31tehiiAitcs 0 DR2. M'LANE's. CELE,ByZATEp • R VEMIFUGE !Sin LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the, atten tion of the Tra&l, and'more 'especially the Physicians country,,,,to'fwo 'of . the.most . Jar remedies howliefore theiPublie: We refer to. . 'llr.--.Glfus;..lll l lAule's Celebrated : . • re - unifu 0 - e aiid_: vii fills. --- - -- wedo-trot:*6tanymend-theiii as universal Cure-a11.,..buf simply for What'their narrie.•purports,.viz,: • • • THE VERN HUG E r , Fcir . expelli4....WorMs -from the N,I Ilum)in system t has also been. min adistered with , \ the; most satis factory results to yarions Animals. • subject to Worms. • • ...* . THE' LIVER PILLS . • ~ For the cureof LIVER CpMPLA MTS . , all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK ITEAD-ACI4E, &c: In cases 'of r -.'• D'A(E.It AND AGUE,/' - . . . preparatory to or after taking •Oui nine, they almosinvariably make a speedy-and permanent cure: - As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, at-A never known to fail'When ad ministered in accordance. with the ditections. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the. proprietors, - • PITTSBURGH, PA.. . . to dispose of their Drug ,business, - in which they have been snccess fully engaged - for the last T-wenty Years, and they will . now give their "undivided tinie -and 'attention to their manufacture. And being de ter ter nined..that Dr. I\4:Lane's Cele br ted Verinifuge' and Liver Pills ___sli, 11-con'tinue—to-occupy-tht4iglr position they: n• - :w hold among the great remedies " - of- the clay, they viii continue tospare neithertime• n- exp,ejise in procuring the Best .nd 'Purest Inaterial, and, com pounds-them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to 'REMING: BROK — Pißiblirglr, Pa. • P. S. DOllll.l, 111111 1'IlVSIIII:111% oo:.1iog, float i thars than Fleming 8r0.,. will de well to 1,11111 11/1.11. 01 , 10:1 iliiiteadly. raid to!, nom! b o i I) r. .311,,,,',. pr• pare II ty Fleirang,llpny. PitFl.no;qh. it,. To Oros, mil.hino to.ullo U.. , atrial, tee will liirward per mail. poet paid. to idly part of the Ironed l7talvii, one liiix of P.llls for twelve three -rent ragtag. i Haim, or one Sidi of leroillma. lid foartaiin Iliti,rent Hanoi,.. All °idols from Cl/L . IBII2OMM be 1/C./MI/allied by tirenty cents entra, UOGGSIVE. ' 8 NEWL.ME,DICAL 'SALT, READ Till: 1 , 01.1.0111 Mi CERTIFICATE', T eilleary orthi., median° iii iutl.• u uwntuiy di,vanch. " For Um last twelve yedrs I bane been ilea, or lips troubled with Jolla:amatory Itheuniatisin.rionoieneing early in the spring, ytod lasting until cold utailhey set ii lien I would lie rellele4 for a e bile. Only to Ile Ili. . tasked again lo the Spring. All my joints would se ell 011,1 be very sore, attended with the most mete 31y rout, shoulders, arms, and hands troubled nee most. Iq/ much nn that t could ...meek. wall, and einissi Tetluired.ststauce lu dress lug. Luring I his time 1 eon' I try everything 1 could bear or, In the hope of finding a cure. 1111110 tried several physicians, Mit so thing sconesi to help use their:lst in the world. ,Ahout ' two and a half years ego I was attacked as Usual, and.. as usual tried on erything to get rid of it. but to impels. . pose. 1 kept growing worse, end finally Mal to give op and stay 1n the house where I ens monlined about four weeks. This Clow my feet swelled,and were se Sore ullati I could not stllllll 011 them or get 011 my bool,,,:11111 my hands swelled to twice their usual size. In tart, I was . . . to all appearances and belief, lotnitf used op, Mena this time lily parents, who reside in Maine,runt for toe to come home. 1 wont, And alter my arrival Culltillell• end trying another remedy. hoping to be deed. Tait ro nnUhnt the Fenn, ns oil . thets. For week's I had not been able to dress myrelf or rake toy band to toy head, And suffering the what exerueiatitqi . pain ;111 the tiuu•. Onu day my lather came In with a paper In nhielu has adverti,ed Dr. Co.rgstrell's Medical r7,ult, for Inflamma tory Di-eases nud, and •uranted roe he read and ice what I thought of It I read and lanufhell at it, puo 'Pounced it a haunting, and told hint that I had been humuhug,red enough. Ile kept urging one, and at last raid I mild but try it, and 111 si'unid'uvritu to Dr. .11., plying hint a dprerlption or my disease, he would pa) the expense. Ut course I ...aid Ilia retinue 61101 ,111 or • fur 41111 sent for out I/o[. It ennui .In duo' season, my faith um. not increased, all a-I bugt.,•ti It tilt, idna of PO slnali-n tione,doing nut any good, and told my 11111. that I itellclvell Dr. 0.. and his Snit both humbugs,— However, I commenced using It and Ulu result ma, perfectly rigtenislilinc. I could hardly realize it nivrolf. I stela soundly di night. wiadi I had eel done for a • long time, uud when i 11Weite In the 11101 . 11i111i,141,11i1i1l as It may teem; I was entirely free from pin. then taken but one dose, and bathed - freely before going to bed. That morning I felt no well that I hardly km, hair to contain mykelf. and-went anwu staks end told the folks how wolf I felt, and from that clay to this I have not suffered one moment's pain or had an attar': of any yore dreaded "endmy, Illidumatisin. I not per. fertly well and hearty, and uherever I have H. recommend it. A friend of mlne, residing Is Brook], is is now trylinnt fora had omen, neuralgic rhountathsu, and so (aril is working admirably. This Is is long story. but I have told all the farts. whirls 1 can bring roil• neuron to substantiate II necessary; and will slain say that In the M IA Ll', a sure cure may be found for all Inflammatory diseases, and - would urgo alt who are afflicted to glee, It a triad. MIO. IL DU:sICAN, Wall Strait, Nov Yorli When WIN remembered that the MEDICAL SALT is as effittacinus In all other Inflammatory diseases as to Rheumatism. (see descriptive circulars) It Will at once be seen that It Is a matt valuable restudy. Surely those thus afflicted will Mid In their own condition and In the above statements. enough to Induce. them Ito glvii the 31 I:MAL SALT tt " ' Prioo, Ono Dollar. Chronic Package, $2 50. ° DC. TAYLOR.A. CO., Gee. Aoutn, 20'2 Cork St., Milian. The Nery Med leol Salt Is for mile by druggist- geher •lly. 