
Fifteen' returning Pike's Peak 'emigrants,,
while coining down the Platte ri;,tei Ie boats;•
'were dronned rebently: • ,
The express from 'terier City" en the-'loth;
arrived thia tittOnopn ivith slo,ooo'in 'trees
The Vro,rision4goierainent htis'ione_into
full operation by the -.organization' of both
hran cites of the'Legislaruire, 'the
, • Govertir, edict; delivered 'a massage, in which:
he. argued 'the'necessily. for 'the" 'present &rut'
of government, until Congress shall:Mite
lion in' reference 'to' the formation'Of a' Terrl
,,' torial2goveriatent.
`-..;'• Tile' 'enetinue d to tvork ' in'`envgrul
many OTAlieni-rifCre iirepa'rlag
fur wittier quarter's'-' ' '
11;4 Yeisolftlit ' i:,;? ll rda.3" o ;:iguk,
couplo .While . asurt44-p);.,
h le esleee4 dresolosiltfre:,
;As lt`ey nivoke,lhe zeung'. to on - made
.every exerpon to extinguish -- the fire, hut
.:edthout. sueoess.::: The' yotifig 'girl limbed out
of the 'enveloped in h' sheet of.flatnes, ,
:ighloh•eontitiued-, to turn nnti4lter,".olothing
• *as all oonsutited; She `lived+-enlji a. few":
Hours. eftorwards.• ..The•yettng men mill Proh 4
thly , orlppled. Imile - hands:lon life. • •
.'.; {il, 7.
11 unoPula, to October 41,
;welearw,lbatginigaamehottnelt shot his'
iprititte_georeor,y; , A. 11. Neilson. •
'els ; tilso4umcked •that immediately after.
'thd,,.ticaurreheieth4 king- refuudd-to-Mr.-11c
; Kibh.i3n; hrslurgetin, the fwivilogo of.attend-1.
ihrentening to slidor Lim if --. 1!0•
:Tout thot'heuse where Neilson' had
reo*d..; The neat morning, howevei,../iii.,
..seht`lvejirottibbhmand requested him .ia , ren.
der Neilmqn all the 'aseistanco in his power., It
is said that the King beat the Queeh and that
after shooting-Neilson he stood over t he Queen,
and threatened to shoot bothher and hiti child.
Ruiner assigns the cause ef.the act. to jealousy
of the Queen a thalitig believed . by ; the ent ire'.
t now, wan I Lion.
prem. .Peek.
From thetrituttwtdh lidande
r , • , 6 :ten - Jr - ICY/news rom
-Lahniu4- that-.ilie reeolve , f tb-abdi•
whelmed with griefever since tbiA unfortunate
occurrence; • thatlimbas-offered- to make Mr.
Neilson all amends in his, power: - that
tirely exonerates the Queen; And, intiiAtii upon
abdietding.and.trulinfitting. himself 'id•triall.- ;
Thc'effect of this news was , a mooting ,of
Privy. Council, and A petition numerously
signed, prhYing Majesty to re-consider
hie resoldtion, and nor to abdicate. •
• Aural . / I irreLtuithrci.-First Lieut. Id Blunt,
second artillery, has been relieved froM duty
at Oaf Military,Acndeniy; nod is to
. procecal•
immediately to join hie-company [Ljent.
ren has been appointed assistant preVaescir in
the department of
,matheinatios, in the place
of Lieut.. Blunt, rehired. , Major
third infantry, lane been misigned lo,thc Com
mand of the post of Aliiquerliqp,'- . -Ne vr ,
department, hai been assignedll duty St Fort
been ordered to'repair,to the headquarters at
Santa Fe. • MajtaiJaraies Longstreet, pay, de
parttnent; hns been directed to take 'charge of
.111ajor•FrY's district. Leave of. absence for,
sixty days has been gratiled to Second Lieut.
B. F. Davis, first 'dragoons, San Francine.
Assistant Surgeon F. A: Quinan has been re,
lievod from duty. at Fort Umpqua, and Act
ing Assistant Sugeon Batch .ordered in his
Col. Robert E. Lee, of the 2ml cavalry suo
c'eeds Gen. Twiggy in the Command of tho mil
itary. department of Texas.. . .
' Jourc.McDdivstn; Ahe man who was arrested
its a Harper's Ferry insurrectionist, but who
is supposed to be deranged, is still in jail here,
Circunistances have, transpired' to induce the
authorities here to retain him a little longer
in order to investigate his cese more thorough
ly. A despatch from Boston says ho is crazy;
but it is thought advisable to hold him until a
thornugli knowledge of his lifeprevious to his
appearlince at .llarper's Ferry. -and his em
ployment while there anti in the mountains
adjacent, is obtained.— Washington Star. - ,
LATIi accounte from Malt etale flint hadgett
Credlebnueh are on their way _to,
Washington. Murders acid asSiisdnations con
tinue, but no arrests are made, as the Mor
motel systematically : obsytto the 'course - - of
justice, and liteGinit . ile , tii.o -perfectly useless
until some change is made in the-course of
Government. Gov.'Johnsiou,is so restricted
In , instructions that he'cantiat afford - proton
- lion to those- who seek it. The presence, of
the army at Camp Floyd is of - no earthly use
but to add to the prosperity of the Mormons,
in coniCifuence of the money - spent
,for sup•
TUN JAFFA PUTIIAGE.— Our Boiru (Syria)
. writes, under date of Oei.. 10,
that through•tho energy of the American Con
sular authorities at Beirut; the perpetrators of
the outrage upon the Dickinson (American),
family. have at last - been brought to 'justice.
