Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 16, 1859, Image 1
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'TEILMS.UF PUBLIC!TION 'The OA 'MALT: le published. weekly on a large sheet.contahatm_twenty..e4ht colutitim, - and furnisbhd sairwribetateat sl.ra.;• :Ppdd strictly 'ln advance; 41.75 if paid within the year; or $2 In all eases when payment, Is delayed until after the expiratio v. of the year. No subscriptions revolved for a less period than el, months, and none discontinued antic all arrcarages ere paid, unless at the option of the poblisher... Papers, sent to sub:wawa living out of Camberlaud' county us Oct lye paid thr. In advance, or the payment to:nlled by !intllll I'O,4lOllSM° person living In Cumberland coon. ty,' terms will be riildly adherial. to in all fames. AD VIC, RTIS ENE N TS, • Advertisoonnts ivill he rharged ¢,1.06 per square of twelve Mies for llitou insertions, and 26 ern ihr each kniiscquent Imert ion. All ndvertlsenients of less than t welyn II nun I . oll.thiered rn. 0 WI mere. Advertisements inserted before 'Marriage% and dentin , fi to per lino Inc tria, lusertiou, and 4 cents per line for sulisequent liemrtions. Cohnouldratiens on sub. Jeetsuf limited or individual Interest, will he charged t eent4 per line. Tine PropeletorreSponst• ble le damage% lin• errors lu eilvertisinnents, Obituary notirei or 31arrlaues, nut exceeding five lilies, will lie \minuted without eltfirg, • • . - JOB PRINTING. The Carlisle JOll VIC f9TiNII (11.1101,1 is the largest :Ind 111 , /St voinidetemiteddishment In the rmmty Three; good Pre.sses. and a general variety of 'material Rutted for plain and Paney work of every kind. elialiks us to do Fill Printing at the shortest notice and no the Anntit,rea.tonabie_tertos..__Personsel to Menke or anything In the .101,140, a, On t rlhe Interest-to give us a rail. ‘. • - - , &krill' ant) Cos,d garormation. • O. S. GOVERNMENT. . • pr,m•ient—JA,lN 'Well ANA N, vivo Proqi don t C.llnrCßESniponp. Stwrntary or st:an—alltl. LEWIS CAM. B..nrvtaty of l nterlor—,lACDll THOWVI.I:I. FecretAry. 'Vre;k4tlrF--ql Sw•iet.nry of o Its 11, Fioryr. ~" tieor,i3,, of Navy.—lwoku Ttnic.v.T. Pst--A 0141;44.1 , 11ent.ra1—.; ,, ,V , P 1 1 I lut.r. - • A ttimuty G mtcral —.lCnY,mtmi IILACK. Chiel•hiStlee of tim United Statew---It B. ,T.5:‘,51. STATE: GOVEILNIVIONT: • Governor--wILLIAM F, PACKFR. Perretary 01 , 5tg0 , ..1V - 110V01 — M. 11151ST/fn. Surveyor A tcou S. M 1..111 ANY. • . JUiI,COS 14 . .00 Supreme Court:-11:I,Ewis,.),: 1 11 einoNn; - WVISZ:SzWia. -- G:l{;ft'iilloviAiii , tauror itiAry CQUNTI7- .oprICERs . . .Preylent Julo,e,-lion. James 11. flrahain; Associate Judges-Iton. liclinel Cocklin, Samuel Neorilown. , , ,-. . . _ - District Attorney -11'111.J. Shsarer. ._ : - • Prothonotary.,,Elllll4lt4 ,l cy , 11, , ,,0rdcr &', , ,—Dnulel S. Croft. . ItE;;l4ter—S. N. Kennlnger. Ilfgh Fherift—ltobt, McCartney; Deputy, S. Keepers. • County Tryos_urer—Moses Thor, - - - - CcironerL-)litctien Metllell.i i. Crlr,Ly Comtni,,bitterA—All rem , 'Kerr, Samuel Me• ~ t ... tw, Nathaniel 11. Eektlld, Clerk to Conitulssloners, - James Arinstong. Directors of the l'oor—Sareviel Trltt, an, Trimble, Abraham Boxier, Superbitendent ~f nor 11,,u., Jom•vit Lobn,u: _ - BOROUGH' .OFFICERS. • ... Chief Ilurgesm—John - • Arslhtant Burgess—Adam Sensmoan• , Town Cout-A.—All. Shan . , John, 110t41.11, - IVllllam Bentz, F. ((;tamer, ' J. 11 Thompson, .1, lVurthinKton,, lv,..K,,Lbfotz, A. Mont:sod tb, Wm.teetls Clerk. to Conneil.—'flies. I). 111:41‘ Vonotable—John Spahr, IV"ard l 'Constables.-- Jacob It)'etx, Andrew lortin, , Justlel, tho Spori.sler, Dav(d. Emlttt, 1111 , :hael llokomb, Stephen Keepers. C P Irst Presbyterian Church„North mod angle of Cen tre Square. Rev, ConAray I'. Wing Paster.—Sery ices every Su salty Morning nt 11 o'clock, A. 71., and 7 o'clock P. M. Second Presbytt, It, 111151114110511.61 . of South lawn... and Pomfret are Is. Rev, Mr Balls, Pastor. Services . Coollllonro at 11 0 inch, A. M., KO 7 o'clock P. M. at. John's Cht(7: , (Prot. Episcupal).northeast angle of Centre S.Lllll,`lle Morns, Rector. Services _at 11 o'clock A. M., nd. II o'clock, Y. . English butheran Church, Inelliord • hetlreen Main ne..1,...,ent her streets. Ilev..lacel, Fry, Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 7 . 'cloat . S. German Reforatua Chur ch, lmther, between Hun over and Pitt etreots, 11ev. A. 11. Kremer, Pastor.— bury ices at Il,iclock A. M, and 7 o'clock P. M. Methodist E, Cleo cell, (lint charge) corner 01 ,qain and I'll t Streets, Rev. Coe. D. Chonowith, Pastor. Ser r Ices at 11 &clock A, M. and 7 o'clock Methodist E. (Church (second chat gr.) Rev. Alex. 1). "Gibbon factor. Ern Ices In .I:tuery M. E. Church at tl o'clock A. 31. and 7 p St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Pomfret near East at„ Iter: James Kelley, n0d..., Services emery other Sabbath at II) Vesper at :1. (lemma Litt heran Church clirt,r of Pomfret and Redford streets. Rev. C. CIIIISE, Pastor. Services at 1 o'clock, A. M.., and I o'clock. P. 31. ..7,9-4'ituu changes the shore are necruwary the proper persona arc requested to notify' .115. DICKINSON COLLEGE , Rev. Charles Collins, D. D., Prerideot and Professor of Moral 6eleore. . !tee. I:mitoit 31. Jolliorini, D. D., Professor of Phnom. siby and Einrilhli !Aerator. Jollies W, 3larshall, A. 31., Prufowir or Andoot lan gungos. this. Wits. 1,. Doswell, A. 31., Professor of Mathematics. c. Wils,,A, A. 31., Prolussor of Natural tieionee . and Cum for or ow :II Alexander `chum, A. 314 Professor of llobrow and Modern Languages. Brtinuel D. Hillman, A. M., Prlncliial of the Grammar SCI3OOi. . • David C. John, Assirdoitt. hi the Grammar, School BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS. Alninn., No.:Went, H. Saxton, 1.. goighk, Comma's. C. I'. Ito merieb..l. Hamilton, Seeretary,3 noon W. Eby, Treaomer, John Sphnr, "le,senger. Meet on the lot MouLty up:aelt 3lonthjtt 8 o'clock A. M. at IM. nentini. II all. Y •---'- CORPORATIONS Dr.rosyr lime...-Presideot,llouderson Cashier. W. Iscetena ; Asst. Ceshter:. J. P. Hasler Jas. hone)„ Directors, Richard Parker..Thomes Paxton, Moses [kicker, Abraham Boater, Jacob Letby; R.. C. Woodward, Wln. 11. Dlulllii, tinting Wherry and John Zug, CIIXIIKIII.ANP VALLI:T RUT, 110 AD COMP.SNY.—Premltlent, Frederick Watts: Secretary and Treasurer, Edwerd.:ll. , Riddle ; Superintendent, 0. N. bull. Passenger trains twice n day. Eastward Vadus Carlisle at 10.39 o'clock lid 4.01 o'clock.. P. 31. .Two tralim _every day_ Westward, leaving Carßsle at o'clock A, :Nl., and 2.50 P. 31. . C.