'Glyn It :I (July THE MUST • ENTIVAORDINAEN BOOK 01' TIIE AGE • First edition of 10,000 Sold in 'six weeks. ENTITLED "BOYII0 , 01).'S 'PERILS • AND MANHOOD'S CURSE PUBLISHED BY • DR. S. PANCOAST; 916 Spring Garden strdil, Philadelphia, Pa, and for,salc,by all booksellTs. Thie Is a book of 2'25 pages, "1! - An a., hound I d elotb,wltb nine Ilthogvaphio plates. and .intended tar patents, guardians and young men. Every younAndm who, wishes to maintain his health and manhood, and have a healthy progeny, should read this book. :moo of tho statements aro really ustounding,lot- have h over 4 0 fore appeared in print. Price $l, Ikr mull $1.16. NOW IN PRESS, AND READY cult DELINIR ~ FEW DAYS, A GREAT WORK FOR TILE LAI, • by On snino author, entitled LADIES' MEDICAL GUIDE; AND' MARRIAGE . FRIEND • This Is a work of nearly 500 . pages, beautifully betted In cloth and contains uvor 101 splendid and curious en graving,. It Ives a coniulete description of the strut, tare rtnd fu aim) of the reproductive Organs of the le• malqsho ng, how married ladles may, have or avoid largo flu lies,. 'Also, u completu history or Ilecuttiplicu. ditlsm, Mit ca rious plates showing both sexes in ono. It a o Orel advice to young Indies In Selecting a ( jr‘r t he d, pointing out the cause of so much unhappi ness after marrittgo, and the intinanco it exerts; on tine offspring. • ... . .. . The worlt also gives the symptoms runt treatment id , all Tumid° diseases, BO that every feundo may ho Inrown• physician. - . . . . • Tito last chapter is devoted to the Tolhtt, giving the receints for cosmetics nt present in use by tioritobility. of Franco, England and Russia, for beautifying theskin hair, tooth, and foironiciving foul and preserving a rwct.t breath. They havubeen obtained at Real expo i so. Price $1.50. ' By marl $1.15, or right additional root age stamps, $OOO copies havo already boon ordered-- Those wishing - a copy of the first edition should rend their orders without delay. - • -- For compluto description of the wank sou Prospectus, - Which will he sent on receipt of ono letter stump. - o 1 -. AGENTS WANTED Intivery town in-the Union. Wk. 16, 1859—1 y . , . I I', ST R. 1,. riot of StrAW and - N -N 1 tire . nritt4,' , , - 1 Conoco, at the'A_ le - 'tura' Store' Q f 1e.51./.ini E t b ra lB c : olie r d l , and for ° slat :ricas to atilt-the' - tnosettl, ' - 1 RALBERTO. ' .Lnly ,, ,NpltQ. • • • • • " •. .STTEAVICOJ'OI - AN!) `X, ENV GOTas Xli Or rclturnlntr histolnnwledgemortfoi for the Very litoora I patroungo which boo Leon Oxtonded to lium,• tbo unile'rAlgss,d would roll •tuteutibu to, thiNa , t that Ea Las just ro.ppoord•kils extop , dvo .60111110ot of family • 4thE3 •:- ~il ltivi ,,s , t , , ~ store-morn. ()tithe uth.eaat con th corner of e tieb lc •1 re lie pablie are invited to call and - . . lAtillaillt II NI.01,1( 4 , f .goads which, in - elegance, variety and extent, will defy cedrpctitteL,r_cataprtspT_lti_pn_rt ' .s•bed, lump, ...rushed awl Hestia` sugars, ,• ' .0s 4- • 3a va. ble and reastett - Coffee ...very VII. „ aim 0 , 4 , - iil•ty aulifunlity orTEA.. t , pie,i, ff , ° , u 6 t .: , 1 1 - I atilli t ! , - i, : 0 " , 1 ,.. " ,%i r ( 4 .,T, L) s r u i g ' , l ,2;u l 72 ' ; ' ,:t .' r,iuld,,,i j 1 win , i; 2 ' 1 alleenerit_Auul-I.lblladelphin-Syr— one, . rb. .... ~,, y ~,,,ren I, Vormecilli, , spl it peas, Ilouliny, Ml:win...it, torn Starch, •Farina, Chocolate, Extract-n. •I 'effee - ,-,reli nod sugar'at raised rails, Wahill lig and bak ing soda. T 14.1,1,0 of the u est favorite brands. and the ,Irm,at-trgirWrreLep ,s,-som-lenTfinit-aSotnit ll' Iran: m e,'Pain nul w,d - boul-Cljlre, • Ilia., (Oleso. qune • I . :al thorn Ware, in groat Cr,. " - .l .. int v. and an elegant Int '6f Fat!ey Poam extracts and 1 -- perfnmery - for - thirtnitot., • '' . 1 n erul Ing Pe3chvs in rnns, k 4. o 4 ...?„,ArrnlEFle4;dtisw„—ainion4s, , ,onHigc t t r A t mo m 5 V - - LIQUORS: Wholemlu rani common and old nye (VIII, key, ,flotil,1105:11ark 161,1 1,181. SIKTry Porl. 3 1 / I , lerin;olq,, , ,e, entawl, —nod Mtvotit-Wines ranks - Mut .101 biskey, Holland fan, and Scheid:al hypi stock. of L& II i nein d of; Dyott's velehrelte lamps for burohot IColosone. Or e0:11 111P1 Spo!r11 • Lard nod Cold Oil, Burning Fluid. Spi,rin Star Ca ndles. ' CEDAR-WART AND BROOM Wildly,. /lopes, :11opp.:. Door.nedai, )railerr '1, , e.1:11z.g1a5.,. line letter and note:paper, Vainlud buy • Cellowand woollen llose, and bait' Hose. and a tel I.lloyes, Intl i iiug'thu roll lien Ilatiove hb0rt..1.14 pt,wit jotOprison overvtbiog that is eallcil for in hip I Inv ol hu•lncpn and no 0110118 ieili bo np:u•e'l - lo reudrr emir° Fa th,fiction to Into el.13.1111,S: 41,.1. 27, isri-ly oirC. Marketing of, all 1:11a. In oxcliango fn gS. "HALBERT'S FAMILY . GROCERY V!NENSWARE AND VARIETY STONE, 2Vorth-11 - rBi Corurr qt* IP Puilir• Square, oppo rile IlteCarliile nj Oil Bank. • .7, D: iLthllEln' has again toplenfebed-his stock n rfililiN. ilk ilS , lidlitelli is 11 , ,W 111111111 d Nilliillilt , ', 21111011. S II hid) mar Is enumerated e 1 .01.3 varlet; of fresh ' • FA:NiILy GiIoCERIES, . . whieh In finality :Ind price • - . CA :A" .7' .I.; E 13 E AT. ' • - A laiwt•s(iwk or cum, rmws amj Quei..ivare,or 116 w and 60:attirui dugigns, mini eiffigneing oleo. glade of Fri,. • • 11c. is Soil:: Amax in.:trlkle for 3oxEs' celuldrated KEROSENE OR COAL OIL LAMPS, one of the gt.retteet, tileceverieN or the age, enuthintitg WI lit 31111 CXlllllltlO. Caiiisle. Oct. 97', L l .. - AMU:VAL OF ' FRESH DIHIGS, FAA;I" GOODS, FRUIT, - AND CONFEt"I'ION.1111". S. ll'. 11.1VERSTICIC luu: just received frote the city nod 14 now opening a spleodidolisid,lyl4FANCY GOODS, p. e hi,•h In ‘l,lll, Jo rail theddrentieo of 'Air Irieods :Ind thr puMlie. illsass..rtment in tifis I,lllllllt 1.