Four of the accused have been imprisoned for
life, and the dead body'of the fifth; and prin
cipal criminal, had been brought into Beirut.
This promptness has caused a much. higher
estimate to be placedin Syria upon theUineri
can name and power.—Boat. Tray. •.
Conflagration of Atlanta;
$300 ; 000-Two children burnt to death
ATLANTA, Nay, 17.—A tire broke out in Hite
city . at 1 o'clock' on 'Wednesday night, and
raged 'till '2 o'clock' Hie next 'morning.'
:pines originated in a drug store near BMA=
liffiftratiction room. and Wended %to the
Fulton Bnnk, wkere they were stayed. The
inienigencer newspaper 01116 is in the' ruins;
the I ivo uejtt. blocks up Whitehall gtrect:: . llie
buildings fat Alabaina itreet - from the corner.
of Markum street up to Downs' grocery;, and
on Whitehall street to Holbrook's hat store.
The principal sufferers are Miller & Co ,
printers; Brauntniller, musio store; White &
Co., dry-goods merchants; Brown, clothing
hall ; Wallace, hardware; Lookart, broker ;
Shnekleford, auctioneer;, Coleman, grocer;
Jonas . , bookseller; Deshong, daguerreotypist;
Cutting, dry-goods store; Fish, lawyer; and
several confectioners, toilers, barbers,'&c. In
a house in Alabama street two children were
burnt to death, and 'another is missing. Tlkeir
mother is also badly burned. The loss amodlit
ed to about $300,000. All the buildings from
the corner•of Coleman street down to the Ful
ton Bank are in ruins.
Th'e Fire at Qrlmn, Georgia
AutfusTA, Nov. the fire at Griffin,
on Wednesday, .Cie following 'buildings were
destroyed :—The Empire State printing office;
Masonic Lodge building; Phillips & Co's dry
goods store.; Cherry & 'broiler's „grocery
Sherman &,Co., McWilliams & Robert's, Sam
uel NloWilliacas, and Forman & Redd's, stove
dealers, stores'; besides several law offices.
Five hundred bales,of cotton were consumed.
Tho latter was insured for $82,000. The, to
tal amount of the loss has not been estimated.
110A1):—T616rd ill ell Killed —Cincinnati. Nov.
IB.—An accident occurred on the Indiana
Central Railroad, near Cambridge, The reit
had been taken up an the bridge at that point
for repairs. Before it could be replaced, a
train,_ consisting of eighteen cars, filled' with
hogs, came alongat high . speed . , and before it
could be stopped the train 'and thirteen care
plunged through the, bridge into the river.
A. J.- Smith conductor, of Indianapolis;
Green, e brakeman, nal a drover,- named
141wly. Were killed, and several others were,
injured. The reman and 'engineer escaped jumping off the train.
It is said that over 600 hop were killed.
The engine; cars and bridge' are piled tip in
one horrible wreck in l the river.'' •
Reported peaty not on of Brownsville...
The Town 'darned and the Citizens. Massacred:
WAiIIITNOTON. Nov. 18.—The 'Win...Depart
ment has Veceived—a-dispatoh front Alen.,
.Twiggo, dated Ban Antonio, Nov. 12, stating
that an express had just arrived from• Rio
Grande city. stating that Cortintis lind laid
Brownsville in ashes, 'killing some hundred
A m orlean,oitizens. Also that Cortintis whit
welt_ hundred men, wormaroltiwg . iownrdirthe
deuces. •
Full credence is not given to.tho roporfr,
, . .
A'Couwr ,Mstvrxii.—zA general courkmar;
tial halt been, ordered to assouthlnat,Fi)rt Yaw !
couver, W. T.,"by' directlilct et' den. Ilarney,,
c i umnar iai n g' the depar(ritent of ,Oreged, for
the trial, Of,Drovet Major, E.. 0. Wyse. captain
third artillery, and Such other. 4ciliMtents, as
May be biMught before the court.,
Wright, ninth' infantry, detailed as: preSi-,
dent, and Capt. Georgo'hl. Piekatf . ,Miatit to
fantryi, as judge. adVotiatc'of the'areitit.' '
, A Oirsi 'APFAIR.-13qind, Gipsies receeify,'
who had' beet; liAterli3g alinitt the hOuse of Mr.
Thorned neer Benfsville, -P,chion !a,
- Ham PerMieded hikot;to;leoi,
into the'caso of aWhkeh Waichlero;;.
form ; lae'lvai :laboring tinder laie'
effects of the' inhalation;lbok from him the
key of-his' bufeah, 'and•stole therefrom sll.loo'
in i'whlch they 'debaMpad. 'They'
, were shbsequently arrested , tind the'reetiey rd
''' ' YP . q l4lll :o 4 ihine,":sud.ihas.proveu dist
Wistar's • Ba%giro' of Wild Cherry is the remedy,,
par , excellence, for the ouro of coughs, Colds,'
croup, Whooping;cougir,rbrorb,loi
s, gk1.1,1/ I ?!, [ t
Buy none'unlois'ik . .hastholorittot Sir;
.. Jam" TbirTnerepaper.6;ler' thb 'l44' mentb;,.:
liq've beini fillea with eitlelee"in , relatioll te 014
J.F4nliirovn,iion! . preseittappeareueee;'l,bey,
will oontinui tVidq, hint Biovinr?
.; , : , . • :,
T - :r - T - ': •ig
Cotim.anict,ounig glatttrs:
• SALE. PosTroiip,z=The sale of the
roal estate, WO ortiter*eibly, deceaved, is.