‘ni.iso; IlAs AND WATErt ComrtNi.—Prositlent, Fred erick Wattc , ; Sii4litary, Lemuel Todd; Treasum., 1v,,,. ;11. lieutem; Directura, W,atts, Richard Parker, Letnu• el Todd, - Wm. 'M. Ilerteve, Ileury Saxton, .T. •W. Eby, John D. Burgas, R. C. Woodward, end. AI; Diddle CeinuanAmo Vatter llANK.—Prsldetit, John 5. Stir. raft; CruiVer, 11. A. Stnrgeon; Teller; 30, C. !ham— Directors, John 5' titerrett, AVnt. Ker, Steleheir Prone man,lL,,rd Woods, Johu C. Dunlap, Robt. C. Sterrett, i d A. Sturgeon, and Captain John • ---0-r-- SOCIETIBS. • • Curnhatiao.l. Star Lodge No: lin, A. Y. M.,tricetn at Marlon hall on the • 2nd and 4th Tuesdays or every Month. St...lohns Lodge No 2in A. Y. M. Meets 911 Thurs day or ench month, nt Marhin Carlisle insigo No 01 I. 0. of 0. F. Meets Monday at Trouts FIRE COMPANIES Tho Onlon 1 51ro Cetopeny watt organised In 11th. Prusionat, I]. Cerruti:4n ; Vire President. 11 . 111taltt Porter.; Secretary, Theo. Common; Treasurer, P. Mon. yer. Centpony meets the first Saturday In March, Juno, September, and Member. • Phu Clunberittod Fire Company iron Instituted Febru ary it, 181/0. Proddent, Robert McCartney; Secretory, rbialp Quigley; Treenurer, 11. N. Ritter. Tho company pleats on the third Seturdny of January, April, July, And October. , • • ThllOood nose Company was Instituted In March, 1555. President, H. A. Sturgeon; Piro President:Amen B. McCartney; Secretory, Sowed 11. Gould; Trenoh,oi, Joseph D. Halbert. The company meats the second Soturday.of Jaunt:try, April, July, and October. • • RATES OF POSTAGE Vostatte on all Itittetsoione•hall ounce trelyht or un ler, 3 cents pro paid, except to California or Oregon, Itlch Ix 10 con.sprepald. Poatagenn the , • (Jerald "—within the County, r r e ••••:' Within the Statu.l3 cents per year. Teeny part et the United StileC2o cents. Poste& on all transient papers puler 3 ounces In weight, I cent pro-paid or tiro rents inpaid. Advertised hitters, to be rharged with the cost r ad ireTtkliag, • • =I 'HERALD, JOB Si. BOOK 3. E. Cor. of the Square, 'ltlain•St . . SITItAY to • the resit Bunco .of the subscriber, •In Newton .township, 'timberland, Count 3>, in migint- htSty 0ri(1 , 41, :411.40 NIfIT F; ItULL,'supprosi, In hu tbrou ur row yours Wit, Th0011)160 is ustinoil to pro' 0 proporty :WU teßo b ib woyy otherNA ho out hu iinAned nueurliing iu 04 .51e.VAlchAISII: 4 . ilonC.o, 1869-3 i. • ' • • 4... E=Cl por . tiral: JONATIIAN TO Jolll‘. 131=1 Non may honst'of yew learned anti teen Till the hills ate n cycle old— •Qf your Kings In Weir palaces bread and fine, Of your rehltnP m,d )I,llf 1,1004 bought gold, I sing . of the latnordmrdened handl ,A ud the Innart of the nwtismt told. . . Yor lie whtise non is brawny and browai, - „And rour,h h ninny . na sear— Wino ineareth 11 spirit within Ilia le vast; • ' Anni•a - Ine'art to de'and dare— • • toble'ntel good Lt his own WV, right As your high-bred print - co are! • ' Aye! he that tweaks with a sturdy (brio” - The pride nf the stuhlxnu call-- Wino rohrth Olio 111 . 110 and the sales between WI In the fruits of his generous toil, Conneth n 10110 hunt the inafrest. entwined , . With the Autumn's golden spoil. Awl ho that toile At the hl zing forge, A Abil 'curbs with s . cutorllng The fiery strekth el the 10,11eo. ore, •Is lord arm ittql will— And thrones Tay tnpplo and-athillrea But Lo Is n larOr . And 101nruoo Amil live for aye 111111112 M, prOVOrk., tonstaval trends ink like au armed chief; Dimu the rlugliu; atvle of Thnu— Frosts the brazen i‘tatuto uprearetint Rhodos, the viludern Art.sublimel . 4.nd cleft 1,11:e student grappling wall In IVl4Citiil4ftged tight, May 11..,1‘111:, 'Lawler io the breeze, His fittchttux to the light, • : And win the Lacs of vivtory /11{Ott of right. Buz:Ai-are crowd with our free-lawn blood The courts, the ramps, the schools— . __ To pampered hooves aturi;;ois! We are heirs to the right of etuffrage—and . Ourt 3lonarrh, ltrasoa, ru es! " Bern 15" the idnpU , and punp °lslay.° Tour dyna,tles tdd and now, With 'the red noes of carnage and krill) . The paths of your vhdoiles fdrew,. • - But a Prim , of l'emr is the I'el4. of your ('errs, Born In the Red, White - Ifuzza! for the land we are proud to The 11(1,41,1nd 1111.1, the Iltreze! pr the freedom and rights wo'll own When..thelnee of your kings L 9.111111 Mna! for the Empire that nut. , .3bers the thrones ips Monereln.: by )InmoNs . . 7 Nar flh67 4 For Om 110 .Id _FMIIII4 . I/M. T.ETVERS ESEME BY PIU)F. O. C. BENNETT. N. U JI 11 E ,LANGUAGES "Thera are, it- may be, eti many kinds of . voices in the world, and nano of them is With- , signitleatione.,—said he wbotvrtad_nbrought , up at the feet. of Gamatiel." Anil those t'vei_ ces" are not arways to be written in words, which 'arc, etimes . the signs.of Ideas, and, _ sometimes of I he want of them—And often we "know lint the meaning of the voice," nod while it may be lost to us, it may notliedost to other,—and yet, there are voices imp alterable, and as varied, too, that perchance pass by us all as unheeded as the wind, and, wove, and light of heaven. Tartallien said— ,i+-We ought to interpret ,Scripture ' net ; by the sound of words, but by the nature of things." Vole) to adsensum rei, quad ad sonum vVoiladi exerceas. .And iin• should we interpret oil things, when written words ore put for the signs 01 the ideas of - them .: it is only from a close 'fitfully of universal nature - that we are tattle pit's to judge of the sense of.t hinge. Men say one thing; their eye:ttlid iiVCIT their steeled .6untetionee and gecturcli,' say another—their heart,s,l4tter deceit," and you cannot always. •'fix them‘' on faiCt's Until you. have folltiwA them in their labyrinthian way, (which they call policy, another nettle for hypocrisy,) to their retreat. " Uy dear children," said nu old rat to his young ones, " the -infirmities of age are pres . - Mug an heavily upon me, that. I hare-defer mined to dedicate the short remainder of my days to mortification and :penance, in a nar row and lonely bole which 1 haio lately dis covered; 4 'but let too not -interfere. with your enjoyments; youth is the season for pleasure; be happy, therefore, and only obey toy last injunction—never to come near me iu my re treat. God bless you all!" Deeply affected, snivelling audibly, and wiping his paternal eyes with his tail; the old rat withdrew, and . was seen no more for several day's, when his youngest daughter, moved lather by filial af fection, than by that curiosity which has been attributed to the sex, rl:11(1 to his cell' of nior tification, MIN!' turned out: Lobo a hole, made _ by his own teeth, in—au enormous Cheshire cheese .There is doubt enough, and' distritst, and , spleen enough in the world; . .