(• aiii.l . lsoth - tn quality tnd pi i•••• of th Id, ran iv foilto ple“,e purrhu,er, 11.1111,,Ssildt•to 1•1; miler:at, his - NCI", (.14 - itil), • . w blob manprlsouiery vri'rlety of fatley - ortlele of Ulu mu's! ..1 , 11,11.r such us. , - • - 31/u liChloods. Elt•gaut alabaster and pureelall Ink-Flan - 4H !old trays. Feuer Tory, :61,1 shell. card !uses, ~, • lancy-Itasl:l4%. F.lney 11ork Boxes, with sewing lustrutamto, . PorP,M...nuales. ul °Very pew. and lauu.i.b., Fancy paper . Nrgo rl rb - ty of F,11117 etatire, err seal, and wafers. Silk ;torsos, I tidies . riding while, fine I'. iTuum ltaslzt , ls anti Nig,: • Itt itslti, ofevt.ry kind fir tlit..toilet. l'ertitEttq Of tho`varl.,u, kinds. 11,1,10111181.1 . 111111111t5, /111-kill& arid prlet•n, inlittint , t ) : ll.l.ll rielfof:taidosOrgnot. ly lint..hurl no l Noltal.lo lit.ll,lay pre,,,,t,, lv %Ida, li' attentl,ll, Al.o t , le:...allteolloollon of ' romprising• (lie various Emzikii and American Works, entbeilowa Ptpuncm, etre S c.. Ills assert !eve t ai Fowl. ,tailonad is "al,. cumulate, :Lod • compri:m evt'r3 le' olre and the I 4 elesds. Ile elme tll,lll, to call tilt) vir• ((pular attaution of I:1111111US to his elegant anzortinuot of LAMPS, Ac., from the extenslve:establhamients of Coi - nellus, Archer Hod 1 . 1111.101111113, 'eoinpri,ing every style of Parkr, Chamber aml study Lamps, for Miming either Lard. Sperm or Etherlal oil; also DYIYITS celebrated IZeioseno or Coal 011 Lanips, together witlahnverVoset l'anw Sereens, to. Ills assortment in thin 11rw It equaled in tho borough. Also, PIICITS, such as Oranges. Lemons, rig., 11111411 F. Ne , •ttrineF, Prunes. Pine Apple, AC.' FA Nuy CICIFEC TIONARY—Ntrys—Mt 14;SElt VIII) FRIAR'S, MIN , ED AI EAT, I'ICKLES, ke.. in every variety andlit all pri ces. all of whieli are pure and fresh such as cam lw eon- Intently re , oninn•nded to Ids friends. llim/doelnanbraeas averything In the line of Faney floods, with many ether rticles awful to househeelons which the public are en 1101.1ally fuelled to call nut 0X:11111110. I{olllolllllol . the Ohl Stand, nearly opposite the Bank, on North Hanover skeet. S. W. IIeEIiSTICK. • May 25, 1055. JOSEPH U. S . TE:EL, WA TC KEIL • SOUTH HANOVER STREET, .. A 1 w doors South of the Vona Howe. Having supplied myself with a large assortment lyateh Materials, Elahmoi, Li., I mu mute prepared to met. all hinds of Watches. Clock X, Jewelry. &v.. All the trustrea, onAble terms, that may he entrust, d to my. Val, !loping h triet attentlon.to basin., to be iii N'OrVii , wlth li herd rhare 01 public. patronage. A Inn , assortment of JEWELRY. surh rim Ladles' Breast. Phis and Ear Drops, fluid and Cameo; :Risher' itrea,,t Plus and Err Drote:.1100 and Elva Phis 1111 sties, t;oitt Chain Iloolls, Elated Chains, Gilt Lockets, (Jannis, Keys, to. Also, a large and fine aseortment of GOLD FINGER-RINGS Also, a lino lot of Sliver Hunting, Dotaehed and Lapin,. IVatehes, alOl a goad asbortment of Fl I, Intel and Steel lveetaeles, all of,whieh %%1111,0 sold 10%0 A stare of public patrci age is regattetfully eolivlted. • .OS. U. Carlisle, duly 13,11,80-10 " ardIRIO.N" 11.1741.?' • F AMILY • GROCERY AND TEA STOlttl. Just received and in store. a fresh and well ou• !retell assortment or filo, Sava and Mara• • cable, Coffee, Roasted Coffee. crushjd Pulverized - augurs. Refined and , other tan., Sugars, superior , . ' • Syrup Molasses, Orleatta.,l' - • thaklintWl alas sus. " • Spices of overy variet— pure only t Starch, Farina and • , o Chocolate, Marcaroni, (.'horse and Checkers, Tapioca dud Saco, Saleratus and Soda: Cream Tartar and , ported Pickles,,3lustard ltna Coriander Seed. TEAS . . - - 1 A lino assortment In Pae anti in bulk—as well as all other articles belon;;lng to the business—all at the'lowest and late - reduced prices. J.'M. EBY. ~~ Paper - Hangingg ! Paper Hangings 031114)ND §ER OUR ~ CHEAP PAPER TIANGINGS. CHEAP PARER HANGINGS. CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. AND OUR. , FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. FINE GLAZED PAPER, HANGINGS: • • ANIt ALSO OUR RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS.. GfLT PAPER HANGINGS. • RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. Anil WINDOW' P.API.:I:IS of stir Inns colors We whelk to Inf , nan the public that our stock of Paper Hangings, is the liirpst slid must varied assortment over opened in and that secure sidling at prices that will suit , everybody, at : JOHN I'. I,I"NH S SON'S, „Y . North Hanover St , Carlisle,. • whore you can bo furnished. at all Hines with. Fresh Paints, Oil. Viteniah, ho., of the. best quality and at the lowest prices. rapr.6.1850. 7 N A ILI'S, I TWENTY HORSE E I NGNE!-' Nov on hand at Thu Carlisle Foundry, a ARM' +n ENTY IIOnSE STEAM ENGINE, Conapialo In every respect, which WO Win sell at a Anal! advancO on COAL Aleo, Tllll.ltSAlrtti other POWERS,. o,l'll Crushers, Cormhhollers, and other machines for Farmers. Also, TEN PLATE STOVES Sro burning wool - Liars, sinus, of ha odataue patterns, togothrr with a rarlotj , oqf .other articles for S armors 41)5(1 Housekeepers, too nti. tocroup to moution.' ' P. UAIIDNEII. & CO. ,Carlislo, Q.et. 5, 1855. PARR BELLS.—Just .rpeelved the P Inmost and cheapest assortment In the courq and warranted not to crack, larlhO cheap hardware of Hay.2s, 1850. H. SAXTON. . . --- ....__... . . rilOWN . LOTS.—llireo'lialuable 'Town ..ji Lots, for vale cheap for cub. For further Inform. oh lipnly nt, . - ,301 IN P. LYNN t. : BON'S, _ ___Atity IS, 860. 7 . 2.1ri . Nap FISH AND SALT = .10S. D. lIALIDAIT.. ,-,, N. IV. Corner of Publk,N...,,ptro. Order Oat at the Mere Mr fruit. and ornamental Trees, Menem and ; fertilizers,' will ho attended' to proinptly, M. B. STRICKLER f te Elto.‘ April 2.0, 1069—1 y ~ , JAMES R. W.EAVER'S yamCABINET loiti:... , AND . , •Vfrr r. '" ..... ' ..7 1= , • ''-- TEAM. ' .. ~ MANUEACTOBT, L 7, .Noltilt HANOVER p XREET, CARLISLE, PA. Having been engaged in the business for over twenty years he would return. thanks to his customers and, friends, for the liberal encouragement extended -to bum In years ,;one by, and flirting assuees them that no pains will be spared, to giro full sattallictlon to all who may favor him with a call. • . ' . MUMS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warradted to NW -the best quality, of the la.. lost style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. Ile also continues business as on UNDERTARER. Reedy rondo Collins, Natalie or 'otherwise: kept con; - Bluntly on hand and funerals a promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. • May 25,1859-Iy.' f N. B.iropartinoaltnato in Clinrelitown,Cumb. coastycin crud for Salo ou..easy toms: Apply an abovo. 