,PlP.prittd fir - . .t ;present:
11.12 be
dtrOtlings 'offe'redlor rent in 11143 number' of
the hrq'a#l,nnti also. n * valuable business stand
in a neigliboripioili: .
, .
AproxrintiN.ljkir, TIM Put Earons• oP
"rots oo¢ti~lTont
n e 13- ORII <I
~'fre Hcan ~obiigud " Cb`T~slgu-iu
sVii 11-,—Tllfi'F-T--ir
consequence -or health._
•,- . _
• "
SALE. Or TE.--We under,.
lnC:purobaseilL.:l he.
Washington Hail properly. 'which ho now on
cupios,- - for thiribin - of -cloven- thousand-lone ,
hinulied doilite This is ono of the most TOl
noble corners
. 1.5,A A ELLICirTi Esq., an esteemed
oPßWlarielpitia, and brother of Mr. Sum
net Elliott, of this plUee, was. found dead in
his hath-roorn last he . rtiflexteripively
engaged in business-us a Uonveyancor,lor
many years, - -,•
,ing the eummerilihich has just. fumed, many
very , handsome il?rick: edifices have been, put
.'up iti - ant' teiim‘turiilTl; tlfinigh—iint-selerge-a
.. some_pre"
vimis year:it,
.. atiflicientto convince Us - Oat
Carlisle is ,stenbily increasing in -population
`and proctieriiy. l , Indeed, it has often been a
matter of enrinitto to'ufs, that our old borough,
with all its natural advantages, hqs not more
'rtipidly.inereluie.a, in size, population, and in
business enterprise. Situated, is it. is, in the
hotirt of a lieahq, fertile and-beautiful valley;
with waitir power unsurpassed anywhere, and
with an abutidatice,of capital in the hands of
our monied
r meMCarlisle. should not be per
initted to lag behind her titter towns in the
race of business, wealth - wed presperity. It'
is within a - few hours ride, by rail, of Baltimore
and Philadelphik, and every thing combines
to render it a-eherming rural residence. With
these manifold and important advantages, Car
lielettliould at once take its place . amongst the
fore‘most of the ""
country towns" 'of our own
or neighboring States..
_ )Vilit these brief preliminary remarks, wo
will now proceed to chronicle sonio of the IT.:
Cell ss• ss . Has r a ,enne - uOtr - ot
own observation, and, should any be omitted.
we will cheerfully notice them in. a - future
number of the yEItALD: ,-
RuEcn'B NEAiIiALL, in the rear of the Court.
House, is trulia !ungallant structure:and
reflects credit upon the atiterprize-of its Prd
prietor. Tho building, which is an' exiensiyo.
.three story brick, is intended
_as a placo for
ailtibitiOns. lectures, comment, &•07, the-lower
apartments being occupied as offices, shops.
and. Yeetaurints. _A !taillike this ban long
been a deiideratuni in . Carlisle ; and we hope
itp,projector and owner may reap an abundant
_pecuniary harvest. Major linen' is °tie of
our most public-spirited citizens, and has done
more than any other to beadtify the 'borough
and extend its businesi. 110 deserves - and
must cotntannd'succesk •
... On -West High street, Alfred. L Spent+ler,
Esq : , and Mr.. Rufus E. Shipley have each
erected tfiree • ry brick buildings.
On Pomfret eet.the School DirectOrpbeve
Illid erpt*tt ' , 114,5./Argti,lisiolmboiti linusß,
which will accommitdattl two•oe.gtorerachoole.
We believe Out the DireetoriviiiiVe'ciWnall the
school buildings in the borough: ' OUt.he same
street, Messrs . 1 J. & D. Rhonda have erected a
commodious andnubstantial tree story bri . 4
dwelling house.. . --•
On Lennon- 4. 'street, the members o the old
"Union Fire gompany" have put up n commo
dious Hall, which presents a veryfine appear
ance. This bUilding is intended to servo as a
place of security for their Engine, Hose Car
riage and other appnrntus. ln, the Hall thit
business meetings of the Company will ho held.
On the same-street, jilt. William'bleMillan and
Mrs "trait each have had erected vent brick
tenements. , .
On North Bedford, the Messrs.BoYle have
erected a largo brick edifice : and on South
Bedford, Mr. Henry Myers four brick tenant
houses. •On the corner of Pomfret and Bedfod,
Mr. Ctarlet!tMaget: tits put up a very fine
brick Asidence. , •
On East street, Mr.'Michael Munick has
built three Additional brink tenant houses.
On the corner of North and Pitt, Messrs.
James and John Spangler have erected two
very handsome brick dwellings; and on South
Pitt, Mr. James Moudy a three , story brick.
. On South Hanover, Mr. George Zuloff 1110
two story hrieltr and on Chtirch Al
ly, Mr. john N. Armstrong large brick.
back building. • •
On Barrack Lane, Mr. Clark has emoted: a
neat' frmbe residence . ; • and in the Northern
suburbei.Mr. William MeGonigal two, and Mr,
B. E. Shapley three frame tenanfhoUses.
. tan the'eastern portion of houther. street t klr.
Jacob ShioM has built a neat frame house:
• Oa the copier o f f Pitt street and Dickinson
AMY, the .!Empiite 'Hook and Ladder Com
pany" have a very aonveeient framo'huifding:
!therein the apparatus belonging to the Cont.:
patsy is neivkopt. ,
On °itroit 'Alley, .111essrs: J. &, D Rhoads
have Rut up an oitensive Warehouse, in the
phico recently 'destroyed by
, firo,..