—and may. Heaven save ine from increasing the quantity thereof '—but there is meanness, too, of wiiich,lviohid , forewarn you, vraYing that you will "trust.., not to appeorances," " Witching words" have “turned Umbel:id" and heart of many a "bonhie lass," while the lips tithe tittered tlieuiduhka heart below "as dark as Erebus." . Tim little' word yes may give its color, and , character to a whole life, as many au'unhappy wife has found to her cost. But the true and lefty language of the soul,, we Must all 'admire. Queen Elarihret, Of , France, impressed a kiss upon the .14M of the;. ugliest 'man in' the kingdom; Alain Chattier, whom site one day !hued asleep. This she tlid in the presence of • her whole court, ex, claiming to her astonished attendants.;--" I do .not kiss the man, but the mouth that bus ut': . eved so many clumming things.l No * voice is :I , Aithout Bignlficatiott."—rhe ther from varied nthn, whispering tree, flower, or Mar. Above nil Eaten theJnitgunge of thine min litt'art:-='tin the itiiiiungo of Eternity lnvipto VRAY'ALY. C01.1.60E, 1 • *. NOlMlnber, 1859. 1. A Youzio married lady of our nequaint atter , ' Whose union has not been proljlie •of little darlitigs,"'llas suspended on the wall, in .ter bed.roont, directly over the,hend of the Lett n cent little picture, underneath Willett I. (he folloWing quotation from Scripture Siamr littlo eltiVirett to come unto nut, and forbid .theui not; for of such is the kizig,le , eof. /fear .l VAPIEIR NOM T DRIED BUTTERCUPS lIY . BATE NARE 11=1 I Was looking over, the oilier day. a little drawer in Cousin Carrie's writing-table, after I a letter of Kate llamilt on's—Kato DuiAn that, was— that she hint promised to show me. There were all sorts of treasures in the drawer—let ters tied up w' due ribbons, miniatures, locks of hair, trinke and souvenirs innu merable. ln turning th ut over, in my search, I COMIC across a ranciful little box, matte of y carved sandal wood,kthat oohed as though it hitrsometringtor great vi utp- '. •MaY I open it, Carpi .'•••t, 'Yett:' ' Theremas nothing in it but d-bunch of dried buttercups, pressed on a Piece of slick paper. • Dell" me! is this all? What do you keep them in atter for, Carrie r • . , She took the box front my hand, end looked at•them thoughtfully. • 'There is nothing lona drawer, Kate, that I .prize• as much as .these buttercups. I've kept. them in that box for two years.' ' 'Qf course, then, there's something interest ting ahem them if' amiy are so_preetotts,.and_ thereby hangs a tale—eh, Carrie?' ' Yes;' _ but more interesting to-me than to . anybody else . , I fancy' .• . , - -,- - , . • .!' Oh', no ! • Storks about witlatred flowers' that are Wept as sonvinris, are delightful and romantic, always, and I fool just like hearing one now. Do tell me about them.' I had Yo coax ever so long. but at last she consented; ,so I put the things back into the 'rawer, and drew a seat close ,up to Carrie, where I'dould watch her as she. talked, (for she had a face one never tires looking at,) and then.she told Jae this story, jusbas I tun going - to tell it to you.'.. , ' About' ,three years ago, Kate, mother's healtir was so poor,- that Dr. Field said•she must go to Cuba—nothing but a warmer cli mate could help' her: so she and father: went, and left ,me with Aunt Lydia Merritt while they were 'gone. She lives at Melton, you know. I had alwayS lived in a large eity,:and it Vare — grcat — elatirge - ..l6F:iii - I,'" 14Melton is about the krnalleM, quietest DDT/ village, that ever was, - end the society, with the exception flint !• rryri .iles.zwuree alum nothirtg.,--- However, UM scenery in as lovely andipimor esque as possible, - and the walks and - rides enchnnting; and The Pend' (they would call it n lake in England.) so beautiful, that seems, made on pur - pose_ forealtinr, So, after I had got used , t' Aunt Lyrlid, rho, like timid maiden" ladies that live -alone, is rather prim and 'proper' In her i - OleatT,Tiials quite contented; and whabr-„May-enme, happy. s Aunt hotase in no pleasant, Kate ! There's a piazza in front. with Pillars almost hid with !meet. brier - end honeysuckle, and a great orchard behind the house, that, whed the apple 'blossoms were out, wan- n perfect. paradise: and ,he trees nit around it, only not so many_ but that. the house -Was full or 5411- 510 1 1 9..14 1 ..q a b I did Itimirime in the beauties of Na- tare that summer; - You needn'Clatigh, Kate; it's a hackneyed expression, but it's the very one I -wantott - . -I almost lived put-doors, till I got to he as rosy and brown as any country girl—areal 'nut brown maple,' and no mis take. I hotanized ; I went out berrying ; I sketched, studied, and 'yi!, or pretended,to sew, out itt thd woods or down by tho,.brook, raddhorsehaok..and, when. Aunf let me, drove all over the country rounll about in 'her light wagon (a chaise is a humbug in the country, Kate, and should only be used for going 'to meeting' in, as Aunt Lydia's was) and finally scandalised Atint by learning to row. actually. , . _ 'There was one drawback to my happiness, though ; there was not a girl in the village whom I cared to take as a friend, and as for beaux—why, there was. but one in the place . Israel Parsons, aged:about forty 'One day, at dinner, Aunt Lydia quietly re marked that Peter—her man of all work—had just brought her alettor frost Benjamin, from t be•post ()nice. Benjamin who said i, rather amused, 'the brother of Joseph?' • Ills brother's name isn't Joseph:' said toy Aunt eit's Samuel. Benjamin Russel —you know hi n t, or used to. lie's a'second cousin tb you.' What ? Cousin Ben? What did you soy, Aunt?' < • Ile is cooling to Mefron — to stay three or four months, and is g oing ‘ to Andy la* with dodge Minot while he here. Ile can't bear the city in the tit/Muter, lie says nod sa Mel tun is Ids ideal of a country piece, he shall have a grand limo to study, with nothing to lake his attention otr; nud he won't miss city Society while you smti•l are here!' . 