1- - • • , , W.. pin 6005. 1 / 1V ATC Li ES, : JEWELRY., AND SILI'IIII..WARIsAT CONLYN'S .old established Stood, West Main St., nearly e l posite the Cumberland • 1!;illey Mink. ' .1 beve Just received a new • assortment of • watehee, ewelry. medelhons. silver were, kc..inailditiou to my foriner stock to which I invite LllO attention of the public, The assortment embraces tine •••• • • 'gold and 'silver lever watches. lio sting • and open ease do.. gbl.l Anchors for • Ladles and tiontlimion and Silver Le- 4.. ping and tluartler Watches of every • riettin style and, mire. • Abel line gold Medallion, Brthistpins for Ladies and Oentletnell id every quality, pattern and price. 001.1 .foli , _vest..curband-noek-elittins,-.oold-buirelaterfinger• rings, cult-pins, Muds, eleevidouttons, crosses, chorine, ke., fie. Geld and sliver thimbles— silver and plated butter knives. finite; table, tee, - sitit Illillithrd'gpX)llir of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver and. emoted spectacles, Lo suit all, ages to which see invite special Mien , Ova.' A tine lot of (141;11 4 .:11,111 , 113 front the best makers, ' pectecle easeli. fancy box& -k^udiveri4nll pearl eardeases, Mantle Clocks-and a variety of 11111E16 ally'lrept 10.1 trivelfrititablisliments, which .fr&liart • , 1 will iron Tow: for cofill. All articloWNlttr -taitted..to'-lio-w-luitithey-ara-reproanitr47- • . Particular attention • paid as usual .to ' ' I Ntl -and all. work woo Dec. 23. 1557.2 i\ j• Y OLD , IE N DS, ihe'publio generally inn luxltrd tin•rall and examine my antek - of frealv . „ . • • 0130CERIES, ' • 0111.\A, EMI= • QUEENSWAHN, I'iekuls, Preserves, Fresh Can Fruits, Spices, Wood and Wiliam., Ware, Hopes and Brushes, Oili; Fruits,' Flab, Salt, a ad'a large variety of other goods nut,neeessary minute:lou; Store !tom two doors east of Itboads' Warehouse' (lbrmerly .14n (1. Williamf s.) Oho me a rill and examine my goods and firteelt, 111101111 tosell'as cheap o' nov other.storo' outside o Phibelelphia.4 ' 4 autter, Cars , Rag's, Beeswax,lieled•Fruit,.,te., !ohm in exchange Our goods; . ' • WI, lIGNTZ. '6B 1111 . 1. him .1 ) :: Lynch, Practical PLUMBER and GAS FITTER in dm basement of the M. B. Church, Main Street, Car Hale. Load and Iron4s, „ Iron Sinks, llydrnuts. ,t. " 11 T 1 lit & (NMI Shown B „" aths, Hollers, Water Closets, Wllsh Basins. Force and Litt Pumps, Ilydraulle Rams, 4:e. Wr.9 . t l raLlVel'd 'robes, -.. And every description of rocks rind .111:tings for gas Fteam, wat or. &c. Superior cooklini ranges. gas fixtures put .up in 1.111111`114, stores and dwellings, at sLm t notice, in the oust style. All nun toil als and work in put. Ilne :It lOW 1.111.0 ti and warranted, Ali, • Conn try work a na..lobld ng promptly attended to. • 12 It h G .1( . 6 Elt 1 E 1 : - AT S.C. IIUTEWS Shad and 3lach,rel of different gnalcs, • At lIIIYETT'S Ninon, Sraie Fkh and White Fish, C 0,111,41, Salt :tin! Pie!tied Herring, Chew,' and Crackers can Gb had Mica Gent, Preserves and Sugar Cured 11(.ftsud Ilamn, A flubls supply of LIQUORS, 01Is, White Lvad, 18 5 9-: GOO PALR-T-R-ACE CHAINS,- • IrmrwircPmrrismort.mt or . BUTT CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, ALTER CHAINS, , LOO CB A INS. FIFTH CHAINS, . - TONGUE crwNs, , • cow CHA INS, •SPREA DS, &e. &c. .lief resslvoil at Ilardwnsu store of . 31nryli It:, IS:A.. U. SA XTON 0(),I.M 8 iitoNn.Aw3ilti3llfril.;•LirtrilVFOrtll. • ' IRON, 111 tOP IRON, • V ETS, • ILTS, . W.1811E11:1, A.N LLS,- 171 LE S, RASPS, SQREW PLATES, BLACKSMITH BELLOWS, BE Hint rerolvtql and for halo cheaper Oil r. ever, nE Mitre le. IS:AL . Humor SAXTON'S. 1-X_G RIC ULTIIII AL IMPLEMENT 11 A: , ..1) .31ACIlINI; SIIOP. - ~17. )N IVEST LOIIIIIIM STREET, above 4 .. , illl• ,111(.11r0 of lir. „1.• - %Itzer, and li. F A !'„. no,lltitely In rt.,. of tlio Union Engine, gg4:1110 P... 5., . f 'rho .11.serlber de/drell to Inform Illu !grow. ? nod 1111 , public gi , ocially. that lie A now 11141 n talleturing. nod tints constantly on hand j It El PS C,I.3,IIIII(ATED 1. Clover !fuller and , Clenner. Alf.o • the pre t mlum Ilorse-Power and Pl!retilling Ma• hlne, with vlbratinr .elmr. , l"rh Corn Simpers, Straw Cutters, Le. Nell. hone and materials always on hand for the re• udr of Reapers and Mowers, ThreFlatur Maelilmie and grleultural implements of all kinds, which will ho endetilo promptly and on reasonable t 1,11114 • .1. AtiItAILIMS, Proprietor. , A. J. KUTZ, Puremnn Apr.'s„ 1859=-6ni 11.0N•RAILING !—iron Railing for I:_Conetery enelusures,publleand titivate grounds and ato., made to order at .the Carlisle Foundry. Our toek of hulling , Verandah and Bracket patterns coin. rises ,n large variety of new and elegant designs which lie public are invited to rail 11111 i examine. Orders fur :toting and put tins up Railing will he promptly excell ed at wt Usfnrlury prices. ti s).. An entirely new TEN HORSE STEAM ENOINE nil BOILER now no hand, warranted to Ira of the best take, nail will be Fuld at a bargain for.sash..or on short MEI= 1 - 400 T SIIOEMAKING.-J & It. TAximt, return their situ:me thanks to their Cusiotnera, for the very liberal potronnge rolen• ded to tlom, nod would respectfully inthrm the public that they el m I lo nu to manor:lei ore CUSTOMER Work, at their told htnonl. on North Ilanover street, two dulls' above the drug st6rt. of 0. IV. I erhtlek. - With R I 'mob, of lire, rate uorlanen empl'oyed end Invilities for seenting the best stork to be found In the market. they n.e prepared to make up every description of loloTS AN USIIOES, for ladles and gentlemen's a en r, In the most f,hionablo style, and of WAIMENTED tut, (minis and worknoint hip. - Maur yearn ul . pravliral experience In the business both Wet ennd iu Phlindelphla justifies them in saying; that they ore able to luluto full satisfectieurto ell those whnony leave their orders. • April tn,lK,s, SOMETHIANO NEW! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT SEED STORE. m.Amu:Krim c BROTHER, Havejust opened, in tho room formerly occupied by Shryock„ Taylor & Smith, Zug's now building, Main street, two doors east of the market house, a large as. sortment of AD It 10 ULTIDIAL. IMPLESiE NTS and fer tilizers, which they are prepared to soli on the most reasonable terms, •. The stock oeibra,es I'LOWS, CULTIVATORS, TIAlt• ROWS, 11,11", STRAW AND FODDER OU7"fEII:4 REAPERS, MOWERS. DRILLS, CRADLES, • SClrill',S, CORN SIIVI,LEIDI PORKS,,- SiIoVELS, IMES, RAKES. PR:ENING ' .K.NI WES, WIIETSTONES for Mow ers, and every otherart He, • a.m.:try for thrill use. They also intend looming in addition, n full assort• ment 'of CEDAIt and WILLOW WARN., including Spain's patent Churn. Brooms, Brunk., Buttor•work. Butter•t'ormd, Prints, Ladles, Butter Tubs, Bowls, Are.. Also, 'Fruit, Garden nod Flower Seeds: Seed Potatoes, of the hest *whales. They are constantly making ad• Bilious to their stork, and will' me .eVery, exertion to supply the wants of the agricultural community, " They have also the agency forIWANS A WATSON'S ;*- SALAMANDER SAFES. saius B. WEAVER Cheap Job Printing et done ber •EbuCatioitaf. Ci . UMBOLAND VALLEY: INSTITUTE AIECHAIVICE4IIURO, • A. p. h LIR, A. IL, PRINCIPAL, end tearhor , Methethatleil and Modern Litnguagee: ' REESE, A. 11., Assistant Prinelpel end tipster of Aicio4 Languages nod Higher English. d i ° L. M..IlAialltSTIaK, Assistant, In the English IN. .partment; -' • . . This 'not , talon:having passed Info now: L iiiwla will be reopened'an a Male School only, nn•Thursdity, the 2,1 day..ofSepttmbitr nexte-It-ilkheAtesign-of-the present pmpriotora to intrtke it a strictly first.cinss . Boarding School, for training and' fitting: boys and young man. -either for - entlege or buaßlesa.- - - An efficient corps of lio 'struclora bat been organized, whose porkonal interests are Identified with tiontuccess of the Institution, nod wito will sparo - rici'painn to make It wbrthy of the coot ,• lthnee and pitronnge of the public. 'file Buildings of the Inntituth areample, and well arranged for the nu. commodattiourif about ninety ',Carders. and all studen to lanitakratUirsettetto.ll , oltr4.9Pitilk- it4n:RWITHYP. , - They will thus enjoy theliunelit of conatnnt instruct in i mid Rupert - I/lon. Mechanicsburg Is Fanged In, the contro of the inia, - tiful-Gurnboriaad-Vallcyrninc-milm - fram-Ilorrisim ,' and in easy ofaccess by,ltatirond front Philadelphin,lla I. thinorb,,&c.--No location could bu more eligible for no erusw= - ntm - ratidrobblllll - irogitttfilictirliVFMTClPMho . Pupils from Washington, Baltimore, Pillindelphin and intermediate points, taking .the morning train, will remit neehanicsburg by 2 n'olock, P. M. An it is the determination bf the Principal nod his, Ast.istants lo place the Inn - Mute on a permanent And oluvatod basis, with overy•appileation requisito_for.superior-success,-, "th - Py . appeal with conlldoncu to nil who have sons to IA- Immo. • , . . . 4 ThAtintt ear will be divided into t . nrd - bessions of ti v two colts cock, the first beginning on - the first Th, raddy of September, and duding on the first ty Wedneaday of 'eltruarY; the second session beginning on On trot Tit irsdaynf February, and ending on- the first Wednesday of July . . . 1= TI7IIOIS. , • Board,lFasilleg,!rultida, lloomefurnlehed, and Fuel per kiession,••*Hi 00 Dateetotare will Le received at $lO, $l2, and $l5, an. cording / to their advinicemeat. • , .. • • • No extra charges for ancient and modern languages °ewe.) muelr.', . . . ... . . Torres per session payablo'half fri tolvaiirn.• Foy fur.. their infor)nattiou apply. to Mullin & !Leone, Proprietors, Meeliailleslutig. Pa. . . . . Apr. 6,185 V. .•. . IRVING FEMALE COLLEGE, I ECIIA NICS BURG, PA: Thin Instltri A on, designed for the Miler/II education of Young Isolltle, has boodle operation too years with the most gratifying results: It is pow entablishod on a firm basis, and Its patronage already extends ortU . several Ntates. It Is located on the Cumberhnurralley Railroad mid way between Harrisburg ntid Catllstu. In the most for-. tile and beautil ul letrtion of the valley, and is in rinse proNithity, to one of the most. mond, heilthk, and en terprising tonne In the State. It is control, and racy of Hemet. Students leaving Washington, Baltimore. or Philadelphia le the mOrulug train for Harrhthurg, will arrive at 3lochuniesburg . In time , for the edition, is large and !emantions. surrounded by din] hie veiandas. and Will 111'N/11111110a te Itit d red boarders. In Its construction, It combines all the modern iinprovements ti r the promotion of health, ronithrt and cngyeutenco.• In these respects physicians pi °noun. it 'unrivalled: The nhnnda•rs aril large and neatly finnislied._Eneli has its register for heat and ventilation Only twin students occupy the SUMP ennui,. The bath 1 . 001111( tire nt. all times supplied with Norm and' cold neater. I= The gronnda are unpin, nod well arranged for recre ation, and the varleux eall,thenie osmeheor—xu i'SSFm tin! to heaith, graceful movement end synnantry td * form. " • =I = The Faculty of Instmetion In efirelent and otperl •need. I= In the Collegiate Depitrtment 'the,'eourso of study!, of a high grade, comprehending all the subjects . belong. lug to Classical, Ponta and Christian Education.. In. the ,Ilreparatory Deparaent pupils will be eon, fully I nkrokedin those,lawyles terming the hash; of a thorough Euglish.mluelit i fi.' =! =I ETSZEZI SEssioNg.—First from the let Wednesday ul Septet!)tier to the :111,111 GfJoituilry. .-- ,3 ! , C , Ptn,r;:gt:plou,_frm_the.lnt.ur.Februari-id th. 0414.1.4 Vacation, during July and August. . tER3I.§ PER RESSION'OF FIVE ^MONTIIS,PAYAIIIA, - IN. ADVANCV. ' Boarding. Waabing, Ftirnlslool Booms, Fnol Tultiou—Colloglato Dopartmont. . . . . " Prepriratory " . . , . Claps, N 0 extr!A elmrift. for Anvieut.Langunges. • Musio—Plitun and Guitar. . . . . .. 