,In addition to the itbove r ;seiteral'shoßis and
other 801011 buildings bare been erected in
different section's, of the town. . •. ,
Thirmld". Hoots ON Rona HOTEL," at the
Railroad etatiost, since it:his been in the oo
o4aney of Major JOSEPH W. PATroN, has un
derwent 3 a' thorough repair.' Am additional
buantithati bearsidded; the rooms have been
re4ainted • end beaus Ified,,..aitd ninny other
'necessary and tasteful improvements made.—
,"fdanslon'llouse" . io new 4 , .4..first.9lFies" . ,
Hotel, and from its eontral poshion, and the
Nell Xuiown ' aecomoiodating Spirit and business
I ttiterpiiselcif hiajor . P,, it cannot fail to c0rn
,64541 the-iilAnnagi of- the traveling commu-.
Of , "t '•' - ;- • '
TWAiiitecOvitta "DAY.-To-morrow;Avill he
ebeeriti - eo a da,i'q , 4okiligiv4l:th in eixteen
i!aitedaeltueette, RLode lelendl;i,.Conneetiont,
;New;York, New Jerie:Teitneglyatia.llao,;•
laud; !Ceattieliy /
43ouilt,:6trOlett; ; Neith Careline.,anti Oiptitteo.
tar the llama , day ine.beett; fixed;
4,914 !Wail sthe'Rltttien where thetetitiyak
keen! ,i i 7t .
jolt it heot 44-of *aapilegiNintiv." l 6
arid,peorwok aeasbn'of Iseltiviy, when - h?me ,
wolf ittiir r d
5 ,03 PC b ut t . nt e, fnip,3*yA 0,40me . 9941--.
.forte,` , /ittte stet,forgeC,the.ahrietiat charities_
a bietowat'orkitideeed to tethers;
I •
••p k hollgoPouot,tee JO mow owprilesconlg'7,
..MVEMB4II. f,RM, 1859
FIRST NVlVlRK.llllRotit!lionoeil on Moqdtit
the 14th, and although' usit many awes were
were oatt'rtially ituvromting: , -
Olt.t.r.tpi:l,..Eaq., the Dayriot;.At—
bfeet,, Nina itjn!
charge of the l.',.eintadiiiretittlY;baPes",ii.ith'ilit;
e,xcepiioiiOr those I.v - 1001i - were held over front
tho August Court
A pot.itinn*s . pre#ento.llo tlVe,Onsirt, sign•
111112319 U
Afield oust Mr OORCIAA, the aciing . Ceiiiiiiiir:l
eiener and praying the Court to set n.ide . tEr 7
rehire,' and 'direct 'that Mr , IrAcoonEn, 'be
Whereupon 'the Court tondo the• following
new, to wit, - Nnv. 14:1859
The within petition being presented, the CottrO.'
.appoint Monday, the 28th day Of Nev.; 1859,
at 10 o'clock'. A. M., for hearing the complaint
. of the petitioners, ten days notice being given
to John D. -Gorges, and further Rivard a sup
cons ducei tecum, to 'be issued and served on
Isaac Bull. Es 1., to produce, nt that %lie, the
tiekets,• antkall other 'docuntents_in
his• reference to the election held
in'.llonroe township, On the Il th day of Oc
tober; 1859." : , . , ,
Jacob likrs vs. Adam Miller —This woo an .
action unoiet• the Sheriffs Interplentler Ad, to
try the right of properly. Plei:ntiff took
oem suit. Penromrfer and
Parkerfor - Defendent; •
Commonwealth es• William ',11: ,Scouller and
f;yoryc .11oon.--The 'defendants were Superyi
tiers of Mifflin township, add were indicted
under the Aceof Assembly for neglect of duty,
in not keeping in good' repair, the public road
leading from Nowyille to the Doubling Gap.
The oak; was warmly contested on both sides,
and the Jury rendered a verdict of not guilty;
and the defendants to pay the costs.
Shearer 'and Gillelen for_time Cbmittonwealth ;
Miller and Newsliant'fdr defendants.
Com. re. Emanuel .111yera, Snider .Rupley,
Henry Klein'Uwe, and Valentine Cana.- 7 The
defenchwas were indiptc4 for kidnapping, en
der the Act of 1847.
The Commonwealth was represenled.by_F.,
Watts and A. B. Sharpe, Esqrs. Tor-the do
fence, lion Jonathan Meredith, cf Baltinforo
City; Bradt} , T. Johnson nod Orgysott Eicliel
crg P. .
Irephltrn, Wet. 11. Miller-and fl. Newshant,
Esqr_s., of our bur: -
, ,
The facts of the case are briefly the`se . : In
the year 11334,• Elizabeth Warfield, of Fred
erick county, 'Mil.;;Made her Itist will eadtcs
!Animist, in which she Manumitted. her slayes
Unconditionally, - to lake effect immediately'
- after her - decease; She died during that year,
et - alter_ exectttßrLitichardA_Warfteld,,aseem,
ed the management of the estate. For some
three or funr ',years after the death tif AI 153
Warfield, two of the slalics, Emmeline and her
daughter Elizabeth. were, in effect, abandoned
by the executor, who suffered them to make
'their own living and eiereise the rights of free
negroes in Maryland. In this connection ; we
. may also add, That the husband of Emmeline
was named John Ilutler, and was a slii"ve for
a term of years to a man named Hoffman.