'So he knows I am hero, then,' said 'glad he's coining. I used to like Ben ever so . . much.' Ito is a very good.dooking young man, I should judge,'. said Aunt, Lydia. I hope you will be polite to him, Caroline' When Cousin Bon was thirteen, and I ten or eleven, we had been fast, friends -Leompan ions in all each other's frolics and selildings. inseparable generally. Then his father died. and they moved to another city. 1 badu't• ae o n hint sillmj and the correspondence that Begun so furiously, had died out years ago. so that we were coMparatively strangers to each outer. 'The idea of renewing our old friendship was delightful; besides the pleasure of seeing same - person from - the city. Ile inns going to hoard at Judge Minot's—about mile or so from Aunt Lydia's—and was expected in week. I know lie - would call . to see us mm soon be.eame, end was impatient to know of his arrival. , The week passed, Men a fortnight, and no Cousin Ben, and I made up my mind that he wasn't coming at. all: ' One beautiful morning, Aunt Lydia asked um to go over to Mrs. mWoodbury's for her, en softie trilling errand' or other, as Peter was -busy and-could not go;--so--pulg on my white capo-bonnet, went. It wa. - Alf a mile, but thought nothing of the walk. .In coming 'ionic, it was so warm that I decided to go through the wood, which lay between Mrs, Woodbury's and our house. I Sauntered Mork till Ccarne ton brook that run through thO wood; where it was narrowest, a board had been laid across for a bridge—but it was old, and when I was in the middle of if, the treacherous 'thing broke. The water wasn't deep, not above my knees; but I didn't care to wade it, so as I felt the bridge breaking, I managed to jump ten large suede close by. I stood balanaing myself on it,,trying to find a fr e . vay to gm across, when I was startled by a voice from the bushes near me, humining a tone. mend then in a moment theard the ex clamation : .-Why-, bless me! .here's the divinity of the place! What a charming attitude I' ~ Whoever you are, I called out, I wish you ,ivonld help me across here.' . ! , ' It's a pity to spoil such a pret:pi eture,' fy said the voice. 'Still I shall bomtost happy to servo you. Wait a moment.' , 'A piece of board soon made its appearance, sad wall laid with - one end on the stone I was standing on, and the other on the opposite side of the broolt. _ • , , , "Sow, thin, Undine! .. , . . ..`..l...landed safely, with no' oilier_ damage than a pair of wet fem.,. and a' went morning dress roue ll splashed awl drabbled. 'I thank. ed tho bridge maker, who only shrugged his shonltlors, and naitt,:coralgally fdtanato - rqr utA4bat I. canto along .dais way.ll.-bopo , you, will pardou mei but. I ant ashamed with that. bridge for breaking just . just-going to 'wall( I.l,lray, wbett he stopped, and said : .1f you really aro'not a water Wraith, par- 111,1b14T; ,WEDNE§DAI, NOVEMBFR 16, -1,859. haps you eau where .Mss Lydials . ler rill lives?' . thought ifitalied:adrosi' aiid:T look: ed at him again- , • •` Cousin Ben is this you ?' • , • Cousin Carrie! is it.polisible t. Now this is so delightful I' And he 'grasped my band warmly.. how did you recognize. tire , By the Old saucy lookihiyour eyes. - as you spoke, and by your asking Where Aunt Lydia lives—principally by the iirst, though.' Thank you • and ha lifted. his 'cap and bowed Jury low. should hover have known Ton.- loft you a littlo iceuggy witch - , all. angles, and great brown eye', and now , you've grown ko - -' • - ' • • I broke in j . . ' lie laughed. ' vci- o i i But how wet •ro, you will lake (How I Wish I you , o il 4 - 4 1 \ ou are, yk will . 1 ". .N' 1 , , six, for then ‘ould cluinge„into a . con r. e:.,, is, wilt y'ou. take my 117.11 i il and wo - will get there as on as we can,' . you would leave toe , ear. 'r„ D illonie l tkir it . . 4 .. ' By the time We reachild Aunt Lydia's, we. Mt as ipalvat, ease together an if it hadn't becat4dozen years since we saw each other last. Ile staid and dined with. ua, and - I was charmed to see how cozily he adapted himself' to her set • ways, quite taking her maiden heart by storm in se - doing. 'Me tdaid dining room hadn't rung. with so, much merriment. foe many months, and (:eosin Den and I ral lied each other' mercilessly, yet aunt never once shook her head 44,1,~pie, or' ablted me to 'try and he more dig» iliiiib' . ' Cousin Carrio;': I filter:Alt ad; - 'yonlinvo not-told me how he looked. Was hi tall and handsome V. • . • 'He was tall, Kate, but I don't kneed lle• titer-ion would call him -liandsomlier. not was a decided fashination about his, face—l ant stare of that--end it. was not a common one. Ile had viry;lig,ht hair, with ilia the least cutija it, -yields eyes, which }u were largu,' were dark, I OHL black, with a laughing archness and si ikle in them that . WllB perfectly irresistible. -.There was a most wonderful play of expression in his face, and J-never saw one that couldleliange so suddcin ly.and entirely as his. Tlien . thetle Iva3a Bort - his cif less clugauco iiiitlirt•ettorn Lis n u ner_that fascinates women 'AI ways, and comes only'from mingling in societyona a! certain_ CUUSCIOUSIIC3B o 0110 s 119 - 173)r. We soiled each other eXnetly, and for the future I had no reason to complain of- want of companionship. was asionishing how fa• mousy we got on together, and-how, because we called each other .cousin,' though only se cousins, 'we reit at liberty todo and say just whet. we chose. Being such old, iTunilr friends, tire deelared that -it would be nbanyd to think of falling in love With each other, and so there WAS pi) danger in phiyingthif agree able, and having What in should 11511 in the city, itospebito thrtntion,'' 'Cousin Ben's law studios proved rather)) failure, I'm afraid, for this line was otherwise taken up._ We GiCk long walks. hunting gp'specimens' for rilY herbarium-51v salted on Tito. Pond,' and took moonlight drives when we felt ro mantic, Atimist -every tit e morning; Den's hursevwotild Come cantering up the road, and there was sonic t0f1 , 3011 IIY [ ought to go with him. If toy cheeks were redder than usual, he would say, suluwidy, , Consin Carrie, it really distresses me to sett you lonk do poorly. Perhaps I had better tell Ilter to saddle your horse; a ride may do you good,' 1 {then it was too warts i+l go 'out; wn read together,.aml llen's-auptt,l . 