00 Vocal 31..5tF,.. ... . . :. . 00 310.1etn Langunges, 7 • ••• • Om usual rtes. . . Text.bnoks furnisbud nt city price. Fur further particulars - lidrt•ssi . Rev. A. U. 31AltLA1f, A. 31.. President. " Mal ITEM H liVit MUSD G .17.131NIALE SHINTINAILIt. Tho reputation of thlicilintllutlon In 110 x• fully °stab, fished. and Ito suceonn nit n first clam Feminary placed beyond d,iu Lt. ruplhr - Irlll find In the boarding do partmenl, honor hnnfortn, parental nupervh.lon and moral inlluelicu. In the educational department ac complinhed teachers, thorough . Inedruction, nod sure means of advancement. - CONTENTS OP CATALOOUE JUST ISSUED. • f r Trustees; Before .es; Teacheriq, Pupils lu attend ance the year past, :, Course of Study; Oraduation; L'atanisex; Locatie , Mental and Moral l'enining; UT xisumwn :. from 11 ' I. One. Chambers, It. S. Schnook, 0. L., and others, in r tard to.the recent annual oxanifllft• lions; front tho Cl, mbersburg Press; unit from James W. Alexander, ILI , of Netr.York, and others. The next cession *rill commence September 14th. For a catalogue address Rey. HENRI' ItEEVES, A. M. Chembersburg, l'n. Aug I o,lhop JAS. M. MASONILIMEIL LEWIS MASONIIIMEIt NEW CONPECTIONERY ! N Ew FIRM AND -NEW GOODS ! DIASONHIMER & BROTHER, • Naiii SL , opesite the Cumberland Valleg Bank, in Troat's ',Yew Building , .and next door to Piper'i Book WOULD most respectfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle alai vicinity, that they have Just recePied front Philadelphia, a new supply of Confectioneries, Frulfs,'N ids and Toys, which they are prepared to sell 141101,ESA LE A lIDTAIL, at the learnt CASH paters. By strict tittention to business and a desire to please, we hope to receive n liberal share of patronage. Carlisle, Aug. 24, 1555-3ut. - r ADD, WEBSTER & CO. I Improved Tight Stitch Sewing-Idaehinee,-- , . FOR FAMILIES AND .MANIIFACTURERS, Are noted for their remarkable simplicity and strength. They de a greater range of work—from the lightest to the henviest—and Inn more satisfactory manner than any other machine. They STITCH, Ili:M.111ND, FEU, RON and WITHER without 'Lasting—using; a straight needle—and make a lock stitch alike on both sides obtlework, which cannot ho unravelled. Please Oxamine these before purchasing, and secure the cheaPust by buying the best. . Xar- On exhibition and for sale nt 3lra. 11„,Itey• nolds'a Daguerrean Rooms, dud dour Westil).l _ °nice by MASOIst.' - Carlisle, Aug. 24, 1859-tf. July 21, 185 S GREAT., ARRIVAL OF PALL AND WINTER GOOD. • Tho subscrlbor having just returned Irmo I%flatlet. Oda, aunonuees to his customers tuol-the public gen erally, that be has now ono of the best Stocks of Goods evor offered lu this market, embracing every variety of READY. MADE CLOTHING, J.. 0: TAYLOR .and Piece Goods, wbirli will be mado to orden-or sold by the ynrd, among, which a few articles may too mon• boned, viz: Nino black twilled French, blue-Mark blue, green. brown, drab arid claret Cloths; l'etershams, itncsia Fur Coatings, Mohair and Itenvet‘,. flue French Black Doeskin, ellk.inixed plain and fancy Cassimpt es of every style and quality, tine Silk and Muth, Satln,• Wenn. din°. (limey Casslmore and plain Doeskin Vest Digs. Also a very largo and handsome assortnient of plain and Li my Cravats, Stocks; rapoloon Tics, fins 1111116 . , Chineso Silk and Linen Poe et Mandkorehlefs, fancy and' plain Collars, Suspenders, and bait lloso of every description Also a very large assortment of TRUNKS. We call Earticular attention to our largo and extra tjuality of nglish solo leather Trunks, Valises, and a large varitr ty of Carpet and Oil Cloth Rags,he.;at Utrge lot of extra Made Umbrellas, all.of which will be sold at tho lowest prices. Call and examino foryoursel yes tit the old stand in North Manovor street; opposite the American House. 1. LIVINGSTON. Sept. 28,1850.-3 w URE WINES AND LIQUORS JOS. MIDDLETON & CO.. Non. 150 and 158 Noith Foiirth Street, warranted DIESOVINEB and GINS. Imported Aired and pure and 801;1 to Druggists and Motel Keepers at lowest wholesale prices. .. .9"e-The nesortmett niossists of otard, Pinot and itochollo Dmintilesp Ohl Port, Sherry, Maderia, Lisbon, and Champagne Wines• also, a large stock of Monongahela Whiskey, Holland Irish 'and Scotch Whiskey. 'Carlisle, Oct. 12118511,- 1 43-noos. • t r-s. ODD DR. REATH'S 13004 \1.3../OF Tray°hrand greet discoveries of the Jo noose and East India Medicines, with full directions Ihr the certain cure of 'Conautnption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh Asthma, Fevers, Heart Disease, Bcrcfula, ,Cancer, Dyspepsia, Llver Complaint,Oravel and Url retry Deposits, Female Complaints, &V. dllui trated with huir draft. of -certificate. of cures and engraving.. For the purpose of rescuing as many suffering fellow•beings as possible from premature death, it will be sent to any part of the continent, by Sending Wands to • . „DRS. 647 Broadway, Now York City. Bold by Sairi'l Elliott, Carlisle; J. C. Attic, Fhippene. burg; Levi Kquirm4rt, Mechanicsburg; 0., M. Keller, Marriebuvg. f. Carlisle, MAIO, ttl ly, . W. .HAYgIISTIC.K., Druggist, Noriliqfatu4er . ' Physlehui l irpreserlptlonsertrefully compouodell KIWI supply qf fresh drugs mid ellemleale. I3EXPRES:B—A huge, jthoortitieil t Jot ilantillna of the latest sfyle, and very cheap, can be seen et tbe Pbeap etoro Of ;L~liSrcllnttcott~. Abae Arch Street, • PHILADELPHIA. A.11113141011i Jr iistritntoits. Ca.x4isie Arbondtir, CAR ANl,),Finsii FACTORY, riftilnStreut, CARLISLE This extensive establishment is noir in Complete or der. and suppltedm•lth the bust nutchinery for executing " uric inwrgyviiitllgpliake—tiikek4ll4l.ThAlfwefriAt rttreay. ny_imt„r g o and sine reiriii newest and moot Improved tools for the manufacture I • • Shutters, Blindtk 'Mouldings, linickats_and all oihor tinds of Carponter'lvorrit. oxrunlno our fiwilitles for this. 