About four years after the' dearli of Eliza :
•'. beth Waaeld, it was found that there were not
sufficient assets in the hands of her executor
to pay all her debts; and in February,. 1858,
the Orphans' Court-of 'Frederick county de.
creed a salwof Emmoline And her daughter,
tis'a part of her,personal property. Ymmo•
iliately subsequent to the order of The
'Emmeline, with. her husband and child, es•
Gaped into liennsylvanin, and settled .in this
county; wheie they resided until June last,
when they wore forcibly taken from their
Boma by Emaquel Myers and others, carried
to NlarYland and lodged inthejnil of . Frede
rick county. Myers was subsequently arrest
ed by Sheriff MeCnyiney, and committed to
our, prison, and after being confined for some
time, was liberated on bnil.
In the trial of the case, the Commonwealth
.prodnced.evidence to prove that the man But
ler, his wife and child, had lived in this county
for about a year previous to the 10th of Juno,
1859, 'when they were violently taken away in
the night by Myers and tli?oe other men from
Maryland, and gave circumstantial evidence
to connect Rupley, With whOin the Maryland
ers stopped in PapertOwn, and Kiefauvre and
. Gass, who lived near Butler, with the taking
of the negroes.
The Commonwealth hero rested their case,
and the defence went on to prove an alibi, as
to Rupley andliiefauvre, and took the ground
that all the evidence against Gass were his
own declaration!, which were consistent with
his innocence ; but admitted the presence of
Myers, in taking the negroes, and -justified
his.eouduet under a power of attorney frOm
• John A. Warfield, agent of the estate of Eliza-
Wtirfield, and other record
ahOwing the order of the Orphans' Court di
recting.a sale of the mother and child. They
also proved that:Jam Butler, the husband of
Emmeline, was a slave.
• It was in evidence, too, that Emmeline had
declared her intention to biii-the fieedomof
hee-mhild, and Hint Butler had declared, in
the presence of Emmeline, that they were all.
slaves for a term of years. !The defence rest
ed here, and the Commonwealth gave in evi-,
den : Oe tho' will of Elizabeth Warfield, giving
all her • siaves, including Emmeline, and her
their unconditional freelom.
The mg was itblyftyglied by the tiounsel on
both sides.
,The defence urged that under the
.hlaryland, no one could manumit a
slave by will, to the 'detriment - of 'creditors.
!filet the decree 'of aale by the Orphans' Court
of Frederick county was 'evidenee that they
'Were still hold to servitude, and further, that
'Myers had.reasen• to believe, from the ropye: ..
eenfations of John A. Warheld, that they were
slaves; that
, in that. belief hashed acted in
good faith,,.in. restoring the ,slavetto their
(Avner, and therefore could not be convicted,
under the Act of 1847: '
For the Comutonweeitl; it :vas argued that
the negroes (mother and child) were free, there
being an abandonment of them . by the
executor of the estate, as preventod,there'l'ioM
nod, sold. , Tliat Miers had
reason to know, ,and , did know, that, the
groear were free whoa he took 't h orn, , :and
therefore,.under the hxyis `
of Pcionsyl.huht he
. „.,wasgui;ty of kidnapping, and ought to - 10 eon-,
sided, except io.the vase , of :the
~; ,oheirge, . the,court; and i after It 014 k siukz4
:hence; they,returned into , C ohit,land tendereil
jkiverdiet''iw.the .ciaeo 'eV Etneatii3llllYert
uki,ip : Li In
Put , 1844 1 1 1 P34 , a1,1 ~ thf- t :,i4ll e r, o etilitei •
, bpd. th*otiier detetiOitietot ' ~
that tlie'ciee at, ,Ttlyore,
Commonweatth yr. Win,
'thentuerstint Rape and Ateit,ult, and Battery:
• 'The complainant, in this case, Was a child,
about Stilton yeare or a ge, who 61000
thik r mar - tittaoked'iMr •Iten-yray`tortiohOol,
in Ifttn.lparlownshiP, and took her' into. the
'woods•whece homterapted to outrage her per
pcn. 7-Thef'doSendant - admitted the,-,truth: of
I:intt of her te'iititao pityn a pied of in
fro,m:drnaketitte Ile ' - iiivibtatk ,
of at:allflat - 4ln ctantnit p Pc. , and sentenced
eighteen M Canto tl I:eniteriary.
°Melon and Shearer for Com. ; Penrose for
defendant'. . • • . -- •
Corn '1".1. John If. Linclany. 7 -The defendant
was indicted for 'Arson, in getting on'fire:one
Of , din _at itidO . 4 . 'th Carlisle ISorrnoks, by
lent-i-nyed 7 l -11-e-nne-aHllnii
guarthhaaaa - for: de OrtiOn: vi. f , jury-reader -
ad a vardicrat - navgaitherirer-for764ta.;
Todd oad•Lao-for qafandant.•
Com. vs Jos . ThAlter.'Hl.nreenjr. TiTde
-fAulmat Tras.tried orrtwo-billsZof- indictment,-
`Une for stealing money from -Jacob Zug. - and
another for stealing clothes from other ponies.
Ile ins found guilty en both, and sent. tO , the
Penitentiary for twO e years and cloven m 6111118:
vs.,LOttisa 01:epeter and ,'arch
petlr:—Keeping+a disorderly house: ‘• Trues
Bill." Continued. • ' •
COM. V.I. IVm.: JefferiOzi.--tnrceny. "True
If.' Continuod.. • • - • i •
Cony. vs. "George ffarbw---:.ASanult and Bat
tery. ."True continued. 7 ,
Com on. Abraham Parlor.--Ldreeni. The
defendant plead guilty to the larteny of a bag
of 'aro; t I jiroperty of Vol id Mit i it; of
tiorough . - SeruCtteed - to - countyjnil - 3 - ninntlis
fUte of ti cents and costs.
COnt. VB. AtexanderWeenter.--Malicious Mis
chief "True Bill " Continued.