4l4ll,ltur,se,.,eate‘an a. nntago ono that .1 flppliciated,- Our roll 'rigs generally ended Vo lung talks about everything, earthly nod Unearthly. In the evenings, we practiced duetts nod songs with our heads over our music book, audße.dearned to play the flute to please ma. Sometimes we would iisfoniSfigoed Aunt Lydia (winif trials me were to her 1) by singing love SUIIg4 to each other with. an amazing aliment of expression, nod when she would look alarmed, first at one and (lieu at the oilier, through her spectacles, we would go in a perfect peal of laughter nt our own absurdity, and her wonder at our performance. She was entirely mystified ley our pro ceedings, and told the onoe or twice, Pertinent ly, that 'she didn't approve of our going on.' It wits in vain that 1 tried to explain 4 her dint we VCII3 merely having a Platonic flirt Or lieu—tine must harmless thing, I ussurcd her, in the world. - Platonic nonsense! Yoe need not talk to foe, Caroline, I know Better. There is s. no such thing.' Do . you know German, Cousin Carrie ?" asked Bon, as we sat sewing—Aunt Lydia and , myself. . 't Not. n word of it, Beth' Then I think f must begin to leach it to you. .Don't you. think I bad better,. Aunt, Lydia ?' ' Aunt Lydia answeretirnther sareasticnlly for he'r. Perhaps you had better teach her law. Such hard 'study with Judge Minot:since you have been at Mellon, mast have rendered you competent.' Cousin Ben raised his eyebrows, and gave me an 'orals look of fun at suoli• an unusual burst of sarcastnfrore her, but answered, do mtiroly t . :,Very' true. But D rnightl,o best to discip lino the mind first on German.' _' We begin) it the next day, and the bursts of laughter that reached Aunt Lydia's ears, as undertook to pronouMe the gutturals, gave my aunt occasion to remar that she was not aware before what an entertMnirig_study the , German was. .So WO went oil for three moot rs or more, seeing- each -other, on an -average, two or three tildes a day. 1, for My-part, never had beer en happy in my life, though I begun to loose faith in that Magic word 'Via tonic,' and didn't let myself think what Mel ton would be for me when Ben VMS gone, and we ,sung no more love songs together with ' expression.' 'One bright day, (it was about the last of September) we walked together, laughing and talking, as usual, he carrying my portfolio, for I had been sketching, whin 'he Melton people can't understand us nt MI, •Catrie. Do you know bow they •tplk about ns ?' — , -What do they say 'I), all sorts of Things; that we have been engaged for two years: that we'are to be mar ried next month,. and the like. It was only last night that Judge hlinot told toe that he thought I loved you, aini-dliat it , was folly to mill it a, flirtation. . • Anti what did ' , ou my 4' 1 inquired, fur lie wanted an answer.. I didn't may anything but I'll tell you what I thoi>B.lltt, Parrio., , tlint it wan perfectly truo.' 4 It came so suddenly,, Kate, that you can: not think bow I felt for a momentl - My heart. bent so loudly that you could almost have heard it,--and yet I was so, glad and happy. put I only drew ray eape•bonnet .down, to th at Bet could not ace my face,; and said; . Well, antl'what then ,' 4 0, nothing, only I should like to know If you love me 1 ' , 4 4, • o re you really' offering yourself to lag, De Became, if you, are, I wish you would ku el down, arid dtrlt, in the real,irovel style,'. • Certainly, if .you wish ti . ; -But it's dusty he o; ' can you wait tiltwo reach that grass the e 1' 'O. yes! .13at did not toll yon dint 1-hare alwaye Intended to rattan, sty Drat offer 7 1 don't like to break toy word, Very tvutl ; refoo tne 110W l and when We roach tho oforedahr groat 14111 offal' tnyoulf again. and then yon eon Rodeo toe, %II Han my arms, and murmur—yam . • 'do "nothing of the hind 1 I tihall tneruly nck tl nook to ttotnildiO ltt •- • But; Ourriu''-11118. Litho *blunt trying to tanned' hit eartleatneas-0 you lut'itaPt aa awurod tny titfeotiof 3 3 A,D , ELT mama. What question ?' , • ' You kdow as well as I do, Carrie.' Well, then Cousin Ben, go. and get into those buttercups, to prove that you • are in ?earnest; and VII say vks I' . ' ". We were walking past the only hill in Mel:. ton, anti awa,y•up the steep side I Saw a bunch of buttercups in .a crevice oft rock, waving ins,the wind. t hardly thought that he would 'take ins'at my word, fortt seemed barely pos• siblo to reach them; but ,quick as thought he darted front me and was clambering uP the. rocks.. lie reached dm buttercups, and as he - did so. turned tome tin arch look of triumph. I stood watching him as ho began to• coins dowtor but when - the closeout was half Made, . a stone on which he had planted his foot, rolled, and I saw' him fall to the bottom among the's, rocks.' s• 1 `O, Ben; dear 'Ben, aro you hurt? 0, do speak to me `But there was no answer. I kneeled down beside him. •Oh,T do love him, I do love him, and yet I have killed him! Dear, dear cousin- Ben, spiak to ice once more!' And—ii, WAS, -very foolish Kate, but—l ,put down my head and kissed Witt. As•l exclaimed, 0; - What shall Ido ? what • Shall rdo? r sawa. smile, quiver round his mouth, anal he opened hie eyes and looked at me archly. Ile wee not hurt,-he had been deceiving Inc sprang ; to tny,feet; burning with indignation and. shame to think that I had betrayed mysklf to him; and withoiWoutit word I turned away-with the air of an injur ed Uncoil, for I felt so, 1 ntu sure. 'Now don't be angry,: Cousin Carrie.' - said liespringing,uliandonming to my Side; ' really diLltet mean to frighten you till your • screamed and ran to me with such it look of terror, and then an, irresistable denim came over me to sea if you really did care for me '• • . You have insulted me,' I replied 'and yet you do not even ask me to ,forgive you, or assume to be sorry." • _ ••L do acknowledge that it was wrong, but as Lo being sorry., •Catrie,'—and lie looked the full - in the face with a world of meaning glovius eYes—' lift Stan not had it happen as it did!' Then he resumed his bid rallying tone, 'evidently not I ' ' • . tgerrwlar-i-walke ill digirifreit;ilenee. , - , - . sCarrie, you do look like Mrs..Siddona; ' ms Lady Macbeth, nu:dolly —vint - the' crape buithet, Which ['think rtitheiplures the of fect. • Wouldn't yun be kind enough to take it otr? No;. What a pity P - --, Your mouth is suited perfectly to it pouting expression, and' it's a shame tolide it,' Mule we_were walking along, he had teen. caretnitylvir4fighig the Initteretips, and slink ing the dust front the leaves, trod ,now, as wo reached the gate bef o re Aunt; Lydia's-house, be hold them out to mi. _ _ • ' • The buttercups, Carrie, that you sent me . : ,for. -You knot •whist your receiving them t„,„),-4 1110411.' - ____ . - I ew-my lino back, , saying, t I shall not talk.thein.' .. • % Ifis manner changed.' instantly, and with earnestness. and yet a quiet dignity -that 'I admired in spite' of myself, he Answered: ' 'Cousin Carrie you ktioW that-[ loved-you better than anything else on earth, but if you --- wish told nit know, by refusing the butter cups, that you do not care for,turiovo, there -- is nothing more for me to say;' _ I was still very angry, and 'lnerely saying ~!