'deserlittion 'of work. The boat Materials used anti prices as low as at any otltceestablishment In% .the County-or elmtwborn. liNti IN CS BUILT TO OltliElt.. and rePaired 'as hen.torom.' Engines unto' linen recent. for W; - 31: Henderson ,t(P.off,'ln'this biirough, It. ilryson & Co. Allen township, Ilrothers,'New vine, Shaito4 'Wetzel, North liclitleton, and a:Jars, 'nti whose establishment they may be noon in eration.it int to whom x e can refer for 41V id 011COof their superiority.- IRON AND liltAS°. CASTINGS.' ,Of every ileavrlption, from the ataallest,to the heaviest pieces. executed at short notice tor• every kind of inn. 'binary. A laro variety of mill castings now,onhand. Von skillful Pattern makers coma:4lloy employed.— REPA It ISO promptly attended to for Paper Dlstillorlen Orist Mills, Factories. &E. Turning and Fitting 31111 Spindles, Ac. done in, the best style; 'l'llll B~QiNU MACHINES AND tigrtst; POWERS.• such no Devil Gear Four Horim Powers, Horizontal' Geer Four and Two Horse Powers, _Corn Sheller, • Crushers, Iron Boilers, PlOugh castings, and other tides fur farmers. on hand or promptly, made ttrorde \ BURDEN CABS BUILT, r i and repafred:' Our facilities for building Carsare now ramie complete than Iteretolbre and entiblea us to fur rich them to,Lransporters on Hui rail road on accent°. that tig,terms and made of the ' hos& materials. Orders solicitedniid entire satisfaction gutiranteel. The long experience In the business of the senior paetner the Brill, and the completeness of our Mil ehinery hi every branch of the estahlishment warren:ll 'IN In assuring the 'best work . to .nll who favor 'us with their orders. The eolo.lllned patronage of our old Irlendsnllll limo_public Is respectfully solicited. - May 20, .117-Iy. F . -LIAM/NEIL dr. Co. PRINCE ,& CO.'S • • IMPROV Rll iiATENT. MELODEON, . HE T OLDEST EST: lILTSILiIENT In the UNITED STATES, EMPLOYING"TWO .lIUNDHED MEN,- end Finishing EIGHTY INSTRUMENTS PER AUK. Combining all their ltorent Immvpments,-the Divided Snell, Organ, Slelottoon,.kr.,. &a, (Thu Plvided Swell can only ho obtained In Melodeonx of our Ma nufacturo.) GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. - Muntiraoturer • 1' ok WHOLESALE DEPOT 87 Fulton et. iY. Y., klO.Lake st: Chicago, 11l 'WHOLESALE AlIENTS—Humit.H.k. Richardson, Ms tri.3hiss.; W. E. Co!burn, Chlehinti. 0.; Pnliner Sl' 0;er ; St. I.roliF ; ; Ph. P. Woylehs, New Ogle nn. From 111,, Home Journal, April 3, 1858. The 31eledeethe nom ofeetured by l'rlitre'A CO., and fer nal° et tii Fultiefl4l . ....et, are the best lu the world e have tried thorn, and therefore epeak underatnnd• logly of their merits. They nro elforded nt IL very mod• crate vest. - -PH KILL' PV - PORTA . III,I4-INSTRUMENTS-- Four octave Melodeon, extending from Cto C. od s Four :Ind a haltoetavo, do. Cto F ^ 60- Fivo Crum, Melialvon, - -do. Fto F 75 Etvo octavo, double rood, do. - 5' to F....,...130 0110 A . 7 ,1 -3INGODP.ON .. . . _ . Two Banks of Kepi, Flve Sets - of Reeds, Eight Stops One and n IleltOdave Foot Pedals, One Set of Reeds, In el'e lel Bees Independent $350 - PRICES OF PIANO CASED ?r'o 01 20 00 In Ou 12 00 _ . . - . Fl vo Ott Mfo lodeou, oxoding from F toy $lOO OR lid 9vinve . 3odeon, . do. IT to F 130 Hro ilvt:ivo double rood., do. 'Fto F • 150 Fi - roAkt - orr;Tircrllan kirol" I.e`y i - , =OO - Our fiscilitlea for mapufacturing are perfect, and from our long OMperlellill. in the business, having finished 111111 sold over TWENTY-TWO TIIOUSAND MEIAME. (INS, we feel confident ef-giving satisfindlon. All Melodeons of our manufacture, either Fold by us, fir-dealers In any part of the United States or etinadas, are WAHRINTED to he perfect in every respect,nol should any repairs be necessary before .fhe expiration of 0110 year front the date of solo wo hold ourselves ready and willing to make the nonce hen of charge, provided the Ilijury is not caused by accident or design. - Ea A. PRINCE it CO. Agenta - for the sale eroticludcons nury bu found 14 nil the principal eitien dud towns In no United Sthtes and Ciumtins. A geli to at Carlisle and Iftegstoin J. A. II CAO Y. At Newellle—W. It. LINN. um •1 IMEd , : INS Ult AIN OE. ALLEN AND EAST PENNSI3OItO MUTUAL FIRE IN SUB.ANOB COMPANY of Cpmberlatid county, Incorpo. rated by an ack of Assembly, Is now fully organized, and 111 operation under .tha management of the following commissioners,alz: Daniel Bailey, William it. Gorgas, Michael Cocklln, J. Illcholberger, Christian a Stayman, John C. Dun lap, Jacob ii. Carer, Locals Ryer, S. Eberly, Benja min If. , )lesser, J. - -Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. Thu rates of imiuraneo aro an low and favorable an any Company uftho kind In 'the State. 'Persona ailsbing to become, membera aro Invited to makp application to tbe agents of the company, win, aro willing to watt upon them at any time. WM. It. 001IGAS, President. CHRISTI AN STAYMAN. Vice President. LEWIS RYER, Secretary. COCKLIN, Treasurer. . . • . • , . 31anagerx.-IS"m. R. Oorgas, h. flyer. Chribtlan Stay. n0in,.31. Cud; 110. JAL Dunlap, R. Martin, D. Badly, .1: 11.010Ver. Alex. Cattwart; J. 11:Ickerxhamiy. Eirindber ger, S. Erporly, J. Brandt. MEE CUMBERLAND COUNTY.— John Sherrick, Allen Henry Zoning, Shiremanstown; 8/lining Woodburn Dickinson • Henry Bowman, Cilurchtowic; Mode Grit 11th, South Middletonl Samuel Graham, W. Penns 5001; Samuel Conner, Merhanlesbnrg ; J. W. Cocklin, Shopherdstown; D. Cnover, Shepherdstown; J. 0. Sax ton, Silver Spring; Benj. Hove, stick, Silver Spring; Charles Bell, Cm ; John flyer, Carlisle: YORK , COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wob ford. Franklin; Jae. Griffith. Warrington ; J. F. Dear dna Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; It. C. Clark, Dilisburg. DAUPHIN CO.—linuser J Locinan, Harrisburg. • mombers of the company having policies about to ex. ._plre,sapilavetheniLt ived_by application to anylot' the Agents. April 50, 1859. .INO. 11. CHURCH. • ...r; l; lIEIILY. r cnunc - EBERLY • STEAM SA,W MILL 1211 LUMBER YARD NEWIIUNIBERLAND, PA. All Mods of LUMBER, constantly on hand.- Lumber delivered at any point' accessible by Railroad at the shortest notice. BUII;DING TIMBER. OF ALL•SIZES AND LENOTIIS CUT TO ORDER )1"y 25, rss9—tc. Xll-LASS! Th.1.,A8 !! PAINTS! -k . A PAINTS!! A full assrumant of,O lass of all sixes l and quality, with aarge. 