Corn. ' vs. George b: Iteighter.--§urety of the
'•l'ettce, on. oath of Barbara Goose. Defendant
directed to• enter into recognizance in . $21.0,
with security, for ti months.
Coin. vs. Charles Cotton.— Surety of Peace;
on oath of Alexander Smith The defendant
sentenced to eater into recognizance in *1 0,
and remnin itt custody five deo, &c.
Coot. vs: Soinuel .41Shford - - Suroly of Pence,
on oath of S11:411T1 Ashford. 'lt appears in this.
Case that Susan is the better lialf.of defendant,
and failed to appear. whereupon Samuel was
discharged Digh parties were Colored,' .
. .
COM. ' vs. Jame! Noble.=_SurNy of the Ilencc
on oath of John Campbell. .Defen d ant Nen
fenced t o give security in tho Atha of $1:01:) fo
keep the peace. Co
PA. John - Wivi'itml
Surety of flip Pence; on °nth of 'robins . Sites.
Bony is en old, °Vender, nod the, Court., After
hearing the stnteinent of Sites came to the
conclusion that, Bony and wife would do hot
ter by being sepnritted,And sent jail
for six monthsand..dischorged his wife.. .
LEcTpRE" SEASON hers heCn
announced that PARK BEN:IAMIN, lima., of New.
York, well known as-an author and lecturer,
WV - lectures in Tpihetn's Hall; one
on this, and the other on in morrow evening.
If iSSlihjectswill. be very attractive_ ones, and
these who. heard him in the same place - last
'September, were delighted holli with the
ter mid tnanner of Mr llenjatriin. -
We trust those of Mr. Benjamin's will loan
'gitrate theleeture season; and that during the
winter no may be treated to others, not only
from distinguished Strangers but: Mao from
some of, our, own citizens, ninny of whom are
amply qualified to instruct and amuse an nu--
•dienCe. :Ably written and well delivered lec
tures tend much to improve the mind, sharpen
the Welled, and reform the Morals, and the
'money now expended upon the sensation pa
pers, laid out in this manner, would lie of vast
: benefit to.the young. By all means, let the
trelivery of lectures be kept, up during the sea
son of long nights.„,
approach of winter•will, no doubt, remind our
citizens that the members of this excellent and
useful Association, will' Poon . make their at
final call ;for aid, in behalf. of the destitute ;
and it Is to be hoped that they Will not he
'sent empty away." .-'Many years of faithful
service, on, the part of the ladies belonging
to this truly benevolent Institution, giros as. *
surance that the funds entrusted to their dis
tribution, will be well spelled. -
The seasons have brcright us fruitful har
vests; and those whom'Clod hits - bleesed with
abundance, should remember that they are .
the stewards of His bounty, while the 'poor
are the children of his lo‘M. '
An elect ion for officers of the let Brigade, 15th
Division, of the Uniformed Militia orCumber
fand county, will bo liPld of the Court House,
in Carlisle, on Saturday next,- lietwaen the
hours of 10 o'olook, A. M., and 131'. M. Ono
Colonel, one Blain. Colonel, and one Major
are to be elected.
• The followingnamed coinpantes compose the
Grigade - : Sumner Rigel), ,Tunin,Cadets, and
Light Infantry, Carlisle; . National. Blues. Me
chanicsburg; Quitman Guards, Cliurchtown;
Walnut Bottom Infantry, and the Adamantine
Guards, Nautili°.
- On the same day, thee will he a parade of
.the Sumner Ritlss, CSpt. Kultn, and the Ju'
nion,Cadets, Capt. Steimmion, both compailiee
beloisgitig to the borough. Whether the other
companiep, composin Vito Brigade, will, appear
in uniform wdare not advised. c'
PRANICLIN RAILROAD.--A late Greencastle
LFdyer, Speaking' of the• Franklin, Railroad,
says:—" The Gailroiwi is progressing as rap•
Idly as the' best efforts of the parties interest.
eel canpush it slung ? but we doubt if it frill
be completedrio',as to be fit, for regular ►revel
before spring' The " Franklini!' like "30i.
dan,t' has'always been''w hard road to titivel.'
Our Moult gaffe
. .
WAARICY. NOVIII We have' received
from • the publishers, T. D. litternori triithers,
'Movse7dY and fie. llorisit's' WELL, Ity' the atithot of
WAVERLY. Saint-lionan'S Well forme, the sixteenth
weekly boo or . •r. ii:Petersori k'! itttAlwirel:'etieini; end
popular editiou of WareSfy fide the
These celebritted oit4els and no* behig publisiied st]the,
mite of one a Week, and the iebole 'Misintyi-iti
can be had Wee of postake, iiendlifg"fliiyittilliesiti
the publialieri: Asali peiaonsnow tiayti
hereto secant his 'works; Which' 'hjs' never taitdrs , bspis'
offered, and which' traiy:iiiirAr'ciediii ngaiu. ,the
etianee shiMIA be taken iniveittene fit by all ; who wteti'
to picielire' these ; etanderit Woilltatriction,, pt imai`iie
irici. Addreie 11l td i eaud ' reintk~
I Philadeliihtsi Viii),'and.they at
itention. • •
• TxAq ',lV,z.rmßiz6rs4 !lisviEw,• ,for.
i!owjuic,issw;d, I. a veriluli.tme‘r ! Und remarkable
'Ter the variety andAeuersi ettracileernies'.uf the cuD
')bete dhietuithd; :Wilfhesetterolleitug , tah r ia" oPeOhterite
LBollll6ll[ll hie Ilfe .. kna. writings. , Sitg
'Must Freedom. Modern Poeta 'Arid 'Pee47" , tif
, phystesikiir greph7W
And theltilleili'Voltidteete, , iinihjetin'i
-, Uhderibtil;timinelibrdifre .