_y On ,04. keep I beni.,!, t 0 2 01-te,d.t he ; gate and went'in,-!ivlshing hint futughtily; • 'good 'mim ing... ' What a turmoil my mind was in that 'night, Kate, as I sat at my window and tho't over all ,we had said and done I Betnethues . indignation was uppermost, that he had do -mitred no so,,,nutl basil my excla mations when he was lying there, and that he knew that I kissed him. Then 1 would Igo over and over again, how ho told mo, and just how ho hooked and i his tone ash° said it and it thrilled me arith intense pleasure. Ity the nest morning my indignation had so fur abated, that I mode up my mind when Iten !come to treat him coldly at first, but if he should be very penitent for his tilllP I might forgive him in time. But It come. 'I suppose he thinks to punish me by stay ing away to-day,' I said to myself. He not come tie next day, nor the next,. nor the wliele.week. - Ihow I wondered at it, nod listened to hoar hii yoke evuy titno there 'was a hawk at the door or it footstep at the gate; and how I missed 'him! There was 110 pleasure 317 going alone, and there Was -no. pleasure in priterieitig or studying, or doing anything without Cousin Ben. Aunt: Lydia could net account fur his abseenee at all ; on- . ly once she said to use with a curious look at me over her spectacles t . " I hope, Caroline, that 'hero has not been any trouble between you and Ilenjamin?" . " What, trouble could there he?" I replied-, • pretending to be amused at the thought of ' such a thing. " Well, it's very'queor 1 I should think he must be sick , if Peter Want seen him at the post oiliee yestTlay." . • A. fortnight, seeming to , me two months, passed drearily by. One evening I had just 'clime in. from the garden, and was standing , listlessly on the piazza, when 1 beard a voice in the parlor that made me Start. 'lt was Cousinlt G's. He was talking to aunt -Lye_ din, and could hear every word they said brough the open .windows, while I mysel . was KO by the curtains., He told her that he hoecome to the conclusion that Ito hod bettor leave Melton, anti that he was going in the morning, and hod only come to take leave of her. Aunt Lydia told hint bow sorry she was to have him go away, and then I heard her ask him if he had seen me. " No," he said, and then ho hesitated. "I do not think she will Care about seeing me before I go. Will .. you bid her good-bye for MO 1" . IMould not beed'anything more. Itseetned as V I thieve was something in my throat, elm-, I turned away, stationing myself by one of the pillars, where I thought ho could not see mo, that I at least might got one glimpse of hint before-he went away. " I shall not see hint main," I said to my self, and I thought of ithaf lino in 'Cathleen Mavourneeit, that we had so often sung to gether: . 1 It moy be for 4renra, and it may be !Drover," 'lnn moment or two he name out, when just asa he was clopping off the Oasts, ho somehow 'got n glintpso or my dross. Ito stopped and hesitated; then he' acme up and held out his hand. " Qood-byo. Couslti , Corlo,"' I was startled as .1 looked at hint, and ewer tho eett i lett eadneas and pittances of his Taos. Oood . byo,"t Bald, Ho had turned to go away, \than Nailed to him quleklY; "'Cousin Ben 1", . • Ito game back will trikuthobuttoroups. ^ Wilt you giro them to Hie P' Ito started, and you should t n Unto / 'the sacttleit Huth ofjoy that lit up Mal - aft "0, Condit Coble," I Interrupted her by exelalining. "Tin so. ghat : What did ha do 7" - , Ho took flu flowers out oPhle potholing dto td." uOf °aura, But Is that till ho did to . • NO, attan Rata Wore, told liort,l4 l laugh. 'bigly, It Was not till ho illd, ; hut you ehisittit'at ' lit to itiquioitive, it gulto eutilolout for' putt) knoW that we *aVa.ltutiLlatialtll that, .• :tire 6441 rut Diehl indltlotter. It's a tilinidoel did:ltt °lnuit ould,.it woOettelt. a donifitight I . • Aud thou' lieu had to hurry . ; off to fell thin otogo-,drivor that hts- tined not , entl.lbt , him hi the-morning; tut Ito Kt mho.: oil blot to; • : • • • •;. Atuit:hydlo was aidonlelted beyond every ! . thing when i told bar that Den v4%11,01/141 to leave Melton-In the morning, _aril were engagetl4 -- But ni - eSon as ,she had re . covered her equinimity, she said she was'iat surprised in the least' she knew. how things would turn out, long ago t Be yoUr Cousin staid at Melton' as lortg as, you did;" I said. „ I'm afraid that there I was'nt Much law',Sfudying atter Ont.!' • !. That's because you don't know Ben. at all' Ile began At MOO Co study„ao hard that he not only-redeemed his character with Judge. Minot, tint won from him the warmest praise, and the prophecy that there was a, splendid future before hint if he but went on with l~te same earnestness. I ,was very happy and very proud of him, though his time was so occupied l hat t_saw.hitit b little except in t e evening; butl knew e was working for t. e, and desired distin ion only for my sake. to father'and• mother came home we were t~orrted; and I. navenever/Ind reason—Car rie dded—to - regret the time when I told Ben. I.would --take Tun Burrsticurs.' Now you'know Kate why I prize them so much." The Amerionh Aatuirn I:=I=1 Thou,cotnext not in sober guise, - In mello-n cloak of russet clati ' Thine are no melancholy skims, • ' Nor hunks,: flowers, polo nntl sad; , • • But Ilk° an Emperor triumphing, . With gorgeous rnbee of Txrian dyer,' Phil 'flush of fragrant blossoming, . And glowing purple ean0pi05.,1.....