'stock of fresh PAINTS, all colors. Oils, Varnishes, Sr., ement in largo or small quantities, at low figures al ' • • JOHN P. LVNE flc SON, . Oct. North Hanover'Streat, rIIA It NOTICH =Just received at Keller's, North Ile novo. - Street, n completo assort ment of Alon'a and Boys' Straw and Leghorn flats.— Also, Children'a Fancy lisle, which will be sold at a low figure. Punels,'so. Fish ! Fish ! ! Fish 1 HERRING, MACKEREL, SHAD, In barrels, half and, quarter barrels. Fresh Groceries, liquors, ke., at the lowest canh,prlees. Baron, Shoulders, Ilanis, , Butter, tlggs, Tallow, Bees wax, nod Hags. taken In exchange for goods at the Apr. cheap groce so ry of W.ll. B:ENTZ. 0,18. LASS, GLASS.-51/0 boxes (Anse `Jr of all micas, mingle nod double thick, Just received at. , HENRY SAXTON'S. Mar. 10, IRL9. p.ELLS BELLS ! 1 BELLS ! r 1--- tho best ntakei, fur sato cheap, at tho Hardware Storo J. P. LYNN &SON, \ May 18,1859. North Hanover at. • IJAT ANI? CAP EMPORIUM. J. II CALM° & 00., Successors to Win. If. Trout would announce fo their customers .and the .publit generally, th at they I;inae Just received from' Phil:Mel. shin, a large and elegant stock of goods, in their lion of business of every variety, style and quality. • . They have on bandit splendid assortment of • • • • . . . HATS AND CAPS, - -- - -- - -- ." of nll descriptions, from the common Wool to the fluent Flllt ANC AI LIC HATS icrld, at &Ices 'thnt must cult every one who has an eyo forgdtting the worth of his money. Tho stock ineludns, 5101,USKIN, OASSIII ERE, DEAVER A FELT lIATS, of ovary style and color and unsurpasted for LIODT NESS, DUItAIItLITY. AND FINISII: by-thoso of any. other estnblishment In the country.- MEN'S, 110Y8' and CUILDREN'S HATS and CHAS, of everjc description constantly on hand. 'They respeetthqydnvlto nil tho old patrdtis and an ninny new once an post give thorn a call. . J. U: GALLIC k CD. Apr. 17,1050--Iy' • • ~(671111ND STONES.-150 Grind Stones Of all alaesjust reeoleed •NANTON'S. pea." Fly Nets, oral! Sohn*, .Llnen, Cotton and Twine, thumper than the cheapest, at U. 13AXTON'8, 4 . May 26,18 q. . 311hirriltungual cU.MI3ERtAN.D \ V.ALLEY R. R.- EUMUER ARRA • NGEMENT .1 - .. ' • CHANGE 9E' HOURS! . On and After • SIONDAt APRIL 11th 1850, PAssengul Train. , will run 11A fullown:.(Bundnyo excepted* , l'Olt HARRISBURG. ' • . .. . . lid Train. . 2d Trdln • leave Chnuihnrsbur*, • 5.10 A. M... —.loop : M ---- ~ Shipilonsbnrg, , .6.40 • a 1.32 ' a Elowvlllo, !. 6,10. a • 2.04' "._ ---- a -- cu'rlinitt.- - -- ' • 0.43 •a' 2.4 E- -a " Sietlinniesimrg, . 7.16 a 8.15 Arrivu at klarrlaburd, 7.45_ " - ,_3.45_ , _ . to , FOIVCIIAbIBERSBURG, Leairelllwritdfurg MurlittniesilurgA • 8.43 Carllsto;. 0.20 " ' 2.34 114004.1thain...,219,4/ --- ` -- 78111rofilibutg, 10.24: 3.55. Arrivo at Chamborsburg, 10.54 " - • . 4.08- - Tmfnp at 2.30, 11.05, and 7.50. A. M.. and 1.10 an 03,00,. P..M. By Heading, via.Lobationßoy Rail Road at .8.011i,_A...111, 11 .an1 2.35 P M For Baltlinere. :1 20, A. 71 and 1.00; noon. For Trevor ton and 'Williamsport,. at UM, D. 31., find Train on Dauphin Road at 2.00, P. N. • • 1.;OTICli TO PASSEND EltS : At all .Statimix.whore Tickets aro sold, Os: Chambersburg, Shipponslitirg; CarlisleOlechatilosburg And ilarcisbur4a roduetlon.of omeach Ticket will bennado to all Paasen• gore that provide themselves with .Tickets beton, en tering the Caro. " " 0. N. LULL, Supor't R"“'"'l ?t fi p i r 1 '° 6 l ig. "eFsburg q C AUL ISLE, XXI) fil a a . • • .7 "/a7" DAILY FILEJGHT•LIN.E. }YARD k 111.1:ED, ' 811 MARKET STREET, iIIILIDLPILI , A. & 1). RHOADS, MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, Pt. &a- Cars of tLla Lino leave the Depot:Hl Marko! Dolly, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Leave Carlisle, Dolly, at 7 o'clok . . A M. Goods Intended for this Line should bo marked C. P. Dolly Freight Lin', and smut In by 4 o'clock. May . 25. 1459. I) I. II I. A .1) E LP- ' 1 A AND READIN(.I .IL A I L It 0. A D SUMMER AItRANOEMUNT, Apitn. 1p510,_ Tao passenger trains leave Ilarrishurg,ilnify, (Fun• days excepted.) nt 8.00 A. M and 2.10 P.'31.. ror I%lla , dolphin, arriving there at. 12.50 ntAnt and .7.40 P.M. Let analog, leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. 31., and 3.50 P. 31 .,:arrlving nt Ilarrlsiturg nt 12.40 noon and 8.251'. 31. MAIMS: To Nina&lphia,..No. 1 -Cars. $3.26; l`ior,2 (in same 70. • • Fares to Reading. $l.lO Kati $1.30. At Heading. connect wliktraint, for r r mlle, 311 hers. •Vllle, Tamaqua, Catawls4,te. Four train!! leave Rending for Phihidelphiadally, at 6A. , 10.18 A. )1., 12.30 noon had 0,00 P. M. Leave Philadelphia 'l4 Reading at 7.3 U A. 31:, 1.30 P. 31., , 3.30 1'.31., nod 4.48 P. )1. • Faros fl'oni Iteadhig to Philadelphia, $1.75 tul,o 45. Tho morning traits 0,111 Harrisburg connects at Heading with up. train for kVilkpk.barre.'l'lttr.ton mid Scranton., oi For through tickets u, other information apply to; LI. .1. CLYDE, \te.t. - tioneral Agent. Ilny 11,'50, W-.STAGE 0 E Ni The aulArriber has?At ' artvti n trioreokly line of Stagra between Carlisle and !Audit:burg. leasing . Car lisle' every Mond*TWednesatty and Friday, lannedi• filly on the arrival of•lbe al terms". train of ears from the eag,ileturillibLiettNOLLlfutlfAllurg_atLB.oo-j1 11, ttvery, Tuesday, Wednesday clad Saturday, nod arrives nt Carlisle ut - 1,00-P, 31., flu. Perry County Warm Springs, Shormansdale, Sterrett's flap and Carlislo Sul phur Springs, On and :O'er June the 15th, the hind will !ake ran daily for the accoMmodation of passengers going to the SpringS. . _ Fare to Ile Several points us ollows: Carlisle to Spiphur Springs •'• Sferrett•ti flap . ..... " .Shertnansdale. . . . . ferryC y.. .ountWarm Springs, Lautilbburg, =I Widlsburg,CO Warm Springs, Sherman'',tale, • " • Sterrett's lArp, Sulphur Springs, . J‘. . ...... ... 1 00 The alp.ve line will tegularly I . nrry.the :11.011, to and .from the several points above indicated. 1 have also a well stocked LI VI,ItY STABLE, from which I am nt all times ready to furnish horses and air • ringes to,those who