head ofOnteutiefrouty LlteratUri,' .
atelyWterf the eittelbe t hflutalethe
fotiOd,t totielse:trilltieeti iheti:
'otelaboi•iti tetievi•': 'irioisiird.l4cOtt
- i3 Gold itrei.titiro " '":
EtoetirMnoniiim, for December. This num
ber ell:Menthe yitturne for 1859, andthosc of our feeders
who wish to:.telco this ,popular Lenge:lnc, eitcwlld sub"
eeribe . th time for the: January .nurnbor, which pont
inencaUthe now volume.boillshments as 'well
as tin literary uterits..iresent• atrpug cfaioa r to the In .
dioewsps44lY,lttr tliairjtatfonage, and thTiotti'prtie o ?
subscription places tt within the roncln of Ali, Term.
• LAnfE9.An iIQATi MAaimm.,This is one
Of the chispelit magazines now published. The Decent
bor notnbeelinstwo eteel engravings, it
plate,, a mitt variety of patterns and designs for thalami;
anibroldery and fancy; articles, and a 'rich table of liter- r •
ary 4ontents. The January 'number will coinnience a
nilw volume . ,•and as every ono should' preiVeho this
numbers repilarly for. binding, 101y.kt,(40 time tb.sub - r - ' -
seriiii ' ;;Aeimii:Piiiihi en fif5. , 4111;;44
91i-mr,‘T-37171riffilV.WITiiri-tro '
—Tice-Lxnyted~Rki~os~iokY:== W~hav~re ---
i - cohfin~d 1 this
Orw.llll',3ocWr number_ ot.tbit magnzina, whleh
climes the preterit velum° There who would possess a
hilts ernbeillrhmente and 'enchain'. .
feel execution, and EIIIOLI with ch. - aren't Irles of literary
excel ern, a .d religious tendeue" -Lei ld at once std.—.
sribe for,the new volume, which will'cominenre with
the January nuufbor.
: Terms—Two dollars a year.
Strormetedt4.l'Oe, - Einclnnti3Ohlii - . •
Special 3totices
• "
__The great eh:ttor/I medicines of the present •
age,,hove aeguired their great popularity poly
thrott:ohyeare of trial. Unbounded satisfoe.
jion ii fendered - bylhem - in - all-eases vancilihe
people have pronTaitced Them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System, o .
of the Kidneys,
and all dieeases arliiry from a , disordered
liver or weakness of the - stomockand digeilios
organs, are speedily and permanently euredby
' The Balsamic , Cordial has -acquired a
reputdion surpaising that of any similar pre
partition extant. It will. cure, WITIAOUT ray+
ths most severe andlotig-standing
Ceugh,Cold, or lldarsoness, Bronchitis, In.
• Buenas, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed r the meat astonishing curet
seer known of
Confirmed CensteMption; -
A few atei4tiill ayei at• Once Meek and
Mire the most severe Dlirrhcea .proceeding
These. medicines are prepared .by Dr. C. M.
JAcKtioN & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Philo=
delphia, Pa., and arc sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines - everywhere, atiL cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSON
sill bcon ihC outside weapper.of eackbolils.
In - the — llinninuu ptti
propitetors, called EVZILYBODY'II ALMANAC.
you • will find_ testimony and commendatory.
--- noticialrons - all - parts - of, the country. 'Thera
Almanacs are given away by all our agents.
For sato by S. W
' AM_ Mr. Jonethen lintanen. of Went Union. - Park '
County, Illinois. writes to the' propriett rs, Fleming
Bros., of Pittston:lL that lie had suffered gmetly from
a severe and protrauted attack of Fever bed Ague, and
was completely restored to health by - the rise of the
Liver Pills alone. These Filly unquestionably possess.
greet tonic properttos and.san be taken with decided
Ttdventage for. matey diseases imiulfirn — rlitvigorating----0
reimellea; but the Liver fills stauti pre..eminent be a •
means of restoring a disorganised Liver to healthy am ,
I ion; hence the great odebrity they More ettuined.:The'
numerous formidable diseases arising from a diseased
WM, which so long balled the skill of the moot ends -
must physicians of the United.Stetm, ere Dow rendered
espy of cure, thanks to the study and perseverance of •
the dlstingu shed phypielan whines ,name title great.
medicine bears—a name which will descend to posterity)
as one deserving of gratitude. This invaluable medi..
clue should always bo kept within reach endue the
eppestrance-of the earliest symptomuoi hemmed Liver,
It ean be safely and usefully administered.
Air Purchasers, will be estreful to ask for Dit.
by FLEMING BROS.. 01 PITTSBUTIOiIy- Pa. There are
other Pills purporting to be Liver Pill., now before the
public. Dr. sl'Lane'r genuine Liver Pills. also his eel*.
Mated Yellen o, can now be had sit" all 'respectable -
drug stores. None genutne without the elgnature of
Da. SOTIt S. IlnNes:-1 Nowlin Baltimore in April,lBs4,
and from a paper I received of yours wan Induced to bqy
box of your Pills, recommended as a sovereign cure
fur the Epileptic Fits At that time meet' my servants
had been afflicted with fits about twelve years When
reaching home, I commenced with the pills according
to directions. I do not think she hoe had not viola. My
-wife, though, is somewhat induced to liellevs ,she may
ha'o had one only, Enclosed you will find tive‘dollars,
for which you will please forWurd me Iwo boxes. I super,
pose you ran forward them by mall. Your cottipllance
will oblige nlo. Yours respectfully. Sunset.