• ' How call ye thin the season's fall, . That seems the pageant of the year? • Iticlier and bright . , far than all • Tho poop that spring and summer wear. 4 i lied falls the Western light of day • On rock, and stream, and winding shore; Soft, woody_banks and granite gray • „ . With amber clouds are curtained o'er; • • The wide, dear waters slee,pinelle • • iloneatli the evening's wings or gold, find on - their glassy breast the sky _ lines . Far 111 thq tnriglod wobds, the ground Liko erialsouenrpets all aftiund --lianuat4 a crimson inuopy. ' The sleeping Bun with arrows height, Pierces the forest's waving mare: 'rho uulretse seems trrapt in light, - Adluating rube of rosy bast, • . Oh, Autumn ! thou art here a klug— And round thy, throne the smiling hours Athonsand fragrant tributes bring., Ofoltle, fraittiaintbluihingllnwera: -- z TRAINZIiGr' A PEOltitiEV. .:. Some, men are,boa r inful -of-their aneeskers, while others are entirely devoid of all pride of birth - , and kave - nb more respect for the gene alogical table of their mic / 9.ters than they have foi• Poor itichttri,V,a Almanac. The late Jelin Itandolph, of Roanoke, used to assert his be lief that he was deicended front the celebrated Indian Princess. Pocahontas, but it was not known that he ever established his claim to that distinction. , - - Many years;ngii, - there Used in n neighloor ing Slate, a young gentleman who took it into his head that, like John Randolph, he was of Indian descent, though, unlike John, he did not know exactly the tribe to which his fore lathers belonged. The idea was a perfept monomania witlxrdm, notirithetemsding the. af I forts made by his friends to convince him of, the fully aids pretensions, to say nothing of the absurdity of thern,,even if they could be established— The' favorite notion, however, 'could . not be eradicated from his mind, and ho promised his friends that ho wetildeneday convince them that he was right in his claim Raving heard that a deputation of Indians were at Washington, on a visit to their great Father, the President, he promptly repaired to that city, and arranged with the gentleman haring them in charge. Ilia friends in the city were surprised to receive an incitation to accompany hint ou a obit to the Red Men, he- Ilore whom he proposed to verify his preten' sloes. The party met, as requested, and found the Indians sitting en the floor, smoking their pipes, and manifesting but little appre elation of the honor of the Having arranged his friends at a respectful distance from the aged chief, who still regard ed the visitors, with stolid indifference, the youhg Mau stepped boldly from the centre, and presuming that it. would require some • show of energy to arouse the chiefs from theit 'Apparent apathy, he placed his band on hie breast,land said, with great feartesSuess ".Me—lndian—long time ago!" ' The chief, who was not skilled in Eug,lish, took his pipe from his mouth, but evinced no emotion whatever. The speaker; then thinking that- a more *lent gesture and a louder Cone of voice would be necessary, struck hie hand upon his breast, and' exclaimed, in a hurler tone: .' Yos—mo—lndian—longtimo ago " Without moving a muscle of his ,face„the old chief slowly nlyisofromilis sitting posture, and turned his mien — eye on the speaker. flis friends say thatlhe chief evidently understood, or at least appeared to understand the mean. -lug of tho speech addressed t'o bins, and they gazed intently on the 110iCKI$ proceedings-- The young man bore the searching glance of the Indian without emotion: All felt that the awful moment had comet Moiting sufficiently close to the speaker, the chief raised his Mui, and carefully taking a leek of the young man's hair between his fin ger and thumb, gently rubbed it for a moment. all stood in wileut expectation. Quietly with drawing his hand, the chief uttered the slight peculiar Indian grunt, and thfid,—" NlGoalfr' This altogether unexpected denoement ended the interview, mid the discomfited descendant of the Tomahawkaretired with his friends, the latter roaring with laughter, and the former with - the ino4sovereign contempt for his de generate relations. Mrs., Partingtest, on Cain Wine "Well, what on earth are you doing now?" said Mrs. Partington, with a tone of anxiety in her voice, and a largo spoon in her hand, as Lion rushed into the kitchen, followed by lke. Tint dog Was almost covered 'up with a thick, coarse coffee bag, anti, is perfect sym pathy with Ike, who wan laughing tremen dously, he wagged hin °nodality as if he liked the fun. "What on earth are you doing now?" was a question that called for an answer; and Lion looked up into the old iady'efage with his mouth open and his eyes glistening, as touch as to nay, " Look at me, Mistress P., for '1 ant all &mad up you am" Ilut he didn't say anything, "That's a crinoline, aunt," said Ike, "don't you think it's very overcoming?" "Yes, I declare i " said elm, ...I think it comes over hint a good but you had hotter take It off, for It makes hint look ridloulous." • "It's all the fashion," said Ike, the Oddleinicitel" replied shot "end how ahould I look, in the fashion, all hooped up hike n watillgttb? Elltouldn't Ilook worn No, dear, no. 1 4iin't, trant-te pretend to betiore than I really null and If I lurven't.bee so unanimous as sato, I dolt's, want to tint no reflections On Heaven fur not making me no larger t by rigging on' initiloini oupportatlons. It need to he the Mark of Bider Pitiolt that every tub ohould Maud on Ito own bottom, amt *ant to Sol folks jist ndtlmy are. Midi 110 W glint ore you ett' o . ailed Site, !making et her ,inibjett 'shorter ..than pircruet, and well elm Air t lnu, tea s parading the - door hi grant ono of the ifoluiee uight,cut,3 eu bin bend, tied enugdg-under tho utilni with groat oonleinoonoy, DWAIN" aka dropping Into n chair, 1 1 iiniWrgig your pro., &initiation hill not no it• good one, it you go an sal Intl° Ws who toero : theio nuts J J Boa's so to Lova, by a pat 4b1." . • _ - - lEEE •r-annum- n-n 4 *2 00 if not paid: .Our -Bella. A wonderful stream Is the river of Time, , As It rune through the realms, of tears, With a Cynicism rhythin and a musical rhytii, With a broader sweep and a surge sublime, , And blends with the' ocean of yeses. There's a iuusteal Isla up thrilvai Whore the softest of airs are playing: There's a cloudless sky and a tropical clime, And a song as sweet as a vesper chime, And the tunes 'with the roses are staying. And the 03100 of this fele`:fa the Long we buiryr our treasuren there; There ant brows of beauty and bosount of avow; 'nine are heaps of dust bilit we love them so, - There are trinkets and tresses °their. There are fragments of song that nobody sings, And a part ofan infant's prayer; There's'a lute iinsirept, and a harp without 'There are broken Tows and pieces of rings, , And the garmeuta eke used to wins, • • There are hands that are waved when tho fairy shore; • By the mirage is lifted In air; And we sometimes hear thro' tho turbulent roar, Swoot yokes we heard In the daya goo. before, When the who' down the river is fair. Ohl remembered for eye be the blessed fide, „All the day of life till night! And when evening comae With life beautiful 'mile, And our eyes unit' closed to el umber a'whilo. !day that" greenwood' of mu' be In sight! ETIQUETTE . Duess.