Dr. Illance's Epileptic Pills are ale a sovereign remedy
for every modiffeationnf nervous disiuses. The nen
some sufferer, whether tormented by .the acute, physi
cal agony of neuralgia, ticiloioreux - or ordinary head
ache. afflicted with vague terrors. weakened by periodi
cal fits, threatened with paralyses, borne down and die
*Red by that terribin lassitude which proceed. from a
lack. of nervous energy, or experiencing any other pain
-of disalildty arising from the unnatural condition of
of the wonderful machinery which connects every
member. with the servo •of sonenllen, motion sod
thought—derives' immediate benefit from the use of
those pills, which at once calms, invigorates, and regu
lates the shattered ,o organization.
----Sent Many part of the country by mall, free nf post
age. Address Srvit S. Datum 108 Ilallimore street. Dni•
timer°, Md., Dries, one hex. $3; two. 5; twelve, $24.
TIKOINIt I,INDII.—T/10 11081441:10, is now prepare
to furnish In any quantities, front 100 to 10(x) acres, or
morn. gold fanning end 'growing hinds,. in
and adjacent Counties; It, western Virginia,. within 12
or 15 IMurs of Ilnititnore, and 2i of Now Yolk.
Tho land In fertile and well timbered, the climate
eery healthy, and no mild that sheep ran be ordinarily
wintered with very little can
. feeding, mid where a piw
be rain air cheap as chicken In New England:. They
will be Boa cheap, and on easy titrms; rat Tebstmeti for
imported property;nr ood merchandise.
Address, wit I'. 0: adnusp, Joy,CoO & Co., Tifton
Buildings, New fin*. • . • trinny'2,s,l6Ni.
The qualitlea of this medicine base plated It uponan
iniperlehablo. foundation. 'ld destioytng•dlsease, ant .
Ipduclug health It has itttn'a
/for the following Complaints timed Bltteitraia spa.
: —Dyspepsia, ladlgeetlon. : 'Mart • BUM,
Acidity, Costivonees,ldita of Appillte - illeatlacho and
Dotterel Debility. . •,`
nanisectionlof Our country this prefelyithin is
'extensively used by phyalchins litheitinnetlee, And It ' • •
manna typos, yeatorad many to health whir ;ware appa:"..
rowtly beyond, the reactrofilba healing art: .. ,
:8pi:010441411W rew phpl
.. , _._ .. ~ .. . . . .
hlattarnan,.Tioaa Ca., Pa., Aug,2o, 185 R.
P,ltave need the OxYganateit !littera In `niy practice
With decided anemia In debility-and general .proetra•
.tlon, ac,. and coalldautly racommead it In Gamma Da.
, opityi-and *bower nigh, dlgaellve,argann.,•? ,t
“.". .; . .., -, . , • .. ,- t. ,- f e 1i,,,14111T8, Pd. D,
` I " Minoan,. YL, Napt, 6,1832.
' .97NTLEMAN blall'6Bo/11 in trio 'drug busineca the
- list afteobLyeam. add have neieweold a medicine which
Arre given 'Much great Witistaction In nixes of Dyepepela
a thal/aykenated BIM* and loll& dlseasel always
ixgm,nebd•lt. '- • ': ' ' 0: NOWI,NR:
•,. • •*2ll . . 8i1ti.12112034. 1 1t, N0v.12,11364. '
"L. CIVITU; - -I at 002'114 to state. that nave tried
Alm Oargerodird Pit ors for, Indignation and Debility,
'found lintiord.ate pillar Nom uslim only a part of a bet-
'tie. have ttie oideidence in It 04 ,IVenril for
Dyeirepte and Cloneml Delillity,and recommend It with'
! n r h . gesBu "' ' LL . 8 ? JAMES ir.*lB; DI. D.
Propsotd by 5ET111.39.. F01V1.4,8r CO., .80010 for
sale &going .13,11tott and ,a. IV.,llo.veratlek,,Carl
Ira Day". feclollatbu'rg . Kitts A Witmebtr‘tutuotown
8.,6.,W 1d Nowlin"; ;ShP(lMlllker , JilUott, .New ;
Zhlppettab unt t , fin IL br•aPPAIltAd •all'Aute
and deakette lu mod:duo:al over the colantr3'. -
00NM0N.5.F.,4811 rides the WPM Otte people, erhal;
eyeir t h e e de n emed and misantluope philosophers may
say/ to the contrary. Show them a pond. thing; let lit
merits bc . eleally Maltntlftnited.reptt they *III not heel.
;04.0 /tit° I ttbett , mat cordial patrOneie; The Maas.
ee illnest4AblitiMil , lhajudpp_nt obit- Pbielelso.
6oPeolllo tbel.lncelLotiteathWhitil BirrErs„ 'as ,
Loney be Dean by imp ItorrierPle quantities: et .thht.tordi-_ _
eibt ytt i rintrryydp,l44n,eotcarylirtiqq . ,or tbe
Its greatlrehipenor
yet deelm bir d for diseases of tdigeativi
dretateutotoh of Onenceryiclyspeplagind 'Poe
thmeeridne t arise from derrimiedient of thdon , ; or.
I mre:lons/ ortble, system. Itestetter'cf 'name `is replellt
hien Ong atioustheld tO (rap '
!letdown ortha*Atlenthrte the Peiddo.. , Try the'
!Sold broil dreitelete,lit the . world.
adeetthotneitt In another toltatl.
rb,y the
CUIIN POINT, Surry Co.. Vs