—" The dross of both the lady and gentleman is so much a mere matter of taste, and depends so greatly on- the fashion of the moment, that it would be euperfluous - to pre scribe may fixed rule for it. There are certain proprieties, liotiever, which no change of nts.bion can' alter. - Small matters, as well made shoes and gloves, and hppropriate hand kerchiefs, frequently discove,r the true lady end gentleman. About thee% the well-bred persoiriralways . • •• . "Every individual should dress in keepin ! with his circurnstene,-t, but-n, - e per emi wt desire to ajrcear conspicuoui on ac count Of the extrent ashion or outhindishnuas of his dress. • • “it is dna to society that its members should,. present ayespectable appearanceibut it is not dress alone which gives an individual a popi tionin it. The more" unassuming the dress, the morenppropriato and 'respectable it is. A lady should he particular to select her dretie with an eye to chasteness.. Silky 'and , pliable - materials, witiefrehtivr The graceful contour of the female form, are more desira- Ide than harsh, Unyielding ones. ••'‘i lavish-display of jewelry, especiallkof to cheap kind. - itilturtoper.- For the morning jewelry is out of place. ' 1 " There are dresses appropriate' for the lenge. street, and carriage, which vary with eaeli change qf fashion. lady should be ' careful to use each in their appropriate place, She eitty to plainly clad in her carriage if life will, but not conspicuously appareled while , walking. " The tailor and milliner have lees to do :with the formation of society thanis generallY $ imagined. and those who depend on such ad ventitious circumstances fol. their position will etioner or later discover how unstable was the !foundation on which• they • hail built. It is true„. that in every country the 1: 0 093CEMOII and lavish expenditure of money will bestow on its ' possessor a certain mittsiderat ion, which, with out other nlialities, will be a very •doubtral tine. Much as the Americans are accused of their adoration at the shrine or• Mammon, think we baxard•nothing in the amsertioi. - thist money—mere money— will. procure less eon sideration in the United' States than in any on the globe. Gwaves.--•• Gloves should always be Worn at church and other public assoniblages,.ati the theatre and opera. ! ••Ladies 'occasionally wear gloves at dinner. This is in exceedingly bad taste, anti "should • never be done, except to conceal some defect ' • of the'bands. <, When meeting a lady, a gentleman should not stop to unglove before shaking hands, es pecially if Methane/die moist With perspiration. It is awkward for both parties to be thus kept standing for some moments while this opera tion is effected, and destroys the frankness and ease which is supposed to piNktupt this mode of salutation. Is It is a frequent CUMOM for Indies when about to walk or drive, to draw ou their gloves while leaving the streebdoor. This is highly improper; the toilet should befull and com plete before leaving the dressing-rooth. " The color of gloves iseubject to much ea-. price, and is regulated by the reigning fashion of the moment. At an evening party or the opera, however, black gloves aro never admis sible, even in mourning, except, perhaps, in the ease of blergytuen or physicians. White, or exceedingly light gloves, are here always to be worn!L TUN BALL Room.—" Public balls or !MOM blies arc uauallyunder the direction of a board of managers selected for the occasion, under whose auspices the invitations sent out to the and tickets sold to the gentlemen, aro -placed. (The intention, ordinarily, is to place inch a guard over the admisidona as to bring .ogether n•society which shall not be dispiese .ng to those pr6ent, but as by the purchase if a ticket a person of it different description may gain admission, notwithstanding the vig. dance of the managers, they cannot be hold responsible for the character of those present. if n entire stranger desires a partner fore lance, be must solicit neintroduction from • Member of tIM committee of arrangement; who will introcuce him to any lady ho points 'out, if thea'ts no impropriety in so doing. At all ovents„ It is his duty to precut() for him a partner, ..A lady is by no meet' ns compelled to datum with n stranger, if preianted properly, but eho is obliged to treat him with due courtesy. Re hns a right to demand a polite, and not a cold It need hardly be said, that fell dere le • the only one' allowable in the ball roem,— ; Light,gloreelire the only ones adedesibleciind no mitlentar: will attempt to dance with un gloved hands. • A hall room acquaintance done not extend' beyond the door of the mom, and no ono 1,0 justified hi recognizing a lady whom Ito chances Afterward to meet, without eke bows tire, and in that me only by raising the hat, If a more particular acquaintanee le desired, it mutt be aought by mane of a now and more tonna, introduction, . •• If a gentleman accompanies a morttr h public assembly, and °couples a seat beside cer, etiquette does not require hlMtd-rOlin. pith it, union, an sometime • happens,. the seat to written!y marred for ladies; glhould f 1,0 ,•10111 It, it muette coitildered au au ma of lettingen,. and not one pf right, and Amid be :00 received! but la so dying to a atavism', Its ehnutti conelder how Wile le tmuiptemitting the connegy due to the lady nutter hie. pros . lotion." . • . APPlterlitAtOttAttitt.o.4.rnotm tha outdo at env tatly Cawley's avtrega m' A . tix, 'Rh bottotio ß out Doug bul a'fklead • whom he addreeaed Rua arlthin hoarlus,,aati - ,, And they tall thlt aputly I Why, - Iptiver , sAvi au lu my UM:. Is la nal oat th the traulde of draailpg: fur, atialk an efi tals ( rid than, the roma MCI 110. bitOrelgy hall" Ilatbrttmately, the mob!. hooledewatt aloud uear, and °rotated hlaiotad - aha - triltuadhgety aah1...•111r, - 4-0 74 .0,ttara . (palut. luatollta auttereote) la a cooler rohuhaud be. yew! ,fts, (tha,balli aua atllt promp% Ida ellutdcaut relako ti,o4 Call tad underatoodi Od titko, /E A ~. L.:ial NO. 9.